Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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delivered l > r canlcr In Anv rnrt of he City R
T entyCents I'cr Week.
TI'.Lii'HONiSt : :
. IH'FixrM Omen No. 43.
NiOIlT KniToti , No.St.
aiixou M
N. V.Plumblng Co.
1) . W. Otis , city oud form loans.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
' to William A. JclTcrlsnndSusloIj. Simmons ,
both of this city. '
A , Mulqueen and Fannlo King wpro ar
rested on Lower Uroudway , In n houso'of
tirostituUon , und booked at the city basilic
for vagrancy.
tDon't ' fall to hcnr Mrs. L. H. Washington's
frco temperance lecture at the 1'rcsbytorlnn
church to night. H. R Wright , president of
the Iowa State Temperance alliance , will
nlso bo present nna tnuko a few remarks.
Everyone. Invited.
Joe Wilson was hauled In yesterday for
disturbing the peace. Wilson nnd his wlfo
separated some tlmo ago , and yesterday's
trouble was the result of former dlmcultloft.
An examination Into the facts of the case re
sulted In his discharge.
The agents of all the express companies In
the city have received instructions to "dead
head" nil packages sent to the Johnstown
BuffcrorB. Any donations lor tlio relief of
the Inhabitants of the stricken district will
bo carried to the sufferers free of charge.
The regular meeting of the Hctnll Mer
chants' association was adjourned last even
ing on account of the relief meeting held at
the opera house , in the Interest of the Johns-
town'suffcront. The meeting will occur on
Friday evening , at 8 o'clock sharp , In the
library room at the county court house.
At the meeting of St. Alban'o lodge Mo.
17 , Knights of Pythias , Tuesday night , the
following onlcers wcro elected for the ensu
ing torin : C. C. , James J. Keith ; V. C. , J.
7 0. Orason ; P. , Hcv. J. J. 11. Ucedy ; M. ut
* A , , J. L. Smith ; 1. O. , E. H. Stophnns ; O.
G. . J. Shofforll ; trustees , J. C. Grnson , C. A.
Tibbltts nnd U. W. Hicks.
The executive committee of the Firemen's
association hold a meeting last evening to
complete arrangements for the tournament.
Hcports from Fort Madison state that that
city will send a delegation on u special train ,
and will lm\o their quarters In their cars. A
pompier corps will como from Chicago. The
work of putting up strcei decorations will
commence this morning.
The promenade festival given by the ladles
of St Francis Xavlor's church , at Masonio
temple , lust evening was a grand success.
The largo hall was tilled , nnd the programme
rendered was greatly anpreciatcd. The con-
cerUglvcn by the .Mandolin and Guitar club
of Omaha was very line , and some , excellent
, , munlo was furnished. Several beautiful
, solos were rendered by Mrs. O'Neill , Mrs.
' Darruugh and Mr. liurkley. The proceeds
i r wcro about S1DO.
The directors of the Milwaukee railroad
company guvo this city the go by on their
trip over the Iowa lines of the company this
week. They loft Milwaukee Sunday even
ing , passed through Minnesota and Dakota ,
and hade through this state. Superintend-
out Campbell ciuno In hereto meet them , but
they wont from Sioux-City to Manilla Junc
tion , on their way home , and ho joined them
nt1 the latter place Tuesday evening. They
returned homo yesterday.
The mas ? Jrieetlng held at Dolmny's last
J ' evening , in the interest of the Johnstown
* k sufferers , was not a howling success , the at
tendance being very small. This was un
doubtedly owing to the fact that the city had
been well canvassed during the day by the
committee soliciting donations , and as nearly
all hud responded , the public did not care to
have the sauio thing rehearsed again. The
f Booting first nnd the committee afterwards
[ might have resulted more successfully ,
Notes and mortgages bought and sold ,
' money leaned ; fire insurance. Robert
V. Innes , 150 Pearl st.
Hoisler's Oyster Bay chop house and
rostuurantday and night,603 Broadway.
' % *
jv Dangler vapor stoves at cost change
T location. Shugurt &Co.,211Broadway.
John M. Lane , local agent of the Milwau
kee , returned yesterday morning from Chi-
coco , whore ho went , to meet his wife , who
has boon visiting for the past two months ,
with relatives in Wisconsin.
