Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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r.lly ( Mornliis ifalllon ) Including SUNDA.T
1IBK , Ono Yeur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 10 00
for BU Months . " . . < . <
ForThr e Months. , . . . . . . . . . . 260
TUB OMAHA Stmiixr IIB , mailed to any
address , Ono Year. , . . ; . , . * S2
WUIKMT IBKOno ) Voar . 200
OMA.UA Ornot. Noa.flH ami old PAHNAH BxnitBT.
CiiiOAnoOrrics. M : HooKKiir liuir-niwa.
jroornr.ENTii HriinnT.
All communications relntmR to news find ecu-
lorlal matter should CeaUdrussedtotuo Huixon
All business letters anil romlttnncoi should b
ddrossad to Tun llr.R I'um.ismxu CoMrANr.
OMAHA. Drafts , chop.fcs anil postotnc * orders to
be made payable tt > tha order of the company.
Ae Bee PnWsWnECiliiany , Proiiriotors ,
E. ROSEWATER , Editor.
Rwnrn Statement of Circulation.
BtRtP of Nebraska , l .
b County of louglas , | "
Ocorce II. Tzpchnck , secretary of The neo Pub-
llelilnRComcany. flors nolommy swear that the
nctiial clrculntlon of TIIK IMftv Ituu for the
veclccndlmjMayiK. 1KS9. was us follows )
Fundav. May 19
Monday. Jlayyo
Tnogdny. May SI . s
Wednesday , May S3 . J8.6
rrhnraHny. MnrSI . 1H.S *
Friday , May 84
Bntiirday , May 25 . >
Average . 18.058
E\N orn to before mo and subscribed to In my
presence thlsSHu dar of May. A. U. 188 ! ) .
Seal. N. 1' . FKIL , Notary 1'ublto.
-Btatoot Nebraska. I.
County of | -
George II. Tzsctiuck ; being duly sworn , do-
Jioscs and says that ha U secretary of tbo IIoo
Publishing company , that the actual averajro
dolly circulation ot THE DAILY HKH for the
Month of April. 18iW , 18.7H copies ! for May , 1883 ,
38,183 copies : for Juno , 188H , 1 , SI3 copies : for
July. 1SS18,033 cepleij for August , 1888. 18.183
copies ! for September , 1888. 18,151 copies ; for
October , lf8S. 15.US4 copies ; for November , 1888 ,
3 P.CErt copies : for December , 1888 , 18,223 copies ;
for January , 18-9 ! , 1B.571 copies ; for February ,
3f89. 1P.WO copies ; for March. 189. 18.854 copies.
, QKOltaii . T/SUHUck.
' Bworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presence this loth dav of April , A. I ) . , 1889.
N. P. FKIL , Notary Public.
Bf' , i SUNSET Cox is coming west. That
is the right direction for Sunset.
WHAT are the business men of. Omaha
doing to insure the success of ' 'Mot-
chants' wook" this /all ?
VASDKUVOOHT'S spasm of virtuous
indignation would bo entitled to consid
eration if the source was worthy of
COLOHADO and Ohio coal compote in
the Onmhn , market , but the price of that
commodity does not seem to be seriously
affected by competition.
TtniN loose a few of the millions
gathering1 rust in the vaults of the
banks , and infuse vitality into the com
mercial arteries of the city.
TUB million dollar hotel soliomo
promises to push the union depot for
llrst place in the list of great enter
prises to be inaugurated this year.
DivoncE politics from the school
'board. That is the safeguard to pre
vent the management of the ohools of
Omaha , from falling into the hands of
spoilsmen and partisans
IP A bonus of'one hundred thousand
i dollars can be raised in a few blocks ,
how much can the city as a whole raise
to build a free railroad bridge worth
millions to all the people ?
Now that the report is denied that
. British men of war have boon ordered
to the Bohring sea , the bark of the seadog
, /dog will not bo interrupted by the
thunder of guns on Alaska's sterile
THK board of public works owes it to
the workingmou of the city to force the
beginning of paving operations. The
t dqlay in public works is a serious hard-
Chip to hundreds of nion seeking em
ployment. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CoiranK33M\K KKLLY , of Kansas ,
rdadc an indecent opening of his mouth
in Arkansas , and the people colloo-
tivoly spiked it with their lists. Mr.
Kolly'8 impressions would make an interesting
teresting chanter.
THE coroner's jury of Now York
brought in a vord let of death by coma
Jir the case of Mind-reader Bishop.
The public , however , will believe it was
death caused by the dissecting knife in
the hands of ovor-zealous doctors.
Dn. FUNKE is exceedingly hilarious
over the reported purchase of Ameri
can breweries by Englishmen. Since
Massachusetts sat so heavily on the
JTunkes of the country , it IB necessary
to import some tonic to vitalize the
Triu excellence of the public schools
of Omaha can only bo maintained by
Jho selection of men of known probity
.and character for the school board. Lot
every citizen see to it that the candi
dates for the place are worthy of his
ONK ot the last measures passed by
the legislature of Illinois OTIS a bill forbidding -
> bidding the publication of flash litora-
tturo in the state. If the law will bo
able to prove lit the details of disgusting
"divorce suits from boiug published in
iho Cuicngo papers , the yellow covered
'novel may circulate in peace.
TUB sentiment ascribed to President
"Harrison by u witness in the Parnoll
trial , that "a cell in Tullamoro prison
tls moro honorable than a berth in Dub
lin castle , " was creditable to the author.
Its verification by an unimpeachable
witness serves to show up the foul slan
ders against General Harrison circu
lated by the democrats during the cam
TUB animus of Chicago's complaint
( ifrulnsi the pork packers west of that
city Is now explained , In spite ol the
discrimination In her favor , Chicago
lias boon unable to hold her own as a
) iog market against the rapid growth ot
vroetorh packing centers. Loss than
five yours ago the bulk ot the pork
packing was centered at Chicago. The
conditions , however , are now changed.
