Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1889, Part I, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , . JUNE 9 ; 3889.SIXTEEN PAGES. IB. 8. P. Morao Ji Co. Next week NI3W CIIALLIES , cholco FRENCH PATTERNS , 10 yards , 81 ? I' curly in tbo season those sold for IGc. I Also boat 2oo OIIALLIES Monday 15o n , yard. FRENCH SATIN ES 25c. Host assortment in tbo city , worth 85o ; nlso n line of all-wool. FRENCH DRESS GOODS 68c. 40 pieces silk and wool summer dross Roods chocks , plaids , stripes ; plain tan , brownt mode , etc. , an enormous lot , Worth 81.00 to $1,25 , all 680. HENRIETTAS 60c. 20 pieces -10-Inch Henriettas In brown , olive , black , mahogany , etc. , worth 85c , COc. JERSEY LISLE VESTS 25o. ICO dozen white , drab , rod , tan , blue , pink , salmon , etc. , pure llslo thread , Ladies' Jersey vests worth 76c our price 25c. While in Now York last week our buyer purchased a lot of silks very cheap ; they nro warranted to wear well , and nro for sale only Monday and Tuesday. Black silks 87c , worth $1.25. Black silks 81.25 , worth 81.75. Black silks $1.50 , worth $2. Black armure silk 91 , worth 81.50. Black pcau do solo $1.25 , worth 81.75. Blank surah silk Ooc , worth $1.25 , S. P. Mousis & Co. Also a lot of FANCY BLACK SILK GRENADINE $1.25 , worth 82 a yard. VENTILATING SUMMER COR SETS , 8Gc. Acain , Mondny , our OPENWORK NAINSOOK CORSETS 8oc , worth 81.25 ; bear in mini ! those are not made of the common barred netting , butt arc NAINSOOK. WHITE GOODS , 15c. Chock openwork brocade nainsooks in cream and white at 16c , actual value 25c. Now French dimities. New masalia lawns. Now piqnos , welts , etc. Nainsooks , piques , vestings , organ dies. S. P. MOUSE ft Co. In our CARPET DEPARTMENT wo are malting special prices to close all the short ends , body brussels , wiltons , In grains , otc. bring the measure of your room and see how cheap wo sell. S. P. MORSE & CO. RYour grocer can furnish Pullman broad. A Family Train Ens { . Among the changes recently made by the Michigan Co'ntral , the most import ant is the now Special Now York Ex press , No. 20 , which loaves Chicago at 10:35 : a. m. , except Sunday. This olToots a connection with all western , north western ftnd southwestern lines enter ing the city , and enables passengers from Chicago or any of its suburbs , to leave at a comfortable and convenient hour. For this reason , as well as its admirable through car service to Now York without change , it is especially adapted to the convenience of families and of ladies and children. All Now York state points are reached the next day , and the hour of arrival at the Grand Central depot , Now York , 4 o'clock p. m. , enables passengers to make rail or steamer connections and reach nil parts of Now York , Brooklyn nnd Jersey City , and their suburbs , and the sea-shore before dark. The through car leaving Chicago , Saturday , goes forward on No. 6 from Buffalo to Now York on Sunday. City passenger and ticket office , 07 Clark street , southeast corner of Ran dolph , Chicago. Go and hoar sacred concert of Omaha Guards band at Huuscom park this af- ternoon. , Ask for Pullman BulTot bread. Umbrellas and parasols covered and repaired , 217 S. 15th St. , Boyd's opera house. OPKKUED. Bcwnro of Impostors. It has recently como to my ears that canvassers who are peddling tickets from house to house for cheap photo graph galleries are using my name in order to itmlto a sale for their work. They claim that their pictures are being finished at Hoyn's gallery , which is a barefaced falsehood , as I have no branch gallery whatever , and positively do no ticket business , as wo are not obliged to resort to such moans to pro cure customers. Agents claiming to bo in my employ , or assuming that their Inferior work is Hnishoa at my studio , are impostors , and I will way a reward of 85 to any party for information lead ing to their arrest. GKO. HEYN , The Photographer. Notion. Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing be tween Edmund M. Bartlett and Edward A J. Cornish has this day been dissolved. jf ? > Edward J. Cornish succeeds to the old business and retains the papers of said II rm , nnd is authorized to receive all moneys owing to bald llrm of Bartlett & Cornish , and all claims against said firm of Eartlett As Cornish are to bo nre- Bontou to said Edward J. Cornish for payment. Mr. Cornish will continue business at the same pluoo , No. 213 South Four teenth street , Omaha , Neb , Mr. Bart lett has formed a partnership with Howard II. Baldrlgo , under the llrm name of Bnrtlott & Baldrigo , and will engage in the law and collection busi ness , having their olllcos in the Now York Life insurance building , Omaha , Nob. Nob.Dated Dated this 8th day of Juno , A. D. 1889. . E. M. BAUTLKTT. K. J. COUNIHII. Iln ml M iiixl Drum Corps , Attention. You will got the lowest prices and finrst instruments at Moinbcrg's music store , 1514 nnd 1510 Dodge street. t'.Ioctrlo sowing nuiuhino motors 'and power , 827.50. Nebraska Electric com pany , 1621 Farnam street. Telephone Automatic gai | lghting furnlshoa by Nebraska Kloctno company , 1521 Kuril- km street. Telephone 1424. On the licit. On Sunday , Juno 0 , the Omaha Holt line will run two extra trains , leaving depot Ht IGth and Webster sts. at 2:110 : and 7 p. m. ' , roturiiing leave Uusor'fi | rlc < Lawn ) at 6 and 11 \ > . m. Go out tid ( petal the ttftoruoun nnd GEORGE W , COOK'S ' CutPrlco Moving Snlo at No. 130O Fnnmm Street. A Genuine Cut Price S.tlo on Imtiles' , IMIsscB1 , Men's anil Children's Boots nnd Shoes nt Cook'fl. Before movinginto my now store that Gcorgn Mills is now building on Farnam streot. I will have a gonulno cut-price sale of my entire stock of fine shoos. 