Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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The regular nicotine of the county
commissioners will bo hold to-day at 1 !
Ernest Mayors Is npuln in the toils for
the alleged dispensing of alcoholic
drinks on Sunday.
Commissioners Mount and Turner
wont to iSlkhorn yesterday to inspect a
trldgo that has hcon reported unsafe.
Dr. W. J. Oalbralth left Thursday
for Itallovuo hospital , whore ho will
pass the next month studying a number
of celebrated cases.
W. J. Mount , chairman of the board
of county commissioners , received a
telegram from Mr. Meyers , the archi
tect of the now hospital , stating that
the papers relating to the changes in
the now building have boon forwarded
by mall. _ .
Personal I'
" \Vnlt M. Scoloy la nt the Mlllnrd.
W. T. Clark , of Dos Motnest , U In the city.
Juan Uoylo , of Kearney , la nt the Paxton.
nW. A. McQrow , ol Douvor , Is at the Mil-
E. M. Ford , ot DCS Molncs , Is at the Mil-
Mile. Khoa and company are at the Mil-
Cbnrlcfl II. May , of Fremont , is in the
. .city.T. .
T. S. Sccloy , of Santa Llarbara , Cal. , is In
the city.
A. C. Noble , of Carlisle , Pa. , Is at the
E C. Franuls , of Shoboygnn , Wls. , Is In
thu city.
E. S. Fletcher , of Eau Claire , Wis. , Is at
the Millard.
Thomas Macforlan , of Mondamln , la. , Is at
the Paxton.
GeorKQ D. Slovens and wife , of Crete , are
In , the city.
P. W. Snckott and T. H. Smith , of Albion ,
Bvoat the Pax ton.
J. t. . Tail , of Dcatrice , representing the
Nebraska Chautawjua , Is in the city.
C , I. McCarthy and wife , St. Panl , Minn. ,
tvro visiting their friends In this city.
Hon. Alifornon S. Paddock- United States
senator , loft for Washington yesterday.
L. D. Hill and wife returned yesterday
from Chicago where they have been the past
ten days.
Not Proven.
No couvictinR evidence could bo broupiht
ngalnst C. M. Martin and Frank McCarthy ,
the alleged diamond thieves , so they were
given thirty and Hftcen days respectively on
the charge of being vagrants.
Hun Over.
II. Altman was run over by a runaway
team at the corner of Cass and Sixteenth
streets 1 yesterday aad sustained . serious
injuries. Ilu was taken to the police station
and the city physician summoned.
Travolliiu Mon.
An adjourned moctiiiK to take stops for the
establishment of a traveling men's club , will
bo hold at the Murray hotel this even
JDR. The movement is well under way and
a full attendance is earnestly requested.
Chairman , Secretary.
A Missing nim.
Mrs. Samuel H. Waters writes from David
City to Chief Seavoy secuing information
concerning herhusbaud , who cauio to Omaha
a few weeks ago and has not , been heard of
since. Ho is described as a powerfully built
man , about six feet tall , with auburn hair
and mustache.
Threatens to Murilcr Her.
Ella Enslcr , a sablo. maid who lives on
Ninth and Grace , swears that Charles Gor
don , a white man , beat her most cruelly ana
then threatened to lull her if she informed
the police. But despite His" threat she went
imn.cdmtnly to the police court and caused a
warrant to be Issued for Gordon's arrest.
Corporal Tanner On mi us.
Paul Vandervoor't , received a letter from
James Tanner , superintendent of the pension
bureau , stating that ho had accepted an in
vitation to deliver a Fourth of July oration
at Crete. Tanner expects to arrive in Omaha
three or four days before and will be Vander-
voort's guest.
Tlio Plumbers' Strike.
An Englishman , who is also a plumber ,
arrived In the city yesterday from Now
York , accompanied by his wife and child ,
with the expectation of going to work lor
some of the master plumbers here , with
whom ho had been in communication while
in the cast ; but , as soon ho learned that a
Btrike was on among the journeymen , ho re
fused to go to work , but , joined their ranks.
Aclvlco to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should at-
ways bo used for children toothing. It soothes
bo child , softens the gums , allays nil pain
cures wind colic , and is the best remedy for
dlarrhaa. : 25 cents it bottle.
Father Armster'fl Funeral.
