Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1889, Part I, Page 5, Image 5
mmji nmjj u * iw ' " " Y5 THE OMAHA tAl ) Y' &EE : SUNDAY frt&TE 1 > IS O.-SIXTEEN PAGES. 5 1IRED OF PAPER RAILROADS , A Petition to Disoolvo the Repub lican Vnlloy & Wyoming. A CITY OF THE FIRST CLASS , South Omnha Bo Declared by the OoTOrnnr The Coming Btnlo Fnlr Conimcnccmot Kxcr- clscs at the Unircrsity. LISCOLN'BOREUJ H 1029 P STIUBT , tiHOor.k , Juno 8.1 The paper railroad running from Culbort- son through Hitchcock , Hayes and Chasi counties to Holyoke , Colo. , known as thi Republican Valley & Wyoming railroad , sill annoys the good people living along Its line The attorney-general Is just In receipt of i petition signed by 521 Nobroskans , living h the country contiguous to the road , which 1 : self explanatory. It is ns follows : 'Whereas , The Republican Vnlloy ft Wy oming railroad company , a corporation or ganlzod and existing under the laws of thi state of Nebraska , secured the right of wa ; caused to bo graded in the year 1337 , n line of road oxtondlug from Culbortaoti , In Hitch cock county , 'Nebraska , in u northwester ! ; direction through Hitchcock , Ha > cs am Chase counties. Nebraska ; und Whereas , It is evident that said line wiv surveyed nnd tbo right of way sccuicd fo the purpose of keeping out lines in compoti tlon with the B. & M. , and not for the pur pose ot furnishing the people with rallroai facilities ; and , Whereas , Said company has failed to com plete and operate said line or any part there of ; therefore , wo , the undersigned citizens ot the state located along the line of said proposed road most respectively request and pray hat yoi may bring some action before the suprum court of the state us will result , in rovokini said company's charter and the dissolutioi of the charter. " In reply to question" touching ttiu pctltioi nnd the road , tha attorney general said : l'i. ' ' "kim mil remember that the same matte I ) was brought to my attention several week i/ ago , when I called the attention ot the in corporators of the road to ttio coniplnlnts o the people. Mr. Holdreclgo called to sue m about It , und represented that money wa scarce In the cast and hard to got hold of fo building purposes. Ho told me , howovci that before the next session of the suproni court , ho and others of the board of director would go over the line of thu road and woul decide upon what could bn dono. It soomc to bo his opinion Uiat the bed ot the roa would bo "tracked" very soon , nt d thus-pu this controversy to a very satisfactory emi I do not wish to bo hasty in the mutter , an am incllnc'd to wait until September , wiici .the supreme court next sits , before takiu action. Iftnothing is done then , I shall foe compelled to tuko some uctlon , for tbo pot : tlon , signed as it Is by 531 citizens nnd ta > oayors of that county , will demand dcclslv stops. You can say , further , that if nothln is done by September 1 , I will certain ! bring suit to dissolve the corporation. " Tbo Comlni ; Btntn Fnlr. The board of managers of the State ogr cultural association closed their session th morning at 10 o'clock. Secretary Furnr spcaus very encouragingly of the prospocl Of the coming exposition. In his languagi "It will'bo the greatest exhibition ever give In the state. " The board will meet in Jul and August for final arrangements , but tt : exact dates huve not boon tlxod upon. On of the great attractions of the fair will I tbo daily exhibitions of "Madam Marantette t and her Kentucky suddlo and pack hors Tlio secretary modestly states that thei will bo more new attractions than have ovt boon scon at an annual cxpositioj west < the Mississippi. The stock exhibit will I _ , larger und better than over before , and , Hona without jiavint'.tluiLJiobraska's fair fi 18'JI vriu uo a record beater. Wait for tl fair. Ijincolii'n Now Murshnl. Marshal Carder , the newly appointe ofllclal , took formal possession at 7 o'clock this evening. Ho nddressod.the members i the force , complimenting thorn , and the pr vlous administration , and expressed a desu to equal and possibly improve on it * His a dress was well received , oath by the men beru of the force and by the citizens who he congregated to witness the inauguration. Thirteenth Annual Exhibition. The Union society of the State unlversil held its thirteenth annual exhibition la night. Though stormy , the chapel was we filled , and a creditable program mo was re dercd. it was us follows : Bass Solo "My Native Country".Kcllo J. B. Bariiaby. Eulogy Charles Stewart Parnoll . . Frank F. Ahr Oration "A Phase of the Labor Ques tion" . -.May Towi Soprano Solo "Bird of Lovo" . Lcrninc Lillian P. Chamberlain. Debate "Compulsory School Educa tion" . .G. O. Hoarnaud L. H. Stoughtc Piano Duet Frolic- . CUD rice . Baki Miss Edith Doollttlo aud Miss Emma I Cochran. Oration "Tho Army of the Potomac" . . . H. C. Peters < Sopraua Solo "If Tnou Didst Love Mo" . , . Dun Miss Lillian F. Chamberlain. Ail Important Decision. In reply to a letter received from John < Black , ot Harrlsburg , Nob. , to-day , Atto noy-General Loose gives an opinion that wi doubtless bo of Interest to every Justice < the peace in the state , as wall us mat others : Juno 8 , 1839. John C. Black , Harrlsbun ; , Nob. Dei Sir : In answer to yours of Juno 3 , coucor Ing the case of assault and battery , where party goes before- Justice of the peace ai 'pleads guilty or procures an information be filed against him before a Justice ii assault and buttery. U is no bar to cnt complaint against the same person bcfo another just lee for the same offonso. ' Because defendant can not by his own pr curement , or bo a collusion ivith others , hui himself brought before n Justice nnd pie : guilty to u crimo. The inference of frai urines from such u trmism-tlon , aud tl reason assigned Is that thu defendant tries avoid the cffoctof a complaint by the perse assaulted. Mr. llishoj ) . in his work on criminal la\ says that In euchcaso the stuto is no party I fact , but only In namo. Tbo Judge Is Ir posed upon. Every wire is moved by tl defendant himself , whilu bo holds his OM futo in his awn hands , there is no forun jeopardy. The Judgment ii no bar to a ro prosecution for thu same offense. Sco 1st Bishop on Criminal La\r , scotk 1010. 