Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The Corn Huslcors Moot With Defeat -
feat In St. PauL
Another Great Crowd Witnesses the
Itncos at tlio Collfloum J. J.
llnrdln's ChnllcnRC Turf
and IMamoml.
Bfniullnff of the Clnl ) * .
Folloxvlng Is the standing of the Western
Association clubs up to and Including yos-
torday'a games :
Plnycd. Won. Lost. Per Ct.
St. Paul 28 23 5 .815
Omaha 2'J 10 10 .055
Sioux City 28 17 11 .607
Denver 27 15 .414
Minneapolis. . . 27 11 10 .407
DCS Moines..2(5 ( . .10o 10 . ! Jb.r
St. Joseph 20 o 17 , IO
Milwaukee 27 20 .850
81. Pnul 1) , Bldiix City : t.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Mny 81. | bpocliil Tele
gram to Tun Bnn.J Sioux City opened Its
first series of Ramos hero , to-day , and was
defeated. 'Mains wns the stumbllnR block.
Plckott , who , with Sowdors , loiwoa St. Paul ,
to-night , fdr Kansas City , acted llko a sshool-
boy. Webber ran Into him while running
the bases , nnd Pickott chased him around
the field , The other players stood looKlng
on , while Webber ran back to the pinto , after
being chased half across the diamond. Kach
was fined $ ! > . Score :
8T. I'AUL ,
Runs earned St. Paul 3 , Sioux City 1.
Two-base hit Rollly.
Homo runs Carroll , Daly nnd Bradley.
Bases stolen By Broughton , Hollly and
Double plays Crotty , Brosnan nnd
Poxvell ; BroiiRliton nnd Werriclc , and
" \VorrioIt and Huwes.
Bases on balls Off Mains 4 , oft Webber S.
Hit by pitcher Glenn.
Struck out By Mains 2 , by Webber 3.
f Passed balls Broughton.
Loft on bases St. Paul 8 , Sioux City G.
First base on errors Pielrctt ; out lor not
touching third.
Time 1 hour , 45 minutes.
Umpire MeDcrniolt ,
DCS Moines 11 , Denver 8.
DBS MOINES , May 31. Denver was beaten
to-day by tbo weakness of Darubrough in the
box , who was relieved by Pagan-In the sixth
inning. Score ;
f * *
AD. .it. nn. sir. ro. A. B.
i Fatten , rf. -
Fbolan , 3b 0 .0 1 0 1 5 1
Maskroy , If
Whltcloy , Ibicf . .4,3 0 0 3 0 0
ConnelLSb 3 3 1 3 3
Hart , cf&lb 4 3 3 3a
Mncullnr , ss 0
J TrafHey , c ' 0
* Alexander , p 5 0 0 0 0 S 0
Total * 85 11 5 1 37 SI 0
AH. it. nit. sii. ro. A. E.
Dalrymplo , If 8 0 3 1 3 0 0
McClelland , ss. . . .
Rowe , lb 5
Smith , 3b 5
Tread way. rf. . . . .
Klusman , 2b . 4 0 1 0 3 3 0
Bilch , ct . 3 3 0 0 0 0 0
Dolan , G..I- . G 1 1 0 8 4 3
Darnbrough , p. . . .
JTngan , p .
Totals . 43 8 13 1 20 * 10 7
* Mncullar hit by batted ball.
DcsMolncs . a 0 0 1 3 5 0 0 11
Denver , . 0 0000513 0 8
Runs earned DCS Moines 0 , Denver 0.
Two-base hit Hart.
Tbreo-baao hits Council , MnsUroy , Trod-
way 3 , Howe.
Double playMucullar a'.ono.
Stolen bases Dos Moines 10 , Denver 3.
Bases on balls By Alexander 4. by Darn-
brougb 11. by Fa an 3.
Bases Riven for hitting man with ball By
Alexander 1.
Struck out By Alexander 5 , by Darn-
trough 7 , by Fajran 3.
Passed balls Trnflloy 1 , Dolan 3.
Wild pitches Alexander 1 , Darnbrough 3.
i Tlmo of came 3 hours nnd 80 minute ? .
Atnntnur Games.
A very spirited ganio was played , yester
day , by the West Lawns against the Non
par lols , on the grounds of tbo former , result
ing In a victory for the West Lawns by a
score of 7 to 0. McElvian and Wlllenborg
Wore the b.ittory for the West Lawns and
Bbanahan and Lacey for tbo former.
vs. HcnvellH.
LEIGH , Neb. , May 31. [ Special to Tun
BUB. ] In a matcli name of base bull ployed
hero , to-day , by the Howolls and Leigh
clubs , thu score resulted as follows : How-
ells ia , Leigh 16. Batteries for Leigh ,
Antics Bros. ; HowollR , Allen , Pont and
Cushman. Umpire , ICloko , of HowolU.
Victor ous rjnttsinoiitli.
PLATTSMOUTH , Nob. , May 81. [ Special
Telegram to Tim BUK. ] The game of ball
botweii tbo Mayor Brothers' team , ot Lin
coln , and tbo Plnttsmouth nlno was played
nt tbo ball park yesterday , nnd resulted m a
Victory for PlaUsmoutU by a aooro of 7 to 0 ,
The grandstand was packed with people and
the grounds were crowded with vehicle * , nnd
, tuo aceno was ono of wild enthusiasm during
certain purls of tha vnmo. The visitors
scored tliroo in the ilrst tuning on a bad mud
by centorllcld ; utitl , at the commence
ment of thu last half of the seventh , the
ecora was 0 to ! ) in favor of Lincoln. Plaits-
mouth bad tliroo mon on bases when a splen
did and timely hit by Jim Patterson brougtit
them homo , Patterson scoring ou a safe hit
lay Llunahan. The score was then 7 to 0 in
favor of the home team and remained eo to
the end ot the gamo. Blttenger covered
himself with glory by severul brilliant plays
nd hard hits.
Sooro by innings ;
Lincoln. . . , . ,3 0 0
Plattsoiouth . 00031040 * 7
Batteries N. and n. Barnes , for Lincoln :
fem Patterson and Hlltongcr , for Pluiu-
Umpire Frank McCoy , ,
Grand lulami 5 , Kearney 4.