The funeral of Uov. .T. J. Armstor will oc
cur this morning at 9:30 : o'clock at the
church of St. Mary Magdalene , on Douglas
street. All the Catholic clergymen of the
city will bo present and take part in the ser
vices. The remains , will bo interred in the
German Catholic cemetery.
The remains of TJzzIo Cox , who died iu
San Francisco last Sunday , will arrive here
this morning and bo taken to the home
of her brother , J. W. McDonald , near Hans-
corn park , whence the funeral will take
plauo at 3 o'clock.
Taxidcrmistcutnl'g'oSlo , N lGthOnmhii
The following marriage licenses were
issued by County Judge Shields yesterday :
Name and Residence. Ago
( Peter Peterson. Council Hluffa . Ill
1 Mary Laigorhoim , Council UlutTs . 21
( Juincs Hanson , Omaha . . - . 23
( Christina Hnsmusscn , Omuha . 37
f Carll Finch , Omaha . ! > 0
1 Hello Miller , Omaha . 23
] John L. Pcnnlngton , Omaha. . . a
{ Anna E. Uradbury , Denver , Col . 31
Ulds were opened yesterday for laying
sewer on Seventeenth street from Picrco to
Center. The contract , was awarded C. M.
O'Donavan on the following bids : Eighteen-
luoll pipe , ? 1.19 ; flftrcn-lnch pluo , S.'J'J ; ten-
inch pipe , f.70.
The other bidders were F. L. Reeves &
Co. , Canllold & Fleming , John F. D.iloy J.
O. Corby and Ed Pholnn.
The following estimates were ulluwcd :
John F. Diiloy , sewer 70 . $ 824.01
C. E. Fanning & Co. , sewer 83 . 45.50
O. E. Penning & Co. , North Omaha . . ( K0.67
Hugh Murphy , alloy paving Dist. US. 174.60
Mount & Grinin , sewer 75 . 4I30IR
Missouri Valley Jnlilr r .
The Missouri Valley Jobbers' association
was In session yesterday in thy chamber of
commerce , and had with them by Invitation
J. T. Drummoiul , president of the Drumuiond
Tobacco company , of fit. Louis ; A. Do
Young and J. L. Curby. directors of the
aind company ; Charlns F. Hates , secretary
of the Cattlln Tobucco company , St. I. ou is ,
and M , C. Wotmoro , secretary of the Lipgott
& Meyers Tobacco company , also of St.
The members of the association from
abroad who arc present are A. H. Hymns. W.
V. Dolnn , F. W , Yale , of AtchUon ; G. 11.
Taylor , of Loavenworth : I' . D. Rldcnour , S.
\Y. Gregory , O. V , Wilson , John Long ,
Tonics llcckham , Gcorgo O , .Smith , I. A.
Puync , Kansas City ; Theodore Poehlor ,
Lawroiu'o ; \ \ , II , Davis , Toncka ; Samuel N.
Nave St , Joseph ; O. Btrekburg , and O. O.
U'oUorton , of Sioux City , Tnuro are others
yet to come.
The members of the association and the
tobacco men absolutely tufuso to say n word
ait to. the object or the meeting.
A I way * U.u I'lntt'B
to disinfect thu house drains , water
closet ? , siuku , etc.
Thomas O'Urlon Inntnntly Killed by a
Union Pnclllo Kiirrlnr.
Thomas H. O'Hrlon , a section hand em
ployed by the Union Pacific was run over
and Instantly kilted by engine 1105 on the
Union Pacific near Twentieth street , yes
terday morning.
Ho was walking along the track in the di
rection of the depot , and In getting out of
the way of a dummy train stopped on
another track Immediately In front of the
switch engine and was run down. The en
gine r of the latter engine , Nelson , states
that ho wns but a few yards from O'Hrlon
when the latter stepped on the track. The
alarm was given , but the unfortunate man
failed to realize the danger. The engineer
reversed his locomotion , but did not succeed
In stepping his until O'Hrlon had 'been
The remains wore taken In charge by Cor
oner Drexol. O'Hrlon was a inlcuUo-agod
man , and upon his person WHS found a time-
check on the Union Paclllc , issued by James
McDonald , foreman of section 11 , which Is
about fifty miles from Omaha. There was
also found on accident policy for $300 on the
Standard Life Insurance company of Detroit ,
Mlclr. , which ho had made out to him last
Monday. It is thought that ho has relatives
residing In South Omaha.
line No Utirht to Negotiate.
