Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1889, Part II, Page 14, Image 14
1UE OMAHA DAILY BEM SUNDAY , i 9. -SIXTEEN PAGES. SPECIAL NOTICES. - OMAHA. fr- i. No ndrcrtlflcnionts will lie tnkcn Tor tticnn columns nftcr. 12)0 : ! p. tit. Terms dish In nilvnticc. Advertisements under this head 10 cents per line for the ilrst insertion , 7 cents for ench Mil * itiqucnt Insertion , un-l II.M1 pnr line per montli. No advertisement taken for less than 2fl cents lor first Insertion. Seven words will bo counted lo the line ; they mint run consecutively nnd iJiust bo paid in ADVANCE. All advertise ments must be handed In before 12:30 : o'clock p. m. . ntid under no circumstances will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties ndvortlHlnp In these columns nnd hnv- Ina their answers addressed In cnro of TUB HKK will plea.sonsk for n check to enable them to get their lettim , as none will bo delivered except on presentation of chock. All answers to ndvor- tlfemcnts nhould bo enctofcd In envelopes. All ndvcitlscmcntfl In these columns nro pub lished In both mornlne nnd evening editions of Tun IIKK. the circulation of which aggregates more than 18.COO papers dnlly , nnd Rives the ad vertisers thobenellt. not only of the city circu lation of THE HKI : . but also ot Council llliiffs. Lincoln and other cities nnd towns throughout thin Kcctlon ot the country. BRIAN C hfOFFICES. Advertising for these columns will bo taken on the above conditions , at the following busl- ncuM house * , who nre nuthorlzcd ngctits forTnn 11BB Bpcrlninctlcea , nnd will qtioto the snmo rates as cnn be had nt the main office. _ " 6Hfw. ? in51 Pharmacist , 820 South Tenth Street. / IIIASE .V EDDY. Stationers and Printers , 113 F \J South loth Street. f CJ ] l. KAItNBWUUTII , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum- 1 ( j * Ing Street. . J , HUGHES ) , Plinrmaclst , C34 North ICth w . Street. . G EO. W. PARR Pharmacist , 1803 St Mnry'a Avenue. iif. . SITUATIONS WANTED. ' ' - A MIDDLE-AGED man , with Rinall family , r I ' jt\ . thorough business man , nt present with rcnl ostnte firm In St. i.onls , wants to mnko Omaha his homa ; would like to connect him self with reliable business firm ; have had ex perience 011 the road ; references in Omnhn nnd St. Louis. Address K , 35'W Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. 848-11 * SlTi/ATIoTTWanted / lly a good gardener , who hns n general knowledge ot gardening. Cycar experience ; good references. Address 1 > . O. llox 405 , Omaha , Nob. f&33 218-Ut r T ' _ . ' _ i7S7ANTEO Two young men to act ns county ' * TT managers ; must deposit JT nnd give 8e- cnrlty for money collected. Salary $100 per month. Call or address Davis & Bhalian. 540 Jtamgo block , Umahn. ' "O'iBt A Good experienced dry goods WANTED once. German prefcried. En- ' - " ' nuiro at cublo line grocery , N. 20th st. , opposite tf Coliseum. 253 U * STEADY work for two goo.l carpenters nc- customed to bench work. Apply ut 221B Ilarney st. before 7 a. m. or U p. m. W. Everett. "UIT'ANTKD Solicitors. Must bo of good nd- TV dress. Deposit $ ! 5 and glvu security for money collected ; Salary from ! W5 to 978 per month. Call on or address G. L. lloylou , 611 Tlrst Nntlonnl bank Dld'g , Omaha. 2GIMI * _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . " \3I7ANTED A lithographic printer for hand TV presses. Apply ut once. State Journal Co" . ; Llncon. Nob. _ 27B-'J " \X7ANTED Reliable ngcnt for Omaha , , also VV men on the road to tnko orders ns n side issue on commission , from piocers. hotels , res- tnurnntH , produce bonbon , etc. No samples or competition. ItuHlness fully established. State territory covered. Address G.L. 113 , Kalamar.oo. Michigan. _ 2 < n- \VANTED Immediately , a young man to maulpulato typewriter and nsslst In olllco ; must write n good hand. Address 1' . O. Ifox C2 , Omaha. 2IU-9 . i - \ < TANTKD-Stono-cnttcrs ; 17.'i non-union V V stone-cutters by the cut stone contractors of St. J'nul , Minn. Any man working for mom- Tiers' of the Missouri Vnlloy association must have n letter of introduction from their em- ploycr. J. C. P. Young , secretary. 2.U 10 ? AGENTS Wnntod-Elther sex , for Dottled Electricity , greatest catarrh nnd hoadacno fcuro" over soon ; some ngonts nre making 8. > 0 day. Address U. 8. Home Mfg Co. E. Dopt. Chicago , 111. _ 230 IS * TM"AN nnd wife on a form near city. 1.10. U.U.Mrs. llroua. iiUit 8. loth. _ .234 at 'VSTANTED A man who has had experience VV m ninklng specifications for steam and hot water heating , and nil kinds of plpo work : also in estimating such work. A permanent position with good salary to the right man Best of references required. Address O IS1. Omaha Dee. 221-10 " \XTANTED A bnckmnson to do some repair- TV ing on house. Inquire llco olllce. 2 3-U * WANTED Good , responsible men to tnke orders for our now household goods , will pay pnlnry nnd commission. Apply.2223 Cinnlng , 173 12 B OYS Am. Dlst. TcL Co , , 1301 Douglas. 709 SALESMEN Wo wish a few men to sell our. S good 3 by sample to wholesale nnd retail Largest mamif'rs In our lino. Enclose . . Z-cent stamp. Wnges W per day. Permanent 1 position. No postals answered. Money nd- < Vanced tor wages , advertising , etc. Centennial Mnn'-f'tt Co. . Cincinnati. O. 614-jitt KN to Travel for tne i'onthlll Nurhorles ot Canada. Wo pay 850 to $100 a month nnfl expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown Block. Ad. Stone A ; Wellington , Madison , Wis. _ 700 ANTED Railroad laborers , roukmon and traclf-layers for Washington Territory ; good wages and stoauy work , at Albright's , Iittbor .Agency. 1120 Farnam st. 0 4 ' Several moro energetic and roll W'ANTED able solicitors. The Singer Mfg. Co. , 151 ! pouglas st. puajai WANTED FEMALE HELP. A GOOD girl to do general house work , Apply at 1630 Sherman avo. Reference ro quired. JM4 lot W ANTED Girl for general housework. Will pay good wages. Apply 1102 So. Uth. _ 270-1 U WANTBD Two good wnlst llnlshers nnd drapers. GOod pay to good workers. Ad dress 0 22 , lleo olllce' . 207 Ut AGENTS ( Lady ) wanted to sell the Mine. Williamson corset ; largest sale of 11113 patent corset in thn market. Good territory , Apply Agents Mauagor , 18 South btxthst.-St Louis. Mo. 211-9t _ WANTED A girl for general Housework. Olf B. 17th. 23-1 _ * ttT ANTED Good experienced Rirl for gen VV crnl nousen ork. .J08 Douglas st , 220 W'ANTED-Mlddle-aged worKlnghoiidokeopoi for wi'lower with ; i ; l for " goiv tlemeu in Cheyenne , fU ; dining-room nnd pan try girl sumo hotel ; parlor and chamber- inald , t2 ! ; nursH girl ; girls for the country ; dining-room girls for Columbus and Mojrfolk ; K fort'on'l houstjwork. Mrs.Ilrega , UU'/i K. Kith. . ajsut j _ _ = = : = QIHL , 721 , 8. 19th. 3 In family. 141 " r ANTED Cham bermnld nt Dornn house , 4238. lEtu m , 1 block south of court house , 133 TIXTANTED Competent nurse girl , ono tnni T T is kind and willing , 1KM Farnum. 114 A GERMAN girl for general houseworK. UX B. 13th st. Cl 8 DRlssryiAKirTo. TI/fl8SMlNNIOK / has removed herdressmalThic JXLparlors frain1616Howard to i:2H.euvenw'th , Bhe Trill be pleased to have customers call. , SU-Jyl " UESSMA1C1NU. In famllleu , 605 B. 17th. 601 J2.t BOARDINO. * plIIlST-claas day board. Inquire 1009 Doughu \\rANTEll-T\vo gentlemen , or man and wlfi V to take room und board in private family , only 7 blocks from postolllce. ou cable und neai liorso rnr lino. Finest location in city , lawn , tc. All modern conveniences. Reasonable terms to right party. C. 3. llee. _ Utio-lb * WANTED-TO RElW. ' \yANTMU Ily man and wlto to rent fur VV nlshed house , some yard uud shade til about Oct. 1. Good care guaranteed. \rANTED to rent by family of two , nn tin VT furnished cottage in good condition con1 tavalug 6 or 7 rooms ; must have terms and lo cation to receive any attention. Address. U W Bee. 223 FOR RENT HOUSES. T71OH RliM'-C-room cottato , KX H. 2lfct street J _ M'U ' 10 ; _ ) R HEIST For 3 months. 