Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1889, Page 8, Image 9
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , MAY 27 1889. OPENING THE NEW BUILDING , The Swedish Evangelical Mission Church Dedicated Yesterday. THREE INTERESTING SERVICES , One Conducted In English nnd Attended Hy n. Number of the City I'nstow Mission History. Tlio Now Swedish Mlnalnn. The now Swedish Mission church , on the corner of Twenty-third nnd Dnvonport streets , 1ms flnnlly been com pleted , nnd .vcstcrdny the dedlcntlon services wore hold. The building Is rather a handsome - some structure , but Itvns not built with that vlow. The idea wns to hnvo a nent nnd commodious plnco of worship , ono thnt will moot the wants of a largo nnd constantly In creasing congregation. The interior is with out decoration. Thon.nln part Is supplied With opera chairs , whllo a gallery runs nround three sides of the building. The nulpll Is built to accommodate the choir us well ns the pastor , nnd the entire Beating capacity of the liouso is twelve hundred , al though rnoro can got In when occasion de mands. The dedication services , which wcro con ducted nt 10 o'clock . m. , nnd ! ) and T p. in. , were largely attended. The morning nnd evening services were conducted In 'tho Swedish language , und the nftornooa in English. Several of the olty pastors assisted in the afternoon , among those present being the Uevs. Messrs. Horsha , Scott , Dolwoller , Thayne and others. Tbo sorvlco opened with the song "At the Cross. " Uov. Mr. Hultman , the pastor of thb church , presided at the piano and snni ; the Verses of the various sorvgs alono. the choir Joining in the chorus. As the reverend gentleman Is a splendid singer , the music is a feature of the services in his church. After prayer the pastor introduced the RoV. Dr. Hnrslm. Ho said they had boon there long enough to discover the secret power of the sacred song possessed by Mr. Hultman. Ho took it that thnt church wns to bo a monument of the evangelistic clement of Christianity in Omaha. All cities had &uch a church , where song wns com bined with Interesting preaching. That church wns an ovunpolistlo church , where every service is expected to produce imme- dlato results. Every church in the old world had "been built to promulgate some ono par ticular idea. Evangelism wns the idea of the church they were dtdicatlng. The reverend gentleman then mentioned n few elements necessary for the success of the work , nnd related incidents from the life- of Evangelist Moody , showing that ho pos sessed nil these things. In the first place , ho said boldness was necessary n boldness and an energy that stopped at no obstuclo. An other thing necessary was faith , and a third , tact. Tact was n characteristic of Mr. Moody , and it wns needed in evangelistic work. Rov. J.V. . Scott briefly addressed the congregation. Ho complimented them on the now church. Ho spoke mainly of the progress of religion , and of church struc tures In general. If It were not sacrilegious , he said , ho would Uko to see all the churches ' in the country burn down. Thcro was little sanctified grace in Inherited sanctuaries. It was a good thine for n people to bo engaacd in such work.Vhllo people's hands nro in their pockets they don't hnvo time to ralso the flail over each other's Ircaa. The Rev. Mr. Hultman read a brlof report of the progress of the mission in Omuhn , which ho had heard termed before coining here , "Tho devil's claim , or homestead. " The Swedish Evangelical mission was formed in 1882 , with a membership of twelve. They soon purchased the old M. E. church for $7,200. It had a seating capacity of 400 , but in five years it was too small to oommodato the congregation. Two years ago the slto occupied by the now church was bought for $11,800. As soon as possible the basement was fitted up and used for.cliui-cU purposes : The church cost ? 