Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    THEi OMAHA.PAILY. . . BEE : . . L 8 3
Wheat Not Influenced By the Un
favorable Weather Reports. .
Corn nnd Outs Closed Ycitorrtny n
Trlilo Higher Provisions AVcro
UnclianRCCl Cattle ntul
Hogs Improved.
CntCAOo , Mny 31. [ Special Telegram to
TUB HKB.I The wheat mnrkut hadn vigor
ous start this morning on storm news' t nd
July , which opened nt 707 c , advanced to
77Vi ! with excellent local nnd general buy
ing. Suddenly n lot of wheat from souio
source came on the marmot and there was a
pnuso. Then Linn sold n round lot nnd
values began to ease off. This dropping of
values was noticed first In cash and June ,
wnloh opened $4 ° to % ° lower than Wednes
day's closing. There were ualo of May at
77'4C ' and of Juno nt 7c. This end of the
market rallied presently , nnd during a
large part of the session Jt held
steady nround 77J c , with sales as
high ns 78V. The tone of the
market lowered after the speculative
atmosphere cleared n little , and there was a
very light business passing. Stornl reports
formed the chief theme of conversation unit
discussion. A study of the weather man re
vealed the fact that the storm of yesterday ,
last night , and to-day , did not extend over
the northwestern or spring wheat area to
nny extent , and that It did not extend south
west far enough to damage the wheat which
ts approaching the last stages of develop
ment. Throughout the territory where the
vain-fall was greatest , wheat may perhaos
bo in n position to stand a storm without InJury -
Jury ; such , at least , scorns to bo the con
clusion reached. Crop reports from the
northwest are not favorable , however. As
to actual wheat , it keeps coming in mode
rately , at Minneapolis nnd other primary
points , nnd It docs not go out of the country
moderately ; even while some consumers nro
buying from hand to mouth. This gives to
the whole list nn appearance of weakness.
Tills may only bo n dullness , after all , for
prices nro dragging along In about the same
narrow gtoovo now as they have for n month
past , but in a speculative sense , dullness has
come to be understood as a term synonomous
with weakness. July wheat sold down to
"lOJjfo and for nearly two long hours the
price hung from 7GX@7Gc , with the trad
ing only between the scalpers. Along towards
1 o'clock the market slipped down a notch ,
but halted at 7GV@7G c , nnd rallied frac
tionally , closing just a shade ubovo the bet
tom. at 70c. There was some life In De
cember and the year wheat , but not
much.The December ran go was 70t , < @
7CJfc , and the close was 70-yc. Other
months closed nt 77o for May nnd June ,
, 74c for September , and 70j ) < fc for Decem
ber. As compared with Wednesday , the
final price showed u very slight advance on
the entire list , except May nnd Juno , which
nro ? a@Ko lower. The wires did not work
well , and the board's ' cable did not como in
time for posting ; and communication with
other sections of the outside world was more
or less interrupted. The few private cables
received indicated no change in the situation.
There was universal dullness in thodo-
mcstlu corn markets , and , though there was
more outside buying than has been seen for
some time , the nervousness of the short sel
lers was the most stimulating factor m the
, ' speculative trade. May delivery was in es-
i pcclally cooa demand , near the opening , but
' when the cash offerings came upon the mar
ket it quickly dropped to the level of the
i price for carloads. The not gains for the
.flay wore from c , on near deliveries , to } c
on moro remote.
In oats a liberal speculative business
' was' recorded , nt prices averaging * < c
1 to } c higher than Wednesday's close.
The elevator men were free buyers with
n moderate acmand noted for account ot
the shorts. There was no pressure to sell ,
ns the strength in other t reals , consequent
on the continued cold nnd wet weather wan
reflected in oats. The attempted corner in
Mny long since retreated and the month
closed featureless , aside from the fact that
it was' about Co discount from Juno. The
last named sold as high as 22'fc , later ruling
easier , with July at'Jifo.22 ( ( . c. and Septem
ber selling us high us Ai'tfc. No. 2 oats to
go to store were quiet and about J c higher ,
nt ! ! * 2@3i ! c. The posted movement was de
creased in volume.
Provision traders were in a waiting mood.
It being the last day ot the month , they wcro
disinclined to branch out , until the changes
Incident to the .opening of the new month
wcro made. Deliveries on Juno contracts
appear to bo an uncertain factor for the near
future , white the monthly stock showing is
receiving moro than passing attention. It is
jnutty generally believed , however , that the
umount of pork on hand in this city at the
present time approximates 100,000 ublsof ;
lard , 27,000 tierces , nnd of short ribs ,
83,000,000 , Ibs. In to-day's trade- there
was no life. Some old deals
for near delivery were nettled , and contracts ,
to a modernte extent , wcro transferred , but
business was slow. Outside orders of all
kinder wore notlcably small and of little con
sequence. For cash delivery the buying was
also moderate. Compared- with Wednesday
last , the closings wcro unchanged to Bo
higher for pork ; unchanged to 2J e lower for
lard , and 2c easier for sbort ribs.
CHICAGO. May 31. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE. ! CATTLE. The maruot was nc-
t tlva and took a slight upturn on light nnd
handy steers , such us are always in demand
by exporters , shippers nnd dressed beef oper
ators. Heavy steers also sold a shade
stronger , and the mnrkot was quick , with
everything desirable sold out before the
closo. Tim run of Texans was light , and
limited to about 40 cars , or about 1,000 head ,
all of whioh sold n shade bettor than for the
last few days. Native butchers' stock , es
pecially dCHirablo cows and heifers , such as
the city butchers and dressed beef trade can
use , are selling t strong prices ; about as
high as at any time. Canning stock Is quiet
, and unchanged. Owing to the rain storms
of the last four days , business In stackers
and feeders has ruled slow. Choice
beeves , S4.10@4.40 ; medium to good
ateers , 1,850 to 1.500 Ibs , 13.80 ® 1.20 ; 1.200
to 1,1150 Ibs , mo@4.10 ; 050 to 1,300 Ibs ,
$3.00 4.00 ; Bluchers and feeders , $3.40(33.70 ( ;
COWR , bulls and mixed , $1,85@3.30 ; bulk.
J2.25Q2.70 ; Texas cattle , t3.GO@2t.CO.
Ilous The market opened brisk with nn
upturn of a strong 5o and in some cases lOc
liiehor , the best heavy Belling nt $4.55(3 (
4.573 < f : but , later on , under n large Increase
over the early estimates , values gradually
weakened , closing at about fl. 450-1. 50 ; or ,
ay , nearly all the advance lost. Packers
were slow , and Indifferent from the start tc
the tlnls ! ) , not operating until a late hour ,
L'b'ht sorts Hold at
VOKK , May 31. [ Special Telegrarr
to Tu > BKK. | STOCKS The stock mnrkol
tills morning was fairly active during the
first hour. The first prices were } toi
percent under the close \Vodnosday. .
While Burlington opened } ( per cent lower ,
Atohlson wns the most conspicuous for ac
tivity and weakness , stalling $ f pereenl
lower , at 45 % , nnd there was a decline of %
per cent to 44 % Animation was confined
largely to the two stocks uarnod , und St.
