Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1889, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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"Money la Easy imO. No Ohan fo In
Demand Bates.
The KfTcctofnn Open 'Winter The
Vnlitcfl ofGocxlN In Ootiornl Only
Btcnily Now llunlncss Coin *
Injt to Oinnhn.
An Incrcnao .N'olcil in Clearing * .
Thcro 1ms boon no change In the condition
t > fthomo Ticynmrltct during the frfl , week
Jvloncyis In Rood supply with a fair demand
Irora dty Jobbers nnd manufacturers , and
rates rule at about 8 per oont.
The failure of the Dank of Omaha
was niitlolpntca In financial cirolos.
month * before it carao.
The -clearings for the week were $1,178-
727.03 , nn Increase of 6l jxsr cant , Ualancos
vero ? ftl5,7fl5.3 , , " .
Jobbers say that trade Is iirotty qulol an a
Sncllncd to languish , though in sorau lines
there Is n fulr excess ever IsSS , nndvo ilnil
TIOTIO wire have aqne less this .year thnn last ,
tTUe cool , unseasonable "wcnthor following
the open dry winter necessarily made a
lighter demand for articles of wear-Injr-ap
imrcl. Hoots , shoos , dry goods And
clothing dealers tlnd themselves loadodwlth
winter poods ana nro very chary of purchas
ing moro than their neods.
Collections nro fair to middling , though
Iboro is the usual complalnton city accounts ,
nnd thu city authorities nro savagely de
nounced by retailers lor the dolny In letUns
nnd startlnir-city work that laborers may
lie employed and money circulated.
Prices hold steady. Uuttcr is decidedly
firmer , ana packers hnvo advanced prices ! ( < $
So per pound for good factory makes. EJJIIB
nro stiff utJdijSc : per dozen Hdvnncc. Canned
goods nro dull with very llttlo Inquiry for
now pack. Sugar is grndunllr Rointr to lOc ,
nnd costs the Jobber hero OMo for grnnu-
.lifted. Coffees arc 11 rm nnd Inclined to Ad
Jn dry goods prints nro slightly off , while
"woolen goods , especially Uannels and
blankets , ntn booked for an curly advance.
Jt is snld tnat the Messrs. May Brothers ,
Hie leading grocery honso tratsldo of Omaha
jn Nebraska , are ubout to locate in this city.
U'hoy nave n largo trudi' , ample capital , nnfl
nro llrst class merchants.
Henry Fuhrman is on his way
to'Europe for n twelve months' visit , und
appears to have abandoned the Idea of lo
cating a wholesale dry coeds house liBre , for
the present at least.
HoferrliiR to the stoppage of " ' "ok quota
tions , the New Vorlc 'i'itnos r < r ar s that it
"has been reserved to the tri > crn ng com-
xnlttcooT the New "York stock . . . -iiufipo to
discover that u public market is a. nrivato
club-ami business Ja increased by dostro.yintf
the facilities for doing it. "
Coffee is not. selling very freely , nnd the
upward tendency in chocked by the statis
tical showing. There nro 020,021 bags of
Brazilian coffee at Now York , Jlultiniorowid
IJew-Orleans and on the way to these -ports ,
ngainst only 2i"J,177 bags a year nu'o , mid
533TOO bags were held at IttoiluJaneiro ,
Junol. The stock in Havre the snmo day
amounted to 552,000 bags , of which C0000
Vnga were Jiruzilian coffee , unfl KottcrcUiA
cabled the cofToo stocks in ttio Netherlands
us airgrosathig 278,000 bags.
London cables state that there was con
siderable stir in the Clyde sugar market yes
terday , and prices advanced Od on reports
that America had bought 50,000 tons.
Sugar remains in a ilrin position with the
total stocks in all the principal countries
of tlio world down to 630,650 tons as iigniust
1,071,1511 tons a year ngo. Ihe June demand
Is always vary Jargo , and. promise to rule
higher. In regard to the present outlooks n
Now York firm writes as follows : "The
roost notable point of the situation is tiic
fact of the decreasing stock in Europe , and
the general inquiry of the trade there as to
Avbore their .future supplies are tocoma
Irom. inasmuch as the United States has
nil supplies al nil uud must count upon import
ing a Tery largo amount from Euroi > o this
year to meet absolute necessities for UOD-
fcuruptiun thu above fact has jipacJal and im
portant significance , which &hoald not be
jest sight of by buyers of refined und raw
sugar ; 80s for beet sugar and a correspond
ing rise in cnnoand m rellnsdsugar seem
more probable than before. As regards
crowing crops , the weather has thus ! far
boon unfavorable for the yonng canes in
Cuba and other Wct India islands. A nota
ble fouturn of our local market is that Mus
covado sugar is selling nt about J/o per Ib
lower than their proper parity with 1)11 ) ( leg.
centrifugals ns compared with the difference
between these two grades in many past
transactions. "
The stocks of wheat and rorn nt twont.v-
ono loading interior and seaboard marJciits
cast of the Rocky mountains , in transit from
the west to the seaboard , und ufloat on the
ocean , destined for Great Britain uud con
tinental Europe , on the dates named , were
us follows :
Wheat , bu. Corn. , bu.
United States , cast of
Kockies 20,200,000 11,1)08,000 )
Afloat on ocean United
Kingdom 12,100,000 3,300,030
Afloat on ocean conti
nental Europe 2,800,000 830,000
Total June 3 , 1S39 85,100,000 15,848,000
Previous week 87,805,000 34s15,000 ! !
Total Juno 4. ISSS 51,630.000 in.OT.0,000
Total Juno 0. 1SS7 03,01,000 MO , 150,000
Total Juno 7,1SSO Clii20,000 12,70.3,01/0
The wheat acreage in this country this
year is plnccd In round figures ut 39,000,000
ncres , Including ! H00tKM ) acres of u inter
and 14,500,000 of apt mg. If the yield should
average 111 bushels to the acre the crop
would amount to S07.000.000 bushels. fVir u
series of yours the ucroagc , crop , and yield
per ncro were asiollous :
Yield per
Year. Acronpo. Crop.bu. nere.bu.
18S3 8T,000 , IOO 416,000,000
188T..8rOCO.t 0 450,000.000
18SO. . . . 34,800,000 457,818,000
1885 a4,18S,000 857,112,000
1834 _ 39,3T5,000
Tlio Stochholdor Ueuros up the Juno disbursements -
bursemonts at upwards of { 0,0(10,000 ( , includ
ing railway dividends nnd interest on rail-
tvny and covcrnmont bonds , besides interest
on various state , county and municipal obli
The recent gen oral rains have put the crops
of Nebraska In splendid condition ami Rlail-
douod the hearts of the farmer uud niorcuunt
Saturday , June S.
Buyers were late in commouulng to make
tholr day's purchases und their orders were
light. Ttie trndo was slow , the buyers , ns a
xule , boluif Very indlffcrout. Ith liberal ro-
cclpts nnd light ordora , the nuyors could af
ford to be particular , and they were very
vtronrly , inclined to discriminate against
anything which did net happen to stritco
their fancy. It would be safe to call the
ecnaral market ou bcovos lOo lower , al
though Bomu sales of very dcslruula cuttlo
would not show that much oT. ( liutcliorH1
Block sold castor , and there was lltt'.o doinp
iu stnckers and feeders. At thn tlino of
closing there were still a good muny cattla
Th > situation in the hog market wns rather
peculiar , There was no reason for lower
Jirlcct , BO for as the inarkela at other iwlnH
were concerned , but the packer * nil hud more
liof * thau they could hanaloor two or three
days , and they did not care about carrying
over any moro until next weelc. In order to
cleuu unthn yards , they bought the ho/js un
der protott , as itwore , but. ntprlcos a shun *
to 5o lower than .vostorday. The trade -wan
eon ever and the yards ' .vurfl cleared.
