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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1889)
6 TKE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JJJNE 0. 1889-SIXTEEN PAGES. * - 'THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIlTBLTTFFS. OFFICE. NO 12 TKAIlfc BTUKET. llvtr dbr carrier In Any Tint of ho City a TwentyCtntB i'crWeek. Jl.m TIIJION. , .MANAOKH. TKLKl'HONUSI iftmKiM OFFICE No. 43. NIGHT EiilTolt , No. 2) . MINOR M15N11ON. ! tf , y.PlumblnjT Co D. W. Otis , city and fnrm loani. The Pompier corps will nrrlvo from Xhl- ! cngo , to-morrow morning , to nttond the tour- rnmont. The case of State vs Sherwood , for soiling roortRRKcd property , was on trial In tliu dis trict court ycstcrdny. The Ladles' Aid society will glvo n straw- lorry and lea cronm festival next Tuesday even I tip at tbo Korean Uaptlst chapel. Kcgular communlcatloD of Exeulslor ledge No. 1259 , A. F. & A. M. , Monday evening , Juno 10. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. . r William Collins , charged with the larceny of a pig from a neighbor In the nouthcrn part of the city , was yesterday discharged In Ju'lga A.vlcsworth's court. A mooting of nil the members of the old volunteer tire companies Is called for this ' evening at 8 o'clock , at the city building. All 1 faro requested to bo present. The following named persons drew watches at Uurborn'i weekly drawing last evening : In first club , J. Zlmmcrll ; second , J. M. Gray ; third , F. C. Simmons. During tbo heavy rain of Friday night the telephone at the water works pumping sta tion was burned out by lightning , and the interior walls of the building considerably burned and disfigured by the freakish cur- .irent.- . .irent.Dr. * * Dr. Harlan , of Denver , will hold nn out .door meeting this evening at 7:80 : o'clock , at Hvhffh tlmu ho will speak from the steps of this government , building , on Uroadwnv. Ho \vlllhandlothosocialproblom , "What Shall "WdDo | to Improve Our Uacoi" There was but a small attendance at the charity concert given at Dohany'n last evening - * ing for the benefit of the Johnstown suffer ers. The programme was excellently ron- ' 'dc'rcd , and a number of the selections wcro deservedly encored. The proceeds wore about * 10U. , . The ladles of the W. 0. A. have secured a portion of the new Mcrrlam block for their DBO during the tournament. Commencing Tdcsday noon they will servo meals at 25 'cents. ' Tnoy will also servo lunches , Ice cream , strawborrics , etc. The proceeds are to go to the benefit of the hospital. A largo number of cots havobccn been secured , BO that those desiring lodgings can secure them also at the Mcrriam block mortgages bought and sold , money loaned ; flro insurance. Robert 'V. Innos , 80 Pearl st. x Hbialor's Oyster Bay chop house and rostuurantday and night , 503 Brondwny. Danplor vapor stoves at cost change , location , Shugnrt &Co.,211B road wny. Try now Metropolitan rooms nnd table Have your old furniture upholstered' good as now. R. Morgan , 702 Broadway. Woolsoy & Long paper rooms neat , quick , cheap. 31 Main , tel 203. Elcc'int Decorations. The beautiful residence of General G. M. Dqdgo on Third street , which is now occupied by the general's brother , N. P. Dodge , has long boon known as ono of the palaces of the city , where it was scarcely possible for any improvement. Eut the flno old' place has received Borne ar.tlstic . attention , during the past " " ibw weeks , Unit has made a marked tm- .nrovoroont. Thu greater , .part of the , 'iwcirk - has boon devoted to the front entrance and main hallway 4 way , and it IB now perhaps tho' -Ripest in the city. The artist has ' -used but two colorsgold and white , and n tho'ollcct ' is beautiful. The two colors Bro well known to bo the most difllcult to combine and produce nn effect that will not bo garish and cold , but the grtist has accomplished the feat and as given a softened and pleasing ef fect that cannot bo described. The fig- , urcsseom to stand out like they wore .skillfully . carved out of the wall itself. The frieze is thirty inches deep nnd is a beautiful work of art. The design ie a simple ono and the figures have nm.plo background. In the light that 'comes through the doorway the glint of the gold is just marked enough to nt- .Jruct attention but it must bo brilliant 111'tho , blaze of the chandelier at night. .The . beauty of the work is its simplicity nnd its perfect harmony , that kind of " Harmony that grows a" pleasing im pression upon the beholder the longer io looks at it. 