0-room cottage turnlshed. Enqulro 2.vta Hodgt. nt , 202-11 ? TfflLEOANTLY furnlnhed 10-room bouse foi -JU tent. IQtai'ark avo. 2C2 U _ 'rtv -KUUM house for rant , Cth and I'oppletol v > ) > v . Inquire ui7 1'oppletou ave. K6 ? W u'EN'JV-7-room corner Hat , loth uu ( _ ItKNY An i-iooiu loui ! . ' ! { . CulKoruUkl. WOlliJ 171011 KENT Cncnp , 0-room flat , with city wa- JL1 tcr and all conveniences , 2J.V ) Leavenworth. an n * T7UR RKNT Sevcrnl very dculrnblo nouses Jin lint-clan * neighborhood , pleasant nnd healthy location ; nil modern conveniences. Inquire Gco , N. Hlclcs , room 40 , Darker block. 209 14 PLEASANT baioment with nil conven A iences. 2IH South X'4th , 073-0 irok llBNT KleKant now brick residence , JL * corner 32nd and 1'opplcton avenue , nil mod ern conveniences. Inquire Gco , N. Hicks , room o , llnrkcr block. 208 14 TTIOU RENT A etrtctly first-class now ton- JL ; room brick house , nil modern improve- mentw ; will rent to nlco and responsible pnrty nt very reasonable prlco , Inquire 1412 N. 17th. BOO 12 'iJIOR RENT A dctachon U-room nouee. nil JL ? modern conveniences. Enq.2523 Capitol nvo" iJiOll HFNT Two holmes , 2017 nnd 2UIO Leav- Jv cnworth st. , ono 14 and one Urooms ; mod ern conveniences ; will put in repair , tnqulro rooma Nelirngita Natlonnl bank bid. 4V > room modern house : good barn ; 10 minutes 9 from P. O. ; MO. H , E. Cole , R n , Continental TOR RENT 7-room cottngc.Apply llissiota lj 913 "IJlOU RENT 7-room lint , inqulro at tlio Fair , JL ? 1,1th and Howard. 87U 'K 7-room cottafics ; good cellars , clstcrni , l. Rood batnj convenient to school anil church : ua per month for the summon Apply at once , 0. 1Harrifon. . Jlorohauts' Nnt'l nank. IJIOIt HUNT I4-room brick dwelling , nil con- JU yenlcnce.1.2IC N. Itith at. 774 T7HH JtKNT Vortho summer months , woll- -1 ? furnished house In tlrst-clnss locality , 10 minuter walk from court house. Call or ad- drcss lltf 8 liltlijt. 724 'K1OH HUNT A tint In the Her building ; JU 7 rooms , steam heat , Kns and bnth. Apply to A. 0. llaymor , hardware , ICtn nnd Jackson. -771 OH U12NT Nowbrlckhottses. 11 room'.wlth every modern convenience ; on cable line : only $10 per month. C. T. Taylor , cor. 14th and Ponging. ita IflOH HUNT Now 10-room brick , Douglai 1 st. : now li-rdom house , Konntzc I'laco ; cot tage , Creighton HclBlits. Kvnns , llnrkoblock. . FOR RENT ROOMS-FURNISHED- O"ANDSOMI ? turnlshod rooms for rent nt tlawy ' 2i:5-iu : * - l-'arnam st. room off parlor ; use of parlor nnd SLEEPING ; ; U2J North 17th st. 217-Uf RENT To ono or two young ladles , a FOR furnished room In n cottage : largo shady yard and bath ; rout moderate. 21U 8. 20th St. 229 1ICELY furnished rooms with board ; suita N ble for ,1 gentlemen ; 1717 Chicago. -.ij triOll HUNT Coo ) , pleasant furnished sleep- JJ inn rooms nt reduced rntes , ( I.f.O nnd up ward per week. Como see them , 807 Howard Bt , . TtlTTLK. formerly of 1812 Chicago St. , MHS. has removed to Mr. Merrlam's now houses , 1 ( ! nnd ins So. 2ith St. , nnd Is now ready to rent rooms , furnlshc-d or unfurnished , with llrst- class board. 277-15 ? TOOMS and bonrd , 100 and 108 So. 2'ith st. 11 27UJuly8t EOIl UENT Hooms for housekeeping , fur nished nnd unfurnished , 807 Howard , re duced rents. 23'.l IQZ TTtOIl KENT 3 furnished rooms for light J ? housekeeping. Itoferenccs required. C12 N. 10th ; up-stalrs. 211 'J flCELY furnlslied rooms , board Ifdoslmd ; ( gas , batli , olectilcbella , utc. 16(19 ( Douglas. 107 IUlt KENT Two desirable furnished rooms F nt ; 713 S. lath st. 101 lit - family to take line furuhhed rooms in exchange for board two persons. Address. 0 16 , lice. IWI 11 ? HUNT Neatly furnished room lor ouo FOR or two gentlemen , 1811 Iraid btreet. 180-8 TTlITItNlSIIED room for rent after Juno M. 2024 llurf st. lf > 3 / 1HEEHFUIj room with or wlthqut board , v/private family , nicely situated , now rcsl- rtenco opposite Y. M. C. A. athletic park.2130 Hartley. KBW home board for smalo gouts. KOOMSnnd . 117-lOj J rooms. 222 N lOtli. FUJIN1SHED 134 10 * TTOH KENT Furnished rooms , llrst-clnss nc- JJ commodatlonc. Mrs. Twlngler , 072 s 13th street. 1)95 ) Troll KENT Furnished rooms with"board in Jl ? private family , 1712 Dodgo. 100 10r I71UIINI6IIKD rooms , nice location , gas and JD butn. W to $12 per month. 2220 Lenveuworth 106 vit I7.OR RENT Furnished room on liath room -10 lloor , wlthboaid. inn Douglas st. W17-11 * A DESIUAIILK suite for gentleman and wlfo xA. or t o ladles , also single room. 213 South nth street , on car lino. 072-U -Furnished rooms , 22 * ) Dodgo. 2S7U * filUHNISHED rooms by rtny , week or month , J3 St. Clnlr hotel , cor 13th and Dodgo. 775 1 ARGE front room with bed-room ndjolnlng. IJlinndsomoly furnished , gas nnd heated by steam , with use ot bath loom. In one of the handsomest residences In the city , without board. Inuulro n. w. cor. 1'Jth and Loavenworth 770 I71URNISIIED rooms , single or en suite , hath J- ' and steam ; tot' gents only. 1519 Howard. 777 NICE south front rooms with every conven 2 ience ; telephone in house. IWiJ Capitol avo. 77 T > OOM with or vrltuout board. 1P12 Dodge. It 7BO TiTOIl mNT-Koom7 : 1031 Howard. -C 781 * IjlURNlSITIU > or unfurnished house torrent -L ? in I'nrk Terrace , opposite HaiiHcom park ; nil modern conveniences. Inquire Lee 4 Nlchol , 28th and Leavonworth. 782 LEGANTLY furnlshnd rooms centrally lc cated , with or without board , price reason able. 001 S. Kith. 7G4 lOt TT1OH RENT 2 front rooms , en sulfe. modern JL1 conveniences , tor gentlemen only. 315 N.17th. 761J28 LARGE front room. Reference required. 2211 Farnam. 713 NICE rooms , tut nlshod. $5 to (12 per month , or by week. 1'eabody house , 14th nnd Jones. 705 i 2t T ARGE furnished room torrent , suitable for JJgentlemen. . 1B2J Farnam. ( & 'l FOR UENT From Juno 1st. suite of roonu , With boatd , ul 1722 Dodge St. 4'fl J19 T710R RENT A pleasant room , only 0 minutes JL ? walk from business center , nil modern con veniences , cor St. Mary's avo. and uth or t)20 ) S. iiOth. brick residence. COl 1 OVELY south front room , every convon- JLJience , 15 block from strcot car. 2ytH Douglas. XI * FOR RENT A nicely furnished largo front room , nil modern conveniences ; for furtner particulars call at 2216 Dodge at. _ li)5 ) TJTIOH RENT Nicely furnished front room X' with bourdnllcouvenlonce3,1910 Capitol nvo. _ fe93 FURNISHED rooms , 113 S. 20th , near Dodge. 237J14 * _ FORRENT KOOM8 UNFURNISHED IJIOR RENT Unfurnished rooms suitable tor X1 housekeeping In suits of 2 to 4 ; convenient location. Ilutta Renting Agency , 1501 Farnam. _ . _ _ _ 683J23t IjlORRENT 4 iTnfurnliiliod rooms , 1701 Web- X1 ater , suitable housekeeping ; price K2,60 _ _ _ _ _ _ T7IO11 RENT-lMeasunt unfurnlshed rooms -L overlLOl Howard ut. For olllcea purposes 2M _ _ FOR RJNT-BTORE5 AND OFFICES. T71OR RENT Stores nnd living rooms on Cum- J. ing st. Also house on Cass at. Hurrla , room 411. lit Nat. Hane. aft . - . . RENT-Front ofllco , erouua lloor , 310 s 15th. ; aij FOR ttKNT The 4 story brlek buMa7ug with or without power , now ocsupled by The lloa Publishing Co. . DID Vavnani st. The building lias a the proof cemanted bajemttit , completa steam heating fixtures , water on nil the lloori. gas , etc. Apply at the olllce ot Tim Uaa. PIC mm REN'lv-Store 22x00 ; 1118 Jackson st. JU Enquire 1114 Jackson. 