Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1889, Image 1

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T i
Saturday MorninR'a Statement
Without Foundation.
Waiting For the Itcturn of Score.
tary Proctor Ucioro Taking Any
Action Grcslmm'fl llu-
inorod Appointment.
„ B13 FounTEENTii STHEBT , >
WASHINGTON , D. O. , Juno 1L )
'Tho statement published lust Saturday
morning to tlio oftcet that the war dopart- _
mcnt had selected a site for the now" Port
Omaha was entirely without authority , "
said Chief Clerk Twoedalo , of the war de
partment to-day. "Tho matter Is hold up
until the return of Secretary Proctor , nnd
no decision has bc'en reached yet. } t seems
that there Is a decided disposition on the
part of mony of the business men of Omaha
to disapprove the abandonment of the pres
ent site. lean glvo : vou no information con-
coring the decision of the secretary , and
Gcncrnl Schollold , who is acting secretary of
war , Is not prepared to take any action In
this matter during the ubscco of the secre
tary. "
This was all the Information that could bo
secured after vigorous inquiries in the de
partment by TUB BEE correspondent to-day.
The chief clerk of the quartcrmastcr-geu
oral's ofllco said In response to inquiries :
i "This department has no knowledge what
ever of the action of the board. It has never
been brought to the attention of the quaKor-
mnstor-genoral , and whatever action is taken
will bo taken solely by the secretary of war.
Of course , after hu renders his decision It
will bo reported to this olUco and the neces
sary steps will bo taken to acquire tltlo to
the property selected , but up to the present
tune wo have received not n word concerning -
ing the selection of a site since the llrst
Blips loofunc to that end were taken some
months ago. "
It has been frequently asserted In political
circles hero thai-President Harrison Intends
to offer the vacancy on the supreme court
bench to Hon. Walter Q. Grcsham , now of
Illinois. Close personal and political friends
of Judge Grcshaui , hnwovor , Bay that no
would not take that position nr any other In
the gift of the administration if it should bo
offered him on a golden platter. The fact is ,
thcso gentlemen do not want to sco their
friend and favorite placed In any position
where ho would bo practically shelved awya
from higher political honors. Tnoro is no
authentic ! reason to bollovo that President
Harrison over contemplated tendering the
place to Mr. Grcsham , who will , without
doubt , try conclusions with nil other
comers for the presidential nomination
in 1803. Mr. Grcsham has had some of his
political friends hero recently , and It is un
derstood that they have been hunting for the
reported disgruntled republicans with the
idea of forming a combination with them In
the interest of their friends . for the next
republican convention for the presidency.
As far as co * do learned they have had but
llttlo success in this quest. The disgruntled
republicans , of suQlciont Importance' to beef
of value , have failed to materialize , and it is
only among a few anxious seekers for placca
who have been unable to jot at the crib up to
the present tlrno that the least growling is
There is qulto a commotion in Nebraska
circles to-day over the president's announce
ment of the appointments for the land of-
llccs in Utah. It is known that Mr. Hall , of
southeastern Nebraska , was indorsed by
Senator Mauderson for ono of theao places ,
and the statement was made bcforo congress
adjourned that _ Mr. Ball was slated for
cither register or receiver at Salt Lake.
The president was quite determined that
Ball should have ono of the Oklahoma land
oflicus , In order perhaps to let Sounders infer
for commissioner in Utah , but the delegation
named Roberts , of David City , ana this
was supposed to have slated Hall
for a land ofllco in Utah , as
Hall was ono of the president's especial
friends. The query now is , what will ho defer
for him ? Thus far the delegation has Egan
for the Chilian mission , erroneously charged scorns ; Captain Stidgcr , ot
Or nnd Island , for special land agent , located
in New Mexico , at ? 1SO ( ) per annum : Pick-
eroll , of Beatrice , special agent of the agri
cultural department at $ . ' 1.000 per annum ;
Harding , of Oakland , in the public printing
ofllco ut $1,000 ; Michael , of Missouri ,
in the printing ofllco , at $1,800 ; Slaugh
ter for United States marshal , Peters for
collector , Qillcspio for register at O'Neill ,
and probably Ashley , of Burt county , for
agent of the Winnobagoes ,
nrn on fllo with the secretary of the interior
department against Agent Warner , of thq
Winnobags reservation , and charges are also
on fllo against the register of the land ofllce
at Cluaron. and the outlook now is
th'at the administration will not hesitate
to remove the register and receiver there if
nny reasonable ground exists , especially in
the face of the determined attitude of demo
cratic ofllclals generally to hangon under re
publican rule. The democratic friends here
of the Chadron land ofllccrs are advising
these oOldals to resign to save themselves
from the political disgrace of a removal.
T. A. Stockslngorund Horace Speed , both
formerly of Indiana , but now of Gutbrie ,
Oklahoma , nroTn the city to consult with the
secretary of the interior rolallvo to the loca
tion of certain homestead entries which con-
lllct with the town alto selection.
Mr. Stobkslagor , who was a clerk
in the pension ofllco up to the 15th
of April , speaks in glowing tornis of the
wonderful energy and enterprise ot the citi
zens of Guthrlo. Ho says that there arc al
ready several brick yards anil forty-two
lumber yards In town : that au clod-
trio light plant has boon estab
lished and Is now lu worultitf order ;
that arrangements uro Doing effected for the
building "of a line of strcot railway , and that
every thing points to a prosperous future.
Lota which on the ! Wd of April wuro portions
of ono vast uninhabited territory , have been
eold as high us 1,1)00 each. Mr. Stonk-
slagor says bo thinks the values :
are fictitious to some extent , but he has no
doubt that the future of this wonderful now '
town is assured , and that within a very short
time it will compare favorably with many of
the larger cities of the uast and west. If the
territorial capital should ho settled In
Guthrlo ho believed that its future growth
will warrant the faith its founders have in .
It. Ucgardlng the reports of violenca there ,
Mr. Stockslagcr says that there have been
but two deaths in the town smco it was
organized. Ono was of u violent nature , and
occurred the day before ho loft. The other
reports are exaggerated and without foun
Senator Mandcrson will probably reach
Omaha thu first \vuch in July to remain only aha
few days , as ho Is ono of the Vest select com
mittee of Jlvo on the Investigation of the
"incut" product question and is also on the
Indian affairs couimlttoo. Hotli these
committees meet in Chicago early In July < ,
nnd the senator now anticipates going with
the Indian com mil tea through the north and
west and loaning Into the Indian affairs , and
perhaps to Alaska , to bo gone two months ,
returning hero about October 1 ,
P. C , Moorheud was to-dny appointed postmaster -
master at Lawrence , 'Nuckolls county , Neb. ,
vlco William Barnes , resigned.
