Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Takes an Upward Tarn Oil
Weather Reports.
Corn IB In Hotter Tone OntH Higher
nnd Provisions Decidedly Dull-
Good Cattle Advance nntl
HORS Hotter Trices.
CHICAGO , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BKB. ] The wheat market opened strong
nnd somewhat higher on weather news con
strued to bo unfavorable to harvesting In the
southwest and to the development of spring
wheat in the northwest. Too much rain Is
urged In the ono case and not enough In the
other. Juno roao from 10la to 80 > c , July
from Tli } to TTJ TT c , nnd December from
77 o to jftc. Unconfirmed reports of ram
In the Hcd Hiver valley and rather more
Wnlullty In the nrovalllng temperature gave
a bearish tone to the market , and thereafter
the tendency of prices was to decline. The
market cnsod off about } { c , and atm the do-
cllno did not display any vigorous powers of
rucovery. The visible supply showed a de
crease of 1,313,000 bushels , which , tr.ough
largo was below the expectations , The total
Is noxv down to 18,802,032 , bushels , against
25,753,000 bushels a year ago , and 42,112,000
bushels two years ago. The Chicago stocks
nro only 3,005,000 bushels , all hold ; and Now
York stocks nro 3,872,000 , bushels. The experts -
ports of wkcutt and flour from the Atlantic
ports for the last week foot up 1.30'J.UOO
bushels , against 849,000 bushels for the cor
responding week last year. The clearances
from Now York to-day were 181,000 bushels ,
and anywhere from 10 to 15 boat loads were
reported ns "now business. " Cables wcro
dull , but n decrease of nearly 70,000 bushels
in New York stocks , In ono week , Indicates
the existence of n tangible foreign demand
for the property. In the market a falrde-
mand for cash wheat Is reported , and the prop
erty is firmly held at the material udvanco
from the .prices ruling n week ago. St.
Louis fired In n grist of bear news , nnd re
ported an active demand from country
points for sacks to store wheat in , ono firm
reporting the shipment of 01,000 sacKs last ,
week. Cash wheat Is firmly held in bt.
Louis , howuvor , as well ns elsewhere. Crop
news from the northwest arc of a contra
dictory character , but the weight of testi
mony sunports the theory thnt the lied river
country Is In urgent need of rain , and that ,
at best , only an average crop of spring
wheat can bo raised. The Minneapolis
market is well supported these days. The
principal typo of speculation , to-day , was
the forthcoming of the government report.
There were fewer tips and pointers in circu
lation regarding the report than usual , but
the common opinion seemed to bo that
it would show an impairment of 5 to G
points In the condition from the date of the
last report. The idea was expressed , how
ever , that the desire to bull granger stocks
might Imvo been strong enough to color the
, reports of correspondents * to some extent ,
and make tlio situation appear bettor than
the facts warranted. No especial weight at
tached to that Idea : however , the local
market ruled dull and spiritless during the
last hour , with the price of July and Decem
ber dragging below 77c , and , most of the
time , around or under 70c. The last prices
were as follows : Juno 89c. July 70c ,
September 74J c , December 70 c , and the
year 74c. As compared with Saturday's
closing range , this sot of figures shows a
very small change , except that Juno is % c
Cold , rainy weather prevailing over a largo
nrea of the corn belt , together with dimin
ishing receipts were the causes which Influ
enced the minds of speculators and produced
a firm market and higher prices. The viable
supply was expected to show a very little in
crease for the week and the actual figures
showing 422,000 bushels increase was some
what of a disappointment to the speculators
lor n rlso. The receipts were a trifle less
than the previous estimates and for tomorrow
row , which will Include two days' inspec
tion , only 530 cars arc expected. There was
no great activity in either the cash or specu
lative branches of business. There were no
reports from the English markets owing to
the holiday there , but the domestic markets
appeared to take their tone from the firm
ness prevailing hero and wcro all sllchtly
higher. The export clearances were liberal
nnd the shipments hence were fairly en
couraging to holders. The strength of the
market was helped early in the day by the
firmness In wheat ; but later on , when this
support was withdrawn , th ro was still
enough of the early firmness left In corn to
show thnt it was upheld chiefly by circum-
Btancos peculiar to itself. The closing prices
show gains of % e over those current at the
close of business on Saturday.
In oats the visible supply showed but little
change , while there was the handsome do-
crcuso , last week , of 550,035 bushels In local
locks , owing to the excellent shipping de
mand. This was nn element of strength , to
day , with ono sale of 100,000 bushels
in June , taken for immediate dellv-
oty. The speculation market was
quiet but strong curly , and from } to
fc higher- followed by a later tone ot easi
ness. The shorts bought considerable and
there was some changing into long futures ,
but the demand was soon satisfied. July atone
ono time touched i222c ! , nnd September
22c and baclc to 23fc , with a fair trade in
June around 22c. No. 13 oats , to go to
store , were } { c higher , nt 23o.
Jn provisions , tno week opened with no
ndw feature , and very little llfo to trade.
The shorts continued their buying of short
ribs , but In lard and pork there was no move
ment to speak of. Outside orders for all
description of products wora limited , and
the small business witnessed was transacted
wholly by local traders. Values wore hold
steady , and fluctuations were confined to
narrow ranges ; in pork , their limits were
only from 5o to TKo ; in lard , 2Kc , and In
short ribs from 'la to 5c.
< *
ClilOAGq LIVE SlOOli fllAUKE'f.
CHICAGO , .June 10. [ Special Telegram to
THE I3fii : . | CATTW : . As wlllbo noted the
run Is 6,000 less than n wool : ago , Business
all along the line was active from the start ,
nnd-tho nbscupo of dressed hoof qualities of
Tcxnns Influenced such strong competition
lor all desirable handy-weight , con-fed na-
tlvo Btccrs'ihat'such grades changed hands
readily nt 5@10o advance. Extra heavy
becvcvthough finally making strong prices ,
were slow of sale. Distillery-fed cnttlo also
dragged early , but bnforo the finish found an
outlet nt excellent figures. Hough , fleshy
nntlvosshowing more or less on grassmoved
with nn indifferent tone nnd developed the
fact that they were unreliable property to
base values upon. The native cow nnd.
bull market , owing to the scant
supply of Tcxanu , ruled strong ,
cholco lots soiling n shade higher.
Texas cattle , on sale , wore mostly canning
goods ; but , as the offerings were insufllcionl
lor the urgent needs of the demand , tellers
exacted nn advance of from lOo to 15o. The
Btockor and feeder market , ns usual on Mon
day , received hut little attention from out-
siJu buyers , the day's trading being nearly
oil done by yard speculators. Cholco to ex
tra bcovcs , $4.40(21.55 ( ; medium to good
Btccrs , 1850 to 1600 Ibs , $4.00@4.25 ; 1200 to
1350 Ibs , $3,80524.15 ; 1)50 ) to 1200 Ibs , $3.60@
8.70 ; stookors nnd.fceders , f2.40Q3.50 ; cow ? ,
bulls ami mixed , $1.00@3.2.V bulk , $3.20 ®
2.40 ; Texas cuttlo , $1.00@3.4' ) .
