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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1889)
-o 2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ! WEDNESDAY , JUNE 12 , 1889. THE APOSTLES WON EASILY , * Omaha Drops the Third Oamo of the St. Paul Borlos. TWELVE TO THREE THE SCORE. Milwaukee's Innblllty to Tiny Brill Kcsulta in n Double Victory Sioux City Stanley Claims the Ilncc. Standing of the Clubs. Following is the standing of the Western association clubs up" to nnd Including yes- ' St. i'aul 13 , Oinnlia 3. ST. PAUI , , Minn. , Juno il. [ Special Tolo- prnni to Tun Bnn.J The last game of the St. I'aul-Omalm series , witnessed by 1,000 pconlo , gave promise In the llrst three In nings of being n very close ono , but St. Paul began to pull away In the fourth inning , nnd won with ridiculous ease. The game was a peculiar mixture of bad nnd brilliant play ing. The Nebraska team hit Tuckorman very hard ! but when men got on bases the Ety. Paul players settled down to hard work , nnd by some of the most remarkable stops nnd thro\ys over scon at Athletic park , ro- iirod the runners 'before they reached the ptato , except In the third , seventh nnd eighth Innings , in each of which ono man crossed the rubber. In splto ot the fact that the Apostles made half n dozen errors , they were not costly , two Of the three Omaha runs bolng on clean , hard hitting. Autorig the pretty catches wore thosobf Walsh , Catiavan , Dally anti Murphy. Tlio Idst occurred in the eighth inning , when KlchdW pounded the ball almost Into the don lor Hold cdfrnor. The fctcaay Hlborrilah ran with the sphere , nnd turning quickly ; caught It lust before it reached' the ground , 'iho ( rrcntclt thrbw wat that of Carroll In the .fifth , froni right to third , rntirmg Strauss. Wa'gcnhurst , the now short atop , made His Initial appearance. In the field ho seemed ncrvpus , nnd evidently did not do himself Justice. At bat ho mndo n double and single , -and on the bases ho was a prluco. B6th his rtlhs'woro made on the most daring sprint- Ihgever scon In the Saintly city. Both Naglo and Nichols aid oxcbllent work , uut * Iho visitors' fielding was nt times , ragged. Crooks had a peculiar sort of n day. In the score sheet ho is simply credited with coihg t6 bat Jour times. Ho did not get a saf o and 'did not have a chonco to do any knid bf fleld- tng. Score ! BUMMAUY. Iluni enrnod St. raul 4 , Omahix 2. Two ba o lilts Wiwonhnrst , Willisami Cleveland. Homo runs- Daly aud Cleveland IIiisci stolon-ny llcllly , 2 : llawes , ISronxliton. Wasonhurat , Cunnvnn ( Anna Btreuss. Doublu pinys Wcrrlck and Iliiwos , Tuck- 'tarmunnnd Ilawessvcrrlclr , llnwci and Wnnenliutst. Bases on bnlli OfTTntkerman , 2i oflTNIchoh,2. Jilt by pitcher Carroll , Struck out Ily Inckcrman , 2 ( by Nichols , 8. l'a > iod balls lirougliton 0 , Naelo 2. i Wild pitches Clarke mid 'J uckcrmim. Jolt on b isc St.PaulsOmaha 10. tlrstba e on errors-St.I'Bul 6 , OmutiaU. Utmo.tno hours. Umpire-Cuilck. DCS Monies U , St. Joseph 2. DBS MoiNKS.'la. , Juno ll. The homo team won again fo-'day in a close nnd interesting game/ Score : I tDesMolnes. . . . . . 2 00001000-1 Bt.JoaupU . 0 0100001U-2 BUMMAUY. Huns cnrncd Des Jlolnos 3 , 8t. Joseph 1. Two-linso hlts-WhUelcy.lIart Curtis z , Crowoll. Double plays -AnlnertoGarttrrlglit to KrolK- Stolen bn'oa Miis- kroy.iCnrtwriiiht. liases on bulls By Halt 2 , by CrowolT 2. Hit by pltclier-Hy Hart 1. Struck out- 11T Ilart Crowoll 4 1'nssud balls Trntlley 1. Wild pitches Crowoll 1. Tlnlo 1-15. JJinplro-fcorce , MJnncnpoliH 4 , Denver O. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Juno 11. Morrison proved too effective to-day , nnd Denver was shut out. Shores pitched a strong game , tbutvashit hard at times. Score : Minneapolis . I 0000200 1-4 lenyur . . . .U 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0-0 Huns oarnoil-Mlnncacolls 2. Two bnso lilts Junior , ilnrao runs atlniiehan. .llasos stolen JnnUui. Double plays-Morrhon to Juntzoii to 'Allllfr , Twlnoliam to McClcllanto Howe , lumen oti balls Murrlxon H , Shores I , lilt by pltcncr-ltowo J , buuros , ( jllch. Struck out J v Mori Iwn U , by Hliorca fe lAlt on linsos Minneapolis t , DCIIVIT 0. Tlmo 2 ours. , Uinplru S Hinders. Two Gnitirs at Aljlwnulccc. MILWAUKEE , Juno 11. Milwaukee lost two games to Sioux City , to-day , through inabil ity to play ball. Score : FIJIST OAMB , 6UMUA11Y , Karnpa rims-Jlllwaukco 1 , Bloux City3. Two lm o hits Morrl > say 2 , ( iunlns 3. btolan bascs-Albbrts , Ullno. IioublO plnyfc-Croulcjr. AlburW. llaiusoii bnlli-MprrlMoy , Huttoti. AlburtH2 , CrtiM'oy , I ) \ls , Cllno , ( . onn. lilt by i > ltelivr-lx ) u , Cllno. Btruclc put llr Davis * , by bclbul 8 l'n sod bulls-Cnitty 1. W lid | mcJui-l > iiYl l , Bi'llitl 4. Ttmu j hour , & 0 uilu- Jilea. IJuiplroloDormott. . iiu.wAintis. HIOOXCITY. Klrby. . , . & 'e' ' S'"o' l-.lne. . , . S I111' 3 , U 1 < U ( MJIonil. ir. . . . , . . ! 2200 Morrt utlb.U U a U 2,1'ovroi , ) , Ib , , . , ,1 1 u 1 U Ballon,2b.-C..0 0 3 1 u' 0 0 1 U Mlll , o.Vrf. . , . ) U 0 1 0 lro ! nan , > ! ) . , , ,1 u S l Alberta , 3b..U U 1 1 UllntUlerSUt ! 2411 , . . . ; . 0 i u o , ' , . , ; ; ; i 5 fi J , Cr < i sloy.cArf.l 220 Si'iillmiui , o. . 0 2 I I a arllllliit'pT , . 0 0 U * O.Wobberp , , , , , u U U 1 ( I T.Hiilfl 2 4 13 5 rululs 8 1)31 13 5 1IY INNINGS. Mtlvmukoo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 o 0 1 u U 1-1 bloux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U 1 1340 a Ijl'MMAIlV. Enrnrd riliu-Mlhtiulioa 1 , tlnux City 2. Two-bato lilts-jlU'nti , Crowley. llasos f toloti-Klrby . J Powell , ijiiblo nlayCllnu to llro n n to l oll. Iluiiet 10(1 ( bttl | rKrliy. l.pwo , Horr. 'ro sluy , Cllno. Ktruck uut-lly ( IrlltHU" 6. l'n Ltl Uullnnui. \Vlia iltUiosrrinHli ) , Webber 1. UniiilroJlcUor - tnott. 'Jliuc--Jlipur , Ainuloiir OnioH. | | Sn.vnn Cur , la , , Junoll. [ Special to TUB Unit. J A iptno of ball to-day between iho Tabor college and Silver City teams , re * BVjted lr n vctory | for the farmer by n i-coro of , 0 to 5. _ MlNB Williams Quits. lay rocp bojxvooti Lottie Stanley JVJJJIauis , cnmo to nuabrupt closa coliiOUU lost cveutug. Miss \V11- S , 1.3 S. llfttns , who has been out ot condition from the start , jjavo up" lost flight on her sofrontv- second tnllo and retired from the track ; The roforco promptly "Awarded thq taco W Miss c ' * " ' " ' " ' * Stanley , _ Sports nt Sioux fnlln. SIODX PAT.M , Dak. , .Juno 11. | Special Telegram to Tun UBn.