THEY COULDN'T ' RUN ON WIND f bo Baulc of Omaha Forced to Admit Its Insolvency. f > OOR PETER'S GOOSE IS COOKED Hotel Keeper Will Probably Bo Compelled toBcnr the Weight of the Concern' * Inabilities A Unrated Hubble. BtngRorcd By n Check. Lnlo yesterday afternoon It wni rumored ( n financial circles that the Bank of Omaha Was In n shaky condition , and about to BUS- liond. The managers of the institution man aged , however , by a deal of hustling , to moot demands upon them until tbo cloao of bank ing hours , when they announced that the bank was Insolvent and unable to moot fur- thur demands of creditors. The announcement created considerable nurprlso , although the weak condition of the Institution has boon generally known in financial circles for some months past ; In fact , from the organization of the bank under Its present management. The ban It Is located nt COl South Thirteenth street , O. V. Neodham , ox-county clerk , Is president , nnd Prank Wnssornian , Into teller of the United States National bank , cashier. The bank was established In J8bO by Mr. A. Henry , a present director of the Commercial National bank. Mr. Henry also was engaged in the banking business nt Pro mont , nnd was rated as worth nearly half a million dollars. Ho placed f2. > ,000 in actual cash In the Hunk of Omaha , and did a suc cessful and profitable business. Ho desired to Boll the property , nnd about a year ago found purchasers In C. P. Nccdham and Frank \Vas9crnmn. At the time Wassormnn was fcportcd to hove drawn MO.OOO in tbo Lounl- ima state lottery , nnd this , with the fact that ho was paying toiler of the United States Notional , secured a fair credit for the now institution. It transpires now , however , that Wnssor- mnn's lottery ticket only called for § 15,000 , nnd that ail of that sum was required to nquuro his accounts with the United States National. Nccdhnm's finances were nlso low , and the now llrm only purchased from Mr. Henry the fixtures In the institution. Seine difficulty was experienced in adjusting the Incorporation agreements , thu bank In tlio meantime running along in a loose man lier. lier.Last fall on Incorporation was effected , Peter Ooos and Mrs. M. U. Powell being the principal shareholders , nnd the capital stock llxcfl at $100,000. The bank's p.iper was pro tested m Chicago within a few davs after thu Incorporation. The managers explained that this was duo to the fact that they had not yet fully arranged for their correspondents , and wcro hardly in n position to do business. This explanation , coupled with Mr. Gnos' well Icnown financial standing , was accepted by the bank's creditors , and they were allowed to continue in business. I'lio Institution , liowover , failed frequently to make good its clearings , unit thereby lost the conlldenco of the national banks. It i u rule of the national banks to ex clude from the clearings house all banks that bavo a capital of less than $200,000. Tlio cus tom is for b inks with a capital less than this amount to make clearings through some na tional bank. When the lirsl protests wcro made against the bunk the managers of the national banks of the city , after consultation , decided to give thu bank a show , nnd since that time the banks have taken turnsin help ing the Uunk of Omaha through the clearings house. Last December , In his flrst statement to the state auditor , Wassorman showed that the had on deposit H4.000. Last week Ho mucio n statement to the manager of ono of the national banks that the deposits on hand at present amount to $ GO,000. Two weeks ago another protest against the banli was made , nnd the managers of the local na tlonal banks again helped the institution through. On Saturday a commercial agency re quested Washerman to make n statement of the bank's condition. Tlio cashier refused to do this. Such an action on the part of n banlc only admits of ono construction , and that Is that the Institution is unable to make n showing , as all properly conducted bank ing institutions bavo their books in shape to : nnko a showing at the end of each day's business. Upon Wassoruian'8 refusal to make n statement , the Commercial agoacy notified the parties directly Interested of the bank's condition. This brought to the city Vho assistant cashier of S. A. Kceno & Co. . of Clilc.igo , who hold rediscounts of the bank amounting to 52,000. Aftcra goou deal of skirmishing , the bank managed to nice this claim. Then the Commercial National bank , which had helped the Bank of Omaha through the clearings house , had to return the checks to the various banks , as the banli bad no money to meet the clearings claims. Ycstordav the llrm ot Sloan , Johnson & Co. drew a check for SbUO against a deposit of moro than double that amount. The cushlor informed Mr. Johnson that ho did not have currency on hand to meet the do- in and , but would glvo him a certified check , Mr. Johnson refused to accept this offer nnd gave the bank an hour m which to nils * funds to meet the check. The money wa : llnnlly raised. There ape a number of rumors current ate to tlio bank's condition , but no reliable state incut could bo secured last night. Cashlei AVnBscrtnan'a own statement is to the effect that the bank owes its depositors nearly EOO.OOl ) . When soon by n BBIS reporter ho declined to say anything about tlio affairs of the bank , or Its suspension of payment. "Come around to-morrow , " said ho , "and I will tell you all aoout It then. It may bo rather serious , and wo mav bo nblo to fix it up. Wo hope to , nt least. " "But Tin : UKI : will make some mention of It , and would Ilka the facts from you to night , " said the reporter. "Well , I can't say anything about it until , to-morrow , " That was all Mr. Wassorman would say. It