Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1889, Page 2, Image 2
THREE GREAT GENERALS , Portraits to Adorn the Moss Hall ot Wont Point. GRANT , SHERMAN AND SHERIDAN The Gift ol Gcorco W. Chihltt to the National Military Aontlemy How They Cnmo to Ho rnlntctl. JllnJory of tlio 1'orfrnlt ? . \Vr.9T POINT , N. Y Juno 12. [ Special to 'Jnu llnn.J In connection with the presenta tion by Mr. George W. Cbllds of the three portraits of Grant , Sherman nnd Sheridan , to the United States military academy , Major iTohn M. Carson , Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger , who represents Mr. Childn , furnished Titr.Ur.ueorrespondent the following Interesting history ! The creation of Iho portraits of Generals Grant , Sherman and Sheridan , to bo hung in t ho cndot moss hall now known as Grant lmll ut the United Suites military academy , West Point , was begun about throe years ago. 'jho original purpose was confined to n portrait trait of Grant. The portraits of Sherman and Sheridan sprang from this purpose , and , consldcring ho relations of Mr. Gcorgo W. Childs. to whoso patriotism nnd liberality the military academy Is indebted for these portraits , with those three military chief- taiiiB , the Sherman and Sheridan paintings were nn easy nnd logical outgrowth. The scheme from which these three valuable paintings cmcnutcd was evolved from u com paratively unlmportan Incident. About four years > ngo , with that skill and ingenuity which has. made him famous in the manage ment of the cadet uie&s , Captain William P. Spurgin , treasurer nnd commissary of ca dets , succeeded in giving the mess hall n now floor nnd having its walls brightened with fresh fresco. Captain Spurgin next conceived the idea of making the hall still moro attractive by hang ing pictures and portraits upon the walls. When these were hung in the mess hall n new Idea -was suggested to Captain Spurgin , nnd ho concluded thnt it would bo most ap jiropriatii to collect for the hail portraits nnd photographs of the distinguished graduates of the academy. It was naturally thought tnnt the dally presence with the cadets of these exemplars of the academy could not fall to exercise a wholesome Influence upon the corps. They would furnish cadets , when nt meals , suggestions for thought and con versation , nnd those who occupied seats at tables once occupied by Grant , Sherman , Sheridan , Thomas , Mcado and other emi nent graduates , ns they looked Upon the portraits traits , would bo encouraged to emulate the lives of these great chieftains. In addition to this , it was thought that such a gallery might bo collected through relatives and friends , without expense to the government or the academy. During ono of my periodical visits to the n c.i do my Captain Spurgin outlined bis scheme , nnd said ho would like to obtain n good picture of General Grunt. It was sug gested that Mr. George W. Childs had sev eral good largo-sized photographs of Grant , nnd would doubtless bo glad to contribute ono of them for this use. Captain Spurgin wrote Mr. Childs , who agreed to comply with the request made. Shortly thereafter Mr. Childs mentioned this mutter to Mrs. U. b. Grant , who said that she would like , above nil things , to have a good likeness of the general at the military academy , for which no always entertained a feeling of admira tion and love. Some years prior to this Mr. Childs had Loutzo , who painted "Westward the Course of Empire'1 upon the wall of the west stairway to the gallery of the house of representatives , paint a poi trait of General Grant , and suggested that the Loutzo painting bo appropriated for the cadet moss hall. The Leut70 portrait was nov liked by Mrs. Grant , and she did not , therefore , care to have it used for this pur pose. Mr. Childs then said he would hnvo a portrait of the general made for West Point , from uny picture ) Mrs. Grant might select. The photograph maUo by Gutekunst , of Phil- udolphm , in lb ( > 5 , wns selected by Airs. Grant , nnd Mrs. Darrugh , of Philadelphia , was commissioned to paint a portrait from it. The general stood for this photograph , and it is regarded by his family and most inti mate friends ns the most correct likeness of the general , as ho appeared nt tlio close ol the war. When the photograph was taken General Grant were upon his left arm a badge of mourning for President Lin coln. This emblem of mourning does not appear in the painting. To many of those who knew General Grant after ho became president , the Uarragh portrait Is not considered good , but by the family of the gonoval , and those fvlio were intimate with bun during and Im- iiu'diatoly after the war , it is regarded as a faithful likeness and nn excellent portrait. It was sent to the academy In May , 1887 , and hung on the north wall of the cadet mess hull. General Merritt , "in honor of the great graduate of the academy , whoso portrait trait , a present to the academy from Mr. George W. Childs , sanctifies the hall as n gallery for the portraits of graduates , " Issued an order directing that thcrcuf tor the cndot din Ing-hull should bo known olllclally ns "Grant hull. " In June , 1857 , n few days after the Grant 'portrait had been hung , Mr. Guilds visited the military academy as n member of the board of visitors , upon which occasion I accompanied him. General Sheridan also visited the academy at that tiuiu in nis olll- olal capacity as lioutonunt-goueral com manding the army , and it proved to bo his last visit to the institution. In company with Mr. Childs , General Sheridan visited the dining hall to inspect the Grant pprtiait , und during this inspection Mr. Cliilils said to the General , iu his quick but cticerfut man ner in conversation , "General , if I outlive you I will Imvo your portrait painted und Lung there beside that of Grant. " Sheridan responded : "Mr. Childs. if you Intend to hnvo painted a portrait of me 1 would llko to sou it before It is hung In this hall. " "All right , " said Mr. Childsj "you shall lee it. I would prefer to have you painted 'while living. " After further conversation about the Grunt portrait , thu two gentlemen loft the hall and walked to the house of the superin tendent , General Merritt , at which Sheridan was a guest. Mr. Childs proceeded to the West Point hotel , Sheridan arrived ut the Point that morning , and was to review the borps of cadota In the afternoon , and , as it was near the hour lixcd for thu paradu when General Merritt's IIOUBO was reached , hu ivcnt directly to lib room to don his uniform , While thus engaged ho sent u mcssagn to Mr. Childs. asking that gentleman to join him before "parade , " and , nt the same time , Invited the board of visitors , through dr. Chillis , who WUH president of the board , o attend him during the ceremonies of inrudu and review. When Mr. Childs joined the general on liu porch o ! the superintendent's house , the utter said : "Mr. Childs , while putting on ny uniform. I could not help musing about lur conversation In the moss hall , If you ire iu earnest about painting my portrait for iho academy , I want to bo painted from 4fo. " "I am la earnest , " replied Mr. Childs. "Tlut portrait Hhall bo painted , upon one condition It must please Mrs. Shorldon. 