Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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    OMAHA .DAILY . . .BEfl : THURSDAY , JtHTO 13 ; 1889.
OK snnacmpTioN.
i > nlly ( MorrtlnK IMltlon ) Including Bumtny
HOP , One Yenr , . , . , , . . , , . JIO Cfl
VorSIx Months . R 00
ForThro * Months . t 2 tu
The Omnlia BuniUy tleo , mnllod to' nuy
nildrosn. Ono Veir . 2 OC
Weekly ! ! PP. One Tear . 2 cc
Omnna Olllcc , lion Iiullillu , N.f , Cornet
Seventeenth And I'lirnam Htrepts ,
Cnlcttfjo oincc. Mi Hooker ? llulldlui ; .
New York Ollico. llpoms II ami 1ft Trllnmn
JMiililinK. WailflnRton OIllco. No. 013 1'our-
tocntn Btreot. _
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Etntcof Nobrnska , I , .
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llslilnKComrmny. Aon solemnly swear that the
actual circulation of Tim UAII.V HKB for the
veckcndlmsJuno 8. 1K . was as follows :
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Evorn tobpforo mo and subscribed to In my
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George II. Tzschnric , being duly Rworn , de <
oses and says that ho U ancrotnryof Tlio Dec
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Sworn to before tno nnd subscribed In my
[ Bciil ] presence this ! ld day of Juno , A. I ) .
N. P. FKir , , Notary Public.
TlIU plot In the Cronin trugcilj
OPPOSITION to nnnoxtxtion In Soulli
Onmlia Is confined to the politicians ,
This ! H or.o of the best twsaiblo urgu-
monts in fuvor of it.
ASPIUANTS for city nnd county ofllcos
must begin to kill otT a few of their fee
friotids if they liopo to succeed. Tin
curly bird is liublo to cntch more mil-
flow than worms before election day.
TIIKIIK is evidently n tnint to the
morul atmospboro of Denver wbou the
chief of police , n , lieutenant nnd a mun
bor of patrolmen and detectives btvvo
been indicted for corruption.
THK foreman of tbeOronin coronor'i
jury is nn experienced inburanco adjustor -
justor , and that explains how it cairn
about that the witnesses on the slant
were pumped HO thoroughly.
Tins delegation will bo ready soon t (
do a "land oilico business. " But wil
the hold-over land olllcors bo cquullj
ready to bo "done. " That is the ques
tion which is stirring n hundred iwtrio
boarts in Nebraska to the core.
TidlliK inches of .rain last week dit
more to clean Omalia streets than three
weeks of street 'sweeping. It scouroi
out several layers of dirt in the gutters
which are mndo the receptacle for th (
sweepings of the contractors machines
THE board of education has no furidi
to pay for junketing and lobbying com
mittcos to Lincoln or any other place
It is a bad precedent to allow such :
claim , no matter how small it may bo
If sanctioned by the board it is an on-
terinp wedge into extravagance , and is
euro to lead to abuses in the future.
WHEN the motors start to mote ant
promised cable begins to glide up and
down the grades , Oiimha will have a net
work of transportation lines equal tc
that of any city of its size in the coun-
try. Up to date , unfortunately , the
.greater part of the system has. been run
by wind power.
"WITH blooding Kansas pouring hci
dry and unemployed laborers upon us
from the south and injured Iowa doing
the saino on the cast , it is only a won
der that there are so few mon out ol
jobs in Omaha. Over u thousand me
chanics from the two states have emi
grated to Nebraska this spring.
SOUTH OMAHA as a city of the firsl
olass will pay liberally for the title. In
creased taxation , additional ofllcuhold-
era and improved facilities for jobbery
'nro the main features of Iho , , now law'
without any visible benefits. A fo\\ \
months of this system will make annex
ation du.sirablo and necessary.
THE suspicion is gaining ground thai
the Kansas City paving firm took tin
paving contracts lower than they couhl
1)6 done for the purpose of selling oul
to the next highest bidder at n good
round sum. The guarantee -check foi
two thousand dollars could well be for-
foiled and still leave a fat profit. There
is a big si7.od durkoy somewhere in that
rock pile. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tins petition sent to the council bj
the various telegraph , telephonestruol
car , olootrio light und other companies
using overhead electric wires tiskinp
the feasibility of the city of Omaho
pultun ? in a general conduitsystom anil
loaning the use of It ut a reasonable
price to them is a proposition which the
council should seriously entertain ,
There can bo little question but that
bonds could bo voted for the purpose
and that the investment would prove
bolh profitable to the city and satisfac
tory to all parties concerned.