7ta 1OU RF.NT-Btore. with room * In tlie rear In .1 ? which family can-live ; l per month , O , V. Harrison , Merchants' Nat..bauk. 758 THOR RENi 2Tioo7rn"oTnainie ; iirbiiira' J-1 lug , power , heat , electric Iltfht. Inuulre of- flee of llc-mla Omaha llHg Co , 84tl J 2U = = G EO. JTI'AUTT l5Jr Furnam * 1 Hou'ieaY Btorex , etc. for rent. 703 IV V'OIJ wunt to Tilly. " anil , rent or'exrhauge' rull on ur address G , J , Stxrusdorir. rooms Flrit National bunk bulldlus. TW want your housoi rented list xvtth Par- rottc's rental ngoncy , 10th nnd Dodgo. P'ERI5NAt. . PRll80NAL-Alnmnntlno china ( Tinner sets nro very handsome , very rhenp nnd nro the most Kcrvlcenblo sow made. See them at Moody's thlnn store , 302 North Sixteenth st. PERSONAL Largo front room , nicely fur nished , to rent. Inquire 831 So. Huh st. 271 14' _ _ _ PERSONAL-Wantod n rollnblo pnrty with some means to join the advertiser in mnnu- rncturlng n machine on which ho Just lately ob tained a patrut : iiotmnn of Its Kind In exist ence ; pronounced one ot the bent Inventions of the present tlmo : ever 30) per cent cleared on every machine ; needs only to bo seen to con- vlnco yourself of its great use nnd utility. Ad dress G. L. P. . 1' . O. fiox 473. Omnna. Neb. 3."i7Pt l5l3ISONAL ? Active business mnh , of Rood X address. 2f years old , with considerable means wishes correspondence wlt'i a young and intelligent lady , who has or will eventually nave some means. Object matrimony. Refer ence Riven nnd required , Btnto nil particulars In first letter. All correspondence treated In confidence. Address 0 21 , lleo onice. 275 Vt ERSONAL Adnmnntlno china U tlio strongest wnro mndc. See the dinner sets in this ware nt Moody's china store , SUB North Sixteenth st. . 211-U _ "PERSONAL Gentleman lately arrived from J. the oust , of leisure nnd moans , would bo pleased to form the acquaintance of agreeable young Indy or widow fond of amusement nnd recioatlon. Address 0 17 , lloo olllco. 201 Vt 1JEKSONAL I'hotos of Omnha base ball club M ) on sale nt Ileyn , the photographer. GranIte - Ite block. 124 _ MISCELLANEOUS. OSTRICH feathers dyed nny color ; cleaned nnd curled. Knlghi's plumes re paired nt.M. Levy'B. 203 North Fifteenth street , Exposition building. 247-9 * Pn. m. to 0 p. m. Sundays 2 p. m , to I ) p. m. Mlllnrd nnd M lit ray hotels. 224-14 ? TTMDllEtiLAS and p.r.usols covered and re- U paired , 217 S lr > th lloyd's opera house block , in rubber store , li. llalor. _ 791 TIT" ANTED- Application for $5.003 loan nt low V > rates. George J. t'nul , 1609 Farnam st. 1164- JOnNF. DALES" , aowor builder nnd drain layer , house drainage and sanitary work n specialty. Olllco 1407 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. QTAMl'SI Stumps ] Wrlto for cntaloguo nnd fJllst of packets to Phillips. Hurrell & Co. . Lln- coln , Nob. 148 t _ _ _ GEO. n. JONES , plumbing nnd ens fitting drain laying , sewer nnd wnter connections a specialty , 1414 Docige kt..ln basement. Omnha , 118 jy 3 banjo tauglit as an art by Gco. F. Gel- JL lenbeck. Apply at Hep ollliie. 050 LOST. QTRAYED or Stolen IHack and white female Jgrey lionnd onJnne 6 ; were brass collar , with tag No. Ho" ; answers to the name of Daisy. Reward for her return to Win. 8. Hufscky , cor. 13th nnd Wllllnms sts. 2500 I OS1 Purse contnlning $23 nnd four notes i value $1WX > , notes oi no value only to owner. Under can have the bills if they will re turn the purse and notes to 1712 Douglas street , 274-Ut LUST While riding nbout the city , nn ivory cut , silver setting breast pin. Finder please leave at 609 S. Uith ave , and receive reward. 22o-i ! * CJTU AY ED or Stolen From Krug Itros. . 2203 k > S. 13th St. , on May 24 , heavy blacKbull dog , weight about 05 or 7U Ibs ; Is undershot nnd nn- hwors to the name of Tun ; liberal reward will bo paid for his return or nuy information loadIng - Ing to his wnoreaboiits. 202131 O8T Klfcs lodge pin with diamond setting. Please return to Mrs. D. II. GooUrlch , 1117 Park uve. 154 1) ) LOST Iloau colored Holsteln cow ; any Infer mation will be thankfully received at J. L. llrnndlcs A : Sous. sat STORAGE. QJTORAGE at low rates at 1121 Faruaut St. ; tOOmaha Auction nnd Storage. 702 rpRACICXQE , storage , lowest rates. W. M. JL. llushman , 1311 Leavenworth. 7U3 BRANCH &CO. . storage , 1211 Howard. 7B4 _ STORAGE and forwarding. We collect and WJdellvcr goods of all descriptions , merchan dise , furniture and baggage , at cheapest rates for storage for any longtn of time. Vans and wagons to bo hivl nt shortest notice , with care ful men for moving. Packing and snipping from our own warenouse done on moderate charge. Morchandlso loaded and unloaded. Warehouse on our own tracks. OIUco 217 S.Hth St. ; telepnone 114. HowellJgQo. 314 CLAIRVOYANT T\R. NANNIE V. Wnrren , clairvoyant , mod- -Laical.and business medium. Female diseases a specialty. Ill ) N 16th st. rooms 2 and 3. 705 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRlTINq STANDARD shorthand school , Pnxton block , ( successor to Valentino's shorthand insti tute ) , the largest , best equipped shorthand school in the west ; is under the personal .super vision or Joseph P , Megeath , an ox-ofllclal re porter nnd state agent of the Remington Stand ard typewriter , assisted by experienced ver batim reporters. Mechanical construction of machine taught by factory expert. Particular attention paid to typewriting. Steuogrnphora1 suppllos lor sale. Circular tree. 7011 SHORTHAND ana typewriting. Omaha busi ness colleee , cor Capitol ave and 16th. Standard methods taupht by 0. 0. Ewlng. of San I runcisco , the best teacher on the Pacific coast , Munson'H revised of 'S3 a specialty ; new plan ; blackboard Illustration ; day and evening classes ; call or write tor terms. 797 rnilE Omaha Short-Hand Institute , Ramge JL block , Omaha , opened Monday. May 13thls under the management of a thorough and prac tical stenographer. Pleasantest and best ven tilated school room in the wost. Positions found for graduates. Cnll or write for particulars lars- Terms , $ io per month in advance. Typewriting - writing free. VJ3 ) 10 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED For spot cash , a forty or twonty- acre tract inside the four-mile limit ; no boom prices entertained. Leave propositions at Room H , Chamber of Commerce. Tel. HID. _ _ U07 /"I GOOD notes past duo or short tlme.unsccured vlorwlthmortgago.bougtitanvwhorolnOmr.lia la. , or Neb. Quick loans , Omaha city or farm. Cull or write , w.L. Selby.roora 13 , Hoard Trade. " "ANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and W household goods cf all kinds. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. .1121 Farnam. 800 A NT1QUARIAN Book Store , 1413 Furnam stt XiCasn pitd for Cud-hand hooks , magazines. 3H9-J1B * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. IMANO Chlckerlng concert grand , at Helln's , 2fi0 ! Caldwflll st. , for snle , rent or trade. O. A. Jncobson , 1515 Doage st. * 200 W FOR SALE No reasonable offer "refused ; good hprlng wagon and about 10,000 feet partition lumber. Address G 21 , llee olllce. 2681) ) ' T710R SALE A small safe and one roll top X desk- Hurricane Isle Granite Co. , Gil Paxton - ton building. 245-U * OUI1 hundred tons ot No. ; t hay , which is baled uud stored at Fremont. Apply to Henry Gibson , 1215 Ilarney st. 21U 10 buys light 3-bow top buggy. II. E. Cole , $ It 0. Continental. 