Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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I OMAHA DAILY BEE i . TffnKSPAT. JUNE 1 $ . 1889 |
i ? SPK
Wheat Down For Juno , But Up For
Succeeding Months.
Corn Taken n Fractional Turn Up-
n-nrd-In Ontn DnllnossVns the
lltilc 1'rovlHlons Somcwltnt Du >
prcesetl Cattle Decline.
CnicAno , Juno 12. fSpcclnl TolcRram to
THE HnE. | Und crop reports nnd Idle gossip
nbout "mnnlpulntion" In July Induced the
liuylnp o ( wheat In this mnrkot nnd the ro-
suit was bettor prices. $ Icl J ndvlccs from
the northwest reflect unfavorable crop con
ditions throughout n largo portion of Dakota
nnd Minnesota , nnd Michifmn correspondents
toll of poor prospects there. The Injury re
sulting from the recent frosts and the long
dry spoil preceding frosts Is Just bomg devel
oped by the few dnys of warm weather. The
news from the southwest Is rather loss reas
suring , and John Kauffinan , an almost
chronic bcur of St. Louis , Is quoted as say.
Ing that the wheat Holds of Knrisns nnd Mis
souri nro for the most part still green , nnd
that no great quantity of wheat will bo ro
cclvcd In that nmritot before July 10. Ho
was supposed to bo ono ot the principal buy-
crs , yesterday , but whether his new-born
bullishness wns strong enough to Induce him
to do anything moro than cover his
short wheat , can't bo stated with nny degree
of certainty. The cnjh markets throughout
the western states are firm. Now York is
'Btill inclined to weakness on the government
crop report , nnd cables nro coming In , "quiet
with demand fully supplied , " nnd prices
show a general softening of values. The
speculative Inquiry Is somewhat limited nnd
the public faith in , nnd expectation of , higher
pricey can not bo said to bo universal.
Hutchlnson wns principal seller here , to-day ,
and as , bcforo stated , the St. Louts contin
gent wns tlio biggest buyer , taulng. It Is esti
mated , UuCO,000 to a,000,000 bushels through
ono IIOUBO. Hutchlnson is said to liavo sold
Switzcr 800,000 bushels in a private trndo In
ono lot , and there wcro several oucn trades
In 250,000-bushol lots. Juno wheat lead In
tho' early advance , to-day , going to 80o.
Later , when July moved up from 7l5 @TTc ,
Juno cased oft nnd tno trend of prices du
ring the lust hour or inoro was gently
downward. The market yielded to
'tho pressure of offerings , and
the urgency of demand noted
during the lirst half of the session gave
place to more stubbornness. Juno sold down
to 70c , rallying 2/c , and closing at TOJf o.
July worked down from 77o to 7CKc. and
closed at 74c. December started In at 75c ,
ranged 75 ! @ 7Cc , and closed at 75o. As
shown by the closing rnngo the net result of
the day's trading was a loss of 'fc In Jnno
nnd n gain of % c In July , anil a gain of j c
In September nnd Decamber. The opera
tions in the pit worn on n f'llrly largo scale.
The gononK business seems to be on the in
crease. Export business at the seaboard is
not largo nnd the clearances show up light.
A moderate local shipping demand Is noted.
Although the weather was regarded as
bcincr generally favorable to the growth of
corn immediate considerations of the pres-
scnt small receipts nnd considerable
lines of short corn , deliverable next
month , were the governing factor , nnd Im
parted a strong undertone to the day's trade ,
with prices in the end , however , advanced
only in the ease of Juno delivery , which loft
oft at Jjfc improvement en yesterday's clos
ing price. The freight engagements , to day ,
Were quite small , hoing only for 43,008 bush
els. The corn market was upheld princi
pally by the comparatively small receipts ,
although they were heavier by about BO cars
'than ' yesterday's estimates led speculators to
expect. For to-morrow 11)5 ) cars was estim
ated nnd this was regarded us favorublo to
the bull sldo of the market. Export clear
ances were only gathered from the Atlantic
ports und from Now Orleans 100,000 bushels
were exported yesterday to Liverpool. Ca
bles were without significance. The quan
tity afloat or in Great Britain and on the
continent of Europe Increased for the week
500,000 bushels.
In oats the dullness was moro marked
than during nny previous day ot the month
nnd prices were practically stationary. Out
side orders were scarce and local operators
wcro not inclined to do much , with July in
some favor nt SSJ SSJffe , und Scptenibor
nbout MO premium. Other markets exerted
no Influence , and nny possible tendency to
ndvnnce was chocked by receipts , larger by
forty cars than were expected , nnd liberal
estimates for to-morrow. No. a oats to go to
store were dull and nominal at 23 " @ 23 > < c ,
nnd out of 100 cars , posted as received , KH
graded No. 3 whito.
The provision trade had an easier incllna
tlon. The receipts of hogs , which exceeded
by from 5,000 to 10,000 head nil expectations.
occasioned a general depression. Hogs sold
off Co to IDo at the stock yards , and the
break in the stock market was responded tc
in thu product. The decline in the latter ,
however , was small under the circumstan
ccs , amounting nt ono time , based on yester
day's closing , to 12) ) 0 In pork , Ro in lard-unt
fie In short ribs. At the adjournment 01
'change , porlt showed a shrinkage of frou
? i o to lOo ; lard of 2 } o to 5c , und short rib :
of 7 0 to lOc.
CHICAGO. June 13. [ Special Telegram t (
Tun. UEIS. I CATTMJ. General trade rulec
alow and weak from the start , and before
the close good native cattle sold lOc to 15i
lower , and common to medium grades , in
. eluding grassy steers , 15o off. The nativi
cow trade , nsido from fut heifers , was In i
bad shupo , buyers preferring Texas steers a
f2.40ii2.00 ( to the ordinary run of native
cows at any prico. The mnrkot for Toxani
was' Into in opening , but when the buyers
and sellers finally got together the pens wen
readily cleared at u decline of not moro that
no to lOo in canning grades , whllo drcssci
beef qualities sold within So of yesterday1 !
quotations. Orders were in hand fron
Ohio nnd Illinois for well-bred focdori
and us the supply of desirable quality win
limited , steady prices prevailed. Light com
aion stockers were plentiful , uud in poor request
quest , and included in the run , to-dn.v , wen
thirty-live ears of distillery fed steers dlrcc
for the English market. Cholco to oxtn
beeves , t l.40@l.50 ; medium to good steers
IS O to 1500 Ibs , fa.30 ( < T3.-IO ! 1200 to 1350 Ibs.
? 3.70@.15 ! ; 050 to 12UO Ibs. . * 8.00@ .00 ; stockers
ors and feeders , $3.25 ( < | i.70 ) ; cows , bulls am
mixed , 51.CO > ' } ; i.iO : ; bulk , $3.20 ( < c2.00 ; : slop-fei
steer * , 5,1.7001.805 Texas cattle , $1.SO@3I5 (
Hooii Husincss was nctivo , but values
ruled fully 15 cents lower. The run wai
unexpectedly heavy nnd the numbers on
now fully up to last week. The bulk of tin
packing sold nt $ I.80& ( .83K ; bulk of ship
pirn ; hogs of both butchers' and heav ;
weights , 34.U5 ; bulk of light sorts , S4.4a ( <
4.M ) ; a good many packing hogs sold ut tin
oloso at $4.25.
