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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1889)
8 THE OMAHA DALLY BEE : THURSDAY , JUNE 0 , 18S9. THE CITY. A gnmo of 1)aso ball will bo played nt Iho Association grounds on Saturday fcftornoon , ( or the benefit of the plumb ers nnd Btcatn nnd KM fitters now out on & Btrlko , Pat Noonan , ono of the flrotnon nt No. 0 ontflno house , fell from n ladder and fractured his forearm. Ho wns ' otherwise nlso 'badly bruised by the fall. fall.Tho DotiRlas County bank haa filed nmondcd articles of Incorporation , in creasing the number of directors from five to seven. The two now members will not bo elected , lunvovor , until July 1. Frank Prnzlor , who officiates as waiter In the California chop house , wns nrrosled yesterday , for carvlnp his bottor-half with n pair of scissors nt his residence , 1S108 Dodge street. Several ugly wounds nbout the noclc nnd htm da wore inlllctod by the misused scissors , but npno of them are considered serious. Cf Frank Harrison caused n warrant to bo issued for the arrest of ono John Carter , charging him with robbing the complainant of 810 while the latter was aslcou in Dunn's saloon , on the corner of Tenth and Capitol a-vonuo. Mutt Goodwin , manager of the No- braslni and Iowa Insurance company , was arrested Tuesday night at the instance of a discharged employe of the company on the charge of forgery. Ho gave bonds for his appearance for trial yesterday. On arraignment ho was granted ncontinuanco until Juno 16 , nt U p. ra. -Tho garbage inspector was made happy yesterday by the receipt of six notes from individuals in various parts of the city , requesting that a policeman bo sent to their houses to Kill their dogs. Tills was the first encouraging news for the dog killers ; hence it was hailed with delight. 1'nrsotinl t'nrasrnnhi. , C. H. Paul , of Hustings , is nt the Murray. N. Q. Franklin , ot Lincoln , Is at the Mil- lard. J. M. Chailrich , ot Cheyenne , Is nt the Fnxton. A. M. Jnckson , of Sioux City , is a guest nt the Murray.fc John M. Dyer , of North Platte , is a guest at the Pnxtou. George A. Van Inwogon , of Chadron , is stopping nt the Millard. 11. J. Kllpntrlck , of Beatrice , is among the Into arrivals at the Paxton , Edward nnd George McCormiclc , of St. Paul , Nob. , nro at the Paxton. J. W. Hopes mid J. W. Pnrnsworth. of Bonn , nro registered at the Mlllunl. L. Hnlklns , of Fall-mount , nnd O. G. Hogt , jf Beatrice , nro stopping attlio Murray. F. M. Hull and S. W. Bcardsloy , of Lin I coln , nndY. . L. Wilson and S. II. Morrison , of Nebrnskn City , nro at the Millard. J. W. Johnson , editor of the Sutton Adver tiser , is in the city. Colonel Johnson is busily engaged on hli pollcicnl history of Nebraska , and snvs ho will have it reudy for the press Inside of sixty ila.ys. AY ho re AVmi the Complainant ? P. M. Hodson , who was chanted with con version ns bailee , the plaintiff alleging that ho cancelled without authority two mort gages in favor of Delia II. Edwards , wns brought before Justice Krocgor , but no prosecutor appeared. A Klre Proof Shuttor. Mr. Gustavo Androen , the safe mnmifnc-1 turor , 1ms invented n p.Uent fire proof win dow shutter that promises to bo n valuable protection to buildings. The device is nn Iron shutter , which works on rollers and elides on the fnco of tiio wall. It can bo closed in 'case of n flro by the plying of a stream of water upon n cup-like cntch nt- tnchnd to the shutter. Superintendent Wlilt- lock pronounces the invention a success , and will test it in public shortly. JPopploton flhiy Object. The council committee on public property and buildings inndo n report last night and recommended that nn election to vote § 00,000 worth of bonds , with which to purchase the exposition building to bo used ns a city mar I ket , bo hold. The report wns adopted , and it is supposed that some nctlon wiU bo taken I noon , but no time bus boon fixed yet for hold ing the proposed election. It is presumed , however , that the question will bo submitted within ninety days. There are doubts whether anything can or will ho done until Mr. Popploton decides whether or not ho will allow the ground to bo used for a mar ket. _ ninrrlngo Jjiconflcs. The following marriage licenses were issued by County Judge Shields yesterday : Name nnd llcsldonco. Ago. J Henry Hntrotnnnn , Elkhorn ! tG ' 1 Williinonu'Ulnus , Elkhorn 2o j Dnnlol Coats , Omaha ' . 23 ( Minnie Wright , Omaha U ) J Henry Nordstrom , Omnha 'Jl | Kntio Lakohart , Omnha 21 ' j Jny Tonoy , Omaha 27 1 Nellie Hough , Omnha 18 J Walter B. Potter , Omnha 20 1 Annie M. Shored , Omnhn 21 No Now Appropriation. Some misapprehension scorns to have Arisen regarding the report made by Supor- intondout John F. Coots , of the county hos pital work , last Snturdny. An impression V has gene out that his estimates contemplate If an expenditure of $20,000 for changes nnd corrections , over nnd above the contract prlco. This is not ttio ease. Mr. Coots was Instructed to ascdrtaln Just what It would cost to complete the bunuin ? , making allow ances in his report for nil extra outlays , nnd 120.000 is the sum ho returned , This much , and more , la still duo the contractors on their award. It mny bo , however , that as the work progresses Mr. Coots will discover faults requiring to bo corrected , but no ono contemplates that any now appropriation mu&t boiimJo. . Prohibited I'Voui Hullluc PornBrick. . Building