THE DAILY BEE. JSVUHY MOKNINQ. TE3MB Df I MornliiR lid It Ion ) Including SuxoAr . Ono Year . 110 < K or Six Months . : . B W For Three Months . . . . . . . 2 CO IIB OMAHA SIINHAT Hr.r , mMled to any address , One Vcnr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > , . 800 SEKKLT IIKB , One Your . 200 OMAHA OFFICE , Nos.ftU and 918 KAIINAV SrnKKT. CutCAno orriun , ro : HOOKEHV Uuir.m.vo. NFTT Tontc Orricr. norms 14 AKII 15 TninuKX liuu.niNn. WARiitmrrox OrriaK , Mo. 613 FOUIlTKK.NTIt BTnEET. connnsroNDKNon. All communications telntlni to n wn Mia cdl- lorlnl matter nhould bo addressed to thoEolion All business letter * nnrt remittances should o addressoiito TUB HER 1'irnt.tiuiixu COMI-ANY. OMAHA. Hrntts , cherns anil poatolllc * orders to bo made payable to the order of tUopompunj- . ' /to / Bcc PfltlisliingCipany , Propriclori E. RO3EWATER , Kditor. mi 13 i > AitjY ma is. Rworn Stnlcntont of Circulation. Blatant Noliraskn. I. . County of Douglas , f 1 OcorpeH.Tzsrhuck. secretanrofTlio nee Pub. v llthln&Cnmnauy. does nolomnljr sweur thnt tlm actual circulation of TUB i.uiv ) KK for tUo * v olc cnilln Juno 8. 1S > 9. was as follows : Eunday. .ItmoS . Slonoar. Juno3 . . Tncfidav.-luno 4. . . j.i . * . ] . ' " ] WrdnF ( lar.lMno3 . . . . . . . 'Jlmrsclny. Jnneil JTlday.Junn 7 Saturday. Juno 8 Avefiujo . 18,703 UliOltQU B. TZSCHUOK. Cttcrn tel ) fore mo nnd subscribed to la my timiico tnls8th day ot June , A. It. ISS'l. Bml. N. 1' . FK1L , Notarr Public. Btateot Nobraskn , 1 County of Douslas. f81 Geor&u II. Tzschurc , being duly sworn , de- poles ntul says that ha It secretary ot Tlio llco I'ubllublng lompnnv , that the actual averaua ilally circulation of Tno Dally lleo for the month of June , J8S . 1D.UI2 copies ; for July , IfS ? . 1H.OSI copies ; for August , IhsS , 1S.1RJ copies ; for September. IMf , 18.151 copies ; for October , W. 1M84 copies ; for November , 1888 , W.VIt roples ; for December , 18SH , 1H , 1 copies ; for January. 1883 , 1IW.74 copies ; for February , 18 i , If.BPtt copies ; for Marcn. 1B > . llWIcoinos : for April , 183) , 18,550 coploi : for May , IfrB. 18.09) copies. OEO. II. T/SCIIUOK. ( sworn to before mo anil subscribed In my [ Soal.1 pri'soncothlsMduyof Juno , A.I ) , ' N. P. FniL , Notary 1'ubllc. KiLUAlN has won the toss to decide the plnco of battle with Sullivan. It is not likely to bo in the vicinity of Bos ton. _ THE oxcltomont over Olffixhoma hav ing died out , Kansas is now attracting attention to her natural resources in cyclones und lynchinps. IT HAS como down to a point of vorac ity between the Kansas "City Paving company and the Union Pacific as to the price of delivering Colorado stone in Omaha. Now lot us have the truth in the matter. ALREADY the people of Seattle with true American pluck and enterprise are clearing away the debris preparatory to rebuilding the burnt district , and phoe- mx-liko the Queen city of Washington will rise from her ashes. IT is immaterial what influences brought about the opposition Ot the - Republican to cedar blocks ; its charges are strong and indisputable. Wooden pavement is an imposition on taxpayers and a monnco to health. " Is OUll educational system a failure ? Down in Lincoln they have discovered several prominnnt citizens totally ignor ant of their business affairs. ' * ! don't know" is the prevailing form of answer to impertinent council conundrums.- collapsed * 'Bank of Omaha" bears no more relation to the financial affairs of this city than a pawnshop does to its mercantile interests. Its demise did not create a ripple as largo as that produced by a pebble thrown into the Atlantic. THE broait-neck wooden aprons that look as if they had passed through a cyclone should bo repaired or removed. The city IB likely to have serious dam age suits sooner or later on its hands resulting from accidents to pedestrians if those cross-walks bo not attended to. THE building of largo additions to the packing house plants at South Omahais indicative of the success of the pork packing industry at this point. The time is not far distant when the extent and importance of these establishments will rival any in the country. "WHATEVER way the wind may blow , the board of public worka will hold onto the chock tor two thousand dollars deposited as evidence of good faith by tlio paving firm which has thrown up its contract. Omaha will permit no trilling on the part of contractors with her publin interests. LAST week's rains extended over the vast area of grain-growing country be tween the Missouri Valley and the At lantic seaboard. Its northern boundary was South Dakota and the lakes. To eastern Nebraska and Iowa the rain was particularly beneficial , owing to the light snow-fall of winter and the scarcity of spring rains. The unusual precipitation will go far toward restor ing the How of springs and wells in the Missouri * Valley , and place growing gram beyond the danger of drought. THEHK Is every Indication that the work of surveying the arid regions o Colorado and the territories will bo pushed forward at au early day. The chiefs of divisions and heads of the sur veying parties have boon appointed nnd are already on the Hold. It remains for the president only to give the wore whether the geographical surveyor the civil service commission almll mnUo thu minor appointments before active operations orations begin. The work is uocossa rlly u great undertaking. It is not in tended to nmtto complete detail maps o the country surveyed. But it is proposot to furnish the government HiilHcion knowledge of the topography , watot supply and hydraulic conditions of thn irrigable lands within the arid illutrictsu na to demontjtrato the practicability o roolaiinlng them. The best results are likely to bo obtained lu the north for the reasons that the head waters of the 'groat rivers are centered in a compara tively small area. It is believed thu tharo is water enough in the sources o the Yellowstone- , the Platte and othui rivers to supply all the land in their vulloys capable of reclamation. The problum to the engineers is how to store nnd distribute the waters properly , tc the people of the stated und territories interested. OIL Thora Is no longer any doubt of the oxlstonco of oil in paying quantities in Wyoming. The faith of moneyed men n the discoveries Is shown by the nutn- > or of companies recently organized to secure a