Iloas The supply fell fur below the esti
mates of Saturday , and 91,000 below the
number last Monday , Huslncss opened
brisk , with an upturn of about 5c , with
early sales largely at 1.40 , but the specula
tors were tlio leading buyers , the puckers
holding off , and biding their time until near
the close , when tlio speculators had to lot goer
or got left. Then the packers and other Jatq
buyers got all they wanted at from Co to lOo
lower than at the opening , or , say , ft. HO or
J4.35 , Llcht sorts cold curly M $1.4fHSl.0 ,
oiid Bingolng sorts at $1.05 ,
Nisff YONK , Juuo 10 , [ Special Telegram
to TJI 13inJ STOCKS Tbo opealuff of the
stock market , this morning , was of thnt dull ,
weak kind which several times of late has
been followed by na'aoUvo nnd strong ctys-
Ing , The first figures were } /w > K per cent
\lno-or the Close of last w6ok , nndln the early
dealings Uiqre were further concessions of
H to ? per cent. The trading was largely
local and professional , and ns Is usually the
case In such a market , the activity was con
fined to n few stocks. Now England sold to
40X , nnd reacted to 40)f ; Lake Shore gained
J4 per cent to 1005Atchlson ; sold at 44&
and 44 % ; Burlington wont off to 102J4 , and
sold at 103 on the reaction ; Northwestern
dropped to 112 , and returned to 118 ; Hock
Island yielded to OS # ; Missouri Pacific to
35 ; Union Pacific to C2 } Chicago Gas
trusts sold ox-divtdond and showed the best
strength on the list ; ttio forenoon figures
wcro G9 } to 00 to 53. The other trusts \voro
dull and weak , compared with last week.
There was no significant change in senti
ment or prices till noon. There was a com
plete change of sentiment and stocks In the
afternoon. The rally which came to the
market was not confined to a few shares ,
but lifted the entire list. Not only were the
early declines regained , but , in many In
stances , prices were carried good fractions
above the opening figures. Jersey Central
bounded over 3 points to 105 } , closing ! 2 %
per cent over the opening price. Louisville
gained % per cent , and Lake Shore 1 per
cent , over the first figures. ' Northern Pa
cific , preferred , Atchlson , Burlington , Union
Pacific nnd Lncltawnnn each closed K tcr
cent better than the opening. Hock Island ,
St. Paul , Missouri Pacific nnd Northwestern
simply regained their early losses and closed
at first prices. Chicago Gas touched 00 > jf ,
and closed nt COfo Sugar trusts touched
107 > nnd closed zy percent bettor at 100 % ;
Load trusts were firm nnd higher also. Tb6
total sales for the day wcro 201,513 , shares.
The following were the closing quotations :
U. B , 4s regular. 121) ) Northurn 1'n.cinc. . 29X
U. 8.43 coupons.120 ilo preferred G7
II. o. & N.v nan
II.U. . H.4ii ! coupons. . do pi'dfurrcd IU
1'acltloiisof 'U3 . 118 N.Y.Central 100
Central Pacific . U5U p. D.&K 24
Chicago & Alton. . . . Uo Uocklslaml tBli
Chicago , llurllngtou U..M. 4rSt.P 73S !
&Quluey . 103 ? , ' do pref crrad 11. U
. * SU'nulfcOmaha. . Ui
Illinois Central . lir.'j doprotorrod OH
I. . 11. i : w . OW Urtlan 1'aclllo C3K
Kansas A : Texas. . . . 10'j ' \V..St. L. & V llifj
J.ako Shore . 100f doproforreil HUH
Michigan Central. Westeru Union S3H
MlssotirlPaclllo. . , . 7o ?
MoNErEasy ; closed offered at 2.
PJIIMB MttncxXTiLU PAi'U'i333 } per
STHHI-INO ExciiAjron Dull but steady ;
sixty-day bills , $4.87 ' ; demand ,
CnieAno , Juno 10. 1:15 : p. m. close Wheat
Easier ; cash , 79J c ; July , 70J c ; Dccem-
Corn Easier ; cash , 34c ; July ,
September , 85 c.
Oats Steady ; cash , 225-lCc ; July , 229-lCc ;
September , 22 IMOc.
Kyo Cash BS c-
Barley Nominal.
Prime Timothy 11.25.
Whisky $1.02.
Pork Lower ; cash , $11.75 ; July , S11.77X ;
September , ? 11.92K.
Lard Steady ; cash. SO.G2W ; July , $0.70 ;
September , $0.82' ( ffi0.85.
Flour Firm. ; wlntcr | wheat. S2.00@3.75 ;
spring wheat , $1.80@550 ; rye , $2.45@2.05.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $5.12 > tf@5.25 ;
short clear , $0.12X@OJJ5 : short ribs , $5.1)0 )
@ 5.05.
Butter Steady ; creamery ,
dairy , 0@15o.
Cheese Steady ; full cream chedars ,
; flats , 7@So ; Young Americas ,
; RS Steady ; fresh , ll@12c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy and lightgroen
salted , 5c ; salted dull , 4 > c ; green salted
calf , Oc ; dry flint , 7c ; dry salted , 7c ;
dry calf , 7@8o ; deacons , 25o each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4o ; No. 2 , 8)c ; cake , 4tfc.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour 11,000 14,000
Wheat 10,000 12,000
Corn 833,000 311.000'
Oats 171,000 609,000
Now York , June 10. Wheat Receipts ,
87,000 ; exports , 181,000 ; spot Irregular ,
closing dull and weaker ; No. 3 red , SIKo in
store ; 83o afloat ; S2 @S4o f. o. b. ; No. 8
red , 75) c ; options lower ; June , 81c.
Corn Receipts , 00,000 ; exports , 171,000 ;
spot moderately active and easy : No. 2 , 41 %
@ 42o In elevator ; 43@43i e afloat ; un
graded mixed , 41@43c ; options dull but
Oats Receipts , 01,000 ; exports , 400 ; spot
quiet end firmer ; options , firmer ; June ,
2Sc ; July , 2Scj spot , No. 2 , white , 34K
@ 34c ; mixed western , 29@00c.
Coffee Options closed barely steady , 1CH ( )
20 points down ; sales , 24,000 bags' ;
Juno , SI0.25@10.50 ; July , Sll3.35@10.40 ; spot
Rio , quiet ; fair cargoes , $1S.G2 } .
Petroleum Quiet ; United closed at Blc.
Eijgs Moderately active ; western , in
"Porlc Dull ; now S13.25@13.50.
Lard Dull but easier ; western steam ,
? 7.00 ; July , $7.00@7.01.
Butter Easy ; western ,
Cheese Dull ; western , } \
Kansas City. June 10. Wheat Quiet :
No. 2 red , cosh , 73c asked ; August , C3c
asked ; No. 2 , soft , cash , 75o ; July and
August , ( S5c a&kod.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 20o asked ; No.
2 , white , cash , 23 asked.
Oats N o. 2 cash , SO c asked.