The cities along the Missouri river
slaughter moro hogs than Chicago , and
tlmt city ia Just giving way. to more
favored rivals , It id a last supreme
effort , lllco drowning men catching at
ptraws , that Chicago is making to vo-
( eeui her former glory <
Nebraska's now banking law goes
Into effect lo-dny. The measure was
carefully framed , and if faithfully en
forced It will secure to the state a solid
and sate banking flystom in which the
public can have ontlro confidence. The
necessity for such n law had become
urgent. The conditions under which
banking institutions were heretofore
enabled to organize and do business in
Nebraska offered nn opportunity for
dishonesty in this business which was
being largely taken advantage ot ,
nnd without such n law
as wo now have It would
have been a question of only a few
years when in almost every town ono
or moro insecure banks would have
been started to rob the people. Ne
braska's experience in unsound banking
1ms not been so serious ns that of some
other states , but the situation was grow
ing worse from year to year , and the
time had fully arrived for providing amore
moro secure system , and surrounding it
with such safeguards as would protect
the pcoplo against the distionnst and
unscrupulous practices so easy in bank
ing that is not adequately guarded.
But experience has shown that , the
most thorough and stringent banking
laws do not prevent fraud unless those
appointed to enforce them are thor
oughly honest nnd constantly vigilant.
Numberless cases of fraud under the
national law could bo cited , duo to the
neglect of duty , and doubtless in some
cases to the dishonesty also , ot the bank
examiners. Some ot these officials are
incompetent , and many of them perform
their duties in the most perfunctory
way , accepting as sufficient the state
ments of bank o Ulcers or their sub
ordinates. Some ot the most notable
failures of national banks have ocurrod
within n short time nftor the inspection
of the bank examiner , the failures
showing the institutions to have been
utterly rotten when the alleged exam
inations were mado. This experience
is referred to by way of urging the im
portance of appointing as bank exam
iners in this state only men who are
thoroughly competent and entirely
trustworthy. They should bo men hav
ing a practical knowledge of banking ,
should bo good accountants , and they
should bo of the highest character for
integrity. With such men to see that
the provisions of the law are properly
and fully compiled with there need
bo . no apprehension of danger
from the inlluonco ol bankers not in
good and solvent condition. The oper
ation of the now law should speedily
weed out the insecure banks , if any such
are in existence , and plnco banking in
Nebraska on a sound nnd secure basts.
Nenrly two months have elapsed since
Vico-Presidont Holcomb of the Union
Pacific , volunteered to assure- our citi
zens that tho" union depot project had
been matured and perfected and that a
proposition would bo made to the city
looking to the construction of a viaduct
upon Tenth street in connection with anew
now union depot. Later on Mr. Hol
comb gave it out that the preliminary
plans of the union depot had been
sent back to the architects with
orders to prepare detailed drawings
and specifications. Upon the comple
tion of these details a tangible proposi
tion was to bo submitted to the city
authorities which , if accepted and
ratified by the people , would bo fol
lowed at once by the building of the via
duct and depot.
Upon diligent inquiry nt the archi
tect's office it transpires that
nodefinite orders have as yet
been given for detailed plans and
specifications. This is a revelation.
It shows that the management under
Charles Francis Adams are pursuing the
same tactics that were practiced by
their predecessors.
For years the promised union depot
has been a delusion and a snare. Omaha
has already paid over six hundred
thousand dollars interest uppn the four
hundred and fifty thousand dollars in
bonds issued to the Union Pacific as a
bonus to secure the construction of a
joint railway bridge , and also a transfer
In addition to this , lands and lots to
the value of hundreds of thousands of
dollars have been donated to that road
by private citizens for right-of-way and
muohino-shop grounds. From four hun
dred to five hundred lots owned by the
Union Pacific within our city limits
have been exempted from local taxa
tion , and yet the managers of that road
have carried on the transfer of passen
gers and freight in this city *
in wretched old sheds undo'r
the plea of no money , while
such towns ns Cheyenne and Ogdun
have been provided with superb depots.
Why is Omaha treated in this step
motherly manner ? Why should the
largest city on the line of this trans
continental road , and tit its very gate
way , bo deprived ot facilities that have
boon accorded to a more railroad cross
ing like Valley Station ?
The attention republican papers give
to every public movement nnd utterance
of Mr. Cleveland is doing more than
any other ngonov or influence to keep
him prominent in the public mind ns
the possible candidate of his party in
1802. Ever since his retirement to pri-
vuto life the ardent friends of the ox-
president , and unquestionably ho has
ninny such , have lost no opportunity to
parade him before the public eye and
fix upon him the popular attention , all
undoubtedly wltn the hearty and cheer
ful concurrence of Mr. Cleveland. There
can bo no fault properly found
with this , It is a privilege which
the friends and udmlrom of the ox-
prcsldont have the unquestionable right
to exorcise to the full extent of their
pleasure. But republican newspapers
are not called upon to assist in holding'
Mr. Cleveland up to the popular view
by rlving ; to everything that emanates
front him an amount 'of consideration
out of all proportion to its importance.
Last Monday night a democratic club
In Now York City gave a banquet in
honor of Mr. Cleveland at which ho
made a speech. It was by no moans a
remarkable production , in foot a score
of democrats could bo named who could
make a much bettor address
without nn hour-for preparation , yet it
hns received from republican papers ns
Bortous discussion as if it were the utterance -
toranco of n statesman , possessing gen
uine merit and It Italy to make n lasting
Impression on the popular mind , whllo
tlio event is referred to as dositrncd to
keep Mr. Cleveland on the presidential
race course. This ia of course just what
the ox-president and Ills friends want.
Their hope lies in keeping the public
attention directed toward them , and
they understand that the greater
thom consideration tlioy can got
from republicans the bettor their
chances will bo of accomplishing
what they have In view. The danger
to Mr. Cleveland's political future is
in being ignored by the party that de
feated him , for so long ns that party
continues to manifest any regard for
him ns n political force ho can rally to
himself n vigorous democratic support.