KKXUNET , Nub. , May 31. [ Special Tele
gram 'to TUB BSE , ] The Kearney and Grand
Island ball clubs en sscd bats again yester
day afternoon. U | > to the seventh inuiug the
Hcoro waa a lie , being three for each. The
result of tlio game was in favor of Grand
Jlund , being 5 to i. Schilling , Kearney's
now pitcher , U a lofMinndod man nnd throws
n graceful curve that Is n puzzle to any bailor.
Kxctor "O , Button 14.
EXKTRII , Nob. , Mny 81. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bnn. ] The ball game between the
Exeter and Button clubs yesterday was at
tended by a very largo crowd. The garao
was exciting. Score : Exeter 30 , Button 14.
Batteries Kxotcr , Fowler anU Bolt ; Sutton ,
Gray and Sewers ,
Grccloy Center 14 , North tionit 7.
Gnisnusr Cnxrnn , Nob. , May 81. [ Special
Telegram to Tnn BBB. ] The B. & M. base
ball team nnd tbo North Loup boys played a
fairly good garao here yesterday , which re
sulted in favor of the B. & M.'s by a score
of 14 to 7 , A largo crowd witnessed the
IVnbnoh O , Klin wood 4.
\VAIUSH , Nob. , May 81. fSueciat Tele
gram to THK BBB. ] The Wabash club de
feated thu Elmwoods yesterday in a closely
contested game , 0 to 4. Batteries For
Wabash , the Austin brothers , for the Elm-
woods , Langhorat nnrt Hilton.
The Nntlotml Lmacun.
PHILADELPHIA , May SL Uciult of tbo
flrst i umo :
Phihulcphia..O ) 0003044 0 U
IndlunnpolK..O 8
Bnso hlt Philadelphia 10 , Indianapolis 15.
Errors Philadelphia G , Indlnnnpolls 0. Bat
teries Sanders and Shrlvor. Umpire Whit
ney and Daily.
Itcsult of the second game :
Philadelphia 3 1100 1-11
Indianapolis 0 00311 4
Game called to permit gPhlladclphms to
catch a train.
Base hits Philadelphia 13 , Indianapolis 7 ,
Errors Philadelphia 3 , Indianapolis 10.
Batteries Peter , Wood and Decker ; Got-
zuln and Buckley.
Amorlom Annotation.
CoLUtiuua , May 80. Result of to-day's
game :
Columbus 0 04103010 7
Louisville 0 00030000-3
Games Prevented by Ilnln.
NEW YOUK , May 80. The Cleveland-Wash
ington and Kansas Clty-Baltimoro games
were prevented by rains to-day.
l/atoula Itaces.
CIXCIXSITI , May 81. The weather at Ln-
tenia was wet and cold , and the smallest
crowd of the mooting was out. The track
was heavy and stiff , nnd poor time was made
in all the races. Summary :
Throo-yoar-olds and upwards , throo-
fou ths of a nillo Jaklo Toms won , Holland
second , Clamor third. Tlmo 1 :33 : > 4' .
Three year-olds nnd upwards , ouo mlUS
Kedarkhan won , Castaway second , Nylcptha
third. Titlie-1 :5UK. :
Two-year-old fillies , four and one-half fur
longs Adele M won. Ballyhoo second , Lady
Blackburn third. Time 1:01 : .
Three-year-olds and upwatds , ono mlle and
seventy jards Ban Hazcn won , Dad second ,
Quindora Belle third. Time 1 :50 : % .
Twoyearolds , three fourths of a mlle
Avondale won , Starter Caldwcll second ,
Outlook third. Time 1:22) .
At the Coliseum.
Is the the six-
To-night closing night ot -
day hoise-blcycle chase nt the Coliseum ,
und , judging from the crowd In attendance
last night , which must have embraced fully
3,000 people , an Immense throng will bo on
hand to see the llulsh. Owing to a rather
severe illness , Baldwin did not ride last
night , and Miss Woods was substituted in
her stead. Of course , the favorite wns
badly missed from the scene , but the pros
pects are she will be able to go ou to-nighl ;
yet she may not bo able to do so.
The riding lost night on both sldcs\ was
very solrlloil , aud Iho blcyclleuncs succeeded
in cutting down tbo lead of the
horses to the narrow margin of
one mile. Miss Brown , who is also consid
erably indisposed , did the ocst riding , and
was greeted ut every , turn by tbo generous
plaudits of the spectators. She was remem
bered by n most elegant basketor flowers , ,
und in her last fifteen minutes on the track
rolled off nearly fifteen ivilcs. She is a Una
rider and is improving daily. The score *
Miles. Laps.
Bicycles . 820 3
Horses . . . 327 3
The Last Glianoe.
The forfeit money posted with the sport
ing editor of Tub BBB by Manager Eck on
behalf of Misses Brown , Woods and Bald
win , und by "Senator" Morgan on behalf of
MissOakcs , for a sweepstakes race with
Misses Stanley and Williams , will bo loft
open until this evening. It must strike all
fuir-minded and disinterested lovers of snort
that the action of Mcsara. and Morgan
has been straightforward and open. They
have strenuously endeavored to got on araco
with the backers of Stanley and Williams ,
but all to no avail. Eck and Morgan assert
that they care nothing for tbo gate , but in
defense of their own clalnfs. and in answer
to tbo numberless "cracks" that bavo been
made at the rulers under their management ,
they are perfectly willing to put up their own
money in the maintenance of their claims
that they have the best and tbo fastest lady
bicycle riders in the world. The public can
only conclude that they are right.
A Business Challenge.
On bnh.ilf of W. F. Knnpp , I hereby chal
lenge Jack S. Prlneo , "Senator" Morgan ,
Robert Neilson , Ned Heading , Albert Shocker
or Signor Munlls , to ride a biuycle race of 5 ,
10 , 35 or 50 miles , for $100 , the races to come
oft any day next week nt the Coliseum , ad
mission frco. I have this , the Hist day of
May , deposited the full amount , $10U , in tbo
hands of the sporting editor of Tun BBE as
an evidence that I mean business.
Kpnrtlntr firjull ) ) .
Manager Tom Eck is in Denver.
Stillman G. Wblttakor will bo in Omaha ,
Wednesday next.
The Stanley-Williams six-day race begins
ono ween from to-morrow.
The challenge of John J , Hardiu in this
issue , speaks for itself. It is business from
the opening to the close.
"Senator" Morgan , with Misses Baldwin ,
Oakcs , Brown , Woods and Armalndo , loaves
for Denver , Tuesday next.
Albert Shock , the world-famed Italian
byuer , will ride a wheel acoss the Missouri
river , Sunday afternoon. Fact.