A few were received , consigned direct to
the packers. _
5,000 ,
ProratllitK 1'rloo * .
Thef allowing it atublo of prlooi ull In
tW market for tlio gradoi of slo lt nion-
} 'f IK * itoon , 1800 to 1500 lbs.a. yt 15
L. fjfrjJ JUA-t 1st. jjJU
Good steers , 12T.O to 1450 Ibs. . . < < ? 4.00
Good stoors. 10W to 130 ! ) lb * . , .
Ordinary to fair cows .
Pair to good cows .
Good to cliolco cows. . . . . . .
CholcotofancycOwshoifors. .
Pnlrto Komi bulls .
Good to cliolconulls .
Light stoekors nnd foodnrs. . . .
Good feeders. 050 to 1100 Ibs. .
Fair to choice Uiht hogs .
Pair to cholco heavy hogs . W4.00
Kttir Jo choice mixed liops . M4.00
Fnlrto-modlum native sheep. . © 45
Good to cholco native slipop. , . W4.50
l nlUbcTiolcowbstornshoop. . © 1.00
Shorn sheep . W8.23
ltc | > rcaoiitniUo Sulcs
STcr.u : .
No. Av. T r. Nn. Av. P- .
1. . , . .loio ? 3.r o 23 $3:80 :
. .114U 3.f,0 , 14 , JI.SO
14 , .1315 3.80
OW 3.C3 10 , n'o run
lOTii nra 22 .12:13 :
80. , 1040 8.07'f 35
Cj 1143 3.70 fl..i205 8.S.I
IS 1120 8.70 10 , .1-104 8.87
80. 1373 3.7(5 ( 25 llf.3 8.S7
1223 n5 at IOSB 3.87 ,
21. 1190 3.75 IS 1311 3.00
'JO. 1100 3.73 10 1S77 ! U > 0
37. 1347 3.73 23 1270 3.UO
7. 1270 3.73 20 1393 4.VO
30. 111,0 8.73 ( i 1497 4,00
3. 1SOO 3.75 5 1310 4.tK )
13 1223 8.77K 63 1222 4.00
1. 1020 2.00 8 844 2.00
8. 747 2.C < 0 C 0 t 2.75
8. . . . . .1037 2.25 1 1210 2.80
2. . OU5 2.25 3 ll 3 5.85
1. . . . . .1030 225 3 1270 3.00
1. 930 2.W ) 8 ISM 2.HO
1015 2.0 10 1UO 2.90
1. . 1470.2.00 1 1090 2.50
1. . . 1710 3.00 1 1440 3,50
1. . 1810 2:25 : 1 IClW 2.50
1. , 10'JO ' 2.25 5 153J 3.10
1. . . 1C80 2.25
.1210 .3.25 1 1700 2.50
1150 3.20 3 950 3.20
VEAI , cxtvis.
. CGO 8.73 1 180 .4.25
CAXNE113. '
.1000 1.73
.1450 1.75
No. Av. Off. Pr. No. Av. Off. Pr.
4S. . . .233 bO ? 3.03 01. . .237 120 M.OO
63. . . .291 200 4193 T5. . . .243 S40 4.00
57. . .807 40 TJ93 07. . urn 160 4.00
> . . 808.05 CO. . .257 80 4.00
11. . . ! 2S5 0 8.95 . .242 4.00
59 . .313 1IXJ 3.93 CO. . .807 KiO 4.00
" * 40 8.95 77 . .255 320 4.00
.81B 100 8.05 ' 71 . .500 40 .00
10 . . .313 120 3.95 54. , .237 1UO
00. . . .317 . . . 3.93 57. . .247 4.00
01. . . .278 100 3.97K 47. . .334 100 4.00
1S. . . ass 53. , .310 100 4.00
71. . ' fil. 4.00
04. . ! .24t 120 4.00
M. . . . 876 4.00
01. . . .299 4.00
CO. . , .2GL 4.00
' 73. . . . -COS 4.00
71. . . .209 4.00
53. . . .324 4.00
( JO. . . .293 4.00
53. . . .343 4.00
70. . . . 247 40 4.00 4.00
70. . . .210 fcO 400 ICO 4.00
CU. 40 4.00 39. . 120 4.00
ro. . ! ! 30 . . 4.T10 55. . 240 4.00
f.S. . . .203 80 4.00 S9. . , . -260 00 4.00
(57. ( . . .2(10 200 4.00 SI. . , . -99 ICO 4.00
(51. ( . . .201 1W ) 40J C9 . , .270 200 4.00
Ci. . . .S71 HiO 4.00 " .231 4.00
CO. . " 40 1.1)0 ) sV. , .303 ICO 4.UO
03. . 7 40 4.00 01. , 4.02
71. . . .200 40 4.00 50. , r.277 100 4.02J *
63. . , . -203 HO 4.UO ' " , .247 SO 4.05
CO. . . .270 80 4.00 TO' . . . . .2.2 240 4.05
74. . . .iJ4r 1'JO 4.00 (14. ( . . ,230 80 4.05
. .293 40 4.UO . .210 SO 4.05
, .231 . . 400 40 4.05
. .SOU SO 4.00 7a. 80 4.t)5 )
78. . . .244 . . 4.00 03. . .240 80 405
1U3. . -347 240 4.00 tW. . .234 4.05
75. . , .253 120 4.00 70. , . .221 30 4.05
02. . , .20 ; 120 400 75. . .207 4.05
53. . . .200 SO 4.00 13. . .213 4.05
CO. . . .253 SO 4.00 ' . .214 80 4.05
( B. . , .259 120 4.00 cs' . .231 4.05
CO. . 30 4.00 CO. . .ISO § 6 4.10
Ijivo Ktouu. Notes.
Phillips was represented by Lnvl Cox
with four cars of cattle.
J. F. Benedict of Hastings , had txvo cars
of cattle und four cars of hogs here.
li. W. MarUn of Wahoo , was a visitor at
the yards.
George F , Dodge of Wood River , had a car
of CM lie aud one of hogs hero.
L. Stockwoll ) of tsholtou , was looking
after thioocars of cattlo.
lluntor Bros , had six loads of cattle hero
from Liroomfleld.
U C. Johnson , of Goohuer , bad in four
cars of flno light grade cattle , which brought
? 4.W ) . Mr. Johnson fed about two hundred
cattle , ttireo hundred hops and three thous
and sheep this u inter , and has marketed
about overrtuinir. Tbora nro about ono
thousand and llvo hundred fat cattle in the
vicinity of Gochner.
Mr. IJishop , of Dawson & BUhop , Weeping
Water , came in with a load of hogs.
J. Buck , of Crete , was hero with two
loads of cattlo.
Henry Koch nnd P. M. Colby , Bradshaw.
caiue in to look after the sale of three cars of
Gcorgo Vornes , Missouri Valley , cUmo
down with n load of bogs.
W. O. Bobbins. T. J4. Reynolds nndW.
lx > o were on the market with cattle from
rjll. Kribbs , of McPaul , la. , was on the
market with cattle and hogs.
Top on beeves year ago $5.50.
Ono year ago to day hogs sold at a range
of OOc.