Ho may prosper on ndversa criticism ,
and the ridicule and denunciation ot
his platitudes nnd false doctrines , but
tie must certainly lose ground from
neglect and iniHfTorenco. Democratic
partiality for Mr. Cleveland will bo
measured largely by the degree ot
consideration which republicans shall
con tin no to accord him.
Nobody doubts that Mr. Cleveland
desires to bo again a candidate for the
presidency , and it is not questionable
tlmt just now a majority ot the demo
cratic party expect him to bo. But the
fooling thnt ho should bo is by no means
unanimous. A prominent paper in the
south recently suggested tlmt the demo
cratic party would make a grave mis
take by taking its next presidential
candidate from Now XTork , urging thnt
it should seek its candidate in the west.
This view may become widely extended
within the next three years , Meanwhile -
while Mr. Cleveland should bo allowed
to enjoy the privilege of the private
r.iltxen to bo lot alone , however indus
triously ho and his friends may seek to
attract public attention.
RHODE IsrAND will follow in the
wako of Now Hampshire , Massachusetts
and Pennsylvania in submitting a pro
hibition amendment. Prohibition-has
been in vogue in the state for several
years , but it has merely intensified the
desire for its ropoal. The Into election
for members of the legislature resulted
in the election of a largo majority in
favor of rcsubinission. The legislature
meets next week , nnd both parties have
agreed to rush the bill through so as to
enable the voters to reach a decision
before adjournment. . The election will
probably bo held the last week in Juno ,
and there is every indication thnt the
result will bo the defeat of prohibition.
THE Connecticut legislature refused
to charter a railroad company to paral
lel an oxistincr lino. The opposition
claimed thnt there wore too many roads
for present business , but it bus si nee de
veloped that the members were re
warded with life passes. .
Public opinion in Great Britain regarding
questions of reform bus become such that it
will soon become necessary for parliament
to adopt measures in harmony with the evi
dent desire for progress. That party lead
ers bavo recognized the existence of such a
political condition is evident from Mr.
Chamberlain's recent suggestion ns to the
introduction of a land measure for Irclnuil ,
afthoufrh , even if tha house of commons
ahould agree upon such u quostiin , the
house of lords would undoubtedly reject it .
Nothing could moro forcibly illustrate the
aversion which the English people have
to radical changes than the equanim
ity with which they liavo so long
borne the existence of this obstructive cham
ber ; but the change in opinion which mani
fested itself in the house of commons , when
Mr. Labouchcre made his motion to abolish
the hereditary principle of the upper cham
ber , is most significant. Time was when
such a motion would have been obtained no
countenance from English politicians ; but on
this occasion it was supported by the whole
ofllcial leadership of the liberal party , aud
was beaten by only forty-one votes in n house
of 801. The tories who spoke against the
motion did so in uu apologetic tone , and with
the expression of a hope tlmt some way
might soon bo found by which the composi
tion and character of the house of lords
could be improved ; nnd , with the exception
ot Mr. Bulfour , who was taunted into suying
a few words , not a member of the KOV-
crnment broke the silence that reigned
on "the treasury bench during the de
bate. It is a sad commentary on the boasted
growth of liberalism in Great Britain during
the nineteenth century to recall the frequent
collisions between the two houses of parlia
ment on questions of simple justice and hu
manity. The progressive spirit of the ago ,
whenever It has made itself felt in the com
mons , bus never boon agreeable to the lords.
All other nets of injustice on the part of the
peers sink into insignificance , hbwovor ,
when compared with the many wrongs
which Ireland has suffered at .their hands.
Ever since' 1885 , when they interfered with
the just administration of Ireland under the
Melbourne government , and destroyed the
prospect of reconciling the Irish people to
the legislative union with England , they
have either rejected or mutilate d every
measure of Irish reform sent up to thorn.
When any reform was auoomplisjioj , its
value was cither largely impaired by their
amendments or so altered as to bo rendered
almost practically inomiratlvo. On their
shoulders lies n large share of the responsi
bility for the disordered stato.of Ireland ; ,
and the only hope Is that If they should
much longer continue their obstructive
course there will bo a popular agitation wlilo
and dcep'cnough to sweep tha house of lords
out of existence.
* *
The visit of the ahull of Persia to Europe
in some respects has quite as much signifi
cance as that of King Humbert , of Italy , to
the Imperial city of Berlin. The successor
of Oyrus the Great , holds ono of the import
ant keys to the fur east , of which Russia Is
now very anxious to got possession. With
an outlet by the Persian gulf to the Paciiio
ocean tbo Russians would have a most ad
vantageous position in the future struggle
with England for the dominion of the oust-
ern world. In the rivalry between these
great powers thu shah fully appreciates hia
own importance. Ho must k'now , too , that
every utcptakun by Uussla toward the In-
dlan ocean is a mcnaco to the integrity of his
own dominions , Uut the oriental
voluptuary is perfectly willing to lut
tbu future take care of itself , BO
lotifr us hla own safety and repose shall re
main undisturbed. Such conferences as the
czar aud stuih have hold were not influenced
by any tonslJerutions except what may bo
personal to tlieuibelves. They have no
Wishes nor whims to consult but their own.
The shah , whosu locomotion is so free , munt
Imvon feeling of commiseration for his imper
ial host.who can not travel in any part of his
own dominions without encountering the im-
mlnen t danger ornssoBslnntlon. This dread
of conspirators JasWVk certain shadow over
the festivities Injftotfdr of the Persian king.