THIS snippers of Omaha do not ask the
Union Pnciho to maintain its two mil
lion dollar bridge for .nothing. Uul
when the Union Pacific 1ms wrung out
of the people of Omnlmund of Nebraska
for bevontcon years the weight of the
bridge in gold , and still maintaina its
soldBh policy of keeping out of thit
oit.vtha lines nnxiou& to cross the bridge
at a ronsonablo ratoand of charging ton
dollars for every car load that crossot
the structure , it is high time to question
CJntsoral Trafilo Manager Motion's "mod-
tot bridge tolls. "
A PltAfhMAtf CIIOSfiN ,
Tlio clcinocrntto national committee
baa olootod Mr. Calvin S. 13rice Tie
chairman. This action was not unox-
poiHcd. For several weeks , or since it
became luiown that Senator Gorman , of
Maryland , was not u candidate , there
has boon little doubt tlmt'Mr. Brlcc
would bo selected , Thcro was at least
ono strong point in his favor , the fact
that ho Is very wealthy nnd can bo ro
lled on to be generous in political con
tributions ,
In the last presidential contest Mr.
Brice was chairman of the demo
cratic campaigncommittee. . 'For
a man of very limited political
experience ho did very well In 'that po
sition. At the outset ho did some
things to Imvo been oxpoctcd of a novice -
vice in political management , and early
'received the sobriquet of ' 'tho rainbow
chaser , " but ho rapidly improved , and
before the campaign was half over sot-
tied down to the work in u way that not
n great many veterans' could Imvo sur
There was n suspicion that Mr. Brlco
was not ardently devoted to Mr. Cleveland -
land nnd his special policy , but there
can bo no doubt that ho most
earnestly desired the success of his
party , and worked as hard and
faithfully to that end as any man
could have dono. Ills standing in dem
ocratic confidence is fully established bj
his election as chairman of the national
Mr. Brice has boon supposed to bo par
tial to Governor II111 as the next candi
date of the democratic party for presi
dent. It is therefore not unlikely that
his being placed at the head of the na
tional committee will bo regarded as a
move favorable to Hill. In an inter
view n , few days ago Mr. Randall pre
dicted the election of Brlco and stated
that it would have no significance what
ever with respect to the presidential
chances of cither Cleveland or
IIill. Novorlhclcss it is not quesliona-
bio that the tariff views of Mr. Bricc
are more in accord with these of the
governor lhan with these of the ex-
president. Ho is largely interested in
railroading , manufacturing and mining ,
ana is in sympathy with the Randall-
Gorman element of the party rather
than'the Carlisle-Mills wing. If the
supporters of Mr. Cleveland propose to
run him again on the platform of last
year , it is by no moans improbable thai
they will have the opposition of Mr.
Mr. Brice has political ambition ,
Ho is looking toward the United
States- senate , and should the dem
ocrats of Ohio secure the legislature
next fall he would undoubtedly make a
vigorous effort to succeed Sonatoi
Payne , who it is now undorslood will
in no ovcmt again be a candidalo. Mr.
Brice will hardly bo so olllclent a chair
man of Iho democralio national committee -
mitteo as was his predecessor , the late
William II. Barnum , who was a poli
tician of long experience and grcal
skill and shrewdness. But Mr. Brice
will pay liberally for the honor , nntl
this will cover a multitude of shortcom
ings as u political manager. His selec
tion will cause ? no regret among repub
The absurd Herald devotes an entire
column to the removal of Judge Snndford
from the Federal bench in Utah. 11
informs its readers that the president
is liable to impeachment for stating tc
the judge that his administration o !
justice "was not in harmony with the :
policy ho deemed proper to bo pursued
affairs ' ' and fet
in reference to Utah ,
openly removing him for this cause.
Could anything be more ridiculous'i
The JJcrald knows as well as any of its
readers that the cause of Judge Sand-
.ford's removal and the solo cause was
his policy toward offenders under the
Edmunds act , " which has been
maintained for the past three years
against the protests of the Utah com
mission and the remonstrances of the
strongest oiti/.oiiH of Utah. It knows 01
ought to know , If itdocs not that during
his boiuilorial term President Harrison ,
ns chairman of the committee on terri
tories , had a distinctly marked policy
on Ulah 'matterswhich was , after nil ,
only the.-policy of the conservative people
ple of the country bent upon seeing the
laws rigidly administered.
It was highly proper and manly in the
president in removing Judge Sandford
to Btatu frankly and openly that as hie
policy in Utah was to bo on the lines ol
a rigid enforcement of the laws he did
not fool that Judge Sandford was the man
for the place. Any citizen of Salt Lake
know just what that meant. Judge
Sandford know what it meant , and the
neatly turned periods of bis correspond
ence , written with a view to subsequent
publication , did not change the situa
A ME niCA .AT Pvt n IS.
American pride will bo unpleasantly
affected by the statement that the ex
hibit of the United States at the Paris
exposition is disappointing. There are
features of it that are unsurpassed , but
as a whole it does not do credit to the
country , and , in the inevitable compari
sons made , the grout ro public is not al
ways ahead. Perhaps it was not to bo
oxpectcd that it would bo , but on the
other hand there was every reason why
the industrial interests of the United
States should have made extraordinary
efforts to oxool all other countries , or
at least to make their display
complete with their very host pro
ductions. It was an opportunity of
which the fullest advantage should
have been taken , from a purely practi
cal and selfish standpoint. Congress
made liberal provision for u thorough
exhibit , There was u special incentive
in the character of the exposition as
commemorative of the first French re
public , nnd there was the certainty that
all Europe would bo represented among
the visitors to Paris. Never haa this
country had a bettor olmnco to nut its
bust foot forward in the matter of show
ing the world what it had and what it
can do , nnd it is matter for rctgrot that
it did not fully Improve the ohanuo.