George Marshal , a former resident of this
city , but now of Denver , is hero Jor a few
days' visit with old friends. Ho is on his
way to Kentucky to purchase a carload of
horses for the western market.
Fred Stone , the well known professional
sprinter , of Now York , arrived in the city
yesterday , to take part in the tournament
races. Ho is a very fast 100-yards runner ,
and will help uiuko thcso contests intcrcst-
ing nnd exciting.
| > * Badallot sells groceries.
e -H M. Wollinun , jeweler , moved to 538
< ' \ MiiHlu Hath Charms.
A The Mueller Music company yesterday ro-
, / . celvod an elegant Washburn guitar , sent by
; T Lyon & Heuly as a gift to the comlnc trades
display and exposition for the benefit ot the
. Clmutuuqua ana hospital. The instrument
' , Is a beauty and Is valued at ? 'jy. Mr. Mueller
nlso received for the same puruoso a $20
- piano scarf , which is a charmer. The gifts
' have ; been duly turned over to the proper
. committee.
For tlio
The American Express company will carry
frco the donations of clothing and money for
ttio sufferers of the Johnstown disaster.
II. C. 13mnic : , Agent.
Try now Metropolitan rooms and table
Wave your old furniture upholstered *
good as now. 11. Morgan , 702 Broadway.
Woolsoy & Long paper rooms neat ,
quick , cheap. ! ! 1 Main , lol i ! ( ) : ! .
Finest Ice Cream in city. Dricslmch's
double parlors , I5 ! Main tit.
S. B. Wndsworth & Co. loan money.
The Now Ogden is catching traveling
men at $2 per day.
A Cnr Ijond of Charily.
The cur of provisions for the relief of the
Johnstown sufferers will not bo sent until
'to-day on account of domy In loading ,
About four hundred sacks of Hour were do
nated yesterday , and this amount will bo
greatly Increased to-day. The Northwest
ern company furnishes a special car to tuko
the provisions to the sufferers. The commit-
'teo were busy till day yesterday , and the clt-
IzOiiB responded very generously. No ono
refusal to contribute to the rulluf of the un
fortunate , and a full cor load of Council
Bluffs charity leaves to-night for the rollof
of the survivors of the stricken valley ,
Free 1'holograph ? .
Until July 1 , IBSf ) , I will give free
four (4) ( ) extra cabinets to all those get
ting one dozen cabinets at the regular
price , $3 , Sixteen cabinets for $3.00
only. I do this to show up my now
scenery , styles and work , Mulshed in my
own place and by my own personal ex
perience. llAimv SCHMIDT ,
220 Main St. , opposite court house.
If you want a tasty and convenient
fence or railing about your residence
or lawn , use C. J. fiecknuin'B patent
: locking bracket , as any panel can bo
' : readily taken out und tlrmly replaced.
Address C. J. Beckman , 728 Seventh
| .For 825.00 The N. V. Plumbing Co.
will put u lead service plpa and hydrant
in your yard ; also 60 feet extra hone.
Call at once ut 114 Main street.
Dr , C. C. Ilufcoa , dentist , Opera house
The Total Assessment as Compared
With the Previous Ono.
The HnrlicrH Talking ol' Get Una n
Weekly Item Hellof For Johns *
town Sufferers I
News I
. The City's Assessment.
The city assessor has finished looking over
his books , and figuring out the exact amount
of the charges made by the board of equaliza
tion. The total assessment made by him was
? . " > , ! Ji5H8 , nnd the board of equalization
raised this sum $ TO,8."l ) . The railroad as
sessment is ( OTiS.GfM ) , making the total city
assessment $ < J,120G53 , as compared with
about $1.500,000 two years ago. It was esti
mated that the raise made by the board of
equalization would amount to abotit $100,000 ,
and It would have considerably exceeded that
sum , but , Just before finally adjourning , the
assessment of the Klmball-Champ Invest
ment company , which nad been raised from
$10,011) to J30.IKX ) , was reduced to 514SCO , nnd
the assessment of the Omaha & Council
UlufTs Hallway and Bridge company was ro-
duccd from $100,000 to 00,000. As finally set
tled , the assessment of IBS' ) shows an increase
of considerable over $1,500,01)0. )
See Boodino Rooflng if you are build
ing. Blrkinblno Engineering and
Supply Co. , 116 Pearl St. , Council
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Sunday hlinvlns.
