THE OMAHA i DAILY EIGHTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA THURSDAY MORNING , JUNE 13 , 1889. NUMBER CRINNELL A SCENE OF RUIN , Flro Causes n. Terrible Havoc In the Beautiful GolloRO Town. " \ FORTY-ONE BUILDINGS BURNED. Nearly the KM tire Business 1'ortton or Hie IMnoc In Ashes I'oss Nearly § 2OOOOO Other Iowa News. The Orlnncll Fire. Dns MOINES , la. , Juno 12. Onnnoll , the bcf.utlful collcpa town llfty miles cast of hero , was visited by a very destructive llro this afternoon. It caught in nn elevator goutli of the Hook Island track , and swept over n largo part of the business part of the town , burning forty-ono buildings. Grin- iicll has no waterworks , but has a steam en gine that depends upon wells for n supply. Boon after the llro got n headway nn appeal , for help was sent to Marshalltown , and a special train with hose end trucks camq flylng.down. Brooklyn ulso responded with a chemical engine , and the united efforts of nil three cities succeeded in holding the flames In check , after burning a largo part of the business houses. The fire was kept out of the residence portion tion of the city , but thousands of dollars worth of dry goods and other goods from the stores were dumped In the public square. A telegram was sent to Governor Larrabco asking him to order out company G , of the Iowa National guard , located ut Grlunoll , to protect property. Ho was absent , but his private secretary replied that the sheriff and Ms posse must do that unless they were not nblo to do so , and so the order was not given. Great confusion prevailed , but at late hour to-night the guards nro patrolling the streets nnd watching the property , and the town Is becoming quiet again. Forty-ono buildings , mostly frame , were burned , Including Treat & CO.'B elevator ; O. A. fay tor & Co. , agricultural implements ; Allies , Cbaffoo's ofllco ; city ball ; Herald of fice ; Morrison , Mclntosh & Co.'s glove fac tory ; Merchants'National bank ; postofllco ; A. Melntosh & Co.'s general store ; H. Proc ter's Jewelry store ; telephone ofllco ; .1. G. Johnson & Co. , drugs ; Metropolitan bakery ; Williams & Schroop , tailors ; Palmer & Barllett. grocers ; Mrs. Icon , millinery ; BUCK & Thomas , hardware ; thrco restaur ants nnd two moat markets ; Nelson & Pow ell , grocers ; A. II. Heald , Hour , and nearly n dozen other stores. It Is probublo that the loss will bo from 8150,000 to f200,000. Most of the buildings were partly insured. A Red Oak Sensation. Rnn OAK , la. , Juno ! 2. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Rumors of a scandal have been floating through the ulr for some time mid were brought to a focus yesterday by the arrest of 1' . A. Brownscomb , a painter nnd paper hanger , for seduction and attempt to commit abortion on tno person of u fifteen- year-old daughter 'of Andrew Morden , a wagon maker , of this placo. Morden is a widcwer. The girl Dollio keeps bouse , and Is the only daughter at home. She is alone most of the time. Brownscomb selected nor JIB his victim when she was twelve years old nnd accomplished her ruin then. In Decem ber last' , finding that matters were not mov ing smoothly ho weiu to a prominent physi cian in town nnd represented that Dollio would need care to relieve her from suspic ion and criticism. He mentioned the name of n prominent merchant of this town as being the author of the trouble. The doctor wrote to Dollic. Dollio answered , implicat ing Brownscomb. The doctor took the letter to the county attorney. Matters could bo kept secret no longer. The father is almost insane with rage and grief. He had Browns- comb arrested on two charges seduction and attempt to commit abortion. The de fense asked for n continuance to next Mon day , which was granted aud the bond llxcd at f 1,000 in each case. This the prisoner foiled to glvo and was taken to Jail. Excite ment Is Intense. Itcpubllcnu Central Committee. DBS MOINES , la. , Juno 12. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. | The Republican State Central committee met hero to-day and selected Dos Molnes as the place for the next convention , ana August 14 ns-thodato. Hon. John Irwm , of Kcokuk , was named for temporary chairman. Keeping the old ratio of representation , the next convention will bo the largest over held , the call providing for 1,131 delegates. The convention will nominate candidates for governor , Judge of supreme court , superintendent of schools and railroad commissioners. DleiciiiHou-Sheriiinn. WATERLOO , In. , Juno 12. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bur. . ] Miss Lena .Kimball Sherman , only daughter of ox-Governor Burcn U. Sherman , was married In this oily nt 1 o'clock this afternoon to Dr. D. W. Dick inson , of Dos Molnes. Rev. G. A. Cham bers" , of Christ Episcopal church , performed the ceremony. A largo number of guests were present from Dos Molnes , Vinton and elsewhere. Mr. nnd Mrs , Dikinson loft this ofternoon for DCS Moincs , their future homo. Superintendent Ittiycc Married. DcyMoiNKS , la. , Juno IS. | Special Tele- crunifto Tim BEE. J General Superlnten. dent il. T. Hoyco , of the Hock Island rail road , was married hero to-day to Mrs. Evu H. Echolbergor. The wedding was colO' bratcd in the presence of n few friends , Hov , Dr. Van Antwerp , of St. Paul's Episcopal church , oftlclatlng. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoyco lofl by special cur for St. Louis , nnd from there will b'o to the Pucltlo coast , spending a montli on the trip. _ _ _ _ _ _ Tlin County Clerks. DEB Moixiis , In. , Juno 12. [ Special Tel egram to THE BEE. ] A state- convention ol the county clerks of Iowa uiot here to-duy , Thirty counties , were roproiontod and the following ofllcors were elected : President , WUIIam Musson , Polk county ; vlco-prosi- dent , O. P. VVyland , Shelby county ; socro tnry , 13. M. Punk , Carroll county ; treasurer John II. Uorough , Wurron county. The clerks will attempt to cteviso some system bj which uniform methods of keeping couri records luuy bo used all over llio state. MOI1T.NING S'i'P.OKKS. Much Dnmnsa J > oun In New Yot-k nnd Brooklyn. New YOUK , Juno 12 , A heavy wind inn thunder storm visited Now York and ( Jrook lyu last evening. Lightning struck in sov cral places , A building hi course of croc tlon In Brooklyn was blown down uncl M : workmen were burled in the ruius , two o v.