Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 0KB ? OMAHA DAILY 1&EE : MONDAY. * JUNE 10. 1889
Delivered by carrier In Any I'i\rt ot ho City A
'l w cntr Cents 1'cr Week. . . _
JltJMNF. ' * OrriCB No. 43.
RIGHT it : > iToii , No. SI.
N. y.Plumblng Co.
D. W. Otis , plCy nnd farm loans.
The Mount Ayr hook nnd ladder team will
ntrivo hero to-morrow noon.
' .The tcn-ycnr-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Hugh Wlilttol died last evening nt their
residence on Lower Broadway , or qulnzy.
The Storm Lnko engine company , with
forly-flvo men , will bo hero to-morrow.
They will have quarters ou the grounds at
the nark.
Yesterday was a dull day in police circles.
A number of vatfs were rounded UD , but the
usual grist o evil-doers were very quietly
disposed , and pave no trouble.
The famous hook nnd ladder team of Kcar-
nov will arrive hero to-morrow evening , and
Bhow the tournament visitors how the Ne
braska champions got to the front.
Commencing Tuesday noon the ladles of
U. C. A. hospital will servo meals In the
Mcrrlam block for the tournament. They
will supply cots In the upper rooms of the
name building at uigtit and meals during the
The oftlclals of llho State Firemen's asso
ciation nro expected m the city , this evenIng -
Ing , and the llrst delegations of visiting fire
men will arrive the same time. The com-
| > anloi will pour in on every train until
Thursday morning.
The police report that a largo number of
crooks have arrived In the city In the last
few days , for the purpose of working the
town during tlio tournament. The ofllcors
will keep a close watch on them , nnd the first
move will laud them behind the bars.
Information has been received from Lyons ,
In , that the firemen are coming to the
tournament from that place fifty strong , and
Will start this morning. The delegation con
sists of a hand-onglno company , the C. L.
Hoot Drill corps and the W. D. Jacobson
running team.
The waterworks nuinding station has been
put In line condition for the tournament.
The Interior has been newly painted , nnd
the huge Knowlcs and Ogdcn pumps var
nished and polished until they fairly shine.
It will bo ono of the many points of interest
that will attract the thousands of visitors
hero this week ,
A rash and rookies1 * no'vspapor made City
Auditor Hammer responsible for the state
ment that the city had been damaged to the
extent of Sli OOO by the washouts from
Saturday morning's storm. Thn auditor de
clares that the extravagant scribe urtdcd a
cipher to the statement. Leaky roofs wore
responsible for the bulk of the damage done
by the cloud burst.
Duncan Harrison's thrilling realistic melo
drama , entitled ' 'The Paymaster. " will bo
the attraction at Doliany's opera house this
evening. All the original scenes and effects
including the river of real water and the
"Falls of Inchavoguo , " will bo presented in
their entirety. The cast is identically the
same as In Now York city , whcro the piece
hhs Just closed n rcmarkaoly successful one-
hundred nights' engagement.
Tbo J. M. Thurstou hose team , of Omaha ,
was In tlio city yesterday , and tooic a pre
liminary spin over the track at Union park.
The Tliurstons claim the championship of
the world , which Is contested by the Lincoln
team , 'i ho Thuratons are anxious to meet
the Llncolns hero during the tournament ,
but backers of the former team predict that
the latter will hardly dare to put In an ap
pearance and finally settle the dispute on the
A meeting of the Council Bluffs Press club
Was held , jcstcrday afternoon , nt the now
rooms , No. 19 Pearl street , and a permanent
organization effected. Ofllcors were elected
as follows : President , J. J. Steaciman ; first
vice president , D. A. Fan-ell ; second , F. L.
Hnydonj third , F. Pfelffor ; corresponding
secretary. H. W. Tilton ; recording secre
tary , W. H. Copson ; treasurer , Thomas Bow
man. The meeting then adjourned until
Tuesday evening , at 8 o'clock.
& The burstcdvatpr main on lower Broad
way proved to bo a' more serious affalr"than
f ? was at first supposed , nnd when the paving
was removed a largo aperture was found ,
from which several wagon loads of dirt had
been washed by the escaping water. The
break in the main was repaired by midnight
Just night , nnd this morning all parts of the
city will bo supplied with water. The pav
ing Was found to bo In a very damaged con-
( Utioti , and a atrip 250 feet long , ranging m
width from six feet to the full width of the
street , will have to bo rolald. Besides this ,
several small depressions will have to bo re
Notes nnd mortgages bought and sold ,
money loaned ; fire insurance. Robert
V. Junes , 80 Pearl st.
Heisler'fl Oyster Bay chop house and
restaurant day and night , 603 Broadway.