Concerning the report of the deal between
the Oregon Hallway & Navigation company
and the Omana road , whereby a new transcontinental -
continental route would soon bo opened , an
attache of the Union Pacific said : "That Is
all nonsonsn. The Oregon Railway & Navi
gation company has no authority to enter
in to any transaction Independent of the Union
Paclllo. The Oregon Short Line , which is a
creature of the Union Paolflu lessee
of the Oregon Railway & Navigation , hence
you see that if any move was made in the direc
tion in controversy , the Union Paclllc would
have to bo a party to the agreement , which
to my positive knowledge it is not. If any
thing of this kind was In view wo would in
all probability had seine advices from Vice-
President Holcomb or General Manager
Kimball , who are now out In that territory.
You can say that any transaction in which
the Oregon Railway & Navigation Is inter
ested Is a movement on the part of the Union
Pacific. "
The contest between the Union Pacific and
Northern Pacific is as yet unsettled , but up
to the present time the former has won every
advance mndr > . The Northern Pucitlc has ap
pealed to the Western States Passenger as
sociation , but as yet no decisive action has
been taken by that body. A resolution was
passed whereby each of the Chicago
lines was to withdraw the through
coupon tickets to Puget Sound points , whlcii
had recently been put on sale , but the Alton
iruvo notice that , owing to an agreement
with the Union Pacitlc , it could not agree to
the action in the absence of the representa
tives of the latter road. This refusal of the
Alton resulted In the action by other Chicago
roads balng Indellnltely postponed. A cut
n transcontinental raton by the Northern
yacillc is expected.
null Appointment.
H. S. Wiggins , assistant auditor of the
.reasurer's department of the Uurlington at
this place , tendered his resignation , to take
effect at once.
H. D. Alice , formerly private secretary of
, ho assistant treasurer , has been appointed
lis successor. Mr. Alice is a
young man of considerable ability ,
uid his promotion is duo to his accurate and
important service of the post.
Knllroiul Notes.
The Union Pacific will , in .1 few days , con
struct two spur tracks leading up from the
lower yards to the smelting works.
T. W. Leo , assistant general passenger
agent of the Union Pacific , has returned
from St. Paul.
M. F. Moss , traveling passenger agent of
the Union Paciflc , is in the city.
General Trnlllc Manager Mellon and Gen
eral Purchasing A Kent MclCibben , of the
Union Pacific , will return from Denver to
Assistant General Freight Cassidy , of the
ElKhbru , has gene to Chicago to attend a
meeting of the Western Freight association.
A. G. Smith , of the general passenger de
partment of the Burlington , has gene east.
Everything' yhich belongs to pure ,
healthy blood is imparted by Hood's
SarSiiparillu. A trial will convince you
of its merit.
Mayno's Steeds.
Thomas D. Crane has returned from
Detroit , where , us legal representative of
Joseph Darker and Charles Corbett , ho tried
two cases in which Dan D , Doc West , the
pacer , and Tommy Linn , fust horses once
owned by C. E. Mayno , were the subject
of contention. Corbett held a
mortgage for ? 20,000 , transferred to him by
Barker , on Dan D and Tommy Linn. Ho
got judgment , and , by garnisheu process ,
took possession of the animals. They are
now owned In Detroit. John Riley , Chicago ,
is the owner of Doc West. To secure
himself in the payment of a debt
C. H. Solomon swore out attachment papers
and hud them served on Riley and got the
horse into a sheriffs keeping. Not long ago
ho entered Doc in a pacing race and won
? 12,000. In the mean time Riley
bipught suit against Solomon for false
seizure of property and damages. Crane re
ceived a telegram yesterday notifying
him that the jury had returned a vorvict for
plaintiff , and assessed his damages against
Solomon at $13,000.
Catarrh Cured.
A clergyman , after years of sufllcrlng-
from that loathsome disease , Catarrh ,
and vainly trying every known remedy ,
at last found a recipe which completely
cured and saved him from death. Any
sufferer from this drcadful'diseaso Bond
ing solf-hddrcssed stamped envelope to
Prof. J. A. Lawrence , 88 Warren St. ,
Now York cty , will receive the rflcipo
free of charge. '
A. Memorial How.
While Ed Ball was roaring drunk on the
evening of Memorial day , ho created a great
disturbance on Sixteenth street near Nich
olas , and was arrested for it by Ofllcor
Curry , Frank Knight , who was also badly
intoxicated , attempted to interfere with the
the olllcer , and Curry declared him under ar
rest. Both drunken follows then united
their forces and commenced to beat the olll
cer and then attempted to csunpo. Knight
succeeded In getting away through the
crowd that had assembled , but Curry hold
on to Hall. Later , Knight was hunted up
and also Jallcdi The policeman's face waa
badly disfigured but the spectators give him
credit for making n plucky fight. On ar
raignment , Hall and Knight wore each lined
MO and costs. As they cannot pay this as
sessment , they will board it out in jail.