Frank F. Emen-on , of Omaha , Is at the Ar
lington. Ho Is u delegate to the fecdsmeu's
At the commencement exorcises of the
Georgetown university , last night , the do-
itrcu of itiMtor of laws was conferred upon
Edward O. Brown , of Ashland , Neb. ' need
degree of bachelor of laws was conferred
upon Claude F. King , Lander. Wyo. ; O. W.
Lee , Oolwoin , In. , and O.V. . Wlggonhornof
Lincoln , Nob. PEimr S. HEATH ,
Nebraska nnd Iowa Inventions.
WASHINGTON , Juno 11. ( .Special Telegram
to TimBEE. ] Patents issued to Nebraskans :
Aug. Broxvn , assignor of ono-half to J. II.
Douglo , Pleasant Hill , Nob. , animal trap ;
William L. Carr , Greenwood , Nob. , ironing
table ; Herman E. Fnlrchlld , Dlllor , Nob. ,
fodder binder ; William Greonway and J.
Strickland , Hastings , Neb , , car coupling ;
John Hoolon and G. L. Wlcard , assignors to
themselves and S. W. Matthews , Atkinson ,
Neb. , combined hay rake and baling press ;
William II. Picdmoro , Walworth , Neb. , calf
\vcanor ; Willis S. Sherman , assignor to the
Union Itvdraulto Drain and Tito Co. . Omaha ,
Neb. , tile machine ; Fred. Strubo , Surprise ,
Neb. , storm sash ventilator ; Constant S.
Trovitt nnd S. T. Mouck , Lincoln , Neb. ,
barbed fence.
Patents Issued to Iowa Inventors : Frank
H. Bonl. Sioux City , road cart ; Wiley H.
Dodd , Marengo , adjustable sieve attachment
for threshing machine ; Charles C. Oilman ,
Eldora , earthenware ; Llsciis O. Harris ,
Oskaloosa , draft equalizers ; William F.
Kcndricks , usslinior of ono-half to II , L.
Glass , Wlnflold , strainer for kettles , etc. ;
Moses H. Long , Sabula , draw bridge signals ;
Gcorgo W. Pclton , Musoatlne , lamp reflec
tor ; AdQIson Thompson , Clear Lake , com
bined whip sookot and rein holder ; Albert
F. Thompson , Adcl , watchmakers' tool.
Nebraska and Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Juno 11. [ Special to TUB
Bnn.1 Pensions granted Nebraskans :
Original invalid Daniel W. Burd , Benja
min | F. Stilly.Bi Original widows , Qetc.
Martha , mother of Benjamin Perkins ; AHco
A. , widow of John S. Minnick.
Pensions allowed lownns : Original in
valid John King , Jos lab Donaghugh , Henry
Brommolmolr , Joseph Gundor. Increase
John Qulnn. Uolssuo George W. Furrow.
AVhy the Treaty Isn't HjRiiod.
WASHINGTON , Juno 11. The question of
nominal indemnity to Germany or no in
demnity at all , for the Satuoan attack upou
the German landing party last December , is
tbo sole cause of the not unreasonable delay
nt the state department in authorizing our
commissioners at Berlin to afllx thotr signa
tures to the treaties. This question Is still
under consideration by the secretary of
state and the president.
Order i\jntn KclRiis at Seattle With
Militia in Control.
SEATTLE , Wahs. T. , Juno 11. The town Is
rapidly quieting down again after the great
blaze of last week through vigorous
measures to maintain order. There are still
many families who flnd their only shelter
under tents , and bankers and merchants are
opening up for business wherever possible.
Militia nnd special police still patrol the
streets , nnd no ono who has not u pass Is
allowed to enter the burned district. Nu
merous attempts at burglary have been frus
trated , and ono thief who was caught barely
escaped lynching. Although It is still im
possible to ascertain correctly the loss of life ,
it is not generally believed that moro than
flvo persons perished.
The Turnfcst in Kansas.
MARVSVILI.E , Kan. , Juno 10. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. ] The Marysvillo
Turufest has been In session two days. The
delegates from Leavcnworth , Topekn , Wich
ita and other points were greeted on their nr-
rival with bonds of music and hundreds of
pcoplo. The exorcises opened with the
opera of "Queen Esther. " nnd was grace
fully rendered by homo talent. Mr. William
Becker bad charge of the play from the bo-
glnning. So far the Marysvillo Turners
have taken the lead in all the exercises , and
are generally regarded as the finest Turners
in the state. All the business houses are
beautifully decorated , and many beautiful
emblems arch Broadway. The exercises will
close to-night with speaking , smclng nnd a
grand ball. The hall has been elaborately
decorated with flowers , banners and hand
X nnlcton's Proposcrt New Hotel.
YANKTON , Dak. , Juno U.--I Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] At 'a mooting of the
stockholders Yankton'a proposed mam
moth hotel to-day , L. M. Purdy , James C.
MeVoy , George li. Scougal , John P. Cron-
nan , J. R. Hanson , Abraham Adder and E.
P. Wilcox were elected directors , after which
the following officers were elected : L. M.
Purdy , president ; E. G. Smith , vice presi
dent ; George R. Scougal , treasurer , and
John P. Crennan , secretary. The property
owned by the company is the present Morri
son house , which Is to bn rebuilt and en
larged at a cost of $100,000 and will bo made
first-class In every respect. Work will com
mence about the first of July or as soon as
the plans ore ready.
Switzerland's Proposal Nut Itatlflcd.
BEIILIN , Juno 11. The government has
notified tbo Swiss authorities that it can not
possibly agrco to the proposal they have
made for the settlement of the question arts'
Ing from the expulsion from Switzerland of
Woblgemuth , the German police Inspector
who was charged with bribing Swiss to act
as agent provocateur. It also informed them
that Germany reserves the right to take
Dcnvcr'u 1'olico Gang Indicted.