Mlnncnpnllx , Juno 10. Wheat Sample
wheat higher ; receipts , 131 cars ; shipments ,
OScars. Closing : " No. 1 hard , June , Olc ;
July , 92c ; on truck , 01S93o ( ; No. 1 north
ern , Juno , 84c ; July , 84 } c ; on track , 84@
SSc ; No. 'J northern , Juno 73&o ; July 74o ; on
track , 74@77c.
Milwaukee , Juno 10. Wheat Easier ;
cash , 74c ; July , 74c. KKlii
Corn Firm ; No. 3 , 34c.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 , white , 20O37o.
Rye Firm ; No. 1 , 42 > o.
Barley Dull : No. , 3 , 5lc.
Provisions Steady ; pork , $11.75.
St. Louie , Juno 10. Wheat Lower ;
cnsh , 81e ; July , T72c.
Corn Higher ; cush , ! tlK < 331Jfc ; July ,
82-fc. ) ,
Outs Firm ; cash , 22 fet July , 22c.
Pork-Quiet ; $12.25.
Lard Nominal ; 4(5 55.
Butter Unchanged ; Creamery , 14Q10o ;
dairy , 12@lUc ,
ClncliuuUl , Juno 10. Wheat In good
demand ; No. 2 red , 83@S4c.
Corn Barely steady. No. 2 mixed , 85c.
Oats KasierjNo,2 mixed , 231/Q25 > fo.
Whisky Steady ut 1.0-3.
Chlonco , Juno 10. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 10,000 ; strong to 5 < 310o
higher ; beeves , f4.40@4.55 ; steers , $300 ®
4.25 ; stockcrs uiid feeders , $2.40@3.0 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , $1.M@3. 5 ; Texas cattle ,
fl.GOJ8.40. (
Hogs Receipts , 20,000 ; steady to 5o higher ;
mixed , $4.30C4,50 ? ; heavy , S4,20@4.45 ; light ,
.30@4.00 ; Bkips. f3.50@4.20.
Sheep Receipts , 7,00'J : steady ; natives ,
f3.QO@4.IXr ; western , shorn , f3.50@4.25 ;
Texans , shorn , f3.00@1.80 ; lambs , J1.00@3.25
per head.
Kniis. Olty , Juna 10. Cattle Receipts -
ceipts , 2,900 ; shipments , 1,000 ; good corn fed
beef steers , strong , nctivo nnd liiehor ; com
mon to choice corn fed , f3.25@4.15 ; stockers
mid fcpdiiiK steers , $2.25@3.40 ; cows , steudy
nt $1.75(23.20 ( ,
Hogs Receipts , 4.800 ; shipuionU , 1.290 ;
strong and higher : light , f4.27 > ( iKBKs :
he.xvynndudxed , | 4.UO4.25.
National Htook iTnrili , Kn t fit.
bouls , Juno 10. Cuttlo. Receipts , 800 ;
sliipinent.s , 600 ; strong ; fair to cholco heavy
native steers , $3.20@4.50 ; stockers and
feeders , | 3.1 < Jj3.20 ( ; rangnrs , corn-fed. S3.60
@ 3.GO ; grnss-fed , $3.00(32,00. (
Hogs Receipts , 3,300 ; shipments , COO ;
strong ; cholco heavy'and butchers' , 14.30 ®
4.40 ; picking , $4.2004.35 ; light. * 4.30@4,40.
Sioux City , Juno 10. Cattle Rscelpts ,
240 ; steady ; fat steers , $2.65@3.55 ; stockors.
fi.35@3.85 ; feeders , $3. lOjJ'.UOj ( can n era and
bulls , f 1,00@1.70.
noes Receipts , CCO ; higher ; light aud
mixed , 4.05Q4.10 ; heavy , | 4.07X@1.12K.
Cnuic. 4 * -
, Monday , Juno 10.
The market went up to-day ns fast ns It
went down On Saturday , the advance
amounting o G@10c. The market was fnlrly
nctlvo and the most doslrnblo of the hooves
wcro soon nicked up. The beef nnd shipping
steers sold nt n range of f3.40@-i.10. largely
nt$3.55ijt.oo ( , the quality not being very
good on nn average , although there were n
few bunches of very good beeves. Butch
ers' stock was scarce nnd sold nt steady
prices , nnd the same thing would apply
equally well to stock cattle.
The hog market was nctlvo at nn ndvanco
of 5@10c nnd the receipts were not long In
changing hands. Over one-half of nil the
offerings went nt Sl.10. Light hogs were
scnrco nnd there were not enough to supply
the demand.
Only ono load was on the market nnd It
sold readily at steady prices.
: . : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Horses. . . . . . . . . . 157
Ileprcsonttulvo Sales.
2 135 3.75
4 1810 3.00
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
43 steers , Texans..1,020 J3.G5
40 steers , Texans. . . . 1,040 3.05
54 steers , Toxnns..1,093 3.75
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
88 steers 1,417 § 3.70
Standard Cattle Co.
33 corn fed steers..1,452 4.10
CO corn fed steers. . . .1,2'JS 4.10
Liivo StpoR Notes.
About everything hero sold.
Hogs a month ago S4.45@4.50.
A light supply of stock cattle.
Sheep in demand at steady prices.
Hogs sold two'months ago at $4.50@4.57J .
Range on hogs three years ago , 53.05 ®
C. P. Brewer , of McCook , had flvo loads
of cattle liero.
Sutlon wns represented by Tom Powers ,
who had six cars of cattle.
Nye , Wilson , Morohouso Co. had a load of
hogs hero from Stanton.
L. Blumcrcamo in with hogs from Mlndon ,
L. B. Denman , of Valparaiso , had two cars
of cattle on the market.
Willard Leo brought in a load of cattle
from Wood river.
S. E. Acker brought over a load of hogs
from Defiance , la.
Fremont Hey had a load of hogs hero
from Silver Creek.
W. H. Hoyt came down from Broken Bow
with a load of hogs.
J. Mullen brought in a nlco load of hogs
from O'Neill.
Capt. W.V. . Marsh , of Marsh & Maxon
Wood Ulvor. was on the market with seven
cars of corn fed Texans and two of corn fed
G. W. Jones , representing the Street
Stable Car company , who has been in Texas
for seine time , stopped at the yards on his
way to Cheyenne.
Gcorgo B. Green loft last evening , accom
panied by his wife and Dr. Kuuffmnn , for
Chicago to be treated for the paralysis from
which ho has been Buffering from some time.
J. C. Nelson was in looking after the ealo
of three cars of cuttlo belonging to W. S.
Bouton , of Tccumsoh.
Tom Powers was on the market with six
cars of cattle from Sutton.
Produce. Krulls. Etc.
Butter steady at quotations. Fruit In
strong domand. Eggs very firm. Chceso
stronger. Potatoes scarce. Vegetables
plentiful and lower.
BUTTUH Table dairy , 12J18o ( ; packers'
stock , G@9c. Creamery Prints , fancy , 18@
lOc ; choice , 15@10o ; solid packed , 10@14o.
EGOS Strictly freah , llu/12c. ( /
CIIEUSE Young America , full cream , lOc ;
twin llats , O o ; off grades , 4gOc ( ; Van
Hossom ICduin,811,50 per dozen ; sap sago , lOa ;
brick , 12@13c ; Itmburgor , ll@12c ; domestic
Swiss , 14o ; skims , 2@4o ; cheese safes , brouzo
medal , No. 8 , J2.85.