NKW YOUK , Juno 12. [ Special Tolograii
to TVS l3Ei : . | STOCKS There was a , grail
ual growth in both activity and strength I :
stocks during the morning. Following th
vary fair gains of yesterday the llrst figure
were % to } { per cent higher with Jorso ,
Central Jf percent over the close nt 113. ! Vo
n tinio trading was confined to a few block
nnd 75 per cent of the entire business was I :
Hearting , Lackawannn , St. Paul , Northwest
urn , LukoBhoro , Now England , and Louis
villu , Tlicso all showoil strength and bofori
the end of the hour the animation an
strength spread through the list and a t'on
eral upward movement resulted , The gain
iluriui ; the morning over the closing price
of last night , were Oregon Navigation uu
Oregon Trans-Continental > f per cent cacl
Jersey Ceittrnl IJf'per ' cent to 112 > iLoul vil ]
M to Tl.y , Lake SKoro > to 10T > { , Now Yor
Central Jf ta 109 , Northern 1'aoiflo , pn
frrro'1 , K to G7 } { , Dolwnro & Hudson 1 I
108JJ , Heading X to 48 . Atchlson } { ' to 4 (
o 104 f. Northwestern } ( \
.r - < ' , > - . f j-fere * i\
111 % Hock inland "if " lo ( > tM 61 P"nu1 \ to
74-V Missouri l ncluc > Yto 70X1 Union Pa-
cillo Lf loOajtf , Chicago Gas # to 01X , Sugar
trusts \t { lo Uotf , Shortly before noon
there wns less animation In the general list ,
hut ttio best prices were pretty well mnin-
tnlncd. Jersey Central mtido n second spurt
to 114 ; other changes wore slight with the
market quiet at noon , The closing hours in
stocks wcro glvon to realizing sales , nnd
prices drugged down slowly from the best
figures reached nbout midday ; nnd , at the
close the market was n llttlo better than
steady at yesterday's ' closing prices. Trans
continental held on well , with n gain of } { '
per cent ; Jcrney Central dropped from 114 to
111 % , or but n % j per cent gain for the day ;
Louisville yielded % from the top but closed
with an advance of \ } ( over last night.
Atchlson lost nearly a point from the top ,
closing ? h lower on a proposed reduction In
rates in Kansas. Burlington , Northwestern
and llock Island practically lost their early
advance , closing nbout steady ; St. Paul
showed a not gain of % per cent , closing at
74 ; Heading lost } from the top but o.lofcd
Abettor nt 43 } ; Chicago das closed nt last
night's figures , 03 % ; Sugar trusts weakened
also , nnd had but % gain nt the closo. Cotton
Oil closed weak nnd lower.
rjTho following were the closing quotations !
U.S.4s regular. 128U Nortnurn 1'Rcinc. . W
U.S.4scoupons . . .IWi doprefcirod 07
U. 8.4'sregular , .UVHt 0. &N. W Ill1 ,
U. H.4SJH coupons..Niflii do preferred U\'i \
I'nclllcfisof 'lj ) . . . .118 N.V.Oentrnl 108'i
Central I'nr.lllc. . . . : i.'i'i 24
Clilcaeo Ac Alton. . .I Jo llock Jilntul .
ChlcftRO , llurllngton C. , M. & 8t.l * . 73H
&yiiliiev 10 Pi do preferred . 115
! > . . L. Ac\V llli ( St.l'aul.VOmnha . 3C.U
Illinois Central . . . .11(1 ( do preferred . ti'J
r. , n. k w. . n' ; Villon 1'aclllo . Kl
iCnngnsicToxtis. . . . KHl W..St. L. iiV . 10U
UkoShoro 107 do preferred . no
Michigan Central . 91 > J Western Union . CSSj
Missouri 1'acttlc . . . ? 0j
Moxiv Easy ; closed offered nt"3.
Sinuuxo Excitvxon Dull but steady ;
sixty-day bills , ? 1.87 ; demand , $1.S83
CIIICAOO , Juno 12. 1:15 : p. ml oloso Wheat
Hlehor ; cash , TO c ; July , 70X ; Decem
ber , 75Jfc.
Corn Steady ; cash , 34 > 6o ; July , 34 5-1 Co ;
September , 35 3-lfic.
Oats Steady ; cash , 224'c ' ; July , 22 } c ;
September , 225 < c.
Uyo Cash sc.
Barley Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy $1.23.
Flax 81.51.
Whisky $1.03.
Pork Steady ; cash , $11.53 ; July , $11.03 ;
September , $11.80.
Lard Steady ; cash , S0.75J4 ; July , S0.62K
@ ( J.05.
Flour Unchanced.
Dry Salt Meats-Shoulders , $5.12X@5.25 ;
short clear , * 0.12X@U.25 : short ribs , $3.80
@ 5.00.
Uuttor Easier ; creamery , 12@10c ;
dairy , y@ll > c.
Cheese Quiet ; full cream chedars , 7 } @
"icJluts \ , 7 > < f@7c ; Young Americas , S
Eggs Firm ; fresh , ll@12c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy and lightgroon
salted , 5 } c ; salted dull , 4J c ; green salted
calf , Oc ; dry ( lint , 7o ; dry salted , 7c ;
dry calf , TtfJSc ; deacons , 23o each.
Tallow Unchanced ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4o ; No. 3 , 3c ; cake , 4 , ' c.
Kecelpts. Shipments.
Flour . 20,000 8,000
Wheat . 20,000 20,000
Corn . 300,000 574,000
Oats . 278.000 274,01)0 )
Now York. June 12. Wheat Receipts ,
11,000 ; shipments , 29,000 ; spot quiet but
firmer ; No. 2 red , 81 , ' c in store ; 82S3o
illoat ; 82 } © 83fc f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , 75 ®
75K < M options steady to firm ; July , SlJ.fc.
Corn Receipts , 74,000 ; shipments , 147,000 ;
suet moderately active but easier ; No. 2 ,
41Jf ( < ? 42o In elevator ; 4W < $42c ulloat ;
No. 8 , nominal ; ungraded mixed , 41@43c ;
options dull but steady.
Oats -Receipts , 43,000 ; exports , 1,000 ; spot
quiet but steady ; options , dull ana un
changed ; Juno , 2Xc : July , SSJ c ; spot No.
2 white , Hoc ; mixed western. 20 ( < &JOc.
Coffee Options steady , but 15(320 ( points
down ; sales , 53,000 bags ; Juno , S10.10@lG.20 :
July , S10.20@U5.30 ; spot Rio , dull and easy ;
fair cargoes , ? IS.U2 .
Petroleum Quiet ; United closed at 82c.
Eggs Easier ; western , 13 } @ 14c.
Porlc Quiet ; now , 513.255S13.50.
Lard Dull and easier ; western steam ,
O.U2K ; July , $0.97.
Butter Steady ; western , 9@17Kc.
Cheese Stronger ; western , 7J < @ 3.1
ICunanB City , Juno 12. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red , cash , 70 > < jc bid ; July aad August ,
30cbldNo. ; 2 , soft , cash , 77o bid ; July and
August , Ole bid.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 25 } o bid : July ,
27o asked ; No. 2 , white , cash , 29 e bid.
Oats No. 2 cash , 19c bid , 20o asked.