aharo of the now fields nnd the irollts which await the Investment. ? jcpurts from I'anpsylvunia nnd Jiow York ImVo mndd thorough oxamlna- , lens of the country nnd pronounced the oil bearing region nurprising In extent. The credit of this Important discovery ) olonga to Omaha citizens. Their energy - orgy nnd perseverance extending over a period of ton years * demonstrated that n second Pennsylvania in mineral re sources exists on our western border. Thcso men hacked their fnith with their moans , and to-day control the cream of the oil region. Of the six Nebraska companies operating in that section four are credited to Omaha , and together they own nearly four-ilflhs of the un- cuvored oil Holds. .This Inot gives Nobrnsknna superior advantages In the development of an Industry of paramount importance to the west. Will they continue In control ? Will Omaha. and the state realize "tha full benefit ot the Jdlscovory ? TJtoso are questions demanding the sorioud consideration of our money men. Wall street capital ia beginning to How into the territory , and the men who made fortunes out of the oil andUstl-y in Pennsylvania nro placing their covetous hnndt on the now Jiolds of thn West. They realize the viwt im portance of the now Jlolds and the op portunities afforded for profitable re turns on the money invested , nnd they are rtot slow to take advantage of the situation. Our moneyed men are back ward and indifferent. They must reuse themselves and back the mon whoso faith and energy are virtually crowned with success. .Quteido capitalists are already seeking a share of their property , and it is not unlikely thnt suflicient inducements will soon bo offered thorn to part with a control- ing interest. Such a transfer would bo a misfortune to the city , and yet it can hardly bo avoided , under existing conditions , because - cause the companies do not control sufficient capital to profitably handle the oil. Refineries must bo built and operated , and pipe lines constructed to convoy the crude oil from the wells to a central depot. Those essentials require a vast amount of money , but handsome roturrts are certain , not only to individ uals but. to Omaha and the stato. Local control of the oil fields moans that Omaha will bo the Cleveland of the west. It moans the construction of a pipe line from the oil Holds to this city. An d more important than all , it moans the solution of the fuel problem , which now seriously affects our industrial growth. This alone would ho of incalculable value to the city and stato. Cheap fuel means moro factories , permanent employment for labor , and a larger market for the products of the farm in exchange for the products of the mills. Every factory adds to the sum total of our prosperity. It Tjonofi'ts the mer chant as well as the mechanic , and gives strength und permanency to trade nnd population. Thcso are a few of the possibilities in store for Omaha if her capitalists take hold of the Wyoming oil fields , not for speculative purposes , but for their own und the city's good. Energetic and united notion is necessary to prevent the tide of oil Ho wing south ward toward the gulf. ON 'J-nU UNITED STATUS. It appears that all that is now neces sary to close the Samoan negotiations is an order from Secretary Elaine to the American commissioners to sign. There were some verbal changes which ho desired made , und his request for those changes were promptly acceded to. It is not understood what further reasons there are for delay , but at any rate the administration has done wisely in giving the terms agreed upon by the commissioners careful and deliberate consideration. There is no de mand for haste , while there is very great necessity that the agree ment shall bo so , clear and doli- nlto in its every provision thnt there will bo no difficulty in its interpreta tion and no loophole left for future con troversy. It should offcct a settlement that will insure the perpetual freedom of the Samoan H from all danger of hav ing their homo affairs dominated by either of the powers making the treaty , while securing equality of rights and privileges to such powers. This is the fair and just policy which the United States lias contended for in the Samoan controversy , and which it IB bound to see fully carried out. The little diflloulty which the representa tives of this country at Berlin found in enforcing the 'demands of the gov ernment evidences conclusively the soundness and the justice of its position , and the in'dofensiblo character of Ger many's attitude. Whatever further conditions Secretary Blalno may require - quire , if any , will undoubtedly bo only such as are consistent with the declared policy of this country and essential to its success , A conclusion of the con ference is expected to lie reached this week , when the terms of the ngroomont will doubtless bo mudo public. , All doubt regarding the course of the Chicago & Alton road iu thn matter of reducing lumber rates between Chicago und the Missouri rlvor , .has been rp- moved by the letter of the general man ager to the chairman of the Intor-Stato Commerce Railway association , an nouncing that a reduced rate will bo mudo Juno 1-1. H will bo remembered that this company applied to the Inter state Commerc"u Kallway assosiutlon for the privilege of making a rate of ton cants a hundred , \vl\leh \ tin ) association refused to alloW | -prosonting very cogent reasons for the refusal. Among thcKo it was paid that to ] Hirinit the reduced rate to bo mudo would very likely result In bring ing on ti rate war. The general manager - agor of the Chicago t Alton intimated at the time thnt the company would probably make a lower rate anyhow , but thu delay in doing so suggested that n different decision had boonro.iqhod , The announcement of the general man ager shows that the matter had simply won under ndvtfiomont and that the original purpose- was adhered to. The breach thus mndo id a serious natter for the railway association , and coupled with other indo- xmdont movements by railroads Jolonging to the association con at f- Aitca a serious monaco to its existence. If the decisions of the asso ciation can bo thus disregarded nnd roads connected with it can do na they [ ilcnso without restraint , of responsibil ity , it Is'manifcstl.v only a rope of sand and can not hold together. Another demand of the Alton , for