Lincoln reports a surplus of 3,000 hogs on
Several Important Deals "Malta Dnring
The past week has be-on nn active ono In
real estate circles. A largo number of deals
hnvo bcou made in residence property at a
healthy ndvanco ovcrholdlngs of two months
ago. The notlccablo feature of these deals
hus been that the purchasers are iu almost
every casa homo seekers , and but a very few
of the Hales made have been to land specula
tors. Tlio supply of money in the banks aim
loan companies is largo , with the interest
rates decidedly reasonable , and tha real es
tate purchasers nro taking ud vantage of the
oxceliont opportunities for improving their
Tbu largest deal of the Week was the pur
chase by Mr. Fred Ames , of Boston , of the
K M. C/ord property , on Furmun street , uuc
the iloTsumn property , on Sixteenth street ,
both adjoining the Commercial Nntiona
banU , now Iu process of croctiou. Mr. Ames
secured this jirororty , CO feet on Furnam
mid 53 feet on Sixteenth struct , for
(110,00. Ho will commence at oiico the
erection of n sovon-story granite block
on the property , with a front on cacti street
for tno use of Omaha's dry goods merchant ,
Mr. S. P. Morse. Mr. Amos has a lUcasm ;
hubltof drooping down on Ouinbu occasion
ally uud stlrriuc up things by Investing
thousands of dollars in bccuring Dnrnami
that have been lying unnoticed under the
eyes of resident capitalists. His abiding
faith In the future groatnosb of Omaha am
his financial backing of the said faith has
encouraged Oumlia capitalists to take re
uowod interest in several iniprovomon
schemes that have boon .under consideration
for some time , aud now give promise of being -
ing consummated ,
Tlio first of these , and the ono that is at
tracting the most serloui consideration , is
tha improvement of that part of Cut-ol
island that is owned by the East Omaha
I autl company , the principal members o
which uro Messrs. I'orklns. Touzalln
CuKtiiuir , Holdrcdge , Kimball. O'Don-
ohoe , Yiite * and Squires. These gen-
ttenion Imvo long held that this is
the favorable in Omaha for
manufacturing sitni. and propositions have
Ixieu made by them that will very likely ro
cult iu tlio early location of n number of en
torprisca. A knitting factory la assured
Thu company has also donated llvo acres eland
land for a paper manufactory that will bo in
operation on the site by Octooor 1
Councilman Thomas lx > wroy sold to the
Thon-pbou-Uoustou Klcctrio Light couiuan ;
slxty-slx foot on Jones strcelbotwocn Fourth
nnd Fifth streets , Tor $10,000. Tlio company
proposes to conunonoo work at once upon n
now electric light building.
H. J. Windsor sold to 0.1C. Uarton , lot 5.
Cortlond Place , for $10,000.
Mr. Toft nold to a H. Scott pnrtof lots 8
and 4 , Clark's addition for $21,000.
T. Swobo hns purchased olpht lots In Con
vent Place tor $03,700.
The transfers for llio week were ns fol
lows :
Monday. . . . . , , . , , . , . . - . , . . .5 2 , " > , .r tO
Tuesday. . . , , , 33.253
Wednesday „ 133,597
Thursday . .Y. 81,073
Friday. ; 71 , 24
Saturday 100,717
Total , , . . . . ,4. . , . , . . $102,020
The RmlllliiK Itccnrd.
The building "boom for Jnno has opened up
in nn encouraging manner , A majority of
the permit ! issued during the past -week
hnve been for n Class of residences ranging
from ? 1,50J to $7OQO.
J. C. Tucker is building n 3,000 homo on
. .cnvc avenue , near .Tacitson.
F. C. Blumer will build tt$3,500 residence
m Wayne , near Thirty-seventh.
W. II. Ilaydon Is preparing to erect a
"J.OOO residence on Cnpltol avcuuo , near
Forti sixth.
O E. S. .lavnes will build n ? 5,000 rcstdonco
on Emmutt , nnnr KlchtccnCn.
U. n. Cochran * wriunvest fTi.pOO In a homo
m Thirty-sixth ; nenr.I'uclfio ,
G. W. Logan Is building a JJ.500 residence
on Poppleton , near Twonty-slxfH. ' '
O. U. Cam has arranged to build eight ono
and one-half atory frame residences on Ala-
Tile , nenr Twenty-eighth ovbnuo , onuh to
cost iM.SOO.
GeorRO S. TSunhnm Is "building a $4,000
residence on Lcavouwortli , near Thirty-
13. C. Erflmg Is 'building a three-story
block on North Sixteenth .street , to cost
J. L. "Konnody is build Ing n $0,000 resldonco
on Thirty-second near Woohvortn.
James Montgomery Is 'erecting n $7,000
iriclc block -on lioavcnworth street , near
12. L. Robertson 3 building n carriage
warehouse on Lcavomvorth near Twonty-
clgnthvalued at t5,000.
Tno record for the wool : is as follows :
Monday $ 50,500
Tuesday 0,800
Wednesday 30,800
Thursday 10,500
Friday 27,000
Saturday 0,830
Total $144,450
The following building permits jvuro Is
sued by the superintendent of buildings
yesterday :
B. E.-NaoRle. ono-atory cottage. . . $ 250
F. T. Clark , one and a half story frame
dwelling 1,500
Jon Hognn , ono story frame owolllnif. 800
Don Hogan , addition to dwelling , ono
story frame , . „ , 300
E. F. Augustnl , ono fro mo store room. 4,000
Total , „ . . , , $0,850
Minneapolis wheelmen uromaking TI "big
effort to secure the September meet of the
L. A.V. .
Kingsland , "who ran against Prince , Rcad-
ng , Knapp nnd Morgan , at the Chicago tour
nament , -wa so badly injured by his fall on
the .second day , that ho will not i > o able to
ride any more this season.
.Manager Prince , of the Coliseum , is nogo-
Liating with Muldoon and Sullivan tor u
wrest liny exhibition at the Coliseum. Ho
will not got them , however.
Master Will Pixloy , of this city , is a com
ing bicyclist. With the strength and exper
ience ot n foxv more years ho will bo able to
chnso the best of them.
Jimmy Lindsay says ho is willing to fight
.Meyers , McAullffo , or any of thewvay-up-
jiors , at any time or for .any kind < o f a purso.
Ho argues that if ho can best one of thcso
good uns , he can undo plenty of the stuff
"Honey Creek Lake , nine miles north of
the Bluffs , Is . .affording excellent piokerol
fishing just now. A light rod , twenty -feet
of line , and a No. 8 spoon is tbo most effect
ive tackle.
The next fight to take place at the Cali
fornia Athletic club will be one "between
Jock Deinpsey and George .LcBlancho , the
Marine. The men i-.inio together last Satur-
tla.v night at the Cliff house. The Marino
charged Dcmpscy with saying Jillingsworth
could-whin him. Dompscy denied this , but
settled LcBloncho's boasts by offering to ac
commodate him. LeBlunche ntonco sought
the managers of the athletic clnts" , and
thuro is no question but that the California
club will secure the light. The California
club has offero'l to pivo a $5,000 prize , but
lierctoforo Bempsey has iguorod the , Mu-
Tine. '
The coming "battlo between champion John
L. Sullivan and Juke Killrain is at last being
much tnlited-about in local sporting circles.
The followeisof the two gladiators in Omaha
seem to bo pretty evenly divided , but there Is
any number who would rather bet on "no
fight" than on a possible result. The mill Is
down tor July S , near Mississippi City , Lou
isiana , nnd it is quite probaolo that it will
come off , as both men nt last nro in nctivo
training nnd all arrangements are 'being
cxpcditiously arranged.
Beauty Baldwin , Jesse Onkos , Kiltie
Brown , Louise Armnindo and Edna Woods
ride in a matiooo race at toe Denver bull
park this afternoon for the benefit of the
Johnstown sufferers. To-morrow evening
they begin their six-day race at tno same
place by electric light.