18l)24.90 ) , which , With the amount paid jfor the lot , ralsoditho total to $24,424.00. The debt on the church' now Is SO.HUO.TC , the tnonoy used , with tbo exception of § 1,000 from some woalty citizens nnd $500 from Guy C. Barton , having been raised by the congregationiUoif. The after noon service concluded with singing und prayer. A G. A. R. Memorial Service. An interesting special memorial service for the G. A. R. was held In Trinity cathedral last night , with a sermon bofnro the veterans by Dean Gardner. Members of Posts Phil Kearney , George A. Ouster , Phil Sheridan , Omaha and U. S. Grant , to the number of 120 men , marched to the cathe dral in a body , headed by a martial oand , and were seated in a section provided for them. The church wns decorated with the national colors. The opening services in cluded the confession , absolution , Lord's prayer and the Magnificat. Dean Gardner's sermon wns especially appropriate. Ho nskod his hearers to look to the past with forgiving eyes , " remember ing only those events the memory of which brings encouragement and comfort. Wo are too apt to forgot the past. In the enjoyment of the gift wo are too apt to forget the giver nod his sacnllccs. In the enjoyment of the peace und prosperity of the nation wo nro too apt to forgot the sacrifices of the heroes who in nil 13 such blessings possible. Let not the charge of forgoltuliiess , urged the speaker , bo made against us. Lot us decor- Dto the graves of our honored loyal dead , not only with the perishable ilowers of earth , but also with tlio imperishable love of our hearts. You heroes who fought well for your country , bo not vanquished in the battle ugalnst sin , nnd on that great memorial day the Divine Commander will crown you witli the flowers of his approval nnd lovo. A Rrtirlnji Pnstor. Rov. E. A. Foglcstrom , for ton years pastor - tor of the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran church , preached his farewell sermon , yes terday. Ho leaves the pufpit to take charge of Immanucl hospital , an institution built largely through his own efforts , and which promises to ho a big thing for Omaha. In August , 1879 , Mr. Foglestrom came to this city from Urooulj n , nnd took charge of the little congregation that was then worshiping In a small frame building , Ho has built a flno brick church on the corner of Nineteenth and Cass streets , und increased the member ship from u few dozen to several hundred , so that now ills congregation Is ono of the most flourishing to bo found in the west. Ho has been a very popular pastor , nnd mnny regrets - grots are heard because of his resignation , llov. A. J. Frndnn , who will buccecd him , is Wid to bo n voiy tulontud preacher. Ho re cently cnmo from Sweden , and is expected to nnivu hoio this week. The church was crowded , yesterday , und the retiring pastor preached an olTccttvo sermon , Aftar the services Peter Colsct was elected a delegate to attend the general conference at Hoclt Island Juno 7 , Y. M. C. A. ANNUAL. llEl'OHT. Secretary Jniinri- Shown tlio Ilcsult of n Veni-'s KxUtonco. Yesterday was the anniversary of the Young Men's Chmtlan association , nnd the following mombeis ropicsontcd the associa tion in the anniversary suivico at the , churches ; C. A. Goss , ut the First Prcsby- tcrliui ; Gcorgo A. Juplln nnd J. M. Huzolton , at the Hcth Edtm Unptist ; Gcorgo 0. Jonnor and C , K. Williamson ut the Newman Meth odist Episcopal church. At the above places the annual report of Secretary Jonnor , of the association was read. The report of tlio secretary rotary showed a membership of 70 $ , nnd the organization strong. M'lia report on finances was as follows : Totalccclpts for the .year , 17,077.97 ; total expenses for tlio year , ? ib ) .4U making a cash baltuioo of MJ.7B in favor of the association. At the commencement of the year , closing May 1. the association was Indolnea to the extent of * l,8apT. , | . The cash balance of the year Just closed lias boon ap plod | on tho-debt , which has ieduced the obligation to tl.5V . 