Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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City Clerk Soutlmrtl hits issued 1,709
dog tags lo Unto.
Thcro nro six broken plnnUs on the
Sixteenth viaduct.
tfilty Cnry , who lives nt 1117 Ilnrnoy.
IS lost n gold watch nnd brncolot whllo out
walking Sunday.
Fnthor Damon is nt Croighlon , but
his mind Wanders nnd doubt is enter
tained of his recovery.
MlssS..Il. Davis , n teacher in the
high school , has been called to Dakota
by the serious illness of her father.
Some thief etolo W. Peterson's horse
' nnd delivery wngon , whllo they wore
II i' loft fora few minutes in front of Oil D
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H.
Muontoforlng died very suddenly nbout
10o'clock yesterday at their homo , cor
ner of Fifteenth and Ilownrd streets.
'Ofllccr Kowdon reports the nnmcs of
n number of prostitutes who took ad
vantage of the franchise granted their
sox nnd vbtcd at the school election on
Juno 3.
Mikoy Shcllonborgor , n boy of
tvvolvo , who rnn away from his homo at
17H1 South Seventeenth street in this
city/has been picked up In Ottunnva ,
Jn. , by the nolico.
Chief Scavcy has given special orders
to hla onicors requiring them to remove
nil persons found on JolTor&on square ,
the Ulgh school grounds or Ilnnscom
p"nrk after midnight.
Architect Fowler , of the firm of
Fowler & BcindorIT , soys it will re
quire between live and six weeks in
/vhlcli lo mnko nil the specifications and
'working plans for the now city hall.
'Mr. ' 1) . H. Stewart makes complaint
of a ( Jtitig of young toughs on Cuming
struct who break or smear with mud
the glass in the gas lamps and curve obscene -
scene subjects on tlio fences. An onlccr
will investigate.
It " Judge Shields was busied yesterday
| , afternoon iu hearing tlio case of Os-
ImmpiV Unities , of this city , against
James Gadson , of Schuylcr. Tlio action
is a suit for damages for a breach of
City Engineer Tillson places the dam-
ngc to paved streets by the recent Hood
! * ' nt$100. The heaviest clamngo was on
Seventh avenue , near Pierce , where
W tlio paving was washed out for 100 foot
* * - and from two to ten foot from the curb.
This will bo repaired by the water
works company , ns it wns caused by tlio
caving of n defective trench.
A shepherd dog belonging to Mr. T.
j Z. Board , nt 251G Davenport street ,
jumped on Jennie Gish , a little girl
nbout twelve jsears old , and bit and
* , scratched her severely. It is thought
/ her injuries are not serious. The dog
I has no nppo'arnnco of hydrophobia and
H has novcr been known to bite anyone
ju before. _
i Personal I'nr.ijjrapha.
T. M. Hall , of Lincoln , Is nt the Millard.
E. Sparks , of Valentine , Is nt the Murray.
E. N. Bradley , of Blair , is at the Murray.
C. Buttcrlield , of Denver , ls at the Mur-
1 ? ray.
31 W. H. Leo of Wood River is at the Pax-
E- tone -
e JoLn Fitzgerald , of Lincoln. Is at the Pax-
B ? ton.
Ed L. Camp , of Cedar Rapids , la. , is in the
\ L W. D. Vail , ot Kansas City , is at the Mil-
11 lard.A. .
A. P. Philips , of HastluRs , Is at the Ar
. Old E. Newman , of Kearney , is at the
F. H. Galbraith , of Ncligh , Is at the
A. Q. Penland , of Guthrlo , I. T. , is at the
B. A. Gibson , of. Weeping Water , lsnt the
E. K. Valentino , of West Point , Is at the
George A. Dodge , of Minneapolis , is at the
C. A. Magood , of Lincoln , is registered at
the Millard.
W. A. Ncedham , of Coleridge , Neb. , is at
the Arcade.
George S. Parker , of Salem , Mass , , Is at
the Murray.
Editor Al Fairbrothor , of the Lincoln Call ,
Is m the city.
E. T. Lowroy , a Lincoln grain merchant ,
is in the city.
\V. E. DicUonson , of Chatonay , Franco , is
at tlio Paxton.
Frank Farnsworth , of Greeloy Centre , is
at thoA.rcadg.
J. D. Hurd , of the State Journal , Lincoln ,
Is nt the Arcade.
H. L. Stanton of Valparaiso , is in the city ,
the guest of G. W. Logan.
F. B. C.irly nnd E. E. Esau , of Chadron ,
nro icgistcrcd at the Millaid.
A. II , McCandloss nnd wife , of Ncmahn
Citv , are nt the Arcade.
Mrs. C. I. Gumacr. of Alma , Col. , is stop-
pins a few days with Mrs. Ira B. Mnpcs.