316-10 TmURNlTURE for wale-Very cheap for cash. U new household furniture , viz : Four bedroom - room sets complete , one upright pluuo , ono parlor suite , one dining set , stoves ) , eto. Cell lit No. 411) ) B. 20th St. 188 Ot [ T1OR SALE Cheap , 1 good brood mare. In- -t * quire 181U Sherman avu. , after 4 o'clock. too 10E BICYCLE for sale-New 50 in. Warwick. Of' lice Chlcagojjiunber Company. 105 13 * T71OR SALBPnrrot and cage. Will traifo for -1 ? folding bed. boo S. lUth ut. , room 8 , IK. Ut TTHJRSALE A good family horse cheap ; nil -L sound , gooddUpnsltlon.dark sorrel In color ; for price , full des'-rlptlon , &c. , address Jan , llrady. Waterloo , Nob. 147 lot | 7VH ) SALE-Cheap. One bicycle , onu Tan. -L1 don tricycle and one single tricycle , good as now. Apply JonnB. Prince , Coliseum. 123 T7IOU SALK-lluIl terrier dog."Royal Dandy. " JL1 winner 2nd Boston o7 and his mate , "Illos- aom"full ; pedigree. Apply W. O. Ingram , CuiilleldJioUBo.JJinaha. 103 lot HUM SALE-A gK > d mile < -ow for t2i ; apply X1 to O. UBkmiip. xiu debater t. 109 "IjiOR SALIClieap , atlirce-ton Dlabold bank X' safe , latest linprovod time lock , complete n every particular. Address , H , Chamber- lln , Wood Jilvcr , Nab. au /1EDAR block kindling , chlnKI J. A. Nnugle V&Co. Tclephonu 8ti9. Jill 815 Ut SALE A fuTTTeather U > 1 > csrrlnie , Targe nnd roomy. In tlrst-clasi order , cost JIOJ ono year aRO | will sell U for $ l7iylpl > ly nj225 ! st. _ .11 * _ 7M FOR SA I.E Chonp-About c W head of Im proved Toxns horses , consisting of geldIngs - Ings , tnnro.s nnd colts , stallions nnd mixed. Will sol part or nil. Apply J , K lUilticrt , Corslcnnn Toxns. _ U I 414-JIBJ ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee , t ! < Co. , 1TO1 Far- J-Wnam.Complete abstracts furnished and titles to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed , -u m m AnSTUACTS-Linnhnn & Arihoney , room 600 , Pnxton block. W3 jnONJEY TO LOAN. MONEY loaned for 30. tiOorli ) dny on nny kind of chattel security ; reasonnbln Inter est ; confidential. J. J. Wilkinson. 1117 Fninam. 820 MONEY to loan on furniture , chattels or real ostnto. Lowest rntes on good loans. Jill. Bmlngor , 1417 Farnnm , room il. 197 jyO SMALL loans , short time , good security , reasonable Interest. P. O. box GCO , city. ; 73fj27 _ EYSTONE Mortgngo Co. ; Moans ot 110 to 11,000 ; gotourrates before borrowing nnd save money ; loan on horses , furniture or nny npproVed security , without publicity ; notus bought ; for new loan , renewal ot old nnd low est ratescallR208Sheolcy blk,15th A Howard st DON'T borrow money on furniture , norsos , wngoiis , etc. . or collaterals until you see 0. II. Jacobs ; 410 First National bank building. 815 SEE Sholes , room 310 First Nat'l bank , before making your loans , 810 FIRST mortgage loans at low rates and no do- lay. D. V. Sholes , 210 First National bank. 810 WANTED-First-class inside loans. Lowest rates. Call and seous. Mutual Investment Co. . It. 1 , Darker blk , . IRtli nnd Fnrnam. 817 SMALL short tlmo loans on ciiattol security , 2111 Ohio st. ; call after 0 p. in. 840 jat THE M. K. & T. Trust Company builds homes In the city nnd suburbs ; 'M per cent cashthe balance In monthly payments ; debt cancelled in cn o of death. For particulars inquire of W. 1) ) . MelKlc , agent , room MX ! 1st Nnt'l bank b'Ug. 6.13 J3J \fONEY to loan. Harris II. B. & Loan Co. , -l-U.room411 First National bank. 831 TTN1MPROVED ana improved property ; U loans made promptly ; money on hand. P. M. itichnrdson , sw cor 15th and Douglas. 823 PEOPLE'S Finnnclal Excnange Tlio fairest , nulotost nnd most liberal money exchange in the city ; money loaned without delay or publicity , in nny amount , largo or small , ut the lowest rates of Interest , on nny available se curity ; loans may bo pnld nt any time or re newed nt original rates O. Ilouscnron , Mgr. , room 67 , llarker block. nnd Fnrnnm. 813 M IONKY to loan on real estate at low rate. J. 1) . Zittle , 430 Paxtou block. BUILDING LOANS-fli ! to 7 per cent , no ad ditional charges for commissions or attor neys'fees. W. 11. Melklo , First Nat bankbldg. 830 T CAN make a few loans on first-class ciiattol J. securities at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10. Darker blk. KS MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wngons , etc , or on any approved security. J. W. Robblns , R200. Sheeloy blk , 15th and Hownrd. -i 823 $ tS8Toloan on farms and -oily property. Oeo. J. Paul. 10M Farnamjt , ; / 824 OF. HAiUUSON loans money , , flowost rates. c , ' , . 8113 . ) to loan at II per cent. " Ltnuhan & Mahoney - honey , room 103 Pnxton blocfc. ' . 8J5 . MONEY Loans negotiated tit IcAv rates with- out delay , and purchase poods , co ilmorclnl paper nnd mortgage notes. B. . A.'Sloman , cor. 13th nnd Fnrnam. , 820 MONEY to Loan Wo are 'ready for nppllcn- tlons for loans In amount- ) from $ .1)1 to if 10- 000 on improved Omaha or Doitglo& county real estate. Full information asto.ratos. Loans promptly closed. Good notes , will bo purchased by us. Call upon us or write. { The McCaguo Investment Co. ? ; 814 LOANS on improved and unimproved prop erty at low ratoa. Odell brt > s.aiCo.,312S.lCtn. TDUILDINO and ether real estate loans. W. M. JLJHarris , room 20 , Frenzer .JUlock , opp. P. O , 880 C F. HARRISON loans money , lowest rates. 808 MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. . real estate and loan agents , 1515 laruam st. 809 BUILDING loans. D. V. Sholes. 210 First Nn- tlonalbaak. 810 ONEYtoloan ; cash on hand ; no delny. 37 W. Squire. 1219 Farnam St. , First National bankbulldlng. 811 T , OANS made on real estate nnd mortgages AJbought. Lewis S. Reed & Co. , U13 , Uoard of Trade. 812 I > EOPLE'B Financial Exchange Largo and small loans for long and short time , at lo w- estratesof Interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of nil kinds , diamonds , watches ami Jewelry. Don't full to call if you wnnt fair nnd cheap accommodations. O. llouscarcn , Mgr. , room 67 , Darker blk , loth and Farnam.81J 81J XTEUHASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will mnko you a -LN loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land contracts , fine Jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , at reasonable rates. Room 7 , Rowlev block. South Omaha , Itooms 618-019 , Paxton block , Omaha , Neb. 813 "p O YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow .L/beforo getting ray rates , which are the low est on any sum from $10 up to $10,000. I muke loans on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses , muled , wagons , warehouse re ceipts , houses , leases , etc. , in any amount nt the lowest possible rates , without publicity or re moval of property. Loans can bo made for one to t > lx months and you can pay a part at any time , reducing both principal anil Interest. If you ewe a balance on your furniture or horses , or have a loan on them , I will take it up and cnrry it for you as long as you desire. If you need money you will flndit to your ad- vnntage to sea me before borrowing. li. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnell building. 15th nnd Hnrnoy. . 821 "PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. furL - -L nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers , purchase socurlties , perfect titles , accept loans nt their wcbtern olllco. George W. P. Coates , room 7. Hoard ot Trade. 