'JO. . During the joar thn educational depart ment has held " ( V ) evening classes , anq In itructlons given In , the following languages Spanish , French and Ucnuan , and uUo special instructions In t > tenography , book- ktoplng , pcumanblilp and elocution. The attendance to thoao classes aggregated Xb library aud reading room has > ocn largely pntronlzoJ , and within the past nnnunl quarter 2,111 letters have boon vrltton by members nnd patrons , and 425 cttcrs and 275 papers received. Tlio secretary reports nlno lectures hav- ng been dohvorcd to nn agprcgato attendance - anco of 2,070. Thirty-four hundred people attended the four receptions given by the asaoclatlon. In the athletic department there are thrco tlasscs , with nn averatra dally attendance of 80. During the four nnd one-halt months .hat the bath-rooms have boon In operation , .0,2CO pcoplo hnvo patronized thorn. The re port shows thnt twenty-two religious exer cises on Sunday afternoons have born hold , with an ngsroRnto attendance of BG7S ; fif teen special meetings with an aggregate attendance of 1,307. As to the future intentions of the nssocla- .Ion . , Secretary Jennor reports that the Ice Bunting rink at Twenty-Third nntl Hnrnoy streets will peen bo filled up with n track , four tennis courts , gymnastic apparatus , shower baths , etc. Special tickets will bo ssucd to the ladies , which will admit theme o the nthlotlo grounds nnd lecture courses , taxi month a branch of the association will > o opened at South Omaha , an J , if possible , me for tailrond mon lit this city , to bo locn- cd between the shops of Itho Union Pacific ind the Tenth street depot. The association , Secretary Jonnci * repoits , will soon mnko nn effort to open a branch at North Omaha , vlisuh will Include Florence nnd Fort Omaha. Clonr the Way Vlthout loss ot tttno when the intestinal : anul Is blocked up by reason of uoustlpa- lon , chronic or temporary. It should bo > erne In mind that this ailment Is prone to become lasting and obstinate , nnd breed other worse complaints. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters i % the preclso remedy to remove the instruction effectually , but without drench- m : or weakening the blockaded bowels , a conscqucnco always to bo npprehpndod from ho UBO of violent lnxntiveswhlch nro among ho most pernicious of the cheap nostrums wallowed by the credulous nnd mlsln- ormod. The fiat of experience , and of the medical fraternity , sanction the claims of his standing upoi lent. Not onlv as a fiourco > f relief and permanent regularity to the jowcls , liver nnd stomach , but as n means of omedying nnd preventing kidney and ilnddor troubles , and fever and nguo , It is vlthout a peer. Memorial Day Invitation. The comrades In charge of Memorial , day exorcises issue this address : The Grand Army of the Republic commit- eo in charpo of the pnruao and exercises of hlornorlul dnv would bo glad to hear from all societies that desire to take part ia the mrade , nnd if any such have not received heir invitations they are hereby cordially nvitcd to participate. Acceptances can bo lent to T. S. ClnrKson , ninratml , The parndo vill occur at lJl : ! ) , and the exorcises on the high school grounds about 2:30 : p. in. The exercises will bo short and interesting to everybody. A trained chorus of fifty voices vill sing. Full programme o' parade ana exorcises vill bo published lator. Slok hoadacha i1 } the bane of many IVCB. This txnnoylnfi complaint may ) o cured and prevented by the occa sional use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kldnoy Fillets ( little pills. ) A Trip to I'npllllon. On invitation of Mr. Ueadlo , the oldest citizen of Pupillion , nnd