is understood that most of the deposit ors are merchants doing business on South Thirteenth street , and the proprietors of the fruit peddling establishments scattered throughout the city. The burden of the failure will fall upon I'otcr Gees and VV. B. Powell , who will firobably bo called upon to make L-ood all shortages. Under the now banking law , which went into effect Juno 1 , any bank official or employe who receives deposits whtlo knowing thu bank to bo insolvent , is liable to a ( Inu of S10.000 or imprisonment In the penitentiary for a term not exceeding live years , or both. This will necessitate the payment bv the bank of nil deposit claims , ns its managers received deposits up to the close of business hours yesterday , A prominent bank otllcial , In speaking to a reporter , last night , said : "This failure must not bo considered as duo to uny business do- Prussian. Thu banlcs of Omaha have moro money than Is ronuired of thorn. The last bank statement shows that there Is on de posit m tlio banks of Omaha $14,000,000. The 25 per cent legal reserve on this amount re quired by tlio government would bo $ yBOO- 000. As a matter of fact , the Omnhn banks Imvo u cash reserve on baud of $7,500,000 , 40 per cent of the amount of deposits , andl5por cent moro than the amount required by the government for gafo banking. The banks are In excellent shape. The prcsout fulluro is n natural result of trying to run a bank Without capital. " Tha Veteran Flromari. At thu mooting of the veteran firemen last evening it wus decided to accept the invita tion of the Council Bluffa nro department to take part In the procession next Wodnasduy , the second day of the tlrouiou'g tournament. Tbo veterans will wear their regular badge. ItloBsrs. Kistinr , Shcoloy and llaumor were appointed as the committee on music : Tlio following committee of nine , consisting of even veterans and two paid llrcmon , was appointed to ontortaln guests who cauio ever to Omaha : Mosurs. Goldsmith , X.lnmiorman , Kennedy , Baumur , Shoeley , Mauror , Llch- tcuberjfor , Farrish and Coulter. The voter- atu will moat at their headquarters at 0 a. a. ilmrp. on Wednesday. Swift' * Specific cured me of ugly and very painful bolls or risings. I had twenty-threo on my back and neck at one time and a great many pn my body. I took S. S. H. , ana two bottles cured me. This was live years ago , ud Uuvo had uo boils since. W. M. MILLEU , Arlington , Tesu , TUB I1UMANK SOCIETY. It Will Tnko Up the Don Killing QIIOB- tlon Next Sunday livening. The reckless and indiscriminate killing of dogs on the streets of Omaha Is meeting with considcrablo opposition , especially by the members of the Itumano society , and a meeting was called at the Paxton hotel last evening to take action In the matter. So few were present , however , that it was doomed best to adjourn the meeting until Sunday evening , at which time nil who oppose cruelty and Inhumanity nnd the present methods of killing dogs are Invited to meet at tbo par lors of the Paxton. At the meeting an address on.tho methods of disposing of dogs , and the use of the muz zle , will bo delivered by'Dr. Miller , ono of the leading humanitarians of the west , and n gentleman who has freely given his time nnd moans to promote nnd foster the Inter ests of the Omaha Humane society. Last evening Dr. Miller made n few re marks on the Importance of tak ing etops to stop Iho shooting of docs , and if the dogs must bo killed , lot thorn bo chloroformed or drowned , and then pcoplo on the streets will not have their lives endangered by the stray bullets from the do ? killers' guns. The Sunday evening meeting will probably bo well attended , and a number of ladles in terested in the good cause will bo present. During the opldomic of choleric dys entery in Presquo Isle county , Mich. , lust summer there were as many as nlno 'eaths in ono day , but not n single oath occurred in cubes whore Cham- ) oplains Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhcoa icmcdy was ufiod. In several In- tances ono small hottlo of that remedy tired ns many as three cases. A NKW SlX-STOIiy B1UC1C. t Will Bo Error ril By Mr. Ames Tor S. P. fllnrHe < St Co. Tun Bui : published exclusively , last oven : tg , the fact that Mr. Ames , the Boston apltalist nnd director of the Union Pacific railway , was in Omaha with n view to pur ihoslng the two lots on Parnaiu street next , bovo the Hank of Commerce , now bulng reeled on the corner of Sixteenth nnd Farnnm streets. Negotiations for those lots iavo been pending for some davs , but yes , erday afternoon they wcro consummated , ind In addition to them the lot facing on Six- centh. on which the 1'neiflo Express com- ianv proposed to erect a building. Mr. Ames will proceed nt oncu to erect a Ix-story building , L. shaped , the main bulld- ng fronting on Fnrnam nnd the L on Six teenth strcof. As soon as completed this , vlll bo occupied by S. P. Morse & Co. , who mvc signed a ten years' lease for the prop erty. For a disordered liver try Bcechaui's Pills. William fs All The mysterious dlsappcarnnco of William Scrimmger from his boarding house , 1810 Farunm street , Mouday night , caused con- idcrablo uneasiness among that young man's fiends , and when ho fulled to put in an np : ) carance , yesterday morning , there were rave suspicions of foul play , and all sorts of rumors wcro afloat. The horrible fate of Dr. ronin was recalled to mind , and the man gled remains of William Scrimlngor were oven then thought to bo somewhere in tbo sower. His landlady thought ho must bo dead , for she said ho had never missed a meal , and as William was well liked by nil of his acquaintances , a fooling of gloom per vaded the whole neighborhood. But last evening the wanderer returned , looking halo nnd hearty , and stated that ho had got into a llttlo trouble here and had skipped to Council Bluffs , until ho hoard of his friends' alarm , when ho concluded to como back. W. H. Wright , of Rogers , Ark. , aproninent 'armor and stock grower , says that Swft's Specific cured him of tetter of twenty years' standing. Of course In that time ho had n great amount of treatment , and says the wonder is that ho did not scratch thu flesh rom his bones. S. S. S. cured him quick and permanently. Cnttliu : Dnwti School I3xp nses , Superintendent James , of the Omaha pub ic schools , stated yesterday that ho was en deavoring to have some changes made by which the cxDcnse of running the schools in the outskirts of the city could bo very mater- , ally reduced. Ho said that in some of the schools there are only a few pupils in the higher grades , and yet teachers have to bo irovided , and the same expense incurred that could answer for a largo number of pu pils , nnd in order to overcome this dlillculty nud.brlng about the needed reform ho sug gested that in cases where there are only a few of the pupils in a grade , they bo re quired to attend other schools , when the school board will bo justified in providing teachers for that particular grade. Advice to .Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always bo u ed for children tooth ing. It soothes tlio child , softens the puins , allays all pains , euros wind colic , and is the best remedy jor diarrhoja. 23o a bottle. _ The I'nric CommlHslone'rs. The park commissioners , accompanied by Mr. Cleveland , of Minneapolis , the engineer employed to assist la beautifying Omaha's parks , Mayor Broatch and Chairman Bal- combo , of tl\o board of public works , drove ever the city yesterday inspecting the vari- oua parks. They visited Spring Lake park , South Omaha : Hanscom park , the poor farm , Walnut Hill and Jefferson square. Hanscom park was examined very carefully by Mr. Cleveland , who took numerous notes and observed all points of interest very closely , with the view of giving special at tention to its improvement. These gentle men go out again to-day to visit the north ern part of the city , thu de.if and dumb insti tute uud other points of interest , Notice. Wells , Fargo & CO.'B express and the American Express company will trans port , free of charge , all contributions of money or supplies to the flooded dis trict of Pennsylvania. OIHco llth and Fnrnam. C. S. POTTHU , General Agent. Another T. A. Harris , the Kansas City bridge con tractor and builder , was In Omaha Tuesday with C. B. Stumors , who represents a Now York nyndloato , interested in the proposition to construct another bridge across the Mis souri river ut this point. They conducted their Investigation very qulotly nnd loft for Sioux City early yesterday. .Mr. Harris said to n confidential friend that the brldgo will be undoubtedly be built ; that work may bo commenced on It thin summer , but ho could not bo prevailed on to furnish other particulars. Examinations have been made of thu Hurnoy , Furnain , Capitol avenue - nuo uud Davenport street crossings. Proof of Ills Marrlniro. C. M. Lynch WOK married by Louis Borka , now police Judge , in 1SSO , but neglected to sccuro a certificate. At present , a person Is trying to garnishea Lyncn's wages , alleging that ho Is not married and Is , therefore , not entitled to the exemption of men with wives. 1 ynoh could not find any of the witnesses to his inarrhigo , and as a last resort wont to Horttu. The Judge Informed him that a ccr- tlllc.Uo of thu union could bo fouud at the court house , and Lynch loft for tnal place m a happy frame of inUut. A Iluutlliii ; Trador. Jamus A. Fioluy , United States post trader nt Pine Hldge agency , is in the city. Mr. Fin ley has a reputation through Dakota and other portions of this union as being a successful politician. Ho la tbo gentleman who took a train load of republicans to New York on the occasion of James U , Blulno's return from Europe last year and paid their expenses. _ Always asker Mlhulovitch's Hun garian blackberry juice with your soda water to retain good health. FOR THE FLOOD SUFFERERS , Work of the Citizens' Ooratnlttoo lu Raising Funds. SUB-COMMITTEE § APPOINTED. Contributions Already I'oitrltiR In An Address to the Public Con tribution rtoxes nnd llnnc- nt Dnyg. Funds. The citizen's committee- raising funds appointed at the opera house Tuesday night met In the oftlco of the secretary of the board t trade at 10 o'clock yesterday. There was n lull attendance of the members nnd dccu Interest In the work was manifested. lion. William A. Pnxton was mnUo chairman and Mr. N. ftason secretary. It was moved and carried that the com mittee bo empowered to olnctsuch additional members as should bo deemed necessary , nnd In accordance with this E.I. . Morso- man , D. Q. Ilhoadcs , Wi N. Nason , Cham pion S. Chase nnd W. S. Jardlno wcro added to the committee. Sub-committees were appointed as follows : Prcss-G. M. Hitchcock. Attorneys E. M. Unrtlott nnd C. S. lontuomery. Uailroads J. Nichols. Physicians and Professional Men Dr. J , B. Ralph and Ur. J. W. Halley. Clotning Houses Major Wilcox and Mr. Gamble. Telegraph Companies . ! . J. Dlckoy. Coal Dealers D. 0. Uhonils. Drug Stores J. A. fuller. W. II. Ooodall , David Lowe and Douglas Euan. Lumber Dealers F. W. Gray nnd Louis LJradfonl. Wholesale Dealers William A. Paxton and W. II. McCord. Agricultural Machinery Dealers Euclid Martin and J. MT. Mctcalf. Dry Goods Dealers N. 13. Falconer nnd , P. Morso. Honl Estnto Dealers A. M. Kitchen , M. A. Upton. Bankers Alfred Mlllard , Luther Drake , William Wallace nnd F. U. Johnson. Thuso committees are to solicit donations from the branches of trade they represent. Upon