827 BUILDING loans. Llnnhan It Mahonoy. to T , OAN8 wanted on Omatia real estate , three J-Jand live years time , optional payments , fa vorable term and rates ; applications and titles passed upon by us and loans closed promptly , Kiribati , Champ & RyanRoom U , United States Nat , bank biilldlng120j Farnam street. JOTjlO MONEY to loan at low rates by Excelsior Laud Co. , 310 South 15th street , Omaha. 071 MONEY to loan ou real estate security , at lowest rates , lleforo negotiating loans see Wallace , Creighton blc. , IHh and Djuglas. 80Q BU 81 NESS CHANCES T71OR RENT llrick hotel. furnbiUod complete. JL' und doing good business. 'I estoo must buy dining room nnd kitchen furniture , etc. Will Bell all the furniture bait c sh , , balance time , Jas. McEnter , McCoog , Neb. < t 25111 * mo MILKMEN 1 ran offer for Bale ono of the JU linear places sultiblo for niilk dairy around the city , lust outside llmlts.o > tall and i > ee it. Oeo. N. lllcks , Darker block , . , ; _ 259-'J WANTED-To sell the best established mill inery ana' fancy bufclnoES m Grand Itdand , Nob. , best location in city. atocK will Invoice about I , Xlj nil modern llxtures. nbout * : .tX ) to t'WOi for cash will Bell at l-uc ou tliii dollar. Pos itively no old stock , must bo fold by June 22nd , References , I , Oborfolder to < * > . , Omaha , Nob. , 1) . It , FlHk& To. , Chicago , 111Address Mrs. Louise McMullan , Grand Island nitrVt' Nob. ' . , riONFEUl'IONEIir nnd Brqcery. price ISOO. VVrent S- > per month ; meaij'niutket in good location ; horse , harness and wagon , price J-IM cash ; confectionery , candy nnd fruit store f < oo ; cigar and tobacco store Jl.'AX ) ; confec tioner ) ' . Ice cream parlor with podu fountain tl.iui ; 3 good hotela ; 2 good restaurants ; Hour and feed Btoro f500 ; boarding honou-a in good location ! ) . Co-Opcrntlvo Land & I/ot Co. , 'Mi N. 16th st. i 7 0 TflOlt SALE 1'ho Gotham cigar store , Hoyd's Jw' opera House , with or without jobbing stock Location the best. 11)2-9 ) T710H BALE W.600 will buy a nice clean Hock J-1 of hardwarK , htovea , tinware and building , In a lively custom Neb. town ; ono other store in the place , llnalnenn has paid a prollt ot over M.010 In eighteen months , llest of roaxons for selling. No land wanted. Will give time ou part if wunted. For particular , address Thco , liufltte li Sons , Fremont Neb. 175.12 F OR BALE-A wll-oHtabllfhect book-binding business in SAlc Late City , Khlley. Gro- utiell & Co. , reul eitate , Salt iJike City , I'tah , ' B71JU ) ITIOR SALE > leat market couplete ; can be J. . handled for little cadi ) . Call at roam 4 , WlthUBll blk. WU sale Or exchnntfo ono ot ths V > ilnest hotel properties Innn Iowa city of (1,00) Inhabitant ! * , the lending honto In the Place , w. R. ii & M , Ii room 11 Cnambcr of Commerce 7W ( ffl.1ono to JV , < xn wnntcJ to put Into n peed Dust- 'I' ness ; first CMU'security ! anil good r.ito of Interest p lI for short or Ions tlmo. Or will tnko partner , for particulars addros * U4J , lloo olfleo. [ 143 , tins hotel nml livery , F.lgln , Neb , ; $ property free from Inciimbrance ; money to bo made. Smith * I'nudock. Ulnln , Nob. 079 JlOt FOR EXCHANCE. OR TRADE-A flrst-eiaVtimiicVcIalmt will trade for lot in Omaha ; free from Incuni- lirnnco , Address U la lleoo.llce. i i.J ) Good residence In exchange for choice stocks , will guarantee satisfactory dividends ; give prices , location and full Infer mation. Address C , 1 lloo. 273-lOt BUSINESS"IcT fronting 20th and Vlnton , cheap : will trade for resident or vacant lot. western part prelerrcd. Win. Nelson. 001 8. loth. 2J010J 1J1OR BALE or trado-A full-blooded Jersey * cow. No. 1 from the bent families of Jcrsayn ; thosn are for n Horse or n common cow. lor sale The best chance to get a homo on monthly payments , within l ! { inlles ot P. O , For sale A cheap horsot will drive single or noublo nnd is good umlorthc saddle , Call at 311 South Sixteenth st , i.40-IO ; fine EXCHANGE for Omaha property , ono elL -L the best Improved farms In Iowa , only ono mtlo from town of (1,000 ( Inhabitants , w. R. E. & M. E. , room 14 , Chamber ot Commerce. 1W4 WANTED to exchange n good paying manu facturing business In Central Dakota for clcnr Inside property In the city. Call or nd- dress E. J. Clement nt Mlllard Hotel. 187-Bt "VTEW 2-seatod fine carriage or top oujgy for J-i mortgage city or county warrants , or nny good unsecured notes.W.L.SelbyR H It'd Trade rTK ) Exchange Cash nnd clear property for JL merchmidlso , or merchandise for cash and clear property. Address Lock llox U , Gnthon- burg. Nob. t > 3J Jy 21 "PRINTING Establishment 1 have city prop- L orty or farm land to trade for a good Job printing establishment. Grover Stevens , 510- 617 Puxton block. Tel 1125. U4VJ FOR Exchange A flue farm of 200 acres in Polk county. Nob. , 4 miles trom Clnrks , Neb. , to uxchnngo tor cnttlo ; 80 ncres under cultivation , house , bnrn. wngon scales nnd good teed lot. Address ( J. Oskamp , 2215 Web ster st. Omnha , Neb. 010 Tp.OR EXCHANGE For doslrablo rosldcnco JL. property in Omaha , nny or nil ot following : 40 cholco lusldo rosldcnco lots in Hustings. 100 lots In Lincoln. 040 ncros tine farming land , Lancaster county Flno residence property , Lincoln. Good rental property. Lincoln. Cholco family rosldonco corner. Los Angeles. A neat rosldonco property In Hnuscom place. Also some good mortgage not cs. Address invlng location nnd price of prop erty. J. E. U. , euro llnum Iron Co. , 1217 Lcnvcn- worth. b3J To trade for house and lot In WANTED ; will assume light Incum- brnuco. Address A 2 lloo olllce. U22 FOR SALE SEAL ESTATE OR SALE House nnd barn.1ot 4 , blocfc 7. Kendall's ndd. on 25th street , houth of licit H.V. ; must bo sold. Address U-M. Kendall , Waueegan. Lake co. , Ill , 22U 14t FOR SALE Furm 1BI acres , i mile out cf lllalr , 1,430 fruit trees , I acre grapes , plums , cherrlen. strawberries , raspberries , etc. , best Bhieo for a homo in Washington Co. II. W. Me- ride. 178 10J /CUSTOMERS for Lots-I can sell some good vy building lots to parties who desire to Im prove them. If you have anything cheap to oiler bring It around. G rover slovens , 510 and 617 1'nxtmi block. Telephone 112. ) . 044-11 F OR SALE At n bargain. Ono twelve and ouo nine room house in Kountzo place , on 24th street , opposite the flue residences of Red- ick nnd McCrcary , with 78 nnd CO feet ot ground with cncli house to nlloy. Each lioubo has fur nace , gus , gas fixtures , shades , all plumbing , hot und cold water , elegant largo r oms. allpnpored handsomely througU- out , good barn with each house , nnd nn elegant lawn all sodded. I nm prepared to oiler splen did Inducements as to price and terms. Call and let me drive you out. You can move Into these houses without n dollar of oxnenso for anything. These must bo sold soon. See mo at once. D.'V. Snolea , 210 First Nat'l bank. 177 INVESTIGATE 12-room house on Wlrt t. , Kountze place , nil modern Improvements , 75-foot front lot , house finished In cherry , bird's eye maple and iod oak , grates nud man tles , electric bells , nil wlndowH French plate , laundry m basement , line barn , etc. , ctc.IJWO ( ; 8)KJO ( cash , balance 1 , 2 nnd 6 years nt7 per cent. Cannot bo duplicated for the monoy. M. A. Upton company , Ifith ana Farnam. 240 12 FOR SALE At n bankrupt price , n house nnd lot In Omaha View. Room 14 , Chamber of Commerce. U38 T OOK at This I have some customers for J-J good building lots. , What have you to orrery G rover Stevens , 518and617 axtonblocn. Tel. H2a IIIMI FOR SALE-Or will exchange ot western lands , ono of the ilnest hotel properties In Towa. llest notel in city of O.OJJ inhabitants , brings In rental of f ilO per month. Apply soon if you expect to got It. W. R. E. & Mer. Ex. . Room 14 , Chamber of Commerce. 