Dr. C. C. Hazon , dentist , Opera house
Bodino Hooting. Birkinbino En
gineering and Supply Co. , 115 Pearl
Bt. , Council Bluffs.
Have oui wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
If you are building , investigate Bo
dine Roofing at 116 Pearl street. It i (
superior to slate , shingles , iron or tin ,
nnd will last n lifo time. Adapted to
any kindiof roof. Birkinbiuo Engineer
ing and Supply company.
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s
loan ofilco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
qua all other articles of value , without
removal. All business strictly confi
Danplor vapor stoves at cost change
location. Shugart & Co.,211Broadway.
Try now Metropolitan rooms and table
Eave [ your old furniture upholstered'
good as now. R. Mot-pan , 702 Broadway.
Meeting of the Veterans.
A meeting of the Veteran Firemen associ
ation was hold nt the city building last even
ing. A general committee consisting of F
W. Spetman , O. D. Halgh and J , L. Touiplo-
ton , was appointed and a reception commit
tee to visit each of the depots at the urrivn
of every train and meet the visiting dologa
L. A. Bergman and J. H. Plumor were ap
pointed a committee to secure headquarters
nnd receive visiting firemen and have the
same ready this evening. Tlio entire recep
tion committee is icqucsted to meet there
thin evening. The location ot the hcadquar
tcra will bo published in this evening's pa
per. It is dnslred that all members of the
committee shall bo present.
WoolSoy ts Long paper rooms neat
quick , cheap. 31 Main , tel 203.
Finest Ice Cream in city. Driosbach'a
double parlors , M Main fat.
.Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
B , B. Wadsworth fc Co. loan monoy.
If you want a tasty nud convenient
fence or railing about your residence
or lawn , use 0 , J. Bookman's patent
locking bracket , na any panel can bo
readily tnknu out and ( Irmly replaced.
Address C , J. Bcckman , 728 Suvoiitl
Budollot sells groceries.
M. Wollman , jowalor , moved to3SB'y /
J. G. Tluton. icni cbtato , 627 B'dway
You can buy latest style ntmisol or
umbrella at Juinoa & Huvo retook's
than any place in the city.
Ohildron'a Day AB Observed la
Several Ohurohoa.
It la Ilolnir Speedily Cleared Away
DccorntitiK For the Tournament
Sonic ufjtlio Coining
PropnrlMR For Iho Firemen.
The central portion of the city presented a
sccno of unusual activity for Sunday. Broad *
way , from First to Eighth streets , was taken
possession ot by the decorating comuijltco ,
which had a largo number of mon at work
putting ut ) bunting , decorating telegraph
> oles , etc. , nnd South First street was filled
with n gang of about 100 workmen and ton
, lmcs that number of spectators. Work was
jclng vigorously pushed on the relaying of
the paving , washed out by Friday night's
cloud-buist , The paving was almost com
pletely washed out for two full blocks , from
LSloomcr to Picrco street , but the plank foun
dation was loft nearly all of that distance.
The spot was visited during the day by
several thousand people , who wcro anxious
.o ' note the damngo done by the stprm.
Dozens of teams were bUsy hauling back the
gravel nnd paving blocks from the points to
which they had been carried by the rushing
water. The electric motor company took ad
vantage of the opportunity offered to lay the
extension of their line up South First street ,
whllo the paving was up , so as'to avoid tear
ing It up again In a few weeks. Tholr work
delayed the pavers until noon , but by that
tlmo tlfcy had n good start , and the work of
block laying was commenced. This work
was done bv & A , Wlckhnm & Co. , which
firm secured several pavers from Omaha.
Mr. Wickham superintended the work per
sonally , and through his efforts the cedar
blocks wcro replaced nt n lively rate. Shortly
after the paving work was commenced n vig
orous kick was instituted bv some of the
proocrty owners on the street because they
were not being relald to suit them. The top
of the blocks that bad boon exposed wcro as
hard and solid as when originally laid , but
the lower part was budly decayed. Carelessness -
lessness on the part of ' the pavers in replac
ing the blocks cithcr'ond up , as they hap
pened to como , was what caused the kick. A
delegation waited on the mayor , who ro
fcrred the matter to Mr. Wlckhatn , who
gave the necessary instructons to remedy
the trouble , and all went on as smoothly as
The electric motor gang was under the di
rection of O. P. Brinton. who stated that by
this evening the tracks of the company
would bo laid over the full two blocks. Con
nection with the Broadway line and the re
maining extension to Fairmount park will
not bo completed at present.