Mr. Hoyt , the chnlr- mnu of the commissioners of Sarpy county , inydon Bios' , employes of this city enjoyed an excursion to Pnpllllon yesterday. Five coaches were chartered for the occasion. About ono hundred nnd twenty-five of the employes of Hayden Bros' , establishment took advantage of this chance to catch a gllrnpso of green fields and got n breath of 'rush air. The excursion train left about .0:15 : a. m. and reached Pnpillion about ' of hour Inter. The ihreo-riuai'ters nn excur sionists were met at the depot by Mossrs. [ jcadlo and Hoyt and escorted ft the picnic grounds. The hospi tality of the town wus extended to the picnicors and all wore royally enter tained. A free dinner was served , nnd the citizens exerted themselves to entertain the visitors' All the vehicles in the town were olacod at their disposal , and they took ad vantage of this opportunity of seeing the pretty little city. At 5 p , m. the excursionists returned homo. A curious incident of the occasion was tUj appearance on the scene of Mr. Hnyden's English bloodhound , shortly after the picnicors reached Papillion. The dog had been shut up in the store in the mornIng - Ing , but had somehow managed to got out. When ho reached Papillion he was covered with mud and worn out with fntlguo. How ho came to discover the destination of his master was a mystery to everyone. Omaha has attained the size and con tains a class of pcoplo who demand as good goods ns are to bo found in any city not only in America but Europe. Our leading merchants appreciate this fact and nro in position to supply the demand. This is especially the case in the drug lino. All of our leading druggists keep Chamberlain's Cholic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in stock and will toll you that it is the most prompt and re liable preparation known for bowel com plaints. _ _ Tim Typocrnphlonl Union. Typographical nnlon , No. 190 , held its reg ular meeting yesterday afternoon at the Knights of Pythias hall , on Thirteenth street. Nothing but routine business wns transacted , except the adoption of tno following resolu tions : Whereas , The union plumbers , of this city , are on a strike on account of a lockout the master plumbers informing them that they have no use for union men : therefore bo it Resolved , That wo Omaha Typographlcnl union , No. 100 , denounce their notion ns ho- inp antagonistic to union principles ; nnd be it further Hosolved , That wo sympathize with the Journeymen Plumbers union , nnd pledge them our henrty support in their present troubles. Resolved , That these resolutions bo sent to the dally papers , and that a copy bo sent to the Plumbers' union. Republican City Central Commlttoo. There will bo n mooting of the republican city central committee in the council cham her at 4 o'clock p , ra. on Monday , May 27. Each member of the committee must bo present. I ) . H. Minciit : , Chairman. U. F. UiiinuN , Secretary. Democratic City Central Committee. The democratic city central committee meets this nfternoon nt a o'clock nt the rooms of Julius Meyer , cornqr of Twelfth und Fnrnam streets. Ciuiti.i'.s Coxovun , Chnirmnn. TJils lion ilar never vnrlos. A marvel of pin Uy Btrenutu audwlioU'someuuM. M oto ocouoinlc * ! than the nrdlnary Klnl . andcannut bo sold In cotupotltlnn with the iuultltiult < . < i of low coat , inoiiwelchtalumor phospuute p'lwden. Bold onlr In cn . Uov l u kluit 1'owdor CoJW AVwUtr * t N w Vort Continental Clothing House Another List of UNRIVALED BARGAINS OFFERED THIS WEEK. Goods Just as Advertised and in Quantities to Fit Hundreds. 