1 think It would bo n good Idea to paint Sher man also , and to bung him on the onu stdo of lirant and you on the other , " ( " 4'hut certainly would be a generous net upon your part , " said Sheridan , "and one tvhloli would bo appreciated by Sherman nnd myself. I would rather have you do this lervlce than uny other man , because no man uould do it with so much propriety , The rnlatlousi between Grant nnd you wore bound by strong tics of mutual affections. Those bctnccn you , Sherman and myself have been most intimate. We have all been k'tiests nt the same tlmo , and many times , at your house. You have como to know us Letter than other men know us. Giant , Fhcrman und myself were closely connected with the suppression of thu rebellion , United thus In our lives , we should be placed together IUUT. returned ns it were to the academy from which wo started out in the nmrnlng of life as second lieutenants. A cclutcd as you have uecu with us , you uro the very man to keep us united uftci "All rfcht , general , " said Mr. Childs , "Tim portraits shall bo painted und bung In MIV.S hall. Now select your artist. " When Mr. Childs spoke to General Shcri dan In thn incus hall about painting his portrait trait , thu latter did not think that Mr. Chllda wua eriou . I happen to know that Mr , Chlhls formed thn determination to add the furtruitv of bhorumu and Uburldan to hit contribution before"hU visit to the -ncndomy. I Informed General ShoHdan of this fact upon1 hl return to Washington' from West Point during n eonvirsfitlon in which ho re lated to mo what I have stated touching his conversation with Mr. Childs nt the acad emy , nnd also the conversation between Childs , Sheridan and Sherman in relation to paintlngn portrait of the last named. Shortly after the conversation between Childs and Sheridan , on the porch of the superintendent's house , tno batlalllon was formed on the parade ground. General Sheridan , accompanied by the superinten dent nnd stall ami the board of visitors , had passed down the front tuid up the roar of the battallion , with its well nllgnod nnd rigid ranks , In which ho had once stood as a cad ot , and had taken his plnco at the point desig nated Jor the roviowlhe ofiiecr , when Gen eral Sherman rode up from Cranston's hotel , located about n mile ttouth of the reserva tion , Sherman remained in his carriage , which was drawn up In front of the parade ground nnd In n line directly in rear of the reviewing officer. As the corns passed In common , nnd subsequently In double time , Sherman stood up and watched , with old-timo eagerness nnd pride , the columns of gray -and White until they wheeled Into n faultless' line , tendered the final snluto to the reviewing oftlcor , hoard the cadet adjutant announce "parade is dls- ' missed , " nnd saw the companies move , to , lively music , to the cadet barracks. Then ho nllghtcdJ'rom the carriage , pushed through the crowd thnt always fringes the parade ground upon occasions of put-ado and review , end Joined Sheridan and the other oillclals who still lingered on the gtouud. When the usual salutations nnd Introductions had been concluded , Sheridan drew Sherman ana Childs apart from crowd nnd s-ild : "Sher man , Mr. Childs Informs mo that ho intends to have portraits of you nnd mo painted , to hang bosldo thnt of Gen eral Grant In the mess hall. Ho pro posed to wait until wo die , out I Insisted that the paintings bo made before wo die , so we may sea how the artist executes us. lie has agreed to do this , and I told him ho is the ono man who can and should do it. " Sherman expressed great gratification with this. "Childs , " salil ho , "that Is n good Idea. 1 think it will'bo admitted , and I can say it without suspicion of egotism , that Grant , Sheridan and myself were the three central military figures of the war , and I would lllro that wo should go down to posterity together. Besides , I agree with Sheridan that the schema can bo better , nnd with greater pro priety , carried out by you than Dy nny other mnn. " "Well , It is nil understood nnd settled , " said Mr. Chilas. "I have told Sheridan to select his artist , and I now repeat that order to you. " When it was publlclv announced that Mr. Clillds was to have three portraits pamtou the two generals were overrun with letters from nrtists soliciting the -work. In Sheri dan's case the applications were so numer ous as to become annoying , and upon his re quest n paragraph was published in the news papers announcing that ho had selected an artist. It was Mr. Childs' desire to huvo the portraits finished in Llmu for the annual com mencement jn Juno , 1SSS , und by his direction I several times urged Sheridan to select an nrtist and huvo the work begun. This was not nn easy matter for him to do , but ho finally succeeded in finding an urtlst in Now York with whom bo partially arranged to paint his portrait. In the meantime he sent to Mr. Childs a largo photograph , taken about the time ho left Chicago to succeed Sherman in command of the army. It shows the general in the full uniform of his rank , and was his favorite picture. Supposing , upon receipt of the photograph , that the general intended that he should select an artist , Mr. Childs commissioned Mrs. Darragh to paint the portrait , and she proceeded with the pre liminary work , using the photograph referred to. Some time thereafter I received a letter from Mr. Childs informing mo that Mrs. Darragh would visit Washington to consult General Shoridun about giving her "sit tings , " und requesting mu to urrungo with the general for an interview. Ho was very much displeased upon being informed of the selection of Mrs. Darragh , and declared , with an exhibition of temper , that ho would not sco her. He did not believe u woman could paint a man's portrait. Finally ho cooled down and sala the woman should have a fair chance. Upon her arrival in Washington I accompimed Mrs. Darragh to the war de partment and presented her to tho. general. The lady went to the department with four nnd trembling. She had been informed that Sheridan was not pleased with her selection , that he was n choleric , ill- mannered man , and she therefore imagined that ho would bo frigid , turbulent and dis agreeable. I assured