Street Commissioner A very was on the
ground nnd was busy superintending the
work. In speaking of the washout ho re
marked : "It Is fortunate that the rain ceased
just as It did or this entire street , and Harrison
risen street as well , would have shared
the fate of these two blocks. You
see , there Is nothing to stop the
ruinous work after it is commenced.
On Harrison street , two driveways to private -
vato houses were torn up. Ono was com
pletely washed out , and the other was lifted
up and would have gene out In n very few
minutes moro. The sltnplo fact that the
rain stopped Just as It did , was the only
thing that saved this city an expanse of at
lease $30,000. I do not fully understand just
how the damage was dono. No water washed
under the foundation , but it scorns that it
got between the paving blocks and the plank ,
in some way , and then lifted the blocks out
by the yard.Vo are trying to get in. shape
for the tournament as fast as possible , and I
think that everything will bo in ship-shape
by Tuesday night.
A largo Htrcot cleaning force was at work
on Broadway and adjacent streets during the
entire day , and the greater part of the mud
washed down by the torrent was removed.
This work will bo completed to-night.
The decorations were well under way last
ovenimr. The electric light towers at First
and Fourth street * on Broadway , were cov
ered with bunting , and lines of the same
material stretched across the street every
few rods. The poles of the telegraph and
telephone companies will bo wound to-day.
Notwithstanding the discouraging outlook
Saturday morning , the work is now well in
hand , and all preparations will bo completed
in time.
Bcchtelo hotolccntrallocat ion.flrbtclas
See Boodino Rooiing if you are build
ing. Birkinbino Engineering and
Supply Co. , 115 Pearl st. , Council
Plret Ftrcl Fire !
Fircmon and visitors get special prices at
Mandcl's furniture store , Nos. 323-3-3 Broad
Children In the Churches.
Yesterday was "Children's day" in the
churches of the nation , and from millions of
happy hearts swelled up songs o'f gladness
nnd praise that wcro joyful orisons to iho
Most High. In Council Bluffs the weather
was of that delightful typo that constitutes
"a yorfoct day In June , " the air balmy and
still in perfect calm after the lute storm , and
laden with the fragrant Incense from the
clouds of llowors that cover the earth. The
carols of the birds were not happier than the
merry songs of the bright children as they
trooped to the churches which devoted their
morning hour to them. Juno , this season ,
is prodigal with her roses , and all of the
churches where the annual day was ob
served wcro lavishly and beautifully decor
ated. The little ones , conscious and proud
of the honor Christian America was paying
to thorn , turned out in full force and filled
the main parts of the church building , while
their friends and parents occupied all the
remainder of the , room. Each llttlo ono
carried a bouquet or had a bunch of half-
oponcd buds plnnod to its breast , and their
sweet breath hloudod with the fragrance of
the ilowors and wont up with their llttlo
hearts in lovlugdovotlon to their gentle Mas
ter who bade thorn como unto him.
The day was generally observed by the
churches. In the Broadway Methodist
church before 11 o'clock throngs of llttlo
ones belonging to the Sunday school and in
vited by their friends , crowded the audi
torium. Many spontaneously deposited
their burdens of flowers upon the altar , and
this added to the lavish decorations that hud
been arranged by the ladles , made the altar
resemble a bank of roses. There was only
standing room for the late comers when the
exorcises began at 11 o'clock , by the superin
tendent of the Sabbath school , Colonel L.