POULTRY Llvo hens , per dozen , $4.00 ©
4.25.roosters , $3.75@1.00 ; turkeys , J@llo
per Ib.
STimviiEHiur.s Per case , 24 < its , $2.003
2.75 ; soft , ? 1.00@2.00 ; stands , ? 5.00(20 ( 00.
GoosEiiniiuius $1.201.50. (
CiiKitmus Cal. , f 110.00@1.25 per Ib box ;
southern , $2.00@2.75per crato.
OiiANats Hlvorsldo , $3.25@1.00 ; fancy
paper rind St. Michaels. $3.75i.25 ( ! : fancy
Uuarto Mediterranean sweets , $2.75@y.25j
Los Angeles ( mioico ) , $2.50@2.80.
LEMONS Choice , fl.50@5.00i fancy , $5.75 ®
COCOASUTS Cholco Kuatans , per 100 ,
f 1.50 ; lcs tlian 100 , 5c each
BANANAS According to slzo of bunch ,
t2.00g2.50. (
Avi'LES Choice , ? 3.25@3.50 ; poor , ? 1.25@
FKBSII FISH Whlto fish , per Ib , 7@8Ko ;
trout , perlb , Oo ; white perch , per Ib , 7o ; buf-
fulo , per ib , 7o ; pickerel , per Ib , Go ; black
bass , per ID. lie.
BEiNB-Cholco hand picked navy , $2.20 ;
choice hand picked medium , { 1,75 ; cholco
hand picked country , ? 1.00@1,75 ; clean coun-
try. fl.80CJl.2S.
KAIIIAVr.aETini.E8 Lettuce , porudozen
heads , 20@25o ; radishes , per dozen benches
10 < gl5o ; green onions , 12flBo ; pars2v,20 ! (
25o ; soup bunches , 20 > J5o ; boots , 25@30oi
carrots , 30 ( < $35os turnl ] ) , 25@UOo ; celery ,
85ca$1.00 ( : cauliflower , $1.00 2.25 ; cucumbers -
bers , 30a ( > 35u ; nroon peas , bu boxes , 75c@
tl.OO ; strioK lnjans , per box , $1,00 ( 1.25 ;
wax bcana , WQH.OO ; tomatoes , } f bu ,
1.2.t.50 ; nsnnrftRUB , iMicr doz , 80gj5c ( ! ;
pie plant , per Ib , lj2c ( ? ! ifow Botntoos. oor Ib ,
lf.V-'cj ( cnbbngo , 2QJ2 > 4M ; southern , f2.00C'
ft-if , tv < r rrolrt
Hi'ncs , Pntts , TALI.OW.MC. Qroonsnltcd
hides , 5o : dry salted hftleS , Co ; dry ( lint
hides , 7o ; calf lnllqjo Co ; dntnnRcd
hides , 2c less ; sheep polls , green , cnch , 25e ®
$1.00 ; sheep polls , dry. Jior Ib , 912o ( ; wool ,
nvcrago , 14raiSc ; talloj\syN
"Alo ; grease , yellow , Be.
Arrtc BUTTRU 7c.
Ctnnn Bbls. Mhf ; bb9.M. }
BUTTKIUNK 12@13c per Ib.
MAPI.B StioAU-13K@l rfitor Ib.
POTATOES Cholco , saofccul , uor bu , 25@30o ;
Colorado , 40@J5c. . ,
VEAL Choice , tncdiura-sizo , 7So ; cholco ,
HOXET 14J15o ( per Ib.
9 > f@10o l or lb >
JELLIES 8 540 per lo.
UEESWAX No. 1 , 18@20o.
IUr f3.OOijJO.00.
CHOIFEBD f 10.00@11.00. - . ; k
13UAN $10.50@10.75.
Grncorlci .
Supar , excited nnd advancinf ? . CofTeos ,
steady. Canned coeds , quiet. Dried fruits ,
13 AOS American A , seamless , I7ci Union
Square paper , discount , 85 per cent.
CorrEcs Qreon Fancy old golden Rio ,
27c- , fancy ohl peaborry , 23c ; Uio , cholco to
fancy , 22o ; Hio , prime , 21o ; Kio , Rood , 170) )
Mocha , 29c ; Juvii , fancy Alahdehling , 29oj
Jnvn , good interior. 24c.
Corrr.ES Hoastcd Arbuchlo , 24o ; Mc-
Lauchlln's XXXX , 2l o ; aormnn , Zl c ;
Dill worth , 2l o ; Alaroma , 24c.
CiiAcKEiis AXD CAKES G ) ( il8c per Ib.
Dunn ) FUUITS Per Ib , apricots , 10@15c.
Apples , Mich. , 4' o : stars , 6 > 'fc ; Alacns , ( $ (
QlSc. Peaches , Ciil. Y. , pudlcd , 17 ( < ? 20o ;
fancy unpecled. ll@18o ; sun dried , 7 0 !
Salt Lalto , ( Sc. Prunes , Cul. U. C. 7J < @loXc.
Currents , 5i57o ; Turkish prunes , 41 0. Cit
ron peel , 23o. Lemon peel. 14c. Dates ,
7c. Figs , 0@lUc. Hasms , , Malaga bunch ,
doi'csas , ? 5.00 per box ; Valoncins , per Ib ,
7 c ; Cul. G A S , $2.40 per box. Dried grape- ) ,
5c. HlacUborries , 5 > < c. Pitted cherries , 10l o ;
pitted ) ) lums , 9@llc. llasuborries , 22J c.
Nectarines. 13@14c.
CANNEI > FISH Urook trout , 8 Ib , S2.50 ;
salmon trout , 2 11) , W.35 ; clams , 1 Ib , 51.25 ;
li/ % > ' ' Jt * * * a | * AL/t v * * * " * i luuobutOf A iu. ( WiUUt
lobsters , lib , 51.00 : lobsters , devilled % Ib ,
$2.25 ; mackerel , 1 Ib , SI.00 ; mncliorol mus
tard sauce , 3 Ib , 52.1 0 ; mackerel tomato
sauce , 3 Ib , 52.90 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 85c ; oysters ,
2 Ib. § 1.50 ; salmon , C. U. , 1 Ib , S2.10 ; salmon ,
C. H. , 2 Ib. 53.10 ; salmon. Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.85 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , 82.90 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
CANDY 9X12J ( ? c per Ib.
Cnocc-LATi ) AND Coc'o.v 23@39o per Ib ;
German chickory red. Sc.
GINOBU Jamaica , if pts. , 53.00 per doz.
F.UIINACEOUS Goons Barley. 3@3c ; far-
Inn , 4c ; peas , 3o ; oatmeal , 8@13 c ; maca
roni , lljo ; vermicoll , ll } c ; rice , 47c ;
sago and tapioca , G@7c.
OILS Keroscno-P W , OMc ; AV W , 12c ;
headlight , 13o ; salad oil , J2.S5@9.00 per
PICKLES Medium , per bbl , 53.00 ; small ,
50.00 ; ghcrldns , $7.00 ; C & B chow-chow ,
qts. 50.00 ; pts. 53.50.
