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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1889)
ffHB OMAHA DAILY BJHMTHURSDAY. . JTJN1S 6. 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No niircrtlficinentfl will bo tnkon Tor Ilirrin columns nfler 12JJO | . in. B Cnnli In mlvnnco. Advertisements under this head 10 wits per linn for ( ho llrst insertion , 7 cents for earn imb- Rtqucntln ertlon. nn < l ? l.r,0 per line pur month. No Hilvvrtlsomcnt tnkon for less than 85 ccnta Tor nrst Insertion. Bcvon w ords will ho counted to the line ; they must run consecutively and intisl bo paid In ADVAINt'B. All ineclft must ho hundcd In beforn 12 : to o'clock p. rii. , m.d under no circumstances will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. 1'artles cxihirtlnlnit In those columns and hav- Inn thnll answers addressed Incnre nf Titr. HrK v 111 p1oa..o ask for n check to enable them to get their leturs , ns none will bo delivered rxccpton presentation of check. All nnsnersto adver tisements uliouM bo enclosed In rnvelopos. All advcitlFomcnta In these colnmns are pub lished In both morning and ovntiliitr editions of 'J'lin lltn ; , Iho circulation of wlikh nKKrogatos jnorotlmii 1P , M papers dally , and Rives thn ad vertisers thr > b < nellt. not only of the city rtreit- iHtlonof Tn K IlKB. hut also of Council Illutfs. Lincoln and other cities and tonns throughout this gectlon ( t the country. BR A N C H Advcrtlstna for these columns will bo taken on the above conditions , at the following busi ness homes , who are authorized agents forTim HRK Huirlni m Hers , ami will quota the same rates as can bo had at tha main olllco. OHN wTnni M'hnrraacistl 820 South'rcnth Stioet. OHASII.V EDDY. Stationers and Printers , 113 South ICth Street. Q 11. FAHNSWOHTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum- _ IngrUrtet. W. . HUnilUH , Pharmacist , ( JJI North 10th . Street. G KO. W. PAHU Pharmuclst , 1803 Bt Mnry's Avenue , SITUATIONS WftNTED. ITUAT1ON wanted by young ( lerman to work In grocery or saloon , experienced ; ad dress O 8 , Hoe. _ _ 14J Bt _ WANTKlJ Work of any klud by a yoimp man , stranger In the city. Address ( /ll.Ilce. 161 fit _ _ _ W/NHTPP r'-ALt : HELP. WANTED Two joung men. with fair educa tion , to net us county mamigcrb. Must iloposlt * i < and give security for money col- letted ; salaiy SlOJper month. Davis Shahan , M9 llamge block. Oiniuiii. _ It'l 0 * Hxperlcnred night clone ) ) ; up- holstcrerCJ to S ) per day ; uhort order cook and waiter 810 and & 10. MIM. llrocn , HH'/i ' I > u fit _ ANTED -Experlunced mllcer , 111.1 8aun- " ders. _ _ 14d-7 * "TirllNTKn-Salesman. . Neb. , Dat , nnd JrV AHimto , _ 8oll.llib. oil. Apply qr.addroEa Ilroolcs ull Co , Hoom CO , Klrkondall nlock , Oinnha , Wist WANTKI ) Moat and pastry coo ! : . * > 0 and K5 ! ; dairy hand to tnllk Ui cows , $21. Mrs. _ lBth. _ _ _ WANTlJD fieneral and local agents to lmn die thooutliely iiuw chumlcal Ink erasing lilottir ; tif\ot before knouii to the publU- ; sells nt sight , us every writer needs the eraser ; the blotter erases ink without abralslng paper , and ns rapidly as n.llash of electricity ; -iw to MM per centprolit ; torrltciry free ; salary to good men ; nninple , .Tic. For terms nnd full pnitlculars , nddross The Champion I'.rascr Co. , Mnnufac- tururs. Lacrosse. W Is. l ) 7 Tit land tailors wanted to nddrusa A. ! ) . Kudo , Outtluic School , Cleveland. O. EM 6 B OYS Am. Dlst. TcL Co , , 1301 Douglas. 789 Wowlshafowmon to soil our. SALESMEN goods by Bnmnlo to wholesaleanil ! trade. Lirgost manuf rs in our lino. Kncloso 3-cout stamp. Wages $1 per nay. Permanent position. No poiitaU answoicd. Money ad vanced tor wages , wlv ertislmr , oto. Contonnlal JIunTgCo. Cincinnati. O. Clt-M ) WANTED A Rood schoolboy to carry a route on Dally llvcnln : ; Hoe. Apply nt Ilee olllco. 748 MKN to Travel for the Fontliill Nur'-orlosof Canada.Vo pay f" 0 roHKa ) mouth and expenses to agents to soil our Canadian grown Block. Ad. Stone & Wellington , Madison , Wis..09 -.09 WANTED laborers , rockmon and track-layers for Washington Territory ; good w ces and steady work , at. Albright's Labor Agency. ll'JO Farnam st. M4 " AN'J 1D ! 8overal moro unergotlc anil roll- able solicitors , the Elnqtr Mfg. Co . 1518 Douglas at. fitfJJJl WAHTED--FEN1AUE HELP. WANTED Good girl for general housework. 1U8. 10th. 157 721 , 8. loth. 3 in family. 111 \v A nnrso clrl to take cato of ono child , fc'O 8. HO ANTED Chambermaid at Doran home , 42J8. Ifithst , 1 block south of court house. 138 _ \\J ANTKU A jo in' * girl to help take ciro of TT chlldfonut IliHt. Mary's aveniio. ANTKI > I'ompetuut curse isirl , onetime is kind ami willing , Ifr-J b'urnam. 114 TANTRD-airl for general housework , 15 _ _ _ _ IHL wanted for general housework at 1717 W ebster blruet. FT ! I IK Paxton hotel wants two good American JL women hroad and pastry cooxs , will pay 850 a month for tno luaillng woman and Sio ror the assistant. Only thoroughly competcnc women need uppiy. Adareea J. U. Kltclif n. I'M a ANTED An apprentice girl to learn dress _ makinif.ln _ < iulrol621 Farnam ut. 112-0 WANTED A competent ( lerman irfrl for general noiiKeworK In smalt family , Mrs , Meikle. 2 22juld ell st. _ 101 fit _ WANTED A glrffor general houseworTE ; must give good references. A. Hospo , 315 N. 17th. _ 7iU 7 UEH.MANglrl for general houaoworK. ox ) _ _ 008 ANTED Cook and second ulrl , good wages paid. Inrjulro 1CW Douglas. iO TVtUBSHAlClNU. In families , 605 S. 17th. JL/ 5111 ) BOARDING. WANTKD Two gentlemen , or man and wife to tuko room and board lu private family , only 7 blockHtrompoUotllcii , on cable and nour liorso car line. Finest location in rity , lawn , etc. All inodei n conveniences. Htmsonuble terms to right party. C. 2 , Hoe , 7-WU-iu * * P > OAllDiHS : wantoTat the Cozzcns hotel at JJroducod rutos ; the most pleasant location in the city. M J Franck. prop. 87U MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED Some ono to take n baby by the week for a woman who works out. Ail- dress 0 4 Ilee. o/j u WANTED TO PF.HT. WANTED Furnished room and board In private family for gentleman and w ifo ; not to exceed fGU pur mo. Address C lu. Dee olllro. 