DENVCH , Col. , June 11. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEL' . | Ex-Police Chief Brady
has been Indicted on several charges involv
ing general corruption ; ox-Llcuteuant Con
nor nnd ex-Detective Connor , for conspiracy
to rob a Rio Grande train t Chief Detect ! vo
LIuton , for larceny as bailee ; ox-Patrolman
Lewis , for house breaking ; Patrolman Daly
and ox-Patrolmau Mulligan , for assault with
intent to do great bcdily harm. This la only
a beginning.
Laid tlio Corner Stone. '
GODVKBT , 111. , Juno 11.Tho corner stone
of tbo now building of the Monticcllo semin
ary was laid hern today with appropriate
ceremonies. The old building was destroyed
by fire some time ago. Prof. Richard Ed
wards , state superintendent of public In
struction , delivered the dedicatory address.
Among tnoso present were Governor Fifcr
ox-Governor Ogleitby.
The Three Physicians Held.
NEW YOIIK , Juno li. Drs. Irwni , Fergu
son and Hancc , the thrco physicians indicted
for Illegally performing the autopsy or. the
body of Bishop , the mind reader , to-day
plead not guilty nnd were hold in bonds of
f500 each for trial. Ball was promptly fur
nished , '
Boml-Ufllcially Donloit.
BEIIUN , Junn 11. The statx-mout that the
delay on the part of the American secretary
of tttata in authorizing the. American com-
imsbloiiers to sign tlio Samoan treaty was
duo to the question of allowing Germany's
claim to Indemnity w suinl-ofUclally denied
llorrlhla Double. Slimlor.
LKIIANON , N. H. , June Jl. Near Morldcn
early this morning Lucian Freeman od
hla mother , Mrs. Daniel Freeman , and in
Morgan , v.'ltlv. ail axe , The murderer look-
to the wood ; , but liaq not , been captured.
ilurrlspn Golnc u > Deer Park ,
WASHINGTON , Juno 11-rTho president will
le.ivoVushiiipton the latter part ot hose
uioiith f r Door Park , Md. , where a cottugo
lias boon prepared for his reception.
A Founder of Cities Dead ,
OSCEOM , la. , June 11. Captain Charles
Stuart , founder of Stuart , la. , died , yester
day , ut hit bomo hero. Ho was known ,
chiefly , as a fo'uladcr of cities.
The Coroner's Jury Recommend
His Incarceration.
Ho is Taken From Ills Bed to tlio
Chicago Jail Two Men Ar
rested In Now York
A Scnsatlonnl Day.
CHICAGO , June 11. It was given out at
an cnrly hour this morning that James
Moron , a driver in tho'employ of the ice
firm of McGlnnls & Moran , of Lake VIew ,
was arrested late last night , and is hold as n
witness In the Crouln case. It is alleged
that on the evening of Dr. Cronin'a disap
pearance Moran , in company with another
man. was seen In the vicinity of the Carlson
In the Cronln Inquest this morning , John
O. Garrlty , a saloonkeeper , testified that ho
was acquainted with Detective Coughlln ,
now under indictment for complicity in the as
sassination. Witness declared that Coughlln
came to him and said ho wanted to hlro a
tough character known as "Major" Samp
son , to slug a man. Witness told Sampson
about it , and a few days later Sampson told
him ( Garrlty ) that the man Coughlln wanted
slugged was Dr. Cronm. Ho wanted him
slugged with a base ball bat and disfigured
for life. If it killed him It wouldn't make
much difference. ,
J. D. Haggerty , railroad clerk , gave most
Important testimony thlo morning. After
the trial of Dr. Cronln , ho said Alexander
Sullivan told him that Dr. Cronln was a
scoundrel and a menace to the Irish cause.
IIS was the Impression ot the witness that
Sullivan was trying to express the opinion
that Cronln should bo exterminated. The
witness was of the same-opinion at that time.
About that tinm a circular had been issued
saying that many Scotland Yard detectives
had left England for America to try and flnd
out some of the secrets of the order and
every person who was a member was on the
lookout for informers. All that time Sulli
van was not aloao in his opinion. LO Caron ,
who was a friend of Alexander Sullivan ,
was a member of the committee which tried
Dr. Cronm. Ho was the wit
ness by Sullivan at the trial as a man worthy
of-conlidcnco in the Irish cause. Ho was
opposed to Dr. Cronin at the time on account
of the statements of Alexander Sullivan.
At the afternoon session a number of wit
nesses were examined'without developing
anything of importance. Chief of Police
Hubbard was sworn and told of an interview
which ho had had with \Voodruff , the liorso
thief. Hubbard asked him what ho knew of
the : Cronln matter and if ho really was the
ono who drove the trunk from the Carlson
cottage. Woodruff said-he was , and ho then
described the cottage.
"Ho said , " continued the chief , "ho took
the trunk about midnight on May 4. Ho had
been given $25 by two men the day before to
do the job. At 11:20 : p. m. on May 4 , two
meni according to agreement , rapped on the
door of DInan's stable. Ho opened the door
and lot out the horse with raps on its feet
and hitched it to a wagon. They then drove
to within ono hundred feet of the Carlson
cottage. Ho was then told to wait and the
two men loft him and wont Into tba cottage.
They 1t 1 remained there five minutes and then
beckoned him to drive up. Ho did so , and
two men , King and Fairburn , and a third
man came out with a heavy trunk.
The third man was R. O. Sullivan. When
dt the t trunk was put in the wagon Sullivan re
turned to the house. Woodruff , with King
and Fairburn , drove on Lincoln avenue to
Fullerton avenue , thence to Lincoln pork.
The men Intended to take the trunk and its
contents in a boat out on the lake and sink
them t , but owing to the bright nlghtand the
presence I of strangers , they changed their
minds and drove back. When they reached
the 1t t man-hole on Fifty-ninth street they tried
to 1I 1 dumo the trunk into it , but falling they
knocked 1I I the trunk openhaving lost the key ,
and I took the body from It and throw it into
the I man-hole. Woodruff was then told to
drive ( off. "
The chief was askedin regard to the
grounds on which McDonald and Mnronoy
were arrested in New York to-dny. With
regard to the man McDonald , who seems to
bo the most important of the two prisoners ,
Hubbard said :
"VVo attach no great Importance to the ar
rest , as all the follow has to do with the case ,
so far as wo know , Is this : Ho is a well
known Now Yorit crook , nnd was absent
from Now York at the time of the murder ,
and wo think ho was hero , but wo don't know
yet. Ho can not or will not tell where ho
was on May 4 , but that doesn't prove ho mur
dered Crouin or had anything to do with the
crime. "
"It is learned that the Carlsons can ident
ify him as the man who rented the cottagol"
"Bah , sheer nonsense. "
' And that ho was , lu nil probability , the
man who drove the doctor away ! "
OTho chief's reply.though inolegentwasthe
expressive ; "Hats ! "
Luke Dillon , of Philadelphia , on whoso In
formation the arrests wore made , declined to
say on what grounds.