Paul , Northwestern , Western Unlou , North
ern Pacific preferred , and Chicago Gas ,
There \vui A feverish tone and un Irregular
uction to the market , with moat of the stock !
uamod fractionally lower. Western Union
nhowpd strength and went to 83 , Before
the end of the hour there was a reaction ,
und the early losses were quickly regained
aud u few slocks wunl above the opening
figures. The strei'i'th ' was but temporary
and ninny stouk * were drooping again nt 1
ULo Lour to 12 o'clock was ex
romely dull. There wns heaviness with
Mljr t Iosgo8'follow.5l ( by a bettor tone nnd
small gains , and nt noon prices were about
ns nt the opening. The weakness shown in
stocks early , particularly the grangers , because -
cause ot the disturbance In freight rate * in
.ho northwest , was moro than counteracted
by the cllquo , and the gonorat buying. Dur-
ng the closing hours the best strength was
shown In Union Pacific , with n gain of 2 par
cent over the bottom figure of the morning ;
nnd Northern Pacific , preferred , with n not
gain for the day of4 } par cont. North
western mid. liurhngton regained most of
their early loss , whllo Hook Island closaJ } i
per cent bcttar than on Wo.lnotdiy. Othar
ict gams were ! St. Paul % , and Western
Union % per cost. Chic. 130 GAS trusts paid
a first dividend of 2 par cant , and after
selling atO- closed nt59V , or J per cent
jotter then on Wednesday ,
The following ware tlio doling quotations :
U.S. 4 regular. 120 INortharn 1'ftcUlc. . 2W
L7.S. 4s coupons . . .1'Xl iloprofciTed. . . . . . ' "
U.S.4148roKiilnr..lOWO. .V N. W . 11U ! (
IT. K.4 > iH coupons , .HiT'i i donvol'errcd . HI
I'aclno ( is ot Ml . . . .111 iN.V.Pontral . NH" ,
Ontral 1'ivrlilo. . , . . IKJI'IM' ' ' . V K . 84
CUICIIKO& Alton. . .U1 llock Island
Chicago , Hurling toll 0. , M. & Ht.P . 74'S
103' ( dopreforrait . UB'i
I ) . . IJ.ASW IMM.StJ'aul&Omnha. . iWJJ
Illinois CeutrM lln doproferreil ) ! (
I..11..V W. . O'i ' Ualon 1'aclllo 01
Kansas It Texas . . . I'il\V'.St. ( ) L. & r JfiV
l.nkoSlmro 70 { | doproforred 2SJ.
Michigan Coutral. . OOii.U'estcruUlilun tSi !
Missouri 1'ftcttlc , . . 74--i I
Moxur Easy at 2V$3 ( $ > oer cent.
PntMB Mr.i'.OANTiLK PAi'Bii 3 } 3Jj per
cent ,
? TBiiuxf EvctuxciE Qulot.and steady ;
slxty-day bills , $ l.87if ; demand , $ i.SO.
CIIICAOO , May 31. 1:15 : p. in. close Wheat
easy : cash and Juno , 77x o.fuly ; , 703j'e. ,
Corn Easy ; cash nnd June , 34c ; July ,
Oats About steady ; cash , 2113-lCc ; June ,
22e ; July , 23 7,10c.
Uyo DS c Juno.
Barley Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy $1.23.
Whisky $1.02.
Pork Steady ; Juno , $11.S3 # ; July ,
Lard Steady ; cash , $ OCrX'Tuly , 5
Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat , ;
3.75 ; spring wheat , $1.30Q5.50 ; rye , $3.4 ;
" '
'Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $5.12K@5.25 ;
short clear , $0.00@0.12 } : short ribs , S5.70
' ' 5.75.
Butter Steady ; ereauiery , 11@10 ; ; dairy ,
. llc.
Cheese Lower ; full cream cheddar.s , 7 ( < 5
7 } c : Hats , 7 > @ 7 c ; Young Americas ,
Cg s Easier ; fresh , ll@12c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy and lightgraon
salted , 5' c ; salted dull , 4'fc ; green salted
calf , Oc ; dry Hint , 7c ; dry salted , 7c ;
dry calf , 7i8c ( ; deacons , 23o each
Tallow Unchanecd ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4o ; No. 2 , 3 c ; cake , itfc.
Hccclpts. Shipments.
Flour 13,000 10,1100
Wheat J33.000 10,000
Corn 430,000 180,000
Oats - . IG5.000 217,000
St. Louis , May31. Wheat We\k ; cash ,
7GJfc ; July , 72J @ 72 c.
Uorn Higher ; cash. 31 c ; July , tt
Oats Better ; cash , 23 > < c ; July , 2 0.
Pork Dull at 812.12) .
Lard Dull and nominal attO 43.
Wlilsky ? 1.02.
Butter In good local demand ; creamery ,
15@lOc ; ; dairy , 12@l4c.
M.iy 31. Wheat Easy ;
cash , 75e ; July , 70't'c. '
Coru Dull ; No' 8 , 33 c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 , white , 20U@37c.
Hye Weak ; No. 1 , 41.V@41 c.
Barley "Unsettled ; No. 2 , 51c.
Provisions Unchanged.
Citiclaunti.May 31. Wheat Quiet ; No.
2 red , SOc.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 34) @ 35c.
Oats Barely steady ; No. a mixed , 23@
' \Vhisky-Stcady aiS1.03.
flliiiinriipolm , May 31. Sample wheat
dull ; receipts , 154 cars ; shipments 70 cars.
Closing : No. 1 hard , May , 03c ; July , 04c ;
on track , 90@'J2c ; No. 1 northern , Mny , 83o ;
July , 84c ; on track , 83c : No. 2 north
ern , 72 > c ; July , 73 > $ c ; ou track , 72) e.
Ijivoriiool , May 31. Wheat Steady ;
demand fair ; holders offer moderately.
Corn Easy ; demand fair/
Now York. May 31. Wheat Receipts
211,000 ; exports , 15,000 ; spot , moderately ac
tive , unsettled and lower ; No. 2 red. SOJ c
m store ; 82xV@2 o alloat ; 81@S2 c f. o.
b. ; ungraded red , SO > @S2c ; options , fairly
active ; May , 81' c.
Corn Receipts , 303,000 ; exports , 213,000 ;
suet , fairly active but weaker ; No. 2 , 40Jf@
41o in elevator ; 41t41 ( } c ailoat ; No. 2 while ,
41J c ; ungraded mixed , 4U@43.Jijc ; options ,
dull and higher.
Oats Receipts , 203,000 ; exports , 314 ;
spot , quiet nnd easier ; options , dull but
steady ; May , 27 c ; July , 28c ; spot , No. 2 ,
white , 33J ( 34c ; mixed western , 20@30c.
Coffee Ontiona barely steady at 510
points up ; sales. 18,000 bags ; June , $10.45 ®
10.55 ; July , $10.65 : August , $10.80 ; spot Uio ,
firm and quiet ; fair cargoes. $18.75.
Petroleum Quiet but steady ; United
closed at 83c. ,
Eggs Quiet and weaker ; western ,
Porlc Quiet but steady ; new , $13.25 ®
Lard Dull and easier ; western steam ,
$7.07 ; Juno , 57.03.
Butter Quiet but steady ; western , 9@
Cheese Stronger and moro active ; Ohio
flats , 7@8o.
KaiiHAB Clly. Mny 81. Wheat-Quiet ;
No.2 red , cash. 74u asked ; July , G4o ; Au
gust , Glc bid ; No. 2 , soft , cash , 75c.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 27o ; June , 27&0
asked ; No. 2 white , cash , 27J o bid.
Oats No. 2 cash ,
Chloneo , May 81. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 8,000 ; stronger ; beeves ,
* 4.10@4.40 ; stocrs , 53.CO@4.20 ; stockers
und feeders , $3.40@3.7U ; .cows , bulls nnd
mixed , tl.85@3.30 ; Texas cattle , $2.00 3.50.
HORS Receipts , 18,000 ; weaker ; mixed ,
* 4.40c54.70 ( ; heavy , $4.354.iO ( ; light , $ } ,40@
4.70 ; skips , f3.50@l.2.r .
Sheep Receipts , 0,003 ; strong ; natives ,
f3.50@4.GO ; western shorn , ? 3.9Jf < { 4.75 ; Texans -
ans , shorn , | 3,50@4.30 ; lambs , W.50@5.00.
KniiBOH Oily , May 31. Cattle Receipts
coipts , 2,000 ; shipments , 1,100 ; good to
choice corn-red , tu.80@4.00 ; common to mo-
dlum , t3 , 25(28.75 ( ; slackers nnd feeding
steers lirinat$2.2J@3.90 ; cows steady at $1.75
Hogs Receipts , 10,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
weak and lower ; common to choice , t4.10@
National Stock Vonli , Hast St.