the lady that she had been given n wrong impression ubout Sheri dan that ho was quiet nnd gentlemanly in deportment , nnd that sno woula bo given n kind recaption and respectful hearing. It was plain , however , that she was not im pressed witli iny estimate of the general , and entered his ofllco with nervous appre hension , which sbo vainly strove to conceal. The general received Mrs. Darragh with the utmost kindness. A cadet of the Urst-class could not have exhibited greater suavity. The lady was made to fool ut perfect case. After considerable talk about the work in hand , Sheridan said to Mrs. Darragh : "I have an idea that you artists got your own individuality into your worlr. I have been painted by artists of several nationalities , but never by n woman. The Italian artist made mo look like n brigand ; the Frenchman made mo resemble Psnpoloon , between whom and myself there is no physt- * cal resemblance , except perhaps , in height ; the Spaniard made mo look'liko two orthieo Mexican generals whom I have met. Now , madame , " ho continued , with n twinkle in his eye. and u smile that illuminated his bronzed features , " 1 am confident you will make n peed picture , but I bog you will not make mo look like n woman. " Airs. Durragh brought her canvas to Wash ington , where the general gave her several sittings. Ho saw the portrait completed in every detail except the sabre , and was well pleased with It. A few weeks prior to nis fatal sickness ho sent for mo , and after a general talk about the portrait , which I had recently seen while visiting Philadelphia , said ho desired to have the old sabre which ho carried through the war painted In the picture , and he related to me its history. The scabbard is covered on both sides with the names of thu engagements in which the general participated , and thuir dates. The original scabbard , however , had to bo discarded during the war on account of injuries icceiveil iu action. It had been struck several times by musket balls , und bruised in three or four places by being kicked or trampled by horses. Finally a new scabbard had to bo procured , and this shows signs of hard usage , I hud the sabro forwarded to Mr. Childs. After ho was struck down by dlseaso , and before his re moval from Washington to Nonqultt , the general sent mo nn inquiry about the sabro and received the assurance that it was In Mr , ( Jliilds1 uossossloii and would bu care fully guarded. Its next arid final duty waste to rest upon Sheridan's coffin. After his death the artist changed the uniform In the portrait ftom that of lieutenant cenerul to that of general , to which rank ho succeeded by ant of congress while on his death bed , The same artist was selected to paint Sherman , but when finished members of the general's family expressed n desire to have the portrait made to represent bun as ho looked fifteen years ago. The general yielded to this desire , and the artist changed the face , using for a culdo the portrait of Sherman by Iluntington , which now hangs in the war department , and which General Sherman regards as the bast portrait over made of him , in which judgment Mrs. Sher man and the family concurred. Cnder r.nxlmito.s. Nnwnuno , N. Y. ( Juno 12. The final exor cises attending the graduation of thu first clussof cadets were hold this morning. Over a thousand people hud congregated under the trees m front of the library , where the plat form had been erected. Alter the usual pre liminary exorcises and address by Cashinan K. Davis , of the board of visitors , General Sherman gave out the diplomas. When the old warrior arose he was greeted \vlth n storm of applause. Chlol'Scavoy's Hi'port. The first annual report of Chief of Police Seavoy for the year ending JDseomber 01 , 1SSS , has just been published In neat pamph let form , Mucn of the Information contained in the report has already been published , During tlio year there were 15,513 arrests , Of these , ' ' , -3 ! were drunk , nnd 349 drunk and dUoidcrly ; 2SO cases were sent to the district court. The nativity of the 13,513 , persons nrrestod during rtho year wrss American H.M3 , German 1,100 , Irish 2.U31) , Swede BID , African 1,23' } , French 510 , Hebrew - brow -IS. Kngiish 00. Indian 18. Danish OS , Italian 1M. llohoinlun IVJ , Polish 4 , Srotrh CO , Swiss J , Welch20 , Hussion P , Canud an 0. Chinese 111. Austrian . There ttc'eumuiuied during the year unclaimed property taken from prisoners valued ftt slGO.25. Of the stolen property there was recovered nnd returned to the 'owners goods valued nt $3,783.00. Twonty-ono lost children were found and returned to their parents. Lodgings word furnished to 242 parsons , nnd medical attendance given to 1113 sick people , The chief Includes In his report n table , showing the average population In various cities to o.ieti patrolman , tis follows ! Now York C12 , Philadelphia 712 , Chicago 781 , Hos- ton 002 , St. Louis Dm , Hnltlmoro-870. Cincin nati 835. San Francisco fllO-and Otniiha 1,005. In Omnhtt there nro three patrolmen to the square mile , 23 in Chicago , GO In Now York , IU In Baltimore , 10 In. Cincinnati and S in San Francisco. "A SILilONCK THAT SPEAKS. " Graduating EvcrolRpH nt the Deaf- Mute Institute. The first graduating exorcises over held at the Nebraska Institute fdr the deaf luul dumb took plnco yesterday nfternoon in the chapel of the institute under the Immediate supervision of Superintendent Glllospfo. The novelty of the exercises was sufllclent lo nt- truct n very largo number of people from the city , nnd by the tlmo for the opening of tlm progrnmmo there was not n vacant seat In the hall. Thu commodious apartments In which the exercises took place were attrac tively decorated with flowers nnd ovorgrcen , nnd over the stage , wrought from smtlux nnd white blossoms , were the words : "A Silence thnt Speaks. " The afternoon's programme opened with a prayer by Hov. Millon , after which n quar tette rendered the "Indian Summer Tlmo" In good stylo. Miss Etta Stownrt , of South Omaha , ono of the eraduatos , followed with an essay on "Evolution , " which she spoke , while her teacher. Miss Taylor , simultaneously deliv ered it in the sign language , Miss Stewart was attired in the regulation "sweet girl graduate" costume , snowy mull , with a cluster of roses at her throat nml In lior hair. She is n very attractive girl , nnd spoke her pleeo With a considerable display ot oratorical ubllity , although her articula tion and enunciation were indistinct and Imperfect. Miss Stewart hold that man's physical development and mental power clearly prove thnt ho is not n development , but a creation. Wo must , therefore , accent the ac count which says the Divine Hut went forth nt the creation of llfo , nnd