Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1889, Part II, Image 9

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India Llncu Suits , with straight tucked
Rklrt ? , Imsqncs tucked back nud front ,
with collar nud cuffs of embroidery , arc
very clicaj ) at Sfil } ami veil worth $5.
rrclty India Lawn Sntl , draped skirt
mid full back , both skirt and basque
trimmed with rows of Swiss Embroid
ery } these suits arc bargains at $4.00 ;
at $ G. 75.
All-over Embroidered Suits , Empire
waists , with satin belt and full skirts ;
were bought to sell for 812.50 ; actually
ghcn away when sold at $0.75.
Fine All-over Embroidered Suits ; full
skirts , with either basques or Empire
waists ; 'worth $15 ; great bargains at
A splendid Una of White Suits , In .Irish
point , flno hemstitched or embroidered
suits , or in pique , plau ! or all-over em
' broidered ; best and cheapest line of sty-
llsi : White Bulls In the city.
Interesting Coming Events at the
News From the Ball Field Now York
, TS. Omnlm A Big Sweepstakes
llncc Miscellaneous Sport
ing Squibs , Etc.
Now York vs Omahn.
The nix-day match bicycle race between
Miss Lottio Stanley , of New York , and Miss
Lily Wllllums , of this city , begins to-morrow
evening , at the Coliseum , at half past ?
o'clock. The race is for $1,000 a side ; three
hours each evening , and continuing through-
' .out the week. Billy O'Brien , the well-known
New York sporting man , is backing Stanley ,
uml E. S. Flage , of this city , Williams , nnd
thcro Is but littles doubt but that the event
will prove ono of the most interesting that
bus .vet taken place in the building. Miss
Stanley has long been looked upon as the
champion lady bicyclist of the country , nnd
as this Is her llrst nppcaranco here , she will
probably prove n great drawing t-ard. All
the patrons of the Coliseum know full well
what Eortof arldcrMiss Williams Is , and that
Is , ono of the cleverest and speediest In the
buslucbs. The prevailing opinion Is that she
will fltid an easy victim in the Now Yorker ,
but like base ball , bicycle races are extremely
unccituin. The sporting editor of TUB Bun
has been selected as referee.
The Grtfml Swropstnkr * Race Itogin-
iilne Juno IMth.
The greatest bicycle ruco that has ever
been run in this city will bo the sweepstake
race between Lottlo Stanley , Jessie Oakes ,
Lily Williams nnd Edna Woods , for $250 a
tide , nt the Coliseum during the Inst week of
the present month. The conditions nro six
Cays , four hours riding per day , nnd open to
the world. Ono hundred dollars is now de
posited with the First National bank of
Omnhi , the remaining (150 a sldo to bo made
good by a p. m. Wednesday , Juno 18 , the
nforcBiilil bank to bo final stakeholder , and
In obeying the decision of the referee to bo
exempt fi am nil legal proceedings In courts
of law. Each competitor to bo allowed
one attendant nnd her backer outside the
ropes , all other persons to bo excluded irom
the truck , U is further ngreed that the ref
eree shall bo appointed on the day of the
final deposit , and his decision shall bo final.
The competitors to bo started and stopped by
thu report of n pistol , and to start each even
ing from within six yards of the finishing
point- ) ! the preceding evening , The sweep- ,
BtukcH nnJ pule money to bo divided us fol
lows : 'I ho stukcs nnd 40 per cent of goto re
ceipts to iho winner ; BO per cent to lady fin
ishing Bccond ; SO per cent to lady finishing
third , nnd 10 per cent to lady flnlshlne
fourth. ' 1 lie race to bo run according to the
rules of the L. A. W.
Tncro will bo no chance to cry "fake" or
"hlppodromu" so far as < thls race is con
cerned , or. n more boua fldo or uo nnd up
event wcs never arranged for. There is
much feeling existing nmoiig the backers of
tbo various contestants , and there will bo
buslit'ls of excitement throughout the prepress -
press of the btrugslo.