-hom were killed. St. Jnmes CathoHi church in Brooklyn , which was the ca'.hed ral of the diouosu until u month ago , wp Ktruck by lightning during the fcturni na < inside n few hours was burned , causing i dainago of about flOU.OlH } . Tim Callcniie InuuluU'dViro Work * , .il Hast Newark were struck h.v lightning md : bf.t an llro The I-IM la estimated at from fi.1W ( ti 1'ur a lli-lnonti fl.i J' ' o rJ.-I.-Ml night negro ColTco was brought to I'UI-IE uioutli aud lO'lfOd In Jail , churKOil with hav log sot Hi * ' , o the mluencnof HcvChxrh near Lo'idou Uri'Jxo , ltr < S wfytt ago , ( WlilcU tlio UVb ) Of 'r'l&rxjxud four'&f U'.v dm Jiy UNDRK MILilTAIlY UULE. The Stnto Tnkcs Control of Affairs nt lolinstown. JOHNSTOWN , Pa. , Juno 12. The borough of Johnstown and surrounding towns are now Under military rule. At 7 o'clock this morning General Hastings took charge ana soldier * wore placed on guard nt all the com missary departments and morgues. A slight rain has been falling all the morning nnd the city presents n dismal appearance. Every thing Is in turmoil and confusion , and little or no work Is being done. However , nil the men nt the morgues nnd relief committees arc still hard at work. General Hastings states that the work of clearing nwny the debris , under the direc tion of the stnto , will commence in earnest to-morrow morning. James McKnlght has been selected as ono of the contractors , nnd ho will have two thousand men at work to morrow morning. For the flr t tlmo since the calam ity , the people nro commencing to taltt of their financial lessen and this seems to worry them as much as any thing else. To say that n great number of former merchants arc disheartened is putting It mildly. Pittsburg wholesale merchants uro hero trying to comfort them. They are offering old merchants inducements to start up again , Eight hundred special policemen em ployed hero by the sheriff were discharged this morning ami soldiers put In their places. General Hastings gave orders to permit all persons wearing press badges to go any place they wished. TU.O registers who have Dccn making n house to house canvass will bo ready to report ibis evening. After this n second canvass will bo made to verify the first , and as this will take over a week there will bo no correct list of the living until that time. But few bodies were recovered this morn ing , owing to the chaotic condition of affairs pending the transfer of authority. There are only about ono hundred and fifty men ut work. Order Is coming out of chaos nnd military discipline has shown its effects at the end of the Ilrst day. At a citizens' meeting this afternoon n resolution was passed bidding General Hastings God speed and ordering the city ofllclals to kcop hands off. A grand exodus of workmen has been going on all day. As fast as their money was handed out of the paymaster's window the workmen boarded the trains on which their picks and carts were loaded and left Johnstown with out nnv expressed regrets. \Vcrk upon the tulus has been nearly ac n standstill all day , but to-morrow morning General Hastings expects to have 2,500 men at work. The new plan of canvassing the city ana systematizing the distribution of supplies Is meeting with general favor. Pro visions and supplies continue to come in freely. There l little change in the health situation. A meeting was hold in Alma hall by the citizens of Johnslown to-day , at which the leading business men who survived the flood were present. Remarks were made by sev eral ol those present touching the great work bofora them , and the necessity of united and Individual action to rebuild the town , and the cultivation of fortitude to bear up under the burdens so suddenly thrust upon them. Resolutions were adopted thank- lug James Scott for his untiring efforts to bring order out of chaos , the people of Pitts- burg in particular and the citizens of the United States generally for their prompt and generous assistance" . The bureau of-rceistration rcnorted to-day that 15 , < io8 survivors had registered. Many , rcgisteied twice and somahalf u dozen times , which caused the list to run up to 21,000. To-day scarcclv twenty names were regis tered , showing the work is approaching com pletion. The number of bodies recovered is 1,1112 , of which 033 h.ivo been identified. Aid From Mexico. CmOF Mexico , June 12. Steps nro being token hero for raising funds for the Johns town sufferers. < 3 Contributed Their Mite. OSCEOLA , Noo. , Juno 12. [ Special to Tnn BEE. ] Rising Star Lodge , I. O. of O. F. , No. 75 , at their regular meeting last night , contributed $10 to the Johnstown flood suf fers. HE FAlHljY HOTTED. Death of a Boy troiu The llnro Dis ease , Necrosis. ST. JosErit , Juno 12. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] George Starraor , aged four teen years , who died in South Park yester day , suffered from n disease which has been n puzzle to medical men. About four years ago ho awoke ono night with u sensation < none ono of his heels as If some ouo had pricked it with a knife. There was no wound , but on the next dav the heel began to swell and soon began to fester and slough away. From the heel the affliction spread upward and over the body , until , nt ono time , every bone in his body was affected with what is termed necrosis , or death of the bone. The sloughing was fearful , at ono tlmo ever four pints of pus being drawn from ono of the abccsscs. All was done for him that was possible , out with no good results , and he died after suffering four years. * Suit Tjiiko IteiiiN. SALT LAKE Cm- , Juno 12. | Special Tele gram to Tun BEB.J C. Bender , Omaha ; J. \V. Clarke and wife , Odessa , and J. B , Lit tle , Hastings , are In the city. The city registration , Just completed , shows about six thousand names. The estimated gentile majority , on careful calculations , Is placed at ono hundred. The recorded roul estate sales for last week were SHIO.IOO. E. A. Ireland , n prominent candidate for United States marshal , has returned from Washington , where ho has been for the past six months. The fight between the onrsmou and Gnr- fleld bench has been called off. Mr. O'Con ' nor withdrawing nis suit for damages and the railroad abating the item of 5000 freight charges. Tha oarsmen wont east yesterday L via the Union Paclllc. They go direct to England. _ _ I Another Montana Cold Find. MISSOUI.A , Mont. , Juno 12. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEIJ , ] The little town of Grantsdnlo is bcflldu Itself with excitement over n big gold flnd. James Anlckbonnor , while bathing In Gold creek , found u dozen largo gold nuggets , which ho took to Grants- dale nnd showed to u friend , In thrco hours every man In town able to go away was on the road to the now discovery. A great deal of gold was found along Gold creek In the early days , but no one had ever before mndo a flnd suRleicnt to Justify the erection of a phcor claim. _ Mora OnmuKo by Water. HOJ.YOKB , Mats. , June IS. Three canals supply the water power for the mills horo. Yesterday the water broke through the race way at the Cabol street mill , demolishing the southern part of the building and carrj- mg away the railroad brldgs. Only for u lower canal fur the water to outer Into the wntur would liavo submerged the entire lowpr part of the city , The damage will amount lo probably ? IUO,000 , and will neies- 1Cf ftitato the closing i'f all the mills VBtil re f paired. 0 VoH'l Tor Seattle. „ BuiuncK , IJal ; . , Juno U. Spoelal Tele- il xwn to TUB Bun. ) Tills city has cntlOOC to the Seattle , nuftjrers. IhUwus done In answer to o telegram from .ho chalnnen ol the rollet committee , that since the lire the conii'ilttea has boon fending over" sever thousand people , and that fullv that number were buuiuloss. Tlio inloram furt lor stated that the work of rebuilding would'uo com1 wlUilu a few weeks , whan the lib orerj will nil bo given einnloymcnt , but il will be months b iloro the Ituuutluss can lu 'J'lio WoutlioInillcnlloiw. . rcr Nebraska , Iowa ami Dakota ; i'alr c oler rtlii'X bcvouiluff northerly. IOWA'S ' SHARE OF THE PLUMS Tbo Long List of Her Sona Who Enjoy Podoral Fruit. AN ANTI-MAHONE DELEGATION. Prcnldont Harrison Listens to the Grievances ofthc GcncrnV'ri Oppo nents Sullivan's Arrest a Con- Binning Topic lu Washington WASHINGTON BUIIKAU , Tun OMAHA BEB , 1 513 FOUUTEBXTU STIIBCT , > WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 12. ) The Iowa people in Washington who nro waiting for political plums to drop from the tree nro consoling themselves with the belief that after all the state has secured about as much patronage as any of her sisters. Said on oof them to-night : "Wo hnvo Colonel Clarkson as assistant postmaster-general , Colonel Hepburn as solicitor of the treasury , ox-Governor Stone as acting commissioner of the general laud ofllco nnd Colonel Swords as superintendent of furniture in the treasury department , be sides these , both Secretary Noble and Assis tant Secretary Bussoy were formerly of the Hawkeye state , nnd wo may oven claim them if wo want to brag over our follows. " Notwithstanding this there are n number of gentlemen from Iowa still In Washington who nro anxiously waiting for some minor place , and while the congressional delega tion Is not very numerous the Indications are that when the batch of appointments , which is expected to precede the close of the fiscal year , is announced Iowa will have its full share. AN AMTI-MAHONE DELEGATION. The two wings of the republican party In Virginia , generally known as the Mahono nnd anti-Mahono factions , have now pre sented their side of the unpleasant political controversy to the president. Yesterday n delegation from General Mahono's sldo of the fence visited the white house and laid its claims before President Harrison. To-day the other side , headed by ex-Governor Cam eron , who by the way owed his political pre ferment to the friendship of Mahono some years ago , put In nn appearance nnd stated their objections to permitting General Ma hone to say who would have the patronage of the state. They expect thut tneir num bers nnd the well known position of several of the gentlemen who wore present with them would have weight with the president and that they would bo able to convince him that they were the true republicans and that none others had any right to the trade mark. But President Harri son told them , as ho told the opposing factions from other states , that ho can not afford to wash the dirty linen of his party. Ho let it bo distinctly understood that ho would not , under any circumstances , mix up in any political quarrel , and ho prac tically advised his callers to go homo and fix up the difference among themselves and agree upon a united policy before coming to Washington with their recommendations. President Harrison has shown his wisdom in adopting this course. It cun not bo denied that the factional fight in the state of Vir- L'niia is one of the most bitter that the uarty has to contend with in the United States. The Mahono aud antl-Mahono men are further apart than over , and there seems to bo not the slightest prospect that they vlll over be able to harmonize their differences and agree upon a slnto for the oftlccs. It is probable that the president will therefore use his own judg ment , together with the advice and rccom- uicndationfl of the party organisations iu the various district in distributing the ofllccs Within his gift , and tbo present indications are that ho will strive as fur as possible to maintain absolute impartiality as between the wings of the party represented by General - oral Mahouo and ex-Governor Cameron , re spectively. SULLIVAN'S AIIIIEST. The arrest of Alexander Sullivan In Chicago cage , yesterday , for alleged complicity in the murder of Dr. Cronin , was thu solo topic of conversation among Irish-Americans in this city to-day. Almost without exception the opinion was freely expressed by each that In view of the evidence thus far adduced the arrest was unwarranted. Each expressed the hope that the murderers would bo discovered and punished , but every man seen thought the coroner's Jury too hasty in ordering Mr. Sullivan's arrest. At present there is no branch of tbo Clan-na-Gaol In this city , though until about three years ngo there was flourishing lodge which met once n week on the avenue. Nearly every prominent Irish man in Washington was a member und the society did much for the cause. Some of the members attempted to use the organization for political purposes , however , and this proved to bo its ruin , for the members lost all Interest ntid one by ono dropped out , until finally only half a dozen remained. They couldn't pay the rent and the society passed out of existence. Till ! I'OSTOrFICB SITE , Senator Charles F. Mundorson