W. Tulloys addressing the children and an
nouncing the programme. It opened prop
crly with the song "Oh'Lot Us bo Glad , "
and the llttlo ones sang it with a vigor that
showed they were glad. This was followed
by an nnthcui by the choir and a chorus by
the school. The pastor of the church , the
Hov. 13. C. Franklin , recited the Lord's
prayer , in which the llttlo ones Joined , nnd
then the following programme was rcn
dorud :
Hong , "Sunbeams" Mrs. Allen's Class
Exercise sonf Infant Class
The Church Jubilee , rccltation.HessioPryor
Song , "Purity" Miss Barnard's Class
Uocltatlon , "Tho Dandelion".Ellen Wood
Ilecitation , "BoSuro You'ro ' Hlght. . , ,
Froddlo Gould
nocltatlou , "Harry's ' Planf'.Georgo Wheeler
Uncltation , "Nellie's Vorso".llutb Williams
Soup , "Wonderful Words" School
Childhood's Consecration , oxerclso with
anchor. Infant Class
Object of Children's Day Hottlo Smith
The Children's Offering..Wado Klrkondall
Giving Mrs. J. H.Arthur
At tua conclusion of the programme a
brief address was delivered by lr. Frank-
Jin , and the exorcises closed by the spirited
singing of the song "To the Work , " and the
llttlo ones weru dismissed with a happy ben
At the Presbyterian church there was the
same crowd of bright and happy faces ant
the same Joyful songs of pruUo. The church
was beautifully decorated. A profusion of
bouquets and potted plants with the roots
hidden In nusscs of den&o foliage gave a
beautiful appcorunco to the altar , whllo the
flowers scattered throughout the cuurch lent
additional charm to the scono. The largo
church was well filled nud everybody nccnicd
.o enter heartily with the children Into
, ho exorcises. After the voluntary by
, ho choir nnd the invocation tbo
following programme wai rendered upon
call of the superintendent , 0.1) . Parmolco :
Song , "Children's Day" School
E jccrclso , Infant class
Song , "Precious .Towels , " Infant class
Recitations by Ilolon French. Mack Han-
cliott , Millie Williams nnd Zoo Hill.
Song , "Wo'vo Boon Singing , " School
Arostlo Exercise , "Jesus Is My Shepherd - .
herd , " , Class
Recitations by Clnrcnco Empklo , Daisy
Cooper , Laura Bonster nnd Harry
Song , Gospel Hymns School
Exercise , "Floral Offerings , " . .Class
Hccltntlon Edith Thomas
The programme closed with an address by-
Dr. Phelps to tho'children nnd the congrega
tion In which ho strongly presented the
: lnlms of the children upon the church.
3ald ho , "Thoro Is no Inspiration next to
LJod's holy spirit that raises mo so much as
iho presence of thu children , " Ho urged
them to como to church , and urged their
parents to bring them. They may not un
derstand the sermon , but they are sure to
take away the story of it. „
A very liberal collection was taken up for
the benefit of the Sabbath school library ,
and after the closing hymn by the congrega
tion the benediction was pronounced.
At the First Congregational church there
was n profusion of floral decorations. Ferns
nnd cut ( lowers predominated. At ono side
of the pulpit was n larco floral arch , beneath
\ vhlclivn n stand with n largo vase tilled
with flowers. Upon the opposite side of the
pulpit was a large cross covered with flow-
cm. The pulpit Itself was beautified by ferns
nnd callas. Cages of slnginc birds wcro
placed among the decorations , nnd the feath
ered choir warbled most of the tlmo , seeming
especially inspired to do so whenever the or
gan started up. The morning sermon by the
pastor , Hcv. Mr. Crofts , was appropriate to
the day , his text being "And the child was
young. " From the llfo of Samuel practical
lessons wcro taught. After the morning
service the Sunday-school hour was devoted
to a pleasing and novel cxorclso by the chil
dren entitled "Tho Children of the Bible. "
The ordinance of infant baptism was also ob
Buy furniture , stoves and carpets at Man-
del's , 323-Uio Broadway.
Bodino Roofing will stand as long as
the building. Birkinbino Engineering
and Suuply Co. , 116 Pcnrl st. , Council
"Rcndj For n Klj : Fire. "
"Council Bluffs pays nearly $10,000 a year
for Its fire protection , " said a citizen yester
day while engaged in a religious discussion
of Saturday's firo. "and recent developments
show that wo are in a nice ripe condition for
for n big conflagration. Wo have n flro de
partment that wo have always "pointed to
with pride , " but the boys have knocked out
a llttlo of our prldo on the occasion of the
last two fires wo have had when the flames
only kindly consented to go out when they
had burnou up all the property they started
to destroy. They may not bo so kind the
next time , and may take a notion to destroy
the building in which they start and all the
property in the immediate vicinity , and I
fear there are exigencies sure to'nnso that
will compel the fire department to consant 10
the demand , whether they want to or
not. There is no fault to bo found
with the waterworks , but in both
last ilrcs a partial failure of the water supply
is attributed as the cause of the failure of
the department to control the firo. Tun Bui ]
has called attention to several things that
wcro lacking to insure the full protection of