'T.JT.ins BEB reporter could scarcely have 'P9fw convinced that the splendid effect I GQuld have been produced by the skillful - ' f -ful 'manipulation of pressed paper , of r less-cost'evon than llncrusta walton , | if the artist who did it , Mr. P. O. Miller , I Tiadnot boon present and pointed it t 'Out. The work reflects the greatest I .credit upon Mr. Miller , and upon the B' people of Council Bluffs who demand I -Buch , work us ho is capable of doing. I- 'Thoro ' are few such artista as Mr. Miller - | lor in any city , and it is not remarkable I * that ho is BO popular with the people I' who love to have beautiful homos , nor 1 less remarkable that ho should nave the I. Control o ( the papering and decorating I Jn 'tho ' city. [ , If you nro building , investigate Bo- I , flino Roofing at 115 Pearl street. It is I puporior to slate , shingles , iron or tin , I ; nhd will last n lifo tlmo. Adapted to r any kind of roof. , Birkinbino Engineer- i- ing and Supply company. | [ -Money loaned nt L. B. Craft's & Co.'s I loan nlllco on furniture , pianos , horses , I' ' wagons , personal property of all kinds , : ( ' , pnd rill other articles of value , without : ] ' removal. All business strictly con 11- .1) ) flontial. $ ' " < A Koinnrkablo Kccor.l , U a'Mon and times change , but there's B' ' . bno thing that don't'r said William If Moore , of the wholesale tobacco v firm of Porogoy & Moore , to a IH PKK reporter yesterday aftorhoon , 1C" Ajfihd thnt is the Santa Rosa oigar. "We Is , iiuvo handled thorn exclusively in the Ir .west for the past eight years , and they I arc the same incomparable oigar to-day I that they wore when got the 11 rat sample I tox. And , by the wny , don't you know I. that next to the Bicic this cigar has li dona as much to udvortlso Council I JBlutfs as anything olsoV You can't find a | j town in the west or north west wnuro the II Banta Rosa isn't the most popular thing I in it , and the inquiry that follows the I 'first two or three whlfs , 'whoro'd you r cot thnt cigar , ' nnd the answer , 'in I gouncUJQluirs,1 gives the city n big nd- I vortisomcnt. TUo fact that ono mll- I lion live hundred thousand of thorn I were'sold last year is ns remarkable ns I the fact that the sales for the present I Voar nro running still higher. Yes , I this phonominal uula has attracted the i pirates , and there nro fraudu- 1 lent Santa Rosas on the mar- r k'ojt , Some manufacturers have made J % tha oxuct fac-similo of our labol. < JvAVe didn't ' mind it much when there 2 wus only u few Imitations , but now , I Blnco the whole pirnto crew are after L us , wo will got after tliom and will | prosocuta every ono of the swindlers. I ; Tho'Santa Rosa cigar isa publio noccss- | ity and wo do not propose to permit E ? .any fraud on the public. AB long as M < ' -we hiuullo the Santa Rosa , it will bo Bp the best Ko ) oigar in the world. " The K kwjpular vordlct susUiius what Mr , Kl loorc buys. Cr * BLUFFY HAPS AND MISHAPS , The Pour-Down Prom the Clouds Caused Sovornl of Thorn. TO-DAY'S SPIRITUAL MENU. Bcrlotifl Accltlnnt to Engineer Blrkln- blne Stroolc Drat' . Factory Burned General and Per sonal Notes. A nitrating Storm Cloiil. About 1 o'clock yesterday mornlnu It not merely mined , but it liturnlly pourid. It re minded ono of the bursting of the storm cloud , which caused such lnvvoo several years UKO. It seemed that the bottom hud really fnllun out , nnd nil the waters nbovo wore being poured out. The wntor from the hills rushed down the streets from the bluffs , nnd us they cainu surging nloni ; Msdlson street they quickly discovered that n portion of the paving bad been taken up , foe the nutting in of a pipe , nnd bad been loft dis placed. With n malicious freak , It furthered the taking up of the paving , nnd did BO In a very unseemly , boisterous wny. Tearing under the wooden blocks , It lifted them nnd swept them on down the street , scnttcrlne them along Urondwny , nnd depositing some of them as far away ns the Northwestern depot. The wooden paving for two blocks was thus carried away , leaving the plank foundation cleanly swept , nnd all In readi ness for the picking up nnd rcplnclng of the block. There miturnlly has arisen much questionIng - Ing as to who should rcpluco these blocks. The private property owners have already boon assessed for the original oxpcnso of the paving. The Now \orlt Plumbing company had tauen up the bit of paving in front of Mr. Crandull's residences for the purpose of making a water connection. At first thought It seemed that this company should stand the damage , but its manager , Mr. Hart , explains - plains the situation very differently. Ho states that It has been customary for the city , under the supervision of Its street com missioner , Mr. Avery , to relay pavement in such cases , ho having exports engaged for that purpose. Mr. Hart claims that when they bait got through with their plumbing Thursday evening Mr. Avcry was notilled so that thn pavlne could bo rclald Friday. It was not so rclald , and the storm cnmo yes terday , llndlng it in that displaced condition. The cedar blocks thus washed out and scattered aoout wore eagerly Inspected by numerous citizens , curious to see the effect of eighteen mouths wear on the paving blocks. Most of thorn expressed themselves as satisfied , the blocks showing better than thoy.expoctcd. Others picked up offensive samples and paraded them as evidencing how poor material had boon used by the con tractors , or how quickly tirno had rotted nnd worn the wooden paving. Tno fnll of water was fully two Inches , as indicated by several receptacles , such as n mortar bed , forming crude but quite accurate proofs of the way the clouds gushed out their contents. It was a severe test or the public improvements made In Council Bluffs within the past few years. A few years ago such a sudden and plenti ful outpouring would have caused the creek to overflow , would have carried away a goodly portion of the steeply graded streets , and would have flooded cellars nnd mired sidewalks. With well paved streets , sewers , n wide and deepened ned for the creek , and the numerous other improvements mailo , the water was carried off qulto wonderfully , leaving little to toll the story of the great rain except the indiscriminate scattering of tbo loosened blocks from Madison street. It was a test which showed the advantages o'f street improvements. The rush of water did little damage to the foundation of Mr. Marcus' now block , but this will not amount to S1UU. The Merriam block , just being finished , got a few undesirable spots of wetness , owing to the debris from the now roof clogging the waste pipes , but $25 will cover nil the damage , despite the rumor that the damage was much greater. A few foot of the electric motor track was washed out between the water works and the bridge , but a gang of men speedily re stored this , so that there was no interrup tion to the running of trains , and no special damuco. The top of n mnn-holo near the Methodist church , on Broadway , was lifted off by the rush of water. Mr. E. Huntington , in wad ing along in the darkness , stepped into this , but managed to crawl out with no moro serious injury than comes from a severe wetting. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundrv Co. J. G. Tipton , real estate , 627 B'dway Finest Ice Cream in city. Driosbach's double parlors , I5 ! Main Bt. Ainonir the Churches. I3orean Baptist Church The pastor will preach , to-day , at 10:30 a. in. and S p. m. , on the corner of Third uvenuo and Seventeenth , street. Sunday school at 1115 : a. m. 1'raycr meeting Wednesday evening. Broadway M. E. Church The morning hour will be given to oxerciscs appropriate to children's day. A good programme will bo rendered by the children of the Sunday school. The pastor will preach at 8 p. m. Topic ; "Lessons from the Johnstown Dis aster. " Class meeting at 7 p. m. Strangers cordially Invited and always welcome. Congregational Services to-day , morning and evening. Morning subject : "OurDutv to the Children. " Evening : "Decision. " A cordial invitation is extended. First Baptist Preaching by the pastor at 10:30 : u. m. and 8 p. in. Subject for morning : "Tho Salvation of Infants. " Sunday school 12 m. Young people's meeting , 7 p. m. All cordially welcomed. Bethany Baptist Church Corner of Bluff and Story streets. Preaching service at 10:30 : u. in. Sunday-school at 3 p. in. At 8 p. m. children's day exercises will bo held , in which uiuiiy members of the Sunday school will take part. A good program mo has been prepared. Kov. B. N. Harris , pas tor. tor.Tho The next regular mooting of the ministers' conference will bo held In Dr. Piiclps' study adjoining the Presbyterian church at 10 a. m. , Monday , the 10th mat. The Presbyterian church announces up- Croprluto observance of children's day for oth morning and ovcnlng. The morning service at 10:30 : , will consist of singing and recitations by tno children. In the midst of these services the ordinance of Baptism will bo adminUtcrod to such children as may bo presented for that purpose. Sabbath-school at 13 o'clock. Children's Christian endeavor society at 3 p. m. , and young people's moot ing nc 7 p. m. At 8 p. in. the pastor will preach on the theme , "Childhood In the lllljlo , " The church has boon elaborately decorated. Strangers and others cordially Invited. Sucond Presbyterian Church Service at 3 p. in. Sabbath-school at 4 ) > . m. Children's day exorcises. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening. Subject , "Following Christ. " Matt. 1(1:3I-'J8. ( : St. Pauls Church Dlvlno services to-day nt 10:30 : a. m and 7:30 : p. in. Sunday-school , 33:15. Young men's bible class , 1'J:1G. : Ser mon toplo , morning , "Tho Holy Spirit. " Evening sermon , "Tho Johnstown Disaster. " Young men and strangers always cordially welcomed to these services. T. J. Mackuy. rector. . Uodlno Roofing will stand as long as the building. BirkinbinoKnginoorliifr and Supply Co. , 115 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. The Now Ogden is catching traveling men at 92 per day. A Factory In Flumes. A few minutes before noon , yesterday , an alarm of flro , from the southwestern portion of the city , called the department to tbo sash and blind factory of Strock Bros. , at the corner of Tenth uvenuo and Thirteenth street. The structure was in flames when Ilia firemen arrived , but three lines of hose wcro quicKly laid. Then the scones of the great packing house flro of a few weeks ago wcro repeated. Two streams of water were turned on , and neither could bothrowm uioro than two hundred feet. A citizen telephoned the police station for additional pressure , aud Jailor Barhyto promptly closed the reservoir valves , and "gave the direct pumping pressure on the mains. There wni n small change noticon- bin. but not enough to make any material dlfluroncc. The flromcn stood around directing a weak stream against the walls of the burning structure , but their work amounted to noth ing. When the flro was nt Its height , on , Kino No. 1200 , from the Union Pacifle yards- ran up to the building nnd was soon direct ing n heavy stream on the flames. The flro was very considerably checked , nnd , had the water held out , would soon have been completely subdued. As It was , the city department continued to hover nbout the building until the flames had consumed everything but the brick walls , and finally died out for want of fuel. An Investigation ns to the c.iuso of the flro revealed the fact thnt It caught at the bottom tom of an enclosed passage way , through which the shavings nnd sawdust wcro con ducted from the second floor to the boiler- room , where they wcro burned under the boilers. The bottom of this Hue was but ten feet from the front of the boilers , and there fore very easy of access b.v tno lire. The building was completely destroyed , nnd the heat probably totally ruined the ma chinery. Had sufllclont water been thrown. It Is hardly probable that the bulldlnc could have been saved , but the loss to the ma chinery , had It been prevented from becom ing so heated , would hardly have exceeded half what it did. A largo crowd quickly assembled , nnd cltt- znns vied with each other in alternately de nouncing the waterworks company nnd the lire department. After the packing house flro , TUB BBC urged the necessity of n more thorough un derstanding on the part of the flro'depart- mont of the exact situation of affairs in the lower portion of the city , in order to prevent n repetition of such a conflagration. Noth ing whatever was done In the matter , nnd yesterday's tire shows the result of the ne glect to take suitable steps to prevent , it. It has been often urged that the flro de partment of Council Bluffs was as near per fection ns could be reasonably expected , but the supporters of that argument can hardly repeat the assertion In the face of recent de velopments. The ofllccrs of the flro depart