9 The great attraction for the past two weeks has been the Cheviot Suits offered by us in eight different patterns , at $10 per suit. We acknowledge there is not much profit in them , but they are a drawing card and every purchaser of them will remember us the next time he wants to buy. We will continue the sale of these suits one more week and will offer eight styles of Men's pure all-wool Cheviot Sack Suits in all sizes from 34 to 44. Price $10. A display is made of these goods in our show windows , and samples will be sent to any address. Don't fail to see them. We will offer this week 100 Blue Flannel Suits , double-breasted , pure all-wool goods , at § 8.50 per suit , with G. A. R. buttons complete. Guaranteed Genuine Slater Flannel ancffull Indigo. Special prices this week in Prince Albert dress suits. We have given special attention to this line of goods and have got a little overstocked. The style of goods cannot be described here , but this is a good time to select a Prince Albert Suit , Nothing but first class goods in this department. A special line of Boys' Long Pant Suits for boys , ages 10 to 14 , in strictly all-wool goods ( no cotton or shoddy ) but pure wool Cassimeres and Che viots at $6 per suit. We have nothing to say about what others charge for such goods but we do- know that every suit of lot is away under price , and that the purchaser will be entirely satisfied with the wear of them. Price $6 , ages from 10 to 14. The sale of $4.50 suits for boys , ages 4 to 14 , ( short pants ) will be continued this week. They are good values and would not be recommended teat you if we did not know that they were all right. Remember they are Boys' Knee Pant Suits , strictly all-woo Cheviots at $4.50. To meet a demand for a lower price suit we have marked down three styles of medium shade fa'brics to sell at $2.50 per suit. They are not all-wool , but are honest wearing cotton warp goods , one of the best materials that money can buy to make up at this price.There are about 100 suits. We will not promise to duplicate them after this week , ages 4 to 13. The largest Boys' and Children's Department. The largest stock , the lowest prices. Furnishing Goods Department. Special Sale of Men's Fancy Percale Shirts , Price 5O Cents. We have a large quantity of Men's Fancy Percale Shirts , regular $ i and $1.26 goods , which we will offer until closed , at 50 cents. The first day they . were displayed in our show windows the sale was so large that the chances are that by Saturday night there will be none to sell. . . , BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS , 50 CENTS. , , , , _ No one qustions the price wnen they exeminethe quality , but the question is often asked , "How can you afford to sell them for 50 cents.-1 Well , we can't , but we have a large quantity of them on hand and we need the room , and use thhse as a means of advertising our Children's Department. Preeland Loomis & Co. Corner 15tli < fe Douglas Sts. , NEW YORK OrVl "h & 1 DES MOIIMCS Proprietors.- \juia > iLa > . THE 7TOBLD OUtrai TO SHOW It. Tlio world ought to I ] know wliat 8.3. S. lua done forme In the euro I I ola. mnlljjnant Career , which una BO bud no to I j bo considered Incurs- blc by tlio physicians | I In CliIci"O. where I went to bo treated. Ono | I of my neighbors sent mo n copy of on iuhcr- I tlscmcnt In regard to EulU'a bpcclflc. mid 1 j began tnklng It. I got relief from the flirt few IdoEcs ; the poison \\na gradually forced out of I my system , and Iiu3 Boon cured sound nnd Jwdl. It la now ten months cincol quit tak- aiiifrS. S.S. nmlllnno had no slju of return of the dreadful disease. Mns. ANN BOTIIWELL. Au Sable , Hlch. , Dee. S9 , ' 83. Send for booLa on Blood Diseases nnd Cancers , mailed free. , iv THE SWIFT Srccirio Co. Draper 3. Atlanta , da. DRS. BETTS & BETTS Ji08 rAHi-.tM STIIKET , OMAHA , Num. ( Opposite I'axton IIoUU Offlco hours , 8 B. in. to 8 p. m. Sunday * , 10 a m. to 1 p. m. .jpecinllats In Chronic , Nervous , Skin and DIood Diseases. , exr Consiiltatlon ot office or by mall free- . Medicines sent by mall or express , becuroly packed , free from observation. Guarantees to . . . . . I'liyslcnl Decay. nrl