Senator Morgan leaves for Denver to
morrow evening.
The Coolnccs of n. liawycr Saves Three
Persons I'roui a Mtxiilnc.
John F. J3urria , a San Francisco lawyer -
yor , had a rotnarkublo adventure with
a maniac client the other night near
the Agnew asylum for chronic insane
in Santa Clura valley. The details
juHt catno to light ta-niy. : Bays a dis
patch to the Globe-Democrat , and show
that Burris' uerva saved not only his
own life , but the lives of the physician
who accompanied him and the
maniac's wife. Burris went tea
a house near the * asylum to
see Henry Woibold , whoso wife
was suolng him for divorce ou the
grounds of insanity and cruelty. Burris
was the woman's counsel , uud wanted
nn expert opinion on Woibold'n insan
ity. Who n ho reached the place ho
found Mrs. Woibold greatly oxcitod.
She said Bho feurod violence from Jior
husband , who was in un ugly temper ,
und had threatened to kill her. Burria
wont in to see him , accompanied by the
wife and the doctor. Scarcely had they
entered the room when the lunatic , who
IB a man of huge pro pot-Monti , said quiet
ly , at the same time producing a pistol :
"Glad you came , us I've got to kill
you all. "
At the same time ho lovalod his revolver -
volvor ut Burris. The wife sank into a
chair while Dr. Haddon was HO over
come with frighti that ho tainted. 13ur-
rU coolly proposed that the miinlao
hoar a story buforo ho did the shooting ,
and the result wus that the lawyer told
ono of his best humorous anecdotes.
tVhen ho oudod thu lunatic said :
"That's a good story , but now 1'vo got
to kill you. "
Again Burris interposed and told n
blood-curdling tale of hunting ele
phants in India. The lunatic becumo
intorcstod , and demanded fresh stories ,
which the lawyer continued to furnish
until the night was fur gone , when the
raaniao finally fell asloop. Then the
tliroo persona oscuped from the room ,
and securing aid from the asylum au
thorities hud tlio madman arrested.
Forty horses , none of them loss than
sixteen hands high , were shipped from
New York to Havre recently , having
boon purchased by agents of the French
Don't bo in any hurry about getting
your young horses shod , unless It
is entirely necessary. Their feet will
be all the hotter for running barefooted
as long as posaiblo.
y ijo , '
,19Mf >
Doalora Stffi Looking to the Weather
Jtoporta For Tips.
n.'a >
n , , sii
Corn Soin vivlmt Firmer
Knrly 'jll l very iVilvn , tiaoit Tlio
Imrovement in I'rovlsloiiB
Maintained. t
CmoAoo , Juno 8. [ Special Telegram to
TIIK BKB. ] Wheat \vns active nnd c.x itod ,
to-day , nnd values were well inalntaluod In
the face of rigorous opposition and npgret-
slvo bearish tactics. Cables wcro not en-
cournglng in their chnmctor , rain having
fallen In Kussin where it. was badlj' tiucdcd.
Now York was firm , early , but broke sharply
Just bnforo the close of trading hours
there , nnd St. Louis was quoted moat of .tho
scsslou -"stole.1" Hero the trade was besot
by a variety of conflicting crop report Bul
letins of rains in the Jim lilver vallei'J * ) a
kola , -were received but not conflrmcAl ,
.hough the weather map justified n
belief that there might bo showers In that
sectionTho signal service returns
indicated copious and ponorAl.'J Tains
throughout the southwest whiter wheat ,
country , where the harvest Is In progress. >
The wires brought good buying 'orders from
that section , though St. Louis was bearish
nnd the northwest scorned to bo selling moro
than it "bought. The Minneapolis markut
ivns .strong , liowovor , gauged by the public
record of prices. The black board continues
very bullish. At primary points receipts are
diminishing , nnd the out movement it very
liberal. Export clearances Jrom lho Atlan
tic -ports , lor the week , .foot up to 003,000
"bushels ; nnd In wheat nnd flour combined ,
the aggregate Is 1,400,000 bushels. Indica
tions point to a decrease of between 1,500,000
mid 2,000,000 bushels in the visible supply ,
which "will bring stocks In sight down
to nearly 18,000,000 "bushels. Cash wheat is
everywhere In demand nnd strongly held.
Hero Juno wheat ranged nt 73. * @ 79 > fc ;
wlillo July nnd December xvero quoted 1K@
c cheaper. The opening trades in July
were-on r. "basis of TT c , with sales as lowais
c. The market advanced to 77j ! c , nnd
gradually worked back to the vicinity of 77c.
The tradmg'for a couple of hours was within
narrow limits , but nbout noon the price
touched 7f > X@77c , A-few moments of towards
7ic was the quotation , und presently it
was .back under 77a The disposition to
Toalizo was strong , and many lulls could not
resist the temptation to secure profits.
Things have -not icon -coming - their
way lately The closing uricoof
July wheat "was 76o ; December was
fairly active month , with the prices ranging
fromTCX'to TTJfc , A tronger pressure was
put on December than on July , but the
sellers mot-pvith sturdy resistance , .De
cember cfoscu nt TOJfc. The dealings were
on a liberal scale in the pit nucl were signifi
cant in that operators , big and little , seem to
bomalringup their minds for a campaign.
The lines are being moro sharpjy nnd clearly
drawn , and t'ado ) is getting Into a position to
form better judgment as to crop probabilities.
The eovcrnment report will bo in Monday
nftornoonj'nnd that will probably exert nn
important influence. If it is a rollcx of the
actual crop situation , it should show n ma
terial reduction from the high conditions
prevailing. jiionth or six weeks ago.
The corn market averaged ilriiior , princi
pally owing1 to plenteous rains prevailing in
the corn beltnnd tlio sympathetic-fooling with
the strengthen wheat. The foreign markets
were quoted dull and the receipts hero wore
liberal , boffiii1 Monday the estimated re
ceipts of ttftt 451 cars gnvesaine further cn-
courugementto holders. The shipments
lienco.wcrnlibcraL , but the demand .from
shippers to-day was not urgent , -although
the odor ings were bringing moro money In
sympathy with the speculative outlook.
There was a fair amount of trading for a
short time near the opening , but it then
lapsed into dullness and remained so. The
slight advance which prevailed nt the open
ing did not hold throughout , the closing fig
ures being substantially the same as on the
previous Uny.
Oats were stronger , exhibiting } o to J c
advance on all deliveries ns extended us
Septomoer. The posted receipts were con
siderably less than antici Dated , and the con
tinued cold and wet weather called out nn
increased buying. There was no lack of
supply , however , with the saino prominent
operator , the leading seller who was present
yesterday. July opened .at 22 c , nnd sold
later at 22X@3K , with September im
proving to 2Jyi23JJe. There was a contin
ued good inquiry for round' lots for early
shipment , but vessel .room was roportea
scarce. Juno nnd No. 2 oats , to go in store ,
sold at 22c. und May , 1S90 , sold atSGo.
Pro visions were quiet and without special
features. Even insbort ribs wlilth
again led in interest , trading win on n
moro restricted sculo than for some days
previous. Tlioro was no development In any
branch of trade to occasion comment , and
the market opened and closed in an uninter
esting manner. Prices , however , averaged a
little lower than yesterday. In pork the de
cline actually suffered was from 2 > f to
ard 2 > c and in short ribs Irani 2 > to Sc.
CHICAGO , Juno 3. fSpocial Tcliigram 'to
Tun BEE. | CATTLE. To-day's supply con
sisted of about 1,800 natives and 1,200 Texans.