our costly system , and now I want to call
attention to another. Wo have two first
class steam fire engines that are supposed to
bo ready for use in case of emergency , and
in neither of the late emergencies were they
used. Do you know why ? They are prac
tically useless for the reason that their suc
tion pipes cannot bo attached to a single hy
drant in Council Bluffs , because the coup
lings won't fit. The bursting of tbo main
leading from the pumping station on Satur
day , shows wo can't always depend on direct
pressure from the great pumps at the river ,
but tbcro is no accident that could occur ,
that would shut us off from the Fair-
mount reservoir with its 5,000,000
gallons. The Strock Bros , fire demon
strated that even with direct pressure capa
ble of bursting the mains , thcro can not bo
pressure enough to do any good if two or
three hydrants on a small main are tapped in
the same vicinity. AVhon it is necessary to
lay several lines of hose from the same main ,
n steam cngino Is the only salvation , and it a
fire should break out now in the heart of the
city , thcro is not a particle of doubt in my
mind that the department would not bo able
to control it without the aid of engines. The
only way wo could use our engines now would
bo to got nn old barrel or something to run
the water into from the hydrant nnd lot the
cncincs suck it up , but this has been shown
to bo impracticable. The only way the boys
have ever been abla to give oven the smaller
engine water enough in this way was to got
on old skiff and turn the water Into it and
then let a man sit on the suction and hold it
down. The facts arc , then , that we would
have to send to Manawa or Big lake for a
skiff before our engines could bo used. For
the new , tall buildings , now being built , the
water pressure is not snfilcient. Engines
are required in Council Bluffs now as they
are required in all cltica. It would only cost
n small sum to got the proper suction con
nections to fit the hydrants , but you can de
pend upon it that it will not bo done till after
wo have needed thorn awfully bad. I think
wo nro ready now for a big flro.
Bodino Roofing will not crack or
split. Birkinbino Engineering and
Supply Co. , 115 Peurl st. , Council
The Now Ogden is catching traveling
mon at $2 per day.
Sunday nt lUnnuwn.
Yesterday was not the most favorable
weather for a summer resort , still tbo motor
trains carried largo loads of humanity to
Manawa during the afternoon , There was
no ball game , and the majority of tbo vlsl
tors stayed but a short tlmo. About 7 o'clock
a report was received up town that u man
had been shot and killed at the lake , and it
created considerable excitement. An invcs-
tigatlgation proved the rumor to bo ftilso ,
and failed to rovcal any circumstances that
might have led to such a result , as every
thing at the lake passed off very quietly and
there was no trouble whatever.
The report was caused by a young man , who
rushed into the depot telegraph ofilco of the
"Q. " and sent a telegram to Uod Oak , stat
ing that some man , whoso nnmo Is unknown ,
nud just been shot and killed at Lake
Manawn. Ho disappeared and no trace of
him could bo found.
A loud howl was raised nt the lake when it
was discovered that Manager Heed had
gotten out a tlmo card , according to which
the last train leaves the lake at
8:10 : unless otbcrwlso specially ordered.
Everybody kicked , but it availed nothing ,
and b:10 : found the place comparatively do-
sortod. It is understood that unless there is
n very largo crowd ut the lako. the train will
loav * nt the hour stated. A bulletin board
posted in a conspicuous place shows tbo hour
the last train loaves , and another at the
dummy depot convoys the same information.
The train leaves Broadway at 8:40 : o'clock.
The change Is roundly condemned , espec
ially by tbo hotel proprietors , whoso
wrath , last evening , was unbounded.
Mr , Heed's object is unknown , and it is pro-
dieted that unless hotter late service Is given
it will result In another line being soon built
to the lako.
At Full-view 1'nrk Yesterday.
The OJoll Bros , and the Missouri Valley
teams played ball at Falrvlow Park yester
day afternoon. An exceptionally line game
'was put up by the homo team , and they wal
loped the visitors to the tnno of (1 ( to I. The
crowd was rather small , owing partly to the
wcuthor , which was a trillo coal. The locals
showed u vast improvement in their previ
ously weak poluts , nnd played in r. manner
that surprised the visitors , who came down
the river with the avowed intention of "eat
ing'1 Corl's aggregation ,
Cushman's Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay Favor.
Trial frco at your druggist. Price 50 cents.
J. D. r.nuuxn E. I SiitTOAnr.
. . . nffiiA . > . .
PreSJ ; Vlco Proa.
CilAS. II. 1UNNO.1. Cashier.
or coimtiib nt.uirs.
I'alil Up Capital L J 150,000.00.
Surplus , „ * f 25.00000.
Liabilities to nrposltors. . "S , OOO.t .
nitiBCTOii * 1 , A.4Mlh > rf r. 0. ( Jlonson. n. U
Bhngart , K.K. Hart.a.'l ) . IMmiindson. Chni. 1L
llnnnon. Transact ccncrnl banking mislncsi.