ASiiiuiciipolis , Juno 12. Wheat Sampld
wheat dull and unsettled ; receipts , SS c.irs ;
shipments , CO cars. Closing : No. 1 hard ,
June , 92c ; July , 92 0 ; on track , U293c ( ;
No. 1 northern , June , 84 > o ; July , S4c ;
on track , 85@87c ; No. 2 northern , Juuo 74o ;
July 7IJ c ; on track , 75@78c.
Ijlvorpool , Juno 12. Wheat Quiet ;
holders offer freely ; red , western sprinir ,
7s ld@7 2U per cental.
Corn Quiet and demand fair ; new mixed
western , 3s Sd per cental.
Milwaukee , Juno 12. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 73) < c ; July. 73J c.
Corn Firm ; No. It , 34c.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 , wlnto , 27J4@2Sc.
Rye Steady ; No. 1 , 4lc.
Barley Steady ; No. 2 , 51c.
Provisions Unchanged ; pork , (11.00.
St. IjcmlH , Juno 12. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 83Ko ; July , 7c. !
Corn Uettor ; cash , Uljfc ; July , 31 c. '
Oats Steady ; cash , 2'J ic ; July , 2ic.
Pork Lower at $12.00.
Lard Nominally tG,45.
Whisky $1.02.
Clnoliumti , Juno 12. Wheat In fair de
mand ; No. 2 red , 84c.
Corn Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 35@33Uc.
Oats-Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 20c.
Whisky Qulot at Sl.Oi
lilVlfl STOCK.
Chlcnen , Juno 12 , The Drovors' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 10,500 ; active nnd lOc
lower ; hooves , $4.10@1.50 ; steers , $3.00@4.30 ;
stockers nnd feeders , ? 2,2. > @ 3.70 ; cows , bulls
nnd mixed , $1.00@3.30 ; Texas cattle , l.SOi
3.03.Hogs Receipts , 80,000 ; slow and Ific lower ;
mixed , $4.85 4.40 ; heavy , * 4.20@4.40 ; light ,
$ .J.25ft4 ( tX ) ; skips , $3.00@t.20.
Sheep Receipt ! ) , 10OOJ ; steady to lower ;
natives , $3.2fl4.05 ; western , 3.50@4.30 ;
Texans , $ -'J.00 3.90 ; lambs , $2.00(23.50 ( per
ICnnsna Oily , Juno 12. Cattle Re
ceipts , 4,300 ; shipments , 1,500 ; weak and
lower ; good to choice corn fed , $3.00@4.25 ;
common to medium , 3.20@3bO ; stackers
nnd feeders , steady to weak at J2.25ii3,40 ( ;
cows , steady at $1.7503.00.
Hoes Receipts , 19,700 ; shipments , 750 ;
10C ! 15c lower and In some cases 20o lower ;
common to choice , $3.90 ( 4.20.
National Htoolc Yard * . Kim St.
louls , Juno 12. Cattle Receipts , 4,000 ;
shipments , 900 ; lower ; fair to choice heavy
native steers , $3.10@4.30 ; stockers and
feeders , $3.00@8.00 ; rangnrs , corn-fed , $2.50
@ 3.20 ; grass-fod , $1.00 2,85.
Hogs Receipts , 5,300 , ; shipments , 1,400 ;
lower ; choice heavy and butchers' selections ,
I4.30@4.40 ; packing , $4,20@4.83 ; light , ? 4,30@
Sioux City , Juno IS , Cattle Receipts ,
730 ; shipments , 110 ; steady ; fat steers , $2.80
@ 3.50 ; stackers and feeders , $3.20 ( 2,75.
Hogs Receipts , 2,000 ; lower ; light and
mixed , H.00@4.07 > < ! heavy , f4.05@4,15.
\Vedncsday , Juno 13.
To-clny's cattle market was decldedl.v
rotten and was quoted all the way from 10 ( < {
20o lower on booves. The trade was slow at
the decline and the number of cattle sold
was Buir.ll lu proportion to the receipts.
Butchers' stock was not so much lower , but
U was weak uud rather slow. The receipts
were the heaviest of tbo week thus far ,
The receipts of hogs were the heaviest
since ono year ago to-day , The markets al
other points all quoted lower , and on account
of that and the heavy run hero , prices took n
drop of about lOo. The market was not
Very active nnd salesmen were reluctant to
rnako the concession , nnd tlio trading was
prolonged , through the whole day. A few
sales were made , early In the morning nt
W.10 ( < J,4.1B , but aside from thcso everything
sold nt $4.COQ4.03.
A few shocp were received , but they were
mostly consigned direct to the packers. The
market continues llrm.
Cattle 2,003
HORJ , 10,300
Sheep fill
I'revnlllnjt Price ; .
The following h a t.iblo of prlca ? p.ild In
this tmrkot , for the er.Ua } of stock men
tioned :
Prime steers , 1300 to 1000 lbs.3.SO ( rt > l.20
Good steers , 12,10 to 1450 Ibs. . . 11.75 ( ( (4.00
.Good stcors , 1050 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.03 ( g.1.00
Common dinners 1.50 M2.00
Ordinary to fair cows 2.03 @ 2.50
Fair to good cows 2.5'J 02.00
Good to cholco cows 2.00 ( 3.00
Cholco to ftincv cows , heifers. . 8.00 M3.25
Pair to coed bulls 2.00 (52.50
Good to choice bulls > 2.50 &J3.CO
Lightstoekcra , nnd feeders. . . . 2.75 $3.00
Good feeders. 051) ) to 1100 Ibs. . 3.00 $3.25
Fair to cholco light hog * 4.00 ( $1.15
Fair to cholco heavy hogs 4,00 (44.15
Fair to choice mixed hojrs 4,03 ( $4.05
Fair to medium imtlvo sheep. . 8.50 ( $1.25
Good to cholco native sheep. . . 4.0J ( a)4.50 )
Fair to cholco western shoep. . 3.25 @ 4.50
Shorn sheep. . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . 3.00
llcprcscntatlvo Sales.
gucur ,
Av. Pr.
09 westerns , corn-fed. . oo
Live Stock Notes.
Top on hogs n mqntli ago , $1.45.
Hogs sola a year ago at ? 5.20@5.55.
Heavy hogs 10@15o lower 'n Chicago ,
Ceof ciUtlo sold a year ago nt S5.00@5.90.
nango cattle three years ago , 54.35 ( 5.00.
Heaviest cattle receipts , Sontcinbor 10 ,
1S87 , 5,803.
A year ago to-day 13CftS , nogs were ro-
W , H. Combs anil Frank Woodurd wpro
hero from Nomaha City.
W. C. Swarts and H. Qulmby , regular
Silver City , la. , shippers , eacli had two loads
of cattle lioro.
H. L. . Savage , A. M. Smith und P. A. Aus
tin ctuno down from Arcadia with Hvo cars
of cattle and two of hogs.
S. H. lilaclr. and A. J. Snowdon wcro here
from ICearnoy , the former with four cars ot
cattle and two of hogs , and the latter with
two of bogs ,
J. L. Packard was In from Crclghton will ,
two cars of cuttlo and ono of hogs.
O. Burgess , of Weeping Water , bad twc
cars of cattlu here.
Mr. Dawson , of Dawson & Bishop , Weep-
Inp Water , was on the market with hogs.
