Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1889, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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A Jtmo Walk With Local and State
Social Loaders.
The Hound ol'Klepnnt PlonHurcfl That
Kncngo the Jjclfliiro Hours ot tlio
1'cnplo ConatltniltiK Society
Person nl Notes.
"t will bo vary Rind , " Btild Mrs. Kodgcrs ,
"to toll you nil about the o latest styles , "
and pointing to n magnificent display , con
tinued : "Now York dealers have nothing
newer than you see tlloro. I think that for
qulot , bcauvy and attractiveness the Invcn-
"ttons this year surpasses anything over
brought out. Let mo sh ow you a ftw hs
nnd bonnets that In Gothnm are constdorod
very swell and Just the thing.
"There lor Instance , " taking down from
It * pedestal a wee bit of a bonnet , "is the
latest ngony. That 1 what wo call a Caroline
line llowboux , and It has made a decided
lilt with the Indies for street wear. "
7 ho bonnet Is of light ollvo shade , trimmed
with fancy mixed bralU , clusters of line
rosebuds around the brim , the whole sot oft
most effectively with a black velvet bow ana
largo stpol bucklo.
"Thnt Is n very woot bonnet , " observed
the ludy , "but If you would like to see souto-
thintf that tlio ladles simply rave over Just
tulto a squint ot that , " and she hold up the
cutest specimen of fominlno head-gear the
reporter ever saw. It la referred to as a
sensation In crush pink enhanced by a
wreath of rosebuds around the brim , crown
decorated with line cut -Jot , rosebuds and
French leaves.
A reception bonnet pink ollvo. trimmed In
lacu of gold and popples , would strike the
favorable bent of any woman's fancy.
"Thero Is a hat , " continued the fair
talker , "that black Milan 1 refer to , that is
the rngo oast. " It has a cliMtwo/ moss
rosebuds nestling under the front rim and
partmllv tita by a short lace veil falling
gently over the loroheud. "That is one of
the most stylish things in the market. " An
other bonnet called the Eugcnio Parlshi' ,
having n pleated net crown nnd edged with
lino-cut jet and set off by largo gold and
steel buckles , attracts attention.
The real , "away-up" thing , however , Is a
sort of scoop-shuped hat with laney-fiicod
droggs of wine-colored velvet nnd the crown
embedded In a cluster of natural grasses ,
twigs ana cherries.
A toque of cardinal crept1 , crown formed
entirely of silk and decorated with poppies
mid leaves , is ravlshtngly beautiful.
The black legborn hat is also much In
fashion this season and among the Don ton
considered quite swell.
Artificial roses buds , forgotrpio-nots ,
lilacs , otc. , arc largely worn as party and re
ception ornaments. The make of tlicso Im
itation adornments has come to bo marvel-
nusly perfect. Thus it will bo seen that the
ladles of Omaha nucd no longer send their
orders away to Now York for their hearts'
Dnnno College Commencement.
Commencement week at Doauo college
this year begins Juno 23 and ends on the
37th. The first feature is the baccalaureate
sermon by Dr. J. T. Duryoa of Omaha ,
Sabbath morning , Juno 23. Dr. A. H. Thain
of Oinntm will gtvo the address to the Y. M.
C. A. Sabbath evening ; Monday evening ,
Dawes oratorical contest ; Tuesday morning ,
senior preparatory exhibition ; Tuesday
evening , Hcsporiun club exhibition ; Wednes
day evening , commencement concert ; Thurs
day morning , commencement , followed by
alumni dinner. *
Tlio graduates of all colleges , wherever
situated and of whatever name'receive a
cordial , lnvuation to this dinner as guests of
Doano collegcund arc'requested to announce
tliolr C0n > l"ff > > * olottor to-tho necrology of
tbo faculty , Prof. IL H , Hosford. The letter -
tor should bo sent by Juno 20.
This is an attempt , for the first titno In the
history of Nebraska , It is believed , to bring
together all college graduates , to renew old
collegu associations.
The Nebraska Chautauqua begins tho.
evening of commencement day , Thursday ,
Juno 27. An address on the Chautauquu
grounds will bo given Friday , Juno 28 , to
college graduates by Dr. Charles F.Thwing ,
of Minneapolis. It is hoped that a large
number of college alumni and alumna ; will
come lo the Chautauqua in season to attend
Do not forget to announce your coming ,
mentioning tno nnmo of your college , by u
letter to Prof. II. H. Hosford , Crete , Nob.
Blrihtlny I'nrty.
On Thursday evening , Muy 30 , the hand
some houio of Herman DUISH , on Twentieth
nndVirt streets , was the sccno of great
merriment. It. was the birthday of the ac
complished daughter , Miss Mamie , and a
largo surprise party was tendered to her.
The charming hostess proved herself worthy
of the occasion , nnd , aided by her hosplt lo
parents , gave gracious welcome to all. Vocal
and Instrumental music , dancing and card
playing , with pleasant social converse , made
the hours unss quickly. The evening , spent
BO.dollghtfully In this beautiful home , will
long bo remembered. Those present were :
Mr. and Mrs. Hanson nnd family , Dr. and
Mrs. Bryant , Mr. and Mrs. Hurko , Mr. and
Mrs. Hill , Mr. and Mrs. MoDonuld , Mr. and
Mrs. Pretnldn , Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Joe Doiss. Mr. and Mrs. F. .M.
Croury , Mr. and Mrs. II. Ilcnneborg ; the
Misses W. M. O'Sbauglinossy , W. BuldufT ,
" \V. J. Paul , George Paul , Joe Murphy , John
Murphy , Mr. Moffat , will Trucltov , the
Misses Mnudu Paul , Mary and Etta Crelgh-
ton , Maggie Mlllett , Minchoif , Nellie nnd Ida
Trucko.v. AIIco and Maggie Cannon , Mamio
and Murglo Fitzpatrlclc.