The trade in native cattle was fairly nctive
for Saturday , und the offerings were quickly
'absorbed at generally steady prices , fat
little steers selling to tno best advantage
and strong. A good many of the cattle nt
present arriving nro showing grass to suph
an extent that buyers are discriminating ,
nnd prices between such nnd strictly corn-
fed nro daily Widening. Old " .straw" or
shelly cows could hardly Und a buyer to-day.
Choice to extra beeves , $4.00@4.00 ; medium
to good steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , $ . ' 1.80(31.40 ( ;
1200 to 1350 Ibs , J3.C5@ .25 ; 050 tolSOJJbs ,
$3.'CO@3.W ) ; stoclcors and feeders , $34003.50 ;
cows , bulls nnd mixed , fl.05@3.-25 ; bulk ,
$3.00 ( < J2.0 ; slop-fed steers , $1.05@4.85 ;
Texas cattle , S5o lower than last vroek ;
steers , 950 to 1050 Ibs , $3.00(013.50 ( ; 750 to IKK
Ibs , * J.7l > @ ; iOO ; COO to 700 Ibs , tai5@-i.UO ;
cows , 1.753.80.
Hoas Trudo opened rather unutnudy , but
quietly braotul up and ruled strong and ac
tive. HoavKlfoga that sold so badly yester
day , nndlttPwhich $4.2534.80 was marked
at la3tnigiiV < * Jinlih , seemed to be wanted
badly by puokcrs to-day , inasmuch as they
paid 5 conts'advunco this morning , or $ lil2&
(34,35 ( , principally S4JJ5. Light IIORJ ; it'wm
bo remembered , aold steady yesterday , and
to-day rupdlriu | at the start and strong nt
the close , antes of sorted light being lareclv"
nt f4.4D < U4.60 , . und light mixed , $4.87 @
4.42JV ; Ueary mixed sold lor M.371 to 4.3 .
Tpiitf. , Juno 8. [ Special Telegram
to TUB EKilr-STOCK8 The two hours' ses
sion of Ulipl'stock ' exchange to-duy was
marked by iHslgniflcaut trading , by dullness
in but few-stocks , and by weakness throughput
put the lllttio'/oro / the close. At the opening
it was evident that the activity of the pas
fovv days bad vanished. The first prices
were irregular , with the most impor
taut changes in the way of lower
prices. During the hour to 11 o'clock tbero
was llttlo strength noticeable , and prices lin
proved slight fractions from the first figures
During the hour to 13 o'clock there was a
complete change , nnd prices began tending
downward , with n pronounced weakness in
a few stocks nnd trusts. The weakness wus
still moro apparent after the issue of the
bank statement , which was unfavorable.
Tim market closed at noou uctlvo and weak
at ubout the bottom prices for the day
Compared with the close last night , St. Pau
and Missouri Pacific were steady. Hurling
ton , Northern 1'oclflc , preferred , Heading
and Lead busts lost } { per cent each. Cotton
Oil , A tub La rm ana Union Puutio lost J < per
cent each. Northwestern lost Xi nna Now
England per cent. Sugar trust * clo od
nearly 3 joints lower , while Chicago Ga
showed n jjnln nf X per cent. The total
sales for the half day wcro 89,000 shares.
The following were the cloflnif quotations !
tl. S. 4s rORular , 12S jjfortnorn IVxcinc. , 29
VI. S.4i coupons . . .131 ) donroforred COTi
T.S.4'4sreinilar . .iftiM 0 &N. W . . . . .1184
U.S.4Visconpons. Idf.ui Ooproferrcd U3
Pnclncosot'in..119U N.Y.I'outrnl UN' '
Central 1'aoino iwii 1'B ) 24
GhlcajfoJiAlton. . .LJ3 iltocklBlaml. . OS !
ChlcacoUurllngton lO. . M. & SU' . 73 > i
Aulncy ( . lam1 dopreforrod. . _ 115
) . .U.1t\V . 14-T.rSt.Vnul.tOmaha. . 8TiV {
lllnols Contra ! . ItMi do prof erred . tm
. , 11.4 ; W _ . . BVi Union l'aeino. > 4..4 ( BU
vnnsM&Toxas. . . . 10V..8t. . ! . & 1 . . IflJl
, nko Hhoro . 10.'i' { | ( loproforrod. . . . Zfli
Central. . Pimi Western Union . 87M
Easy ; no loans.
1'imtn AlBiioiXTiin PAI-BU 3JJ5X par
cent ,
nuMo ExciuNon Dull but steady ;
Ixty-doy bills , U Tif ; demand , $4.59.
CnioAno , Juno S.I:15 p. m. close WJioat
Lower ; cash , 70o ; July nnd December ,
Corn Steady ; cash , .T3 ; < ci July , 34J4'o ;
September , ! ttjfc.
Oats Steady ; cash , 22'a'cj July , 22 7-10o ;
September , 22e.
lye Cash 33) 0.
UJnrlav Nominal.
Prime Timothy $1.23.
Iflnx "No. 7 , f 1.54.
Whisky * 1.03.
Pork Steady ; cash , $ ll.77 } ; July ,
til. SO.
Lard Steady ; cash. 50.02 4 J"lV. W0. .
Flour Steady ; winter wheat , ? J.OO@3.75 ;
spring wheat , Sl. 0@5.50 ; rye , $2.45@'J.05.
Dry Salt Moats Shoulders , $5.12 > { @ 3.2. ' ! ;
sliort clear , { 0.12WQ0.25 ; short ribs , S3.85
@ 0.00.
Uuttor Unchanged ; creamery , ll@10c } 5
dairy , 10l5o.
Cheese Unchanged ; fnll cream ohodars ,
' Hots , 7K@75ic ; Yonng Americas ,
Kg s Unohnncea ; fresh ,
Hides Unchanged ; loavy and light green
salted , } ; suited dull , 4 0 ; green salted
calf , Oc ; dry flint , 7c ; dry salted , 7o ;
dry calf , 7f | Sc : deacons , 25o each.
Tallow Unchnnired ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4o ; No. 2 , 3o ; cake , 4c. .
Hccolpts. Shipments.
Flour . 11,000 7,000
Wheat . -iO.OOO 51,000
Corn . 310,000 835,000
Onts . 201.000 899,000
Now York. June 8. Wheat Receipts ,
COO ; exports , 55,000 ; spot dull and nomi
nally higher ; No. 5 rod , 81@S2c in store ;
oat' 81 > ' @S4Xc f. o. b. ; No. 8 red ,
c ; options uctlvo And irregular , clos-
g higher ; Juno , SISi'c.
Corn Receipts , 30,000 ; exports , 91,000 ;
snot scarce nnd higher ; No. S , 42042 0 In
elevator ; 42i543o afloat ; No. 8 nominal ;
ungraded mixed , 4042 ; options dull.
Oats Receipts , 105,000 ; exports , 000 ; spot
Irin .una quiet ; options , firmer but dull ;
June , 2Sc ; July , 2be ; spot , No. 2 , white ,
@ 34 } c ; mixed western , 20@30c.
Cofloo Ootlons dull ; sales , 4,500 bags ;
Jnl.v$18.50 ; August , ? 10.CO@10.05 ; spot Rio ,
dull and easier ; fair cargoes , 6l8.1i- > .
J'otroloum Qulot but steady ; United
closed nt 82 > fc. ,
33ggs Steady nnd inidy nctlvo ; western ,
> fc.
Pork Quiet ; now S18.25@13.50.
Lard Weak ; western steam , $7.00 ; July ,
Butter Quiet ; western , 9@17Jtfc.