n division of Lho llvo stock trnfllo to Kansas City , Is before the commission. If the de cision is against the demand the Alton will undoubtedly 'withdraw from the association , while if favorable it Is more than probable the St. Pa\il will withdraw. In either event the associ ation is very likely to suffer a loss of membership. The withdrawal of ono road and Its independent action in miiklng rates would. bo pretty auro to lead to the dropping out of others. It looks very much as if the railway associations were doomed , and after that what ? Undoubtedly a renewal of the rate wars which the association was or ganized to prevent , and more evasions and violations of the in tor-state com merce law which it was alho n purpose of the association to put an end to. The situation should suggest to the intor- Htato commerce commission the neces sity of increased vigilance and a firmer policy in enforcing obedience to the law. Tin : efforts of the democratic organs to create an impression that the rela tions between Harrison and Blaine are strained have not boon oven modcratoly successful , yet they do not tire of , the unprofitable task. The Washington correspondents of those journals return to it at brief intervals , manufacturing the most obviously absurd stories of dis agreements and of studied efforts on the part of the president to annoy Mr. Bla o. The idea sought to bo.convoyed is that President Harrison loses no op portunity to intimate to the secretary of state by his action that ho is the president , and that Mr. Blaine finds this very irritating , while ho also frets ( under disappointment in not having to control all the appointments in his department. Not only do these stories totally misrepresent the character of both the president nnd Mr.Elaine , but they have repeatedly boon shown'to bo groundless. Every circumstance goes to show that fliero aus.beon the most agreeable and satisfactory understand ing bjjtwcon the president and the secretary - rotary of state , as there has between the executive and all the members , of tno cabinet. What it is hoped to accom plish by scttiiip ; afloat such misstato- mcnts can not oassily bo conceived , par ticularly when their falsity can bo &o readily and effectively established. lx the death of Leonard Swctt , Illi nois loses ono of her most cmin'ont citi zens. Ho was foryoarstiie'law partner of Lincoln , and w"on distinction as an orator in nominating the martyr presi dent in Chicago in 1SGO. Mr. Swett held n leading position among the law yers of the west , nnd his death is a great loss to the profession. Tin : Northwestern again reiterates its determination not to cxtond'itslines into now territory this your. There is just n slight buspicion that the . .JNorth- wcstern protests too much. " ' , . -5 'Jho Generous awton Tno Quakers may sometimes bo downed at base ball , but on charity they are certainly the heaviest team in the country. Mr. llnlsf > iU III * Kyo Open. Cfiiclimitl Vnmn'rcbil-aazeUc. ' No Now York , Limn , Dayton , Hamilton , Democratic , Standard Oil , Gubernatorial , Hresldential , boodle combination is noing to work HI this Btato this .year. Wo are hero watchlnfryoiir little Ramo , Kcntlomi'in. Wo will sco you Liter. . * * A Spellbound Spellbinder. Spellbinder Mahlon Chnnus , ono of the most ublo and most popular cuuipalgjiprpiors who over advocated protection to American industries , has Ulcon unto himself a wlfo. It the wedding tour Includes all the points west and south at which Mr. Clmnco spqlco und made republican votes during the last cam paign , it will DO a long time before the spoil- bound spellbinder gets b.iulc to Now York. o An American I'onc. /iiiysai Cltu Times. Sonio of us are proto.sUuts and some- Roman Catholics , but wo are nil Americana. Put an American popa in Lco'a uhntr nnd wo'll celebrate from Mafno to California. Wo may liavo our llttlo UllToroncoa on cer tain religious tuchnluulltlos but rwo uro pa triotic to the backbone. So Jjlko i-cwiiril. . Huston Herald. Great mou Imvu thulr weaknesses. Hovorly Tuckor'a it scorns , was chauiiuxne.Vhon President Harrison , who did not know much about Bovcrlv Tucker anyway , hoard of this , it Is not at nil probable that his dhpleaiuro over the appointment of UGVurly-Tnckor Was mitigated. President Lincoln's weakness was for tolling tunny stories , souiu pr.otty broad in thnlr tone. Ho , onoo mndo a joke about the weakness of his ( secretary of utato. "I think you must bo u member of the Epis copal church , " ho said to a visitor , "you s\\oar so lllto Suward. " Jlow New York tftati * Is Governed. New Yuilt Tribune. * The obvious lesson for the Hmpiro state is that It will have to cheese botwcon govern- uiont by the liquor auloons und goyornmont by the puoplu. It is well the iaauo has boon made dellnlto at last. Vote ; , for n dem ocratic ticket mean government by ttio liquor saloons. Votes for the prohibition ticket moan the same thing exactly. Whether the Kmplro state will hereafter merit anything bettor than Governor Hill and his vetoes will depend upsii the votoi which the people may lioro.if tor cast. At proiout , it Is a state go veined by Hi BIOS shops , STATIC AND TKUIUTO It V. Nebraska Jottln a. Hall did cxtonslvo damugo to crops near Ulysses , Friday night. W. T. Roaser & Bon , confectionery nnd cigar dealers at Fulrmount have fullod. The North Nebraska Editorial association was organ Izod at West Point last wool ; und iifllccrs elected , The school census of Otoo county shows a total of 7t'Jl : , of which number Nebraska City has -J.