152 7 ; WANTED to rent Hy man und wife , 4 ore room cottage or Hut , all convenience * , ac cessible to cabin and South Omuhu dummy lines , permanent , or turulsliod house for the season ; references given. _ Address HU4IIeo. _ _ 41 WANTUD Furnlshod IIOUSB. A H''iuliiimn ) and vrlfo would like to take charge of a furnished house dining tto summer , from nth or ttJthlnst. Keferenccs furnished. Address , 'Mutual Accommodation , " drawer 22 , Omuha. tm o WANTED to rent by family of twii , an mi" furnished cottage in uood condition con taining 0 or 7 rooms : must liavo ternnnnJIo cation to receive any attention. Address U M , Jle * . 2J FOR RENT HOUSES. J room cottace , on car line , city nnd risten : O\vutcr. Apply to II. H. McMohon , koutheasl corner of IStu and Arbor sts , _ ] 5'I7 T710H llICNT-0-room cottage , 83d 8. SM stieet , 4 K O K ; TTpOH lil'N'l 'IVo houses , 2 < JI7 utlil 201U Leav < JL'cnworth at. , one 14 and ono Droonia ; mod ern conveniences ; will put In repair , Imiutru ( room 20 Nebraska Natlonuljbaiik bhl. 4'i5 Tr Olf llKNa7robm cottuue.ApinV 11128 lOtb JU 0)2 ) Al'LKARANT basement with all couvon l nc s. 213 South 24th. U7J-U ITIOJI HUNT A nil-room cottage , well mill U cUteruil20. wa South Twenty-Una st. _ U5iJ.7 ' TIOH IlKNT 7-room llau Innulro aUho'Falr , 13th nnd Howard. _ _ hTU 7-room cottages ; gooacelluN.cUternv , good burn ; convenient to a chool ami church ; ( JO per month for the summer. Apph bt ouce , U. F. lUrruon , Merclmnis1 Nat'l oank , 778 _ _ _ Hl5N'l\-14-room brick dwelling , all con- , 21d N. 19th t. 774 " HENT For the summer month * , well' JU furnlihed housa In Ilrut-clnss locality , 1C Vnlmitej walk from courthouse. Call orad- _ 724 _ f .TOU8U for rent on Caldwell Bt. near funn- JlJLdorsa na > v J-story 7-room homo with wutoi pud CBJ nxturea , reutery chuap , bv the Kx cclllor Land It llcal Kauta Co. , 310 S IHh it , 1117 A T710H TlKNT-Flna nat corner of 50th and JL ; leaven wort hstrootB. with all modern con veniences , t-tx per month. Flno 12 room dwell ing all modern conveniences , 007 N.Siith : cable passe * door. * " , per month , D. V. Sholes , 210 First National bank. ( M _ TtloiTlinNT A llat In thn Her bulldlnc ; JL1 7 rooms , steam heat , gas nnd bath Apply to A. C. llaymcr , hardware , ICtn nnd Jncksou , 771 T7VH ) HENTNew brick houses , 11 roonw.'wlth JL ; ovnry modarn convonl nco : on cable line : only 110 per month , O. T. Taylor , cor. 14th and Douglas l2o ! FOR RENTIs'OOrVlS-FURNISHED- TJWHN1SIIED room for rent nftor June23. JO 2ic4 Hurt at. 153 1J10H HENT Furnished room for ono or two JL1 gentlemen. ISI1 Izarasr. _ 1IVE * flllEKHFlJL- room with or without board , V/privato family , nicely situated , new rest- Oi'nco opposite Y. M. C. A. athletic pare. 2130 HnriiBy ! _ 8)20t ! ) " o77STraH ! < l homo board for sitmlo ( zonts 17)8 ) Dodgo. 117-lllJ d TJIUl7NlsilED rooms. ? B N 10th. Tj" < OH HENT Furnished rooms , llrst-class ac- JU commodatloiiE. Mr * . Tivlngter , U12 s 13th street , TO T > OOS8-Wlth ! board , 103s 25th ave. 111-8 * T710H HENT Furnished rooms with board In JU private family. 1712 Dodge. luo Itn furnlsliod rooms for man and wife N1CHLY . 002 N 17th. 1KO fit ITIUHNISIIEI ) front roomfiblocks from PO. , JL ! 3211 N 17th st. 104 6' T71UHNISHii ; ) rooms , nlco location , gas nud JJ bath. $ f > to 112 per month. 22J Learunwortli ino HIT TjlOH HENT Furnished room on bath room JU lloor , with board. 1011 Douglas st. 1187-7 * fnrnUliHd rooms with llrst class NEWLY . 510 8 22d. OSC Bt Oil HUNT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Hefcrenco required. H12 n. loth , upstairs. t'74-5 ' DE lHAHLEsulto for Goutleman nnd wife or two ladies , also single room. 13 Fontli 24th street , on car lino. OT--il 'filOH 1U5NT Furnished rooms. 22J3 Dodgo. JL1 2T.7 0' TKW nirnlshed rooms , bay window , all con- -N venlenccs , near I' . O. 1016 Capitol avenue. ou'-at > OOM and bosnl cheap for two in private tfnmlly. > 18 Hurt st. OJl-St T710II HKNT Room with board ; best loca- J3 llot'In city , J1 S.i5th ! avc. M t HUNT Furnished room , 1701 Curt. avo. fc8i 7t imintNISH K1) room to let. 2105 Douglas st. FUIINISHIID rooms by day , week or month , St. Clalr hotel , cor IJthand Dodge.or : front room with bod-room ndjolnlnit. LAlUH ftunlshod , gas and heated by steam , with use nf bath room. In ono of the handsomest residences In the city , without board. inn.ulre u. w. cor. lutli uud LeavonwortU 770 UIHUNISHKD rooms , single or en suite , bath JU and steam ; for gents only. 1510 Howard. 777 NICU south front looms with every convene - e ; telephone In house. 19J3 Capitol avo. 773 ) OOM with or without board. 1P1J Dodgo. t 780 JjTOK UUNT-lloom. 10-J1 Howard. 781 . unftirnishnd hone for rent FUltNISlir.Dor lu 1'urk 'lerrace , opposite Hauscoui park ; nil motlern couvenlun.'cs. Inquire Leo to Nlchol , IXth and l.o.iv eiiw orth. 7K ! ] JNLnOANTLY fuinlshod looms centrally io- vcatcd , with or without board , price reason- able. 004 S. 13th. 704 lOt FOH ItKNT S front rooms , en suite , modern conveniences , tor gentlemen only. < 115 N ,17th. - LAlton froutioom. Keforanco required , ill Farnam. 713 NICK rooms , fmnlshed , t"i to $1.3 ppr month , or by week. Peabody house. Hill and Jonns , 705 J put T AKQF furn hed room forrent , snltabie for JLgentlemen. . 1SU Faruam. TTVIU HKNT From June 1st. suite of rooms , JD with board , at 1723 Dodge at , 4 Jl J19 TpOU HKNT A pleasant room , only 0 minutes Jj walk fioin business center , all modern con veniences , cor St. Mary's avo. and 3jth or BJJ 8. -Olh , brick residence. ( Ml JUVKiyy south front room , ovary convon- leuco , block from struct cai. ; OS Douglas. TOH HENT A nicely furnished lirgo front JC room , nil modem conveniences ; for fnrtuor particulars call atil5 Dodge st. 195 HKNT Nicely furnished front room JU with buurcl.all coin enleiiCQs.1910 Capitol avc. TjlUUNlSHKD rooms , 1138. SOtn , near Dodgj. J2TTIOU TTIOU HUNT rurnlsheil rooms w Ith or with- JL' out boaru for families nnd Hlnslo men at reduced pi leu for the summer inontlis at the Cozyens hotel. M J FrancK , prop. 8H ) Ifil U UN JS1 ir.DfFonT rooma 1813 Dodged J-1 _ 877 JBt Fi OH HKNT Furnished rooms slnglo or on suite. i ItOUDougl . 713 FORWENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED | 71OH HUNT Unfurnished looms suitable tor JL1 housekeeping In units of 2 to 4 ; convenient locution. Hutts Iteming Agency , I'OI 1'urnaui. IjlOlt HKNT I unfurnished rooms , l.'Ol Web- -L ster , suitable for home/looping / ; prlcj J.-0 iw TfflOH HKNT Pleasant unfurnlshod rooms JJ ovorlUOl llomird bt. For ollices purposes FOP RENT-STOnES AND OFFICES. FOR HENT llrlck Btoro , newly pappre'l and in coed repair , y 15 8. 