State's Attorney Longeneckor would talk ,
however , if Dillon would not.
"The men are arrested and there is noth
ing to conceal now. Maronoy is the man who
is suspected of driving the doctor from the
ofllco to the Carlson cottage. About the other
man I don't Know so much , but wo expect to
prove ho was In the conspiracy. Muronoy Is
a laboior , I think , and McDonald Is a black
smith. I got this infprmatlon from Dillon ,
and wo will learn how much truth there Is In
U later on. "
The following is the full text of the vor-
dlct of the coroner's Jury : "Wo , the under
signed Jurv , appointed to make Inquiries
according to law as to how the body viewed
by us came to its death , state our verdict
from thu evidence.
" 1. That the body is. that of Patrick II.
Cronln , known as Doctor Cronln :
'J. That his death was not from natural
cause , but by violent means.
"a That said Patrick H. Cronin was de
coyed from homo on North Clark street on
the ovenlng of May 1 , 1880 , by some parson
or persons , to the oottaga known us the
Carlson cottage , situated at No. 18713 North
Ashland avenue , in Lake View , Cook county ,
" J. That at said cottage the said Cronin
was murdered by Doing beaten on the head
with sonio blunt instrument in the hands of
some person or persons to us unknown , on
the night of said May 4 , or botweoa May 4
and May 5 , 1S39.
" 3. That the body after said murder was
committed was placed in a trunk and carried
to Udgowatcr on a wagon by several persons
and by them placed in u catch basin ut the
corner of Evanston avenue and Fifty-ninth
street , Luke View , whore it was discovered
May 27 , IbbO.
"That the ovldenco shows conclusively
to all minds that a plot or conspiracy was
formed by a number of persons for the purpose -
pose of murdering the said Cronln and con
cealing his body. Bald plot or coasplraoy
was deliberately contrived and cruelly
executed , iyo
" 7. Wo have carefully inquired Into the re
lations sustained by nald Cronln to other
persons while alive , to asccrUin if no. had
any quarrels or enmities , with any person ,
sufficient to cause liU murder
fc . It is our Judgment that no other ) n
or persons except some of these who are , or
who had becD , members nt a certain secret
Eoclety known as the 'United Brotherhood'
or Clan iia-Gad , had caunQ to bo.
tors or executnro of such plot or conspiracy
to murder said Cronln.
"l . Many of the witnesses testifying Innt.
said case havedono so with.much evident ,
unwillingness , and wo believe with much
mental reservation. Wo flnd from the evl
donco that a number of persons wore par-
tics to the plot and the conspiracy to mur
der said Cronln. nnd that Daniel Coughlln ,
Patrick O. Sullivan , Alexander Sullivan , and.
ono Woodruff , alias BJucH , were either
principals or accessories , or had guilty
knowledge of said plot and conspiracy to
inurdor said Cronln and conceal his body ,
nnd should bo hold W nnfrfror to the grand
Jury. Wo also bellovo thnt other persona
iuki . engaged in tM . , Wet or had guilty
knowledge of It , and nliojjld bo apprehended
and hold to the grand Jury.
. Wo further state that this plot , or con
spiracy ) , in its conception nnd execution , Is
ono of the most foul and brutal that over
came to our knowledge , hud wo recommend
that ; the proper authorities offer a large re
ward for the discovery and apprehension of
nil these onpagod in it iu nny way.
"Wo further state that in ourJudgmcnt | all
secret societies whoso objects are such as
the ovldonco shows that of the 'Clan-na-
Gaol' or 'United Brotherhood' to bo , are not
in harmony with and are injurious to Amor-
can Institutions.
"Wo hope that future vigor nnd vlcllanco
by the police force will nioro than compen
sate for past neglect by a portion ot the force
in this caso. * It. S. CHITCHBU. ,
Alexander Sullivan's arrest was effected
without the slightest trouble. Before the
verdict was read in public , Coroner Hertz
emerged for a moment from the room In
which the jury was in ses
sion. Ho beckoned to an * officer and
handed him a inlUlmus. The oftlccr , with
a comrade , hurriedly loft the city hall and
Jumping Into u carriage drove straight to the
residence of Mr. Sullivan on Oak street. Mr.
Sullivan had gene to , bed a short tlmo pre
vious , but after the object of the officers was
explained nnd the information given that ho
would not bo permitted any tlmo for nny pur
pose , ho promptly and quickly dressed and
unhesitatingly accompanied his visitors.
The prisoner's domcaunr was calm through
out the cntlro proceeding. Entering the
carriage which had brought the olUcors , the
trio were driven to the afilcc of thu county
jail. After the usual preliminaries Mr. Sul
11 van was taken , through the cage into the
gloomy prison itself. The ox-prcsidont of
the Irish National League of America was
then Immediately incarcerated In cell No. 25 ,
In the tier known as "murderer's row. "
Two. Arrests in New Yorlc.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 11. Acting upon instruc
tions from Chicago , Police Inspector Byrnes
to-day caused the arrest of John
Maronoy and Charles McDonald , two
man whom ho has been shadowing
for suspected complicity in the murder of Dr.
Cronln. The men are now at police head
quarters and will bo hold to await the ar
rival of officers from Chicago. These men
have been shadowed by Byrnes' men for
some time past , and yesterday the Inspector
received a dispatch from Chicago ,
signed by States Attorney Longnecker
and Chlof of Police Hubbard , asking for
their arrest. i
The man Maronoy is John D. Maroney , n
dry goods merchant. iHo has been a promi
nent llguro In Irish affairs * for many yours ,
especially in the land league. Ho often
spoke publicly against the use
of violence in behalf of Ireland.
Very llttlo Is known of McDonald.