Cushman's Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh ,
hondocho , neuralgia , asthma , hay Fever.
Trial free at your druggist. Price 50 cents.
It In to Go Into KiTcot in the State To-
The state banking law passed by the last
session of the legislature goes into effect to
day. Its principal provisions are sot
forth In section one which specifies the cap
ital which banks shall have and of what
that capital shall consist. In section ton It
provides for reserve funds. The law having
been published , It Is presumable that the
commercial community Is more or less famil
iar with Its provisions. The only question It
seems In the minds ot the city bankers Is as
to whether the examiners , who are
to bo appointed by the auditor ,
state treasure and attorney general
or any two ot thorn , will bo what tu0
law requires men having practical know ,
edge of tlid banking business niul not , it ) an
way , connected with politics. Fear Is ex
pressed that , In the execution of this law ,
tlio Influence of private bunKorB not la good
and solvent condition will bo brought to boar
upon the appointment and work of the com
missioners to render them lukewarm la the
discharge of their duties. If the state bank
ing law. It Is hold , is carried out as the
United States banking law Is. then the
numberless rotten banks doing business In
this state on paper capital , will bo wiped out
and banking placed upon n respectable foot
ing. "There is no doubt that the law. If
honestly executed , " said n merchant this
morning , "will cause many private and state
bankers throughout the state to increase
their capital or go out of business , and there
Is also no question that ti decrease in the
number of wild-cat bnnkors in this state is
very much to bo doslrcd. White there are a
great many solvent and sound concerns in
Nebraska , there are more managed without
cither capital or Integrity. "
Pears' is the purest and best soap
ever made.
Ticnmn Thought to Do Hero and
Plnlccrton After Him.
The mission of William A. Pinkcrton and
five of his men in Omaha has been the cause
of much conjecture , but information of a
startling character has been received which
explains their object of the visit. It is said
"that they are searching for James E , Tier-
nan , who Is said to bo directly connected
with the murder of Dr. Crania in Chicago.
Tlernan was , until recently , iu the employ of
Sullivan , tno ice dealer , who llguros con
spicuously in the case. Shortly after the
murder , it is claimed , he loft , his post anu
his whereabouts since have been shrouded
in mystery.
It is said that Tiernan formerly resided in
Omaha , ho being employed as a streetcar
driver about eighteen months ago. Ho con
tinued in employment for a considerable
length of time.
It is also stated in this connection that
Tiernun is wanted In this city for disposing
of mortgaged property. In some manner ho
came into possession of four horses while
hero and worked them on the grades. Ho
negotiated n loan of $70 from John Llndcr-
holni , of the Union block , giving
u mortgage on the animals. Ho
suddenly disposed. of stock and
left the city. Linderliolm's transaction oc
curred last January. Ho placed the matter In
the hands of the authorities , but the where
abouts of Tiernan wore not known until his
connection with thoCronin murder , although
ho was traced to Chicago , and is knoxvn to
have purchased a ticket for that place at
Council Bluffs last March.
Tiernan resided on Hill street , near Park ,
in Shrlvor place. ;
Omaha has attained tho.sizo and con
tains a class of people who demand as
good goods ns are to bo found in any city
not only in America but Europe. Our
loading merchants appreciate this fact
and are in position to supply tlie demand.
This is especially the case in the drug
lino. All of our loading druggists keep
Chamberlain's Cholic , Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy in stock and will tell
you that it is the most prompt and re
liable preparation known for bowel com
plaints. _
The Effort to Compel the Making of
Sewer Connection.
Speaking of the order recently issued by
him nt the instigation of the board of health ,
ordering all owners of buildings In sewer
districts to make connections witb the same ,
Chairman Ualcombe , of the board of public
works , said that ho had Issued the order
under protest , ns he thought under the ordi
nances that the work comes exclusively
under the jurisdiction of the board of health.
There are eighty-eight sewer districts
in the city , covering all the territory
from Vinton street to Kountzo Place
and from the river to Thirty-sixth street.