Lnrcoit capital ana jmirplu't of any Imnk lu
Eoutlnvcstorn towa , .Intereston tlmo deposits.
C , B. JACljUEMIfl & GO
Railroad Watch Inspectors
For Union Pacific , Chicago & Northwestern ,
Chicago , HOCK Island & 1'aclflo , Chicago , lliir-
llnBtou&Quiucy , Kansas City & St. Joe rail *
roads ,
No. 27 Main St. ,
Oomioil IJlufr * . | s In.
But wo do want the people of Western
lown to know thnt the
NO. 100 MAIN ST. ,
Cor. First Avenue , carry the Inrpost
stock of BOOTS nnd SHOES in this
city. Thnt wo always load in popular
prices. Thnt parsons wanting ro liable
goods can save money by trading with
us. 3. A. PIKROE.
W. E. . PATTOJV , Prop.
Elegant Rigs at Reasonable Rates.
Nos. 10 and 21 , North Main Street.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Artistic Decorations !
Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St.
and Nansamond
Cabbage am !
Other Vegetable Plants.
Vegetables , Vegetable Plants ,
Fruits Etc ,
Enht Tlcrco St. Council Illuffs
Mail orders promptly filled.
Now Look out Moths Desmdes
CKYST A 1.15 A.
It consists of biiowwhltu Hakes. A produc
tion from Coal Tar. IMUtFUClTA' 1IAHM-
LESS. Free from oil , acid or any substance
that would harm the most delicate fabric or
feather. It evaporates without loavlnK any
residue. It kills moths whllo camphor merely
drh es them away.
Solo Agent , Council Bluffs.
Centrally located livery and boarding stable.
Host accommodations In the city. Special at
tention to transient custom.
IV. A. HAYS , Prop.
Telephone Stnbli > , 77. lies. 82O.
No. 27 Main Street ,
Over Jiicqiiomln'x JcwclryStoro
The Most Modern Novolltla In
tirs , C , L , GILLETT'S '
And BOO her nno line of Hair
Ooods. FINEST llAlll
1 OHNAMKNTH In the city.
Wl 'H. Dennis , etc. , for Kent
aiuthan'd Coyle and Myera
Urease 1'alntn. Hair
Dressing , lite.
No. ill ) Main St. , Council III u ( ft
Orders by mall receive prompt at tentlon.
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanted.
c. u. juim ,
Council UluRW la ,
ITIDlt HAI.K nt n ImrRnlnCbinpIoto sot of bnr
-L1 fixtures ) largest mirror In Council IHiiUs ;
llnostset of fixtures In the city ; must bo sola
Immcnmtolr , anil nro conson.uontly best bar-
ftnln over offered unloonmon. Wheeler V Hor-
eld , iJt llnst llrondwnj- , Council IllntTs.
WfntAYlJD A roan ponj-.TongliTano ml tail , '
V J branded " ! ) " on left hip. Hnltablo rewnrtl
will bo pnld for return. J. A. Odell , 1013 Sixth
WANTP.D ( too pieces OR second-hand carpet ,
nlso nil Rood socond-hnnd furnlturo. A ,
J. Mmulol. No . 333 anil Xti llroadway. _
TTIOH KXClIANOR-Sevcrnl good farms to ox
J- ' change for Council Illnirs lota. Johnston
A Van 1'ntten , Kvcrctt block.
WANTKl ) Young Inrty stenographer nnd
typowriterould ilka n position us clerk
in some ofiico : bjst ot references. AdtUess "C , "
Omahn Uco , Council IlliKTB.
) , ntonco , nnrst-clnss shipper nnd
foreman in wholesnlo agricultural Imple
ment warehouse ; none but experienced man
need apply. Address W. 1 lleo olllce , Council
JlluUft , giving references nud unmo of last em
ployer. *
T710H SALE No. WO Grnhnm nvenuo. I/t
-U Mxl ! . Nowlionne. Will take team or
cattle in purl payment ; bnlnnco on ten years'
time , nnnnnl payment" ) , 8 per cent pnynblo
nnnunlly. Apply to Horace Kvcrctt.
pfOR 8 AMOn easy terms , the boit located
-L. conl yiml In Council lllmrH. 250 feet trncfc-
ngc. i : . l ! . Mayne. (110 ( llroadwny. Council lllnirs ,
COWS for sale Will tnko pny In grading nnd
nlilnir nt W per day for man nnd tonin , or
will tnko pny In paining. Horace Kvcrett.
rpWO-Story business house for rent , No , aw
JL Ilrondway , oppositeOgdenhouso. linn.nlro
nt230 Frank st. A. Wood ?