motion Ed Peck , of the Omaha club , nnd Nate Crury , of the Union club , were ndded to the sub committees. Iho committees wcro instructed to begin work at onco. Major Clarkson presented the following address , which was accepted , and the news papers were asked to publish it : To TIII : CITI/KNS or OMA.IIV : The cause of humanity demands that our people bo not behind - hind other generous cities throughout the land in contributing to the relief of the terri ble suffering and distress in tbo flood sticken cities and villages of Pennsylvania. The general committee appointed by a mass meeting of citizens hold .ulioyd's opera house Invites all to contribute liberally , and , it not called upon , to send their contributions to Alfred Millurd. the treasurer at the Commercial National bank , nnd the contributions of clothing or other supplies to the Kilpntrick-Koeh dry goods cotnpnny.Twclfth and Harney streets. All contributions will be thankfully received and carefvlly forwarded and accounted for , however small. The clergymen of the city nro invited to make collections in their various churches ; teachers to collect the children's mites , and employers to accept tbo gifts of their em ployes , and clubs and societies the dona tions of their members. Let. nil be generous in this great calamity By order of the committee , WIU.UM A. PAXTON , President. WILLIAM N. NASON , Secretary. During the meeting the following contri butions wcro received : Michael CudaLy , $50 ; Union Pacific rail road ofiiclals as headquarters , S150 ; Wood man Linseed Oil works , S1UO ; Charles Mur ray , $3. The committee tnon adjourned to work. Another meeting will bo held at the same place at 0 o'clock to-morrow morning. The committee appointed by the Pennsyl vania club has been liaid at work and is succeeding beyond expectations. The agents of the Adams , Pacific and United States express companies have received or ders to ship all monies and articles for the relief of the sufferers free. Agent Potter , of the American and Wells Fargo , has not received orders to do so , but will , neverthe less , forward everything sent in aid of the victims of the disaster in Johnstown with out charge. Articles utfd money have not begun to como injas yet , but the agents ex pect a rush after to day. John H. Levy , of this city , who is sup posed to have perished at Johnstown , is or was a stockholder nnd director in the liyron Keod company nnd u very large property owner. Ho cas resided in Omaha for at least twenty-five years and was only visiting Johnstown at the time of the flood. Ho was a smglo man sixty-two years old. Ho had a mother nnd three : sibters living in the city of disaster and from the location of their resldouco Mr. Byron Heed fearUhat all of them , including Mr. Levy , perished. William Levy , a brother of the missing man , started last night for the scone. Mr. Levy was last heard from a week ago and at ttiat time was visiting his relatives in that cltv. A contribution box has been opened at the Y. M. C. A. building to receive gifts for the sufferers , and tlio contributions amount to many dollars a day. Thursday will bo a benefit day at tbo Eden Museo , the receipts go to the relief fund. The Ad.uns express company , which roaches direct all points in the Hooded district of Pennsylvania , will most cheerfully forward free all money or merchandise for the relief of the sufferers that may bo offered. Ed Uotnory , the well-known sportsman , lias announced that he will donate the ro- cclpls of his house on Friday to the Johns town sufferers. Mr. Hothory Is of the opin. ion that too much bcnovolenco can not bo shown in tills caso. The following Is the toloeram. received bv Mrs. Alfred Sunder , nnd dated Philadelphia. Juno fi : "Undo Al fred Is among tlio saved. " The telegram was signed by Charles F. Sander , a nephew of the missing councilman. The latter Is at Altootia , Pa. , and uninjured. John 10. Poor , a traveling vnna , ut tno I > ton , to-dav , was in Johnstown two days bo- fora the disaster , and sold goods to men whoso names ho has since scon among these ofthoucad. While there , ho heard no inti mation of the weakness of the dam , and doesn't think that the people dreamed of such n catiBtropha as bus occurred. A meeting of the men at the Union Pacific shops was hold after working hours to devise - vise ways and 11100.113 for raising aid for the sufferers. George Crandall was elected chairman , Tnomas VickroVi secretary , anil C. II. Daily , treasurer. A oomtnitteo , con sisting of the gang foremen , was appointed to solicit funds from the men and turn such sums us they shall rocolvo ever to the gou oral treasurer , Alfred Mlllard. Nearly ? 300 had boon collected by .the Pennsylvania society up to last night. 'Ihoso members of the society who have not been called upon can leave their subscriptions with any of the members of the following committee : Paul ( Jhirlton , board of trade building ; Uobort Wells , U 3 South Eleventh ( J.M.Jackson , Republican ofllco ; Charles Cummlngs , South Omaha ; Joseph Hodman 2001 North Fifteenth stroot. The local dramatic company which has selected the name of "Onco o Week" wil appear at the Grand opera house Saturday , night in the pla.v , "Amongst tlio Hroakors ' February 14 this company appeared at Wash Ington hull , lu this city , in the name play and entertained u largo niidionco. The en tire proceeds will bo donated to the fund for the relief of the Johnstown sufferers. The management of thu Grand opera house have given the use of the bouso free. No Nnws of MM. Holnrtorff. Nothing has yet boon hoard from Mrs Louis Uuliidorff. whom , It U feared , was a victim of the Johnstown disaster. The lady with her thlrteon-year-old daughter , lof Council Bluff * last