Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1889, Image 2
THE OMAHA DAILY (6SjJE } : ! TUESDAY. JUNE 11 , 18S9. IN THE FIELD OF SPORT , Result of Yoatorday'a Western As sociation Games. STANDING OF THE BALL CLUBS. Moro Complaints About Umplra CitBlok Iiottlo Stanley tilglit Xiaps Abend of Her Onmha Competitor. filnmllng of the Clubfl. Following' ! * the standing of the Western -Association clubs up to and Including yes- terday'3'gamosi " * * ' > . Played. Won. Lost , Per Ct. St. Paul. . . . . . , ,3U 20 7 .783 * " ' 20 11 .00 . 83 20 in .000 DCS Molncs.l ! ! II 17 .453 Minneapolis. . . Ut 15 10 .441 Denver . , , ' . .3J ! 14 19 ' BU Joscph > . B3 10 23 .nfs 7 23 .333 Milinnnpolls O , Dnnvi'r 8. , Juno 10. Denver cnmo near winning , to-Uay. through the rotten Hold work of Hnnrnhan nnd Hcnglc. Each run the visitors" in ado wns scored nftor the side ought'ttf Jiavo boon retired. Mitchell pitched * n stniliK game. Cuslck favored Denver Btroilgiy In Ills umpiring. Seoroi HUIIMAHV. 1tnrt < enrnnd 5Ilnnoniiolli 8. Mltctii'll , Poiter. Tlirco-bn olilts McClcllnn. Homo runt Miller , Wet , Ilnnralinn , Trpiulwny , llono. HilftpK HOIi'ii l'iistor , Ilnnmlmn , Ilnsoi nn tMlls ) ir > MHcllPlI 3 , lir Fnznn 1. Btruck out Mitchell 5 , KiiKnn.1. 1'nnnil balls Twlnolmm. t on lm cs MlnncnpolliOUOQTor8. Time ! Uours. Umpire L'mtclu. , t " Dos JVfolnos Ot St. tlosoph 5. Dns'MoiNES , Juno 10. MoVoy's errors cost the visitors the gamp to-day. Score : BUMMAHV. Huns oamort PCS Molnai 6. St. Joseph 0. Two- Imso lilts-WIiltcloy , Council , CnrtwriEht. Three- lm o hits Krclg , Curtis. Uoutilo iilnyn-Mankroy to Patton. Stolen IMMJH Mncultar , Aluxnndcr , Mask- rpy. Sliollhasvi. liases ou balls Ily Aloinnilcr'-1 , liy Kluif4. llnscsiilrcn for lilttlnK man with hull Ilr Klopf 1. Btniclt out-lly Alcxnnrti-r : i. by Klopf i. t'ABsoa bnllShcllhnsse 1. Wild pitches Klopf 1. i.Tuna of Kama 1 hour and to tulnutci. Umpire Force. OTHER HALLGAMKS. / . The National iioncne. Juno 10. Result of to-day's game : Cleveland. . . .303000000004 0 Plttshurg . 0 00001018000 5 13fio hits Cleveland 13 , Plttsburg 12. Errors' Cleveland 1 , Plttsburp 5. Pitchers Boatln and Galvln. Umpire Fcssondon. WASHINGTON , Jifno 10. Result of to-day's came : "Washington . 0 00010000 1 PliUa'dolplila'.0 00021000 U Base hits Washington 4 , Philadelphia 8. Errors Washington 2 , Philadelphia 0. JPHchors Kcofo and Bufllngton , CHICAGO , Juno 10. Result of flrst game : Chicago'/ . . . , .0 00000211 4 Indianapolis . 2 00010000-3 13aso .hits Chicago 8 , Indianapolis 7. Errors Chicago 8 , Indianapolis 8. PitcU- crs Hutchinsou aud Durdlck. Umpire Lynch. . Result of second game : Chicago . 0 00001002 3 Indianapolis. . . . 0 01010000 2 " Boso hits Chicago 8 , Indianapolis 7. Errors Chicago G , Indianapolis 3. Pitchers Dwyerand Getzeiu. Umpire Lynch. YOHK , Juuo 10. Result of to-day's Boston . 1 00000000 1 NoWYorlt.-.0 0002301 * 5 Base hits Boston 8 , Now York 5. Errors Boston 7 , Now Yorlc 5. Pitchers Clarksun and Kcofe. Umpire Barnum. * * * Aiuorto.iit Asinoliitlon. PnitADELi'iiu , Juno 10. Rcsultof to-day's game : Athletics . 0 00103133 8 Kansas City. . . .1 0 0 U 00030 3 Juno 10. Result of to-day's Baltimore . 0 00000001 1 St.Louis . 2 300 0 0 1 4 - 0 BKOOICLYK , Juuo 10 Result of to-day's pavu'o : Brooklyn . 0 30000500 7 Louuivillo . 0 40001000 5 Anmtnur GainrH. The Pnclflo nnd Wells , Fargo Express companies teams played n gnino of ball nt Fortieth nnd Farnnin streets yesterday , which-roaultcd as follows : Paclllcs. " . " . . . , . 50401430 2-23 Eariros 4 20 llaso .lifts Pacifies 10 , Farcps 14. Errors Paeltlcs jf , Fargos 18 , Umpire Hinman. The Faii'mOijiits nnd Noau.iroils mot at ITansconi's park. The score : Full-mounts. 1.1..1 0 ft .Honparells..0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 1 4 Base hits Fall-mounts 10 , Nonpareils 5. Errors FnlrmouiitB 4 , Nonpareils 0. ' GUA.ND'Isr.Asn , Nob. , Juno 10. fSpedal ToApfraw , T nBnu.J The ( jamo with the ' ' Norlo'lU elul'to-day resulted in a complete hut-out fo'r the visitors by n seoro of 0 to 0. Uattorlca Hughes and Ready , Claric nnd Wilson. , . , . Btruck'out Uy Hughes 8 , by Clark 5. Errors Grand Island 1 , Norfolk 0. . 13aso.hlts Graml Island 0. Norfolk 0. Two-baso hltB HuKhes and Uoad.v , Mo- Vlcker nnd Wilson , Doul > lo playsr-Coulp , unassisted , Hughes to KoaJv' ' ta Pond , nntl Hourku to Snvdcr , LobkwiJod to Edinger to Campbell aud Ed- isigcr to Campbell. Pi.ATTSJfdtfTH. Nob. , Juno 10.-Special [ Telegram to Tun UKI : . ] The I'laUiiiioiith bull eluh has engaged to piny with the Coun cil Bluffs , tfltib , next Thursday , ut their grounds at J.nho Mnnawn. , * ? * ' - Ir'iiB KINO. T. | lrlcl t ii llrnch Haoes. iy. AXiinriiLJuiio 10. The eleventh sea- , rnpliit ( ht the Brighton Boaoh cour o bateau no * Crfy , " The track was good. Sum- Five-eighths of n mile Woodranco won In 1.01 , yrbana. second , Hose ICader third , FJvo-clffhth * of mlle Llttlo Jake won In l0-l ; } { , Oiuelo Bccond. Century third. CfYiflKlitlisof n mlle Aura won in 1:04) : < , Nina \ \ ' . second , Clatter thlrJ. Sevcn-elghths of u mlle Hill Bond won In tS"K11rtoruliOcoiid : , Lorigituilo third. . lifo and im eighth Barrister won in Iib7 % , > Urum Uoru CioiHl.Uaruuui : third. At 'thu CilllKouni. Tliet-6 was a line crowd at the coliseum , last night , to see the start iu the great six. day race lietwncn Lottie Stanley , the chum- plon bykur from Now York , untl Lillla William - iam , of this city. The phtol cracked promptly at 7:30 : , and away went the two flyers at n break-neck pace. Stanley was jauntily uUlrcd In a white blouse with gnld trimmings , black tights and regulation wheeling slippers , and Williams In her gur net JucUoltuid Uu'cmlcr lights. It Woa BOOU evident , ta the no little disap pointment of the spectator * , that the roprcsontatlvo was In poor form , as