Of the residences within this territory not to
exceed 1 per cent have connection with the
sewer , and to enforce this order would uo n
hereculoan task , and call for uu immense
expenditure of money.
There seems to bo n general fooling among
property owners that the order will bo enforced -
forced only so far as vaults which have
actually become nuisances are concerned ,
and that it will bo carried no further.
Ilnvo You Carnrrli ? There is one
remedy you can try without danger of hum
bug. Send to A. G. Colemun , chemist , Kalii-
miuoo , Mich.for trial package of his catarrh
cure. His only mode of advertising Is by giv
ing it away. Postage 2c. Judge for your
self. Mention this paper.
In Pollco Court.
Richard Joseph was fined .f35 and costs in
police court yesterday afternoon for abusing
his wife.
The next man called was George Corbott ,
who got drunk on Memorial day and lost a
borrowed lawn mower.
"You here again ! " said Judge Berka , "It's
lee bad you didn't lese yourself. "
' 1 didn't come hero myself , " replied Cor
bett , "A copper nailed mo. I wasn't drunk ,
either , judge. Why , I only hod a pint bottle
of whisky and two beers. "
"Twenty days in the county Jail , llrst and
last two on bread and water.1
nndVcd by the I'nltcd StntM Govtntmmt Endorsed > ) the he ails of the Orcat I'tilvcrslllci
nnd Ihiblic J'flod Analy Uan the MrotiRCbt. t'urtfct nnd iuott llenlthful. lr , J'rlcc's Cream
king rmv.lfrilocii nc.t roritalu Ammciila.I.liue or Alum. lr Viice' * Dellelousria orltipl-tx-
UncU.VnnUla , I , rmoii.Ornuk'C , Almond. Howclc.liU. : n.U'oiitilu I'ulsJuoujOilaorClieiulcjla
PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , Ntw York. Chloogo. 8t. Uouia.
This powder never vnvlos. A marvel of purity
strength \vliolosomcnoss. . iloro oconomlcnl
than the ordinary Kinds , nnd cnunot bo sold In
competition with the multitudes ot low co t.
ahorlwelghtalumor phospnate powders. Sold
only In cans. Itqynl lluklnc 1'owdor Co120
WalUtroet Now xorU.
of MEAT.
FlnojtnndriieanostMcnt Flavouring Mock foJSonpi
Mmlo Dlshos anil Knticix. As Hoof Ton , "on Invnlua
ble tonic. " Annum salo8.tWtXj ) Jars.
( Jcniilnn only wltli fuc plinlloof Justus von I.lcb
clcnaluru In bmo cro s Inbul.
Bold liy ytoro pcpors , ( Jroctrt nnrt Drunal'H.
LlKlllCVa KXTUACT OK M1IAT CO. . 1'td , lx > ntl n
Bold by Ulrlmnlsoii Uruic Co. . and Ulnkc.Uruco & Co
liOS FAUNASI Bxni'.r.T , OMAHA , Naa.
( Opposite Paxton llottU
Office hours , 9 . m. to 8 p. m. Ounaayc , 10 a
m. to 1 p. in.
.Specialists In Chronic , > N rvons , Skin na
Blood Diseases.
I37 Consultation at ofllco or by mult free.
Medicines sant by mail or ejcprea ) , sou-uroly
pacted free from observation. . Ouarauteos to
cure quickly , safely and-Dormnuently. '
ITDD MOTTO TTDBTT T T'V ' Bpsnuatorrhcca , semi-
HbnVUUO UhDlLl II nSl Losso3.NlghtKinls-
lions Physical Decay , nrtsluR from Indiscre
tion. Excess or Indulgence , producing Sleep
lessness , Despondency , Pimples on tlio faco.
aversion to .society , easily dit-coumged , loct ot
confidence , dull , unlit tor study ov buainess.and
Duds Ufa a burden , cafelr , permanently and
privately curod. Consult urn. Bolts 4c Belts ,
403 Knrnain St. , Omaha , Neti.
Bloofl and Skin Disease ?
results , completely eradicated without the aid
of Mnrcnrr. Scrofula. Kryslpelaa , Fuver Sores ,
lllotchei , ITlcers. 1'alns In the Head and Bones ,
Syphilitic Sore Throat. Mouth and Tongue , Ca
tarrh. &c. , permanently cured where others
FiflnmT TTninQTUT an(1 Bladder Complaints ,
niQiiGYi urinary pmntui. Dimmn. too i .
nucnt Burning or nioody TJrlno , Urine hlgn col
ored or with milky sediment on standing ,
Weak Hack , Gonnorrhrca , Gleet , Cystitis , &c , ,
Promptly nndSafely Cured , Charges Reasona-
STRICTURE ! mSnttcceudr0.p
tnoval complete , without cutting ? caudle ot
dilatation. Cures effected at homo btr patient
without a moments cain or annovnnce.