Mr. Edward L. Bloom , manager of "The
Paymaster" company , arrived in the city
E. II. Clmpln , of Lincoln , A. L. Snbln , of
Beatrice , \ \ . C. Holdcn , of Kearney , are
registered at the Arcade.
Colonel John Arltlns , editor of the Denver
News , accompanied by his ulcco , Miss Grace
Arklns , is , a guest nt the Puxton. They ex
pect to roinaln in Omuha for several days.
Mr. Will Killlngsworth , a former Omaha
boy , was recently married to Miss Mattie
lyon , at her homo In Mt. Pleasant , Iowa.
They came immediately to this city where
| $ < jach cnjo.ys a wide circle of acquaintance.
l { A plousinc incident occurred nt the Mur-
Iti 'Pi * , in.tho meotiner , by chnnco. of Senator
Is ir Paddock , Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Sprnguo. of
Glens Falls , N. Y. ; Mr. nnd Mis. A. O.
Smith nnd Miss HiRby , nnd Mr. and Mrs.
M. A. Motzgor , Rod Cloud. All are bound
together by relationship ties , nnd as tlio
ineotmg1 wns entirely unexpected , was
doubly pleasant.
Elmer Frank , Henry Sharp and H. J.
Davty wont ilshlng iu the Elkhoru near
West Point Sunday , and brought homo
two very line catfish. Ono weighs flf ty nnd
thu otlior sixteen pounds. They have been on
exhibition all day at u Dodge alt cot meat
inykot. _
1'lirowij from a lluuuy and Injured.
Sumlny'N , G. Shaffer mill Mrs. Elizabeth
Murphy were driving on Twonty-sixth street
near ' St. Bridget's church , when their horse
b'ccuina unmuunijeublo nnd throw them out.
Mrs. Murphy received bruises on the head
nnd Oiack. The , Injuries of Mrs. Murphy ,
who Is nearly eighty years of ngo , glvo cause
lor unxioty to her family nnd friends.
Olmcciu ) Matter.
lit A. Bryant , n citizen of Wymoro , was
brought to Omaha yesterday morning n
prisoner oy Deputy United States Lyon , to nn-
awer ( ho clmrgoof sending obscene llteraturo
through the malls. Hovas arraigned bo-
fora Juiltfo Dundy , pleaded not puilty and
wts bound over In the sum of $51)0 ) , and will
cite bond for his appearance at the next
term of court.
Mr. Bryants ofTonsn Is embodied m the
contents of a letter written to the Armour-
Cudahy packing company , The detiult ; of
the epistles , however , have not yet boon
made public.
* - Now _ _ , _ ,
The "James W. Tlmtchor" coal company
filed articles of incorpotatlon with tlio county
clerk , UcorpoF. Wiiglit , Jrmcs W. Thatch-
cr , Charles 13. Mattranc , T , J. Evans nnd J
t II , E. Clarlc being the corporators , with a
capital stock of f ,
Tlio Ucdilold printing company , of which
it M. H. Hcdflold , J. B. Rodllcld nnd P. S.
II ; Hunger are the members , illcd articles of iu-
I ? coiporation ,
Rlnso the water pipes and disinfect
very ( suspicious place with Plutt'b
The Boo Kmnllqunnnt | | Now Quar
tered In thto Now liulldliiR ,
The ofllco of TUB OMAHA BEB has been re
moved to the now Boo building.
For the next ton days the counting room
will bo found on the ground floor , corner of
Seventeenth and Fnrnnm. All orders for
advertising and subscription will bo received
The editorial rooms , on the seventh floor ,
will not bo accessible to the public until the
formal opening of the building , which will
tnko place on Juno 10. Until then communi
cations for the editorial department will bo
received nt the counting room.
Telephone numbers of the editorial and
counting rooms will remain unchanged.
It DcIugcB OfTlccr Vnmi 1m at a Saloon
Bade Door.
Detective Vnughn la very angry over the
treatment ho got whllo watching the bock
door to Sobor's saloon , Sunday , to see If any
liquor \vn being sold tnorn. Bo complains
that Councilman Ford appeared on the
scene mid called him a "d d hoosler , n d d
tramp , " said that no one would net as ho did
but n d d sneak. Vaughn says that , white
parleying w'th ' him , n inrgo crowd gathered ,
nnd n woman , up-stnlis , emptied n tub of
dirty water on him. The crowd laughed
over the ofliccr's misfortune. The hitter
ana ho walked to the neat oil box nnd cnlled
for the patrol wagon , whereupon Fora
Vaughn wrote out n lengthy account of the
nffnir nnd gnvo It to Chief Suavcy.
They Question tlio Justluo of Mr.
Coots' Criticism.
Ryan & Walsh , contractors of the new
county hospital , have filed with the board of
commissioners u reply to Superintendent
.Coots' ' report , in which they deny every
charge mudo by him. They take the ground
that ho wns actuated by ulterior motives
probably n ucsiro to destroy competition , or
to rnlse thu architect from nn unenviable po
sition which ho has placed himself in by his
vacillating conduct relative to the hospital.