luB from Indiscre tion. KXCOSJ or Indulgence , producluij Sloep- lessneiis , Despondency. I'lroploi on the face , aversion to society , easily discouritged , lack of conlldence , dull , nnllt tor study or buslnoss.and Buds life a , burden , bafoly , permanently and privately cured. Consult Ijr8. Uetta tc BetU , 403 rnmam ht. , Omaha , Netj. Dlnnri nnd OUn nipDQt'ni ' Syphilis , dlseas * DlUJU dllll UalU UlSudbu ) moat horrible In Ita results , completely eradicated without the aid of Mnrcurv. Bcrotula , Hrjslpetns , Kover Sores , Illotclies , nicei-8 , 1'alns In the Head and Hones , Syphilitic SoieThroat. Mouth nnd Tongue. Ca- turrlii &o , permanently cured where others have failed. , , . _ . . [ Tiilnnir HnindPtr and niaddar Complaints , lUllllGVi Ulllldiy Palnlul , Dlfflcult. lee fro- qtieiit Uurnln ; ; or Dloody Urine , Urine hlgn col orfil orvlth mlllcy sodlmout on fctandlng , Weak llack.flonnorrluua. Gleet , Cystitis , ia , Promptly andSafely Cured , Churpes Reasona- hie. C fflWTr < 'TlTTTO"Clll Ouaranteed por- J. J&JLis JL UXbXiI 55 . niununt Cure , re- inrivul Loinpleto , without cutting , cuu&Uo or dilatation. Cures ellectcd at home bv patient without a momentsualuor unno\unce. To YOIM Man anil Mldflle-Aged Men , A OIIDDTII1DD 'fw awful effects of early U UUltu ullflu Vlcr.hlch orlnpa organic weakness , destroying both mind and bodv , with Bllit arearled Ills , permanently cured. PIDO 'DDT-T'J ' Aoteastno'-.ft\\noiiajreJmpalrca UilUi Dtillu themsulrta by Imptopor liulul. KBJices anil'BOlitai-y htibif ) , which ruin both body und mind , unQuins them for business , study or marriage. , . _ . . _ M UIIIIKU MEN. or those entering on that hap. Py life , UMiro of pUvslcal I'oblllty , quickly u Is liaaeil upon faus. Flmt Practical Bxp t rK'nru. -cond E % cry case 1 1 especially studied , thus hturtlng uilgUt. Third Medicines are pra , pau-d In our laboratory exactly to null each case. tiiii ailfctliiirciirjs without Injury. tr > eud u etuis postUK * for celebrated works on ChrunU , Niriotn nud Del'oato DisonBes. lliuui-audsrurcil. t TA friendly latter or call limy ta\t ) > ou tutuie EUlTeiliiK und shame , and add KoldKii } oars to life. r * No letters an- ev , eii ill tilu&s accompanied liy 4 cents In stamps. . . rii tf t , Oinaba. b. THE TRAVELER , "Now , John , you'ro stire I'll nayo tlmo to makomr Purchase and cct biclc to raytrnln ? I must have a light overcoat for these cool even * Ins-'s , uuii noino furnlslilnB KOOd.i. An I mn a BtranKer * I must trust you to take mo to a rella * Moiilaco. " "All rlulit sir ; I know where that Is. 1311 I'nniAin ; n nnin cnn IInil ovorythlnif he need' in tlio way of clothes or furnlshlugs. " lias Msyer-Establishol lS56--Adolpli Ho/or Max Meyer SIXTEENTH - AND - FAHNAM - JTREETS Guiiornl Agontn for STEENWAY , GHIOKERIN6 , KNABE , VOSE & SONS , BEIIR BROS , , and JAS , W , STARR PIANOS ! Story &H and SlioninseMfcll Organs , SI'KCIAr , 1'IUUUS ANIJ Write for Cituloguo. Always Drink wittflcB Water LEMONADES , SHERBETS aniflalt told Drinks , BLACKBERRY JUICE It Will Corioct the Damaging Iiilliionn of Ice oil the Munition. AnKfllcloiit Itemed ) ' for.Iil rrlii'aCliolora Mor bus , l } irenleryuiitl ll DlnordciiiuftliH Uo iln. NABIIVH . , TISN. , Juno th , 1667. M Jna. I.uVhNTItAI , linns. Hear Hlr8-IJia\e tried the Hungarian lllnok- berry J ICH sou BU kindly tnt me. It In Hitnu ill u ultra of summer drinks , u U frrc from alcohol , ulln > thlnt , tenet thu dlgentlvv orKiinn , lias n tine nruniallc na\or , und In JUKI Hut tlilni ; for ( lliirrlni'iil trouble ) In the hcnteil term. A TAlliail'OONI'UI , IN A ( II.AbS or ICi : WATUU OOTNKOTAKH NKCTAIl. Ilc'SjiecKully , T , A. A'IClllBON , M.J ) , Imported nd bottled by MIlIAI-OVITCIl -c'llUH A. CO , Cincinnati. O. Fiirnale Ly nta , juluunr il al ni aud Uroctn. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES. OMAHA. CHIOAOO , HOCIC LSI.ANU Is I'ACIHO. loa ve. I Arrive. n No. 2 . oOJiirap : No. 1 . Ul5um : a No , 0 . 