1FHE OMAHA. DAILY BBR' SUNITAY JUNK 2. 1889.-SIXTEEN PAGES. WBi i * IlWlWi lW Il1iMMPiMM BiAWWWSMWBB MnSili * i * W WW WBNW W > MWr SPECIAL NOTICES , OMAHA. No luircrtlscniotits will l > o taken Tor tlicfl" columns nflcr 12iO : it , in , TciniH Cnsli In ndvnncf. Advertisements under Ihls lien-l 10 cents per Ilnn for the first insertion , T cent * for each sub sequent Insertion , und II. W ) tier linn per month. No advertisement taken for loss than 2.1 rents for first insertion , Seven words will t > o counted co the line : they must run consecutively nml must bo paid in ADVAM'K. All advertise ments must bo handed In bcforo 12:10 : o'clo k p. m , niid under no circumstances will they bo tekon or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In these. columns nnd hnv- Ing their answers addressed In euro of Tnr. Jim will plensoask for n < luck to enable them to sot tlulrli ttors. ns none will bo rteltveri d except on presentation of check. All answer * to advcr- tlfomeiits nhonld ho enclosed In envelopes. All ndvcrtlfomcnls In these columns nro pub- HMicd In both mot nlng nnd evening editions of Tun llii- : , the circulation of whleh nggiegntos morn than If.tOO papers dally , and gives the ad vertiser ) ! the benefit , notonly of the rlty clrcu- iHtlonof Tim HIT. hut also of Council muffs , Lincoln nnct other cities and towns throughout this section of I ho country. BRANCH "OFFTCEST Advertising for those columns will bo taken on the above conditions , at the follow lug busi ness bout-es , who nru authoilrod nge-nts'forTm : HBB ftticclai notices , and will quote the saino rates as can bo lind at tlio mnln olllco. W. lKLL' " > > rnincst. 820 South Tenth * Street. _ GIIASICA. HODV , Ptatloncrs and Printers , 113 South ICIIiKtHot. _ S I1.FAHN8WOHTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum- , ing Street. _ J. IIUdHKS , Plmimaclst , OM North ICth Street. G F.O. W. PA HH , Pharmacist , IMfl St. Mary's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. OY wanting situation In grocery , country Jj town urefi'Vrod : good habits ; axe IB Par- ties wanting help please addrcs , K. F , Kllppcl , Bt. Paul. Nob. lriJ.Jt WANTF.D Work of nny kind by a voting mnnstranger In the city. Addles | > 7llee. S Iri'tJATlON wanted A llrsti-lass Inead nnd cake , baker , Adilresi N , 12H Davenport st. 710 2t WANTEP IVALe HELP. ry TT JK ) ; also moixt anil pastry took for small liotU , W3 , Mrs. llreija , Jll South ir.th st. 2t WANTKO A baker of peed moral habits and a single rann. WnpesJlO per mouth nnd expenses , bond testimonials to Stutu In dustrial School. Kearney. Nob. 014-J W ANTBD A canvasser for the Omaha Kx- culalor , Apply at in bouth Itth ntiect. WANTED Two general agents. Must ba of good address , deposit &i > nndglvo security for money collected. Salary { GO per month and expenses. Davis A-Shahau , 549 Hamgu blocic , Omaha. U47-J3 WANTKl ) A thoroughly posted gentle man to solicit orders from phyMclnns for "Cyclopedia of the Diseases of Children , " by Dr. J. M. Keating , and IS. ) of the best writers on America , ( jioatHrltnln and Canada , published by J. II , Llpplncott .V Co , Apply foi terms. K. Holdoway X Co. , 607 N. 7tii st. , St. Louis , Ho. IM8-1 ANTKD A reliable yoang man for de livery wugon. Callnt-UJSo. llth st. IIH-t ANTED A man with fair education to Ink" the country management of a now publication ; must deposit * J1 aud glvosecuilty for mon y collected ; salaiy J78 per month. (1 , B. Clmc , I Irst National Hank bulldmg , Omaha , 1M02 : /"II'TTKHS mid tailors wanted to address A. \JD. Hude , Cutting fcchool , U * ; elaud , O.MIS MIS 6' WANTBD An energetic young man , school teacher pn-ferrcd , to manage an ollice. Jleferences and JUKI capital required. Salary ll.imo per year. Address Hovey & Pates. DOS Molnes , Jo. 8712 * : B OY8 Am. Dlst. TeL Co , , liOl Douglas. 709 SALKSMEN Wo wlshn fowmen to sell our. goods by sample to wholesale and letall trade. Largest manufis lu our Hue. Enclose 2 cent stamp. Wages $ .1 per ctny. Permanent position. No postals answered. Money ad- i vanced rorwages , advertising , etc. Contonnlal Mun'f'g Co , Cincinnati , O. M4-JU * WANTED-2)poodstonp ) cutters , ten hours' worn. Me per hour ; long job Addles * on the work or 1) . C. Wiirlz , 12S K. Huorf.ino St. , Colorado Springs , Colo. BAHHKR wanted Uood , steady man. Ad _ dress r. llotsford , Arcadia , Neb. _ 8,17 4t WANTKD-A good schoolboy to carry n horse route on Dally Evening llee Apply at lleo olllce. 748 _ _ MfcN to Travel for the Foiithlll Nurseries of Canada Wo pay t" > 0 to IKK ) a month and expenses to agents to pell our Canadian grown stock. Ad. btono iV Wellington , Madison , VV is 7(10 t WANTED Hnllroad laborers , rotkmeu and tra" k-laj ers for VA atjlilngton Territory ; KOod wages and stoauy wink , af Albright's Labor Agency. 11 0 Farniim st. ( fa W'AN'J ICD Soeral moio energetic nnd roll- able solicitors. Uhe faluger J Ifg. Co . 1518 Dougjos st. MX jil W'ANTRD Agents Puzzle wntcn cnarm ; roost taking novelty out ; exact Imitation of "Pigs in Clover. " size of nickel , gold plntcd. BnmplolBc , two 2T > c. doz. $1 ; stamps taken. ! Btayner & , Co. . Provldonce. It. I 7i14 J4t WANTED--FEK1 ALE HELP. _ _ _ 1 A QENTS ( Ladles ) wanted to sell the Mine. X Williamson Corset. Largest nalo of any patent corset in the market. Hood territory. Apply , Agents'Manager , 1U 8. Sixth street. St. Louis , Mo. Ull2 $ \\7ANTKD-3dlnlngroom girls for Norfolk , < _ V.lS.pa : try cook , ttO ; young girl to lie "with an old couple on a farm , will bo treated like a daughter , have n pony to ride , etc : house keeper on a ranch , no objection to child , small wages ; experienced nurse for 2-j ear-old child , good references requited ; kitchen girls , laund resses and 2fi for general housework. Mrs. Ilrega. ! H4ii H. Ifith. 01-u WTANTKD-3 cookH , prhato families , M to M TT per week ; < ) waitresses , Jo jier week : 4 chambermaids , it dlsli wasliors , glils for can ning factory , f 7 per week ; a second girls for nice family ; 2 nur-io girls , second cook , t > per week ; 8 girls for country hotels , waitresses iind cooks for the west , 40 girls for general work. Omaha Kmp. llureau , 111) ) N. ICth at. iJ2 ) % WANTKD A lady to solicit ; must deposit . ' " > and comn well recommended ; salary { 65 per month. CillonOeo , S. Cllue.fill Hrst Rational bang. JIKJ * rANTKD-Nurso girl , call once , good wages. 