Inspector Whltlock has boon Is suing notices to the various manufacturers of brick in Omaha , instructing tliom not to Boll to any contractor or bulkier , or to any one , to bo used for building , any poorly burned or shell brlolf. The building ordi nance strictly prohibits such sale nnd pro vides a penalty for ouch violation of the or dinance. "Nearly all of the urlckmnlcers mid dealers so'.l this inferior quality of brick , " snld Mr.Vhitlock , "and I nm going to ece tlmt the sale is stopped. Wo have enough watching to do now whenever work Is commenced on a building without keeping ' u loolt.out fo'r poor material. Tlio ordinance prohibits brick manufacturers from keeping Inferior brick for mile , nnd wo can watch them nt ttio yards bettor than we can at the buildings. " AV. II. Bowc-n's father Dead. John S. Bowoii , father ofV. . H. Bowen , of this city , died Tuesday nt BUtr in the ovonty-oighth year of his ngo. Bo was well known throughout Nobr.ialta , having IK'iirod in public affairs since the sixties. Ho was a pioneer of Washington county , and at ono time , in conjunc tion with four others held possession of the town site of Blair. Ho was a prominent factor in the curly politics of the state nnd ' always Idcntllled with public enterprise. < I/ Tlio funeral takes plnco to morrow , The snvon-yoiir-old daughter of George Brusli , 1(111) ( ) South Twonty-sovcntli street , died yesterday morning , unit will bo burled Vo-dny. The remains of Mrs. C. E. Vauloon , who died Tuceiiuy nt her residence , tor North Twentieth street , were sent yesterday to Momnmith , 111. , for burial. Tlio funeral of Or. Noon took place yester day moriiliiif.from his.lato rusldonco Twelfth and Castcllar strouts , The remains were forwarded to Glcawood , la. Finn's riilorldoD , u Trie DlnlnlV otnnt An odorless liquid very choiui and olll- cient. ; : A.HII1VUD AT AN UiNOEIlBTANDINO The Navigation nnd IMigct Bound Controversy Actjmllontod. It IB announced on good authority tlmt the threatened war between the Union and Northern I'aclllo over the Pugct Sound traffic , nnd also over the control of the Oregon gen Hallway & Navigation , has been averted and that In the adjudication of the matter the lormor road obtained valuable conces sions. General Manager Kitnball , of the Union Pacific , who has Just returned from the disputed territory , declined to express himself when questioned. It was learned , however , that the Union Pacific had not only maintained Its rights to Puget Sound trafllc , but had nlso effected the lease of trackage over the Northern Pacific from Portland to Olympia. Mr. Tburston , attorney of the Union Pa cific , who has boon engaged for some tlmo in drafting terms upon which the lease wn * effected , loft for Portland with the docu ments , where ho will submit the terms to contracting parties for tholr approval. ' As to the result of the coming annual election of the Oregon Unllwny nnd Naviga tion company , It wns lonrncd that In all probability - ability , tbo Villard faction will vote a major ity of the stock , but that no effort would bo made by the Northern Pacific toward abro gating the lease of the former company , by the Oregon Short line , the latter bolng u creation of the Union Pacific. Unless some thing entirely unexpected should urlso , the ofllcinls of tbo Union Pacific anticipate no further trouble with the Northern Paolllc on this subject. CANADIAN PACIFIC'S UUliIU. How It Disarranged CutB on Kntcs In 'IIlls Country. The ' 40 per cent cut in western rates insti tuted by the Burlington & Northern has up set almost every railway organization , nnd n railway war is expected. General Traffic Manngor Mullen , of the Union Pacific , when questioned as to the probable outcome of tbo reduction said : "There Is no telling where it will stop. The cut made by tlio Burlington & Northern will force the St. Paul lines to make n corresponding rate. Then , the Iowa lines will have to make the same rates to Omaha and the Kansas City lines the saino to Kansas City , which means the demoralization of freight rates between the Missouri river and Chicago , and there is nothing certain of it being confined In that territory. It may nlso Involve the roads in tire trans-Missouri asso ciation. What is the cause of the trouble ! Why , the principal disturbing element is the Canadian Pacillc , and f might say that it alone is to blnmo. If that rend would main tain Its rates , nothing of the kind would happen. But it is a corporation independent of our commercial nnd railway Inws , nnd consequently any movement of this kind can bo inado at the discretion of its ofllcers. It is a matter to bo regretted that n foreign corporation siiould bo allowed to manipulate in this way , nnd ono thing plainly suggests itself , mid that is that the United States government must leg islate so as to subject the Canadian Pacific to our commercial laws and regulations or disaster will follow in the event of non-legis lation in that direction. Laws can bo unacted which would control this road. Railroads can not bo maintained nt a loss , no more thnn any other industry or enterprise , nnd if the broach between tlio railway regulations of the United States nnd those of Canada is not closed the result will bo very serious. " Union t'ncillc Biortcae < > s. The Union Pacific filed twelve chattel mortgages with the county dork yesterday in favor of the American Loan & Trust com pany. The security is given on certain roll