035 T OOK HERE ! Canyon beat this ? Wo have J-Jsomo farms in dltterent states free from In- cumbrauce , ns well ns city property , which wo will oiler for trnilo nnd we will tnko your prop erty , such ns we want , nnd pny you one-third cash if desired or assume mortgage , equal amount. Wo can soil you land in nil parts west of Chicago , low prices , favorable torms. We sell vacant lots nnd city property with build- lugs on , mnko loans , solicit insurance nnd gen eral brokerage business done. Call on Excelsior Land company , 310 S 16th st. Omaha , 216 ARJAIN Part ot the Dick ICimball estate. 50 feet on 18th street running through to 17th nve. Ono 13-room house , nil modern conven iences nnd two 0 room houses. Total rental 11,500 per year ; prlco JlU.OOO. M. A. Upton Company , 10th and Farnam. 842 TJIOR SALE-Ilesidoncftlot , cor 23d and Cess , JL1 will exchange for tractate property ; worth SOOO tu ? 10,0W. ( C. F , Harrison , Merchants1 Nat , bank. 758 THE best money's worth of house and lot now for sale in Omaha is that wnlch I am now completing near 2ltn st. on paved Wlrt st. in Kouutzo 1'laco. 8 bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining room. Kitchen , 2 bath rooms , 3 water clo Rots , laruo laundry , stationary wash tuba , furnace nnd coal room ami cellar , electric bolls and upeaklngtubo , 12 closets , Prlco only } 7COO on terms to suit. Likewise a duplicate adjoining at name pric ? . W. T. Seaman , cast sldi llith st. north of Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety of wagons and carriages. 891 B. WE have the best bargain on a 1J 33x132 piece ot business property : well located ; 10-room house ; next to a SUO.OOO block , six feet loft by said block for air und Rent. Wo will sell nt { . 1,000 less tlmn the ground nlono is worth it taken nt once. M. A. Upton Company , ICth und Fnrnam. 204-13 frill iTraotor line Is built to Collier place. The J- Holt line runs near Collier place. Tlio F. E. & M. V. R. R. stop all passenger trains ut Col lier place. The horse car line will'noon reach Collier place. Host addition in the city. Prlco { .six ) to J1"JO per lot , one-tenth casn , balance onelo llyu yeara , McCague. opp. P. O. lira ; SOUTH and east front , double corner , on Hamilton and 35th st routs , running through to CharlcsyUreot , 120x157 feet. Now , hold your breath until we mentlou.tlie low price on this. You think it will be something near what Ills worth HUM. Well , tnko it along at 11,2 * > and put the (1,750 prollt in your ether pocket , llreatho. M. A. Upton company , Itlth nnd Far nnm. 210 12 TT1OR SALE Heantiful 8-room house , nil X1 modern improvements , including splendid furnace , near Ifanscom park , bust location In the city for school , church and street car priv ileges ; price fcVWO. o. F. Harrison , Merchants' natonnl bank. 758 FOR SALE Lots In Stewnj/ . Place on Lowe avu , ; Metropolitan Cable pusses property , li-room house nud burn. Ilaimcom Placo. Z houses and lots on Cans st. , ou easy terms , Harris , room 411. IbtNat. Hank. 'Mi YrbIt SALE .Manufacturing site ; trackage -L and biulneBS property at South Omnha for sale ; 350 ft on 2Hh st. , near U , P. depot , n most dcxlrahle locution for manufacturing , shipping or biiBlneai purposes ; will sell the whole or in parts to suit : terms to suit purchasers. For particulars address Cockrell & Hunt , South " - " " " * Omaha. Neb , TJ Oll HAI.H The tlnoit residence aito In West J- Omaha ; Just toutti of Furnam on ; wtli at , ; a corner 111 > x 1ST with 187 fout frontage on paved street and joining tlu huudsomn real- deuce of Kirkondall on the east , and llrady , Easson and Martin on the south ; a perfect goal and garden spot for nn elegant home- Harneyund2liit atrevts , UUllK.on pavement , within three hlor-ks of the court house ; room for eevon fine houses that would rent us rapid * ly aa completed. A splendid permanent Inveit- tin-lit. Farnam and 2-M streets. 60x112 , with now threo-btory bnclc stora building , rented to good permanent tenants. Keutal receipts tl.'JX ) per year. Sixteenth street near NloUolai , frontage Cl feet to alley ; good busmesa property. Furnam Btreot , between3tth and .wth. frout- ngn48or n.ixlW to alley , sontii front. 1 block fiom pavement and Htrout cam , 1'urk avenue , opposite Hnnscom parr , 60x150 prlco * sWJ , ( ; oasytvrmn. I'addock place , trackage. MxlU' , 12,0X1 ; eucy ] 0thtreetxouthof Vlnton t. , lot for sale or tradu for mdsu , or good farm laua. 8 , A. Slouiuu , Ul i'iiruuui at. KM rp ( ) pnrtlrs who desire pleasant homrs outside -L thndty llmltn , 1 can oner tor nnle several of the llncst live nn.l ten ncra tracts around the city. This property Is Mtuatod lt l.awnflcld n BhottdlstancQoutstdo the city limits thus cs- coping ilty taxes , Ao. Hicks , lloom 40 , llarkci rTANBCOM 1'liACE I'ropo.ty-Now IK the tlmo to fpcuro ncholco rosldcnco lot in Hanscom plnce. the tlnost residence portion ol Omaha ; n beautiful par * , city water , sewcrnRo , paved Rtreetn , thronUnes ot direct cars , n hlRli and healthy location , giving a tnn.qnlllcont view nnd perfect drainage nil combine to tnaka Hnnscom place the resldonco plnco of Omnha ; new cnMo nnd electric lines to the park filll make property In thli addition ndvnnco nt least 60 per cent within the next year. Cnll nnd sec the choice lots wo can oner. Hicks , room 40 , llnrkr block. 2MM ) -'mownor of the 107x121 ft , south' wont corner ot Twenty-fourth nnd Dodgt- , will nrrlvu from Now Vorlc on the 13th inst. , to let contract for improving this prop erty. In the meantime wo will soil nt n lowci prlco than niiythlns on Podgu , east of Twenty- ilfth street , cnn bn lind for. Ihls Is the llnext corner on Dodge street. Submit olferH up to the nth Inst. , to M.A.Upton Company , lutli nnd Farnam , 20.1-lfl _ 5 OH 10 acres near 1'ilos Luke , 10 years' tlnip , < 60casli. Wm. Nelson. 17 lOt _ FOR SAI.B 34T7II acres , tp. 13 , r. 8 w Hamilton countv , Nob. House. Bt.ible , XJ ncros fenced , living water. I'rico tJW ( , V. 1C. AtKlns. owner , llnlhlrond bidg , Denver , Col. SIIOIiRH Spcclnl Lm--We push xtsclal iar irnlns nnd advertise tneni. List with mo. Fine east from lot In Hnnscom place nt 81.000. I'lUO cash. Decided bnrgalu. Fine lot on l urnam and Lowe nvnnno. ! H,760. J2W ( buys n tiouso nnd lot in llanscom 1'lace. north of Popple ton avenue. The old John IHeri.s Manufactory plant on Missouri 1'acitlc r llay , 4 milri touthwost of rltyvlth 2 acres of Rround and 3 largo 2 story buildings , for W.OUO. A line opportunity for Homn one. I have special Inducements Inhouses nnd lots In all parts of the city either for rule or trade. Call In nnd bn shown them. I do not try to got yon in to show you trash , but handle only good property und deal Kipjuvoly , D. V. ShoUn , 11 First National bnuk. 039 rpHKfnctorlos within onsy ro.ich ot Collier JL plnco will employ a largo force of men. Se cure a homo and enjoy life. I'rico of lots JS03 to $1,20.1. one-tenth cash. Bend for pint. Mo- Cagiie. opp. I' . O. _ 073 QOUTH OMAHA Ilmvo n number of Rood Olots In various additions that must be sold nt once uud cnn bo bought ntpricex that will suit you. (1 , J. Stcrnsdorlr , rooms 317 nnd 318 , First National bank bulldliiK. Kti _ "niOH SAL1J 50 largo nnd oraixll liousos on J.1 monthly payments ; small p.iyiiirat down. Also ngood list of property for exchange. Geo. J. Fox , room I , Continental blk. Wl-jl i OH SALE-Uast front lot on 23th st. IGcor- Kin nvoj overlooklnir Omaha and Council Uluri8. F1D3 situ for a homo. Special close prlco for n tow days. C. F. Harrison , Mer chants National bank. 143 "T Oll SALE On long tlmo mid easy payments , - * - handsome , new , well oullt houses of 8. Oand 10 rooms. All conveniences ; good neighborhood ; paved streets ; street cais , and within walking distance of 1' . O. Nathan Sh lton,150.'i Farnam. iCi J 0 _ _ _ _ milK finest drive in tne city 1 to Collier JL I'laco. Mct'nguo. _ u J /CONTINUOUS sidewalk to Collier placo. Got v-'prlcos nnd terms. McCaguo. 