2IU Douglas st. 1 01 2 W ANTUD-l'cmalo took at Cltv liotol. _ EU1-2J W'ANTUD A good girl for general house work. 101,1 S. 50th ae. . _ m2 St ' WANlT.D-Oood girl for general lioiisew'oTk in small family , at i.2 , ' Purk n\enue. _ 84V-2 _ WANT1ID A girl "for general housework ; must gtv good leforeuces , A. Hospo , Ulo N.lTtn. _ 7au i WANTED Ilutton-uolo makers , . llTTl'aT- nam. 722 2 * A ( IK It MAN girl for general house w DTK. B. _ Kith st. ( JIB W ANTUD Cook iiiiil second uirl , good wages paid. Inquire IdOi ) Douglas. oih ) DRESSMAKIC. DHKSSMAKINU , In families , CJ5 S. 17th. _ Mil Jiit BOARDING. WANTED Two gentlemen , or man and wife to take room nnd board lu prlate family , only 7 blocksfrom postolllce , on cable nnd near horse car Hue. rinest location lu city , lawn , etc. All modern comenleiicos , Heasouuble terms to right party. C. i , llee , Jlkiti-iU1 BUAKDKHS wanted at tiio Cozzens"Hfitel at reduced rates ; the most pleasant locatlou In the city. M J Krnuck. prop. 87U WANTED-TO RENT. WANTKl ) toTent Hy iuan uuir vlfe. 4 or 6 room cpttage or Hat , all conveulcncos , ac cessible to cable aud Font h Omaha dummy lines , permanent , ortnrnlshed house foi the season ; references gl ; en.Adilrem _ 11U4 llee. 841 ) to rent by fiiiiilly ot two , un unfurnished - furnished cottage in good condition con taining G or 7 rooms ; must hiivu ternia an 1 lo cation to receive any atteulion. Address U K , . TnOH HKNT 0-rooin cottage 11)7 ) N. 10th. Ap- J ply m Chicago at. 70 > St " 1J10H IHSNT-An elexunt new brick HatTa J- comer , modern conveniences , worth 4i > , will rent to good party for Ml. T , 0 , Hrunner , room | , Wore block , UJ2-2 WoTTitENT A six-room cottage , well and J- cistern ; I2J. t > J8 Bouth Touty-tlr t bt. [ HtTH room house for rent and furnltnra tor 'silo. ' luiulrent 2118 Hartley it. UI.I2J ' HKNr-7-room cottnge.Applir lllSfllOth U'OH BI2 FOH HKNT 0-room cottage , & ) fl So. 21st litrcet Bi'tf ' St _ _ [ 71011 HKNT-7-rcora flat. imiulrontthoValr , JL1 ntiuuid Howard. 8711 _ ITiOH H15NT-A flat In thn Her building ! JL 7 rooms. tonm hoar , gas and bath Apply to A. 0. Itaymer , haidwarc , ICtn and Jackson. 771 _ O NICK 7-room cottages : peed eellnrs , cisterns , < - < wel ] , Rood biun ; convenient to school and church ; * .W per month for the summer. Apply at once , U. 1. Harrison1 , Merchants' Nnt'l ' nauk. 772 _ "HIGH HUNT 14-room brick dwelling , all con- JL'onlcneo3 , 2IB N. IBth st. 774 _ _ _ Olf" HKNT Now 8-room home , modern F conv-nlcnces , JIM and Miami. N. II Adams * 7G24 * TOH HKNT-Convcnlent for I or 2 families , n JL. 0 room housj , aus Doicas st. C41- . " "ITlOll HUNT For tlio summe'r months , well- JL' furnlslicd house In Ilist-class locality , 10 mltiutcH walk from courthouse. Call or address - dress : ili ) S liithht. 721 _ _ I poll IU5NT Seven-room cottage , with barn. 1 city water , S. tfld street , west side llnnscnm 1'aik. Apply to J. 1' . Mogenth , Pnxtou block , opp public libraiy. ' 20 Ht Q-HOOM house : centrally located modern Im- Oprotments. J. I' , lltuton010 Cnpltol avo. 711 > * T71OH HUNT Very doslrablo 0-room house. JHcasomiblc , T. L. Von Doin , 22d anil Leav worth. 720 St TOH HKNT-FIno Hat corner of 2)th ) and JL Lcavenworth streets , with all modern con veniences , t'.l ' per mouth. Kino 1- room dwell ing all modern conveniences , ld > 7 N. 20th ; cable paasts door. f.11 per month , 1) . V. Sholes , 210 First National bonk. ill'J FoiniFNT Twohousos , 2017 nnd 2010 Leiv enworth st , one 14 and ono Brooms : mod ern conveniences ; will put In repair. luiiulro room 20 Nebraska National bank bid. 4 > . . . . HKNT 8-room house on cor. 11th nnd Lcavenworth. Apply Dr.Mattlce.UM ) Dodge. I710HHKNT New house , 6 rooms , cltv water , LA 27th and Hickorysts. Ul7-2t FOU 1U5NT-Now brick housos. 11 rooms , with every modern con\onlunre ; on c blo line ; only $10 per month. 0. T. Taylor , cor. Jlth ' and FOR RENT ROOMS-FURNISHED- I710H HUNT l < aig front pnrlor , furnlahod -L with board , go 11 bt. Mary's iivonno. IOH HKN1 2 Trent rooms , no cor 21st and JL1 Davenport. 021-1 r "VTICKLY furnished front ana back room. All J-x modern couvoutoncos. 'io , ! bo. 24th st. OH KENT Tor 1 or 2 pentlcmcn , lar o front room with altovo , ulcoly furnlshnd : on cable line ; Dodge , opposite ffiitti o\e. 'Jf.U It FOH JIUNT Lai go modern furnished house for tnrce months to private family. Ad dress 01 , Itae office. Ui6-U NJ5W rnrnlshod rooms , bay wludo\v , all con veniences , near P. O. 1015 Capitol avenue , OU-bt ITIUItNlSHEl ) rooms with board. 220 N. lath X' St. ' U27-4 * EMlHcTT iriTn'"room'Sat"021'4 ' S. Wth st. All modern con\oiilences. U24-2t wu elegant f mulshed rooms , every con- \ oulonce , single or double. 171'J livenport. ) . OOM and board cheap for two in private family. 2218 Hurt st. 9JI-3 * FOH HUNT Nicely furnished parlors , front and ba < k , w 111 rent lu suites or Hlnnlo. hoard it desired. Terms moduate , 2100 Inininibt BM ! , J f 1J10H KI.NTlloom with board ; bet loc.i -U tlop In city , 2JI S. 2'ith ave. o57 It TJ10H HCNT I'uriilslied loom , 1701 Capl. nvo. Jj i > S 7t /"lilKRItrUIjioom with or without board , in v-'privato ' family , nicely situated , new resi dence opposite Y. M. C. A. athletic pane. 21W 1 1 urnoy/ _ Si ) , ' 4t F UHNISHKD room to lot. 2105 Douglas st , b'JJ 7J NICELY fuinislied front and back parlor , suitable for four , 120 per month. 1818" St. Mary's avenue. Wl ! g FOH HENT Large fuinislied room in pit- vate family at 101 Farnum st , 1158 .ft T7MJHNISIIKD front room with oqdroom , for JL ; one or two , cheap , t3S S. 10th st. f-5'J 2 ? CIlKSl'-CLASS loom and board at 421 S. llthst. JL1 BOI : .t O P. K. Hooms , modern conveniences , J12 and 'iir > a month , board if desired , lull Douglas. 8K)2r ) E UHNlSlini ) rooms by day , week or month , bt. Clalr hotel , cor hithiuiil Dodge. 775 IAIUii ; front room with bod-room adjolnintr. handbomely fuinlshed , gas and heated by steam , with use of bath room , in one of the handsomcbt residences in the city , without board , luiiulio n. vv. cor. lUth and Jioaveuworth 770 I7UTHNISHKD rooms , single or en suite , bath -L and steam ; for gouts only. lol'J Howard. 717 O NICE south fiont rooms with every conven ience ; telephone In house 1U08 Capitol ave. ROOM with or w itnout board. 18U Dodge. 780 ] ? cm HUNT Kooin. 1021 Howard. 781 fjlUHNISHEnor unfurnished house for rent -U In Park 'lerrace. opposite. Hanscom park ; all modern conveniences. Inquire Lee & Nlchol , 28th and Leavenworth. 7W ELEGANTLY furnished rooms centrally lo cated , with or without board , price reason able. 001 S. l.ith. . 704 Kit FOH HUNT 2 front looms , en suite , modern convenienceslor gentlemen only. 1115 N. 17th , 761J28 LAHOU front room. Iteferonco required. 2214 raruam. 71J I71OH HUNT "rurniihod rooms. 22J3 Doilgo ! E 257 2 XTICE rooms , f mulshed , * 5to J12 per month , lor by week. Peabody house , 14th and Jones. 705 j 281 : LAIlflR furnished room torrent , suitable for J gentlemen. 1WJ I'arnam. t.ai T710H HUNT Pleasant furnished rooms nt 1914 JL ? rarinim st. 4W J FOH HUNT From June 1st , suite of roomi. with board , ut 17. Dodge st. 4il Jl FOH HUNT A iileasant room , only 0 minutes walk from business tenter , all modern con veniences , cor St. Maiy's avo. aud2oth or GJO S. i.0th. brick residence. KOI LOVIILY Eouth front room , every coinen. lenco , li block from utroet tut , ! OJ Douglas , I foil HUNT A nicely furnished largo front room , all modem conveniences ; for furtner piirtlculms tall ut 22)5 ) Dodge st. 195 TnoirItKNT Nicely furnished front room JL1 wltlibounlnil conveniences,1'JlUCiipltol ave , btH TpUlfNISHEU looms , 11JS , 20th , near Dodgo. JJ 2II7JI4 * fjlOH HKN1 furnlstieit rooms with or w 1th- X' out board fur fiimlllu and single men at i educed price for the summer months at the Coz/ens hotol. M J 1'rancK , prop. t0 F U U Nib 11K D front rooms 1810 Dodge. 877 jBt FOH HIiNI Kninlshed rooms single or en . unite. 1MM Doiiglan. 