14th HI. opposite the Muriny , 175 pur month , Ames , 1507 I'urunm. or 8.11. liutTutt , at Houian 5e Toi ry'd , 4138 , Hthtt , CD 15.15t It HUNT Front onico , grouna iloor , 310 8 liith. 2S)7 ) TTIOll UENT The 4 Htory brick building with JU or without power , now ocsupled by The Hue Publishing Co. . uib Farnam at. The building has a lire proof couientud , complota Htoam heating flxtui os , water on all the lloors , ga . etc. Apply at the olllca of The Hoo. 'Jlil F I OH HBNT-Btore 2 M ; HIS Jackson st. 11 Enquire 1114 Jarkson. 7(51 ( FOH HBNT Storu , with rooms In the rear in which family can live ; tK per month. C F. Harrison , Men-hauls' Nut..bunk. 758 of Ilent-Siore room a luc.1 ana 10:5 : FSSS Howard to an euterprlslnu dry goods man. UT > TjlOH HUNT Cheap New ntore , 22x0) , brick JJ basement , on good paved at. , suitable for re tail grocery. Inquire O. Ilartman , N. W.cor. 271 h and Decaturnts. 2UII HKNT Store and living rooms on Cum- nigs street ; aluo house on Cuss st. HurrU H. K. A j , Co , , room 411 1st Nat , bank. 7 t -2 Doors front half DomU build ing , power , boat , electric light , Inuulro of- flee of llemls Omaha Hog Co ma J28 THE4i7 ( ( with baaement , Hamge bldg. IlT quire Frank J , Humge. 785 rtKrJTAl. AGENCIES. HKNT Wh nyou wUh to rent a house , itore or ollice call on us. H. K , Cole , room U , Continental bile. 7NI IF YOU want to tent your house call on Hur- rlu It. li , & t , . Co. , room 411 , lit Nat' ! bank. 7b7 Gii > . jT'l'AUL , ino ) Farnam st , house * , store ; , otc. for rent. 7(8 TF YOU want to buy , sell , lent or exchange. JLrnll on or address U , J , tMc'rusdorir , rooma 317nml 318 FlratNatlonul _ bank building. 7b'J " \\TE give Bpoclal attention renting and TT collecting runts ; list with ws. I1..E. Cole , room C , Continental block. 790 IF you want your nou e * rented list with Par- roue's ivutul agency , llith and Dodge.07UJ2.1 07U-J2.1 MISCELLANEOUS. STAMPS ! Stamps ! Write for catalogue and llHt of packets to Phillips , Uurrcll & Co , Liu. coin , Neb. 148 ot _ Gio. : II. JONKS. plumbing and gas lilting dialulaiug , sowur and water connections aanccisity , Ull Dotico bt , in basement. Omaha. _ lIHjyU TTMIUIELLAS and parasols covered nnd 10. U pall fd , 2178 Ilth Iloyd's opera house block In rubbKr store. JJ.Jlajor. _ 701 rpll K banjo taucht as oil art by'deo. F-TTeP lenbeck.AjjilyatllBO olllij. J OHN F. DALEST , * ewer bulld r and drain lujer , house drainage and sanitary work a Hl > * clahr. OUlr HOT DouelM.itOmaha. Nob. 3-Jirl "VTrANTED Anpllcatlon for I'.W ) loan at low T V rats. ( leorgo J , Paul , icoa Farnam st , PERSONAL. ANY lady of refinement and real merit ( no other ) desiring a good husband and a good homo address 8.v. . Day , general delivery , Omaha , Neb , llcstof references given nnd re- qulrod. 13J 7t _ _ T > KlSONAI/-Photos of Omaha base ball club JL MI on sale at lloyn , the photographer. ( Iron- Ito block. U'4 _ LOST. TOST Elks lodge pin with diamond settlns. Jl'Ioafo return to Mrs. D. H. Ooodrlch , 1117 1'arkuvc. 154 0 _ I O3T JI2 In bills either on Pork st. westof J-JIInnscom Park or bnt Howard and Farnnm on Ifcth Bt , Heturn to 3(01 ( Park St. , or H 2 , Hoard ot Trade blu and get regard. _ 115 fit T OST From carnage , child's gray cloth Jack. JUet. Hnturr , to Mra. UhoH. Miller. 210) ) Cass st , and receive reward. _ 123 5 * T OST Hoau colored llolsteln cow : anv Infor- J-Jmatlon will DO thankfully received at J. L. llrandlos & Sons. 800 STORAGE. QTOHAOE nt low rates at 1121 Farnam st. ; OomahftAuctlou " _ nndjjtorage _ Tltj _ rpHA"CKAOI5 , storage , lowest rates. W. M. _ X. llusliman , 1311 iH-'avcnworth. _ 7ltl BHANCH &CO. . storage , 1211 Howard. 701 _ * _ _ "mitAdKnnd forwanllmt. Wo collect and deliver goods of all descriptions , merchan dise , furniture and biggaga , at cheapest rates for storage for any length of tuno. Vans and wagons to Lo ha > l ut shortest notice , with care ful men for movlntf. Packing and shipping from our own waruhousa ilono on moderate charge. Merchandise loaded nml unloaded. Warehouse on our own track" . Olllco 217 8.14th Bt. ; tulopnoiio 114. Howoll&Co. . ' 114 CLAIRVOYANT H. NANN1B V. Wnrrcn , clairvoyant , mod- Icnl nnd business moJlum. Female diseases a specialty. 110 N IGth st. rooms 2 and 3. 705 SHORTHAND ANO TYPEWRITINq STANDAHI ) shorthand school. Pnxton block , ( successor to Valentine's shorthand Insti tutes the largest , best niiulpped shorthand school In the west : is under ih'j personal super vision ot Joseph P. Mejijutli , an ox-olllclal re porter nnd state agunt of the Hemlngton Staiut- uid typewriter , assisted by osporlencod ver batim reporters. Mechanical construction of machine taught by factory export. Pnitlcular attention paid to typewriting. Stenographers' supplies lor sale. Circular tteo. _ ' 01 ana typewriting. Omaha business SHOHTllAND ness college , cor Capitol ave and 16th. Standard methods tauvht by O. C. Ewlng. of ban I'ranclsco , the boat tencher on the 1'arlllc coast , Munsna'B revised of ' 8tu specialty ; now plan ; blackboard illustration ; day uud evening chissos cnll or wrlto tor tarma. _ 7117 nillK Omaha Short-Hand Institute , Hamge JL block , Omaha , onmied Monday. .May under the management of a thorough and prac tical stenographer. Pleasautest und boat ven tilated school room In the west. Positions found for graduates. Call or w rlto for particu lars' Terms , J10 per month ' in advance. Typo- wrltlng free. 092 3 10 _ _ WANTED TO BUY. \\TANTKD-To buy a well established in- TT miiauce agency- Address H. L. Conrad's pharmacy , 211 8 loth st. 155 G * " \\7ANTED For spot cash , a forty or twenty- TT acra tract Insldo the four-mile limit ; no boom prices entertained. Len\ propositions at Hoom It , Chamber of Commorov Tel. 1I4 . 097 WANTKD A few good driving horses , 1010 to 13)0 pounds ; must bo smooth. Call at Pacific stable , ! 2Jri Sherman uvonuo. H70-IJ /"JOOOD notes past due or short tlme.unsecured VJorwlthmorttrage.boiightnnvwhcrolnOm&ha la.orNcb. Omck loans. Omaha city or farm. Cull or write , W.L. U , Hoard Trade. 'J ' WANTKD 'I o buy good commercial paper. H C. Patterson. 31,18 15th at 7JU WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves nnd household goods of all kinds , Omaha Auction .V Storage Co. , 1U1 Faruam. 800 WANTKD A rood stock of general mer chandise : will pay part cash ana balance good land at low llgurc. Address J. P. Ily- men. Curtla. Nob. KOC \\TANTED 1W lots Insldo of Holt line , to V > build on W. It. K. k SI. E. . room 14 , Cham ber of Commerce. 