The feature in which the American
exhibit is distinctly superior is that of
machinery , but in the industrial sec
tions the English are far ahead of us.
Thin is explained , though the oxn'.ana- '
tlon is not altogether satisfactory , t > y
the fact that the English are but thirl ]
rallos away , so to speak , whdro wo ar
three thousand mile ) distant. But dls
tanco really counts for very little , am
the superior excellence of the Engllsl
industrial exhibit Is the moro to bo com
mended bccausn it is entirely Iho rosul
of private enterprise , not : p'omiy hav
Ing boon contributed out' of publti
funds. It is ono of the vcr ;
rare instances in which English
men have shown greater enter
prise than Americansnnd they doservi
full credit for it and all the advantagi
It can give them. "What few scatter
ing hits our people do make in this ox
hlbitlon , " remarks a Paris conmspond
out , "aro solely duo to Individual Inge
nutty , nrlistio taste , pluck and enter
prise. It is nothing short of hnniillat
ing to sco the whole industrial roprc
sontation of our country dcpon ( < len
upon these , to realize that In this worli
competition wo measure up ngnins
England about ns Canada inoasuret
against us at Philadelphia in 1870. "
But for the great electrical exhibit
made by Edison and the superior char
aclor of the American machine sec
tlou , In which nearly everything oxhib
Hod is novel and Illustrates an advance
the United States would play u quite in
significant part in the Paris exposition
The fact is unfortunate , if not discredit
able , and the benefit the country shoult
have derived will bo lost.
The presentation to the military
academy at West Point of portraits o
Grant , Sherman nnd Sheridan was vcr ,
characteristic of Mr. George W. Chllds
the editor philanthropist of the Phihi
dclphia Ledger. It has boon given
perhaps , to few men in this country t
scalier unobtrusively so many seeds o
kindness , to assist whore assistance wa
most needed such a number of poor am
deserving men and woman , with no dis
play of generosity , or to gather arouni
him so many and such a largo circle o
friends attracted by his great-hearted
ii'jss und simplicity of character.
In several respects Mr. Child
is a unique figure among tin
prominent characters of our day. 1
successful cdilor and publisher , bo ha
amassed a grout fortune , and buill up :
great paper on lines of such rigid con
set-vat ism that his journal stands alont
in these features which make it tin
most solidly substantial investment ii
the Quaker City. Amid all the strug
glcs of btato and national politics
amidst local brawls and class conlrovcr
sies , Ihe Lcilycr has pursued Iho ovoi
tenor of its way , standing up boldly .foi
its ideas of right and wrong , and draw
ing to its support the best elements o
the community which were sure o
its integrity of purpose because it wa
dominated by the honest heart am
strong will of Philadelphia's most prominent
inont and best beloved citizen. A cap
itullst in whoso defense his employe
would willingly die , a banker whoso gooi
fortune the meanest mechanic does no
envy , a wealthy man who uses hi
wealth as a trusl for the beuolit of hi
poorer follows and a philnnlhropis
whoso. benefactions How in silon
streams daily throughout the country
Mr. Cbilds is cntilled to the warrnly-af
fcctionato utterances which greet hi
name whenever it is mentioned amen ;
Ibobe who know best his worth and tip
prcciato his tnmplieitynnd sturdy lion
osty of character.
No bolter evidence could be dcsirec
of the future importance of West Far
nam street as a main artery of busines
than the proposal of Hon. A. J. Hans
com to subbcribo $50,000 toward tin
erection of the proposed million-dollui
hotel on thai Ihoroughfnre.
Mr. Hauscam has always been knowt
as ono of the most careful , prudent am
far seeing financiers in the city. Hi
has never invested his rnoncj unless i
was certain to produce u fair income
When Mr. Hnuscom volunlcers to sub
scribe $50,000 toward the erection of i
fire proof million-dollar hotel it showi
thai ho * confidently believe :
the investment will pay
The street on which Mr. Hanscom pro
poses to erect the mammoth slruelun
is that already made noted by a doxoi
of almost the finest buildings in tin
Mr. Hanbcom is able to make gooi
his offer. In order to put it , in to effect
bo insists upon two conditions only
first , that the righl men shall lake hole
of Iho enterprise , and , second , that the
scbcmo shall engender no hard feelings
If the onlorpriso should bo under
taken , there is little doubt among those
who uro already pledged to the scheme
that nothing would bo loft undone tc
secure only good mon to join
in the undertaking. It is also believed
that no hard feeling could bo aroused
because the future of Omaha , requiring
such an hotel , would silence whalovei
objection might bo made by those nou
directly interested in the samobusiness ,
Mr. HanBcom's offer has been warmlj
commended by every citizen who has
heard of it , and there is little to be
feared that it will bo an incentive tc
other capitalists to embark in the great
With a million-dollar holol on West
Fnrnam slrcot , the array of mammoth ,
beautiful and costly structures on that
Ihoroughfnro might well challenge the
admiration of the citizens of the country.