by its development the world was cov ered with living things , nnu prepared for man's habitation. Then again \vont forth the Divine flat , and man was made In the Imago of his Creator and in him the Creator breathed n part of his llfo. In nil lifo some part of God exists. This breath tnut God breathed into man Is the boul , which alone stamps man ns a special creation , and by which a man Is able to know , reverence and love his Creator. The dialogue , "Souvenirs of Institute Home , " by ono of the sign classes , consis ting of live boys nnd two girls , was an inter esting exhibition of the thoroughness of the system of instruction used nt thin institution. Mr. Mosloy , the tencncr , would ask each member of the class certain questions , which they would promptly answer by means of manual signs and nrtlelos , and In a way al most ns ofllcaoious ns they could have done It blessed with the power of speech. Nine young ladies , radiant In white robes nnd llowors , sang tno dear old "Swnneo Hiver'1 by sign , while Miss Heed presided nt the nlano and carried the air hi a very sweet soprano voice. This singing by sign Is ono of the most curious of nil tne mutes' accom plishments ; the denoting of the rise nnd fall of the human voice , nil its inflections nnd deflections - flections , its pealing sounds and dying ca dences , by graceful waves ot the hnnus and facial expression , is something that must bo seen to bo comprehended or'nppreclated. Miss Lucy Buttrick , another of the gradu ates , from Mound City , read her essay , "When My Ship Comes In , " in the sign language , being n mute. At the same time Prof. Taylor read the composition , timing his words to the graceful gesticulations and motions of the fair girl upon the platform. The closing paragraph of the essay was in substance something us follows : "Not at home could I sit "waiting for my ship to come in , but with mv hand on the helm of the staunch little craft I would sail the sea of life , and over storms , dead calms and discouragements , Dring my ship through successfully into port. And all the. bolls of heaven sha'l ring when my ship comes bravely In. " The art work by a class of four girls and three boys was another Interesting and amusing feature. The worlc was entitled "From a Paint Pot to an Artist. " The first sketched with chalk a paint pot , and the next improved on this a trifle , and so on until the end of the class was reached , when u full-blown artist stood emblazoned on the board as largo as life and just as natural. There were several classes in this work , and in many Instances much skill was displayed , reflecting exceeding credit upon the thor oughness of Dr. Gillespie's curriculum. The aural nnd oral exorcises wore also of great interest. The pupils who participated in these exercises are nil pupils In whom the faculty of hearing and speech has been de veloped in the institution , and the progress made by them is truly remarkable In fact , so much has boon accomplished that there nro hopes thet many of them will become possessed with the faculties In their fullest torco in time. While the struggles of these unfortunates to articulate is gratinir nnd disagreeable , it shows indisputably what can bo done by n judicious course of instruc tion. Many of them who are gradually learn- leurnlng tn speak , can not hoar. They con ceive all questions put to them by the teacher from the motion of his lips alone , and their readiness , alacrity nnd unerring accuracy In returning correct answers Is something that is almost startling. Myrtle Kistler , a cunning little mimic , made a hit with her sign solo , "To See Our selves ns Others See Us. " L. A. Divine , a manly young follow from Ord , nud the third of the graduates , deliv ered an address upon the "Annexation of Mexico , " that was well received. Ills vale dictory , too , was a well worded effort , nnd nnd merited the vigorous applause it re ceived. In a neat and appropriate little speech to eachSuperintendent Glllcsnlo made the pre sentation of tno diplomas , after which there was moro music and minor exercises , the day's programme closing with the Lord's prayer by the entire school. From the indications ono would judge that the Institute is in a healthy and flourishing condition , and that much good is being com passed by Its able corps of teachers and ofllcers. "Lo" Dlvlilcs His Kffoots. "Big Mouth" Charley , the gay and fcstlvo Indian who playfully scat D. Polo to the happy hunting grounds at Rod Blutls , Cal. , says the News of that city , for which commendable action ho will enjoy the hospitality of the stnto for BOVOII years and four months , dis tributed ills personal effects as follows : To Jim Turner , his brother , ho gave his oldest wife , Lizzie , also his real es tate and horses ; the land is a lUU-aoro timber chum. To "Coyoto Pete , " a friend , ho gave his young08t'wifoSu3lo. To "Door Tom , " another brother , he gave Mollie Turner , his dead brother Ike's wife. His thirty head of doira , Jlvo Winchester rilles , fiOO rounds of cartridges , two revolvers and four knives ho gives to Jim Turner , consid eration , love and alToction-for" Lizzie. Ho had a deep bet grudge against " 'Coy ote 1'oto , " which is the reason for plac ing Suisle under his protection. She is a tolerably tough piece of femininity , What Ilo Thought. Anecdotes of the .latov WjisiMiigtoii Irving Bishop uro unusually numerous , bays the Minneapolis TrllnifioiL' A St. Louis man tolls thU story of nu iuoidont which took place in the corridor of the Southern hotel , in thnt city. Washing ton Irvinif Bishop , witli whom ho was talking , walked over to ( ho olgtu * stand , and , while the young man was handing him some fragrant llavunas , B.vld : "Well don't it ? " " , why you say "Say wlmtV" asked the youth. "What you were thinking. You though a-moment ago I looked like Maxwell. " Maxwell was the murderer who cut a inun'd body up and packed it in a trunk' . ' 'UabhuU if I didn't ! " exclaimed the young man , utterly tlabborgautod with astonish ment , while the mind reader" , with pale- nervous face , glided Boftly out on Wal nut strtfot. * UP IN IJIJA PAHi COD8TY , > lq ' Trouble Btodlotod From the Autl- Vlgfl to Organization. IMPROVEMENTS IN THE STATE. : ni n' iii Assault oii'ftOBoe Newsboy The SIXM. tco Hlotixjyiyjlt ijlitn Cnsfl County Court Homo Jlnnta A Willow WliJtf'nnta ! Unnmgos. Slnco the ItlllliiKof Nowoll. SPIHXOVIKW , Noo. , Juno 12. ( Special to THE Ben. ] Iho situation In Koyix Palm county now Is not very pleasant. Succeed ing the killing of Newell 1ms como n wave or oxcltomont which threatens the quiet mul pcneo of nil thnt portion of the coUnty lying ndjusont to the reservation. Many who wore not identified with the "rustlers , " nor In