71J _ FORRENT--ROOMS UNFURNISHED F0,1 ! HUNT 2 nice uiifurnluhcd looms , 1111 Douglas , , Mrs. Julia btolu. VM ' Jj Oll HKNT 3 or 3 looms to small family , verj convenient , liuiulro K10 South luth st. un 2 * _ ulte" FuTifu iHhe"d"rooms FOH Hl NT--A over hard ; ; are store , 10-Jl Howard st. In- imlre ut btore. uuJ at | 7U > H HUNTUnfuriilshiid rooms suitable tor * housekeeping lu suits of 2 to 4 : eonvenlent location. Hints iteming Agency , 1WI . _ _ "IjlOH HKNT 4 unfurnished rooms , KOI \ \ > b- -L Bter , suitable for bouseceeplng ; iirlce t M _ _ _ _ . . _ Kid " 171OH"HKNT Pleasant unfurnished ruoma X.'oerluOl Howard tt. For olHces purposes 2 hi OHHKNT-Unfurnlshed rooms. U20N. 20th St. -2 LJJgJlT" STORES AND OFFICES. JJ1OH HUNT Front ofllco , grouiul floor , 310 HKNT-blore 22xilO ; lll Kmiulru 1111 Jankson , TH.I TTOlT HPNT btoro , wTtirrobms in the > ear in -U which family ( an lle ; t u per mouth , O P. liurrlsuu , MucUuuts' Nut..buuk. 7 ,8 T71HU15 of llent- Store roomn tocn nnd 1C05 J- Howard to an enterprising dry goods man. 074 _ IjlOH Itr.N I'-theap Now ctore , 22x0) , brick JL1 basement , on good paved st. , suitnblo for re- t.ill nrocery. inquire O. lUrtmau , N , W. cor. S7tli and Jiccnturntfl. _ SM ' _ Tmoil HENT-1 ho 4 story brick bulldiuswlth JL ? or w Ithout pow or. now occupied by The Hoe Publishing Co. . < UO Varnnm st. The building has n lite proof cemented basement , complete steam heating tlxtui os , water on all the lloorg , gnu , etc. Apply nt Iho olllco ot Tno lloo. 015 irOH HENT- Store and living rooms on Cum- -L incs street ; also house on Cats st. Harris H. K. * li. Co. , room 411 1st Nat. bank. 784 COHNKK store-room suitable for drugs nt $20. ( iroccry nndmcnt market adjoining. Hutch- ineon Wend. 1681 DoiiBlns. BJO 3 ITU)7T1 ) fijNT 2 floors front half HoinU build- i- lag , power , hoit , electric light. Iniiulro of fice ot Ilemls Omaha Hag Co 810 j 2U STOHi : 407 with basement , Hamgo bld . In- ( Itilro 1'rank J. Hnmgc. _ 786 FOH HI'.NT 2 lloorr2ix J"cacMu brlcS buThr. ing , with elevator , clo < o to express olllco , clieip rent , just the thing for wholesaling , good location. Apply toUco. Hoyn , 1103 rarnlin su WANTED TO RENT. WANTKl ) lly a family nf throe ndtilts , nn f-room fiirms'iod house to rent during the summer months. Hest of reference fur nished. Addrois P. 0. box 21H. Ulll 'it RENTAL AGENCIES. FOH HKNT Whim you wish to rent n house , store or olllce call on us , H , K. Cole , loom 0 , Continental blk. 780 TF YOU want to rent your house call on Har ris H. K , & L , Co. , room 411 , 1st Nat'l bank. 787 Gio. : .1. PA ITU 100) ) rnrnara st , houses , stores , etc for rent. 7t8 IF YOU want to buy. snll. lent or exchange , call on or address ( I. J , Sternsdorir , rooms 317nnd ,118 First National bank building. 7KI WK give special attention to routing and collecting rents : list with us. II. K. Cole , room II , Continental block. 7UO 11'youvnntyour \ nouses lentod list with Par- lotto's rental agency , Ibth and Dodgo. - MISCELLANEOUS. CAllD to Lidy Invalids-Mrs. Hldwcll Rives her special attention to the treatment of ladles , llj the use of electricity and other remedial measures slio can assure Inmost ci-.es speedy lellcf and periiianentuuio , espei hilly In those troublcsomo complilnts Incident to women. The ordinary treatment Is painful and b u barons , while electricity is palnuss nnd agreeable , e ; on to the most sensatl ; o net ; es. itJBo.21tli ) st. OJJ-2 * JOHN P. DAT/nV. iower bulldeT aiid drain layer , house dralmge aud siinltary woit a specialty. Olllco 1107 Douglas St. , Omalui , rC'-b. 01Jyl UMHHKLLAS nnd parasols covornd andro- | pnticd , 217 8 15th Hojd's opera house block. In rubber store. H. llalor. 7H1 _ milB Shelton. 1018 23th St. , c or. Dodgo. Tirst- JL class family hotel. Hoard and room , nil-gin or pusulte , at renscnable prices. No children. Hefcrences ien.ulred. Jno , Campbell , prop. i-'JI 2' rpllljbanjo taught as an nit by Oeo. P. Ool- JLlenbeck. Apply at Heo ollb e. ! ) " > 0 DtLOOIKCKV ) ) , 'usod by und "culled after Iho Princess Dolgorojkv , the loveliest voman In iCnropo ; positively oiadlcates wrinkles , softens and bcautitles the sKlu : : M. { end for circular , Husslan Cosmetic Co. TOJ fahoely block. VJ9 3t W ANTKD Application for 81 TAD loan ut low rates. Oeoi-jo J. Paul , 1COJ Km nam st. KU- COLOLYNK. the great Husslan Hair Ho ptorer , will grow h ilr upon the balde&t head ; Ji , bvimill. bond tor circ-ulir. Husslin Cosmetic. ( ompany. 501 Sneoly bloc'c. 7 lj I AUTHOItlX.i : all real estate ileulers lmliig n I , lot ( I , block .Wi'J to sell , toc.'Uiel the same. Jos. 12. Sain. iltl 4J PERSONAL. IJKHSONAL Ladles and gintlemcn ciirrespoudenco lu view of matrimony or amusement , enclose stump. Address tl. 0. bureau. llo\2'Jl. Om.iha. Nub. iJ8 ) X KHSONAL I will uUdly tell anjone wim scndsmuaaolf-addiessud stamped enel ope of something I made which entirely cmod my face of blackhead" , pimples and fiecl.Ies ; It gives a lovely complexion. Miss Ilora.lones , South Ileud , Ind. 'JJ-l-Sif TOINourclublf yo i claslre corrrspon lents In any part ot America , either for amuse ment 01 matrimony. Aduress with t .tnp. Western Correaponduiico club. Council Illu'ls. ' LOST. LOST Sorrel horse , r > years old , white face , scar on hind leg , llfMi Ibs. Notify or le- nru to J. Can oil , between ilOth and 'list. 1'liiK- ney st. ! UI-tf Ob I' 8 yanisfgrecifchlna silk , hand-jialiited J with autumn loies and fringe to mutt h. tinder nlenso call or address II. J. , JjlJ Da ; en- port street and i ecelve row ard. V1l-.it LOST Hoiu colored Holteln cow ; auv Infoi- matlon will oe thankfully rdcolved at .I.Ij. llrnndles i Sons. S ii FOUND. "filOUND A bay horse. Ownercan have it by Ju1 paving expenses. Apply to H. Hoiighton , 3'dund Huidettu sts. ! B-2f STORAGE. U'lOHAGE at low rates nt 1121 I'arnam St. ; KJOniaha Auction nndjtouie. VJJ rnitACICAClK , htoiaco , lowest rates. Vt M. -i. llnsliiiiaii , 1.111 Leavfiiwoith. 7it ! BHA Tcil CaTstorage , IJTl Howaid. 701 QTOKAClUand forwarding. We collect nnd kJdellergoodsof all descriptions , moichaii- dlse , furniture and baggage , ut cheapest i.ites for btorago for any loiutti of time. Vans nnd wagons to Lo ha < l atsliortest notice , with care ful men for moing. Packing and snipping from our own warenousj done on tnodeiato charge Meichaudlse loaded nnd unloaded. Warehouse on our own track * . Olllce 217 S.Hth St. ; talepnono 111. llowell'\ . . ' 114 CLAIRVOYANT DH , NANNI13V. Waircn. clnlncyant. med ical and business mo Hum. Temale diseases a specialty. 110 N Itithbt , looms 2 and J.IV IV SHORTHAND ANO TYPEWR1TI Mq STANDAHD shorthand school. Paxton blocic , ( successor to Yalentlno'H shorthand Insti tute' ' , the largest , best o pilpped shorthand bchool In the wool : is under the personal supervision - vision of .losoph P. McRcith , an ox-olllcliu ro- potter and state agent of the Hemlnpton Standard - ard tyjiewriter , assisted by experience ! ; er- butlm reporters. Mechanical construction of machine taught by factory oxpcit. Pa tlcnliu- attention paid to typowiltlng. Slenographars' supjillas tor sale. Circular free. ID ) SHOHTIlAND aim typewriting , Omaha busi ness college , cor Capitol ave mid 10th. Standard methods tniit'ht by 0. C , Kvvlng. of ban 1 rnnclsco , the best teacher on the I'aclllc coast , Miiuson'r < relsi'd of ' 81 a specialty ; new plan ; blackboard illustration ; day and evening classes ; c all or wilto for terms. 