Wednesday , and In ordo to avoid delay , loft Culcago at 3U5 p. m. Thursday , which would place her In Johns town about the time of the flood. Mrs Bemdorff was to leave for Europe on a Bremen line stoainor , and August Bcneku the local agent of the line , wired to the Now York agents of tbo company Tuesday , Hiking if the lady wan one of the uassougers of the company , Wit fir ! to lust night no answer Imd been received.y.i * Aitnoirnocincnts. An unus6nl\y- \ largo crowd Is expected nt ho Eden' 'Museo this afternoon and vonlng. Ucnbral Director Saokott hns gen- rotisly offered to give the entire door re- olpts of the afternoon nnd evening for the benefit of .tho Johnstown sufferers. The nnnngcment Is making every effort to fill ho house nj all entertainments nnd this will boa good umltjrtunlty for the children as veil as thoxidj ) folks to donate to n worthy auso. The Museo Will bo open from 1 to 5 n the aftortiodh and from T to 10 nt night. SOUTH OMAHA. NKWS. An Opera HOIIHO Wanted. The approbation of David Anderson's of fer to build n $ T. > ,000 opera houae comes from every mouth. It has been suggested that tbo mnvor call n mooting to solicit subscriptions and select committees to canvass the city for ubscrlptions. So mo want President Dee to all n board ot trade mealing for the same mrposo. Sons ot' V ( Menus. At the meeting of E. 1C. Wells' company , Sons of Veterans , hold Tuesday evening , the ollowlng appointments were made : E. .1" . ubbs , chaplain ; George A. Bo strcsscr , list sorccnnt ; D. riynn , color sergeant ; A. 3. Harris , sergeant of the guard , and Alfred rvln , musician. _ _ _ _ _ Nntoi About the City. Captain J. W. Cross has returned from ) es Molncs , la. Contractor H. H. Stewart , formerly of this Hy , is now in Seville , Spain. Kov. Seldon Dickinson and aister , Miss Mary Dickinson , of Oberlln.O. , on their way to Colorado , are the guests of Dr. nud Mrs. V. H. Slabaush. Patrick Uowloy denies that his horse ran iwuy , as published , nud status that the item vas given for publication only to Injure him. J. Bunrhust , of Albright , has removed to Cansas City. Adolph Mueller loft Tuesday for Green- vood whore ho will marry an estimable oumr woman. On ills return Mr. Mueller vill go to housekeeping on N street , ever J. lubmson's store. J. S. Damrow has returned from David City. City.During During May forty-one building ponnlts vote issued , yielding the inspector ? T > S.50 ces , and tlio valuu ot the buildings was iluccdatSJJ. IBS. Frank Ilumpcrt will build a 81,000 build- ug on Twcnty-fouiih and L streets. DID EVE TALK FRENCH ? Slio Must Have Used Seine Very 1'olim and Persuasive Ton < iii . No subject has boon moro fertile of speculation than the origin of lunguugo , ind on few vorhiips , can less siiUsfue- , ioii be obtained , says Current Litora- , Ufo. The .Tows positively insist that , ho Hebrew tongtio is tlio primitive ixngihiKC , mid Unit spoken by Adtun ind Kvo. The Arabs , however , dis- mto the point on antiquity with tlio Icbrow. Of all the languages , except , ho Hebrew , Uio Syriac has had the greatest number of advocates , es pecially ainontr eastern authors. Many maintain that the languaxo spoken byuVdmn is lost and that tlio [ Jobrow , C'.haldeo and Arabic are only lialocts of the , original tongue. Gorop- us published a work in 1850 to prove , hat Dutoh was the language spoken in mradiso. ' Andre Komb maintained -hat God Bol ] o to Adam in Swedish , Adam answered in Danish , and live spoke in IJreiich , while the Parisians jcliove tlirep languages to have been spoken in'pai-adiso Arabic , the mobt ) , byHha serpent ; Persian , the most noetic , by Adam and Eye. and Turkish , the most threatening , by Iho Angel Gabriel. Erro claims Basque as the language spoken by Adam , and * others would make the Polynesian the primitive language of mankind. Lo.iving , however , these startling theories , wo may sum up in the words of Darwin : "With respect to Lho origin of articulate languages , after hHving read on the one side the highly interesting work of Wedgewood , Farrar iiml Professor Sohloichor , ami tlio cele brated lecture of Professor Max Muller on the other side , I can not doubt that languages owes its crigfn to the imita ; tion and modification , aided by signs and gestures , of natural sounds , voices of other animals , and man's own cries. " The Thread Irust. The sowing thread pool is in trouble. The Clark , \Villimamc & Coats com pany are in the "combination , " ana they recently notified the Mcrrick thread company that unless it would enter into an arrangement about the price of six-cord 'MO yards spool cotton its business would bo ruined. The Mor- rick company refused to go into the combination , whereupon the price of the other brands wore dropped 1(1 ( per cent , with a throat time it would go still lower unless the Morriclc thread company would como into an arrange ment with thorn in relation to prices. These institutions have been robbing tlio sowing women of the country for years , says the Indianapolis Sentinel , under the protection of the 53 per cent duty on spool cotton. "It is pleasant to see that they are yielding up 10 per cent of their plunder , if only for a brief sea son. For the probability is that after a brief war of rates they will join in a common pool to make all the money that the tariff intended to give them , and they will reduce the wages of their work-people as much as the supply and demand of labor will permit. \n Kducatod Apaclic. Charles H. Kenyon , of Glebe , A. T. , is in receipt of a letter dated Chicago , May 'A , 1881) ) , from Carlos Montcmunn , M. D. , u full blooded Apache , whoso Indian name was Was-sa-jali. Ho wna captured by the Pimas in 1870 , says the Arizona Silver Bolt , in the