Cheese Unchanged ; western , 7 @ 3. c.
Alinnoapnha , Juno 8. Wheat Sample
wheat digucr ; receipts , 100 cars ; shipments ,
Hears. Closing : No. 1 hard , June , 90c ;
July , nnd on track , 83 > @ 3'5e ; No. 2 north
ern , June , 73c ; JJuly , 7J c ; on track , 73@
Milwaukee , Juno 8. Wheat Easy ;
cash , 74 c ; July , 75c.
Corn Steady ; .No. 3 , SlJ c.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 , white , 26o.
Rye Quiet ; No. 1 , 42c.
Barley Steady ; No. J , Sic.
Provisions Steady ; pork , $11.75.
Kansas Oily , Juno 8. "Wheal Qnlat ;
'No. 2 red , cash , Sic askedNo. . 2 , soft , cash ,
75c bid.
Corn Steady ; .No. 2 , cash , 75c bid.
Oats No. 2 cash , 20c asked.
Cincinnati , Juno A Wheat Strong
and higher ; No. 2 rod , 83@S4c.
Corn Firm No.tJmixed , U. > c.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 25X@2 < % c.
Whisky Steady at S1.02.
St. Ijonla , Juno 8. Wheat Lower ;
cash , BOVc ; July , 72J c.
Corn Easier ; cash , 81Q31c ; July ,
Oats Ficm ; cash. 22Ko ; July , 22a
Pork better at 512.-J5.
Lord Firm nt JO 03.
Whislcy Steady , ? 1.02.
"Butter Unchanged ; Creamery , 14@10c ;
dairy , 12@13c.
Chlcairo , Juno S. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cnttlo lloceipts , 2,000 ; market steady
and 20@25c higher than last woolc ; beeves ,
f4.40@1.00 ; steers , J300@4.40 ; stoekors und
feeders , S2.40@3.50 ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
$1.03@3.85 ; Texas steers , $ L75t 3.50.
Hogs Receipts , 10,000market ; steady to
strong ; mixed , $1.20@4.45 ; heavy , $4.20(34.40 ( ;
light , $4.25 4.00 ; skips , ? 3.50@4.25.
ijhoop Receipts. 2 , 00 J ; market steady ; na
tives , 53.25@4.50 ; western , shorn3.50@4.SO ;
Texans , shorn , $3.00@4.25 ; lambs , $1.00 ( 3.25.
Kansas City , Juno 8. Cattle Re
ceipts , 1,400 ; shipments , 530 ; market active
and steady to a shade higher for good corn-
fed dressed beef and shipping -steers ; gross-
crs n.Rhado weaker ; good to cljosco corn-fed ,
$3.90@4.15 ; common to medium , J3.25@3.75 |
stockers and feeding steers , quiet and steady
ntSJ.25@3.40 ; cows , steady at n.7. > @ 3. < > 0.
Jlogs Receipts , 8,100 ; shipments , 2,000 ;
market active and steady to fie higner : light ,
S4.20@4.2o ; heavy and mixed , $4.0U@4.15.
National Stock Vuisls. Kust St.
Linuis , Juno 8. Cattle Receipts , 4 00 ;
shipments , 300 ; market steady ; choice henry
native steers , S3.bO@4.50 ; fair to good , (3.15
@ 4.00 ; stockers and feeders , f2.10@3.15 ;
rnngnrs , txirn-fcd , $2. < JO@3.80 ; grass-fed ,
' 62.JO@3.00.
Hogs Receipts , 1,900 ; shipments , none ;
choice heavy nnd butchers' , | 4.SO@4.40
packing , $4.20@4.35 ; light gruOos , $4.25@
Sioux Olty , Juno 8. Cattle Receipts ,
8SO ; shipments , 100 ; market 15 to 20c
lower : fat steers , $2,8.'V@3.50 ; stockers ,
C3.10QJ2.G5 ; feeders , $2.15 ( 70 ; canners and
bulls , | 1.00@ 1.75 ; veal calves , (3.00(44.00.
Hogs Receipts , 3.400 ; markut lower ;
light and mixed , $3.90 < t$3. 7 } { ; heavy , 3.95@
Out of Tlioir Jlcucli.
SirWilliatn Thompson recently deliv
ered a series of lectures on physics at
Johns Hopkins university , ana the fash
ionable people of Baltimore sot out to
make thorn an event in social intel
lectual circles. They understood that
seine mathematical training \vaa neces
sary , . but Sir William enileu right into
questions involving ilifferontiul and in
tegral calculus. After he had filled a
blackboard with equations , lie turned
and asked : "Do you follow moi" ' A
few minutes later , in a particularly dilll-
cult problem , h6 mildly asked his audi
ence * if they saw any mistake , to call
his attention to it. \\onderotl wny
everybody smiled. Half a do/on vor >
studious looking men made up the audience -
once at the second lecture.
JU-ully an Advantage.
Again the hard-hearted historian has
lulfl violent hands upon the story of the
Highland lassie who , shut up in the
walls of Liuckow , heard the welcome
sound of the bagpipes of the Highland
regiment playing "Tho Camobolls Are
Coming , " which , ho declares , is founder
upon imagination and not upon fact. I
really does not matter much , says the
Toronto Globe. People enjoy Hamlo
and Dandle Dlnmont and Sam "Wellor
without bothering themselves to inquire
whether they are founded enact , or
not , and it is really an advantage for
the Lucknow lassie to leave the shift
ing sands of history und take up her
abode on the ilrm ground of fiction.
A combination much worn this noa on 1
that of black and yellow. Hlack straw hat
tulcu yellow ribbons und flowers , nnd yellow
straws huvo black ribbons and black
The Bankers Complain of the
.Scarcity of Borro.wora.
Prortnoo Mnrkotn Considered Fnlr
Under KxistliiR Circumstances
The fOiport Movement In Grain
IB n Llttlo Itnnrovud.
Ciit'jlnn OlTQuotnllonn llcnowod.
CtnoAOO , JUno 3. [ Spoclil Telegram to
rni : HIE.I : The advent of summer llnde the
monetary situation the s.imo 111 usual at the
coimnoncoinont of the usual dull season ,
riioro Is , In f act , nothing in the wny of
egltlmatotrndo , in'dustrlo * or speculative
pursuits to stimulate the demand for -money
ibovotho average calls from what m.iy bo
termed "all the year "borrowers" these
who at nil times want moro or leis favor
i-om tholr bankers booaUso the charnrtcr of
tholr business compels thorn to oltlior grant
ongcr tlmo to euntoinors or to carry larger
stocks than tlntf are able to bundle with
heir own capital. Uasplto the neces
sities of such customers , the paper they
ircsont , wlillo seldom baokod'by colla'torals ,
usually good , and In the present
easy condition of 'the .money market it M
readily discounted nt 05 ? " per cunt. Collat
eral loans and strictly gill edge paper are
quoted at 4 > to 5 > per cent. On the street
money Is offered nt4@7 per cent , according
o the character of the paper and security.
? nper sent hero from other cities generally
sells -at O Q7 per cent when { the names nro
n good standing. Th exports of gold -from
taw York coutmuolarue , "but tholr influence
is scarcely felt on tlio money mnrhot , be
cause of the belief that they will not con
tinue. The absence of activity In any line
of business there to stimulate an en
larged demand for loans , hlso tends to
Increase tlio Indifference m regard
.0 gold shipments. The market for
Now York exchange Is steady , wlUi a lair
domnnd nt 05@70o nor 51,000 , the close being
.at the inside. Foreign exchange ruled
rather nulut. A moderate number of bills
are being made , but the demand is not so
arisk , nnd nn easier feeling prevailed. Sixty
days' documentary sterling bills on London
sold t .SO@1.80Tho week in Wall
street was fraught with unusual uncertain
ties. The sudden movement of the govorn-
ng committee of the Now York exchange In
cutting on.quotationsfrom tlio tickers loft
Lho outside uubllc rather In the dark as to
Lho drift of sentiment. This mthorinnddlod
the public who depended upon continuous
quotations , and prevented them from trad
ing with n degrco of freedom that has
characterized the market lor several
weeks past , hence n largo part of the tran
sactions was confined to the room operators.