1,000 pair of children's shoos reduced from 81.25 to50c. 1,000 pair misses' shoos rdducod from 82.60 to $1.00. 600 pair Indies' shoos reduced from 82.00 to $1.00. 600 pair ladies' serge side lace shoo s at 50c. 500 pair ladies' button Oxfords reduced - ducod from $1.2.5 to COc. Ladies' patent tip Oxford ties reduced from S2.00 to $1.60. Ladies' line American-French kid button , with patent tin , wo will soil at $2.50. This is a line shoo and reduced from $3.50. Ask for this shoe. Reynolds Bro. ' U. T. K. N. Y. ladies' fine kid button wo will soil for a few days nt $3 , reduced from $1. Gentlemen , for a few davs wo will sell you our regular French calf best hand-sowed 87 shoo at $5.60. This Is a genuine cost sale on this shoo. Our men's working shoo at 81 is cut from $1.60 , and is the best $1.60 man's shoo in Omaha. A man's base ball canvass shoo at OOc , sold by others at 81.50. Misses' and children's tan Oxfords , French kid Oxfords , with patent tips , in largo varieties of styles and prices. Ladies , you will lind it to your Inter est to attend this sale , for wo are mak ing a genuine cut-price sale before moving. This is the first cut-price sale I over had in Omaha , and , in view of moving my stock into a now store , I mean busi ness , and will make some decidedly low prices. I will sell $10,000 worth of good shoos cheaper than you over bought them. The crowd of ladles who visited our store on Thursday and Friday , and the number of shoes they bought is evidence - donco that the public is satisfied that our cut-price sale is no humbug. G. W. COOK , 130G Farnam. Grocers sell Golden Gate Special broad. Go and hear sacred concert of Omaha Guards band at Hunscom park this af ternoon. A Urcczy Man. Senator Wolcott , of Colorado , will bo one of the most picturesque figures in that solemn body , the United States senate , when it next convenes. Ho is the embodiment of active , aggressive western force , a staunch friend and a foeman to bo feared. Many stories are told of his cool nerve , his princely gen erosity , his contempt for the conven tional and the loyalty of his nature. Such a man is the outcome , the not rn- sult of close association with the inspir ing air of Colorado , a state which is be ginning to bo recognized by the medi cal faculty as nature's sanitarium , and the lovely resorts reached only by the Union Pacific railway charm alike the tourist , the invalid , the artist , and the man of science. It's Getting Hot. In view of this fact , the Sioux City Route has placed on sale round-trip tickets to the cool tourist retreats of the north. Greatly reduced rates to Spirit Lake , St. Paul , Minneapolis and Lake Super ior points. Tickets good until October 31. Ticket office 1401 Farnam st. W. N. BAUCOOK , General Western Agent. . Notice Contractors and Builder * . Leave your orders for mill work at low price and good work with Briggs Place Woodworking Co. , mill Douglas and Belt Line , branch ollico 310 S. 15th. Umbrellas , sun shades nnd 2d landaus for sale at 1409 and 1411 Dodgo. Walnut block coal , $3.75 per ton. Soft nut coal $3.50 ] > or ton delivered. Coutant & Squires , 1308 Farnam. Seventh Wnrd Hand Meeting Next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock there will bo a meeting of the com mittee for the Seventh ward silver cornet - , not band at the Park bouse , and all those who huvo subscribed towards the purchase of instruments , and others in terested , are urgently requested to .bo present. Grnnc Bargains In Pianos. Chickorlng rosewood case , only $100. Miller rosewood case , only $75. Boardman rosewood case , only $65. nnd many other equally as great bar gains. Como and examine them at Moinberg's music store , 1514 and 1510 Dodge street. 13. F. McCartney. FOR The Elite Cloak and Suit Co. , ' 1610 Douglas st. Ladies' suits , costumes , tea gowns , wrappers , otc : Jackets , wraps and Inco garments. NEW GOODS , NEW STYLES , and LOW PRICE. E. F. McCAHTNKY , 1510 Douglas st. Thorn's No UNO trying to find a better line to Chicago than the Chicago & Northwestern Ry. It makes much faster time than its competitors. Its solid vestibule trains run out of the U. P. depot in Omaha daily. Free reclining chairs and the latest and best sleeping cars. Dining cars on all trains. This is the way the "flyers" run : Leave Qjimha 2:45 : p , m. , arrive Chicago cage 7 a. m. ; leave Omaha 8:45 : p. m. , arrlvo Chicago 12 noon. Ticket ollico 1401 Farnam st. Tele phone 601. W. N. BAHCOCK , General Western Agent. Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Jl'y Yin Omnlia and Council Hind's. Short line to Chicago and the east. Finest dining cars in the world. Through sleeping cars to Chicago. Ele gant free chair cars. Only direct route to the G. A. R , omcampmont at Milwau kee. Everything first-class. Fast trains to Chicago and all points cast. For further information enquire at Ticket Ollico , 1601 Farnam sjt. , in Bar ker block. F. A. NASH , General Agent , Unsolicited recommendations for the Quick Meal giviollno stoves are coming in by the doion , more from people that hnvo tried other gasollnn stoves or know all about thorn than anybody else. Many people who are now uslng the QUICK Meal thought their etovo was perfection ; they thought it baked beau tifully and worked perfectly , but after they tried the > Quick Mua ! they were more than surprised at the difference , and bought It at once ! At least 300 olhor brands have been driven out of lioiues by the Quick Meal lu the last eight your * . BcnnlRon Bros. Finest quality figured china silks 05c. This price is for Monday only ; an elegant line surah silks 6o ! ) yard , worth 75c ; n full line black nun'a veil ings , 40 to 40 inch wide at COc , 05c , 85o , 05o yard , all special values. Luce Bongnlincs 40 inch wide , 50o yard , worth 76c. Ludios fine Jersey ribbed Hslo thread vests , low nock , no sleeves , in high colors , slightly faded , 510c ouch , worth $1,00. Ladies' lisle vests Monday only , at 60c each in pink , blue and cream , worth 75o. Ladles' jersey ribbed vests at Me and 25c , worth 25o and 60c. A full line fancy Japanese fans at 6c , lOc , 15c , 20c , 25c , 30c and 40c. The fancy ribbons adver tised for Saturday still goes a 20o per yard. There is still a good assortment of colors , none worth loss than COc. La dles' brilliant llslo hose , excellent qual ity , Mondny , 89c per pair , cheap at 50c , all colors and black. 60 pieces fine tln- sil niching lOc per yard , worth 35c. All silk veiling ! ) c per yard. Children's line lace bonnets , 18o each. Worth 50c. big job childrons' hose , all si/.o , Co to So ; your choice , 10o a pair. Anoldgant hose for boys , in grey mix , only 1-Jc a pair. Standard drcEB gingham , also apron chock gingham , 5c n yard. Our fine zephyr ginghams at 7io a yard , no one pan touch. Standard prints , 8jc a yard. White goods still go at 6c , Oc , 7o , 8Jc , lOc , 12jc. 15c , only i prices. Ladies' flue white dressing sacqucs from COc up to $8.00. All summer wraps at less than cost. Special inducements are offered to those wishing to buy carpets , lace cur tains , shades , otc. We want to reduce stock in this department. Our base ment is a great place for bargains. Don't fail to looic , oven.if you do no't wish to buy , compare our prices on wall paper. Wo still have u good supply lawn chairs at $1.00 each. BENNISON BROS. . Cedar Block Kindling Cheap. J. A. Naugle & Co. , telephone 809. A Popular lle-ituurnnt Sold. Mr. E. Rlploy , a restaurateur of largo experience , has purchased the well known McDonald restaurant at 1611 Farnam street and takes possession to day. The McDonald dining hall has gained an enviable reputation for its quick service nnd excellent quality and variety of its meals. Mr. Rfploy , who thoroughly understands his business , will spare no effort to make this popu lar restaurant the loading catinjr house in the city. Next Tuesday ho will give an opening dinner to his many patrons who will secure this dinner free upon purchasing a 21-meal ticket at the reg ular price. The dinner promises to surpass anything over attempted by any restaurant in the west. Have electric bells from your ofllco desk to call your clerk. See the No- braska.Electric Co , 1621 Farnam st. , Omaha. AVhtto Mountains nnd Bar Harbor. Commencing Juno 20 , the Michigan Central and its eastern connections will run a through line of elegant , now buflot sleeping cars through from Chicago cage to Bar Harbor , via Niagara Falls and the White Mountains , witnout change. Connection will bo made at Niagara Falls with through sleeper to Clayton , whore connection will bo made with steamers to the Thousand Islands , Alexandria Bay , Montreal and Quebec. For full and detailed information in regard to those summer resorts , and the way to roach them , send 0 cents postage for ' 'A Modern Pilgrimage , " and summer tourist rates , to O. W. JlUdQLKS , General Passenger and Ticket Agent , Chicago , 111. Telephone 1424 , Nebraska Electric company , at 1511 Farnam street , when your electric bolls are not working. The Summer Tourist Should , in his preparations , avail him self of the full and detailed information given in the Michigan Central Sum mer Tourist Rate Book , which will bo issued in a few days and sent to any ad dress upon application. The summer resorts of the east are fully described and illustrated in a now book , entitled , ' "A Modern Pilgrimage , ' " six cents pos tage , and "Tho Island of Mackinac , " postage four cents. Address , enclosing stamps , Mil. O. W. RUGOLKS , General Passenger