Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1889, Page 3, Image 3
i 'I , jiiij | i THE OMAHA DAILY BElfi : THURSDAY. JTTNB C. 3880. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , An Upward Turn Favors the Bull Tldo of the Donl. CXPORT TRADE REPORTED LARGE Nothing Much Doing In Corn txml X'rlccs Vrtrylnc Ijlttlo A DtilliiCBi In OalR t'rovlsloii's lliilo Klrmcr Cnttlo Knlr. CHICAUO PIIODUOIS MAUK11TS. CHICAGO , Juno 5. { Special Tologrntn to THK Hnn.1 Wheat did bolter , ts-dny , for a vnrioty of reasons. The local features were bullish. A fair desrco ot activity prevails In the cusli intirltct , and Milwaukee reports the working of Tfi.OQO bushels for direct export. Clearances from nil the lake ports Indicate KCtiultio business , and Now YorU ixdvlccs ro- llcct consldrrablo activity In the export trade nt the seaboard. Prom the southwest there arc , howovcr , mivices of a continuation of generally favorable harvest conditions , though n few showers In southeastern Kansas are reported. Onoof the private wlro housci liavo n cable to the effect that It was mining copiously In Uussia. This plcco of news was received when July w is 70)/c. ) The nuirltct bi-oko to 1bo on It , but it declined to stoy , and was not long working above 70c again. July wheat opened at 7fiJ c , advanced to 70 } c , worked MO back , 7\c ( \ , regained lost ground and wenttoTOXc , very llttlo being done at the outside , how- ovor. The price started back rather sharply several times , and the market acted as though it wanted to settle at 7tic , but the buying fever was on , and rallies were as sharp and frequent as the feverish down turns. The operations In the pit wore on a largo scale , and for once the shorts and the eleventh- hour bull scalpers were not the only buyers. There was good buying by commission mer chants , and the immorality of local opera tors , and the market had a stronger and llrmer undertone than it has shown in many weeks. And firmness Is not confined to Chi cago. It ruled to n marked degree in every market in the country with the possible ex ception of Minneapolis. St. Louis is at last on nn nyec keel with Chicago and Toledo. New York and many other points usually led Chicago in the up-turn. There were no notnblo individual transactions In the mar ket , but a generally increasing interest in tno market IB being manifnsted. Juno wheat Dad quite a llttlo boom hero to-day. It opened at 7Cc , advanced to 77.c , reacted to 77c , and closed nt 77tfc. September ranged at 74 @ 75kc , and closed nt 75'jfc. ' Decem ber was active. It opened at 7ic. ( sold up to "tfc , and closed at 7 ! Jjfu. The closing range indicates a gain of IJ e in Juno as compared with yesterday ; I'tfe in July , J c in September , and lo In December. It was altogether a tame and featureless corn market , and closed up in the nerveless manner which was its main chnrnrtoristic all day. The price changes weio trilling , and wore , as far as there were any , in favor of bulls , July , August ana September gaining l-10c over yesterday's closing figures. The small receipt of corn , com pared with the outpouring of n week ace , was the cause of the Ilrmor feel ing. Ttio export clearances , also , from the Atlantic were encouraging In their magni tude , while the withdrawals from store were also heavy. The strength in wheat helped to stiffen the views of holders and work upon the fears of the shorts , but there was no activity in business. There was a good deal of changing of deals between July and September , the local speculators look ing for these months to sell nt the same price before long. Oats were duller than for several dnys previously and the speculative prices were confined within a } { c , range , ruling prac tically steady to firm. There was moderate changing of this month to July and Septem ber nt differences of 9rfc to J c , and % c respectively , while now business was light. The posted receipts were less than expected , by 45 cars , but the weather whs favorable for tlio now crop , and the icsorvo stocks of old arc still liberal. Juno sold at 'Jl2Jc , touching UlSfc , with next month atUJ 4@ 522X ° . unl September around " % a. No. U , to go to store , sold at Sljf@31c. In provisions there was a llttlo more stir mid Interest. There was no grout change in the general situation , but the buying of short ribs and lard by brokers , said to bo operating for a couple of largo houses , cre ated considerable uneasiness. Wright , it was claimed , covered over 500,000 ibs of short ribs , and this action induced other shorts to follow suit in the same articles. Some short lard was also bought in , but in pork there was no trading possessing sig- iillicanco. In point of actual activity , pork , in fact , was the slowest line from the start. The underlying feeling was somewhat ner vous , though the fluctuations in prices , all around , were confined to quito 11 narrow rango. The day's prices , however , were higher than yesterday's , For pork and Bhort ribs the closings showed nn actual advance - vance of lliK ° to luc , and for lard of 2J o to5c. _ CHICAGO 1,1 VK STOOIt. MARKET. CniCAOO , Juno 5. [ Special Telegram to THIS BKB.I CATTM ! . To-day's receipts con sisted of about 7,009 natives and 8,000 Tex- mis. The native steer market opened strong , mid G@llo higher ; and all entile selling above $4,00 maintained this advance , but ordinary grades , or such that came in con tact with Texas , dropped as soon as it became known that the run of range stock would prove larger than nt first estimated , and while prices for no class of natlvo dressed beef and shipping steers developed any material weakness , sales were not as satis factory as the early ones. Good native cows and heifers sold again strong , but tlnn native canning grades moved very unsatisfactory , at the recent tow figures. The Texas market ruled lOo lower on canning grades.but steady for hotter qualities , such as are taken by the dried bcof trudc. Hoth the supply and demand of stockers and feeders was light , and the volume of business transacted was nominal. Choice beeves , ? MO'31tr ; > ; me dium to good steers , l.SBO to 1,500 His. , fcl.UO ( g-l.iiO ; 1S < W 1K ! > 0 IN. , * 3.SO@l.3l ) ; MO to l.'OO Ita , $3.G5Gji.7U : ; Htockcrsumi feeders , ( > @ 11.40 ; cows , bulls and mixed , lower , Sl.bOM 8.HO ; built , la.