During the first part of the week business
fell off very perceptibly. As the trading
public became accustomed to the now order
of affairs , they-developed more disposition to
speculate. The flood disasters nnd heavy
loss of property in Pennsylvania made hold
ers nervous and created general desire to
realize. This resulted in sharp declines , nnd
induced the boars to sell short quite freely.
The increased earnings of the St. Paoi ,
.Burlington nnd Atchison systems , coupled
with the known existence of a largo short
.interest , induced the formation of bull pools
in.tlioso properties. Their operations sctrod
the shorts into covering , and boforo'-Uio
close-prices moved Tip sharply. The feature
of the trading was an increased Interest in
trusts , especially susar and lend. The for-
inenvas bought on .tho strong situation Tor
sugar , and reports of large earnings , and
prices advanced eicht points. Lend trusts
advanced over 5 points , the upward course
being materially augmented by the .purchase
of two manufactories at St. Zouls. On
bulges the liquidation was liberal , und reac
tions followed , but the constant absorption
of offerings caused the prices of the inost
nctivo properties to close higher than
the previous woelc. Bonds . -were fairly
active nnd steady. The aggregate transac
tions for the weelc were l,3UO00 ( ! shares.
"Under the circumstances , llio iiroduco
markets mny bo rcgnrdcd as having been
fairly nctivo during the wcelc Just closed.
The now order of thing ? regarding the dis
tribution of market quotations nnd the
destruction of telegrapuic wires by storms ,
tended to check speculative business slightly ,
nnd the damage to railroads by floods inter
fered somewhat with the shipping interests.
If anything , trading was somewhat enlarged
on outsiae account , especially inhcut , corn
and provisions ; wlillo loral operators were
not inclined to do .much business. The
weather bos been somewhat unsettled ;
rather wet and cool .in most regions
but no particular damage to grow *
ing crops has been reported1
Little improvement was made , howovon
as warm weather is now required. The
movement of grain to the leading western
markets has been < juito free , indicating that
tho'farmers are willing , in view of the favor
able outloolc for the growing crops , to dis
pose of their supplies on hand. Shipments
of grain to Canada and New "England und the
Middle States huvo been free , us the ship
pers are nnxious to move their supplies before -
fore the now crops come on the market , und
while the present freight rates can bo ob
tained. The visible supply of grain shows a decrease
crease in all kinds , excepting of corn. The tin-
port movement , showslittlo iiiiprovfmoiit.aud
rather liberal of corn nnd provisions ,
nnd moderate of other nrticlcs. Advices
from Europe indicate n favorable outloolc for
most of the growing crops in all the prin
cipal countries , excepting Kussia , aud the
markets in that quarter have shown some
weakness and further reduction In erica.
Stocks abroad wcro moderately larce , and
deliveries of home-crown grain have bean
rather froo. The changes Jn prices during
the week wcro confined within a compara
tively narrow run o , and Inclined in favor of
buyers. Speculators were transferring con
tracts ahead to some extent , and thu recent
decline m prices bus encouraged some buy
ing for investment.
Receipts of live stock , particularly of cattle -
tlo and hogs , huvo been quite liberal ut all
the principal western packing points , and the
packing of bogs has bocu considerable In
creased during the wock. He turns for the
summer season so far show nil increuno of
nbout 335,000 liogs , with considerable Im
provement in weight. Provisions have boon
only moderately nctivoivith prices of spoon-
lativo articles favoring buyer * . Suuds uro
rattier quiet and dull.
How Suppose d Witchcrafta Punished
1 > 3' flio NittlvitM or India.
Ahorrlblo casoof murder /orsupposed
witchcraft 1& reported from tlio Depcun.
At n village in Cheiuiuir , .Tahiho , cer
tain shepherds were suspected by the
villagers , ana these'suspicions nc-
contimtcd in consequence of u be voro
epidemic of cholera.
Two of the su&pcutcd men worcsoiwd ,
solemnly tried anil rondonincd for
witchunift by the village commi&sion
and sentenced to bu tortured to death.
There , in the prcbonco of nil tlio vil
lagers , their teeth were o.\tnutcd : with
pinchers , and their heads ivisiv ) shaved.
Subsequently they were buried up to
their nocks , wood was pllod around
their heads , n flro was kindled , und
the skulU were rousted into powder.
Some thirty parsons have boon convicted
and sentenced to various terms of im
A similar case was recently tried at
Bombay. The accused imputed Uo )
death of hi& father , and mother , am' '
the lllnoss of certain mombard o ( his
fainily , to tlio arts of nn old woir.nn and
bent her to death with a thick , heavy
stick. These cusob are commonbut tire
rarely brought to the notice of thu
British authorities.
It Una noon llopontoillr Soon in tbo
Vlclnltr of Illook Island.
For the first tlmo this year thd phan-
, om ship has boon sighted oft" IJlook
Island , says the Gape Anu dvortUor.
The peculiarity of this jvpponmnco
consists In its always bolng soon at
various points , with tlio saino roatilta In
the way of description. In 'other
words , the spectators nil tall about the
same story. This tiJfiht tiio jrroat
laze was witnessed by n. lady nt Noyos
Beach , two ftonllomon nt Watoh Illll ,
several members of a family In Charles
ton , nnd BO on. No ono hns yet boon
able to account for this wonderful
sipht. It rooms like ship on tire , nnd
s L'ononilly visible for some minutes.
Did residents of llhodo Island claim
hut It IB thu ho4t of the throa-muatod
schooner from Holland , which was led
.o . destruction ever a century ntf6 by
the wicked Block Islluidors. The crow
ivas murdered , the vessel pluu-
lorcd and burnod. Sir an go as
t may Eocm , the theory of
.ho phantom ship is bald by many intol-
Ig-onl persons. Whlttlor's poem on this
incnnny appnarnnoo is ono of tha most
joruitlJul tliincrs in the Innjrun o. The
Spook Schoouor , as ono of tha 'iialtvo '
calls tlris curtouas Ight , Is said to make
ts appearance usually shortly ull r n
storm. _
Land -plaster is n constituent of soils ,
It js found in clover and some of the
pi-nssos. Its chemical composition is
water 21 per cent , limo 1)3 ) per cent , nnd
sulphuric acid -10 per cunt. *
If you purchase dressing from the city
) r village stables , pile it up And lot it
tent till the seeds are nil sproutod. or
yon will soon find your 1arm stocked
wilh-Btnvngo and troublesome woods.
J. L > . Hose , of Los Angeltts , . CiiU , has
recently sold flvo colts for $14,000. our
of the colts go to Madrid , the other to
O. , M. AST. PAU I. . ti < tavo Arrlre
Depot 10th and Marcy nt . Onmlio. Omaha.
No. 2. , S > :1" > a an
No. < . 0:00 p m
No.1. , Tiis m
No. 0. ouX-p ) m
. . Amra
Depot 10th ana Marc ? sts Omaha Omaha
'OrorlnnQT-lyer . . & 15 p in
1'aolllo Kxprois Bt'S a m 7:30 : a m
Denver Express 10tO ; in C:46 f m
Kansas City. Lincoln &
llentrlco Rrprois . . . 4M am Ilb5 m
1(1 rim a Inlnml Jxpres. . p-m mm
J'apllllon Passenger. . . . . na
tJDally'.Except Sunday.