sympathy with them , were shocked and Irritated by ilint ovout , nnd in the ox- cltomcnt of the moment gave vent to words ot condcmnntlon of the I not. Quito n number of those hnvo boon warned by the vigilantes to shut up or leavo. mid some of them nnvo loft. In the neighborhood where the killing occurred , everybody goes tinned to the tooth. No ono dnrca go through there nftcr night , nnd strnneors coming Into the neighborhood on business nro warned to look up a lodging nnd keep within doors nftor.ntghl , If they vnluo their scalps. That there lias been organized nn nntl-vigllanto souloty there can bo no doubt , and the out look is good for serious trouble between the two organizations nt an early date. And while the oxcltomont keeps up the cattle thieves nro taking advantage of It and V-un ning off n few head every few days. In the meantime everybody Is on the lookout for more killing nnd hanging , by the vigls , ana It may bo the nntis will get in n little work to nld In keeping up the excitement. A. Ilnilronil Proposition. BKA.TUICI : , Neb. , Tune 12. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB UIK. : | Manager Summorflold and General Attorney Hagorman , of the Wynndotto & Northern railway , were In the city last night and conferred with the citi zens' committee on the proposition of voting WO.OOO in bonds In aid of the road. Nothing dollulto was accomplished. An amended proposition , submitted by the citizens' com mittee , was scut to the general ofllclals of the road for edtisldoration. A report will probably bo miulo early next weolc , living matters deilnltcly. Messrs. Sunimorliold und Ilngorman returned to Kansas City this afternoon. _ _ _ _ More llnrtrlars at llcntrico. BBATKICE , Nob. , Juno 12. fSneclal Telegram - gram to THE HUE. ] The rosidonpo of Wil liam Lamb was entered by burglars last night nnd several dollars In cash nnd n gold watch worth $50 obtained. The burglars en tered through the collar. The residence of Byron Bradt was also entered by burglars nnd u small amount of money nnd some clothing tnkou. , The thieves gained en trance through a door that hud been loft un locked carelessly. Two men charged with burglarizing Hanson Brothers' clothing store at Fail-bury were captured in this city last night by ofilcers. The Fairbury officials were notilled. They cnmo over this morning nnd identified the burglars and took thorn back this after noon. , Sunday School Convention. TiiCDMSRit , JTuno 12. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] The State Sunday School convention met last evening in the Methodist church in this uitv , Rev. C H. Iloldon , president , presiding. The welcome address was dplivered by lion. S. P. David- sou , response . .byIlov. . Dr. Johnson , of Os- ccola. William Reynolds , of Pcorla. Ill , who has a natiorial Imputation as a Sunday school man , delivered an able address. There uro delegates from nil parts of the state , and nt present the convention bids fair to bo ono of the most interesting of any state convention for years. A Now Jjii | > City Corporation. Lour CmNeb. . . June 12. f Special to THE Bun. ] Articles of incorporation have been flled for the Loup City Canal , Water Power and Improvement company. The ob ject is the building and maintaining of a canal in the counties of Valley mid Sherman for the purpose of furnishing water power , and the creeling and maintaining of such buildings and structures as may ho deemed necessary , nnd for the purpose of pur chasing , improving and conveying any real estate found necobsary to so purchase and improve , nnd effectuate and carry out the said enterprise. Cotton Mill lor Kcurni-y. KUAUSUY , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BKK. | Mass mcothiRS havn been held here this week to consider a propo sition from Now England cotton mill mag nates , who propose putting in n plant with 1,500 spindles , which will employ 800 people. The subsidy asked is ? i,0,000. The commit tee lias rulaed $150,000. and there are two land companies to hear from. The feeling among business men is that the mill will bo under construction in a short time. New Ii'HQtory for , NOD. , Juno 12. ( Special Telegram - gram to TUB lice. ] The Hastings board of trade to-day completed negotiations by which the Abilene lock manufactory will be removed to this citv. The Institution manu factures locks , all kinds of brass and bron/o goods nnd nearly everything In the line of builders' hardware. It will give employ ment to 100 men. The board of trade erects the necessary buildings nnd work will bo commenced ut uncj. Jlnstlntrs Colleen CommpncniieiH. HASTINGS , Neb. , Juno 12. [ Special Tele gram to THE 13EK.J The annual commencement - mont exorcises of Hastings college take place in the First Presbyterian church this evening. There wora four members of the graduating class viz. : David W. Mont gomery , 1'awnco City : Elizabeth M. Stmo , Hastings ; Henry It. Corbet , Aurora ; Mary A. Crlssimui , Hastings. ColnmtMiH Wat or WorC4 Gomplct" . COMJMIIUS , Nob. . Juno 12. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Biin.J Contractor Jonas Welch finished the water work extension , to-day , nnd n test was mudd of the works by the firemen - men in the presence of the mayor nnd city council. Water CoiJimlssloner O , L. Baiter , nn export In thbuworklngs of the water sys tem , pronouncedithe test complete and will recommend that they bo accepted by the city. Columbus lean now cope with any lire within the city limits. The WldotV Want * Damaged. NEinuHKi Guy , "Juno " 12. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun ISBtyj-rllulda Will , a Gorman widow , to-day , commenced notion against a well-known Gcrqmn , whom iilio charges with being respofTsllilo for the loss of her good character , iiuil ' the premature birth of n child. She wantfil.'jilin to pay n largo doc tor's bill , or marry nor , nnd ho refused to do olthcr. Hence thu suit for damages. An otTort Is being made 16 persuade her to drop the matter. A Cowardly ANsutilt , HASTINGS. Nob. , Juno 12. ( Special Tele gram to THE Hnn.l Landlord Dillon , of the Uostwiclc hotel , of this city , was arrested to day for assault on nil Omaha HER newsboy , He will bo tried for the ofTonco next Satur day. _ Grnnl Water WorKH. GIIAXT , Nob. , Juno 12. [ Special Telegram to TUB HUE. ] Contractors Clark and Cum- mlngs , of Ashland , have arrived , and work on the trenches for our water plant has bo- gun. A force of men will bo hero from Obcrllii , Kan. , to assist. Tim H.iiilou hliittx Will Niomtviu , Nch , , Juno 12. ( Special to Tun HinJ : The people of this section , and espec ially Niobrai a , feel very much encouraged otfor Iho ouUonk for iho early bponlnirof the W-scrvntlon , ThdSanteo Sioux , located in thin county , will sign to n mnti whan their turn cbtncs. I'lnu High School , Lese PINE , Neb , , Juno 12. ( Special Tele gram to TUB BiJK.l The second annual ccmmoncomoiitof Long Pine high school was hold in the Congregational church , to night. The graduates nro four in number , Mlssoi Idn M. Hunt , Julia Whlttlnicro. Mno Pavisson nnd Mablo Hall. After the grndu- ntos had read their theses , the chairman of the board of school directors delivered the presentation speech , nnd delivered the diplo mat. Music was furnished by the quartette nnd IiOtig Pine Cornet band. ! 