On Monday evening , May 27 , the friends
of E. J Snydcr tendered him a party at ( the
homo of his parents , 2515 Hamilton street , in
honor of his sixteenth birthday. The young
folks had u merry time. The house ro-
eoundod with music until a late hour. Danc
ing and card playing wore Indulged in and
decant refreshments wore served.
A Card of Tliauka. \
As about two hundred of our friends Mon
day evening Juno ! i , took the great trouble to
uiako us a very pleasant and generous sur
prise m our now homo at Montnouth park ,
nnd at the eamo time also showed us their
thankfulness for our work in the past as well
us their best sympathy in our present work
of mercy and charity. Wo feel constrained
to In this way express our heartiest thanks
for all tholr kindness. Especially wo thank
the committee of arrangements and its chair
man , Mr. P. K. Floodmau , who had a good
deal of work in the matter. True Christian
charity ubldoth for over.
over.E. . A. FOQKLSTHOM.
Carmcily MoGovern.
The wedding of Mr. John Carmody am
Miss Mary McGovorn occurred on Wednes
day morning at St. Peter's church , Kcv
Father St. Lawrence tying the knot. MUs
Macula McCarthy acted as bridesmaid und
Mr. Stephen Carmody us groomsman. The
bride was attired in n white Henrietta dress
trimmed with Spanish lace ; she worou whlta
liat und a wreath of orange blossoms. The
wedding breakfast was served at the resi
dence of Mr. P. McQoveru , brother of the
lirlde , at 2015 Chicago street , und In thii oven-
lug a reception and ball were given In honor
of the newly wedded pair at Wold's hull.
About eighty couples took part in the dances.
Mr. and Mrs. Carmody will make their future
homo and Twenty-second und Masou streets.
A Pleasant Hurrir.'Sf.
About forty of the Mends of Messrs. I. J.
Gushing , FrodorlckCain and QcorgoThorpo
under tbn leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Johnson made unceremonious descent
\tpon them at their homo with Mr. and Mrs.
C. D. Thompson , 2215 Dodge street , lust
"Wednesday evening. The secret was well
kept and the young men worn taken entirely
oft their guard , but believing that discretion
v ui tlio better part part of valor they sur-
endured gracefully to the fair besieger * .
Tbo evening was passed very pleasantly
with games , uiuslo and unlmated conversa.
t.on , KefreahuiouU were served and
thoroughly enjoyed by all present.
The popularity of the three gentlemen
was fully demonstrhfod. Mr. and Mrs.
Thompson carefully xvutchcd after Interests
of tliolr guests who votctl the ontlro oven-
Ing't entertainment a success.
Illcli School Commencement
The annual high school cotnmoncomcnt
occurs Juno ! . ' * , at Uoyd's opera houso. The
following will graduate :
Mlsca Comfort DaVor , Eva BartUtt , Qus-
sio Hauman , Gertrude Hall , Rose Hrndy ,
LiydlaDruchert , Allco Urown , Carrie Drown ,
nary Hrunor , Lena Dyrno , Gundlo Coburn ,
Vfarlon Grandad , Alia Fisher , Tilllo Fried ,
Jnthorlno Ouo , Manila Hamlln , Inoz II as It oil ,
Cnto Hompel , Belle KumptiroyMnbel Hyde ,
Louls Johnson , Alice Jordan , May Jos-
iclvn , Lulu Knight , Jewel McCuno , Addle
Sowman , Hosa MIckcll , Jessie Pnraoll , Eu-
nlco Stcbbms , Evil Strong. Tony Tzschuck ,
Annie Witninn , Gonovlovo Young nnd Carrie
lotwollorf Messrs. Wallace , linker , Leroy
Jrummer , Walter Dumall , Frank Field ,
William Hlggins. Frank Lolnenrlng , George
McCaguo , Edgar Morstnnn , Clnrcnco Mcy-
cry , Martin Nelson , Irving Heed , Wilklns
Uustm , Charles Stone nnd Churlcs Thomas.
llounptlnn ,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Smith , who were
married nttho Holy Family church an the
22d of May , returned from their bridal trip
to Colorado Tuesday , nud spent the week nt
their homo , No. 1710 Webster street , re
ceiving their friends. Mrs. Smith , nco
ICato Llddcll , Is well known In this city , she
being a native Omaha girl witli a whole host
of frieni1s. The happy groom holds a respon
sible position in the ofllco of the general at
torney of the Union Pacific railway nnd is n
young man ot considerable promise. The
nigh estimation In. which this young couple
Is held Is attested b'y the many costly , olo-
gnnt and useful presents received from their
many friends In this city nud elsewhere , nnd
the good wishes oxtonucd them for a long
life of happiness and prosperity.
A Notable fivont.
The Excelsior says : The formal opening
of the now Bee building , Juno 10 , for which
very fine invitations uro now being prepared ,
will bo an event of no little interest to
Omaha. The building , which Is * ono of the
handsomest in the country , 1U grmid dimen
sions being 17,421 square feet , 'stands as a
monument to the enterprise of the founder
of the best known paper of the Missouri
valley. No expense has boon spared to make
It the model newspaper building of America ,
and no little credit is duo Mr. Itnsuwalcr for
giving to the Gate City the largest news
paper structure on this continent. The in
terior of the building and especially tbo
well-lighted court , finished In stucco , has been
tastefully planned , the artist being every
where dlscornablu.
A Kuropcan Tour.
Mr. J. N. Metcalf , vice president of the
Llnlnger& Mo teal f company , accompanied
by Mrs. Motcalf , loft Monday on a tour
through Europe. They will flrst visit rela
tives and friends in Philadelphia and Now
York city. At the latter place they will bo
Joined by . J. Cornish of this city , and A.