4,0 A NTIQITAHIAN Uook Store , 1413 Furnam st. - tCasn pild for Snd-hnnd hooks , mauaziues. 3 0-J18t FOR SALE MISCELLAN "OUS. TjlOH SALK FoUincbo 1 and olegantmarblo X1 top dresser and wash stand cheap forcusli. Inqulro Ihil Cms St. 10) ) t FOHSALK-Agood family horio cheap : all sound , gooddlsposltlon.dark sorrel In color ; for price , full de-crlptlou , 4c. , address .las. Hrfldy. Waterloo , Nob. 117 ! ( "TfOH SALK Stock ot now and second-hand -L furniture. dolni { a good business ; good locution. Good reasons given foraellltig. Apply oraddrehsl. Lufkowitz , 23 North Tentn st , Lincoln , Neb. IJr "I71OH SALH Cheap. One bicycle , ono Tan- JU dun trlcycla uiirl OUB slnglo tricycle , good ns now. Apply .loan 8 I'rlcce , Coliseum. 1.J2 OH SALE-Hull terrier dog."Hoyal Dandy. " w Inner 2nd Hoston t-7 and his mate , "Itlos- som"full ; podlgiee. Apply W. G. Ingram , Canllcld house , Omaha. 10.1 lot TlToH SALH-FreslMnllch cow. 1714 N. .lltli , JL' near Dccatur. 080-5 ? j I71OH SALE Good family In.rse , buggy and JL1 harness. Wilt sell separately if desired ; either cash or on tlmo. Co Operative Land and Lot Co. . 2IV1 n loth st. 071-.1 "I71OH SALE A flno Singer he ing machine , J-1 good as new , very cheap , if taken nt once , K1H Howard st. Otc M FOH SA LK Standing desks' roller top desks , telephone box , map racks and i outliers n ed lu our former ollice. Inqulro at Omaha Loan Jj Jru-it Co. 3. E. cor , lllth and Douglas st. SJO 7 T710H SALE Uontlo family horse and phae JU ton. Inquire at U W Georgia avenue , Ull OJ fTlOH SALE A good mlc ! tow for J23 ; apply JU to O. Osfcamp , 2211 Warmer st. 10'J TjiOH SALE Cheap , a three ton Dlebold banic JL' safe , latest Improved time lock , complete in every particular. Address , 1L Chamber- lln. Wood Hlver. Neb. 211 TpOK SALK A full leather top carriae , largo -L and roomy. In llrst-clasi order , coat il'JJ ' ono year ago ; will sell U for 3175. Apply in 2213 Webster st. 7rft FOH SALU Cheap-About 3 3 heaA of im proved Texas horses , consisting of geld ings , mares and coltx. stallions and mixed. Will sell part or all. Apply J , L. Ilalbon , Corslrana Texas. 4M-J1H1 ABSTRACTS OT TITLE. MIDLAND Ouaranteo leTrust Co. , l.'Ol Far- uam.Coinpletoabstracts furnished and titles to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed. 8U1 AnSTHAOTS Linahan Sc Mahoney , room TjOil , Poxton block. a MONEY TO LOAM. SMALL loans , abort time , good security , reasonable Interest. P. O. box CM , city. 17J1J37 _ KEYSTONE Mortaage Co. ; loans of $10 to $ I,00 < ) ; gotourratcu botoru borrowing and save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any approved security , without publicity ; notes bought ; for new loan , renewal of old and low est ratescull ItaW.Shcoloy blk,15th& Howard bt 807 TiON'T borrow money on furniture , noraus , JLAvagons , etc. or colliitorals until you see C , U. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building. 816 SIIKStiolej , room 210 Firit Nat'l bank , before making your loaiis. 810 FI KST mortgage loans at low rates ant ] node- lay. D. V. bholes , 210 I'li-dt National bank. BID "VI. ANTID-l"lrs ; clas Inside loans. Lowest TT rates. Call and noous. Mutual Investment Co , H. 1 , llarker blk. . 15th and Farnain. 817 SMALL short tlmo loans on chattel becurlty , -'III Ohio st. ; call after B p. m. B4Q J-JO ? HE M , K. & T. Trust Company builds homos in the city and tmburbs ; 8J per cent rauh.tha bill a net ) lu monthly payments ; debt cancelled In cute of death. For particulars Inqulroof W , II. Melkle , agent , room CW ) 1st Nat'l bunk b'Ug. M3 J.1U M ONEV to loan. Harris H. 1C. le Loan Co. , loom 411 I'll st National bank. B.U NLMPHOVEO" Improvnd nropoty : U loans inailo promptly ; money on hand. F. M. itlchiirtiaon , sw cor iith and Douglas. 828 I > EOI > LK'3 llnnncinl Exchange The fairest , quietest and mot liberal money exchange in the city ; money loaned without delayer publicity , in uuy amount , largo or small , ut tbo lowest rules of Interest , on any uvallublu fao- entity ; loausniay bo paid at anytime or re- neued at original rates O , Houscaruu , Mgr , , room 57 , llarker block. 1Mb and Farnum. _ 8U _ tn loan on real estate ut low rate. MONEY J , D. y.lUle. 4oO Paxton block. 131Jy-3J T > ClI.DINd tN8m < to 7 per cent , no nd- JLJdtnonal charc s for commissions or attor neys' foes. V(4 ( li. Melklo , First Nat bank bldg. , I. . 830 MONEY to Loan-Wa are ready for applica tions for loans In amount * from MOO to il\- ( 0X1 on improved Omalm or Douglas county real estate , lull Information as to rates. Loans promptly lo * d. Good notes will bo purchased dy us. Call upon us or write. The McCaguo Investment Co. 814 T OAN8 on improved and unimproved prop. JUerty at low rates. Odoll,312S.IGth. HE. CQLE , loan agent , . 810 Bt7II < IINO and other real estate loans.V. . it. Harris , room 20 , l"renzor Ulock , opp , P. O , 889 _ C. F. HAIUUSON loans money , lowest rates. . _ _ _ PUS MONKV to loan. O. V. Davis Co. , real estate and loan agents , 1515 tarnam at. 809 D. V. Sholus , 310 I'lrst Na tional bank. . - 81'J ' _ _ MONKV to loan : cash on hand : no delay. .1. W. Squire. 121 Farnam St. , First National bank building. 811 LOANS made on real estate and mortBBKos bought. Lewis 8. Uocd 4 Co. , 11 13 , Hoard of Trailer 812 _ IJEOPMS'8 Financial P.xchanRO Largo nnd small loans for Ions and short tlmi > , ac low est rates ot Interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of allklmts , diamonds , watches and Jewelry. Don't full to call If you want fair and cheap accommodations. O. Hotiscarou , Mgr. , room C7 , Darker blk , loth nud Farnam. 81J _ 'ON1JY to Loan -lowest rates. Tioans closed M promptly. It. K. 0 , Continental block , 810 H.E. . COM ! , loan agent. . 816 "VTEHHAB1CA Mortg. Loan Co will raako you n J- > loan on household goods , horses , wagonw , land contracts , flue Jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , at reasonable rates. Hoom 7 , Howlov block. South Omaha , Ilooms 518-519 , Paxton block , Omaha , Nob. 819 / 1 F. HAilHISON loans money , lowest rates , T\O YOU rt ant money ? If PO , don't borrow -/before getting my rates , which are the low est on any sum from $10 up to SlO.nOU. 1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses , mules , wagons , wnrohouso re ceipts , houses , leases , etc , . In any amount at the low est possible rates , without publicity or re moval of property. Loans can be made for ono to six months and you can pay a part ntany tlmo , reducing both principal nn.l Interest. Ifyouowo n baiunco on your furniture or IIOISBS. or have a loan on them , 1 will take it up and carry It for you as long ns you desire. If you need money you will nnd it to your ad vantage to see mo before boirowlng. II. F. .Masters , room 4. Wlthnell building. 