Both prisoners were taken before Inspector
Bvrnos iu the afternoon. They denied any
knowledge of the crimov They admitted they
were members of the IClan-na-Gael. Im
mediately after the prisoners' arrest they
were taken to the Tombs -polico court. They
will be held for murder , in accordance with
the instructions given Inspector Byrnes
from Chicago. ,
An evening pqper prints this or Maronoy :
"Ho resided onco. inilihHadqlphia. Ho was
eventually couipolledito leave that city , and
since that tlmo has been- understood to
have performed missions of a private
nature in connection with the Olan-
na-Gaol. On the occasion of the queen's
jubilee , n few years ago , Maroney was
one of ft number oi-men who went to Eng
land with the funds of a revolutionary or
ganization for the avoSyed purpose ol blow
ing up several public buildings. Maronoy
blow up nothing , and two of his companions
were arrested. Maronoy has never had any
regular business , but was generally well
supplied with money. Ono of the charges
made against Sullivan's administra
tion was that S700 of the funds of the Clan-
na-Gaol wont into the men's furnishing
business , which Maronoy carried on in Phil
adelphia , nnd in ho failed. Maronoy
was ono of the men. who before Crontn's body
was found in the sewer , was most pronounced
in the opinion that the , doctor had not met
with foul play , but h4d loft Chicago to avoid
the disgrace resulting from some scandal with
whioh ho was professionally connected.
A Traveling Man killed by His Iniun-
nrata's Father.
Toi'EKA , Kan. , Juno 11. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] At Clay Center , to-day , J. B.
Wclllngtou , a traveling salesman for Strauss
& Co. , a St. "Louis " millinery house ,
was shot through the head by
Dr. J. B. Stewart , the ball entering
just above and behind the right oar , passing
through and lodging on tbo opposite side.
Wellington has been'unconsclous over slnco ,
and death Is certain , The shooting took place
on the Main street , and was witnessed by a
largo number of people. The doctor's oldest
daughter , Ula Stewart , ono of the prominent
society ladles of Clay Center , was married
about eighteen months ago to Frank Hood ,
cashier of the People's National bank. A
few months ago she became acquainted with
.Wellington , and the two have boon frequently -
quently In each other's company , which
caused her husband to separate from her
about n month ago. Notwithstanding warn
ings of danger. Wellington has frequently
visited the town and made his boasts that ho
would yet have the company of the daugh
ter , notwithstanding pho was kept secluded
by the parents. Recently ho came here to
spend his vacation , and made himself
conspicuous m the neighborhood of the doc
tor's house. This morning , at the hour
named , Wellington , apparently with the in
tention of creating a disturbance run -uirulnst
the doctor and made some remarks , at
which the latter , strucic him with
his cane. At that/ Wellington reached
In Ills hip pocket as It to got a
revolver , at the sumo time running into the
street , when the ddctbr Urcd the fatal shot.
The doctor at onca-went to the sheriff's
office and
Thirty-Seventh Ai mini Convention of
the I.-T. ' . at Denver.
DKNVEII , Colri , Ju i 11. The thirty-sev
enth annual cohycnli in of the International
Typographical union xjnvencd here to-day.
About two hundred * Delegates are present.
The business of. theB Dillon was confined to
receiving the report * at the president , secro-
# nt-if.f r/iuaiifni. , and t i&'sm niM'n nn InwR.
The principal subjecttyhich seems to agitate
the minds of the Uoloicutcs at present IB ,
"What disposition istiull bo mudo of the
Chllds-Droxol fundl'f which now amounts to
? 23,000.
Horrible ? Dqtthlo Murder.
LUUANON , N. II , , Juno U. Near Morlden
early this morning Luclun Freeman killed
his mother , Mrs , Dattlol Freeman , and John
Morgan with an nxo. After committing
the deed ha left the house iu an
almost uudo condition und went to the resi l-
dence of Orvilla Eaton , about two miles dis
tant , where ho was arrested by ttie sheriff.
aiuraudliuc Indiaiin.
Tccsoy , Ariz- , Juno ll.r-A report reached
here thlsiiftenioou that two whlto men were
killed in.tho Sierra MaUro mountains , 'My
miles south of HormoslUa , Eonor.i , by
Apucho Indians. Four Indians'were sceu ,
but the baud 15 thought to bo larger.
Greut Destitution.
BAI/TIMO B , Juno 11. Mayor Latrobe to
day received a letter .from Shcphcrdstown ,
W. Viv , stating that great destitution exists
among thu canal boutmvu oa account of the
recent flood. <
Tlio Waters Giving Up the Do ad
at Johnstown ,
Tlio State to Take Control or tlio
Work To-Dny Cltlznns Taking
Pnrt iiiul GotttiiK Heady
For Business.
The Horror Not Diminished.
JOHNS-TOWN , Pa. , Juno 11. This is the last
day for clearing away It e effects of the Hood
by the civil authorities. To-morrow the
state takes hold , and all work done after
to-day will bo under the supervision of Ad
jutant-General Hastings. One of the first
things to bo done by General Hastings will
bo the discharge of 800 policemen now doing
duty hero. It has been decided that they
should not bo paid out of the relief fund , but
that the county whoso sheriff deputized
them , should pay for their services. Sonio
persons look for trouble from this source.
All the men employed by Booth nnd Flynn
will bo paid off to-day nnd discharged and
transportation furnished for as many as do
not wish to work for the state.
A more cheerful and hopeful feeling prevails -
vails and is daily increasing , and work all
over the valley is being pushed to-day with
vigor. The horror of the situation has notrdl-
mlnishcdbut grows. The search for the dead
continues , and iu nil sections and directions
bodies are being found. A number of bodies
are no w"coming to the surface of the waters ,
and these whoso work has made them com
petent judges , say as many moro bodies as
have been found are lylug somowhero.
Notwithstanding this is the twelfth day
since the flood , most of the newspaper corre
spondents are still without slcopine accom
modations of any kind , and * as on the first
day are sleeping in barns , brick kilns and
other places without cots or blankets. Cots
have been sent , they are told , but so mo one
else gets them. The supply of provisions is
Improving some , nnd they now manage
to get ono , and sometimes two
fair meals daily. The provis
ions sent to this valley don't scoui
to have reached the right places. A number
of carloads of all kinds of supplies have been
sent to Morrollvillo , nnd as there was no
damage done there by the flood this stuff has
been misapplied. A prominent citizen of
Morrollvillo said this morning : "There is a
largo class of people here who have not Iqst
a thing in the flood , yet every arriving train
finds them in line ready to receive a share.