and Ticket Agent , Chicago , * Go and hoar sacred concert of Omaha Guards band at Hiuisoom park this af ternoon. Electric ventilating fans and power at Nebraska Electric Co. , 1521 Farnam st. Tel. 1424. A. L. Deano & Co. , successors to P. Bovcr fc Co. , agents for Hall's safes and looks , 823 S. 10th st. To the Ladles of Omaha. A mooting of the woman of Omaha Is called for 8 o'clock this evening , at tbo Pax totvhouso parlors , to discuss certain matters of humanity , and especially to express thnlr horror and detestation of the barbarous and inhuman mo Jo adopted for the slaughter of dogs in this city. Addresses will bo mudo. Mrs. Edward Lee , Mrs. LevJ Carter , Mrs. Edgar Morscman , Mrs. J. W. Gannett , Mrs. G. E. Prltchott. Mrs. Thomas Kil- putrlck , Mrs. Truman BUCK , Mrs. H. H. Clurkson. Mrs. D. O. Clark , Mrs. James E. Boyd , Airs. J. M. Woolworth , Mrs. P. L. Porlnc , Mrs. Clark Woodman , Mrs. Loavitt Uurnuam , Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock , Mrs. Ezra Mlllard , Mrs. J. W. Savapo and otbors. Military Nor en. The troops at Bellevue were la a sad plight Friday night , having sent their tent- age to Omaha by mil. They were compelled to battle with the storm us well us they could till morning , when they marched to Fort Omaha. Company A , of the Second Inl'an- try , Captain Mills , will curry tbo penaut for the right wing. Colonel Whcaton , of the Second Infantry , is expected homo about the 15th. Dr. Hrown/now stationed at Fort Otnaha , expects to leave for his now station , about July 4. Uollovuo rlflo range was qulto lively , this week , as tboro were quite u number of pleas ure seekers at the cump , guests of tbo olll- cors. Major E. Butler , who was In command of the range , during the right wing's practlco , continues in command with' the loft wing. Knocked I1U Kyca Out. William Murphy , a lad of fifteen , was up before Judge Uorlca. yesterday , for knock ing Frank Hellchlur's eye out , and was put under $100 bond und snnt to tbo reform school. The testimony showed that Hellch- ler foil out with sono : little boys , who wore playing together , and whlppoil ono of them. Murphy , fueling that vengeance was duo tbo little follow , championed his causa and laid for Uellchter with a club , and proceeded to knock his uye out. ' A New Mntl Clerk. Chauncy I ) , Treudwell , of North Bend , has received his appointment to a clerkship In the railway mall service. Ho Succeeds Charles N , Hollonbeck on the Pluttsmouth and Schuyler run , who bus been transferred to takpJ. A , Sloncckcrs plaeo on the Puciliu Junction nnd McCoolt run. Slotieeker has resigned , Died. CHHISTENSON Andrew Thomas , uqn of O. W. Chrlstcnson and wife. Funeral Sunday at 3 p. m. from residence , Thirteenth and Einmott Btreetn. to Spring-1 VJlle cemetery , All friends luvlUxL SN' linos. IilnennVnflh Dress kjOoods nnd. Do * niCBtlck * Gorman , Srotoh and" best American turkey rod table damask enlo continued nt 47c nor yarn. Good American lurkpyrcd at 15o per yard. All linen cream c&unask 25o per yard. Extra quality German bleached dam ask 75o nor yard. Napkins to match $1.50. i size Gorman bleached napkins worth 81.60 , our price dnly $1 per doz. Glass checked towllujr nt Ojo , Tic and lOo per yard. Whltordd-sproads at 880 worth $1. Plain or chookeu white dross goods at 5c , Olc , 80 and1 lOc per yard. Dross ginghams fie , 0c , Tic , Scnnd lOc per yard. Yard wide indigo blue calico and percale reduced to closeat8o yard. Pacific lawns reduced to 60 yard. Handsome line of challics at 6c , Oc , Tie , and 80 yd. Sateens lOc , 12c ] , 15c nnd lOo , ana all the latest styles and pat terns of fancy French sateens reduced to 25 yd. Seersucker suitings , worth 12c } , reduced to Tc yd. Apron chocked gingham 6c , Oc and Tic yd. All double width shooting at not cost. Lonsdalo muslin , 1J ! yards for $1. Lawrence L. L. Co yd. Yard-wide soft finished bleached muslin Oo yd. Mosquito net ting In all colors , all perfect , full 8 yards measure , reduced to 25o apieco. Wo shall offer some extra bargains lu towels on Monday. Our stock is too largo and must bo reduced. Remember our sale on lace curtains and shades on Monday. You will find UH dealing out bargains very liberally on Monday. IIAYDEN BROS. , Dry Goods nnd Carpet ? . Resolutions of Itcxpcot. At a special mooting of the W. C. C. ox-Studonts' association , hold on the evening of May T , the following resolu tions were adopted : Whereas , By the remorseless hand of disease , Prof. J. L. Worloy , an honored member of the Wyman College Ex- Students'association , has boon suddenly removed from our midst ; and , Whereas , Wo lose in him a champion of industry , honesty , moral rectitude and onduringfriendship ; therefore , Resolved , That this association ex presses Its heartfelt sorrow at the un timely removal of ono whom wo had learned to love and admire. Resolved , That his kfndly works and friendly actions will over remain plainly inscribed and deeply Indented on mem ory's tablet. Resolved , That his daily life was such as to bo worthy of emulation. Resolved , That as an