-'JI. The premium list for the ninth annual ex hibition of the Uuffalo County Agricultural society hns boon Usmul. The fnlr will beheld held at Koarni ptcmbor 17 to 20. The WntorlA intng company has ills- tributcd 9,000 t to plants among the grow- ors In that vlcii Work hna be j : ) tnmenccd on a now JLhroo- story hotel tUl a , and the structure will bo completed 1 $ 8 ptcmbor. Horse ihiovi ot away with a valuable milmnl from stable of J. Calvcr , living near Aurora , the other night. Nine cousins of llov..T. M'cl'hcrrln , of Bennett - nott , perished Ju the Johnstown Hood , only one member of rt pJfamily being saved. The Grand Inland races , this wook. nro ex pected to furnlshtnccollont sport. Every rauo is filled nnd the purses amount to & > ,40U. L. J. Simmons , for several years editor of the Seward Reporter , has purchased an in terest In the Sioux County Journal , published at Harrison. A Chlncso Inundryman of St. Paul , named Tom Lat. has married Miss Clara Shulto , an American girl , the county judge performing the ceremony. D. Uurton , his wlfo nnd two children , of Kearney , were prostrated by a bolt of light ning which struck their rosldonco , but they will nil recover. Eihvard F. Pasjo , who has boon appointed chief clerk of .tho orduanca department of Brooklyn navy yard , wns formerly a resi dent of Crete. The Grand Island olt.v council has pre sented Mayor Platt with a handsome gavel , made of a ploco of log from the llrst building ever erected In the city. The Kwlng Democrat will not preach bourbon doctrine hereafter , C. S. Murphy having sold the paper to .1. A. Tromtnora- hnusscr , who will conduct i.t in the interest of the republican-party. loxviv ltnm . A largo hotel will bo built at Eldora this summer. Kxunvating for the Y. M. C. A. building at Dos Molnus has commenced. The Pnyotto Opera House company has Incorporated with n capital stock of $00.000. Thrco hundred Italians nro employed by the Northwestern road in the gravel pit uour LaUo View. Two carloads of lumber and SGOO In cash was Davenport's contribution to the Johns- town sufferers. The Thirty-second annual commencement of Cornell college will be held at Mount Vernon Juno 14 to ! M. Twenty-one now Knights of Pythias lodges have been established in Iowa since October , making a total of 231. Axtoll , the phenomenal three-year-old stallion , will attempt to boat the three-year- old record over a half tnllo track tor n special purse of $500 ut Cedar Rapids , Juno 27. O. H. Watklns , an ingenious youth of Now Providence , has invented n machine for binding grain and straw , nnd has applied for a patent. A company has been formed , and a trial machine- will bo built ready for the coming harvest. A widow named Mrs. Gertrude Sharp , of Muscatlnc , was caljed on a sad mission to Johnstown , Pa. , having learned that her father , , mother , three brothers , two sisters nnd her own son had boon numbered ntnong the victims of the terrible accident. A few yoara ngo , says the Waterloo Re porter , U. P. Allen , or DCS Molnos , was the great llnncclal magnate of Iowa , nnd had un limited erodit uad greatiulluonco. . Ho backed many enterprises , and his business arrangements extquued nil over the west. To-day ho Is in Angeles , clerking for u newsdealer. In the distriqT fc mrt at Dubuque about thirty-five saloon it Junction cases were no ticed for trial , and'ho Jlrs t called was Lun- beoit vs Bontly. Tlio testimony submitted wns that of a spy named Mercer from Dos Monies , who had boon hired by Captain Adams at S3 a d v. to go around and buy drinks at the different suloous. The court refused to raako a decree on the testimony of n hued spy and dismissed the caso. All the others were then continued and will not bo tried until next ( I'm. Dakota. Sioux Falls Is to have a now Presbyterian church. ff. j The Rapid CItyAroamory is now in actlvo operation. i & " , - v ' Jamestown has reduce'd the liquor license from 5300 to ? 500. The total debt of Deadwood is 513,304.13 , of which ยง 23,000 is bonded. The South Dakota circuit races will open nt Mitchell Juno 20 and continue throe Uaya. Rapid City nnd the surrounding country will grow largo quantities of apples this season. Sioux Falls hopes to secure a distillery witti a capacity of 5,000 bushels of corn daily. The loss of two children has caused Mrs. Jennie Halpln , of Brown county , to lose her reason. AVMlo talcing a pitchfork away from his five-year-old son the other day , n farmer named Lucer , living near Elk Point , hod ono of his eyes punchoJ out. Rapid City wants a narrow gauge railroad to connect her with the mineral districts of the Black Hills , and the Journal says there is good reason to bollevo that the work will bo commenced on just such a line before the city Is much older. Ayoung follow named Wnlkorof Springdale - dale , while fooling with u loaded revolver ut Crow Creek , accidentally discharged the weapon , tno ball , u 44-calibro , entering the right eye of Miss Whitchead , a belle of the Sioux tribe , who was standing near , and passed entirely through her hoad. Shu Is still living. AVYOM1NG OIli FIELDS. Several Oninha Capitalists Filing on Locutions. BUITM-O , Wyo. , Juno 9. [ Special to Tnr. BKis.JThoro were llloil with the co.unty clerk yesterday ninety locations of oil placer lands , embracing 143,000 , ucros of choice pe troleum ground In the Bonanza oil mining district of Johnson county , seventy miles west of Buffalo. The locators named , some of whom are prominent Omaha capitalists , are us follows : Ernest Riall , Russell J. Straight , Albert M. Kitchen. Daniel H. Dor- sett , Ernest V. Johnson , Charles i1. Collis , Frank A. Hccht , William E. Hawley and P. M. Shannon. The same company has ulso secured 10.000 acres of oil lands In the Salt creek ulstrict , in the southern border of this ( Johnson ) county. In nn Interview to-day Mr. Huwlov expressed himself us confident that the most sanguine expectations of the oil men who uro interested in this uectlon will b3 realisednd that thn oil excitement hora will equal the f uroro created by the dls- covory of the great petroleum Holds of Penn sylvania. Mr. Hawley und paity will re turn to the oil basin to-morrow , und oxpcct to bu here the lst'6f August with a company of seventy in eminent eastern capitalists. The Omaluij Cfuurds' Concert. The second concoct given by the Omaha Guards' baud , ut Jlanssom park , yesterday afternoon , was woJJ w.orth haarlng , nnd was listened to by fully a thousand pcoplo who hud gathered thoro.from all parU of the city. The music selected for the occasion wns all of the higher order , afid was well rendered by finbned musicians ? This is the first otu'aorios of Sunday en tertainments to bo jvon for the bandit of these who do not c.uxi to attend other ninuso- inonts of u less olarUYlng character on Sun day , und will probiibljtbq the moans of keep ing many personsfroui going outside of the city in Huurch of cnjo.v'tnent. The following selections wcro played : Omaha Guards , March H. Schunko Overture , "Bohemian Girl , " IJalfo Wtiltz , "Wein , Wolbiinp Gesonc.Strauss Finale from Arlclo Bach Overture , "Suuimor Fmtival" Curl Gavotte , "King Albjrt , " , , Reli Song , "Margarotho , " Cornet