An Rnrthqiiako Shook.
PAIIIS , May 31. A shock of earthquake
was felt on the left bank of theSIenc , in this
city , to-day.
Organization era Branch oftho Order
ill-Tills City.
A branch of the Order ot the Iron Hall
was Instituted at tbe Mlltard hotel last night.
The organization was formed by supreme
Justice F. D , Bomerby , Vlco Senior Justice
P. L. Purklus , and Accountant E. O. Bu
clmnan. The oQlcors ot the Omaha
branch nro W. Henry Crcighton ,
chluf justice ; A. P. Houck , vice
justice : A. J. Parmlnter. accountant ;
C , O. lioomor , cashier ; G. J , Puhuck , ad
juster ; W. B. Stork , herald ; J.H. Hopowoll ,
prelate ; J. A. WcJzenbuch , watehman.
Trustees will bo elected at tbo next meeting
of the branch , which organized with a mem
bership of olghtoonh. The number of the
branch will bo designated at the next moot-
lug of the Supreme Branch. It is expected
that another branch will bo organized ut the
board of trade rooms to day.
Mile. Hhca opened her engagement at
Boyd's ojwra house last night in ' Iho Ca&o
Vidal. " Tlio audience thoroughly enjoyed
the performance , As Margharlta Vidal ,
Mlle , Uhea evidenced once more to an
Omaha audience her ability as an actress.
Her support was good and the Play was en
joyed by all present. To-night the celebrated
actress will appear in "Much A'do About
Nothing" in a benefit to Manager Boyd.
Each lady In the audience will receive a
satin souvenir programme 04 a memento of
the occasion.
Fast tlma und always on tuno. "The
Chicago & Northwestern lly. "
Atrocious Outrages Committed By
the Iowa Regulators.
They Meet With n. AVnrni Itccontlon
nt llio Jlnntls of n Vau
Homo Alan ilcnvy
Hcnton County \Vhlro\Cnpn.
Dns MOIXES , In. , May 31. [ Special Tele
gram to THIS BEE. ] Benton couuty is nil
excited ever whllu cap * . Sheriff Parr nr-
rested six of the raiders. Last
evening tlirca moravoro taken Into
custody , wlio irnvo bonds each for 83,500.
They will bo given a hearing Saturday and
Monday. The raiders are all prominent
citizens. One has * proaehed the eoapol.
Some of the raiders who attempted to
redress fancied or real wrongs have been se
verely injured by shots fired by Intended
The Regulators KopulsoiL
DBS MOINCS , In. , May 31. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Unc.j A special from Vinton ,
Honton county , says : The vicinity of Van
llorno Is In n state of unwonted excitement
over the woru of an organized mob. Some
days ngo Mr. Franlc Bean and Mrs. J. W.
Hughny hud a quarrel about the possession
and use of the stalls In n stable on a farm.
Mrs. Hughoy used a pitchfork In a struggle
with Bean , and ho , In turn , hurt her pretty
badly , A night or two afterwards tha house
of J. T. Beau , the father of young Bonn ,
was boldly entered by fifteen or twenty
masked and armed men and the family
assaulted In a dastardly manner. They pro
ceeded to Frank's room , but the latter mot
them at the door , armed with a piece of iron
two feet lontr , and beat them back. Ho laid
out six of them as fast as they advanced ,
and no less than live shots wore fired by the
mob , and the house was spattered with
Frank , who diet the most of tha fighting
for tlio family , received a flesh wound on the
leg by n knife or from n pistol shot. The
mob oven struck ntMrs. Bean , who was sick
in bed. The next morn Ing F. 13. Tabor , of
Big Qrovo township , came to Vinton with n
bad pistol shot , wound in the loft elbow. Ho
was arrested , and the sheriff started to Van
Homo , where ho arrested Clint Andrews ,
Gus Hussoy and Bill Carter.
It Bores n Square Hole.
WATERLOO , la. , May ah [ Special to THK
BEE. ] A Charles City genius has recently
perfected and patented a machine which is
kuovvn as an augur , for "boring a square
hole. " The uiuno is a misnomer , for It Is
not really nn "augur , " but a comolnation of
knives. However , it does Its work success
fully. In appearance it resembles an ordi
nary boring machine , except that in place of
the augur there are four seta of knives ar
ranged on an endless machine that Is worked
oy u nones of cogs. Too first set of knives
cuts across the grain of the wood and the
others gouge the wood out , BO that when the
lust act passes through the tuortisq is com
plete. There is a guaga connected with the
inachino by which a mortise can bo cut to
any desirable depth , and the work can bo
done as rapidly ns u hole the same depth can
be bored with an ordinary augur. The ma
china is the invention of a telegraph operator
named Young , and a stock company is being
organized to manufacture the machines and
put thorn on the market.
Xhe Rend to Ho Sold.
Four DODOB , la. , May 31. | Special Tele
gram to THE BBC. ] It VMS learned here to
day that the MinuoaoolU & SL Louis rail
way , now In the , hands of Receiver Trusdala ,
is soon to bo sold at a United States master
of chancery sale to satisfy the claims of
bondholders. The appointment of Trus-
dale. a Washburn man , as receiver indicates
that the Rook Island stockholders are In the
minority. It is Generally believed that the
road will bo purchased by vVashburn and in
corporated with the "Soo , " which will extend ,
making it olthor an Omaha or Kansas City
line. Tills report is confirmed by A. E.
Clark , attorney for the Iowa division. The
sulo will take place during the Juno term of
the United States court.
Two Iowa Fires.
FOBT DODQE , la. , May 31. [ Special Tele
gram to THIS BCE.I Early this morning
the farm residcnco of Michael Savage , south
of this city , was totally destroyed by fire.
The family nariowly escaped with their
livos. The granaries and all the adjoining
buildings were also burned. Loss , $4,000 ; no
Insurance. The origin of the fire is un
The postolficc and store at Otho with con
tents were totally destroyed by fire this
morning. All the mall was burned. Loss ,
$3,000 ; insurance , $1.400 , in * the Iowa Insur
ance comuanv of Kcokuk. It is supposed to
be of incendiary origin.
The Suprnno Court.
DBS MOINES , la. , May 31. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BBE. ] The supreme court filed
opinions , this morning as follows :
Enos C. Bull , executor and appellant , vs
W. B. Fuller ; Cuss district ; affirmed.
J. R. Wasson vs Melissa and Albert Mill-
sap , appellants : Polk district ; afllrmed.