15th nud Ilarnoy. 821 T CAN make a few loans on llrst-class chattel JL securities at reasonable rates. W. 1C. Potter , room 10 , llarker blk. Kg MONEY to loan on furniture , horses.wngons. otc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Hobblns. 11208 , Shoeloy blk , loth and Howard. $ $ tToloan on farms and city property. $ Goo J. Paul , 1609 Farnam 8t. EJ4 * , ) to loan nt U per cont. Llnahau & Mahoney - $ honey , room 50J Paxton block. Si's MONEY Lqans negotiated nt low rates with- outdelayj nnd purchase goods , co nmorclul paper and mqrtgago notes. 8. A. Sloinan , cor. 13th and Farnam. 6.'C P H1LADELPHIA Mortgage ft Trust Co. fur- nlsli chi'tlp1eastern money to borrowers , purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans at their western ollice. George W. I' . Coates , loom 7. Hoard ot Trade. 827 TpUlLDING loans. Llnahan 4 Mahoney. 4 * * t-J _ LOANS wanted onOmana real estate , three and lifo years time , optional payments , fa vorable tbrru and rates ; applications and titles pissed upon ny us and loans closed promptly. Klmball , Champ & ItyanItooin . United States Nat , bank building. 12iB Farnam street. 9U710 M ONEY to loan at low rates by Exoelalor LanJ Co. , 310 South 15th btroot , Omaha. \t \ 071 MONEY to , loan on real estate security , at lowest rat s. Uefore nogotlatlug loans sec Wallace , Crejighton bit. , loth and Douglas. 8J3 BUSINESS CHANCES PAHTNEU wanted Live , experienced hotel mau with S'S.UW ' cash to purchase half Inter est lu onu of the best paying , fnnil'ihntl and lo cated hotels in Oinahu. Address box 5711. city. 101 7t yrOCIv ot general merchandise for sale or kJtrudci cash business. iHi)00 ) per year ; good llvo town and good location , including store room on your owntei ins. Address CD , Hoe. 143 7 * T71OH SALE Or oxchaneo for stock of hard- JU w are , property In a thriving town in west ern Nob. , paying 2T > per cent on the Investment. Address Hex 7. Crawford. Nub. 150 7t ANTKD-Partnor with J100 to engage in hotel business. Address or call J. H. P. , Globe hotel. l.lVi * A GOOD opening for a barber to start In business. Call at 2323 Lea\enworth. 083-Gt FOH SALE A well-established book-binding business in Salt Lake City , Shlley , Gio- BUell &Co. , real estate , Salt Lake City , Utah. 871 J GO WEhavntor sale or exchange ono of the llnest hotel properties in an Town city of 0,000 inhabitants. th leading house In the plaro , W. H , E. & M. E room 14 Chamber of Commerce Tus TT'OH BALE Stock of general merrhumllse. JL' Wishing to retire from business , I will soil my Block of merchandise at iory i low price. Stock on hand between SMOO and JI.IK ) > , best locality and brk-K bioro loom In the city. For particulars call on or address Chas. ilartels. West Point , Nob. 878 OJ Q 3 , < XX > to j \ > anted to put Into a good busi- ! ' ncsa ; nrstcl.m security an I goo I rate ot Interest pall for short or Ion ? timo. Or will tnko partner. For pirtlcniari address IJ4J , ISoeojUce. 142 FOH SALE Moat market complete ; can bo handled for little casb. Call at room 4 , U ithuoll blk. bjJ , hotel au'l llvory , Elgin , Nob. ; $ property fro from Incutnbraace : money to DO mado. bmlthij Paudocic. Utirln , Neb. r SALOON fyr sale In ona ot the bast business centers in Omahach < > ap. Haason for selling , I must leave the city. Addrejj V 13 Hoo. 49V1T ; FOR EXCHANGE. " \rEW2-sealoiinnocarrHKeor top oujrgy for J-s mortgagocity or county warrants , or any good unsecured noted.H'.L.boluy.It H li'd Trade CASH and rloan insldo Omaha property to trade for tleau block of haul ware , Co-Opo- ratlvo Lund and Lot CoiJ" > n Kith Ht. HO-il n O Exchdngo Cish and cloir proparty for J-merchiUHKiu ) , or merchandise tor ixish and clear property. Addrebs Lock llox II , Gothen burg , NeU , ' jf 3J Jy 2f ITlOlt EXClANQE-Flve thousand acres ot JL' rai in fitud-In the Hepubllcuu Valley ot No- brask.\ and nfljacent conntls.i or ICaosas. for improved rentable Insldo property in Omaluv. Address Qeoteo W. Hurton , Oilcans , Neb. - - have city - FHINTtNCfistablHlimont-l prop- erty o Tijrtn iund to trade for a gooil job printing autdQUshment. Groviir Steven * , 5iu- 617 Paxtoh bjjyjk. Tel 11 J5. rpo EX HUGE-For clothlnar. dry goods JLand boots. Vnd shoes. l..CJ acres Kansas lutia at 215 per acr , tand l..US feet Kansas City prop erty at * . # rmfNfoot. No incumbraacu on prop erty. UuTiObt it Uarcloy ICausas City , Mo. MO MI-5 _ _ "T71OH Is'tfcliwutu A line farm of 200 Acres In J ? Polk fOinlty. Neb. , 4 miles from Clarks , Neb. , to xumngo for cattle ; hO acres uii'ler ' ciiltlvatlilu.ihpuac , barn , wagon scalea mid good fu OTlo& Addrcaa C. Oskamp , 2211 Web- Bterst. Omalra , Neb , 010 \rEUCHANDI3E-To exchangfl. clean stock J-'i-of general merchnndUe ; want farm and monoUoxlO ) , Frankfort , Ind. OP-b * \\TANTED-8tock ot merchandise , livery T T stock or hotel to trade for llrst-cl-iHS furms in Bouthoni Minnesota , jolulntr town of cuunly Meat. Here you have a bargain that Is hard to bent. Excelsior Laud and Hsal Estate Co . , 310 H 1Mb. t. . Omaha. HI5 UXCHANQB-For daslrabla roaldenco X' property in Omaha , any or all ot following : 4U choice inalde re ldouca lots In Huntings. 100 lots In Lincoln. 010 acres Una farming land , Lancaster county Fine residence property. Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. Choice family rusldonca corner , Lo Angeles , A neat residence property In Hanscotn place. Also some uood mortgage note. ? . Address giving location mill prlco ot prop erty , J , E. H. , care Haura Iron Co. , J-'II Leaven- worth. BJJ \\fANTED-To trada for housa anil lot la T T good location ; will assiuuo light Incum- branco. Addreis A 2 llou olllc * . ( l2 2 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE TI10H BALK-Cholcc residence property 132 ft. JJ sq. on Cass near ! 