W. T , Uiokloy had o car of hogs here fron
Columbus. ,
Frank Speliman and Charllo Crull comn Ir
from Hanlon , the former with cattle , the lut
tor with hogs. -
H. Quick , of Quick & Son , Council Bluffs ,
came over witb a load of cattle and ono o
hogs. _
I'rotlucc , KrultH , Etc.
Butter firmer oed In noiucwhii active do
- - - -
mund. Egps hlpbor. Che Soiptcady. Fruits
nnd vegetables plentiful niiil fhcapoT.
Htmrtii Tublo dairy , jstauo ; pnekcrs1
stock , 8@10c. Creamery-PHfiU , fancy. 10 < 3
ISo : choice , 14ff13c ! solid packed , 10@14o.
Eoos Strictly fresh , iSc.
CiiEnsn Young Amerlch/ full cronm , lOc !
twin Hats , tijfo ; oft grailon , 4/iCci ( / Vuti
Kosiem Kdnm ll.SO per doieni np snpo , lOo ;
brick , ISC' ? ! " " ; llmburgor , ll12c ; dotncHtlc
Swiss , I4c ; skims , 2@4c' uhccso safes , bronio
medal , No. 8 , f2.S5. . -l\
Poui.Tnr-l.lvo hen\ per dozen , $3.50(3) ( )
4.00 ; mixed , M.35@3.r > 0j turkovfl , 7SSo ( per
Ib ; ducks , $2.00@J50 ; gcqse $3.00134.00 ;
live plgoons , $1.50.
OIIAXOKS Riverside , $ T.OO@.00 ; fancy
paper rind St. MichaelsKLrDCSISfi : fnnc.v
Dxinrto Mediterranean sweets , t3.00@I.OO ;
Los Angolcs ( cnolco ) , M.OO.
LKMOXS Cholco , 4.50(25.00 ( ; fancy , 15.75 ®
1'CAciir.s Per K bu box , 8I.M@1.50.
Pri-LES Per Jjf uu box , f 1.00.
Ciiiaiinr.s Per 21 quart case , 12.75 ; per 10
quart drawer , $1.75.
Hi.ACKiir.uniKS Per 2-1 quart case , $ .1.03.
BUCK HAsi'iinniiics Per 84 quart case ,
Knn HAsrnr.iiuius Per 24 pint case , $3.50.
STiuwiiBimir.s Per St quart case , $2.76 ®
3.00 ; 2 bu. stand. $7.00.
GooSKiiniuiiKS Per 2 bu. stand , $0.50 ; 24
quart case. $2.50.
Punts Per 24 quart case , $3.00@3.50'rf ;
bu. box , $1.00 < H > 1.2 : > .
Pisn Ari-i.r.s Per doz , $3.00(33.50. (
BASAXAS According to 8lo , per bunch ,
COCOAXUTS Per 100 , ? 3.00.
Fnusit PISH Whlto llsb , per Ib , T(3SWo ( ;
trout , per Ib , 9c ; white porch , per Ib , 7c ; buf-
fiilo , per Hi. 7c ; pickerel , nor Ib , Co ; black
bass , per Ib. lie.
HIJANS Choice hand picked navy , $1.75 ;
clioico hand picked medium , Sl.0.1 ; cholco
hand picked country , $1.00 ; clean country ,
81.80(31.33. (
E \III.Y Potatoes , Cnl. , per
Ib , ! Jtfe ! ; southern , per bbl , $4.00 : onions ,
Cnl. , per Ib , 2i o ; southern , per bbl , $ -1.00 ;
cabbage , per crate. $4.00 ; turnips , per bu
box , * l.00il.25 ( ; beets , per box , 8I.006S1.33 ;
WHX benns , per mi box , $3. 73@'J.OO ; string
beans , per bu box , 82.33613.50 ; green peas ,
uer bu box , SI riO@1.75 ; tomatoes , per iff bu
box. S4.00 ; asparaeus , pur dozbeh , 50c1.00 ;
caulillower , $3.50 ; cpg plant , 81. 73642.00 ;
5iuash ( , 75c : cucumbers , 50@75c ; EOUH
bunches , 40c ; lettuce , 23is ; radishes , 20c ;
preen onions , 15@Mc ; noxv carrots , 20o ; plo
| > lant , per Ib , 3c.
HIDIS : , PBLTS , TALLOW , ntc. Green salted
Indes , 5c ; dry baited bides , 5c ; dry Hint
lildcs , 7c ; calf bides , 5 ? ; dnmnpcd
liides , 2c less ; sheep pelts , green , ouch , 2. > c@
$1.00 ; sheep pelts , dry , per Ib , 'J ( 012c ; wool ,
avurngc , 14 ( ' lSc ; tallow , No. 1 , 3ffi3J ( c ;
grease , "A , " 4o ; grease , yellow , 3c.
Ai'i'Ln HuTTntt 7o.
CIDKU Bbls , 83hf ; bbls , $3.
Bi'TTKUixi : 12@Wc. per Ib.
MAIM.K SUOAH l'JK@15u per Ib.
POTATORY Choice , sacked , par bu , 2.j@30c ;
Colorado , -I0@l3c.
Vr.AL Cholco.meilium sizeC @ "o ; choice ,
heavy , 40o ; sprinp lambs , $ yu.00@30.00 per
Hoxuv ll@15o per Ib for choice.
PHCSKKVUS 0 } @ 10c per Ib.
JELLIES SJ ic per Ib.
CUKSWVX No. I , ! SS ( > iOo.
HA v 83.000(1.00. (
CHOP FcEi > - ? IO.On@11.00.
BUAX $10.50@10.75.
Supnr higher. CofTeo nnil rice flrra. Canned
goods quiet. Dried fruits , iii good demand
and 11 rm. '
OILS ICeroseno-P W , tOc ; W W , 13Kc ;
headlight , 13e ; salad 6l ! , < $2.1.1610.00 per
PICKLES Medium , per bbl ' , $3.00 ; small ,
( i.OO ; pherldns , 57.00 ; C & B chow-chow.
qts. $ ( ) .OU ; pts. 53.50.
WitAi'i'jxo PAi'Hit Strsiw , uer Ib , IX ®
2Kc ; r.ipr , 2 c ; manllla B , Oc ; No. 1 , ! ) c.
SALT IJalrv , 140 S-lbpUjis , , 83.70 ; do 100
Mb pkjrs , 82.UO ; do OSo-lb tkf4S , $2.50 ; do 23
10-lb nkgs , i-2.40 ; Ashton , lu bags. 50-lb , Sflc ;
Io4-bu bairs , 221-lb , $3.10 ; do M S A , 50-lb
jngs , 53o ; per bbl , $1.15.
Sr.cna Ulrd , 4 @ 0e.
StLi > ont1 X-lv per Ib.
STAUCII 5 } ( ( ? 7o per Ib.
STOVU Por.isit SiOO@3.S7 per gross.
Si'icns Whole , par Ib Alisoico , 12c ; Cas
sia China , lOc ; cloves , Xaiuibar , 25c ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 70u ; popncr , 20.
SuoAijS Graaulatcd. OJ/S35 ( < c ; confection
ers A , VJ4@'J ! ' 'AC ; .standard , oxtraC , Oc : yellow
C , SJjfc ; powdered , 10@10 e ; cut loaf , 10.C@ }
lUKe : cubes , 10 > < jc.