The barbers of the city are getting ready
for business , nnd will push the Sunday clos
ing scheme In a vigorous manner. A meet
ing Is called for this evening , and all jour
neymen barbers nnd proprietors of shops fa
voring the Idea are requested to meet at John
Schlckctanz' shop , 104 South Main strcot , be
tween 8.:80 : nnd 0 o'clock. J'ho tonsorial ar
tists are In earnest , and are bound to put n
stop to Sunday chin scraping and hair cut
ting , If it is possible.
Said one barber to Tun UEE yesterday. "It
Is all foolishness to keep us st work Sunday
forenoons. If there was any use of It I
wouldn't kick , but It Is unnecessary. Week
In nnd week out there is very little doing
Saturday forenoons , and it is the same after
"J o'clock Saturday evening. Then again ,
Sunday morning , until 9 o'clock , wo don't
have much to do , but from 9 o'clock until
noon we have to Jump. If wo were busy
Saturday morning , or until 11 o'clock Satur
day night , there might bo some
excuse for running Sunday morning ,
but they haven't that fact to urge.
There is nny amount of customers who
could get shaved Saturday night lust as well
as not , but they rather like the Idea of hav
ing a good excuse to conic down town Sun
day morning , for then they not only get their
shave , but they look over the papers , smoke
a social cigar , talk over the sporting news of
the week , and generally drop into some of
the card parlors for a quiet game of crib or
high live. This makes a very pleasant fore
noon for them , and it all follows their morn
ing statement that tht'.v must go down town
and get shaved. Itoften happens that they
get shaved closer outside the barber's chair
than they do In it.
"Hut wo don't care about that. "Wo are
looking out for ourselves and wo wantn
change. If this movement is carried out , It
will put a stop to all of them , whether they
want to close or not. If wo decide to close ,
wo will prosecute every barber who works
on Sunday , us the Iowa law covers the mat
ter. Yo'u see , It will bo an all around shut
down , If wo conclude that wo will not work
Sunday. Some of tne proprietors have got
the notion into their heads that that this
move is all on account of'tho bai-bors' union ,
nnd one of them , in advertising for a newman
man , states that no union man need apply.
Such an Idea is u very foolish one to enter
tain , as it is utterly without foundation. The
union has nothing whatever to do with it.
The fact is that there are more non-union
men supporting the move than there are
union men. Wo will decide to-morrow night
what to do , and I am very sure that the de
cision will bo to close. A man can't stand
lit a chair seven days in a week Just for fun.
There isn't a barber in this city who takes in
over $3.70 any Sunday morning , and that is
between 9 and 13 o'clock. It might just as
well come in Saturday night , nud wo will
see If wo can't effect a change. "
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Bodino Roofing. Birkinblno En
gineering and Supply Co. , 116 Pearl
St. , Council Bluffs.
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s
loan oflico on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value , without
removal. All business strictly confi
dential ,
_ _
Ijftld nt Kent.
The funeral of F. A. Burke took place nt 2
o'clock , yesterday afternoon , from the fam
ily residence , 023 Washington nvonuo , Hev.
G. W. Crofts , of the congregational church ,
oftlciatlng. The services were attended by
a largo number of people , who gathered to
pay their last tributes ot respect to the mem
ory of an old and honored cltizon. Among
those In attendance were many of the old
residents of this city and county , as well as
a number from Omaha. The Odd Fellow
lodges of the city wcro in attend
ance In a body , and after the ser
vices ut the house were completed ,
the remains were taken in charge by the
members ot the order , and convoyed to the
Falrvlow cemetery , where they were laid to
rest with the ceremonies of the Odd Fellow
ritual. The pall bearers wore N , A. Taylor ,
G. I. Jacobs , .1. N. Cassady , John Schlckv-
tany , S. S. Keller and Thomas llowmau.
Bodino Roofing will stand as long us
the building. Blrkinbino Engineering
and Supply Co. , 115 1'ctirl St. , Council
Bcchtolo hotel. Central location.