07:1 : TT1OK SAiiE Lot on II2d st. just north of J-1 lUn.scom I'nrk. JS.dOO ; easy terms to party who will build. C. K. Hnirlsoii , Merchants National br.nk. 141 " " for plat ot Uolllor place , nnd when driving for reoro.itlon follow the motor llns poles on lUtli st. ; and Amos' uvo. , un < l see the wonderful Improvements that have taken place Just around tno barracks , nnd remember that Collier place is the key to the hltuatiou. lluy a lot now for the low price and nt tno easy terms tlioy arobalugoirored , nail wo nro sntls- lied. Olio-tenth cash , balance ouo to flvo years. McCague. opp. I' . O. U73 _ THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on rosord during J-yesterdav. H.1C Kilbourn to E Ileoves , lots 4 to 7 , blk Ki , Florence , q c d . $ 1 E Heoves ami ulfo to VG I.antry , lots 1 , 4 nnd.'i , blk 5" ) , Florence , q c d . 1 F S llrownlco to U W Howlurd , uud 4 lot 4 , Albright's annex , w d . , . 25 0 W llflward to F8 llrowuluo , mid Vi lot 2 , blk 1 , Albright's annex , wd . 25 S A Uueves to .1 11 .iacob.son , 11) ) acres In a w so and so s w 17-W-13. w d . J.230 Wm Colfnx to W L Selby , lots 12 and U. blk 1H , Carthage , lot ill , blK i , Koater'a add. nntl lot 7 , blk . nnd 1U , blk 3. Lin coln plnce , wd . . . D.OOO South omuha Land Cu to .1 Hush et nl , lots 5 nnd 7 , blk : r > , South Omaha , w d. . ] ,2JO E A Iteiibon nnd wife to II J Fox , 13. , b ] , Itiiggs place , w d . ] , tOO E A Uunson nnd wifu to W W Doten , ( 33 , bl , Hriggs place , wd . ] ,800 E A Ueuhou and wlfo to C K Shaw , lots 11 toH , blk ; ( . llrlgits place , w d . 73 0 E A llenson nml wife to A II Atwood , lota ! ! " > nnd 30 , blk ( I , llrlggs placo. w d . 3.003 J G Taylor to II D Hrown. und > i lot 1. blk 2 , llrlegs & HUN 1st add and uud ! i , lot 4 , A It Sanders ndd , o od . l G tt Darker nnd wlto to J S Cnulllold , lot 1C , blkll Orchard Illli , wd . 7fo J L Miles and wife to J S Cnulfleld. lot 17 , blkli. Orchard Hill , wd . . 740 A S Vincent and wlfo to S J Wnlah , lot 5 , blk2 , Crestonadd , wd . 2000 S J Wulsh nnd nusbaud to A. S Vincent , lotB. bik2 , Creston ndd , w d . " 000 JAMcConory to 11 H Ernest , lots 1 , 2 nnnj , bile 2 , Van lluren Heights , ivd. . . . i 200 J G Megeath nnd wile to F T Clark , lot 85. NViudior I'laca. wd . 1250 W S Cook nnd wlfo to M llyan. part of lots U ami 10 , cilk 3 , South Omaha park , w d . 300 South Omaha Land Company to C T Summers , lot 10 , oik ag , b'outh Omaha , w d . 4-0 H .letter and wife to C T Summers , lot 15 , blk3. . Tetter's ndd , wd . 200 SJ Gould to. I A Wakefleld. lot 14 , bin " 1 , " Haunders & llimobaugh's add , w d 2,000 J L IMerson und \\te | to O Iv Scoiield , lot 15 , Plerson's sub , w d . 2.000 South Omaha Laud Co to J Koutsky , lot 7 , blk 110 South Omaha , wd . 3(10 ( P O Hlmebaugh ot al. trustee to A Abery , lot in , blk 10 , Omaha Heights , wd . 376 J llineblur to H Dluebler , all property , will . William llynn to T Ityan , lot 13 , blk 13. E V Smith's ndd.wrt . 1 J L Miles and wlfo to Q C 0 George , lot 5 , blk 1 , Orchard Hill , w d . . KO H It Clark aril husband to C A Swanson , lot 14 , blk 2. Stavcu'8 I'lace , w d . 000 E M Cond nnd husbucd to F L Ames , o 44 ft lot 7 , blkin. Omnhn , wd . CO.UOO J A I lor bach and wlfo to V Vnnchurd , a \'t \ lot II. blk 7 , Horbach'u 2nd ndd. w d. . 450 Win Cobiun , sheriff , to E E French , lots It. 4. 7. H nnd 11 , blk 7 , CeutraU'nrk , Simla's deed . 1,000 WL Selby and wlfo to lllMyor , lot'J , Mottor'Ksub , wd.- . 010 W H Itohlnson ana wife to J E Wilt , o K neMO-ll : , ciod . n.OOJ J E Wilt and wife to C T I'atton , u } { n o a-ltl-ll , wd . 4,001) Mutual Trust Co to F Wood , lot 20 , blk J , Northlleld. w d . 2. " * F Drexel nnd wlfo to V Illolor , lots , blk3. JJrexel's aub , w d . COO Tnlrty-sevon Transfers . 1100.747 A ItMVStU'l'LlKS : DUl'OT QUAUTHItMAS- xx tcrs olllce , Omaha , May llih , ISSJ. Se.iled proposals In diipllcato will bo reco vod nt tills olllco until 10 n. m .Tuesday. June llth. 18811. nt which tlmo und place they will bu opened In the presence of attending bidders for deliv ery of Lumber , Hardware , Typewriter. Steve Castings , 1'iklnts etc. Lists glvine specifications quantities and oilier Information will be fur nished upon application to this ollice. Prefer ence will bo glyrtii to artlclt-H of domon- tlo production or manufacture , condition of ( iniillty und price ( Including in the prlco of foreign production or manufac ture the duty thereon ) bttlng oiiiml ; and further , that nn umtructn hhall bo awarded for furnishing nrtlcl > ) of forolcn production or mutiutantuiuUieii the articles of miltahlu uiiiil- Ity of domestic pro.liictlim or inunufnrtiire ran bu obtained. The Government ruuervvs the right to reject tiny or nil proposals. Illdderu should attach a copy of thlH ndvertlsement to their bids. JOHN SIMJ'SON , Captain nnd Ashl.Qr.Mr. , U.H.A. m.ll-l'-J-y-IO. Notloo. Notlrois hereby given that senlod bids will be received by the Cloik of Adams County Neb- rasku , ut hU olllco , Hastings. Nebraska , mil 11 twelve o'clock noon on Juno nth , l u , for fur- nlbhlng all material ami nil thti labor for the construction , and to coiiHtrnct n County Court HOIIHO and County Jail , at the city at Hastings nebrasJca. according to certain pinna and sped' flcatlonsand drawings to Irj on Illo nt the ulllco of the saUUVjunty ( Jlerk on and after May 23th U"9. U"9.Tho party or parties with whom the said County of Adams inny contract for the furnish ing said material uud labor nnd construction of paid County Court House and Jail , arc to enter Into a good and stilllclont bond to bo approved by building co-nmitU'O conditioned according to law , KlghtH rob ived to rMect any and nil bids. Al"o ; during the * nm time nml the same place the hula Clerk will reCMlvn Healed bids for fur- nlmilng nml putting In celln In the propoicd County .lull , to bewectod In the city of Hunt- Inga Adams County Nebr.wka. wild bids to con * tain sep.iratu offern on the two kinds of cells viz ; Itevulvlnu Cyllixlnr , Htiitlonary culls , nnd slxktralghtaiiuuiu cells , with corridor of any mamif ncture ( hat thu Hoard of Supervisory of mild l > jiinty may udopt. Illght r-in'jrved tonijoct any nnd nil bids , lly order of Hoard of Suporvl c > TS. Muy Mb , l ' JOHN A. ( HsTO. ! , . II. H.vrn , Co , Att'y. Couuty Clerk. Senl ) Jduy-Jl-d-Wt . . THE MOGULS' AGREEMENT ; It la Very Likely to Hosult as a Fnlluro. WALKER'S SOFT POSITION , Itntlroni ) Men' * ItuiiilnlsconcoH of tlio Dnyt ) When OrnRslioppcrfl Kulcil nml Kulnrtl tlio 1'rnlrlcs or Nclirnslcn. Tlio I'resldottts' Agreement. Tlint the railway presidents' orgnnUntlon will In novixy accomplish tlio purpose for which It wns created is now Ronornlly ad mitted' ' by railway men. Tlio organization was Instituted In January and Is considered to liavo already proved n momimontnl