TKA-J Gunpowder , 20@iiOe ; Jnpan , 20@40c ;
Y. Hyson , 3S'iCOc ; Oolonu' . 22
VJSUOAH Per pal. IS&'JOc.
FISH Salt Dried codlish ,
but , 12c ; scaled herring , 25c per box ; hol-
: ierring , dom. 50c ; Hamburg spiced herring ,
S1.00C' < )1 ) 10 ; hoi. herring , 70c ; mackerel ,
blf bbls , No. 1 , $13.03 : largo family ,
$12.50 per 100 Ibs ; whitoilsh , No. 1 , 57.25 ;
Tamily , $3.00 ; trout $5.00 ; salmon , 8S.OO ; an-
chovis , 10-lb pails , SUc.
NUTS Almonds , lOSISc ; Brazils , On ; fil
berts , 12c ; pecans , K'c ' ; walnuts , lOe ; peanut
cocks , Oc ; roasted , lOc.
B tos American A , seamless , I7c ; Union
Square paper , discount , 33 per cent.
CorrnES Green Fancy old golden Hio ,
27c ; fancy old poabcrry , 33u ; Hio , uhoico to
fancy , 2 e ; Ulo , prime , 21c ; Illo , peed , 17c ;
Mocha , 2Uc ; Juvu , fancy Mahdehling , 29c ;
Java , good interior. 24c.
CoFrcns Roasted Arbucldo , 24J c ; Mc-
Lautrhlin's XXXX. 2VicGorman \ , 21 > e ;
Dlllwarth , 34 o ; Alnromn. 24c.
CHAC-KKUS AND CAKUS 03 ( Wl8o per Ib.
DIIIUU Fuuirs Per Ib , apricots , 10@15c.
Auples , Mich. , 4'Vc ; stars , 5 c ; Aldens , 0 %
C < 8c. Poaches , Ual. Y. , pueled , 17@30o ;
fancy impeded , ll ( 13c : sun dried. 7 c ;
ult Lake , Oc. Prunes , Cul. H. C. 7X@10&c.
Currents , S'ffi'c ; Turkish prunes , -JJ c. Cit
ron peel , yiic. Lemon peel , 14c. Dntes ,
7c. Figs , 0@10c. Kasms , Malaga buach ,
do'iesas , $3.00 per box ; Valoucias , per Ib ,
7J < Jc ; Gal. G & S , $2. 10 per box. Dried grapes ,
5c. Blackberries , 5 > e. Pitted cherries , ICiiJc ;
jiitted plums , 06 llc. Uas berrles , 22) ) < c.
Nectarines. 13@14c.
CAXXED FISH Brook trout , 3 Ib , $2.50 ;
salmon trout , 2 Ib , $2.35 ; clams , 1 Ib , S1.25 ;
clams , 2 Ib , J'J.OO ; clam chowder , 3 Ib , $2.23 ;
devilled crabs , 1 Ib , $2.23 ; devilled crabs , 2
Ib. 83.50 ; codlish balls , 2 Ib , $1.75 ; caviar , K
Ib , $2.23 ; ccla , 1 Ib. $3.25 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $2.00 :
lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.00 : lobsters , devilled X Ib ,
$2.23 ; mackerel , 1 Ib , 61.00 ; mackerel mus
tard sauce , 3 Ib , ? 2.00 ; mackerel tomato
sauce , 3 Ib , $2.90 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 85c ; oysters ,
2 Ib , $1.50 ; salmon , C. It. , 1 Ib , $3.10 ; salmon ,
C. H. , 2 Ib. $3.10 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.85 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
CANDY 9J ( S > 12Xo per Ib ,
CHOCOLATE AM > COCOA 23@89o per Ib ;
German chlckory red. 8c.
Gixocu Jamaica , } { pts. , $3.00 per doz.
FAHIXACEOUS Goons Barley , 3@3o ; far
ina , 4Kc ; peas , 3c ; oatmeal , ! J@1 } < | 0 ; mnoa-
roni , H.HC ; vormiccli , llj c ; rice , 4'
snpo nnd tapioca ,
Dry GooilH.
BA.TTS Standard , So1 Gem , lOc : Beauty ,
12)4u ; Boone , llo ; B , crtsod , ? 0.50.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis
LL , unbleached , 5J4o ; CO , OJ c ; SS , 75'
j , oyf ; GG , 0c ; XX , JOK" ; OO ,
NN , 12) ) < o ; AA , 14o ; DD , I5)4o ) ; TT , . . .
YY , iSo ; BU , lOo ; 20 blenched , 8) ) o ; 00 ,
12)tfo ; 80 , 13)4u ; 50 browniund slate , Uc ; 70 ,
12)4c ; 00 , lOc.
CAiti'CT WAKP Bibb White , lOo ; colored ,
22o. * n
CIHSII Stnvons'B , fi)4o ; Stevens'A , 7o ;
bleached , 80 ; Stevens' p , i7&c ; bleached ,
8Kc ; Stevens' N , 8J4m bleached , OJ c ;
Slovens'BUT , ll)4c. '
OAMiiitica Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5oj Stan
dard , 5o ; Peacock , 5o. '
COIISKT JKANS Boston. ' 7j > ( o ; Androscog-
gln , 7Jfo ; Kcarsngo , 1 i \ Kockport , 0o ;
Concstoga , fl)4c. r .
DUCK West Point. 2p'ln. ' 8 oz , 0 > o ; do , 20
in lOoz , 12) c ; do , 0 lnM3oz , lB)4oi Uo , 40
n , . * \1 oz , lOc.
DESIMS Amoskeag , 0 oz , 10' ' c ; iSvorott , 7
oz , 18o ; York , 7 oz , KJo ; Hiiymukor , 8Koi
JatTroy XX , ll o ; Jarfroy XXX , 12Ko ;
Beaver Creek A A , 12o ; Beaver Crook , BU ,
llo ; Beaver Crook CC , lOc.
FLANNELS White , G. H. No. 2. } { , Kyto\ \
O. II. No. 1 , f , 2U > < o ; B. H. No. 'i. % 22Uoi
B. H. No. 1 , > { o , 80o ; Quecheo No , 1 , } { , 42oi
Quechco No. 2 , % . 37 > < fo ; Quecheo No. 8 , % ,
32Koj Anawan , 32 o ; Windsor. 22He.
FLAXNELS-Hod , 0 , 24 Inch. 15 > io ; E , 1\ \
Inch. 2Hfc ; G G 2 * Inch , 20cH ; | A F , X , 25oi
JUF , 37oO.Jf,85c
FLANNEL Plaid , liaftsraan , 20c ; Goalien ,
32Ko ; Clear Lake , 30 > o ; Iron Mountain ,
GINOHAM Plunkott checks , OJi'e ; Whit-
tcnton , OJfo ; York , 7Jo } ; Normandi dress
! 4c\ \ Calcutta dress , TVc ; Whittcnton dress
7 o ; Henfrow dress , 8X@12Kc-
KENTUCKY JEANS Mumorial , 15c ; Stand
point. 18o ; Durham , 27Ko. Hercules , 18o
Leamington , 22Kci Glonwood , 20o ; Molvlllo
PUISTS Dress Charter Oak , 5) ) 0 ; Ila
mapp,4o ; Lodi , 5 o ; Alluu , 60 ; Hichuond
Co ; Windsor , fiJity Eddystono , 0 cj Fnciflo
Atlantic It , 44. 7 o ; Allontlo D. 4-4 , 0 <
Atlantic. P , 4-1 , Go ; Atlnntlo LU 44. . 0 <
Aurora C , 4-4. 4Jfc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , Ojfo !