called upon Secretary' Windom this afternoon and re marked that ho was very anxious to get away , and that ho did not desire to leave before fore the secretary decided upon his course of action in the matter of the Omaha federal buildirg site. Secretary Windom replied that ho would try to relieve the mind of the senator and do all In his power to let him start within u day or two. Then ho made some inquiries about the respective sites and told Assistant Secretary Tichonor that ho would try to see him nt the curliest moment In regnrd to the matter. From the drift of the conversation It was evident that Secre tary Windom and Assistant Tlcheuor hava opposite views upon the question of the best location. Just which site ouch gentleman prefers could not bo ascertained , Out there Is no doubt that the delay In settling the question arises largely from the fact that Secretary Windom believes in ono slto while his assistant prefers another.' IIKADQUAIITEIIS CLOSE. The relief committee which has been gath ering funds and other contributions for the relief of the sufferers by the late floods In Pennsylvania in thlu city , bus concluded to close its headquarters , although the treas urer will continue to receive and distribute nil moneys which may bo sent to him. The total amount collected to date for the flood sufferers In Washington aggregates about ? 50,000. Till ! KANOAllOO I'UMI'KIN. Frank T. Emerson , of Omaha , who represents - sents the state of Nebraska ut the seedmen'e convention hero , told his associates to-Ua.v that ho Is propagating a new variety ol pumpkin. Ho says that Nebraska soil is sq fertile thut pumpkins cannot be raised onit , The reason Is thut the vines grow so fas ) thut the heavy pumpkins are dragged ovet tlio ground byaho growing vines until the.v nro worn out entirely. The now variety IE called the Knnguroo pumpkin , nndinstcud ol being drugged it lumps nlonit over the ground nnd attains its full size Instead of being won out. JJKW NEIUUSKA I'O8T > IA8TIli8. ! The following fourth class postmasters were appointed to-day : Arcadia , Yullej county , Mrs. I. Heynolds ; Hloonjington Fninkliu county , W. T. Brittbn ; Burr , Oto < county , M. Burntlor ; Cuahlng , Howan county , It. G. Grubbs ; Dawson , Hlchard&oi county , E. W. Buecr ; Elyra ; Valley county James E. Brown ; Gretna , Sarpy county , J it Wilson : Hock Ulutf * . Cass county , A. J Grunes ; Shubert , Hlchnrdson couiUy. J , E McCreary ; Sterling , Johnson county , VuleU' tine/.Ink ; Valparaiso , Saunders county , M , B. GritUn ; Virginia , Gugo county , \V. U Burler , IOWA r08TMABTEItS A1T01NTE1) . Exllno. Appanooso county , John Griggs Pelro , Woodbury county , Daniel Grlffen Washington Mills , Dubuque county , Pnu Meistcr ; Yorktown , Page county , btcphei Puytou. UI8CELI. . < : U.OUfl. Edward 4. Beach , of Dubuque , U at the SI James , The secretary of the treasury has pro motcd William Richards , of ilowa , to bo ns- Istant chief of the miscellaneous division , 'Ico G. B. Albright , of Nqw * , Yorn , reduced. Jly direction of the noting secretary of war , Sergeant John NultV. Company B , Clgoth Infantry , now with his company nt A > rt Nlobrara , Nob. , has been placed upon -ho - retired list In conformity with law. Penny S. HEATH. " " 18 IT A. CnnlCRrnni From Hnytl Creates Ex- cltcmont In 'Washington. WASHINGTON , Juno 12. Somo. excitement vas manifested nt the state nnd navy depart ments upon the receipt of a cablegram from iommnndor Kellogg nt Hnytl. Secretary Tracy Immediately communicated the In- 'ormatlon to Secretary JUlaino. who carried ho news to the president. Every ono con nected with the stnto and navy departments vho Is In n position to know the contents of ho cablegram refuses to say anything about t , except ono official , who complained that ho sender did not oppcnr'know ' much about Jie situation. Nevertheless , it was generally > ollovcd at the departments that the news from Haytl Is not reassuring , nnd It was cur rently reported that Captain O'Kano had been ordered to sail Immediately for the scat of trouble with the Boston , whicn has Just been refitted at Now York. Nebraska and Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , Juno 12. [ Special Telegram , o THE BEB. ] Pensions granted Nobrasknns : 'Original Invalid Ira McCalllstcr , Michael ! . Ulder , William Gallon , Lafayctto Shlploy , Simon Fcary , John M. Breedcn , Increase- Daniel Peer , Jacob How. Helssuo and in crease Edwin C. Parkinson. Pensions allowed Townns : Original inva- .id Moses D. Khelnhart , dcco'asod ; Peter 3eaver , William Washkow , Daniel Davis , jumuol Kenny , Perry Mack , James Wash- mrn , Wnltcr S. Johnson , John Kitland , Ebenozor Bolslngcr , John Hardwhk. Ko- ntoration and Increase Peter J. Swlndberg , Trpdoriek A. Bolknap. Increase -George " Holshousor , Walker W. Brown , George Gregory , Constantin Hlnkcl , DoWltt C. Cram , Adolph Klein. Original widows , ote. Sarah E. Baird , former widow of William " . { . Workman. General Melts' WASHINGTON , Juno 12. General Melgs , architect of the pension building , has ad dressed a letter to the commissioner of pen sions suggesting that the flags berne lu battle by the 'Soldiers of the United States , ind those captured by them in the war , bo lung around the walls of the pension office building. Ho says that the intent of cougrsso regarding the captured .flags Is that they shall bo displayed in sotrio proper public ilace. Tbo commissioner , ' , has replied to jenernl Meigs that ho will readily assist him u this project if the pension building bo made waterproof. The roof of the building oaks badly in several places. A HOP TO OEUB15HUS. Trying to Get Around the ChionRO-St. 1'aul Fref nut Out. CHICAGO , Juno 12. | Special Telegram to THE BEE , ] The break in the Chicngo-St. ? aul rates is apparently no nearer settled than boforo. After a btrpng session of the Western Freight association this morning it was decided to postpone consideration of the reduction iu local rates until to-morrow af ternoon , pending an answer to a proposition made to the lake lines for an advance In through rates to the old b.aris. It was given out on the quiet that the prop osition was made to the , lake lines only to gain time , no 0110 believing it woulfl bo ac cepted. It was that the lake lines should take 0 per cent of the entire through busi ness ; that the through rates bo advanced to the old figure , and that no differentials bo ? ivon any one. The trouble with this propo sition Is that there can be no guarantee of the agreed division of traffic. o A MINE CAVE. The Earth Settles Under a Street In AVllkpslKirre , I'n. WiLKESnxuiiE , Pa. , Juno 12. A disastrous cave in took place hero lute this afternoon. The Hollcnbeck and Hcllrnun vein mines are situated under a thickly settled portion of the city. They arc a thousand feet deep.nnd for years past no coal was supposed to bo mined in that portion of it underlying the city , for fear the earth would sink. At 4 o'clock a crash came and Ono of the principal thoroughfares of the city was filled with crevices Iroin whlcb gas escaped in huge volumes. The owners of houses are greatly alarniei' . The men in the mines had all they could do to save their lives. Some of the mules were killed. Eight hundred men nnd boys ore thrown out of work. The mine owners' loss will bo ever $100,000 , and the loss to property owners on the surface will bo double that amount. An Unwelcome Return. ST. JOSEVH , Juno 12. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. | A very Interesting divorce case is on the docket of the circuit court this term. Laura Cross sues Joseph Cross. Sev eral years ago the plaintiff was married to the defendant ; they lived together for some time , when Cross took it notion to leave the city. Ho did leave , aud his loss was mourned by Mrs. Cross for thrco years , when she came to the conclusion that ho was dead , and hnvmc a suitor for her hand , by the name of Worrell , on Frederick avenue , she marricd him. Things went along all right In the Wor rell household up to ubout two months ngo , when ono day the long forgotten , and sup posed to bo dead , Cross walked into the Wor rell house , alive and ready to tuko possession of his wife , who had been usurped by a stranger. The wife wasn't willing to go , as she seemed to bo morojlnfatuated with her new husband than her old , ' but not to bo out done ho swore out u warrant for the arrest of his wife and Worrell , charging them with adultery. The case came up , but. . the com plainant failed to uppear and the case was dismissed. To get even , Mrs. Cross Insti tuted a suit for divorce on the grounds ot de sertion , and as soon as slip gels it she will re-nmrry Worrell. . ' A NuwHpiiper Chance. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Ju'np . { & [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Major John S. Blttln- gor , of St. Joseph , t9-dav , purchased the cntlro stock of the Daily Itorakl , the morning republican organ , and will assume editorial coi > trol next Monday.1 Ho was editor anil half owner of the aamoj paper for several years , ending In 1878 , and from 1831 to U85 was managing editor o ( the Kansas City Journal. Ho Is ono of jtho best known re publicans in the state , onjl ono of the oldest newspaper men in the west. There will bo no changes in the stuff , i SPAUKB IWOMi tfftE AVIHES. Minnesota proposes to got ahead of the twlno trust by setting her , convicts to work on that article. Michigan dedicated her monuments on the bnttlo field of Gettysburg , yesterday. Four boys nnd n horse were killed by n train at Canton , O. , yesterday. Trying Kor a Committee , CHICAGO , Juno 12. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEK. ] Tlio general managers of the Inter-Stuto Commerce Kullwny association struggled all of to-day in a vain attempt to complete Its executive board. Chairmen Mlugiuy , Fulthorn , Abbott und Fiuley were voted for , but it was found Impossible to unite on' two of them. The Old Dlrnotort ) Itc-cloctcd. MILWAUKEE , Juno,12 , At a meeting of the stockholders of the Milwaukee , Lake Shore & Western railway company to-day the old board of directors w irp re-ducted. The Itcll Tolonhone Dividend. BobTON , Juno 12. The directors of the American Boll Telephone company to-day dcclurcd u regular dividend 'of$3 per share und au extra dividend of l > i'r share. A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS , Issued to Alexander Sullivan By Judge Tuloy. REVIEWING ALL THE EVIDENCE. The Judge Will Carefully Consider the Testimony Tnkcn Before the Coroner's Jury Maroncy nnd McDonald. A Succlnl Grand Jury Impaneled. CiitCAao , Juno 12. The special grand Jury o deal with the Cronln case was Impaneled this morning In Judge Shcpard's court. In addressing the Jury Judge Shcpurd snld ho expected a full , exhaustive , Impartial inves tigation of ' , the murder of Dr. Cronin , The entire resources of the county , ho said , would bo at the disposal of the Jury , nnd wit nesses who would not testify should bo made to do so. The grand Jury had it in its ) owcr to do BO. Tuoro nro only IAVO Irishmen on the panel W. J. 3uan. n well-known wholesale grocer , nnd D'Ncll , ex-county commissioner. The special venire for n Jury was returned n to court by Sheriff Matson In person. Ho stated that ho chose the Jurors by turn ; Inc to the business part of the directory mid selecting the names of men well known n- particular branches of business , with special : are that no ono should bo drawn who enl pertained prejudices for or against the Clan- m-Gucl. Judge Shcimrd appointed John P. 31augh foreman of the Jury. The greatest ; > rccautions were taken to keep -ho Cproceedings ! secret , although the ury went over the old ground nnd : ienrd witnesses who had already told what ; hey knew nt the coroner's inquest. After .ho Jury had organized they listened to the story of Lieutenant Schuttler , who to'd ' what : io know of the Carlson cottage. Subpoenas were served on Dr. ( Jronln's friends , Saloon Keeper Conklln and wife ; : ho two Carlsons , father and sou ; James Mullln , manager of Rovoll & Co. ; E. G. Throckmorton , clerk for Knight & Marshall , real estate agents ; Salesman , W. P. Hat- field , of Rcvcll&Co. ; M. E. McIIale , car- jet layer for Kevell & Co. ; Joseph Cronin , jrothcr of Dr. Cronib , nnd Justice Mahoncy , of Lake View. Mr. Throckmorton told of the renting of the flat ut West Clark street by "J. B. Simmons. " It took ten minutes for Mr. Hatllcld to re- ate all about the purchase of the f urnituro at Itovoll's. He came down in fifteen minutes. Justice Mahoney then entered the room und stayed for two hours , nil the other witnesses jelng presently sent homo. The magistrate as pressed very hard about the contract P. D. Sullivan had made with Dr. Croniu. It , s reported ho was charged with having guilty knowledge of that contract ; with at tempting to suppress a part of the truth about the so-called Washington literary soci ety ; with being n bitter hater of the doctor , and with attempting to shield his supposed murderers. Mahoney , after a long examina tion , emerged in a very much excited und trembling condition , and the grand Jury.nd- ourned until to-morrow. Alexander Sullivan dcclir.od to see any callers this morning exceut his law partners. None of the horde of curiosity seekers , who on ono pretext or another , gained admittance to the cage , were able to got a gllinpso of iiini , he quietly foiling all such efforts by re maining nt the fur end of the cell , Just out of reach of the many cairs of oycjs strained in his direction. To n friend who sent Sullivan a note from the Jail ofllco ex pressing unshaken conlidciica in his inno cence , the famous ox-president of the Irish Notional league returned the following reply : "I am very grateful for your kind words. Time and the truth will Justify you in their use. Sincerely , ALBXAKDBII SULLIVAN. " This afternoon Sullivan made application by attorney , returnable at 4 o'clock , for n writ of habeas corpus. It asserts the rordlct of the coroner's jury is insufllcicnt for his commitment bail. That though u large amount of extra judicial evidence was taken by thu coroner , no testimony sufllclcnt to jus tify his incarceration was produced , and his imprisonment Is the result of pusslou nnd prejudice. Ho declares he is entirely inno cent of any connection with Cronln's death. After listening to the petition Judge Tulcy issued the writ as prayed , returnable nt 4 p. in. The Judge announced that ho would read the testimony taken before the coroner's jury in the Cronin murder case , and decide whether or not there was enough evidence to hold Alexander Sullivan without bail. Ho will announce his decision Friday forenoon at 10 o'clock. A very strong chain of circumstantial evi dence has been wound about John J. Maronoy , ono of the men under arrest in Now York under suspicion of being con nected with the murder of Dr. Cronin. The story as given by the authorities is us fol lows : Photographs were procured of Maroncy aud McDonald , the other man arrested at the sumo time in New York. These were mixed with'u num ber of others nnd shown Ilrst to Salesman Hatfleld , of Hovell & Co. , who sold the fur niture subsequently found In the Carlson cot tage in Luke Vluw , in which Dr. Cronin was murdered. Hatllcld , without hesitation , picked out Mnrouc.v's portrait ns that of the man to whom ho sold the furniture. The pictures were then shown to Throckmorton , the real estate agent who rented the rooms on Clark street opposite Cronln's ofllco , to. which the furniture was llrat carted from Hevoll's. Throckmorton picked out the pic ture of Maronoy as the man to whom ho rented the rooms. Once more the pictures were shuffled , and this tlmo they were shown to Expressman Martcnson , who carted the furniture from the Clark street rooms to the Carlson cottage in Lake View , whcro Cronin was murdered. The result was the sumo. Maronoy's picture was again selected , this time us the man who had hired the furniture moved. Neither of these persons knew what had been dona by the other. In each of these cases the man gave his name as J , U. Simmons. It now remains to bo seen whether or not the Carlson * will recognize Him as ono of tlio alleged brothers named Williams who rented the cottage. Chief Hubbard said later ho understood that Maronoy's picture hud been shown to Mrs. Conklln , and that she had recognized It us that of the man who drove Dr. Cronin away. Requisition papers were secured from Governor Fifer , and nt 10 o'clock this morn ing a Pmkerton detective started for Now York with them. Luke Dillon has Maroney's signature on the McCoy betel register in his possession. The signature Is "W. L. Mel ville , " and the clerk identifies the picture of Mnroncy as that of Melville. There is some thing inoro startling In the signature. The " 1's , " "B'S" und "I'u" in Melville are Hiaiilnr In slmpo to those in the letter to the Carlsons from "F.V. . , " one of Urn Will- lams brothers who hired the cottage. Luke Dillon loft for Philadelphia this af ternoon. "My business has been neglected , " ho uuld , "but I shall bo back in u few duvs and expect to work harder than ever in bringing the murderers to Justice. I hnvo not u particle of doubt that they will bo all convicted. " Hu said that the censure by the coroner's jury will hurt the Clan-nn-Guel , but that that body will bo reorganised anil its effect neutralized by eliminating souio of the nt present objectionable features , Arraigned In Court. NEW YOUK , Juno 12. Maronoy and and McDonald , the two gCruuln sus pects arrested ycRtorduy , were arraigned In court to day und remanded without ball to await thu arrival of Chicago detectives. After oolng arraigned end [ remanded both men talked to the reporter. McDonald said ho cuino bore from Philadelphia four years ago aud has never been out of the city slnco , and has not traveled live miles on n railroad since that time. For the past thirteen months he has been employed In n black smith shop on First uvenuo. Referring to the statement In the morning that ho hail been in Indiana , McDonald said that such was not the case. Ho never had besn In that state. The only time ho over mot Dillon was on the 1st of May last. Ho iicv r sn'.J n word to Dillon about Dr , Cronin , filarpiiey uaid that | io flrjj btjcaiaj ac quainted with Dillon In Philadelphia years ago. Ho bollovcd the charge against Mc Donald and himself had been brought no ns to make n scandal for the friends of Sulli van. Ho had known Dillon when ho was an obscure slipper maker , nnd had scon him co up from that until ho had secured onnugh > ewer to bo nblo to order the arrest of n man .n . Tlmbuctoo or China , BO long ns ho was a Sullivan man , In regard to McDonald , Mnroncy said ho had been acquainted with him for Bomo tlmo. Whllo they were not enemies , they were not particularly friendly. As to the charge of murder , both denied any knowledge of It. Hiliil ltlon Paiiors Grnntrrd. SriUNcirtKMi , Juno 12. Before midnight , to-night , it Is likely that John Maronoy nnd 2hnrlcs McDonald , of Now York City , will DO in the hands of the Chicago o flic mis. Last night requisition papers