ing stock which has been received from the St. Charles car company , the Micnlgan car company , Now York locomotive works. Pull man Palace cnr company , Barney & Smith manulncturing company , and the Pittsburg Locomotive & Car works. Second Class Sleepers. The Burlington has decided to run second class Pullman sleepers between Ciiicago and Douver. No announcement of the how de parture has ns yet boon made , but to-day oovornl second-hnnd Pullman sleepers were brought in from Chicago , and upon inquiry it was learned that they were soon to bo used us mentioned. Kimh.ill Itetnrng. Thomas L. Kimball , general manager of the Union Pacillc , has returned from nn ex tended tour of inspection of the western portion tion of the Union Pacific system , together with Its proprietary lines. Ho states that everything wns found very satisfactory. As to the outlook for a heavy yield in crops , ho stated that in the grniu bolt in Nebraska crops foreshadow a bountiful harvest. Itnilrnnd Notes. Assistant General Manager Dickinson , of the Union Pacific , went west yesterday. Superintendent Ucsseguo , of too Nebraska division of tbo Union Pacillc , accompanied by Trainmaster Baxter , went west yesterday. Superintendent Thompson and Trainmaster English , of tun Burlington at Lincoln , are in the city. Engine 5GG. of the Union Pacific , has boon turned out of the shops with Engineer Pat ten in charge. C. S. Molten , general tr.ifllo manager of the Union Pacific , has gone to Chicago. J. A. Ferguson , division storekeeper of the Union Puclllc at Armstrong , is in Omaha. Lost. "I don't know where , I can't tell when , I don't see how something of great vnluo to mo , nnd for the return 'of which I shall bo truly thankful , viz. : u good appetite. " Found. "Health and strength , pure blood , tin appetite liku a wolf , regular digestionall by taking that popular and peculiar medicine , Hood's Sarsnpurilla. I want everybody to try it this season. " It is sold by all'druggists. Ono hun dred doses ono dollar. Killed u Carter A most pathetic incident occurred at Thir teenth and Nicholas ycsferday as a re sult of the present method of slaughtering dogs. The animal slain belonged to little Johnny Lyon , a crippled lad of thirteen , who 1ms been trying to inalto a living for himself and mother by delivering groceries with his dog and cart. Ho was employed by Mr. Ed N. Brown , of the C O , D. grocery store on Sixteenth , near , Webster , and the strange little outfit was becoming a familiar sight to nooplo in that par ! , of the city. The little fellow could not af ford to pay the dollar demanded from every dog owner and lint kept his not shut up In the house when not using him. Vosteidny the racket of the dog-killing brigade attracted the attention of Towser and ho rushed Into the street. Before bis little owner could cull him buck , Olllcor Ellis emptied both barrels into Urn dog , killing him Instantly , Ttio cries of the little fellow over the uiurdor of his pet were heartrend ing. Pears' soap ia the most elegant tollo adjunct. Kmuliitini ; Ills Hrotlicrs. Ed Barrett , a notorious tough , who seems to dollght In the fact that his brothers were bunged lor murder , Is becoming a frequent lodger at the central station , His last olTciiso Is tlmt of beating nn old For Strains and Pains. NEW AND SjfRjONa FACTS. CaiiunndOrutrli , c ntlFulton,0 .JwaD.'tt , Butf.r.J vrlth > : r lol tick ( or t a aoublj * " * l > " * crutch. il card \ > j BV. J : obi Oil , no if tsrc la c moctbi ISO BRANDEBBrBOUt. Strained Hack. A.oindi. Ctlo , Junt , till. Bttltftd will , itritatd Hck 3 wtiki , piln vtry tcate. vied c c , uitd tvo Uulii e ( El , Jtcofef OU wUcli cirid mi , no join In on. jrur. HENRY UALTIUSEB. For IB Yoari , * WtiMr.f { < 3.Tci , Juutit.'ig. 11 ill iuCnri > l od pJ a far Ct ( < ta yur > vlib Ufcford btcL , DO IrovUt with it pov ; two fur * CO WM cuitd by fit i fccoti Cll ro rttarn. U CARTWELL. AT Iitrcuikr ) AMI DKAI.LIUI. HIE CHARLES A , VOGEIER CO. , man named William Rossltor , because the la tor would not submit to a demand for money. The plan resorted to by the tough was to Impound Hossitor's cow nnd un * lens ho paid htm ( G , under throat to turn the animal over to the pound master. When the oU man attempted to tnko the cow Barrett beat him , The tough was fined S7.GO. Ho went to Jail. _ Cushman's Menthol Inhaler , euros catarrh , hcadncho , neuralgia , nnthma. hey Fever. Trial free at your druggist. Price CO cents. TI1K NEW S O. T. Tnylor Is to Rebuild It on n IjnrRcr Honlo. The Sutherland hotel at Sutherland , Florida , which wns entirely destroyed by fire several months ago , Is to bo rebuilt on a grander nnd larger scale. The structure was erected by n pyndlcnto of Omniums ana run by Martin Dunham. Several Omaha ladles and gentlemen who were stopping in the hotel at the tlmo nar rowly escaped with their lives. The proposed structure will cost $50,000. It will comprise two bulldlhgs , ono contain ing 80 and the other 1110 rooms. It will bo owned by C. T. Tnvlor , who puts nil the money Into the enterprise except such us ho may obtain from the sale of uOO lots which nro located in the Sutherland syndicate property. The proceeds required is $10,000 which is to come out of the llrst sale. If no sale takes place the syndicate offers no money. As the property is considered desirable , it Is not thought much difficulty will bo experienced in disposing of the land. The names of nil the members of the com pany