Hooslcr LL , 4-4 , 58 e ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7Jfci
Lawrence LL , 44 , 5ic ; Old Dominion 4-4 ,
6J < c , Pooporell H , 4-4 , O'fo ; Pepporcll E , 40
inch , 7.4o ; Poiiporoll 8 4 , 17e ; Pepporell " <
20c ; Pepporell 104 , 22o ; Uticu C , 4-4. 4J/OJ
Wnchusott , 4-4. 7 < c : Aurora H. 4-4 , to !
Aurora B , 44 ,
SIIIIITIXO CHUCKS Caledonia X , OKc , Cnl. .
cdonla XX , lO o ; Economy flo : Otis He ;
Cordls No. 5 , O cf Cordls No. 4. lO c.
MISCILLAXKOUS : Ti\blo oil cloth , J2.23
tublo ull cloth , marble , $2.23 ; pUrin Holland
O o ; Dado Holland , 12Kc.
Atct lo.
Dloek Tin Eng. rof'e , small pig , 2So ; bar ,
Copper Planished bollor sizes , 33e ; cold
rolled , 30o ; sheathing , ! )0c ) ; pitls , KOo ; flats.
Galvanized Sheet Iron Junlata , discount ,
00 per cent.
Patent Planished Iron No. 24 to 27 , A
quality , per Ib , 10 } c ; No. 2-1 to 27 , H quality ,
Oiffo. For less than bundle ndd c per Ib.
SIIECT Iiiox No. 20 , $3.40 ; No. 27 , $3.5(1. (
SOI.DEU Hoyt Motnl Co.'s half and half In
1 ib cases , per Ib , Kicj commercial half and
hall , 15c ; No. 1 in onra , I4c.
TIN PiATr.-Bcst ( Charcoal ) 1C , 10x11 ,
223. sheets , $0.50 ; IX , 10x14 223 sheets ,
$8.25 ; 1C , 12x12 , 225 sheets , $0.50 ; IX , 12x12 ,
233 sheets. $8.25 ; 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $0.50 ;
IX , 11x20 , 112 sheets , $8.25 ; 1XX , 14x20 , 113
sheets , $10.00 : 1XXX , 14x20 , 112 sheets ,
$11.7o ; 1C , 2.x28 , 112 sheets , $13.50 ; IX , 2.x23 ,
112sheotsl7.00IXX ; , 2x28 , llSsheels , $20.50.
COKE 1C , 10x14,223 sheets , $0.00 ; 1C , 14x20 ,
112 sheets , $ ( ! .00 ; 1C. 10x20 , 223 sheets. $0.50.
KonriNci ( Best Charcoal ) 20x28 , $0.75 ®
STKEL NAILS Base , $2.20 ; steel wlro nails ,
base , $2.GO. pig , 4o : bar , -IJ < fc.
B\iin WiKE Painted , ? 3.25 ; galvntilzcd ,
Drugs nnil Chemicals.
ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , 2 e ; citric
per Ib , 51o : oxalic , per Ib. I4c : tartarlc , pow
dered , per ID , 43c ; carbolic , 3S@45c.
ALUM Per Ib , 2 > fo.
AMMONIA Curb , per Ib , ll e.
UALSAM Copaiba , per Ib , 03o ; tolu , 526D
BotlAX Kcflncd , per Ib , OJ c.
CALOMEL Am. , per Ib , 82c.
Cunnii Biiiitns : $1.50.
CiNiiiAitiiiEs 875fll.G5. ( )
CIILOHOFOHM Per Ib , 41 < ' .
CoUHos.iviSuiu.i.MATi : Per Ib , 75c.
Citn\M TAKTAH Pure , per Ib , 2e. ! )
K.VTHACT LOGWOOD Bulk , per Ib , 12JJC.
EitooT 15c.
GU.M Auvine r > 'J ' ( ( 93c.
GLYCKIIIXI : Bulk , per Ib , 22c.
GUM Asftctida , per Ib , 14c ; camphor , per
Ib , olio ; opium , perlb , $3.33.
IODINE Hesublimatod , per ounce , $3.05.
LEAVES Uuehu , short , | icr Ib , 13c ; senna
Alex. , per Ib. . 25@33c.
Moui'iiiA Sulph , per oz , $2.80.
POTVSS Bromide , per Ib , 37c ; Iodine , per
Ib , $2.83.
Quixi t Sulph , per Ib 37S4Gc. (
SEEDS Canary , per Ib , 4j'c.
So M-S Castile , mottled , per Ib , 8610o ;
castile , white , per Ib. 136j > 15c.
SriitiTS NITUE Sweet , per 11) . 30c.
STUYCIINI A Crystals , $1.00G$1.15.
StiLi'ii , CINCHONA. Per oz , 0@l4o.
TAWOCA Per Ib , lie.
TONKA BEAN ! > -1.70i1.75. (
Linmbcr. Ijiuic , Etc.
Dimensions and Timbers
12 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft. 18 ft. 20ft. 23 ft. 24 ft.
2x4. . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.0(1 ( 18.00 19.00
2x0. . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 10.00
2x8. . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 11)00 18.00 10.00
2x10. . 15.00 1500 13.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 10.00
2x12. . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 10.00
8x8. 10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 18.00 10.00
FEXC'iNO No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft ,
rough , $10.00@10.50 ; No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 10
feet , S17.00@17.50 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 12
and 14 loot , sl3.50@14.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch ,
10 feet , $ ! 5.00@10.00.
F1X1-4IHXO 1st nd 2nd clear , l' < f inch s 2
s , $ IO.OO50.00 ( ) ; t nnd 2nd clear , 1 % and 2
inch , B 2 s , S47.00@49.GO : 3rd , clear , IX
inch , s 2 s , $43.CO-i5.00 ; 3rd , clear , 1J < ? and
2 inch , s 2 s , $43.00u)40.0 ( ) ( ) ' , B select , 1 , } ,
and 2 inch , s 2 s , $ y7.00S3S.CO ( ; 1st ami 2nd ,
clear , 1 inch , s 2s15.00 ; 3rd , clear , 1 inch ,
s 2 s , $50.00 ; A select , 1 inch , s 8 s , $33.00 ;
B select , 1 inch , 32s , S30.00.
STOCK UOAKIIS A 12 in , sis 12 , 14 and 10
feet , S4iOO ( ; B 12 in , s 1 s 12,14 and 10 feet ,
$41.00 ; C 12 in , s 1 s , 12 , 14 and 10 feet , $35.00 ;
D 12 in , s 1 s , 12 , 14 and 10 feet , $23.00 ; No. 1
com , 12 in , s 1 s , 12 feet , $18.00 ; No. 1 com ,
12 in , s 1 s , 14 and 10 feet , $17.50@18.DO ; No.
1 com , 12 in , Bis , 10 , IS and 20 leet , SIM ) ;
No. 2 coin , 12 in. s 1 B , 14 and 10 feet , $17.00.