ox-student , n true friend , nnd a cultured gentleman , his romdvnl is to us a bitter disappoint ment and an irreparable loss. Resolved , That wo extend to his widow and children that sympathy which lies too deep for words , and can only offer to her and them the consola tion that ho has left a life and charac ter unsullied and spotless , which will at all times be a pride to her , and n bright alid guiding star for the safe direction of the footsteps of his child ren. ren.Rcsolyed , That a copy of these reso lutions bo furnished the newspapers for publication and that an engrossed , copy bo forwarded to his family. ( Signed , ) ISAAC ADAMS , GEORGE LEGG , B : E. ZIMMERMAN , Committee. Mr. A. E. Morris-Autolmrpist , Is now associated with-Alfred Moinbeig Co. j the well-known music dealers , at 1514 and 1510 Dodge st. - - To the IjadicM-TJp Town ; ' ' f ' * 1 ' Who wear Woodmanseo's Now York city made , French idd , * hand'made shoes , regular price 87.00 , on Monday and Tuesday.only J will sell this.fine shoo at $5.50 a pair , I am having a cut price moving feale andswill sell all'iny fine shoes cheap. GEO. W. COOK. 1305 Farnam streot. The Nebraska' Electric Co. does all kinds of. electrical construction. 1521 Farnam St. , telephone 1424. 1 * The Traveling Men's Outtng. ti. vV. Garoutto , of the executive com mittee for the "Traveling Men's Juno Outing - ' ing , ' to bq held at Cusbmaa park , Lincoln ; from Juno 23 to 80 inclusive , was in tbo city yesterday ) presenting the claims of - the knights of the grip fora reduced state rate forjliorasolvoiiand families and those of their customers and friends who will bo in vited to enjoy the week's outing with them. The passenger agents Interviewed promise their hearty cooperation and presentation of the' matter at their Trans-Missouri Passenger association/ which meets at Kansas City Juno 10tland announcement of their action in the umttor.4mmodlatoly thereafter. That this will , be us pleasant and enjoyable an event as Andrcss Si Son , the managers of the park can -mako It , is also guaranteed from the fast that tnoboys and their families are making preparations to attend , and as tbo drummer is usually in his clement whoa cultivating the acquaintance of these ho loves BO dearly and whoso company ho enJoys - Joys so little of. v ' An Organ Concert. To-morrow evening there will bo given , In the First Congregational church , a grand or gan and vocal concert. This being tbo last one of the season , It Is hoped that there will bo a largo attendance , as the music to bo rendered will bo of the highest ardor. .Mr. Tabor , the organist of tbo church , will play Weber's grand overture to "Enryantho" end several other great compositions. Mr. Jules Lumbara will sing the recitation and aria from the "Creation , " and all who have ever heard this gentleman's voice know that anything rendered by him will bo artistic and grand. The other members who take part nro Nat M. Brlgbam , Mr. T. J. Ponnoll , Mrs. C. E. Squires and Miss Elizabeth Pen- null. Mr. Marshall , organist of All Saints , will also play an organ solo and assist as accompanist. CInldren'H Day at Newman. There was an appropriate observance of children's day at the Newman M. E. church on St. Mary's avenue. Tbo Sunday school will hold a special sorvico-of sonir , responsive readings and recitations at 2:30 p. m. The church has been decorated for the occasion , and special muslo will batrondorcd. In the evening n platform Sunday ichool meeting will bo hold , with addrewe * by Itcv. John Dale , E. A. Wheeler , UoV. J. E. Ensign und others. All will bo cordially welcomed to those services. Arrest oil l-o Write O. C. Ludlow , a carpenter Yosidtng nt tbo corner of Twentv-focond and. Clark streets , wns arrested yesterday attcmoon for wlfo boating. It scorns that Luillor , ' has two very bad habits , ono to got drunk and the other to go home and boat his lainllj. While In dulging | n these imblta syesiordoy , OWcer Fields came along and toolci the iratu und cruel husband to the police station.Ludlow Is also charged with brutally beating his daughter , who. upon seeing him beating her mother , wont to the rescue , when she re ceived her Hharo of tbo brutal blows in tended foribcr mother. . . A Dnrk Hooret , ' > IU.M. Syko und his wife wore , until - recently cently , tenants of Oliver E. Mortis , Six- , toontb and Webster , but Byuu U uuidi to have suddenly skipped for other parts , after leaving his bouaa rent unpaid nnd disposing of bin household goods to ivseooud-hand store In order to defraud hU creditors. Suit was brouubtliy Martis In Justice Kroeyur's court yeatqrday und the goods found In the , iocond hand store were attached. Syko'a whereabouts are unknown , und will prob ably remain u dark secret. 