Solo Potpourri , Vorwicrta Marseh Saro Mulodlcii Bouquet .Mcyrellca To Our Ladles , Polka MazurUa..Wtcgnnd Fnnta slo , "Preclosa , " \Vobor Galop. "Good LUCK , ' ' . . , , . Lonz * Tlio IJartli Gave Way. A gentleman who lives near the comer of Jackson and Seventeenth avenue , while crossing the latter street yesterday after noon , full through a thin crust of earth to the bottom of n washout , twelve foot deep , caused by Friday night's ralu. Ho was con siderably bruised by the accident , and almost Beared to death. Complaint was made at pollcu headquarters of the condition nl the street UOW TO ABATE NUISANCES , A Lincoln Lawyer Quotas Bomo * < ' Lq/w on tbo Subjoot. K. P. MEMORIAL DAY AT CUSHMAN The Wtllnrrt W. O. T. U , nml Flower IMIssIon Dny Travolln R Men's OuiliiK Old Settlors' I'lonlo Commencement Exorcises. L1XCOL3 UOUfiA.0 OF TUB OUVdl HBR , I 1020 I > STIIBBT , V Juno 9. I "Tho social ovll Is n hard subject to man age , " said a well posted Lincoln lawyer to THE BBC bureau to-day. "Mayor Sawyer studied It , in fact ho gave it moro thought than nil the other affairs of the city basldo. Ho theorized , however , nud shot very far oft the mark. During the whole of his admin istration this evil continue. ! to grow nnd most luxuriantly thrive right under uU very nose. I do not care to discuss this subject myself , as I have no theories to advance. But even pr.nehoM might bo brought to ad mit that there are degrees of dogrodatlon and nil will say that the line of absolute ob literation and prohibition should bo drawn somewhere. Forbears n dive near tha cor ner of Eighth ami P has continued to exist , with no molestation from tbo authorities BUVO when some dastardly outrage was com mitted. If the keener or any of his con ferees went out on the strcat and dragged in a helpless victim by the hair , possibly enough nolso would develop to attract the at tention of the police , nnd the don would bo pulled. But. the police know , the mnyor knows , everybody knows that this vllo denis is in ono of the most prominent places in the city ; that it hns become n stanch in the nos trils of everyone who pisses up P street Into the city from the Burlington depot ; that it is absolutely the lowest , most degraded and loathsome don In the city , and that it should bo absolutely wiped from the face of the earth. Why isn't It done ? The cltv papers lament its existence and hold up their hands In holy horror because there is no way to suppress the festive Adam. Lot us sco : Section " 10 of the criminal cede roads ns follows : " 'Section 210. Every house or building situated In this state , used and occupied ns a house of Ill-fame , or for the purpose of uros- tltution , shall bo hold and deemed a public nuisance ; and any person owning , or having the control of. as guardian , lessee , or other wise , such house or building , and knowingly leasing or sub-lotting the sauio In whole or part for the purpose of keeping therein a house of ill-fume , knowingly or permitting the same to bo used or occupied for such purpose , or using or occupying the snmo for such purpose , shall , for every such offense , bo lined in any sum not exceeding ? 100 or im prisonment not less than thirty days nor more than six months , or.both at the discre tion of the court. , "It can hardly bo said in view of this statute , that thcro is no way to suppress them. It is a well known fact that these premises are used for this nnd other Im moral purposes ; that gambling of the lowest and most disreputable character is nightly practiced ; that the poor dupes who enter are are drugged nnd robbed , in fact that every ttiinir that is vile und low , and moan nnd grovelling Is openly practiced therein. The police , the mayor , the general public , as well 'as the 'owner and agent of the promises know it fully woll. If the city attorney does not know it some ono should take the trouble to inform him , and an action should be commenced im mediately against the owner of these prom ises under the above statute. "If this is done and this disreputable dive closed , sued scenes ns occurred the other night , when poor drunken Sadie Harper was dragged in and outraged by three negro brutes , would never occur again , at least , not on one of our most nubile streets. True , she was u prostitute , hut oven prostitutes have some rights which the public and the au- thoiities are bound to respoct. Then her little tcn-year , old girl , who yet Is pure and Innocent , would not ba subject to such con tamination. "It is true , " continued this lawyer , "that the city attorney , the miyor , thomirshul nnd the cntiro police force should wake up to the fact that this dou has had its day and should go. " The Travelers' Outing. Not much has boon said of late regarding the traveling men's outing at Cushmun park the lost week in Juno , bui the work has been going quietly on all the same , Mr. L. W. Garoutto was la Omaha , yesterday , talking with the railroad managers about rates , nnd ho reports some very successful interviews. Ho hopes to got ono furo for the round trip. The state tents have been secured nnd will bo erected on the ground. The Burlington has promised to furnish free transportation to and from the city for the entire week to such members of the association us are actu ally engaged on the road as traveling sales men. The Hon. I. W. Lansing , Governor Thuyer. Lieutenant-Governor Moiklojohn , Chancellor Crotghton and other distinguished orators will addrcas the boys. There will Do music and dancing , games , boating , foot racing , ball playing , Jumping and other out door athletic sports and pastimes. It will bo a great wook. _ 1'otntnos for .Tolmstown. Superintendent \ . E. Thompson , of the Burlington , sent cast yostonlny , as his per sonal contribution to the sufferers at Johns town , Pa. a car containing GOO bushels of potatoes. _ Flnwor MisHion Dny. Flower Mission day was observed by the ladies of the Mlllurd W. C. T , U. to-day. A largo numbar of beautiful flowers were col lected and arranged , Saturday , and to-day , committees visited the penitentiary , the asylum , the Homo of the Friendless , the hos pitals , the county and city jails , and oacli in mate was rewarded with ono of these em blems of puilty and goodness. TUB BUB ofllco wns uracod with the presence of a com mittee , consisting of Miss Emma B Gillcs- plo and Mrs. vVutson , who left a largo and imndsomo bouquet on the table. THE BBB returns thanks. At the penitentiary the services were very elaborate and doubtless entertaining the convicts. Elder uowo , the chaplain , opened the exercises with ono of.hls short , crisp In- Htructivo talks. Ho was followed by Mrs. Angip Newman nnd Mrs. II W- Hardy , with short sensible talks to the prisoner * , suitable to the occasions. Those services were enlivened by solos bv Miss Ethel Howe aii'l ' recitations by Miss Almena Pnrkor , 'IKo IJiiccnlauriito A < ldrrH3. The Buccolaurate address to the gradu ating class was dellvorc.l nt Funck's opera house , at 8 o'clock this evening , by the Rev. Dr. J. T. Duryca , of Omaha , to a largo and cultured nudlonco of Lincoln's best people , and the friends nnd relatives of the students. Accompanying the address was a pleasing service of vocal and instrumental muslu. Dr. Duryea's address was a scholarly production , full of the soundest suggestions to the class. Tlio K. I' , aioiiiorlul Service. In accordance with the edict from the BU- promo lodge , which had been promulgated in this state by the grand chancellor , Will H. Love , the Knight * of Pytniaa of the four lodges and tuo uulforraod rank met nt Castlu hall at 1:30 : this afternoon , and then pro- reeded In line of march to the First Congre gational church , ut L and Thirteenth , where a memorial sermon was delivered by the Rov. E. 8. Ralston , pastor of tha Plymouth Congregational church , of this cltv. At the conclusion of this uddruss the 1C. P.'s marched to the corner of Eighteenth & O , vhoro carriages were In waiting , and the paity was convoyed to Wyulcu ceme tery where thu lodge memorial services were conuuotod over thulr graves , which were then covered with wreaths and bouquets of ( lowers. _ . University Field Sports. The Hold sports and exorcUai on the o im- pus of the state university Saturday were well attended und unusually wtorostlnir , though tbo rain ia th uttwuoon broka lute thorn and nn adjournment vrns taken until Friday nt I o'clock \ \ m. The following nwnrds were rondos Ono hundred yard ilnsh. Contestants } Newcomer , Honloman , A M. Troycr and O. W. Sltllos. Troycr llr&t , Newcomer second. Time , ton nnd n half seconds. Long run , ono-halt mile. Contestants : Hnll , Tltlfcloy nnd Mnrsland. Hall llrst , Mnrslnnd second. Time three minutes nine seconds' Standing broad Jump. Contestants : New comer , Wiilto , Troyor. Newcomer nlno feet five inches , Tro.vcr Jilno foot four Inches. Running broad lump. Contestants ! New comer , Troyor , White. Newcomer seventeen foot , eight and. one-quarter inches , Troycr sixteen foot shrinchos. Two hundred ami ton yards dash. Con- tostints , White , Tingloy , Stockton and Tingloy. Stockton llrit , Tingloy second. Time , twontv-flvo seconds. Casting twenty-pound shot. Contestants , Almy , Brown , Newcomer , Williams , Jewell and Cornell , Cornell , twenty-seven feet , eleven nnd ono-lmlf Inches ; Williamstwonty- slx feet , llvo Inches. In the light-weight wrestling contest Hob- bard , Skllos , Woods and Pollard contested. The preliminary bout resulted In fuvor of Woods uiid Stilus. Almy , Scott , Hansom nnd Bryan cnteroil for thn heavy-weight contest. The victors in the preliminary contest were Almy nnd Brvuu. The Judges ivoro Shlmok and Emory , of the university , nnd rnuikfortor , ot the high school. Coiiiincnonnicnt Woric. The following is briefly the programme for commencement week at the State Uni versity. Monday forenoon : Prlro battollions drill on the campus. In the evening , the first annual exhibition of the Dollan society. Tuesday , 8:30 : : Class day exorcises at the University chapel. Afternoon : Continuation of the Hold day sports continued from Saturday. At 5 p.m. , meeting of the Alumni asso ciation. Address by Prof. Gcorgo E , How ard , of the university. 0 p. m. : Banquet' Nebraska hall , fol lowed by a social reunion. Wednesday , 10 n. m. : Commencement proper. 8 p. m. : University reception. Xlio Alliance. Number 1 , volume 1 , of the Alliance , anew now labor paper , was laid on TUB BBE'S table this morning. It. is a seven column folio , nnd Is printed by the AUIauoo Publish ing company , and is edited by J. M. Thomp son , of thoiNobruska State alliance. City News nml Notes. The Jury In the celebrated Fodawa will case brought in n vordlct at 10 o'clock last night , sustaining the validity of the will. The case will go to the supreme court. The city library lias 0,071 volumes and ro- celves sixty-three current publications. It is on a solid financial footing nnd is well pat ronized by the pooplo. Captain-General Coronndo , who Is ex pected to visithis , friend , King Tartarax , In in this city , on July 4 , sent n commission yes terday to Sir Richard Berlin , appointing him , to the high and mighty office of duke of Douglas and carl of Omaha , and command ing his presence , with his peons and his squlros , clad in nrmor nnd bearing long spears , to assist the captain-general on thnt occasion In properly paying his respects to the great king. Material for ono mile of track of the Bethany street railway was ordered yester day. day.Mrs. . Dr. O. F. Lamhortson died this even ing at 7:80 : in child-birth. Dr. Lambortson is a brother of the Hon. G. M. LamDcrtsoa of this city. The putting of children in Jail with their dissolute parents is becoming too common in this city. Sadie Harper and her little ton- year-old girl were thirty-six hours in the city Jail. Mary Uronnan nnd her throe- year-old child occupied the county Jail for sixty days , when the rather of the child was anxious to care for it on tbo outside. And now the three llttlo children of Bob AVooas , tha colored man who was murdered some six weeks ago , have been put In the cell with their mother , who is held for complicity in the murder. It is said to bo only temporary , but such temporary expedients are of doubt ful pioprlety. It is now proposed to put an electric rail way in operation from West Lincoln to the penitentiary. The old rapid transit track nnd cars will bo used. The projcctois promise that the line will bo in successful operation before winter. There will 00 n meeting nt the Congrega tional church Monday evening , Juno 10 , to make arrangements for beginning the study of the "Messiah" nnd other great musical productions. The "Messiah" will bo pro duced during Christmas week. Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond will continue at the bead of the work. The old settlers plcnlo at Cushman park , Juno 0 , promises to bo something worth going miles to sco. The association was Just orga nized a few weeks ago , but it now numbers 333 members. Thcro will bo a game of ball between a picked nlno o ( the old settlers and a picked nlno of the late comers to the county. The nine from tbo old settlers will consist of the following well known sports : E. Hallett , Major Hastings , H. Vandorpool , L. B. Trcoman , W. A. Daggett , J , W. Cas tor , Robert Mitchell , Billy McLaughlln nnd J. V. Wolfe , who will captain the team. West Lincoln expects un oat meal milt In the near futuro. Twenty-one building permits were Issued last week , aggregating ? 23r > 00. The total permits so far In 1889 nggrognto 5078.&I5. Labor Commissioner Jenkins has addressed a circular to the various count clerks ask ing for the names of persons engaged In rais ing or thu manufacture of sorghom. Farmers and others who sco this notice can nld the commissioner in collecting these statistics by sending in the names of such parsons as they may know of onsaijed In this work. The Pleasant Hour club will give a plcnlo nt Cushmnn park on the evening of Juno lit , The train will leave the Burlington depot at 4 p. in. , and dancing will , begin ut 0:30. : Thu moonlight nights will make this u most pleasant affair. Bishop Skinner nnd his Red Ribbon club hold nn Interesting service ut 4 o'clocic , this afternoon , in their now temple nt Twelfth and T. The exercises were enlivened by the presence of a number of colored musicians , who sang the old plantation soml-rellgious melodies with enthusiastic vigor. The at tendance was largo. Street cars will make the Missouri Patslfla and Elkhorn depots after this. The Musoe was opened , this afternoon und evening , the proceeds to go to the Johns town sufferers. The attendance was largo und a Imndsomo sum realized , The wlfo of James Daily , of the Burling ton , is very low with neuralgia of the womb. So low , in fact , that her life is despaired of. Hon. W. A. Dllworth and Hon. Charles Tanner , of Hastings , nro In tlm city to-day and will remain until to-morrow noon. Tan ner gave it nut cold that ho had heard that it was Impossible to get any booie In this city on the bubbath day under the now regime , und na this feature , if true , was BO novel in character ns to cause ganeral comment throughout the west , ho nnd Dllworth had boon sent down as a committee to investigate and report. Ralph E. Johnson , ono of the recent high Bohool graduates , will leave Tuesday for Spencer. Indiana , where ho will revisit the scones of his curly youth. The wlfo of Colonel W , L. Hunter , of the Sunday Morning Glebe , presented him to-day with u winner in the shape of n twonty-flvo pound boy. Syrup goes. THIS .iovi''ui < cum ST. Subject oT llov. lit. 1'nttorflon'N Bun- clay MornipK DlHooiiwc. At the Masonic hall Rev. Dr , Patterson ( Uulvaraullrt ) preached Sunday morning nnd evening. Ills .topic In the morning \vas 'The Joyful Christ , " fruin John 17:13. : "These things I apeak In the world , that they may have my Joy fulfilled in themselves. " Wo will limn for you as well as wo can n verbal portrait of the Joyful Christ. The artists of the mlddlo a es , und even of mod ern times , have tin own too sombre n colorIng - Ing upon their portraits of the Savior , Wo recall but two or throe exceptions to thin rule , nmong all the Christ fnues , which ndorn the ohurchoa nnd urt Bnllcrios of the old world. Theology hns Joined hands with art In male. Ing Christ the norrow < bearer of mankind. Ho was Indeed "a man of sorrow and ac quainted With Brief. " At the sumo time , If vro study Ills ilcopor spirit nml llfo , wo shn * sco thnt his was ono of the mo * blessed nud happy lives thnt over gladdened the earth , Ho docs not rep resent himself ns burdened with pain nml woo. Ho scorns to have felt ho had such fullness of clndncss thnt If ho couhl Impart - part It to the souls of men It would till thorn with unspeakable Joy. 1. The perfect polso of faculties which wo Und In him is n constant source of happiness. Ho wns n healthy soul , animating n himlthy body. There wcro no horodltnr.v taints , cither in his bra n or blood , Ho brought upon himself no form of phyolcnl 111 by the viola tion of the laws ofjlfo. Ho ministered to the Ills of others , but wo have no evidence that ho over had occasion to heal diseases of Ills own. To this physical manhood , liner than n Greek Apollo , wns added n perfect montnl orannism. There were no diseases of tha mind to cloud his llfo , no derangements of the nerve forces to Interrupt the easy How of happiness. Ho snw things ns they nro , nnd wns never weighted , ns wo often nro , by unreal or borrowed trouble. Thcro were wltn him no sorrows growing out of n pcrvoitod conscience , no neglected to bu deplored , to sins to bo ntoncd , Anil can wo conceive of ono whoso cntiro nature , purpose nnd work , were nt- tuncd to the Invv nnd purpose of Uod , ns oth erwise than happy 1 J. Ho experienced the serene satisfaction which springs from love nnd trust. Ho loved God Bupro.noly. Ho trusted God Implicitly. Ha loved man tenderly. Ho understood ni none over did since or before , the worth nml possibilities of the human soul. Hatred and distrust , those hateful roots of bitterness never found lodgement In his heart. 