1010.Wutklns Wutklns vs State , CSth Indiana , page 4-'i Commonwealth vs Alderman , 4th Mask : chusotts report , page 4T7. Commonwealth va Duscoin , lllth Most chus.etU , page 4H. ( State vs Calvin , HOth Tonncssoo. page 59 State vs Green & Muuii , llith Iowa , pat teO > ) , Stutq vs Simpson , SSth Minnnsota , pagn 0 All of the above cases hold to thu doctrii lioruln given. If it uppouri that the dofon act colluded In any manner to have lilmnc arrcstnd , it is no bar , and tbo Justice who I uod the tlrst warrant on the complaint i thu assault and .buttery should oxamlno tl cane , and , if the follow is guilty , fine hu Yours very truly , WII.LUU LKKSK , Attoriioy-Goiicr l. mOCIiA.MA.TlON. Declaring thr- City ol * Kouih Oinuha City itl'tlui FIt--it CtusM , Section 3 of an act approved March 1 1689 , entitled an act tn incorporate cities tbo first clnsi , with duties , power and go eminent , stiys ; Whonnvor any city of i second clous shall have obtained a popul tion of more than 3,000 Inlmbltauti , t jn yor and c'ty council may , on ten duys n tioo , call an election and submit o the qua Hod doctors tuo question whether such ci hall tx ) subject to the provk'.ons of this at If a majority of thu voter * voting at su * election , vnto in favor of the the city becom ing subject to the provisions of this act , the mayor shall certify such fact to the governor who shall by proclamation , so declare , nnd thereafter such city shall bo governed by the provisions of this act. The submission of the question , heroin provided for , shall bo by ordinance , and such ordinance * shall provide for the return and canvass ot the votes cast nt the election herein provided for ; nnd upon such proclamation being mndo by the gov ernor , each nnd every oQlcor ot nald city shall within thirty days thereafter qualify nnd give the bonds provided by this act , " nnd. Whereas , A certificate has be-on filed in the executive ofilcc , by the mayor of the city of South Omaha , In the stnto of Nebraska , in which it Is certified thut the snid city of South Omnha contulus u population bf more than eight thousand Inhabitants ; the said certificate having been given oy tha mayor acting under authority ot law uud In accord ance with the fuels , Now , Therefore , I , John M. Tliayor , gov ernor of the state of Nebraska , do hereby lisuo ray uroclamation nnd dcclaru said city of South Omaha n city of the first class and subject to all the provisions of nn act to provide - vide for tlio organization , government and powers of cities ot the first class having more than the eight thousand nnd loss than twcnty-llvo thousand inhabitants. In testimony whereof , I have hereunto sot my hand ana caused to bo aRlxud the grout seal of the state. Done at Lincoln this 8th day of.Juno , A. D. 1839. By the Governor : JOHN M. TitAvnn. G. L. LAWS , Secretary of State. Ttin n.TCCalruiro.-xtn Sermon. The Baccalaureate address to the gradu ating class of the State University will b ( lollvored this evening at thu Funke opera tiouse , by the Kev. Dr. Joseph T. Duryoa , of Omaha. The service * will bozm promptly ut8 o'clock. The following is the pro gramme : Music : "Praise Yo Thy Lord. " 150th Psalm University chorus , Boprano solo , Mrs. A. W. Junson. Scriptural Heading. Bass Solo "Now Heaven In Fullest Glory Shone. " Haydon. Ilov. E. H. Chapln. Prayer. Quartette "Tlio Strain Upraise. " Mrs. A , W. Jauson , Mrs. Albert Watkius , Mi * . Soarnack , Mr. Barnaby. Baccalaureate Sermon Uov. Joseph F Duryoa. Hymn "How Fine n Foundation. " The Audience. Benediction. District Unurt Now-i. In the case ot the state rs William Fit * slmmons , the Wnverly murderer , Judgi Field this morning sustained the motion foi u continuance until the full term of the dis trlct conrt. Mary A. Uullson tiled her petition in ttu district court to-day , asking n divorce fron her llego lord und master. She alleges do scrtion and non support. She was tnarrlcc In Dutchoss county , N. Y. , in 1873 , to William ' liam Uullson , who'dcsortod In 1ST" . In the matter of the application of thi African M. E. church to mortgage its property orty for $ , ' 1,000 to assist in thu erection of i church of thu value of $ % OJO , Judge Floh grunted the privilege asked in the petition City Mows and Notes. S. L. Hlghleyraan , tax commissioner of thi Missouri Pacitlo railroad company , Is in ttu city looking after the assessment of the com pany's line of road in this state. Tlio boarc of equalization found sovcn miles ot road to bo assessed that hsd been omitted througl an error in the returns. Governor Thuycr und wlfo returned homi from their Texas trip to-day. Thogovornor'i homo-stay , however , was short , for he let this afternoon for Omaha to attend n moot ing of the state board of equalization. Lieu tenant-Governor Moilcoljohn , acting gov ernof during the past week , returned bom this morning. AH members of the Uniform Rank , K. o P. , are hereby notified to appear In ; full unl form at the armory of D. A. Marshall dl vision , at 283 South Ninth street , on Sunda ; afternoon , Juno 0 , at 1:33 : prompt , for tin purpose of attending memorial service in ; body. Order of committee. Judge Allen W. Field was unusually ur bane to-day , wnen ho donned his Judicial or mine. "It's a nine-pound girl , boys , " h suid , us ho quietly passed upon motions , "am its mamma is doing well. " A Jewelry Burglar. John Wilson , a young man who has been resident of this city about five weeks , wa arrested hero , to-day , by a detective froc Vermont , charged with burglarizing a Jew dry store. Hu had f 1.-IOO and live gel watches when captured. The detective lol with liiui for homo this afternoon. BREVITIES. The members ot the flro department have boon provided with leather helmets. Adnlph Leopold paid $3 and costs , yostei day , for carrying concealed weapons. Ada Flnnogan was arrested last nlgb charged with stealing $5 from a rural vislto In a Tenth street saloon. Fifteen cases ot vagrancy were tried before fore Judge Borka , yesterday , nnd flftooi "vags" found lodging in the police station. W. H. Broithaupt began n suit , yestorda1 afternoon , in the county court against W. F Musters , to recover $187 , claimed to bo du on two promissory notes. Mr. IN. Cornish , In driving ever the cabl near the THE Bun ofllco , Saturday ovcnlnp nearly met with a serious accident by one o his horses catching u calk in the cable slot. John A. Schroinor was sued in Justic Kroepor's court , yesterday , for $70.30 , b Frcrt Tctig. This was a cigar bill , duo Totlg who charges Schroinor wi'h unfair dealm and attempting to do fraud his creditors. O. II. Clark and T. Whalon went Inti Nellie Cunningham's dive , on Capitol avenui nnd came enl $50 short. Manila Frederic ! Efllo Smith , Josslo Hill and Mabol Opoi holmor were arrested on the charge c robbery. The Omnha Street Railway company cot templates extending Its lines in the souther part of the city , and with that end in vlou made application for a permit to build sout on Sixteenth street , and