To Yonni Men anl MiMfe-Agei ! Men ,
A OIIDD nITDD The awful effects of early
ft ijUtlD uUUu Vice , which Drinps orcanlo
weakness , destioylni-both mind and badr , with
all its a reiulcd ills , permanently cured.
TIDO DDTTHJ Artrohs tnoao wno naye impaired
Dili ) . DDllO themselves by improper Indul
gences and solitary habit,1) ) , which ruin both
body and mind , unfitting them for business ,
study or marriage. . . . . .
MAimmD MKN. or those entering on that hapPy -
Py life , aware of physical debility , quietly aa
Is based upon facts. First Practical Expa-
rlcuco. Second Kvery easels esp ciallystudied ,
thus starting aright. Third Medicines are pre
pared In our laboratory exactly to suit each
cnse. thus airectingcurei without Injury. .
52T" end 0 cents postage for celabratod works
on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
Thousands cured. JSTA friendly letter or col
may save you futuio suffering and shame , nnd
add golden years to life. r No letters an-
twervd unles * accompanied by 4 centB in Ntamfs.
1108 Faruaro RHoot. Omaha , N b.
Dr. J. E , McGREW
In the Treatment of All Chronic , Ncrvou * 1'rlviito
8rorinntorrhra ( , Impotency and Killing Manhood
Hb'ohitely cure I. A euro KiiniiiiiU > ud In nil form J nf
1'ilrutu ll > fi' uj , Mrlctitrus. ( ilmil. A.LCntiirrli ,
U'lirout , l.ungi , iicul lluiirt IMsc > a us. UliOiiniittUm ,
Hpluul itiul 1'i'Hiillo llsol : es , Illuoaunasklll Dlscusci
truatiMl huccotil'iilly ,
Ladles' uml Keiitleinen'i wultlnj ; rooms Boparito :
onitentlrnly prlvulo.
Consullutlon ttoo. Pond for bunk . "I'lio Dirk
h'ocret of Mun , " uls"Vonrin \ nnd ItJr Dl-eiifcf , "
lOo outli ( stamps ) . Tfp neut tiy < eomjupondcnco ;
H'nd'minp forr-n y.
: writ ' nrus STJIEIT : ? ,
t an/
00 In COfin 'J ° A WONTM cnn bo
IU iJ/UUi maile working for us.
.Agents nrefene.1 who can funihh u IIOMII und
Klvotholr h < ilo time to the biiBiness. Bpitro
inoini-nts may be prfatltnblt employi'd also. A
few viicanrli-u In IO-.MIH undrlllm. It , ! JOHN-
EON A ; CO. 1UW Main Ht. , lltuhmniul , Vu ,
N , ll. l-lftte > < ( ifie ( inU tXMflenre , Ktvtr
in did d/ioiit tienillnu sfuiiu ur I' ilu. II. tJ , A Co ,
( Successors to John C. Jacob * . )
Undertakers andEmbalmers
At theoldstaml HOI Furnarn fit. Order * by
tdfgranh Gollvltvd nudiiromptly utteucluj.
uleuhono to No , 3.
Of our late purchases has somewhat startled our competitors and they are won
der ing'what ' we are going to do with the goods. The faot is , this backward sea
son is having a depressing effect on the woolen and clothing market. Manufaolu
rors find themselves overstocked and demoralized , and accept almost any offers
that are made to o'ear out their seasonable stocks. Wo can NOW buy goods
from the best houses in the country AT PRICES MUCH LOWER THAN
is always on hand. When a manufacturer or wholesaler needs money , ho comes to
us. We set the price on his goods , and the manufacturer's loss is our customers'
gain. Hence it is that we can sell Suits now for $15.00 for which other houses
charge $25.00.
The goods wo received last week have compelled us to make a big out on the
prices of suits left from the early purchase , so as to bo uniform with the low
prices of the new goods.