AHAHi ; chnnco for n splendid investment ,
ro < iulrlng enorcv rather than largo capital.
A fortuuo for the rluht mnn. Unit Interest In
the Ilnast prnctlcnl patent over Issued. Ad
dress Hwaufc Walker , 1 1'cnrl street , Council
fTMtANSl'MMl JjlNG Quick delivery between
JLOnmtm nnd Council mulls. IlonsulioUlgviods
nnd IrolRht moved snfolv nnd piomptly. I.aavo
orders nt Omnbn olllre , 605 So. lath st. ; Council
llluirs 7 X Mnin. H. Ilcecroft.
splcndtd mounted specimens rnro olrds
niiflnnlmnls from every clime. Must
ba soid nt once. Single or IncnsosCK. J. Urazeo ,
llrst clnns tnxldormtst , Council llluirs.
TJUAIj KSTATi : lloupht nnd sold nnd ox-
JLV chanced. Speflnl attention Rlvon to exnm-
Inatton of titles.V. . C. Jnmos , No. 10 Venrl St. .
Council ( Hull's.
FOK SAMS 7 room cottnsfo , corner Xnircl
nvonuo nnd Oth st , Easy terms. W. 0.
J nines , 10 Tourist.
"TjlOIl UKNT lasy ! terms two now llvo-rooin
-K houses , loth nve. botwaon High nnd Third
sts. Sell cheap If tnken tins week. Inquire
owner. J. Ulokoy , 710 U.'uy. .
" 0011 SAtiR Old oatnuilsbed general mor-
-U chnudlso business , stocK , fixtures , wagons ,
etc. Good room nud low rent , Address , J.
Dickey , 710 U. Way
" 171011 ItHNT Furnlan runfurnlshoil largo
U ten-room house , bath room , gas , furnace ,
etc. . nt 6\'t Willow nvo. Knnulro at premisesor
O. H. Stlllmnn. Brown block.
T71HESH milk cows for sale or trada for fat
-L1 cows. Swan's stock yards , Upper Uroad-
wny. Frank Swan.
T710H KENT Largo double olllco over Frank
JL,1 Lovln's clgur store , 03 Uro adwny. Inrjulro
of Frank Levin.
TVhnt Is Needed is a Good
Just received nnd on exhibition at the gas com
pany's olllco. Unequolled for convenience.
Absolute safety. No odor , and above all , eco
nomical If properly used Call and examine
them whotlior you Intend purchasing or not.
Below ive give unities of a few of the ninny
Patrons of the
tarace. Co.
In Council Bluffs and vicinity. The character
of the patrons named , and the amount en
trusted by each to the protection of the com-
paujv Indicates the conlldenco onjoyqrt by It nt
homo whcro Us manner of doing business is
bst known.
C. D. Dlllln _ 8 dO.OOO
iiuney Uros. & Co 117,000
Charles Uatighn no.O'jO
II. 1'.Morrow K'.UJO
JohnUcnnctt I'.TM '
William O'Halleran WOO
Charles Shields 7,700
N. W.Nusti 7aw
I. A. Millar 0.000
George A. Fry 0,000
Henry Ulseinan A0o 6,081
Shugart , Wait & Wles " .GOO
K. L. Shugart 45,000
Itoman Catholic Church 40.0J )
Honian Catholic Church. Wdstpuallix. . . . 40.000
Carroll bounty Coxllt House EI.CO'J '
Abbott & Cooper SJ.OOO
St. I'rancis Academy 1 > , OUO
Graver , Steele A ; Austin J.M.OOO
T.M.C.Losau Jl.OOO
TJoero , Wells fc Co 10,200
OeorcB M. Williams IMOO
8. J ) . Kohles B.CO )
O. U. Carpenter 0,700
ilnsonlc Temple O.oo )
Jletcalf Uros B.oou
C. A. lleobe 4 ; Co rUi ,
S.S. Keller 3,500
NOTIOU When our policy otreods J2. " > ,000.00
on property subject to destruction by u single
( Ire , the excess Is re-insured lu other companies.
Insure In tlio U. S. Masonic llonovolcnt
Association of Council Jilnffs , In. , the
youngest , largest , cheapest nnd best plan
of Masonic Insurance in the world , that
confines its membership to Its fraternity.