After reciting briefly the history of their
twenty-two ycari1 career as contractors on
big buildings , they assert tlir.t in this job
thu plans nnd specifications have been
strictly adhered to , and protest vigorously
against being uiado icsponsiblo for any
man's mistakes.
Attention is called to the fact that Mr.
Coots was at ono time a member of ancM > crt
committee , who , under instructions from the
board , mudo nu examination of thu stuicuira
nnd reported good worn. They also claim
that up to the time of Sluiio's removal
Myers had approved everything and was
satisfied with the work.
A. Now Road Coitins $050OOO to
DuiKteo 1'lnoc ,
A reporter for THU BED had a talk with
W. K. Kurt/ , manager of the Patrick Land
company regarding the cable line which it is
proposed to run to that part of the cly.
"Wo nro nlmost ready , " said ho "to com
mence work immediately. In fact bcforo
the end of next week wo shall bo nblo to
give employment to a largo force of men on
our line which will bo pushed with all possi
ble speed.
"Tho line will consist of n double track and
bo four and n half miles In length. Wo shall
run cars every six minutes fiom 0 o'clock in
the morning to 7 in the evening , nna every
twelve minutes fiom 7 o'clockuntll midnight.
The trains will run nt eight miles per hour ,
and the faro will bo only 5 cents. Twenty
now and beautiful cars have becu ordered. "
"Do you intend to work the system which
was first intended and sonio of the material
ot which is now on the ground ? "
"No , wo found that that was not what v.-o
wanted nnd accordingly abandoned it. We
intend to use the standard system which is
now used on Fifteenth stipct , hi Kansoi
City , and is considered the best line In the
country. "
"Where will the line extend from ! "
"From the center of the city to the center
of Dundee place. The power house will be
erected near the Belt line. "
"What will bo the cost of the plnntl"
"It will cost § 050,000 , und the work on it
must bo completed not later than November
of this year. "
" Other Kxtunaions.
A meeting of the directors of the Omaha
Street railway was held last Satur
day , nt which an appropriation of
$100,000 was set apait to Invest In
nn extension of tno Thirteenth street
line , from Vinton to South Omaha , S well
as other now additions. A contract will bo
lot this week for building the power house nt
Nicholas and Nineteenth streets : the steam
plant is ordered , and fifty-three motor out
fits , which means trains of two cars
each , nro now being fitted out
by the Sprague Manufacturing company of
Tionton , N. J. They will begin to arrive
within ten days. It is now proposed to dis
card horse cars on the principal streets as
soon as it can be done.
The Twentieth nnd Sounders , Farnam and
Thirteenth street lines will bo first to 10-
colvo the motors. Mr. Frank Muiphysaicl
that they expect to have ten miles of
motor hr operation before snow flics. "
Mr. John King , of Jackson , Miss. , says
that ho was cured of rheumatism in his feet
nnd legs by taking Swift's Specific. Tills was
after ho had tried many other remedies , both
ntornal nnd external , and paid many doc
tors' bills.
School Motioy Tor Douglas.
County Superintendent Brunor has re
ceived a statement from the state superin
tendent of public instruction informing him
that the school fund thii year amounts to
$317.019.20. i < rora this amount must bo deducted -
ducted $4,648.17 for bonds purchased. Douglas -
las county's proportion la $3I,70'J,34 , which
will bo divided among the school districts.
Douglas county has B1.0I3 children to share
its bcnpflt. The apportionment will not bo
mudo until district ofllcors shall have
turned in their aimunl repot t , which they
nro requested do within ten days after
tno schools close.
To mulFrom the Poor House.
Daniel Haron , who claims to bo an edge
toolmaker , aad who has worked fourteen
years for Frederick & Ames , Boston , says
that six weeks ago ho was taken ill with
fever nna wns sent to ibo county hospital ,
Where ho has remained since. This morning
ho wni discharged from the poor house by
Mr. Mnhonoy on the order of Dr. Tnggort ,
On his woy to Tun BCB building ho fainted
nnd was cared for by strangers. Bo claims
that ho is yet nick with n fever , is unfit to bo
out , nnd so told Mr. Mnhoncy , nnd also told
Mr. Mnhonoy thnt ho wim no trntnp.
Ho rode to the editorial floor and after
telling his story ngnln fainted.
In the effort to have the in an removed n
Ihi ; : nttacho telephoned to the city Jnll nnd
wns referred to Dr. Ralph. Dr. llnlph re
ferred him to the county poor fnrm , the
Indy nt thnt end of the line referred him to
Dr. Tnggort. Dr. Tnggert was not in. Dr.
Kchoo nnd no telephone , Dr. Hnrrlgnn wns
finally reached and icspondcd to the call.