Our stock of Men's and Uoy's Clothing is now much larger than at the begin
ning of the season. Come and see and judge. Suits .are things you must look at
to judge of their value. It is easy enough to describe them , but description
doesn't show them. Our new suits are a sight to see , and a few minutes inspec
It is not a saving of one or two dollars that we are speaking about this timeIT
FIRST-CLASS SUIT , and if this saving is any object to you , you will buy
NOWWe are showing this week a line of sack suits in Worsteds , Corkscrews
and Cheviots marked $14 75 , and Cutaway suits marked $15.00. These suits are
positively as good as you can got in any sfcora in Omaha for $25.00.
In the furnishing Department wa have opened today several new oases of Under
wear at prices about 25 per cent less than the same goods couldjje bought for a
few weeks ago. Lisle Ribbed Shirts and Drawers at 45c , worth T5o. Fancy Bal
briggau Shirts and Drawers at 55o ; these are indeed surprising value. * Nothing
less than $2.00 per suit woivld buy such goods at any other place.
We have just closed a. deal on a manufacturer's entire stock of
Summer Clothing ; . The price at which we bought these goods
will enable us to offer thin Coats and Vests at about 50c on the
dollar. We expect to paralyze the clothing trade. The goods will
be open Monday or Tuesday.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
At thii remarkably low price wo place
on sale alargo assortnii'ntof desirable paf-
terns Men a Trousers. Tha lit nnd work
manship of thesa garments wo can guar
Is now open. Turtles desiring good accominoJntlons
on the now liuno express uteiunera of tlio Famous
Which nro noted for their roKitliirlly , equal to milton -
ton I train ? . In ninUm ; the trip to 11 ivrt-1'Arli In ono
\vuck , nre Milvlse.l to
Slake Early Application for Kcrllis.
Is nlfO noccmnry on iiccount of the licuvy
tritTvl during the pprlnK nnd Bimmiur months.
McCAGUE BROS. . 105 South loth St. ,
HARRY E. MOORES , lfii ( ) : Fnrnam St. ,
II. L. HALL , 1223 Parnani St. ,
J. II. GREEN , IfiOl Farmim St. ,
Ai : < MitOmaliii , Nrb.
Qen'l Wrutcrn A t. I'.O Wnslilneton St. . Clilc.iso.
Tbo larec't , lustum and linest In llio world.
. . 'lUsciiRcr accommodations unexcelled ,
.N'ew fork In Liverpool Till ( | neriinln\vn.
'Jlia Celobrnted I'J'Iio riiiont frldim-
CllViif H.iiuonlilp | ill tlio WurlU. |
Now York to Glasgow via Qusenslown.
HAI.OOM to Glanjow , I.lvcriiool , | ) errllolfn' '
gueunnluiinivi to < ! 'l by ( Miijaow ttiiti ; o , f
iipwnrdi liy "Cliy or Homo , " Bsvon I Clni $ W. f.-r--
niu 111. l&rumoii rale rediifi'd iivulliiulo tor H'.ur |
muttthunulvlnz prlvt citu nf toelint In 0101" ' ' . * " ?
lllvir Mer.oy , l lclllrc lll > Cljriti' , .North mid tioulli or
' "
I ( m IT : TEliHH. Truvulurs' Circular Letter * ot Cradll
nnd Drafts for any uiimiint nt luwutt currcnuatoi.
Apply to any or our local a < cnl3 ur to
Jiunilisrson lirotliurM , CliloitK < i , III.
II , J. . HAM. .
U.K. !
IK > IU , ) .tc. Semt far c Ire u/.u / .
0 a'l Wt-it'u AtKUer. 8 K * Vtiul. Ht. . CIIIOAI.O.
VV.ll c-ndowc.1 , fll fjulppfd 1P ' ' , I"1 < j"tV ? !
n ! 0. Ml-'iiUKHUALL , n , , ,
They'd sell for more as
ready made but mak-
to measure is
4 business. It's several
f notches above tho' noi
A o
® more cost to you. 9f
? Scotch Cheviots , Cassi-
f meres , Worsteds ; newest f
9 designs , late patterns ,
? stripes , plaids , mixtures ,
? f
? They're uncommonly $
f good , and the price , $6 |
and $25 , make them the I
t best garments to be had.
1409 Douglas SM , Omaha
/ / / ! tOrt ? A * " *
-VM A * LX *
* rJy'P ( 3"xN ) : ;
. C0 '
/-a > > >
- , - _ * / " .