Flooring 1st com 0 Inch white pmo , $33.00 ;
2d com 0 inch white pine , $31.00 ; 3d com (5 (
inch white pine , $20.00 ; D com 0 inch white
[ ) Ine. $20.00 ; com 4 add 0 Inch yellow pine ,
$13.00 ; Star 4 inch yellow pine , 817.00 ; 1st
and 2d clear vclloyv plno , 4 und 0 inch , $19.00.
LIME , ETC. Quiney white lime ( bcstSOc ) ;
English and Gorman Portland cement , $3 45 ;
Milwaukee nnd Louisville , * l.30 ; Michigan
plaster , $2.25 ; Fort Dodjio plaster , $2.10 ;
Blue Rapid plaster. $1,00 ; hair , 20o : sash , (15 (
| ) or ct dis ; doors , blinds , mouldimrs , 55 perct
dis ; tarred felt , per cwt , J3.00 ; straw board ,
per cwt , $1.00.
Poi'LAii i.uMiiEii Clear poplar box bds , %
In , B"F , $31,00 ; clear poplar In panel ,
$3'J.OO ' ; clear poplar % In panel , $25.00 ; clear
poplar } in panel stock wide , B 8 Js , $28.00 ;
clear poplar corrugated ceiling , % , $30.00.
POSTS Wlntocedar , 0 inch , halves , 12c ;
white cedar , 5J < inch , halves and 8 inch q'ra ,
Ho ; white cedar , 4 inch , round , lOo ; Tenno j
see rod cedar , split , lOc ; split oak , ( white )
80 ; sawed oak , Ibc.
SHINOLES , Lu'ii , Pint M. XX clear , $3.15 ;
extra * A * , 83.80 ; standard A , $2.150 ; o-inch ,
clear , 81.00611.70 ; 0-inch , clear , 81.70&11.SO ;
No. 1,81.10.13 ! ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territory , $3.40 ;
California redwood , dimension widths.1,50 ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ;
lath , $2.50.
white plno partition , $32.00 ; 2nd com , } { in ,
white pmo partition , $27.0U ; clear % in , yel
low pine coiling , $20.01) ) ; clear % In , Norway ,
$14.50 ; 2nd com , % In , Norway. $13.00.
BOAHDS No. 1 com. s , 1 s. 12 , 14 nnd 1(1 ( ft ,
$18.00 ; No. 2 com. s. 1 B. 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$10.50 ; No. 3 com. s. 1 B. 12 , 11 and 10 ft ,
$14.50 ; No. 4 com. s. 1 s. 13 , 14 and 1(1 ( ft ,
( shipping cull ) $11.00. Add 50 cents per M.
ft for rough.
G. Baits , 2Jtf inch , flOe : O. O. Bntts , > tfx3
SIS , 35i3 ; 3 in well tubing , D. & M. and Bov. ,
$23,00 ; Pickets , D. & H. Hat ; $30.00 ; Pickets ,
D. ii II. square , f 10.00.
Provisions i Slocks
Basement First National Bank ,
5O5 Buullilitlli Slrout , . Omulin
Wo ( leal In I.iin.l AVi.rninU nnil Scrip ,
Applicable to ( luvrrmnejtt Lam ) , anil Transact a
lEeirulal * lluiiklui ; lluilueu. , .
Corrvspomlcncu Hollclti'd.
Turned l > y
Cities , Counties , School Districts , Water Coin
panics , &c. We are in Hie market for tlx
purchaie of round amount * of bitch bouds.
Correspondence solicited.
N. W , HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
113-117 Monrou Street , CHICAGO.
BO Devonshire fitreot , QOSTOM.
Amsterdam , Ilollniul.
Tr n ct n banking tm tn < . Socnrltlot
bonRht iinil folil on commls lon. KorelKn cictanngo * .
CommerclAl nml ti tclcr' letters ot crcillt.
Onlct for bond nml tock etccntol un comml-
Men In Ixiiulon nml on nil Conllnonlnl llouncs of
Nrcotlntlons of lUMwar , Stntn , Cltr nn t Corporv
lion Ixmn n pcrl ltT
Capital . 8100,00)
Surplus Jan. 1st , 18S9 . 52.00J
HKNHY W. YATKS , 1'resUlent.
LKW1S S. UHU1) . Vlco President ,
W. H , S HUOIIKS. Owblnr
Comer liitli nnd Farnam StJ.
A General llnnklui ; linslnosvrrausacto.l.
Bucccsiora to llcol.Joiic'.t Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Slices
ABi'Qte for llotton Uubbcr Shoe Co , 11(12 ( , 1101 nnd 11M
ll&riiojr Hlteet , Umalm ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
ISl North Kliilitecatli ttroot , Oiimlm , Ntft.
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window-cops nnd inrlnlln fkyl ulilt. .lolm Kiionctcr.
proprietor. 108 utid HUbniilu lUlh street.
' _ _
llanufncturers of
1M , Office and Saloon Ilxtnres ,
Mnntles , Sldobonntt , Hook CB C % Dritn Futures , Wail
TUKPS , I'nrlltlons , Uallluzs.CountoM. llcernnd Win *
Coolers. Mirrors , KlcKncturj und onlce , 173U nnd Ka
South Utb Bt. , Umalia. Tyleplione 112) . _
Proprietor Omana Paper Box Factory ,
Nui. 1317 ailil 1319 DoiiKlan Jlroct , Om hnNob.
_ Sash , Doors , Etc.
AT. A. DteBiiow A co. ,
Wliolf * iile manufacturers of
Sasli , Doors , Blinfls and Monlvgi ,
Branch office. 12th nnd Itard Mrcol Omulm , Neb.
Maniif ° ctiirers of Sash , BOOK , Blinds ,
Moulding' , ttntr-\rnr < nnd interior wood ( Inleb ,
N.K. coruorSlh nnd IrfiivonHf rth strecu ,
Omtttia , Nob.
Pnmps , Pipes anil Enaines ,
fitc&to , wRtcr , rnllfrnv nml lulntnc supplies. et&
Iia ) . ! nndii2i fnniam street ; Oruiilin.
Steam and Wato : Supplies ,
wind mills. 013 nnd IZUones St. , omah .
O. P. ll s , acti
& CO ,
Engines , Boilers and General Hecfiinery ,
Sbcetrlron woik , eu < nm pumps , BHW mills. 1213-1211
I.cin onworth tucct , Omnba.
Iron Works.
Carter &fron , I'rop's. Jliinufiicturcrs ot nil kind ?
Steam Boiler Tanks and Sheet Iron Work
_ Work Soutli aoth amlH. _ .t Sl. croaslug Tol. 1415
Wrought and Cast Iron Bui ding fort
Engine ? , brass work , Kcncral foundry , mnclilno and
blacksmith wtirk. Ullico nndrnri , U. 1 * . Ity.
nud nth street , Ouialia.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk mils , window gunrils , flower BUuuK nlre nlgni ,
etc. I'U North lotu ttrcot , Omalia.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaults jnll work , Iron nbutters and llio escapes.
U. Aridrocn , prop'r. Cur. 14th nnd Jackson Sis.
( Omaha , Limited ,
.lolin ! ' . llu.vil , Siilurlntun Unt.