from the very start , almost , the girl from Gotham shot ahead , and she rolled off mlle after mlle and lap after lap nftor n fashion that hrcatcncd to distance Williams before the struggle had fairly begun. Ere the flrst hour had elapsed Stanley had compassed n lend of live laps , and Williams wns riding ns If It was her maiden cxpericnco on the ma chine. Her trainer said that she had been suddenly seized with nausea , and that It re quired nil his powers of persuasion to make her keep her wheel. She recovered herself somewhat along toward the close ot the ovonlng'B ride , but too late to Infuse the struggle with any enthusiasm or excitement , and she continued on to the end of what seemed n very weary pilgrimage , Instead of n race , and Miss Stanley allot over the tauo eight laps In her front. After the evening's rldo was ever Miss Williams sold she felt much bettor , nnd by this evening she expects to bo In as good con dition ns she ever was. She declares that Bho will take a little of the conceit out of Stanley to-night , and thnt she will recover her lost udvnnlago ns quickly ns she lost it. Tlio Knit Imko Knars. SALT LAKE" , Utah , Juno 10. | Special Tele gram to TUB llr.B.J The wrangle over the oarsmen by the rival resorts , Lake , Park nnd Gnrflcld Beach , resulted in O'Connor nnd Leo rowing nt Lake Park and Parson and Hnmm nt Gnrllold. Owing to rough weather , It waUmposslblo on either Saturday or Sunday to do flno work. COUNCILMAN J4AN 1)1311 KETUKN S. r-f f- . ; Ho Knfnic.i Ills "Kxperlenco iu the CdiioiiiiitiKli Valley. Councilman Sandcc arrived homo from Now Y.ork'lnst evening- , accompanied by his fion Albert , who has been attending school at Stuttgnat. , , Mr. Sander win received with open arms by his family , who wcro greatly rejoiced at'hls Cacapo frdm the Johnstown disaster. Ills neighbors und friends as sembled to welcome him and hoar him relate the dot-ills of his experience , nnd n very pleasant evening was passed. Mr. Sander wns found to bo very coin- munlcaifvcr , nnd the details observed by htm were vividly Impressed upon his memory. The train on which ho was traveling , to gether with thrco other trains , was stopped at Concmnugh , a small town a few miles up the river'from Johnstown. Tlio trains stood abreast upon four tracks , nnd n few feet ahcad.otthom n train had been wrecked and thrown across tho'tracks , forming a barrier ugalnst whlcn n round house , containing eight engines , was carried by the water and plica up to'n height , of twenty feet This mass of i0bris'br0ko the force of the huco wave caused by tlio lire'aklng of the dam and divided , th'o waters , throwing the grcntar 'part ' off. in. , the direction of the river. A sufticioiit quantity llowod In the direction of the trains , however - over , to carry. Uio train nearest the river bodily from the track , sweep the last roach of the next train , , aiid-twlst the baggage car from the center of the third tr.iiu , leaving the onpinej mail car and coaches on the track. "T'ho'fcrarth train wne surrounded by water , but was loft.on.thQ track. When the water was seen approaching the trains the engineers turned on the steam nnd forced their engines ahead to keep them from being carried back by the water. The uroat body of water did not follow the channel of the river , but kept to the north along the valley , tumbling locomotives ever and over like a rubber ball. The passengers were very deliberate in getting out of the tram ? , ladles stopping to put on their overshoes , rubber gossamers , etc. , as though merely going out for n walk. One lady forgot her gossamer nnd went back after it. As Mr. Sander tersely said , "Sho stayed there. " Tlioso of the passengers who got out safely fled to tbo hills , where they sought shelter in farm houses , barns , sheds , etc. , remaining there until noon on Saturday About'two hours after , the hugo wave strucic tlio trains Mr. Sander returned to his car after his satciicl and found everything intact , nnd only tlio carpet in the car had been wet. In his opinion the wave was only about flvo or six feet high. About noon , on Saturday , the Pennsylva nia railroad company transported nil the sur viving passengers to Kbonsburg , in wagons , and from thence to Altoona by rail. At. Al- tooaa they wcro cared for at the company's cxDcnso at hotels , Mr. Sander thinks the fishing club , which owned the artlllclal lake , were not entirely to blame , ns thpy took every precaution to warn tbo inhabitants of the Impending dan ger , but the residents of the valley paid no attention to the warnings , saying ihov had heard the same story every year. The dnm wns built" by the state , but had been made higher by Iho club. Before the dam broiro the Concmnugh river was seven feet hiihor than wns-ovcr known boforo. The track , whcro the trains stood , was only about three feet above the river. AMUSKMENTfl. The musicale given by the students at Browneilhall last night was attended by n larco number of'ucoplo from this city nnd abroad. All tlio numbers on the programme were rpndorcd'id a highly acceptable man ner , many of the young ladle * giving evi dence of unusual musical ability. The ap- preolalln $ bf tlfe nudicnco was attested by frcuuciit and hearty ilpplauso , "Said Pasha" was produced last night at Boyd's for the bonoilt of the Johnstown suf ferers. There was n largo attendance. The nuillonro wni demonstrative and the per formance was worthy of the appreciation. . A School J'or TcnchorH. DBS MpiKi'.s. la. , Juno 10. [ Special Tel egram to THE Bir..JTho ! summer school of method for public school teachers opened hero , to-day , Over two hundred teachers are enrolled from this ulty and surrounding towns. Soycnty-nlno entered tlio primary departmentsovontyoiglit the intermediate nnd sixty the grammar gra'de. The number will reach two hundred during the