7U7 rillltt Omaha Short-Hulid Iiistltute , Haroge JL block , Omp.hn , opened Monday , .May Itth.is under the munagomeiit of a ihorough and prac tical stonogrnuher. Ploasantest and beit ven tilated school room In the west. Positions found for graduates. Cull or ; ; rite for particulars lars- Terms 810 per mouth In ad ; ance. Type writing free. 1KB J 10 WANTED TO BUV. GOOOD notes past duo or short timeuiiHccun d or w Ith mortirage. bought nnyw hero Inoumhu la. or Neb. Quick loans , Omaha city or tiirm. Cull or write , w.lj. helby.ioom U , lloaid Trade. W ANTKD To buy good commercial paper. It , C. Patterson , 111 I 8 llth st 7W \\/"ANT12D rurnlturo , carpetH , stoves and T > household goods c-f all kinds , Omaha Auction X Storage Co. , 1U1 Karnam , WHI W ANTKD A peed stock of genornt mer chandise ; will pay pai t cash and balance good land ut low figure * . Address J. P. Hy men. Curtis. Neb. tuo 0 AA7ANTi:0-l : < iO lots Inside of Ilelt line , to T > build on W. H. K. U M. K. , room 14 , Cham ber of Commeico , 4W 'AHIAN Hook Store , 1413 Barnaul st for nd-huud hooks , nmga/ines. UHi-JIBt FOR SALE-MISCELLAH cOUS. 17IOU 8ALR At your own price boiler and X' kettle and all machinery for making jellies , Jams , etc. Address U oa Heo ollice. II1U-2T 'IT1OH BALI' A ilrst-class Heiiilngton No. 2 JH typewriter , good as new , J90. 1171 , Hoe. IH8-8J TT1OH RAM' Furniture of aroom Hat , nearly JL' new. 'Jheeiitlrooutntfortias.UOcaah.7lrJ North lUth at. , Jrd lloor. U1V 2T FOH SALU-Stnndlns desks'roller top desks , telephone box , mail racks uiidioiiuiersutted in our former oillcu. Iniiutru at Oumha Loan & Urust Co. 6. It , cixr. JCtU uua JJou lat Bt. tW ) 7 T710H 8ATK-Oentlo famlly/w iife and pliae- JL1 ton , inquire at IM Ocorgla avenue , till oj UHNITUIIR of B-room cottapo "for sale on tlmo : house for rent , laltflro of U. 11. Moore. Nebraska F'irnimro .V Carpet Co , COO and OWN. lahst. j too 2 T710H SAt.K Ten thou and brick piletts ,12 X1 inches long , n inches wideJ'i ' cents apiece ; ono tempering wheel JH. ln 1rtl # < s of Hankln llros. , Shotinniloah , Iowa. B97 "t SATiK Cheap , 1 good broon maro. Inquire - quire 181U Sherman ao , ofWr 4 b'clock. I710H SALI5-A good mllic cov.fpr J2J ; apply J to 0. Oskumii.jan _ \ \ obstor st. 10-J "IJIOH RAM : U interest in Diamond rostnur- x ant , 1XW Capitol ave , on account of sickness ; host location In Omaha. Inquire of .1. A. \ \ Ichtoriimn. ' - t8812 * _ TOlF SALH-Two horsal , snitablo to drle -L' single or double. Apply to Col. 1'letchcr , roitumnlia. W)7 _ _ _ _ IT1OH SALK I'urnlture of three room cottige , J-1 foldlug beds , etc. Kil'4 ' S. 1Mb st. 7M 4t "I7\OH \ SAM : A fn'l ' leather top carrlajo , largo J. ' anil roomy. In Ilrst-class order , cost H ) J ono year aso ; will neil U for 1175 , Apply a : 2211 \yolHterjjt , _ 7dl .vj T7IOH SA M5 Choap-About : W ) heai of im -L1 proved Texas horses , consisting of geld ings. mares and colts , stallions and mixed Will sell part or all Apply J U Halbort , Corslcnua Texas. 414-jlSJ IiiOH SALr. Cheap , a three Ion Dlbbold biinK safe , latest Improved time lock , complete Inovery paitlcular. Address , H. Uiamuer- lln , Wood Hlver. Neb 211 ABSTRACTS OF TITI.5. Tl/JIOLAND / ( luaraliteo A. Trust Co. . I'OI Par- .iTl nam CompUte abstracts fuiulshcd and titles to real estate examined , perfected j > guaranteed. Wl AIISl'HArTS-Linatau A. Mahoney , roim 50(1 ( , Pnvtou block , 8IU N50NEY TO LOAN. Till : M , 1C. i. T. 'I'Tiist Company builds homes in the city aud huburbuiJ ; : per cent lash.tho balance lu monthly pnji.ieiits ; debt cancelled in enso of death , i'or partle-nlnrs imiulroof W. II. MclKle , agent , icom fifl 1st Nat 1 bank b Ug. M1 J JO pKOPLU'S Pliianclal ixcnnnge-Tho : fiilreat. quietest nnd mokt llbei.il money exchange in the city : money loano , ! without delnj or publicity , lu nny amount , largo ut small , at the lowest rales of interest , on any available HO- curlty ; loans may hi paid at uuy time 01 re newed at original lati-s O. Itousiaron , Mgr. , ro .111 57 , Ilaiker blocic , 1 > th and rarnnm. 81.1 MONKY to Loan Wo are leidy for applica tions tor lo.ins In ' amounts from JMi to'rlii- 01) ) on Improve 1 O.uaha or Ilotigla county toil estate luill information as toi-ites. loans piomptlv clo-ed , flood uotei will he purclniscd oyui. i all upon us or write. Ulio MtUauuo liivpstment Co 811 DN"l ) borrow money ii fumltiiid , hoises , wnpous , etc , or col. irerils until vou see C. II. Jacobs , 410 Hrst National bank building. 815 s Pholos. room 210 first Nat'l bank , before Jmaking your loans. H10 sBl'l " " Bl'l LtIN ( ! LOANS-fi'J to 7 per cent , no ad ditional chaigcs for commissions or attor neys'fees. W. ll.Melkle , First Nat bankbldg. \\rANTr.U-rirst-tlass ins'de loans. i rates C Ul uml sne.is Mutual lineutment Co , It. 1 , Darker blk . 1 tu and r.irnam. C17 UNIMPHOVKD mm Improved piopcrtv : loins made piomptlv ; money ou hand F. M. Klchnrdton , svv cor I'.th and Doughi * . h-5' ' SMALL short tlmo loans oti.cnnitel Ee-nrlty. -'HI Ohio St. ; c ill after Op in. 8DJJI ; JOANS on improved au.l u lMproed prop- JOityntlo , ; intes. Od'll Iiu3..VUo. ! , ilJS.Ii.ti. . , H ) , U COLK. loan ngent. 1 ' . ' ' BUI BimjDIMianilnthei ieil" < n\te loins U' . M. HanK niom'iJ , lionzci lUnuk. opp. P O , hf < ) _ _ 15 vl . MJNEV to lon II irr s tic Ki < & Lo in Co. , loom 411 rii-.it N.itlo.ial built. bll "I/MUsr mortjMgo lo ins ut low' ratilsand no do- JL ? 1 ly. J ) . V. hholes , 21) Flist Nation il bank. HIJ JMALL loans , s'lort time.i gojid socially , Jreisonible Iiite. i. P. O. Jiov.W ; ! , city. - , , * , O6 , K'o. l V KHI- nam ! > t , hilvo .idpecla ) Ti 1,15r * V ) , ' 0) ) o'i li.ind to be lo ui'Ml In HUIIW or $ ' , M to ilD.W ) at very lowiatas on < holco Inslite realdunco or b.isiuess riopertj. C. A. Stair. matiigir. ( ii , t " K i\blONl. : Mortiico Co ; loans JIG to Sluu > ; get our nITIS boron1 boiiowlng nnd sa\o i'ini'\ ( ; loin o-i horses , tnr'iltuie or nay approol HPCinltj , without imhl'-'ly ; not-.s boiunt ; foi new loan , i cut w. if ot old nnd low est iMtLScallUi.'UY-lu.oley blkr > ihIlow.ird st h07 c. 1' . HAHKIhON loans money , lowest rates. . HIS _ _ MONRV to loin. O. r. Da ; Is I'o . real estate and Jo in a entj , r > l" > 1 am xm st. 8V ) FLMLDINH loans D. V. S" tlonalbaak. "il roNIJY to loan ; cash on hand : no delay. J. -L lbquire. . i Jl'J ' 1'arnain st , I liit National bank building. mi "I OA Smade on roil estnts and inortgages J-Jhought. Ltwls S. I ! < ed & to , H 1 J , Hoard of Trade. 81.2 I J r.O i ' LI V S ri li and a l i > ; cl i an Jfe 'f raFKell rid Jbiniil lo ins for 10117 and iilior' time , .u lo ; cstiatcsof Intei ejf on real < tat mortgage notes , ( hattols of .till nuts , diuniondu , watches and > w eh y. Don't lull to call If ymi want fair and cheap accommodations O liouscaien Mgrioom67 , IlaiUcrblk , lutliand rainam. _ _ M ONKY to Lo -Loest rates Loans closed piomptly. 11. U. Cole.lt. 0 , Coatlncntal block. 