fall- tiro. Prior to Its formation , Charles FrancI * Atlixnm , president of tlio Union Pnclllc , nnd ono of tlio prlmo movers In tlio scheme , toolc up consldurabln gpaco In the nuwapupora ox- plnlnltig , al lengththat otiunllrad rates could bo mnlntalncd , nnd that the riito-wrccklna policy was that of thn general nnd trafllo innnnKors nnd not on a eiuunntitiK from the chiuf execu tives. In several Instances , Mr. Ailum * wa was taken to task by ofllululs hold In ? posi tions to whom ho referred and his clnboruta explanation was shattered to the very foun dation. Whim next heard from , Mr. Adams was taking stcus preparatory to the forming of an organization of railway presidents * This , with the assistance of ollldivls of tils rank , ho succeeded In bringing about ; but , at no time has tlio organization been com pact. Several roads refused to enter tha combine. Tlio policy of Mr. Adams wns to iorco membership. The result In now belli ) } felt. The Canadian Pacific , tlio "Soo , " the Burlington & Northern , and the Chicago & Alton are doing wane In the line or rate- multlng that upsets , not only the presidents' organization , but every order of like charac ter. ' 1 ho Alton Is it party to the agreement , but the indications are that it will not re main much longer. Conservative railroad men state that the august body will soon bo dissolved. Wallace P. Walker , the chairman of the railway presidents' orgaiil/.atlon , will bo a white elephant on the hands of the railway presidents in case of a collapse. Mr. Walker was fully cognizant of tlio uncertainty of the ownership of the "bird In the bush , " and secured a contract guaranteeing him three years' employment us chairman of that body at the Inviting salary of $ > , ( X)0- ) per year. Hence Mr. Walker will diuw hla perquisite for throe years regardless of the organization. * * o Present indications point ton change In. the excculivo olllco of tlio Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers , and that , too , at an early date. That Chief Arthur has longstnca ceased to bo the popular favorite Is openly ad mitted by local members of the brotherhood , who in speaking claim to express the sentiments of a very largo contingent of that body of strong-minded mind. The con servative policy of Chief Arthur In the adju dication of the great Iturllngton strluo is viewed by those who have since taken a stand against his re-elcctlou as an clement of con stitutional weakness , and they hold that his attitude toward striking is the result of the absence of vindictivcnuss rather than that of policy , and that ho would allow the order to bo encroached upon without offering any ro- scntment. Upon these grounds the opposi tion hone to compass his dcicatutthe coining' annual election. "I am somewhat restrained in spealcing of the grasshopper plugno which visited No- braikti and Kansas in 1S7.V remarked Colonel John Lichtenberger of the Union Pacific , "lest pcoplo might draw the conclu sion that I was prav.iricatlng. lint it , wns nn nwlul sight at best. Why , those big- green fellows weto hopping around by the millions and stvapt every form of vegetation , from the face of the earth in the territory they visited. Talk nbout grasshoppers , I have seen them piled up against the sides of buildings to the depth of several feet. They were BO thick at ono time that trains were stalled on the road. They ate up everything excepting the train crow , and even wont so for as to beat a ride on Conductor Hare's tram , "yes , " chimeil in Car Accountant Buckingham , "they unit corn julco over the numbers and brands on the cars so that we used several cars belonging to the Chica go At Northwestern n long time without ) crediting any mileage. " "It takes it a long time for it to wear oil foreign cars don't iti" queried an attache of the Hock Island as ho carefully surveyed tlio heavy-weight car ac countant of the Union Pacific. "Yes , " re plied Buckingham , "it in like some people's check , constant usage does not affect Us sta bility to any great extent. " Lichtenberi-'cr , who is possessed of a certain amount of mod esty passed around the cigars evidently real izing that his grasshopper story might lead to certain matters unpleasant to contem plate. TO OBLIGE THE GOVERNOR. A Hnncliif ; Onto Clumped to Ilnrmoa- Izo With lliHhocial ArrnnmimontK. There is a woll-authoiiticitud old story of a governor nt 0110 of our penal settlements , who , having llxoa tlio ditto when two of his convicts were to bo hungud for stculintr , remembered , u , few days before tlio date named for the o.xo- cution , that ho had nn important social engagement for that same afternoon. Ho sent for the men and explained to them his diOlculty , writes General Wolseloy in the Fortnightly Koviow. "It cannot matter much to you , " said ho , "whether yon arc hanged on Tues day or Wednesday next. It JH , how ever , a matter of some moment to mo , and you would greatly oblige mo if you would consent to bo hanged on Tuesday instead of Wednesday , as named in the Gazotteo. " The men were inclined to stand on their rights , so ho told thorn to think over the matter , They came to him the next morning and agreed to his wish on certain terms , whioh no readily accepted. The conditions were so much rum unit so much tobacco for each day previous to their execution. A few days thus rendered happy were bettor to thorn than ono more day of existence on prison faro. A : Man or 3l any Diamond' . A tall , slenderly built young man , with a slight mustache , is - , u well- known man about town , who IB always to ho found with about n quarter of a million dollars' worth of diamonds in his clothes , says the Philadelphia Record. Ho is what is known aa a con- lldcntiiil salesman for a big diamond liouso in this city , and his samples ho carries stowed about his person. In his bubinoss capacity ho visits wealthy people ple in all purls of the country , who are thought to bo inclined toward largo purchases , and frequently ho innkea trips to Europe with the same object. 1 saw him the ether night shortly after his return from .San Francibco. lie was at ono of the swell hotels In an swer to a summons from a California couple , whoso daughter , about to bo married , also accompanied them. They wanted a suitable wedding present for their child. The diamond man took package after package from ono pocket and another , and spread necklaces , brooches and solitaires on the table until it was almost covered and seemed ublir/.o with variegated lights. Nolldl' . Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the clerk of Adam * County , Neb- r.isku , uthlHollice Hustings. Nebraska , on or before twnlvo o'clock noon of July lith , IKSS,1. for the puiclmse of seventy live bond * of the de nomination of one thousand dollars ouch to bo Issued by tdo County of Adams In the State ot Nebraska , to bo dated July 1st , HW' . und to bo paynblo at the Fiscal Agency of tlio State ot Nebraska , City of Now Yorr. State of Nuw York twenty years after the tluto thereof 10- dacmnhlant nny time on or after ten years from the duto thereof at th j option ot sutif county of Ailanu nnd to bear Interest at thu rate of llvrt per cent per annum payable annually on Ihn llrst day of July In each year , for which Inturei-t roil poiis hhall bo nttachou payable at the lineal agency ufoicaald , " Rlghta reserved to reject any and all bids. ' lly order of the Hoard of Kuparvisori , Maylltb IBStf. L. Ii. PAUTHIUUU. , IBUAI..I Couuty Clerk. JOIJN A. UAHYO , Cuuuty Attorney. "