0:50 : am 0 . r > : l5pm A No. * . WiUioraA No. a . 6.Miin : A No , 11 . 0:15 pm'A ' No. U . 7:1) ) um CHICAGO NOUTHWESTBHN. No . 0 . 0:10 : am No , 7 \ > ; 11 am No. 8 , pm No. 3 7:15 : am Wo. ' 4 . . . . . . . . . .B.- ! . pm No. 6. . . . U'lB pm 'All Tral'ns'uifliy. CHICAGO. WILWAUKEB & ST. PAUL. A No. a UjlOamA No. 1 7:03ara : A No , 4i ; ! ! " . . : WpmA | No. .1 5:15 : pm KANSAS Cl'iT , dJI..JOBni'H A ; COUNCIL A No. S 9:85 : am IA No. 3 A Sol 4 ; JUpinA | No. 1 BIOUX CITV & 1'ACiriO. A No. 10 , .7C5nmA : ] , No. S5am A 7OJpmJA No.l ) 0UO ; pra OMAHA Si bT. I..OUI8. A No. B 4:35pmA ) No. 7 :00 : m A dally u II datlv except Saturday ; O except Sunday ; 1) except Monday ; fusi mall. Tne time ( rfven ubjvols for Truusfer , tliar beln3fiomllveto ten mluutea between fraai- t and local depots. * Sleek Piano RonmHwble for powerful symjuthotlc tone , pliublo notion nnd nbsolutc dura- bllUy. 30 years' record tbo bo < $ t ( 'iumin- too of the excellence of tlioso Instru monts. NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital . 8400,00) ) Surplus Jan. 1st , 1889 . . . . . . 52.00J orncEits AND numerous : HENKY W. YATE3 , President. LKWIS S. UEKD , Vice 1'reatdout , A.E.TOUHALW , W. H. a HUOIIKS. Rashlnr THE IRON BANK , Corner 1-th and Furaain Sta. A General llunklne Bustneisi'i. msactel. f ISSUED BY STATES , J COUNTIES. CITIES , 1 SCHOOL DISIRICTS. ETC. , _ _ ' -BOUGHT AND SOLD. Wo deal in T.unil TViirrnnt * nml Serin , Applicable to umiriiuitnt Land , and Hairnet a Kremlin * HmiUlniE IIn lne . Correspondence ) Solicited. S.A.KEAN8CB.jAiiKERS- . . . , 10O WASHINGTON STREET , CHICAGO , ILL , IIS BROADWAY. HEW YORK. WAHTEO Issued by Cities , Counties , School Districts 'A'ater Com panies , 8tc. We nrc in the market for the purchase of round ninoiiiits of such bonds. Correspondence solicited. H. W. KARRIS & GQ&1PAHY & , Bankers , 115-117 Monroe Street , CHICAGO. 50 Devonshire ntrent , BOSTON. COPFE Tlio 1'ublle are noi Boncr | ly aware ttint br no present mritioila of cooklnu tully ouq hilt of ho toffee Hint U use I is thrown nwivjr m the Krriu.rti and wiMlcil. ( hamlrtii tonnottu I with thin f omp uir lia\o uorcedctl 111 rnvliu thU wuito rn Hint tliuiom- Miny ran Iiirnlsh cnili-o imuluof tlio tlni'Ht lava , put . up In Biimll portable Jius und WAiiiUNrun l-KUPtor. I v I'liiir ami LMiiiruntDuil to bo only about ONU- 11A1.K Till ! COr to tlio tnii umurnrcoiuiuin ( i f- lee. Onl ) Imlllnitwatflrls neoiluil when pruimrlnit it ( ortUe tabln.-t'iown MquM Colfun 0 ( ni | ny. Auk Yotir Orocor for cno iw 10 vin"vinwjsis. . AH CORD , 1JUADY As CO. , Wholcsalo Grocers , - - Oumha , Neb C - the I.lguor Habit , r < i lllT 'U C'ari'il br AcluilnlHIOllna Dr. Hiiluvu1 ( iolden Hperine. Jtriin hauUon In u cup of tnireo or Ion nltliout the kniiwlwlk'ont lliuior | on tiiklnxlt ! Unbiohiitlyliurm- liami will uilict u npuiMly nnil pcriminunt cure , wliethur tliu imtluit U u luoJt-rittu ilrlnkcr or n Bkiliiliwr'ik. | ( 'I'lKHinunt * of ilniliinnU liuvo Hindu tuuiicratii | men who In lliclr loirua without tlitlr kniiwluilk'uiin 1 lo-clux tin. llovdihoy uuii ilrlnI.lni.-OM their own free will. IT ' . . ' - with MKV'IIU KAII.H. 'llitifj-nteni micu Imtireirniitiia Ilin Hiiudilv. It bcmiiiPH an iilliir liii | > p | l < lllty for the liquor niiiclli | to exlu. Kor ile fiy Kiilin A Co . lirunnUU. I'ltliund IhinuliK ' im I litii mid Csiii. nilnit tt , Out b. A. ) ) . I omri-lliu , louiulllliiiriln ! , State Line. ToIIns ( , ' < nv , Itflfasl , Dublin anil Lhcrpuo From New York F.very Tuesday , C'atiln passage i.lTi to < l , arcoidliiK to location oC jt a to loom , I'.xuirsUni K' > flora T/uropo ut I.o t-st Hutes. AUSTIN HAI.OWIN i CO. . Oou'l Attottt * . 