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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1889)
2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY JUNE 0 , 1889- But Notifies the TJmplro That She WU1 Fllo a Protest o THE WARRIORS ALSO DEFEATED. Standing of iho Cluhft ArrnnRcnicnts rcrfectotl l-'or n Grout Uloyolo llneo nt the Colt- no n in. fifnmlliit : of tlio Clubs. Following Is the standing of the Western association club ] up to and Including yos- torday'a games ! Plnyod. L-ost , Per Ct. Bt.Paul ! U .800 Omaha 31 .045 Bloux City 31 .681 Molnes. . . . ! ! ! ) .443 Denver 80 .433 Minneapolis. . . 31 .831 St. Joseph. 30 .333 Milwaukee 20 .240 DCH ntolnt-H n , Omiilin 1. Dns MOi.vns , Juno 5. Des Molnos pulled out and won the game | n the ninth Inning. Omaha notified Korea that they would.'protcst thu pnmo. Score i 1JK.S HIOI.NKH. I OMAHA. r. b , n. n. fll r. h. o. n. e. r > ! \Uonrfi2b..l 1 2 u U 0100 I'lielnn,2b 1 I 4 4 1 Cleveland,3b..U 0041 flart.r ? ( I UUO 0 Strauiii , rt U 1200 iinskroy. U..1 u I n OCrooks , 2b U 1 4 .1 U \Vhllolcrcf..l II I U UNnnli- 7 1010 Council , 31 .1 U 1 'i UWBlsb. M .7 U 0 .1 1 piulth , Ib. ( I 01.1 U UAmlrews.ll i (1 ( fi 1 0 Kuoullar , H..U U II 2 I Canavan , If.I 1100 trranicy , c . . . U II U : i OCIarko.p T U 1 7 U Alexander , p..0 0070 , ' Totals 1 427M 2 Totals nS 227 > c M nines U 0 II ( I 0 U 0 0 ft-S Imnlm U 1 U U 0 U U 0 0-1 BIIMMAHV. Ma * earnoil 1 > < > < Molnes 3 , Omaha 1 , Two-base I'lioliin. Stolen basil lies Mollies I , Omaba 1 , Sits lly Alaxnmlor 3 , bjr I'lnrkn 1. Ila oi on bnlli Uy Aloxanilur 4 , by Clnrke C. Tlmo 1 hour , 45 minutes. Umpire Force. Denver lit , Mllwniikco S. MILWAUKEE , Juuo G. Denver defeated JMllwaukeo to-day by pounding Pitcher JJavics. Score : HII.WAUKEH. DENVKll. r. li. o. n. n. r. h. o. n. o Jlrrnnn , rf 1 0 U I ) 0 Mlrymplo , If..2 4 6 U 0 OroMley , rt..O 0 1 ( I I ) McClcllan , s.l 1 120 IXDWO , If 1 0 1 U 1 1'reilwny , rf . . .I 2 I U 0 . . ? I It II I Hone , Ib 2 2710 . U Jmltli.Sb 1 1 1 0 lllttoil.Jb U 241-2 Klusmnn , 2b.2 1 4 1 U Ktrbr.fls 1 1 0 t o Sllcli , cf 2 4201 Jlnvles. p -I 2 0 U U Twlneliam , O..1 1620 PI llln. C 1 8 I ! 4 0 Klrby. p 1 1 1 Jl J ) Alberts , III ) U 3 0 2 U Totals il 17 27 13 1 Total * 8 1231 It 6 11V IS.Vt.VOS. Ulllwsukuo. . .I 0 2 1 0 0 4 0 08 Jtenvnr . . . . . . .0 4 0 U 6 1 2 1 1.1 SUM.MAUV. Karncd rum Milwaukee fi , Denver 7. Two-base hits llorr.Ialyrniilo2 | , McClfllnn , Mich. Thrro-bii'e Bits Mom ey , Diilynuplu. Ituwr. Kliiimnn. lla'os Ftolen Ilrninn , l.owi' . lluvlc' . Mills 2 , Alberts , Mc- Clollnn/I'remlwny , nllcn. Double play Klrby , Mutton unit Jlorrlssoy. llnui'i on bnll < llrynnn , ( 'rossley t , lowoi.Morrfsscy , AlbarM.McL'lollan.Minlthg. Htruclc ont llyDuvlo * ft , by Klrbyfi. 1'nsHdil balli-Mllli 'I , a'wlnohnm X WIW i > ltclios-Iiivlu3 1 , Klrby t. Tlmo organic 2U : ) . Umpire Cuslck. Minneapolis O , Sioux City 1. Mixxiurous , Juno 5. Duke was too tnuch for the Sioux , holding them to four lilts. The homo team put up an excellent Holding came , and hit the ball often and hard. Score : r SUMMAltr. Kuns carnert Minneapolis 4. Two-ba o hit Cllno. tlotue runs Mlnnehun , Miller , Duko. li s s stolen fcllllor. Foster , Turner. Double plnyi Miller to Him- ft Bio to Mlnnoban , Cllno to llrojnun to Powell. liases bn balls lly lukui : , by Webber 4. Struck out-Uy l > uko 8 , by Webber 1. I'nssurt bull-DuKilalc. I/O It nn buuus Hloux City 4 , Mlnnuauolla 2. Tlmo 2 tours. Umpire Mcllorniott. St. lit , St. Joseph It. ST. PAUI/ , June 5. St. Joe opened here to ttay. No regular umpire was on the crounds , nnd Murane , o * the local club , and Klopf , of Bt. Joe , did the work , alternating behind the bat and in the Hold. Their work was miser- table , St. Joe getting the worstof It. A mini bor of very brilliant plays was made. Score : 8f. I'AUl , . j _ r. h. o. n. o. T. b. o. n. o paires.Ib . 2 211 U u Cnrtwrliilit , lb..2 2 11 3 1 Murphy , in . : t u 2 U 1 Curtis , ft . 1 I 0 0 f Cnrroll. rf . 1 2 1 II ) . I 2221 jlclllr , .Ib . H : i 2 fi 1 KrleK. ni . 0 1 U U I > Verrlck,2b . U 132 ( I > liellhm ccr.l II 4 3 ( IalyIf . U U 4 U OMalioney.rUo.2 2 3 U ( i-nrmor. si . 2 3 U 4 ll.MoVoy.Jb . 1 1 2 U 1 JrouKiilonc..I ! 142 . U fclaln ! . p . 1 2 U 1 OCrowcll. p . U U U 2 U Ki lly , p . 2 2 3 2 U Total ! ) 13 13 27 H 3 Totals 11112713 3 nv INN-INOS. , .2 S 3 1 0 0 2 0 0-ri tit. Joseph. . .0 U U 3 J 1 1 3 u-11 StlMMAUV. Runs cnrnrd Bt. I'niil 7 , St. Joseph J. Tvrn-baso tilts Hawea , Tarroll , CarlwrlKUl anil McV'or. Homo runs llmrcs , Hfllly , Knriucr , Arclncr and Mulmney. Il csstnlim-lly Ilium. Murnby 2 , Werrlrka , D.ily 2 flalim. Double iilaya-CnrtwrlBlit nnil l-'nu , Kollly , \Verrlck untl II aw . Danes on bull * Off Mnliiili , otT f.'rowull II , oil Knell H , lilt by plliherMtuphy f truck out lly Jlulns li. by Crowell a , b > - Kiicll 2. r scd ballv-Kc-lH'lliinsso 1 WIU1 pitchesMuliii 2 Knell 2. Snorllk-u lillLi.rroll. . Ixilt on baii-a-Hl 1'aul nht..los pli7. Time 2liou ,2juilnult3 , Uui- jilrca ilinuno uiul Klnpf. OT11I3R GAMES. Thn .National WASHINGTON , Juno 5. Hc.iult of to-day's came : SVashlngton . 0 00100030 3 Jjfow York . 0 1301000 * 4 Base hits Washington 5 , Naw Vork 7. [ Errors Washington U , Now York 3. Pitch ers Foarson and Welch , UmpireCurry. . BOSTOS , Juno 5. Result of to-day's game : Boston . 0 1001200000 4 Philadelphia . 0 4000000001 5 Base hits Boston 13 , Philadelphia 8. Errors Boston 4 , Philadelphia 1. Pitchers Maddou and Casey. Umpire Woodon. P CHICAGO , Juno 5 , liesultof to-dny'apame : If Chicago . 0 M 0 0 0 0 II U 0 I 0 Cleveland. . . . 0 U 0401000 ! ] 7 Base hits Chicago 9 , Cleveland 11. Errors Chicago 3 , Cleveland 2. Pitchers Dwyer and Blakeluy. Umpire Sullivan. Result of set-end game- Chicago . 0 00802000 5 Cleveland . 1 0 0 3 2 0 I 0 * ( I Base hits Chicago S , Cleveland 13. ! Errors -Chicago 0. Cleveland 7. Pituhers Putch inocn and O'Brien. Umpire Sullivan , /Vmorloiui .Vssnnlixtlou. Coi.vuuua , Juno 5. Result of to-duy's Craino : Columbus . 0 00300000 3 Bt.Louls . 1 030 00000 4 June 3 , Result of to-day's came : Kansas City. . . , 0 003UOOOO-2 Brooklyn . 1 * 4 , Juuo 0. Result of to-day's camu : thletics . 2-11 Louisville . 0 3303110 0-10 nAi.ri.MOHr , Juuo 5 , Rcsult of the ilrst ramu : Jlaltlmoro . I 5 1 t 0 3 3 0 0-13 Cincinnati . 