-HlQa.bO ; Texas cattle Co to lOo lower , ) . HOOD The trade was opened by the speculators and shippers , who paid for n eliort llnio about steady at yesterday's prices , but business lucucd competition , and as the shippers had light orders the packers took thi. advantage and quickly hud values Co lower. The opening sales wore largely nrouml HH7K@-MO tar tno l)08t ) packing and shipping lots , and up to f 1.45 for choice light mixed , Later , pretty good packing sold at M.UO , mid shipping sorts of butchers' and heavy atl.i.r ! > . The best price sellers could get for sorted light was $4.50 , and they were forced to allow buyers to sort any kind of Bhnpo or weight they wanted. The closing figures for what are known us York light sort were fl.45. FlNANGlAIi. NKW Yoiut , Junu f . [ Spcclul Tclogram to THE HBB.I STOCKS The stock market opened linn and continued strong the first hour to-duy , although business was light. The first prices were > f to % per cent over the close of last night. Among the grangers Uurlltiftoii was particularly strong , while Northwestern and Hock Island opened a fraction lower , but soon moved up to better than last night's Jifjurcs. IJoforo noon Uur- lington touched 103 and I-oulsvI'lo ' 10 % , a gain of 1 per cent each over the close. Chicago cage Gas trusts wont up n point to 5J ) ; Lead trusts , a point to 29Vi and Sugar trusts moved up over two points to lUoJff. At noon , til , Paul anil Hock Island showed } par cent puln over hibt night at Td ) ( and W respect ively. Atiout midday the market was quiet mill dull , but the best figures were main tained , 1ho strength iu Blocks was some what remurkcblo during the closing hours. { I lie prospect gf settlement vl the ruts troubles In tlio northwest anil of dlftcronccs existing among the Kansas City lines helped the grangers all around. Uurllngton went to 1 > > 1 , again of l1 per cent ; Northwest- cm to 1 inf , a gain of Jf per cent ; Atchlson to 40)4 ) , a gain of over n point ; St , 1'aul was up \ i per cent to 75 , nnd Hock Island upA per cent at par ; Chicago Uos moved up lo CO/V , or nearly two points over last night. The other trust sharps closed firm , but not at thobcst figures. The following were the clo lni ? quotations : t ) . S. 4s regular. 128 Northern 1'Rclllc. . CT'S W.H.4scoupons , . .12U doprofciroil 0's V. S.4iiircrfiiliir..liKl 0. &N.V linu U. 8.44s ! coupons. .10(1 ( ilo preferred 14.w I'nclflciMof "HJ . , . .110 N.Y.i'entral . .KNU Contrnl 1'aclflc . JlV IM . * K 24' * rhICf KO V Alton. . . .HI Ilork Island ! ' Chicago , llurllngtun U. , M. A , St.1' . 74 Ii iloprafurrad . l St.PnulftOmMm. . H-VC Illinois Central lin ( loproferrod . W'i Ii.1l.-V W , , 04 Union Pacific . f2' < W..3t. L. & ! . loV Lnkn Shora doprcforrod . ! ! 3 * Michigan Central . ! M Western Union . 87K Missouri I'aclHc. . . 74 % Mosuv Easy at 25 ( Jf3 per cent. PitiMB Mcitc.vXTii.r. I'Ai'Eti 33 $ % per cent. KTCHLIXO Etciuvoc Dull but atoauy ; sixty-day bills , $ l.87tf ; demand , W.SO. 1'RODUGH MA11ICI2I3. CiiiCAno , .lunou. 1:15 : p. m. close Wheat stronRnnd hlRhcr ; cash , 77 } c ; July , "OJ c ; Dpcenibor , < 0 > < c. ' Corn Steady ; cash , 33J o ; July , 84 3-10c ; Scptombor , y."i , ' 'c. Oats Stcadv ; cash , 21J c ; July , 225-10o ; Seplcmber , 22 < c. Kyc Cash astfo. Uarloy NothinK doing. 1'rinio Timothy H.25. Flax > l.7. Whisky 51.02. Pork Higher : cash. tU.77J < ; July , f 11.87 } ; September , $1'J.02X. Lard Steady ; cash. M.(17 ( > < ; July , ? 0.75@ 0.7"Kc ; September , JO. 3@.b7K. ( Hour Steady nnd unchaiiCL'd ; winter wheat , $2.00@.7fi : ) ; spring wheat , fl.30@ 5.W ) ; rye , | 245jS.Vi. ( ? ( Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $ o.l2 < Sr , > .25 ; short clear , JO.OO@0.12K : short ribs , ? o.S5@ 5.00. 5.00.Uuttor Steady ; creamery , lltJllOc ; dairy , o@ir)0. ) Cheese Easy ; full cream Cheddars , 7'f © 7Kc ; Hats , 7X@7Jfo ; Youiifj Americas , S Eims Firm ; fresh , ll@12c. Hides Unchanged ; heavy und llghtcjraon salted , 5'fc ' ; saltcil dull , 4J o ; grcon suited calf , Oc ; dry Hint , 7c ; dry salted , 7c ; dry calf , 7rtJ8c ; deacons , 25o each Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4e ; No. 2 , 'Ufc ; cake , 4 , ' c. Heceipts. Shipments. Flour 14,000 0,000 Wheat 17,000 iW,000 Corn 308,000 553.000 Oats 200.000 233.0W Now York , Juno 5. Wheat Receipts , none ; exports , 110,000 ; spot strong and higher ; No. 2 red , blK@31J u in store ; ' . . ' ' . . b. No. 3 S'.yjMS.'Pjfo alloat ; S'J@S4 > < Jc I. o. ; red , "fi'-Jc ; uiicruUcd red , SOJ fS'vl.J c ; op tions strong nnd higher ; June , S1J < 0. Corn Hcceipts , 60,000 ; exports , 183,000 ; snot market strong and higher : No. 2 , 41J @ 41 c In elevator ; 41ft4' ( . > c afloat ; un graded mixed , -10 ( < W'JMo ; options firm. Oats Heceipts , WI.OOO ; exports. 2,000 ; spot unchanged ; June1 , 27340 ; July , 27c ; spot. No. 2 , white , 33&3lo ; mixed western , 2U (7l0c ( ! ; options , null and easier. CofTco Outlons steady , but 5 to 15 points down ; sales , 38,250 bags ; Juno , S10.33@lfl.45 ; July. S10.GO@lO.OOstot ; ) Uio.auictanU steady ; fair cargoes , flS.7. ) . 