It is safe to say thcso people have secured
enough provisions to last them six months ,
and clothing cnouch to last flvo years. .
After to-day the commissary departments
will bo lu charge of Col. Spangler , assistant
quartermaster-general , with three assistants.
There will bo two post commissaries nnd
and eleven district commissaries , the latter
in charge ot lieutenants of the National
GuardK Their duty will bo to llnd out all the
needy , and .to make a list of them and to
make requisitions on the quartermaster-gen
eral for provisions and to distribute the
same as fust as possible. It is the intention
to induce the citizens to take hold and as soon
as possible the entire commissary depart
ment wlll-bo.turned over to them.
But two bodies have been rcceivcdeot the
Fourth ward morgue up to noon to-day and
it is qulto likely.that alter to-day no bodies
will bo taken to any of the morgues because
of the bad state in which they are found.
There is now but little attempt at identifica
The impending change in the control of
the town , the exodus of workmen and flood
survivors nnd the steady "rain have com
bined to make Johnston moro quiet to-day.
At all headquarters work has bnen narrowed
down to the finest possible calibre and a
good many faithful men are getting the rest
they needed long ago. To-morrow Mr. Scott
throws do\vn the reins of government and
Adjutant-General Hastings takes hold. At
least $100,000 will bo paid out to workjncn
to-morrow morning and the most
of it will leave town with men
who earned It. The new leaders claim n
number of plans nro to bo introduced
by which the work of cleaning up the wreck
age and caring for the survivors will be
greatly systematized. The military will bo
Good progress was made in cleaning out
the channel of the Coneinaugh above the
bridge to-dav. A number of stationary en
gines and long cables nro being used to pull
out the heavy timbers.
The morgues nro about to bo abandoned on
account of the bad condition of the bodies
being recovered. Identification is almost
impossible unless by the personal effects
found on the bodies. The state board of
health still issues encouraging bulletins , al
though Isolated cases of pneumonia , diph
theria and measles are loportcd , generally
from the suburbs.
The spirit of recovery took n firm hold on
tno citizens of Johnstown to-day. Every
where owners of property were hard at
work clearing out the collars , drying carpets ,
and bedding , and inaugurating a general
General Hastings this evening said : "Tho
work of clean Ing the city will -bo done bv
contract , and negotiations will bo opened at
once with the leading contractors. Several
may bo employed , but I can not say who will
get the work ut this time. Until the com
mission Is appointed Scott has volunteered
his services , nnd will render all .assistance
in his power.
OQuartcrmustor Baker started out four men
to canvass Johnstown proper in order to clas
sify these needing provisions. To-night the
men turned in 1,187 names and the city was
not nearly all visltod. Baker says u surpris
ing umouut of need was unearthed. A great
manv ladles were found whoso families were
really suffering who had fulled through a
sense of delicacy , to apply for aid. Thu hu
mility of Booking relief is removed by the
system now bnlng introduced. It Is the ex
pectation th nt the food and clothing which
has been going in largo lots to undeserving
persons will now go to the moro respectable
and retiring class. T. J , Oliver , of Pniladol-
pliln , who is In charge of the store house
establishment la the Gorman Catholic
church said :
"Twenty carloads of provisions and cloth
ing were unloaded there to-day. Enough
clothing is arriving In Johnstown to supply
the city for twenty years. "
Thirty-eight bodies were recovered to-day ,
all of them being in an advanced state of de
composition. In one or two instances maggots
gets were at worlc on them and thu flesh was
so soft that extreme care was necessary lest
.the IInibs bo torn from the trunks.
This afternoon the body of Miss C. Jy
Christman , a foreign missionary from Now
Orleans , who was on the fated day express ,
was found , Her body was embalmed and
placed In u handsome casket to await the
disposition of friends , She was a woman of
line presence and was dressed handsomely iu
a light brown dress with braided front.
Chicngn'H JohiiHtown Onininlitcc.
CHICAGO , Juno 11. City Comptroller Ona-
han and other member : ) of the committee
sent to Johnstown to sco to the distribution
of Chicago's contribution for the suffer.
era who survived the flood , returned this
morning. Oimhan denied tbo truth of the
report telegraphed from Plttsburg that lie
wua dissatisfied with the management of the
funds , and that ho had withdrawn $ ' 37,000
given over to the Pittsburg committee , bo -
cause the money was being diverted from the
purpose for which It was intended nnd Ubed
to pay for clearing up the debris of the val
ley. All money now sent to Plttsburg will
bo used to assist actual sufferers.
l.iiui Kwopr-Awwy _ _
MIMVAOKUC , June II. A special from
Westlleld. Wis. , says the dams of the grist
nnd pulp mills at Luwrcnco , on Duck crook ,
thrco miles above that pluco , were swept
away by a flood , last ulgut , causing serious
tlio Silver Thief , Hun Down
by Detectives.
KANSAS Cixr , Mo. , Juno 11. [ Special Tel
egram to TUB HER. j The Plnkorlons made
asi important arrest horc , to day , In the per
son of Mlko Mulhall , suspected of bomg ono
of n gang of minors who robbed the Aspen
Smelting & .Iron company right and loft , n
few months ago. The company , last fall ,
struck a rich vein of silver ore in ono of
their mines near Aspen , Colorado. The flnd
was a very valuable ono , pure nuggets of
silver bolng taken out of the ore. But some
how the mluo did not yield as well us the
owners thought It should , nnd the Pinker-
tons were employed to find out what was the
After some Investigation the detectives
concluded that the company was being
robbed by its employes. Accordingly an
operative was sent Into the mluo under the
guise ot a minor. Ho soon found that ton of
the minors had organized for plunder and
were carrying the pure silver out of the mluo
in their clothing. .In January thu members
of the gang were arrested nnd in
dicted for the robbery. While they were
being searched In the sheriff's ofilco , Mulhall
escaped unnoticed In the crowd which hud
gathered , and a Plnkcrton man placed on his
track located him flvo weeks ago at Omaha.
From there ho followed him successively to
Kansas City , Minneapolis Omaha , St. Louts ,
and back again to Kansas City. Monday
night ho was located in n boarding house m
this city , and this morning Detective Web-
bnr arrested him m Hico's marble yard nt
Sovontcoutn and Main street , whore ho had
been.employed for the past four days. As
the arrest was made on a federal warrant ,
Mulliall was taken to Aspen to-night with
out a requisition.