3rtrct ; Hoaloty Comrlbutionq. Neb. , Juno 12. [ Snecinl toTnu The Trtnsons and Odd Tallows of this city have to-day shipped to Johnitown , Pa. , for the benefit of the respective grdors in that city who were sufferers from the effects of the'rcoxmt Hood , u car load of Nebraska's best iwelledcorn. . The B. ft M. railroad agrees to deliver the car nt Its destination free of charge. Thus the eltlruns of this now prosperous community aio enabled to repay In a small measure the obligation they nro under to to the east for her generous nld ( luring the dark days of the grasshopper plague in Western Nebraska. A Now Uullrorul. AtntoK , Neb. , 3nno 12. [ Special to Tnr. Bnu. ] The survey of the M. H , N. P. * D. r'y will commence this week. The first , stake is to bo set In the northwestern part of Albion , near Loran , Clarke & CWs. ele vator. Whatever may bo said ol rinpor rail roads iivotlior parts of the state , this Is not. At the nlootltiij of the stockholders , called for July 0 , nt 10 o'clock a. in. , u boaru of directors will bo elected and a permanent or ganization effected. 'llic Fourth nt Mo Cool. McCooi. JUNCTION' , Nob. , Juno 12 , [ Spec ial to TUB Bur. . ] McCooi Is making big preparations to celebrate the Fouith. A good time is expected. McCooi Junction has one of the ilnost groves In Nebraska , and good speakers will bo present. AocUlont to a Boy. BKATHICE , Nob. , June 12.- ( Special Tele- grmn to Tun UBH.I Warren Day , the six- year-old son of H. O. Day , of this city , fell from a stable window this evening and broke his leg near the thigh. For iho llcHprvatloti. NiomtAiu , Neb. , Juno 12. [ Special to Tim BKB. | Fourteen teams crossed the ferry here to-day from Minnesota on their way to "Chndron , by way of Iho Sioux reservation , " so they put it , but ostensibly for the reserva tion. Cnss County C Nob. , Juno 12. [ Special Telegram to Tim UiiE.l The official canvass gives 203 majority for the courthouse bonds. TlUi TUHF AM ) DIAMOND. MolllPB TH. I't. FT. DODOK , In. , Juno 12. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bnc.J The game hero this af ternoon between the DCS Moiucs Western league team nnd the Ft. Dodge club resulted in a score of IT to : t in favor of DCS Moines. Emmerko and Cody were the Dos Moines battery and Hnrkcess and Blake for Ft. Dodge. _ The National s , June 12. Uosultof to-day's game : Indianapolis . 'J 0200411 0 10 Cleveland . 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 U 0 I ) Base bits Indianapolis Id , Cleveland 0. Errors Indianapolis t , Cleveland S. Pitch ers Burdlck and GeUeiu. Umpire Fes- sctidcn. Cmcvoo , Juno 12. Result of to-duy's game : Chicago . 1 0001 0 It 0 0 5 Pittsburg . 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 * 10 Base hits-Chicago 8 , Pittsburg 11. Er rors Chicago 0 , Pittsburc 3 Pitchers - Hutchinson nnd Goluni. Umpire Lynch. American Assuolatlon. BAI.TIMOUE , Juno 12. Hcault of to-day's game : Baltimore . 0 0213020 S St.Louis . 0 3 Game called on account of raiu. I'rovonti'd hy Ruin. rfiw : YOTK , June 11. The Philadolphta- Washiiigton , Boston-New York , and ono game of the St. Louis-Baltimore games were prevented by rain. Ainutoiif Games. JL.NHTA , Neb. , June 12. ( Special Tele gram to Tin : BEK.JA spirited game of ball was played at Kenesaw this afternoon be tween the Juulata nnd Konesaw nines , re sulting 15 to 2 in favor of the Junlatns. Winters and Burr wore the buttery for the JunKuas : Huyncs uiul McClelland for the Kenesuws. lilmlsuy in Trnlnlnj ; . Jimmy Lindsay has gone into training nt Kansas City for his light with Danny Need- barn , the St. Paul terror. A purse of Sl.OOO has been raised by prominent sporting men down there , and the mill has been ilxcd for Tucsdav night , Juno 25 , and will take place within 100 miles of that city. Lindsay is hi line trim , and expresses the utmost confi dence in capturing the money hung up. Iho Holtllor WuutH KPVCIIRO. Ned Heading , the soldier , who feels con siderably cut up bv nis two defeats at the hands of Boh Nellson , the Boston boy , bus asked the latter to accommodate him with u hundred mile race Sunday night for $50 u side and CO per cent of the gate receipts. Noilson , who says he can lick the military bykur at any distance , at any time , or on any track , is only too eager to grant his request. The preliminaries will bo arrangcu to-dav , and the two riders will start on their long journey atI : ir > Sunday afternoon. Squib * . Lottlo Stanley and Lily Willlama are booked for a race at Laku Mauuwu , Sunday afternoon , for $101) ) u side. The Omalms wdl bo homo Saturday even ing , and .Sunday afternoon will meet the Minneapolis team at association park. V. B , Nathawny , of Wahoo , ono of the ilnost wing shots in tno west , Is at the Mil- lard. TilK 8PKI3I ) KING. Grand ItOaiKl UUCP. GIIAXI > ISIMNK , Neb. , Juuo 13 [ Special Telegram to Tin : Him. ] The attendance on the second day of the Grand Island rai'OB was good. The weather was fine. Owing to tlio hard rains on Sunday and Monday , the track was HOVOII or eight seconds slow. Summary : 2:10 : CLASS. Helen G tl 1 3 1 1 IllgUB FlltUUB , 1 4 1 t ! ii Governor D. Swigort B 3 U 3 II Walter E 4 : t 4 4 -I Tiino 3MO , JiU'.itf ' , 3:30 : , 8:37 : , ! ) . Ignus Fatuus cnmo under thu win ) first in the second boat , but was put hack to fourth by fouliuir Helen G on the buck stretch. The decision waa protested D.y the owner of Ignus K.ituuH , und will bo carried to the board gt appeals of the American Trotting usHOciatfon. SlSi CIiAHiJ. Gypale Queen. . , 2 1 1 1 Logan H i I : i : i 'I 'Howdy U 2 ! Ji Elwood Uist. , . Logan H. WHB n favorite in the pools nnd would undoubtedly huvo won hod not Howdy bjwi too speedy , malting Gypslo Queen "drivu out. " MILE ANi > JIKI'KIT , IIUSNINO. ICismet . i..3 1 1 Jetf Harrington . .1 2 2 Emma H . . . . . . 