1'ctroluuui Steady ; United closed at liggs , Firm ; western , 14 < ( il4Jfc. Pork Hnn butiiuiet : now S13.2,1@ 13.50. LUr'd Stronger ; sales , western steam , $7.02 ; July , $7.00. IJutter Quiet but steady ; western , 9@ 17JJC. Cheese LCS.S firm ; western , 7 > i@S'i'c. ' KunsiiN City. Juno 5. Wheat Weaker ; No.2 red , cash , 70o asked ; July , file asked ; No. 2 , soft , cash , 75o bid ; July and August , 03o asked. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 25 } o bid ; .luly , 23Ji'o bid : No. 2 white , cash , 27c bid. Oats Ko. 2 cash , 10 > c bid , 20 > [ j asked. Minneapolis , Juno 5. Wheat Sample wheat higher ; receipts , 101 cars ; shipments , 07 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , June , 89c ; July , 'JOc ' ; on trade , S'Jc ; No. 2 northern , June , 81J c ; July , b3c ; on track , Sl c ; No. 2 northern , Juno , 72o ; July , 72Xc ; on track , 72@74e. Milwaukee , Juno 5. Wheat Firm ; casli , 74Xo ; July , 76j c. Corn Quiet ; No. 3 , 33c. Oats Dull ; No. 2 , white , 20c. Kyo Steady ; No. 1 , 41 > c. Barley Dull ; No. 2 , 51c. Ijrovisioii3 Firm ; pork , $ Cincinnati , Juno 5. Wheat Firm ; No. red , 8litSlc. ( Corn Firm ; No. 3 mixed , 35c. Oats Firm at 2l@20c. Whisky Steadier at 51.02. St. lioiiiN , Juno 5. Wheat Higher ; cash , 78c ; July , 72K@72c. Corn Firm ; c.ish , 31) ) c ; July , 31c. Oats Higher ; cash , 2ic ! ; July , 23 > c. Pork Steady at $12.12)4. Lard Dull at 10 40. Whisky Steady at $1.03. IJuttur Unchanged. liivcrpoul , Juno 5. Wheat Quiet : holders olTcr moderately ; California 1 , Os Od @ ( is lOd per cental ; red western spring , 7s 2d ( JJ7S 3d per cental ; do winter , 7s4) d@0s 5d. _ LilVlS STOCK. Chicago , Juno 5. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Heceipts , 11,000 ; market irregu lar ; beeves , ? 4.40@4.ti5 ; steers , ( 4.30 ; stockers and feeders , $2.50@3.40 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $ l.bO@3.30 ; Tex us cattle , $ l.bO.J3.10. ( Hogs Hcceipts , 19,000 ; market slow and 5o lower ; mixed , $4.25 4.45 ; heavy , * 1.20@ 4.45 ; light , $1.80@4.B5 ; atiips , $3.50@4.15. Sheep Heceipts , 0OOJ , ; market slow and lOe lower ; natives , ? 3.50@4.7o ; western , shorn , $3. 75 © 1.70 ; Texans , shorn , ! f3.00oi ( ! 4.40 ; lambs , J2 50@3.00 per head. Oily , Juno 5. Cattle Ho- cnlpts , 2,000 ; shipments , 1,700 ; market strong , nctivo and higher ; good to choice corn-led , $3.90@I.15 ; common to medium , ? 3.2.'iV(3.5 ( ; ; htocUors nnd feeding steers , Hlo.idy , ? 2.35 ( ,3. 10 ; cows , slcady , § 1.75@ B.OO. B.OO.Hogs Hccoiils , 8,000 ; shipments , 1,900 ; market nctivo nnd higher ; light , * 4.27)s@ 4.32JJ ; mixed nnd coniinon. J4.10if4,20. ( Nntioniil ritock Vnril ) , 10nt ; St. IjoulH , Juno 5. Cnlllo Hccoipls , 4,200 ; shipments , 1,700 : market autivo and slrong ; fair to choice nuttvo steers , f.20@J.40 ; ) ; stock- era arul feeders , f ' . 10ai ; ; , 15 ; rangers , corn- fed , $2.80@3.70 ; grass-fed , * 2.00fi 3.15. Hogs Heceipts , 3,500 ; shipnifnts. 1,400 ; market stronger ; choice heavy and butch ers' , ? 4.30 ( < S4.10 ; packing , ? l.20@4.33 ; light , 3. Sioux City , Juno 5 , Cattle Heceipts , COO ; shipments , 323 ; market steauy and unclmiiKod ; fat steers , $ . ) ,00@3.GO ; stoukcrs , $2.t3f ! 2.b5 ; feeders , $ J.40&J'.UJ ; dinners and bulls , fl.UU@1.75 ; voul calves , f J.O'Jtj ( I.OU. Hogs Hcceipts. 1,900 ; market higher ; light and mixed , J4.05@l.l2)Jj heavy , $4.07)4 ) ( 4.15. OA1AIIA IjlVIO HTO'JIC. Cntllo. Wednesday , Juno 5. To-day's run oonil todof about 1,000 head , largely natives , of very fair avoragu quality. 'Jhu market opened active , nt an advance of KXyinc , and the yards were soon cleared. The beef and shipping steers sold at a range of * : i.50@4.15 , but largely at $3.S5@4.00. 1 hi tellers' stock was stronger and the market activti. Cows sold at $2.00ii5 ) ! ! , and bulls at $ j.0fi3.00. Some stock changed hands at fJ.OO ( < { 3.1U. Supullcs proved liberal , but the demand being good , hellers were nblo to obtain a llt tlo more money for their holdings. The mar ket was strong to So higher , and fairly ac tive at the advnnui. The pens were cleared nt ni early hour ut prices ranging from $4.00 to $4.15. Slicup , There were no sheep in the market , al though two loads were received , but tlioy were consigned direct to Swift & Co. * * UllUIMptd. Cutllo . 1,030 Prevailing t'rloos. Thafolhwlnl ) nublo of prloai pitJ In this market fjr t'13 gfAlo ) of stook man tloncd : Prime slccrs , 1300 to 1500 lbs.3.t > 0 ( $4,2. Good steers , 1250 to 1150 Ibs. . . 3.85 tj4.10 ? Good steers. 1050 to 1)00 ! ) Ibs. . . 8.70 (33.95 ( Ordinary to fair cows 2.0J 02.50 Fiilrtoijood cows 2.5'J < < J2.CO Good to cholco cows 2.00 f < j3.00 Cholco to fancy cows.hoifcrs. . 3.00 M3.23 Fnlrto good bulls 2.00 ( ft 3.60 Good to cliolco bulls 2.50 ( 3.00 Light.stackers nnd feeders , . . . 2.70 ( (13.00 Good feeders , 050 to 1100 Ibi. . 3.00 i < T3.30 Fair to cholco light hoes 4,10 ( ( 4.15 Fair to cholco ho.wy hogs 4.0.1 Oil.15 Fair to choice mixed hogs 4.00 ( fjl.10 Fair to medium imtlvo sheep. . 3.50 @ 4.23 Good to cholco native sheep. . 4.0J ( ( ( 1.50 Fair to cholco western sheep. 3.23 @ I-153 Shornshoop 3.00 W3.23 Hcprcsontntlvc Silc : < * . STniuc. : P- . P3.S7K 8.90 8.00 3.90 890 8.1K ) 8.93 8.95 4.00 4.IX ) 4.05 4.07)4 4.10 4.15 275 2.75 8.IK ) 8.00 3.00 8.10 3.23 8.80 8.35 3.33 Ijivo StooJL Notes. Hogs sell higher. Cuttle market active. Cattle go up with a boom. Peterson Uros. , Weston , la. , sold hogs. U. 1C. Potter , Elm Crook , was in with hogs nnd cattlo. Arthur Moore had a load of hogs hero from Logan , la. Henry Enerson , Cedar Kapids , marketed a load of hogs. Henry Schlstack brought in a load of hogs from West Point. J. It. Uurkholder , Woodbine , la , cumo m with three loads of cattlo. H. Davis , of DoWitt , had a load of hogs and ouo of cattle on the market Although the receipts ot hogs were qulto heavy , they were all sold early. Matt Doucherty , who feeds extensively near Crete , was n visitor ut the yards. S. II. Babb , a well