The engineers of the mines estimate that
the gang robbed the company of $30,000
worth of Hllvor in a few mouths. Mullhall's
accomplices are awaiting trial M Aspon.
rtlsis Out or n , Klvnl For
CHICAGO , Juno 11. ( Special Telegram to
Tun Bm.j The St. Paul react has already
made an official announcement that it will
conform to the ruling of Iho executive board
of the Inter-state Commerce Hallway associ
ation and turn over to its competitors all its
ivo stock traftle for Missouri river points ex
cept two train loads n week.
The announcement mr.kcs interesting read
ing , nnd is as follows : "The St. Paul road
considers that the mainstay of the Presi
dent's agreement is the provision for giving
some business to weaker lines , which can not
obtain it against stronger ones on maintained
rates , nnd it certainly will not discourage
this llrst attempt in that direction by fatluro
to co-operate. In this particular case their
view is that it might have been adjusted seas
as to produce less hazard of criticism , and
bolter results in rates on the general traffic ,
but this is a matter of Judgment which arbl-
trillion governs. It now remains to bo soon
whether rates can bo maintained on a fair
basis on recourse to this last resort. If they
can , it will uo justified , and a trial is well
worthy some sacrifice from the stronger
lines. "
The reference to the Alton in the first sen
tence will hardlyhavo a tendency to heal the
rapidly widening breach between some of the
lines in the Ititcr-stato Commerce Railway
BurrAT.0 , Wyo. , Juno 11. [ Special to TUB
BKI : . ] Interesttfpjallrqad ma tors ullccting
northern Wyoming has boon revived by the
arrival here , to-day , of Mr. S. M. Briscoo ,
of Junction City , Mont. , who came through
from the Northern "Pacific by private con
veyance o n business in the interest of Paul
McCoriniclc , one of the incorporators and
chiuf spirits of the Big Horn & Soutncra
lallway company. This railroad company
was incorporated on the 21th of last January ,
with a capital stock of § 500.000 , Eli D. Ban
nister , Paul McCormlok , Wilbor F. Sanders ,
Thomas C. Power and Albert J. Soligman ,
some of them prominent as Montana capital
ists , and all identified with the Northern Pa
cific , being the incorporators. It was stated
in the articles that the object of the company
was to construct and operate a railroad from
a point in Yellowstone county , Montana ,
through the counties of YolioWstono , in
Montana , and Sheridan and Johnson , in
Wyoming , to the mouth of Hock creek , two
miles northeast of Buffalo. Subsequently ,
congress granted the company the right of
way across the Crow Indian reservation , nnd
the war department issued a similar permit
with regard to the Fort Custer , Mont. , mili
tary reserve.
The company announced Its Intention to
commence the work of construction by April
1. and when that time arrived and no indica
tions appeared in support of the announce
ment , public opinion branded the whole af
fair as a right-of-way sohomo. Mr. Briscoo ,
however , brings news to the effect that a
corps of surveyors were to have begun work
on the line yesterday , with Instructions to at
once prepare the way for construction , and
says that the company will build und equip
the road this fall as fur as the Crow agency ,
a distance of fifty miles south from the
Northern Pacific. This will place the cen
ter of this rich stock-raising and agricultural
country within u hundred miles of railway
communication , and the Big Horn & South
ern company will endeavor to divert the
heavy business of Johnson county , hereto
fore controlled by the Fremont , Elkhorn &
Missouri Valley rflad , to the northern com
mercial artery , having fifty miles the best
of the situation.
Uniform Classification.
CHICAGO , Juno 11. [ Special Telegram to
Tim UEE.I Chairman Midgloy and General
Freight Agent Morton , of the Burlington ,
and Johnston , of the Hock Island , will be in
Now York , Tuesday next , ut a session of the
National Uniform Classification committee.
The committee lias been given a decldqd
hunch by the Intor-stato Commerce com
mission , that if they do not accomplish some
thing congress will tulto hold of the matter.
A bill compelling the commission to do the
classification work , parsed the housn at the
last session , nnd it was only by a mighty
deal of lobbying that the herculean task was
kept from being saddled on Chairman Coolcy
and his colleagues.
Tlio Cutting of Jtiitrs.
CHICAGO , Juno 11.- [ Special Tcpjram ! to
TUB BUB. ] The Western Freight o soola-
tlon met , to-day , but postponed conoldera-
tlon of tba reduction of local rates
between Chicago and St. Paul until to-mor-
row morning. The reduction proposed rjy
the Burlington & Northern , to a 45 cent
basis will probably be adopted. Commis
sioner Inglohart , of the Chicago Freight
bureau , is confident , however , that the local
rate will bo reduced to u ! IS-coiit basis before -
fore ton day .
iV Victim or Alcohol ,
LnAVKNMvoiini , Kan. , Juno 11.
Telegram to Tna HBR.J William ( .Hidden ,
a Hoctlon foreman on the Loavonwonl1 , Topeka -
poka & Southwestern railroad , was run over
by n passenger train last night , and killed ,
on his section of tlio road near Osawakec.
Ho had been in Oakaloosaand bought JC.u
quantity of varnish txnd alcohol , and at Mm
station ° ' < his way homo piocurcd 1,01110
water ana nuiror , when ho weakened u quan
tity of ( ha alcohol , drank it , and then started
for home , it la supposed ho became Intoxi '
cated and fell on the track , whuii the train
passed over him , crushing him horribly. Ho
leaves a wife mid several children ,
: , Juno 11. Asprcialffom Irun
woodi Mich. , says William Atkinson , a
wealthy citizen pf that place , committed sui
cide , to-day , by jumping Into a shaft of the
Ashland mine. No cuuuo Is given for the
deed ,
Successful Work of the Commits
slon ot Rosobud.
' _ _ _ _ _ *
Pine HldRO to ho Visited Next The
Chcyonno Agency Doomed Bafb
The CnimiilHslon KintmrrnHscd
by Secret Opposition.
The HIckltiK IndlaiiH Will Sinn.