Tniciu : is every indication that the
mooting ol delegates of all boards ol
trade through the state at Omaha on
Juno 20 , will bo largely attended nnd
will lead to much good. It will bo the
firsl lime that the business men of Ne
braska , through their representative
bodies , will take aclion to work in
harmony for the welfare' 'of the state.
The meeting will bo beneficial in
bringing out the needs of different sec
tions and in pointing out the ways nnd
moans to secure thorn. The convention
moreover will bo able to determine tipon
a general plan of action. It will soften
'conflicting interebts and local jealousies
and create of fooling of unity in labor
ing for a common cause. For that
reason every city in the state .should be
properly represented and be hoard.
Tun movement of the Omaha board
of trade for a convention of representa
tives of all commercial organizations in
the state is heartily commended in all
socUons. AUvTcos from a number ol
towns showMIIal n lively interest lt >
manifested , .Turd a largo and influontinl
gathering IH Confidently expected in
this city on yio Olh inst. The object
of the mealing commends itself to every
clly in the state. Matters of vital Im
portance tolho people will bo con
sidered , and' measures adopted to uv-
vertlso the itrtV'anlngos of the slivto foi
settlers nnd ifH'ostors. Animated with
the host of $6iivo9 , the commercial eras -
as ono man , can
not fail to accomplish much good foi
the state. M lco the convention a rous
ing and representative ono.
A CHANOK has been maao in. the
management of the South Omaha stock
yards which cannot fail to bo benefi
cial. The selection of Mr. W. N. Bab-
cook by the axccuti\vo board to succeed
Manager Boyd brings into that position
n gentleman thoroughly familiar wltli
freight rales nntl Iho intricacies of Ihc
transportation problem. Just such r
man has long been needed at the Soutli
Omaha stockyards. Without disparag
ing the services of Manager Boyd , win
has been closely Identified with the
stockyards since their inclpicncy
it is an open secret thai Ihc
yards are nol gelling their full
quota of hogs and catllo due
lo the fact that the management 1ms
nol boon sulllclonlly vigilant In protect
ing Shippers against the imposition o
the railroads. Mr. Babcock , as genera'
agent of the Northwestern railroad , is
thoroughly conversant with thai ques
lion , nnd his experience as n railronti
man will come inlo good stead ns tin
manager of the Omaha btockyards. He
should not alone be able lo arrange bol
ter transportation rates , but should be
able to secure prompt and olUcient coir
neotions on all lines carrying stock in It
THK decision of the pxocutivo board
of the In tor-State Railway association
favorable to the demand of iho.Chlcagc
& Alton road for a division of the live
stock tralllc of Iho St. Paul roud , has
been promptly acquiesced in by the lat
ter company. The excellent spirit
shown in the communication announc
ing the acceptance of the decision b. >
Iho St. Paul ought to have n
good offcct uppn other companies in
the association , and it is a very palpa
ble rebuke to the action of the Alton
officials in disregarding the decision ad
verse to them In Iho mailer of lowering
lumber rales , belwcoii Chicago and Ihc
Missouri rivor. It Iho "gentlemen's
agreement" is , to amount lo anything ,
there must boprompt , nnd cheerful ro-
spccl paid to Iho decisions rendered
under it. '
Mu. RAND.YEI.I expects conservative
tariff loglslntipn from the next congress -
gross , ' 'not over protective , nor even
highly protective , but sufficient to pro
tect the labor'o the Uniled States from
the lower wages of Europe. " Still the
same stale protdnso. The induslries ol
England are1al Ibo high tide of pros
perity , while ili'.this country iron mills
are closed , and _ those in operation do
not find a market for half their pro
duct , yet so intelligent a man as Mr.
Randall talks of protecting our labor
from the lower wages of Europe. It is
impossible to say what the Pennsylvania
Hlntesmnn would regard as a conserva
tive tariff , but he makes an unlooked-for
and welcome concession in recommend
ing nn enlarged free list and a reduc
tion in the tariff.
THK British and Canadian 'govern
ments have decided on an elaborate sys
tem of forts lo bo buill on Iho western
shores of British Columbia. The forts
will extend from Esquimnult , the head
quarters of Iho Brilish Norlh Pacific
squadron , to Victoria , and work will
begin this year. These preparations ,
coupled with the announcement of the
homo government that orders had been
nhiced for heavy armament for
these forts , indicates the dolermi-
nalion of Great Britain to strengthen
her hold on North America. It is a
significant answer to these confiding
statesmen who imagine that Canada is
ready to join the union of slales , and
gives a black cyo lo the movement for
commercial reciprocity.