- Clark G. Coats' private race course was the sccno of"much ntcrost nnd several tnlshnps to day. Two thouiand iiorsons gathered to witness the trotflnff race between Coats' horse Uoan Jack , nnd Tcloohono. owned by Froti II. Hoyco , for 1300 a sldo. Near thd end of the first heat Hoan Jack strained n tendon nnd IdstthoraCo. Nearly $0,000 changed hand * , Then occurred "n'running rnco between Golden Arrow , of Larchwood , and Llbcrtlno , owned hero , for ? 50 n sldo. In the first heat Llbcrtino broito n teildon and was lead off. Then Paul Caldwell knocked Lester Proctor but ttn ft bicycle race. ' ' * A WILDCAT'SAVVpUL LEAP. It AVno to Dentil , Out Through No Linnlt of ilio'A'nrmal'fl A lJlty. "I'v& ' sdon It disputed hi thb papers that a wildcat or catamouiit , can ma | < o a lonp of t\vonty-flvo foot { " feald n Vol- dent of Sullivan county to n NoW York Sun cbrrcapondont , "arid I would Hko to inoiition what I saw a wildcat do once. 1 was trout fishing on otio of the upper tributaries of Iho Boavorklll , and had clambered down Into n deep ravine to point a tempting pool at thd foot of a full , where I was sure my cast3 \vould ho rewarded by the killing of some bly trout. I was not mistaken at that. I had landed four trout , the smallest ono eighteen Inches long , and sat down to'rest the pool.1 Both sides of the ravine wore perpendicular walls of rock , probably twonty-flve foot high. The summit of the walls on the side ol the creek opposite to mo sloped buck gradually from Its edge for several feet to a heavy growth of pino. "As 1 was sitting at the blltom of the ravine I happened to glance up to the top of the rocks opposite mo , and saw * a hen pheasant , accompanied by her newly-hatched brood , como out of the pines and scratch and peck her way along the sloping open space , hunting for Jood for her young , which clustered dlosbiy about hor. 'Jfno"'nheasant came very close to the precipice , aud 'it seemed to mo that gho wns placing her brood Ina moat dangerous position , when she turned as'lf to walk back with them to the plrlcs. The instant she turned somothihg'liko n shadow flitted across the ravine , arid half a second later Isaw an enormous wildcat ollng- Ing to the edged of thq opposite wall by his fore foot , holding the pheasant bo- twodli his jaws. The wildcat struggled fdr a moment to'drag himself from the edge of tho'aby&s tba & a sure footing on the top of the rocks , but his offbrt was In valrtV anfl ho came crashing 'do\v'n the face of the lirodipico , still holding the luckless pheasant in his jaws. Ho fell with a splash iii"tho Water , and lay motionless at the edge of the pool. I Suppose'd ' thut thp animal had been watching the pheasant , from the bushes on top of the rocks opposite .vhoro the bird had appeared * with her brood , and at his opportunity had jumped across to eeifce her ! but had * 'misjudged the dis tance and fallen short , with thd result so'Iatal to him. " "Tho whirr of the water brought the wildcat around .in a short time to the side where I was standing , and as 1 was bending down to o'xtimino him I saw'a man with a gun set-ambling down the rocks. The man soon reached my sldo , and T then learned that ho'had ' shot the wildcat as the animal was flying acrobs the chasm upon his prey. Sure enough , just at the base of the animal's brain was' the hole made "by the rifle ball. The hunte'r- had boon following the wildcat for some time , and had lost track of him , but came near the edge of the ravine in time to'soe him make his leap nnd follow-him with the bullet. It was that which had slopped tlio animal short in the tremendous leap it had cal culated on , or it would have cleared the space wlth safety and doubUess with ease. 'The wildcat was in reality al most in his death throes when ho struck the pheasant , which he'clung ( o with the clutch of'd.eath , and still liold in His mouth when we dragged him dut of the water. Wo measured the width of the chasm across which thb wildcat had made hisdeath , leap. ' The measure ment was fo'rty-thrbe'Ttcet. ' " SHE.-DIDN'T FEAR THE BEAR. t w * An Oilcliln- Indian AVonian Puts the ' ' 'Braver 'Slmme. * ' ' Richard , who spent his time logering until a hchool ' could bo given him , writes , says the 'Hamnton ( Va. ) School Ropord , that "he is "trylng > to roll the logs of knowledge into the children's heads as will as ho rolled the logs a few months ago into the river\ \ and wo have no dbubt he will. Ho also'incloses "an article giving an riccoidit pf the bravo deed of olio of his' neigh"b6rstan Orioida Indian woman , whoso courage scorns only equaled by her pride o raco. ' Driving into the fields ono day where her hufebntjd anil ethers were"at work , she oricountored a log lyhig'aCrosS ' the road'insuch a way that she , could not pass. As Jhoro was no ono near to help her and the log was beyond horstrength. to move , she proceeded to cut it in two with an axe she had in the wagon. To her surprise she found she had dis turbed a mother boar and her family of cubs. The bear , morn frightonbd than' ' angry , took to Iho woods , and the woman walked in search of J.ho . men and their fire-arms. Finding them , she conducted her rdllo ! party quickly back to the log 'to ' fiiHl that the boar had also returned. When all were stationed ready for action she again used her ax on the log , and the betir made her second appear ance , this time angry and vengeful. The man who stood ready for just this emergency missed his aim , dropped his gun. and with nil his other masculine companions took to his heels. Loft alone With the infuriated boast , -with only an ax' for defense , this Indian , \yomah coolly waited until the bear china near enough , and , letting the ax full with all her might upon its head , k'llod it with that ono stroke. The bamo weapon applied to three of the little brphans effectively prevented their ever realizing their loss , and