Firbt class.
A IliKamy Suit.
The bigamy case of State vs Drawn occu
pied the attention of the district court nil
of yesterday , and when court adjourned last
evening was but well under way. The pros
ecuting witness , Mary Sutton , was on the
stuml the entire day , The direct examina
tion was finished before 11 o'clock , and Colonel
nel Dally occupied the remainder of the day
In cross examination , which was not yet
completed. Ho evidently hopes to make
much of his case from her testimony , und Is
working hard on each llttlo detail. The
cburt room was thronged all day , but the
.testimony was not quite what they ex
pected , The case will hardly be completed
You can buy latest stvlo " parasol or
umbrella at James & Huvorstoek's
cheaper than any placu in the city.
* i
If you are building , investigate Bo
dine Roollng at 16 ] 1'onrl street. It is
superior to slate , shingles , iron or tin ,
and will hist a life time. Adapted to
any kind of roof. ' Birkinblno Engineer
ing and Supply company.
Chnruh Women.
The ladles of Unity Guild and of All
Saints' Aid society have united in u project
for raising money during the session of the
Chautauquu assembly. They will erect a
building , 24x40 feet , on the Chautauqua
grounds , to be known as Eplaconal head
quarters. They will servo lunches , Ice
cream , lemonade , etc. , and will also keep
small fancy articles for Bale , The executive
couiinlUco ecmslsta of the followuiff ladles :
Mesdnmcs Gnrdlricr , Weathcrbcc. Jackson , .
Hudto , Knhlc , Highsmlth , nnd McMillan ,
Soliciting committee Mrs. Shepherd , Mrs.
Sllchter. Miss Xipf and Miss Mikcxull.
All latllcs having articles which they wish
to donate for the fancy tablna are requested
to leave thorn with Mrs. Gardiner or Mrs.
ICntilo. The proceeds are to bo dovotea to
paying for the lot recently purchased by the
ladies of Unity Guild , and toward erecting a
rectory for All Saints' parish. The Indies
are working bard and hope for liberal pat
Bodino Roofing will not crack or
npllt. Birkinblno Engineering and
Supply Co. , 115 Pearl st. , Council
Ornumllpfu ApprnhcttRlon.
Certain parties mid certain papers In the
cltv hnvo been attempting , on seemingly very
poor grounds , for the past day or two , to
create a sensation , and n ( teat of apprehen
sion , regarding the safety of Judge Hooil , of
this city , nnd congressman from this dis
trict , by alleging that ho must have been n
passenger on ono of the trains sidetracked
nt Johnstown , at the ttmo of the recent flood ,
and therefore probably among the lost. This
apprehension was not shared by the family
of Judge Heed , but thov telegraphed ,
yesterday , to ascertain his wherobouts.
Two answers were received , ono from Mr.
Hepburn , nt Washington , and the other from
Judge Heed , who is In Washington county ,
Pennsylvania. The Judge stated that he was
visiting relatives nt that point , nnd had not
been at Johnstown. Ho is well und expects
to bo homo before long. The following Is
the other telegram , showing the whereabouts
of the Judge at the time of the disaster :
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 5. To S. J.
Reed ; Do not know whether Judge Heed Is
now In Washington or not. but ho was hero
as late as last Monday , w. P. HEIMIUUN.
Money loaned on luinituro , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair nnd honorable dealing.
A. A. Chirk & Co.-olllcc cor. Broadway
und Main , over American express.
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 627 B'dway
You Will Ilccocnizo Him by the Tomato
mate Can Over His Head. .
A person who has evidently been
driven insane through the midnight
musiu of cats sends the following com
munication to the St. Louis Republic :
My tortolso shell cat \vnu presented tome
mo llvo times ; each time ho returned
to the place of his birth , to bo thrown
into a willow basket and hustled hack
to me. Ho continued to act in this way ,
receiving a now name each time until
ho was hardly presentable. The name
which scorned to please him best was
that of Sardanapalus. I called him so ,
not only because this oriental hero has
never had oven a disease named in
honor of him , but because early in lifo
the cat evinced a liking for licking out
the interior of sardine cans.