Ilia LliiOsny.Nccdhnin Mill.
Charles Kennedy , of Chicago , a brother of
AU Kennedy , the well known sporting man ,
md backer of Billy Meyers , the pugiUit , was
in the city several days this week , evidently
for the purpose of making final arrangements
for the cmuliiir will between Jimmy Lind ay ,
oi this city , nud Danny Needham , of SU
I'nul , 'Iho light will come off at Knnsus
City , und will ho for a puree of $1,000 , sub
scribed by dub men of Iho town on tbo
Unapproachable Never Before
Low Prices ! Such an Opportunity.
J , L , BRANDEIS & SONS , 502 , 504 , 506 , 508 , 510 South 13th Street , Corner Howard. J , L , BRANDEIS & SONS.
Owing to our gigantic fire sale just concluded , our immense new regular stock of
Summer 3Dry Goods has feeen crowded to one side. The season is now so far advanced
that these goods must go AT O3STCS. And in reality they v/iSl foe almost given away as
you can see by the prices below.
A Mnniifitcliircr's
. 'Entire ' Stock of 8000
Ladled end Misses' '
All elegant color * , not a
pair wortulessthnnL'Oc ,
To-morrow , choice for
Only 0 pairs sold to each
All the Indies' and Misses'
Imdicn' Very Finest Imported
Kaw. Both men have boon m arduous
training for thrca weeks , and Lindsay is al
ready in the pink of condition , in bettor
flhtmg trim than over before in his lifo.
This will evidently stand him well in hand ,
as in Needhain ho will find a foeman of such
gainencss , ability and cleverness as ho has
never faced before , and ho must needs exor
cise every resource to hold up his ona. However -
over , the prognostication is made that if
Lindsay does not win , Nccdham will fully
realize that he has had a light when ho gets
through. A largo delegation of the Omaha
fancy will go down to see the battle.
The September Exposition.
The stockholders of the Coliseum will hold
a meeting at the building June 18 , for the
purpose of "taking the preparatory steps to
ward holding a grand intor-stato exposition
hero during : the month of September.
Amonir the Amateur rtykcrn.
Total members of L. A. W. May 30 , O.GOO.
Cramer Bros , have ordered a Premier
safety tandem and will make things hustlo.
It is said Francisco will ride n safety
hlcyclo us soon as ho can make up his mind.
The Bicycling World's Omaha rorrespond-
cnt seems to have fizzled out entirely. Ah ,
there 1 Jimmy , mo boy I
The Bicycling World of this week has a
very good cartoon on the "road hog , " enti
tled , "As wo have mot the road hog , and as
wo hone to meet him. "
Run to Blair to-day , leaving the club rooms
at 7:80 : a. m. sharp , the run to Glcnwood
being abandoned on account of going that
way on the 100-mIlo rldo.
There have never been so many accidents
on a ride as on the 100-tnllo run ; two wheels
bucked , arms and feet sprained , and one of
the boys claimed to have sprained his face ,
but that , of course , is overdoing the matter.
A striking illustration of the ease with
which ladles learn to ride the safety bicycle
Is that of a young lady hero , without previ
ous experience on any form of 'cycle , ob
tained complete control of her machine after
tbreo-quarters of an hour experimenting ,
and succeeded In mastering the mount on
the first attempt.
Seventeen men started on the century run ,
only four finishing , the others taking the
train at various points along the route. It Is
safe to soy that a tougher 10(1 miles never
was run out of Omaha. The exact distance
covered being 118 miles , seventy miles of It
ever hills near enough to ono another to look
Hue the teeth of u cross-cut saw , and part of
the last twenty-three mile douo trough a flno
F. Bodoch run the Chicago Pullman handi
cap road race Mag 80 , his time being ono
hour und thirteen seconds. A. E. Lumsun
wins the tlmo medal , riding the distance in
fifty-six minutes nud forty-five seconds. The
road Is said to have been in a horrible heavy
condition. Mr. II. D. Cony , whom all wheelmen -
men Know , has gene uack fnto the 'cycle bus-
ness , having accepted the position of secre
tary of the Sprlnglleld Manufacturing com
Flashes From the Diamond.