the other she kindly adopted and carried , homo with hor. Reaching her homo nho found her husband , son and others asHomhlod there anxiously speculating as to what could have boon the result of the encounter they had failed to see ended. Standing before them , with the cub in her arms , she scornfully surveyed them from head to foot and exclaimed ; "Cowards , you have no Indian blood in your voinsl" AVoar anil Tour of n. Rultronilor. Railroad man improve In health , dur ing the ilrst four years , but at the end' of ton years they are tired out , in fif teen'they are actual sUflorors , and very few ran remain In the service after twenty , eays the London Railway Nowa. Dr. Lfchtonbag , of Buda Pobth , saya tlmt ou of 250railrqad employes ninoty- Use , or moro than a third suffer , froin , oar disease. Engine drlvpra uro cs- poqluUy liable ; to rheumatism and pneu monia , ttin\ \ after .sojno years' sompo , a pertain proportion of thorn become dull of sight and hearing. Others suffer from a mild form of spinal concussion , muscular foabjoness and continuous paiTi8ln.thallinb $ . They are also'apt ' to develop a poculjar mental tatb a sort of qorobral trritatiqn wjth exces sive nervousness and morbid Buneutiona of jaiir. r A DRUNKARD'S ' FATAL BITE , Blood Poisoning Threatening the Llfo of Hla Victim. ALDRICH COMMITTED SUICIDE. Counsel Applies For n "Writ of Jlnhona Corpus In Dr. Crotiln In Orooly Center ? y'oiiio ' llnllrond Humors. Charged With Murder. PENDEII , Nob. , Juiio "ll.--tSpoclal to Tnn Linn. ] Pat McGrovoy , n farmer residing about seven miles south of this place , has got himself badly trfng'.ed ' up In thd webs of crime. While nt Bancroft , last Saturday , Pat filled himself up on lightning whisky , nud Inaugurated n general war of words upon certain peaceable , law-abiding citizen's , whereupon ono of the constablds of the town attempted to arrest him. McGrovoy seized him by the right hand and bit him. almost severing the thumb. The wound Is now pronounced - nounced by the physicians tas fatal , blood poisoning having sot In. and papers nro now being made out charging McGrovoy with murder. This does not cover nil his crimes. tt came to Ponder , yesterday , nnd going to Logon Valley bank , presented four chocks on the Bancroft bank , which aggre gated S09. Hot-man Frcoso , the cashier , gave him the money , nnd this morning discovered that McGrovoy had no capital in the Ban- croft bonk. The sheriff of this county'will call on him to-day. An Appeal For Long. NoitTii PIATTE , Neb , Juno 11. ISpeclal to TUB Bnn. ] Ono of tlio attorneys for Joft Long , who has lain in Jail slnco April , 18SO , on tile charge ofhiurdor , loft last ovonlngfpr Lincoln , where ho will try to got the Voleaso of his client on bail pending a now trial. Much interest is felt in this case , from the fact that thd prisoner Was 6hco convicted ) granted a stay , given now trial by the supreme court , and ilnally , nftor mucli delay , Was tried n second time , nnd cnmo vorjr near bolnir acquitted , the jury standing cloven to one .for the prisoner. Ball was refused and the case set for trial nt the last term of court. When the court mot In May counsel for prisoner made strenuous efforts to have the cash tried , and , failing in that , to secure the release of the prisoner on ball. Both , failed , nnd the case wont over to July. * * { /Ullrich Committed Suloiilo. "HASTINGS , Neb. , Juno II. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bnn. ] Some sensational de velopments In the recent Aldrlch "murder trial were made to-day. Mrs. Aldrlch was acquitted In this city two weeks ago of ttic charge of murdering her 'husbandi ' There Was1 strong circumstantial evidence against her' , but tbo defense sot up the claim that her husband had committed suicide by drlnkidg poisoned whisky , nnd put in as evidence a whisky bottle out of which the dead man had drankl.i short time' ' before hisdeath. . The woman wus acquitted oUt of moro curi osity. The whisky bottle and Its contents wore senfto Prof. Hayncs of'Rush Medical college , Chicago , foranalysis. . His report , received hero this afternoon , shows that strychnine in unmistakable quantities had boon put Into tho'whisky. The claim that John Aldrich committed suicide is now gen erally accepted. . ' , Pacific H. R. Co. of Nobrnskn. HAsVixas , Neb. , Juno 11. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bur. ] The annual mooting of the board of directors of the Pacific Hallway companv of Nebraska , which operates the Missouri Pacific between Hastings and Su perior , was hold" in this city to-day. The following officers were elected for the ons'u- ing year : President , Edwin Gould , Now York ; vice-president , Church Howe , Au burn , Neb. ; secretary , E.'G. Merrlam. St. Louis ; treasurer , A. H. Calif , Now York ; ' assistant secretary , W. P. McCroary , Hast ings. In an Interview , one pf the directors stated emphatically that the Missouri Pa- cillc 'would build from Crete to Hastings , and that the line would bo extended from this city to Kearney and also into the Broken Bow country'bat ' that It has not ibcen de cided . "whether , or not these extensions will bo made this year. M * tifr < i > Is This JDr. Crontii ? GKBEI.KT CiSiTEiiJNe6. , Juno'll. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEC. ] Public' curiosity has been quite piqued of late ever theprbs - fcnco'of a strange visitor at thfe hdnio 6f a family , recently arrived from Cnicago. Ho Jis a man * or nearly fifty1 yeqrs of ago , and has quite a distinguished air , but all t efforts to discover who ho is or to moke.his acquaint ance have failed. Curiositv was intcnsllled , however , by'tho discovery that the stranger exhibits a very marked resemblance to the cut of. Dr. Cronin published by , the Chicago Times n few days ago" . There is u largo set tlement hero of Irish pebplo from Chicago , nnd among these the stranger seems to boat * homo. The time of his arrival among this colonv is not known , as close inquiry does not discover any one who has seen him como in ou any of the trains. < Lightning Couldn't Kill Him. McCooL JUNCTION , Nob. . Juno ll. John F. Albin , editor of the McCool Keco rdwho ' was struck with lightning on Friday nicht , 'is still alive. Th < 5 case Is a peculiar ono. , Mr. Albin was returning homo about 9:30 : in' the evening , and when about ton rods from the rtsidenco of T. W. Smith , the bolt struck him on tko hoaa just ever tbo'forolodd ) on the loft sldo , loss than three inches above the loft temple. The Hula appears to have fol lowed a course down the back of the oar and struck the point of the shoulder down the chest , nnd crossing his body , followed down thp right leg to a point below the knee , where1 a largo p-cco of flesh was torn out , nndlthon jumped'to ' thb loft' log arid into the grouiid throucli his shoe. ' The shoulder is the chief scut of tmln , although the cliest and limbs nro horribly burned. Consciousness re turned yesterday , sixty hours after the acci dent. Ho' lav for ncarlv two hours in the mud on the road after nclng struck before , hovas found. Ho cannot suy what hit him , ' but is Under the impression that BO mo ono struck him. The bolt was a terrific ono. nntt shook the whole village. The doctor In charge Is of the opinion that the patient wl 1 recover , but may bo maimed for llfo. Mr. ( VIbin is a , hlghlv respected "young man in this portion of tbo state , and his recovery is hoped-for. rtellovuo College Commencement. BBLMSVOE , "Neb. , Juno II. | Special to THE BUB. ] Bellevue College com- , mpncomont exorcises will occur Juno 13. Among the Interesting events will bo 'tho third annual solfeo by the musical depart ment , under the direction of Miss Fannie M. Henderson , this evening , in the chapel , and the address by Uov. D , R , Kerr , of the. Southwest Presbyterian church of Omaha , before the V. P , S. C. E.followcd by n icunlon of the students and friends in the Presbyterian church Wednesday even ing , Juno 13. On Thursday , ttio 13tn , at 10 a , m. in the chapel , the unilojgrmlunto liter ary , musical and art contests , followed by the graduation of seniors and the post graduate ud tires a bf Rev. P , S. Davlcs , of Missouri Valley. la. The combined senior classes consist tt iiino members. After the exercises the Ladles' ' Aid society of the Presbyterian church will servo dinner to all who may deslro ifiu the church yard. The beautiful groves will bo open to all churches , Sunday schools aud families who may dcalro to hold picnics or reunions. Court in Bcatrlco BEATHICB. Nob. , Juno 11. [ SpecIaVto TUB BBK.J 1t\ \ the district court yesterday ! after noon John King plead guilty to pety lar ceny , and wus sentenced to twenty days in the county jail. John Klnzlo plead guilty to forgery , nnd was sentenced { o three years In the penitentiary. The case of James Pace , from the police court , charged withresisting an ofllcor , was dismissed this marnlni ; by the Jury , The criminal docket will'bo'cullod to-morrow , oua among the Inteietiugi'cii8es wilj bo William Carson , tfio negro who killed Ghmiimoy West tit n negro dance several wcoka ago. Carson was brought down from Lincoln this afternoon , Itnllronu Intension Proposed. Nibmuiu , iNb. , Juno 11. [ Special to THBBEK. ] AhaJmmlttco consisting of S. Draper , H. E , Bdhostool and Ed. A. Fry , of Nlobrnra , nnd -jB. Wilcox , of YnnUton , who has oxtoiif vo , interests hero , will ioavo to-inorrow for Chicago , where they will sub mit propositions W the Chicago & North western railroad ' company looUInu 16 the early extensions of the Fromont. Elkhorn & Missouri Vnll& $ rftllroad from the Vlrdlgrls into NIobrarn.'urfd ' of the branch of the Chicago cage , St. Pau"MIHnenpolis ] & Omaha Hno from Hartlngton to Ynukton. Columbus llnlnlits or 1'ytlilni. Cot.ustntrs , Nob. , Juno , 11. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Br.E. ] The Knights of Pythias observed their Memorial day In n filling manner nt 3 p. m. , in Castlb hall to-day. Goorgo.G. Bowman delivered the oration. After the exorcises in the liall the Knights In uniform , accompanied by the band , pro ceeded to the cemetery , where the graves of the departed members w'oro ' decorated. Items From AVnyno. WAYNE , Nob. , Juno 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bun. ] A special train of six teen earn of stock was shipped from hero to Omaha to day , making thirty-threo cars thus far this mouth , The Wayne Lutheran college is nn assured faet'tho citizens of this city , having , to-day , raised n suftlclont amount to put up the buildings complete. ' Adams County Courthouse. HASTINGS , Nob. , Juno 11. ' [ Special TcleJ gram to Tun BEE.J The board of county commissioners , to-day , lot ttio contrabt for the now Adams county courthouse to J. U. Slmir.s , of Hastings. The courthouse will cost $70,000 when completed , Howcrngo For Hastings. HASTINGS. Nob. , June 11. [ Special Telegram - gram to TIIEBRK.J The oily coilncll , to-daV , submitted ft proposition to the electors of the city of "Hastings' to vote bonds in the sum bf 5575,000 , for the purpose of commencing the construction of ia soworngo system. The special election will bo hold on July 10. Accidentally Shot. NBIHUSKA. Crrr , Nob. , Juno 11. [ Special to THE BED. ] Sidney \Vllson , a young man living ton miles south of hero , was out hunt ing to-day , but his gun' would not work. Ho started to mrtke nn oxnmnlntlou , when it ex ploded , taking off two fingers from his hand nnd lining his face full of powder. Ho may lese sight of ono eye. KnlRhti of Pythias .Memorial Day. NinnnsKA Cm- , Neb , June 11. [ Soeclal Telegram to Tun BEE. ] The Knights Of Pythias of this city to-day observed their memorial day with appropriate ceremonies and the decorations of.tho graves of departed brethren. NowBjmpcr Change. PEXUEK , Nob. . June 11 , [ Special to THE BEE.J A. IngieJJofrtho Logan Valley Times , has sold the1 paper to M. W ! Murray , of Frj- ; mont , who took possesslon this morning. The paper will appqar next week as a five- column . quarto. * 71 ( For tho'l < 'looil Sufferers. Gnr-Exwoon , Nnn.f Jurib ll. [ Special to TnifEnn. ] The citizens of Greenwood have subscribed $35 to the fund for tho'relief Of the Johnstown flood sufferers. ' ' Nob.VTuno ( 11. fSpecial to THE Bnc. ] An interesting inusical nnd literary entertainment , tlio proceeds of which