ment attempt to throw the blame on the w.iter works company , but nn Investigation will show the fallacy of such n statement. When Jailor Barhyto was telephoned for pressure. It was by nn outsider , a man whenever never was connected with the lire depart ment. Jailor Barhyto states thnt it was fif teen minutes nftor ho had turned on pres sure before ho received ofllclnl notification by the lire alarm that It was needed. Ho states also that ns the change was made the pressure Increased to 1-0 pounds , nnd inuldo of three minutes to 140 , where It remained until after I o'clock. The great mistake made nt the packing house lire , that of tapping the mains with tno many leads of hose , was the ono respon sible for yesterday's trouble In securing pros- sure. It Is also asserted that the lire depart ment nozzles are altogether too largo for any mains except on Broadway. The water Is allowed to pass so fast and freely that the required pressure can not bo secured. The crow of Union Pacifle engine 1,200 nro deserving of praise , nnd too much can not bo said of their vigorous nnd effective work. They took their stand on the south side of the buruing building , in the face of the heat und smoke , and took a much closer position to the nro , notwithstanding their disad vantage , than did the regular department on the other side. The latter directed a weak stream for fully a quarter of au hour against a little portion of the brick wall , instead of 'attempting ' to extinguish the flames raging within. As this Is the second severe lessnn received during less than il month , it may bo reason able to presume that the usual third may bo missed. The excessive tapping of mains has resulted so disastrously that in the future the smiio may bo avoided. It Is sin cerely hoped that hereafter the amount of water to bo secured will be regarded and con sidered as having something to do with the pressure. The loss will reach from $12,01)0 ) to $15,000 with but very little insur.uicu. The heavy pressure put on the water mains yesterday noon nt the time of the lire , re sulted rather disastrously. A few pipes and water closets in buildings in the central portion tion of the city were broken , but the loss occasioned in these cases was nominal. Shortly nftor 1 o'clock , n sudden decrease in the pressure gave the information that there was n serious break somewhere in the mains. Chief Engineer Birkinhlrc , of the water works company , immediately started down Broadway to locate the break. After passing Twenty-sixth the paving was seen to be in a very uneven condition , thora being numerous depressions , and at Twenty- eighth street the break was _ found. Water was pouring out of great holes in the ground on either side of the street , and the paving nt the Intersection was rising and falling , the blocks dancing about in shapeless con fusion , tossed by the raging whirlpool un derneath. The pumps at the pumping sta tion had boon stoppjJ on noticjni : the fall in pressure , nnd the water was running to the break from the reservoir nt the head of Qlnn nvunuo. The stop vulvo nt Twenty-first street was closed , also the valves at Pacific avenue , Eighth street and the Northwestern depot. This stopped the flow/ucd a largo gang of men were at once put to work cxcavUtinir at the corner.of Broadway nnd Twenty-eighth streets to uncover the br ak nnd make "nec essary repairs. The paving from Twenty- sixth to Thirtieth streets was completely undermined , nnd all travel was compelled to cross the vacant lots on either side between those two points. The damage will amount to considerable , but the exact amount can not yet be told. Two , and perhans four blocks of paving will have to bo taken up and rclald. Breaks will bo repaired by this morning- and w.itor service will bo furnished the ontlro city the samn as usual. Aside from this break other repairs will require several days to repeat. The only accident that occurred was sus tained by Mr. Blrklnbmo , who was thrown from his wagon at the corner of Broadway and Eighth streets , about' : ! o'clock , by iho telescoping of n wheel , which caught In the electric motor traclr. Ho wa thrown violently lently to the etono paving , alighting on his right arm which was badly injured. Ho was removed to his resldonca whore Drs. Lacey and Green attended him. The elbow Joint was found to bo broken and displaced , mak ing an