WUAPPINO PApitn Straw , nor Ib , 1X@
2Kc ; rag , 3 } c ; manillaB , Oo ; No. 1 , 9c.
SALT Dairy , 140 2-lb pifgs , $2.70 ; do 100
8-lb pkgs , 52.CO ; do C'J 5-lb pkgs , $2.50 ; do 23
10-lbukgs , 52.40 ; Ash toil , bu bags , 50-lb , 85e ;
do 4-bu baps , 22Mb , 53.40 ; do M S A , 50-lb
bags , 55o ; per bbl , 51.15.
SEEDS bird , 4Hf@Oc. '
SALSODAlS > 2 ; ! c per < lb.
STAHCII 5 # < $7c per Ib. t'
STOVI : POLISH 52.00ft5.S7 per gross.
SPIOCS Whole , per Ib Allspice , 12o ; Cas
sia China , 10c ; cloves , Zanzibar , 25c ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 70c ; pepper , 2 ( > .
SUQAHS Granulated , 9 @ 0 c ; confection-
drs A , 8Jf@ c ; standard , extra C , 6c ; yellow
C , 7 ? c ; powdered , Ojfe ; cut loaf , 9c ;
cubes , O c.
TEAS Gunpowder.20@COe ; Japan , 20@40c ;
Y. Hysen , 23COc ; Oolong , ' 22@50c.
VINEQAU Per gal , 13@UOc.
FISH Salt Dried codtisln C fuJSJ c ; hall
but , 12c ; scaled herring , 25o per box ; hoi
herring , doin. 50c ; Hamburg spiced herring ,
$1.00$1.10 ( ; hoi. herring , 70c ; mackerel ,
hlf bbls , No. 1 , 513.01) : largo family ,
512.50 per 100 Ibs ; whltofiah , No1 , 57.25 ;
family , $3.50 ; trout 55.25 ; salmon , 3S.OO ; nn-
chovis , 10-lb pails , SOc.
LVE $1.75J.50.
TSUTS Almonds , 10@lSc ; Brazils , 9c ; fil
berts , 12c ; pecans , lOc ; walnuts , lOc ; peanut
cocks , Oc ; roasted , lOc.
Dry Goods.
BATTS Standard , Sc ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
12 0 ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , $0.50.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis
LL , unbleached. 5 c ; CC , % c ; SS , "
EE , 8 % ; GG , 9fc ; XX , 10 } c ; OO ,
NN , 12Xc ; AA , 14o ; DD , 15 } o ; TT , junui
YY , 18c ; BB , 19c ; 20 bleached , S a ; CO ,
12Mc ; 80,13Kc ; 50 brown and slate , Do ; 70 ,
12Kc ; 90 , ICc.
CAUPET WARP Bibb White , lOo ; colored ,
22c.CnASH Slovens' B , 5 > c ; Stevens1 A , 7c ;
hleached. 8c : Stevens' P , 7Jic ; bleached ,
8/c ; Stevens' N , 8cbleached \ , 9 > < c ;
Stevens' SRT. HKc.
0/A.Miiuics Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stan
dard , 5u ; Peacock , 5c.
CORSET JEANS Boston. 7 c ; Androscog-
gin , 7c ; Kearsago , 7c ; Uockport , Ojjc ;
Conestogo , C c.
DUCK West Point. 29 In , 8 oz , 9 } c ; do , 29
In 1.0oz , 12J4c ; do , 29 in , 12 oz , 15 > io ; do , 40
n , , * U oz , lOc.
DENIMS Amoskeag , 9oz , 10' c ; Everett , 7
o-t , 13o ; York , 7 oz , 13c ; Haymaker , 8Mc ;
JnlTroy XX , 11K < 5 ! Jaftroy XXX , 12Xc ;
Beaver Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Crook , BB ,
lie ; Beaver Creek CO , lOc.
FLANNELS White , G. H. No. 2 , % \ 23Kc ;
G. H. No. 1 , % , 2 Kc ; B. II. No. 2. J2'i' < fo ;
B. H. No. 1 , Me , SOc ; Que-ihoo No. 1 , } { . 42c ;
Quechco No. B , % . 8 Ko : Qucchco No. 3 , J ,
SJkjc ; Anawan , 82J o ; Windsor. 22Wc.
FLVNNELS Red , C , 24 inch , 15.Kc ; E , 24
inch , 21 c ; G G 2 Inch , 20cUI ; A 1 , % , 25o ;
J R F , % , 27o : G. % 25c.
FLANNEL Plaid , Raftsman , 20c ; Goshcn ,
" " ' 3 ; Clear Lake , ( % Iron Mountain ,
GIXGIIAM Plunlcett checks , C c ; Whlt-
tonton , OJ c ; York , 7jjfo ; Normandi dress ,
7K ° ! Calcutta dress , 7 ( ci Whittonton dress ,
7 o : Kenfrow dress. 8M@l2) ) c.
KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , 15e ; Stand
point. 18c ; Durham , 27J o ; Hercules , 18c ;
Loamlngtop , 2iKo : Glcnwood , 20o ; Mo'villo ' ,
25o ; Bang-up,27XC.
Piu.s'TS Dress Charter Oak , fiJi'c ; Ra-
mapo , 4o ; Lodi , G > fc ; Allen , Oo ; Uichmond ,
Oo ; Windsor , Oko ; Eddystono , 0) 05 Fucitlo'
Atlantic H , 4-1 , 7 o ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , u u
Atlantic , P. 4-4 , Oc ; Atlantic LL , 4-4 , Uo
Aurora C , 4-4 , 4a ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 0o ;
Hoosier LL , 4-4 , 59.CCJ Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 > c ;
LnwrencoLL , 41 , 6o ; Old Dominion 4-1 ,
5 } c , Pepperoll H , 4-4 , OXo ; Pepperoll E , 40-
inch , 7Kc ; Pepporoll 8-4 , 17oPeppereli ! M ,
20c ; Popperclll04 , 22o ; Utica U , 4-4. 4 o ;
Wachusntt , 4-4 , 7Kc : Aurora R , 4-1 , 7o ;
Aurora B , 4-4 , Oj c. " ' ,
SiiiHTixti CHECKS Caledonia X , OXc , Cal
edonia XX , lOJtfo ; Ecriiioifiv Oc : Otis Oo ;
Granite ( IVc ; Crawford18c ; Hnw River 5J o
TICKS Oakland A , < 7 } < fo ; Intoriiatlonul
YY , Be ; Shctucket , S.i BKp ; Warren , No
870 , ICe ; Berwick , BA ( 13o ; York , 'JO in
12) ) < o ; York , 83 In , 13 > c ; Swift River , 80 ;
Thorndiko 00 , SMciTiohldlko ; E P. 8K" :
Thorndlko 120. O o ; I'Uot'adlko XX , 15c ;
Cordls No. 5 , 9 c : CorUl8Ko. 4 , lO c.
MISCELLANEOUS Table , . oil cloth , J2.25
table oil cloth , marble , 2.1)3 ) ; plain Holland
O c ; Dado Holland , 12K& .