810 TT K. COLK , loan agent. 810 NKI1HASKA Mortg Loau"o ; ' 1 iuake yoiTa lo.ui on , j is-liolj tjoils , hot wagons , laii utiacts , line jewelry , 01 h uiritles of imy kind , without punllcitv , at reasonable rates. Hoom 7 , How lev block , South Omaha. Hooms uliKilD. Paxtou block. Omaha , Neb. MON'KY limned for.W , II ) or 'M dnvs on nny lunl orchatt-1 security ; lea omblo inter est ; business confidential. J. J. Wilkinson , 1417 Faruam ht. a.'i ) _ 1' , IIAilHISON loans money , loweit latcs. R8 DO YOU want money ? If to. don't borrow before getting my rates which aie the low est on any sum fiom till , ipto $ IUiOil , 1 make loans on housohol 1 goods , pianos , or- guns , horses , mules , wagons , warehouse 10- ceipts , bonnes , lease * , etc. , in any amount at the lowest possible rates , without publicity or re moval of property. Loans c nn bo made for nno to MX months and yoiicnnpny iv put ntn ij-timo , reducing both prlnclpu an 1 interest Ifyouowo a balance on v omfurnltiti u or hoises , or hav u a loan on tini.i , I will taku it up nud carry it for you ns long us jondeslin. If you need money jou will find It to vour advantage - vantage to see me before borrowing. II. F , Matters , room 4 , WHIiuell building , 1Mb and Harney. ail ICA N make u few loans on lrst ) cliish < hnttol hecniltiesat leasonable ratear W. K. Potter , loom 10 , Darker blk , j KS ; MONKV to loan on fuiiiltuu''hbi-sos.w ngons , etc. , or on any approver ! fl&emlty. .1. W , Hobbtlis , H200 , Shccley blk , 13th ilnd Hownrd. ii , 18 8 1 Q J J J P To loan cm fni ms nijd ulty property. P ( Jeo J. Paul. 1003 Karnaiii , t , ( Ki4 , to loan at 0 pir cent , " Llrialraii & , Mahoney - $ honey , room f 01 Paxtou bldoY. ; 8J1 MONF.Y Loans negotiated tit low rates w 1th. outdolny. and puichase godda'co iimorulul paper and mortgage notes. B. , A , Blom.iii , cor. lith nnd 1 nrnum J ' ; a.'d P"II1LADKLPH1A Moitgage ti Ti-ust Co. fin- nliih cheap eastern moupy , to. borrowers , purclia et < ecurltlesperfect titje acccpt loins at their we-htem olllce. Otoriju' ' w. p , CoatOH , loom 7 , Hoaid o ! Tinde. v1 ' 1 87 : ! "OUILDINO loans. Llnnhan & LOANS wanteil onOniuna teal eiiute , three and It ; e years time , optional payments , fa vorable term and rates ; applications and titles passed upon by us and loans closed promptly. Klmlmll. Champ k Hyan.ltoom tl , United Slntds Nat. bank building , 1AI5 I'urnam street. OU'jlO ON'KYtoloati at low rates by Kxceinlor M Land Co. , JiO touth 15th street , Omaha. 071 MONKY to loan on re-il estate soc'irlty , nt lowest rates. Hefore negotiating loans HBO Wallace , Oelghton blc , 15th and Douglas. Kiul MONKY to loan on short time. Secured paper boirjjht. P. K. Alexander , 1509 Farniun at. Ml J 2t BUSINESS CHANGES FOH SALK-A woll-establlKheit book-binding ImMiHMj In Salt Lake City. Milley. Uro. uhell i. Co , luul C4tiue , bull Luku City , l.'tuh. rPO MANUFAOTrilKHS : I will give nrnple JL ground , wltn solendld trackage facilities on the Fremont , iikhorn : A Missouri Ynlley railroader on tlio .Missouri Paclllo ( Ilelt Line ) railway In Wcstlnwn , Just outsldo the city limits in West Omaha , conveniently rituatcd ns regards access to the business centre of Omuha nnd South Omaha , to parties for the locatlou of any of th following Industries ; Furniture 1 astory , Hiittou Factory , Shoo Factory. Lard Hollnory , Starch & Olucoso Worus Soap Works , Paper Mill , Purifier Manufactory , Plow Works. Hroon Factory , Harvester \ \ orks , Woolen Mill. Nail Works. Ont Moil Mill , Knitting Mills , Mox Manufactory , Sash , Door and Blind Wire Work" , Manufactory. Machine Shops , Flour and Feed Mill. Or any icputnblo manufacturing plant Wcstlawn Is Just outside the city limits and In. dustrles planted there will escape heavy-tity- taxes. If you nro thinking of locating in the west It will pay jou to investigate this. Ooo , N. Hicks , room 4J , Ilaiker blk , Omaha. t)13-2 ) IjlOH SALK OH K.\I'llANUK First-class res * Jtouraiit , ilolnsr a good business. In good location ; n gicat onrgalu. Farmer Land Co. , room 21.Jlarkur block. ir.7- , WKhavofor sale or exchange 0110 of the llnest hotel properties In nn Iowa city of MX ) Inhabitants , the lending house In the iila"o. W. It. K , sV il. U room 14 Chamber of Commerce ,0s "IIVIH SALK Stock of general moirhniidl o -I-1 Wishing to ictlre fiom busluoss , I will sell mv slock of general merchandise at a very low- price. Stock on hand between Mix)0 ) and ( l.tl'J , best locality nml biles htoin loom In the city. I'or pnttlculars call on or address Chas. llartels , West Point , Nob. 878 OJ 0nooo to IS.PO ) wanted to put Into n good busi- P ness ; Hrst elms security and good rite of Interest paid for short or long time. Or will take puttier. For pirtlcuiarJ address U 4J , lice olllce. 2 FOH SALK Moat market complete ; can bo hnmlled for llttlo cash. Call at room 4 , \ \ Ithnoll blk. 8.1J J,0 > ibuysnno hotel aud livery , P.lgln , Nob. ; $ propefly free from Inctimbnvuoe ; money to bo made Smith it PaiidocE. BUIn , Nob. iir'JjIOt HOTKL for sil > > ; now , good location , doing good business , tor sale at nbirgilti , pay- incut not iiecosi.iry. Present proprietor In- teii'ls changing b islnessoiuuouutof 111 health of his wife. Addiess , lleo o lice , Lincoln. Nob. | 7 1 T3AHTNKH wanted In pst.ibllshcd real rstato J and loan huslnt s ; live man of experience and capital will Hud u No 1 opening liefer- en OJ exchanged. Address P.utnur , bivolU W)7 ) 1 * FOH ALK MilK dlaiy , 0110 half hour s drive from Omnlu : 10 fresh , jouiig cows , and complete daliy outtlt will be told at a great bargain , or sold singly to sill' bujer , OWIK r golm : to loao the couatry. Pnit cash , b ilunce good seem Hy. InqulrobJI Noitn lOlhstreet. WM 2t " \TIOK ictail business ror sale , will Invoice JL > i.VWJ to S,1 ! ( : will pa ; to Investigito at ot.co Aadress It Ml , lice. H7 .U "irOH SALK Laundry cheap , doing good bus- JL1 luess , only JIO ; cause slckuess. 1611 Hurt. h 8 u 2t "JTlOHSALK-Oue of the bb-t furnished and J.1 located hoteln In Ouinhu ; will clear from 82) ) ) to $1(0 a inoithri u cash romilie to take this cliniKe. .1. L. HI o Co. ; 082J WAN 1'ED Partner , with from J-.OOO to J.1.0JO capital , to engage in a light manufactur ing business ; big protlts : no risk. Don't let tills snap slip through jonr lingers If you want to make'money. Inquire C. 11. Westein. Hooms 2 and. ) , 1417 1 ariium. ? - ' _ ' ! ! tJALOON for sale in ona of the host business l > 7ci-nters in Dm iha.cheap. Henson for selling , fmustleavo the clir. Address V 18 llee. 4(11 J7f FOR EXCHANGE. 1OH KXniANOK-'lWBUly-foui choice lots i1 on lielt I.luo Hy. , West Omaha , only half block Horn station , siipet car Hue already 10111- Dlcti-d to wltl.ln been blocks , will located to get tne growth of the cltv. Piles iH-VHt ) In- cumbrnnce s > ! , WH ) , due lu about to three , four aud hve vears. Owners equity $8 , lot. 