2d ; acre on 37th near Kar- natn. Ruclld Place beautiful lawns , largo lots' line trees. Prices low : from } . ' ! , OX ) up. Handsome - some rottago , easy tenru ; ( ( .000. Houses to rant. Heal estate loans. J. II. Evans Hakor block. ino-0 FOH SALE At a bankrupt prlco , a house and lot in Omaha View. Hoom 14 , Chamber of Commerce. Pirn E ST front , full lot on 20th st. , south of fair ground , tl.OoO. Hutchlnson & Wcad , 1&24 Douglas st. IH" > & EOO 1C nTlhls I have some customers for good building lots. What have yon to olTer)1 ) Grover Stevens , 510 and 517 Paxton blocs. Tol. lla 014-11 FOH SALR-Or will exchange or | western lands , ono of the Ilnost hotel properties in Towit. llest hotel in city of O.OOU inhabitants , brings In rental of filO per month. Apply soon if you expect to got it. W. It. U. & Mcr. Ex. . Hoom 14. Chamber ot Commerce. 105 TOH SALE A bargain. 12f ft , n. front , on J25th , by 13J ft , n , front , on Hamilton , coed houso. elegant fmit nnd shade trees , shrubbery , etc , ; a beautiful homo , at bod-rock. ,1 , II. Evans , Uarkor lllock. but 6 mil E best monoy's worth ot house nnd lot noW JL for sale in Omaha is that which I am now completing , near 24th st. on paved Wlrt st. in Kountze Place. 8 bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms,3 water closet" , lame laundry , stationery vi ash tubs , furnace and coal room and collar , electric bolls and speaking tube , U closets , Prlco only $7POOon terms to suit. W. T. Soamixn , east sldo Iflth st. north of Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety of wagons and carrlagea. yai EAST front , full lot on3Uli at. , south of fair ground. W.059. Hutchlnson Wend , 1521 Douglas st. 083 6 AHUAIN-Part of the Dick Kimrmll estato. 60 feet on ISth street ruuulni ; through to 17th nvc. Ouo U-room house , all modern conven iences and two fl room houses. Total rental $1,500 per year ; prlro ju.UJO. si. A. Upton Company , llith and Farnam. 842 TilOHSALK-Hesldcncolor. cor 3Id and Cass J. will exchange for trackage property : worth * 8OOU to & 10.0UO. C. r. Harrison , Merchants' Nat , bank. 753 /1USTOMEHS for Lots-I can sell sorao good \J building lols to parties who deslro to Im prove them. If you have anything cheap to oiror bring It around. Grover Movens , 510 nnd 017 Pnxton block , Telephone 11J3. 044-11 FOH SALK 5D lirgo and small houses on monthly payments ; small payment down. Also agood list of property for exchange. Ooo. J. Fox , room I. Coiitlnental"blk. " Itfl-jlU riMIK motor line Is built to Collier placo. 1'ho L Holt line runs near Collier placo. The F. E , & M. V. H. H. stop all passenger trains at Col lier place. Tao horse car line will soon reach Collier placo. llest addition In the city. Prlco $ ! > tx ) to i 1,2K ) per lor , one-tenth cash , balance one to ilve ve.irs. McCague. opp. P. O. 073 ! FOH SALE lleantlful fUroom houso. nil modern Improvements , including splondld furnace , near Ilanscom park , best location in the city for school , church nnd street car priv ileges ; price { .l.O'j'j. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' natonal bank. 75S MjvNUFACTUHING Traccago I have some very choice tracxago for manufacturing purposes , on belt line , aujomlng planing mill , casket and chair factories , with suburban and olectilc motor connections , and paved streets to it , very cheao. Ono piece. 270x1211 , with trark already down , W.750 , T. S. Clarftson , 210 8. 14th. Olt.17 fTIOH 8ALK-Manufacturlng slto ; trackago JL'anil business proportv at South Omaha for sale : 350 ft on 2Sth st. . near U. P. depot , a most dc.slrablo location for manufacturing , shipping or business purposes ; will sell the whole erin parts to suit : terms to milt purchasers. For particulars address Cock roll & Hunt , South Omaha. Neb. 7.M IU ? TTIOH SALE The finest residence slto In West JL'Omaha ; Just south of Farnam on SOth st. ; a corner 1(11x137 ( with Ib7 foot frontage on paved street and Joining the handsome resi dence of ICirkondall on the east , and Hrady , Easson and .Martin on the south ; u perfect gem and garden spot for an elegant homo. Harntiy and 21t streets , 141xl07on pavement , within three blocks of the court house ; room for smell line houses that would rent as rapid ly as completed. A splendid permanent Invest ment. Farnam and 22d streets. 50x132 , with new three-story brick stow building , rented to good permanent , tenants. Hcntal receipts } 4,20U per year. Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 01 faetto alloy ; good business property. Farnam street , between 3 ) th and 39th. frontage - ago 48 or 01x132 to alley , south front , 1 block fiom pavement and street earn. Park avenue , opposite Hanscom park , 50x150 price W.OOU ; easy terms. Paddock place , trackago , 60x112 , $2,030 ; easy terms. Ifiih street south of Vlnton at. , lot for sale or tradti for mdse , or good farm land. S. A. Sloman , 1JJ1 Furnam st. 830 FOIl SALK 143.71 ! acres , sec.B , tp. 12 , r. 0 w. , Hamilton county. Nub. House , stable , 300 aero feucod , living wator. Price $3.UH V. K. Atclos. owner , Haiidroad bldg , Denver , Col. 837 OHOLES Special List Wo push special bar k-Jgitlns and advertise them. List with mo. Mneonst fionr lot In Hauscom place at Jl.COO. yjuiciish. Decided bni gain. Fine lot on Farnam and Lowe avenue. 82,75" ) . S-.tU ) buys a nouso and lot lu Hanscom Placo. corth of I'oppleton avenue. The old John DierEs Manufactory plant on Missouri Facillc railway,4 miles eouthwust of city , w Hh 2 acres of ground and 3 lai go 2 story buildings , for JJ.OOi ) . A line opportunity for Eom one. I have special Inducements Inhouses and lots In all partu of the city olthor for ealu or trada , ( "all In and bo shown them. I do not tiy to got you In to Hhon-yon trash , but handla only good Sropsrty and deal squarely. D. V. Slioltn. Jl irst National bank. iB'J TPHE factories within easy roach of Collier JL place w ill employ a largo force of tuon. Se- euro a home and enjoy llfo. Prlco ot lots Jsft ) to $1,20 > . olio-tenth cash. Bond fur plat. Mc- Cague. opp. P. O. 07J BAHGAINS-Uargalns ! S. W. cor. 10th and Ciilltornla sts , , with 3 houses , very cheap. Neat 7 roam hoasa and half lot on Daven port St. , near Klga sc'iool ' , Jl.OJI ; easy terms. Good lot on ilarnoy St. , east oi 21th St. , a barg.iln. Elegant ; rosldonco lot , 25th ave uoar St.Mary's ave , very cho'ip. 0 room house uml h.ilf lot , S. 12lh st. , cheapen on monthly p.iymonts. Good re-.lacnce lot on SJth ave , bot. Douglas and Dodge , tLftH. 3 lots on S , l.lth st. . very cheap. 