After eating fruit lake a wlno gla
fullof Mlhalovltch's Hungarian Black 5
berry Juice.
A Hutch of Burglaries.
Thieves broke into M. Morrlnm's now
house nt Twonty-llflh nnd Dodge street nnd
stole a lot of brnss faucets , u coil of lend
plpo , four drain traps , two Raymond pearls
nnd ono hundred nnd fitly pounds of bolder.
John Burk , who lives nt 1717 Chicago ,
complains that ono F. H , Regory , who works
In n restaurant on Furnam near Fifteenth ,
broke into his loom nnd stele n coat and
vest. Rcjjory hai disappeared.
Davies Bros. " store , at the southwest cor
ner of Eighteenth and Chicago , was given n
midnight visit by thlovcs , who effected nn
entrance by taking out n pnno of glass In n
window In the rear of the basement nnd
then cutting n hole in the door opening from
the collar Into the store nnd thereby turning
the key In the look. After all their trouble
they secured only about $10 from the money
drawer. _
How the Liittln Ones Spent It at
Brnwnctl Hall.
Yesterday was Juniors day ntBrownoll hall ,
and the morning was pleasantly passed with
the art exhibition and essays and instru
mental music by the pupils.
Tnoro was n fair attendance of parents nnd
friends , und after devotional exercises the
morning's programme opened with n recita
tion by Miss May Her , entitled the "Four-
Leaf Clover. " It was a pi city bit of senti
ment und admirably rendered.
Miss WInflold Beasloy then read nn ong-
innl composition on "Mng.izlno Llteraturo"
with good effect. The subject matter treated
of the history of serial nnd sketch work ,
together with a oloar analysis of tlio same.
Tills was followed by n piano solo by Miss
Maggie Kav , which was skillfully nnd
brilliantly tendered.
The next wni ono of the prettiest features
of the entire programme , a recitation ,
"Whistling In Heaven , " by tlio talented and
dimming Miss Froidn Magona , who ac
quitted herself with especial credit.
"Nathan Spear" was the title ot n recita
tion by Miss Margaiot Wilcox , another little
nymph of much beauty und considerable
power as a leader.
Miss Palmer's piano solo was a flno selec
tion exquisitely executed.
"Tho Girl Graduate , " a highly original es
say was effectively lead by Miss Grace Yule.
Raphael Kllpatrick , u swcct-fnced young
girl , i ceiled tlio "Gray Swan" with much
feeling1 , uhilo Miss Anna Slaughter's piano
solo was ono of the most beautiful numbers
on the morning's ' card.
Miss Edith Dorsoy mnilo n hit with her
somewhat lencthv disquisition on "Tho
Game of Base Bnl ! , " nnd her lavish praise of
ttiis popular national sport showed most
effectively what a hold it has on young
America , both inalo nnd female. Thcro ivas
no little humor in Miss Dorsoy's effusion ,
either , because she told how the bright-eyed ,
rosy-cheelted elves of Brownell hall nro
wont to steal off into the back ynrd
in the shades of evening , nnd in
dulge iu a game themselves , which gen
erally , however , breaks up In a row nil
on account gf that bete noir of the ball plav-
or's life , the umpire. Mh.s Editli says the
girls wou't call a foul n foul , but a "bird , "
while u fly is u "butterfly , " a muff a "nasty
shaino , " nnd so on and so forth thtough the
whole category of technical names' and de
nominations. This always leads to n wran
gle nnd the umpiio is "Ilrcd" after an inning
or two , and another run m only to share the
same fate.
Miss Dorsoy's effort was enthusiastically
"Sir Walter's Honor , " a recitation by Miss
L. Linbcrger , was a beautiful thing and
most sweetly rendered.
The exercises closed with u piano duett by
.Misses Bunting and Doty , which was full of
beauty and sparkle , and showed both young
ladies to bo performeis of moio than ordi
nary promise.
The graduation exeicises will take place
to-noriow moining at 0 o'clock.
First Year in Art.
In thn art exhibition were several portraits
traits and ideal pieces by Miss Freida Mr.go-
man , who is certainly a very versatile young
girl. The portraits are all remarkably clover
pieces , whllo the ideals shine with the full
glory of true genius , and by applicution Miss
Freida n ay hope to attain u standard of ex
"Tho Monarch of the Glen , " a crayon , and
"Tho Old Mill" and "Mid-Winter , " charcoal
etchings , by Miss Hannah Ilochstrasser , nro
excellent studica , displaying considerable
Acouploof figure pieces , an'Ideal faro
ana a marine scene , by Mablo Putnam , uro
much admired.
A number of copies from Landseer'a mas
ter nieces , "Tho Challenge , " thd "New
foundland's Head. " nnd "the Horse , " uro
the handiwork of Churlic Foreman , and are
very good.
Little Louise Doherty shows a calln lily
and one or two other little sketches which ,
for a child , are exceedingly meritorious.