Burdick is again pitching for Indianapolis.
Kansas City has again laid off "Chlppoy'I
O'Lcory , formerly of Omaha , Is * blaylng
Drst for Houston.
.Porry Wordco loads the batting in the
International association.
Catcher Schllknocht , formerly of the Mil-
waukecs , has signed with Davenport.
Minneapolis to disappointed in both her
Now York acquisitions Foster and Wagon-
The barbers and the commercial men will
play for the benefit of the Crocho at the ball
park this afternoon.
So far on the present trip the O malms
liavo played three errorless game. Pretty
fair , don't you think I
The released Milwaukee players severely
criticise Button's management , and claim
that he Is in his dotage.
The Oxuhas will bo home two weeks from
to-day and play the first of a series of three
games with the Minneapolis team ,
The barber * and S.P. . Monto's team playa
game of ball at the association grounds this
afternoon for the benefit of the Creche.
Juck Mcssitt strained u tcndou iu ono of
At 9C.
Double Fold Bnslfou Cashmere , good colors ,
goods well worthlMc.
At 12G.
lllatk Inco Wool Grenadines ; Just the thing
for summer wear.
At 19c.
40-Inch rnullsh Cashmere , good quality , all
the most staple colors ami black ; well worth
Sac.At 25c.
400 pieces All Wool Suitings , plain checks
and strlnos ; suitable for summer wear ;
worth up to 73c.
At 35c.
All Wool Foule do llolgo , All Wool Flno
Cheviots , In plain stripes , plaldb , checks
and novelties ; worth up to Tuc.
At 50c.
42-Inch All Wool Imported French Henriet
tas In all the latest shades and black.
At 75c.
. Wo will sell all the high novelties In Dross
Goods In our btoro. Including the most ox-
cnilslto styles In band goods and combina
tions , that sold ut 81.50 and $1.75.
bis logs at Cellar Rapids and was scut homo
to recuperate. Ho'll bo all O. K. by the IGth.
The Omalrns play iu St. Paul this after
The Garncaus and the Suow Flakes play
at Manawa park this afternoon.
The scores of amateur games , if sent in
to tho.baso bull editor of Tuc BEE , will bo
promptly published.
Per oraor of President Niek Young , of the
National league , hereafter when only one
umpire is engaged in n game , ho must stand
in his old position behind the batter.
The new Western league is now about or
ganized with clubs located in Wichita and
Hutchinson in Kansas anil Lincoln , Beatrice ,
Hastings and Grand Island in Nooraskn.
Sandy McDermott , the umpire , receives
only the most flattering encomiums from the
Dress everywhere ho ofllciates. Ho will be
in the National league in another season.
Mark that.
Under the new rules the uncertainty o
the game was never so s riklncly illustrated.
Teams with as big n margin as n lead of six
or seven runs in the curly part of the game
have boon beaten out when victory seemed
absolute. At Minneapolis , a wcelt ago , the
homo team hud a lead of 10 to 1 in tlio llfth
inning , but DCS Moincs wont in and made 0
in the sixth and 0 in the seventh and won the
Brooklyn's now and clover catcher , Char
ley Reynolds , Is known in the west as "tho
pedagogue , " because during the winter ho is
a school teacher. Ho is twenty-four years of
ago , weighs 175 pounds , and is live feet nine
inches in height. Reynolds' professional
career commenced In ' 80 , when ho was with
the Leavonworths. In " 87 ho commenced
the season with the Kansas City club and
finished it with Hastings. The season of
'S8 found him in the ranks of tho.Blues
Moncos' Kansas City Cowboys of the west
ern brand" and his release was purchased
with that of Long and others.