DIVOltCKH-A. , | rit , rlilf.oi ; advlcuiuu ;
21 yearn' oxperlfin-t1 ; funlui's * riui lly and Is-
bully transacted.
Ectt Facilities , AppurntnjondHfme'iicsforSucceicful
Treatment of every form of D'iene ' irquirine
Board & Attendance , licst Accommodations in West ,
03-WRITE FOR CIRCULARS on Dcformltlei and
Braces , Triitjej , Club Feet , Curvature ! of ferine. Tilel ,
Tcmortt Cancer , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation.
Electricity. Paralytii , Epilepsy. Kidney , Bladder ,
kye , Ear , Skinan illood and ell Surgical Operationi.
WKiivniiTRi.y AiiucD A LYisc-i
linuMic < miMH\T. < STfllCTtY PRIVATE. )
Only IlcllabU Medical Institute making a Specialty of
All IJlooAIMieaiej eucccMfultj treated. tfvpbllltfo I'olioa
remoted from the ritem without mcrcurr. K w ItrttoratlT *
Trmf went far Inut of > ITA1. PW H. 1'artlca unille to > till
uima/Letrcato'lat liom bjrcarrcipondijfu ( AlleoraniuDleK-
tioiucciifidonlla ! . IkJIelrclorlntirnnicutiifntbjinailorci.
preiaBCCurclr | ) > cI.eil.DOHiark iolDiHrniecontentor irndfr.
Ono perion&rictenlew prtferred. Call and eoiiiult ui or tend
blKtorYcf > our coio , nod wo will fend tn pluln wnprer car
BOOK TO PrtHH , LvbucDK ; ? , ! SfiVp" ; :
III * ; UlecC nail Vcrleoeele , wllh qiieillon II.t. Addrrti
13th and Dodge Btrcete , OHJ1IA , NED.
I ) ! ! . ! ' , . 0. WUSf'S NKIIVB AND IlUAJN TllKAX-
UKNTa'uaruntco I spuclUc for Hysiurlu. Dlzzl
nusa. Cjnvululons. fits , NervouH Neuralgia ,
lloudachu. Nor/otifl I'roitrntloa caused by the
use of alcohol or tobacco , Wnketiilne < n , Muutal
DepruHHlon , Bcinnnlnsof the Drain. re.-mltlufln
Instmltvand loadlnuto mtsory , decay and death.
1'iematuru Old ABO , llarrorm"3 . IMXH ot'ower
in either sox. Involuntary Iosrts and Hpermnt-
orhiua caused by over-exertion of the brulti.sulf-
alitmn or overindulgence. Ketch box contains
ono month's treatment. 51.03 a box , or six boie
forA.f , s nt by mmi prepaid oiirnrolptnf prlft * .
To cure any case. With each order received u
us for six boxes , accompanied with Wl.lrt , wo will
hend tlio jmrchiuer our written Ktiaiaiiiue to ro
tund the money 1C tliu tnutment does not etTnct
cure. Uuurnntoea Issued only by Goodman
Drug Co , . urugk'tus , Solo Ak'enM , lUO 1'arnum
street. Omaha Nob. _
cr III-HMIBOM'.I. Uidtfor
tliti | relfie Ifurpcao , CIIKK or
r..v..v * --IV-/ H.rfctl/ItroucUKll Bilk liartl , rratiDr-
log tbtra "Ul ' ; , t lltallli a > 4 flturiiui klrrn lli. KUctrl *
r.rrmi i-i iTi.i tiror roifclifv ) luea h.
H LTliiidB0iptBHrr ( flBilfl.9 ( . uid up * M'or tcHei | ' r *
ntuoDllr curdlutCrc tBcnlba , Retloil i > aiBuLt tii.itiuup.
8ANI ) NEL OTRIOC0.1C t > ii4llilli.6niOAQOni
f uccuasf ully iibixl monthly by ovur 10,000
. vl-adlwi. Are Safe , Kfftctuulanil I'leatant
vJ $1 prrbnx l > yinallorat crujiii.tu. ! ; Scalc < t
J'arttculan 'J postage Ktatapi. Addrrog
TUB KUJUUU Cucuiaui Co. , Utrraarr , Micji.
For biilc uml by mail by Goodman Drug
Company , Oinuhu.
entire ) orcicoin * b
Hll.iitri , ( < iuiel , llen naMuilehearJ. Coin
ltr * . tf (
, ri < tii uiav
nut , .to *
' /
If' '