In the course of time Sardanapalus
developed into a strong , manly catwith
a full-blown noso. IIo mixed n great
deal in society , chiefly at : : ight. As
soon as any ono was sirring in the
morning ho would enter the study and
curl up on the unabrigod dictionary to
take his duy'b rest. Managing by strict-
economy to make both ends moot , hero
ho would lie , growling and striking out
viciously whenever I wiped my pun on
him or wished to ransack Webster for
the missing "o" in judgment.
But , alas , the morning of the 14th
brought not my Sardanapalaus to mo.
After a moment's search wo discovered
him in a vacant lot near by , endeavor
ing to free himself from an empty corn
can , which , as ho was exploring its
deuths , hud caught firmly in the fur be
hind his cars. The can had been
opened only at one end , but a hole had
been punched in the other end
so that Sardanapalaus could breathe
easily and view the surrounding
landscape to a limited extent.
I approached cautiously to remove his
Bunbonnot , but the instant I laid my
hand tenderly upon him ho shot down
the street and was gone like n streak of
good luck , knocking ns he wont two
baby carriages off the track and leaving
his pursuers far in the rear. I wont to
the nearest drug store to telenhone to
all my friends living in the direction
in which ho had started out. I asked
them to got a halter and try to stop
him ; or , if that was not possible , to
head him olT.
But none of them succeeded and wo
never heard of him again.
Wo listen in vain for the catlike
tread of his cushioned fcot. I will never
again crawl out ol bed , tearing the
azure robe of night on a rocking ctiair
and sweep Sardanapalus and his little
band of followers off the bade porch.
Ho loft nothing by which to bo remem
bered except a few locks of his hair ,
which I subsequently plucked from the
rose bush , and the impression of his
delicate form in the lettuce bed.
The Latest Hottlo Trick.
"I'll hot v u 81,000 to $10 that you
can't uo it , was the startling annouce-
ment overheard the other day in a fash
ionable club , says the Philadelphia
Press. Those odds were finally reduced
to a bibulous basis at oven money , and
"it" was then attempted. An empty
quart champaign bottle was brought ,
and the feat consists in grasping it
firmly around the nock in the hollow
between the knuckles of the thumb and
forefinger , and then , without allowing
the bottle to incline from the perpen
dicular and without "jumping" it , to
work the hand down gradually by the
aid of the fingers until the bottom of
the bottle rests in the palm of the hand.
It can bo done. The challenged party
is one of the best known and strongest
athletes in the city , but ho failed in hi&
A. A. IIAKT , Prop.
Honest Watches , Clocks , Jewelry and Silver
wato. AM dunning and rupnlrlnt ; under per
Fonnl oiipurvlslon of the proprietor. Stationery
Toilet articles and 1'erfuniery. 1'lno Watches
Time Locks anil Chronumuter.s n specially ,
111) ) MAIN ST. , Council Illuira. & OIU :
Are thoroughly prepared to take euro of horses
nnd cnrrlBgim of nil visitors to the Into. Plenty
or sheds utul stalls , und unlni'ils und carriages
will lie .if ely cared tor. Cliaruos reasonable.
Accommodating hostlem on hand nklit and
day. When you drive to the Lake , don't forget
Now Look out Moths UDesmestes
It conslata ( if HIIOW wlilti ) Hakes. A produc
tion from Coal Tar. I'UUFKOL'f.Y ' HAHM-
l.ICsS. 1'ri'o from oil , acid or nny substaiico
tluit oulil harm the most delicate fabric or
feather. It ovnponitoa without lo.ivlnR nny
reslduu. ItkllU moths whllu camphor merrly
drives them away.
r. J. ESKAKKI ; ,
Folo Agent , Council lllulfB.
Railroad Watch Inspectors
For Union I'acjfle , Chicago Si ,
Chicago , KocK Inland & 1'aelnc , Chicago , Ilur-
lIuutou&Qmucy , Kansas City & St. Joe mil-
No. 27 Main St. ,
llcloiv wo give names of n f nv < > r ( lie many
' of
In Council HlulTsnna vlclmty.1 Tlio clnrftclcr
ot tlio iuitron immo'l , nud 'Vhu'ninoutit entrusted -
trusted by each to the vrotcot1ort < of the com
pany , Indicates the conlldonoJ enjoyed by it at
liopio here Its ninniior ot tlfllni business Is
l ist known. i T
0.1) . Dlllln . > 1.,1 . 10.000
l.iinoy liros. & Co . , .