injury that will ha very hard to treat. The break of the bone in the Joint will bo very liable to produce a stiff nrrn. Mr. Birk inbino will be laid up for some time , and his accident Is doubly unfortunate from the fact that it Is his right arm. The plan conceived b.v E. Burhorn for en abling people to got n valuable watch cheaply is proving very popular. Join the club and pay $1 a week and you are guaranteed a first quality Boss filled case watch warranted 2 > years , with best 15 jeweled movement , within 35 weeks. The option is given you to choose a 14 caret solid gold ladles watch or a half caret diamond mounted up into either a stud or ring. Bodino Hoofing. Birkinbino En gineering and Supply Co. , 115 Pearl at. , Council Bluffs. > Bechtolo hotolccntral location , flr&tclas See Boodino Roollng if you are build ing. Birlnnblno Engineering and Supply Co. , 115 Pearl st. , Council Bluffs. Notice the bdautiful finish given col lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. If you want a tasty nnd convenient fence or railing nbout your residence or lawn , use C. J. Bookman'a patent locking bracket , as any panel can bo readily taken out and firmly replaced. Address C. J. Beckman , 28 Seventh avenue. you can buy latest style parasol or umbrella at James & Havorbtock'a cheaper than any place in the city. Bodino Roofing will not crack or split. Birkinbino Engineering and Supply Co. , 116 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. ' L. A. Caspar has this day sold to J. F. Wilcox his interest in the vegetable businesK , Mr. Wilcox assuming nil lia bilities and collecting all bills. Mr. Caspar continues his Moral business , as heretofore. L. A. CAKl'Ait , Juno 7 , 1889. J. F , WILCOX. * S. B. Wadsworth & Co , loan money. nUlltilXQTON JTOUTB. a. A , Tt. Kxnnralon lOnpfFnro For tlio Itoun.l Ti P. From August ! it to 28,189 , Inclusive , the Chicago. Burlington Lt.Qiiinoy rail road will sou nt half rates or ono faro for the round triu , tickets to Mil waukee nnd return frorn.nU points on its lines , on account of tlirf National G. A. R. cncatnpmontnt Milvjjiflkoo. These Chicago , Burlington & Quinoy excur sion tickets will bo good to return , Au gust 27 to September , but by special arrangement , nn extension to September 30 may bo obtained by applying , prior to September 5 , to the ngont at Milwankoo having the matter in charge. Between Chlwpo and Mll- wnukoo the tickets will bo good for passage in either direction via the Goodrich line of Htonmar * , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , or tno Chicago & Northwestern R'v. Tickets and further Information can bo obtained of Chicago , Burlington' * ; Quincy ticket agents , or by addressing P. S. Eustls , general passenger and ticket'ngont , Chicago. Clio Hnmmnok Cart. Warranted the easiest riding vehicle on whools. Don't fall to see U and try it. Sold only bv David Bradley & Co. , Council Bluffs , la. Badollot sells groceries. M. Wollman , jeweler , moved to 638 B'y. Dr. C. C. Huzon , dentist , Opera house block. Flro ! Flri-l Kin ; ! Flromcn nnd visitors get special prices nt Mnndcl's furniture store , Nos. S23-.T o Broad way. way.Buy Buy furniture , stoves nnd carpets nt Mnn- dul's , 823-32.J Urondwny. Rclow wo give names ofn few of the many Patrons of the Insurance Co. In Council nluira and vicinity. The character of tne pitioas named , ami the amount en trusted bynch to the protection of the com- piny , indicates the cinndcncu unjoycd liyltnt iionio where Us manner of doing business is 1 ] nt known. C. U. Dillln . 8 U < MO l.nney IK-os. V Co . 37UJO Charles lla islm . iit'.O'jt ) 11. 1' . Morrow . ll'.O.V ) .lolin-Ucnnctt . li.rfio William O'lla'.leran . f..Ol Charles Shields . 7.7iX ) N. W. N.isli . 7.JW ) I.'A. Miller . (1.000 ( ( Jeorge A. Fry . O.IKXJ Henry Klscman & ( Jo . , . 6,00.1 Hnngart.WjltAs.NVles : . 2,0(10 U. Ij. Slmgnrc . . . . . . 4JVXX ) ItomnnCitliolIc Church . 4d,0u : Jtoma'i Catholic Church. Westphalia. . . . 4 < > . ' 3 Carroll County Couit House . SI.IOJ Abbott & Cooper . ai.lHX ) St , Francis Academy . : w,000 Cr.iver. Htoalu & .Austin . T. M. C. Lopun . 1I.UOO Deere.Vells & Co , . ; . 10 , 00 Ueorgo M. Williams . O.'OJ S. 1) . Kollles . 8.CO ) O. U. Cnrpauter . 0,700 .Masonic Telnplo . O.oo ) Jlctcalf llros . . . . . . . . fi.wxi C. A. lleobe Si Co . . - ? . - . . ! * . r.,001 S.S. Roller . a.iyM NOTICK Whoa our policy exceeds Wi.o MJ.K ( ) on property su iject to destruction fcy n single flro. tha o.