Miscellaneous Sport ? .
V A grand cocking main between Omaha
and Chicago is on the tupis for the near fu
The Chicago Snorting Journal is ono of
the nowsicst and brightest sporting sheets
in the country.
A cocking main , a dog light an a aglovo
scrap constitutes the bill of faro far South
Omaha to-day. '
Ttio sack race nt the Collaoum this eve
ning will furnish any amount of sport.
Knapp is selling first in the pools.
George Kendall und .Ed. Young , local
athletes , uro in St. Louis in attendance at the
spring trial trials of the Amateur Athlotlo
club of that city.
Quito a delegation of Omaha horsctnnn
will go ever to Chicago on the 24th to wit
ness the American derby , which will bo run
on the day following ,
There will bo an interesting cocking main ,
consisting of seven battles , for SU3 a battle
and 1200 , on the main , north of the village of
Florence , this afternoon , ,
Miss Lottlo Stanley , of Now York , and
Miss Lily Williams , of this city , uro matched
for a 100-tnllo race at the Lake Manawa ball
park next Sunday afternoon.
Shock otters to giveMordis a 100 milo han
dicap In a twelve hour a day , six-day race ,
out the dago says be can give Shock that
much of a handicap in a three hour u day
The programme arranged for the Coliseum
this evening is a particularly interesting ono ,
and a largo crowd should attest their appro ,
'elation of Manager Princo's generosity and
enterprise by goinir out to bee the auort.
The proceeds , it will bo remouibercd , go to
the Johnstown sufferers.
Frank Parmoloo is in Cincinnati , In attend
ance at the llrst annual tournament of the
American Shooting association , which begins
tliuro on Tuesday next. C , W. Uudd , of Des
Moincs , and J. H. Stlcc , of Jacksonville , 111. ,
accompanied the Omaha shot. The tourna
ment will bo conducted under the now
graduation or classification rules , and Par-
molco , Uudd and Stlco arc entered in class
A , which will contain none but the crack
professionals. The trio will bo heard from.
Questions unil AnsworH.
Who stele the twtilro bases Omaha Is cred
ited with in the flrst two game * of the last
nig lot of rornants of flno Checked and
Striped White Goods ; worth up to 1-Sic
Ono case finest quality Victoria Lawns and
India Linen , 31 inches wide.
ICO pieces line Nalnsodk Checxs In 20 differ
ent patterns , all elegant goods , worth liio
Very fine Lace Striped White < 3oods , worth
up to "Cc.
u *
All the very llfrcsfclmportod India Linen. 40
Inches wide , nnd elegant llgured , striped
and checked White Uoods ; worth up toUJo
Sioux City series ! " \Dd ! Omaha steal any
bases at all while in'Denvor , If so who stole
thorn ? Frank Wilson ) Omaha.
Answer. Crooks , Coonoy , Canavan nnd
Willis. (3. ( ) Four ; Willis 2 , Nuglo 1 and
Canavan 1.
What is the best record for a 300-yard foot
race , and by whoiniinade ? Who won the Chicago
cage bicycle race. 'Minor Bros. , Red Cloud ,
Neb. f
Ans. Thirty seconds ; H. Hutchens , Eden-
burgh , Scotland , January 2 , 1884. (2) ( ) . Ned
Reading , of Fort Omaha.
'Whoro can I got a book that will toll me
how to throw the different curves } Aspir
ant , Grand Island.
Ans. General Frederick and C. S. Raymond
mend , of this city , nro writing ono con-
lolntly. Guess you'll have to wait , until it is
On what day did February 19 , 1670 fall on ?
Reader , Plattsmouth.
Ans. On Saturday.
What is the approximate of the heaviest
dog living ) At what ago is a St. Bernard
supposed to have reached his majority ? W.
W. , city.
Ans. Joe Emmett's Plinllmmon is the
heaviest dog 1 knownnytblng nbout.At onetime
time he weighed 210 pounds. (2) ( ) The St.