known dealer in horses , of Oseeola , was looking nvor iho maruet. J. D. Uownor was a visitor at the yards. Ho Is on his way to his ranch near Gothen burg. C. D. Moore had two loads of good hogs hero from Harvard. Ouo load brought $4.15 , the too price. , John A. Kohoo , of Plntto Center , president of the Nebraska Shippers' association , was lu looking over the yards. J. N , Lyman , of Hastings , had two loads of nlco grade Polled Angus hteers. One loacJ brought $4,15 , the top prieo p.ild to-duy. Mr. liunington , of Hunington & Uogart , nnd president of the Mills County Nationu' ' bank , Glonwood. was lookingovorlho yards. E. H. Branch , cashier of the Union Stock Yard hank , has gene on a visit to his olt homo in Gcnosoo , III. His mother has been taken seriously 111 , H. Hlco nnd Frame E. Francis were here from Wllsonvlllo , tlio former with two cars of cattle and Iho lallor with n car ot cattle nnd one of bous. OMAHA H MAIIKETS. Proilnoo , KrultH , lOto. Butter steady nt quotnllons. Fruit in strong demand , Eggs very Jlrm. Chcoso stronger. Potatoes scarce. Vegetables plentiful and lower. BuTTBit Tnblo dnlry , 12J13o ( ; packers' stock , OCl9c. Creamery Prluts , fancy , 18@ lOo ; choice , 15@10o ; solid packed , 10@14o. Kaos Strictly fresh , ll12c. Ciiui'.SK Young America , full cream , lOo ; twin llals , 9 o ; off grades , 4 ( < lOo ; Van Hossem Edara$11.50 per do/en ; sap sago , 10o ; brick , 12glBu ( ; limburger , IKgV-c ; domeslio Swiss , 14u ; skims , 2@4o ; cheese safes , bronze medal , No. 8. * 2b5. POUJ.THV Llvo hens , per dozen , $4. 00 ( < 1 4.25 ; roo3iors , $3.75@400j turkeys , 0@llo per Ib STiuwiiBitniKB Per case , 21 qts , $2.00@ 2.75 ; soft , $ l.tK ) ( < | 2.00 ; stands , ? 5. ( 0@0 00. GoosKiir.ltHlKS -$1.301.60. ( CiiKiiniKs-Cnl. . $1 10 .00(11.25 per Ib box- southern , ? 2.03.75 per crnto. OittNoct Hivorslde , $ .IJS@I.V ( ) ; fancy vapor rind St. Michaels. $3.750 ? m'Jii fancy Duarte Mediterranean swoola , fi.75@3,23' Los Angolcs ( choice ) , $2.50(32.30 ( , LKMONH Clioluo , f l.&Kg&UO ; fancy , $ j.75C % 7.00. 7.00.Coco Coco AN UIB Choice Kuatuus. per 100 M.tO ; lcs than 100 , GacouL , lUs'ANAS According to slzo of bunch , $2.00 3.50. JV AiTi.ts--Choico : , $3.4 ! . < iir3.50 ( ! ; poor , $ l.25@ ' " ' * ' t.OO. Fncstt Pi3ii-Whlto < nMi , per Ib , 7@SVo ; rout , perlb , Oo ; white porch , porlb , 7c ; buf- ulo , per Ib. ic ; pickQrcl-ier | Ib , Oo ; black rnss , per Ib , lie. , , . BRANS Cholc-o hand , picked navy , $120 ; cholco hand picked medium , $1,75 ; cholco mud picked country , f'l.OUAl.75 ; clean coun try. $1.201.25. ( o Eutt.Y Vr.oETAni.n rrLcltuoo , porudozon icads , 20W250J radishes , nor dozen benches ,0 ( < ? 15c ; green onions ! ISMlno ; pars2v ! , 20 ( < 5 25c ; soup bunches , SOWioc ; boots , 25 ® 30c : carrots , 30 ( 133c : turin | > ft ; 25i30o ( ; celery , tfu&Sl.OO1 caulinower , $1.00 ( ( 2.25 ; citcurn- jors , 80@J5 ! ( ; ; green ppa < > , bu boxes , 75cj ( $ 51.00 ; strlne beans , "per box , $1.00M.25 ( ; wax beans , lK ) ( < iJ1.00 ; tomatoes , K bu , 1.25GB1.50 ; asparagus , per doz , 80 ( < 5i5c ; no plant , per Ib , l$2c ( ; now potatoes , per Ib , IJM'- ; cabbage , 2JV4c ; southern , $2.00C < * 2.75 per crate. HIDKS , PKI.TS , TALLOW , nrc. Green salted Indes , 5c ; dry baited hides , 5o ; dry Ulnt liidcs , 7c ; calf hides , fte : damaged hides , 2o less ; sheep pelts , green , each , 25c ( < § 51.00 ; sheep polls , dry. per Ib , 9rfil2c ( ; wool , ivcrago , 14CilSe ; tnllow , No. 1 , 3 ( 3 c ; "A " 4o yellow 8c. grease , , ; grease , , Ari'Lt : BuTinii 7c. Cinr.ii Bbls. $3hf ; bbls , $3. IJUTTKUtXB 12@13c per Ib. MAI-M : SUOAU 12)4@15o ) per Ib. POTATOKS Choice , sacked , oor bu , 25Q30o ; lolorndo , 40 ® I5c. Vnvi. Cholco , medium size , 7Q3e ; choice , heavy , 4V ( Oc. HOSBV 14@lBo per Ib. Pur.suitvKs 9)4GilOo per Ib. JKI.UKS 3)4 ) 4c per Ib. BKKSWAX No. 1 , 18 ( < ! )20c. ) HAV-t3.00@0.00. ClioiFnnn $10.00@11.00. Biux-$10.50@10.75. Oroccrlos. > Sugar , excited and advancing. Coffees , steady. Canned coeds , quiet. Dried fruits , firm. firm.BAOS American A , seamless , 17c ; Union Square paper , discount , 85 per cent. Corrnts : Green Fancy old golden Hlo , 27o ; fancy old poaborry , 28o ; Hio , cholco to fancy , 22o ; Hto , prime , 21c ; Hlo , good , 17c ; Mocha , 29e ; Java , fancy Mahdehllng , 29c ; Java , good interior , 24c. CoiTniw Hoiistod Arbuckle , 24Jfc ; Mo- Luuchlln's XXXX , 24Jfc ; German , 24)tfcj Dlllworth , 24 fc ; Alaroma , 24Jfc. CiiAruinis ASH UAKHS 0' ' 2UiSc ( porlb. Ditut > FRUITS Per Ib , apncots , 10igl5c. Apples , Mich. , 48'o : stars , ; ! ; Aldens , 0 % ( ( JSc. Peaches , Cal. Y. , pooled , 17fl20o ; fancy unpeeled , U@13i5 ; sun dried. 7'4c ; S.ilt Lake , CMS. Prunes. Cal. H. C. 7)4@10Kc. Currents , 5f < S7c ; Turkish prunes , 4)4c. Cit ron pool , 2io. : Lemon peel , 14c. Dates , 7c. Figs , 9@lle. ) Hasms , Malaga bunch , dohesas , $3.00 ) )0r ) box , Valencia * , per Ib , 7)4c ; Cal. G A S , $2.40 per box. Dried grapes , 5c. Blackberries , 5)4e. Pitted cherries , IG c ; Iiltted jilums , 9@llc. Hasuberrics , 22) < c. Nectarines. 13@14c. ' CANNED FISH Brook trout , 3 Ib , $2.50 ; salmon trout , 2 Ib , $3.85 ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.25 ; clams , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; clam chowder , 8 Ib , 2.25 ; devilled crabs , 1 Ib , $2.23 : devilled crabs , 2 Ib. $3.50 ; codfish halls , 2 Ib , $1.75 ; caviar , )4 Ib , $2.25 ; eels , 1 Ib. $8.25 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $2 00 : lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.90 : lobsters , devilled )4 ) Ib , $2.23 ; mackerel , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; mackerel mus tard sauce , 3 Ib , $2.90 ; mackerel tomato sauce , 8 Ib , $2.90 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 85c ; oysters , 2 Ib , $1.50 ; salmon , C. H..1 Ib , $2.10 ; salmon , C. H. , 2 Ib. $3.10 ; salmon. . Alaska , 1 Ib , 11.85 ; salmon , Alaska , 2 lbn § 2.90 ; shrimps , 1 Ib , $2.05. CIIOCOLITE ASi ) ttocqv 23@39c per Ib ; German chickory red. 8c. Uixocit Jamaica.t 'pts. , 53.00 per doz. FAUIXACEOUS Coops ( Jarloy. 