oror the viaduc from Loavcnworth to Vinton. The Omaha and Council Bluffs Rallroai and Bridge company has decided to issu fifty trip tickets for foot passengers , gooi for ono month , for SO cents. The arrangement mont is to bomado to accommodate working men who live in Council Bluffs and work ii Omaht. In tuo district court , yesterday nftornooor Susan Nock began a suit against Jotmnn Johnson und Clara Johnson , to have the till to a picco of property , deeded by Johann Johnson to Clarn Johnson , declared null an void on the ground that an error was mad in the description of the lot. Meet I nn of tlin Humane Suoloty. OMAHA. Juno 7. To the Editor of Tn BRE : A spacial meeting of the Huinani society , adjourned from Wednesday Droning will bo held In the parlors of the Puxton this evening. The main object of the moot lug Is to discuss the butter mothoili of deal injr with dugs under the pdlloo authority , propose , incidentally , to spojk upon the sub Jcct of hydrophobia und the nnnual alarm t- - which puopln are subjected by the author ! ties , with- honest but misdirected zoa ! throujfti groundless fours of that disuaso. ask the publication ot the note by TIIK UK as both un announcement and an Invitation t tha men and women of Omaha whosvmpathiz with the work und aims of the Humana sc rloty to attend tlio muotlng and huar the dli cussion. The object is educational In usensi concerning un Important subject of social an public concern. ( specially urga upon ull members of th Humane society to moot each other 'on thi occasion , and I feel warranted In cxtundlng particular Invitnllou to the honorable mayc und the city council , und the gentlemen i tin ; pohcu commission , U.they will do tt Huciaan society Ihls honor. Gcoitue L. Miu.Kit. Vifo-Presldent of the Humana Society. South Oiiiaha'n I < 'roo Delivery. South Omaha is to have frws mall dellvoi July 1 , a telegram to that effect having bee received by Hew. W. J. Connall from the < porlntoadout of the uiull service last cvouin THE ANNEXATION SCHE-ME , It Again Oomos Before the Omaha City Council ADVANTAGES TO BE DERIVED. A lloHolutlon llcquostiiiK the Co-opc ; ration of the Citizens offlowth Otnnlin. nnd Albright Other Business. The City Council. After the council mooting last night Mr , Wheeler sprung his cherished scheme for .he annexation ot South Omaha nnd Al bright to tlio city of Omaha. The matter was presented in the form of the following resolution , which was referred to the com mittee on Judiciary : Hcsolvcd , That It Is the sense of the coin- non council of Omaha that Omaha , South Qmaha and Albright should bo united as one solid city , not later' than January 1 , 1800 , at Uio close of the fiscal year. To this end we Invlto the co-oporntlon of the authorities nnd citizens of each locality. Its effect will be economical in administering the municipal government. It will give the city u promi nent place In the United Status census ol 1SOO. It will nromoto public Improvements , such as pavements , parks , boulevards , etc. , and load to a steady advance tn real values It will systomlzo the operations of our busi ness men , and the combined capital of the existing three places , then united as ono , will command an inllucntlal position In thi tlnancial und Industrial interests of ttu country. The mayor's apportionment of funds for the various depart racnts of the city govern mcnt was amended in n committee ot the whole by making reductions in several do partmonts. amounting In all to 814,500. Thi' amount , added to the general fund , makes i total of f.YJ,027 available for grading pur poses , and will enable the council to gnulo t number of streets contemplated , including Sherman avenue and Sixth street. The city comptroller was Instructed t < have 2,000 copies of the plumbers' ordlnauci printed. Tim ordinance to regulate license nnd'pro hibit thu running at largo of dogs , which 1m1 been before the council slnco September 1 1SS8 , was discussed In the committee of tbi -vholo and referred to the Judiciary commit tee. tee.Tho finance committee reported in fuvnr o the appointment of a city chemist. iCduncil man Bnyder opposed the appointment am claimed that the city physician should do thi work. Tlio rcoort was adopted. The council accepted an invitation to at tend the firemen's tournament in Counci Bluffs next week. The city attorney was Instructed to confess foss Judgement In favor of C. W. Hatniltoi for $1,11)0 ) for damages by a change'of.grud on Leavcnworth street. The application and bond of J. W. Darnel as tnastc plumber , was referred to the com mlttoo on soworago. The claim ot E. B. Burket & Sons fo (1.200 for damages sustained by the gradini of Tenth street , was referred to tho'commit ' tco ou finance nnd the city engineer. Chairman Balcombo , of the board of pub lie works , was authorized to employ help't repair the damage done to paved streets b. the storm on Friday night. The claim of Maraud Schutt , of Vallo , and South Thirteenth streets , for damage caused by the storm of Friday night , wa referred to the city engineer and city attoi ' i - noy. . The agreement of the county commission ers to expend $10,000 for the grading o Thirteenth street and Thirty-second avenu was received , accepted and placed on file. "TOOK TO THE How Councilman Santlor Escapot With His Liifo. Mrs. A. H. Sander has Just received thi following interesting letter from her hua band , the councilman , which is solf-oxplanu tory : "I am bound here and can't telegraph 01 hear n word , as we are cut off from all con munication. What a flarful thing water U Friday morning wo loft Pittsburg at o'clocK. It was raining very hard , and I wai in train No. 2. It rained all Friday , and b 10 o'clock wo had made about eighty miles and on arriving at Johnstown , a place a 80,000 , found that tbo Conoinaugh river wa very h igh and most of the town was undo water. The citizens said the town hod boei under water before , but that the riVer ha never been so high. After wo left Johns town wo wont further up the valley uni found the first section of our train side tracked as well as several freight trains and we were informed that wo wouldhav to wait for a washout thrco miles up. W had plenty ot time to walk ai'ound on watch the river rise. About 11 o'clock w pulled up about 2,000 feet on a higher grad so as to bo out of danger as the river , hai begun to reach the track. One tolegrap' polo after another was washed away 'am this loft us without telegraph cominunlca tion. The river raised from la. m , to 2 i m. six feet , and was oven with the fine ire bridge , and at 2:30 : the bridge fell with crash aud the four men on the bridge hod