wcfik. The -principal .lecturer . from abroad this weolr IsProfi W. II , 'Payne ' , ol Nash- vlllo university. Miss O. A , Evcrs , of Min neapolis , ha.s phargo pf "tho Injunction of teachers tnrthq primary grade. A number of lending cBucalbrs from other states will lec ture und give instructions during the fleshlon of the school , Beiuiott and the Pacer. Dave Bo'nnott , the Canadian sprinter , says ho Is ready to post a forfeit for a race against Herd ( Booth's gray pacer , Bennett to run 1UPO yards to the horse's pacing ono mile. Hois tlcsirrius of making a match for from * M to SlOO.mlles. Hlio Hotiiviis n Fjiric'T to the United SlauiH. NEW YOIIK , Juno 10. The World tomorrow row will b'ay : The West Coast Telephone company has received nolilluutloii from San tiago , ChlH , that after n long flcht the courts there have sanctioned the extradition of William A , Bushnull , alias Gerald F. Hnnicn and ho has boon handed over to Dotuctlvo Reilly , who loft Now York in October , 1SSS. Ho urrcstccj Hauscu for n ten-year-old forgery of 30.000 on Butler , Stillmaii & .Hubbard , after ho had succeeded under the naino of Hanson In stealing J25.000 from the West Coast Telephone. company , of which ho was agent In Chili. This Is ono of the moat ex- imordlnurv extraditions in years. There is no treaty between the United States and Chill , and the prisoner Is delivered as an nut of rmtrtosy to Undo Sam. The man miulo many friends iu Santiago. The town took bides , n duel was fought , and wagers of thousands of dollars were wade that ho woulit never bo brought back to Row York. A PflBBnnitnr Trnln Ijeavoi the Trnolc. ST. Louis , Juno 10 , As the Iron Mountain paxseuger train > vaa rounding the Itut curve bei'oro rpiighinu the depot , to-night , the on- glno Jumped the track , nnd dashed Into nn adjoining building , dolug considerable- - nKt' , instantly Uilllug John ( Jebhard. None of thu iKis&aujtera UXTU hurt , but several tram uieu were auverely injured. A MiirdorntiR hnvnr. PAIIID , June 10. Near Toulouse to-day a rejected suitor murdered the girl , her father , mother and a mwi servant , . Till * : SIOUX GIVING IN. Hollow Horn Donr nnd Yellow Ilnlr Sign the Tronty. Rosr.nun Aonxor , S. D. , Juno 10 , [ Special Telegram to TUB BEB. ] After the council last evening , Hollow Horn Boar nnd Yellow Hair , the two chiefs who from the flrst fought the bill , nnd who , bolng natural born orators nave created much op position to it , finally changed their viawsaud signed It , they were Immediately followed by n number of their followers. The notion of the chiefs created much pleasant surprlso about the agency. This bolng dona It is now certain the majority of the "Iron-shell band" will Immediately come in nnd sign , nlso the largo Loafer band , thus malting the prospect for ultimate success moro bright than over boforo. Two Strikes opened the council by ngaln going ever his old grievances of the treaty of 1S63 not being compiled with. It "was ex plained to him thnt this bill did not conflict with thnt bill , but ndded to It. Ho wns followed by Hollow Horn Boar : "Of nil good men I nsk ono thing. I know younro good. 1 might toll you something without thinking and you would bcllovo mo n liar. This I nsk you , toll ino straight. I have boon thinking whether this bill will bo u benefit to me or not ; if it will bo good or bad for me. I want to know there nra not sections in this bill that were In that of sixty-eight. " MaJ. Warner replied : "Section 7 ot lbC3 Is In this bill. 1 have sent for the treaty and will rcail It to you when U comes , " Hollow Horn Bear said : "All the old treaties nro in the ofllccs. When our head men went to Washington It was arranged that nothing should bo cut out of the old treaty and added to this. But I find it has been done , nnd my heart Is afraid. So I nsk you this question. If there is nothing cut out of utuo treaty of 1SGS nnd nddcd to this. Major Warner replied : "Article 7 of the treaty of 1SC3 provides for the olvillza- tlou , education und necessary expenses to farmers , that the government should build a soil school house and furnish u teacher whenovqr thirty children were lound in nny locality who desire to attend. Tlio government will not only 11 U that treaty , but adds to it by making it twenty years , from the date of the present one. Does ttio money coma from the sale I No , not ono cent. " Hollow Horn Bear nnd Yellow Hair nsked n number of questions of the commission nnd seemed rather satisfied with the answers re ceived. OROXIN'S Dillon Says Tltoy Will Bo In Custody Soon. CHICAGO , July 10. Luke Dillon is rospon aiblc for the stntcmont that n prominent Irishmen will bo arrested In Now York In connection with the Crontn murdor. Dillon refused U > dlvulgo the Individual's name , howovcr , but stated that ho has some strong circumstantial evidence In his pos session nnd Is confident that -tho murderers of Dr. Croiiiu will bo iu custody before two weeks have passed. Nothing of nn interesting character wns developed at to-day's session of the Cronin jury of Inquest. During the morning Michael Whalcn , the suspended detective , who was with Detective Coughlln when they mot Smith , the man suspected of driving Cronin to his death , but did not arrest him , and Thomas O'Connor , a tinsmith , were the only witnesses. Both are members of the Clnu-tm-Gaol , but n rigid cross examination failed to * connect them with the doctor's taking off. During the noon recess the Jury holU n con sultation with the coroner In his ofllce in which it was decided that thbso sum moned to testify whoso evidence would bo bnt a corro Deration of what bad been already offered should bo excused , the Jury being In their minds satisfied of the truth of the principal allegation , thnt Cronin came to his death as the result of n conspiracy and that sufficient animus