1 3000UOOU 0 Ainntour Gninos. El.iu , Nob. , Juno 5. [ Special to TUB CiiK.J The Si-otla Red Stockings and the ITugato & Covey' * , of this place , crossed bats thin afternoon , the homo teaai winning by a vcorc of U to 10. Battorles Vor Kwtla Ewartwood and Phillips ; for Elba , Fotterly hd Bock , J.'Oll THIS I f Jno Pi'O rnmino lfor Sunday Nigh at the ColUotini. Thn Coliseum management , not to bo be Mud thoothnr places of public amusement piot yo. < torda.v nnd arranged a huge pro grAinmn of athletics , amateur and profca plonul , music , etc. , to bo given next Kuiulaj evening , In order to give everybody a cnuuc hit lullu U > iho softorers by the Johnstown calamity. The cntlro pro ceeds of the evening will bo telegraphed ho mayor of Johnstown , and It Is thought 41,000 or moro will bo raised. A committee of newspaper men will bo ap pointed to take chnrgo of the receipts , and everybody connected with the entertain- nont gives his services free. The pro- gramma will bo the best and most varied ever given In the coliseum , The programme vill bo published on Friday. A Orcat Itncc. Articles of agreement were entered Into ast night by and between E. S. Flagg , on behalf ot Miss Lllllo Williams ; W , J. Mor gan , on behalf of Miss Jossto Oakcs ; ft. C. Weatherby , on behalf ot Lottlo Stanley , nnd W. J. Morgan , for T. W. Eck , on behalf of \ll s Jcsslo Woods , for ono of the greatest jlcyclo races that ever took place in this country. The race will take place at the Coliseum between June SI and C' ) Inclusive , four hours a night , for $2.50 a sldo. The stakes will bo divided as follows : Forty icr cent to the winner , 30 to the ono finishing iccond , 80 to the third , and 10 to tno fourth. The rules of the L. A. W. will govern the raco. 'Iho Champion Oarsmen. SALT LAKB CITY , Juno G. [ Special Toln- grnm to Tun BKK. ] O'Connor and Lee , the world-renowned oarsmen , will row at Lake Park , Instead of Garflold beach , Saturday and Sunday. OTonnor , next Sunday , will .ry to lower the world's record. He is wili ng to hot $1,000 he can do it nnd provo Salt Lake the fastest water in the world. A Handicap BRNICIA , Cal , , Juno G. Joe Choylnski and lini Corbott fouglit this morning near Bo ilcla. Corbott were two-ounco gloves and Choylnski skin tight driving gloves. After. , wonty-sovon bloody rounds , in which Choyinski was badly battered , Corbott got m a knock-out blow and won the light. THE SPEED 1UNQ. St. tiotits Knees. ST. Louis , Juno 5. The weather Is per fect nud the track good. Summary : Six furlongs , all ages St. Leger won. Lucy P. second , GIrondos third. Titno 1G > 1GOno Ono mile daeh , all ages Hindoocraft won , Bravo second , Entry third. Time l:4HJ.f. : All ages , one mile and a quarter Terra Cottn won , Los Angeles second , Longflsh third. Timo-2:10)f : ) Two-year-olds , live furlongs Homalno won , PInkioT. second , Indian Princess third. Ono mile and a furlong Stony Montgom- mory won. Comedy second , Boulta third. Time 1:55)4. : ) < T < Tome Park Itaoes. JBIIOMB PAKK , N. Y. , Juno 5. The track and weathea were good. Summary : Three-fourths of a mile Blue Rock won in ItlSj/ , Jay F Dee second , Persimmons third. Milo aud threo-slxtconths Eric won in 2:00 : , Sephyrus second , The Forum third. Fourteen hundred yards Volinda won , Ovid second , Grenadier third. Time 1 :2U. : Two and a half furlongs Paradox won , Phoebe second , Rancocas third. Tlmo Milo nnd one-sixteenth Major Dome won , JAB second , Vivid third. Time 1 sS'J. Ono mile Mam won , Ripton second , Wyn- wood third. Time l:4i ( . Ono mile Frank Ward won in 1:47 , Bess second , Larchmont third. o AMUSKMENTS. The Luudwlg Concert company closed iti engagement at the Grand opera house last night , giving another excellent programme of fine Irish ballads and lyrics. Mr. Lud- wlg answered a telegram yesterday , urging that ho sing there next Tuesday evening for the benoilt of the Johnstown flood sufferers. A MONTANA TRAGEDY. A. Station Agent Murdered and the Assassins Killed. HELENA , Mont. , Juno 5. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE Bii.J This morning two un known men entered the station at Silver Junction , on the Montana Central , seventeen tnlles north of Helena , and shot the station agent , F. C. Jobst , while ho was in bod. The ball entered his head and he died in a few hours. Young Burrell , a boy telegraph operator from Michigan , who wai spending the night with him , sprang through the win dow when Jobst was shot , but the assassin lired after him with his rifle , and Killed him before ho had gone twenty yards. The mur derers then robbed the station , breaking open tno money drawer. All they got was S20. S20.Thoy They anticipated finding the monthly shipment of bullion from the Jay Gould mine , but this had passed through the night beforo. After completing their hellish work the murderers , both armed with Winchester rifles , took to the lulls. The alarm was soon pivon and Sheriff Jeffcries , with a posse of forty men , started from Helena in pursuit , while a crowd from Fort Marysvlllo also joined the chaso. The robbers were surrounded In the moun tains , about five miles from Silver , where the sheriff called on them to surrender. They replied by shootlnc at him , and prepared to sell their lives dearly , having burled themselves up to thu shoulders in sand. They were soon over powered and killed , their' bodies being rid dled with bullets. They were then brought Into Helena , where they and their victims , Jobst and Burroll , will bo hurried to-morrow. The robbers nro strangers and foreigners. It is thought they are brothers , and that their name U Quado. They would have been lynched if caught alive. Nebraska nnd Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , Juno 5. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Pensions granted Nobruskans : Increase Joseph D. Bodlno , James F. Graves , Hoary Drew , William H. H. Meyer , John Ilutaon. Reissue John F , Lynch. Pensions granted lowaus : Original In valid Jacob Ruins , George R. Rathe , Ora Sanderson , William F. Johnston , Joseph So- cora. Increase Brica Mickey , Alonzo E , Carroek , John Mulhorln , Phillip Hoffman , Douglas G. Ferguson , Valentino Ilarlin. Re issue and increase Commodore R , Kintz. Original widows , etc. Mary , widow of Alonzo H. Graves ; Margarethu , widow of Jacob .lucobsih : ; minor of Alphcus W , Chen- oweth , _ Convention unit I'or otial. SALT LAKIS CITV , June 5 , [ Special Tolo- gruui to Tun BEK.J Tlio tnrrltoilul liberal convention has been called for Jnnu 15. Work on the extensive system ot sewerage has been commenced in gooa shape. A largo force of laborers are employed. T. P. Cart- wright , Sidney Smith , M. T. Barnes , John T. Hallatt , H. O. Parker , Henry Watson and Samuul Watson , all of Omaha , are In the city. Investluatlnu Sunday Mnll Delivery. ' WASHINGTON , Juno G. I'ostmastor-Go'n- oral Wanuumkor has sent a circular letter to the postmasters of 100 of the largest post- oftlces throughout the country with a view of ascertaining the relative importance of the receipt and dispatch of malls at postotllces and the delivery therefrom to the public Sunday an compared with the sumo on other days of the wwok , in order to reduce work on that day if it shall be found practicable and proper. Coal Ooali'i-H Meet. CHICAGO , Juno 5. Tbo fourth annual con vention of the coal dealers' association of tbo northwest begun its session here , to-day. Nearly two hunarcd delegates were present , representing six at'itoa. J. S. Wyllo , of Davenport , wiu oloclej president for the en suing your. The Uiioolus Wcro There. LONDON , Juno 5 , Lord and Lady SalU- bury gave a dinner in honor of Prlnco Albert Victor. Among the guests were United .Status MinUter aud Mrs. Lincoln , Donovan Win * Hut Itorliy , J.ONPOS , Juun 5. The r.ico for the Derby stakes was won by Donovan , Miguel second and Eldorado third. There ware thirteen nartvr * . MARTIAL LAW IN JOHNSTOWN [ Continualfrom VIrat Lloutcnntit-Govoriior Stone readied hero wlt-h seven car loads of provisions , which will bo brought across the river to-morrow niul distributed. Five additional curs will arrive during the night. Dnknln Will Contribute. Hunox , Dale. , Juno B. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Unn.l Governor Mcltolto to-day is sued the following proclamation : "To the Citizens of Dakota The aptulllng calamity which has befallen the people of Johnstown and other cities In Pennsylvania Is so great In mngnltudo and so destructive of Ufa and property that wo should not calmly fold our hands and foci that there Is nothing for us to do. No destruction has over boon wrought on our continent bv Hoods so great ns that which has swept the Conomaugh valley , and probably never will again , When the flood desolated a portion of our territory along the Missouri In 18S1 , willing hands came to our nld , and did untold good in assuaging Its damages. I recommend that all contribu tions of money for Pennsylvania bo suut to J M. Bailey , Jr. , territorial treasurer , , at Sioux Falls , who will forward the same to the governor of that stato. fjookH Had Kor the FMilitc Oluli. JOHNSTOWN , Juno 0. The coroner's Jury to-day , proceeded to South Forlc and investigated the causa of the breakage of reservoir dams. A witness testified that slight breaks had appeared in the dam several times in the past year , but had each titno been clumsily re paired with straw , sticks and rubbish. The general impression is that the judge will declare - clare the 1'ittsburg Fishing club , that owned a reservoir , was guilty of gross negligence. In that event many suits for damugo against thJ3 millionaire club will doubtless follow. Crude DlrtliiTootants Ordoroil. WASHINGTON , Juno 5. This morning the president had a conference with the attor ney-general , secretaries of war and ttiu navy and Surgeon-General Hamilton with regard to measures for relief of the Johnstown sufferers. It is understood the Question of supplying army rations was > thoroughly considered nnd that prompt action will bo taken. The secretary of the state board of health of Pennsylvania bus sent to the surgeon general a telegram from Johns town stating that ttio Immediate need there is for crude disinfectants. Dr. Hamil ton has ordered the purchase of 10,000 pounds of copperas nnd 200 pounds of corro- Ivo sublimate , which will bo shipped to Johnstown immediately. Snmlcr Coining Home. PHILADELPHIA , Juno 5. The following named passengers went west from Altoouu this morning : G. L. Potter , Fort Wayne , Ind. Charles Swlcker. Stoughton , Wis. A. H. Sander. Omaha , Nob. Mrs. II. C. Woller and child , San Fran cisco. State Senator McAleor telegraphs General Agent Latin , of the Pennsylvania road , from Barr , as follows : "Tiio destruction of property in Alex andria is beyond my powers of description at this lime. No lives lost. " Pulton Is Safe. WASHINGTON , Juno 5. Mrs. J. D. Digon , of this city , received u letter from her father , John Fulton , general manager of the Cam bria iron works at Johnstown , Pa. , announc ing the safety of himself and family. Fulton was among those reported to have lost their lives in the disaster at Johnstown. Ho was at Cuunollsvillo at the time of the disaster. Congressman Uoeil or Council Bluffs. WASHINGTON , Juno 3. There Is no reason for the apprehensions said to exist in Coun cil Bluffs , fa. , for the safety of. Congress man Reed , of the Council Bluffs district. Ho was not on the train which was stopped by the Johnstown flood. Rood loft bore for the west , last night , by way of Now York. Debris Obstructs Chesapeake nay. BALTIHOHK , Juno 5. Navigation in Chesapeake bay is badly obstructed by the Immense quantity of logs and lumber and other drift material , through which the vessels can only pass after great delay and with extreme care. At night navigation Is not practicable. If thii President Is Not in Canada. WASHINGTON , June 5. The comptroller of currency this morning received a telegram from Postmaster Baumor , at Johnstown , sayinp the First National bank of that city is flooded , but expresses the belief that the funds are safe. The cashier is dead and the president is among the missing. JJIoro Victims. MILWAUKEE , Juno 5. A special from Ua- cine , Wis. , says : Miss Anna Bate and Miss Laura King , of that city , lost their lives in the Johnstown Hood. They were passengers on the train which was engulfed by the muddy tide. _ Mrs. Ijow Wallace Safe. WASHINGTON , Juno 5. General Low Wal lace , now at West Point , telegraphed Presi dent Harrison , in response to an inquiry last night , that his wife was "coming out of the great calamity at Johnstown safe. " Mlnnnapolln Contributes Flour. MINNEAPOLIS , Juno 15. The citizens' committee - mitteo to-day voted to send 31,000 barrels of Hour to the Johnstown sufferers. The