narrow escape. Wo learned there was , reservoir thrco miles long and ono and om half miles wide , and from sixty to sovenl , foot deep , uud that in tbo dam holding tha body of water , a break was discovered , an would bo likely to burst but the citizens sal that this was an old cry to scare folks , and o every high water time they said thii As I was raining and most of the passengers wer wet , they went into the curs und so did I , an watched the steady rise of the water , on the logs and timber bridges that the ongr river carried along , but nobod , dreamed what fearful power water had , an nobody can describe , and will not attemp to , either. At 4 p. m. the gravel train am engine came down whistling the danger sij nul and warning us to fly to tbo hills for ou lives. Wo loft our car , all except a lady > % n a porter , and they are drowned. Wo hud n sooner reached tuo hill than 150 bunker' ' houses came swooping by. Engines cam rolling along like balls , and in a few minute our train was swept from the track. I sai many people floating past shrieking for licit but I could do nothing for them. After th water had subsided I wont over through th water to my car and-got mysatchel'nnd , coa and then hurried across the hills to a bouse where I dried my clothing. * * Our tral soon caaght fire and was consumed. Nox morning they commenced bringing the hot Ics up. A woman that was In my car we brought in , but I could only recognize be by her drons. * * At noon Thursday w started in a farm wagon for Edgcrton , olgl teen miles away , and there wo took the tral for Altoona. F1UE ANlT POLICE. Chief beavoj-'s Plan For Inorcasln tlio Kflloiency of Ills Force. The board of fire and police commissioner held its regular mooting last evening. Som important mutters were laid ever and actloi on several petitions for license was post ponod. A petition was read from Chief Seavey re questing that the police force be graded , ns means of increasing its cfllcioncy , by puttin every man on hi * moltlo and eacourugin him to strive for promotion from a lower t a higher grade. Ho also favored the reducing ing of policemen to iho lower grade who found inelltcient , und stated that this systot would cost no more than is paid In salariv ttt present , und thut it would bring nbot bettor service In every respect. Action o this petition was postponed until the noi uieotiug of thu board. The resignation nf Police Oflicer A. i Cook was accepted. It was endorsed b Cliiof Soavey as being "reluctantly u | proved. " Chief Gulllgan , of tno nro department , n ported that u new box hud been placed o Eighteenth and St. Mary's uvonuo. I'oi mission was granted to Chief Ualllgan t luku 0110 hoio curt and the lioolc and laddo truck la Council Bluff * to tha fireman' ' tournament , ou the llth , 12th and Uitli last : An Invitation from Dn Miller to the , boar to uttond the meeting of the llumano soclot at tlio PaxUm hotel parlors , this evouiii { was read nnd accepted. A petition from I * . A. Whoolockuud others asking for u tire box on Orchard Hill , wa referred to the committee on proporlvr FUtcen day * ' leavoof uuscnoj ty u KJMnto to Ontcer Horrigun. i\t 0 o'clock the baara tt'JJo'irno 1 , to msa again Tuesday evening. - < " " hBMOVAii. I oljt' - . The nool/I2n nb1Uhmcnt Now Qtinr- . trroUj-n the New Utilldlne. The ofrtcj\qfrTHK Oituu HEB has bcon removed totf.\ ] Uea building. for the lysxl ten days the counting room will bo found on the ground floor , corner ot Seventeenth-Ahd b'nrnnm. All orders for advertisingh1id subscriptions will bo re ceived thefts Ttjo editorial rooms , on the seventh floor , will not bo.accessible to the public until the formal ojioniog of the building , which wllltako [ Uaooon Jimo..1,0. , Until then communica tions for th"0j .editorial department will bo received at' the counting room. Telephone htl'mbor.s of the oJltorlal and counting rooms have not yet boon changed. 1UJ\YS ANl > rijiXVEUS. Coming Attractions For This null Other AVeoks nt the Two Thontcrs. Omaha has been regaled with operas rep resenting nearly all nations on the glebe ex cept Turkey , nnd to-morrow night this typo , as Illustrated In "Said Pasha , " will bo pre sented at.Uoyd's by a company ot singers , Including such well known und recognized artists as Francis Gallant , John E. McWudo , Harry L. Kattcnbury , Frnd Lonnnx , Stanley Fclch , Joseph S. Groensfoldor , Harv > Cassidy - sidy , William Jones , Klchard Gar rick , Miss Ida Mullo , Miss Ada Somcrs , Miss Alice Gulllard , Miss Jcssio Woods , Miss Alice Brcwslcr and u strong chorus. Where II has boon given , press nnd public have pro nounced this opera nn Immense , entire , tin equivocal , artistic , brilliant and ringing sue cess. In stage settings and cos tumor It Is said to bo tnoro gorgeous than cither the "Mikado , " "Little Tycoon,11 "Nation , " or any of the other comic produc tion. Everything about it is new nnd mag nificent. Miss Ida Mullo is the petltn ladj who was here during fair week two years ago with the Brodorick Opera company Throughout "Said Pasha" there runs a vein of lively , catchy and frequently brilliant music , while the duets , quartettes nnd ottici arranged music are very pleasing , The argu ment is well conceived , and contains boll wit nnd humor. The story of the "Salii Pasha" hinges upon the Intention of the Sail Pasha , n Turkish diplomat , to .mako a trij around the world , nnd take with him Hnssar Boy , his first ofllcor. Serena , his daughter who loves Hassan , wants to go , too. Hadad , a tramp sailor , and Nockoy manage to dis gulso Serena as a sailor boy. Torano , a ricl young Mexican , also goes round the" world looking for on Ideal wife. Ho.lsi willing t ( pay dearly for her. Hadad offers , for a re ward , to get the ideal wife , both for thi Pustm and Torano. She is found at Bole hara , India , aud Tcrano Jails in love will her. The receipts of to-morrow night's performance formanco will bo donated to the Johnstowi fund. "Tho Paymaster" is an1 Irish play In every sense of the word. The stlrrinfe Incident ! are laid on Emerald soil , tha characters art mululy natives of the Isle , und the brogue I : prevalent. The dialogue is tho' embodimon of , melodious utterances , \vhicb. _ touch tin well-spring of human fcelitig-whlle the uion humorous side is expressed In well chosci Irish wit. The paymaster is Robert Emmo O'Connor , an Irlsh nontenant in an Euglist regiment commanded by nn English.colone 'who ' is Infatuated with O'Connor's sweet heart , Miss Ethel Miley. Actuated by c spirit of rcrvongo. the colonel steals the cash box of tno paymaster Just as the latter i : about to rlay-o'ft the reglinont. Being unabli