and motive existed to form a conspiracv. Should nny witnesses been on the list the testimony of whom would contradict anything thus far presented it wns desired that such witnesses bo of course heard ns well us tboso who had anything now. This decision will doubtless shorten the Inquest by at least ouo day. At the afternoon session James Canall and A. J. Jordan , Clan-na-Gaol mon , were put on the stand and examined at length without bringing out anything new or sensational. Thomas Whalen , n brother of ox-Dotocllvo Michael Whtilen and n cousin of Ice Man Sullivan , wns next sworn. Ho denied being a member of the Clan-na Gaol. Patrick Gan non , the last witness of the day , avowed him self n member. Nothing of any importance was extracted from either. Not Working on tlio Cronin Case. NEW YOIIK. Juno 10. Inspector Byrnes do- nlcd this evening that ho was doing any work in the Cronin matter in Chicago , or that ho had any communication with the Chicago authorities on the subject. ConftMlorato Veterans' Association. NEW OIU.KANS , Juno 10. At a convention of ox-confederates held to-day for tlio pur pose of orsanizlng un association embracing all the surviving oontcderate soldiers , the "Confederate Veterans' Association" was organized. John B. 'Gordon , of Georgia , is the president. Engineer and Klroninn Killed. ALTOONA , Pa. , Juno 10. A misplaced switch caused nn engine nnd car to go through n bridge west of Petersburg last night , killing the engineer and fireman. Spanish Wnr Ship Foundered. MADUIP , Juno 10. Tha Spanish war ship Pnz has foundered oft Capo Trafalgar. DREAMS SNAKES NOW. Doosn't iMiml Thnt. Hut Knts Rattle tlio Snnlvo Clinrmor. Snnko Chnrmor John McConnell wns hustllv summoned from his homo to the Eighth Avenue museum the other morning to jiorsundo a willqwy und elusive vuttlor which hnd escaped from the snnko box to return thereto , Buys the Now York Sun. Mr/McCon neil getup up feeling n trillo rooky. Ho became conscious that ho had a By stem , nnd ap- prouiatod that a demijohn of whisky wns a little more than the system could nssiinlluto without something of a strain. Ho got on all his apinu-ol except - copt his necktie , which ho had mislaid the night before. lie saw the tie on the floor , and was about to plok it up when it toso on its tail and began liibsing threateningly. Mr. McConncll , with a long familiarity with dinio museum miracles , placidly picked up the snake and tied it around his'nouk , not doubt ing it would resume its original shape. He was a trillo puzzled whnn it didn't , and grow just a little alarmed when ho found that the room was full of the rep tiles. Ho got a clothes basket and started to pick some of them up when presto ! they turned into rats. The transformation was too much for Mr. McConnoll. He had never hud any ex perience in dimming rats , and ho rushed out into the street , Ilo got a big dose of bromide from a druggist in the neighborhood , wont to themunoum , and put the hurc-onough snake away. Ho lias sworn off on snako-bito au- tidoto. A Sulcldn'ri llunioroiiH Farowoll. A young actor , aged 20 , named Nor man Cooke , wrote thin letter to his sister - tor before .committing suicide by shooting himself : "Dear Hot 1 have gouo no , that in very Irish I am go ing to that bourne whence no traveler roturuoth , ana have just taken my lust cup of tea with a bitter zest. I have colored the town to sucli a degree that there is now no paint loft in the locker. So 1 commend myself to Davy Jones. You will not remember my good quali ties , for I never hutl any , and my bad ones I will ask you to forgot. With much love , I atn your about-to-be-kllt- eutiroly. COULDN'T" ' STAHD CANADA. An Embozsfyor j Who Preferred n Prison In Nebraska. FREMONT \VATER WORKS MIXED. Alnnrnlng th | > 'Johnstown Dlsn&tor ' Tivnlvo Oiii'ofThlrtcon ] liost Tlio Festive tlTtirol Clerk Kxporl- incuts > , OAvn and Notes. An Embezzler Scntcncotl. FUEMONT , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special to Tnn BBB.J The lonR nnd hotly cpnjestcd case of tlio state of Nebraska vs ilobort L. Olnrk catno to nn end last night in thoDotlgo county district court , resulting la n verdict of Rullty ngnlnst the prisoner. The cause occupied the attention of the court four days and 1ms cost tho'county several hundred dollars. The charge ngnlnst Clark wns for embezzling funds from the Howells Lumber company wlillo employed ns manngorof the company's business at North Bond. Ho was In the em ploy of the company about a year nnd a half. During this tlmo it nppoars ho was overcome with a dcslro for speculation and gambling , nnd In order ( o meet Ills losses lie did what so many others have done , embezzled. While living there ho mari'led Miss Com Mears , a Ituly with some means. Fear ing Ills peculations would load to his nrrcst ho fled , February n. 1S33 , using some of his wlfo's money to defray the expenses of his pilgrimage to Canada. After ho hart gone nn oxnminntlon of the books of the oflleo dis closed the fact that his accounts were short somewhere between (3COO and $3,000. An effort wns made to apprehend Clark after his departure but for a long time without avail , thoraso havlnc boon given Into the hands of the Plnkcrton Detective agency. Last Febru ary Clark returned from Cnnada to Chicago nnd was there arrested nnd brought to Fremont mont and incarcerated In the Dodga county jail to nwnlt trial. After his arrest ho con fessed thnt life with liberty In Canada was moro uncmlurnbio than ho thought nn exist ence nearer homo , though in n prison , would bo. So ho decided to return , give hinsolf up , servo out a sentence If necessary , and remove intolerable apprehensions from his mind. All through the trial his faithful wife sal by his side and manifested the deepest concern in the case ana her husband's welfare , re gardless of the disgracn ho