Bornurd stops growing in height at about
eighteen months , but 'keeps on aovoloping
for a year or more. ,
Greek John Haven't much faith in wrest
ling matches. Of la to years about all of
them have been fakes for gate receipts. The
Jap , Suraklcbi. Is clever , but not nearly as
scientific as Muldoon , Acton or Cannon.
There are a half doroq men in the United
States who can down down Carkeek ,
Herman H. H. No attention is paid to
communications asking of what nationality ,
to what religious denomination or to what
political party this or that player belongs.
Cleveland is a married man.
Will you please state in SUNDAY Moux-
INO'S BUG , where St. Paul lost this season ?
You have ono more game lost than the other
papers , and I believe you are right , but want
to bo convinced. George C. Kldd , Nebraska
Ans.--Ono to Omaha , at Omaha ; ono to
Sioux City , at Sioux City ; ono to St. Joe , at
St. Joe ; ono to Sioux City , nt St. Paul ; ouo
to Minneapolis , at St. Paul , and ono to Min
neapolis , at Minneapolis , !
Will you please Inform mo where I can get
the rules govcrnlmrtho American TroUing
association and oullgqmv old subscriberl-
C. H. Woller , Harrison , Jfcb.
Ans. A. G. Spauldinir/Chicago.
Was there ever a ponyjKin n half mile nt
the Omaha fair crounfli In 48 seconds' )
Jacob Grof , general pussohgcrofllco Vabash
railway , Chicago , 111. <
Ans , Not that was ever hoard of.
Can you Inform mo of itno ago , height and
weight of Peter Jackson , ' the colored Aus
tralian lighter. Bob Ca\int \ , Council Bluffs. '
Ans. Twenty-eight yeirrs ; six foot ono
and u half incu'es ; 'UvT ( hundred and six
A 6on'sv8nicllc.
Chnrlca Doltzel , a young man twenty
years old , living nt * 857 Forty- ninth
street , committed Huicido Friil ly night
by throwing himself undoi11 Rock
Island switch engine nt Forty-seventh
street , says the Chicago Herald. In his
pocket was found u letter in which ho
deplored the alleged fact Jhut his
lather whipped his mother ; ho was too
tondor-hourtod to llvo and see her suf
fer. The mother and father admitted
at the inquest that they frequently
quarreled , and that the hey was casua
belli. Ho was -wild 'boy and ran away
from homo. He * had been back about
two months , and had boon steady nnd
Industrious in his Jioblts. His father
wan opposed to allowing him to remain
at homo after having run uwuy , but his
mother took his part. The jury re
turned a verdict of suicide while de
1000 pieces choice Standard 'Calicos ,
spring styles ; regular price Cc.
2 cases best quality Light Shirting Calicos'
regular "i'Ac goods.
4003 remnants of best quality American
Sateens , all the newest styles.
Very best quality of Sateens , In newest
French pattcinsworth ; fully 25c.
Very flnest quality Imported French
Zephyrs and Chambrays ; worth We.
Possart , the German actor , Is to g've ' 100
performances in this country next winter.
Annlo Pixlcy and her manager-husband
are to start on a two months' tour of Europe.
John Gilbert , the venerable actor , is suffer
ing in Boston from an attack of pneumonia.
Miss Gencvlovo Ward has boon giving fare
well performances of "Forgct-Me-Not" in
George S. Knight has been taken from
Orange to Ashbury Park in the hope that
the sea air may make _ him well.
It is said that the Imperial opera house at
Berlin Is negotiating with Mes James Bianca-
Bianchl and Moran-Oldcn for next season.
"Patrio , " an opera by Paladilhe , founded
on Sardou's famous play by the ttamo name ,
is shortly to bo revived at the Paris Grand
Modjcska Is to ocgin her unexpected tour
with members of the Booth-Barrett com
pany in her support away out at Victoria ,
U. C.
Mrs. Langtr.v'B newest play , "Esther
Sandrnz , " which she is to bring out in Chicago
cage , is an adaptation of Adolpho Helot's
Tony Pastor will end his spring traveling
tour at Cleveland. Early in August ho will
resume his professional travels with a now
specialty company.