ANOTHKiiof Ibo new war vessels of
Iho American navy is practically ready
and will bo given a preliminary trial
this week. This vessel , the Baltimore ,
is far superior in size , speed and batlery
power lo any of Ibo now vessels Ihus far
comploled. A special point of interest
is the fact that she is built after the
plans purchased by Secretary Whitney
from the English ship-builders , Sir Wil
liam G. Armstrong & Co. , the design
having been made byxa then employe of
the firm who is now chief constructor of
Iho Brilish navy. The Baltimore is ono
of Iho finest war ships atloal , und of
course will bo equipped with the latest
appliances to make her effective.
Tinorganisation of a company of
English und A'&cjVlcnu capitalists , with
fifteen million dollars capital , to de
velop Iho timminos al Ilurnoy's Peak ,
Dakota , and erect works for Iho manu
facture of tin',1irjlalo , , gives assurance
that the tin industry in speedily to re
ceive a boom in' this country. It is un
derstood to bo 111 j intention of Ibis com
pany lo construct works at several
points , Chicagbfp'robably being one. Is
it not prucUcituh ) to present the claims
of Omaha as an pUgiblo point for ono of
these establishments ? The matter is
corlalnly worlny of consideration , and
is commended 9'the attention of those
members of the board of trade who are
charged with the dutyof furthering the
industrial interests of the city.
Tins people of Niobrara have sent a
committee to Chicago to urge the ex-
tenslpn of the Northwestern road from
Verdigris to Niobrara , nnd of the
Omaha road from Hartington to Yank-
ton. These oxtoiiBlons aggregalo""abQUl
flfly miles , and nro extremely Important
to the surrounding .country. There is
no doubt that the company is seriously
considering the construction of the
lines , the only difficulty being the no- '
cot-slty and cost of u bridge over the
river nt Yankton. If the committed
succeeds In inducing the company to
undertake the work the result will be
highly bonoflola ) , commorclally , to
Omaha , north Nebraska and southern
are the banking
journals of ilia country that the bank
examiners ot Nebraska to bo unpointed
under the now banking law will not be
inon having practical knowledge of the
banking business. It behooves the
proper authorities to see to it thai In
the execution .of Iho law , the influence
of politics and of private bankers not in
good standing bo entirely eliminated.
There Is every reason lo behove Ihc
banking law n carefully framed meas
ure , and-if honestly enforced by capable
mon it will protect the people against
wild-cat schemes und insure to Nebras
ka u conservative banking system.
IN nn interesting interview published
olsowhorot Major John M. Carson , the
veteran Washington correspondent ol
the Philadelphia Mr/cr / , tolls the story
of how Grant , Sherman and Sheridan
received the idea of having their por-
trulls hung on the walls of the military
academy at West Point , whore Ihoy re
ceived their education. Major Carson
represented Mr. Chillis on this occasion ,
doubtless ns ably as ho represents Mr.
Chllds' greal journal In Iho national
capital , _
ON Ihc authority of the
era' Gazelle it is stated Unit the cost ol
water power for manufacturing pur
poses in the loading towns and ollies ol
New England Is about equal to that of
steam , and thai steam power is gradu
ally supplanting water power in the fuc-
lorlos of Lowell , DoverManchester and
other places. This would certainly in
dicate that water has losl Us once
boasted cheapness as a motive- power ,
and that where- fuel is abundant steam
is preferable.
THE visit of the of the North
western road to the Black Hills Indi-
culos important changes in Iho railroad.
The extension of the company's lines
from Dead wood can not bo
much longer delayed. Competition will
force It. The activity of rival lines ex
tending in that direction insure early
rail communication with the loading
mining camps in Iho Hills.
IN spite of Kicking Thunder , Mad
Horse , Biting Wolf , Two Strike , and u
few other chronic objeclors with names
as suggestive , Iho Sioux commis
sion carried Rosebud agency by
a barge majority. The bars are now
down , and the Indians of Iho plhor res
ervations will not be slow lo follow Iho
NEW Yoitic does not bank much on
monuments , but when it comes to help
ing Ihe viclims of misfortune- she is
peerless. In live days llvo hundred
thousand dollars were subscribed by
her cilizons for the relief of the - Pennsylvania
sylvania Hood sufferers.
CIIAUXCEV M. DKPIJW is in great de
mand as a Fourth of July orator. Ho is
in receipt of forty invitations to pluck
the feathers of the proud bird , but de
clined thorn all. Chauncey has a whole
some fear of Iho Massachusetts syndi
cate of speech peddlers.
MONTANA will bo the first to try the
now fnnglod plan of voting under the
Australian system in October. And it
is dollars to dougnnuts that the de
feated party will demand the law's re
peal , as a delusion and a snare.
TEXAS still has something like four
million , seven hundred thousand acres
of land lo give away for the moro ask
ing , and that is why nobody has been
found lo lend a mad rush for u home
stead in the lone star stale.
Why Itl < lUnbei' < ; cr In Mentioned.
Chtmao Tribune.