Ijouls , May 31. Cattle Receipts , 1,800 ;
shipments , 1,900 ; active and strong ; choice
heavy native steers , 1.90 ( 5.50 ; fair to coed ,
| 3.20@4.00 ; stockers and feeders , $2.15 ( < W.10 ;
rangers , corn-fed , $3SO@8.70 ; grass-fodJ.15
@ 8.80.
Hogs Receipts , 0,000 , ; shipments. 2,300 ;
strong ; choice heavy und butchers' selections ,
* 4.40@4.50j packing , t4.30 ( < 54.45 ; llghi grades ,
t4.40S4.55. (
Sioux City , May 31 Cattle Receipts ,
220 ; shipments , 110 ; market steauy ; fat
steers , * 3.00@3.SOstockcrs ; , $2.35@2.85 ; feed-
ersf2.40M'J.VH ) ; cunners aud bull3$1.00@l,75 ;
veal calves , ta.OOQI.OO.
Hogs Receipts , 2,400 ; r > @ 15o higher ;
llgbtand mixed , W.12K@ . 'J2 > i ; heavy , f4.15
UMAtlA inVK a 100 1C.
ITrldoy , May 81.
Trading was quito brisk to-duy and the
market strong by i canon of the inodorato re
ceipts at this and other points. The demand
was pretty good and boov.n of desirable
quality sold u littla stronger. Heavy cattle
were apparently In holier request than they
have been on many days of lute nnd quito u
string went nt IJ.liO , und one bunch at (4.10.
Common light cattle , rough or unfinished ,
are selling very badly , the- demand having
fallen off vary suddenly , and they can only
be disposed of at a snoiillce. The beef and
shipping steers were sold at prices ranging
from H.60@4 10 , but principally at 13.70 ®
a.8.1) . The . ] uality of thu cattle , which was
very good , account * In part for the appar
ently high prices paid , Butchers' stock ula
uol show uny material cbtii ; a in price * ,
cows soiling nt , $2.2303.00 ami bulls nt $3.23
@ 2.0'J. ' Stoekera nnd feeders wcro very
scarce and the trading was limited to the
snlo of n few odds nnd ends.
Mo is.
The day's ' supply wai somewhat heavier
than iniuiy had anticipated , nnd , nllhough
eastern nd vices gnvo stronger mn/Kcti ,
salesmen were willing to nccept steady
prices. On this basis thu trade was quilo
brisk nt the opening , so far ns the best
llttht nnd heavy hogs were concerned , at
least. The early sales were largely nt Jl. IB
& 1.20 , with a t.-ade nt $4 22 > nnd $4.23. The
light hog buyers nnd shippers did n good
shtiro of the early buying , whllo some of the
heaviest packers were on the boar sldn of
the deal and wcro usklng n concession from
yesterday's prices. In Urn they were very
materially usMsigil by the later reports from
Chicago , which indicated the atlv.inco of the
morning lost. After about half ot tlio hogs
had boon sold the trade eased up. All that
the p.ipkors wanted to glvo for the b.ilanco
was f 1.15 , but as the salesmen were not pre
pared to miiico any concession the trade waft
slow. It wiu nftornoon before n clearance
was oflVclod. In the end the buyers did not
succeed hi making much of an Impression on
the market , although they did a good dent of
hard pounding. The hogs sold mostly at
C-I.1G , d.ll'V nnd $120 , the same ns.voncr-
There hnvo been so many days of late when
there wcro no sheep hero at all that seven
decks to-day looko.i like- quito a heavy run ,
Two loads. However , were shipped direct to
n packer , and hcnco wpru not on the market.
The demand for good mutton sheep was
stronir , but the quality of tlui sheep wai not
very desirable. Prices roimim about steady
nt previous quotations.
Cnttlo . 1,400
Hog < . 4.SOO
Sheep . 784
1'rovnilfii ; * Prices.
Thofjllowln U aU'ilo of prion pill la
this iniricot fjit'u giuljt of Jtoj'.c 1113:1- :
tionod :
Primcstoers , 11500 to 1500 Ib .SlO ; ) )
Good steers , IT.'J to 14 Vi Un. . . 3.80 ( if4.0 ! )
Good steers. 1030 to IDJJ Ibs. . . 3.l ! > @ : l.S >
Ordinary to fair news . 2.113 ( rt > 2.40
Fair to good caws . 2. 1 ! ) 0 $ MM )
Coed to'chnlco cows . 2.I1J tti.OO :
Choic'i ' to fiincv cowa , heifers. . 3.00 ( : ) .2.i
Fulrto good bulls . 2.0J ( tM.5) )
Uood to choice bulls . 2.50 ( fcli.O'J
LIgnt stockers and feeders. . . . 2.70 ( rji.ii : ) )
Good feeders , O.V.I to UOJlba. . 30' ) (
Fair to choice liijht lions . 4.r 054.2) )
Fair to choice he ivy boss . 4.15 M-l.yi
Fair to choice mixed heirs . 4.1."i
Fair to tnoJium natlvo sheep. . 3.50 ( H.23
Oood to choice native shenii. . . 4.0) ) ( uM.30
Fair to choice western snoop. . 3.25
740 3.13 29 734 3.25
2 1655 2.75
20 933 3.25
1 15SO 4.75
51 Standard Cattle Co 1331 3.00
No. Av. Off. Pr.
61. . .303 1201.20
57. . .235 1GJ 4.20
m. . .273 80 4.20
GO. , .219 4.20
04. , 207 4.20
05. . .233 80 4.20
69. , .231 4.20
69. , .283 80 4.20
71. , .219 80 4.2'J
OS. , .2D7 80 4.20
61. , .273 ICO 4.20
60. .208 SO 4.20
70. .233 80 4.20
G2. , .233 120 4.20
60. , bO 4.20
57. 120 4.20
62. , ,235 , 120 4.3J
63. .259 4.20
67. ,207 , 240 4.30
64. ,229 60 4.20
100. , o m 4.20
( Kl. 4.20
50. [ iios 80 4.20
58. .239 1UO 4.20
59. , ,280 , 4.20
GO. , ,275 , 4,20
70. , 200 4.20
63. , 120' ' 4.20
65. , .253 80 4.20
61. , .259 4.20
CO. , .2315 80 4.20
50. , .207 40
01. , .215 40
No. Av. Pr.
117 natives , shorn. 75 J3.10
00 westerns 91 4.20
58 spring lambs. . , 57 4.25
I.ivi ) Stock Noten.
M , B. Pratt , Arupulioe , uiarlcotod a car of
Y. G. Iliggliis , Cambridge , brought in a
car of cattlo.
The receipts of sheep are the heaviest
since May It.
Charles Uuiiat brought in six cars of eattlo
from Norfolk.
E.V. . Ulaok , of Plattsmoutb , had three
loads of cattle hero.
W. A. Jackson , has returned from a three
week's visit to Chlo.iK'O ,
J. IJudc , a roRular Crete shipper , was herewith
with three loads of cuttle.
Thomas Powers. Button , marketed a line
load of cattle ut 14.10.
M. MoNamoru had a load of hogs of bU
own feeding In from Hcoinor.
Charley Malcy Is bock from a week's visit
spent with his people In Iowa.
William Holway , Cozad , was nraon ; , ' these
who had cattle on the market.
James Bailey , Hortrund , was at the yards
and disposed of throu cars of cattle.
John F. Kessler came in from CralR to
look after the sale of four curs of cattlo.
H. II. Iloblnson , of Kitnball , and A. L.
Spearman , of Springfield , were amoiip the
Mr. Grubo. of Grubo & Co. . Manning. , la. ,
was over looking after the sale of'two loads
of hogs.
H. Heutlng , of Platta Cent r , bad two
loads of lioga hero. One load brought | 4.25 ,
the top.
The next regular monthly meeting of the
Exchange occurs Monday , Juno 8. at 280 p.
u. Uuiinesa of importance will couio be-
fore the meeting /firmc'mbers / should bo
Babcock Bros. , of Svhnylor , shipped In a
West Highland steer sMUfh load of cattle.