-tcoas Is re-lnsiirau infftaeijcoinpanle.s. 'T ' MIT THE EAHTH ! ' ' OH , NO.I , But wo jlo want the pcoijlp of , Western Iowa to knovr tlmtrtho GREAT BARGAIN SljiJE TORE M oi .SO. 1OO Cor. First A VQIHIG , YaV-'vF tile largest stock of BOO.TS untl SUO iS in. this city. Thut 'wo always load in' popular prices. That por.sous wanting1 reliable poods can save money l > v trading with us. S. A. PIERCE. C , B , JAGQUEfriiN & GO , , f atclfflsieK Jewelers Railroad Watch Inspectors For Union Pacific , Chicago Jc Northwestern. Chicago. ItocK Inland it Pacific , Chicago. Jitir- JlnKtouucQuincy. Kansas City i ; .St. Joe rail roads. No. 27 Main St. , Omitci ) ISlufiS. ; ; In , CENTRAL LIVERY STABLE. W. I , . HM'i'TON. Prop. Elegant Kigs at Reasonable Rates. Nos. 19 and 21 , North Main Street. Council Bluffs , Iowa. D.H , MDDANELD & Hidesailn , Pelts , ! ool& Fun iHSt market prices. Prompt return i. Noa k'M and 2 Main St. , Council HluirH. Iowa THE QUAKER JEM STORE , A. A. EffAStT , Proi > . Honest Watohon , Clocks , Jewelry and Silver wine. All cloanliiK and repairing under per Renal hup.n'vfsion of the proprietor. Station ery Toilet articles and I'crf inner/ , fine Watched Tlmo Locks and Chronometers a Hpeclally. 110 MAIN ST. , Council llluITH. EISEMAN'S WELCOME Firemen and strangers visiting the oity during the Tournament and , all this week , are welcome to make themselves at home at Henry Eiseman & Go's People's Store t * We expect thousands of visitors ann have prepared for them by em ploying an extra force of help. We will make everything pleasant and comfortable for you. Strangers are welcome to leave packages in our care during their stay in the city. L Don't fail to call at our establishment. We will show you The Largest , Finest and Best Stock of merchandise ever shown in this western country. You can saye your expenses while in the city by purchasing your summer goods at , v GUUIGw vlUlvp 314 , 316 , 318 and 320 Broadway , Council Bluffs , SPECIAL NOT1CE8. _ 17V3H SA'bK ntnbnfgaln-CompletoVotorbnr JP fixtures ; lap < S't mirror In Council llluirs ; Ilium set of fixtures 1 1 tllo city ; must bo old Immediately , aud nro consequuntly best bar gain over oilercil Bnloonmi-u. Wheeler & Her- eld , l.'H Knsc Urondwny , Council Illulls. _ /\Vifl ) A roan pony. rong'manTnnd tall. branded "IV'on'leftliln. Suitable reward will bo paid for return. J. A. Odell. 1U1U Blxtn avonue. WANTED WX ) plece se-ond-rianil carpet. also all co 0(1 s : onil-lmml furniture. A. J. Mundcl. Xo8.'R3 and H Hroiulwuy. _ nXCIIANQK Several goo.l farms to exchange change rorCunsll lll'.ns Ion. Johnston A : Vnnil'ntten , Everett block. ) Voung Inily stonosrarihsr nnrt WA7JTB1) typewriter would lUo a po-sltlim as clerk In some office : bst of roforcncoj. AiUUiiss "C , " Umnha Hoc. Council llluirs. _ TNTED , ntonce , n first-class rhlpper nnd foreman m wholesale ngricultnrnl trap e- jnent w.u-ehouse ; UOU3 but experienced man need apply. Address . 1 lleo olllce. Council ( Hulls , giving references and name of Inst em- ployer. * . _ _ FOK SALE--No. fcOO Graham avenue. ] > t MxluX ) . Now houso. Will take to.un or cattle In p.ivt payment ; balance on ten years' time , nnnimt p lymunt * , H per rent payable nnmmlly. Apply to lloraca Kvorott. _ FOR SALK-Ou ca.iy terms , the bust located } anl In Council IJlu ft ) . -V ) feut track age. E. K. Jlayni ? , ( ill ) Hroadwny. Council Illnirs. 7 10W3 for sale Will tiiko pay m grading nutl \J IIIKrunt $1 per day lor man anil team , or will take pay ic paining. Horace Kverett. T\Vst < rry"bu'5lnFss hmua lor rjnt , No.Mil IlnmiUvay , opposite Ogilen house. KiKjulro lit 30 'Frank at. A. WooO. _ AltAHI' chnnco for u splendid investment , requiring euersv rather than Inr e capital. A fortuuofortue right inun. Half interest In th llnest practical patent ever issued. Ail- drnsrt a wan & Walker. 4 1'oarl street , Council Illutls. " ' _ _ _ _ mUAN'SKKli UNK ( Jtllck delivery lirt'.veon JL Oni.inn nnd Council Illuirs. Household poods nnd trelKht moved soje'v ' and promptly. Leave orders nt Omaha olllce , GOi So. 1'ith st. ; Council H. Beecroft. _ f > rmAsplendld mounted specimens rnro Birds if. v/UUand animals from every cllmo. Jlust bu'so'id nt once. Single or in cases. K. .1. Hrazce , first class taxidermist. Council llluirs. _ ' " RT'Afj"i5stATB llounht and sola nn't ox- changed. Spoclal attention ( 'lven to exam ination of titles. W. C. James. No. 1U 1'enrl st. . Council Illu irs. _ FOU SAIjB 7 room cortn e. corner Tnlrcl avemiu nnd Uth st. Easy terms. W. C. Jumes , IJ Pen n st. _ FOU KENT Kaiy terms two new five-room houses , 13th nve. ustwoen Hlgn mid Third sts. fell clienp if taken this week. Imnilro owneJ. . Ulckey. 