Thu above mentioned work Is all by nrtists
who have yet their first year to finish in the
study , nnd the progress they have m.ulo
speaks volumes tor the thoroughness and ef
ficiency of their tutors.
Licensed to Wed.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued by Judge Shields , yesterday :
Name and Residence. Ago.
( John W , Rogers , Omnhn S3
1 BolloBuiton , Council Bluffs 18
j Albert M. Fox , Chicago , 29
1 Mabel A. Stickuoy , PaiiiesvJUo , Oluo..2a
j ClatkFonlon , Omuha 20
J Bessie Deutrlok , Lcavonworth , 21
j Jonn Gustafson , Oinahn v..2 !
I Carrie Hcanlng , Omaha 2i
j Richard Parks , Omaha 2 ]
j Mattie Woods , Oniahu , 21
( Joseph Swazoik , Omaha . . . . . .2S
( Mary Bedessom , Omaha 21
.C f < Uiyht United States Government. Jndorscdby ! the bfad of thcfireat Universities
and 1'ulillc 1'nod Auslytts , ai the Btroucest. 1'urett aud moit Healthful. Dr. I'rlce'i Crram
llauliift 1'gvrderiloesnotcoutnlu Ammonia , I.lrneor Alum. Dr. Price' * Delicious Flavorinirlti-
iracu , \ nnilla , I.ciuou , Orange , Aliuoud , Rote , etc. , do uot contain 1'oitouous Oils or Cheralcals ,
PRICE BAKING POWDER CO , . NtwYork. chlcaco. 8t , Louis.
Tills nowtlar never varies. A marvel of purity
BtreiiKthnndwholosomenoss. Moro economic xl
than the ordinary Elndn , nnd cannot bo sold In
competition with the multitudes ot lovr cost ,
shortwolghtnlum or phospnato powder * . Sold
only In canHoyal Unking 1'owdor Co-i 120
AVallstroot Now rort.
Chicago , Ills. 1 ClarkQt.
Uio Regular Old-Established
Is ( till Treating with the Greatest
Chronic , Neryons anfl Priyale Diseases ,
OS- NERVOUS DEDILITy , Loll Manhood ,
Palling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
dreams. Head ar.d Beck Ache nnd all the effects
leading lo early decuyin > fcih.ips Conaurnptlonor
Inotr.lty , treated ciinllEcilly ly new methods with
- cuccets.
A33YPI5ILIS ami Ml bad Blood and Skin Dlo-
easeonennHnently cured.
3-KIDNEY nd URINARY ramrlalnts.QIcet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varlcocelo and nl ! discajea
of the Qenlto-Unnary Organs cured promptly without
Injury togtonach , Ktdceja or o'Jier Organs.
JC5No experiments. Age and experience im.
portact. Consultation free ami sacred.
2- Send 4 ceiitu poslage for Celebrated Works on
whronlc , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
> I-Thoso cojtemplatlng MairlaRC send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guMc Male and Female , each
15 cents , both as cents ( slatnvs ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may sax c future suffer.
Ira and shitne , and add golden j ears to life. l3liooi :
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " soc ils ( stamps ) . Medicina
'nd writings sert everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 12. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , .
186 So. Glark Ofe. CHICAQC , ILL *
oni receive &
e S ,
nrrivlnciit onloi..rtln | fiom Xctvorlc. .
Shipments from Uurnpo can bo rando direct by thli
Comimnj toiilllnluml 1'orta of Untry In thu united
States , also to C.iii.uln nnd .Meilco , with or without
pn > iront of dutlesut .Sow York.
Ilitei aslow in these of anj responsible company.
Money Ordcn Uiuod piynblo at 15,000 places in
UnitedHiito , C'niuul innil l'iropc.
.AccnclCH In Huroiio towlium I'lilpmciits for United
StatiM tun lia delivered , or If fiom interior polntx
filiouM be LoiiiUncd. ucruinp inled by Hill ot l.nllnt ;
and Invoice cunltlcd buforo American Consul :
T1IO8. MKADOWS A. CO , 35 .Mlllc Street , ChennsHo
.London , H. C , ± 1 Water Street , I/I vcitl'uul , ; Ul I'loo u
dllly.M\SCIUSTCU U llnr.otcr Mrect , < ll.AbOow _ J
Kilo hcrlbu. I'AHIH. r HICHAUI ) . 1 Kuo Ohll"u
I1AU\K. N. I.U1CHTIMJ&CU. 117 enstrn'fc ,
HUMI.V : : : . ; Dovcntlcetb. , UAMJIUUU , und 117 Am
llateii ,
Tlio 1'urcst and Hose Drlnlc in tlio
AVorld. Appetizing , Delicious ,
A Fackngo ( llquM ) 2Jc. ni kcs Qvo Rnlloni.
No bolllni ; or etrnlnlnir. Directions elmi > lo , nnd If
niadt ) iiccordlnuly there can bo no nilstuko.