ROSBIIUU , via Valentino , Juno 11. [ Special
Telegram to THE BKB.J There has booa'
but httlo of Importance transpired hero to
day. The Indians uro still coming In slowly
and . signing the treaty. Up to the present
tlmo , 093 have signed leaving but 15 more to
bo obtained for the successful termination ot
the council. Every ono feels fully assured
this will bo done In the morning , and It is
now believed by a number of mixed breeds ,
when Uio full uiunbcr of name *
have been secured to make the bill u success ,
there will bo such a rush from the over
thrown opposition as to mnlto it a most
unanimous Issue. The Influence of Hollow
Horn Bear nnd Yellow Hair on Quick Bear ,
chief of the Wylasls , In signing the treaty ,
caused him to gracefully follow their exam
ple. The only two chiefs loft who stand out
are Good Voice nnd Two Strike.
A chief of the Cheyenne river agonoy , to-
dav said ho wanted to gut a copy of the now
bill and have It explained to htm , then take
it to his agency and have It explained there ,
believing if this is done , the commission
would have but llttlo trouble when they
The commission will leave here to-morrow
afternoon for Valentino , where their special
car remains , and leave for Hushvlllo on their
way to Pine Ridge. A number of half
broods will go over also , for much of the
work nnd dispatch lu getting the treaty sue- ,
cessfuily presented to the Indians hero wan ,1
done by Louis Richards , Louis Bordeaux
and Charles Tuckctt. Thn commission has
great gratification over the result , as there
was a secret power , all the more powerful '
because of iu very secret work , to keep the
Indians from signing.
There was quito a case In the position of
tlio doctor nt the agency yesterday. Dr.
Daniels arrived from Washington to assume
the position hold by Dr. Woodburn. As soon
us a telegram could travel to Washington
and back Dr. Woodburn was reinstated.
Another agency employee about whom
there has not beau thu least complaint , is H.
W. Dunbar , commissary and issuing clerk.
Ho is spoken of bv both reds and wliltos as
being the best clerk they huvo over had la
this position , bolng gentlemanly nnd obliging }
and just in all his dealing with them.
Mason. City Prolilhltlonlsts Shaking
Up Salooiilstn.
MABON CITT , In. , Juno 11. [ Special Tel
egram to Tun BEE.J The prohibitionists
are stirring up things in great shape hero.
Lengthy petitions and remonstrances have
been presented to Judge Slier , vln , asking
that ho refuse all applicants for permits to
sell intoxicants. It Is reported that against
ono firm there uro fourteen counts subject tea
a fine of $100 each tor soiling to habitual
drunkards. .Against others thora nro numer
ous counts. . 'liOsWiioloJuatttsr : will'tomo up
before the grand Jury at this session.
A Wonderful Stone. '
DCS MOINCS , la. , Juno 11. [ Special Telegram -
ogram to THE BEE. ] A special from Dowltt
says : A few days ago a mad dog passed
through the farming community southwest
of this place , nnd several persons were bit
ten , among them Mrs. Ryner nnd a 0-year-
old daughter of Mr. Peter Miller. They
have been successfully treated by Mr. Tur
ner Evans , of Parls.Limi county , with a mad
stono. This stone is not longer than ft man's
thumb , weighs one-fourth of au ounce and
resembles a daric sponge. Its properties
were first known 130 years ago in Virginia ,
and it has been in the Evans family ever
since. The present owner received It from
his father moro than twenty years ago , dur
ing which time 701) ) cases have been treated-
and in not one case lias the stone failed to of ,
feet u cure.
' Wanted For Murder.
DBS MOINES , la. , Juno 11. [ Special Tolo-
grum to Tun HUE. | The marsb.aU of
Wilton took to Muscatino a prisoner last
evening in the person of Henry Clinton
Woods , who is about twenty-four years of
ago and is wanted for murder In Laramie
county , Colorado. The crime was commit
ted some two years ago , but Woods had not
been sceu since until ho was arrested m
Thn Victim of a Pauper.
DBS MOINES , la. , Juno 11 , ( Special Tola-
gram to TUB BEE.J Postmaster McCartor , f.\ \
of Green Center , Iowa county , who was shot
by a pauper named Hedge , has Just died. . |
McCarter was very popular in the com-
munlty. and if Hedge had not already been
killed while resisting arrest ho would prob
ably have been disposed of immediately.
Hedge was eighty years old , and came from
the south In 1801 , and hud been a county
charge for many years.
Clinton Outs n Now Brldtto.
CMNTON , la. , Juno 11. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEE , ] Clinton people to-day voted ( ,
on the proposition to levy a G per cent tax to , $
aid In constructing a high wagon bridge
across the Mississippi luco the high bridge at
Dubuiiuo. The tax was carried by a major
ity of 031 out of a vote of 2.23J , The Jubilant
clti/ens to-night are celebrating with bands
and fireworks ,
lUniiiiardt-Allci ) .
Dus MOINES , la. , Juno 11. ( .Special Telegram -
gram to Tun BEE.J Ono of the leading
society events of the year wan the marriage
this evening of Miss Evelyn Allen to Mr. G.
W. Marquardt , Jr. The brldo is the
daughter of Mr. Reuben Allen , a retired '
capitalist , formerly of Omaha , and the 1,70001
is member of a wholesale Jewelry house.
The reception following the ceremony wu
attended by several hundred people.
Suicided In a Oomutery.
ST. JosErn , Mo , , Juno U. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE.I G. W. Austin , 45 years
of age , and who had a wife nnd two children ,
committed suicide at Savannah , Mo. , Mon
day afternoon in the cemetery by shooting
himself In the temple. Austin bad
boon having family troubles for
some tlmo , and finally bocarnu so brutal
towards hi * wlfo that BIO ! was compelled to
leave him about eighteen months ago , smco
which tlmo ( the has boon working as a
domestic. At times the man scorned to think
everything of his wife , but. . ho was
of a nervous disposition and every
oncn lu n while ho would not only
ubuso her , but would threaten to Kill her ,
Monday morning he called whcro IIIB wlfo
wus working and asked to sijo hor. Her em
ployer permitted It , but would not let th < J
woiimn got out of his sight
for fear Austin would shoat her
uml then himself. Ho was there
talking to her for HOIIIO tlmo , and it Is pro-
numcii that when ho loft her ho Immediately
wont to tho'comctory and shut hlmscjf. HU
body wus found this afternoon ,
Mlllrra' National Association.
MILWAUKEE , Juno 11. The Milters' No
tional association convened this afternoon ,
with about one hundred members in attend *
aucc. Acting President Groonleaf , of Minne
apolis , rovponcd to Mayor lirowii's a-lditsu
of wolfouio. The visiting millers \ve/o gly * *
a reception during lue woon hour.