It was the llrst ono ev/r tycon In the yards ,
nnd was a great curiosity' Ho hud nn lm
mouse pair of honis nnd Ills head was covered -
orod with long filmiygy1 hair. John Boyd ,
minajrer of the Block vanls , bought him at
$1.75 per hundred , ani will have his lioad
mounted. Ttioro are ycr.V few West High
land cattle In this country ; the ono In ques
tion was Imported n row years ago from
Scotland. * ' ' ' "
OMAHA AYHOlil-iS.vijU MAUKI2T- ! .
I'rotlncc. ' ' , ( | ? < ICtc.
The ptodiice niiiHtoi , Imj. been fairly sup-
piled \\ellcloancdiupfdurliig the week.
Butter has been a drag nail decided conces
sions wcro necessary to effect sales to pack
ers , Receipts of eggs are moderate nnd the
market Is firm. Poultry is In light receipt
nnd fjood demand. Strawberries have iiuon
very plentiful aud lower until Saturday , when
the supply ran short. ] Now vegetables are
In good supply and prices declining daily , as
near by gardens supply the market partially ,
BUTTKII Table dairy , 12 < i918o ; packers1
stock , 03i ) . Creamery Prints , fancy , \dj \ )
23c ; choice. 12@ICo ; solid pu-ked , 10i'jl5c. (
Enns Strictly fresh , 10t ( llc.
Cinr-ji : : Youn America , full croani , Oc ;
twin Huts , Oc ; olt grades , - ( ! ? ! ; Van Kos-
som Edam , $11.50 per dozen ; 0:111 sago , lOc ;
brlok , 12@18c ; llmburgur , IKVJl''c ; domestic
Swiss , 14o ; skims , 2@lc ; chcoio safes , bronze
medal , No. 8. $2.bu.
Pofi.Tiir Live liens , per dozen , $4.00 ®
4.25 ( roosters , $ I.7o ! ( < S4.00 ; turkeys , 0@llo
jior Ib
Srimuinuiur.s Per case , 24 qts , $3.00@
3.85 ; soft , $1 00@2.0 ! ) .
CiiRiiiiiiis Cal. , $1 10 .00 1.25 per H > box ;
southern , $ J.2o@'I.OO pcsr crato.
OIIANOKS Fancy Washmcton navels ,
$5.00(45.25 ; Rlvornldo , $ . | . : > : > @ OD ; fancy
paper rind St. Michaels. $ ,1.7ftii)4,23 ( ) : ftniuy
Duarte Mediterranean sweets , 5cJ.5i3.25 ( ;
fancy bright mountains. $2.25(22.75 ( ; ; Los
Angeles ( cnoice ) , $ J.r2.50.
LoioNs Choigc , $4.W@5.00 ; fancy1 , $ " > . < 5 < < ?
Coco vxtTTS Choice Ruatans , per 100 ,
St.liO ; les * than 100 , 5o each.
B.\JVA Accurdlng to sUe of bunch ,
$ e ri'3 so.
AITI.KS Choice , $32.5@3.BO ; poor , ? 1.23Q
EVIII.Y VIOITAIII.S : : Lettuce , per dozaii
heads , 'iO ' . ' .V ; radishes , per dozen bunches ,
KKHjloc ; green onions , rji lflo ; iiaralcy , 2o ) ( )
25c ; soup bunches , 20VZ-"ii ( ! ; heots , 45@)0c :
carrots. 50c ( { * > . * c ; turnips , r,0@35a ; oyster
plant , ; ! 05v35c ; ceU'ry Scx'i/iJl.OU' ciiullllo\ver ,
? 1.00 ( ( 2.23 ; cucumbers , 40@50c ; preen peas ,
bu boxes , 75t.G1.00 : strliia beans , per box ,
Sl.OJlfi'l.S'iax ' ; beans , $1.)0A ( ) 1.25 ; tomatoes ,
J bu , S1.25ll.riO ( ( ) ; n.spar.iKU8 , pjrdoz , JJOfjji.ic ;
pie plant , per Ib , l@2c ; now iiotatooa , per Ib ,
2V52i ( ; c ; cabbage , 2JjfJ3c ( ( ; southern , $3.00(08 (
2.75 per crate.
Fitnsii FISH White fish , per Ib , 7jZ311'c ( ! ;
trout , per Ib , Cc ; whlto parch , per Ib , 7c ; buf-
fulo , | ) er Ib , 7c ; pickerel , per Ib , Cc ; black
bass , porD , Hi' .
\\s-Choice hand picked navy , $3.20 ;
choice hand picked medium , $1.75 ; choiuo
hand picked country , $1.150 1.75 ; clean coun
try , $1.20 ® 1.25.
POTATOES Choice , sacked , nor bu , 25@JOc. !
Viu , Choice , medium slz3 , 7@8u ; choice ,
heavy , 4tfGc. (
Hinis'PKi.T3 , TAI.I.OW , DTO. Green salted
hides , 4@3c ; dry halted hides , Oc ; drv Hint
hides , 7c ; calf hides , 5(25yfu ( ; damaged
hides , 2c less ; sheep pelts , green , each , - . > e ( < 3
Sl.OJ ; sheep pelts , dry , pec Ib. l' ' ( )12c ) ; wool ,
avcnipc , HC'Jl c ; tallow. No. 1 , 3 < dJjjc ; tal
low , No. 2 , 2 > fVt3j ( ; grease , whlto , 34c ;
grease , yellow , 2vJJ ! c. tf j
Arri.t ; BurTr.u 7c. <
CIIIKK Bbls , $3 : hfbblov $ ) .
BUTTr.uiN'K 14@156 per Ib.
MAI'I.I : St-'oxi' I2 ( ! 213i per Ib.
Hoxr.v 14C < i > 15o pes'lb. i
PunsKitvr.s ! ! } < 10o py/vIb.
JEI.I.IUS 3H.24C P3r Ib. ,
Bnr.swAX No. I , l ( < J2u/J.
HAV $3.0JiiC.OO. ( . '
CHOIFKED Sl.00@l1oa. ( )
Binx $10.50 ® 10. Tj , J ,
B vr.s Amoi Iran AJ'se'.dn'loss , $ l7.25Union ;
Squnro paper , discount , 3.7per cent.
Cv.N.NKi ) FISH Bfookitrdut , 3 Ib , 83.50 ;
salmpn trout , 2 Ib , $3,3p-chun3l Ib , $1.25 ;
Ib. ? 'J.25 ; eels , 1 Ib , ? 3.25 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $3 00 :
lohstcrs. 1 Ib , 81.00 : lobsters , devilled > / Ib ,
SJ.25 ; mackerul , 1 Ib , SI.00 ; mackerel mus
tard sauce. 3 Ib , $3.00 ; mackerel tomato
sauce , 3 Ib , ? 2.'JO ; oysters , 1 Ib , S5c ; oysters ,
2 Ib. &I.50 ; siilmon , C. U. , 1 Ib , $2.10 ; salmon ,
C. It , 2 Ib , SUO ; salmon. Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.85 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , S3.9U ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
CANDLES Star , 8s , 10 oz , porlb , Oc ; Star ,
8s , 14 oz , pcrlb , 9a ; Stearlo , wax , 10 oz , G ,
pcrlb , llo ; Stearlo , wax , 11 02 , Os , per Ib ,
lie ; Imlf boxes , J c extra.
CAXDV y > ii12K" ( per Ib.
Cuocoi.vri : AND Cocov 23@39c per Ib ;
German chiclcory red , 8i\
Cori'BiH Green Fancy old golden Hio ,
24c ; fancy old poaborry , 2Jo ; Uio , choice to
fancy , 22o : Uio , prime , 21c ; Hio , good , 20u ;
Mocha , 2sc ; Javu , fancy Malideliling , 27o ;
Java , good interior , 21c.