hnvo boon secured to tbo deal with the exception of Ur. Klchtmlson , of St. Louis , E. K. Davis. Litohfluld , la. , nnd Mr. Thavor , Salida' , Colo. , which will bo obtained In a short time. _ FATE OF riS Tlio Interesting Suits Now Before the United HtntcH Court. The McOillnn Jury disagreed nnd was dis- chnrtrod , McQIllau gave bond to nppcar again at the November term. Ills attorneys made application for leave to replevin the Harlem cnttlo company's ' property , nnd tnus take it out of the receiver's hands , but ns yet the court has not umdo nn order on the re quest. * The case against John Hughes nnd John Oilman was taken up. After the jury had been sworn the defendants' attorney moved for n continuance in order to get now ulliilii- vits , but the court ordered him to bo ready for trial at ! i o'clock. Hughes nnd Gilhnan pleaded guilty to the charge of per jury , but their case must bo submitted to a jury , so that a verdict may be returned. The Jury in tlio case of the United States atrninst Benjamin O'Neill returned a verdict of guilty at 0 o'clock last evening. O'Neill was * charged with changing tlio brands and marks on cnttlo in Hitchcock county. Ho was nlso charged with perjury in the Harlem Cattle company case , and entered n plea of guilty. _ District Court. Frank Fuller and Frank Ellmore , both charged with larceny from the person , had their cases nollcd. They wcro released from the county jail. Fuller was accused of stealing $ GQ from P , II. Naglo , a Fremont carpenter , who came to the city nbout six weeks ngo , and was patronizing the saloons on Douglas street. Ho failed to prosecute the case. Ellmoro's discharge came about for the same reason. Ho was the young man who , ns vni supposed , robbed E. A. Howloy , of Iowa City , last September. Howlcy came over to take In the N'obraska metropolis and sco home- thing of Hf6 in a largo place. Ho hired hacks , vitited road houses and made merry in many ways. Ellmore nccompnmed him , nnd when the fair grounds some army ofllcors found the gentleman badly used up and minus bis moiiuy. It , is supposed that there wns a woman In the case , but the female dis appeared. Fredrickn Jansen got a verdict against thn city for $ -2,000. The case of Stephens vs French , n suit for specific performance , was argued before Judge Wukel.v. John L. Miles nnd James Thompson began a suit against Wendell Benson nnd his se curity , William H. Honmn , to recover $4S3 on n promissory note. The Jury in the case of Trietsclu ngainst Bricker returned a verdict of $318.72 for the plaintiff. Walton E. Burlinsin began a suit against H. II. Brown , the Cavalry Baptist church , ct at , to recover S704.00 , n balance claimed to bo duo on the lumber supplied for a now church. John A. Wr.kcfleld began two suits in the district court yesterday , to recover , accord ing to the petitions , balances duo on lumber. The first is against A. F. Gross for 5101. and the second against Frank T. BierweU to se cure Judgment for $4'JO.b5. ' County Court. Judge Shields entered judgments in four cases. The Banlc of Commerce recovered judgment against G. O. Francisco , on a promissory note , for ? l,000. Hnncoek & Co. recovered from A. Uuchcn S3TS.22. Meyer & Unapko also recovered from Jacobson - cobson ? 2S .tH. John Chap , who sued John L. Lesig for $1.000 , damages sustained by being slugged with a beer glass , recovered $05. Hc-liel'Fuml Dnnci ? . The committees for the dance to bo given Thursday evening , in the Hamilton build ing , No. 21 South Twenty-Bfth street , are : Floor Mr. C. P. Hogan. Reception Captain J. P. Harris , Miss Bettiu Hoymnn. Arrangements Messrs. Warner , A. Root , Charles K. Burgess , John Gordon uud Frank Snlvoly. Ohler's ' orchestra , of Omaha , will furnish the music. The proceeds nro to go to the relief fund , nnd while ,1 great many will at tend , everybody should buy a ticket. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity utreiiBth and wholewneiiBss. Moro economical tliuu the ordinary Kinds , and cannot bo sold la competition with the multitudes ot low cost , ihoriwelghtaluinor phospnato powders , bold only In cms. itoyal HuUiiz 1'owler Co12tl WalUtreet Na\v \ vorlc Pure Old Rye Whiskey , The n-de | ( vopularlty of tlili tupcrb brand bat tempted other dealer * to place upon Iho market Inferior Wblnkey , uuder n nlmllnr uame , Intended todervlvolhn public. TlioNiw York ( ) UrtofAn. peal i hat declared our brand , Uiu .11 All YI.ANII ( Jl.llll. to bun trademark intlllcd to ilio protfo- tlou of the law < see ilrcldou In Cabn , Celt * Co. 11. Jacob Oottktliulk. Feb. n , 1B ) , aud we now gUu notice that wo sbull Initantly pr OK cute any feraon or firm. In any | urt of the Uultf d State * , who thai ) be guilty of any Inf rluKemrnt of Ibis trade mark. CAHN. BELT & CO. , BOLE ritomiLTom or TIIK aiuv/luud Club" Old l ( > u WliUkcr , THE SEMI-ANNUAL * . RECORD. Its Enormous Total nh.l. "Wlttc Dis tribution. CnprlcosfoT Fortune ) . A partial list of the prizes .nbovo Ono Thous- Bonn Dollars , paid by Tba IxrUlsiMin Btnta lot tery Company durfiiK the six months omllna > tny , ! * ' , together with UID mimes nnd ml- drowses Riven to the company by the holders , omitting those who hava rc < iuestml It. MecMptH for the amounts nro on fllo nt the ofllcos of the company. DRAWING OK DKCUMHKIl 19. 