'Ihls pmperty will utliig Jii.'O ' ) within a few j ears , and if Improved will pay U to 1,1 pel cent on the Investment ; will otc'innge for improved pi op ilj 01 llist-cl i--s faun land. ( Jeo N. Hicks , Hoom M , lUikcrJilock. _ tHIJ TjlOH KMIANUn Improved occupied bnsl- -l n ss propel ty on uillroad track in hi ait of Omaha , for root unlncumb rid faun Hml In Eastern Nel.iask.i. Addiess H " 2 Ueo oilice. _ PHINTfNil Kstablishment 1 havocitj pi op- ci'y or farm Innd to trmle for a good 1ob printing nstibllshmt nt. Grovvr bteveiK , olii- fi7 ! Paxton block. Tel 112.1. _ flIV ) _ rp ( ) K.VCHANCIK-For ( lothlni : , dry goods J- and boots and shoe * . 1'L'J aciei , Kansas 1 mil .it i II per acie , and 1 H4-1 feet ICanMi * City prop- eityat tM per foot. No incnmbiauco on prop- eity. tin } lord A , llarcley , Kansas City , Mo. 8.1I-.1 L1YKHY stable , corner If th nnd Cass street. O.nal-a. to trade for p ut piopertv , balance in t ash , will glvo time if required , will accept land m-arOm ih i , Omaha propoitv or a hotel ; aKo tJKtt ) stock 'of gciiei.il inerchandlso i-i a small tow H In Nebraska for Omalm prop oitv mil 13 ia li or Its equlialcnt ; US ' 10 ; ac3iitlot on Vlntou st , lie 11iiltu , for liouse nud lot , will coii'1-lei anjollei on this ; liouse aiiil21otsmPlilDlew. piicoi , ( ) ) ) , will take u coon farm mil balance In mortgage back on house and loU : geol square pi in toiiade foi horSH and hnjgy or horse , will pay dlll rcnce > if nny in cash ; coed cleir lotto tiadi > for good family lior-io. Co-Operative Land i. Lot Co . 201 N. 10th St. _ _ _ _ _ b7J 8 T71OH KXOHA NIT inn-acre farm In Ida JL1 county for ele vat ov. stock of merchandise or hardwi.ro .1. K. .v , W. C. Weavei , JdiiCiove , la IBJ.'t _ _ _ FOH Lxcliatige Vllno farm of 8T0 ares in Polk county , Neb , 4 miles from CInrks , Neb , to exchange for uittlo ; M ) acies under cultivation , house , barn , wngou scales and good feed lot. Address C. OUunp , 2211Veb - MCI st. Omaha , Neb. 010 | 71OH KXCI1ANOK Impiovod or unimproved Jt ? property In a boo-ulng southern city , nuln- cumbered to oxchingo for Omaha real ostate. Jt.L. _ Spencer , Kearnej , Nelj. _ fc81- , _ _ NKW 2 seated flno carrl 150 or top ougijy for mortgaKOcity or county warrants , or any good unbocurod notes. W.L belbv.U U | j'd Trade . _ 4i > 7 \\7ANTKD-Stock ot moichandise , Hvcry i i xtock or hotel to trade forllist-cl iss farms in southern Minnesota , joining town of county seat. Here you haven bargiln that U haul to boat. I-.xceleior Laud and Heal Estate Co , ,110 8 I'.th sUJtaliUm. _ 841 FOH KXCIIANflU-For doMinble rosldcnco pro leity In Om ilia , any 01 all of following : 4 1 choice inside i osl'lencti lots In Hustings. H'O ' lots lu Lincoln. fill ) acres line farmlnit laud , Lancaster county Flno reside rice property , Lincoln , ( iooil rental pioperty , Llmoln. Choice family msldenc i < OIIIBI- . Los Angeles. A n < > at i es'donc'e ' propel ty In Hunscom jjlace. Also some oed moilgato not e" . Address uivlng location and pilcoof prop erty , J. L' . II. , care Ilauni Iron Co. , U17 l < ea ; en- Worth. Wl "iTIOIl KXCHANQB Five tlioiisanl acres of Jt ? rum hind In tne He-publican Val'ey ot No- brnsk i and adjacent counties of Kansas , for impioved rentable Inside property in Omaha. Address Ue-orgo W , llurtou , Oilcans , Neb. Ii4)-3t ) - _ _ _ W ANTKD To trade for house and lot in good location ; will assume light lucnm- branc" . Address A 2 lleo olllco. ijJ2 FOR SALEEAL ESTATE "X HAHrTCHANCK-Tho beautiful grove and -i x LTOimils on Paik street , lust outside the city llniltH , In West Oinuh.t and neaily opposite Huser'H Hotel , will bo ottered for salothls week. 'J his piopcity is undoubtedly the best situated for summer garden nnd picnic put poses of any mound the city , and If pioporly liunilli-u can be made the great summer resort around Omaha , aud a live , enterprising man can make a for tune out of it. 1 his valu ibht propel ty will bo olfeied for sale by Hicks , the realeslato agent , room to , Harcei block , and if you want to get hold of one of the blg/ebt chances tor making money ov ur oifered , w e advise you to call and boo him ut once _ 1)4 ) 1-2 TiVlH RALK Ono of the host places In or J1 around the city to start a small coal and lumber } nrd ami ireueral groc'ii } business. bltnated at the Junction of the Ilelt Line rail- war and two main dtteetx lending out of the city In Wist Omalui ; CIO feet trackiigc and over B.KJ reet frontngo on main thoroughfare , in-cd by all the farmers living south and wont of the city , 'ibis Ian splendid chance for a muii with a modi late amount of money. ( Jeo N. Hicks , loom 40 , lliu kcr block. 11412 _ FOH HALK A splendid home , new house Just completed , good nelghborhood.healthy locatlou ; possession ul ; en at once. A bargain If taken quick , Qeo. N , Hicks , iooin40. Ilaiker blocic , UU-2 _ nVH BALK-CUo'co ' lots on Holt Line H'y , JP close to station , only JiJiasU payment re- ( lulled , balance $10 per month , Goo , N. Hicks , llarker blocc. UIJ-2 _ BALK-Spleuaiil ten-acre tract near Junction of n , i : . XM. V. II. H , and the Ilelt Llnu H H. . In West Omaha ; nns house , bain , nlegunt grove and in H tine state ot culti vation ; will muke vplendld noine or Una fruit or vegotaole gtideu , 'ihe property can be iilHtted Inside of tin eojenrs Into fifty choice lots thut wllHell for * i to * 1CO each , aim realize fiom i .00j to M 0 for the entire tract ; can oil eifora few daj s at figures that inline it n bargain. Call ami tie it ( < eo. N. Hints , room ID , _ . _ i ' T OOICntThTs l TiaTiT'sonifl customers for JU good building lots. What have you to olfeu Orovcr btevous , 010 uud fi7 Paxton blocn. Tel.lUV _ , RPLKNDID Inveitmont I o'vn ' offer for * nl four elegant brick nouscn. In ilnorestdoncn portion of city , nil now , substantially nn I do ftantly built , Ilttod up with modern conven icuccs ; will paj ? per cent not on H0.iv ) . Itjoi want a first-clans Investment It will pay you to call and got figures on this. Hicks , room 4U , llarker blockT B4TJ _ _ BA1K1AINS In choice flvo andten-ncro trncti in LnwnMaldi the finest located acre prop crtyatound tnocity. If you want a beaiulfiil homo or a perfectly Rafonndsurnlnveatino.it call and see the bar gains wo offer lu luAcre Acre Property. Only 20 minutes' ride by Ilelt Line train from Webster street depot , lihctrlfl motor line to f-ejmour Purk will pass within two btocics o Lawnllnld. Situated on a bonutitul eminence ovcrlooKing anl ntroraltu ; a mngulflcont view of Omaha and the surrounding country. Well located acre property Is the best Invest ment now on the market. A ten-aero tract th it rin bo purchased for n few thousand to-day , within two } onrs can be Rtibdivldcd Into llftv beautiful lots that wll bring from twenty to twenty-live thou'Riid dollars. Ueo. N. Hicks , room lO , Darker block ] UH2 FOHSALU-Or will exchange for vve'-tern lands , ono of the lluest hotel pioperlles It lown. Hest hotel In city or O.OOJ Inbnbltnnts brings lu rental of10 ! per mouth. Apply soon If jou expect to got It. W H. K X Mer. Kx Hoom 11 , Chamber of Commerce. 107 OilorcK ucro tracts In West Omaha , close to Ilelt Line lly. , small caMi payment , long tilun ; call nnd f > oo them Coo. N , lucks , Darker block. 