Halstean Nelson vs Ivor Larscn , appellant ;
Winueshiek district ; reversed.
William M. Stone ct al vs Marlon county ,
appellant ; Marion district affirmed.
J. 15. Enos vs Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas
City railway company , appellant ; Polk dis
trict ; affirmed.
A Sion.r City Murder.
Sioux CmIn. . , May 31. ( Special Telegram -
gram to THE BEE. ! The body of MlkoCano ,
who disappeared a few days ago , was recov
ered from the river to-day. It has many
marks of violence. The body was found a
short distance below the place on the bank
whore the murdered man's pocketbook and a
bloody handkerchief wore found. There Is
strong evidence that Cane was made way
with by the men Cuvunngh and McSwigau ,
who are under arrest for murder , Cano had
a considerable amount of money in bis
pocket , and ho was last seen at night in com
pany with those men. ,
Fruits ana Vaicotablrs Killed.
MASON CITY , la. , May 31. ( Special Tele ,
gram to THK BBK. ] The frost of the past
two nights Is now looked at by farmers with
serious concern. It has been the heaviest
frost in twenty-three years. Corn , potatoes
and most all garden vegetation U frozen-to
the ground. The wheat and oat crop Is not
seriously damaged. Fruit will bo a very
light yield. Some farmers will replant their
corn , while others are hoping that the gerni
Is not injured , and that it will again spring
up and grow.
Dragged to Death By a Cow.
C DBS MOINKS , la. , May 81. [ Special Tele ,
gram to Tuc BKE.J One of the most heartrending -
rending scenes for a mother was that wit-
mssed by Mrs. Thomas Hughes , at Altona ;
yesterday , when she saw her six > year-old
boy drugged to death by a cow. The little
boy thought ho would lead the cow to water.
Ho tied the rope around the body and
started , but by some means the cow became
frightened and ran , dragging the boy to
death before Mrs. Hughes could redder any
Ilcuvy Frost.
DBS MoiKEi , la. , May 30. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEK.I There was a bctivy
frost in central and northwestern Iowa last
night. From Calboun county the white line
come nearly to Ies Moines , doing great damage -
ago to all early vegetables aud fruit. Corn
will bo sot back two wooks. Potatoes sufr
ferod exceedingly. In some Instances ice
froze ( illicit thick.
Fatal Decoration Day Aoo'dont.
CANOS CITV , Col. , May 31. While the pro
cession was returning from the cemetery yes
terday , two wagons collided , throwing the
occupants out and running over them. Seven
wouieu and children were injured , three of
whom will die.
sum : Ejja 5jnvn
A Fight Over tittle llcnuttfl In n Col
ored ftinn'a Uciuli.
O'NEii.1 , , NeK , May 01. Hnrvoy Smith ,
colored , shot ivp 'almost instantly killed
George Lopnn , 'nnojher colored man , in Do-
lolt preclnU , tUlrt.cminty. The tragedy oc
curred In the silith western part of the county
near the line -between this and Wheeler
county. The pa.Hl ilars arc meagre , but ns
near nt can bo ascertained , nro as follows :
There Is quite n largo colony of colored people
ple there , and 'between Logan nnd Smith ,
two of the Icadfng .men of the settlement ,
there has been for some tlmo a marked un
friendliness. Itcceiltly/n quarrel nrosa about
some cattlo. Wndnosday evening nbout
dusk as the niiirdcrod man , Logan , was re
turning home vrtth a load of corn , ho was
waylaid nnd brutally shot by Smith with a
shot gun. The chnrgo of shot entered In front
nonr the stomach. Logan Jumped down
from the wagon and almost Immediately foil
to the ground nnd expired.
Several other persons were near nnd wit
nessed the occurrence. They say Smith wns
In his right mind and pronounce it a wilful
and brutal murdor. They took charge of the
murdered man , sent for the coroner , nnd ono
of thcinuamo in and filed a complaint before
County Judge 13. M. Lowe at O'Neill yester
day , who placed a warrant In the hands of
Sheriff MoEvony for the arrest of Smith.
Deputy Sheriff Elsworth Mnck is now after
the murderer.
Immediately after the murder occurred
Smith went to tha farm house of a Mr. Nor
ton , told xrhnt ho had done nnd said ho would
not run , but thought ho would go over to the
nearest justice in Wheeler county nnd glvo
himself up so ns to save himself from the
nngor of the citizens who are threatening to
lynch him. >
A Mr. Freeman , living In the vicinity of
the murder , lodged tlio complaint and said ho
would not bo surprised if Smith should bo
lynched by his infuriated neighbors before
the nhcriff can get there. Tbo tragedy causes
unusual excitement and further develop
ments nro hourly looked for.
Ashland Scltool Commencement.
ASHLAND , Nob. , May 31. [ Special Tele
gram. to Tan BEE. ! The annual commence
ment of the Ashland High school was hold at
Simonton's opera house , to-night. Tbo grad
uates wora five in number , Misses Kate Ab-
bytt , Lulu Boll , Laura Patten , Duty Von
Monsfoldo , and Mr. Alva D. Reigol. After
the Ciratlons wore delivered the diplomas
wcro presented by Dr. Von Mnnsfoldc with a
short nddross ; Prof. Louis Hluks , of the
state university , delivered an address on
"Heading , Observation and Conversation. "
Music was furnished by the King orchestra.
The most beautiful part of the exorcises was
the presentation of Uidpath's History of the
World , tu Prof. Recce , superintendent of the
public schools , by Mr. Harley Butts.
Tlio Enginonr Not Ouipib'.o.
LINCOLNNob - , May 31. | Special Tola-
grom to THE BEB.J The coroner's which
jury sat to-night , on the body
of P. M. + Cross , kilted in a
collision in the B. . & M .yards Wednes
day night , found that the deceased came to
his death in account of the failure of the en
gineer , F. Sheely , to stop before coming to
the passenger switch on which said train
wns to bo run In ; that Sheoly was not famil
iar with the roai } at thllt Po'nt ' ; but that his
lailure to stop WAS oot felonious or wilful.
Ed Carl Convicted.
COLUMBUS , Nob. , May 81. [ Special Tele
gram to Tuc , BCE , ] Ed Carl , the man
charged with colfirailttng the burglary on
the night of the IJth qf March , at this place ,
and subsequently arrested in Omaha and
brought back , wiB Unlay tried in the district
court and found KUiltV of burglary nnd lar
ceny. Sentence will'bo ' pronounced to mor
row. He was trjpd a * , the last term of court ,
but on account of ' n" dofectivq verdict the
court granted him a riow trial.