to producd.thci money , ho is arrested , uftcr wards oscapcs.tbrough the connivance of ai Irish servant , by plunging into , the rive ' running close ! to the prison ! Act fourth'pro Bents another exciting episode ir the rosquo _ of Miss , Miloy fron a watery I'grave into which shi has ooen the colojjoU .In the flftl and lust act , vfctuo is .its own reward , good ness Is triumphant over vice , the hero is re warded b lho hand , heart nnd fortune ol the heroine1 , and avarice is duly punished The play soon Tor the first time it this city : i Boyd's opera house the last throe nights of this week. With it the season ai JJoyd'u comes tb a closer - Sothern had'a very successful ongogomcni hero. His audiences yosterdas' , both after noon nnd evening , were largo ones and thoj enjoyed his performances of 'Tha Highosi Bidder" nnd "Lord Chumloy" immensely Sothern is undoubtedly the cleverest younj actor of the present ago. "Our Boys , " H. J. Byron's dollghtfu comedy , which was produced for the flrsl tlmo at the Vaudeville theatre , London , Jan uary 10 , 1871 , running for over 1.500 nights will bo performed by a number of well known am utucrs at Washington hall , Jun 12 , for the Johnstown 'sufferers. The performance formanco will bo given under the auspices o Mrs. C. H. Gardner , Mrs. Herman Kountze Mrs. H. W. Yates , Mrs. Caldwell and Mrs McK enna. The play , which is ono of th most delightful of all the English comedies will be cast as follows : Sir Geoffroy"Champnoys. . .Mr. F. M. Faboi Talbot Champneys..Mr. Charles' A. Howe Perkyn Mlddlowlok..Mr. Archibald Powol Charles Middlowlck Lieutenant Wrlghl Kompstor ( a butler ) Mr. Charles Daue Poddies ( a servant ) Mr. Cuughlai Violet Melrose Miss Mabel Balcom b Clarrlssa Champneys . . .Miss Anna Mlllan Belinda ( a maid of all work.Miss Shcan The Eden Musoo will ofter a double bil the coming week. Every department wil ! undergo a complete change and now and in tercsting features will bo placed. The Flftl AvenuoThcatro company , composed of'slx teen people , with Nell Florence , lately will the "Twelve Temptations , " will prcson "Ton Nights In a Bar Room , " on Monday Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday after noon and evenings , and " .losh Wnitcomb' on Friday , Saturday and Sunday afternoon : and evenings. Despite the fact of the in crease in attractions the price still remain at ono duuo to all. H. W. Bishop , the Jolly old man will Sotbera , wont starring u few years ago in ; ploco called "Strictly Business , " but fo want ot prop'or management , , ho was compelled polled to got bacu into the ranks. Prof. Young and the gentlemen , associate with him ore preparing to give another tw or three night's season ot their comic opera "Mr. Sampson , of Omaha. " It takes plac tro 24th of this month , at the Grand. July 10 and 11 , the BoBtoniana , on their re turn from the coast , will fill an cngasemen at the Grand opera house. 9 IIIj urea by a Jlorse. Mrs. Sims , a lady living on Twonty-fourt and Webster stscots , was badly Injured las ovcnlng , The lady was getting out of he buggy on tha'corner of Thirteenth and Fai nam streets , w.len ) she became entangled i the reins. T.'hc horse cot frightened , anc backing' up , tramped on 'tho lady , mlllcUn souio soverOjhjulses. Sbo was curried hit an adjacent store , and shortly afterward sent to hor1 homo. Her injuries were pain f ul but not serious. MORE "BEAST THAN HUMAN John flnVinflinn Found laying I ) run I It Hlflnlllls Mother's Corpar. The Wtiedupants of the toncmon house illiy&ust Sixtieth street have beai troubled by inn offensive odor , und to dny the ppl9owuro called in to locuti the sou rep. of the smell , says a No\ York disraitoh to the Chicago Herald It seemed1 to'1 proceed from ono of tin iip'irtinontsioftMrd. Bridget Hiinmhun und on breaking into them the dead uiu docityjnt ; body of Mrs. Hnnrnluin wu found in pno of them. The woman hut boon dead at least u week. In the fron room , in the midst of tilth , Iny Mrs Iliuirtihu'n's ' oightoon-yeur 6ld son John dead drunlc. I'Vom nil appearances hi had outon nothing mid dranlc nil hi could got for bovornl duyn past. Tin miighboi-H think that the young roan who was u worthless eot , hud been , hold ing a quite wako ever hln mother' body nil by himself , The woiniuir.i ulso u heavy drinlcor. She did no work but lived in u miserable way on t > emi savings that she hud miido when for merly uuiployud iw v sdrvunt. Tlv inythur and t > on were 'unsociable am disagreeable and thu other 0ciut : > Mto ) the iiou o saw and kiicyv Jna , jittl/i o of thum , OMAHA'S ' LITTLE CONEMAUCH It Floods a District aud Sots Houaos on End. SIDEWALKS WASHED AWAY. And Jluntlrnds nf Citizens Are Unm < pcllcit to Tnko Their DrcnkfUnt In thu Homo * of More Fortunate An Bnrly Mornlnc Floo-l. Tlio heaviest rain-storm , which has vlsltotl Omnli a In four years , burnt u trail the citj yesterday morning. TUB BKR of yostordaj referred to some of the damage rtffootod b : the down-pour , which Is supplemented bj the following facts : The surroundings nt Nineteenth and Gas tollnr streets , where the greatest damagi was done , arc especially adapted for n flooi of this kind. Between Nineteenth am Twentloth a gulch , the sides ot which nr < Bleep and cxtoud back several blocks , rum in n southerly direction for n distance of i half mllo. draining 11 large area. Thogradlni of Castollar forms a dam over twenty fee hlh across this ravine thu banks of whip ! nro lined with cottanos. The Martha stroo sewer onas u few feet south of Castcllai street and had been covered up by the grad Ins of the street. It was but a few minute ; after the storm burst yesterday inoriiini until the ravine was filled with water am the houses nloug its banks Hooded. Jame : Hcott lives between Caitcllar and Sontl street , in a neat cottage on the bank of thi rnvino. Ho heard the water rush tun undei his house and dcccndcd to the dining roou In the basement to Ilntl the place Hooded am everything In the kitchen undo ; water. Mo tool : breakfast will n neighbor yesterday morn lug as all of hi : provisions were badly water-soaked. Hi places his damage at 30. Just below Scott's place and nearer Castcl lar , Joseph Klsasscr woke up at 2 o'clock u find a torrent raging under his house. Al of the weather-boarding was torn elf arouni the basement , leaving the house standing upon the piling. The basement of the Minneapolis bakery adjoining Elsasser's place , was Hooded and i quantity of flour destroyed. John Oleson , at 1903 Castcllar , hart a lot o property damaged in his collar which win tilled by the overflow. The house of John Osmoror , at 1907 Castcl lar , is but