But in the fltiropo the shah will
broatno the air pf/ popular governments , In
which fear of ayilrfmlta assassins Is llttlo
known ; nnd If hG'snduld ' cross the Atlantic
ho would learn s jMhlngs about frco gov
ernment that Wqatern Europe can not teach
him. i'
The Fronch.oleSUcms take place in Octo
ber , nnd the fjq'vo'q'imont is nt the disad
vantage of havlup to conduct n dofonslvo
campaign. Whofti tlio last elections took
place the pcoplo Wc'r'ojso irritated ut the Ton-
quln expedition aiilj'al ' the growing cost ot
living thnt thojjycut down the republican
majorities very largely , and elected n lot of
monarchists ana Bonapartlsts with whom
they had no real sympathy. They cut off
their noses In order to spite the party ot
their choice. It was not a very logical pro
ceeding , bat pcoplo often net so in other
countries besides Franco. The lesson of the
election was \varn Ing to republican states
men to compose their differences , to curtail
useless expenses , mid to rednco taxes which
increased the cost of necessaries of
llfo. The lesson has not been heeded.
The chnmpor has wasted Its time in
idle discussions over theoretical cnics-
tlons of government nnd In personal contro
versies. Menuwhlio the army costs moro
than over , and the price of bread steadily
rises. It Is therefore possible that the
French pcoplo may administer another les
son to their leaders by defeating some of
them nt the polls. This Is the calculation of
Boulnngcr and other adventurers. Still ,
every year which rolls 'over without war
strengthens republicanism in Franco and In
creases the number of citizens who nru co-i-
soi'vutives by vlrtuo of their moans. The
exposition Is Itself a republican argument ,
nnd by refusing to give It official recognition
the monarchs of Europe have confirmed the
French people In their hostility to the mon
archical Institutions. The wlso moderation
revealed In the speeches of Sadl Carnet is
likely to have won over to the republican
side thnt class of the bourgooiso which refused -
fused to bo reconciled to the republic be
cause they feared it.
* %
While the Italian king Is being dined nnd
wined nt Berlin , the Italian proplo are ap
pealing for closer relations with France.
Even Crispi himself , the Mazzlnl of modern
politics , is powerless to overcome the nntl-
Germnn feeling. The triple alliance has
injured the trade anil commerce of the Ital
ian people. The popular papers are out
spoken against It and the republican party ,
which is the stroncest political party of
modern Italy , is in favor of a Frenuh nlli-
auco. Is the triple alll.inco , then , doomed to
bo broken ? To these who know und have
studied Italian politics the question is difll-
cult to answer. The Inlluonco of the
court and the ministry is prcat. Tlio
power of the puoulo is not so strong as It
might well be The popular will , plainly
expressed , has qitcn been thwarted , and
may again bo parried liy the premier. The
people are lacking7 Jn'"that ' determined per-
sistenca and pressure which , with Anglo-
Saxon races , ineviiUbly brines about a vic
tory : a trait whieJi is vwell typified by such
men as Garrison ; oriGIadstono. This trait
the Italian racabdecldedly lacks , and If
Signer Crispi can irostpono any action on the
matter from time to time , the alliance may
remain secure. IlVon 'the other hand , the
matter is repeatedly1 j/ressed to a decisive
action , the triple'allian'ce ' , ono of the master
pieces of liismnnjli's diplomacy , may fall
quickly into ruin.'ltis , at least in danger , as"
the sudden refusa oycfng'Humbert to visit
" ( * . * '
The situation .Ju , continental Europe bo"-
coracs moro complicated us time passes , aud
the outcome is impossible to predict ; but
coi talnly thcro has been no indication that
any or the powers are roa'iy or evei prepar
ing to depart from the conservatism and
care with which they have thu j far avoided
words and actions that would make war In
evitable. There is evidence of a general
recognition of the fact that none can afford
to provolco the terrible struggle that has been
so long pending. Yet war scares aud sonsa-
tionul rumors , with their moro or less serious
effect on business and speculative sentiment ,
are to bo expected ut short intervals , und the
eommorcial nnd financial operations of tha
world will continue to bn influenced by the
belief that u war of unprecedented coat und
horror , although of short duration , must bo
tukoil Into account ns among the possibilities
that may bo realized at any timo. Ttio re
straining influences uro stronger , and the desire
sire to find some other solution of the com
plications is spreading ; but the danger still
exists , and there is us yet no sign of the war
clouds clearing away. VVhilo a year has wit
nessed so little chungo for the better iu this
situation , It has witnessed none of thu
changes for the worse that were doomed ul-
most inevitable.
* *
Recent dispatches from Australia show
thnt the repeated drouths of the last few
years have been most disastrous to cattle
and stock. In Now South VVules ulono the
falling oft in the number of cattle during the
nst ten years has exceeded 2,030.003 head ,
and tbo other colonies have suffered In like
proportion. Tha law against importing live
stock is still in force ; but ranch owners are
clamoring against it , claiming that the intro
duction of new blood is essential , and thnt
without it colonial block must continue to"dT-
toriornto. The losses In sheep last year are
found to have been far greater than at llrst
estimated ,
* *
Brazil , Chili nnd the Argentina Republic
nro competing eagerly for the European
emigrant , and each Booms determined to
outbid its neighboring rivals in the muttnr of
offers and inducements. Assisting Immi
gration may bo necessary for the prosperity
of South American countries , but that it
haraly pays in the long run has boon thor
oughly proved by Canada. In splto of an
exceptionally liberal > immigration policy , tnc
Dominion has but , very slightly increased Its
'population during tbo < iast ten years.
.1 ' ' '
That Wdnlti KIH Hor.
The old lady of Ofity who Is 112 years of
age , nnd still BtholtOsvfithout Injuring her
health , should try
Of Course O | voiniul Could I0af.
ChlciW'i Jlcmlil.
The Cleveland dtaner at Now York , last
night , was a complete success. Political de
feat bos not subduoilia > ex-president's up-
potlte for food , nnd over ate heartier nt
the white houso.
JU '
\Vhero to the Guilty One.
St. 1. < MU Republic.
Hereafter , when n.crimfa is committed in
Chicago , all the poUcomen and detectives
within reach should bo promptly arrested ,
Tbo chances are thai the guilty person is ono
of their number ,
OriiHli tlio Ijlfo Out oT It.