J. Cornish of Lincoln. The party has taken
berths on the Cunard steamer , Etrurla.
which leaves Now York on Juno 22. It is
the intention of the tourists to travel through
Europe , visiting all the principal cities in
England , Ireland , Scotland. France , Ger
many , Austria , Bohemia , Italy , Greece , Tur
key and probably the Holy Land.
Second Presbyterian Church.
The mom bora of the Ladles society of this
church held their annual picnic In the grove
of Broadway park at Council Bluffc , Thurs-
any last , A very pleasant aud enjoyable
titno was experienced gathering wild straw
berries , in conversation nnd games. The
ladies present included , Mesdames M. Hut-
maker , Jno. Trench , Dr. Giltnan , C. A.
Wcsterficld , F. C. Shields nnd daughter , L.
A. Collins. H , O. Fredericks and son , C. J.
Canan , M. H. Howard. F. M. Fitch , J. M.
Lowe , L. F. McGinn , J. 1C Briggs , D. H.
Pratt , Dr. Spauldin * . Frazo Ilobbins , Thos.
H. Mottat , and Miss Laferty.
Anotbcr Nowspapnr Mail Mated.
Cards have boon Issued 'announcing-
approaching tnarrmgo of Mr. Victor E.
Bender , of- the Omaha Dispatch , to Miss
Alma Colvlllo , an accomplished young lady
at Galcsburg , 111. , on Tuesday , Juno 11.
The couple will make their homo at 2200
Dodge street , in this city. Mr. Bender is at
present in Galcsburg making urrangcinrnts
for the upproacbing nuptials.
VlHttod the itangr.
Dee Htiynos , Tom Boyd , W. E. Hamilton ,
Minot Terrell , Frank Dana. Chester Ber
nard , Scss Douglas and Alfred Molnborg
visited the rifle range at Bcllovuc , Tuesday
afternoon. They were the guests of Lieu
tenant Wright and Captain Keller.
H o-we-S tout en borons ; h.
On Juno 3 , Mr. Charles F. Stoulonborough
was married to Miss Bella M. Howe by Itev.
Willard Sentt. Both are residents of this
city. After Juno 15 they will bo at home to
their friends at 2S17 Poppletou uvenuo.
Away From Ilninr.
The following ladies and gentlemen , du
ring the summer , may bo addressed at the
following places :
Miss Eugenie KounUo , 123 Uuo do Uivoll ,
Hotel Brighton , Purls , France.
ivliss Popplotun , Miss Mary Poppleton ,
Morton , Uoso & Co. , bankers , London , Eng
Mrs. J. U. Nicholas , Philadelphia , Pa.
Miss Nellie Bums , Cincinnati , O.
Mr. and Mrs. J , N. H. Patrick. 218 Uuo do
Ulvoli , Hotel Brighton , Paris , B'ranco.
Miss Dundy , Los Angeles , Col.
Mrs. Fanny Kellogg Uachert , Hotel Bruns
wick , Boston , Mass ,
Mrs. C. A. Collins and Miss Collins , Mun-
roe & Co. , bankers , 7 Hue Sorlbo , Paris ,
Colonel Guy V. Henry and family , Bellevue -
vuo , Neb.
The Uov. and Mrs. C. T. Brady , Washington -
ton , D. C.
Mrs. E. C. Snyder , Thouipsontown-on-tho
Junta ta.
Mr. Charles H. Hentlncks , 6000 Vine
street , West Philadelphia , Pa.
Mrs. H. D. Estabrook , Wattlleld , Vt.
Social Gosslix.
Mrs. Judge Dundy has returned from Sa-
Miss Ollvo Welter Is visiting friend * in
Quincy , III.
Mr. E. C. Snyder will pass the next six
'weeks In Pennsylvania.
Mrs. II. D. hstahroolc will pass the next
throe months in Vermont.
Mr. C. H. Hcndrlcks loft Tuesday for an
eight weeks visit in Philadelphia.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Sclp Dundy will make thnlr
future homo at 028 Park avenue.
Miss Eva E. Dcnms , | of Yankton , Is in
the city visiting her father , General John B.
Dr. J. 8. Crawford and wlfo have gone to
Cleveland. O , , their former homo , for a
three weeks' visit , ,
Mr. Nicholas Valentino , of this city , Is to-
bo married June 20 to MUs Mary C. Leon
ard , of Davenport , la.
The annual commencement exorcises'of
Brownell hall occur at 10 u. m. Tuesday , ' in
the chapel of that institution ,
The Mississippi and MUsourl Valley Hard
ware Dealers' association enjoyed u boun
teous banquet at the Millurd Tucjdav oven-
Miss Mathleson , of London , Ontario , spent
several duys with Mrs. J , Cussidy , 25'37
Davenport , while on route to visit her
brother in Colorado.
Victor Kosowater returned yesterday from
Baltimore , whore he has been pursuing his
studies In Johns Hopkins university. Ho
will spend the summer vacation at homo.
Mrs. Nathan Shelton gave an oloiraut
luncheon at the Union club Thursday after
noon in honor of Mm. Millspitugh , of Minne
apolis , and Mrs. Buldcn , of Suit Lake City.
Miss Emma Chlnlnuy , one of the leading
young society ladles of Dcadwood , will
spend the summer with her old friend , Mrs.
J. Ji Clarke , at Twenty-third uud Michigan
City Society.
MUs Frank Woods is home from un ex-
tcuuud stay lu Dakota.
A. H. Kcuton and wife have been visiting
in Ulvcrtoii , la. , the past week.
The Institute for the blind gave Its closing
exercises Thursday evening. An excellent
Parasols ,
> > t
Parasols ,
Great Parasol Sale
Commencing MONDAY , JUNE
lOiii , 1889.