a few feet from the mouth of tin Martha street sewer and is built under , thi Castellar street grade. The property wa badly damaged. The water covered the firs floor of the building to a depth of three feet ruining the carpets and furniture. The col lar was flooded and a welt and cistern fllloi with mud. Osmcror places his loss at i-30 and will try to collect that amount from th city.Across Across the street from Osmcror Mrs Dovltoy occupied a small two room cottag that was completely flooded , the wate reaching the window casings , airs. Dovito ; was cared for by neighbors. Further down the ravine , near Martin street. Joseph Cottrell lost a lot of clothing and kitchen furniture that was stored In th basement of his cottage , which Is built upoi the cdgo of the ravino. Ho places his IDS at $50. J. Dvorak's houso. on Williams , near Thii tconth , was flooded and a lot of goods dam aged. Charles Johnson lost an aero of potatoe near the government corral , the flood entirely tiroly destroying his crop. A vacant house owned by J , Dvorak wa undermined and loft standing on ono cue The damage to this place will amount to f'-JCK Henry Livesoy's brickyard was flooded an all the fires extinguished in the varlou kilns. Councilman Lowry reported the brcakln of a water main ou Seventh avenue , nca Pierce , caused by the water getting belli m the curb. Ou Pierce street , east of Ninth , 175 yard of curbing was washed out and the ston uavomcnt caved In doing great damage. Collars were flooded on Farnam noa Twenty-eight and at Thirtieth street. Tno Waterworks company received report that there are 100 places in the city Jn whlc the company's pipes have been broken c laid bare by the flood , placing the compan under great expense to repair them. OOMMENOKaiENI DAY. The Jollicst Day of All the Student' Year. The ceremonies incidental to commencement mont day at Brownoll hall will begin to-da : with the address of Bishop Worthington t the student * at Trinity cathedral. Tomorrow row thcro will bo an exhibition of art by th juniors , with essays and music as follows : Marcho Militaire , Op 51 , No. 1 . Schubcr Misses G. Fowler , S. Barso , B. Blackmore G. Clark Procession of pupils , faculty , trustees , recto and bishop. Spring Song . At Chorus. Essay "Tho Art of Conversation" . . MissLouioB. Uo Piano Solo Napoli tana . Lysbor : Miss E. Wasmcr. Vocal Duet "Fly Away , Uirdling" . . . .Au Misses E. Thorpe and J. Tishue. Essay and Valedictory "Tho Genius of Michael Angola" , . Miss Blanch Uuckwortl Plnno Solo Impromptu , Op. 112 , No. 4. . . . . Schubci Miss J. Tishuo. "Smiling Dawn" ( J eutlia ) . Handt Chorus. Presentation of prizes and medals by th rector and vice-principal. Conferring of diplomas by the bishop. Address by the r.-otor. Gloria in Excclsis , creed , collects and benediction diction by the bishop. Tbo graduates are Miss Blanche Bucl worth , of North Platte , uid Miss Louie Iloi of Kearney. In the evening at 8 o'clock the pupils wi give their annual muslcalo. us part of th commencement exorcises. Following Is tb programme : pAivr i , Fantalslo Brilllanto sur 1' Opera. Tannhauser . "WagnerAlberl Two pianos , four hands. Misses C. Wusmer and M. Abboy. , Barcarole . , . At ' Chorus. Minuet 1' Antique . Senboo Piano Solo. MlssF. Fowler. Galop Brilllanto . Sponholt Piano Duet. Misses J. Tlshuo and E. Thorpe. "Thou Art Like Unto a Flowor'Mcubinstei Vocal Solo. Miss M. Gamble. Allegro ( from Grand Soptuor. Op. 20) . . . . Beothovo Piano Duet. Misses E. Dorsoy and G. Yulo. SpanUcho Tan 29 . l.'Moszitowsl Two pianos , eight hauds. Misses M. Wllcox. V. Magonau , M. Putnam C. Thomas. Mnrcho Orientate . , . . E. Ketterc Two pianos , four hands , Misses J. TUhuo and A. Ualcer. "O , What Delight" . . . Gumbor Vocal Solo. Miss E. Thorpo. fiGrumUnother ) tolls u Ghost Story. .Kulla ( lSchorzlno ) . , . Strole/li Piano Solo. Miss M. Wilcox. Sonata , Op. 11 , No. t ! ( Andante and , . . . . Scherzo ) . . . . .Boothovc Piano 'Solo. Miss J. Tishuo. "Protest Us Through tlio Comiiiir . Night" . Cur jchmu Chorus. The commencement of Crelghton oallog will take plucu on the 27th ; those of the DOJ and Dumb institute next Wednesday at p. in. ; St. Culhurina's , 37th ; Soured Hoar 25th , and the high school 37th , WilimU IS'IIUKUN 7 Omnlm'H Gniihtnhlng. Mrs. H. P. Heron lives at'J73l Hurt itroo Snvtm of the eight chlldreu of whom she i the mother , live with her. H. P. Horc himself resided at the sumo place up to fet wouks lien , Mr. Heron wan u duly a | pointed or elected constable , und hat serve m that capacity for souio tlmo , lit ? did h work faithfully and well , and , so far ns was known , honestly. Yesterday afternoon n petition was sent In to the county commissioners asking that Donnls Lane bo appointed constable for the Eighth ward. The petition rocltou the fact that thrco weoka ago last Monday , Heron had disappeared , and it was presumed that ho had left the ward and the city. A Hun reporter at once began to Investi gate the cause of Mr. Moron's departure , but only founu out the fact that It was thought ho had left Omaha with about $150 of the money bo had collected , The .head quarters of the departed was .lustlca Shaw's court. Twenty-fourth and Cuming streets. although ttin gentleman , In nil capacity as constable , did work also for Justice Dunn and Justice Saxo. From nil that could bo learned it appears that Horcn had collected the sum mentioned above and with it skipped. A gentleman met him at Nebraska City last week , and asked him what ho was doing there. " 1 am looking for a dcsortor from Fort Omaha , " ho replied. "But your friends nro anxious about you , " ho was told. "Oh , no , they can't bo , " ho answered , "for I telegraph homo once u day. " Justice Shaw wan seen last night. " 1 don't know anything about his disap pearance , " ho said. "Four weeks ntjo Mon day morning , I sent him out for some blanks , 'Give mo n dollar , ' ho said. I gave tt to him. That's the last 1 have hoard of him , nxcopt tram u friend of mine , who told mo , yesterday , that ho mot him In Kansas City , mid ho said ho was going to Oklahoma. " Mrs. Horcn was neon , last night , and said she had heard nothing from him for four weeks. ' 'I do not thmic ho has loft on ac count of being short In his collections , " she said , "for the morning he xvent away ho paid $35 that ho had collected , and If ho was going to run off with what money ho could get , ho would Imvo taiten that $35 with him , instead of paying it , ait ho did. " SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. Hit nn the Head and Injured. Saturday afternoon Patrick O'Connor ' , em ployed in the kilting gang in the packing