All this talk of Uiddletmrgor as a possible
consul at some forelRii port 1ms probably
grown out of bis recognized need of a post of
some kind to lean up against.
A City of Tragedies.
C/ifcuyo / 'flmca.
Lawrence linrrctt will rehearse "Game-
ton" the greatest modern tragedy ho has
ever read in Chicago next season. Ho se
lects Chicago as the placu of roliearaul lor
obvious reasons.
A Ilartl nil ! Kor Democrats to Climb.
St. Louts Glolit-fieinocrat.
A democratic organ declares thatlhoro are
a great many "rising statesmen" in its
party. They will have to rise fast if they
expect to overtake Governor Hill in time to
prevent his nomination for the presidency.
General Crook'HYbllllty. / .
It is evident that the Sioux .commission is
going to succeed in its negotiations thanks
wuiiily to General Crook's ' ability and expe
rience In such matters ; and the result will
be the early opening of a largo tract of first-
class land.lo BOttlouiont und civilization.
Jubal Only n Hcniiiilsoence.
Ctnctnnatt Uuinmerclal-fiazcttc ,
Why uro the newspapers of the nortb
bothering about the utterances of Kossor
Jubal Early ? They do not represent the
soutncrnors , except such small part as ran
awny during ttio war. Uossor and Early are
old , putrid reminiscences , aud do not repre
sent any thing oxccpl dead and jjouo Ideas.
When Sheridan was after them down -the
valley you could not sco their coat tails for
the dust they kicked up. Uut wo deal with
the young clement in the south that is look
ing forward , and never ml nil those old fol
lows who are facing the other way.
It limy bo observed thai most of Ibo talk
wo get from the south Unit annoys pooplo-
loyal to the union , comes from these old
men ,
It Is u hopeful sign that as a rule young
southerners do not talk in that strain. Lot
the old fellows babble.
The Nation un l Its
COic/iiTWH / Cumintrctal-GtttcUe.
"In Its treatment of the rod in9ii , the
young republic of the west has no laurels to
display to tboold world. , ' ( Paris Letter.
This U hardly fair In the face of the fact
that ono Indian tribe In the ncbost "nation11
in the world , In proportion to nurnb'irs , and the present moment the Indian chief ,
"Young Miw Proud of Ills Tall. " formerly
known as Charles Fostur , U struggling la
behalf of the United States government to
buy seine land from his brother Indians of
the Sioux tribe for two dollars and H half an
Furthermore the "Young Republic" fur-
nishcB reservations and rations to Indians
and frco Indian schools , to say nothing of
arms uud ammunition aud "tiswln , "
ti the Indian ptllqno. Just now It Is giving
good food nnd Bleeping npnrttncnu to Mr ,
Oeronlmo nnd several * core of his nctlvo
Apncho friend * In the old fort nt St. Angus-
tine. And , by the way Mr. Goronlmo bornts
tlmt ho has killed three "hundred people of
the young ronubllc < mon , women nnd chil
dren , mostly the Inltor.
lilt Vtnltr ViiMn.
Tremulous boats of hurried hoofs like trend
of maddened hall ,
He-echo with the chill of doom mlown the
Atnrtlcd vnlo ,
Wlmt colirlcr of life or death onclmins the
nlr with awe ,
As llko n meteor ho sweeps along the Cono-
"For your lives to the hills I" ho cried , and
llko n flnsl ho sped ,
"To the hills 1" wni Iho drenit retrain of the
fierce steed's dying trend ,
"Tho hills I" what can the warning mcnnnnd
what ornclo of law
Ulds us desert our homes and hopes upon Iho
Concmaugh !
Oh God ! upon the pnlsled earth what thing
is stalking now ,
To glaze the bursting eye with fcnr nnd
whiten every brnwl
The king of terrors In the dam has found
some fatal Haw ;
An ocean with a hoxvl of boll engulfs the
Yet on ho llles , Iho rider bravo , yet on the
wild-eyed stood ,
The lives of elites , heroes twain , hung on
your Hashing speed ;
Was ever suo-h n race before , DO It defeat or
draw ,
A man of steel nnd steed of lire with Hoods
of Concinaughl
"Por your lives , the hills , to the hills 1" rang
forth from dell to dell ,
A thread of sound ns the water's roar , fast
drowned the rider's yell ,
For your own llfo now , oh hero bold , for
cities of men llko straw
Fall nnd sink from sight of earth In the tor
rent ot Conouiaugh.
Speed ! speed I or the race is done I the moun
tain \vuvo is nigh 1
"To the hills 1" against the roar and rush ,
shrill rings the farewell cry ,
The avalanche of waters florco enwrap him
In Its maw ,
The clarion voice no further pleads adowu
Of the ten thousand burled low in the great
valley's grave ,
None nobler than the king of men , who died
the rest to save ,
None worthier flic victor's bays the whole
brnvo world no'or saw ,
Than the Revere who raced the tide of Cone-
Mrs. Frodcrica Noilson , formerly a Nor-
woghin actress , is "evangelizing" in Salt
Lake City.