01 , New i'orK. JOHN 1H-KGUN , Oeii'I c8t'rn Afent , . - 1 4 Itundolph St. , ( 'hlcaso. HAHUY H , JlOOUU ? , AfuuU Omuha , Reduced Cabin Hiitca to ( ili6jrow ; Kx- hlbitioii. miocewfully umd rooutlily by o/i-r 10,000 a * 5.ljidle . AreSafe.tycctuulatuirieaiant vJ 81 IH rlmr bymall.or atdriiRcicts. Stalvl fitrticulara S postage Etomfs. Ad Irwa TUB UBEHA CUKKICUI Co. , JJirrnoii , JIlcu. For nalo nnd by mull by GobdiuiiuUru Omiilm. Dii.E.O. WI'ST'S NtsnvB AHB HHA.IN KKST , nguar.uituaJspoclUcfor Hysteila , Dizzi ness , Oonvulslous. fits. Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobncco. Wakefulness , Mental Depression. BofieulnRof the llritln , resulting In Insanltv and leadlnu to misery , deiay and death. 1'iematuro Old Age. llarronn'-ss. Loss of Power In either BOX , Voluntary Lossat and Bpormut- orhojacaused by over-exertion of the braln.solf- abuse or overindulgence , nach box contains one mouth's tieatmont. Sl.OT a bar , 01 six boxes forlWH.sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any cade. With each order received by ua for sis boxes , accompanied v > Itli &i 00 , we Will fcccd the purchaser onr written guarantee to re fund the money If the treatment does not otfeot a cure. Guarantees lesuod only by Goodman Drug Co. , Drugging , Sole Agents , 1110 Karnam Btreet , Otuulift Neb. 2Oto6O DAYS. This is u disonso wJiich has heretofore Balllcd nil Medical Scicnco. When Morcurv , Iodide of Potassium , Sarsnpa illla or Hot fiprlngs fall , wo guurantoon euro. Wo have a Hcmocly , unknown to anj one In th Worldoutsidoof our Company , nndomi that lias to cure tlio most obstinate cased. Ten days in recent cases does the work. It 13 the old Uironio deep seatea cases that we aollcit. Wo have cured hundreds \\lio have boon abandoned by Physicians , and pronounced Incurable , nnd we challcnga the world to bring us u case that will not euro In less than sixty dayx. blncelhehlstorvof incalclno u true speclflo for byphllls has boon sought for but neve found until our wasdlscoveied , aiidwoaro Justlllod In It Is tlio only Itomeay in the World tnat wlHposi ttlvely cure , bneauso th latest Medical WorlfH , published by the be t known authorities , uuy tnuro wns uuvorntruespeclflc before. Ourrflin- cdy ill cure vhnn cveiytlilng else has failed. tt by wttsto your tlmu and money with patent medicines that never had \lrtue , or doctor wltn phyblcluns that cannot curn you , you that IIUY li ltd erythlng usa bhould tome to us now and K t permanent i ellof. you never get It - where. Mark what wo suy. In the end you must take our lomady or NEVEH recover and > on that have been allllctod but n short time nhould b/ull muinapo-ne to us now , not one In ten of nnw cases ever et pcrmanontly cured. Many ijetlioli ) and think they are froa from th disease , but mono , two or tliroo years after II appears tgalu In a more horrible form. This ia a blood Puriller und will Cure any Skin or Blood Disease wlion Everything Else Kails. Noricr. WednMro to caution patients In re- K ril to paitleH ( latmine to use ilio c'ook Horn- udy. Our formula la nut and CANNOT be itiown to anyone but otiruulvt's. THE COOK REMEDY CO , Rooms 18 aM WiPaxlpn Blocl _ MEN ONLY ! ! tot tOBTor FAILING MANHOOD : deiurul and NEBVOUS DEIJLITY ) | I Wutncu or Dcdyind Uindi Effect ! I of Errors or Eictitei In Old or Xounr. HtMIOOII full ; lit.Igrfd. How I j lol.rir i4 . . . aii.i MiK n ) pKiiiiijks ( * riuiftornoui. it.aluul ; u.f.llfnt IKIBB TIIH1 HttT-H.ufBl. U dl7. Bf Uillr/ from 41 hl.l. , , T.rrlUrl.i , ud t rtlf > ( a > lrlif. lKHl"1 * n' Itimfltllt/lftcVl CO'"Dul'fA'lBJ ' . . IruiTfrlnKfrmn lh tf. ufjpuihful er- - i . . . , .fr---r---- , -/rrijrlt'jr'l ! ) < > 1 ? iKl to. 1 will Mnini KaleiJ iiuuiii < > , < ? * AluAhia lriAtlie < | ro { > tAlnlitir full tuiitlcularv ft > r Jifitnv ( .uiv , fiui ot lJpROP Firo'FOWt.ER ! ! , Moodui , Conn. C < BlO CllfC'l WllllOU Deslon-Oupro < t * li M O f f > . kulfti fi .11 lUI . ! K bupktau. L.U.BcUltUiU.B. . , Vrlll V bl I U Wabuhav. , auigo , ifj.