'irsn c ; far ina , 4Kc ; peas , 3c ; oatmeal. 3@4'-io ; maca roni , 11 ' fo ; ycrmiceli , Ijjfce ; rice , % @ ; sago and tapioca , 07c. ( ' Oii.s-Keroscno-PW'oWc : W W , 12c ; headlight , 13c ; sajad | bif , § 2.S5@O.OU per dozen. , n PICKI.ES Medium , per , bbl , $500 ; small , $ (5.00 ( : cherkins , $7.00 ; C it Ii chow-chow , qts , JG.OU ; pts. S-3.50. WitUTiNO PAi'EHStraW , ner Ib , c ; s < 3-lbi , lU'lD PlCf t > fM/t\J ) .JY3lWV > fi MU UHf O ) tFV/'AUj OUIyf do 4-bu bags , 221-lb , S3.40 ; do M S A , 5C-1D bags , 55c ; per bbl , 11.16. SEEDS Uird , 4'ij@ic. ( SAI.OOIIA15H2o per Ib. SfAitcif 5J f7c per Ib. STOVE Poi.ibii $2.00@5.S7 per gross. Sncns Whole , per Ib Allspice , 12c ; Cas sia China , lOc ; cloves , Xinzibar , 25c ; nut megs , No. 1 , 70c ; popper , 20. SUOAHS Graaulatod , 9J < @OiCc ; confection- drs A , S4@9c ; standard , extra0 , 6 ? < j'c ; yellow C , 7c ; powdered , 9o ; cut loaf , 9 c ; cubes , 9 } < fc. TEAS Gunpowder,23@00c ; Japan , 203400 * ; Y. Hyson , 23S.-Oc ( ; Oolong , 22V230c. ( VIXEOAH Per gal , 13@2lc. ) FISH Salt Dried codlish , GJtffffiSXc : hali but , 12c ; scaled herring , 25c per box ; hoi. herring , ( loin , 50c ; Hamburg spiced herring , $1.00u ( > 1.10 ; hoi. herring , 70c ; mackerel , lilf bbls , No. 1 , $13.00 : largo family , S12.50 per 100 Ibs ; whltoflsh , No. 1 , $7.25 ; family , $3.50 ; trout ? 3.23 ; salmon , 53.00 ; an- chovis , 10-lb pails. SOc. LvE-Sl.75e4.50. > iUTrf Almonds , IGTglSc ; Hrazils , Oc ; fil berts , 12c ; pecans , lOo ; walnuts , lOc ; peanut cocks , 9o ; roasted , lOc. Dry Goods. BATTS Standard , Sc ; Gem. lOc ; Beauty , 12 c ; Boone , 14o ; 13 , cased , J4550. COTTON FiAJiNBf.s 10 per cent trade dis LL , unbleached , 6Ko ; CC , OiS/c ; SS , 7 ? c ; EE , 8 ; GG , B o ; XX , 10 > < c ; OO , lltfc ; NN , 12Ke ; AA , 14o ; DD , 15) < fo ; TT , ICJ c ; YY , 18c ; BB , 19c ; 20 bleached , 8Ko ; 00 , 12Jo ; 80,13 c ; 50 brown and slate , 'Jo ; 70 , 12 > c ; 00 , lOc. CAIU-ET WAiti'-Bibb White , 19c ; colored , 22c. 22c.Cmsii Cmsii Stnvens' B , 5 } c ; Stevens'A , 7c ; bleached , 8c ; Slovens' P , 7Jic ; bleached , 85/c ; Stevens' N , 8J c ; bleached , OKc ; Stovcns'SHT. UKc. ( JAMIIIHCH Slater. 5c : Woods , 5o ; Stan dard , 5o ; Peacock , 5c. CoitHET.Tn\\s Boston , 7 0 ; Androscog- gin , 7J c ; Kearsago , 7J c ; Kockport , 0c ; Concstoga , Olrfc. DUCK West Point. 29 in , 8 oz , 9 > < fc ; do , 20 in , Wo12Kc ; do , 29 in , 12oz , 15J o ; do , 40 in , 11 oz , lOc. DKSIMS Amoskeag , 9 oz , 10'Xc ' ; Everett , 7 oz , 13o ; York , 7 oz , 13c ; llayinaker , bK ° ; Jafiroy XX , llKc ; Jaffroy XXX , 12 o ; Beaver Creek A A. 12c ; Heaver Crock , BB , lie ; Beaver Crook CC , lOc. FLANNELS White , G. H. No. 2 , Jf , 22'tfo ; 2 c ; Anawan , 32Ko ; Windsor. 22Jic. FjAXNii.s-Hed : , C , 21 inch , 16Uo ; E , 24 Inch , 21Kc ; G G 2- * Inch , 20olH ; A F , % , 23c ; J H F , ft , 27o ; G. { . 25o. FJ.ANNBL Plaid , Haftsmnn , 20c : Goslicn. 32Ko ; Clear Lake , 30Xc ; Iron Mountain , 20 0. i ( JiNOiiAM Plunkott' checks , OJfc ; Whlt- tcnton , ( ijjo ; York(7J ( < * ; Normandi ilress , 7J o ; Calcutta dreastf7j tj Whlttetiton dress , 7lo : Henfrow dress > i312 > c. IVBNTUCKV JuANSp-Mpiporial , Ific ; Stand- point. ISc ; Durham , 27J o ; Hercules , H > u ; Leamington , 22Ko ; GlonWood * , 20o ; Melville , 25c ; Bang-up.27 c. ' ' J Pltt.NTU Dress Olia'rVcr Oak , 6 } c ; Ha- mapo , 4c ; Lodi , OS/a ; Alien , Oo ; Hicliuiond , Oc ; Windsor , OJ oj EdU tone , 0 > c ; Pucitlc , O c. j j | PIIISTS , Ixixno IJi.ui : St. Lodger , 5 } c ; Washington , OJ o ; American , OKo ; Arnold. O c ; Arnold CenturyJ9c ; Windaor Gold Tk't , 10' ' c ; Arnold ; B. lOKc ; Arnold A , 12o ; Arnold Golu SL'aI'lO ' > fo ; Yellow Seal , lOJijc. 3 i 1'iiiNTS , Boun iCox.oits Atlantic , Co ; Slater , Oo ; Berlin Oili OKc ; Garner Oil , PIIIXTS , PINK AMI Hoiuss Hlchniond.0) o ; Allen , lie : Hivorpolnt , 5Wo ; Steel Hlver , O c ; Hlchmonil , OKo ; Pitclllc , 7c. Buitciiui ) SIIKETISO. Ellerton , 7J c ; Housekeeper , 8) ) < ji' ; Now Candidate , 8)40 ; Berkeley , No. 00 , 0 > ; c ; Best Yet , 4-4 , OJtfo ; Butter Cloth , o o , 4J.Cc ; Cabot , TKoj Farwell , half bleached , S e ; Fruit of Loom , SJfo ; Grcoiio G , Oo ; Hope , 7 c ; K. P. cambric , lOc ; Lousdalo cambric , lOc ; Lonsdalo , 8 } a ; N. Y. mills. lOo ; Pcpporol ) , 42 In , lOo ; J'opDoroll , 415 In lie ; Popporoll , 6-4,14Uo : PeppcroU , 8-1 , 20o ; Popporoll. 0-4 , 22o ; J > opporol ( , 10-4 , 2-io ; Can' ton , 4-4 , S'.fo ' ; Canton , D-4 , OXo ; Triumph , Oo ; Wamsutta , lie ; Valley , 60. Bnow.v SuuKriKo Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7o ; AtluntloH , 4-4 , 7Koj Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0 > fc ; Atluntio , P , 4-4. Oo ; Atlantic LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora U , 4-4 , 4J/o ; Crown XXX , 4-4. CJ/oj Hooslcr LL , 4-1 , 51/c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 io ; Lawrcuco LL , 44 , 55/c ; Old Dominion 4-4 , &Xc , Ponpuroll H , 4-4. 0o ; Popperoll E , 40- inch , 7)o ) ; Popparoll 8-4 , 17o : Pepporell 9 4 , SOc ; Pepperell 10-1 , Moj Utica 0 , Wachusctt. 4-4. 