Chicago Tdnet. '
It is of vital roncci1 ! ! to the safety of soci
ety , not only that tbu mon who delivered the
deathblows upon Dr.'Cronin shall bo brought
to Justice , but also that the whole conspir
acy , root , trunk and branch , ba laid bare.
It anywhere in America thtro flourishes a
junta , however called , assuming to destroy
human llfo at its pleasure , the lifo must bo
rrushcd out of it. A crime iu Itself , it is tlio
moro deeply & prluio bctaiisu it U ftn out
rageous nbuso of the hospitality ot the re
public ,
t-onntor Kvnrts' Btock .Toko.
Cindmmd Cnmmercfa ! .
Senator Evnrts , of long-sontonco tame , lias
n joke that ho uncorks whenever ho gives a
dinner party nt his country homo In Ver
mont , and that , by tha way , Is not solilom ,
On occasions big crystal pitchers of
milk ndorn the table , nnd by them nro .placed
corpulent bottles of champagne. "Help
yourselves , " soys the senator nt tbo proper
time , ' 'to chnmpugno or milk. They cost the
sumo. " It may ba explained that Mr.
Evnrts keeps Ins own cows.
Tlio Hlnody Shirt in tlio South.
R'cw YorkTiOiunt ,
The lost cause evidently Is still In a healthy
condition , no far as Sumtor , S. U. , Is con
cerned. Ono Anthony Wlilto delivered tha
address thcro on Decoration day. Hero is
what the Charleston News nnd Courier says
about It.
"Thoro was oo fawning upon the restored
union , nor vain regrets for the past , . Mr.
White took high ground , comparing our
struggle for right and liberty with the mom-
orublo contests running through ancient
nnd modern history. Sir. Wlilto urged
strongly the Importance ot reliable historic
accounts of the war , nnd called upon his
hearers to perform the sacred duty to the
memory of our 'fallen braves' of keeping
their examples prominently before the com-
hip generation. Mr. White coiitundcd that
our struggle had not been In vain , and thnt
the principles for which wo fought were Imperishable -
perishable nnd immortal. "
Pertiiips Mr. White labors under the Im
pression that this sort of talk is calculated to
inculcate a love for the union. Or , perhaps
ho bus never been reconstructed. Or , per
haps howovcr , the bloody shirt must not bo
waved , not up north , at least.
A robust slice of Truth llontod into the
Republican ofllco recently nnd received an
enthusiastic reception. The oditor-in-chiof
recognized the stranger as n , schoolmate p
his boyhood days in Fremont , but the erect
ing was no loss hoarfy because the necessi
ties of business forced htm to cut his ac
quaintance early in life. "This is our war
editor , " said Mr. Nye , introducing the stran
ger to the major of the staff. "Tho ahrloks
of flying shells and the whistles of murder
ous bullets are sweet music to his cars , ami
rebel blood Is a tonic to his system. Ho in
tame withal. This is the hero of the rawhide -
hide ( pointing to the managing cdltorwhodc-
cllncd nn introduction. ) Ho is a distant
admirer of your tribe , but evil associations
on the Herald lud him from the path of innocence -
noconco and rectitude. Perhaps on close In
spection you will Und some "feature to aduiiro
In the wierd fabric of his imagination. Hero
is my confidential secretary , the wnrp and
woof of the establishment , an artistic
manipulator of liguros , and u man of marvel
ous circulation. General ICinselln , Mr.
Truth. " The two ancient enemies glared at
each other for a moment. The Animosities
engendered by generations of strife sprung
into llfo and yelled for vengeance. A wild
time ensued. It was n brief and ferocious
battle. Like wild boasts t5iey clawed and
bit nnd rolled in deadly embrace. General
Kinsella was the victor. The lifeless frag
ments of Truth were carefully collected nnd
dumped in the sewer.
It was at Vulloy Forgo that George Wash
ington passed the word to the captain of the
guard , ' -Lot none but Americans bo nut on
iruard to-night. " Grand Marshal Clarkson
is preparing an order to bo issued to his fu
ture deputy , "Put none but Mannorson
guards cm duty in the carrier delivery. "
The police will turn tneir jjuns on taglcss
dogs next Monday. Cannonading will bccin
at early dawn , und the current of lead will
continue tilt the last bark is nestling on the
bosom of tua Missouri. Pcoplo whoso lives
arc not insured for the benefit of their , rela
tives should keep off the streets.
There is a growing suspicion tiiat tbo
"Bucket of Blood" in Council Bluffs is a
close relation of the Cronln invstory.
Many Capitalists Ready to Subscribe
to > Iic Project.
Mr. Chris Hnrtman was seen about the
now hotel proposition and scorned sanguine
that it would bo successful.
"Not long ago I received n letter from
some eastern capitalists , " ho said , "asking
if the inducements originally made would bo
open to a Boston syndicate If the latter
would iigreo to erect a million-dollar lire-
proof hotel. I scut back an answer that it
would. I have Been a number of the gentle
men who subscribed to the fund thnt was to
have been raised before , and all of whom I
have seen are willing to allow their names to
stand for the amount originally subscribed ,
while some of them said they would double
the amount. The gentlemen who nro Inter
ested in the project have been in Omaha , are
satisfied that the city has a great future , and
seem willing to put their money in the en
terprise. "
"Tho site } " he } repeated , "well , I do not
care to mention the exact site proposed , but
it Is on Fiirnam street , between Nineteenth
and TwcntyJfourth streets. They uro satis
fied that in live years that will bo practically
the center of the city. All the bank build
ings , the public buildings and other line
structures are on Fnrnam nfrcet. They
think there Is littla chanca for growth south ,
nnd they don't want to put a million-dollar
hotel up among the small buildings north.
They wont tbo locution on Furpnm , and will ,
if at ull , nut up the finest building on the
street. Of course , some of these projects
full , whllo others succeed , but just at present
the outloolc is very encouraging.
eSIMl'liY AN Olil ) IUE.
Patrick Kenn Denies the Story About
tlio IjiHMl Lcniiio Fundx.