- THR -
Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' ,
Tlio Itcst Ilouto from Oumlm nnd Council
UIulls to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Itaplds ,
Itock Island , Frceport ] KocJtford ,
Clinton , Dubiiqiic , Davenport ,
Elgin , Mmilson , JmiesUlle ,
Itelolt , Winomi , LuCrossc ,
And all otbor Important points Kmt , Northeast Bar )
I'or tbrotisli tickets , call nn the ticket nir nt at 1001
I'nrrmm BUtt'l , In llurkur lllocH.or at Union 1'uclllo
'uliuitn t-lcepcri and tlio llnoat Dining Cnrs In the
world are run on the main line of the cmciiico , Mil
waukee & ht. 1'Hiil itallwur , nnil every attention l
imlii to imtBoncurn by courteuun omployoa of to *
H. Ml I , I.KH , General Manager.
J. H. TUOKKH. AMUtantUcuerol MnnnEor.
A. V. U. UAlll'ttNTKIl , ( ivaural 1'noJunKcr and
Ticket Ak'otit.
Kisn. I ! . IIISAPKOKU , Assistant Cenornll'ametJior
end Ticket Aient.
T. J.CLAKIC. ( Jenerai Superintendent.
To Ilr'clijo
PROPOSITIONS for ( ho conHtructlon of two
Ju brhlgiM Houtlium clmuneU of thu
1'latto liver In Alfxis T < miialili > , In llutler
County , Nob. , will bo received by tlio Horn il of
HunorvlBors of llutlor County. Nob. , nald
brulgcB to 1)0 of dimensions aa followx : Ono
lill feet lorn. , with Id-foot oiiproiicli nt one end.
Ono brlilgo " 74 foot long , wJui 18-foot approach
nt ono uui ] und 10-foot nnproncli nt tlio other.
HiUil bridges to be built of hiird plnu , not on oulc
All lldn must bo Accompanied with plant * and
upoclllcatloiiB of tha work to ba done. Jlidilera
must submit their blda on tlio two bi lilies eep-
uratoly , BO that tlio proposition of any bidder
may bo accepted as to ono brldca nnd rejected
BB to the other if the board should so dotornilno.
The bonul ronervcH the right to reject any and
nil bid * . All proposition ) ) must bo In on or
befoiethe llth diiv of July , IBS'J.
JatrU thlH > . ' 'lth ilay of JIny , 188J.
ly ) order of the Hoard of Supervisors of llntlor
( 'otiuty , Noli.
JUS-HKM 1 . 0. HuvNOWS , County Clor k.
Notice to Itenl KHtnta Airents , Lot 21 , block
4. In IIiiHcalli. fnlxllvlsoii IIIHIK : . C , T. 11. It. 1) ) ,
lu DoiiKlas I'iiunty Nob. , la hori-by wlthdruwij
from the mnrkot , i' , 1) . MATTUOII ,
Omalia , Juna llth 188 ! > . , Owner ,
June Hd Jit
Notice to Contractors and BuUders.
Healed 1'Uls will bo recolvfd for thu constrtl&
tlon of a frame dwelling. I'luns und tpuclllua
tloiiH at my olllro o\ei HC Douglas Bt. 'll
rliihttorofuBoanv unO. U bids rosorvcd ,
J-ll-d-Ut * 0(1 , J''StM'H fl'KV JI.LU.
Anrlculltirnl ImplomontB.
CUUltcntLL I'AllICEtt ,
Dealeriii Agricultural Implements , Wagons
Carriage * and tuccle' . Jnne * utrcct , between Pth and
Kith , Omaha. Ncbra < ka.
Agricnlt' ' Implements , Wagons , Carriages
' - - ' .o. Wholc'alc. OmaliaNebraska.
Wholesale Dcnlernln
AgiicnltnralIuipleiiientsWagons&Bngglei ,
s itroot , Omnha.
MOLINK , MlLllUlttfA SI ODDARD c6t \ \
uanufactnror * ami Jobbers In | l
Wagons , Buggies , Rate , Plows Eta 1
Cor.Vth nd 1'adnc Mreots , Omahfc. , ,
' .1
Artleta' rflntorlla.
A. iiosi'E , 'ji\t
Artists1 Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
UU Dougtu itr el Om h , Rebrmk * .
Boots and Shooo.
W. r. MORSE A CO. ;
Jotters of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,1101,1105 Dnualai street. Omaha. Manufactory.
Summer uroot , lloMon.
_ a Coot , Coke nnd Llmq.
Jobbers of Hard and Sod Coal ,
300South ISth utrt'Ct , Omnha. Nebraska.
Ships of Coal a Ml Coke ,
811 South 13th SUOmabn , Neb.
( ( ill 1JJ * * * * * iiv * * * VMCij\Jt f
' D ET A ltlD iELL ' ' ]
Storage and Commiision Merclianls ,
M. E. SMITJI A co. ,
Dry Goods , Furnisniiig Goods anfl Notions
lift ) and 1101 OouglM. cor , llth itrotl.Unnlin , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goofls.Notions .
CJ nU' furnlikliiK Roods. Corner lllh nnd Ilarntr
alreelj , Omatin , Nobraika.
Importers and jobhcn of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
217 Eoutli 1Mb itrect.
Wholesale Dealers in Farnitiire '
Karnnm ttreet , Omalin , Nebrntka.
Furniture , 4
Crania Nabraska. .v
Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions , \
705.707,703 nnd 711 Pouth 10th ct. , Onmlia , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers' |
13th and J.envemvorth itrccts , Omaha , Nebratka.
Hardware -
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , -
Springs , waccon stock , Imrdnaro , lumber , cto. 1309
anil 1211 ltuncy ) cireet , Omnba.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plato ,
Metals , sheet Iron. etc. Ai'cnf. fat llowo scales.
Mlnrul powilvrnnd I.ymnu bnrbod wlro ,
Bnild rs' ' lla dv/are / and Scale RenairSliop ,
liecbunlcs * tools nnd Murrain pcnlca. 1405 Douetoi
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ fetroett Oiuiitin .j nb .
WiSTLuinto , Etc ,
Jmrorlcil anil AinuriiMii l uul.uM cumunt. it it
niicnt for Alllwnukco li > ilraiillo ucmunt mU
0 > lnty ivlilto hue.
Dealer in HardY/ooil / Lmnlier ,
\Too4 carpets nnd pnrquot flooring. 9th and I > iuglu
streets , Omiitin , Neb.
OMyfLA'LUMTlEn ( JO. ,
IBth Etroot and Union l'uclfloTri > ckOmabi > ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , BU : , Yards-Cornci 7th nud Llouulus. Corner
1'Jth und DouKluri
Lnmter , Liniu Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Cth and Pounlas 81s. . Omaha.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and L'ullfornlu Streets , Ouiahn , Nebraska.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
_ aa , 210 and mfontli lltli street.
' Motions. _
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
torn 'i l-tli uuii llo.vard htrooti , uiualju ,
Jolln-s ) of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fane/ Goods ,
Iloiihu tiirnihlil , ! K'1' " ' ' ' . ' hilihii'H :
Sltl'i ' I in u I'Htrcet ( Imnlm N"l .
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo re io , etc. . Omalia. A. H. IllBliop , Manager ,
_ Pa por. _
Wholesale Pauer Dealers ,
Carrr a alco stock of prlntlne. wrapping anil Trttlng
paper. , HPMI * | mention. gUcn to car load ordon.
TdlC'iu I ) ] )
On or about March I'th , Roan Blccr , xvllli Mhlt
Ji-12-)9-rf-Jy.i' ) Florence , lioutilut U' . , N U.