wore secretly ssucd by the governor to Thomas Fnrrell , n representative of States-Attorney Longc- icckcr , for the arrest of Maronoy nnd Mc Donald for complicity In the Cronin murder. Iho mutter was zealously guarded until this afternoon , when the ofllclals in the governor's oftlro admitted to the Associated press repre sentative that the requisition had really been granted und that Furrell had loft for the cast last night. urns. MAYBIUCIC IN cotniT. The American Accused of Poisoning llor ICiiKtlBh llustmiid. [ CUj'l/Ho'it ' 1SKO tt\i \ Jamt Oonlon ttsiuirH.l LiVKurooi. , Juno 12. | No\v York Herald Cable Special to Tun BEE. ] A r.lno hours' sitting to-diiy of the county Justices , before whom Mrs. Mnybrlck mndo her first appearance - anco in public on the charge of having done icr late luubnnd to death by arsenical pois oning , has served to exhaust only half of the evidence , In the long chain of facts. The ex citement around the new county sessions louso. Islington , whore the magisterial In vestigation was opened , and will bo contin ued to-morrow , has been strung 10 the high est pitch. At 10 o'clock the presiding magis trates took their seats. The court was already filled with persons professionally engaged - gaged or Interested in the case. The Jury's jnllery was occupied by fashionably dressed udics , whilst the public gallery contained n mixed audience of the respectable class. Superintendent Bryniug conducts the case 'or the prosecution , und the prisoner has the advantage of Mr. Hickford's counsel , who a the leading junlorat the bar in this city. Mr. A. Bricrly , cotton broker , whoso In timacy with the wife of tlio deceased gentleman has brought him into unpleasant > romincnce , was not represented by counsel , is before the coroner , nor did ho put in nn appearance. Another much interested per son , however , has retained as counsel Mr. 3dgccombon behalf of Baroness Von Hogue , mother of the accused lady. The court was hushed when , In response .0 the command of Superintendent Brynlng , Mrs. Mnybrlck was brought Into the doclt from below. She approached the dock rail vith a firm stop nnd head erect. She is a slightly built person , of medium height ; and , iccording to popular report , is good looklnr , laving light golden hair. She was shrouded rom head to foot in a heavy black capo nnd nothing but the chin of the prisoner was visl- lie to the court. Her widow's veil , which she never once lifted , completely hid the ippor part of her laeo , A comfortable- oolting arm chair was provided , and into this she settled down , icr head rcolining , unmoved , on the ipholstcry , while Superintendent Brynlng unfolded , in a succinct , concise and unbi assed way , the whole series of startling , 'acts already disclosed before Coroner Cross. The examination of the witnesses was dl- eclcd to show that the deceased took nerve tonics containing arsenic , but the only new : act elicited was that Brierly paid a London lotel bill of 3 13s Od. The court adjourned till to-morrow. AMI3UIOAM C\Vll \ , KNG1NEGUS. Tlio Party of Two Hundred Who nro Dolni ; ISitKlaud. IMS Itil Jnmts Gnrdnn llcnnM. ] LONDON , Juno 1'J. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tin : BEC. ] The party of two hundred American civil engineers rep resenting the greatest engineering industry in the United States , arrived In London to day. All of them were delighted with the reception already accorded them in the north and south , they had enjoyed during the Whitsuntide recess , and they all looked for ward with eager expectancy to the long roll of entertainments , dinners , receptions nnd inspections they nro to go through in and around the metropolis. The reception rooms of the Institute of Civil Engineers , at Westminster , were crowded all day with an over varying stream of guests , who came in to register tiicir ad dress nnd secure malls from the country over the sea , where they belonged. The members of the party who had come over by tlio City of Richmond , were especi ally nrnuscd by the big collection of in stantaneous photos , which had been taken on board by ono of their number , George Weeks , and which were scattered over the table of the outer reception room in bundles In great variety nnd endless profusion. They were from an Instantaneous machine and were taken surreptitiously nnd otherwise ; those of the former class , It need not bo said , excited the most amusement , for oven engineers they nro funny things to dissipate the ennui of Ufa on ship board. Yesterday's gathering , however , was purely nn Informal affair and the regular round of sightseeing and receptions does trot begin until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning , after which hour , nil their tlmo will bo occu pied responding to invitations , until the 20th Inst. , when the party leaves for Paris. 8TANIJ3Y 11K/VUI ) FllOM. Number ol' II IN Men Dead From IHfienfln nnd Painlne. Juno 12. A letter received hero from Ururl , on the southwestern ahoro of Victoria Nynnza , dated December 2 , reports the arrival there of Stanley with n number of Invalid members of his foroo. The letter ay Stanley has sustained heavy losses , a largo number of his inon having died from disease and famine. The explorer hud re joined and left Emln Pasha at Unyuru , on the northwestern shore of the luke. BnnU Failure In , Juno 12. The Journal's Wahpcton , Dak , , special says the Bank of Wuhpoton assigned this morning. There has been n heavy run on the bank. The assets and liabilities uro unknown. Miller * Ask a Favor. MH.WAUKBB , Juno 13. At the session { of ( ho National Millcri' association this morn ing n i-osolutlon was adopted asking Presi dent Hamsun to appoint George Buin , of tit. Louis , consul nt Glasgow. Tivn Murdornrtt Lvnolioil , Hsi.cswoon , Tenn. , Juno 12 , Last night a mob Woke Into Iho Jail and took Lloyd nni Reynolds , dnuhla murdcrcm , and hanged xbuii ; tu tico near by. llnb Yo nger Dyluc. HT , PAUL , June 12. ( Special Telegram to 'fun Biu.J--Bol : Yonager , tbo nbtorioun out lav , U dyug t tiio Btllhvnlcr nouitoiitlnry , A SLAUCIIFER OF INNOCENTS Fearful Wrook of a Sunday Sohoo Excursion In Ireland. . „ OVER SEVENTY CHILDREN KILLED Suspends All llnslnfRs mid Jlcr Pcoplo Mourn For the Idttlo Ones Who Are Gone. , The Itnllrond Ofllelnl.s Arrested. \ DtiiiHN , Juno 12. A train continuing 1,500 persons from Armagh , composed of Metho dist