In order to close out tbo ontlro line bo *
fore July 1st. , wo Imvo concludnd to.offor
them nt the following prices which JB
much below their original cost : ,
Lot 1 , Bltick Satin , lined nnd Itxco
trimtuod for 81.25 , reduced from $1.75.
Lot 2 , Black Sntin , superior nuuHty ,
with bind : Spanish Lnco , nt $1.87 , redu
ced from $2.00. '
Lot 3 , Black Satin , extra quality with
blnok Spanish Lace , nt $1.69 , reduced
from $2.60. , :
Lot 4 , Black Satin-Hnod , pink edge ,
at Stic , reduced from $1.25.
Lot 5 , Black Sntin , extra quality. ;
lined nnd pink edge , at 31 , reduced
from $1.60.
Lot 0 , "White and Ecru Lnco covered
Pnrasols , lined , at SI , reduced from
Lot 7 , White nnd Ecru Lnco covered
Pnrnsols , superior quality , lor SliCO ,
' '
regular price $2.60. ' * .
Lot 8 , 60 Pongee Parnaola in plnin and
lace trimmed , $2.15 , regular price$3.60.
Lot ! ) , Coaching Parasols in black un'Q
colors , 81'Voducod from $1.75. > " . r
Lot 10 , Extra quality Coaching Para
sols in blncka nnd colors , at $1,26 , regu
lar price $2.75. t
Lot 11,100 26-inch Gloria Silk , extra
quality , with gold and silver cnjjs , at
$1.35 , regular price.$1.75. „ > i ,
A choice line of rain and.sun.Uinbrol-
Ina with gold and silver crooks , ranging
in price from $1.75 to $0. Also n fufl
line of Diroctoiro nnd La Tosca Um
brellas , with high art handles' , at our
usual popular prices.
' t
_ t- ± -
100 pieces dress style and nprou check
Ginghams , nt 5c.
2 bales extra quality , 38 inch Brow-n
Cotton , at 5a.
1 case Outing Flannels , all the now
combinations and colors , in stripes and
chocks , at IGic , reduced from 25c.
1 case extra quality , American Sat-
ines , choice styles anu colorings , at2Jc.
musical programme was presented by the
blind students.
Miss Jennie Malone , of Lincoln was visit
ing Miss Einma Curtis in this city tbo past
l ' ' 1" ' " )
week. -
Captain S. H. Morrison was in Omaha this
week attending a banquet of the Loyal
Legion. -
Miss Marv Heisormnn. of West Union. la. ,
is in the city visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. U. M.
Mrs. L. F. D'Gctto and son loft thls'weok
for Forest Lake , Minn. , where they will pass
the _ summer.
llobort DruMdnm leaves next week for
Salt Lake City , where ho expects to go into
JudRoM. S. Hny ward , wife nnn.son nre.nt
Cold Springs. N. Y. , where they will spend
the summer.
An effort is beinp made to organize a
"circle" in this city to attend the Crete
Chuutuuqua in a body. -
Mr. Will R. Green , of Kansas City , ' bos
been in the citv the week past , the guest of
his friend , Dr. Claude Watson.
Uov. Mr. Forbes , of Omaha , has been
called to accept the pastorate of the Congre-
gKtlonal church in this city.
Colonel Shirly , of Chicago , and 'R. W.
Shirly , a Red Cloud banker , were in the city
this week , guests of Mr. E. F. Highland , of
tlio IJurliiiKton. ' t
Mr. George Thomas ana Miss Hannah
Faunco were united in murriutro Thursday
evening at the residence of the bride's
parents in Grcggsport. Elder Wuldsmith
ofllcluted. * 'J
Ijincoln Society.- , j
Mrs. E. T. Jones , of Oshkosh , is visiting
Mrs. E. E. Dennett. ' "r
Mrs. W. W. Marsh and daughter are at
Hot Springs , Dak.
The Union club hold Us monthly-reception
Wednesday evening. 1 < % '
Henry Dye has gone into the l ' & M.
ticket oQico as clerk.
Mrs. Fred S. Kelley has gone to Canada
to spend the summer.
Mr. T. C. Munger is visiting among old
friends nt Cedar Fulls , la.
H. S. Gordon , an old-time Llncolnlto , has
gone east for a six-month stay.
Miss Fanny Moore is soon to bo wedded tea
a gentleman from Newark , O.
Col. 8. S. Smith has been entertaining F.
D. Glfford of Westlako , la.
Miss Carrlo Victor , o Chamnalgn , 111. , is
visiting her brother , Dr. H. C. Victor.
Mrs. W. I. Fryer has returned from a
visit with her parents in Ncniaha county.
MUs Kftlo Loose returned Tuesday from a
week's visit at Howard , her former home.
Mrs. L. E. Mutchlcr is entertaining her
sister , Miss Emma Dloso , of Red Oak , la.
Miss Gretchon Marrjuotto is planning an
eastern trip with an extended stay at Sara
Mr. Edgar A. Rognrs and Miss Cora M.
Ersklno will be married next Wednesday
morning , ,
Mrs. E. H. Andrus and daughter started
Thursday for Uuffalo by way of Duluth and
the lakes.
Madnmo Weber has engaged to take part
as soprano In the Saongorfest concert at Col
Mr. ana Mrs. T. A. Mann have been en-
tortutning Judge und Mrs. S. T. Davis , of
Sioux City ,
Mrs. J , J. Foster's guest , Mrs. George
Hawks , of Chudron , bos gone to visit at
Gulvu , III.
Miss Stella Loughbrldgo caraa up from
Fulls City to attend tbo High school coin-
Harry licffclliugor ban gene to Omaha as
chief clerk in Hughs' drug store on west
Furuaut street.