1UI2 IT OH SALK-A bargain IJI ft. o. front , on X1 25th , by I2 ) ft , u. front , on Hamilton good house , elegant n nit and shade trees' , shrubbery do. ; nbeuitlful home , at bedrock. .1 , 11 Kvans. llnrkor Illock. TO40 rpHI ! best monov's worth of house and lot now JL for sale In Omaha is that w hlch I nm now completing near 24tn st. on paved Wlrt st li Kouiitvo Place. H bedrooms , 2 pallors , dlnlnc , room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms. 11 water closets , lame laumlrv , Ktntlomry wash tubs , furnace and coal room and collar , electric bells nm Rpeaklnptubo , ) - ! closets. Prlioontv J'.OiXl on terms tn suit , W. T. Soamnu , east vide It.th st north ot NlchoKs st. Omana s largest variety oMvugons andcarilagos. 8 l BAIUJAIN Part of the Dick Kuiilmll eslnte 10 feet on 1Mb street running through to 17tl nve. ono l-room ! house , all modem convon lenccs and two 0 room houses Total rental ifl.r.MI per venr ; price Ull.OJO. M. A. Fptoii Company , loth and I'arnnm. _ b2 ! _ _ TTlOlt SALK Itcslilenco lot , cor 2)d ) and Cass , J1 will exchange for trackage property ; voith & \W ( to tlO.OJO. C. F , Harrison , Merchants' Nut. bank. 753 Cl'S'lOMKHS for Lots I can sell some good building lots to pu ties who desire to Im prove them. If you have anything cheap to oiler bilnir it around , drover Mo ; ens , n 10 and 617 Paxton blocic , Telephone 11-1. 1)41-11 ) FOH SALK Ten choice lots in Webtlnwn close to Holt Line Hy. anil btatlon. to pai- tlesv ; ho will build. I will sell thise lots am' glo om > to Iho ye irs time on payments. Hicks , HC.OIII ! 0 , PaxtoilJJlock. VMl 1 2 FOH SALK-Neat house , with stable , water , garden , line rrult trees and other con ; enl- encc-s ; grounds ( ontulnlug"0 lots , suitnblo for slimmer garden ; located one mill ) t-outli ol Henry Hnser on the Missouri I'aclllc ratlroail and adjoining the station of Mascott. For prices aud terms , npplv to the owner on the premise's. .T. H. PfelnVr. IU8-2t HANbCOM PLACK Property-Now Is the time to secure it choice lesldenco lot In Ilnnscom place , the llnest n sldenco portion of Oi laha ; a beautiful pu-K , city water , sewerage. iVived streets , three Hues of street cars , a high and healthy location , giving magnificent view mid perfect dialmgo , nil combine to m-iKo Hanscom place the residence place of Omaha ; new e able nnd nlectrlc lines to the park will make property In this addition ad ; aueu at least Mlpci cent ; \Ithliith next veal. Call nnd n'c the choice lots we can olfer. Hicks , room 40. I linker block. UI12 FOH SALK-'even room cottage- , with barn , cltj water , B .ij'l street v-st side llauscom Pars. Abiieiln , J. P. Muge.itn , Paxton blk , opp public llbiniy. 71o.it I71OH SALK 1) ) large ami small houses on JL ; monthly payments ; sm ill piyment down. Also ugoiid list of property lei exchange ( leo. J. l'o\ . room I. ( oiitlnent.il blk. 18I-J11 f Illli : motor line la built to Collier place. 1'ho L Heltline runs noir Collier plice. The I' . K. & M. V. It. H. stop all pissenger tr.iliH ut Col- llor plnce. Tao hone CHI liny will soon roach ( 'oilier place Itest ninll'io i In the city. Pilco $ sini to il.SO per lot. ono-t"ntli tasn.bal.iuio one to live v ears , McCigne. opp. P. O. BT ) TJWH \LK-Lot 2.1x110 In the very hoirt o JL ; Omal.n. with i room house for } JSOJ C. F Harrison , Moichants Ivvl. Inur : [ W ) ITIOH bALK lloautlful s-room house , nil Jc ; modern Improvement4 , ineludlnu spluidld furnace- , near Hanscom pink , best loc-ntlon In the city for school , church anil streetcar priv ileges ; pnce'1i > jj. C. F. Iliiirlson.Meicnants' natonal bauk. ' 7f > s I71OH SALK -Maiiufnctuilug elte ; trackage JL1 und business propeltv at South Omaha for salenu : ; ft on 2bth st. , near U. P. depot , a most desirable lo atloii foi maunfni luring , shl ] ping or buslm-ss pin poses ; v.lIlM : ! ! tin- whole oriu paitsto suit : teims to suit purcluifcerd For l > aitlculars address Cockrell & , limit. South Omiha. Neb. 7ii ! HIT T/1OH SALK On long time and easy p ivments , -H-1 liaudsomimn ; . , vell onllt houses of 8 , Uaud 10 rooms Allconvenloni esgooil ; nelgliboihood ; pa ; t-d streets ; str < . 't inn , and within walking dial nuee of P. O. Nathan Shelton , 110.1 1 'am un. IUJ J U rr\HK \ llnest drive lu the city is to Col JLpl.ve. Mcta uo. < i7) ) for pt it or tolllei place , and vlion > J driving for recreation follow the motor Una polo ton Kth st. , and Amos' ave , and see t'io wondeifiu Improvuma'its that ha- > taken place just arou id tno birracks , and lemomber that Collier plaeo is the kev to the situation Huy a lot now for the low pi Ice and at tn c-asy terms they ary liL-hiffoireied , aim wo are satis- lied. Ono tenth cash , balance ono to five years. McCattno. opu. P.O. 1I7J THOH 8ALR Tlio finest residence site In West JL ! Omaha ; JiiHtbouth of I'arnam on .with st. ; a eoraer | tl.\H7 vltli Ih7 teet ft outage on p tved street ami Joining the hiiudsomij icsl- ilonco of Kirkendall ou the east , and Hi aily , Eiisson and Martin on the south : a perfect gem and gardou spot tor an elegant homo Il.unoy .UK ! 21st streets , HIxl)7ou ( ) pavement , within three blockof the court house ; room for eiiveti line lioii'es that would rent as rapid- Iv as completed. A splenjld permanent Inv cat- ment. Farnam and 22d streots. MxTO , with new three-story brick toro bulldln ; ; , rente'l ' to good peiinancni tenants. Hoiitul recolots $4-iJU jier j ear. Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage Ul feet to alley ; good busineSH pioportv. Kuraam ritre'iit. butwoeull-th and ( Ith. front- ngH4Hor lllxl li to alley , so-ith fiont , 1 block f i om pa ; iment and street , t u s. Fmk.ivonuo , nppolt < > Hanscom paik.&OxlEO price fAO/W ; aasy terms. Paddock place , tiacknge , COxlU' , J..OIO ; easy terms , lilih stroi-t south of Vluton st , lot for sale or tnuln foiTndae , or good furm land. S , A.Sioman , 1JJ1 I'arnam bt. 830 FOH SALK .1137(1 ( acres , sec B. tp. I'i , r. 0 w. , Hamilton coiintv , Neb House , stable , 'XH ) acres fenced , living vatoi. Price * l.tnn ) . r , K. AtJtlrib , owner , Hr.ll > lroid bldg , Denver , Col KIT OI/JLKS Speclil List--We pusti Hp3clal bar k Jgiihif , ami advertlsi ) tl.em. List wlt'i ' me. I ineoast flour lot in Hanscom pl.uo at JI//W. $5lOeash , Decided baigaln. Fine lot on Farnani mid Lowe avenue , $ . ' ,1 ! > 0. i2W ( IIIIJH a House nnd lot In Hanscom Place , north ot Poppletou avenue. The old John Dii-nis Manu'actoiy plant ou Mlsboiirl I'aclllc railway,4 miles ionthwent of city , with 2 aciesof gioiind and I large btory bulldlnss , for JJ.oai. A Una opportunity for bomn one , 1 have special Inducements inhoiises and lots In all paitu of the city either for tale or trade. Call In and hi shown them. 1 do not tiy to not jou In loshow you trash , but handle only good pioparty mill d-'al Einurely. D. V. Sholei , tl 1 ii st National bank. iU'l HK factories within easy roach of Collier ) ) lace will employ n laige force of men , he- cm en home and enjoy life. Price of lots * HiO to 11,20) ) , ono tenth cash , bend for plat. Mr- Caa'ue. opp. P. O. . iiri /"lONTINUOIJS Hldewalk to Collier place , act piIces and terms. McCague. U7U BAHOINSIUrH'alns ! H. W cor. 11th and Ciillroinlu Htwith.I IIOIMOS , very choip. Neat 7 roam hoiiie end hilt lot on Daven port St. , iiBiir lilgn scliool , IW , easy terms. ( lood lot on Harney