Kato Cluxton has made arrangements
with A. M. Palmer for the production of
"Booties' Baby" in the Madison square thea
ter , next September.
No such triumph has been known In the
history of the Casino , in Now York city , as
"Tho Brigands , " hundreds being uuublo
nightly to gain admission.
The transformation scene for "Bluebeard
Jr. , " the now extravaganza to bo brought
out at the Chicago opera house this summer ,
will , It is claimed , W > tlio finest that has ever
been witnessed in flfis country.
luito Forsyth has rented the London
Glebe theatre , nnd is to open there on the
17th prox. Iu "Tho Tigress. " Later on she
will present "Among the Pines1' and ono or
two other plays by American authors.
"Tho Ooah" at the Broadway theater Now
York city has turned out a popular success
nnd IB no longer "tho darkhorsoV in the race
lor public favor. Many improvements nnd
additions have been made since the first
Minnie Hauk is said to htwo lost her sin ?
Ing voice. Even In "Carmen , " which she
has boon singing on the Continent , she Is so
unsatisfactory that at Posoti the audlonco
hissed her BO vigorously that she went Into
Clara Morris Is at her homo , In Rlvcrdulo ,
Almost every pleasant day she takes a can
tor up to Yongers on u heavy-hoofed horse ,
and when the weather is inclement she re
mains Indoors , talking to her parrot and
playing with her dogs.
Etelkn Gorster has a homo on a mountain
top In Italy. It Is so dllllcult of access that
days pass wlthput iiny visitors relieving the
monotony of her solitude. Her health is so
precarious that she has about abandoned all
hope of again sloping in public.
Jeffreys Lewis Is said to bo suffering ex
treme poverty In San Francisco , and a performance -
formanco is to bo given for her benefit at
the Baldwin theater. When she was in
Augustln Daly's stock company she boasted
that her expenses aggregated 112,000 per
The average weekly receipts nt Palmer's
theater , Now York , since the production of
"Clover" have amounted to $8,700 , a re
markable sum for a theater of the size nf
this house and at regular prices , No bettor
evidence of its continued success could bo
Goraldlno Ulmar will be warmly wel
comed when slio returns In the autumn ua
prlina donna of 'tho McCaull Comio Opera
company. When she went to Europe it was
thought that she was suffering from u fatal
attack of consumption , but she now weighs
twenty-seven pounds more than she did
Daly's theater will bo closed during Juno ,
July , and most of August. On the 20th of
August Sol Smith Russell will begin an en
gagement of four weeks in "A Poor Rela
tion " la October the regular company , '
Ladies' Summer
! ) OS Dozen
Swiss Ribbed
Jersey Vests
Very elegant quality of
goods ;
Worth up to COe ,
Children's & Misses' ' LADIES'
Suiss Ilib'icd Finn Silk Trimmed
JERSEY VESTS , Swiss HIM Vests ,
15c 5Oc
with sonic additions , will bo seen In a now
comedy which Mr. Daly Is now writing.
Meanwhile the theater is to bo fitted with
an electric lighting system.
Miss Efllo Shannon , who was offered the
lending comedy part In "Tho Burglar , "
which is to bo produced in Boston Juno 17 ,
declined it to play a comedy role in "Tho
Spider's Web. " Miss Mlnnio DEipree. who
was originally offered the part in the Chl-
cngo piny , declined it to appear In the Boston
paoduction. Both actresses will be seen in
war dramas next season , Miss Shannon in
"Shenandoah , " and Miss Dupreo in "Held
by the Enemy. "
Speaking of Miss Sibyl Sanderson In Mas
senet's "Esclnrmonde , " the Saturday Uo-
view says : "Miss Sanderson took the house
by storm by a cadenza starting from tbo
G In alt , sustained for an Incredibly long
time , opening thereby her flrst grand nrla ,
which she sang otherwise rather weakly.