will bo devoted to the rqjlof of the flood sufferers , will bo given by , ' Itfcal talent next Thursday evening. , ti\ \ Run. Ctvor , By n Dray. CLAUKS , Neb , , Jimo tl. [ Special to THE BEE.1 ] Thomas rtogati'"wos accidentally run over by a dray this cvo&insr , breaking this leg1 , and it is feared injuring him internally. * r THtt WANDERING 'CYCLISTS. Thirty Americans Doing Encland on * Their Wheels. [ Copyrfoht ISSa bu Joints Gordon Ucnnelt. ] LONDON , Juno 11. [ Now York iHerald Cable Special to THE BEE. ! The patty of American 'cyclists 'who are doing a summer tour on wheels will not have time to see much of 4 London ; nevertheless , they are going to see all they can. * About half of them * reached London the previous day , they having como from Oxford. The remainder reached their London rendezvous at Burr's hotel , Queen's square , yesterday afternoon , all mud stained , they having done the journey on their wheels in a heavy rain and along dirty roads. 'Their stay in London will only bo a shot t ono , and each member of th.o party will occupy the few , days that they spend hero as ho thinks best. The London cyclists have not been lacking in hospitality. The visitors are to bo enter tained at a banquet at the Inns' of Court hotel , on Friday ; and , under the auspices of the Pickwick club , an excursion to Hutfleld has been proposed. The excursionists go to Ripley , on Sunday , on their machines. On Monday , they go down to Brighton where the night will bo scent , and the next morning they will proceed to Nowhaven , where they will embark on the steamer for the continent. _ _ , Some Railway Cons derations. PIEIIHE , Dale1. , Juno 11. JSpeclnl Tele gram to THE BEE.J Jotin Sutherland , presi dent of the Pierre , board of trade , is iir re ceipt of a communication from Marvin Hughltt , president of the now rail way. assuiing him that' the position of the "company1 will bo neutral re garding the capital location contest. 'In icgnrd to certain false statements made con cerning the plans of the railroad company that the bridge would notibo built at Pierre or the road extended from this point to the Bl4cU Hills , Mr , HUghitt writes us follows ; ' I cannot undertake ) the task of answer ing or denying every unauthorized nnd , idle story regarding the intentions of the company' ias to the future construction of railways in Dakota. " Ho further says : "Somo years ace the company expanded a laj go sum of money In the survey and location of a rail way west of Piorro. The route was fouwj to bo practical. Cund for terminal facilities itiesou tho. ' west side of . the river was acquired' and reservations wore made fromUie , town plot of Plorro for bridge approaches and pther purpose , I know of no good , reason 'for changing the route already soleoUicl , when tbo company shall duoldo to rtf-ongago in railway oou-i struction. " f , Falls. Sionx FALLS , Dakf , Juno 11 , [ Special Tolo- grum to THE Bni ,1 > T-Onn thousand excur sionists from the ICwbs along the Burling ton. in north woat n Iowa , were In the city today. H was tlltV first visit of most of the company to thisouyi'Und they found much to Interest them. Ill wus . u good day far the merchants. o 'V Holdlor RolH an OJIlnnr. n , Wyo. . Juno 11. [ Special Tele gram to THE BKB.I' Captain Koblnsori , of the Seventh United States infantry , was "hold up" fn his quarters this morning and robbed of 315 , by a private soldier named Dormody , who escaped from the post on horseback and fled across the country in a southeasterly direction. The roboer is a beardless youth of slight physique , Tun Weather Indications. Nebraska and Iowa Fair , warmer , and ftouthcrly winds , LauoU Fair , followed In northern portion tion by light ram , warmer in southern portions tions , windt BouthorJy. The Illicit railway signal indicates automatically the tlmo ttiutliiUolupscil , up to twenty minutes , slnco' tbo lust train passed. tWO ILL-FATfcD INNOCENTS , * ' Ono Killed nnd the Otlior Deserted by Unworthy Parents. BOTH AT THE OPEN DOOR. i . - - A Crazy Mother Doses an Infant With Carbolic AoldAVatf Guarded by c. Spaniel , Miirdnrod HOP Child. About 3 60lock * yesterday mbrnlng , a man nnd woman drove In.a closed carriage to the Open Door , nnd asked for the matron. Mrs. Clark mot them on the front porch , The inim carried ah Infant child , and said the female with him was the mother , nud wanted them both cared for at the nemo. Mrs. Clark received the unfortunate creature and her offspring , nnd put them to bod. Tlio young mother acted strangely. Iho man said she was crary , and had given the baby a dose of poison to kill it. On making nn examination , Mrs Clark discovered that the child's mouth , cheeks , chirt nnd neck , were burned black with carbolic ncld which the wretched mother had spilled trying to force a dose down tljo little throat. She at once took the poor thine to her own room and attempted to relieve It but her efforts proved fruitless , The bauy died nt 1 o'clock. Up to that tlmo , Mrs. Clark , refused to give the names of the par ties to the reporters. She told a Biu : man , however , that the woman's brother-in-law had brought her to the Open Door from his residence where she had given birth to the child. Shortly nftor the latter was born , nnd while left nlouo , the mother got out of her bed and searched through three rooms for the poison to murder it with. After telling Mrs. Clark the Bvy substan tially as related hero , and giving her some Instructions about what to do for the woman , the tnan who had accompanied her wont away. Coroner Drexel was notified and removed tha body lo'his establishment , where an in quest will bo hold nt 10 o'clock to-day. Ho wus unable to ascertain from Mrs. Clark the iiatno of the unnatural mother , though from other sources it was Icnrntid that she was named Clara Monycrs. The brother-in-law has not yet boon found out. The coroner says that there Is'no ' question that inuraor uas been comuiittcu , and will get nt the real facts to-morrow. The woman's sister and her husband nro very anxious to have the matter smoothed ever , but from present appearances it prom ises to develop into a decidedly bad state of affalri all -around. TUo girl's ' full name could not bo learned. The sister nnd her husband told THE BEE representative the name was Clara Myers , but there Is reason to believe this wus incorrect. She told Mrs. Clan ; her linmo was Lena. It is stated that the girl is n half- sister to E. A. Marsh , the butcher. The broth sr-irf-low U a bartender in the saloon at the corner of Saundcrs nnd Charles street. His name Is William Elleralek , and ho lives over the saloon'iu throe rooms. For n short time previous to October , of last year , ho kept the hotel and restaurant , known as the Now York hotel , nt 7i North Sixteenth street. The girl Lena was employed to work around the house , and she says that ono day when she wns making the bed In one of too rooms the man'Who occupied the room came in , locked the iloor , throw her on the bed and accomplished her ruin. Immediately > afterward ho took his valise and decamped , and she has not seen him slnco. She said nothing about the matter to nnvouo , but went on with her duties as usual. In October the family removed to their quarters , on Saunders street , and-tho girl went"wlth'them to assist her sister , who became the mother of twins. When Lena began to show symptoms of maternity she told her Bister she was suffering from dropsy , and as their moUier < ) md been afllictcd with the same complaint , her sister thought noth ing of tno matter. About lour days before Lena was confined Mrs. Eller- slck says the girl went to Drs. Belts ft Belts , on Farnam street , who told her what was tho.muttor with her. When she was confined Drr E. L..Alexander attended her. The baby was a fine looking , healthy child and wns.born Juno 5. , , The Ellorsicks were greatly excited nnd. very , much afraid , the affair wouldibccotno known.Evory precaution wasitaken to prevent - vent the neighbors from learning anything ottho affair , > , ISllorsIclc wont to Mrs. Clurk and asked , her if he couldbrinp the girl to tno Open-Door. He said they were cramped for room and his wife was not able to take caroof.tho girl. , The mother , and baoy were taken to the Open Door about a o'clock Tuesday morning. Elloislck gave as'a reason for coming at that lalo hour , that a haek would attract too much attention in the neighborhood of his honi6 earlier in the evening. * Mrs. Ellctsick was seen and says she doesn't know how or when thoi pirl got the bottle of carbolic acid with which she poi soned the baby , us she was only loft alone a few moments about 8 a. m. If this is the cose , it puts a very strange light on the whole affair , as the bottle of acid ID said to have been found in the kitchen , which would load to the supposition that the girl went out into the kitchen , about fifty fcet , > by herself , when tbo sister wus out , poured the acid inlo some ycssol , and ad ministered it later , or that she was assisted in the matter by some ono else , as the poison was given to the little ono some time in tlio afternoon. . The child must have screamed when the acid tuuchedjt , as the face and throat wore horribly burned. It seems strange that the sister's attention , was not attracted to the affair. , The girl herself professes entire ignorance of the occurrence , saying continually that she knows nothing abaut It. She asked Mrs. Clarlc if her baby was dead before anything i had been said to bor by anyone at the Open Door about the child , aud did not seem olther surprised or sorry when told it was dead. A Wall' in the Dark. Somebody left an infant at the Open Door Monday night expecting it to be taken in and cared for. At half past 1 o'clock yesterday morning Mrs. Clark , matron of the homo , and her hus band were aroused fioiu their slumbers by the cries of n child. For several minutes they were unable to locate them. Mrs. Clark arose nnd wont to the nursery , than Into every room , and finally to the door. As the door was opened a black spaniel bounded across the yard , put his front paws up against her , and whined most mournfully. She followed the unlmal , ana found a bundle which she carried to the building. The dog kept up such a scratching and balking that ono of the nurses finally ad mitted him also. In the bundle was discovered a 1 calthy- looking male child , apparently about six weeks old , with blade hair , blacl ? eyes , and dressediOxcopt.jis to an out < sldo wrap , which was old and dirty , in clean white robes. , On the band of the long understcrt | , Mrs. Clurk made out the name of u promi nent family iu > thls city , but refuses to make it known. "I am satisfied , " aha said , "those people know nothing about this affair , and have nothing whatever to do with It. Probably they are acquainted witli the mother , and gave her tbo skirt , or it might have been stolon. Anyway , I shall not expose them until nn Investigation has been nude. I hope to find out who the parties are who have abandoned such a beautiful aud bright up- pcanug child. " The little fellow shows every indication of having been bom under favorable qlrcum- stances , A physician examined and Pro nounced a perfectly healthy baby nnd said it hod been-well nursed , It must have been loft to its fata and guardianship of tlio faith ful dog about midnight. Both baby and unl- raal uro now the pats of the homo , _ _ _ _ _ _ Tim City Council. Councilman A , H. Sander was present at last night's meeting of the city council and was warmly welcomed by hl colleagues' frlondi aud congratulated upon his escape from tlio disaster at Jphnstown , pf whiplj ho was un eye witness. All of the member * were present exceptMossts. VanCamp , Hoyd and UuriiliUm. A largo amount of routine business was transacted. JIatfipW , Mass. , IH to have u big tirno on September 10 , thut day bojinu the iMSjinrilviirsary t > ' the Indlun attaak on that IQWU , . . . , * * ? > BfRTrfOF A VOLCANO , t t L The Process lias Boon Observed nt T ' X'feHlco'ln Him Bnlvndor. Yzrxlco , in .tlio lUtlo republic of Sun Salvador , la In many rcspoots tlio most romnrhnblo volcano on earth , first , because - cause its discharges liavo continued so loiiff nnd with such great regularity ; ngnin , bocmiso the tumult in the unrth's bowels is always to bo hoard , as the rumblings