COITKHS Hoasted Arbucklo , 24J/c ; Mc-
Lauchlin's XXXX , 21Ko ; German , 21 > c ;
Dilhvorth , 'M ( o ; Alaroma , 24yfc.
CiiArKCits AM ) UAKC3 ( IK SlSo 1'or ' Ib.
DuiKi ) FitiiT8 ; Per Ib , apricots. 14@17c.
Apples , Mich. , 4c : stars , 5 fc ; Alat'im , d %
( cf8c. Peaches , ( Jal. Y. , peeled , 17it20c ( ;
fancy unpeeled , ll@13u ; sun dried. ( IKo ;
Salt Lake , Cc. Prunes , Cul. U. C. 7K@10 > c.
Currents , 5 < 57c ; Turkish prunes. 4 } < je. Cit
ron peel , 23c. Lemon peel , 14c. Fard dates ,
llc. ) Figs , 0@10c. Ilasins , Malaga bunch ,
doiicsas , 55.00 per box ; Vnlencias , per Ib ,
7H ! Cal. G , t S , § 3.40 per box. Dried grapes ,
5c. Ulackberrles , 5c. Pitted cherries , 17c ;
( iltted plum ? , ( l@ti'c. Kasnbcrries , 23Xc.
Nectarines. 18@14c.
GISOUK Jamaica , Jf pts , . $3.00 per doz.
FAitiNAcuouti GOODS Uarloy. SfTM o ; far-
lim , 4 } c ; peas , lie ; oatmeal , 3@l c ; maca
roni , llj c ; vcrmicoll , ll > o ; rice , 47c ;
sago and tapioca , C@7c.
Finn Salt Dried codfish , C > < ; ( as > c ; hali
but , 12u ; scaled herring , 25c per box : hoi.
herring , dom. 50c ; Hamburg spiced herring ,
$1.00$1.10 ( ; imp. hnl. herring , 00c@tl.00 ;
mackerel , hlf bbls , No. 1,818.50 : largo family ,
$12..10 per 100 Ibs ; whltoflsh , No. ] , $7.25 ;
family , $3.50 ; trout $5.25 ; salmon , $3.50 ; un-
chovU , 10-lb palls , 8Uc.
LVE Pl.75@4.50.
NUTS Almonds , IC lSc ; Brn7lls , 9c ; fil
berts , 12o ; pecans , 13o ; walnuts , 13c ; peanut
cocks , 8c ; roaatcd , lOc.
OILS Korosouo-P W , OKc ; W W , 12o ;
headlight , 13c ; salad oil , ? 3.859.00 per
PICKLES Medium , per bbl , $500 ; small ,
ffl.OO ; irhorKlns , 5,7.00 , ; O & B chow-chow ,
qts , $0.00 ; pts , $3.50.
WiiAiTi.Nd PjU'uit Straw , nor Ib , \ } @
2Ko ; rag. 8Xcmanilla \ B , Oo ; No. 1 , Oc.
SALT Dairy , 140 2-lb pkRs , $2.70 ; do 100
3-lb pkgs , S-3.00 ; doOOD-lb pkfis , 83.50 ; do 28
10-lb ukgs , 2.40 ; Ashton , bu bags , 50-lb , 3o ;
do 4-bu bags , 231-lb , f3.40 ; do M S A , 50-lb
bags , 55o ; per bbl , tt.85. %
SEKDS bird , 4) ) < @bc."ki
SAI.SOIU- CSl d'per Ib.
STAUCII 5J4$7c ( pdr Ibl '
STOVK POLISH $3.00@5.S7 per gross.
Srices Whole , peMb Allspice , 12o ; Cas
sia China , lOo ; cluvbs , 'Zanzibar , 25o ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 70o ; poppor/20.
SuoAits Graautatcd , BJJS.C" ( ; confection-
dra A.89c ; standord-oxtraC , 8' oyellow ;
O. 7C' 7 o ; powdered , rt ) @OKcj cut loaf ,
9&if5 cubes , OX < | 'JMo :
TIIAS Gunpowdorj20(5HKo ( ) ; Japan , 12@40c ;
y. Hyson , aS'acOcj Qploim , 22 < g50o.
> -
BATTS Standard , 8o'Gem. lOo ; Beauty ,
12Wo ; Boone , 14o ; U , cased , $0.50.
COTTOX FLiNNKr.Sj-JlQ per cent trade dts
LL , unbleached , 5eCU , GJfo ; SS , 7J/o ;
EE , 8Jf ; GG , O o ; XX , (10 ( > < o ; OO , ll ) < c ;
NN , 12 } < o ; AA , 14o ; . DLL ISi o ; TT , ICKci
YY , 18o ; BB , lOo ; 20.-bleached , 8Kc ; CO ,
12K" ! 80,13V o ; 50 brown und slate , Go ; 70 ,
12 e ; 00 , lOo.
CUHI-ET WAiti'-BIbb White , lOo ; colored ,
c'ltAsii Stevens' B , 5 o ; Steyens' A , 7c ;
bleached , 80 ; Stevens' P , 7Jfc ; bleached ,
8c ; Stevens' N , 8J c ; bleached , 9i o ;
Stevens' BUT. lljifc.
CjAMimics Slater , So ; Woods , Do ; Stan
dard , 60 ; Peacock , 60.
COUSKT JEANS Boston. 7o ; Androscog-
gin , Via ; Kearsago , 7 o ; Hookiiort ,
Conestoga , C' '
DUCK West Point. 29 in , 8 oz. VXodo \ , 20
in , 10 oz , 12 > o ; do , 29 m , 13 oz , 15c ; do , id
in , 11 oz , 16c.
DENIMS Ainoskoag , 0 oz , lO' c ; Everett. 7
oz , 13o ; York. 7 oz , 18o ; Haymaker , bKp ;
Jnffroy XX. lUfos Jaffroy XXX , mta\ \
Beaver Crook AA , 13c ; Beaver Crock , BB ,
lie ; Heaver Creek CO. lOc.
i-White , G , H. No. 2 , fa \
G. H. No. I , V. . 26 > tfo ; B. H. No. 2 , ? { . 22i < c :
B. H. No. 1 , JMC , SOus Quonhoo No. 1 , )4. ) 42o ;
Qticcheo No. 2 , "j , 8740 ; Qucchco No. 3 , Jf ,
Lake , W a ; Iron Mountain ,
2J > rtc.
OISOHAM PUmkctt cliecks , ( l > i'cj Whlt-
tonton.O o ; York , 7 } < c ; Normnndi ilress ,
7Wo ; Cnlentln dress , 7i0 ; Whlttonton dres ,
I'foi Hcnfruw drass. SJ eiSJ c.
KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , IBc ; Stand-
IMilnt. ISc ; Durham , 27 0 ! Hercules , 18o ;
Loamlngton , SJJ o ; Glonwood , 20o ; Melville ,
25o ; Unng-tip,2TKc.
PUINTB Dress Charter Onk , f > J/c ; Ha-
mapo , Ic ; Lodl , ftl c ! Allen , Co ; Htchtnond ,
Co ; Windsor , 0 , ' < fc ; Edd.vstonc , tlj c ; Pacific ,
PIHXTS , Ixnioo Bi.un St. Ledger , 6Kc ;
Wnshlngton , C'-.fc ; American , O'tc ; Arnold.
( IWfc ; Arnold Century , Oc ; Windsor Gold
Tk'l , 10i < jc : Arnold B , 10 } < c ; Arnold A ,
12c ; Arnold Gnltt Seal , 10 > fc ; Yellow Seal ,
Sot.m COI.OHS Atlantic , Oo ;
Slater , Oc ; Berlin Oil , GJic ; Garner OH ,
PIHXTS , PIXKXD UOIIBS UlclimondC < < fo ;
Allen. Co : Ulvurpolnt , > o ; Steel Ulror ,
GUo ; Richmond , Cj. < o ; PacitlL1 , 7c.