150 lots In Carthage , Omaha's host suburb , on ten years' tlmo to parties who will build 3ousos. Ilp'nnan & Co. , Hoom 3 , Chamber ot Commerce. Money to loan In all parts of the city. _ 853 J 7 T71OH SALE Nine-room house , barnnnd lot in J. Hanxcom place : alno 2 houses and lots In Sunny bide. Harris room 4IIlst Nat'l hint. 8.V. ( JOUTH OMAHA-lhavo a number ot good kJlots In various additions that must bn Hold at once and can bo bought at priced that will suit you. G , J. Stornsdortr , rooms 317 undlHP. First National bank building. Kti * | 7IOH SALE F.ast front lot on 2)thBt. ) JGeor- JL. ' glaavej overlooking Omaha and Council Hluns. Flno Hltu for a homo. Special close price for u few days. C. F. Hnrilson. Jlor- thants National bunk. 14.1 TpOK 8ALB On long tlmo and easy paymcmts , JL' liandsomo , now. well nullt liouses ot 8 , 0 and 10 moms. Allconvenloni'fs ; good neighborhood ; paved streets ; street oais , and within walking dlbtanco of P , O. Nathan Shultou,15Ul Fainam , VZ iV TIIIK llnost drive in tno city is to Collier Place. McCaguo. iffj /CONTINUOUS slduwalk to Collier place. Get v prltes and'terms , McCague. OW "Sum SALE Lot on 32d st. Just north of JHAIISCOIII I'arK , $2.030 : easy lorms to party who will build. 0. F. Harrison , Merchants National bank , 144 " KN1) for plat of ( Jollier pi ire , and whan driving for recreation follow the motor line poles on loth Ht. , and Amos' ave. , and see the wonderful Improvumonu that hav tnkon place Jiwt around tno barracks , and lememuer thai Colllar place Is the key to the ltuuUon. liny a lot now for the low price and ut the easy turmsttioy arabolmjoirored , and wo are satis- Hod. Ono-tonth CT.HII , balance one to nvo years. McCaguo , OPD , Jl | . O , 073 TUIHcosle < t home In Omaha , 0 rooms , largo < losets , city w.itur. gas and sewer , both cable ami IIOMO cars. I'rice JJ.IU ) . Ternn tlJ ) to tVJO cash , balance very easy. K. Cole , heidquartem for ) > irialni and * terms , Hoom 0 , Continental Hlock. 'CO GHIii.'QUAiTTEHMASTEH'80FFIOBOmaha : Neb. , May .I , 1MJ. Sealed piopoaals. In triplicate , will bu received tit this olllco until tn o o'clock p. m. , central time , Juno Itth. IriKi , and then opened , for furnluhtng nt Omaha ( juur- teriiinsler'tt Depot , or ut other points upucillod by bidder , after July 1st , next , If.noO gallons of mineral oil. U.S. teseivos right to reject any or all bills ; p reference given to arttilen of tlc > - inestlu ] > roductlon. conditions or quality and prlte ( Including in the prlco of foreign produc tion the duty thuruon ) uolng equal. All Information mation fill imhul on application to thi.s olllie. Envelopes containing propoialn to bo imvtked "Propo U for oil" anil addrescod to WM II. HUOHES. Lieut. Colonel and Deputy Qr. Mr. General , II. S. A. . Chtet Quarttnmuster. ni-ll-UMt-ll-J-IO. Tnkon Up. On or about March 17th , Hoan Steer , \\lth white face , about a yean old. Jo-lS-lO-27-Jy-l * Florence , Douglas Co.'Nob. Notice li hereby given that the board ot cdu- actlon ottho city of Fremont , Nob. , will receive scaled bids for the erection of a brick and stone hlgn school building until 12 o'clock Thursday. June the ( Ith. 1883. Estimated cost of same eighteen thousand nvo hundred dollars (18.MW.oi ( ) ) . The successful contractor to ille an acceptable bond for the faithful performance of his duty. Plans and specification * now on nio with the secretary ot nahl board , and the boaru reserve the rUIit to reject any or all bids. ' " " , Vrosldent. SocVe&y0 Z.T. WH.COX , Plans for the six-room ward uulhlltig will bo completed about May SS. All bids to bo accompanied by certified chock forKOO evidence of good faith. Nntinc. Notice Is hereby glvon that sealed bids will be received by the clerk of Adams County Neb raska , nt his onico Hastings. Nebraska , on or before twMvo o'clock noon of JulyVth , 1WJ , for thapurchasoof seventy llvo bonds of the de nomination ut one thousand dollars each to bo Issued by tile County of Adams in the State of Nebraska , to bo dated July 1st , 1MW. nnd to bo payable at the Fiscal Agency of the Stain ot Nebraska , City ot Now York. State ot New Vork twenty years nftor the date then-ot rc- decmablaat any tlmo on or after ton years from thodato thpieof nttho option of saUlrounty of Adams and to bear Interest at thn rate ot llvo per cent per unnnin payable annually on the llrst day of July in each year , for which Interest coupons fihall bo attached jiayablo ut the tlscat agency nforosuld. Hlghts reserved toroject any nnd all bids. Ily order of the Hoard of Supervisors , May Oth 1S8 . L. H. P.uiTitinor. [ RKAI..1 County Clerk. JOHN A. CASIO , County Attorney. m2ldtoJyO OMAHA , NEIL. JUNE 1 , 18SD.-8EALF.D proposals will bo received hoio until two o'clock p. m. , central time , July M , l'i ( , and then opened , for the construction of an L or nil- dltlon of each of two barracks at Fort Nloorarn , Nub , The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. All Information furnished on nppllr. itlon here , orto PostOuartermnstoi' , Fort Nlobiaro. Envelopes unclosing piopoxals chould ba marked "Proposals tor mhmloin to barracks. " 11UI1IIK8. Lieut. Colonel - onol and Deputy Quartermaster General , U. 8 , A. , Chief Quartermaster. J-5-tl-78-jy-5-fl Notice. Matter of application of Messrs Ilerry and Wonmck for permit to soil liquor as Druggists. ft otic o Is hereby glxon thatMossrs lleiryand Wornack did upon the 2Mb day of May A. D. IBM ) , tllo their application to tno Hoaul of 1'lro and Tolloo ( 'ommlssloners nt Omuhii , for poi- mil to soil Malt , Spirituous and Vinous Liquors as Druggists , for medicinal , mechanical and chemical purposes only , at No. 25J4 Siumders Sheet , Gth Ward , Omaha. Nebraska , fiomtho 1st d ly of .lanuai y IKt'J ' to the 1st day January 1KW. If thcro be no objection , lemonstranco or pro test ( Hod within \Mioksfrom May 31st A. I ) . IbS ! ) . the sum pcrmlt'wlll bo granted 2U-5 lluiuiv & WOUSACK , Apllcants. Notice is hereby irlvon that sealed bids will bo received by the Cloik of Ailiuns County Nebraska - raska , at his otllct * . Hastings , Nebraska , until twelve o'clock noon on Juno nth , 111 , for fur nishing all material and all the labor for the construction , and to construct a County Court House and County Jail , at th city ot Hastings Nebraska , according to certain plans and spocl- tlcatlonsand drawings to bo on lllo at the unite of the. Biltl County Clerk on and after May 2.1th 18.s'i. 18.s'i.The party or parties with whom the said County of Adams may contract for the furnish- Ingsnld material and labor and construction of said County Com t House and Jail , are to enter IntoaHood and snlllclont bond to bo approved by building committee conditioned according to law. nights reserved to i eject any nnd all bids. Also ; during the same tlmo nnd the xamo place