Pitml moun tains , and two vears later was sold by thorn to a photographer , who took Montezuma to Chicago , since which time ho has lived in tlio Lake City and continuously attended schools and colleges until last month , when ho < graduated from a medical college and the degree of bach elor of science we a conferred on him , and he is now u practicing physician in Chicago. ( jOiicUontunnial day ho deliv ered the Qraijcm in ono of the lending educational institutions in that city. At the _ tiiio of his capture by the Pimas , twp of his Bistort ) were taken into bondage , nnd were subsequently sold for two cows. Ono of them now lives in Gloljo'.nnd ia the wife of a Mex ican. The other sinter was taken bj wlnto pooj\lo'1n \ ' 1872 or ' 73 to California where aha now lives , nor sister thinks in San FrAnclflpo. The mother is still a ward of the ( government and lives on Iho San Curlris reset-votion. Dr. Monto/umo writes a legible hand nnd his letter gives evidence of n wol educator ! mind and is tilled with expres sions of affection for Ills mother am Bister. Hed Clover. The full value of rod clover has but recently become known , and in a com paratively limited territory , though it was introduced into the United States Koine time prior to the revolution , being known and cvltivutodby all the loading husbandmen of ancient Europe ; but ti | to within a comparatively recent date its management was such us not to show its supor-excollnnt qualities. But this is rvbciontillo era. and thu experiments lately made have developed fact after fact which have demonstrated beyond u doubt its superior qualities , not only foi ono usu , but for nws A CONTRACTORS' COMBINE , It Is Said to Have Knocked Out the ICnnsno Favors. _ TEBBETT'S FIGURES ON STONE. The Checks Given lly Gcorcc ilcnklna Forfcltcil By the Hoard of Pub lic AVorks Contracts Awarded. nonril of I'ublloVorks. . The board of publlo works tnotyoslonlay , all tbo incmbora being present. GCOTRO Jcnklna , president of the Kansas Paving and Construction company , was nlso In nttcnd- mice accompanied by Attorney Hnlo , of KniiBM City , ICnn. 'Iho former Imd come to sccuro the return of his two checks forl,000 each deposited with the board for the per formance of the contracts secured by the firm to pave ami curb with Colorado sand stone curtain streets tuiil alloys In the city. Chairman Ualcombo notltlcd Mr. Jenkins that his checks hud been cashed and that the money was now In his hands. He also notified him that the failure of the company to furnish bonds for the performance of the work bail in itself Corfutod ! the checks which had been deposited. Mho other members of the board coin cided with the chairman in this opinion , whereupon the attotnoy notified the board that it was the Intention of the company to make n formal demand for the cheeks In question. The demand was made In the following tormi : The undersigned Kniisni PavlnR and Con- btruction company liorobv demand of you the roturu of two thous.uid dollars ( $ 'JH)0) ( ) ) heretofore doposilcd with you as guarantee lu matter of Wilding for ccit.un public work In Omab.i , the contract for the work bid lor by said company imvlns been awarded to other parties. GLOHUC , IINKIXS : , President. The demand , It will bo noticed , is made on the ground that the contract "was awarded to other parties. " The document was filed and n certified copy of the record will bo furnished the con- U'sUuitH as a basis of legal action , whieli the company announces it proposes to take. On motion , the contract of the Kansas pco- ) lo for p.ivlnp with Colorado sandstone was awarded to J. W. Furnace for $2.J2 ! per squuro yard. This bidder wus the next low- st to the Kansas concern. Tno former's nd was S3.1" . The contr.iet of the same company for Col or.ulo sandstone curbing was let to J. C. tcpun for TO cents per lineal toot. Tbo bid of the former was 7Ji cents. Action was deferred In the letting of the contract for paving with Galesbunr brick , which tind also been awarded o tbo Kansas people. Hugh Mur ) hy is the next lowest bidder , at 11..13 , the Kansas comuany's flguro bolnn 2 14. Murphy's bid was on vitrified brick , f ho agrees to furnish Galesburg briclc , as called for in the sprcillcatious , winch it is understood ho will , the contract will bo awarded-him. The bonds for tliosa three contracts must bo lilud within ttireo davs. Mr. Jenkins being asked what iio had to say rogardinir tbo forfeiting of ills checks , said : "Why , they can't do that. They can't wilfullj destroy a man's property , f they can uo anything it would be to sue 'or damages because of our failure to com- ily with the contract. " "Why did you decline to perform the con tract ? " "Hecauso we could not do so without los- ng money. Wo had boon given llguros by ho Union Paeille showing at what rate it would bo willing to furnish us stone. Wo ) ased our contract prices on these llgurcs. L'ho road afterwards refused to furnish us stone for the original ligurcs , raising trio nice eighteen cents a foot. Wo could not itand It. Of course wo would lose nionsv. " ' How do you account for the raise in the price ? " "Why your contractors have done us up. They influenced the road and were knocked out. " "What contractors do you suspcctl" "Oh , I can't say. Let them como down to Kansas and wo will try the same deal on ; hem. " "Whom did you got your figures on stouo from lu the Union Pacilic ! " "Mr. Tobbets. Look hero. " The speaker handed TUB Hue man the fol lowing communication : UNION P\cinc UVIMVAT , GIINKHAI , FnuiniiT Dei'vurMKXT , OMAHA , .March SO , I'iS'l. ' Mr. George Jenkins , care Paxton Hotel Dear Sir : 1 am Just in receipt of ndvico from Denver stating that paving blocks are $1.0:2 : per yard and Bx'.JO curbing at 10 