houses of Swift & Co. , was struck by n fall' ing bullock and was knocked down and m < jured. The truck hook foil , striking Mr , O'Connor on top of the bead , cutting a dee ] aud painful gash between two and ttiroo inches long Intoull the sk. A surgeon was called mid dressed tlio wound. Mayor Slniuio's Gall. To the citizens ot South Omaha : All citi zens interested in the matter of the sufferers In the Johnstown catastrophe are hereby in. vltcd and urgently requested to attend a pub- Ho mooting to bo held in Rowley's hall , Tuesday evening , June 11 , at 7:30 : p. m. South Omaha should not bo behind the munificence of other cities in this hour ol urgent need and appalling misfortuua. W. G. SLOAKU , Mayor. Note * About the City. Everett E. Lymnn , of the J. E. Soykorn drug force , Is very.HU Children's day at tbo Methodist Episcopal churches in this alty and in Albright Sunday - day morning. Under the energetic labors of Mnnagoi John F. Boyd , of the Union stock yards , upwards of fSOO has been subscribed in this city for tne Johnstown sufferers , and at the meeting tn bo held Tuesday evening it It hoped that BUM will bo doubled. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Blanchard have gone to Creston , In. The N street sewer caved in botwoor Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets Saturday afternoon. Nels Purincton , representing the commie slon house of Savage & Green , at Lincoln , is Lack to spend Sunday with old frlonds. Valentino Lipp's building , on P street , between twoon Twenty-fifth and Twenty-slxlb , wui damaged by the rain Friday night to the ex tent of S'-JOO. Councilman Daniel Raftorty has received t telegram from Richard wowo , Johnstown Pa. , informing him that all members of thi family except himself and brother. Thomn : E. , and sister , Mary , who were visiting ni the time in South Omaha , were drowm.'d Those who lost their lives were Mrs. Bridgei Howe and Misses Mugcio , Lizzie , Rose anc Gertrude and cousin , Miss Bridget Howe Miss Howe was a cousin of Councilman llaf forty and Francis Boyle of this city. William Minougo will have n hearing before fore Judge King Monday morning for break Ing into Hoymich's saloon. Michael Ward , for stealing a pair o : trousers from E. Diamond , was tlnod $5 am costs , and his partner , John Cariuody , woi discharged. Division , No 3 , A. O. H. , will meet at ' . o'clock Sunday afternoon in A. O. H. hall. Bids wore opened Saturday night for John Dougherty's now building , as follows : Bumcss & Parks , &U30 ; McDonald & Maokcv. ? 4.o : > 0 ; Daniel Dean , $3,853 ; J. A Silver , $3.542 ; and Eggers & Bock , $3,107 the latter receiving the contract. Jauioi Dougherty received the contract for piaster ing. Baptist church services will bo hold in UK Fourth ward school building Sunday after noon at 3:30 o'clock. Superintendent Edward A. Cudahy , of thi Armour-Cudahy Packing company , who ha. boon ill , baa boon much worse Intoly and is really in a dangerous condition. William McEndroo , of Central City , ono o the loading citizens and prosperous mcr chants of Morrick county , has purchased / Cuddington's grocery store , and will com tnenco business Monday morning. The board of education held a protractei ncssion Saturday evening , but did no bus ! ness except to agree and approve tlio con tract with Eggors ft Boclr for the higl school building improvements. * Why Wo Jlo tinrly. London Tid-BUs : "You have n RTOH country , " said an Englishman to ai American. " 1 admit it. Agrandcoun try , vast in its territory nnd of bound less resources , but your climate canno cornpiu-e with that of England for aalu brity. " "It can't ? " "Certainly not. " "Why , now , our climate is ono of tin principal things wo pridu oursolvoi upon. We have all kinds to suit frigid tmnporato , turrid , and each possosscc of a Balubrou8tioas { unequaled uuywhon .in oroation. " "But it is averred that Americana dii early. " "Ulo early ? " "Yea , sir , nnd osuocially your busl ness men. " "And don't you know the 1'oaROii ? I it to be found in the nuturo of our ell mute ? No , sir. The reason American die early is because they know wlioi thuy'vu got cuoutrh. Public spirited patriotic and unselfish , tlioy die early sir , to make room for thu rising goner ation. Jloxv Ho Ktigonyi , the commander of Genera Fremont's body guard , wasallungaria ) refugee ; and a man of most gallan spirit ; not at all the man to overlook in subordination , or the appearance of it says the Youth's Companion , llooboyet orders himself , and exacted obodiouui from others , Juit before , the final charge atSprlng Hold , Mo. , Kttgonyi directed ono of tin buglers , a Frenchman , to sound i sisjnnl. The bugler seemingly paid IK attention to tlio order , but darted ot with Lieutenant Maythenyl. A few minutes afterward lie was observed it another part of the Hold virorously pur Buliif'tho Hying infantry. When the line was formed in thoeltj square after the engagement /agony noticed thobugler.andapDroachlng hiti Biilrt : "In the midst of the battle yoi disobeyed my order. You are unworlh : to bo u nutmber of the guard. I dlsmitti you. " Kor reply the bugler helduphisbugli and showed Uio mouth-pioco shot entirely tirely away. "Thu mouth was shoot oil. " said ho "I could not bugle \\i. \ moil bugle , ani ao I bugle viz mou pistol uud subor. " ft Is uiuii.icoshury to add that thu sun ten eo of dismissal was withdrawn. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 11 Attorney Mnhonoy'o Report on the ShorlfTa OfHoo. u * H DEPUTY AND BAILIFF FEES. The Fnniico Cominlttoo'rt Flnilluji in the Mnttor of County Sta tionery < \n Import ant Session , The ShorifTfl Foe * . The county commissioners mot afternoon nnd received County Attorney Ma * honey's report on the nhorlfT * oBlco. tt shows that during 1830 , 1837 nndlSSSdormly shorlfTa receiving salaries from tbo county were appointed court bailiffs by the district court , the compensation ns balllfl * being ( i per. day. The amounts were $1,374 In 189fl , $1,333 in 1SST , nnd $100 In 18SS. Ho cited sev eral q3303 on tno subject to show that the ballHTs , and not the sheriff , nro entitled to re ceive foes , and the amounts so received by the bailiffs should be taken into account In fixing the amount of their compensation. The sheriff has received Into his custody United States prisoners , Sarpy county pris oners and transient prisoner * . For this the sheriff Is paid by the authorities committing them , and received during 1SSS 70 oonls per day for United States prisoners , $1 for Sarpy county prisoners , and $1 for transient prisoners. The county board has charged us rent of jail , cost of guard , eta , for United States prisoners , since August 18 , 35 cents a day ; prior to that tlmo , 80 cnnu a day ; 85 cents per dny for Surpy nnd transit priionor prior to August 15 : f > 0 cents slnco that tlmo. This makes the folio whig : Keeping United States prisoners prior t * August 1G , 1SS3 , $1,0(12 ( ; keeping United States prhonars from August 15 to Deoom- bcriH , 8111X80 ; keeping Snrpy county pris oners prior to August 15. $4J ; keeping Sarpy county prisoners after August 1& , S1B-1.00 ; Keeping transit prisoners prior to August 15 , $07 ; keeping transit prisoners after August lu.fO.W ) . Tills makes a total charged by the board against the sheriff for keeping loraign pris oners of $1,902.50. The county has the right to charge suck amount for the Jail as will bo a talr proportion tion of costs occasioned to the county by re ceiving such additional prisoners. During 188S the sheriff's claim for keeping city prisoners amounted to $1G01.S5. and for committing thorn. $103. It was n question whether or not the county should jray for city prisoners. "It seems cloar"anj-s the report - port , "that the legislature did not intend vo Impose upon the county the burden of keep ing prisoners committed under city ordi nance in cltio.i of tlio metroiKilihiu class , and it would ho manifestly unjust that Van city should receive the bonellt of all flnea col lected under the city ordinances , whtlo tuo county should bo called ou to bear the bur den of such prisoners ns are unable to pay the lines nnuosod. " The question of fees uncollcctod by the sheriff was discussed. The report returned the sheriff's claim Tor convoying Insana persons to the hospital The statute provides that the sheriff shall bo allowed for personal services $3udoy. His bill is ou the theory that ho is entitled to the same pay for convoying imtlonttto an asylum as Is allowed for convoying convicts to tko stnto prison. The report concludes that "It is therefore ray opinion thut in passing upon this bill , so much ot it as consists of mileage allowed to assistants should bo deducted , and the tlmo traveling expanses of such assistants be paid. " The report was referred to tbo flnauc * committcu. * A petition for authority to re-record a picco of property from St. Philomonas to J Windsor and Jonn C. Cubb , was roforrcd to tbo county attorney , to ascertain It the county had to go to the rxpunso of ro-rooorJ- iug deeds in which errors had boouniadoln tbo original filing. rr * The finance committee , to whom was referred - forred the report of the stationery inves tigating committee , reported that on the item of pens they found charged during 18S3. ISO gross of pens amounting to { SI.IS. ! Of this number , but seventy-throe gross have been accounted for , leaving 107 gross unac counted for. The following overcharges were reported : ConOvor - Gross Charged tract charged ! i Egyptian pens fl.50 8 75 $ S.25 1 Egyptian pens 1.5U 75 75 12 Incandescent pen. . . 2.00 1.50 0.00 15 Incandescent pens. . 2.00 1.50 1.50 IS Egyptian pens 1.50 75 13.50 0 Kgyptlan pens 1.50 75 4.50 3 ttgyptlun pens 1.50 75 1.55 Egyptian pens 1.50 75 320 0 Kiryptnln pens 1.60 ' 75 4.50 1U Incandescent ponts. 2.00 75 0.00 Ou the matter of robiiuling books , which amounted to $377.05 , the report said that such Is rogaruod as 33 par cunt excessive , or J113.W. In the matter of steel erasures , but thirty- eight nro accounted for nnd 120 not accounted for. Tbo canvas covers cost iJO , which , the report says , Is an overcharge of lUAas , or 7K per cent. The following Items need explanation : 1100 assessment sheets , realty $ 83.00 I'JO scratch pads 28.80 21 personal assessment hooks 12000 500 shoots , assessment books 80.00 llOOsheuts , assessment , roilty 82.50 life ! ) sheets , assessment , realty 120.00 Tnirty.four orders seemed to have bcon altered uftcr being signed by the county commissioners , and twenty orders for sta tionery have not the signature of any com missioner. The report was referred to the county at torney. Commissioner O'KoefTo offered the follow ing resolution : Hcsolvod , That J. F. Coots , the superin tendent of the county hospital , bo instructed to thoroughly and carefully exam In o all the plnn , details or working drawings for all ox- tcrior and interior work for the Douglas county hospital , us furnished by E. E. Mov ers & Sun , architects , .and report to too board before June 15 the result of his exam ination , nnd shalt point out all Imperfections ana errors in any of the sizes , dimension * , designs or specifications , providing any such mistake * exist. The resolution was adopted. It was resolved , on motion of Commis sioner O'lCeqlTo , the county pay $ , " > , ( 00 for grading each of the following streets , this boltig upon the city's portion , viz : Thir teenth , fiom Vlnton street to south line of the city , and Thirty-second uvouuo from J5d Crelghton avenue to the south line of tlie city limits. Hindi & Cd.'s application for tbo renewal of the IrasQ of the brick yard ou the poor fann was grunted. A communication was received from the the contractors of ttio now county hospital. It was largely a "muni" on Mr. Cooli , su perintendent of construction , The conimu- catlon ullcucs that Mr. Coats' report was un fair , and made tor some ulterior purpose. It further states that the superintendent has ordered chAnges and. mudo purchases. And that unless the contractors are allowed to do tha work thcmsovcs , they want the muttur off their hands. The report was referred to the construc tion committee , and buurd adjourned until Tuesday. ' AMUHKMKNT8. The Johnstown benefit pcrforoiuncq give * last niisht by Omaha's "Once a Week" dra matic company , at the Grand opera liouso , was not nearly as largely attended as the occasion demanded , nor as the attraction de served. Wlillo this organization U composed entirely of local tiilont its members have considerable dramatic ability , aaii they pre sented "Among tha Breakers" in good shape , Thu cast has already boon prlntod In thono columns , therefore need not Do ropoatcd tioro. All the members of it uuiultlod them selves most creditably. It may bo said that Mrs. Louis liaur surnrittod everybody with the clever way In which slio played the part of I3os Sturbi It'll t. fieforo thu druuiiUlo performance opened a short programme of juuclulty business. In which A. MaoMulioa , Julius Kcstnor and Miss Alexandria Itamsuy appi-amd , was given. Mr. MucMahbn gar * a clover impersonation of Henry Irving. Ml s Uumiuy recited a pooai appw- prUto to thu occasion , unU Mr. t'oilnor pw- lonnud un his favorite Instrument , th * zlthur. The iintoitalnmuiit throughout wa greatly eujoyod.