18S8. HnUla Host. Wanatah. Ind , tl < 1,0X ( ) Mrs. I.oulsa Mtmcll,42 West .13d St. , Now York City. . . , K.,000 O Stall ) , I'MladclDhla , I'a 1S.OJO A. It. Alexander , Wow YoiK , N. Y 1M03 John 13. Hill , Miinor.Trnvls Co. , Tex ir > , ( MU A depositor , Union National Hank , Now Orleans , 1a WW ) T. C. 8. Hatch , McGregor , Tex JIURK ) Samuel Hclmolder , I'etaluma , Cal 16,000 BUKOUO llrnckott. San l < rancHco , Cut ( 'turn Alnrclii : , ( luaymiin , Mox 15,000 llort fi. Hwllley. I.owlston. Mo 1W01 Cartionato Nat'l llnnk of l.cndvlllo. Col. . lu.Wfl I.onlB c. Komiler A : lira. , 1,714 13. Lom bard St. , Italtlmovo , Md I'.OOO Uoo. Win. Hpawfortlt. Donvar , Col 15,000 Klvo depositors through Weils , Fnrgo it Co. . Sun rmnclsco. On 1 l-.WO Clnronco 1 * . Miller , Lower A'lllnRo , Nova Scotia , Canada r > ,000 i : . \Vlilttle-ioy , Omnha. Neb 6,000 1'eter nick. SIS K. Morrli St. , Indiana- pollInd ) 6,000 London , rarls&Ainorican Hank , Limited Sun Francisco , Cal 6,003 A dttpoMtor , ( lormanla Savings Hank , Now Orleans , La 6,030 J. II. Melody .V.Mlsj riorcnco Itascotnb , Chicago. Ilia 1,000 1'lrat Nut'l llnnk c.t Sulphur Sprint ; ! ) , Tex Tt.WiO Cliiia. I'.dwards , North I'latta. Neb r.XX ( ) ( ! oo. Hlnck , 1Columbia 81. . Now York. , fi.v.0 HoulllotAHnydertlSJ : Hank Avo. , Phila delphia. I'll f'.OOO Jl. A. .lohnsoii , 2 Gardeu St. Arcli.ltoston , Mass Gf03 Wngpmor fc Lursh Purccll , Ind. Ter n,0 ) I ) . L. Collins , Augustu , a fi.lWO A correspondent nt Vera Cruz , Mox 6,000 Allen llros. , Unbmmo. Iowa " , "itU ) Jlrs. Thai. L HclieKllor. l.CUO Arch St. , 1'lUlaaolplita , I'll S.500 Somh\viVtern Nntloual Banket Philadel phia , P.i 2.603 II. Sclinltzer. IK Canal St. , Now York City 2.BW A. HobliiHun. llaltlmoro , Md ' .WJ M rs M. Uiirke , Cooporstowit , Wls -.BUO . ) . U. Tolson. tiaiisdon , Ala S.BOO Vlclisburtf Uunlc , Vlcksburfi , Mlsi srBOJ Mnrx Hnnter , Ho k Islnnd. Ill " . 'Vfl ' Hot Nat'l of Wnvurly , Now York. " ,5:0 John II. Wolii , Knst Liberty. Pa " ,5iO D. Ilcllborn , euro MoyorholT A : Klcheu- prcon , : > Jfl Market St. Plilin , Pn 2.MO Island City S'V'KM Hunk , ( jalveston , Tux..r > 00 Sam'l Hay-'i ; ) : Morgan St.St. I.ouls.Mo 1-VI K. II. Wurkor , l lV. l . mil St. . Now York. l.-'fi' ' ) J. McGowali , 1,070 Third Avu. , N - . % Vot-K l.-.O O.V Wilton. 111V. ! . limn St. . Now York 1'J50 H. Hotlistelti. 1R K. Hroadway. New York. VJM Mary 15. Thorne , 6'll OJraud Hlvor Avu. , a > etiolt , Mich la Win. W. Sobold , 713 Dubon St. , Detroit , Midi J.S.W Hdtton . 'c ' KountNatcho' , Miss 1'iiO Mrs John Keedlcr , Carrcctlonvlllo. Iowa. J.2.V ) Pnclilcllunkof S.ui I'rancl-co. I'nl 1 , V ) Memphis Nrtt'l U.iulc of Maini > hl4 , Tonn. 10 UHAWINO OF"JANUAHY ID , isso. Tito Hank ol Key West , Key \Vi > st , Kla. . 30,009 Two Depositor. ! through \VolK b'ar o & Co.'s Hank. Kr.mclsco , Cal EO.OflO Cliaa. VHIior , Kort V'atos. Dak 15.W1 UCO.T. DftvK Detroit. Jllcli 1MXH > A. Astnrlta , Now Vork City ir , , ) ( iorman National Hunk , Denver , Col. . . . 15.00J W.lliilaerman , Phll.idolphl.i , I'a l..OJO Second National llnnk. Hay City , Mich. . Ift.l'O ' ) W. P. Oreslmm. ludlanola , M SII JlOO ( C. M.McLaiu , Colorado Spilnijs , Col . . . . l"Jo ( ) J. II. Dlcligon. Detroit , Mfch 1B.OOH Alpena National Hank , Alp na , Mlrli. . . 15.00) ) National ot the Commouwualth , llobtou'Mu s T lO.OU Dr. W. II Dibble. Mlddletnwn , uonn. . . . JO.IKH Ceo. W. Sowill , ChlcnKO. Ill lli.iKIJ Hamilton Nut. lUnkof 1'ort Wikj-iiB , lud. 10 , < 0) Jlr .J. 11. Hrown , Duncan , Ariz 6.000 A Depositor , Union Natioual'liank , New Orleans , La i > ,000 First Nutional , Taylor. Tex fi.OUJ Mrs. J.M. . Jo'niEon , Albany. N. Y 6.000 Isaac Williamson , x'015 North Front St. . Philadelphia. 1M 6.00J A depositor. Hrnnch Stito ; National n.uit ; . Now Orleans , La 5,000 Tlieo.V. . Frlcke. "II Sotitli llroadwny St. , llaltlmoro , Md 6.000 A depositor , through Wells , Fargo Jc Co. San I'lauclbro. Cal fi.OTO J. Withers , Jr. . Sin Antonio , Tex ri.tfio > V. s. llogersVlnterset , IOH-.I " ,500 Jlrs. li. llond , Jersey City , N. J " , M)0 ) J. M. Mnrtlu. Amlila. To'C WO ) City National Hank , Cairo , 111 L'.r.iio MnroliantH National HankLouisville , Ky. . " ,500 Nutional ( icrman-Amerlcan Hank , St. Paul. Minn 2.G0.1 C. C. Dlldlno A ; Co , St. Joseph. Mo -&IX ) Chicago National Hank. Chicago , 111 2,51)0 ) AHL'lo-Onllforinn Hank. Limited , San I'rancls'O , 1.2.V ) Jullii'i Llchr. 'M'ti Poppieton Avo. , Oma ha. Nol L2SO HItjKS Jc Co. . Washington , J ) . C 1 , > 0 Jolin P. Hums , ( Iimrdhui. care ot DIggs & DleKS. Sulma , Ala l.'l'O First National Hank , Omaha , Neb L2 > < ) DRAWING OK FKHHUAUV IS , I860. London , Purls and American Hank , Lim ited , han Francisco , 4r > ,0)0 Albeit Leonard. 1H > Kast Franklin St. , HlcUmond , Va : a\000 A. K. Plorctf. Hoiton , Mass ] 5 , ( > 0 ( Ji-o. K. Uartlett , lloston. Mass 15,000 Wm Habson , care Prensons Uxprcss.Hos- ton. Mass l.,0" > 0 1' . W. Smith , San Jose. Cal Ifi.tOO K. C. Hartholoniow , Tltusvllle , Pa Ifi.iHO C. V. Ten oil. Decatur. Tex l..OW Anglo-Calltornlan Hank , pun Krinclsco. . 15OJ : ) Citizens Nat. Hank of Ivansas City. Mo. . 13,0)0 ) t'nlon Nat'l Hunker Kmiias City , Mo. . . . ir..O < K ) A depositor. Canal Hank , Now Orleans. . 13,0 0 A depositor , tlnoui'li Wells , Fnrgo & Co.'n Hank , S.m 1'rauclsco. Cnl 15,000 Third National Hank of Detroit , Mich. . . 6,0du Ani lo Callforniuu Hunk of San 1'rau clsco , Cal 0,000 Weils. 1'urgo .V Co.'s Hunk , San .Francis co , Cul 5.000 Frank. ] . ICnecht , Kunk.ikeo , 111 5,000 Johnson A ; Walker , Marlln , Tex 5.0O Cha.s. VS' . Wobitcr , Hardy , Neb O.ouO Hobt. Schumann , 1.U3 Lingo St. , Pliila- dvlphln. Pa C.OOO K. T. Jtobberson , Springfield. Mo 5,00'J Loulsvlllo Hanklii''Cn , l.ouhvlllo , ICy. . . 