nnd explosions nro constant , boinp nudlblo for n hundred , miles , and soundinff like tlto noise which Ulp Van Winkle hoard whbti h6 nwnkonod from hJS sleep in the Gatskllls4 and finally , it ia the only volcano that has originated on this continent since the discovery by Columbus , says the author of "Tho Cap itals of Spanish America. " It arose suddenly from the plain in the spring of 1770 , in midst of what had boon for nearly n hundred years the profitable estate of Senor Don Balthazar Ernzo , who was nbsont from the country at the time , nnd was greatly lunnzod upon liis return to' discover" that his magnificent coiree nnd Indigo plantation had , with out his kriowltiugo or consent , boon ex changed for a first-class volcano. In Uocomboi17G9 , the peons on the hacienda wore alnrmod by terrific rum blings Under the ground , constant trem blings of the earth and frequent earth quakes , which did not extend over the earth as usual , but su6mod to bo con fined to that particular locality. They loft the place in terror when the trem blings nnd noises continued , nnd re turning n week or two nftor , found that all the building had been shaken dovrn , trees * uprooted and largo craters opened in the Holds , which had been level earth boforo. From those craters smoke nnd steam issued , nnd occasionally 11 am os were soon to como out of the ground. Some bravo vaouoroa or herds men remained near by "to watch devel opments , and February 24 , 1770 , they were entertained by n spectacle -that no other men have boon permitted to witness ; for about 10 o'clock on the morning of that day the grand up heaval took place. < and it scorned to thorn , as they tiled in terror , that the whole universe was being turned Up- sidodown. First there was a series of terrible explosions , which lifted the crust of the earth several hundred foot , and out of the cracks issued fiamcs ol lava and imnjcnso volumes of smoke , An hour or two after wards there was another and a grander convulsion * which shook and startled the country for n , hundred miles around. Rocks weighing1 thousands of tons were hurled into the air , nnd fell ' several leagues distant. The surface of the earth was elevated about three thous and foot , and the internal recesses were purged ofjmasses of lava nnd blistered etono , which fell Ln a heap around tlio hole from which they issued. These discharges continued /or sev eral days at irregular intervale , accom panied by loud explosions ajul earth quakes , which did much damage throughout the entire republic : the dis turbance was perceptible -Nicaragua and Honduras. In thio manner wasa volcano born , and 'it has proved to bo a healthful nndvigorous child. In less than two months from a level field rose a mountain more * than lour thousand feet high , and the constant discharges from the cralar which opened then have accumulated round its edges until its elevation has increased 2,000 feet moro. Unfortunately the growth of the monster has not been scientifically observed or accurately measured , but the cone of lava- and ashes , which is now 2,600 feet from the foundation * of the earth upon which it > rfoats , is con stantly growing , by the incessant dis charges of volcanic matter- * ( SEVEN DAYS IN A BURNING SHIP. A. Captains Balls ,2,8OO Miles With i > < ' i His tiargo on Fire. > ! - * i The AitTdHcan to-morrow will pub lish a letter from Captain Thomas Rob ertson of the steamer Hawkhurflt to , Messrs. Gustnvus & Co. , of this city , which gives the , story oLono ottho most remarkable exhibitions of pluck , bravery and fine seamanship on record , says a Baltimore-dispatch to the Now York Sun. The feat of sailing boven days , a distance of 2,3QO inilos , on > a burning vessel , and declining , to stop at points whpre _ facilities for putting out the fire without endangering the cargo and ship , wnsjrogardod by the emperor of Brazil as so noteworthy an achieve ment as to warrant his conferring upon the master a modal of the first class. The Hawkhurst is a British -steamer , and belongs to the packet line running between Antwerp , London and Brazil. Captain Robertbon at ono time was master of the bark Amornuill ot Nicar- augua and the steamer Elstow of Lon- don. In his letter Captain Robertson says : < "Tho Hawkhurst sailed from London on March 10. bound for Rio Janeiro , \yith u general cargo. On March 23 wo were in latitude 11 ° north , loiigltuflo 27 ° west _ , 600 miles south of the island of St. Vincent , whotij at I ! n. m. , dense ilames of smoke were observed coming out of the ventilators in No. 2 hold. Wo at once blocked the ventilators , made holes in the docks , poijrlng steam in from the main boilers , and Water , too. The fire scorned to have a great hold on the cargo in the lower hold , aud it could not bo put out. During the next fouc days the declcs woio rod-hot. I may mention that there was.a between deck ot iron above the ilro , and above this iron dock was stored 700 barrels of oil , tow , tullow , and other iiillumnmblo matoriale. i "I thought at the beginning of this accident that I would put back to St. Vincent , but on further conbidcH.uion I did not rcpkon it prudent , as the , wind wus btrong ahead. Besides , if I Jind gone back there were no appliance for putting out fires on the island , I therefore steamed on to Rio , passing Pernnmbuco , where they would neb have entertained a burning ship coming in the harbor. My only resource had I gone to St. Vincent , Pornambuco , or Bahia would have boon to fill the hold with water , and to do this 1 would have to ground the sbfp , which might have cavsed a total loss. Throe davs after the ilro commenced the starboard bunk urn caught flro. This arose from the great heat of the decks and hull of the ehip. Wo put them out in twonty-four hours. The following day our port bunkers took flro but wo could not extinguish them , aud they burned for seven days * On our Rio the . - Ihorities eontus their Are brigade free of charge , This la as goojl as any , in the world. Aftnr two days' work , \\oy \ subdued the lire , The distance wo sailed while on jiro was 2iOO : miles , and it tool : seven dayfi to tnuko tjio distancp , " -In recognition