Ask > our Uiiifiulst nr ( troccr for tt. nnd take uo other.
fee that you iret HIKES' .
Try It mid you Will Not bo Without it
Ecldby C. li.HIUUS , I
UKN aiUVO.1IN Bnccfoafullr truateJ.
Bum-ring from tbo effucts of youthful follies nrlndli
crutlons , or uro UuublQ-1 with Weakness , Nervous
Debility , Ixiss of Memory , Dctpondency , Aversion U )
rJoclety , Kidney Troubles or nny dlsoHnu of tlio ( iunl.
to-Urinary U un , curt hero tlnd a safe nnd upoeJy
cur * . Cliurtcs rcu ia ble , especially lo tbo poor.
There nro runny troubled with too frequent ovacnii
tloniof tbu b.addcr. ultvn uicompiinleit by u sllulit
tmurtlmt or burnliX niitlon , jind wenkomntc of ilio
ystem in a luunncrutii ) patient cannot uccount tor.
On uxninlnlnv the urtunry deposits a ropy sediment
will oltun bo founds und nomeiliuei pnrtlclon of albu
men will npncar an tbu uiliir bo ot n tliln , mllkliti
hue , njuln cuan/laii tau dnrk or torpid uppuarancu.
'Ihere are mnnv intniwhoillu ot tills dllllculty , iKnur-
ant of the tuuso. wUluli u tlionccoiU ntnvoof 19 nU
nalivcnkncbs , 'Jboiiuctor will ( 'imrnnti'unperfjjt
rurolniill such c nm.aiul a lieilthy restomtlnn ot
the Kenlto urinary < iran . Consultation Iron. Sonl
2-cent stnmpfor "Voann Mnn'a HrlcnJ , or ( iuldu to
Wedlock , " Jroo to all. AddrtfM
Main and lUli ! St. ( Kansas City , Mo.
pyMentlou tlila pauer.
Wo commouco to day the most stupendous sale of thin Coats and Vests , "Wo
advertised last week that we have closed out the entire stock of a manufacturer
of summer goods at figures that \7ill enable us to soil them this season AT 50
CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. The warm weather is here and the goods
are hero , and wo are ready to make good what wo promised. The goods are on
our counters on the second floor ; we are sorry wo can't keep thorn on the ground
floor , but there is not room enough for thorn there , as they will fill nearly one-
half of the entire floor. Still you need not climb any stairs , as the elevator
takesyou up.
We have thin Coals and Vests enough to supply every man in
Omaha , and we ought to sell every Coat and Vest there is sold in
Omaha this season. Everyman , who values money and who
does not ought to buy his summer outfit of us. Competition is
" \Vewillgivoyouriomooftho prices , but that doas not tell much. THE
GOODS TELL THE STORY , and only by an inspection of the goods can
a correct idea be formed of the wonderful values we are offering in this sale.
Thousands of Flannel and Seersucker Coats and Vests , in very neat and tasty
patterns , at 70c , for which other dealers ask $1.50. .
Very flno Flannel G'oats ' and Vests , in handsome plain shades , at 95c. No
-handsomer coat and vest is shown elsewhere for $2.
Elegant Mohair Coats and Vests in all the new shades ; excellent goods , sty
lish cut and all well made , at $2. The regular price for these is every where $4.
Ono lot of extra fine ALL WOOL Flannel Coats and Vests , solid and hand
some colors , at $2.75. Don't make a mistake , this is ono of the finest flannels
made and STRICTLY ALL WOOL. Other houses are offering1 a cotton
mixed flannel for that price.
"We have no sample pieces of those goods and cannot send any C. O. D.
For this sale all mail orderd must be.accompanied by cash ,
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
ImS. Dimb GL
( Opposite Paxtun IloUU
Offlco hours , 0 a. m. to 8 p. m. Bandars , 19e.
m. to 1 p. in. ,
tJperliillats In Chronic , Norvong , Skin ana
Blood Diseases. _ . . . .
tar-Consultation nt otnco or by mall tret.
Medicines sent by mall or express , Kocurely
packeil. rreo from observation. Gunrantaos to
cure nuickly. safely ami Dormnnpatly-
lions. Physical Dec.iy. arlbliis from Jndincro-
tlon. Excess or Indulgence , producing Sloop-
lessncss. Despondency , 1'lmplos on the face ,
aversion to boi lety , easily Ulhcouriigoa , lack of
conlldence , dull , uuilt for t > tudy or business , and
nnds life a burden , safely , permanently nnd
privately cured. Consult lira. Oetts tt Delta ,
403 l-nrnamfct. , Omaha , Keo.