74J U. Wny. _ TTICJU BAbK Old estauiisso.l mer- JL ? chandlw business , stocx , fixtures , wagons , etc. Good room nnd low rent. Address , J. Dickey , 7I'J U. Way _ FOU HUNT Furnlsn r unfurnished largo ten-room hous * . batu roiin , Kafurnaeo , etc. . at 111 > Willow ave. Kn-iulro at prumlsaj.or O , II. Stlllman. flrown _ Jbloaic. _ I71HESH milk cows for sate or tr.vla for fat -C COWH. Swan's Ktock , Upper llroad- > vay. Frank { Swan. _ T71OH IlENT LarKe double olllco over Frank J } Levin's store , U i Uco adway. Inquire of Franlc Levin. _ STOP ! READ- THIS ! A new Clothing Store han been opened in Council , Illulls. No old stock or old Ktylcs. K very tiling strictly first Chun. Come nnd bo convinced , 1'osltlvely oue price and cash. CHICAGO CLOTHING HOUSE , 739 WEST BHOADWAV. ESHELMAN. OVEUtmNDKH & CKUHANJ Are thoroughly prepared to take earn of homes and carriaK ) s of all visitors to the Inke. Plenty of slieds and stalls , and anlmils and carriairoa will bo safely cared for. Charlies renaonablo. Accommodating Uostlera on hand nlaht and day. When you drive to the Lake , don t forgot "OLD DAD/1 .CADY , D.V , S ANIMALSi , rtoflSMficftincipfes. ' 'eterinarianfbrCouncil Bluffs > & Police Department COUNCIL BLUFFS BOLE A012NTS CULUUUUS UUUOY CO. T AT THE Special Sale of Embroideries. Special Sale of Embroidered Flouiicings. The finest line of Flounclngs in the city. The prices g unranteed the lowest. Examine bargains marked SOc , GBc. 89c , $1.OO , $1.23 and $1. GO. Special Sale of WMte Go oils. I Examine bargains marked Be , 6 l-4c , 8c , lOc , 12 l-2c , 15c , 18c , 22c and 2Bc. Special Sale of Rucliings. Examine bargains marked 5c , lOc , 12 l-2c , 20c and 2Bc a yard , Also bargains fn Tourist Ruchlhg , fe l-2c , 15e and 26cva Special Sale of Children's Xiace Caps. Examine lots marked 12 l-2c , 2Bc , 33c , 37 l-2c , BOc and 7Bc. Special Sale of I/atlies' Collars. Examine lots marked Be. lOc or 3 for 2Bc. Another ease of the Celebrated Fast Black Hose , lOc a pair ; every pair warranted or money refunded. One case of the finest White Bed Spreads this city ever saw for * the money. Full size and extra weight. The price is only $1.OO ; worth $1.37. Strive to come early and receive a portion of the bargains. Leaders and Promoters of LOW PRICES. 4O1 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. N. B , Mail orders promptly atttended to. SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 RORSE POWER. Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE fjneolHciillonsnnd ( ntlnmtcs furnlBlic.1 for complete nlciim plant * . Itrjiulntlon , Jluralilllljr KuurnnteoJ. Can Bliuiv letters from u cr < wlioro fuel economy la o < | iml with Uorllx Nnii-conilciiKliiK. E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for catalogue , No. 510 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY. GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. NO. 33O BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260 J , D , KimuNDBOX. It. L , Siiwuitr , 1'roH. Vice 1'res. CHAR. If. HAK.NON , cashlor. CITIZEN'S STATE BANKer or COUNCIL IIUIKW. Paid Up Capital . I If.O.fXXl.OO. . Surplus LlHbllll to DOpositou. . . . . DliiicTou.s : I. A. Miller , r. O. niounon , R. Bliniurt , i : . K. Hart , J. I ) , i'.dimmdbon. Cims. It. llaniH'ii. Transact itonvrul bunking biiHlnem. Largest capital and surplus of any bank In ( southwestern Iowa , Interest pn time depualtn. MASONIC. Insure In the U. S. Mnsonlu Ilcnovolnit Association of Council JlliilTK , In , , ( ho youngest , largest , chcapi'iit and bout plnu of Musonlo Insurance In the world , that conlliics Its membership to Us fraternity. SUMMER IS COMING ! KEEP COOL ! Wliat Is Needed Is n Hood GAS STOVE FOR COOKING , A Bl'M'.NDIl ) LINK 01' GAS STOVES ! Just received and on exhibition at the ga com ' pany' * olllce. Untwielled for conveniences AliHOlnlo uaftty. No ' odor , und above all , eco nomical if properly' ed Call and exutulu * tbeui whether you Intend rmrclmMiiK or not. NO. 28 PEARL ST.