Miss Juno Cobdeu , the llrsl woman elected
n county councilor in England' , is barely
thirty-llvo years old , but her hair is snowy
white. Tlio expression of nerfnco is re
fined and gentle , und she wears picturesque
and become costumes , which complete u
very attractive personality.
To the queen of Iluly belongs the credit of
ro-ostablishlng the manufacture of Uuruno
lace. 'Iho industry had almost wholly died
out. The queen found an old lady who
know the stitch , and had her teach a numbnr
of younger women. The result is that I3ur-
ano lace has again become a source of largo
revenue to the people of Burano.
Mrs. Slocum who has just come up from
South America in the tiny craft built by her
husband , says that while she loolts back over
her adventures with pleasures , she would
not llko to repeat thoui. The boat is so
small that tnero is scarcely any cabin , and
there was tie way ot heating it , no matter
how cold the weather. She and her family
suffered moro from want of exercise than
anything else , as the boat was too small to
permit of walking on dock. The voyage
would have been very lonely but that they
managed to have plenty of reading matter
Miss Uosa Evangolino Angel , the young
Cincinnati poetess , has rccciveu a compli-
nuntary letter from Oliver Wcndoll Holmes ,
in which he says : "Tho great difllculty a
young writer in verse has to meet is the fact
that writing in rhyino lias become a common
accomplishment , and verso that would have
made a reputation in my young days ntlracts
little attention in tncse times and brings
small returns in either fame or profit. "
Mrs. John A. Logan's Idea of a postgraduate
uate school for young ladies is n most excel
lent ono. Housekeeping is to bo taught ns
one ot the higher accomplishments. The
course of practical instruction will Include
cooking and the nrt of entertaining and mak
ing homo attractive. Thcro nro already
twenty applicants for places in her school ,
which will bo located cither In Now York or
Chicago on her return from Europe.
Mmo. do Orian , a young Russian princess ,
died in Philadelphia last week , and ot her
request her ontli-p wardrobe was packed in
largo trunks and sent to Johnstown. Thcro
were rich silk stockings , French heeled slip
pers , silk underwear , sillt , satin and plush
costumes , and line women's wear of all sorts.
Mrs. O. A. Flanncr ot Indianapolis , has
donated to Marietta ( O. , ) college an herba
rium of 15,000 specimens. These plants were
gathered by her husband and herself during
the last forty-flvo years , the collection hav
ing been maclo In tlio Ohio valley , in Mis
souri , Georgia , Michigan , nnd the upper
Mississippi region , and enlarged by exchanges
with botanists in all Innds.
The live-year-old daughter of Bon Miller ,
of Charles Mix county , was instantly Killed
recently. The hired man had been rolling
corn with a heavy iron roller , nnd tbo child
asked to ride , A sudden jolt throw her off
nnd the roller crushed her head in a terrible
< Tottlnjr - '
The mayor ot Hustings has ordered nil /
gambling houses closed ,
A Inrgo brick block is to bo built Im
mediately on the burned district nt Sownrd ,
A relictions campnlpn will bo opened nt
Shogo Island , near Mllford , tbo InUer part of
this month.
A fixbld dog bit a number of ntoor boloilg-
Ing to n farmer living near Ulysses , nnd several -
oral of them have died.
Now tlmt the Cyclone has blown Its last
blnst nl Kcncsaw , tlio Tribune has been re.
vlvcd after n sleep of four months. >
John Oborllcso , president of the Citizens
bnnk of Dorchester , has returned from n
live months' lour of Europe and tlio holy
The working force of tbo Red Cloud Re
publican has boon reorganised. Dr. O , 13.
MoKorby succeeding M. A. Molzgor us
The Geneva city council Inspected the
Holdrogo water works und the members
wore given n grand banquet by the local
board of trade.
Tbo grand jur.v nt. Snrlngvlow hns Indicted
John H. Shnw , n woll-to-do miller of ICoyn
Palm county , for Incest with his sixteen-
year-old daughter. J
The Cumlng County Old Settlors' nwocln- t"
tlnn has elected John D. Nohgh president. {
nnd M , .T. Hughes secretary. The annual
reunion will occur nt West Point , August 8. '
Charles Moody , who located In Exeter , n
few months ngo , nnd worked the local mer
chants for household goods on credit , has
suddenly disappeared , leaving his wife uud
child without funds.
A tramp stele nine hogs from n Mllford
firm und started to drive them to Crete , but
ho was discovered on the road by one of the
losers , who omntiod the contents of n shot
gun into the thief's logs nnd Ihon placed him
under urrest ,
The members of the York city council
don't propose to get loft. At their last , moot
ing they discovered that the city funds wore
running low , und so they ordered warrants
drawn for thuir own salaries six months In
advance. Outsiders , ns u consequence , will
Imvo to wait for their money.