Blood ana Skin Disease ? fa 'Sfrrfbiffl ' ;
results , complete ! v eradicated without the aid
of Morcurir. Scrofula. KryBlpolas , rover Sores ,
Hlotches , U leers. Pains iu the Head and Ilonoa ,
Syphilitic SorsTnroatMouth and Tongue , Ca-
turrh. .Ve. permanently cured whcro others
tfiiJnnTT TTninnnir and Bladder Complaints ,
IYIQIICV , urinary w h uimcuit , * rrj.
quent Hurnlng or Bloody Urine , Urlno hlgn colored
orod or lth milky aedlmont on ( .landing ,
Weak Hack , Gonnorrhnja , Uloot. Cystitis. dc. ,
I'romptly andSafely Cured , Charges Reasona-
inoval complete , without cutting , cautlo or
dilatation. Cures effected at homo bv patient
without a moments uain or annovance.
To Young , Men and Middle-Agcd Hen ,
A tJlTDDTIIIDD T o awful effect * ot early
11 UUniJ uUnD Vice , hicli orlnga organic
weakness. ( lestroylnclOth ) mind and bodv , with
all Ita dreaded ills , permanently cured.
FIDO DOTTfl Aiirw.8 tnooovnonajro impaired
UfilJ , Dill 10 themselus by Improper Indul
gences and solitary hablW , which ruin both
body and mind , unilttlng them for business ,
* * '
MMiito ME . 'or those entering on that hap.
Py life , nwnre of physical debility , quickly ma
Mta' ou sut'ciss :
la based upon facts , First Practical Expe
rience. Second Kvery case is especially studied ,
thus stalling aright. 'J'hlrd Medicines are pre
pared in mir laboratory exactly to suit each
case , thus affecting cures without injury.
t T"Scnd o cents postage for celebrated works
on Chronic , Nervous and Delia ate Diseases.
Thousands cured. tJET A f i Icndly letter or call
may save jou futuie euircrlnj ; and shame , and
add golden jeats to life. fSTKo letters an
swered unless accompanied by 4 cents In stamps.
AddWM6rjls ! BETTSds KDTTS.
1103 1'arn&ni firtoot , Omaha. Ntb ,
'J ho best enulpod pleasura rcnort In tlio wcjt.
'Ihu iitiuntion of the pcorlii of .Nebraska Is cnlled
to this mar fiiiuoui resort for vxcurtlunuts. plcnlo
part lu etc. Uho best of mtasiilveii on all rnllru.uU.
'Ihu park Is situated < l iiillvii troni Lincoln , und
ronuitis ul ucre > of tliubori the mreu t and bott
luaimttcd cafu , under tbo inntrol nt llrown thu la *
nidus Lincoln caterer i tulles of liputjni ; ; % pit us.
uio LoutsJ ; MU > | U und ilitnclutc luilUi base bull
grounds , mottcniupletulu Ilio uuit ; > U picnic tables
with > eals ; speakers ilunds. Tlio wonderful
Ciihhinnn Nirlnt'M'ln all : batlilint lioiuuu UliinlniiS !
tit-lit rope , KMfuollone. tt Uetnbovo nater. 15. U.
Andru im J Hon. Jlaiiiii'urJ. Lincoln , Neb ,
successfully UEixl monthly by ovur 10,000
, - vl adles. AroSa/e , t'ffectualund 1'leatant
Jgpvrboxbym | lloratdnieKl t . Sealed
J'urticvliirt S pOBtago ctamp . Address
Tais tuuBKA CUBXIOU , Co. , Puraoir , Micu.
For balu and ly mail by Goodman Jrue
At this remarkably low pUce wo place
on oale a largo assoitmeut of desirable pat-
teuis Mcns'liouiers. 'ilio lit and work-
nanshipot thosu gatraonts can uuar-
UKNT , ngtiaranteoJ spualuo for Hysteria , Ulzzl-
ness. ComiHloni. fits. Nervous Neuralgia ,
Headache , Nor/ous 1'rostratlon caused by the
use ot alcohol or tobacco , \VAkofulnoss , Mental
Depression , Bofinnlnuot the ilratn , resulting In
Insanity and loadlim to misery , decay and death.
I'lomaturo Old Aiu , llarrcntu-us , Lo&s ot Power
In either HOX , Involuntary Iosei and Bpcrmat-
orliira caused by ovor-oxortlouof the brainself-
abuse or overindulgence , Kadi box contains
ono month's treatment. ! 103 o bir , or six boxes
f or J Vixi.seint by mall prepaid on rflcoipt of price ,
To cure any case. With each order received by
us for six boxes , accompanied with Jo.CO , wo wlfl
Bend the purchaser our written fjuarantee to re
fund the money if tlio treatment does not eifoct
a cure. ( JimrtinteeH issued imly by Goodman
Drug Co , . UrugKlaH , Bole AaeutB , UiO Varnam
treat. Omaha Neb. . ,
The Inr&ott , lu > tu l ami uncut In tlio world
I'usicnKor uccomiuoJnlloiis unuzrollcd ,
New Viirk to Liverpool -via ( { nevnilnivii.