order was divided among all the mills so as to get the Hour as early us possible. tilberai Brewers. LocurouT , N. Y. , Juno 5. At the National Brewers' association at Niagara Falls this morning , a resolution to contribute$10,000 to the Johnstown sufferers was passed unani mously , Chicago ! ) ' Bit ; Contribution. CHICAGO , Juno 5. It Is estimated that Chicago's cash contribution to the Johnstown sufferers to duto aggregates about $1)0,000. ) A. Patrol of Skiffs. CINCINNATI , Juno 5. The chief ot police has ordered a patrol of skiffs to search for dead bodies among the wreckage now coming down iho river. New York's Donation. Nnw YOKK , Juno 5. At 1 : ItO to-day there had been 11-1,500 sent to the Johnstown sufferers through the mayor's ofllco alone. Colorado' * Contribution , UHNVEK , Juno 5. Up to da to the contribu tions from Colorado cities to the Johnstown Hood sufferers aggregate $10,000. Condolence From Ireland. DUIII.IN , Juno 5. The municipal council has adopted an address of condolence to the sufferers by the Pennsylvania Hoods. Newly Married Couples , [ Copvrfoht 1SK ) till Jainea Gordon Hewlett , ] LONDON , Juno 5. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE Uim.J Colonel B. C. Jamison , of Philadelphia , and his brldo loft London yesterday onroutu for Liverpool , wh'Mico they sail to day for the states via the Inman line steamship City of Chicago , The marriage of Miss Bessie Wilkinson , of Philadelphia , to Mr. Louis Gompcrt Dovoys , of Amsterdam , was celebrated ut Paris yes terday with much pomp at the now English church in the Uuo des Passing , and again at mid-day ut the Saint Plorro do Chariot. Both churches wore handsomely decorated with palms , ferns and flowers. The brldo was escorted to the altar by her brother , OK- den Wilkinson. Riddled With ISiirkslior. Nuw Out.KAN's , Juno 5 , An Osyka , Miss. , special says : Monday overling sonic ten or fifteen white men armed with shotguns wont to the house of a negro named Dee Con nelly , who lived Hvo miles from Osyka , In Tangiyrahoha parish. A negro named Huo.v , who was supposed to have been a ftielllva from justice and the object of tholr comluir , first saw thu uiob from Connolly's house , and tried to tnaku his escape by running out from the buck door , but there he met another armed crowd , who literally riddldd blm with buckshot. TAUiINU TOTIH5 SIOUX. Two Indian Council * I/nnt Night The , ,1'ro-n-ot , , Hosisnun AnnNcvv via VAI.BNTINB , Juno 5 [ Special Telegram to TUB UBK. ] Too In dians hold two couuclls last night , ono of the half-breeds nnd''thd , other of the Indians proper , the latter bqms an Immense affair. At the half-breed council , to which Gen eral Crook \\'a ' > litvltod and attended to answer any queiUolis of which they were In doubt , after a long dlBcuiuloti of the merits of the bill , It wo * fhmlly agreed to slgu It , by a vote of r > 3 to 3. The two objecting said they preferred oash in full to farming imple " * ments. The Indian council was far from being harmonious , and finally adjourned late In the night , us badly divided as at the commence- yiont , the old men ana a few young ones being willing to slim the hill , whllo u major ity of the younir men mid a few of the old ob jected , hoping to got a bettor ono In the fu ture. The old men are willing to sign , so they may receive , as they say , some of Us benefits. A. big council Is now In secret session among the Indians , from which the reporters wore excluded , General Crook being the only ono of the commission Invited , nnd the only white man outsldo of those in the Indian country. Nothing has been done yet nnd will not likely Do. The council asked General Crook to give thorn untl' Monday next. The general finally con sented , but informed thorn the commission could not afford to lese tlmo by dolays. There will bo another Die council In the morning , as determined yesterday. It is supposed the delay askoa for to-day Is to fool the sentiment of all the different agencies. Hcd Cloud and about ono hundred lodges arrived - rived hero this morning nnd had n long talk with Swift Bear. Ho declined to bo inter viewed , nnd would express no opinion. The main cause for disagreement among them being the allotment question , which they do not understand. They bollovo as soon as they take up their soveralltles they will lese the rations MOW being issued to them by tno government , bo declared citizens and that the remainder of their reservation loft after their allotments will bo taken from them by the government. This will bo a hard question to satisfactorily explain to them. Then there is a faction that wish all cash to bo placed In the treasury direct , and use ouly the interest ; and there are other mi nor matters , such as objecting to the dividing line between this nnd Pine Ridge , which takes a number of school houses from this agency. In an interview with n meinberot the com mission to-day , ho stated they wcro hopeful , yet realized tbat much work and patience had to bo done and exorcised. At the council in the morning the allotment part of the bill will bo again carefully ex plained ; and , it is" hoped , satisfactory. The commission go from hero to Pine Rtdgo , nnd it is believed there will bo much less trouble , there , if a major ity of signatures can bo procured here. There is" 110 ( lolibt that if the commis sion had reached hero a month ago tholr work would have boon easier. 8AUT 1IAKI3 AFFAIRS. Judge Zane Takes tlio Oath of Office- Oarsmen Arrive. SALT LAKK Cfrr , Juno 5. I Special Tele gram to Tim BHE.J Judge Zane took the oath of oillco yesterday after the supreme court session nnd presided on the bench to day. The Daily Herald yesterday , published the correspondence between the attornoy- general and ex-Chief Justice Sanford whereIn - In Sanford was asked to resign. Refusing in this , ho was , Dromntly removed by the president , the latter stating in his corre spondence that Sanfqrd was not in harmony with the pollcy'Ho deemed prooer to bo pur sued with reference tt ? Utah affairs. Lee , Peterson1 and Hdmm , thu noted oars men , have arrived hero. They taito part in the great regatta on the Sth aud 'Jth at Gnr- flold Beach. Tlio course will bo three miles and turn. It is estimated tbat 8,000 people will attend dully. The recorded real estate sales for May wore $942,000 , nn increase of 85,000 over April. General