NEW YOHK , May 31. | Special Telegram tote
to THE BBK. ] Patrick Egan , President
Harrison's minister to Chili , who is stopping
at thoGilsoy house , denies the story of Mor
timer Scan Ian , the Chicago criminal court
bailiff , and Patrick Cavamigh , ns communi
cated in aconferoncoat Chicago to the state's
attorney. This story Is that Egati , who was
then treasurer of the land league and in
Purls , was appealed to by Alor Su llivan for"
§ 100,0JO of the lund loacuo money to forward
the physical force worlc of the Clan-nu- '
Gael , and that ho yielded and paid over the
iiionev after Patrick J. Sheridan had como
from "Ireland and nd visotl him to do so. Sul
livan , it la alleged , turned over of this
only $18,000 to the Clan-na-Gael of Chicago ,
and clKpobitud the other J83.00U in the
Traders' bank In Chicago to Sullivan's per
sonal account.
Mr. Bgausatd : "Tlio story of iny giving
8100,000 , to Alexander Sullivan In Pans first
upoearad in print about three yours airo. It
was shown to bo false thon. Every dollar of
funds for tlui land leuguo lias been accounted
for. The Blor.v has since appeared ia varied
forms , und u no moro true now than it was
whmi it first appeared. Mr. Parnell was
asked about it in the London Times investi
gation. Ho denied that any such sum WUH
given away. I would , like to suy a word in
condemnation of the methods of men who
are trying to bluukon the character of Alex
ander Sullivan. As long ns they are afforded
r.n opportunity to uo this , they ilo not cure a
sixpence about catching the murderers of
Dr. Cronm. I think the methods taken by
them ai o despicable , und no terms can bo
too strong to use In condemnation of them. "
Prof. Krawloy a Dwfnultor.
Buri-ito , N. Y. , May 31. Prof. II. F.
Frawloy. who disappeared very mysteriously
from Uuffulo April 811 and afterwards turned
up In Chicago , where ho was aunpected of
complicity in the plot to Dr.
Cronin , ia discovered to uuvo defrauded the
American business collcgo in tbU city , of
which Uo wns principal , of nearly 50Q.
University Plnoo nnd the Bothauy
Holffhta Flourishing.
Doodle Aldcrinnn and Dilatory rav
ine Contrnotora University Corn *
monooincut Gllllsplo Will
Sue the City Notes.
1029 P SIIIKBT , }
The "down-town worm" has llttlo idea
how Lincoln Is Improving on the outskirts.
Hut the ftict exists , just the sumo , thnt Lin
coln Is growing very rapidly. A drive
through Bait Lincoln , and on to the Wes-
Icynii university , will convince any ono tliat
Lincoln Is fast becoming a city ot houses , II
not of people , nnd It is reasonably certain
thnt , were the census taken to-day , the surprise -
priso would bo general ns to the number of
her inhabitants. Boomers of University
Place tire evidently bent on uniting the city
with the village at an early date. This is not
only possible , but probable. But llttlo more
than 1mlf a mlle of prairie , undottcd by evi
dences of habitation , now separates the t'.vo
places. It is well to note , also , that Bethany
Heights Is beginning to show evidences of
llfo und enterprise. A lumber yard has
boon established there , nnd two or
thrco now cottages have reared their
heads , nnd the legend "for rent"
will soon mark their doors conspic
uously. Work In the university moves apace ,
and the third story will soon bo up. Ono city
extending four miles to the cast and north
east is the word , nnd It seems as though a
fo\v short years would bring about this reali
zation. A prominent contractor and builder
says that over ono thousand dwelling houses
are now going up within the corporation of
the city proser , not considering the score or
more now well under wuv at University
Place , nnd that as many moro will bo built
and finished before the close of the season.
This statement may bo considered somewhat
overdrawn , but It will not bethought so after
a tour of the city. The fact is noteworthy ,
also , that the dwellings pom ? up in all parts
of the city are of the bolter class. There are
comparatively few of less than flvo rooms ,
and u largo number that nra palatial in a
wuv. The word boom does not lit the growth ,
nnd prosperity of Lincoln at this time. Real
ostuto is not changing hands with marvelous
rapidity. It seoma that owners are simply
improving what they have , and this work
promises to bo continuous for n long time to
come. Although the suburbs are booming ,
as much can hardly bo said of down town.
Puvliig on the streets nnd alloys Is going on
at a snail's pace. There Is no llfo to the
work , and it would seem that the contractors
propose to light it out on this line though it
takes ull summer.
University Commencement.
The season for college commencements Is
at hand , und the interest of students centers
in the closing worlc of the year. The faculty
of the state university bus just announced
the programme for commencement work. It
is as follows.
Thursday livening , Juno 0 Exhibition of
the Pinlodlceaa .society , university chapel , 8
Friday Evening Exhibition of the Palla-
diun society , university chauel 8 o'clock.
Saturday L iold day exercises , university
campus , 10 o'clock a. m. and 3 o'clock p. m.
Exhibition of the Union sooioty , university
chapel. 8 p. m.
Sunday Evening Baccalaureate sermon ,
Kov. Dr. Dur.vca , oporu house , 8 p. m.
Monday Competitive prize drill , univer
sity campus , 9 a. m. und 2 p. in. Studio re
ception and exhibition , art rooms , 3 to 5 p.
in. Exhibition of the lielinu sgcicty , uni
versity chapel , 8 p. in.
Tuesday Class day exercises , chapel ,
9:30 : a.m. Alumni reunion , clupcl , 4 p. in.
Commencement concert , chapel , 8 p. in.
Wednesday Commencement exercises ,
opera house , 10 a. m Annual reception ,
Grant memorial hall , 8 to 11 ! p. m.
niclc Rrrlin'n Park.
The articles of incorporation of the Has
tings Park company will bo Hied for record
iu a day or two. Hopresentativo Oick Ber
lin , of Omaha , is the central figure in the
concern. The company will incorporate with
an authorized capital stock of ? 35UOU , and its
object is to maintain u park nud pleasure ro-
soi t near Hastings , where the projector , Mr.