The Cclclirutecl I'jlio I-lMCSt htenm. | Weil. Juno SO ,
City uf JCiimuiiililp III tUo \ will. I l.oOI'.Jl.
ITow York to Glargow via Queenstov/n.
DKVuNl.l. Halunliiy.Jnnu Bill , nt 1 p. m ,
( MIU'ABblA , H.uurilur.Jiino lOth.iu 7u. m.
KTKK'l'M * ntiinlity. Junu.J. nt l.ftl p. in.
A cllOllIA , at lrllllJrJllllo Zl , attjuii. m.
J KSAbntuidiy | , July0.nt 11 , u.ui ,
lli.\nNMbntiinlirJulr ) K.U. n. m.
ClliUAfcMA , batunluJulj /J , ul Noon.
KTiilurJA. NUurdny. July ' 7 , lit I p. m
With regular voalfly sulilnjjn thereafter ,
PAIOO.V to Clnsicim , Liverpool. I lorry , llclfnntor
QueuiistuivnOto bit i > y ( ila uu > r stuuinori , iUnnii
up uiilsbr ) "City of llumu. " Bocoml Clm * .KJ. Hti'er *
"to t.U Jxcur : foii rutu railutuil uvitlluulu lor uliuor
puto , thusulvlnu prlrl'e o of stclnu hi o u trlpllio
lllrt'r Mcrsoy , 1'ictiircs'juu Clyde , hortli nnd boiiih ui
LOU Ear 'rriiiis. Travelers' Clrinlnr l itturs of Credit
nnrt DrnlUIor anjr niiiount ut luwust current rules.
Apyly to unr of our local a jeuli or lo
Jiuudortioii llfutlui'd , Ut > laai ; , III.
JI.8. HAM , .
0 , II. BB.MK
XiAW , 1-1 Dearborn tit. , Chicago ; advice fri't :
' 1 yuars' uxpurlunifi nuniaj yulo'.ly ui'l : J -
DcttraclliticiArraratusandnDmedlCHfcrSuccc fuI
Treatrasnt of ovcry form of U'iciuo rcnulrine
Boardft Attendance , Best Accommodations in West ,
CO-WRITE H > R OIRODtARBoi Deformities iind
Braces , Trusses , Club Tcet , Curvatures of tpine. Piles ,
Tumort , Cancer , Catarrh , Bronchitis , luliMatlon.
glettrlcUy , Paralysis , Epileji.y , Kidney , Bladder ,
Eye , Ear , Skin and Blood und all Surgical Opcrationi.
' .
lurnl far Ixiii of 11TAL I ( IU HI. 1'trllci unit-lo lo lilt
uimajrbdtrettedat liomob/corrcaponiletiee. AllcouniuDleft.
llouieonQdentlal. iledlclneiorlnilrumcntilriittjrinallorez *
uneperionarintcrtleirprrrcrrrd. c > IUudooniultuior > a
tlttorr of Tour CMC , and vro nlll pcud la pUlu r | > r er. ocr
Rntlif Tfl RSCfJ FREE : : upon i'nr ' > ic , hiccui er
DUUn III ItlEU , NcY.ouiDlitoici.Impoicritr.B/ph ,
Illi ; Uleetcnlarlcoeole , llli qunllon lilt. Addreii
13th and Dodga ( itrcots , OBAHA , HEB.
Dr. J. E , McGREW
Iu thu TrcutiiKMit of All Chronic , Nervous
anil ri'Irntu Discuses.
Ppermirtorrlmu , Irapolcmcjr und Fulllnir Mnnhood
nb olulul/ enroll , A euro Kiiarnntuud In nil forms of
I'lhuto Jilsousis , hrktiirc : . Uluet , Ac. Cutitnh ,
'lliroiit , l.iiimi , anil llunit Dliensua. Illiouiiiiitlsiii ,
Hplniil and ruiuulo Dlseunes , lllood uud Hkln JJbcu es
trmtoil uccusslnlly ,
ladles' nnd kuntlcinon'i waiting rooms separate
and entirely I'tivule.
Coinultiulon frou. Eend for liooVi. rlcrret nnd
I'rlvutu Dnensesof Mnn/itliu'WoinuiiuHer DIKIIIMJI ,
lUo cmli ( utinnpi ) . T/caltuuut by torresiioudouctl
OMAHA , Niil. :
. Arrtsts rtlBolmntos fiom the urlaary or-
I eana In cither Hex In 4H Iu nrn.
I Jt Li nuporlor to copaiba , cubcbs , or
Jlnjcctionn , nnd fico from all bad twcl
lor other inconvenienced.
SANTAL-MIDY u,11 , ? ultIIn ;
| Oar > nlfin.wuIdi t < eer llo uaiaa i :
I libok let ttw , without wtiltii no r-rc