5,00) ) J. .1. Wnvne , Hes.Mollius. Jowft 5,000 Cliristop'her Kourk , < W I St. , N. W. . Washington. I ) . C C.OOO Mavcili k National Hank of Boston.Mass 5,000 II. 1) . Mueller , Jr. , care Amerkun Kx- pressCo. , Qulncy. Ill 5,000 13. L. I'riink.s , Hlvcrton. Ill ar,0) Miss A.T. Imtterw , llowton. Mass 2JM Mary McDonald. Hoston. Mass i'.WO V. .I.Jesch , ; ifl Fourth St. , Jornoy City. N. J 2,600 Shaw it Ilorst. Navasota , Tex S,6K ( ) H. L. JlaloniGrlllln. . ( Ja l'/0) Hank of Commercp , Meiunhls , Tenn i'.WO A depositor. New Orleans National Hank , Now Orleans La 2.WO Nat'l PuvintiK Hank of Washington , 1) . C. S.r i Jno Dlelil. llearditonn. Ill i'.r w W. II. Coleman , IMna , Tex V.I'JO ' A doposltor , Louisiana National Hank. Now Orleans. La 2,500 J. A. Humon , 4,11 Hush St. , Sun Krauclsco J.'JO ilra. llachel f-'alinskey , MJ7 llroonio St. , New York City 1'KO Lnk Mulroy , ! M5 iuot : HMh St. , Now York City JKO ! fleo. Kot'hlor , IT First St. . San Francisco , 1KO ! IslundCltyS'v'g.s llankof Gulveston.Tex JSJO DHAWlNO OPMAUt'll I' . ' , Ib8 ! . Isaac Lowlier , 701 South aitli St. , Phlla- delplila , Pa IKt.OOO Jno. Hchnunk. ll 'l North aith Et. , Phila delphia , Pa Hi.niiO K. Niiahanm , lit I Arch 81. . Pnllu. , Pa. . . . I5x ( ) Hank of America , ProIdanoe H. 1 15,000 Wfllhmtou A.Grillin , dulilo Oilk-o , Ki Clay St. , Hau Fianebco lul 1B.OJO ACorrnspondenttlnouph Wells. Forgo & Co's Hunk , Sun Francisco. Cul. . . . . . IS.O'W Jus. P. Commons , Chicago. Ill J6.0JJ Mli-sA. Kmury ami Henj. Ntubaum , UCI South StateSt. , Clik'ag ) , 111. , Care Na tional Library Association 1500) FicdSchado , i hlcagj , III 15.0X ) flurmnu Ilankof MomphlsTaim. . . . . irX ) Fli-fit National lUnk of MouidilB | , Tenn. IB.OX ) ' 1 ho Continental llaiiK of St. Louis , .Mo. 15,000 Chuce & Hittts. Prnvidoiicu U , I V > , UH Denton 8. Hamilton , Iliimburgh , N , .1. . 10,000 AiiirioCalltonuan Ilankof'niU'ranclHco 6OJ ( Nat'l Hank of llatlomptlon , liuHtonMaui ! ( i.Oili ) Henry Jo scl. 154 K < > f > ex St. , New Voile . r.OU ) A. J. Scott. Ml Fturth Ave , Chicago , III. Buuo Juo. A.Murtln. 45 AVO.A. Now York city d.OOO Ueo. Herehhoold , ITU West Madison St. tililMigo. Ill 0,000 A Depositor. Union Nation il Hank , New Orleans. La r > , X ) Adouu A ; Lee t , Galve > tonTex , . . . O.COJ ( i. W. M.ilcom. Pittsllold. M.iw O.OX ) Pptoi'Schuelckhnrt. Hmporla. Pa r > , (0) ) Ivetcham National liankotToledoOhio 5,000 W H'Ihonias. lloklon.Muss 5.UOO Lorenz Slcoert.Hn Summit St. , Toledo. . 0,00) Albjrt H. ThlelbaIVoria. . Ill s , A. Gullairher. Philadelphia Pa 2.500 AHuposltor , Puoulos , Ha ik. Now Orleans 2r > iu City National Hunk , LouiNVlllo. Ky S.GOJ M.H .Murphy. Willow Ibland. Neb 2,600 W. L. Hcdro-d , llumbolt. Mich 2,500 Fred David , JlUTiVost t-t. f < ew York . . . . 2'XJO J , Davlsnow , U. I. C. F So'lity , Now Iledfoid.Mo = s 2,500 Henry WlttkoHslcIl2DlvUionSt , N. Y. S.fOU A ilglo .Vut'l Hank o f fc'an Fi aucls-o. Col. 2r.u I'armera Hank of IVehiio , I'jesno , Cal . . 8WO O , II. Hunt , Modaryvllle. Ind 2,500 O.J. Nolan , lllMolle'St. Jollet. Ill . . . 2tO ) Oco. 13. lln.ncli , Hoston , Ma's 2yiO H , P. Hemlsx. Sun Jew , Cal , 1'fi ) T. II , UTyan. Tltusvllle. Pa 1,250 H , Olovunnonl. MI I ) way.Newi'ork city ) ,3tO A Depositor through WulU Kurgai ; Co'a JUukorSan rranclsco , Cat , % A Cornspon : ent In Huiigor , Mo 1,35/j tlasonlo ciiivlngs Han'f , Lonlsvllle , Ky. l,2iV ) A. Piper , Pur-sons , K'un 1'iX ) Yalentlne Hulz , 21W Aicher Ave , Chica go. Ill 1.260 WlllUFOHivr.Mlllerabnnt. Ind l.W ) Fredorlck Krink , Detroit. M'ch . . . . . 1,310 Y. W , Wooduunl. JudUuapolis , lud . . . . ' THE MAGNITUDE Of our late purchases has somowliat startled our competitors and they are wou- doring what wo are going to do with the goods. The fact is , this backward season - son is having a depressing efleet on the woolen and clothing market. Manufacturers rors find themselves overstocked and demoralized , and accept almost any offers that are made to clear out their seasonable stocks. "VVo can NOW buy goods from the best houses in the country AT PRICES MUCH LOWER THAN WE COULD MANUFACTURE THEM OURSELVES. Our buyer is always on hand. When a manufacturer or wholesaler needs money , ho comes to us. We sot the price on his goods , and the manufacturer's loss is our customers' gain. Hence it is that we can sell Suits now for § 15.00 for which other houses charge $25.00. The goods we received last week have compelled us to make a big cut on the prices of suits loft from the early purchase , so as to bo uniform with the low 'prices of the new goods. Our stock of Men's and Uoy's Clothing is now much larger than at the begin ning of the season. Come and see and judge. Suits are things you must look at to judge of their value. It is easy enough to describe them , but description doesn't show them. Our new suits are a sight to see , and a few minutes inspec tion will show you THE GREAT ADVANTAGE OF BUYING NOW- It ia not a saving of one or two dollars that we are speaking about this time. IT IS A SAVING OF TEN DOLLARS OR MORE ON A STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS SUIT , and if this saving is any object to you , you will buy NOW. Wo are showing this week a line of sack suits in Worsteds , Corkscrews and Cheviots marked $14 75 , and Cutaway suits marked $15.00. These suits are positively as good as you can got in any store in Omaha for § 25.00. In-the furnishing Department we have opened today several new cases of Underwear - wear at prices about 25 per cent less than the same goods could .bo bought for a few weeks ago. Lisle Ribbed Shirts and Drawers at 45c , worth 75c. Fancy Bal briggan Shirts and Drawers at 55o ; these are indeed surprising value. * Nothing less than $2.00 par su'ifc would buy such goods at any other place. We have just closed a deal on a manufacturer's entire stock of Summer Clothing1. The price at which we bought these goods will enable us to offer thin Coats and Vests at about 5Oc on the dollar. We expect to paralyze the clothing trade. The goods will be open Monday or Tuesday. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. Dan Dowloy , Watchman Jackson II. It .Depot , Now Orleans , l.a . 1.2.10 S. 1) . Woodward , llloomlngton. Ill . . . . 3'rU Fourth NMtlonaUlank of Nashville.Tcnn 1.2 0 Jno. Loiin , U N. Wells St. , Chicago. 111. 1.S3U OF Arm i. IB , issu. l"rank ICneohmd , Itoston , Mass . 15.0CO Otto Von Ko-enberg , Hallcttsvllle , Tox. . 15,000 Morchants' Nut'l ItaiiK , Wntorvllle. .Mo. . 15OuO Wm. Hawllnson , Loxiny ton , S. 0 . ljWJ ) F. N. Hyndinnn. Oou Pass. Ulllco O. , U. A : y. It. K. . Chicago , 111 . 1" ,001 1 > . Webber , 1 III Liberty St . Cleveland , O. 15,1X0 W.J. IliMckutt , Culhouu. Ky . lu.OJO J. I ) . Hlscr , cor. Main and Ollvo Sts. , Mansfield , Oh o . ir.0'0 llanH ot Commercn. Sou Diego , Cal . 15.OK ) Italpli B. HanliM , South Item. Ind . . . . 1 ; > , OJJ Osimm & iliothur , Sixth and Union Sttj. . Allentownl'u . l.VOT W. A.Tannor. Minneupolii , Minn . 15.U'H Christian Schmidt , lltidbiul. Ill . 15,000 1'nt'k McCann , Mil Klk St. , llullulo. N. Y 15,000 .Miinul'actnrcr.s National Hank of llrook- lyil. N. Y . 15,000 Win. Africa , .Altoonn. I'a . 15.0UU S. 1' . Harris. Mnilaua , Ark . 5.WK ) K. A. lllppoy. El I'll' o , To > c . fi.WIO John Jtuss , 4iKi Cambria St. , Phlla. , Pn. . C.O'JO James I earv. New Vork city . 5.0.X1 Harry , Washington. 1) . C . P.ODO Marcos Lopez. St. Hernard Parish , La. . . 5.001 N. A. Sag. r , Columbus Ohio . r > , uw ) J . I ) . Wllkllis & Co . Duck 11111 , MijS.5,000 K K. J. Hoof , Jackson , Ml < = s . 5,0)0 ) M. L. Pay. Wor ester. Mass . 6KW ( Herman liank of Momphls , Tonn . 5.0JO Aiiglo-Cnlllornlan llaulcKan Francisco. O.OUO A Correadomlent through Wells , I'argo \ Co. a Hank of fan Francisco , Cal. . . 6,000 13 , Nettel. Chelmsrord. Msibs . 2.BOO D. o. Mills At Co. , Sacramento , CnL . i.,5tu S. Fi led , liO ( 'anal ! it. . New Vork city . . . H.tiW Geo. It. A. Wllley , Washington , I ) . O . . Sun 8. ( Irablnsky. 71 1 .th St. . bt. Lonls. Mo . ' i',5'J ) National Hank of t'avlor. Tex . J..5no Hock County Nat'l lliiuk .lanesrllle , Win " ,500 .l.O Ituplf , Columbus , Ohio . iVi'W The I'nclnc Express Co. , Memphis , Tenn,5'JO Midland CJg.\r Stern , Colorado Springs Col . . . . . . . . . 2.500 Michel F. Hlor.lan. Nnw Hrltnln , Conn. . S.IWJ Clms. E. UoilKnerty , Pt. Louis , Mo . 2.50J . S.50J Carbonate Nat'l Ilankof Lo.idvillo , Col. I'&OJ T. H. Clauser. 1WS Oth St..lIarrlHburt'l'a 1.260 A. Overlltnor , Summernlll. Pa . ] , ' . ' 50 Mrs. Joseph Hooves , Itod Iliuir , Cal. . . . Jao C. II. Itelman , Now Vork city . l.av ) City National Hank ot Austin. Tex . ] 2fti ) C. H.Abbott , ItlrmliiKham , Ala . I.BJO Columbus Insurance and Hanking Co. , Columbus , Miss . . . l,2. " > o A Dupoiltor 1'fopta'n Hnnk.NowOrlcnns l.SiO ACortospoiident throug'i Wells , Targo fcCo.'H HanKofSanl runclscoCal . 1,25 Hannah Doherly. 4UI Hencou St. . Hoston , Muss . l"iO nilAWINO OF MAY N , 1883. Alex. Tafuurcau , 152 Chariro St. . New Orleans , La . , . 16.050 Alfred and Margaret Frlot , San Francis co , Cal . 15,01) ) Win. 8. Johnson , lloiton. Mass . 15,000 A Correspondent through Wells Fargo teCo.'u Hank ot San Kianclaco . 15,000 A depositor. New Orleans National Hunt. New Orleans. La . 15,00) David Simmons 117 Charlotte St. , Peorla , 111 . .f . 15,003 Win. II. Itelirart. Poorla , 111 . tf.lOJ F. II. I mini , lloom 1.1 , Lakeside Hnlldlng Chicago , 111 . P.OD3 A p.irty through United Status Mxpross Co , . Chicago , III . 6,000 F. Pagllnca. care A S. lllatc.aja Canal Sr. , New Vork City . 6,030 Flrbt National Tn 16 of Detroit , Mich . 6,000 Hldwell A : Donovan , I1M Niagara St. & 012 Ithoilti Inland St. , Hnllalo , N , Y. . . . f,0,0 li. M. Fry , Wetitlierfnril , Tux . 6,000 Anglo Calltonilau Hunk of San Francis co . 6,000 O. C. noourlcli , imitlmore , Md . r.WW Itudolph Illooiiifiulat , Chicago , 111 . 2rxi ( J. li. Joillii" , Atlanta , Ou . t'.ino A. Keller , Lamur. Mo . . . . . . . . " , fil ) > F. A. Harris llo'stan. Mass . 2,500 It. U. PalmiT , T-'l Klghtll tit. N. W. , Wnimlngtoii , D. C . 2,500 T. II.Nutvuclc. Hcaly. Tex . S'M T. ConsoJIne. Villa Idea , Oa . 2.MIO First Nat'l Hank of Honey drove , Tox. . JRm ! ) Itollno KstevuH. St. Hernurd PurlBli , La. . 2.5UU L. Adler. cine IVlseuthul , dross & Mil ler. Chlcnuo , 111 . . . . . 2.WO Them. Wllllanifl. Hteubonvllle , Ohio . s.ww National City llnnk , New York City . 2rlO , Matthew P. Drown. IHj HiooUlinu St . CambndKtfport , Mass . . . 1,350 J. W.Clongh , il" Merchants How , Hoston , Mass , . . . 1,840 M. J. Mokler , Hoys' llonso of Hefnge , New OrleailH , La . l,2jO N. Itambaut , 2J1 Docutnr St. , Now Orleans. La . . . . 1,250 Aimlo-Cnllfonilan Hank of San I'ran- Cisco . 