Hi.u\oiiii : ) SIIRKTISO. Ullorton , 7 ! o ;
Honsokcoppr , S' i1 ; Now Candidate , 8Jo ;
Berkeley , No. ( JO , Ol o ; Best , Yet , 4-4 , CJ/o ;
Butter Cloth , o o , 4fe } ; Cabot , 7'Jo ;
Fnrwoll , half bleached , 8 > c ; Fruit
of Loom , 8 c ; Grceno O , Oc ; Hope ,
7 > c : 1C. P. cambric , 10c ; Lonsdalo
cambric , lOc ; Lonsdalo , 8Ko ; N. Y. mills ,
lOc ; PLpporell , 42 in , lOo ; Pupporell , 4 in
lie ; Pcppcrell , G-l , 14ic } ; Popperell , 8-4 , 20o ;
Pepporoll. 0-4 , 2-'c ; Pcpperell. 10-1 , 21c ; Canton -
ton , 4-4 , 8jfu ; Canton , 5-1 , 0 } o ; Triumph ,
Cc ; Wamsnttu , lie ; Vnlloy , 6c.
BHOWX Siir.nris-o Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7c ;
Atlantic II , 4-1 , 7 'o ; Atlantic D11 , OUc ;
Atlantic , P , 4-4 , Cu ; Atlantic LL , 4-4 , do ;
Aurora O , 4-1 , 4c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , CJfo ;
Booster L.L , 4-1. 55/c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 > c ;
Lawrciico LL , 44 , 5-J.fc : Old Dominion 4-4 ,
0 } c. Pouperoll U , ! ! , O c ; Pepporoll E , 40-
inch , 7fo ; Popperoll 84. 17c : Pupperell 04 ,
20c ; Pcppcrell 104 , 33o ; Utlcn C , 4-4. 4c ;
Wachusntt , 1-4 , 7 u : Aurora K , 4-4 , 7c ;
Aurora B , 4-4 , tlj c.
SitiKTixo CIIICKS : Caledonia X , 9i \ i\ Cal
edonia XX , lOJ c ; Economy Oc : Otis Oc ;
Granite ( V'fc ; Crawford &c ; Haw Hlvcr 6 } e.
TICKS Oakland A. 7)50 ) ; Intornatioual
YY , 8u ; Shelucket , S , 8Jfc ; Wai-rcn , No-
870 , ICc : Berwick , BA , ISc ; York , 30 in ,
ISjtfo ; Vork. ! ) J in , 13 c ; Swift Hiver , Sc ;
Thorndiko OO , 8Wn ; I'liorndiuo E F. SJ u :
Thorndiko 120 , Ii e ; Thoradlko XX , loc ;
Cordis No. 5 , ! IJ e : Cordls No. 4 , 10 } c.
Mi JCKi.i.Nuoiis Table oil cloth , (2.25 ;
table jll cloth , marble , $2.25 ; plain Holland ,
Dado Holland , 12 > c.
and Chomlcnta.
ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , l-S o ; ci'rlc
per Ib , 55c : oxalic , per Ib , 15c : tnrtanc , pow
dered , per lo , 4oc ; carbolic , 44@tSc.
AI.UM Per Ib , 3c.
AMMOXH Caruouade. per Ib , 12c.
AititownooT Bermuda , per Ib , : t"c.
UAI.SAM Copaiba , per Ib , 73o ; toluc , C2@
BOIIAX Hcfincd , per Ib , 12o.
CAI.OMKI. Am , per Ib , 77j ( 84c.
CtbTonOii-Sl.Mril.iO. ! ( ) :
Cunun BEIIUIIS $1.0"i.
CAXTllAlllliS ) : $1.50@I.OO.
CASSIA Bun ? Per Ib , 18c.
Clil.ouoFOiiM Per Ib , ! i9@14o.
CoisitoMViiSunuMATi : Per Ib , 73c.
CHIUM TiiiTMt Ptlre. per Ib , 33o.
ExTitAcr LOC.WOOD Bulk , per Ib , 12Vc.
EICOOT )5c. )
GI.VCKUIXI : 22@23c.
GUM Ait vine -titi.rjOHe.
GMCKIUXE Bulk , per Ib , 22@OSc.
GUM AIIAIIIC Sulect , per Ib , fl.OO ; asfoot-
Ida , perlb , 18c ; camphor , per Ib , 38filUc ( ! ;
opium , par Ib , & ! 30@i.40. :
IOIHXI : Uusublloiatod , per ounce , $3.03.
Lctvcs Buchu , short , par Ib , 15c ; senna
Alex. , per Ib. , 33c.
Moiti-m \ . Sulph , perez , ? 2.55@2.SO.
Mr.ucUHY 735fi70c.
POT jssBromide , per Ib , 4'3c ' ; Iodine , per
Ib , $3.80.
Quixn Sulph , per Ib 30510c.
bini > s Canary , per Ib , 4Xi 5c.
So\rs Castile , mottled , per Ib , SWlOc :
castilc. white , per Ib. 13@15c.
Si'inns NiTiln Sweet , pnr Ib , 306. "
STKVCIIXI i Crystals , ? 1.10.
SitM'ii , CIXCIIOXA Per oz , 20c. '
TAIMOCPorlb , Go.
TOXKA BEAXa $1.70@1.75 ,
WAX White , per Ib , 35@S3e.
On 8 Linseed , raw , CUc ; linseed boiled ,
green , per Ib , S2.15 ; olivu , Malaga , per Ib ,
31.15 ; headhtrht , 175 test , liTJ o ; gasoline , 75
dcprees , l.'tc ; nnpthn , 61 degrees , 12o ; 150
prime white , lOu ; 15'J ' water white , I3c ; per
fection , 14e ; lardine , 3Uc ; Summer , W. Vn. ,
lie ; Zero , W. Va. , Kic ; I. X. L. , dark on-
pine , 20c ; carbon , snow white , 15U degrees ,
10c ; turpentine , 4lc.
Mi'lnl .
Block Tin Eng. ref'g ' , small pig , 28o ; bar ,
Copper Planished boiler sizes , 32c ; cold
rolled , 30c ; sheathing , 3Jo ; pitts , 30c ; lints ,
Galvanized Sheet Iron Junlata , discount ,
00 per cent.
Patent Planished Iron No 24 to 27 , A
quality , per Ib , lO c ; No. 2-1 to 27 , B quality ,
0) c. For less than bundle add l u per Ib.
UOOFINU ( Best Charcoal ) 1C , 14c20. 112
sheets. $575 ; IX , 14x20 , 113 sheets. $7.00 ;
1C , 21\23. 112 sheets , fll.09 ; fX , 20x28 , 113
sheets , $13.50.
SHEET luox No. 20 , $3.40 ; No. 27 , $3.50.
SOUIBII Hoyt Metal Co.'s half and half In
1 ib cases , per Ib , ICc ; commercial half and
halt , 15c ; No. 1 in oars. Me.
TIN PLATE ( Best Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14 ,
225. sheets. $8.50 ; IX , 10x14 225 sheets ,
S3.25 ; 1C , 12x12 , 225 sheets , $ fi.50 ; IX , 12x12 ,
22i shoots , $8.25 ; 1C , 12x2J , 112jshoets , $0.50 ;
IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $ S.2 : > ; 1XX , 14x20 , 113
sheets , S10.00 ; JXXX , 14x20 , 112 sheets ,
$11.75 ; 1C , 2.x28 , 112 sheets , $13.50 ; IX , 2.x23
12 shoets$17.00 ; IXX , 2.x23,112sheet8 , $20.50.
COKE 1C , 10x14 , 233 sheets , $0.00 ; 1C. 14x3 ,
113 sheets , $0.00 ; 1C. 10x3 , 225 sheets , $9.50.
Srur.i < NIILS Base , $3.25 ; steel wire nails ,
base , $2.03. _ _ _
Lumber , Ijiinn , Etc.
Dimensions and Timbers
12 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft. 18 ft. 20ft. 22 ft. 24 ft.
2x4. . . 15.00 15.00 1500 10.00 10.011 18.00 10.00
2x0. . . 15.00 15.00 13,00 1C.OO 10.00 18.00 10.00
2x8. . . 15.0 ! ) 15.00 15.00 IC.Od Id 00 18.00 10.00
2x10. . 15.00 1500 15.00 1C.OO 10,00 18.00 10.00
2x12. . 15.10 15.00 15.00 lli.OO 10.00 18.00 10.00
4x48x8. . 10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 18.00 10.00
Fuxcixo No. 1 , 4 and C inch , 12 unu 14 ft ,
rough , S1.00@1C.50 ( ( ; No. 1 , 4 und ( I Inch , 1C
feet , $17.00@17.50 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 Inch , 12
nnd 14 font , til3.50@14.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and G inch ,
10 feet , $15.H1C.OO. ( )
FINISHING 1st and 2nd clear , 1J inch s 3
s , $ IO.K)0 ( ) ( 50.1X ) ; 1st and 2nd clear , H < f nnd 3
inch , s3 s , $17.00@40.00 : iird , clear , 1 #
inch , a2 sei3.00@45.00 ; 3rd , clear , VA and
3 inch , 3 s43.00@4C.OO ; B select , IJf , IK ,
and 3 Inch , s 3 s , $ y7.00@33.CO ; 1st and 2nd ,
clear , 1 Inch , B2s , S45.00 ; 3rd , clear , 1 inch ,
s 3 s , $50.00 ; A select , 1 inch , s 3 B , $33.00 ;
B select , 1 inch , s 2 s , $30.00.
Flooring 1st com Cinch whitopino , $21.00 ;
2d com G inch white pine , fit.00 ; 3d com 0
inch whlto pine , $20.00 ; D com C inch white
pine , $30.00 ; com 4 add G Inch yellow pine ,
$15.00 ; Star 4 Inch yellow pine , 817.00 ; 1st
and 2d clear yellow pine , 4 end G inch , $10.00.
LIME , ETC. Quincy white lltno ( best,80c ) ;
English and German Portland cement , $ . ' 1.45 ;
Milwaukee and Louisville , Sl.ilO ; Michigan
plaster , $2.25 ; Fort Dodge plaster , $2.10 ;
BluoUapld plaster. 11.00 ; hair , 20c ; sasn , G5
per ct dis ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 55 perct
dls ; tarred foil , per cwt , $2.00 ; straw board ,
per cwt , $1.00.
Pppi.Ait I.UMIIEH Clear poplar box bds , %
in , s3p , $35.00 ; clear poplar H , In panel ,
f30.00 j clear poplar ? „ ' in panel , & 5.00 ; clear
poplar J In panel stock wide , s 2 ; , $28,00 ;
clear poplar corrugated celling , , { 30.0U.
Pears White cedar , 0 inch , halves. ] 2o ;
wbllo ccdur , 5K inch , halves und 8 inch rj'rs.
llo ; white cedar , 4 Inch , round , Ido ; Tonnes ]
BOO red cedar , split , lOc ; split oak , ( white ;
8c ; sawed oak , 18c.
SiiiNii.K8 , LATH , Pen M. XX clear , $3.20 ;
extra * A * , $3.60 ; standard A , $3,00 ; 5-inch ,
clear , * 1.CO@1.70 ; G-inch , clear , 11.75 ( 1.80 ;
No. 1 , $1.10 ( 1,15 ; clear rod cedar , rnixoti
widths , from Washington territory , C3.40 ;
Calllornia redwood , dimension widthn. $1.50 ;
cypress , clour heart , dimension widths , 111.25 ;
lath , $3.50.
Sun- LAP No. 1 , plain , 8 and 1H inch ,
117.50 ; No. 3. plain , 8 ana 10 inch , { 13.50 ; No.
1O G , $18.00.
SIDI.NO Istcotn , J3 and 10 feet , 933.00 ;
2nd com , 13 and 10 foot , $10.00 ; 3rd cum , 13
and 1G feet , $15.00 ; fence , 12 and 1C fuel ,
STOCK UOAKOS A 12 In , s 1 s 13,14 and JO
feet , Wti.00 ; B 12 in , 8 1 8 13. 14 and 1 feet ,
f 11.00 ; U 13 in , s 1 a , 13,14 and 10 'oat ,
D 12 In , s 1 s , 12 , 14 and 10 foot , $ W.OO ; No. 1
com , 13 in , s 1 s , 13 feet , $13.00 ; No. 1 com ,
12 In , 3 1 s , 14 and 10 foot , $17 50Q18 50 ; No.
1 com , 13 In , ft 1 s , 10 , 13 nnd 20 foot , $10. ! > 0 ;
No. 2 com , 12 In , s 1 g. U and 10 feet , $17.00.
white pine partition , SW.OO ; 2nd com , f In ,
whlto pine partition , $ -27.00 ; clear ei In , yel
low pine celling , $30.00 ; clear \ In , Norway ,
$14.50 ; 2nd com , \ In , Norway. $13.00.
BOUIIIM No. 1 com. s , 1 s. 13 , It nnd 1C ft ,
$18.00 ; No. 3 com. s. 1 s. 13,11 and 10 ft ,
$10.50 ; No. n com , s. 1 p. 13 , 14 nnd 1C ft ,
$14.50 ; No. 4 com. B. 1 H. 12J 14 nnd 10 ft ,
( shipping cull ) $11.00. Add CO cents per M.
ft for rough.
BATTENS Wni.r. Trnwo AXD Pirur.TS O.
O. Batts , 2 } Ilii-h , fiOO ! O. O. Halts , Wx3
SIS , ! Bo ; 3 in well tuhlnp , I ) , .t M. and Bov. ,
$22.00 ; PlckeU , 1) , & H. flat ; $ iO.OO ; Pickets ,
D. & H. Biiuorc , $10.00.
Basement First National Bank.
r O5 JMMitlilitlli Slrcot. . Oiimlm
Capital . $11)0,00) )
Sin-plus Jan. 1st , 18S9 . 52,003
oi'i'UT.HS AND mititcroujt
IIKNUY W. VATKS , Prcsldont.
LliWIS J > . U13KD , Vleo I'roaUlout.
A.K. TOU/'MilN ,
J.N. 11. I'ATUICK.
S , Onshlor
Corner l"tn and Karn im 3ts.
A Gcnrrul 1'nntlnt ; HnaluoisTrant.icta.l ,
Corner lillh and Fiiruam Btroats , Chamber of
Commcrco Uulldln. . *
CnpHnl Slock $400,000
Llnbilitr of Slockliolilcrs 800,000
11opercent pnM on tlcpo lt , loaiiv mailoon ro'U
ptntunml pLT nnnl necurltyi notus , witrrituts , Btou i
nd bonds iiunliaso I.
Ol'TlCKaS :
JO1IN 1 M1I-KS , Troslclpnt.
SAMUKL rui'NKII , Vleo PrpMdcnt.
John IA Mile * , Knutui llomoti ,
t-niniicl Cotncr , Joun 11. Kviliu.
AnOruw Ucxuwatcr , Morris Morrlsoa ,
W. A. 1 > . tilbbon , < ! co. K. Ilnrkur.
( lov. Alrln undars , Duxtor 1 Thomas ,
Norman A. Kulin , Jimios Thompioa.
V , II. Jnbusou. John llusb.
* I ) . Anderson
Umalia. Nul ) . , Mny ( I. 1 U-Healed propo-
Bills. In triplicate , will bo rociilvocVbero and by
Post Quartermaster I'ort Washakla. Wyo. , until
twooclockp. in. , Otli proximo , and then openud ,
for furnishing at thnt post 1 70 cords wood ana
OJObushels , In next llscal jeur. U. S.
reserves the i-lqnt ; to reject any or nil bids. Pre
ference ( lived to artieius of domestic production.
jfl\ \ Information turnlshed on application here
or to post quartermaster named. Knvolopos
coutalnlmjprnposaU tj ho marked "Proposals
for fui'l , " and addressed us Indicate 1 abovo.