Block Tin Eng. rcf'j ( , small pig , 28o ; bar ,
29c. It u.
Copper Planished bpU | > c sizes , 82o ; cold
rolled , 80a ; shoathlngAuOa ; pitts , UOc ; fiats ,
80c. "
Galvanized Sheet Iron Junlata , discount ,
CO per cent. < < i )
Patent Planished Iron No. 24 to 27 , A
quality , per Ib , lO o ; No. 24 to 27 , B quality ,
UKc. For less than bundle add Hc Per Ib.
UOOKINO ( Host Churcoul ) 1C , 14x20 , 112
sheets , 0575 ; IX , 14x20 , 112 shoots , $7.00 ;
1C , 23x21 , 112 sheets , $11.00 ; IX , 20x23. ' 112
sheets , $13.50.
SIIKBT IIION No. 20 , fcl.40 ; No. 27 , ? 3.50.
SoLUEit Hoyt Metal Co.'a half and half In
1 ib cases , per Ib , ICc ; commercial half und
halt , 15o ; No , 1 in oars , lie.
TIN PLATE-Best ( Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14 ,
225. sheets. $0.50 ; IX , 10x14 225 sheets ,
$3.25 ; 1C , 12x12 , 225 shoots , & 5.BO ; IX , 12x12 ,
225 sheets. $8.25 ; 1C , 11x20 lit ) shoots , f .50 ;
IX , 14x20,112 sheets. 53.25 ; 1XX , 14x20 , 112
sheets , SIO.OO : 1XXX , 14x20 , 112 sheets ,
{ ' 11.75 ; 1C , 2.X28. 112 sheets , 818.50 ; IX , 2.x23 ,
1128heets$17.00IXX,2x2S,1128hcot8 ; , J20.50.
COKE JO , 10x14,225 shoots , 10.00 ; 1C , 14x20 ,
113 sheets , $0.00 ; 1C , 10x20 , 2'5 sheets , $9.50.
STKKL NAILS Base , $2.20 ; ateol wire nails ,
base , $2.05.
LEAD pig , 4c : bar , 4J c.
BAKU WuiE Painted , { 3.25 ; galvanized ,
Drutts nnd Chonilcnls.
Acm Sulphuric , per carboy , 3J oj eitrlo
per Ib , file : oxalic , per Ib. llo : tartarlc , pow-
dcro , per lo , 43o ; carbolic , 8SQ45o.
Ati.M-rr ) ! h ; * * < ?
AMMONIA Cnrb. per Ib , lljfc.
AniiownooT Per Ib , ICc. .
UALSAM Copaiba , per Ib , too ; tolu , 58 ®
53c.BOKAX Refined , per Ib , 0 }
CALOMEL Am. , per Ib , 82o.
CASTOII Oit 51.22.
Cunr.n Bnnmr.s $1.50. . - ,
CANTiuntnns $75@1.G5.
CASSIA Buna Per Ib. 18c.
CitLOitoroiiM Per Ib , 41 a.
CoiuiosivnSuBLiMATE Per Ib. "So.
CUEAM TAHT.ln Puro. per Ib , 20c.
EXTIIAOT Loowoou Bulk , per Ib , 12J o ,
EUOOT 15c.
GUM AUAIHC 6J ( < 303c. *
GLYcnniNn Bulk , per Ib , 22o.
GUM Asfcotldn , per Ib , 14c ; camphor , per
Ib , 80e ; opium , ncrlb , $385.
IODINE Rcsublimntctl , per ounce , $3.03 ,
LEAVES Buchu , short , per Ib , 13o ; senna
Alex , , per Ib. , 2533c.
MonpiitA Sulpli , per oz , $2.80.
MnucuiiY C9 < 3. .
POTASS Bromide , per Ib , 87c ; Iodine , per
Ib , $2.83.
QUINIA Sulph , per Ib 37 ( < ? 40o.
SEEDS Canary , per Ib , 4'c.
SOAPS Castile , mottled , per Ib , StiflOo ;
castllo , white , per Ib , 13@15c.
SPIUITS NITIIE Sweet , per Ib , SOc.
STMYCimu Crystals , $1,001.15.
SULPH , CINCHONA Per oz , OQllo ,
TAPIOCA Per Ib , Go.
TONKA BEANS S1.70@1.7o.
Liumhcr , Iilinc , Etc.
Dimensions and Timbers
12 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft. 13 ft. 20 ft. 22 ft. 24 ft.
2x4..15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 10.00
2x0. . . 15.00 15.00 lii.OO 10.00 10.00 18.00 10.00
2x8. . . 15.00 15.00 IftOO 10.00 lb.00 18.00 10.00
2x10. . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x12 , . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 10.00
8x8. 10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 18.00 19.00
FEXCINCI No. 1 , 4 aud 0 inch , 12 ana 14 ft ,
rough , S10.0010.50 ; No. 1 , 4 und 0 Inch , 10
foot , 817.0U17.50 ; No. 2 , 4 nnd 0 inch , 12
and 14 feet , 513.i > 0@14.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and C Inch ,
1Q feet , 515.00@10.UO.
FINISHING Is t nd 2nd clear , 1 } < ? inch s 2
s , 510.000@50.00 ; t nnd 2nd clear , 1 nnd 2
Inch , s 2 s , ? 47.00@49.00 : 3rd. clear , l > f
inch , s 2s , $43.00 ® 15.00 ; 3rd , clear , W and
2 inch , n 2 s , S43.00@4C.00 ; B select , 1& , \ } { ,
nnd 2 inch , s 2 s , $37.00it38.00 ( ; 1st anil 2nd ,
clear , 1 inch , s2s , 545.00 ; 3rd , clour , 1 inch ,
B 2 s.550.00 ; A select , 1 inch , s 2 s , $33.00 ;
B select , 1 inch , s 2 s , 530.00.
Flooring 1st coin ( Much whlto pine , 534.00 ;
2d com Cinch whlto pine , $81.0(1 ; 8d com 0
Inch white pine , 520 00 ; D com 0 inch whlto
pine. 520.00 ; com 4 add C ineh yellow pine ,
515.00 ; Star 4 inch yellow pine , 817.00 ; 1st
and 2d clear yellow pine , 4 and C inch , 519.00.
LIME , ETC. Quincy white llmo ( bestSOc ) ;
English and German Portland cement , 53.45 ;
Milwaukee nnd Louisville , 51.30 ; Michigan
plaster , 52.25 ; Fort Dodge plaster , 52.10 ;
Blue Rapid plaster. 51.90 ; hair , 20c ; sash , 05
per ct dis ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 55 pcrct
dis : tarred felt , per owt , 52.00 ; straw board ,
per cwt , 51.00.
POPLAII I.UMDUR Clear poplar box bds , %
'in , s 2s , $35.00 ; clear poplar % In panel ,
53'J.OO ' ; clear poplar % in panel , 525.00 ; clear
poplar } In panel stock wide , s 3 Js , 528.00 ;
clear poplar corrugated ccilingJ , J3Q.OO.