T. E. Sunders of Doavor Crossing , ono of
tlio bank examiners to bo , has removed bis
family to Lincoln.
MUs Maggie Hallott and Miss LJossIo Mon-
denhull have returned from a mouth's so
journ at Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1) . McCuuloy , of Detroit ,
who visited Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Dentilsnave
gone on to Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. Summers of Evausvlllo ,
Ind. , ino guests of Colonel und Mrs. Pace ,
huve returned homo.
George B. Frankfortur attended thq wedding -
ding of A , E. Anderson , of Geneva , to Miss
Hiittlo Uobblns , nt Solomon , fa. , aud says
that it was ouo of the ovouta'of tUat BUG-
J. N , Higinbotham got oft for Miu UiUun
on Thursday , after givlug test imp ivy jti tbo
federal court ut Ouiuhu.
Prof. Hagenow was married quietly at/bis
home Wednesday evening. The bride Is Mrs.
31 OJ
Buy n"w , as you can buy at incomparably low prices.
rtV Great Sacrifices in Summer Woolen and Wash Fabrics.
A well assorted nnd complete stock of nil Summer Fabrics , both imported nnd domestic. Some special induco-nonta
for Monday in INDIA LINENS. .
Rcgular.l2ic INDIA LINEN sells for 8aC
Regular 14c INDIA LINEN sells for IOC
Regular 17c INDIA LINEN sells for 12'C '
GRASS BLEACHED NAINSOOK , stripes , plaids nnd lace ollocts , generally sold at lOc , 12je nnd 15c ,
T . ? > Go for 8Jc , lOc and 12Jc.
FRENCH'ORGANDIE : MOUSELAINE. handsome figured , beautiful shades , also plnin colors ,
I IP Reduced from 4Oc to 25c.
BATISTE ! , BATISTE ! BATISTE ! Short lengths , 7 , 9,10 nnd 12 yards At 12Jcj WOrth 25c.
Our sboTCH NOVELTY GINGHAMS are marked down to prices that invite purchase.
Emma Rhodesand tbo coromouy was per
formed byfu4R ° Stowart.
The senior Pleasant Hour-club will picnic
at Cushmiin' ' park next Wednesday , and
dance in tjyj cypning. ( „ . , , (
MIss'Clara-jGaVinody , of the land commis
sioners ofllcd ; entertained a small company
nt cords Monduv ovonlntr.
The pupils of Mrs. Franklin's school en
joyed a picnic Tuesday afternoon under tuo
trees on the capitol grounds.
Miss Ida Henry of Nebraska City , who
taught school at Edgar , visited among Lin
coln friends on her way , home.
Miss Lulu Tale of'Beatrice , the guest of
Miss Gertrude Hilt , daughter of State
Treasurer Hill , has returned homo.
" *
Mrs. Lucy It. BurKe is enjoylug a visit
from her brother. G. W. Waldo , of Arkan
sas , who may remain all summer.
C. G. Bryant , representing the J. I. Case
Implement company in thcso parts , has
bought a homo here and brought his family
from Illinois. ,
Hal C. Young of the Ca'pltal National
bank is'sponding the month at his old home ,
Now Haven , W. Va. , and stopped at Cincin
nati cu route. . ' . -
Mr. and Mra. H. A. Babcock'rcturnod on
Monday from North Loup , where they at
tended the wedding of E. J. IJabcock aud
Miss Jcssio True.
Mrs. W. H. Kelley , 'wife of'tI ' ( > oMJnIou
Pacllic attorney , has returned"much im
proved after several mouths' treatment in
the woman's hospital of Chicago.
Max Wcsterman Is visiting at Docitur.lll. ,
bis old homo. Ho willrbo accompanied on
bis return next week by a younger brother ,
who will complete the family trio In Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Cat Thompson's guests , Mr. i
und Mrs. G. A. ISirdiall , will leave Monday
for their homo la Wyoming torrltqryi They
have made many friends in Lincoln 'society.
The Junior Pleasant Hour club had a
basket picnic at Cushman park'on the pro
gramme for yesterday nttornaonj t6 conclude
with a dancing party at Music hall in the
Miss Chic Brown is enjoying the pleasures
of Nantuckct beach and also pursuing her
musical studios. Mrs. Brown will leave for
Boston about the first , and ( n August Mr.
Brown will rbu down to bring them homo.
Mr and Mrs. J. H. McMurtry and daugh
ter will leave Monday for an all-summer
visit to eastern cities and among the moun
tains. They will bo accompanied by tbolr
guests , Mr. and Mr . F. D. Stouo , of Louis
ville , Ky.
Ellsworth W. MoCuIlough , of the imple
ment firm Cadman & Co.was married Thurs
day evening ut Bethany Congregational
church in Chicago to Miss Maggie Mooro.
They will bo ' 'at homo" in Lincoln after
Frank Mocdonald of the Capital hotel Is
figuring on a trip to Alaska. Dr. and Mrs.
J , H. Rtuhurds started on a ploa.suro trip to
that country ! a few days ago. They were
aocoinpauiod'Ay Dr. and Mrs. Chlllcoto , old-
time friends-from Washington , la.
Ira HigUy.fiif : the Murray hotel , Omaha ,
was In LiflccAiWcdhesday , with his family
visiting no friends. They baa been
spending ill days previous among Mr.
Hlgby's r > s at Beatrice.
Though I t ! ' society Item In the limited
sense of w&ferin , the baby show at the
Musco thqjKMft "weak has attracted a grout
deal of auonttan from all classes of society ,
so much s tint the attendance record bus
boon brolounfVl'ho following mothers ex
hibited thelrMIHlo ones ; Mrs. M. J. Gnu-
Khun , MiV.ifamcs Mnrvlti , Mra. W. M ,
Allen , .MfUl , Doinkf , Mrs. C. F. Board ,
Mrs. A. BJjSockton , Mrs. Mrs. J. V. S.