cents per lineal foot , F. O. 13. , Omaha. Yours truly , J. S. TEIHILTS. "These llgurcs , " continued the contractor , 'were not common ones. They were even lower than figures In a circular which was scattered about generally , the price for stone in it being $1.150 , while youseo they switched for us as low as $1.03. That includes freight. But after wo had put In our bid they re fused to lot us tiavo stone for less than $1.80 , uud that was stone which they had already In Omaha. To bring the stone -specially from Colorado would cost us J1.8-1K- Curb ing was set at 5(1 ( cents and now they want 75 cents. If that ain't a game of frcczo out , what is it ] Now why should wo lose $2,000 bccauso of the ability of contiactors to manipulate * the Union Pacific ! " Said an otllcinl of tbo board of public works : "Why did tbo Kansas ucoplo leave the filing of their bond until the thiity- fourth day wiion only thirty days are al lowed by lawi Why did they not notify us that they could not fullll the contract ! Other contractors file their bonds immedi ately after getting a contract. If they had done that , the contract could Imvo been lot to another contractor throe weeks ago and by this tlmu the work would have been com menced. They bavo delayed us nearly a month. " _ Ijalies' Aid Society. At Goodrich nail , Thursday , Juno 0 , a very attractive programme , including club swing ing by Prof. Gwnthmay , Shakespearean reading by Prof. Dick , and singing will bo rendered. During the afternoon and evening there will bo on sale a largo assortment of articles of all kinds. The affair will bo con- 'ducted by tlio Ladles' Aid society and the Young People's Society of Christian En deavor of the Scwurd Street Methodist church. IS a blood disease. Until tno polbon la expelled from tlio sjstoni , there can bo no euro for this loathsome anil dangerous malady , Therefore , the only effective treatment is n thorough courao of Ayer's Sarsuimrllla the bowtof all blood purifiers , The boonur you begin the better ; delay is dangerous. " I was troubled with catarrh for over two yearfi. I tried various remedies , and was treated by n number of physi cians , but received no benefit until I began to take Ajer'a Biirsaparllla , A fuw bottles of this incdlcinu curtd mo of this troublesome complaint and com- restored my health. " Jcsao M. Blntoly eggs , Holiuan'a Mills , N. 0. "When Ayer's Sarsaparllla was roc- ommuudcd to inn for catarrh , I was In clined to doubt its elllcacy. liming tried so many remedies , with little ben efit , I had no faith that anything would euro HID , I became emaciated from loss of appetite and Impaired digestion. I bad neatly lost the senseof nniell , and ny system was badly di'tangod. I was about discouraged , w hen a friend urged mo to try Ayer's Barsaparilla. and re ferred mo to persona whom It had cured of catarrh. After taking half u dozen bottles of this imdlc-lnc , linn convinced that the only sum way of treating this obstinate disease Is through the blood. " Charles II. Mnloney , 113 Klver at. , Lowell , Mass. Dr. J. Ci Ayer It Co. , Lowell , Mass , j'rlco $1 ; nli Uottlu , $ i. Worth S a botllf. It cannotinjure the finest fabric or hands. WASHING COMPOUND THE GREAT INVENTION FOR SAV/NO Toil. & EXPCNSZ WITHOUT iNJunrToTne TEXruf > r oLOR OR HANDS. , NEW YORK. „ Caustic Burning , corroding , destroying the tex ture of animal flesh. Webstti'a Dictionary. Detergent Cleansing , purging. Webster's Dictionary. Chemical analysis will prove that Pcarlinc has no caustic qualities , but that the ingredients of which it is made have been so skilfully manipulated , that Pearline stands to-day the greatest household detergent known. Science ap plauds it ; its rapid adoption by intelligent and economical housekeepers , who use many millions of packages each year , is proof positive that science and chemistry are right. These facts should lead those who do not use Pearline , to try it at once ; directions for easy washing on every package. TrSk Pcddlcn nnd some unscrupulous nroccrs arc otter * IC3k"'CT ' TO iCk ing imitations \vltichthcyclaim to be I'carline , or "tho JLJ'C' ' W CIL ( same as Pcarlinc. " IT'S FALSE they arc not , and besides are dangerous. PEARLINE is never pcd- died , hut sold by all good grocers. 148 Manufactured only by JAMES 1'Yl.E , New Yotk. DR. HORNE'S Electro-Mapelio Belts ! The Grandest Triumph ol Eloclrlo Science Set- Gentlemen's Belt onlilically Made and Practically Applied. with Electric CURElfWITHOUT Suspensory , ' DISEASE MEDICINES . t miiiinnp.i iii mm iicn [ > tcnpy Catarrh * lllr * L : pile pur * J * n rub Airut lMttbrli IITdrocelcT lilood li ru t > , llroptj.cteJthen whm > ui need. ItectHetty in ixfnnUv Fflit Can ho apjillci. to any \iail of the body. WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS. Every nnoRcnumn and used by purmlvslen. I Oli the fullowlnirwho IHITV b * n OllltKlli-A.J. 8.1'arker nnd J M. Ilnilrtt.itllon lloanl of Trnile , Chlca- p < i | A. ( IriRorr , comnilstlon iiiiirlianthtTCli Ynnlni Iluilil l > oblc. tlioervnt liorncmnnt A. O. WoodierM.D , eoVMalnSlroet.Jluiralo , N. Y.i U. W. llellm.M. 1) . , MormontownIowi\i Lemuel Mlllt.Knnknke * , III. ) Judgol. N Murrnj'.Naiicrrllli' , Ill.iE u. Abliott.mpt. city watorworks.HoutUllcmi. lint | Uobt. It , Hitmpon , Clilcaito nostolllcci I..I ) . McMlchiol. > 1. li , HuUalu , N. Y. "Your belt tins nccoinpllibril v hitt no other remedy hut steAilynrrrosnndcomrortfililo Rleopatnlfrht. " Hobt. Hall , nldonnan , IfiO Kn3t39tlibtreet.Kow YorV , uto. JEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE. PH. HORXS'S KLKTBO.JUQ. ItKTIC IlkLT nnMllTrlr cnrt * jl'mMcombined. UuixraulrcUtha niiEi inTisn.SKcmuiii.M ? . 