10thOmaliu From Blier fT's Snlo. Our largo purchases from sheriff sale of the great notion and fancy goods of Button , Comslock & Co. , Now York City , ara nil in , and wo can ofTor bar gains never thought of bofo ro In Omaha. The ribbons on sale are won derfully cheap. All the 25o ribbons nro equal to goods sold at TSo to $1.25. The fine quality of silk , the styles nnd va riety are unsurpassed , Best dross stays , 2o doz. ; GolT 's dross braid in black and colors , Ho roll ; hooks nnd eyes , Ic doz. ; silk clastic , lOc yard ; hair crimpers , So doz , ; 3 bunches hair pins , Ic ; rubber hair pins , 5o box ; corset clasps , 60 , To , nnd lOc , worth 12 to 2oo ; good dress shields , 5c ; beautiful dross shields , lOo ut d 16c , worth 25o ; surpris ing bargains In art noodle work mate rial of every description. This sale in cludes toilet soaps , odors and Florida waters , ladles' and children's handker chiefs , ruchlngs , laces , mull nnd silk ties , hair ornaments , dross buttons and dross trimmings , silk braid and gilt bands , ladles line pocket books , chat- lain bags und bolts. Our Monday sale of silks , dross goods and embroideries will contain iMiiny seasonable bargains. Surpassing val ues in line wall paper. IIAYDEN BROS. , Dry Goods and Carpets. Ask for' Golden Gate Special broad , sold by all grocers. Electric lighting for your house bv Pumpolly storage batteries , at Nebras ka Electric Co. , 1521 Farnam st. Tel. 1424. Fast anne to the Kant. The Burlington No. 2 , fast vestibule express , leaves Omaha dally at 3:16 : u. m. and arrives at Chicago "at T:00 the next morning , in time to connect with all morning trains out of Chicago for the oast. The famous fast mail , now carrying passengers , loaves Omaha ( Burlington route depot ) daily at 8:35 : p. m. and Council Bluffs at 0:25 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 12:00 : noon the fol lowing day , the fastest time ever made between the Missouri river and Chicago cage on a regular schedule. Pullman palace sleeping cars and Ireo reclining chair cars on all through trains. Sumptuous dining cars on vestibule ex press trains , both to Chicago and Den ver. City ticket ofllco , 1223 Farnam St. Telephone 250. Special Teachers' Excursion to Ger many. Sailing from Now York , Juno 20 , round trip tickets , llrst cabin only $80. Ono way and round trip tickets are now on sale to Liverpool , London , Paris and all parts of Europe at very low rates. For further information call at C. M. ft St. P. ticket ollico , 1501 Furnam st. , Barker block. Burglar alarms and call bells at Nebraska Electric Co. , 1521 Farnam st. Tel , 1424. Electric motors and power. See Ne braska Electric company , 1521 Farnam st. Tel. 1424. Btirr't ) Special. 270 yards 32-inch double faced figured cotton flannel , 12 beautiful patterns , ndvor sold in Omaha for less than 35c ; Burr's price to close 20c per yard. Wai. BAKU DHY GOODS Co. , 10th and Douglas. The best Vienna broad mndois Goldon. Gate Special. 1'crsonul 1'aracraptis. J. D. sickd , of Papllllon , is at the Murray. Charles D. Sloan , of Red Oak , is at the Paxton. John M , Bullock , of Kansas City , is at the Paxtou. G. S. Hardingcr , of Ovcrton , is a guest at the Paxton. H. A. Grlggs , of Camdcn , is stopping at the Millard. S. C. Smith and wife , of Beatricearc at the Murray. Q. P. Mason , of Lincoln , was at the Mll lard yesterday. J. Dlxon Avery , of Fremont , is registered at tbo Millard. W. C. Halsoy , of Missouri Valley , Is regis tered at the Murray. J. B , Orr and G , L. Moore , of Ottumwa , are stopping at tbo Murray. , Mrs. and Miss Thomas , of Kansas City , are registered at the Paxton. , T. M. Marquett , T. M. Hall and J. C. Hill , of Lincoln , arc at the Millard. ChnrlesT. | Hasmcr and daughter , of Grand 'Island ' , are guests at the Paxton. H. H. Dorsey nnd A. G. McKnltt , ofVn - boo , are stopping at the Paxton. J Hon.D.'A. ' Bull , ex-governor of Missouri , and wife , are visiting A. M. Weir nnd family. Mrs. S. R. Smith and daughter , of Lead City , were among yesterday's arrivals nt the Paxton. > W. C. Stewart and wife came In from Lin coln , yostbrdyy , und nro quartered nt the Paxton. i 'Dr. ' Reeves , formerly of this city , but at present the B. & M. physician at Lincoln , is in tbo city. Mr. George E. Moran , special correspond ent of the Chicago Times , was In the city yesterday. Robert S. Wilcox. manager of Browning , King & COL'S clothing house , leaves for the cast to-day. " L. W. Gilehrlst , S. M. Molick , R. O'Neill and P. L. T. Ashton , of Lincoln , are stopping ut the Paxton. E. A. Wedgowood , William A. Thompson and W. R. Bacon , of Grand Island , were ut tbo Paxton , yesterday. Ruv. Frank S. Forbes , of the Saratoga Congregational church , has accepted n cull to the First Congregational church of Ne braska City. Governor John M. Thayor. Captain J. M. Hill , state treasurer , and Thomas H. Benton - ton , auditor of the state , were in the city last evening. Revel R. Franco will slog In the choir of tbo St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church to-day nnd for several Sundays , in the ab sence of Mr. Roister In tbo east. AOlioloi Ilst ot biiiiunor ItosortH. In the Inko regions of Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa und the two Dakota ? , tlioro are hundreds ol charming locali ties pre-eminently lltted for summer homos. Among the following selected list are names familiar