Charles ItaiiRlm . ir . > u. . . . . . fAffjO
II. -Morrow . ROTO
John Ilonnott . , . . , . .ira . Wi0
William 0'llRllcrnn. . . T fl . K'.OJ
Clmrlis Shields . , . 7.700
N. W. NiiBli . . . . . . . , . , M-"I . 7HV )
i. A. jinior . . . ; . . . . : ; . : . . .KJ.II . ; . . . ; oiuoo
( Icortfo A. Try. . , . ; ? . . : . . . O.'WO '
Henry Hi amnn&Co . n,03l
ShtiEart , Walt to WIcs . i . JVWO
K. U Sliiinnrt . , . 4r. , ' X )
HntiiniiCtthollol-liurcli . 40,0-JJ
Homan Catholic Church , Wustphalla. . . . 40.W
Cnrrvll County Court House . 1,1.05
Abbott tc I'oojicr , . ! . ' ! , ilOO
St. KrancH Acnilemv . W.OOO
Cruvor. Htcelo A : Austin . 1.M.OW
T. XI. U. J.nmin . . . 11.KW
tlecre , WclU&Co . lO..TO
OcorKo M. Williams . n.'CX )
8. 1) . Kohlcs . B.WJ
O. U. Cartiantcr . (1,700 (
.Masotila Temple . O.iw.1
Mctc.ilf Ilros . , . , . 0,0(10
C. A. llocbo& Co . 5.000
B.S. Keller. . . . . . 11,500
Notion When our policy o.xrcods SiVXxi.oo
on property subject to dosiruotlon by n sln lo
Ilro , tlie excess la ro-lnsurjq In other companies.
OH , NO !
But \vo do wnnt the people of Western
Iowa to know thut tlio
NO. 100 MAIN ST. ,
Cor. First Avoinio , carry tlio Inrp cst
Block of BOOTS itnfl SHOES in this
city. I'lisit wo always load in popular
pricos. That porHons wanting rollablo
pnoils can save money by trailintj with
us. S. A. PI BUG B.
Insure In ihn U. S. Masonic Ucnovolcnt
Association of Council ItluIFs , la. , the
jouiurcst. largest , riicnncst and licsl plan
of Masonic Insnrancu in the world , that
conlhu's its incinlicrsliip to its fraternity.
W. L. PATTON , Prop.
Elegant Rigs at Reasonable Rates.
Nos. 19 and ! ! 1 , North Main Street.
Council BlulTs , Iowa.
Hidesjallow , Pelts , W/ / & Furs ,
Highest market prices. Prompt return ? . Noa
b U und tua Mnln St. , Council lifiilfm Iowa
What is Jtcoilcil is a Grind
Just received nnd on exhibition iit the gns com
pany's oITlco. Unstiuullod for convt'iilenco.
Absolute safety. No odor , nnd above nil , eco
nomical If properly used Call and oxnmluo
them whether you Intend purchasing or not.
f3Tlffi warned lm nip < llitcTy ( for ronfictToncry
V.7 store. .1. C. Seymour , 33 1'oarl street.
goort farms to ex
- „ T Illnn-i lots. Johnston
> v Van Patten , livcrott block.
WANTED Young lady stenographer and
typewriter would HKO n position as clerk
In somu ollico : b-'st otroforcncoa. Add-less "C , "
Unmlia Hoc. Council llluirs.
WANTKi-lood ) dlnlna room girl at Homo
restaurant , .117 Ilro.idway , Council llluirs.
WANTED I'lrst-fllosi barber Immediately.
No union mon need apply. Frlta Hern-
hard ! , 8 t'oailnt. , Council IlLulls.
TOU HKNT-lloomi MiiiabuT for light housekeeping -
* - ' keeping ; also sliulo room furnished or un
furnished as deslrod , Address C. 1) . , llco
ojllco , Council llluirs.