7Ve : Aurora It , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora H , 4-4 , O'ac. SiuitTiNO CHECKS Caledonia X , Okc , Cal cdonla XX , lOJ o ; Economy J > o ; Otis Ocj Granlto Olio ; Crawford 8c ; Haw Hlvcr f > J u TICKS Oakland A , 7 . , c ; Intornntlonal YY , Sc ; Shctuckct , S , 8 > < c ; Warren , No. 870,100 ! Horwiok , HA , 13c ; York , ' 30 In. 12' ' c ; York , 32 In , IS c ; Swift KlvoiL So ; ThorndlkoOO , 8 } Ri ThoruiHko E F , Vrfo : Thorndlko 120 , 0 c ; Thoradlko XX , 15c ; Cordls No. 5 , 0 > tfc : Cordls No. 4 , lOi c. s Tnblo oil cloth . $3.25 table ull cloth , marble , $2.05 : plain Holland 0)4o ) ; Dado Holland , 12)fc. Block Tin Eng. rcf'g , small pig , 28o ; bar , 29c. Copper Planished bailer sires , 82o ; cold rolled , 30o ; sheathing , 30c ; puts , 80c ; flats , JOc. JOc.Galvanized Galvanized Sheet Iron Junlatn , discount , )0 ) per cent , I'atent Planished Iron No. 24 to 27 , A quality , per Ib , 10'4c ' ; No. 24 to 27 , B quality , 9)4o. For less thun bundle add Uc per Ib. UooriNO ( Hest Chnrcoal ) 1C ! , 14\20. 112 sheets. $575 ; IX , 14x20 , 112 shoots , $7.00 ; 1C , 2J\23. 112 sheets , $11.00 ; IX , 20x28 , 112 sheets , $13.50. SHEET luox No. 20 , $3.40 ; No. 27 , $3.50. Sot.iiiiii Hoyt Metal Co.'s half and halt In 1 ib cases , per Ib , lOc ; commercial half and halt , 15o ; No. 1 In oars , 14c. TIN PtATE-Best ( Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14 , 225. sheets , $050 ; IX , 10x14 225 sheets , $3.25 ; 1C , 12x12 , 225 sheets , $0.50 ; IX , 12x12 , 221 sheets , $3.2i ; 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $0.60 ; IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets , 88.835 1XX , 11x20 , 112 sheets , $10.00 : 1XXX , 11x20 , 112 sheets , 112 sheets , $0.00 ; 1C. 10.\20 , 225 sheets , $9.50. STEIII , NAILS Base , $2.20 ; steel wlro nails , base , $2.05. LEAD pig , 4e : bar , 4) ) 0. BAKU Wine Painted , $3,25 ; galvanized , $3.753.90. _ launder , Unir , Etc. Dimensions nnd Timbers 12 ft. 1 1 ft. 10 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 22 ft. 2 1 ft. 2x4. . . 15.00 13.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00 2x0. . . 15.00 15,00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.110 2\8. . . 15.00 15.00 1500 10.00 Hi 00 18.00 19.00 2x10. . 15.00 1500 15,00 10.00 1000 1S.CO 19.00 2x12. . 15.10 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00 4x48x8. 8x8. 10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 FKSCIXO No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft , rough , $10.00@ > 10.50 ; No. 1 , 1 und 0 Inch , 10 feet , $17.00it)17.50 ( [ ) ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 Inch , 12 and 14 feet , $13.50@14.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 Inch , 10 feet , $15 00@1C.UO. FINISHING 1st nnd 2nd clear , \yt inch s 2 s , $49.000 ( < ? 50.00 ; 1st nnd 2nd clear , Ik und 2 inch , s 2 s , $47.00(349.00 ( : 3rd , clear , lif inch , s 2 s , $48.UO ( < ? 45 00 ; 3rd , clear , 1J4 and 2 inch , s 2 s , $43.00i40.00 ( ; B select , ] 'f , 1)4 , and 2 inch , s 2 s , $37.00 ( < ra8..0 ( ; 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 inch , s2a15.00 ; 3rd , clear , 1 inch , s 2s , $50.00 ; A select , 1 inch , s 2 s , $33.00 ; B select , 1 inch , s 2 s , $80.00. Flooring 1st com Oinch white pine , $31.00 ; 2d com 0 inch white pine , $31.00 ; 3d com 0 inch white pine , -20.00 ; D com 0 inch white pine. $20.00 ; com 4 add C inch yellow pine , $13.00 ; Star 4 Inch yellow pine , 817.00 ; 1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4 and 0 inch , $19.00. LIME , ETC. Quincy white limo ( best.bOc ) ; English and German Portland cement , $345 ; Milwaukee and Louisville. $1.30 ; Michigan plaster , $2.25 ; Fort Dodge plaster , $2.10 ; Blue Hapid plaster , SI. 90 ; hair. 20c ; sash , 05 per ct dis ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 55 per ct dls ; tarred felt , per cwt , $2.00 ; straw board , per cwt , $1.00. Poi-i.Ait U.-MIIEU Clear poplar box bds , % in , s 2 s , ? 35.00 ; clear poplar % in panel , $3J.OO ; clear poplar ? ( j in panel , $25.00 ; clear poplar ' 4 in panel stock wide , s 2 Js , $28.00 ; poplar eorrugalcd ceilingJU , $30.00. POSTS White cedar , 0 inch , halves , 12c ; white cedar , 5) inch , halves and 8 inch q'rs , lie ; white cedar , 4 inch , round , lOc ; Tonnes ; see led cedar , split , lOc ; split oak , ( white ) So ; sawed oak , ISc. SuiNni.ns , LATH , Pr.u M. XX clear , $3.20 ; extra * A * , S2.SO ; standard A , ' 3.M ) ; 5-inch , clear , $ l.i > 051. ( ; 70 ; 0-inch , clear , $1.75@l.bO ; No. 1 , 1 1.10 ( 1.15 ; clear rod cedar , mixed widths , from Washington territory , $3.40 ; California red wood , dimension widths , $4.50 ; cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $8.23 ; lath , $3.50. Snip LAP No. 1 , plain , 8 and 18 inch , S17.W ) ; No. 2. plain , 8 and 10 inch , $13.50 ; No. I''O ' 0-SlS.OO. SmiNO 1st com , 12 nnd 10 feet , $22.00 ; 2nd com. 12 and 10 feet , $19.00 ; 3rd com , 12 nud 10 feet , § 15.0J ; fence , 12 nnd 10 feet , $13.00. STOCK Uovitns A 12 in , sis 12 , 14 and 10 feet , $40.09 ; B 12 in , s 1 s 12 , 11 and 10 feet , $41.00 ; C 12 in , s 1 s , 12 , 1 1 and 10 feet , $30.00 ; D 12 in , sis , 12 , 14 and 10 feet , $23.00 ; No. 1 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 12 foot , $18.00 ; No. 1 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 14 and 10 feet , $1750@18.50 ; No. 1 com , 12 in , sis , 10 , 18 and 20 Icet , $19.50 ; No. 2 com , 12 in. s 1 s. 14 and 10 feel , $17.00. CEII.INO AND PAUIITION 1st com , % in , white pine partition , $32.00 ; 2nd com , in , white pmo partition , $27.00 ; clear % in , yel low plno ceiling , $20.00 ; clear % In , Norway , $14.50 ; 2nd com , % in , Norway. § 18.00. Bourns No. 1 com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $18.00 ; No. 2 com. s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 ft , $1050 ; No. 3 com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $14.50 ; No. 4 com. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft , ( shipping cull ) $11.00. Add 50 cents per M. ft for rough. BATTENS WEM , Ti'iiiNo AND PICKETS O. G. Balls , 2)4 ) inch , OOc : O. O. Balls , X3 SIS , 85c ; 3 in well tublnjr , D. & M. and Bov. , $22.00 ; Pickets , D. & II. Hat ; $ iO.OO ; Pickets , D. ti H. square , S19.0C1. and ClicmicnlH. ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , 2)40 ) ; citric per Ib , 51c : oxalic , per Ib , 14o : tartanc , pow dered , per lo , 43c ; carbolic , 3b@45c. AI.U.M Per Ib , 3)4c. AMMONIA Cam. per Ib , ll)4c. AHHOWUOOT Per Ib , lOc. 13 VI.SAM Copr.iba , per Ib , G3o ; tolu , 52 ® 55c. 55c.Boiux Boiux Hefincd , per Ib , 9)4c. CU.O.MEIAm. . , per Ib , 82c. CASTOK On. $1.22. Cumn : HEUIIIHS $1.50. CANTHAUIUES $75@1.05. CASSIA Buns Per Ib. 18c. CIII.OKOFOKM Per Iblie. . CowtoMVuSuiiMMATE Per Ib , 75c. CitEAM TAIITAK Pure , perlb , 2n . ExTiiAcr Loawoou Built , per Ib , 12)4c. EittiOT 45c. Gl.YCKIllNE 2I)4C. GUM AHAIIIC .VJigOSc. LVCOPODIU.M 14c. Gi.vcEitiNE Bulk , per Ib , 22c. GUM AsfcotUla , per Ib , I4c ; camphor , per Ib , ilGo ; opium , perlb , $ ' 185. IOIMNE Hesublimatcd , per ounce , § 3.03 , LEAVES Buchu , short , per Ib , 13e ; senna Alex. , per Ib. , 25i$3j ( ( ! . MoiipiiiA Sitlph , per oz , S2.SO. MBIICUIIY fi'Ju. POTASSBromide , per Ib , 87c ; Iodine , per lb2.S5. , Qi-iNiA Sulph , per Ib 37 ( < ? 4Gc. SHEDS Caniiry , per Ib , 4HX' . SoAiy Castile , mottled , per Ib , castlle , white , per Ib , ] 3Vf ( ir > c. SrntiTH NrniB Sweet , porlb , SOc. STUVCHNIA Crystals , $1.00 ( < $1.15 , Suu'ii , CINCHONA Perez , 0itjllc. ( TAPIOCA Per Ib , Oo. TONKA. BitNs-$1.70@1.75. ! SHROEDER & DEAN , Provisions i Stocks BasQinont First National "Bank , 505 .Soullil'Jdi Slreut , - OiniiZiti BLAKE , BOISSEVAIN & CO , , J oiulon , ADOLPII BOISSEVAN & CO , , Aiiiftfurtlum , filollaiul. Trnninct a ( 'cnurul lunUni : tutincn. Becurltloi bouulil nnd ( old on tominlsslon , Kort'Un OJCliuiivet. Commercial and liuvclcr'n luttTa of credit. Orders fcir bond and itotka execute I ou conunli. don In London und on nil Continental llourset of Kurope. Ni'Hollntlonj of Hallway , fatate , City and Corpora tion l.o.'ui a ipoclaltr IMIl.lliir.llJBlJURAl ( CUSHIONS tlkliixn kriril luiliiclli. CouifoiutU. II lleiutdio IIIL. IlluilriKd took t l looft _ _ _ _ OootB ontl ShoosT KlllKSNDALL , JOffKS A OO. , BnocoMomto liool.Jono'A Co. Wholesale Mannftctorcpi of Boots &Shtes Accnta forllo lon Itutlicr Wioe Co , 1107 , HOI and ll lUrnoy street , Onmbn , Nel > rai\A. Broworo. sivnz .0 iLiin , Lsgcr Beer Brews , 1P1 North Klglitccath ttrcBt. Omalm , Vt . Cornlco. EAOLE CORN WE WORKS , Maiin'actiirers of Galvanized Iron Cornice nrtnllc > xyl Klillolm K | cnolcr , proirlctor. KM nnd llubnufj Will atrcel. _ Offloo Fixtures. SIMMOSTDS Mnnufncturcra of LM , Office aiifl Saloon Fixfc Unntlro , RMnbnnnl , Hook Cn i" , limp Kl/tuto , W ll 'a p , I'nttltlons , lUllIncCounter" . ItoorundVln J oolcr , dlrrorf. lets' Fnitury nnd onlcc. ITU ) nndliJJ tJouth ldtliBt..Um lj > . Tclcphono 11S < . Pnpor Doxos. JOr/.Y L. WILKIfi , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Noi. 1317 add 1.119 DoilRlaj street , Omnhn , Nob. Sash , Doors , Etc. j r. A. ursmtoir A co. , \Vliol itlo mtnnfnctnreri of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Monldingi Branch vClco. 12th nnd Itard urcot Oronlia , Neb. R011N MANUFACTUlllXO c57 Mannfactnrers of Sasli , Doors , Blinds , UouldlnRD , stnlr-rrork nnd Interior hard wood flnlili. N.E. corner 8lli nnd I.piunnrib airiets , Uimil.n , .Neb. StoamFltllnB8 _ , Pumps , Etc. _ ltlw .t OhAHK JS3'j/t.1l HKTlXaOl Pnfflp ? , Pipes and Engines , etcim , water , rnllnr.T nnd mlnlne aupplles , to. WO , WJ BmlBil fnriinui ttrccl , Onmlin. i ; . s. ir/A'u Exoitri : t PUMP co. , Steam and fate 'Supplies , ? uild7 : wlna mllM. 013 and 12J Jones 8U , Omaha. G * F. HOBS , acting manit er. Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Bbect-lron work , Blcnm luinipi , nw mills. 1213-121 } I.eavonworth > tri-ot , Oinnha. Iron Works. X'niAM HOILKR WOHKS , Carter .Vbon , I'rop's. Mnnnrnctnrcrsot all klndi Sleam Boiler , , Tanks and Sheet Iron fork _ \Vorka South .litli and 1J. .V M. croMlnir. TeLlH5 _ PAXTON A VIEttLlKQ IKON WORKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Bni ding Work , Enulnov brns work , Kencrnl foundry , inactilno and blacusmltli nork. ORlru mid nnrku , U. 1" . Hy. and lith street , Omaha. OMAHA WIIIE & IRON WORKS , Mannfactnrers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk rails , window Kimnls. tltiwcr stnncU. otc. 1'iJ Worth Itth sir * ct , Omuba. OMAHA SAFE & 1110X WORKS , Mani'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Sales , Vault * . Jill work , Iron nluutors and fire escapes. O. Andrccn , prop'r. Cor. llth and Jackno&Sls. SOUTH OMAHA. US ION STOCK I'AnnS CO. , Of Omalia , Limitel JolMi 1" . Uoyd , S'.iperlnton lent. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE or THK Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' , The Ucst Route from Onmlia and Council IMiifTs ( o u _ TI-IF F A .T ' 1 11 I < l - 1O I TWO TRAINS DAILY HKTWKKN OMAUA AN11 COUNCIL IILUI'FS Clilca o , AND Mlhraukco , St. Pftiil , Bliiincaiiolls , Cedar ItanldS ; Kock IslumK Frccporl ) Kockford , Clinton , Dnhiiquc , Diucnport , tlgin , JlndisoK , Janesiillo , Itoloil , Winonn , La Crosse , And nil other Important iiolnta ISast , Nortliuast and tOtltllCUMt. Fortliroush tlckcla , mil on Iho ticket nzent at 1M1 Farnam slruU , In IJnrlcur llloct.or ( it Union 1'nclUO Depot. rullman Slcepcrx and tlio Qnc't Dliilns Cnrs In the \\orld art ! run on tlio m iln line or the Culciirfo , .Mil- wuultcu A ht. 1'nul Uttllw.iy. HiiJ ovcry ut cation Is pala lu pasaon crd by courteous employes of too company. U. Mil.I.Kit , ( Jcncrul Mnnnt-cr. J. 1' . TUCKHH. ABslitant licnoral Mnnnpcr. A. V. U. CAUl'KNTlill , Ucnural 1'nsauneor nnH Ticket Acent. ( ! 