had brought upon himself and her. A motion , will bo made to- rsorrow for a now trial. Kromont 'Wnter Works Muddle. FIIRMOXT , Neb. , Juno 10. f&pociat to Tun Ben. I The dlfllcultio' ' } of letting the contract of the $35,000 water works extensions for Fremont are still unsolved. L.ast fall the bonds wcro voted nnd the old city council advertised for bids on the work. When the bids were opened a fight arose between the council and the board of public works , the latter recommending that the contract for the pump bo let to the Smedloy company , while four of the eight councilman favored contracting with the Holly company at a largo price. A deadlock in the council was the result , Instinir 'for about two weeks. After this it was resolved to advertise again for bids , which wns done. The later bids have been opened , and after auottior wranclo between the board of public works 'and the council it has boon decided to advertise a third time for bid ? . Meanwhile the city i * Jeopardized by ro.ispn of an InoUlcieutand too small water works system. North Nebraska JSitltnra * Union. WEST POINT , Juno 10. [ Special to Tnc Bnn , ] Pursuant to call the editors of north Nebraska held K1' mooting nt this place for the purpose of organizing the North Ne braska Press Association , nt which there woro'prcsent J. It. Gary , of the Antelope Tribune ; E. D. Lunt , Atkinson Graphic ; Wm. Leavitt , Nqr/ijlk , . Journal ; J. J. Mc- Farland , Stauntonjloglstor ; L. E. Hunter , Boomer Times ; MrClafltn , Norfolk Herald ; A. G. Modoron , Staunton Democrat ; nnd E. N. Sweet , of the West Point Republican. A permanent organization was effected by electing J. H. Gary president , and A. G. Modoron secretary. The ilrst regular meet ing will bo hold at Norfolk the second Friday In July. The citizens of West Point gave the visitois a cordial welcome and tendered them a banquet _ Opening of the District Court. BEATRICE , Nob. , June 10. [ Special to THE Bun. ] The Juno term of the district court of Gage county , for the First Judicial dis trict , began to-day , Judge Broady presiding. The day was principally occupied in call of the docket. All civil cases were continued until Wednesday , Juno 19. The criminal docket will bo called to-morrow , and the prisoners arraigned for pleading , ana it is probable that the court will take a recess , Wednesday , over until the 19th. A Ncbrafilcan's Bi-ronvcmcnt. Noimi PLVTTK , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special to Tnn BEE. ! John E. Phillips loft for Johns town last evening. Lust Friday ho wns waiting oo. the telegraph , in dread nnd sus pense , for news of his people who lived in Johnstown. His worst fears have been re alized. Harry , a lad , wns the only ono of his family saved. His mother , brothers , nnd two sisters , with their husbands and child ren , twelve out of thirteen , perished In the Hood. The remains of flvo of the twelve have been found and identified. Oppnslne Court HOIIKO Honcls. BEATUICE , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special to TUB Bnn.1 Considerable anxiety Is manifested by the friends of the $100,000 , Gape county court house bonds proposition , who fear that the election will go by default at the special election , Juno 18. The opponents of the bond scheme ere working diligently , especially In the favoring districts. It is generally con ceded that if the bonds carry Beatrice will have to do the wont and there is some sig nificant opposition hero. Union Imhnr 1'iirry Dclogntrn. OBCKOLA , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special to THE BEE. ] The union labor party held Its con vention here , on Saturday , nnd elected dolomites mites to the Btnto convention , which meets nt Grand , Island , on Tuesday , Juno 11 , a * follows : John P. E. Carlson , Olof Krlck- son , Silas Miller , Gcorgo Ilorst , S. Ij. Bur- lingliamo , O , W. Barnes. L. A. UoUrer , J. N. Hurd , C. U. Clark and L. H. Gaboon. On account of the rain nnd bad roads there wore few out , and only ven out of tuo nluo pro ducts wcra represented , nt Beatrice. Bp.ATniCE , Nob.i JJuno 10. [ Special Telegram - gram toTiis Br.E.JThe Olmstcad house inVest \Vost Court Btrcof.was entered by burglars through the cellar Jasf night and a quantity of clothing belonging to tlio guests was taken. The burgljira'aro evidently the same that have been operating in the city for two woclcS past , The police ; have a clue which will probably lead { pitielr , } arrest. AcolilontiiUy Klllrd. ST. EnwAim , Neb)1 ) , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram to Tim 'fi/in.l / While a party of hunters wcro dlgf { Q , $ ut wolves about thrco miles northeast of this pluco yesterday , Will Anderson carelessly picked up his gun by the muzzle. It was uccldcntally discharged , killing him Instantly , and Bc.ittorlng his brains over thopralrlo. Mr. Anderson has a sister living In Omaha. Oficoolu I < Y ( > n Mnsonc , OsonorA , Nob. , June 10.- [ Special to THE BEE. ] At the regular meeting of Osceoln L die ; , No , C5 , A. F. nnd A. M. , held on Sat urday evening , the following ofllcors were elected for the ensuing year : T. II. Saunders - ors , W. M. ; Dr. S. O. Wbuloy , S. W , ; L. B. MuHilemau , J. W. ; H. A , Scott , treasurer ; T. H , Uttorlmck , secretary , and \V , J. Cotilr- lym , tyler. They will bo installed on tlio2M , Children's Day In ICwIne- . ISA-ISO , Noo. , Juno -Special [ to TUB BEK , ] Children's day was observed hero , as usual , with iin Interesting programme of music , responsive readings nrid recitations. Tho' exercises ware held ut tUo M , K. church , whore everything wns made attractive nnd pleasant. A largo numor were present , A Dnncnrous Uxporlniont. BRATIUCS , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele gram to THE UKB.J The clerk of the Pnclflo hotel nnd three lady friends whtlo boating on the Blue rlvor this afternoon tried to RCO how near they could go to tlio oil go of the dnm without going ovor. They discovered that they could not go very near without going ovor. The yountr man jumped and the young ladles wont on down Into the water bolow. All were rescued with no moro sot-Ions mishap than n good wotting. Ilnrclnrs nn n llnnil Car. CKNTIUI. Citr , Nob. , Juno 10. [ .Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] Hanson ft Temp- lin'o store , nt Archer , eight miles northwest of hero , was burglnrlrod last night. From the store drawer ? 97 wns taken and $13 from the postofllco , which Is located In the snmo building. An unsuccessful attempt wns made to break the safe. Some clothing wns also taken. After going through the store the thieves broke open the B. & M. handcar house , took the car and skipped. Neither the thlovcs nor the car have since been hoard of. _ IMiisoiilc Orphans' Home. PLATTSMOUTII , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram to Tnr. Br.n. ] Charles Hartman , C. P. Coutnut and Brad Slaughterof Omaha , Judge Post , of Yorlc , nnd F. E. White , of this city , the committee of the Mnsonlc fra ternity who nro to select the location for the orphans' home , were met nt the train by Walter Holmes' flno four-horso carriage and escorted to the offered Mte. A New 1'nstor. FHEVON-T , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special to TUB Bun. ] Kov. N. II. G. Fife , of Sterling , 111. , 1ms just nccoptoil n call to the pulpit of the Fremont Presbyterian church , and preached his initial sermon ycsterdny. Hov. Mr. Fifo Is nn able exponent of the doctrines of Christianity antt prominent in the ministerial circles of his church. 1'rlsonora Uoonpturcd. NORFOLK , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bnn. ] Lewis and Barnard , two moro of the prisoners who escaped from the Doileo county jail , this forenoon , were cnntnrcd by Sheriff Million near the Elkhorn rlvor , seven wiles northeast of the city. The only ones still nt largo are the two boys , and Golden , the burglar. Afil For Johnstown. BBATRICC , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special to Tnn BRE. ] A largely attended concert was given hero to night by local talent , for the benefit of the Johnstown sufferers. The affair was n pronounced nnd brilliant success , and it is thought that the proceeds will reach $300. The Storm nt ARhlnnd. ASHLAND , Nob. , Juno 10. | Special to Tnr BEE. ] The damogo caused by the rccont storm In this vicinity was not so oxtenslvoas at first reported. The roller mill , which was reported wrocltod , is being roDalred , and will bo in running order to-morrow. CIcarmakcrs In Session. Ninv YOIIK , Juno 10. The Cigarmakors' National Trade assembly hold its annual convention here to-dnv , with delegations present from all parts of tbo country. CHURCH ENTERPRISE. Thrco Dollars Raised In Several Months Tor n New Kdlllco. The First African Bnptist Church of West Morton , near Chester , Pa. , has benton the record of church enterprise. The church has nine officers , eighteen other inombora , utid occasionally a pastor. Some months npo the members voted to raise money to build a house of worship. As the church was poor and llio ueoplo of Chester scorned dis posed to lot it remain so , the dlllcial third of the members detailed a committee - mittoo to nsk for contributions from travelers at the B. & O. station at Chester. The committee began work a few mouths ago. Last Sunday George Johnston , one of its members , explained all this to n Now Yorlc Sun reporter , who oh an god cars at Chester , ana showed a little brown book iu which the reporter was requested to write his name opposite " 23 cents paid. . " "now much do you wish to raise ? " was asked. ' Quo hundred nnd twenty-five dollars fo' do lot , an' as much as wo kin git fo' do church. ' ' "Jlow are you { jotting along ? " "Fust rale , sah , fust rate. " "How much have you got so far ? " "Two dollahs an- sixty cents no" ( scurrying through the leaves of the little brown book ) , ' 'two dollahs an' soventy-thrco cents , sah. " The reporter's contribution of just 27 cents brought a big smile to the com- mittecman's face , and a forvant "God bless yo'l" from his lips. Jrnny hind's Grave. Yonowlno's News : From n private letter received a few days ago from an American iu London , wo pet the fol lowing : "Ono day I strolled intoMul- vorn cemetery. I was anxious to see the grave of Jenny Li ml. A largo granite cross of simple design marks the last resting place of the glorious songstress. This cross rises from a plain granite block. On this is the fol lowing inscription : 'In loving memory of Jenny Lind , wife of Otto Gold- schmidt. Born nt Stockholm , October 0. 1820 ; died at Wynds Point , Mnlvoni , November 2,188".f There is no other word than these. Some loving Hands had laid upon the grave the day of my vibit 11 laurel wreath intertwined with violotaand daffodils. It is a calm rest ing place that the diva lies in n lovely spot nestling ut the foot of the Malvcrn hills. " Positively cured by these E'ttla I'HIs. They also rellfNO nia tress Iro'A Dyspepsia , In digestion and Too Hourly Eating. A perfect rem edy lor Dlaiccss , Nautta , : Dionslness , Dad Taste In the Mouth , Coated Tongtio , 1'nln In the SlUoJ Toni-ii ) uvrn. They rcgulalo tbo Jlovrcls. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SHALL DOSE SMALL PRICE , GUATE1'UL-C03IFOJITING Epps's Cocoa. JUtKAKFAST. "ly ! a tliorfiujli knowljjjd of tbo natural Iswi wljiciiuoti'rn mo 'M > ur.ulo-n of < ! u-Ulm iviJ irilrl tlon.uml by ucuMful iiiiu luitlon of tiiirtnu prujr llciot wull-suiculftl Cocoa. Mr. Kp.uliai iirarlloJiur LreakiH ; tnblot nltli niloMoiHIy Iliirur.i1 hatrcr.ii Hlilclimur > uvu u < iL nr liutvr rtociori' till ) * . Hit lit llm JullctouH utn or n-jrli nrtlcluiuf illut tlml a loit.tltutlon may uo tr 'lu-itljr Ijjllt uu until tron eniiiiiili to rc4l > t avorjr to'i'lrncy ' Co illuuo. llun- drucl ofauluio iniilri'IitiJuri' lloatmit iironiiil 'i ' n 1 1 ; tu nimclc iTiiuMYL-i iherdii a weak nolnt. IVumiV I'ncapu mniir l' fuUI > ) > lit t > t kcjpln. ou ulvo > ivoll forlino.t wUh n'iru I'lo'il nn 1 n proiiorly iiounihjj framo. " Ovlfiiir | loa iJ zoltu. .Malonlniuly itlt'i bulling water prnjllk. SjU onlf liililiiri.oii llln ljrlrocpriluboloJ HOSE POLVTECHHIC INSTITUTE , TERRE HAUTE. IND.-A SCHOOl Or [ NUINIERINO. rndowml , w ll equipped ilfparlmniliiyf IU. Uil Kntiu rli ; < . hli" irklir , CliwiiU. . ' V'crC laln < ; il ! , id'Hn ! jT t/IPHD loil IhKi'Ch irrori pr V uUHi Ut | rtcilc .iii.ytt r * < tttUr by ihu FROM THE EAWKEYE STATE , How Wnlnut Oltizons Bnforco the Prohibitory Livw. CASS COUNTY REPUBLICANS. Opening of tlio Summer Solinol of Method For Public School Teach ers Tlio JJlun Grnsi 1'nlaoe Other Iowa N'owd. Xlppetl tlio Rliantv Over. VVAtiNUT , la. , Juno 10. ISpcclnl TolcRrnm to Tun UIK. : | Two Unknown parties started n whisky shop hero on Thursday last , nnd have boon running with n high hand slnco until this evening , when nbdut1 twonty-flvo or thirty men. mid boys tined ! | the shanty ever and fired the occupants out. Vnns County ATLANTIC , la. , Juno 10. [ Special ToloRrnm to Tim Ur.B. ] The Qasi county republican convention has boon called to moot July 18 , to nominate n county tleUot nnd to select delegates to the stuto and oonatorlal district conventions. . A County Sent AV r. CHESTOK , la. , Juno 10. [ Special to Tun Bni : . ] The Oroston-Afton counti' seat war Is still raging. It la.claltncd . that the signers or the rcinonstrauco ngalnst KUhuilttltig the nuostloa of relocation to n vote nro far in the majority , If so , Crcston will nt once draw up now petitions und commence anew. A Ca o of , la. , Juno 10. [ Special Tolosram to Tiiu BUH.J P. Pritcho , u carpontcr of this city , wlnlo working nt his trade last Friday , had a small wood splinter driven into his thumb. Ho worked Saturday us usual , und yesterday was taken with lockjaw , and to night Is pronounced by physicians us beyond recovery. Ho Took tlio Hint. DKB MOIXKS , la. , Juno 10. [ Special to TUB BKE. | The night operator of the Illinois Central , at Alden , was charged with having insulted a married women on the street Sat urday night. A committee of young men waited upon him at once , ' a la White Caps nnd pave hlui notice to leave town , which ho did with alertness In a drenching rain , FnilttrcB nt LnMAns , In. , Jnrto 10. [ Special Telegram to Tnn UEB. | Peter Branch & Sons , gro cers , were closed tills afternoon by n writ of attachment for M8.000 , for a'noto old by W. II. Dent , n baulco.r. Hielcotts it Mcllrldo , proprietors of the soap works , were also closed in the sauio way , by the same bank , for S5.000. Sited the iMIKvnuUco. MASON CTV , la. , 3une 10. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Biin.l Airs. W. S. O ape brought action hi the district court , to-day , ogalnst the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , claiming § 20,000 for the death of her husband , who was killed In April , 1SSS , in the Wapsio wreck. All the claims against the company for deaths nnd 1 njurios received at that wreck have been settled. Crcston IVnnts Wntor Works. CnnsTOK , la. , Juno 10. [ Special to THE Hnn.l The water works fover-ls now shak. lug the town to Its very foundation. Ono or two franchises have already boon given , and the contracto'rs have proved themselves do- tlciont and the works a grand failure. , The limit for the last franchise has just expired ; several companies have been on the ground , and exiiress n willingness to take tlio con tract , and tholr promises are great nna pro found. The mayor has called a special elec tion for Juno 10 Upon the nuoittdii. Section 471 of the code , as amended by the last gen eral assembly , makes a vote of the pcopla mandatory before the establishment of w.itor worlcs. _ Destructive Storm in Now York. UTICA. N. Y , , Juno 10. Word was received this morning that a terrific wind storm passed through Port Lcydon , Lewis county , and the lower * portion of Jdfforson county yesterday afternoon , overturning trees , fences and buildings and doing much dam- ago. Ono house was picked up and carried about ono hundred loot , an old gentleman und lady living therein being injured. The wires are all down aud particulars cannot bo obtained. Reports which came in later bring news of greater destruction of property in Jjowia and Jefferson counties. The destruction to the crops , fences and orchards Is said to bo very laro. ( : In Port Lbydcn the buildings and sheds of the iron works are totally demol ished. Scarcely a chimney ii to bo seen la nil Port Leydon , and the streets are simply impassable because of the debris. A Special from Catmion says Mrs , Spain , toho resided In the town of Florence , was killed by her house falling upon her , This U the only fatality hoard of , The lllun Gr/tH.s 1'ntnce. CIIESTOX , la. , Juno 10. [ Special to Tn URK.I An Mohltoct named King , of O in aha , who , for the past few weeks , has bcon con sulting with the coinmlttco on the erection ot the much talked of " 13luo Grass Palnco" to bo erected on the fair grounds in this city at fair tlmo , has plans for Its erection , nnd they nro now being examined by'our board of trade mon. The palnco will bo n hiost mag. nlflcont structure. It Is perfectly round , 100 feet In diameter , and contains a floor spaoo ot 7,500 fcoU In the center is a largo court , 03x03 , with nit elevated band staml in the center. Around the outer circle nro bootln to bo occupied by the different counties la the Uluo Grasi league , ntul suci ) other apart- inonts ns will bo convenient to display the different products of