2 Ji Alice Murphy . . . . . . . . .44 imo- : : . , : , : - In the Ill-it bunt Kismet was a good length .behind . on the blurt and could not close it up. Alice Murphy led to tuo throe-quarter polo , but could not hold out. When it Is remem bered that the track U iu fully seven seconds slow , there in no disputing that the races are ns good as ever hold in the state. Every MCO has been hotly contested , H. J. Palmer Is acting ns starter , nnd Is giving satisfac tion to every ono. To-morrow Mat Brown's ' pacer , "You Bet ; " will go to boat hU record. St. ST. Lows , Juno 13. The weather was per fect , the attendance 8,010 , und the trnck fair. sf.inuiiv. Flvo furlongs Queer Toy won , Marsh Hollow sccor.d , Ltmn Ban third. Time , I'MM. Onu milo The Elk won , Lotlan second , Big Browu .lug third. Time. 1:47. Mlle and onsclghtbt9 Premier won , Both Croeck second , Vongour third. Time , 1'fiO'j. ' Mlle nnd t > noslstoenth Brldgollght won , Stridenway second , Huntress tnlnl. Time , l:5'JK. : Mlle nnd one-half hurdle race Linguist won , Lljoro second , Voltlgpur third , Time , iloromo Vai-kllaoc1 ? . JIIUOMI : PAIUC , Juno 13. The track was slippery nut ! slushy. Summary : Fourteen hundred yards Fltrroy won in 1121J4 , Caruot second , Sp So third. Mile and olio-seventeenth Aurlcomti won In li.VJJf , Lady Pulslfor second. Mlle nnd three-eighths Clmrjoy Droux won , Lologns second. Time 3:20. : Flvo and ono-lialf furlongs Tormentor won , Frailty second , Bagatelle third. Time 1:12 : . Ono mile Swift won , Invorwick second , St. Valentine third. Time ll i { . Throe-fourths of n mile Arab won in lllj ) { , Guarantee second , Crusader third. Three-fourths of n mile Druidnoss won hi 1 :10 : > i , Hill Letchor second , Garrison third. A NOTABLE IOWA WOMAN. Dr. tlonnlo IMcCown , I'rcsltlcnt or the Acnllnny ol' Natural SoicnccM. Or. .lonnio McCowcn , of Davenport , la. , Una boon unanimously oloototl pres ident of the Academy of NnturiU Sciences , in this city , suys the Davenport ( Iiv. ) letter lo the Chieaero Tribune : Dr. McCowoii had for two years previously noted as corresponding secretary of that organization , initl for three years preceding - coding thai as librarian , having in charge the 1(5,000 ( volumes upon its shelves. She is one of the best known and most popular women in a slate fa mous for its progressive and aspiring daughters. The range of her industry and accomplishment would put to the blush many an ostentatious business man. Her own profession , in which bho hits hltrh rank , is Hot enough to sat isfy her poised and indefatigable spirit. For rest and recreation bho merely "changed work. " When her duties ns a physician tax her strength she turns to literature , philaiithrophy , or science as an otTsct. Dr. McC'owen is ot French extraction , Presbyterian on her father's bide and Quaker on hot * mother's. She was born near Cincinnati , and is the daughter of a physician. Her parents bolli died when she was young , and she educated herself for a toaehei1 at a nor mal school in Ohio , from which she now has an "A. M. " title. She taught and studied , studied and taught , until she was able and old enough to become a doctor. She assumed her o\vn support at si.\- teen , and became a resident of Iowa in 18(51. ( She took a three years' course in the medical department of the state university. Upon her graduation she was immediately olTered a position on the medical stall ol the state hospital for the insane at Mount Pleasant , She remained there throe years , and then began private practice , with the deter mination of making mental diseases , especially thoseof her own sex $ , her life work. Her value in her ulio ou Hold has been jjoiioroubly recognised. She has been three times elected to the sec retaryship of the Scott County Medical society. At the close of her last term as secretary she was elected president of the society , t's ' thing hitherto un dreamed of in tno'liistpry of the medi cal world. She is also a member of vari ous modicai sooiotieb , among them the New York Medico-Legal society. She was elected to this in 1851 , when there were but two other woman members to 100 men. She has been associate edi tor sineo 1885 of the JoA-a Modicai Re porter , and a contributor to many of medical journals , ehiolly on insanity. In 1888 bho began the ibstio of a little paper iu connection with the Working Woman's club , which elub is her espec ial prhlc. This paper is called Loud a Hand Echoes , and all the work done upon it is done within the membership of the club. The motive throughout is philanthropic , being the improvement and encouragement of worldng cirls and women in Davenport. In person , Dr. McCowen is said to ro- soinblo Frances Willard. but the ro- beniblance is only in the typo. Her hair lias a tinge of warmth , her eyes are blue , her tooth oven and white , her laugh hearty and contagious , hop dit.- position sunny , her insight keen and her- will strong. The JMonnncfis or Sir. Johnson. The Brooklyn lOaglo depicts a life of extraordinary meanness lately brought to a close in that city. Mnrlin O , .lohii- faon , a civil engineer , of largo fortune and respectable associations , was united in marriage lo a lady of wealth mid good feot'ial standing. On a * uniug ! ehargu of liib wife's estate ho proceeded lo iinppbc on her the ordinary expenses of their wedding life. Against her were uimrgod her expenditures for clothing , the cost of pleasure trips taken together by the couple , and oven the rental of the pow in the church which they attended.Vliou the holi day season arrived and Christinas gifts wore iu order , Mr. Johnson presented his bettor half with noino tokens of his regard , and roolly entered it to hoi- debt account on the book * . Whenever he escorted her to the seaside or accom panied licion a journey to more dis tant ( loHtinalionH the money required came from her bank account. After IUH death lo al proceedings were instituted to compel a restitution to the widow's Cbtnto of the amounts thus abstracted , and a referee lias decided that it must bo done. _ Tlut Other lloyH Wnnihcd Him. A good story IB told on Bailey Mngrn- dor , keeper of a bath housu at San font , Klu. A boy applied to him for a bath , hut , as ho had no money , ho was told that ho could not got one. Ilowovor , upon rollucUoii , liailcy said to him : " 1 will toll you what I will do , I/ / you go mid got six other boys I will lot you have jour bath free. " The hov agreed lo the proposition , and wont out and got the requisite bix boys , and all were ad mitted to the bath-room. Mr. Magru- dor fold the attendant of the agreement and told him not to charge the boy any thing for his bath. After waiting awhile the attendant wont in to collect fares. What was his Hurpriso to see the six boys perched upon the benches wntchiiig the ono boy take his free bath. JJolliul Trout nnd All , Peter Tro.xlor , of Catawissa Valley , Ot , noticed a peculiar 'flavor in his tea , and Mrs. Troxlor on lifting the kottjo lid found within a beautiful trout boiled to death , Mr. Troxlor had kept it for years in the spring to purify the wator. Usually