ShackoltoLtHr * . L. Biles , Mrs. H. F.
Gockler , finsJVptin Gross , Mra. M. H. Hick-
man , Mra.ij'1.1 P , Uandall , Mrs. J. Wulkur ,
Mr * . S. AjiAjwn. Mrs. B. I'arkor. Mrs. M.
M. Lyons"Mt > B , S. Hubbnrd , Mrs. John
Itough , Airs.John C. Sulsborry , Mrs. M.
M. McFurlana ; Mra. F. M. Perdue , Mrs. T.
M. Wright , 'Mrs. J. II. Bird. Mrs. H. M.
Glnthor , Mrs. J ( Jones , Mra. Al. BeachMrs.
J. M. Martin/and / Mrs. . L. Klunkcr.
Council lllnira Hnali-ly.
Mrs. MojKuno aud Mrs. Obtlngcr enter
tained a party of friends nt luncheon Thurs
day afternoon at the residence of Mrs , Mu <
Kund on First uvonuo , In honor of Mrs. E.
Tbo EpUcppal soclablo was .ontortumod
Thursday ovgnlngut the rondcnco of HP/ .
M. F. Sorensoo , . corner 'Eighth strool and
Willow avonuo. The grounds and shrub
bery ubotitihb houfto were decorated with
Chinese lanterns , and a most agroeabla
'evening IntorspRracd with vocal , and Instru
mental muslo was passed ,
The Presbyterian ladles on Fourth aynouo
gave an entertainment und social Friday eve
ning ut tu > ) roaidt'iicoof J. M. Pulmcrcornor
of Ninth street and Fourth uvonuo. Mrs.
Palwur was tuuUted by MeuJames Patter
son , Dlckoy and Woodward. It was a very
pleasant affair and much enjoyed by the
largo number present.
The ball nt Hotel tie Mnnnwo , Friday eve
ning was a most enjoyable affair , and the increased - -
creased attendance demonstrates the faet
that thcso events are becoming popular.
Several guests were In attendance from
The event of the wcok was the reception
given Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Hnus. at their Lotno , No. 131 South
Sixth street , in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward W. Hart , who had just returned from
their wedding trip. The occasion was a
most delightful ono In all respects , no pains
being spared that would loud to increase the
pleasure and comfort of the guests. The
grounds were brilliantly illuminated by olec-
tne light , which added much to their attrac
tiveness. The interior of the house was a
mass of fragrant ( lowers nnd potted plants ,
arranged in a variety of pleasing designs.
Although the decorations were not on
as elaborate a scale as Is sometimes seen , yet
it was frequently remarked that never had
a tnoro tasty arrangement aud pleasing effect
been seen. The rooms of this hospiUblo
homo were thrown , open to guests Irotn 8 to
11 o'clock , nnd in that time there wore ever
two hundred guests who were pi c ent. The
scene was constantly changing , parties ar
riving and departing , entailing quite a strain
on the host and hostess , and Mr. nnd Mrs.
Hart , who received thorn. The occasion was
a most delightful ono In all respects and
greatly enjoyed by nil present.
Last Wednesday evening there was a glajl- .
some gathering of music lovers at this residence -
donco of Mr. D. W. Bushnoll , the invitations
being limited to these who took uart in the
recent presentation of the now light opera ,
"Tho Smugglers of Sonovton , " composed by
Miss Belle Kobinson , of Council Bluds. Ono
of the nleasantest features of the evening
came .is a surprise to Miss Kobinson. A
number of the veterans called in a body ,
and In paying their respect to the young
gifted musician , had their sentiments well
voiced by Judge Hubbard. who in their behalf -
half read the following address :
Miss Bullo Kobinson : Your kind and
thoughtful remembrance of the members of
Abe Lincoln post , Grand Army of the He-
public , and other old soldiers which onubled
thorn to enjoy an evening with "The Smug
gles of Senovton , " has quicKened in them a
fooling of admiration for the awaken
ing genius of Its author jtn these
days of liberty , the citlzun-soldlur ,
while ho has u heart strong enough for war.
Is possessed of a spirit that Is appreciative of
good work nnd Is generous In hln desires for
exaltation of merit in ull those pathways of
mon that loud upward to bettor experiences
and onward to u fuller onjoyuiout of the ele
vating pleasures of Ufa. Harmony and
beauty uro .tho entrancing allurements of the
noblest und best in being and those who are
able to roach the hearts of men through the
tnuloilios of sound and the beauties of
creative thought are an inspiration to the
world that lifts it up to it best estate. That
this Is your field of effort wo bollovo , and wo
trust the future for its more perfect recogni
tion. There uro many dinicultlca to bo
overcome before full acknowledgement will
bo mado. Tlio world is cold and critical in
Its dealings with ilia adorations of genius ,
and it iKisltlvely refuses to honor individuals
until they become the living exponents of un
expression of soul that cotnpoU homage for
truth's eakc. Thnt you will bo able to roach
this commanding place wo confidently bo-
liovo. Wo ate conscious of your genius ; wo
have faith In your courage ; wo have coutl.
dcnco in your devotion , und as you toll on ,
remember that there are none that have a
greater interest in your success or will have
morn pride in your achievements than the
old soldiers of Council Bluffs. May God be
with you. H. C. Iluuiuitt ) .
Jonx Li.vur ,
E. A. BitooKB ,
High teas nra the popular fonn of social
entertainment In Council Hluifn at present.
The imisculinu portion of the souUl circles
uro barred from the enjoyment of these
gatherings , but the ladlus apparently enjoy
them hunlly less on that account. Several
of tlicsu tea parties have boon given durinx
thojiast wcok , The companies have not boon
largo , the Indies thus entertaining their
friends limiting the number of Invitations
und giving a aeries of such partlui , instead
of having a criish of friends ut any ono occa
sion. Among those who havu ulvon such
teas during the past week wore Mrs. Dr.