'only ono In the world Roncmtlna BR , klDIXT and eihnnsllns ncontlnuoua J-'lcclHo t Matjnt no clmnilo Gmrnsen of bolllioics. corr < Tif. bclcntlllo.rowcrful. Durablv , Contnlns 23 tninndrirmiioC - - . , u/Comfortnblo nml KITortlvo.olj frauds. Kicctnclty. oDARiirrKiDtlio ilrfr OTerli.noocuml. Hcndt.tiuiproiraniphlet. roTpa.chenpeHC , KOU ntlflc powerfuldu ALSO r.LEOTJUO JICLTS roll WlbUABKB. , cRpotlro nilllCAI , KLKCTItlC niLTIn tha " pctrlo Buspontohci frco nlih llulo IJelts. "nnFFnENCr.3 Any Imnk , commercial nccncy or _ wholesilo IIOUPO InClilcagO ) wliolcsaloilru lsuSanJet 'lmltHtloDA " KLKCTIll"c THtss23"r6it "BurillUJb I nuiclsco and Chicago. 0.000 cured Send t mpforlllU3tratcd pamphlet. > DR. W. J. KORME , inventor , 180 Wabash Avenue , Chicago. CLARK STEAM HEATING GO , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. ETCHINGS , EMERSON , ENGBAVINQS , HALLET & DAVIS , ARTIST SUPPLIES , KIMBALL , MOULDINGS , PIANOS AND ORGANS. FBAMES , SHEET MUSIO. 1513 Douglas St , Omalia , Nebraska. DRS. BETTS & BETTS U03 FAKNAM STKEET , OUAHA. Nu . ( Opposite Paxton UotcLJ Ofllce b ours , 0 e. m. to 8 p. m. Holidays , 10 ft m. to 1 p. m. .jpoctullsts la Chronic , Nervous , Skin and Blood Diseases. . . . . lay Consultation at offloo or by mull fro . Medicines uent by uiftll or express , securely pacltoil , free from observation , aunrantcos to cure ( illicitly , safely and nurraanontlv. T1DD1T Il'V permatorrhd'a , eeml' ITPOwniTO ' flmiYUUb UbmLlil nul Losse .NtgUiErals. ilona. t'liyslcal Doeuy , nrlsliiR from Indiscre tion. Excess or Indulgence , producing Bloep- lessneHs , Denpondency , I'lniples on the face , aversion to society , easily dlscournged , lack of confidence , dull , uuflt for utudy or business , and flmis life a burden. Bftfoly , permanently and privately cured. Consult Urs. Delta U UetU , 403 tnrnam St. , Omaha , Net ) . Blood and Skin results , completely eradicated without the aid of Mnreurv. Scrofula , Kryslpolns , Feror Korea , Illotches. Ulcers , 1'alns in tlio Head and Hones , Syphilitic Sore Throat. Mouth and Tongue , Ca tarrh. Ac. , permanently cured where others have failed. . . . iridnnir TTrinnnir ind Illacldor Complaints , KmnBy , urinary , I'aiuiui. Dim.-uu. too tr * . nuent IlurnlnK or Illoody Urlno. Urine hlfjn col ori-il or with milky sertlmoiit on standing , Weak llnck , Oonnorrhfca. Gleet , Cystitis. Ice. , I'romptly andSafoly Cured , Charpea Keasonu- STBJCTUKS ! inoval complete , without cutting , caustic ot dilatation. Cures eirected nt home bv paUont without a moments nnln or annovance. To Yonnff Men anil Middle-Aged Men , A < JITDD TITDD The uwml eHecta ot early A oUltlJ UUUD Vice , which Drluea organic weakness , dcxtroylnuboth mind nml bodr , with all Us dreaded Ills , permanently cured. riDQ HOTTHS AUIOSS tnofle wno imgro Impaired LJnOi UlJllU themselves by impioper Indul gences and solitary habitn , which ruin both bodv and mind , unfitting them for business , study or marriage. MAUIIUU MfcN. or these enter UK on that hap py life , aware of physical debility , quickly M OUJl SUCCESS Is based upon fixctt. First Practical Bxpa- rleuco. Second I'.very case U ospnclally studied , thus Htartlm ; aright. Thlru Mwllclnes are prepared - pared In our laboratory exactly to suit ouch case , tuns affecting cures without Injury. C < / Hcnd 0 ceum postngo for celebrated works on Chronic , Ni'rvou.f uud Dulloato Diseases. Thousand * cured. r A friendly letter or cull maysaviijou tutuie tmirerlmr and nhame , and idtl folden > eara to life. t-i7 No letters an swered unles * accompanied by 4 cents In stamps. AddWMfirHwl.0fir/ri'8 * BUTTS. lias Karnatn Krtwt. Omaha. N b. Steck Hoinarlcablo for powjrful sympathetic lone , plinblo action"nnd absolute dura bility ; 80 yoara1 record the best yuaraa- teoof the excellence of tbusa luslru inonts. WOODBR1DGEBROS , NEItVOUS , CIIIIONIO nncl I'KIVATR IMSKABBiof MK.S anilVOMK.V siuceaafullr troaloO. YOUNG MEN MIDDLE-AGED MEN There ttru iiiiiny tioubleil with too frequent ovaoua Jens ol luu liindtter , often ucouinpiinlea by a sllglit sinurtlMK or burning Hens.itlon , ana weakening of the pynlein in n innnncr thu pnllcnt cannot account for. On uxuiiilnlnu tliu urinary deposits a rojiy uodlraont will orion Iio found , unu boniuilnies purtlclc" of albu men will appear or tlio color Iio ot n thin , inllkltu mi1lualri cliariKhu ton ilnrk or torplil apiiearaaea. I'licra are many nii'ii who ilia of Dili dllllculty , tgiior. ante : ttiacnusa. which is Urn second utiiuo of imtnl. nul wotihiiiMs. ' 1 lie doctor will Kiiarmileu o porfoot euro In nil such ( .ii cH.aiiil a lieiilthy restoration of the Bcnlto urinary orunns Coniultntlon frco. honl 2-cent 8liiniitor | "VoiiiuJIan'a KrlenJ , or Oulilo to Woillock , " Irco to nil. AiWn > 'H DIfc. SPIN3STSY & CO. Main and 12tb St. .Kansas City , Mo. rB".Mentlon this pa per. Dr. J. E , McGREW SPECIALISTS III thu Trculincnt of All Chronic , Nervous mill 1'rlvato Discuses. Biornmtorrh | < ra , ImpitUmcy anil 1'alllnif Manhood nbiolutelr cured. A cure uuurnntuua li nil forms ot I'tlvuUj lll > ea > u > , Ktrlcturui , Uleet , flto. Catnrru , Thront , l.iinio , and Heart llUimnus , Illiouinatliiin , Hplnul anil Kiiinalu Illnuunut. lilood uud bklu Jloa > e < tri-tit < l successfully I.mllen' anil Kentlemon's irnltlnu rooms loparato and untlrelir private. CoiKUMntlon froo. Bond for Looki. Secret and I'rlvalu Di.ea'X'Bof .Mln'al o'\\'onmnMIor ll ou ei , Ida each ( Iniup" ) . Treatment by cerrojpuuUengaj Bt'nd 'tauip lor riiDly , Ol'KJCK : Iffl'll AND IUHAS ( BTUKHTrf. OMAHA , NUI1. TIBIKEH-SPRINGVEHICIES I /r Jr < kl / ( oi oatly ImnrpveaTtitu wlDglryr uVckli i > B out . a.EasleBtrnilnB" * ' ' ' ' * " " , " ' Theiprlniiilon tb eo * nd thirtcn Acconllnji U > tb * ol lit put on uietn. ed < | ualli' > ll to rOU h country or Hn * * tt driven Will Klvojrcm hast atleriictlon.