Manager Thomas L. Klmball , Vice President Holcomb nnd Director Millard - lard huvo gene oast. David Hughes , O. O. Cook , George Strap- pin , wife and daughter , J. C. Lolor , Cnarles T. Cullen , A. Truynor , J. R. Wcist , F. G. Wheeler and C. W. Beach , all of Omaha , are in the city. Seven prisoners escaped from the county jail yesterday. Two were captured. The question as to whether natives of the Sandwich islands can be naturalized was tried before Judiro Zane yesterday. Ho has taken the case under advisement. Tlio Firj Ilccord. JACKSONVILLE , Fla. , Juno 5. An extens ive iiru in this city early this morning de stroyed at least sixty buildings which cov ered an area of five blocks. The buildings were mostly wooden and wore occupied by a few business firms , the majority being the homos of colored people. The loss will bo probably $300,000. No insurance. In Pedigree. The question of "fashion" in pedi grees now being discussed by various correspondents is ono which springs perennial in the brooder's breast , says the Brooder's Ga//.etto. It has been wrestled with by each succeeding gen eration over since discriminating buyers of herd book stoclc first begun evincing preferences for this or that particular strain of blood , nnd ia proba bly no nearer receiving UH quietus at the present time than it has been at any former period. Those who hold that there is little hut the useful and prac tical worth considering in. the case of pedigreed animals naturally develop a deep antipathy to anything savoring of attaching value to cattle of any line of descent without the full number of pounds of llosh or milk insisted upon by the most exacting of utilitarian standards. On thu other hand who find tin indefinitely charm cluster ing about names invested with an ex traordinary history in either sale or shaw-rlng , insist that the bare standard of the butcher or the dairyman is not always to bo regarded as the best from which to estimate values of stock main tained for breeding purposes. The Ga zette imagines , unit there lies somo- whorc a golden moan in these matters which will bo found more worthy of adoption than ' .oithur of the two ex tremes. Theresa a virtue in so-called "high" broodiiijtrifjit bo truly rich in actual merit. Tlioro is a world of wis dom in the view that insists upon rigid adherence to licit nrlnolplos and the practical purposes for which each brood is roared. In mui\io \ tutissiinus ibis is about as safe i rule for the cattle brooder as it over \is for the Lutinu. Novel Aronlo IJiglttH in Texan. A lie rcoly-coii tested fight between a catamount and a bulldog that came oil last Saturday night at one of the local variety theaters of El Paso lias Btlmu- lutod interest in sport of a now oharae tor , suj'B a dispatch to the Gloijo-Uoino- oral. A leading ruul estate owner , who controls about pno-fourth of all property in the city limits , and who is the owner of a largo and fashionable Sundav resort , says ho will have at regular intervals hereafter , boar fights , fights buiwoon do H and various wild animals , and bomothing entirely now in the way of aronio sports , namely snake fights , The country around 151 Paso abounds in immense rattlesnakes and bullsnakos , which are mortal onomloa and fight every time they moot. Tim real estate owner above mentioned intends to fit an arena where such fights cun ho aafoly witncssod , and procure from the moun tains surrounding El Pafao a largo nuni- bor of both rattloru and hull stinker ) that will fight for the delectation and amusement of all btich 151 Paso citizens as don't go to church on Sunday. A VIGILANTE EXPLANATION , Why Howell WnB Klllocl nnd Bab- oook Matlo u Prisoner. RUM-SELLING UNDER DIFFICULTY AIMnn Too Lazy to Ijivo Foolish Girls 1'ollow n Circus Hclntlvos of Johnstown DonU Church Hnmiuotcd. Affairs In Koyn Palm , SrniNdviBW , Nob. , Juno 5. [ Special to Tun BRR. ] Cattle thieves have Infested this region , have stolen cattle , have threatened lives , hnvo evaded the law , and the people have boon patient , until "forboaranco has ceased to bo n virtue. " The county is , un fortunately , located on the border of the great Sioux reservation , stretching for 200 miles east nnd west , and over ono hundred miles north. Northwest of hero Is an ex panse of unsettled territory , reaching for hundreds of miles. These conditions make It possible for a man to so thoroughly con ceal stock that it is impossible for any or body of men to trnco It , and In many In stances the cattle thieves live right on the borders of the reservation. They have been asked to quit , nnd they have laughed. They have been asked to leave the county to nvoid trouble , and they have returned two to one. They have been told the consoquonca of ro- mainiug and continuing their nofarlous prac tice , and they have just now answered this by stealing two car-loads of the best cattle belonging to two of the leading citizens. It Is said , "Tako the law for them. " The law has been tried , and the courts have ruled that they have no jurisdiction over crimes committed on the reservation. In an Interview with Tin : Bin correspond ent , to-day , a leading citizen said : "Gov ernments are Instituted among men for the urotection of life and property. Our gov ernment has failed to protect our property , and when in thu event of such u failure- our people try to protect themselves , these who do not understand thu circumstance , and 1 sometimes think they do not care to Investi gate , cry out with horror at what our t > ooplo , who do know , think the only means. Let mo say that an Investigation will convince any honest man that our people can llnd re lief only in organization. "Thieves wore among us in such numbers as to alarm oven these who were slow to be lieve them guilty. Just the day before the last steal was made , Maupiu , Gannon , Bub- cock and others prominently mentioned in the gong , wore either among their sympa thizers in the county or at Bassott or Ains- worth. At the same tune Dee Middlcton , long noted ns a thief , with threa other sus picious characters , loft the train at a small station on the railroad west of Alnsworth. With all these facts before our pcoulo some of them would not bellovo the rumor that there was n big steal on. The cattle wore taken , and to cover tholr tracks the thieves flrod the reservation , and for two days the air was so full of