Hanchott , Mrs. MclCuuu and Mri. Van
Kov. H. A , Itolulionbuoh , pastor of the
Scandinavian Baptist church , reached his
fiftieth birthday anniversary on Tuesday
evening. Ho wua happily retuludod of the
avunt by having u largo nuuibor of his par-
Uhoncr * and frluuds cull uuoa him unex
pectedly. Thov presented him with n sot of
the Encyclopedia Brittanlca. Another gift
was a gold hooded Cane. Mr. Reichonbaon
has not only < won the hearts of his people but
has proved a most auccossful pastor m other
respects. His ability has caused him to bo
much sought for m other places , and he hashed
hod several very flattering calls to other
fields of labor , but ho has declined them al
though at a personal sacrifice , and has stuck
by his Council Bluffs congregation until It
bus become one of the strongest In the west.
A Danish mission has been recently started
uudur its auspices in the southern part of the
city , and promises to become n prosperous
society. The large portion of this growth is
due to the pastor's zeal and ability.
Beatrice Society.
C. M. Noill is in Denver on a ten days'
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gilbert departed
Thursday for Galona. Ill ,
Mrs. C. P. Fox of Washington , Kas. , Is
visiting friends in the city.
Mrs. M. Knight departed for n ton days'
visit to Salt Lake City Wednesday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. N Husslor , of Pawnee
City , wore Beatrice visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. C. E. White und daughter Sadlo.lmvo
returned from a visit with friends at High
land , ICan.
J. G. Pollock , mine host ot the Thurston ,
at Columbus , is visiting fnnnds in tnis city
this wool : .
Mrs. J. B. Scanlan returned : . Tuesday
from a brinf visit with friends and relatives
at Hustings.
J. D. Kilnatrick has .returned from a pro
longed business trip in Washington territory
aud Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Smith gave a dinner
party to a number of friends unu relatives at
the Paddock , Sunday. *
Mr. Will Millar , n recently appointed pos
tal railway clerk , bus resigned In disgust af
ter ono. trip to Omaha.
Mrs. Fred Lewis , of Friend , returned
homo Monday after a visit of several days
with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Zee.
Mr. N Miller , of Waterloo , la. , who has
been visiting relatives in this city for a fort
night past , returned homo Tuesday.
The ladles of the Christian church cleared
about 8150 from their "Merchants Carni
val" entertainment , given at the opera house
last wcok.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hfgby , of Omaha , was
visiting friends and relatives In the city the
early part of the week , returning homo
Wednesday ,
Miss Laura Shormnn , who has been visit
ing her brother , E. B. Sherman and family
the past fortnight , returned to her homo In
Now York Wednesday.
The society of the Presbyterian church
gave a very Interesting entertainment. "Tho
District-School , " at the oporu house Monday
evening. The affair was largely attcnuod
and a financial success.
Miss Nellie Adams of Omaha , formerly of
St. Louis , will man ago the uptown Western
Union tolugraph ofllco in place of Mrs. L. C.
Allison who leaves for the west on a sum
mer trip In n few days.
Mrs. Judgu Hazlctt , of this city , was vlilt-
Ing friends at Grccnbury , Pa. , at the time
of the Conumaugh catastrophe , and wrote
that aim saw many of the dead bodies float-
In f down the Btroatn past that oily.
Elders J , / . Brlssor and C. B. Newman ,
of the Christian douonlnatlnn , of Lincoln ,
were in the city Tuesday , and on that even
ing the latter delivered a frco lecture at the
Christian church on educational topics that
wns liburally uttondcd.
John J. Jackson , who has boon visiting his
brother "Arty , " the Union Pacific train dis
patcher at this point , loft fur a trip west
Thunlny , Ho will take in Holdrcgu , Den
ver unu Salt Lake and than the Pacific
Cards are out announcing the approaching
nuptials of Miss Lena Fisko , onu of Bea
trix's leading society holies and Mr. Frank
1) . Courtney , uiluo hontof the Grand Central
hotel , this city , The happy event will occur
nt the residence of the bride's brother , J. L.
Fisko of this city on Wednesday next.
Fremont Society ,
Frank Hepburn loft Tuesday for MrUtol ,
Tuun. , tn remain.
Mrs. N. H. Brown and children Imvo gene
to Itacltu' , Wis. , for u visit of a few weoki
with relatives.
Mrs. Hunry Grinith , of Seattle , Is In the
city visiting relatives , while Mr. Grinith
goes on cast on business ,
Mrs. Cluronco Vaughn , of South Omuha ,
has boon In the city during the week viilt-
Ing her parents , Mr. and Mra. Alton Mar
shall ,
E. II. PcawanU H , D. Moieloy , two ot
Fremont's ' best young men , left Wednesday
/ :
Chantilly Flouncings.f
$1,30 $1,60 $1,70 $2,25 - $2,85
reduced reduced reduced reduced
ft ota from from from from
tJ.10. IJ.2.V. f3.M > .
60-incii An m „ , :
Chantilly Flouncings-
( Empire nnd Dlroctoiro off out )
$3.75 $5.00
Reduced from $5.25 Reduced frqpi $7.
42-incli Black All Silk" "
Spanish , ' '
Guipure Flouncmigsi ,
$1.35 $1.38 $1.45
Hedttcal HettuCjd IlcilUrod Uoiluood
from $1.75. from from $ l. . \ . froni'J,85.
48-Incli Black and CreniG ( All Silk )
In Fish Not , D'Esprlt , Dotted , frigurijil ,
nnd Striped EIToets , Latest
$1.25 $1.4O $200 ;
Worth Worth
SI.50. $1.75.