- lOUXClTY&PAClFIO Usavo Arrlre
Llopot 15thVouator sts. Omaha. Omaha.
Et. "Panl-Exprosa. B : < 0-a :
Depot ICth & Woustcr sts. . Omaha. Onikha.
Day Expresss.v 10:30 : a in :30B : , m
JilgPt Bxprcsa. 8:30pm : oiovp a
" WAUAtiH WUSTUltN. .Leave Arnvo
"Depot 10Hi & llurcyjita. Omaha. Dinatia.
No. 8 at. L. Kip. Dully. . 4:15 pin IB.-20 p
( / x Nf . . , . . . , , Leave Arrive
Depot 10th & JIarcysts. Omalia. Omaha.
Chlcnco Express , Dally. . 0ir : a m 7:05 : pin
Fast Llmltea. D.illy 2M p in 10:20 a nt
"Jhe Flyer. " Dally. SM p m _
OTSTTF Arrive "Tjeara
Depot l.'ith ft wVbstcr sts Omnha Omaha
Sioux City Hxpross . 1:00 : p m lUO : p m
KmersonAccommodnt'n fir. : : a m 0:1' : > p m
Oakland Accominod'n. . 5OJ : p m 8:80 a m
StPuulJLlmltoa . 8rx : ) B , m 7:00 : p m
Florence Pnasenger. . . . 7:41 : a m ft:3ft : a m
Florence l-asaen cr . 0:30 : p in 6:20 : p m
tl'lorciico 10:24 : a m 0:30 : a m
tFloronoe , . 5Itpm
Dally Except Buuday.
-tBiinaay Only _
a. H.I..AT , i Ltavo 4 Axrou
Depot 10th and Marcy nts. Urn tins.
Des Molnen Accommod'n r > ; 45 a m 0:00 p m
Atlantic KxprnsH * g:15 a m ' 0:33 : p m
Font Te tlbnlod Kxpreas. 4:15 p TO HOT n m
Night Kxpreag. * i00 o g >
K , K.3I. V. K. | { . i honvo Arriv-u
Depot I5th&Vobstorsts. . Omaha. Omaha.
Hastlnpii & IllkTlilla 1'as D09 n m 8:45 : p m
{ Norfolk I'assoufier 6:15 : p m 10ti : a m
I1UHUNU1ON UOtJTE. Leave Arrive
Depot 10th i lusou bU. Omabo.
Chlcuso V 11:15 p 311 a m
gn n m 0:15 p m
Local . fl:4'J ' o m 7:43 : u m
Uouvor Vestibule Kx . ] 11:05 a m 3:00 : p m.
Lincoln & Cuncorflltt Lo'l 8:0) : a in 0:00 p m
Colonido Mall . 7:11 : p m 9:33 : a m
thlcaio ; Fast Mall . Biilo.p m
If ansaH City Etpros ? . SrOi a m 7:25 : a m
Kansas City Kxpress . 8:3) p in 0lt : > p m
Running between Council Muffs ana Albright -
bright In addition to tlumtulona mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth and Twonty-fourtn
etroeta , and at tno Ummnlt In Omaha.
UrouaITransOmaha I South I Al.
way. ' tcr. lepnt. Shaaly. Omaha !
A. M. A.W. A.M. A.M.
5:51 : BOO B05 ;
0I7 ; 6:30 : 6S7 : O-M 0:55
0:40 7:00 7:07 7:20 .7:25
7 : 7:5B ' 800 ;
7:4.1 7.52 KM 8:12 : 825 ; 8:30
b-M 6:42 : 8:55 B00 ;
8:15 0:0" : ) 0:12 : OSS 0:30 :
U:35 0:42 : 11:55 : 10:00
(1:15 10:05 : 10:12 MA' 10:30
10ir > 1(1 ( a 11:12 11 6 11:80
11:41 P.M ! I'.M. P.M. P.M
1' M P.M. KU2 12:30 :
13 :52 : 1C5 : 1:12 :
laa 2:12 : 8:25 : 3:80 :
.3:00 :
8:30 :
4:10 1:15
3:43 : 4:12 : 4:25
4G7 : 5:10 6:15
4:83 BZ : ! 5:30 :
6:05 : ni2 : B W
tr. ) ; 7:0.- ) 7:13 7:25 : 7:30 :
7:45 : ' 8U5 8:25 8:30 :
8:45 B'tS 933 9-M
9:45 -10:25 10:30
1120 ! I
11:00 : 11:07 Iv ar 11:451 12:01 J2:03 :
UUfJ *
Al- South Shoo. lOniftiia 'J'ran - Uro&d *
bright. Jiuuba lei' . I Uepot. fer.
A.M. A.M. AT'liT A.JL A.W.
5:57 6:00 :
CCXl 0:27 :
7:00 7OJ 7:15 : 7UU 7:45
7H > TWi Bir7 ; 8:39
h:0j : 8:10M 82
8:50 : : M , 0:07 : : a
OiU. ) 0:1(1 ( ' tt lO
U:5.-i : lll'U7 : | 1001
10:10 10 : ' i , 10JJ :
30Wi 10rifi "H..1 ! : !
11:50 P. M. P. M. M. ' - * .fi
P.M. P. > J. 12:15 .
1:07 JiVt 1:27
1:60 lt ! < 17 2:14 nun 8:34
; i07 ; 8:15 a-sn
:27 : Hin " "
IliVO 3:55 4OT : 4:15 : 4:27 "m
4 : ! 4S3 4OT 4M5
4.V ) AU5
6:20 5:45
5:55 : ( i-W 0r : > 4l:3S
e:5- > 7:15 :
7:60 7:16 B:07 : 7:15r :
BM ) 8M : :07 : tt:15 : :27 :
0:50 UV : > 10:15 : 10iW 10:35
0W : 10A' : > 11:01 : 11:42 : 11:50
12:1U 12:11
1/cavo. I Arrive.
11 No. a 5:01 : pm 1) No. 1 : lj m
0 No. 6 0:5(1 : ( uin'O ' No. 5 B:15im :
A No. 4 ] U ; ( amA No. 3. . . , CMDnin
A No. 14 V(5nmA : No.11 7:11 urn
No. 8 . 9:10 am No. 7 , 9:31 am
No.a pin No. a . . . , .7rtaia
No.4 . w:8J : pm No. 6 . . , .0'li pin
All Trains
A No. 2 . ,'A ; ) No. 1 . 7iOO ta 1
A No. 4 . 0:4UpmA : | No. 3 . . .6 : 6 pm < fl
KAKBAB CITY , HI1. JOSEPH < ' & COUMttl. fli i
A No. 2 . 9:2' : . nmA | No. 3 . . .c
A No. 4 . 'J:3.pluA : ) | No. l.OUJOlia
B10UX C1T1' 4 ; I'ACIl'IO
A No. 10 . 7:05 : umlA No. 0..8KVBia
A No. , . . . . , . .7OJ : } > inA ! No.ll..000via ; ;
A No , 8 . 4l3ripmANo. | . T . 13:00 m
Adntly : J ) dally oxcapt Baturflay ; Ooxoorl
Bunduy : 1 > except Mouilay ; ( ait uai | .
Xli time Klvtm abova U tot Trunff r , ther *
belntctromnv * to ton mlaut fast 460 Tf a <
( mil luc&l UcvoU.