1M. U IllCAFTOUD , A39l t nt GencraU'usscugor and 'Ilckot Apent. T. J. Cl.AHU. fionerai Suocrtntendent. NATIONAL BANK TJ. S. DSPCS1TOEY , OUAHA , NEB. Capital S10'JK ( ) , Surplus Jan. 1st , 188 ! ) 6:2OOJ : OKTIOElld AND UlKUCl'OlUt IIENHY W. YATr.Srl'rusll iit. LKWIS S. HKKO. Vlco I'rosldont. A.K. 1-OUZAI.Itf , W.V.MO11SU JOHN S.COIjtINB H.C.CU81UNO J.N.II. I'ATltlCIC. WMlTs. HUdHlIS , Cn < Srtr | THE IRON BANK , Comer l-'tri anil 1'arniin Sta. A Gcuerul llunklnir UustiieisTninsisto I Dn.R.O. WUST'S NKHVK ANI > UHAIN TIIKAT- nii.NT , attnarautuo.l speclUo for llyaterlu , Ulzzl- ness. Convulsions , Hta , Nurvous .S'eiiral-l ( , lloailncho , Ner/ous I'roatrutlon cau ed by the Ube of nlcobol or tobacco. WaUafaluoaa , Metitul Dopredilnn , Fnfionlnu of the llrntn , rodultlnclu Insanilv and It-atlltm to misery , rtejuy and dnalh. I'iciniitiire Old ABO. llarrannfio. I osa of 1'ower In either pax , Involuntary Losses ami ijtiurmnt- orlituucausodby ovur-exartlnnuf lliebraln.sotf. alms or ovurlmlulijcincn. Kticli box rontalns one month's treatment. Jl.OJ a box , or six boxes forW. ' > ' , Bent by mall prnpnld onr cnlptof price. WH GTJABANTH10 SIX BOXES To euro any ca u , Wttu oaish order rocolvod by uo fur blx boxei , accompanlud Uli t.'i.U ) , we will Bbiiil the purchaiur our written Kiiai.mtoa to ro tund the money If Hie tro.xtment down not e a euro. Guarantees Issued only by ( looilmaa Drut" Co , . UriifKUts , Sola Agents , 1110 Kurnam Btrtet , Oinali * Kob , . . DH.INK HIFi'lllHEH ' Till ) I'uroul in , ( I Do.t JrliU I i I' . World. Appnlizlim , DcliolnitH , HpiirUllii ! . ' . A I'acknKO ( llquiiirif. nukr < nve K"Hoin : iji ; < .u V No bclllnit or otriilnlni. . IMrccll'itn plinpln , nnil 1C iiiu,1i ncroidliitflr tliuro nut bo no inlitnki- A k your Diutt.'HI orlirotcr l r It. andtukonuiitlior i-eotlifttyni cnt IIIHKV. Try tt ami jmi Will .Not liu Withnu i , TIII : oi : gold llC. . 12. lllUUtJ , Agricultural Implements. cnuicn i LL 1'AiiKJin , Dealer Li Agricnllnial Implements , Wagons CirrUKOi miJ ImrRlev Jonci ? Ircct , between Vtb nd _ lUtligOmnbft. Nchrnika. LlXUfODH 7t MirtollLH1 CO. , Agricnlt' ' Implements , Wagons , Carriages lc.Vliolc' lo. Orunli PARLIX , ORKX1WRV .t MAHTIN CO. \ \ hole nlo Dealers In Agilcnltnral Implements , Waps& Bnggies tPlSXn,10Jj\nilm7Jonc < ttreot , Omnlin. co Manufacturers nnil Jobbers In Wagons , Buggies , IMcsm , \ \ Etc , Cor. 9th and I'adllo streets , Otunlix ArtlBta' Motorlnla. 1. llOSPi : , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , IMS Douglas strtol Omnlis , > tbrn kn. Boots nnd Shoos. W. V. MOUSE , t CO. , Mm of Boots rnd Slioes , 101,1101,1106 Douslns ( troot. Oranlm. Manufaetory , rliimruer ttrcel , llo'ton. Conl , Coke nnd Llmo. OMAUA COAL , COKE A LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soil Coal , SWgcmlh 13th street , Omnha , Nebraska , KEttllASKA FUEL CO. , Sliipfc s of Coal a d Co\c. : 311 Hontli 13th SU , Omaha , .Nub. ComnilsBlon and Storage. 1UDDELL A RTDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , Spcclaltlrs llitvtt-r , cecn. clipa LnnUry. | > . i m . Ultlliiwnrd Uruol Omalm. Nnl > Dry Goods and Notlono M. E. SMi'lIt A CO. , Dry Goods , Fiirnisning Goofls and Notions 1103 and 1101 Doucln. cor. lltb streetUmuhn , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCI1 DRY GOODS CO. , Importers end Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions , J rianls' furulikliiK Bnodn. Coraar llth and llaracr strcuts , Ouinlm , Nebraska. . ' HELIN , THOMPSON A CO. , Importers and jobbers of Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , 317 South ISth street. Furnlturo. if DEWEY A STONE , t Wholesale Dealers in Furnitnre Knrnam street , Omnhn , Nabraikn. O11ARLES SUIVERICK , Furniture , Cm ah a Nobraika. CrocorloB. ' PAXTON , Q ALT , AMU ER & CO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , TO , 707 , TOT nnil 711 i-outli lUtli iU , Omnhn , Neb. MeCOIW , JlTtADY A CO. . ' Wholesale Grocers' 13th and Lavenworth utroots , Omalin , Nebraska.i . Hardware . w. J. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Stseb Sprlnxs , wniton ntnct , bRrdwarc , lumlmr , etc. 1101 und 1211 Hartley trcot , Omaha. LEE , CLAIIKE , AKDHEESEN' 1IARD * WAllE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , 1 Metals , slicot Iron. otc. v\Kcnti for llowo scaloa , } \ Mliiinl peeler nml l.yiunu biirbcdrlru , ft A TAYLOR. Build rs' ' Ha dwarc and Scale Repair Sim Uocliuulca' tools nnd llnS'iIo ncnlca. 1103 DouiilM ( truet , Oiuum. : Nob. Lumber JOHN A. WA KEVIKLV , i Wliolesale Liiiiroer , Etc. . .rU'il anil AinuiMUii l oiiiu , d itaie'iU Stnt nccnt inr .MliwuuUt u li > tlraullc . cuniont un I C'lllnry ll Ii. ilnic. OBAS R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Tfood carpoti nuil parquet Mooring. tb and Unuflu truots. UraribH , Seb. CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale , IStU Street anil Union 1'nclllcT ni LOUIS JillADFOnD , Dealer in Luinoer , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doori , Kto , Vards-Cornpi "Hi neil Douglas. Cornet ! 0th ntiil DuuKlna ; F11U1J IK. Olt AY. Lmtep , Llniu Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner Ctli anil CouKlnn an. , Ouiulm. C. JV. DIETX. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , 13th and Cullfornln Htrceta. Omalm. Nebrmka. Mllllnoryarul Notions. TrOuJRF ELDER A CO. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions SIM,211)und ) tl2 nuth lltu street Notions. J. T. nOIUNSON NOTION CO , , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , l.oniur Kth ami llo var 1 alroot ) , Toys. ll.UAUDVACO. , Jnlibcra of Toys , Dolls , Alhuns , Fane/ / Goods , in .o , - ui > ' , i in < .r > 11 > Mil1' n 8. I't III" T i N ll Oils. CONSOLIDAED VANlLiNE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ailo creaie , to , Umaba , A , II. lllsbop , Pnpor. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Can * a nice stock of prlutlnn , wrapping and wrltlna p | ir. bin 5i l ftltenUon ( Ivua to car load orders. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH -AT 1302 FAUNAM BTUK1ST ,