Onughtj Vlth Hfs Booty.
COVINO.TON , jtfeb. , May 31 , [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE.lTho sheriff of Burt
county arrived here thiamorning - in auost of.
T. Filzsitunjou3jft'tio.'fs charged with stealing
a cow and nlnnjug" away with a mortgaged
team. The man. team 'and cow were found
and the party loft immediately for Decatur.
Fitzsimmons has four aliases , all of which
he has used at different times to obtain
money. Seven mortgages are held , against
the team. _
Ono Year For Horie-Stenllnjj.
GRANT , Neb. , May 31. [ Special Telegram
to THE BED. | The jury in the case of Wg
W. Smith , charged with horse-stealing , after
bolng out thirty-six bours , failed to agree.
The difficulty was to determine whether the
horses belonged , to tno inau who hold a
chattel mortgage on them or the possessor.
Smith afterwards appealed before the Judge ,
plead guilty and was given ono year at Lin
Frosts In Otno County.
UXA.IULLA , Nob. , May 31. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BCC.J This section was visited -
ited by quite a heavy frost last night. Fruit ,
it is thought , is not seriously injured , but
garden stuffs look very forlorn. Corn Is
doing nicely nnd the small grain prospects
are first class. Farmers report a heavy
frost south ol Nebraska City , last night , but
the damngo was slight.
Damages A en In n't tliu Union 1'aclflc.
FnuMoxr , Nob. , May 81. [ Special to THE
BBB. ] To-day in the district court of Dodge
county , the Jury awarded $1,115 damages in
tno c.iso of Mrs. Hanlon against the Union
Pacific railroad. Mrs. Haulou owns prop
erty near the railroad and the company built
a side track across the end of her lot , und
she instituted the suit to recover damages.
Congregational Conference.
GENEVA , Nob. , May 31. [ Special to THE
BKE.I The soventy-flve Congregational
ministers of the Blue Valley couforonco ,
comprising thirty-two towns and cities ,
which met hero this weak , report a very
beneficial tlmo and a pleasant one under the
charge ot Rev. H. P. Wannumakor , the local
minister. _
l > eath From Heart Disease.
HcnwELi , , Nob. , May 31. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Biin-1 The wife of Thomas
Jaynes , a farmer living seven miles from
this place , fell dead this morning1 while at
tending to hoc usual household duties. It is
supposed her death was caused from heart
disease. No inquest has been hold yet.
G inn and Got alarvloil.
CnNTitUi CITV , Nob. , May 31. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] F. H. Wlglo , paying teller of the
Central City bank , \yas married , Wednesday
evening , to Miss Ltinu , Qulo. Tbo bride is a
sister of Mrs. N-MqtTlatn , of Oaiana ; the
groom is ono of tha woH popular young men
of the city. .e-piy ; _
A FreqTI ufTilortginor.
DAKOTA. CiTir , " ( } ( ) . | tMay 31. [ Special Telegram -
egram to THE Ufti. | rA man giving his nnmo
ns Jbsopn SmithW is"arrostcd bore , to-day ,
by the sheriff of | 3urt ! county , on thu charge
of mortgaging property too often , and after
wards running ott'wlth the proceeds. Ho was
talcon to Lyons fx/r'btuo / keeping ,
A Flr A ils JUornlnK.
STELLA , Nob.J"UJio ; 1. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEK. ] AfrualJ-past 12 this morning
the elevator andJcWii meal plant of Jameson ,
Bros , was burncaio Jhu ground ; loss , $9,000 ;
insurance , 81,000.
Charged "tfl ti Embezzlement ,
HASTINGS , Nob. , May 31. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIB BEB , ] On a request from St.
Joseph , the police arrested hero , to-night ,
F.V. . Luudohl on a charge of ombozzlo-
meut.v .
v . i fc
Death of I'atrlolc Devitt.
Telegraphic information was received in
Omaha lust night to the effect that Patrick
poviu , of this city , died at Hot Springs ,
Ark. , yesterday. Dr. Dovitt left Omaha n
short tlmo ago to visit 'tho Spring * , with a
vlow of recuperating. Vesterday , however ,
ho was attacked with hpmorrhngo of the
lungg , and died suortly afterwards. The ru-
mains were shipped laU night for Omaha ,
und will arrive on the Missouri Pacific Hun-
day morniug.The deceased was a brothor-
in-law of Couiicllmau Thoaus Lowry.
Ono of the Disgusted Stockholders
Sponlts His Mind.
Burlington Northern's Forty Per Cent
Cut in FrclRlit Hates Annual
Statement of the Ctilcntfo ,
JJurliiiRton & Qulncy ,
How to Capture n Hnllroad ,
CHICAGO , Mny 31. [ Special Telegram to
THE BnE. ] The plan of reorganization , of
the \Vaba3h Western purchasing committee ,
does not meet with unanimous favor nmong
the stockholders. Snld ono of thorn to-day :
"Tho whoto thing looks to mo like n very
smooth confidence game. In the first place ,
Joy and Ashley Induced , all the security
holders except n few bondholders , to pool
their securities nnd elect n purchasing com
mittee to buy the Wnbush railway. Wo
elected Joy nnd Ashley as the purchasing
committee , with the undorsuuullng that their
duties were to consist only In buying the
road. Then wo , the stockholders , and the
dobcnturo bondholder. , were to elect the
board of directors. Instead of this plan
being carried out , Joy and Ashley give nolico
that they will themselves vote all the stock
nnd elect the directors , and consequently
dictate the management. After nil this is
done wo are to receive stock in the new com
pany In exchange for our old stock.
"I understand the plan of Joy and Ashley
to bo to olcct the latter as president of thu
consolidated road , nnd Edgar T , Wells , of
Mexican International fame , ns vice-presi
dent. That simply moan * another wreck for
the Wabash. I know the majority of the
stockholders are against the plan , and would
far sooner see Receiver McNulta made presi
dent , but the whole lot of us can't produce a
share of stock. Perhaps the stockholders , or
thobo who were stockholders , can enjoin the
purchasing committee and compel them to
give up thnir stock prior to the election , July
27. 1 would willingly Join in such a move
ment. "
The Freight Cut.