WANTED , at once , n tirat-clais shipper and
foromnn in wholesale agricultural Imple
ment wurohouso ; none but oxporlonccd mnn
need apply. AtldroisV. . 1 Ik-o olllce , Council
lllnfffi , giving references and narno or last em
171011 SALE No. 500 Orftham avenue. Lot
A1 nixm Now houso. Will tnko loam or
cattle In i > art payment : balance on ten years'
tlmo , annual iwymont * , 8 per rent uayablo
annually. Apply to lloraco Everett.
Foil 8AI.K-On onsy terms , tiio best located
coul yard In Council Hluirs. UV ) foot track-
age , .Mayno. ( Ill ) llroadway. Council IlluirM.
OOWH for sale Will take pay In grading and
tilling nt $1 per day lor man and team , or
will take pay In paining , lloraco livorott.
nwu-Story uustnosi house for rent , No. wo
J. llroailwuy , cppoiltoOgdenhouse. Knuulro
ntSM Krunlt st. A. Wood"
AltAUH chance for a splendid Investment ,
reiiulilng onorgv rather than largo capital.
A fortune for the right man. Half Interest In
the lltiBst practical patent over Issued. Art-
Orosi Swan A : Walker , ( 1'oarl street. Council
"IT10U SAIjK IjOton Nortn Main street , south
-L' of bridge ntIOJ per front foot ; Ions tlmo
given. Apply to Horace Kvurctt.
TT\OH \ 8AI.U Oooil f.irm In Harrison county ;
JL1 IB 1 icco3 , rininlnij water , peed soil , about
i-'tnllos from Council lllull.s ; will tike p.irt pay
ment In city property win humus or cattle.
Apply to llor.tca Kverott.
houses to rent nt Jli nnd 12.50 per
- month on Avonuus II nrtil C. All newly
llnlshed. Dexter A : Armstrong , "it 1'cnrl , room 4.
rpltANSKlTlTTlN i-oiilcte : doTTvorv between
JOnmnn nnd Council Illnlls. llouseholdgooils
and trelRht moved snfolv an-1 promptly. I.oavo
outers nt Omalin oillre , Ji0 > So. 1'jtli st , : Council
llhUTs 7 iVilnm. II. lleecrott.
OTTfJf \ plbniliil momitoTlpeclmensrnrebiFd1 ;
, V/UUnmlnnlinnls from every cllmo. Mu t
bo soul at , OUCH. Slnulo or In cnsos. ! ' . .1. Hrnzce
llrst classJaxidoriiiHt , Council
. . . . . „ - . aad soli ! and ox-
chanced. Sporlil attention Klven to exam
ination of titles. W. C. James , No. 1U 1'carl st.
Council Illulfs.
FOR SAfjK 7 room cottaso , corner Tnlrd
nvenuo nnd Uth st. 15asy terms.V. . C.
James , 10 Pear : st.
FOR UENT Knty terms two now live-room
houses , lilth avu. between HlKli and Third
sts. Sell cheiip If taken this week. Inquire
owner. J. Dickey , 741) ) II. Way.
TTlOlt BALK Old established general mer-
J. ' chandlso business. stocK , ilxtures. waijona ,
etc. Good room and low rent , Address , J.
DlckeyjJtO IJ.JVay
TT OIl UENt Furnish r unfurnished largo
X' ten-room houso. bath room , gas , furnace
etc. . at on Willow avo. Knqulro at premlses.or
G. II. Stlllman , llrowu block.
! ITUtKSH milk cows for sale or trade for fat
1 Jcow.s. . Swan's block yards , Upper llroad
way , Frank Swan.
TTIOH HUNT Largo double olllro over Frank
JL1 Levin's clg.xr store , OJ ilro adway. Inquire
of l'"rank I.evln.
A now Clothing Store has been opened In
Council mull's. No old block or old
styles. Uverythmg strictly tlrst
class. Come and bo convinced.
Positively ono price aim cah ,
Corner Main nnd Broadway ,
Dealers In foreign domestic exchange.
Collections made nud Interest paid on tlmo da-
m3 S j rM ym F
CA3AJA.iVy 7v x v xK. S TT ZTT * * ? ;
nff. OLD
ft , Fashioned
. - - Tel. 2.01 *
Ss = S = = SSf = = = = = = = English
. S SBnxitta
RealEstate&LoanAgents BvoryDay.