of the good seaman ship nnd bravery of Captain Robertson the emperor of Brazil , Dom Pudro II. . wrotp the captain a pornonal lotlor , and gave him a medal of the first class , which was presented to the captain by Forrorria vhinnn , homo minister of the omplro. llod of Grief at Loss of Ills The stennuhlp Italia , from Jamaica , brought hero yoslorday the crow of the ilubslan barkontlno Lyylo , eays the Now York Sun , which waudrwen ashore by [ a fierce norther in Annoto bay on May 0. The biirlcontiuo's nhippor , Captain Asptun , died from { { riof ever the loss of Ills YOFSO ! the day the Italia POLITICS IN THE DAKOTAS , I Judge Glfford'a Aspirations Toudlnp ; Toward. WashliiRtou , A MOOOY-PETTIGREW ALLIANCE. Tlio SliolvliiR of CoiiKroqBlonnl As- plrnntn by Appointments to onioc Kxollomont Will Imst All tlio Year. ' YXNKTON , Juno 11. [ Special to Tin : Dnn.J Hon. O. S , Glfford Is In the city for n few days , circulating among the politicians for the purpose of Rotting the lay of the land for congressional and senatorial purpose * . Glf ford will take a republican nomination for congress If ho can got It , and falling la that ho will bo In tho'hnilds of his frlotids Mr the senate , The judge has been four j'cars la congress ; Is a man of fair ability , nnd hands cleaner thnu those of the average politician. Judge Moody , Juugo ISdgorton nnd U. F. Pottlgrow nhi nil openly In the fleld for son- ntorshlps , nnd will nil push their claims for ttio Ofllcc Unless some of them should bo withdrawn by the bestowal of seine other oQlco before the senatorial light comes on. There has boon talk of shelving Edgorton with a judgcshlp ou the supreme court bench ; nnd , on the principle that n bird In the hand Is worth two In the bush , the hon orable gentleman will probably take the liip if it comes his way. Ho served the territory as chief Justice by appointment , nud gave gcneiul satisfaction. In the IJlack Hills , n determined nnd des perate light Is being inado against Judge Moody , and as all the other aspirants will league against Moody and Polttprow , be tween whom there is a bond , offensive nnd defensive , dating baclc to 1871 , It Is posslbla that they may both bo sot nsldo and entirely now mon brought to the front. Pottlgrow Is the best worker of the three and will do- voldp the most slrengl'u In the senatorial light , but It wilt be the pooling of strength between Moody Und Pottlgrcw that will bo depended on to take thorn through. Ulmrlcs G. Williams , of Wntortown , who served six years in congress from Wisconsin before coming to Dakota , has been retired from the rnco for elective ofllcc , belntr regis ter of the loud oftlco at Watortown Williams is a man of considerable ability , nnd would represent -thd now state in congress with marked ability , but ho has to glvo way to men of loss experience and Inferior ability. ' Charles T. McCoy , of Aberdeen , formerly of 13on Hnmmo county , and connected with the famous Douglas county bond scandal ot u few years ago , has announced himself n candidate for n congressional noinl nation , and' though South Dakota is to have but two members in tha lower house , there are already three candi dates for nomination at the hands of the re publican party McCov , Gifford and Mat. thews , the latter being the present territor ial dolcgata and dispenser of the postolUocs. The Alliance mooting , to begin at Huron on Iho 18th , Is looked forward lo with great interest , for an attempt will suioly be made there to shape matters so the most of ( ho ofllces can be controlled by the organization , nnd their action. will bo followed by other nnd counter organizations when the constjtu tional convention meets nt Sioux Falls on the llh of July. , . , ' South Dakota Is full of politics nnd polltl- t'ans ' , and. . from now on thtswJll bo an event ful year , , for the excitement will continue with Increasing intensity until tlio United States senators uro elected aud the mittod. . " License in Yiuikton. " YAJCKTON , Dak. , Juno U. [ Special Tele gram to Tnc BEE. ] By the operation ofc an act of the last legislature of Dakota , tbo hq uor licenses for Yatiktou retailers will DO $300 on ana after the llrst day of July , which will pi obably relieve ever half , the twenty- . four now doing business in this city. Under thtfliuv that goes Into effect , the 1st ot July , each saloonkeeper must pay KiOO to the county uud $ JOO to the cityper annum , those being the minimum figures. Heretofore tha countvJias secured nothing , while the bity has collected $300 , nnd as hist July that amount was demanded In advance , some of them had to bonow nnd mortgage to got it up. _ _ The Duke of i'Qrtlnna'H Wedding. LONDON , Juno 11. The marrjajjo of , . tha duke of Portland and Miss Dallas-Marka took place to-day. o1 Ja i eiitlot to health : liit at tlils season the ) > lnoa nmy bo Im pure , that tired feeling prmlomlnant , and the apuotito last. Hood'ri bimaparllla Is a \\ou- elorful modlcluif , for creating an appetite , ton- liiu the tUKOStlon , aud ghlii ; ; dtiengtu to the uervus nnd health to the nholo syateiii. t Bo euro to got Ifood'H Sarbaparllln. Sold by nil druggists. 1'iopurail only by C. I. Hood St C.O. , APOtlioeailca. Lo ell. Mass. , Jly ltlloboy..B ! yceraold , wps Ickl with a illern'o for wlilclrdoctorg had I no iiamo , 1 ho nails came ou Ills Hug. I riB. * nnd tha ilngcra came off to tliol inltWIo joint l''or 3ycnM ho widtrctlI drcaclfulU ; h now gating \\cll.unJ 11 I nm imtisncd Bwlft's Bpcclflc U thai chief cauea of lilt Improvement. JOHN Jtruir. , , Jan. 12,16S9. 1'cru , lud. I . POISONED DY A CALF-My'l ' I lltlloboy ItroLo nut with tores mull Blceru , tlio result of tlio ealhn of a ralf comhift Incon- ( actwltlincHtnngir. 'Jbo ulursvcruilociiiiuUpala- liilandrlionediio Incllnitlon to heal. tiwlft'fl Bpcclflc , mid lie M now well , Keb. IB , 'S ) . JOHN P. HiiAiin , Send forbooLi on J'loo.l I'olsonn A 8Mn DlefMos frto. twin Hrttirio Co. , Atlanta , Oa. Graceful Form , HEALT1H nnd /COMFORT / ComUlnod In InMADAME MADAME FOY'S Skirt Supporting Corset It u ono of thu most popular In t'adinaiketnndsut't leuilliu dealers In Omaha I'rlca 1\'f > . Foy.lUraon tt Ohaiwhki WswIIir en. '