CHICAGO , May 30. [ Special Telegram to
THIS BBB. ] A secret mooting of Northwest
ern , St. Paul , ilock Island , Wisconsin Cen
tral , and Chicago , SU Paul & Kansas City-
oQloIals was held to-dny , to consider the 40
per cent reduction in rates , which the Chicago
cage , Burlington & Northern road will put
into effect to-morrow. It was determined to
call n meeting of the Western Freight asso
ciation for next Tuesday , and. sea if some
way could not bo devised to induce the Bur
lington & Northern to again advance the
rates. Meantime all the roads ordered now
tariffs , based on the reduced rate , tbo Rock
Island to go with the ether roads in the cut
in spite of their former decision to the con
trary. The opinion , was very freely ex
pressed that the Burlington & Northern re
duction , was an outrage , and would meet
with retaliation when opportunity offered.
The Omaha through rates will also receive a
shaking up , owing to the reduction. Through
business from all points , west ot the Union
Pacific connection with the Northern Pa
cific , must bo carried at the reduced rate by
the Union Pacific , or it will lose the whole
traffic. This mny lead to n readjustment
nnd possible break in rates vast of Omaha ,
The Burlington. Statement.
Cnicvao. May SI. | Special Telegram to
TiiBBKB.I Tbo Burlington's annual state
ment will probablj bo issued to-morrow. Ac
cording to nn official of the road , it will show
a large comparative increase in earnings.
Chicago Grain rtocelpts.
CHKHOO , May 31. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE. I The grain receipts during May
In Chicago were 24,003 cars , against 21,243
curs in May. 1SH3 , and 23,090 in May , 1887.
During April of this year , 12,990 cars wore
Two Lowly Lovers Take Enough Mor-
pliiiif to Kill a Dozen.
CHICAGO , May 31. In a ramshackle two-
story housa on the South side live two fam
ilies by thonamo of Sullivan and Bell. Lost
night Nellie Sullivan , aged nineteen , and
John Bell , aged twenty-one , together took
enough morpnme to kill u dozen men. The
other members of the families discovered
this fact some hours later , but failed to send
for a physician until they saw the girl was
dying. When the physician finally arrived
and administered emetics the girl was be
yond recovery , but it is supposed Bell will
recover , The causa of the sulcido is a com
plete mystery. The young couple were
lovers , and there was no opposition to their
marriage. Tbo police are investigating. The
neglect of the other occupants of tbo house
to summon a physician ut once is attributed
to stupor or indifference superinduced by
Hon. Li. A. Kmiisbury Dead.
YASKTON . Dak. May 31. [ Special Tele
gram to THK BEE. ] Information has been
received hero of the death of Hon. L. A.
Kingsbury , a former member of tbo legis
lature from this county , and brother of
George W. Kingsbiiry , of this city. Ho died
nt his homo in Watertown , S. D. , this oven-
ing. His sudden death in the ubsoncc of
particulars Is a great surprise to this cnin
munity , where ho was well and favorably
Notes About the City.
Mrs. A , V. Spaulding , Albright , la on the
invalid list.
Mrs. C. C. Vaugli , of Albright , is visiting
friends in Fremont.
Mrs. Robert L. Wheeler nnd son have re
turned from Ponca.
Good Will loagc. No. 3,450 , Knights of
Honor , will meet Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Graham arrived from
Lynohburg. Vs. , yesterday morning.
The Baptist association have been arrang
ing to HOC urn lots and build a. church in the
Fourth ward.
Mr. W. E. Ynrton and Editor L. F. Hilton ,
of the Drovors' Journal , Colonel Edward
Slurp , and Engineer A. K. Collins , and the
holders of tickets numbered 14 , 1)14 ) , IG.UKi.
14,554 , 14.41U and 14,947 , were tbo fortunate
ouqs ut U. IL Sobotker's drawing.
William MoNornoy , ono of the cattle
butchers nt Swift ifcCo.'s Packing houses ,
has returned from Chicage ,
John Shulc7 , who has boon spending sono
months nt'Frisco and other points in Can ]
fornia , returned Thursday evening.
Shelony & Podolak will glva a dance Sat
urday nijsht in their hall on M street , be
tween Twenty-sixth und Twenty-seventh.
There will be a ucion labor political conference -
ferenco in the ofilco of Edgartou & Furns-
worth ( Saturday ovenlue.
The proprietors of the Reed liouao will
give an oncuing dance Saturday evening in
honor of the formal opening of the now ICccd
J. H. Enon , who has been traveling ever
the west representing Savapo & Circnn's
commission house , has returned home.
David B. Waugh has conn to Sbenondoah ,
In. , to bring his wlfo , who has had a long
and serious sick snell , and Ills family home.
They -will arrlvahero Saturday.
The railroad track at Albright , leading to
the wagon works , lately destroyed by fire , is
being taken up , and Albright citizens fear
that the last hope of rebuilding the vehicle
manufactory 19 go no.
The Roy. D , Wr Luther rinaun/os that on
and after Sunday next services will to h old
in tha new Methodist Episcopal church ,
Albright ,
Eugene Brock , of the force at Svtiil < fc
Co's packing , houses , who has boon on his
farm near Hlamarck , h a returned , and will
go to work Saturday ,
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fuller nnd doughto" ,
Miss Lizzie , and Miss Maggie Fay , of Denver -
vor , Colo. , und Mrs. Balance , of Platu-
mouth , are the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Thomas Qeyry und Mr. aud Mrs. John C ,
Cur roll.
A Son of Ireland Ottntoa , n Typlca
Cnso of Landlord Despotism.
A "Son of Erin , " writing the editor
of the Doston Olobo , siiya :
Tliu ruthless tyrmit still pursues hta
hltloous work In Ireland. Hero Is n
sample of. the lutcst net of barbnrlam In
that misgoverned country :
A correspondent of the Kilkenny
Moderator writes : "I have just re
turned from the smouldering ruins of n
fnrmor's dwelling nbout n mlle nnd a
quarter from whore I write , on the main
road to Kilkenny City. I must say the
barbarous occurrence can have no ether
clToct t'mn to intensify the unfriendly
feelings which for some time past ex
isted between Major Holy of Foulks-
courtund his tenants , who nro numer
ous in this locality. The facts of the
case , which has thrown the town and
country all uround into the wildest ox-
oltomont and Uidifrtwtion , are , as far ns
I could ascertain them , us fol
lows : .Tames Kavanagh. of Sevan Sisters -
tors , the evicted toiuint , is ever seventy
years of IIRO , and since his eviction
about seven weeks ago has boon living
with adollcato wlfo , with a man named
iDholan. of Donoughmoro. In March ,
1883 , Kavamigh wns served with an
ejectment for jCCj , 17s , .Id ono yoar'-
rent and nrrcara , ending SHHh of Sops
tembor , 1887. Ho farmed about six
teen or so von teen acres , the yearly
rent having been raised fromXlU to JC20.