the Biild Clerk will iccelvo sealed bids for fiir- nlMhlng nud putting in cells in the proposed County Jail , to bu elected in the city of Hast ings Adams County Nebraska , H.ilil bids to con tain sfp.irnto offeron the tv , o kinds of cells Uz : Hevolvlng Cylinder , Stationary cells , and six straight squari ) cells , with corridor of any manufacture that the. lloaid of Supervisors of said County may adopt. Hleht lesei'ved toiuject any and all bids. Ily Older of Hoatd of Suporvlsois , May nth , 1& > 9. JOHN A. CASTO , L. 11. PTiannK , Co. Att'y. County Cleik. ( Seal ) May-Jl-d-21t Notion. . \TOTICK is hereby given that scaled bids will J. 1 bo received at the otllce of the secretary of the board of education at Crete , Nobiaskn , on or before July 3rd , 18811 , ut 8 o'clock p , m. of Mild day , for the purchase of nfleen registered xchool bonds , the balance of the Kil.UlO Issue. The fifteen bonds arts of the denomination of one thousand dollars , each dittid July 2nd , Ic8' , and payable at the Fiscal Agency of tha state of Nebraska , city of New \ or.k and stuto of Now York ; twenty years after date , optional after ten years , and to bear interest ut r , per cent per annum payable seml-anuually on January 2nd and July 2nd of each year , for which Interest coupons urn attached and pay able at the Uscal agency aforesaid. The board reserves the right to reject any or nil bids. Hv order of the board ot education tor the school district of Crate , Saline county , Nebraska. W. T. HUCIH.NAV , Juno 3rd , 1889. JCdJt Secretary. THE REALTY MARKET. f N3THUMKNT3 placoJ on reoorj during Jtyestordav. , M A J Moie and husband to H Mc.Mtill on , lot U. blk 1)8. Grandvlow , w d1 . $ 425 W Hennessey to F E Mooros , lots 2 and .1. hlk 2 , Kountzo i Ruth's place , w d . . . . 2,500 FEMooro and wife to 1C Honnoasny , same as above , w d . 2,500 M Toft to C H Scott , part ot lots 3 and 4. Clark's add. w d . 23.0UO M Meyer to E S Jester , und ' 4 of lot 4 , ulfc " 1C , " Shlnn'.s second add. w d . 285 M Ittnor and guardian to E S Jester , und 34 ot lot 4 , "K. " Shlnn's second add , w d 803 W L bolby and wlfo to J H Smith , lot 1 , blk3 , W L Selby'stli-Uadd , w il . 450 J W Taylor to N A ICuhn , lot 10 , blk 1 , Kendall's add . T 11 Mluahan and wife to U J Smyth , lot 21. blk I , llronnan Place , q c d . 1 C J Smyth and wlfo to T P llalfe. lot 2.J. blk I. llronnan Placo. wd . 2.500 M T Patrick and wlto to H H Mulford , lot 17. blk 11 , Patilck's second add , w d 800 E A ChoneiytoJ F Coots , lot 11 , blk 3J , Albrlght'o Cholco. w d . 4-5 H torcmauand wlfo to J Foreman , lot 8 , blk 1 , South Om-iha nark , wd . 400 United States to J Hoildy. sw IU-14-I" , as signed to F Ivump. plat . I H Uoohmeand husband to A PTukoy , lots 27 and2s. Omaha Hulldlng nnd Sav ings association add , q c d . ] South Omaha Lund Company to G & W Frltts , lots 1 , 2 and .1. blk 115. South Umilui , wd . . . . 810 G W Loonils. lulrnlnlurator , to N Andnr- son , lot 17 , Oak Hill , deed . % 0 N Anderson and wlfo to 1' Thomson , lot 17 , Oak Hill , w d . -.0) G K Ilarkor and wlfo tn F H Smith , lot IB , blk II. Orchard Hill , wd . 00) South Omaha Land Company to E Gu'oner , lot I , blk U2 , South O.naha . . . . If Woodward to HrunswIcX-llalko Col- Blender Company , lot 12 , blk 2 , l.ri'.icii.ster I'laco. wd . H'0 A V Tnlcey etu ! to M Anderson , Iot2 > , blk 14 , Clifton Hill , w d . SIX ) South Omaha Lund Company to W Gundy , lot 'I , bU 118. South iliiiahu , w it 217 H S Hall anil wife tn M II Mlllanl. und 'i otlots 1 , 2 , 7 , 8 and 18 , Coin out I'laco , w d . 15,730 T Snoba and wife to Mil Mlllard. und ! i of lots L 2 , 7 , P ami 18. Coin en t Place , w d . 15,7:0 M II Mlllard and wlfo to T Swobo. und U of lots 0. lit , 1 1 , 15 , 18. 17 , 11) und 20 , Con- vunt Place , wd . 31ftVJ HS Hull and wlfo to TBtvnhu , uml U ot hits 0,10 , 14,11.10 , 17 , 10 and 40 , Convent Plucti. w it . 31,830 LCrombioto WTSNollgh , lot 13 , blk 1 , Mayno's second add , wd . 3.00J Twenty-elijlit transfers . 13iJ,379 ? 1'orimti. The following por.nitt < vjro UvjoJ by Hulldini ; InspuQtor Wlailook ynt > n'Jay : II , T Harmon , fianvi addition to dwell- ng . t 2M L&toy A : llonson , two two-story brluk stores . . . . . . . . 10,000 George 8. Dunham , two story frarua icsiileiico . 4rjou Jumex and Hamiiel Montsomory , two- Htory brick block . 7,0 AugUNt Schroodur , kitclun addition to Uivtlllng . 50 E. L. Hobertson , c.irrl io house . . ; i/UJ O. H. Cntn , eight one-und-ono half story fiama rcKlilences. Maple near Twenty- ul hth avonitu . 12.0X ) Four minor pormlts . , . . . . , . . Eleven permits , aggregating . , . . . . fcM , OJ ttllUllil OF OMAHA , Norlhpnsl Comei * Funiuiii and litth SU 1'nld Up Capital $500,000 ' urriliib Fund 100,000 FHANK MUIU'HV. Proaldent. tAMIIEL E. HOGEHS , Vice President DUN Ii. WOOD , Cashier. LUTHEH DHAKK. Assistant Cashier Accounts solicited ami prompt attention To all busluou entruKt ate Hw cum. ICLABKE ESTABLISHED 185II ISO So. Chicago , Ills , i OlarkSt. Tto Regular 0d-Estsbllshc3 ! PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON It itlll Treating with tha Grwtort SKILL and SUCCESS Chronic , Neryons and Private Diseases , ' KVNERVOUS DEBILITY , Lott Minhood. Palling Memory , Bxliauatlne Drln , Terrlblt Dreamt , Head and LJack Ache and ll the , effect ! leading to early dccuy and peih p Coniumptlon Inianlty , tnmtd ickntlfically by new meihodt with never-fining tuccett * - 8 Y PHI LI 3 an J n b d Dlood and Bkln Dla- tate > permanently cured , f KIDNEY > nd URINARYcompUlMiQle t , Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocele nd ell tlbeaita of the Qtnlto-Urin.iry Orgunt cured promptly without Injury to Stomach , Kldntyi or other Organi. OfNo experiment ! . ARC and experience lm portant. Consultation free and ( acred. 40 Send 4 centt poil C' for Celebrated Worki oa Chronic , Nervoua ind Delicate DUeaiea , WThose contemplating Mairlaxa nd for Dr. Clarke's ctltbmled guide Male and Female , each is cenli , both as centi ( itampi ) . Coniult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or call m y v future tufftr. Ing nnd thame , on J add golden yenrt to life. X9Uook "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 5oc nt ( ampi ) . Medltini and wilting ! lent everywhere , lecure from xpoturt. Houn.BloB. Sundiyip tn u , Adiliest F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , . 100 So. Clark SU CHICAGO , Itl * THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. I