WM. It. HUti ( IKS. l.leut. Colomil nnd Deputy
( Jr. Mr. Oonoral. U. S. A. , Chief ( juavturmaster.
- - . - -BOSTON- . . . „
( /1 n W nytmtl all nf Inary troubles easily , quick-
MUll L I ly und safely cured bylOCTUl.A Cap-
stiles. Several cases uure.l in seven clays. Sold
nt $1.50 per box. all ilrtigclsti , or by mall from
Doctiua JUT B Co. 11Wlitto st , N. V. Full direc-
S h o o s.
Successors to Itcetl , .lonus & Co.
Wholesale Manufactory of Boots & Slices
Agents for Boston Hubbcrylioo Co , 1102 , 1101 and 11X (
llarocy btreet , OmaUu , Nclirasko.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1O1 North iiglitee : th street , Omtlm , Ket > .
Cornc < 3. . .
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window-cop ! nnd mctallo tkjliRlitf. .lolm Kpenctcr ,
proprietor. 108 and IWbouth lutti atreet.
_ Offlco Fixtures.
Manufacturers nf
LM , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
llnntlca , Sideboards. Hook Cases , Drue Fixture * , W U
Cnsoa , I'artlllons , HalllnEs.OoiinU-iii. llccrund Win *
Coolers. Jilrrors , 1C ! : ' tuutorj und onlce , 17SO and 17U1
Bouthl5tb8t.Om hB. Telephonr
rroprietor Oinana Paner Box Factory ,
Not. 1317 add 1319 Douglas ttrcet , Omahu , Neb.
Sasn , Ooora , Etc.
ar. A. DISUROW & co. ,
Wholt < ala maniiructtirers of
Sasli , Doors , BliMs and Moulding ,
Branch < ; Qco , Utb nml Iiurd atrcot Oinalm , Net ) ,
Mannf cturers of Sasli , Door ? , Blinds ,
ilouldlngi , stalr-noric nnd Interior ImrilrnoU flnteh.
N.lS. cornurblli and I/earonm tlUalrieti ,
Omuha , Neb.
_ _ , ? JomFittlna8j [ Pumps ' , Eto.
STHANU" & cLAitii : sfkAiti'iiisAriiraao
Pninps , Fip and Engines ,
Bteam. water , rullwar nnrt I | D'.IIK > uppl ! > , eta.
KU. ffX and ir.4 Karnnm ctrost , Ouialia.
U. S. WIND EN01NK PW\ir \ CO. ,
Steal and fate : Supplies ,
wind mill * 93 ! end .21 JonoiSUOmalia.
U. F. Huts , nctltiK / > iaui | | r.
Engines , Boilers and General Mecliinery ,
Rboelrlron work , itcaci purnpn , tw mill * . 1213-1ZIJ
l.ouvenwoill : tic v , UniaLiu.
Iron Works.
Carter X i-on , I'roji'i. jaanufacturcrsur nil kinds
Steam Boilers Taiito ana Sheet Iron f o.'K
Works rioilln'JUll tiiiU UUfcSl. ' o ln < JTel.UlJ _ _ _
Wroiiglitanfl Cast Iron Bui fling forK ,
, br ' worV , iranf fil fouiutrr , rnkvlilneaud
il. . Vl'.iro .n I vrnrltf , L1. P. Kr.
and Jitltatreel ,
.i "riidji
HaunfacloreK of Yflre anil iron Bailings
Dt hr ll . li.igirsi ! rJi , Uow r stands , wlrO lgni ,
tc. l I > uitn ICtli itrott.
Miners of Fire antBnrirlar Picof Safes ,
Vaults. Jail npri , Iron aVulKr * an.l r esp ? .
0. AD o , prop t , for. UIU nd J.tM n § u.
Of Oniaiia , Lirallel ,
Lu f , Uoju , fi jgrnteUiCDl.
. . . . -
Anrlotilturnl Implomonts.
Cll V21C11 IL I , 1'A ItKJKR ,
Dealer ! ] Agricultnial Impleinonts , Wagons
OirrUees aud Imislnv .Tones tlreol , between OtU and
lINn , Omaha. Nebraska.
zKTo-lLV CO ,
Agricnlt' ' taDlcnionts , Wagons , Carriages
IliiSKlc'.ctc. Wholesale. Omnha , Nebraskd.
, t MApriy oo.
Wholesale Dcnlers In
Agiicnltnral Imnlenients , Wagons& Buggies
Ml. Ml , IQ dWT Jones tlroot , On > hi\ .
MOL1K13 , MILDUllff & iil 6uDA III ) CO
uanufncttirors an.l jobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Rates , Plows Eta
Cor. ClU anil 1'nilflc streets , Omnhn.
Artists' IVlntorlnls.
l. UOSl'U , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
U)3Oou ) luitreel Omaha , Sebraskn.
Boots nnd Qhoos.
W V. MOUSE .C f70. ,
JflWers of Boots End Slioes ,
1101 , 1101 , 1K Douelas street. Omaha. Manufactory ,
bummer street , llo < ton. _
_ Coal , Coke nnd Llmo.
Joote of Hard anfl Soil Coal ,
833 South 13th street , Omaha , Nebraska.
214 South 13th St. . Omaha. Neb.
_ _ _ Jpomml8Bjor and Storagesr
Storage anfl Commission Mercliants ,
Specialties Hiuter. ogst. clicoso , poultrjr , cam * .
lIHllmrnnl ttreet Dmahn. N'uh.
jr. E. sunn & co. ,
Dry Goods , Fnrnisiiiug Goods and Notfons
11M and 1104 Douglas , cor , llth street , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Jotioers in Dry GooilsNotions ,
Cisnti' lurnlshlnir goods. Corner llth and Uaruer
streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Importers and Jobbers ot
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
317 tiouth 15lli street.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre
Farnam Mrtet , Omalm , Nebraska.
Fnrnitnre ,
Cmaha. Nebraska ,
* ? * ' ? ? ? M '
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705 , TOT , TOO and 711 Bouth 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers'
13th and iicavenworth streets , Omaha , Nebraska ,
JHordvyairg - , ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprlnes , wagon stock , hnrdtrnro , lumber , , eta. 1201
and 1211 llarney street , Omaha.
Wholesale Hardware , Cntlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , sheet Iron. etc. Asouts for Howe scaled
Miami powder und I.yuiau barbed wire ,
Build rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
klecbnnlcs' tools nnd HufTnlo senles. HOJ Douglol
street , O.imiia , Nab.
Wholesale Lumher , Etc ,
nnd Ainvrlcnn rortlnnil cement. Btnta
f.r .Mllwnuki'o hilriiiillc cuiuent nn < 1
On irnh tn Mnu *
OHAS R. LEE , " '
Dealer in Hardwood Lnmher ,
Wood carpets and paniuot floorliiK. Cth and IMualM
streets , Omaha , 14ob. ,
AllKindsofBniluiiigMaterial at Wholesale
16th Btreet and Unlou PaclHoTrackOmaha ,
" '
Dealer in Lmlier , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Kte , Yards-Corner 7th nod Douglas. Corner
10th and DouRlusi
Lnmter , Limt/ / Cement , Etc , , Etc.
Corner Ctli and Douglas Bts. , Omaha.
Dealer in All Kiiids of Lumber ,
Hth and California Btruuts. Omaha , Ncbrimka.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
auH. 21U and i South llth street.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
I-nor Utlt ami llotv.irJ atroeti , Oiii uu.
Toys , Dolls , Ailing0rancj Goods ,
tuniishlntf ' " > K rlulrtroa'b i u-i '
"lO'l ' 'u'llt'll Stl"Cl , Mil ihn MI'i ,
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Dili
Alia iroase , etc. , On.alia. A , It. Illsliop , ilniHigu/ .
" " ' '
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Csrrr K nice stock ot prlntlnt , wreplag anil wrltloa
, paper. Bpcotal aiitnUuu cu vu lu < ar ) oa > l ordon.