Kuvanagh endeavored to make up a
year's rent , which ho offered to Major
Huly and his ngont , Mr. Hanly , of
Thurles. It was refused , and Kiivannch
having boon evicted an omereoncy man
of Haly's took possession of the placo.
On Tuesday about 10 o'clock , a. m. , two
mon arrived on u sido-car from Thurles ,
provided with crowbars , and nt once sot
to work on the front wall of the house
which soon gave way , showing
within a kitchen in the centre , with
parlor and bedroom at either end.
When the front had been battered
down to the level of the windowa-sills
the roof gave way , and the thatch was
then sot on fire , aud all the timbers ,
doors aud windows shared the general
conllagration. When 1 reached the
the place about 5:80 : p. m. the black
walls und gables were still enveloped in
smoke and I noticed a window , with
frame , shutters and linings placed ever
a strong little lire which the emergency
tnon had purposely lit for their con
sumption before leaving. I have never
seen a man so self-possessed as Kiivu-
naufjh was at the pitiful sight
of his burned homo fronting the Seven
Sister Hills , which rise behind
towards the east Here ho had spent
his years from his childhood , and here
it was that hia grandfathers had strug-
glodoutanhonoBtlivolihood for upwards
of two hundred years. Even if such
conduct aa has boon nractised on Kavii-
naugh should have the olTcct of squeo/-
ing impossible rents out of the unfortu
nate tenants in miserable tillage land ,
u burned house should have a sorrowful
reminiscence for Major Holy , for it was
within the present charred walls of
Violet Hill mansion close by that a no
table member of his family once per
Well , the poor man who has witnessed
the burning of tho.old hoineatead whore
his forefathers dwelt some two hundred
years must have felt the iron of oppres
sion , outer his soul. But when will this
cruel war bo over ? Not until home rule
is granted. Then despotism must cease.
Mrs. Strait Vanquishes a Hoa Constrictor
stricter In a Dark Cellar.
Ono of the most perilous battles be
tween a. woman and a largo boa constrictor
stricter occurred at Grand View last
evening , says the Kansas City Traveler :
About 7 o'clock as Mrs. H. N. Strait ,
the handsome and accomplished young
wife of H. H. Strait , of the Wyandotte
Plumbing company , descended , into the
collar of their residence on Sixteenth
street , Grand View , she was starDlcd by
a loud hiss and two ( lory ret } eyes looking
directly at her. Returning with ! i lump
the lady discovered a largo snake hud
dled around a piece of wood. Taking a
coal shovel in her nand , Mrs. Strait
prepared to do battle with thu monster.
The first blow seemed to infuriate the
reptile , and with a louud hiss it sprang
at the now thoroughly alarmed but
brave woman. A blow from the bhovol
knocked the thrust aside , and with the
rapidity of lightning the snake again
prepared to strike. Five consecu-
live tinia did the huge monster retreat
and then plunge through the dimly
lighted air ut the woman who was so
nobly defending herself. At last a well
directed stroke knocked the reptile to
the floor , und boomed to stun it for u
moment. The glittering eyes had now
become two fascinating balls of lliimo
and the great fangs worked with awful
velocity. Following up the blow Mrs.
Strait succeed in killing the boa , and
with fast failing strength she reached
the lloorubovo , where help soon reached
Mr. Strait is in Wyoming territory ,
where ho is largely interested in a
newly discovered mica mine , and his
wife was alone with the borvmiln. A
party of neighbors wore summoned and
the snake carried into the woodshed-
It proved to bo a boa constrictor and
measured 11 foot nnd eight inches from
the head to the tip of the tail. It in
supposed to have escaped from some
menagorio. presumably the London
circus , which is now at Armourdalo.
Shu l-'cU It.
Detroit Free Press : "Hannah , " she
began as she called the girl into the
sitting-room , "haven't I always used
you welly' '
"Ycs'm. "
"Paid you the highest wages and
given yon matjy afternoons out ? "
"Yes'm. "
"Well , then , I want to ask you a
question , and receive an honest an
swer. "
"Oh , ma'am , I'm going to quit ! Yes ,
I'll go right off ! "
"Going to quit ? Why ? "
' 'Becuuso I feel that you are going to
ask mo if your husband and mo were
riding on the ferryboat together the
other day , and I couldn't tell you. I
promised him on my Bacred word I
Couldn't IJo It ,
In trying to eat ten pounds of roast
beef on a wager the other day George
Lone , a resident of Rutland , Vt. , over
estimated his capacity , foil over in a Jit ,
und died.
Positively Oared by
They olio relfore Dts-
tresi from Dyspeptic
Indigestion and Too
Hearty Eating. Apei
'ect remedy tot Dlzrl-
aeu , Nausea , Drowsl
neu , B d Taste fa the
Mouth.CoatedTongue ,
Fain In the Bide , TOB-
PIT ) LTVEB , Aa They reguUte Die Dowel * ,
wad prtreat Cotutlpation and file * . The
Knalleit and eaileit to Uke. Only one pill a
do e. 40 ( a artel. 1'urelVegetable. . Price
flAETEB MEPIOIHE Oa.Frop'n. How York ,
" 7ste&
Vitality nml VlKor nro quickly K * n to
c\ery part of tlio body by Ho < nl'n > n unpnMlla
h.U tired fcfltna Is entirely ovcrcoiuo. . tUo
blood is purllloiV , enriched nnd"vitdllxeil. . the
stomach If Umnlnml ttranKtuoncil. tni > ui > | x > tUo
rostoroil. the kidney : ) nml Hvcr InvlKoniU'il , the
liralu rotrpsucil , the whole syatom Imlt up. Trr
Ilooil'ri Siranpnrllla now.
Hoort'o SnrsnpnrlUn I * M > ! I ! by dniff ,
RlsiH. 1'roparotl by y. I. Hood & Co. , Lou on ,
Louisiana State Lottery Compaq.