POSTS White cedar , 0 inch , halves. 12c ;
white cedar , 5W inch , halves and S inch q'rs ,
lie ; whlto ccdur , 4 inch , round , ICc ; TcnncsJ
sco red cedar , split , ICc ; split oak , ( white )
8c ; sawed oak , ISc.
SHINGLES , LVTH , PEU M. XX clear , 53.20 ;
extra * A , 52.80 ; standard A , $2.00 ; o-mch ,
clear , 51.CO@1.70 ; C-inch , clear , $ t.751.80 ;
No. 1,51.10@1.15 ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territory , 53.40 ;
California redwood , dimension widths. 54.50 ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , 53.25 ;
lath , 52.50.
SHIP LAP No. 1 , plain , 8 nnd 18 Inch ,
817.50 ; No. 2. plain , S and 10 inch , § 13.50 ; No.
1 , O G , § 18.00.
STOCK lioAnns A 12 in , sis 12,14 nnd 1C
feet , $4(5 ( 00 ; B 12 in , s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 feet ,
$41.00 ; C 12 in , sis , 12 , 14 and 10 feet , 530.00 ;
D 12 in , sis , 12 , 14 and 10 feet , 523.00 ; No. 1
com , 12 in , s 1 s , 12 feet , 518.00 ; No. 1 com ,
12 In , s 1 B , 14 nnd 10 foot , 517.50@18 50 ; No.
ooorn , 12 in , sis , 10,18 nnd 20 feet , 519.50 ;
Nt. 2 corn , 12 in. s 1 s. 14 nnd 10 feet , 517.00.
CEILING AND PAUTITION 1st com , % in ,
white pine partition , $33.00 ; 2nd com , % In ,
whlto pine partition , 5-27.0U ; clear % in , yel
low pine ceiling' , 520.00 ; clear % In , Norway ,
$14.50 ; 2nd com , % ir , Norway. 513.00.
BOARDS No. 1 com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
518.00 ; No. 2 com. B. 1 s. 12,11 and 10 ft ,
510.50 ; No. 3 com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft ,
514.50 ; No. 4 com. s. 1 B. 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
( shipping cull ) 511.00. Add 00 cents per M.
ft for rough.
G. Batts , 2 inch , COc : O. G. Batts , Kx3
SIS , 35o ; 3 m well tubing , D. & M. nnd Bov. ,
522.00 ; Pickets , D. & H. flat ; 520.00 ; Pickets ,
D. & H. square , 510.00.
Basement First National Bank.
5O5 6uutlil tli Street , - Omulin
CIiinn'H Grcnt Flood of 1887 Recalled
by tlio Johnstown Horror.
The dreadful loss of life and. destruc
tion of property by the breaking of a
reservoir near Johnstown , Ponn. , re
calls , among other great dibastors o ! a
like Kind ; erie that marked tlio close of
the year 1887 in China as ono or mourn
ing for millions. In regard to this flood ,
caused by the Honag-Ho river breaking-
through its restraining walls , The Cin
cinnati Enquirer London News Bureau ,
on January 5 , cabled as follows :
' 'The Rpccial correspondent of the
London Standard at Shanghai gives n
graphic picture of the trcmondpus loss
of life in China from the overflow of the
Ilonng-IIo river and a tremendous fam
ine Unit is threatened. It says that ono
sixth of the area of the Garden of China ,
as No-Nan is styled , ia converted into a
gigantic hike , with only pagoda tops or
the towers of high walls to mark the
sites where once stood prosperous cities
of thousands of inhabitants. The rest
of the country is overflowed with
wretched fugitives. In hundreds of in
stances men of wealth to-day gaze on
the land sea , stunned , hungry , stupid
and dejected , with neither rags lo
cover them nor food to satisfy the
cravings of-thcir appetites.
The inundation commenced in the
little district , a short distance from
Kaifung-Fu , ono of the largest cities in
the province , and in ono instant four
miles of tolkl bunk ot stone , brick , sand
and clay was swept away. In the dis
tricts of Ching-Chow and Chencow 3,000
largo villages were ingulphcd in a few
moments , and but few lives were saved ,
ns the deluge occurred in the night
time. The extent of the disaster can
bettor bo understood by adding a state
ment that the territory is about as
largo as Wales , and moro thickly popu
lated , and that territory was inndo a
raging sea , und in it all were drowned.
The population of the district can not
fall short of that of Iowa , us the prov
ince includes 25.000,000 habitants ,
with an area of 03,000 square miles ,
and the waters cover eight thousand or
ton thousand hquuro miles of it. The
Pokin Gazette enya that when the
waters rushed into the cities , swooping
walls , houses and wholevillages away ,
the people refused to stir , and mot
death with indilTeronco , For , as is
well known , the Colestlal is a fatalist
of the most pronounced type. Accord
ing to the best estimates tlio loss of lifo
will not bo thousands or tons of thous
ands , but hundreds of thousands , white
the starving people will number a mil
lion , utterly beggars nnd dependent lorA
Utfo on charity. "
A subsequent dispatch , sent n month
later to'tho Enquirer , stated that the
loss of llfo would1 reach nearly ono mil
lion , nnd that cnscs of cannibalism had
boon discovered ,
Sonic Clilnono
"Ho la mahV" How ilo you do ?
"Ho song ya ? " How is business ?
"Hoc. " Good or well.
"Men to tay. " Biscuit.
"Su Boung. " Cakes.
"To chon. " The Chinese good an-
' 'Vortoghon.1 ' The ilovtl.
"Do chon. " Good morning.
"Guy Muy. " Dovll girl , which is
what the Chinese call a Caucasian fe
"Lo Fun. " Whlto man ,
"Goy loy hen nit. " 1 come to sco
yon."No go o soy ? " How old are you ?
"Lo huy in gar ? " Where nro you go
ing ?
"Too a In. " Sit down.
"Yit , gee , slam , sloe , un , low , ehot ,
put , gcr , sip. " Chinese numbers up to
Capital 5400,003
Surplus Jnn. . 1st , 1889 . . 62,000
oiwicHKS .AND niitKoroiisi
HESllY W. YATKS , I'rcsldont.
LKW1S S. UUKl ) . Vlcu I'rosldont.
W.7ls. HUailK3 , Rashlnr
Corner I'-'tn and Pnvunm Sis.
A General Hanklne UnaluesaTrnnsicto , ! .
Bootajand Shoos.
Successors to Heal , Jonca A Co.
Wholesale Maiinfactnrers of Boots & Slices
Ascnta for Uoston liubbcr Shoe Co , 11(12 ( , 1101 aud 11M
Humor atrect. Omaha , Ketiraika.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Lager Beer Brewers ,
131 North Eighteenth ttrcat , Omaha , Not ) ,
MannfactnrersofGalvanizeu Iron Cornice
Window-caps and motnllo skrllnlitf. John Unenotcr ,
propilutor. UBnnilllUfenuthlOlh street.
Office Fixtures.
Manufacturers of
Bani Office anil Saloon Fixtures ,
Unntlcs Pldo
Paper Boxes.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nog. 1317 add 1319 Doaglaa street , OnmliuNet ) .