southwestern Iowa. It somewhat rcsumblos a mammoth round house , only It Is surmounted by cluster. * qf spires , gables , etc. , that servo to niako the architectural effect beautiful. Two cninUiccs' . directly opposite- each other , will ho benutU fully decorated with spires niut llap staffs. Humorous Hags of dllTurcut nations will lloat from the various spires ntuUlag starts ever the entire structure ! . The cost N estimated nt from $25,000 to 10,000. President J. IJ. Harsh has received 10,000 IIII\KS ) o * Iowa , whorron the Hluo Grass region Is plainly out lined by n red border , which will uu used as n means of mlvoi Using. , Circus 1'coplo Iu Tronhlo. " FT. Uonan , In. , Juno 10. [ Special Tolo ? gram to Tin : Uni.j : Sheriff Zonor , of Hoono county , arrested . H , Mellon , n painter of J lioouo , and KUiol Gray , a fillicit woman fof 11 the same ulty , In thin city thU afternoon for 'i ' decoy ing Mian Agnes Marshall ! seventeen | < years of ngo , daughter of n promlnout nnd wealthy coiil operator , from her homo , Mellon Is a "candy butcher" witli Wallace's circus. Ho prevailed upon Miss Marshall to leave her homo for an exciting life In tlio sawdust ring , wlthn circus attache for n husband. The affair creates an Immense sensation , because ot Miss Marshall's social prominence. Tuo guilty parties will bo takou to Hoono to-morrow. ' A Murderous I'ntipor. Dns MOINF.S , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB Br.R.J Henry McCnrtor , postmaster nt Green Center , n village In the southwest corner of Iowa county , was ahoi by n man named Hedge yesterday morning , and lies at the point of death. Hedge is n county charge , who wns nngry because McCarter had not secured for him Ills monthly nllowanco from ttio county. The constable nud n uosso of mon tried to arrest Hoilgc , but ho looked himself In his house , nnd , refusing to onon the door , the oDleors shot through the door nud killed him. The lUtuldy AIlsHotiri lllfllng. YANKTOX , Dnk. , Juno 10. [ Special Tole- grnui to Tin : UHB.J In thu lower part'Of the city , between the mouth of the Hliltio nud the silo of the old Milwaukee shop , the Mis Bouri river is cutting most vigorously. The water is rising and Horlous damage is foarcd , \ ( nt that point. The current is now within n few feet of thu tanks nnd warehouse of the Standard Oil company. Save Your Hair BY n timely use of Ayor's Ilnlr Vigor. This preparation has no equal as a dressing. It keeps the scalp clean , cool , end hcallhy , nntl preserves the color , fullness , and beauty of the hair. " I wns rapidly becoming bald anil ; but nftor using two or three gray ottles of Aycr's Hair Vigor my hair grow thick nnd glossy nnd the original color was lostoroil. " Mulviu Aldrioh , Canaan Centre , N. II. " Some time ago I lost nil my hair In conscqnunco of measles. After duo waiting , no tiGw growth appeared. I tluiii used Ayor's Hair Vigor and iny hair gi civ Thick nnd Strong. It lias apparently como to stay. The Vigor Is evidently a great aid to nature. " J. H. AVilliams , Florosvillo , Texas. "I have used Ayoi's Iltxlr Vigor for the past four or five ycnrs nnd find It a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It Is all I could desiio , being harmless' , causing the hair to retain its natural color , and luquiring but a.small quantity to render the hair easy to arrange.-- Mrs , M. A. liailcy , 0 Cluulus shoot , Unvoihlll , Mass. " I have been using Ayor's ITalr Vigor for several years , nnd bollovn that it lias causoil my hair to retain its natural color. " Mrs. II. J. King , Dealer in Dry Goods , &c. , Bishopvillo , Md. Si Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass. I J Cold liy Drufglstuaud I'crfumeri. Electro-Magnetic Belts ! The Grandest Triumph ol Elcclrlc Science Sci entifically Made and Practically Applied. ivitli Klcctrlc CUBEDWiTHOilT Saspcnxorjr , DISEASE MEDICINES ii. t.iecirlfiijnnrnniiy ! t-nr tun i > e aipuun | 10 nnr i i - bi - * WHEN ALL ELSE I TCCYIMfllJIAl < 5 Krfrr finoccirnlno und unoil IIT penclukn. MttTE tlio following who Imvo Ijocn j I CO t ImUtalMLd < : Ulni : > r-A. J. lloaclcml. 1C. H. J'nrker anil. I. It. Hmlett.nll on Uonril ol Trrulo. Clilcn- i(7o ) A. ( Ireiroi y , rommslon ! incrrliimt Block Ynrdft Jlucld Uobte , Itornrtnani A.C.Woodloy , At U , S6.iSMnlnBtr ! tr.ur.Uo. ! N. Y.I O. W. rJellni.H. 1) . , Monnontown , lown ; Lc-mnclHIIk. Kankakep. 111. ) Jinlif * I. IN Mimnyh'ai > civllll.i | ! ' 1I.U Abt'OH.tiipt.cltywMerworiB.HoutlillciHl , Iirl | lioht. 11 , ftanunun , ClilcaRO i ej ltt l ) . PtuMlcltael . , ft. ] ) .IIulTalo ' , N. Y. "Your lct ! li ncromHIilxd wlmt no ftthcr tcni04ly - - - - - - - - 1 tcfldyncir\fsandcon > fortil ! > lo - > wrrrul , < liz * JiM.TIn lh . .ny bunk , . . ipnnim ttitbinany allawft -.till JUlo an < 1 worth. Delta , iwholvinlo liouie Inculcagui UoIiJloiJrnstfl EIECTBIC TBUflUla FOB BCIItBIS. I Franciico and CUic UfJOO cured Bend tump forlllujlrnted DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 180 WabashAvenue , Chicago. Steam and Hot Water Heating a-nd Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. , Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. A. j. ropi'iiirroN , ivcsiaont. II , W , YATR3. J , J. nitOWN , VJce-lTBiMcnt. B. T. . A SOLID NEBRASKA COMPANY. OP OMAHA , NKH. Paid Up Capital , SI00,000 Fire , - Lightning - and - Tornado - Insurance , OIIIcCH , B. 1C. Corner | ) ( UKIIH | mill Hixtccmli HtH. Tal | iliono l , < iHt. : Directors : A.J. Poppleton. J , H. MlllanlVm. . Wallace , J. W. Oaunott , 11. W.'ate , N , A. Jxtihn , tt. U fitono , 0.1 > , Wooilworth , .1 , 8. C'oilliu , J. J. Drown , a. T. Josswlyu. Homo OHIcp. Nos. 00. tJOl , 002 , UOJJIIromi's Illoek , - Omaha , Neb. ETCHINGS , EMERSON , ENGRAVINGS , HALLET & DAVIS , ARTIST SUPPLIES , KIMBALL , MOULDINGS , PIANOS AND OROA.N3 FRAMES , SHEET MUSIO. 1513 Douglas St ,