Incorporated by the loiilsUturo in iaJf. for
IMucnllonnl nnd Charitable purposes , anil 1U
franchise mudo a , part of the present Btutn Con
stitution , In 187P , by an overwhelming popular
tnko pluco Seml-Annually ( Juno utul December )
INdS tnko place In onchof the other ten rnonthi
of the year , und nro nil drawn. ItiuuUllo , at
Iho Acnilemy of Music. NewUrUTtiM , tm.
"Wo do hereby certify thut wo mipervlso the
urmniciiientB tor all the Monthly and Senit-An-
nual liruu'liiKS of tha Louisiana Stntu
Company , nnd In person maniign nnd control
tne urawlngn thomsehes , and that the simu
nro comlucti'd u 1th honesty , fnlrnoss , nml In
Kood fnlthtonnrd all parties , nnd wo nuUinrizo
Iho company to use this certlllcnfo , with fac
similes of our Hlffnnturcs attached , in Itn ndrcr-
tlscmetits. "
Wo. the undonlgnort Ranks and Hunker will
pavnlU'rlzfls drnuu In the Louisiana State
Ixjttorlcs which mny t ) presented at onr coun
ters :
Jt. > ! . WAr.MSLKV , Prcs. Louisiana Nat.Ilttnlc
1'IKHUK r.ANAUX. 1'n-s. SUto Nnt. Hank.
A. IIAI.DW1N , 1'rcs New Orleans Nut. Hank
OAHLKOIIN. Pies Union Nntloual Uank.
At the Academy of Music , Now Or
leans , Tuesday , Juno 18 ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $600,000
100,000 Tickets at $40 ; Hnlvos $20 ; Quar
ters $10 ; Eighths $5 ; Twentieths $ li ;
Fortieths $1.
r.lSrOK I-UI7E8
1 P1UZB OK IfflUttM is
' " ' " SOO.OOQ
i pitizi : OK looluoo in..Y.Y..II"lI ! 100,000
1 I'KIXK OK nu,0001s GO.OOO
a I'ltlZBS OF Sl.nOOare 40.000
C I'KIXES OK 10,000 are 60,000
10 PU12E3 OP F.OJOaro M.OOO
25 1'IIIZKS OK lyXWare , . 50,000
2jl ( PKIXI'S OK HOOnro 80,000
COO PR17RS OK OOOnre ' . ' 120.000
100 milSES OP iOOare SOO.OOO
] 00 Prizes otJl.OUO are .1100,000
lOOPrUesot 800 are . BO.OOO
lOOPrizcaof 4Klaro ( . 40,000
1fl03 Prizes otJSOOaru .1309.000
3,141 Prizes , amounting to . 82,150,000
{ 3 ? Fen Ci.un KATiss.or nny further Informa-
on desired , write Icqlbly to the undersigned
clearly statinpyour residence , with Btnte.Coun
ty , Stieet nnd Numoor. Moro rapid return mall
delivery 111 be assured by your enclosing au
em elope bojirlue your full address.
Address M. A. DAUPHIN. New Oileans. f .
or 21. A. DAUPHIN , Washington , D. C.
Hy ordinary letter containing Money Order
ssucd by all Express Companies , Now York
o. Draft or Postal Note.
Addrm Rogistoroi Letters Containing Cur
rency to
_ _ _ Now Orleans , La.
REMFMRFR Tllat ! ! l ° Pa ' < *
? }
1 1 11VI i1V1 D Jd n ot the prizes la
\'ew Orleans nnd the tickets are signed by tha
President of nn Institution whose chartered
ilglitsuro recognized In highest courts ; there
fore , beware of all Imitations or anonymous
ONE DOLLAR Is the price of the smallest part
or fraction of n ticket 1BSUKO J1V US In any
} rnwin . Anything in our numo offered for leas
than one dollar is u Bwiudlo
.MEN anil WOilEN aucuc fullr truatoJ.
BntTerliiK from the effect * of routliful follies nrlndll
crotlonn , or era troubled wltli Weaknois , Norvoiu
JaMIUy , Ion ot Metnorr , Despondency , Aversion to
iOfiutT , KMney Trouble * or aur dlscuso of tlie Uonl-
to-Urln > rr Ortrnns , ran hero tlnd a snfo anil spooJf
tnr . Cbnritei rouontble , especially to the poor ,
'llitruuro nitnr troubled with too frequent ev cu
lions of tliu bladder , oflun accoiaimnlna lif a slight
BmArllDiror burning Bunsatlon , nnd weakening of Ida
R/nteni um raannt'r the patient cannot nccount for.
On cxnmlnlnir tlio urlimrr dopoulu a ropy nedlmunf
will elton be Jound , mid BOniuilmos particle ! of slbu.
men will uppear or tbo color bo ot a thin , uillkliU
me , again changing to a dark or torpid appearance ,
i'lieru are manr men who din of till a UlUliuitjr , tiinor.
am oftbocauie. wUlch is thoiuconl singe of oml.
nal woakuoBt. Tbo doctor will vuantatoe a porfeot
( nro In all auch ca.ei.nnJ r beitltliy restoration of
bagenlto-urlnary nrgnni. Uonaultntlora free. Hand
2-ccnt ituuip for "Younic Mnn' k'rlend , or Guide to
Wedlock , " tree to all. AiMron
Main and 12th St. .Kansas City , Mo.
tVUtmtlon tblt paper.
Chicago , Milwaukee t , Paul R'y.
Tlio licst liouto from Omaha aud Council
JllllffH (0
Chicago , "AND Milwaukee ,
HI. Fau MJuncapoHs , Cedar Itoplds ,
Bock Island , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Dfltcnport ,
Elgin , Madison , Jancsvlllo ,
Uelolt , Wluono , Ln Croise ,
Ana all other Importmnl polnu Bait , NortUenit Mia
Kortlirougljtlek6ti.c llon the ticket fnt t 1MI
K riiBuiitro t.larkBr Illooi.or ul Dulou 1'nclBo
tWyul *
I'ullra n 8le per ; and tbo Hno t ninlnK Cut In th
worm " ran on tha mitln lloa Jf tUc Chicago. Mil.
wniuee A Bt , I'aul Uallway , .nil svcrr ntteutlon I *
borapaot"u < > Dll9n ty oourUuai urnj > lor § or tb
borapao '
It. MlM'.RHUeocr l llsnauer.
i. If. TUKrfllAMl.t ( , ni uSSi'ral M.ntK.r.
( ieucral l' unger anf
T.J l