Berlin , has a line tract of land lying inoper
ative. This will doubtless prove to bo a pay
ing investment , us well ns a pleasant resort
for Hastingsitcs aud visitors.
Glllisplo Will Kno tlin City.
It is leai-ned to-day that Clark Glllisplo
will enter suit against the city , alleging
damages in the sum o I $5,000 because of the
cruel death of his little boy who was run
over by the driver of a hook und ladder
truck , on lust Wednesday , and instantly
killed. It is also learned that hu will build
his petition upon the ordinance prohibiting
rapid driving upon the streets , und the find
ings of the coroner's jury , citing that the
driver of the truck permitted his team to gent
nt an unwarranted rate of spsed. The pro
lirniuury papers in the case will bo served in
n duv or two and the petition tiled , when the
allegations of the re hi tor can bo known in
Snmcwhnr Hlnuulnr.
There is ti romnrkablo similarity bntweon
house roll No. 2J1 and sonata Hie No. 2111 ,
both of which passed and became laws at
the recent sitting of the Nebraska legisla
ture. Tha bills refer to elections , citing the
state , county mid townsniu colours to be
elections of the even nnd odd years , alter
nating. The two bills differ in this , only :
At elections holden In the odd years senate
Ilia No. 210 provides for the election of a dis
trict attorney in districts composed of coun
ties under township organization , while
house roll No. UU1 does not. With the excep
tion of the insertion of the provision for the
olllcc as stated , the Innguage used in the for
mation of the bills l.i precisely the same , aud
it is reasonably certain that they were drafted
by ono unu tho. same person. The only ex
planation clveri for the singularity is this ;
Homo legislator felt the necessity of u
specific law providing for the olacilon of the
different state , county and township otllcers
nnd drafted two bills , preoUoty thosuin " ( excepting -
cepting tiio injection cited ) , ono of which
WUK introduced in the senate and the other
in Hi n house , When the rush caina both were
hurried through without that attention that
ought to characterize the work , of delibera
tive bodies. Bo It Is. Nebraska has two
operative laws , both of which were enacted
for the sauic purpose.
Bank : I''xnnilitiTH.
The bank examiners will not bo appointed
un'.il GovernorTlmyor gets homo. Tha now
bank law goes into effect to-day.
City News und Note * .
Senator Lindsay , of Beaver City , Ss In the
city. It Is now said that ho has u dead
cinch on the McCook Hud ofllco.
Lleutenunt-Oovcriior Miekeljohn cainu in ,
this morning , from Beaver City , whew ho
delivered the memorial address , "I am not
hero , " ho said , llto don the governor's bro-
gang. The imagined emergency does not
exist. I don't think there IH anything in the
alleged Indian outbreak in the northwest. "
Ulni supreme court convened , to-day , to
hand down decisions. U is given out that
the court will not take up Cooper's < iuo
warranto , AH has been rumored. So there
will bo no intervention until after the coun-
cilmnnlu autocrats have smeared themselves
Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria.
When H by wu slti , we gar * her Coatorta.
When the wnJ a. Child , bo cri < xWor Culorlo ,
YT..on alto became HUs , the clung to Cootorlft ,
V5 J'o * ! ie luuf Children , aha gave them Contort *
nil over with whitewash , 'jrho boodlora ,
bowovor , nro not llvlnp In clover now.
The case ot EdwnrU A. and Henry A.
Stevens vs Frank Howe , on error from Lan
caster county , has boon filed for trial in the
supreme court. It will bo re mom bo rod thnt
this Is the coxa in which the defendant In
error sued for $10,000 damages sustained by
him In falling from n scaffold erected bv
plaintiff * in error , nnd recovered { OW in the
district court. The costs ot $05.23 nets the
Judgment nt ( GQO.U5.
Miles H , Henry , the Ctiuso county mur
derer , now languishes in the Lancaster
county jail. Ho was captured at Glister
City , Dak. , nnd brought to this city thii
morning by Sheriff Uogora for aafo keeping.
It will bo remembered that ha Killed and
robbed Edward O. Mnhcr on the Oth day of
lost April. This was Iho first murder over
committed In that county , and a ncck-tlo
party would unquestionably result if the au
thorities attomptcd to keep the murderer
there or in any ot the contiguous counties.
Henry's crime was particularly attroclous
and cold-blooded.
Lincoln Lodge No. 0 , of the Daughters of
Bethel , composed of the leading colored
ladies of the city , hold their annual installa
tion of officers last evening.-- The ledge was
visited by Loavonworth and Atchlson , Kan. ,
lodges of the same order , and the ceremonies
were highly Impressive aud Interesting.
About thrco hundred colored pcoplo were in
attendance. The Clipper band rendered the
muslo for the occasion. Refreshments were
served , consisting of all the delicacies ot tha
season , and the occasion proved ono thnt
will bo long remembered by the visitors , and
especially the colored citizens of the city.
The Lincoln and Simmons Lacross clubs
celebrated nt Scward yesterday , and enjoyed
a very pleasant day. A special coach bore
the purty to its destination , which loft the
Burlington depot at 12:10. : The clubs were
mot at the depot by n committee of Seward
clti/cns , headed by a band , and escorted to
the hotel. At 4 o'clock Sowardites witnessed
u line contest at the great Canadian game.
The Simmons club won four of the seven
games played. It Is learned that the attend
ance was very lar o , and the interest appre
ciative. The party returned homo at a late
hour last night.
Senator and Mrs. Lindsay , of Beaver City ,
were in Lincoln yesterday to decorate the
grave of their child , who died during the ses
sion of the legislature lual whiter , nnd was
burled hero.
Editor Johnson , of the Button Advertiser ,
was a Memorial Day visitor. Ho expected
to publish , about July 1 , his work containing
the biographies of the prominent politicians ,
of the state , but will bo somewhat delayed
by reason of a lively fight for the Suttoa
It transpires that Colonel McCann , of Hay
Springs , is making n still hunt for a place la
the O'Neill land , ofllco. Ho made pilgrim
ages to Beatrice and Fremont whllo down
this wook.