5Q5ist.Ave.Bef.Main & Pearl.
* * sfi SS = it ;
HospHalforLame SIcK
itca SrMflc MriCipfes.
Pollco Departaiflfit.
Special Sale of Embroideries :
Special Sale of Eiubroi clered
The finest line of FloUnolngs In the city. The prices g unrnnteed
the lowest. Examine bargains marked BOc , OBc. 80c , $1.OO , $1.20
and $1. DO.
Special Sale of White Goods.
Examine bargains marked Cc , 0 l-4c , 8c , lOc , 12 l-2c , lOc , 18c ,
22c and 2Bc.
Special Sale of Bitchings.
Examine bargains marked Cc , lOc , 12 l-2c , 2Oc and 20c a yard.
Also bargains in Tourist Ruching , 12 l-2c , IBc and 2Oc a box.
Special Sale of Children's Lace Caps.
Examine lots marked 12 I-2c , 2Bc , 880 , 87 l-2c , BOc and 7Bc.
Special Sale of Ladies' Collars.
Kxamlne lots marked Be. lOc or 3 for 2Bc.
Another case ofthe Celebrated Fast Black Hose , lOc a pair ; every
pair warranted or money refunded.
One case of the finest White Bed Spreads this city ever saw for
the money. Full size and extra weight. The price is only $1.OO ;
worth $1.37.
Strive to come early and receive a portion of the bargains.
Leaders nnd Promoters of LOW PRICES.
4O1 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
N. B. Mail orders promptly atttenclcd to.
Of the late J. M. Phillips at a
I am determined to give the public the benefit of my purchase. I quote the followlns
prkes :
HSUfitT & ItlKAECS' MUD'S Fine Shoes , § 5 , lorincr price , 8 * * .
S. S. 'ffimS323t'S ittcn'M EEiiiid-Scu'uct Slides , $5 , former
price , S7.SO.
E. C1. ISUKT'.S JLiuifcs' French Kill , turned , nt $5 , former
price , ST.
E. < J. fitCJIMPS Cur Kiel at $ : i , former pricf , S5 < < " "l " " oilier
on < N at luamifactiiroV price * , or less. Mail orders
promptly attended to.
I. PILES , 413 Broadway.
Council ItlullB , Iowa.
SIZES FROM Especially Adapted for
25 TO 300
HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators
Bpccltlcatlonsnml cstlninlcs lurnlalioJ forcompletn Menm irinntn. llceulntlon , Durability KunmutcoJ.
Out show leticra Ironi usura wbcro f uul economy Is ciiiul | with CorllNcmcoinlc'iislni ; ,
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for cntaloprue. No. 610 Poui'l Street , Council BlulTs.
Now Organs at $1.00 a weeic.
New Plnnos nt $2.50 to $5.00 a week
No. 33 Main St. , : : Council Bluffs Ia.f
/ M Dl IMC Ilytlniulio nnd Sunitury Hiitfinoor. Pluns , Hbt.l
HDIDl/l Specifications. SupcrvlHlon of 1'ublio Work. Brown
BnilcliiiK , Council MluITu , lovvii.
N QP M I I D7lustlco of the I'oaco. Olllco over American E.tprqsri , No.11
Bronilway , Council lilulls , Iowa.
OTniVIET 9 OIR/IQ / Attornoys-ttt-Lnw. 1'raotico In the Htnto and Fod-
O I UINL Oi OlIVlO oral Courts. Rooms 7 und 8 Shujart-13oiio Bloolc ,
Council BlulTs , Iowa. _ _
Dl ID1/C P. TIMI CV Attoriioyb-at-Ltiw. Hooin 10 , aiits'art { , Block
bU ni\L & > I 111 LL I Council Bluira. _ _
LT C "T ? l"1 l\/l \ / A M Attornoy-nt-Luw , Room 4 , Second Floor , Brown
, n , O I ILLIYIrtH Block , 115 I'earl St. , Counoil Blulls , la. Will
practice in State and Fodornl CourtH. . _ _ _