st , east ot 21th St. , n bargain Klugant residence lot , 20th ave near St.Mary'a ave , veryeheip , 0 room house anil halt lot , S. Uth St. , cheapen on monthly payments , tiood loalilonce lot on 2Jth ave , hot. Douglas and Dodge , JIWH. il lots on S. 1 Ith st , very cheap liiOlots In Cnrthaue , Omuli I'.s best suburb , ou ten years' time to parties win will build iouses. Ilr-nnan A. Co , Hoom J , Chamber of Commerce Money to loan in nil parts of the city. 8 > kl J7 "fjlOH SALK-NIne-room hotisa. biruand lot In X1 llaiihconi place : also 2 houses and lots In bunny bide. MurrU , room 411,1st Nat'l bank OI1TH OMAHA-Ihave a number of good jlotsln various additions that must bo sola at once uud can be bought utprlcim that v ; 111 suit you ( } J Sternsdorir , looms U17 andUIH , Urbt National bank building , hU n H K cosiest home In Onuha , a rooms , larga XdoseU. city water , gas nnn sewer , botn cable and horsu card. I'rlco 11,40) . Terms 11 K ) to * VJO cash , balance very easy. II. K.Colo , leadqmutord for bargains uud caiy teims , Ltooiu 0 , Coutlnental Hlocc. aX ) THEJFIEALTY MASKHT. plaoaJ 0.1 "rosar.l ilu7lnj { JLyeiterdav. I ! A llousoii , trustee , to K K McUermott , lots 7 , 8 nnd 18 , blk , 17 , Hanson , w d , $ WJ 1 M Schock nnd husband to W T b Nollsh , lot 10. blk 4 , llmalia View , vv d 700 J' LCurtonlusto P I'lrlch , lots 21 nnd ' ! , blk I , Monmotitii Park , i , o d. . StiO Ii Schroeder , trustee , to J Jloyer , ' ' ' blk it , llrowu J'aric' wd . . . . . . . . . , . , , . . . COO H II MaoDougall to u 0 Carpenter , lotU. blkiM. llovirj < ndd , cj o d , 1(0 V Fa-itetlk and wife to 1C Potlc , pt 14 , lilk.l , Kountrt'sndndd. w d 1,300 A llutii and huslmudtoM * ' Hoys , lot 11 , blk7. Koutitro I'lnco , wd. . . . 1,700 TAlsennnd vvltoto A Mntson , lot 0 , blk 11. South Omnlin Park , \vd. : 460 J H Ynn Clostcr to M U Sclincffor , lot 10 , blk2 , Hillside No2wd 3 , < WO 1) T llohner nnd wife to H 0 Host ; ; Ick , lot 10 , blk I.W. South Omaha , w d 1,409 A II DoLong nud wife to W 1C Potter , lot .1 , blk 2 , Hillside No 1 , and lots 1 nnJ 2 , blk 2. Potter's add , w d fi.0.10 K K and J V Kllug to .1 V Kllng , lot 11 , blk 6 , Cottage Pare , w d . . . . 400 II .1 Pruvnundhusbnnd to ( I II Lvons , lots l , 2and.I , blk 10 , Howling ( Ireoii , wd . . i.oja W P Dunning and wlfo to L M Dilution , lot lit , blK.l , Hawtmnne < , vv d 2,400 II H Klllmwiis to K HS nlkcr , lots 8 and U. block 1K1 , Florence1.11 o d S3 Oil ( iordonto F ( It ago. lots 11 nnd li , lluckoyo pluco , w d. 600 C r Iliuri-outo L I'blngor , lot 0 , blk 3 , Kakcrmnnn place , w d 450 .M It Prulltnand wife to K .1 Pink , a ttact SoxiiO st at 8W cor lot IJ , Hurdctte com t , wd. 175 K NoitontoL HHoblution , lot 0 , blk 4 , Newport , w il . . . . 700 .1 llplinns mid wife toT W Spofnrd , lots 8. u aud II , Ambler place , w d 2,1ft ) J W Ilishop and w Ife to T W Spofnrd. lot II , blk 2 , II j do pal k. w d . . 200 T W Spofiud and wife to K M Spotlit d , lot l' , blku. Ambler place , w a 700 H Iloi'l and wife to M 8 Lindsay , lot , blk I. Mnv no's ! M add , w d. 150 ll HOlarK to Public. "Kuclld Place , " pint A lleckmnu nnd wife to O Slemsseu , lot 1U , big * . ' , ( Into i Ity Park , nod . ALirseti nud wife to C J llurgtsou , part of lot 22. blkn. Campbell's add , w d 1.300 M I Patterson to M I , Stilt , lot i , blk 1 , FolBom Park , vv d im A A. II Kouut/o to LT Williams , lots 5 nnd li , blk It , Plnllivlow , w d 700 M Kdwiuds to P W Meyer , lot 14 in slKj erne no sw15 1 1. w d 200 J ICnvanntid wife to. ) I Inner , lot 4 , blk S.1I , 1 Irst add to South Omaha , ; v d GOO Thirty Tiausfers rsicoi Propoxnln for Strout SKALF.D proposals will bo u'cnlvi-d at tha olllce ot tlie c Ity comptroller of Omaha , Nebinskn. from May 27th to Junelrd. 4 : o clock p m , for the lighting of the stiec-tsot said city with either ole -trlelty , gns , ga-ollne or coil oil for n period of live voxrs. Tnoilghtla loiened to i eject nuv or all bills. iu27d7t C. S. COUDIIICII. City Compttoiler. : l OMAHA , NKII , JljNK I. 18MI. Scaled pro- posaK 111 tilplicuto , will bo icceived hero and alio by each Po t nnd Depot Ouiirlermiis- ter lu this Department , until two o clock p. m , central time. July fitli. | i'i ' , nnd then opened , for luinlshttig hay and tin w required in L'o- piitment of tno Platte during ll e-ul ye ir com- mem Ing July Ut , lkM ) I' S ioseres right to reject any or nil bids ; piefcrenco irlven to iirtl- clesof domefctlc nrodtic lion , eoudlllons of qual ity ami p i e < lm hiding In t'lo ' pi ice of foreign piodnctiou the duty thercoin being tqunl. All Information fnriiNliod on application here , or to Post and D-put ( .Uinrtormasloi- . Envelopes c ontalnlng propo--als to be marked "Pioposnla for at , " mid nilclns-ed ns hull- tntwl nhovo WM. II. IMHillKS LI ut. C ilonel nnd Deputr Oniirterinastor General , U. S A. , Chief Qu iltetin istor. J-l-J-J 4 28-21 ! Notice to Contractors. Notice Is hereby given that the board of edit- action ofthu clt > ot 1 lemont. Neb , will receive htnled bliK for the erection of a brick nnd stone hlgu hchool building until li o'c lock Thursd-iy , Juno the btli , I > > 81. Kstlmatcd co-t ot snmo eighteen thousand live hundred cloiUrs (18filOD. ( ) ) 'Ihiisnccesstiil contractoi to file an acceptable bond for the faithful perfoimunta of his duty. Plans nnd spetllleations now on flh < vvlih tiiosecrttiiiy of hnld bond , and the board ieerothcrluht to i eject nnvoi nil bids. . , , , , . , , ° " TOM u vv , President. /.T WIMOSecretary. . Plin < foi the MX loom wind building wlllbs compl'tid about VIu ; 25 Ml bids to be nccomnniited bv cei titled check foi J100 us elilcnco of good fulth. iu.'r > dl.'t THE RUT TIME TABLES. OMAHA. CHIOAOO , HOCIC ISLAND & PACIMO. Leae. I Arrive , 1 No. 2 . SNJpm'l ' ) No. 1 . :15ain : ) No , 0 . 0 ,1(1 ( Hint ) No. A . 5:11 : pin A No. 4 . lO.iMauiA No. U. . . . fi.lJpia A No. 14 . OHSpmA No. ] ) . . . 7.U urn CHICAGO It NOItrilWUS'JUHN. No. (1 . :40 : am No. 7 . : J7 am 4o.8 . ! fli ; pmlNo. J . 7:11 : ma 4o.4 . < l 2i inn No. 5 . (1-15 ( pea AIITiatns Dally CHICAGO , MILWAUKI5K & ST. PAUL. A No. S . ul'am ; ' A No. 1 . , , ,7COaia : A No. 4 . OM'JpinA No. U . 5:15 : pin KANSAS CITY , rtf. JOBliPH to COUNt/JIi HLUJ'l'S A No. a . 9:25amA : No. ,1 . 0'Mnm : A No. < . OiJUpmU No. 1 . OiJJjim BIOUX CITY i. PACIl'JO. A No. It ) . 7nr > amA No. U . 8C.1am : A No. U . 7.0 < JpmA No. II . ; UOpia OMAHA & bT. LOUIS. A No. 8. . . . 4J1pmA : No. 7 . . U:00 : in A dally : II dally except Saturday ; lunduy ; ] ) except Monday ; fum mall The time given abjvu is for Transfer , thera Jelnff froui Q/o to tun minutei > 'jot ' nuan Trail- aud lo.al depots _ f I fl U P Y1"1 n.u r' ' ' ' ry troubles easily , quick. IMUI1UI ly anil safely cured IjyDOin UUACup * billes. So ; oral cases cured liiseveiKlayK. hol < l t | | .M ) l"-r box. all drugclstn , or by m ill trom ) oeliua M't't' Co , 1U White st , N , Y. 1'ulldlioc- * * ' r tuin mail full dojcrlptive cir , , . 'orSyBtomofDroaaCuttlnsc ' Anv IJdyof , ordlnuiy intalllgeiice can .aillj niuiulckly learn lo mt and make any gmm ii | iiauyhtjle. to any measure for lady or child. larments guaranteed to lit perfect without tru-