A new Clothing Store hns been opened In
Council JilulTH , No old Htocl ; or old
styles. Kvorytlnng strictly first
clasi , Como uiul bo convinced ,
Positively one pi Ice nud cash ,
Are thoroughly piepared to tulco cam of lior.sos
and carriages of all visitor * to the lako. 1'lenty
of sheds and stalls , and animals and carriage ?
\rillboRafelycaiodfor , Charges reasonable.
Accommodating hostlers on hand night and
day. When you drive tu tliu Lute , don't forget
" DAD/ '
"OLD |
Turn OFFICER. IV. II. M. I'usisv
Corner Main and llroadway ,
Dealers In foreign r.nd domestic exchange.
Collections mada ttiid latore-tt paid on tlmo de
DH , McDANELO & C9 , ,
Hidesjata , Pells , Wool & Furs ,
Highest market prices. Prompt returni. Nos
ICO and k .Main at , , Council JlIiilfH. Iowa
A. A. IIAUT , Prop.
Honefct Wiitchus , Clocks , Jewelry tin-l Silver
waie. AH cl anlni { and iopalrln iindrr per
fcoiml biiparvlslon of the proprietor. Mailoupry
Toilet articles and Perfumery. 1'lnu > ' .itche.
UJina Locks and Chronometer * n MvcU
110 MAIN BT. , Council JUulti.
* ,
Of Warm Weather Goods
at tlie
Saloons , two cases Pine French Silicons , very fine quality , lOo a yard.
Saiuo goods are sold in this and other cltlos from 25c to BUo.
Saloons , thrco cases Finest American , French Patterns , 12c } ; regular
price Inc.
Ohnllio1 ? , two cases 25 inch French Challics , 7c. A largo assortment , best
patterns , plenty of choice , regular ptico 12jc.
Batistes. Ono casu 30 inch Batiste , bountiful nattorns , Oc , rctrulnr price
He. *
Scoisuclcors. Two cases Fine Seersuckers , Se , regular price 12c. }
White Goods. Examine Bargains marked 6c , GJc , 7o , lOc , 112o } nnd I5c.
Lawng , Dross Ginghams , Toll du Nerds , etc. , etc.
Hosiery. Exnmino Bargains In Fast Black Hosiery at lOc , 2oo nnd 33c.
Hosiery , Another 160 dozen lot of Ladies' Fancy Stripe , full rocrulnr
made Hose , 12o } a pair , worth double.
Corsets. Our 69o Corset boats the world. OurCOo Real Whalebone Cor
set lias no equal. All the celebrated mnkos in stock ; our prices the lowest.
While Quilts. Two huundrcd moro of the oxlra heavy white Quilt , thnt
had such a run a few weeks ago. The price as before 31-
The finest and most complete line of Childrons' Fast Black IIoso in Iho
city. Our prices as usual are one third loss than can bo found elsewhere.
Our motto , Small Pro ( Its nnd Quick Returns.
Fotkringliai , WMtelaw & Co. ,
Dealers and Promoters of Low
Prices ,
ONE PRICE. She smallest child can buy as cheap at the
Boston Store , as its mother. ONE PRICE.
N. B. Mail Orders promptly attended to. Samples mailed free
on application.
25 TO 300
HORSE POWER. Mills and Elevators
BpoclflcntlonsnniJ estimates fnrnlihnd for complete Jilcam plnntf. Hoiailatlnn , Durability nuarnnteoJ.
Ouii slioi * littcra from user * where fuel economy Is eqtml with Corllfn Non-conilenilnu.
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for catalogue. No. CIO Pearl Ci'eot , Council Bluffs.
Hydraulic nnd Sanitary Engineer , Plans. EsthniUel
H , Specifications. SupervUlon of Public Work. Drown
, Council llltiir.s , lown.
U I I D 7 Justice ot the Peace. Olllco over American Express. No. 41
NQP n UL \ broiidwny , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
QTAIVIC Si QHV/IC / Attornoys-at-Law. Practice in the State and Fodi
O I UlNU ( X. OIIVIO oral Courts. Booms 7 and 8 Shugart-Bouo Block ,
Council BlufTs , Iowa ,
TINI FY Uorn.9-VutLluvri : Itoom 10 Block
Council Bluffs.
U QTII I l\/l \ / AM" - Uorn ° y'ut'f''aw' ' Hoom-l , Second Floor , Brown
, Hi O 1 ILLIYIAIN Block , llo Peurl St. , Council BluffH , la. Will
practice in Stale and Federal Courts.
' - ' ' * * * " * * * ' '