1,850 For full j > nr < fcn ? < ir of the flninil Mammoth Drtiu'tini of tstlt ( ml , fto tchcinc inMhcr \ \ column uf iltta i i ( cr to-tlau. Wan , Hoomifcu. < e ll nou * CarrtnU a. IrdfrfrtJjrtbrutiguftll weak | > tt , rcitor * o llrtllb na llfureui btrrojclh. Clcctrl C. a d up. ur l lo tfcrt * tooQtbt. Brftltd I imtUil ie.itkta D1VOHOKS-A. GOODHICII , ATTOIINBV.AT LAW. 134 Dearborn St. . ( lit'ab'o ' ; : ailvlvu free ; 21 yearn' experience ; busln-iS quietly uud lu- gaily transacted. t , TROUSERS At this remarkably low price wo place on sale al.irue assortmentof desirablepat- torni Men'sTrousers. 'i'he lit nnd work- munshlpof these garments can guar antee. The liuht cnnlpcil plonaiiro resort In ttio not. The intention of tlio pcoiilo of .Nebniekit U cnllod to thin ncnr f ttinotm resurt lor nxcuritluiilatK. plcnlo purtlcrioU' . The host of rutexulveii on alt rullioada. The pnrk H itu ti < il ; i inllc.i truni Lincoln , nnil contains t > l IICTOH or tliulior ; the luriiest iintl bust imumtjiMl o.'ifo , iinilt'r the control of Ilruwn the In- inoiiH Lincoln cnlorur 'J nillon of iioatlna ; M iileun- lire bouts ; 2 iniitlc anil ilanchiK halli : hni6 liull Kroimiltt , ino t voiupletiiln llm neil ; * U plcnlo tables with iuiit i Bpo.ikera ntaml ) . The vrnniluilul CIIMIIIIIIII Mirlnu'.Kn nil ; Imthlim lionncs : I , Ivlnn I ; tilth tiiiii | > , ! ii > ol hmx. tl li-ut above witter. 15.11. Aiulrns an I bon , .Mnnaxora. l.lnuuln , Nob. AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY'S - Euronunn Dupnrtmont receives mid forwillil" ull c-lassus ( it bimlnuiii by iituli lalltitcamur itrrUln al or ilcpurtliiu lioni New Vorte. Hlilpmuntsfrom Kuropocun bu made direct br tills fomii.tny toalllnhtnil 1'una of Knlry In Ihn ifnltud S-iulcs. ! KI to Camilla uml Moxlcu , with tir ulthout piiinoiit of ( lutlosat.N'ow Vork , ItuU > us low in tlio-c of HUT responsible coniimny. NilAHil ; ( > .MAlH ) FOHCUfaTO.M llOUtili DIIOIC- Monuy Onlerx lajuoil pnynblo at 15,000 places In Unltetl ( tutu" , ( 'nimilaanil luropo. ; Aircacles In Kuroiio lo whom sliliniiunls fnr Unlloil btuti'H tan be dollveroil , or If troin InUTlor polnti nhoiililbocoiinlKiiuil. acfoinpmileil by lllll of Ijtilliu and Invoice i-orlllluit bufuru Ainoilcan Consul : 'I'll OH , MKADOU'H ft. CO. , U .Milk hired , Choniivliln I imilnn , j ; , 0,1 24utur Hlrcct , I. iVKiinioi , ; t'.l 1'lcc a cllllyUNnn HI ju : IU llanovcr Mrettt , ( JI.Ahiiinv , , J lluu Kcrltin. I'AIIIH. K. IIKJIIAKIt. J Itiiu Chll u llAUVi : . N. I.UTC'IITINiVCI ( ) . . 117 ( .anufntlr.i * > o , IIIIKilK.V ; M liotvnlluulli , I1AMUUUQ , anU 117 Am llatun , - Tbo Inrjcit , latteil imO Unuillii ibenurld I'aucnjor ucconinioUutloiu uncxcolli'O. New York lo Liverpool vlli ( Jner The Cololirntcd I The l-'mcil BIUHIII- I C'llv uriCuiuoeblp | In tboYoilJ.l Hew York to Glasgow via Quscnstown. SAIiiONto fjlaitiow. Liverpool , llcrr/ . Qucciulown I'a to bJi ) bjr ( llaxuir tu .i er . ti ) uil uimiirUn br "Clly of Home. " Beconil Ol 4 H ) . hirer- BKB Ut. Kicurnfun rHtei redueed nvnllaulo lor Hlbor rjuto. thu tlrlnK ! prlrlloKO of tcclint In ono trip tun HlTtT Mcrtuy , I'lctuin juu Clyilc , Norlb and noutb of Uxrt'UHION'STU I'AIMSOIiroVTINB.VTAI. TOI'ltHOn ' I.ovvKsr TUIIJID. Traveler * ' Circular Letter * of IVudlt nnil DrnlUlor ny amount ill lowe t currvut ratc . Apply tu any ot our local a entt or to itoiuluruaii Urotliirj , UHoij ) , 111 . H.8. HAM. . 11. V. MODIIEI. C.J1. Kd.Mt * N. W. COB. I3rn & DODGE STO. , OM AH A , N EB. rOU THE TECATJIOT OP ALL APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Bsti Facilities Apparatus andRerrcdiesforBucceiifu ! Treatment of every form of D'tcmo requiring MEDICAL or SURGICAL TREATMENT , NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. ! Board & Attendance , Beat Accommodations in Weit. CTWRITE FOR CIRCULARS on DeforrnltlM and Bracei , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvatures of Spine , I'ilel , Tumort , Cancer , Catarrh , Eronchitii , Inhalation. Eye , Kar/Gkinond'BJood and alTl-iurcFcaYoperaUoni ! DISEASES OF WGSSEH fc,25tSI.V , .5 Sa Huiuviiniiv : : Aitnrii A I.YUU-IN uuuuTnisTtois WOIIKM ui'Kl\uco.\tivKnnT. ' ( STRICTU PRIVATE , ) Only Reliable Medical Inttituto making a Specialty of PBIVATB BISEASES All Illoo.l lucceiifnllr trcilcj. Hriilillltlcholloa removed from Iho ijilrm without mi-ieury. K ( Itnlorillit Trcalmrut fur I.0ki of VITAL 1'arlloi unnblolo Tlill oimajbe trekte . < lnt homo licorreipondence. . Alleomniunlea * llooicoiill.lealltl. lIcdlclQeiftrluitriinirnUptntbTriiillorei- iroiitcurclfi.ocki'J.coinarliiolnclknlo councilor itnfltr. Ouertriounnrilcrilcwpreferred. CullunJcon.ulluiorlend Itlatory or jour ci e , nul we will iced In plnln wrnrper , our BOOK TO HEN , & ? , E.5lD ffl2.iitir. ; srfel'J Ilili Uleet and \nrleocole , wllh queitlon IliU Addreii OfilAIIA 1IEDICAI , & aUHOTOA I. INSTITUTE , I3tb and Dodge Streets , OM .1 A , N B. f lNEWATCH REPAIRING' ' RECEIVES PROMPT ATTENTION . , END FOR ILL TRATED fATALOGVE FREE I'BNWVMOr/JJI. TVAFimS lUrT eiiccuufully used inontlily by over 10.000 Are Bitfe. Etfectuatnnil I'lcamnt , . . 'articular * tt postugn BUanipu. Addroa T/JU KUOKKI CHEMICAL , Co. , DUTUOIT , Mica , For sulo uud l > y mall by Goodman Drug Company , Omiilui. U inMCYuni' ' n" iifluury tronUlex ot lly , tinlctc. lI I Ull LI lyuiulHiifolycuuMl byOOCTLruXCa Hjvi-rnl cases cureil nmoven ( InvH. fiuld at tlM per boic , all ilrueuUt , or by mull om DoctuU's \ ( Jo. IIS Wultu tt , K , V , I'uUiUtcr lou * .