Sunday school scholars , their teachers and relatives , was wrecked near that plnco. It was first reported that fifty children were killed , but later dispatehcs show the accident was far more serious. Seventy bodies have been taken from the wreck , nnd there nro others burled under the debris. Over ouo hundred passengers were Injured. Thopooplo were going on an excursion to Warren Point. The following particulars wore received in regard to the accident to the oxcuislon train ; The excursion party loft Armagh , this morn ing , in two trains. The accident occurred nt n point where the trams had to ascend n grade on a bunk fifty-five feet high. The first train ascended the grade without trouble. The second section attempted to ascend , but the weight proved too much for the engine. Several cars were detached and were allowed to run back toward "Q the level track , but before they reached It they came In collision with the ' ? train from Armagh which was proceeding nt a good rate of speed. The excursion cars were completely wrecked. Hurt's volun teers were soon nt hand and the dead and wounded were taken from tlio wreck and carried down the bank. Medical old was called and n special tram from Belfast brought to the scene twenty surgeons from that city and n number of medical men from other place * . The disaster is unparalleled in the railroad history of Ii-olund. All the shops in Armagh were closed this afternoon and the people nro in mourning. The engineer , fireman nnd guard of the train nnd the traffic managers und clerks woru sum moned before a magistrate and were ro- mundcd on a charge of being responsible for ho accident. The shrieks of the children were horrible. Many were mangled beyond recognition. There is scarcely a family In Armagh that bus not some one dead , nnd in ninny cases whole families were killed. Before starting on the fatal excursion the children paraded through the streets of Armagh with flags nnd banners , and the town folks turned out almost en nmsso to wish them n happy holiday. The train consisted of fifteen carriages. The bulk ol the children were in the front portion of the train. Only about a dozen children were killed. The majority of the victims were about twenty years of ago. They were in the lust carriage , which wus completely smashed. All the bodies have now been taken from the wreck. The total killed is seventy-two , of which sixty-four have been idcntllled. The number oC the Injured is about one-third of the entire number of pisj ; scneors. Many of these uro certain to suc cumb to the effects of their Injuries. W ESTEUN i > Aciu\G lN I'EUHSTS HORS Marlcotcd Quito Liberally the Past Week ; CINCINNATI , Juno 12. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEI : . ] To-morrow's ' Prico-Currc-nt < will suy : Hogs have been marketed qulto liberally the past week in the west , the ag gregate number somewhat exceeding the prevailing - vailing expectations. The packing reports show a total of 283,000 for the week , against 255,000 the preceding week , and 215,000 the corrcspDiidlng week last year , making a total ot 3,000COU since March 1 , against 2,5-l.r > , o6o a t'oar ago. 'fTace. 07.1.WJ ( iinsiisClty. . . BUH/jOJ hnnhu ! 'ir..OJO . St. Louis , IM.IHX ) ndlauapolls. . 121,030 110,0)0 ) MnclmuUi 88.UOJ 68,000 Milwaukee. . . IIO.IKX ) BJ.U'JO > ( lur Huplds. OtOIO W.OOO Cleveland Wl,0 M.OIX ) jloux City 134.000 70.000 SALT IRAKIS CITY. Kcliof For Johnstown Olllcml Ap- polntincuts Unuiha I'craotinln. SALT LAKE CITV , Juno 12 , | Special Tele- ram to THE BEE. ] About 8,000 was real- zed by n concert in the tabernacle lust night. One-fourth will tro to Seattle , the balance to Johnstown. The appointment of Hoyt Sherman as re ceiver of public moneys gives general satis faction. 'Iho appointment of a New Hamp shire man us register of the land office Is con siderable of a surprise , as Utah hail quite iv number of prominent candidates. J. D. Pope und wife , H , Bovdor , C. II. Brainard , C. B. Eversoll and wife , F. B. Gllmore , N. E. Leece , Frank Mitchell , all of Omaha ; A. C. Thompson , Council Bluffd ; Dr. J. M. Peck , Davenport , Iu. ; F. Mnlono and F. A. Oswald , Lincoln nro in the city. Q Slonx KallN University. Sioux FAM.H , Dak. , Juno 12. [ Special Tclq- gram to Tin : BEE. ] The sixth annual com mencement of the Sioux Ftilla universi ty is in progress this week. Thin institution IB the jlenomlnatlonul school for thu Baptists of South Dakota. This has been class day , and to-night occurred the speaking for the Morfto prlzo at the Congregational church. There were seven contestants , four of whom were young ladles. The prize was won by JSarlo V. Pierce. Biloo SiioccetU llarnuin , NEW YOUK , Juno 13. Calvin S. Brlco has been elected ehalrraim of the democratic national committee. Shortly after noon tlio committee ) was culled to 'order. After ad dresses upon the deaths of William II. Bar- nuin and Captain W , Dawnon , resolutions of regret were adopted and Brice was unani mously elected chairman. At il o'clock the committee still In session behind closed doors. _ _ Forest FiroH In Minnesota. Two HAIIIIOIIB , Minn. , Juno 12. Forest flrcs have been raging with renewed activity all day'nlong the Iron Range railroad , iu every direction , Th In city Is surrounded by clouds of hiuolto. The latest report from Ely , Minn , , says the most destructive flro ol the KoaEon is raging there , and from twelve to fifteen buildings have been destroyed , aud much damugo done to railroad property. Tlio Lutheran Hynod , HOUK IBMND , Juno 12. The Auguatana Lutheran synod resumed Its session at HocU Island this morning , The now coimtlltitlon recommended for adoption lust year came up. and after a heated discussion mi Informal ballot wax tuken. It was voted down by u decided majority. Tlio now college was dedicated in the afternoon , Mno Bleu Full I'roin n S CiiiUAdo , Juno 13A largo scaffold thirty foot high , that hud been carelessly erected at the now power housn which the West Sldo cable Btrcot railway Is building nt the corner of Rockwell and Madison streets , fell in , with a crash this afternoon and lAirlcil nlr.ol workmen In the ruins. No one wua Killed outright , but scmio will probably dlo , Ittiokct SliojH CIoic. New YOHK , Juno 12 , The bucket tt.uin on Main street and Hrorul way suspended bus iness as soon as U learned the measure prohibiting Vbclr opcifUloni'.Uad U WJO