smoke as to almost obscure the sun. These were the circumstances Just previous to the night of Nowell's ' killing. "Our Doople , regardless of committee af filiations , were aroused to a feeling of des peration. Two at least of the men were in the county. A hundred determined were in the saddles. You know the result. "It is generally conceded that the commit * too did not go to Nowell's house for any other purpose than to take a thief who was stopping with him over night. Ho had said , not a week before , when cautioned about harboring the thieves , that 'tho committee could not take a man from his house whllo ho lived. ' Everything gees to prove that ho lived np to this sentiment and fought till the last. Ho had made his homo a rendezvous for the thieves the entire winter , and had perhaps interested himself in their welfare more than any other man. His trlonds had cautioned him. The committee had more than once told him , through individuals , that ho was doing wrong. His brother , Andrew , Newell , ono of our best respected , hardest working , and most intelligent citizens , had plead with him to cut Inoso from his connec tion with the band , and all to no avail. The end had come. "Tho vigilantes are after the gang of thieves , and , although I do not belong to the committee , I hope they will never lay down their arms until every thief is run out of its borders. What elsu can our people do I What should they do { Let the honest pcoplo of our country say what. " Harassing a Haloon. McCooi , JUNCTION , Nob. , Juno 5. [ Special Telegram to THE HUE. ] The saloon which opened here Monday , closed its doors to-day , n writ of error having been filed in the dis trict court of York county , to set aside the action of the board of trustees , as being ir- recular. The case will come up for hearing at York on Friday. A largo number of the W. C. T. U. ladies of "fcork were mot at the depot at this place yesterday morning , by a number of McCooi ladies. They immedi ately repaired to the Baptist church , where the day was spent in the interests of that society. A society was organized hero with a largo membership , the principal object of the meeting being to drive the saloon from our village. A Briilcciiimn Killed. EDOAU , Nob. , Juno 5. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. | Ed Gardiner , about twenty- one years of age. brakcninn on the B. & M. M. railroad , was instantly killed this morn ing at Smyrna , a small station in Nuckolls county , six miles south of Nolson. Ho had uncoupled the engine from the train while the train was backing , nnd. it Is supposed , attempted to jump on the tender and fell under the brake beam. His body was terri bly crushed and skull brolcen. Thu remains were embalmed and sent to Falrllold , where his parents reside. Too Lazy to I lvo. PONOA , Nob. , Juno 5. [ Special Telegram to Tac Bun. ] Alexander Campbell , a young man residing at Dally Branch , this county , made a desperate attempt to commit suicide , yoestorday. Ho stabbed himself several times lu the region of the heart , but falling to inflict a fatal wound , tried to beat his brains out. Ho was discovered by friends and brought to Ponca. An examination before - fore the insane commlss'on ' fuiloit to develop any proof of Insanity , aud the only cause as signed for his rash act is that ho is too la/y to Hvo. Ho will recover. A Rorrnwl'iil Hoeno. ST. PAUL , Nob. , Juno 5.- [ Special to Tun BEI : . ] Frank Abbott , who was arrested for stL-allng cows a few weeks ago , was sen tenced by Judge Harrison to two years In the penitentiary. The closing scene was ono of the most affecting over witnessed in thu county. The prisoner was but nineteen , mid was only married a few months ago. When the llnol words of the scntoncn was pro nounced the grief of the young wife was un controllable , She passed from the court room and through the streets crying aloud. As this is not the young man's Jlrat ofTonso , little sympathy U felt for him , and the sen tence Is considered n ono. Sheriff Mo- Donuld took him to Lincoln this morning. Hrroavod by iho CSretit Flood. NOUTII PI.ATTI : , Noh , , Juno 5. [ Special to Tun BUB. ] A number of our cttumu are mourning the loss of friends who perished in the flood ut Johnstown , Pa. The names of several of the relatives of Dr. Donaldson's ' wife are published as lost. J , 10. Phillips has received a telegram from friends at Pittsburg saying thut his sister from thai place was visiting relatives at Johnstown , nnd It Is feared that all are lost. The fami lies of two brothers of John Barber , who lived ut Coriomaughboro , ura boliuvod to have perished. A Now Paper Slill. BiuTiacii , Neb. , Juno 5. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BKK.I Articles of Incorpora tion wore ( llea with the county clerk this af ternoon of the Beatrice Paper company , to purchnsa inaobinery , erect buildings , oper ate plants and manufacture all classes of paper mid paper goods ; capital , (50,000 , ; shares flOO ; incorporutors , William Baldwin , William A. Johnston , Gcori'u M. Jokustloii , A. 13. Hall , J. A. Watorhouso , nil of Poorla , 111. The company began operations on Mon day , The mill U two miles southeast of Iho city. _ _ - _ _ Jit duo Church nd , Sinsnr , Nob. , Juno 15. | Spcctal Telegram to Tin : BKK. ] The spacious dining room of the Pacific hotel shone with splendor to night , the occasion being a complimentary banquet to District Juduo A. H. Church , who is holding co-jrt hero at present , by the bar of Cheyenne county , The nrcsotioa of ladles was a now feature , but qulto ngreatblo to the bachelor attorneys. Hon. George W. Hoist presided nnd acted as toaUmiistor. The proceedings began with nn address of welcome , whlcn was responded to by Judeo HoUt. Thou followed the toaiU. "Tho bench of the Tenth judicial district , " ro- sponsoby Iwlgo Church ; "Tho Indies and their relations to the bar , " response by Judge Norvllle ; "Tho obligations ol the pro fession to society , " rcs | > onsu by Hon. H. Straynor ; "The bar of the Tenth judicial district , " rtispotisa by Jmlttolilxlar ; "Tho bar of Lincoln county. " response by John W. Wllcox ; "Tho public prosecutor. " response - sponso by Eddy O. Lee ; "The relations of the bar to the judiciary , " response by L. I ) . Holmes "Laudable ambition " ; , response by Judge W. P. Milos. Many Impromptu ad dresses