Her voice and method are by no means fault-
loss. The organ Is sweet , and distinguished
by the marvellous note which , like Wnchtel'a
C , may well bring her fortune and fame.
A hairless calf is owned by Mr. Freoland ,
of Howe township , Dauphin county , Penn
J. A. Schuylor , of Pottstown , has n piece
of nmbor from the Baltic sea inclosing a
petrified beetle.
A little girl In Orvlngsvlllc , Ky. , choked to
death nftcr swallowing n grain of corn ,
which lodged in her throat.
W. Shelly , of Mllforoy square , has a New
foundland dog ponderous enough to do all the
family washing by a tread-power.
Irwin Blair , of Valdoso , Go. , has two curi
ously malformed hen eggs. They are small
in the middle and largo at both ends.
In Hoostnon , Holland , thcro Is a giant rose
tree belonging to Mmc. Hcgnen , which a few
years ago hold 0,000 roses at the same time.
The statement is made by a South Florida
man that it has rained more , or less In the
vicinity of his homo on the 'JOtti of May for
the past nineteen years.
Fort Kcogh , Mont. , has the widest range
of tomperaturu of any place on earth. Last
summer the thermometer ranged from ISO0
to 1U00 above , while recently it marked 05 °
below zero a total range of 13.50.
Iu clearing an old swamp nt Pleasant Vnl-
ley , Ind. , recently , what appeared to bo n
stone boo I : was uncovered. Close inspection
showed it to bo n family bible , bearing the
date 1771) , plainly lettered. It is now solid
John Heffner , who died a few days ago
near Heading. Pa. , was ono of n family of
forty-one children. His father wns a hunchbacked -
backed dwarf , who was married three times ,
nnd was killed ut the ngo of ulxty-nino In a
rnilroad accident in 18Sr > .
Mrs. G , M. Wilkors , of Denlson. Tex. , recently -
cently gave birth to thrco mnlo children , the
combined weight bomp twenty-two und
three-quarter pounds. Two years ugo she
gave birth to twins , which weighed eighteen
and a quarter pounds. Mrs. Wilkcrs Is a
Welsh lady , aged thlrty-two years. Her
husband is nn American. There are four
teen children In the family , all enjoying ex
cellent health.
Henry Kroldor , whoso fnrrn Is located near
Johnstown , Lebanon county , Pa. , IB the pos
sessor of a unique freak of nature. It is a
colt born without front legs. There nro
small stumps there , but nothing which might
bo called legs. Otherwise the colt Is finely
formed. It Is n beautiful bnv , nnd has a
white star In its forehead. When the colt
attempts to rlso it stands straight on Its hind
legs , but cannot retain the position very
A Chlcr.go young man proposed In a cab
nnd was accepted , That was a hansom way
of doing the business. None but the bravo
get the worth of their faro.
A womnn at Covlngton , who applied for a
divorce the other day , told the judge that she
had been twenty-thrco years trying to get
her courage up to the point. Meanwhile her
huftband had been pounding nnd otherwise
maltreating her.
"I am tired of living with such n homely
exclaimed. William Hub , tf W-
There never was n time when
we had such a choice display of
fine choice Millinery as the pres
ent : Come and see ovir Bonne.t3
and Hats. You are not obliged to
buy ; we know you will when
you see them ; you can't help It ati
our prices. We will offer tomorrow
row your choice of l.OOO Hats ,
including every shape of hat
made , will trim it for you in any
style you want It , for
Trimmed Hats
Worth up to $5.OO.
agara Fallsas ho walked away from his wiftf
six wcoks ago. The other day she was loft
legacy of $40,000 , nnd William hurried baoM
nemo to call her his an ol wife , but she
wouldn't let him in.