to many of our re ad era as the perfection of northern summer resorts. Nearly all of the Wis consin points of interest are within a short distance from Chicago or Milwau kee , and none of them are so far away from the "busy marts of civilization" that they cannot ho reached in a few hours of travel , by frequent trains , ever the linost road In the northwest the Chicago , Mllwiiukecfe St.Puul Railway : Oconomowoc. Wis. Clear Lake , Iowa. Mlnocquo , Wis. Lakes OkoVoJI. Iowa. Wiiukcslm , Wis. Bpirit Lake , Iowa. Palmyra , WIs. Frontonac. Minn. Tomahawk Lukes. Luke Minnotonka , WIs. Minn. Lakeside , Wis. Ortonvlllo , Mlr.n , Kllbourn City , Wis. Prior Lake , Minn. ( Dolls of the Wis- White 13oar Lake , consin. ) Minn. Heaver Dam. WIs. Uiff Stone Lake , Da- Madison , Wls. kola. For detailed information , apply at ticket ollico , 1601 Farnam struct , Barker Block. Something now , Pullman Buffet broad. , Eloctno motors and power for print ing Dresses at Nebraska Electric Co. , lfJlM'F ; riiun si. Tel. 1421. * " Tho'thiinr for sandwiches , Pullman ! I I | . , , . . - . . Church Notes. A meeting of the Sunday school workers of the city will bo hold Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock , nt iho First Presbyterian church , corner of Seventeenth & Dodge street * . The mooting will bo addressed by Mr. William Reynold , president of the International Sunday - day school committee. No Sunday school teachers or workers should let this oppor tunity pass , for becoming bettor posted In Sunday school work , ns Mr. Royhold is well posted on thin line , nnd will give many plnns for Sunday school work. At tbo Wnlnnt Illll Christian church Eddy Merrill will preach at the morning service and Pastor J. B. Johnson In the evening. Rov. A. J. Patterson , who Is about to or ganize n Universnllst church m Otnnhn. will preach nt Mntonio hall , entrance 1312 North Sixteenth street , Sunday nt 10:45 : u. in. nnd 7:30 : p. in. Topic in the morning "Tho Joyful Christ. " Evening "Paul a UnlvorsiUlst.11 Lot nil who nro Interested In this real church movement endeavor to attend these services. All nro cordially Invited. At tbo First Presbyterian church , corner Seventeenth nnd Dodge streets , Rov. Wil liam J. Hnrshn , pastor. The services In the morning will bo devoted to children's ' day exercises. Sabbath school nt 13 in. Meet ing of Sunday-school workers at G p. m , , meeting addressed by Mr. Wllllnm Rey nolds , president of tbo International Sunday * school convention. All Sunday-school work ers Invited. Young peoples society of Chris tian endeavor. Prayer mooting nt 0:45 : p. in. Trinity M. E. church , corner Twenty ] lrst nnd lllnnoy streets , will observe Crlldron's day nt 10:80 : a. m. Tbo meeting will bo na- drcsscd by Chaplain Nave , ot Fort Omaha , Mrs. Dr. Maxtlold , A. T. Rector nnd the pastor. The ordinance of baptism will bo administered to children nt tbo close of tbo service. At 8:00 : p. m. tbo Sabbath school will give a concert. The honso will bo appropriately decorated for the occasion. Special music hnsbcnn prepared for the day. Sabbutli school at 2:30. : M. M. Hnmlln , superinten dent. At the Southwestern Lutheran church , Rov. Luther M. Kuhns will preach nt 11 n. m. , on'"Tho Church's Birthday , " nnd nt 7M5 p. m. on "Tho Sword of the Spirit. " The morning service of the St. Mary's ' Avenue Congregational church will bo con ducted In tbo interests of the Young Men's Christian association. Mr. Jonncr will clvo n report of thn work carried on In this city ; State Secretary Nnsh will deliver an ad dress. On account of the heavy rains tbo Sunday afternoon meeting will not bo held on tbo Athletic grounds. At the South Tenth street M. E. church Rev , C. N. Dawson will preach in the morn ing on "Education , " und in tbo evening on "Forgiveness. " Dr. Lnmon will deliver a sermon tomorrow row night on the Concmaugh disaster and Its lessons. The morning service at the St. Mary's Avenue Congregational enurch will bo In the interest of the Young Men's Christian nsso- ciatlon of Omaha , with nn address by Air. Nash , tbo state secretary. Tbo offering will bo for the furnlshinc fund of the new build- Ing. In tbo evening. Children's Day exer cises will bo hold by the Sunday school , with special singing , addresses , und an offering for Sunday school mission work In the state. Air. Revel R. Franco will assist the choir for a few Sundays in the absence of Air. Kclstcr. Atlmmnnuol Baptist , the pastor , Rev. F. W. Foster , will have for his morning theme , "Overcoming. " His evening theme , "Tho Johnstown Disaster , and Some Floods Ho Has Seen. " At tbo close of the evening ser vice , contributions will bo mndo to the relief fund of the Johnstown sufferers. Public cordially invited. Services appropriate to "Children's Day" will bo held both morning and evening at the First AI. E. church. At Trinity cathedral , corner of Capitol avenue - nuo nnd Eighteenth strcets.sorvlces for Whit sunday uro us follows : 8 a. m. , holy com munion ; 11 a. m. , morning service , with the annual sermon by Bishop Worthington be fore the trustees