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DIS13ROW A CO. ,
Wtioltsnle manufacturers of
Sasli , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch oClce , 12th and Iiard street Omaha , Nob.
Mannfacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding. , Blair-work anil Interior hard wood finish.
N. IS. corner ath nnd Lenvenwmh streets ,
Omaha , Neb.
Stoa m Flttl ngs , Pumps , Etq.
' "
ns , Pips and Engines ,
Btcam , water , rnllwar nnil mining supplies , eta
MO. uaand i < Funium itreet , Omaha.
Steam and fate ? Simplies ,
wind mill * . 013 nnd m Jones St. , Om&h * .
U. Y. Hoes , acting miiniiBer.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Bheetlrou work , steam iiiuups , nw mills. 1212-1219
_ LoaTcmtortli street , Qnmha.
Iron Works.
Carter & ton , l'rop'8. Manufacturers ot nil Vlndi
Slearn Mlm , Tanks anil Stieet Iron W
Works South aitli ami II. .V-M. croislli . Tel , 1415
Wrought and Cast Iron Bni dins fort
Enptnep , brnss work , goncm ! foundry , mnehlno and
blucxsnilth vrork. ORIco iunl irorls , U. 1 * . llj.
nud IHU struot. tiiuahtt.
Manufacturers of Y/ire / and Iron Railings
Mani'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaults. Jnll work. Iron shutters and tire escapes.
O.Andrccn.prop'r. CoMUhuudJackionBls.
Of Omaha , LiiniteiL
John I1' . UoyJ , jjiipariutnaJoiit.
OK Tin :
Chicago , Milwaiikee _ & t , Paul R'y ' ,
The Itcst Itoiito from Omaha and Council
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Mlimeniiolls , Cedar Ilaplds ,
Ituck Islnuil , Fret'porl , Rockford ,
Clinton , Vulimmc , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Jnncstllle ,
Itelolt , Winonn , La Crossc ,
And all other Important points Bait , Nortbpnit and
Southerns ! .
For through tlcketi , call on the tlcVot njent at 1M1
Kurntuu truul , In Darker lllocK.or at Ur.lon I'aclQo
1'ullnmii Sleepers and ( lie flnoit DlnlnK c'ar In the
world arorunon tlio mtln line of the I'ulciiifu , Mil.
vuiukue k Hi. I'nul llnllwar. nnil OTerjr atteutlou II
piiltl to paticufor * by courtuum eniplo/oi ot tot
coiupanr. It. MII.I.UH , Uenerul Mnnnaer.
J. K. TUCUICIt. AMljlnni General llnnii : : < r.
A. V. K. CAUl'lONTKH , Uciifml rrmeufsr BJ
Tlckot Aioit. )
( ! Ki > . K. IIKAKFOHI ) , Atllitaut Geaorall'asioocer
and Ticket Azent.
T. J.CI.AHK. GenamlHupcrlnlemleat.
ARrloullurnl Implements.
OIWllClllLL PA11KJ3R ,
Dealerlu Agricnllnral Implements , Wagons
Carriages and bnecl s. jono itrcot , between 9th and
_ _ _ _ _ _ luth , Omaha. Ncbraocn.
Agricnlt' ' Implements , Wagons , Carriages
to.Vholc iMo. Omahn. Ncbra'ka.
PA11L1N , < WEiYDOW. ' A MAKT1N CO.1
Wboleialc Dcalcra la
Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons& Bnggies
COIKnr ( anJro7Jonci ltoot. Omaha.
Manufacturer ! anil jobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Oor.Vthftna 1'actao ilrcott , Omaha.
ArtlBto' Materials.
A. llOSI'ti , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
MJDouitUi itteol Omaha ,
Boots and Shoos.
Nr. V. MORSE A CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots end Sboes , .
1101,110,1,1105 DoURlai utroot , Omnlm. Manufactory ,
Huimuor Biroot , Ilomon.
Cool Coke .
, nnd Limp.
Jobbers of Hard and M Coal ,
aoa South 13th nil-cot. Oninhn , Nebraska.
Skip s of Coal a'd Coke ,
3 Boutli Uth Hi. Omaha , Neb.
" " " '
Stee and Commission Merchants ,
Gpcclaltlci lliiitor. ORE * . cuco o , poultry , an )
11U lluwnnl Mroct Omnlin.Nnb. .
5iyod8 nnd Notions ,
Dry Goods , Fornisntag Goods and Notions
11M andllM Douglai. cor , llth ttrotl. Omnlm. Nab.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotions ,
( ] nu' lurnlahlnR uoodi. Corner llth and Uarner
itrceti. Om hn , Nclirmta. *
Importers nnd Jobbori o (
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
811 Booth 15th itrtot.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnite
Famam Mreot. Omaha. Nabratka.
Furniture ,
CmnUa Nebraika.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions.
705 , "Crr. 703 nnd 711 South 10th t , Omaha. Neb.
Wholesale Grocers'
13th ana CcnTonworlh itrocts , Omaha , Nebraika
W. J.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , irngon itoclc , hnrdvruro , lumber , cto. 1209
and 1911 llaraoy itroot , Omaha.
Wholesale Hardware , Cntlcry , Tin Plate ,
Ma tali , sheet Iron. etc. Aconti for Uono > calei.
Miami powder nnd I.yiuxu barbed wire ,
Bnild rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Slion
Uechnnlcs' looli nnd nutTtilo Denies. HOi DouglM -f
_ t Mrcut , Omuim. NUJK J
' f
WlioieliTLuin'oer , Etc ,
Impoili * ! ! nnd Aincruun rurtlmiil ccruont. Stnt
nRcnt for Mllwuukoo lijilrnullo cumunt nnd
o limy wli'to Mm" ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood carpetl Hiul parquet lloorlne. Uth and DnuglM
itrocla , Omnliit , Nob.
AlIKinds of BuiWing Material at Wholesale ,
18th Street unit Union t'nclllc Track , OoiaUa ,
Dealer in Lniiilicr , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doori , Hlc , YardsCornoi 7th nnd Douglas. Corner
lUtb nnd
Lnmter , Unit ; Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner 6th and Doimlm fu , Ornuha.
G. N. DltiTZ.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmlier ,
13th and Caliroinlit Streeu , Oiuaha , Ncbraika.
Mllllnory and Notions.
Importers & Jobbersln Millinery & Notions i
SH ( , 210 and Wi Bonth lltli ilroat.
j. T. noniNaoif NOTION co > ,
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Gooffs ,
Lonior U'Ui nun Hinvurd stiuoti , CHaahal
Jell > ers of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy GOD&S & ,
tibu lurniMiliitr gonil , cluldruu'H
i'lii'i rnrnitn ntr < > ut. Oniulitv / { " ' '
Wholesale Refined anil Lubricating Oils ,
Alia ureaic , etc. . Omaha. A. U. UUliup.
Wholesale Paper Dealers , ,
Oarrr a nlc Hook at printing , wrnpplni ! and writing
paper. Hp id 1.1 ttteuUoii ilrcn to tar load oravtf.
BUG1ME8S/t > . .
_ _ _ -
U4MU rbM Mitl AJ * TCW > hW--