Alderman Klackncr , of Allentwon , has tied
a romantic knot. Andrew Duffy was tha
groom and Mrs. Ellen Boyle the brldo.
Each had been married twice before , and
twlco beun boroft. The other evening they
met for the flrst time , were smitten simultan
eously , exchanged tender language , and next
day wore made ono. The groom is n promt *
nent athlete and clown.
A minister at Trenton , Ga. , engaged tq
marry a young woman of that town for $10j
and went to the trouble of providing himself
with a now suit In order to ofllciato in styles
The minister then walked seven miles to tho'
groom's house nt the appointed time ana
learned that the couple had been married the !
day boforo. A bill of $10 has been sent to'
the young man , and If the bill is not paid the
preacher will cuter suit for It.
A curious wcddinR has Just taken place at
Lodz , Hungary. A young man , eighteen
years of age , and of good position , for soma
unaccountable reason , married a poor widow
with numerous family. The "blushing"
bride is in her sovonty-fourth year. The
"happy" bridegroom 1ms now eleven stepsons -
sons and daughters , the oldest of whom la
fifty-three , besides twonty-threo grand *
children and twenty-three grcat-grandchildr
ren and all that nt eighteen.
A marriage announcement in the Philadel
phia paoers headed "Georgo Jenkyn" con
denses n larger romance than usually cul
minates In marriage. The groom came from
San Francisco to meet Ills brldo , and she
sailed from Encrland to wed him. so thole
joint travel to embark In matrimony was
about six thousand miles. Mr , George cama
to this country ever cloven years ago , and
then loft his olghteon-year-old flancoo la
England , not to t > eo her again until at thq
end of a ! 3,000 mile journey they met cacti
other half way to Join hearts and fortunes.
Five now professorships will probably b
created at Columbia next year. One of ttioui
it is known with certainty , Is the professor
ship of Christian evidences. '
Sir Edwin Arnold , the author of "Th
Light of Asia , " has been Invited to deliver
two lectures at Harvard In Juno , or , If inora
convenient , in October , after college has re
opened. ,
Columbia college has established nblou- '
nlnl fellowship of Jl200 in the department of
architecture. The fellowship will" bear a
name to bo selected by Mr. F. A. Schormer-
horn , whoso liberality enabled the college to
establish a department of architecture.
The following men have boon appointed M
speakers for the Townsend prize nt Yale !
W. H. Page , Ironton. O. ; G. Plnchott , No\y
York city : F. Schwlll , Cincinnati , O , ; C. S.
Skllton , Northampton , Muss. ; H. A. Smith ,
Worcester , Mass. ; L. A. Storrs , Hartford.
Conn. i
A concert tour that will extend to the Pa
clflo coast will bo made the coming summer
by the Princeton colloKo Glee nnd Banjo
clubs. The Now York Tribune pronounce *
It thu largest enterprise over undertaken la
tills country by a student organization ,
Each of the four standing committeesof
the board of education in Beatrice , Nob. , has
a lady member , and two are members of tha
two considered most Important. Of tlioso
two Mrs. Whcolock is chairman of that on
buildings nnd repairs , nnd Mrs. Ellis of that
on teachers and text books ,
The present senior class of Vassar college ,
numbering forty-nine , is the largest ovoc
graduated from that college. The freshman
class , numbering seventy-three , Is tno larg
est slnco the year "Tit-174. " Other evidences
of prosperity nro noticed In better equipped
departments , in additional scholarships nnd
improvements in the sanitary condition oi
the college.
Yale college has carried off the honors la
the Intorcolleiilato atlilotio games , Is ahead
of her competitors in the contest for the
base ball pennant , nnd Is said to have u crow
that is sure to win at Now London this voari
all of which throws u ulKiiiflcunt oldollirht
on the Interesting fact timt nt the t-radimt-
lug exercises of ttie Yule tvit vrhuul , thrc
out of four jiri/.ea wore awarded to feuuUg