and faculty of brownoll Hall ; the offertory will be for the increase of the Episcopal fund : 7:45 : p. in. , evening prayer mid sormon. Services for the week : 0 a. m. daily , morning prayer , and 7:45 : p. in. Friday evening , prayer and address. The Brotherhood of bt. Andrew meets nt 7:45 : p. m. Tuesday evening. Men are. cordially in vited. A Sunday school concert oxcrciso will take the place of morning service nt the First Congregational church. Dr. Duryca being out of the city , there will bo no evening ser vice. Following Is tbo muslo nt. Kountzo Me morial Lutheran church : Vocul selections Lot the Words of Mouth , Baumboch ; lion- cdlo An mm , English chant ; Bonum cst , Alosenthal ; Saviour , Hear Me , Buck ; Sano- tus Gloria , Knopfol ; Heavenly Father , Bruce. Organ solos Praoludlum nnd Romnnza , Thayer ; Convention March , Garland ; Over ture to Nubucodonosor , Verdi ; Trauuicrcl , Schumann ; Festival March , Lundcl. Newman M. E. church , J. E. Ensinccr , pastor. Preaching at 10liO : a. m. , by Rov. John Dale. Class meeting , U m. Children's day exorcises nt 2:30 : and 8 o'clock p. m. First Baptist Church Strangers' Sabbath homo , corner Fifteenth and Davenport streets. Rov. A. W. Lamar. pastor , preach ing at S p. in. Alorning at 10:30 : , Children's any. special programme. Evening theme : "Tho Concmaugh Flood and its Lessons. " Snbbath school at 12 in. Prayer meeting , Wednesday and Friday evenings , nt 8. AH are cordially invited. Seats free. I'icnlcH. Waterloo , thirty-four miles from Omaha , on the Union Pacific railway , has very desirable picnic grounds. There are plenty of shade trees , good boating , line fishing , swings , dancing pavillion , and in fact everything that goes to make up a Ural-class picnic re sort. sort.The The Union Pacific railway is pre pared to make especially low rates for parties , societies and associations desir ing to give a picnic thero. For full informational ! on or address HAKIIV P. Duuur. , , City Passenger Agent , 1302 Farnam st. Piano Tuning and Repairing By competent workmen and very best work only , guaranteed at Moinberg's music stores , 1514 and 1510 Dodge st. Try Golden Gate Special broad. = ? AMUBRMKNTB. BPJIS OEM Monday , Xiicndajr nnil Wndncaday , Juno 1O , 11 anil 12. THE OI'KUATIO KVKNT OF THE 6EABON. KlaVornte Production of the Comlo Opera Burcrsj , SAID PASHA , Uy Richard Htnlil. Pronounced the nio t succ fnl Comic Opera since "llio Mikado. " K\ cry tiling No\v , Magnificent Costumes. Klixb- ornto Scenery. (5KEAT STAIl CAST , LA.IUJB CIHMUS. Regular prices. Tliroo Nights & Saturday Mntlncc , commencing TIll'HSDAY , JUNE 13. Clrnnd Production of DUNCAN B. HARRISON'S Successful Irish Mclo-Drnmn , A 1'oworful Company ! KxtinNlto Pnthoa I Spark ling Witt Ilubbllni ; Humor ! Ciirloiul of llcnutl * fill Bcotioryl Ofcnnd Cfticado of llcnl Wnterl TheiUrlcnl Sonintlon of tno Agcl ( treat Illvotf Bcouc , iW.ouu Cubic I'oct of Water. lU'gular prices , feats go on sale Wednesday morning. AVccli oOIomliiy Juno lOlli. KnpaKCmontoitrnorJInnrjrof the most attraction ever prevented ntllio Mimeo The 5th AevniiB TheaterOoT A Oront Compnnr ot stnrj , headed bjr Mr Net rlorunr . vriioni nil will remember a * the l.onllna Mnnnf'llio 'IvralTo roinvtiiion . " * will appear In Twnllrcnt Dtiimiu , Monday , i' . . , daT. Wcitnotdiiir anil TluiMday , Ton NlRhts In n llur nilYiV"BS"J HatuMiT nnil Snnilny , Jo h Whltrnmli , or Ino Om Homestead. Now SconorylNew incctsl : lUo 1 fctllj The 1'rico lOc. AtchisonJopekafiSantaFeeRiR The Popular Ilotito to ( he Pacific Const. THROUGH PULLMAN And TOURIST SLEEPERS IMm-en Kansas City nnd SAN DIEGO , LOS ANGELES ami SAN FRANCISCO , Short Line Itontc to TOliTLAM ) , Ore- gon. , Double Daily Train Senici' . Between Kansas C ty nnd 1'UKnijO , COLOHADO SPRINGS nnd D10N- V12R. Short Jjlno to HALT JJAKI2 C1T V. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Between Uniisna City nnd GALjVKSTON. The Short Line Uofwcou Kiitiaaq City nnd GA1NJEH- VlfcLE , IT. WOKTII , DALLAS , AUSTIN , TEMPL13. SAN AN'IONIA , ' HOUSTON and all points In T.-xns. TIio only Line Running Through tbo OKLAHOMA COUNTRY. The Only HI root I.i no ' lll T.-xuq l Hll-Hatt die. For IMnpiiii-1 Time TalHcn and. and Information Ho iTiIInu Rntoa and Routes , Call on HP Adilross , E. L , . PALMER , Frelclit mid I'usa. Agent. S. M. O8GOOI ) , General Agtint. liJOH Fnrnnrn Stroct. Omaha. TROUSERS At thl * remarkably low -price wo place on sale alarge nswtroentof desirable pat terns Men s Trousers. The tit und work manship of these gaiments we can uuar- aiiteo. "W , T : 311 South 10th St Omnlm , Nob. SOLE AGENTS FOR ST. LOUIS HYMAULIG-PRESS BRICK. Ten a Cotta work and Flro Proofing , I'vcora Mortor colors . , ( all Mimics ) , Bwcony'H Dnmb Walter , , lard Wood Moors. Venetian i-ml dudlnc . ( Insiaol ItllndK. Contractors . and Uulldera supplies Oull and see samples , and eel price Coriosponduuco nollcltcd. TEA SETS China Sets , PERKINS CATCH , & Porcelain Sets LAUMAN , $7.00 China Glassware. and . $5.50 . NEW 1614 J'AXTON FAIIXAH HUIUMNtt. ST. . Brown , Blue and Pink Sets. $4.OO.