his wife got water from the spring in a bucket , but being hurried tnlH tlmo f > ho lowered the teakettle , clapped the lid on without looking into It , and sot it boiling merrily on the wood lire , and the trout was iu the DONE AT ROSEBUD AGENCL The Most Difficult Part of the Com mission's Work. PINE RIDGE NOW TO BE VISITED. Hollow Horn Hear Wants to Know What tloontno of the iMonoy OOH- Crook Will Answer Ar rival nt Valentine. Slow llut Sure. Uosnnun , via Valentine , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB BUB , ] To-Uny winds nil thu labor of the commission at this agency , the most didlcult of those to bo vis ited , nnd heartily glad seem the rbmmlsMoti over the result , and of getting away , ns It thinks the council has boon nggravntlngly slow. The papers will Tie loft In the hands of the agency clerk , who is well qualified to socura the remaining signatures. The Indians , now having n complete knowledge of the situa tion , will sign or not , ns they nro capable of seeing the right of the matter. The signa tures nro being obtained slowly. Major Warner , with an intoriiretor , was to have gano to Black I'lpu creak to obtain thu signatures of the Quick Bear Indians , but this idea was relinquished nnd a policeman was sent to notify them to visit the ngenoy to slpn. Thoagoiiov is roturnhiR to its usual calm ; the restless thousands of a few days ago nro now on their way homo in the srnttcied vil lages of the reservation , it having become appurent that the commission would ulvo no mora feasts. 1 ho commission shows IU diplo macy In giving these feasts ; they had a most bcnellcial effect to the invorable re- suits obtained. The ludiahs still continue lo air their petty grievances. One of them thcynru quite dotoi mined to linow some thing about ; this being the question of what has bccoim * of the money collected from the farmers along the state line for graying their cattle on Indian lands , nnd for which the farmers nay per month or season. Hollow Horn Bear naked : "I want to know what has become of the money ? The cattle were many nnd the money wn * paid. Was the money spent hero or did it go to Washington ! If I knew 1 would not nslc , but I do not. I liavu asked before ; but could not liuii out. Now I would lilto to know where this money went ! " General Uroolc promised to oxamluo the agent's booics and let him know. The ihmimisslim In Valt-ntlnc. VAI.KXTINH , June 1'J. After a pleasant trip the commission reached Valentino at (1:30 ( : p. 111. to-day ami will leave for Uushvlllo by the 0:15 : express , to-night. THE FIRST LADY OF FRANCE. Mine. Cnrnot'n IlltiHirtoim lloglmn at the I'nlneo I'llysoo. The Elyseo palace , under the presi dency of M. Carnet , and under the so cial reign ot Mine. Carnet , is one of the most attractive homos in Paris , says a Paris letter in the Now York World , So marked is the contrast between Mine. Grevy and Mine. Carnet , between the uninteresting wife of the ex-president and the grand dame who is now the first lady in the land , that oven the proud , uncompromising royalists and Boim- pavtistb have expressed their approba tion and esteem. Quito in contrast to liis predecessor , President Carnet en tertains lavishly. All winter there have been concerts and dinners , and now S.OUO invitations are issued for two balls to take place during May. It was Mine. ( Jarnot s idea to arrange the pal ace for the comfort- her guusta. Always a hall at the Hlysco has been a synoifym for discomfort , but now a gul- lory , JOOxlUo foot , has boon constructed in the garden , near Avenue Mtirigny. There arc hangings bordered with gold fringe , ancient tapestries , nnd around the cornice a Gobelin representing Franco , and a ceiling painted by La- vastro. Tnroe white marble statues ornament Dolormo's "flutour " Gliu- the room. , - thcrin's "Clotildo do Survillo , " and Ulnudo Vignou's "Peehour. " The fur niture is all upholstered with yellow brocade ; hero "and thuro are scattered gilt consols , supporting Sevres vases , and the magnitlcont Louis XV. ehandc- liors are arranged lor electric light. Mine. Caruot's taste is soon in every detail - tail , from the place of a chair to the ar rangement of llowers , scattered iu pro fusion throughout this loiitr gallery. In fact , Mmo. Onruot's love for llowors is proverbial ; on her reception days ono sees baskets of llowors , banks of llowors , and vases of llowert. . , so many llowors that one forgets the hovoro salons and their severer mode of furnishing. Since the Duchess do Dotirbon , at the cud of the last century , the Elysoo Palace has had no mibtrchs so charming as Mmo. Carnot. 15y her one is welcomed and immediately put atcase , and a slight deafness only makes her more agree able. able.Mmo. . Carnet at Ilrst view scorns a little Puritanical in appearance , but perhaps there lies her charm. She must have reached a "certain age , " bo- cauHO since M. Caruot's jirosidoiiny it cnild has been horn to their daughter , Mine. Cunniflsot. lint there are timcfi when Mine. Carnet seems to be no moro than twonty-flvo years old. In her face there is not a wrinkle not a 1 ino There is not a thread of silver in her ohon hair , and her largo , dark eyes are UK brilliant as tho30 of a young girl. Mine. Carnet strivoi to ho the host dressed woman in France , and with Felix , her favorite couturiero , she has daily consultations. Her desire to bo woll'drcissod IH not a pansion for dross , hut a wish to do everything in keeping with her position. The gown she were at thu opanlng of the exposition was original , expressive and unobtrusive a redingote of dark blue satin over a pot- tlcoat of old rose , veiled hy priceless point do , Vomso , the French colors bj quiet tones , _ _ AYIth Knmmor P.alns. With tiny threads of gossamer , I lightly spin swcut thoughts of her , As if my love a blossom were. But when the blossom llo.its away , Hegrct. walks down the oioudv way , And bombre twilight ends the day. A lobe of white has wrapped our earth ( Ungtirmentcd as at Its biith ) , And sleigh bells till the air with mlitU. Lo ! as pulo moonshine tints yon lillU , A nameless rest my bosom lllls , A perfect poaro my passion stills For joy that goes iu part remains } Ail Is not lost of dopes or pilns ; Love comes auam with Hummer ralnsl PosUlTolyOnrctlbj tlieno l.Ktlo I'llla. They also relieve lhl trcsafrom DytpcnelaJ Indigestion and To Hearty Eating. & ( jet-1 , foct remedy i < " y neas , Nautea Drowsi ness , Bad Taste In Uu Moutli.CoaUxlToDgue.jj I'aliiliUhoSIJo.TOR- FID MVKU , &c. They regulate the Bowt'i.j ' and prevent Constipation ami I'llei. Tiit > iimalleet and easiest to take. Only one pill p ! dose , V > fn & vJal. Purely Vegetable. I'tlvf 25 cents. CARTER MEDIOINK 00.rroj'H , H wT il *