45-icli : Swiss , ;
Beautiful designs , very deep embroid
ery ( full pattern lengths of 4i yards
each ) nt the following astonishingly low :3
prices :
$2,92 , $3,15 $3,83 $4,28
A r attorn A unttoru A pattern A pattern
ut ot of of
< /i yards. 4j ; y.-xnlfl. tyt yards. 4H yards.
45-iiicli Henistitcliei Swiss-M
Comprising nil the latest novelties in
tucked nnd band effects nt
$1 , $1.25 , $1.40 , $1-75 J
a ynrd up to $5.00. * '
for Ofjdon , Utah , whore they go to .engage
In business.
M. K. Pierce nnd wife , from N6w York ,
were In the city several days , guests of their
nopliows and n locos , Mr. nnd Mrs. H. P. i
Bcobo and Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank French ; " " v
Mrs. L. J. Abbott Rave a very pleasant
tea party Wednesday evening in honor ot
Mrs. A. P. Hopkins , of Omaha , who hat
bocn her guest several days during the week.
Miss O. E. Harris , who has boon bore a
week or two visiting her slstor , Mrs. John s
Livingston , loft Monday for her home at
Henderson , N. C. , In rosnonso to a telegram
announcing the death of her father.
Miss Jonnln Dorsoy wunt to Elhhart , 'Ind. ,
to bo present at the wedding ot her brother ,
Frank M. Dorsoy , of Pence , who married
Miss Uonnybollo Strontr nt the homo 'of her
naronts at ElUhart. Wednesday , the 5th
inst. The groom is a brother of Congress
man Dorsoy.
Wednesday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. fared
Meyer gave a reception to n large numbet1 o (
their frinnds , mostly Wisconsin people , 'in
honor of Mr. nnd Mrs , Will Sohrago , ' of
Sheboygan , Wis. , > vho are in the city visit
ing. The reception was one of those delight
ful ones for which Mr. nnd Mrs. Meyer have f
become so famous , their guests bolng royally
entertained. ,
The rcsidonco of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. O ,
Wolcott was the HCCIIO of a beautiful wedding -
ding , Thursday morning at 8 o'clock , .whan
their daughter , Miss Myrtle , was united In
marriage to Mr. E. E. Shackolford , of Torts.
The corcinony was performed by the K6v.
Lorcn F. Horrv , pastor of the Congrega
tional church , the bride and groom atandliig
under un arch elaborately ornamented 'with
floral decorations. Mr. Arthur Smith autod
as "boat man , " and Miss Inez Wolcott ,
sister of the bride , as bridesmaid. After
the nuptial knot had boon tied , tHe .
company present sat down to a sumptuous <
wuddlng braaltfust. At 10:30 : o'ulockTtho '
brldo and groom loft for York , wbero they
will make their homo for the present ,
Fremont Fraternities.
The members of the Frotnont Masonic or
ders subscribed to n fund and raised $103 for
the relief of the Pennsylvania Hood sufferers.
Deputy Grand Cutntiiandory L. M. Kocno ,
of Fremont , was nt Norfolk Thursday even
ing and conducted the exorcises at the insti
tution of Damascus Commandory Knlghti
Touiplar and the installation of onloers.
At a regular meeting of Fremont Lodge
No. 15 , A. F. & A. M. , hold Tuesday evening -
ing , the following ddlcors were elected for
the ensuing year : T. M. Goodspood , W , M. :
P. D. Dunnoy , S. W. ; Frank Fowler , J. W. :
Arthur Truosdoll , treasurer ; George A. "
Storey , secretary ; 1C. C. McDonald , B. D. :
E. T. Smith , J. U. ; F. M. Smith , S. 8. ; Ed.
Pratt , J. S. ; Win. E. Lee , trustee for Ave
County liiMtltute.
County Superintendent Hruncr has tisuod
the following address to tboteachers of
Douglas county regarding the forthcoming
instltuto :
The Instltuto will bo hold in the hlirh
school In Omaha , beginning at 0 o'clock a.
m. on the 12th day of August and continuing
for u term of two wooks.
All the teachers of the county , and alli
who Intend to become suoh during the current - '
rent year , are requested to tnaUo anch nr-
rangmnents as will enable them to attend
the Institute throughout tlio time It Will bo
In session.
Tim county superintendent may , at his die-
crctlon , revalco the certlllcato , or refuse to
grant a cortlllcato to any teacher who re
fuses to attend the county institute.
A tuition fee nf COconU , to liolp to defray
the expenses , will bo charged nil uioiuburaof
the institute.
Examinations for certificates will bo tiold
on Saturday , August 17 , and Friday nnd Sat
urday , August 23 and " 4. '
The Institute will bo conducted bv Trot. ,
lirunor , Avho will bu nsslstod bv the follow *
ing Instructors : Mrs. Jminlo Ji. ICoysor , Dr.
Mary Strong , Prof , M. G , Rohrbough undi
Prof. A.T. Lowry. j
George Wouki , Monmouth park , Juno r
bv the Itev. Frank S. Forbes , Mr. Walter !
Potter und Miss Anna Shared , both ot\ \
Tim following marrmgo llcetisos
Issued by County Judge Shields yustcitiay :
Numu and liosldcnco ,
I Daniel M. Glllon , Omaha . . . , . , . . ' , , ! } 4l
1 Jo io M. Snioldt , Ointihu . . . , . ! IV J
I August liauni , South Omaha. , . , . ? . , . .371
{ 1 Malta Stlno , Omalm. . , .f . . . . . . . , , . . . , , , . 1 ]
I Michael Schmidt , Omaha . , .n. , > . . , iWi
I Tlircssa Schullo , Oir\U , , . , , . . , * . ! ;