8. Ho felt nlso the Joyful inspiration of nn exalted pin pose. One can never fall of hap piness whoso llfo Is dominated by exalted aims. One with ignoble nlina can never know the leal Joys. Much of our unhnppl- ncss has its root In sclllshncRs. Onr plans renter largely In ourselves. Those plans ilo not always nuccccd , ns wo feel n sense of loss. Or If they do succeed , selfishness can never bring rounded joy. Christ had none of this solllsh ambition. Hcnco ho escaped the sorrows which spring from the root nnd soil of Bullishness. Ho was whololy unselfish , Huuco ho experienced the Joys which nro natural to the generous soul , ns song Is natural to the lark , or fragrance to the son. 4. Not only wns Christ thrilled by exalted purpose , he was cheered by conscious power. Wo nro pained by our limitations. Wo sco ovll nnd sorrow nud suffering which wo cannot alleviate or remove. Ho could say in the midst of these "AU power Is glvon unto mo In heaven and' In earth , " and ho could show by deed as well as word , that he was mighty to heal nnd comfort. Are wo told thnt men rejected him and bis offer of mercy , nnd that the joy which might have filled his heart was changed to sorrow by the ill appreciation of mankind ) Yes , But did nil reject him ! Ware not the de- ciplcs , when called , quick to follow him ! Did not the common people hoar him cladlyl Did not the llttlo band of faithful ones , when gathered about htm , become the ecod corn of n triumphant church ) Wo nro accustomed to speak of Christ's earthly ministry , ns If Itvcio n failure. But did ho deem It n failure ) Did ho not exclaim in tones of exultation , oven nmld the pains of martyrdom : "I have flnlahud the work which thou gnvost mo to dol1 'Nor were the successes whlnh attended his earthly ministry nil thnt ho had to sustain him. Ho belonged to the true rnco of prophets. In the falling seed ho could BOO the ripened harvest. As ho taught in the temple , or down by the soa'ns ho healed by the wnysldo , or stood nt tha gate of Nnln , as ho wept over Jerusalem or bent under the weight of the cross , the scroll of futur ity was unrolled. Ho saw his gosuol ex tending until it controlled the trono of the Ctcsnrs. Ho saw it sweep on , through tb6 Gerrann forests nnd ncross the plains 61 Italy , nud enthrone Itself In tbo British Is lands. Ho saw it take shipping In tbo May flower , nnd light Its beacon Arcs on these far western shores. Ho saw the Idols of pagan ism go down before it , und the manacles fall from the limbs of slaves. Ho saw purer customs and bettor loves and larger liberty , and happier and moro peaceful homos , extending - tending with his gospel from the river to the ends of the earth. He said the king doms of this world , nro becoming moro nnd moro the kingdoms of the Lord , nnd earth became - came a section ot heaven , nnd the two world's blended into ono , and the ransomed family v of God , bowing before the king , cried , "Holy I Holy ! Lord God Almighty ! " ' ; Worthy Is the Lamb that was slam , to receive riches , and wisdom , nnd honor and ulcsslncr. " "Blessing and dory nnd power bo unto him that slttoth upon the throne. " "And for the Joy that was sot before him , ho endured the cross. " Christ calls us into his servlco. not that wo may wear u mantle of sack-cloth. Ho calls us to privilege , to freedom , to worship with God. He calls us that wo may know the worth of llfo , that his Joy may bo m us , and thnt our Joy may bo full , satisfying , everlast ing. ' . Dr. Patterson announced his purpose to organize a Unlvorsallst church next Sunday , nnd invited nil who nro In sympathy wi ] " this movement , and would like to ooino iql this fellowship , to report to him before * day. For tlio Flood Sufferers. The general committee appointed to collect funds for the Johnstown sufferers will moot In bonrd of trade ball , this morning. At the close of business , Saturday evening , Treas urer Fred Mlllard had received and remitted to the proper authorities at Johnstown , $4,771.70. In addition to this amount , nearly $1,000 hns gone out of Omaha to relieve tbo distressed nnd destitute pcoplo of that city. The general collections up to date are $2,233.75 ; from tlio Omaha street railway company , $13 ; dry goods and wholesale mon , $335 ; collected by Hon. W. A. Paxton , 880 * ; from the lawyers , $335 ; Union Pncillo shops , $78.25 , und various other smaller sums , The African M. E. church , corner of Eighteenth nnd Webster streets , Rov. P. A. Hubliard , pastor , took up n collection of $00 for the Johnstown sufferers yesterday. The funds will bo turned ever to-day. The fnshionablo Indies' correotlvo tonio is Angostura Blttors , the world renowned tonio of De. J. G. D. & Sons. Ask your druggist. Keductlon In lOxpcnses. Tbo reduction in the appropriation by the council for expenses for the remainder of the year , made at the last meeting , was ns fol lows ; Council expenses from $10,000 to $13,500 , treasurer from $10,000 to $0.000 , street commissioner from $30,000 to $27ZiOO , suporlntonnont of plumbing from (4UOO to $ .1,000 , poiico court from $5,600 to (5,000 , , election expenses from fc3,500 to $3DOO , com pilation nf tax list from $3,000 to 12,000 , board of health from M,000 to $3,000 , nud tha fund for "dumages" was cut off the list completely. _ . _ A Word About Catarrh , . "It ts the mucous mtHnurnnn that \voiul > rfu Homl-llului'nYolope tmrroumllnc thedollcato tis sues of thu ulr uiid rood passages , thatCutairU taakos Us stronghold. Onto ostnljllnhcd , It eits Into the vmy vitals , nnfl romlors llfo but a long- drawn breath ofmUery and dlucnse , dulling tno sense of hearing , trammeling the power of bpuoali.ilustroylimtlio f.irulty of miioU , UhlUiuc the Ijrontli , nnd Killing the rollnod pleasures ot tiiHtc. Insidiously by creeping on from nslmplo oo'dlntho ' hoiid , U lus.iiuiltn tlio membranous lining nml ouvulouus tlm bonej , outliu through the delicate rontt and ciumlng Inlliunmntluii. xlonu'hlng nnd duatli. Nothing Khort of totul eradication 111 suuiiru Hu.ilUi to the patient , aud nil iillovlntlvoii are Hlmplr procrastinated nutToi- InuM , loading to a fatal termination. BA NV OIID'H KADIUAI , OUIIK. by ln > t < iltitlnn nud by Internal mlmlnhtuUlon has iiovcr failed : even when tha UUuaso ha m.ulu filglitfnl Iniandi on tlellcuto constitutions , hearing , Hindi und laslo Imvolieen jecovcreil , nml the dUeauuthoioughly driven out. " MANKOUD'S lUniCAi.Oimi : consists of ono bot- tloortlio lUniCAr , Cumonu box UATAIUIIIA.I , Hor.MSNT , andono IMIMIOVBD INIIU.I'.II. neutty wrappud In uuo patUucc. with full dliuctloiu ; piltw , * I.O ) . l'orn-ii UKUO & CIIKMIC.U. COUI-OIIATION , WEAK , PAINFUL BACKS , Jvtdneyiind Ut.'ilua 1'alin nnd Weak- liiTiauj , rollovod In ONE MINUJ-J : 1 > t the //in 'OUrlCUHV ' ANTI-l'AIf I'l.AUTKII , the vt tlrdt anil only naln-killliiK plaster Now InstuntaiieoiiH , liirallbla. The moJtpaifeet untldoto to 1'alii. IntUcunatlQii nud Weakness ycr romiiounrteil , Vnetly superior to nil other At iiH druggists , S5o ; llvo for$1.or pOttURD fl'JU Ot 1'Ormi DliDO ANll Co. , Jtoslon , ilas * . ? ml R" urluury troubles oanllyT quick * rV I U II U I ly and uufely curuu bylJUUTUUA Cap sules. Bovuralcasmi Hired m bovendiwt , Hold atll.M ) per buic , nil tlruvndsts , or by mall frow IJoclUJu M't'fc' Co. IUVUtu dt , W. loua.