A remarkable surgical cnso Is reported
from Mndlson. A young mnn was kicked In
the head by n colt on the 5th inst. , his skull
being frnctured nnd n Inrgo quantity of
brain imbalance oozing out , jjiit ho has re
mained conscious over since , nnd Is rapidly
recovering. .
lown Itoins.
The clergymen of Hoono have orgnnlrod a
base ball club.
Uubuquo is struggling to secure the repub
lican state convention.
Work has commenced on Oitumwu's f-IO-
000 opera house.
The June session of the federal court begins
gins at Keokuic on the 2Sth.
Six thousand dollars have been secured for
the building of the Uccorah college.
Kookuk whisky resulted in the death of
William Ogle , nn Illinois farmer , lust wook.
\V. T. Bristol , a farmer living near Scbnl-
ler , was instantly Ullled while blasting rock.
The internal revenue collections for the )
Davenport district last month were f3,8S7ll. ( j
The mother of Chester Turnoy la lecturing J
through the state on the Incarceration of her
A home-made firecracker proved n costly
experiment to Nichol Uullnntyno , of Brook
lyn , the sight of his eyes being nearly
A Des Molnes hotel proprietor Instructed
his clerk that when Iho boll rung for room 70
il meant u bottle of beer. After the parties
hi the room hud loft , a tomporanca lady was
given the room , uud when she rang the clerk
obeyed the original instructions and sent up
a bottle of boor. She protested , but the ooy
insisted on leaving the beer wllh hor.
Rov. George J. Johnson , who has been
pastor of tbo liuptlst church ut Burlington
for the past llfly years was the other day
presented with u check of suOlcicnt size to
dofruy the expenses of u visit to points of'in '
terest on the other side of the ocean , u trip
the minister bad frequently expressed a da-
sire to inulce. If Mr. Johnson obeys the re
quest of the donor his name will never ba
known , us secrecy WUH enjoined In this re
spect ,
Thrco "blind tigers , " or liolcs-In-the-wnll ,
nro in successful operation nt llolstcin. In
purchasing drinks tno visitor places his
money on tlio bar , mentions what ho wants ,
nnd is bunded what he calls for. Ho sees no
one. don'tlinow whom ho buys it of. nnd Unit
is all bo testifies to when before the grand
jury. A half cur-loud of beer kcirs on the
depot platform , lust Saturday , indicates that
prohibition does not entirely prohibit nt Hol-
iC. L. Myers , living near West Burlington ,
loft homo Hovoral weeks ago in search ol
work , und relumed home the 8th inst to Und
his wife und the hired mat ) absent , leaving
the furuituro and supplies in the house , tin
stable full of feed and wagons and several
horses running Jooso in the pasture. They
have not been heard of , und circumstuuce'i
Deem to confirm the suspicion that Mrs.
Myers und the hired man have ulopod to
The Hitchcock creamery is overrun with
A now Catholic church is to bo built- '
Lead City.
The marbl'j quarries at Rapid City U'J
being developed.
A German Lutheran church has been or
ganized ut Rapid City.
Brulo county bus u population of 10,001) . an
increase of 9,702 since 1880.
Work bus been commenced on a hundrcd-
barrel flourirg mill nt Wutertown.
Work has commenced on the street rnlU
road between St. Luwronco und Miller.
Tno Sioux Fulls bootblacks have formed a
pool to charge ii cents a shine on the Fourth.
Sitting Bull , the famous Sioux chief , Is
said to be in u dying condition ut Standbier
Rock Agency.
A Kltnball man , a little 'tlio ' worse for.s
night's Indulgences , picketed himself out on
Lho prulrio the next morning und loft his cow
In the barn.
The youngsters of Howard have a novel
way of waging war on the gophers. They
cheese sides , forming In twu clubs and kill
for n prize. Fifteen hundred gophers were
killed during one contest.
A narrow gauge railroad company has boou
arganlzcd at Rapid City. A charter bus been
ippliod for , and it is the intention of the
company to tap the principal camps of the
jouthorn hills with its system of roads.
Lake Thompson , ubout eighteen miles
north of Howard , in Kiupsbury county. In
ilnces uight or nlno feet in depth , hug ro-
joutly gone dr.v. About ten days use watci
ipout auoked up ttio contents of the lake und
unco then the lulto has been perfectly dry.
A Tablespoonful
of Pearline
in a pail of water , will con- x VV / /
vince a woman against her will
r.hat it washes everything ; best and quickest injures
nothing ; coarse or fine just the reverse by doing away
with the rubbing it saves the very thing which ruins the
most clothing especially fine things. It lakes the drudg
ery out of woman's ' hardest work. Wash day and cleaning
lime are no longer" bugbears" in the homes where
1 Canine is used , and these homes number miiuuiis.
- PicUUcrk am ! * omo unscrupulous grocers ore offcr-
Mc Obf T7/T V 3i Jneimitation ! which Ihey ilaim tohe IVarlinc , "thc
13 C W Vi/1 C e M Inlinel'"S ' FALSE-thcy nrc not , and
besides arc danqcrous. Uuiuftciurcd onlvbv IAMBS I'VI.U.N , V.