Perfectly Satlsfloil With the Outcome
of the Sainonn Commission.
Nitw VOKK , May 31. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Bun. | Os\vad ! Ottendorfor , of the
Stuats Zcltung , ono of the loading Gormau-
American citizens of Now York , speaking of
tbo Samoan treaty , said ; "It would seem at
llrst sight that Germany had not obtained
the least benefit by the settlement , but , on
the whole , I think she has received all sao is
entitled to. Doubtless that is the Idea of a
majority of right-thinking Germans nnd Gor
man-Americans. True , thcro may bo some
fault found by mercantile people In Ham
burg and other seaport cities , where the
largest Samoan interests center , also among
a class which bollovcs Germany should
carry through everything it attempts.
right or wrong. But the masses will
be pleased to have the Samoan question defi
nitely settled , even with the loss of prestige.
"In America the Germans generally looked
upon the Samoan cose from on American
standpoint. 'I'boy could not see the justice
of wresting the island from the Samoans ,
nor interfering with the autonomy of that
little government. In the light of subse
quent events , it was very sad that the com
mission of 1S37 at Washington , did not make
the concession that now has boon made. The
failure there only resulted in loss of life ,
money and in humiliation in the find. I was
in Berlin when the present commission first
met. I was surprised to learn
from German sources how little
the Gorman commissioners expected
to insist on in the conference. It seemed as
if Bismarck was intending a complete back
down , something ho does not frequently do.
It scorns , however , , the Gorman chancellor
had become tired of the Samoan matter and
would bo glad to cot rid of it by any fair
concessions. Ho had been drawn into the
trouble against his judgment , and the affair
assumed a phase not contemplated by him at
any time. The battle between the Germans
nnd the Samoans was undoubtedly brought
about by the acts of the German consul , who
cither overstepped his powers or misinter
preted his instructions. The concessions
made by the Gorman government practical/ !
concede this much. "
The Officials Wont Tallc
WASHINGTON , May 31. Profiting by recent
events at Samoa , whan the treasure of tha
wrecked Trenton was recovered by means of
diving apparatus , the navy department has
determined to equip each of the naval vessels
with n complete diving apparatus. The state
department ofllcials absolutely refuse to dis
cuss the Samoan conference or Bohring sea
tangle. Of the former they admit matters
are m such shape as to warrant the expec
tation of the conclusion of the con.
forcnco , comparatively unimportant details -
tails only remaining to bo ad
justed. But upon the provisions
of the treaty , if n treaty has yet been drawn
up , they decline to talk. So far as can bo
learned there is no new phase in the Uchrlnff
sea matter. The president's proclamation
appears to hav closed the history of the
case , und it can not bo learned that tboro has
been any correspondence between the gov
ernments of the United States and Great
Britain on the subject.
Humors , Ulolhccs , Sores , Scales , Crusts
and Loss of Hulr Cured.
Terrible Blood Poison. Suffered all
man could Buffer and live. Fnco
and body covered with awful sores.
L'hoa ( ho Gutlcurn Romudica ton
weeks and U practically ourcd. A
remarkable case.
I contracted a torrlhlo b/bod-polalnlng / a year
ago. I doctored vrUh two good phytilcfuna.
nultlier of whom did mo any good. I HUlfered
ill u man can suffer aud livo. liuurlnn of youD
. 'imouiiA HUMKDIKS I concluded to try them ,
knowing if they did mo no good they could inuku
me no went ? . I Imvobaon using ttieui about ten
mid am most hnppy to guy that I mil
ilmost ild of the awful t ores that covered my
liicu and body , tly facM was us bad , If not
wurcS , lliaiithatof MlHUJkbynton , spoken of in
your booil. und 1 would cay to unyomi In tha
sumo condition , to usa CIITIUUIM. and they will
mirt'ly lie curuil. You may use this letter m th *
Interests of sulTerlng Humanity.
15. UMUIVNOMIB , AsliUn ? , Ohio ,
Covered with UUIIII | K ftivcs IT
1 have been troubled with n skin and scalp dls *
i-no tor snVBiiteon years. My head at times wan
ouu riinnliiK sort * , and my body was covered
\\ltli t'loin HH large as a half-dollar , 1 tried a
great many remedies without direct until 1 used
thu Ouni uiu KKMKDncs , arid niu thankful to
fit ila that nf lor two months ot their use 1 uni
ntlroly cnrud. I fool U my duty .to you un/1 the
illbHo to Htnto the above cat * ) .
I. . Jt. HcUOWKLli , Jamesburg , N.J.
Duir iiicl Sarmohnfl JIH yonrn.
I KO Mr. Dennbs Downing ten years better. I
iu\o ( Ins und nurutohed for thirty-eight yeum , 1
md what In torinril pnirtln , und have HUlferud
tf , and tried a number of doctors but
not no iiillof , Anybody could liuvo gut J.W nnd
hey cured mo. The ( JiirjfuiiA IKMKI ( > IBH cured
no * riod MI-US the man who Invented dm-
OUHA ! CJ1KNHV ( JHKKN , Cambridge , ilusu.
Out nura Jli-iiiDilio ,
Are Bold everywhere. J'rlcot CUTJCLMU , too ;
< OAI' , aic : HKHOLVKHT. II. Prepared by thu
1'orrKii Diura Ac CiiKUlGAh CO. , lloRTOM.
ISff .send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases , " 61
punts co Illustrations , and 100 testlmoulals.
MCI.KS , black-heads , chapped and oily ukln
jirovcutjct by Uimuuux JiKuioATUi ) HOAV
'Hip ' , kidney and uterine pains ana
vreuknesiei itgraevKD IN ONB umur.
the llrst and only inmanuueotu pfcUr
UUlug , u ujillieuliig pUwttr.