were made. A VIoloiiH Stallion. PONCA , Nob. . Juno 5. [ Special Telegram to Tim BRK.I Two innn named McShnne , living noarthh city , woroattuckod and badly hurt by a savatfo stallion yesterday morn- Ing. The older , who was loading the horse , was knocked down nnd nnarly tramped to death : the son wont to the roscun and the maddened animal seized his hand between Its tooth nnd mangled it terribly. He dragged the boy several yards and literally tore 0110 linger from the hand , necessitating u surgi cal operation. Another MUslnit Sinn. LOUISVIU..K , Nob. , Juno 5. [ Special Tele gram to Tim Bun. ] George Brock , a grain buyer at Manlcy , Nob. , four miles below here , has boon missing since Saturday. Creditors levied on his goods to-day. His friends claim foul play. Ho had only about $100 with him when ho wont to Omaha. He has handled largo sumt of money dally aud could have run off with $2,000 to SJ.WO any week this spr'ng ' If ho hail been so inclined. Taking in all , It Is n very strange caso. Scr.-unlln Is Not Hnydnn. NEIIHASKA. CITV , Nob. , .Tuuo 5. [ Special Telegram to THE BEI : . ] Dave Scramltn , a fanner living near Hoartwoll , Neb , , arrived hero , this evening , and Identified Wash Scrainlln , under arrest here as Hayden , the lied Oak murderer , as his brother , who loft homo eighteen months ago. He .was identi fied by half a dozen people positively as Hayden - den , so closely docs ho resemble the mur derer. The turn of affairs has caused con sternation auioug the oOlccrs. Acnlntst tlio Twine Trust. BRATRICK , Neb. , Juno 5. [ Special Tele gram to Tins Bin. : ] The Gngo County Farm ers' alliance hold a meeting at Flllcy , yester day , and adopted resolutions to the effect that they will not pay for binding twmo to exceed the following prices : ' 'Manilla , 10 cents ; Sisol , II cents ; Standard , 1.1 cents , " and recommend nil subordinate alliances to patronize ouly tirms , who deal in twine that are not identified witli the twine trust. A Strike at Imiilsvlllo. LOUISVILLE , Nob. , Juno 5. [ Special to TnB BEB. ] About half ot the men employed in the Omaha Sand and Stone company's auarry , at this place , struck this afternoon on account of wages not being paid for two months. They were to bo paid to-day , but received notice of postponement until Satur day ; hence the strilto. Farm House Burned. Lour CITV , Nob. , Juno 5. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEB.J The farm house of E. Shoemaker , two miles east of here , took tire from a defective Hue , yesterday , and was burned to tbo ground. The fire was under such headway when discovered that nothing whatever was saved. Circus-Struck OirU. BLAIB , Neb. , Juno 5. [ Special to THE BBC. " ! Five girls aged from ton to flftueo years , made up their minds to follow a circus oft. They were to start last night on the Lincoln passenger. Only two , Stella Hill nnd Aga Turner , got off , ns the other girls for some reason did not reach the depot. The two runaways were caught at Frcmoat and brought homo this morning. A Cnso of Incendiarism. Lour CITY , Neb. , Juno 5. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bii : . ] Koran's elevator , at Arcadia , was burned yesterday morning , to gether with the contents. Loss about $0,003 ; insurance , § 2,500. It was cloarJy the work of an ibconuiary. Cattln lor Chicago. DAVID CITV , Nob. , Juno 5. [ Special Tale- gram to Tnu BEK.I Last evening nineteen cars of fat cattle started from here direct to Chicago , over the Union Pacillo railroad to Council Bluffs thence by the Chicago .t Northwostcrn , being shipped by several far mers living near town. lU'oku His Collar Done. BKATUICE , Nob. , June 5. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEK.I Jefferson , the ten-year- old son of Judge Broady. fell from a buggy , while riding last night , and broke bis collar bone. FAT 1113II DAMIQN'S COXDIl'luN. The Hlizlily Ucspeetcd Priest Not Iiin roiiHly Stricken. CIIKVENNB , Wyo. , Juno 5. [ .Special Tele gram to THE Br.B. 1 Father Damon , late principal of Creighton college , at Omaha , experienced a slight attack of paralysis at at Evanston , yesterday , while on route cast. The visitation was not of n dangerous char acter and Father Daman continued his jour ney to this city , whore ho remains to-night , the guest of Bishop Burke. Ho will resume his journey to Omaha to .morrow , apparently In his usual health. When seen this aveniag at the episcopal residence ho was unjoying social converse with Bishop Burku , John A. Crolghton and several priests. He was ap parently lu the uost of spirits. Tlin Inst oT tin ; nroworiea. LKAVENWOHTII , Kan.-Juno 5. [ Special Telegram to THIS BHE.J The Brandon & Kermyer brewery , of this city , the only ono running in the state , closed to-day , to remain closed until prohibition is done away with. Under the new police system it was found Imposslolu to sell or deliver beer to custo mers , for oflicors followed the delivery wagons on horseback and seized the beer whoru found. Thu plant is valued ut f 100- 000 , and Is one of the finest brewing proper ties in the west. The yearly payroll amounted to over ) f IH.OOO , and their shutting down throws a great many out of employ ment , . _ _ , _ - r l.l | j Tlin Wentlior IndluatloiiH. For Nebraska Fair , cooler , wind * becom- ng northwesterly. For fowa Fair , warmer , southerly winds. For Dauota Fair , cooler , winds becom ing northwesterly. Hontnnc ; d for Hfotlng. UniiuN , Juno 5. Eighteen miners at Kssen , who were recently on a strike , have been sentenced to Imprisonment for termi ranging fromouo to six months for rioting. Another Clilougo Appointment. WASHINGTON , Juno 5. The secretary of the treasury yesterday appointed John A , Heave special inspector of customs at Chi cago. Rnrthrjuake Bhoolc at Nashville. NisnviM.K , Tenn. , Juno 5. A shook of earthquake was felt here a short while ago. Yesterday the subscriptions obtained by the committee * appointed ut the mooting of the board of trade , and deposited with Ftud Millard at the Commercial National bautf , uuiouutea BOYCOTTED BY THE WOMEN , A Novel Situation of AfTalra at Port Dodge , In. THE COUNCIL CAUSES THE ROW. Meeting ot tlio Htnio llranah of the Irish National Iionjjiio Pharma cists In Convention Tlio Grand Liodo. | v A Novell llovoott , FouTjDoiinc , la. , Juno G. ( Special Telegram gram to Tint Hin. : ] The most novel boycott over attoinptod In the Unltud States was in augurated hero , this morning , by tha wives of several prominent citizens against mer chants to prevent their holding any business relations with any member of the board of alderman. Iho-boycott is the result of the recent action of iho aldermen In passing nn ordinance allowing cows to run loose through out the city , The ban Is placed upon ail branches ot trade , nnd fully two-thirds of the women ot the city solemnly pledge thorn- solves not to buy a cent's worth from a grocer , dry goods man , biitclior , baker or other merchant who violates their ironclad demand. There U much excitement in con sequence of the city councils action , ami an indignation mooting , to request , the linmo- dlato resignation of the entire board of ulder- men , Is strongly agitated. ' 1 hi ) Supreme Court. DM MoiNr.s , la. , Junoo. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun Unit.Tho ) supreme court Hied the following decisions here to-day : Nichols & Labour v Polk county , appal- lant ; uftlrmod. 13. S. Ellsworth , appellant , vs White U. Handall ; Sioux district ; afUrmud. J. H. L-uisloy vs Annie E. Niutort ct at , appellants , Cedar Haplds superior court ; iilllriued. State of lowavs MUCK demons , appellant ; Marlon district ; reversed , L. C. Snydar. uppoll int , vs Fireman Fund Insurance company ; Henry district ; at- nrmud. J nines M. Potion vs Chicago , Hock Island & Panillu Kuilrond company , appellant ; Davis district ; ulllrmod. Bradley it Nicoultn vs David Palon , appellant lantJCossuth ; district ; aulrmcd. Tlin Nntion.-il DES MOINKS , la. , Juno 5. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BUK.I The atato moootlng ot Irish National league bogau hero to-day. , / * Mayor Carpenter gave an address of welcome to which n response was made by Mr. Den nis Maiior , of Iowa City. Mr. J. J. Sbua , of Council Bluffs , was niiulo 'temporary chair man. Senator W. A. Wolfe , of Clinton , ono of the prominent Iritflime/i of thu state , in the course of his brief remarks said thut when the Cronin murdcfr had been sifted to the bottoui it would bo found that it was done by an Irishman paid with British gold ; by so in o unite , and not by an Irish organiza tion. This evening a largo reception was tendered the visiting delegates , at which Licutunatit-Govcrnor Hill delivered an ad dress of welcome. The Iowa Undertakers. Duiit'Qun , la. , Juno 5. [ Special Telegram , to Tun BII : . ] The Iowa undertakers have selected Marshalltowti as the next place of mooting. They appointed committees from subordinate organizations in each congres sional district and elected Miller , of Tiptou , president ; Hubbard , of Suonocr , vice-presi dent ; Burnett , of Creston , secretary ; Hoff- uian , of DubuQUe , treasurer ; Wilbur , of Mnrshalltown , Hubburd , of Spencer , and Turner , of Cedar Haplds , executive commit tee : Weebs , of Cedar Hapids , dcleguto to the national convention. Tlin Mnsoiiia Grand Sioux CITV , To. , Juno 5. [ Special Tola- gram to Tun BEB.J The grand ledge of Iowa , A. F. & A. M. , at its session to-day se lected Ottumwa as the place for next year's mooting. The following oQlcors were elected : J. D. Gamble , of Knoxville , grand uiaator ; senior grand warden , H. G. Phil lips , of Atlantic ; junior grand warden , J. W. Baiter , of Ottuimvu ; grand treasurer , Sam uel Dunn , of Museatinc ; grand secretary , T. S Parvin , of Cedar Hapids ; deputy grand master , George M. Van Houscn , of Lima Springs. The Sunday School Convention. CEDAR flu-IPs , la. , Juno 5. Four hundred delegates are in attendance at the Iowa stata Sunday school convontion. Resolutions were unanimously adopted declaring the Iowa prohibitory law as well enforced as any criminal law on the statute hooks , and de nouncing as unfair and untrue the efforts of the liquor interests to misstate and misrep resent the facts to prejudice the pcoplo ot other states. Dismissed ut IMaintinV Coat. Four DODOB , la. , Juno 5. [ Special Tola- gram to TUB BKB. | The suit of the Amer ican Finance company of Now York City against the Mason City & Fort Dodge rail way , for $125,000 damaees , because of a violation lation of contract in placing J2,000,000 bonds on the market through another agency , was dismissed at plaintiffs' cost in the United States court hero to-day. Informers Shall Not Testify. DunuQUi ; la. , Juno 5. lu the liquor cases to-day , under the prohibition lavy , Judge Lenchan , of the district court , refused to ru- cclvu the evidence of n witness who had been hlrod by the prosecuting attorney to visit saloons ana procure liquor for tha sola purpose of creating evidence. The cases were dismissed by the court at the plaintiff 'a cost. _ Two Miners Injured. WnATRHEBii , la. , Juno 5 , [ Special Telegram - gram to THE BEE , ] This morning two min ors named Peter Mix and Joe Llcltlngcr , working In No. 1 shaft , were fixing a blast of powder. The squibs had missed last night , nnd they had taken the powder out and wcro re-stamping the hole when the powder ex ploded , burning Llcklngcr seriously and Mix pretty badly. Shormnn if Not n Candidate , Sioux CITV , la. , Juno 5. [ Special Tele gram to THIS BIB. | Ex-Governor Buren R. Sherman , In an Interview , to-night , positively contradicts the widely circulated report that ho Is a candidate for the republican nomina tion for governor of Iowa. Ho says that ho la not , and under no circumstances will bv ft candidate. in Convention. DunuquE , la. , Juno C. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEB. ] The pharmacist * ' state convention vontion opened this afternoon. The visitors wore entertained with a steamboat rldo this afternoon , They will bo given a concert aatl ball to-morrow night , * PostmaHtorH Appointed , WASHINGTON , Juno 5. Among the post masters appointed by the president to-day , were the following ; Frank Bunnor. at Geneva , 111. ; William A. Hunter , of Bullo Plaine , la. : Henry H. Reed , ut BrooKlyo , la. ; Allen T. Underwood , at Montezuma , IB. SICK H ! ' Positively cured by these I , ulu I'lllv. ( CARTER'S 1'huy also rcllcro Pis tress fro'a Dyspepsia. In- IITTLE A ixsrlect rem clyfor DlzzlnchK , Naiiwca i'Ki , llail Tusic In Uio Mouth , UutrJ Tongue , I'aln In tlio Bldr , TOIII'II ) IJYL'n. Tlioj reguhite the Uowcls. Turely Vegetable. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE ,