Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1889, Page 7, Image 8

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No novcrtlncincntfl wilt t > o tnkon Tor
llirnn cnlnninn nftcr HIs.lO p. in.
Terms Cnsli in mlvnncc.
Advertisements under this head 10 conn per
linn for the Ilrst insertion , 7 tents for ouch sub.
sequent Insertion , nml ? | .w per line per month.
No advcrtlsomtmt taken for lew tlmn 25 cents
for first Insertion. Seven words will bo counted
to the line ; they must run conuocutlreljr and
mint Jio paid fn ADVAM3K. All ndvortlfio-
nientflmuslbelmndedln boforn 18:30 : o'clo-fc p.
m , , ninl tinder no circumstances will they bo
taken or discontinued by telephone. ,
Patties advertising In these columns ami nav *
ine their answers addressed In care of Til * IlRR
will please nsk for a check to cnablo thorn to got
their letters , ns none wlll"bo delivered except on
presentation of chuck. All unsworn to ndvcr-
ilf-cmcntf ) ptiould bo enclosed In envelope * ] .
All ndvertlfomcntft In these columns nro pub *
llslieil In both morning nnd evening editions of
TUB HUE , the clrcnlnllon of which nggrcgntos
more tlmn IfUOO papers dully , nnd Rives the nd-
vei Users t ho unnelltnntonlyof th city clrou-
lutionofTu * HUB. but also of Council Illuffi.
Lincoln ntia otliorcltlrs mid tonns throughout
this section of the country.
Advertising for Ihosa columns will lie taken
on the above conditions , at the following busl-
ness housed \\lio arc authorized agents forTiiR
HEK Bncclnl notices , find will quota tha same
rates nH can bo had at the main olllco.
/ IHASE & EDDY. Stationers and Printers , 113
\J South IQlh Street. _
SI1. FARNBWOHTH. Pharmacist , 2115 Ctitn-
Ingbtrtet. _ . . . _
WJ. lIuailKS.1'hanuaeiBt , 021 North ICtU
, . Street. _
QKO. W. PAnil. Pharmacist , 1800 St. Mary's
WANTRD-Sltnatlon for a No. I man nnd
wlfo In private family : wlfo Is an excellent
cook and laundress. Mrs. Uroga,3Ui ! 8 lith.
WANTED Situation by mlddlo aged man
us bookkeeper or salesman , ( loud expe
rience In gram business : speaks four languages.
Jest ! references. Address J. I1. Nordhoira ,
Wakolleld , Nob. 053-U
f man ( Canadian ) with IS years expo" .
jfttmce. desires situation in dry goods : hlch-
eat roferoncos. 11 62. llco olllco. _ 018 27fC
"fXTANTKD Situation by n'yoting man In an
TT oinco ; rompetenl In anr line of book-keep
ing ; good references : will go In city or country ,
Young lady stenographer and typowrltor desires -
sires n situation ; experienced. mpld , acrurnto
and U'nt ; could nsslstln book-keeping. Address
I * . O. llox 787. bhonnnrtoah. Iowa. _ 615 31
STATIONERY engineer wants position : first-
class city references : 11 years' experience.
H 41) ) . Heo. 63730 ?
A UUNO man wishes permanent employ
ment. Am n fair penman , fairly good at
llRUros , and tempcrato. Can nlvo good refer
ences.- Address , lice US , lien olllco. 470 29 ?
WANTED Hnllroad laborers , rockmon and
track-layers for Washington Torrltoiy ;
good wage * and steady work , at Albright's
Labor Agency , 1120 Farnnm gt. oat
W ANTKD-Harber , 010 South Thirteenth st.
WANTKD A good strong boy to work on
horse ranch. Write to Jas. Carrlghor ,
Roc * Creek. Wjo. KtKliI
WANTED A good salesman for general
merchandise. Must bo posted In grocery
line ; city references required. 1U1U and 1312
B. 13th. B09 25j
BINDRUY foreman wanted Immediately
must understand all clashes of work and bo
able to clvo estimates. Address llopubllcan
I'tg. Co. . Cedar llaplds. Iowa. 014 2fi
WANTKD A mnn to travel and appoint
ngonts Small capital required. II. J.
Iless. lloatrlcc. Neb. < i34 S.W
WANTRD-Immpdlatoly. first class barber
( white preferred ) . Must bo temperate and
reliable. Steady job. C. C. Fletcher , Hebron ,
Nob. fi9 > 2it
W IANTKD Hey to take care of horse nnd
cow ii. O.Jones. KfJSa
WANTKD Good salesmen for Kansas , Ne
braska , Minnesota and Wisconsin to sell
lubalcntlng oils and greases on commission :
largo profits guninnteod ; samples free ; will
riveoxcluelva territory. Adnrosa Chicago Oil
Co31 Mlhvaukeo ave. , Chicago. 440 B5t
"O/ANTKD l'ive traveling salesmen ; salary
r T and expenses ; no experlenco necessary.
Address , with 'stamp , II. II. Xaim & Co. . La
Croase. Wla. B02-2a *
> "WTANTED A good bread baker Immediato-
T V ly. V. Merzog. 1003 N 2oth Bt. 632 27t
WANTBU-One BKlllful man to attend in
Turkish bath room. Steady work and
good wages. Call on or address Lincoln
toritim , 1323 O at. . Lincoln. Neb. B94-27t
WANTED Salesmen everywhere for our
adjustable door plates , new style door
bells , street numbers , whltu enamel nnd metal
letters , etc. , etc. Send for samples. Circulars
etc. , free. N. Y. Door Plato Co , Newark. N. J.
" \\r ANTED At once , two youn < r men for
Tl light work , at $15 a week ; steady work nil
Bummer. Room 17.220 N. 1'ith. ' 422 27J
"iXTANTKI ) Several more energetic and roll-
T able Rollcltora. The Singer Mfg. Co , 1618
Douglas at. ufljai
\\j ANTED A few more live , energetic sales-
T T men to sell teas , collues , groceries , etc , to
farmers and other largo consumers , at whole-
ealo prices. Rxcluslve territory given. Ad
dress the Edgwortn Mercantile Co , , 14 < 7 State
at. Chicago. 4fl8-2re
"W/ANTKU Agents Puzzle wutcti charm ;
IT most taking novelty out ; exact Imitation
of "Plgn In Clover. " size of nickel , gold plated.
Sample 15c. two 2T > c. doz. tl : stamps taken.
Btayner & Co. . Providence. It. I. 754 J4t
B OVS Am. Disc. Tel.Co. . ] 30i Douglas.
SALI13MEN We wish a few men to s nil our
goods by sample to wholesale uud retail
trade. Large&t mannfrs in our lino. Enclose
2-e nt stamp. Wages $3 par day , Permanent
position. No portals answered. Money ad
vanced for wnpe < i. advertising , etc. Centennial
Man'fg Co. . Cincinnati , 0. 614
WANTED Qlrl fnrgen'l housework : must
be peed cook and laundress. 601 8.20thst.
VSTANTKD Experienced nalojladlos for
Tt cloaks nnd jackets ; also first-class mil
lluer , Hoymau& Delches , 1518 Farnam st.
WANTBD Waist nnd skirt maker , room 8 ,
Jacob's block. &IK-2S
W ANTED Flint-class cook ana laundress ;
references required. 03 South 20th st.
651 2Jt
\VrANTMD-ABooil girl to cook and do gen-
TV oral housenork ; Uermau preferred , too
N. 23rd. 4G525
"VANTHDWnlatund skirt 4G525151'J '
TT Howard Jl. A Wallace. xn 2j
WANTED As the l-axton hotel , a good dlu-
Hut room girl ; IJO per month. C7J-2r
TXTANTKD A girl to do cooking , washing
TT and Ironing ; must have references ; call
s. a. cor. Jonea and 2thbet. S. Mary's avo. nnd
Leaveuworth. 0tl-28 !
rA.STRD-Girl for general
1617 N. 2.11 Bt. 058-27 *
WANl'HD Good elrl torcene-alliousowoik ,
must bu good COOK. Mrs. Coou , 1234 i-onth
IQlhat , tai-1
WANTHli A girl tor general house work ,
Mm. J. N Kilnolm , 2i4J Ctlcagoat , 631-27
ANTKU At ouce , fTraUclssiThouaeVceper ,
V W attaa Dodge t Perlltt Mackey. 612 2UtJ
WE ) > A good cook'aud laundress. Mrs ,
J. J. llrown. Juia Sherman avenue. 610
WANTED An experienced woman to do
general housuwork In family of two.
Vr'aees tl per veer. Apply between 10 nud 11 In
tha forenoon. IBO-i California at , 608
WANTED A girl for second work , OUB who
caudo plain sewing ; gojd wages paid.
Apply nt M4S suth m. 623
T\11K8SM AKING , in famlllegTtU- . 17th.
\lbTM. ! Bluno tashlouaolo iiressmaklng ,
JUiuoderate prices ; outiiug and tlttlntr also
done , tin N. 16111. 6CU31 *
FIHST-clasa table board , 1921 Dodge ,
Milj 31 *
BUAHDKUS anted at the Cozzeus hotel at
reduced ratcti : the most pleasant location
lu the city. M J Francfc. prop. 7U
" "
I ONKx Wanted I can plaro from five to
. L twenty thousand tlollars on good real estate
ocurlty. If yon have money to loan call and
M me , GeoreoN. Hicks. Heal Estate and In-
VMtmtnt Ateut , Hoom 4U , Harker block.y731
y7-31 ,
WANT D A purchaser for a $ lil mortgouo
on Kanaaalands ; ftlsoli Becliou Colnruilo
cbool land. K. H. ( lease ! ! , tUO t > o. ISth st. , Ud
Omaha. 148-fe *
flTANTBD-lOaboO lb of cros - brud"wwirat
IT tU LVacolu RultUngM11U , Wucoln. Neb.
CARH paid for a good lot of lionnohold fur
ultui * . AddrciJHai , Htoouiw. 602 yf
WANTED-Bulldlng" fet lots , lands
and cash. W , J. P ul 1009 Farnam st , OSfl
\\T ANTnD-SorTmifurnlshod roomsby Kent.
W wife and 4-yoar-old Rlrl baby ; location
must bo good and near car or cable line ; hnu so
must contain nil nodern Imnrovomnnts ; a loca-
Ion tonvenlont to nome nrat-class Iwanllng
louse preferred ; permanent tenant. Address
I. Tlieodoro , Kli 8,2ith st. 617 Si
MIDDLE aged married couple , without chil
dren , desire comfortable rooms and board
: onvcnlnnt to street cars. Address Mating
erm ; It Mi , HcoofTlco. IH1-2T *
WANTKD Hy gentleman nnd wife , a fur-
m shPd 6 or 0-roomed cottage for the mim-
mor mouths. Address H 47 , Hee. 601
by family ot two , nn tin *
furnished cottage In good condition con-
nnnRd or "rooms : must hnvo terms nni 1o-
nlton lo receive any attention. Address U 6\
Ire. 221
"WANTED To rent for term of years 8-room
T > house , with yard nnd bnrn , between Far
nain and 8t. Mnry's ave , Would wait for one to
bo built. H 17. Hee olTlco. Wi 27
OR RENT Homo otTroo'tUH. Knmilro A.
Murphy , 420 S. Uth st. 670 25j
" " " "
-"KOOll house. 8U"Sb724fh at.
417 25t
FOR llKNT Newly fnrnlshod 7-room houso.
to family > rlthout children , from Juno 1 to
September 1 , gentleman tleslfes to retain ouo
-oom ; J30 per month , JOJO St. Mary's av .
TT'OR ' RUNT-n-room house on 17th st nea
JU Lcnvenworth. Inquire nt 83H S ICth st. 5TO-2 ?
OR HKNT Convenient for 1 or 2 fiiinlllo , a
6 room hou9e , StKM Dorcas st. Cl W"
j OR RHNT-FIno Hat corner of 20th aud
L1 LcnvonwortliHtrocta , with all modern con-
onlcnces.JJopor month. Fine 12 room dwell *
.UK all modern conveniences. H07N. 20th ; cable
passes door. $ Vi per month. D. V. Sholcs , 210
' 'Irst Notional bank. C-TJ
T710R ItCNT Now hoiisa , 0 rooms. 8 closets , 2
JO pantries , hard nud soft wntor , brlclc collar ,
70DN.llthsl , CWI'271
HIOItllKNT S-room flat. Inquire 1C21 Howard
JL' st , , moat marXct. 651
"JTlOTt "iTENT Nlcoj comfortnblo home , tlrsT
Jw class neighborhood , nil modern conven
iences , close to car line , moderate ront. Inquire
of Goo. N. Hicks , llnrkor block. 074-31
IPO It RKNT June 1 a now modern residence ,
JO tl rooms , furnace , tttatlonarr wash tubs ,
jatu room , electric bell , hot nnd cold watoi ,
range , boat of plumbing , locality choice. In-
qutroupoutho premises. 2717 Jackson street ,
till May 2 % or of Oroon& Williams. Fir/it / Na-
tlonol bank building. 4t3
noil'HFNT Two houses , 2017 nnd 20 ID Loav-
cnworth St. , ono 14 and ono 0rooms : mod
ern conveniences ; wHlput In ropmr. luqulro
oem 20 Nebraska National bank old. 4'j )
TjlOR RENT 8-room house on cor. IHh nnd
--1 Lca\onworth. ApplyDr.Mattlce.lCOJDodgo.
EIGHT Itoom house ; centrally1 located
modern Improvements. J. F. Uarton , 2aiO
Capitol avn. g7 *
TT1OR RRNT Now brick houses , 11 roomswith ,
JL1 every modern .convenience ; on cable line ;
only fW per month. C. T. Taylor , cor. 14th and
Douglas. U23
TjKU UKKT Cottagns , 6 rooas | , 2728 Charles
JO st. nnd 1522 S 15th st. Inquire at room 212 ,
Sheely block. i )
TT1OR HRNT-A Hat In the Her building ; 7
JL1 rooms , steam heat , gus and bath. Apply
to A. C. Haymer , hardware , loth and Jackson.
O NICE7-room cottagesgood cellarscisterns.
i ircll , good barn : convenient to school and
churcnfcu ; per\nonth for the summer. Apply
atone. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank ,
TjTOR RENT Neat house cor 2fltll
JU and Woolworth avo. Inquire of G. B.
Tzschuck , Heo otllce. GU
TilOR RKNT One ton-room and ouo eight-
JL1 room house , all modern convenience * , llest
part of rlty and within 5 minutes walk of post-
olllcn. Nathan Shelton , 150i Farnam st. ! H2
I710R RENT Heautlful 8-room nouse with
JU modern improvements , splendid location.
Apply at oncn , C. F. Harrison , Mer. Nat. U'k.
FOR RENT 14 room brick dwelling , all con-
venlniioeB , 81UN. Wtust. i07
"ClOR HENT Pleasant furnished rooms deslr-
JO able location on street car line , SIS S.24th.
FURNISHED room , east front , prlvnte fam
ily , with or without board , very daslrablo .
1510 N. 18th st. 677 25T-
ROOMS & first-class home board , 1718 DoJijo.
| j\OR \ KENT A suit of furnished front rooms ,
Jllr t floor ; gentlemen preferred. Til ) N. IStb.
ARGK furnished room torrent , suitable for
Jj gentlemen. l&JJ Faruam. COt
IJ10R RKNT Rooms suitable tor hoiisekeep-
JO lug in sulls ot 2 to 4 ; convenient location.
Butts Hentlng Agency , VJOl Furnam st.
5b3 J23t
FOR RENT 2 desirable furnished south
rooms with bonrd , 2015 Douglas. 5112
D OOMS with or w Ithout Doard. 1B15 Dodge. '
JCi 4'J02b-
FO H RKNT Furnished rooms. 23J3 Dodge ,
237 2S'
TilOIl RRNT Pleasant furnished rooms at 1914
JO Farqam st. 453 3
TjlOH RENT Rooms , 1815 Dodge. _ < > _
TJIUUNISH KD rooms from $5 to $13 per
JO month in bouse with modern convenluces ;
location good and on car lino. 222J l.oaven-
worth. 483 27J
FURNISH ED rooms , 1419 Dodge
473 27t
TTOR RENT From Juno 1st. suite of rooms ,
JL1 with board , at 1722 Dodge st. 4,11 j 11) )
TTIOR RENT A pleasant room , only ilimmitos
JO walk from business cantor , all modern con
veniences , cor Ht. Mary's avo. and 'jth or 040 8.
gpth. brick resilience. UJl
LOVELY couth front room , every conven
ience , / block from street car. 2v'OJ Douglas.
TTIUUNISHKD rooms by day. WCOK , or month.
JO St.Clalr hotel cor 13tn and Dodge. 178
T AIIGE front room with bed-room adjoining ,
JLJliaudsomely furnished , gas and Heated by
steam , with use of bath room , in one of the
handsomest rosldoncos iu the city , without
board. Inquire n. w. cor , 1'JtU aud Loavonworth.
"ITUTHNISHKU rooms , slnglo or oa suite , bath
JO nnd steam ; for gent ; only. 1519 Howard.
f ) NICE south trout rooms with every conven-
- ' lenco ; telephone in houso. liKb Capitol av.
QUIT of ii furnished rooms , modern convon-
kJlcncos , 3 blocks from P. O. ; prlvnta family.
A. Hospe. jr. . 1513 Dougliu. 476
FOU RENT A nicely furnished largo front
room , nil modern conveniences ; for fnnner
particulars call at 2215 Dodge st. \V \ ,
FOR HENT H coly furnlahod front room
with boardnil coiivenloiico3,191 { | Capitol ave
F IHONT room * , $1 upwards , ou car llnot 1J19
Kill. 448
UliNISHKD rooms , 113 S. 20th , near _ Dodga
J > OOM wlthor without board. IBIS Dodtt * .
OU UENT-Roomia2I Howard.
F Otfi
ITIUItNlSllKIor itnfurulilied rooms for rent
JO in Park Terrace , odposlte llauacom ] > ark ;
all modern conveniences. Inqulro l o *
Nichol , IHth aud Leavenworth , 47 <
TjlOH KUNT-FuruIshed room * nlthor with-
JJ out boaru for fniullli-s ami jingle men at
iccluceil price for tlio nuiiinior niontlis at the
hotel. SI J 1'rancK , prop. NtO
front rooms 1MO Dodge.
HKlillFllLroom with or without board in
private family , nicely looatnl opixulta tno
V. il.l' . A. lav.u tennis court. SlJy Harney at
00.1 nj
"TTtOR HRNT I.nrgo furnished room in prl
J3 vate family at2J01 Farnam st. CliVllf
FOR HUM' Sleeping rooms furtiUhed uiu
uufurnUliod , ono on ground floor front , fair
Howard. U8 2.SI
OR HKNT-A nell furiil hi > d fiont room
suitable for two geiitleumen. He&t locution
In Omalia , All modern convenience * . Call nt
aaia Dodge at. 052-28 ?
T710RHKNT--Rooms with board ; bait loca-
JJ tloi' in city. 2J1 8,25th ave. KJ731J
iTOR HUNT Two furnished < ooms. with al
,1. moavrn Improvement * , to eentlemen only
at fltiist. Mary's ave , right In laa city. Inquire
nt storo2IO-2U 8.16th St. till 31
TILKABANTliont ro-jm , > 7 8. S3tU ave"
4F OR HUNT Fmn'jliiil ton * * ciujla or 7U rn.
1 (1OR RRNT-t nnfnrnUhea rooms , 1701 Wn-
JL1 Bier , suitable fur houseKoeplug : prlco
_ _ i
TJIOR TU'.NT-Vioasalit imfiirnlslioil rooms
JU over 1001 Howard st. For onicos purposes
T7HIKR of Koiit-sToro room stO nnd 10.6 to nn
JL enterprising dry goods mnu. , 071
I grouna floor , 310
.siBth. _ _ _ _ anr
IJiiMl lUJNT-Clronp-Novr ntore. 2ix5J-bnck
J-J bnsoinent , oagood pavd BU , suitable fur ro-
all grocery. Inquire O. Ilartman , N. W.cor ,
| Tth anil Decnturst * . _ _ 2K1 _
rpol HKNT- Two store * with lint
L' above , corner iStli and Mason sts. Inquire ,
.Irs. . Lnntte. C12 S.lSthst. 187
irioTt RllNT-JJ lloors 2.'x each , In brlcs build-
J' Ing , with plovntor , close to express olllco ,
heap rout. Just the thing for wholesaling , good
ocntlon. Apply to Geo. lloyn , 11U3 Farnain st.
FOR RUNT tore 22x00 ; 1118 Jackson t
Knqulro 11 14 Jackson.
moil HINT : Store nnd living rooms on Cum
L' Ing street ; also house on Cnss st HarrM It
L. CoMJloom 411 1st Nat , bank. BU
uRNT-Tho 4 Htory brick iulldiug with
L1 or without power , now occupied by The Ileo
'ilbllshlug Co , . Dili Farnam st The building
ms a II ro proof cemented basement , complete
team heating fixtures , water on all tha lloors ,
tng.ctc. Apply at the olllco of Tno lloo. 915
TOItR 407 wltn basement , Kamgo bldg. In-
Oqulro 1'rank J. Itamgo , G5D
rr you want your nousos rented list wltu Par-
1 L rotte's rental agency , ICth and Dodgo.
I710R KENT wnau you wish , to rent a house ,
L1 store or oflttco call on us. H. 12 , Cole , room 0 ,
Continental blk. 474
IF YOlJ want to rent your house call oa Hnr-
rli , It K , i L. Co. , room 111 , 1st Nat'L bank.
. . J. PAUL , 1COJ Farnnm St. , hoitgos ,
Jl stores , etc. . tor rent. , 481
1F VU vuut to buy , soli , rent or oxcnango ,
J- call on or address O. J. StornsdorlT. rooms
17 and 3H. First National bank building. 481
n glvo special attention to renting ami
colirctliitj rents ; list wltn us. H.K.Colo ,
room 0 , Continental block. 4WJ
"WANTED To nell a Kentucky trotting
T > horse , miprgy and harnois : record 2:19 : ;
fine style , young and sound. 1313 N. ICtli at.
tXT'ANTEO-Anpllcatlon for $5.noO loan nt low
TY rates. George J. Paul , 1GVJ Fnrnam st.
( , C4-
/ 1OOD Induing nt Gladstone house. 01 % 8.10th
; single beds 91 per week. ; rooms for 2 , $2.
710 27 *
TF YOU have n stork ot merchandise you
JUwant to trade for clear Hloux City real estate
address H43. lioo pfllce. 6flO-30t
UMHHKLLASunU parasols covered and ro-
palrod , 217 815tU , Hoyd'a opera house block ,
n rubber at ore. H. Halor. 2M
12 banjo taught as an art by Gee F. Gel-
> nttonr Aniili * nt. Itnn nlllnn DiVl
OST A red Irish setter , -\voarlnjr a collar
-.ind nnsworlng to the namu of Hob. May be
distinguished by small black spot on loft side.
Leave him at J812 Dodge st. nnd get liberal
reward. 672-
T OST A plain gold watch with open face.
JL/small / leather strap for clmln. Suitable ro-
\\anlwlll bo given If left at tills ollloc.
T OS'r Satnrday night , two horses ; one mo-
-LJdium-Blzed bay , Ith \ \ lilto npot on the fore
headone hind foot white , rope halter : the other
large buckskin , both front tuiklus stilt. Iteuard
paid for their return to 2tG North Eleventh.
OS3-27 *
FKATHintB cleaned and curled : bats pressed
and bleached , at P. M , Schndell. 213 N. 16th.
STOHAOE and forwarding. Wa collect and
deliver goods of all descriptions , merchan
dise , furniture and baggage , nt cheapest rates
for storage for any langta of time. Vans and
wagons to be ha 1 at sliorteat notice , with care
ful men for moving. Faskln ; ? and snipping
from our own warehouse dona on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllco 21T S.Uta
st. ; tolcpnono 111. Howell & Co. HU
S' TOHAGK at low rates nt 1121 Farnam ut ;
Omaha Auction and Storage. 483
rnitACKAGB. storage , lowest rates. W. M.
JLllushman 1311 Leaven worth. 480
BllANCH & CO. , storage , 1311 Howard.
U NANNIE V. WAUHEN.clalrvoyantmod-
icnl and business moJluin. Female diseases
q specialty. 118 N. ICthst. . rooms 2 and i < . 4il )
MADAME DC SAN tells past , present and fu
ture events of your life , givaj ailvlce oa dl
vorco. contested wills , etc. The tnndame has
wonderful gift of secona night , has the power
of any two mediums you ever met. Parlors.
1313 Dodge St. SOU HOT
STANDAUD shortliaud school , Paxton block ,
( successor to Valentino's shorthand Insti
tute ) , the largest , bi'st equipped shorthand
school In tlio west ; is under the personal euper-
vislonof Joseph P. Megeath , au ox-oOlclal re
porter and state agent ot the llemtngton Stand
ard typewriter , assisted by experienced ver
batim ronortors. Mechanical construction of
machlne'tanght by factory export. Particular
attention paid to typewriting. Stenographers'
supplies for sale. Ulrculara free 70S
T HE bmahft Short-Hand InsTltuto ? liamgo
block.Omaha , ooenad Monday. May
under the management of u thorough and prac
tical stenographer. Pleasantost nnd best ven
tilated school room In the west. Positions
found for graduates. Call ur write for particulars
lars- Terms , 111) per month In advance. Type
writing tree. U92JJI )
SHOllTMANDand typa writing. Omahabus-
Iness college cor. Cupltol avu , & l tb. Stan
dard methods taught byC. C. Ewlngof San
Francisco , the best teacher on the Pacflc coast.
Mnnson's re vised of VJ a specialty ; new plun ;
Macs board illustration ; day and evening
Classen : call or write for terma. 037
WHJTTLESKY'S snorthand school , 21 Dar
ker block. 3 mouth's course , Ji ) .
WANTK1 > A good stock of general mer
chandise ; will pay part cash and balance
good land ut low figure. Addres * J. P. Hy
men. Curtis , Neb. . 690 0
Household furniture for which 1
will pay cash. Address U M , Bee olllce ,
"TJlbU SALE-Two horse I , suitable to drive
JU aluglo or doubio. Apply to CoL Fletcher ,
Fort omuha. C07
WANTED-100 lots inside of Bolt line , to
build on W , It. K. A : M. R. , room 14 , Cham
bnr of Commerce. 439
A NTIQUAHI AN Hook , Store. 1413 Farnam st.
JtCnaii psJd for Cud-hand l-ooka , magazinea.
WANTED To buy good commercial paper ,
H. C. Patterson , 318 S. 1,1th st. 4U2
WANTED Furniture , carpsta , stares ana
household goods of all kinds. Omuha
Auction He Storage Co. , 11-I.Kurjiaiu. 193
rplIB furniture , carpets and draperies of an
JL elegant C-rooiu Hat , cost to furnUh last
Novumbflrovr(2iJ ! ) ; will bo sold Inlotxto mult
purchaser , nnd on time to those who wish. In
quire ( leo. Moore , LW , uus North JCtti , CI3-2 ?
fjlOIt HAI.K-Soven Blinres ( series A ) of No-
J-1 braska Lotin nud llulldlng usjoclatlon. Ad
dress u M. -
] rOK8AI.B-2 Jluo saddle horses , 1 fast road
. horsp , 1 fauiily carriage tuam and several
good business drivers , Imjulro at W. H , Den
nett Co.'a etablcs on Capitol avenue between
mil and run At. & 71UOJ
TOOK BALK Good sound tlrat-clais driving
J- Horse and nearly new buggy ; can be boughi
at a bargain. Call an sea at ( Jem barn 15th and
Cuss. COO 28 *
rOH BALK Hue poney and cart ; apply to
Col. FleU-her , Furt OmahaUW )
Foil SALE A full leather toi carriage , large
and roomy , lit llrat-clis3 order , cost $ IOJ one
year ago ; will sell U for (17S. Apply aii215
WulMturnt. Tdi
BALE Choap-About OX ) head ot 1m
- proved Texas Homes , consisting of geld
lues , marea nuct colu , stalllous uud mix.ed.V1I
sell part or all. Apply J , L. HalUert , Coi'al aua
Texan. < H-J J
FOlt BALK iwork team , wagon and bar
ueas complete , vnry chnap for caalu 619
Paxtoublk. Mi *
"IJToit SALE Cheap , a three-ton Dleboldbanc
-C safe , latent ImprovoH time lock , complete
la every particular. Addrotu , H. CUftiuber-
Uu , Wood Hirer , Neb , < U
MinLATJO Onarnntoo A Trust Co. , 1M3 Far-
nara. Caloploto abstracts furnished It titles
orcale J l9 examined , iortoctod&Buarantop < l.
JATrOlisIract Ooinpnnr , ' 1S1 " Fnrnam stT
vyMost 6Tm > letoftnd care fully tironaroA set ot
abstract'liolkn and plati of all real property In
ho city of Omaha and Douglas county. 439
&Mahcme. room&M
paxtonlllock. 403
rpiiBOontrnl lx > an * Trust Co , No. 1205 Far-
JL nam st.lmvo a special fund ot UVUOO on hand
o be loaned In vunm of ll.nw to J10.LHW at very
ow rates dn'cholco ' Inside residence or business
iroperty. 0. A. Starr , manager. 001
MoNRYtiWonoyl monoyl to loan on horses ,
wagons ; Miulos , housliold goods , pianos , or-
; i\nsllmmcmd. ' ? , etc. , at lowest rates.
Tlio llrst orgnnlzeil loan olllco In the city ,
Will make loans for thlrlv to tared hundred
nnd nlxty-Mvo days , which can be paid til part
or whole , nt any tlmo , thus lowering the prln-
ipnl nnd In to nut. Call nnd BOO us when you
want money , and wo can assist you promptly
and to your advantage without removal ot
property or publicity.
Money always on nnnd nnd no delay in mak
lift loans. C. F. Heed & Co. , till ) South 13th St. .
over Hlngham it Sons commission house.
" \MAnAChattol Loan Co. , room 42 , llnrkor
J block. ! CO-m25
IIK M , K. & T. Trust Co. makes building
lonnain thorlty and suburbs ; will loan you
H ) per cent , of the vnluo ot your property , and
allow you to reduce the loan by monthly pny-
ncnts.V. . II. Melklo , Agent , room 60H. First
National Hank Hulldlng. 6.M-J30
L (3AN3 onTmprovcd and unimproved prop
erty at low rates. Odell llros & Co. , U12 S tan.
City J.onn Co. has plenty of money to
X loan on horses , wagons , furniture and pianos.
riielr rates nro reasonable and business is done
airly and quietly. If you want money or want
your present loan extended , try thorn and save
money. Their nlllca is at liS 8. Uth at , dlrnctly
opposite the Mlllard hotel. 2M
LOANS wan ted onOmann real estate , three
and llvo years tlmo , optional payments , fa
vorable term and ratei ; applications and titles
MONKY to loan nt low rates by Excelsior
Land Co. , 310 South 15th street , Omaha.
| 1)71
MONICY to loan ou real estate security , at
lowest rates. Hotoro negotiating loans BOO
Wallace , Crolghton bit. , lath and Douglas , iwa
KY8TONE Mortgage Co. ; loans of 310 to
41,000 ; got our rates before borrowing ami
savomoiioy ; loan on horasj , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity : notes
bought : for now loin , rcnawal ot old nnd low
est rates call It20sSheeloy blk 15th & Howard st
M 'ONEY to loan on short time. Secured paper
bought. 1K. . Alexander , 150 ! ) Farnam Kt.
C F. IIAHinsON loans money , lowest rates.
U.1.BOO spoclRl money ; apply at once , C. K.
< P Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank. 8X ( >
fONKY to loan. O. F. Davis Co , real estate
Land loan agents , 15/i Farnam st. Kil
B UILTHNd loans. D. V. Sholes. 210 First Na
tional baulc , GU
MONKY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J ,
W. Squire. 1219 Fnrnam ot , , Tlrst National
bans building. KT-i
T OANS made ou real estate una raortgagoi
JUbought. * Lewis 8. Heed * Co. , U 13 Hoard of
Trade. . , Bll >
> lXl > f.'K'S 'financial Kxchango Largo and
small loans for long nnd short time , at low
est rates , , ot Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of nil klnda , diamonds , watches
and Jewelry. . .Don't fall to call If you want fair
and cheat ) accommodations. O. llouscaren ,
Ugr. , room 57. Barker DlK , 15tU and Fiirnam ,
ka L 611
MON15Y to toan We ara ready for applica
tions forloans In amounts from 81)0 ) to $10-
OUO on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real
estate , 'liulliilnformatlon as to ratos. Loans
iromptlyclosed. ; Good notes will bo purchased
: > y us. , CaJLupon us or write. Thn McCaguo
Investment Co. C20
DON'Tf borrow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons ) etc. . or collaterals until you see
C. U. Jacobs 410 First National bant building.
JKE 81jpls ; room CIO , First Nat'l bank , before
Jmaklni ; your loans. 6U1
. , , , _ n Lowest rates. Loans closed
Lpromptly. H. E. ColeU.GContlnentalblock.
First-class Inside loins. Lowest
ratai. Call and nee us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , lU 1. Harder blk.l'ith & F.iruam. oSZ
K. COLE , loan agent.
H.K. 600
B LmNO loans a specialty. W. M. Harris ,
UooniXU Frenzor lllock , opposlde P. O.
g. Loan Co. will make you a
JL > loan on nousehoid goods ,
norses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
flue Jewelry , or socurltte * of any kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Itoom 7 , llowloy lllooi , Gouth Omaha.
Itooms G18-519 , Paxtoa HlocK , Omuha , Nob.
MONKY loaned for 30 , 03 or 90 diys on nny
kind otchattel security ; reasonable Inter
est ; business confidential. J. J.WUklnson.H17
Farnam st. " 504
c.F. . HAUHISON loans money , lowest rates.
. 517
DO YOU want moneyIt so. don't borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low
est onnnysum from $10 up to J 10.00X
1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , norfee * . mules , wagoas , warehouse re
ceipts , hotlsws , lenses , etcIn any amount.nt tha
lowest possible rates , without publicity or re-
movil of property.
Jv ans can b3 made for ono to six months and
you cnn pay a part at any time , reducing both
principal and Interest. If you owe a balance
on your f urnlturo or horses , or have a loan on
them , lwllltako , It up and. carry U for you ns
long as you deslio.
ir ybu need money you will nnd It to your advantage -
vantage to BOO mo before borrowing.
U. F. Masters , room 4 , Wltlmell building , 15th
and Hnrnoy. 6U
I CAN mnko a few loans on first-class chattel
becurltles at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter ,
room 10 , Harker blfc. 607
PHR CENT money to loan Cash on hand.
L > W. M. Harris , R 20 , Frenzer block , opp. P. O.
rONKYlo loan on furniture , norses , wagons ,
LH-etc. , or on any approved security. J. W.
Kobbius. H. 200. Shooly blk , 15th and Howard ,
$ $ ( $ To loan on farms and city property.
$ Ueo. J. Paul. 1BU9 Furnam st. 609
I5XI.OO ) to loan at ft per cent. Llnahan * Ma-
honuy i , Room 600 , Paxton blocK. 61G
" \ifONEY Ixjaijs negotiated at low rates witli-
J-'i-out aelay , and purchase guodi , commercial
paper and mortgage notes , 8. A. Sloman. cor.
13th and Farnam. OU
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage &Tru tCo. fur-
X nlsh cheap eastern money tu borrowers ;
pnrcliaae'secnrltlos , perfect tftloJ , accept loans
ut their western olllco. George W. P. C'oatts ,
room 7 , Hoard ot Trade. liU
"I UILUING loans. Llnahan & Mnhoney.
TITONKYtd loan on improved property at first"
ML. hauUH.dJiNo application sent a way for ap
proval , Security and titles examined free of
charge to Jiorroweri. Lombard Investment
Company , 3V 8. Uth st. 610
nancial Kxobaugo-Tha fairest ,
( luleieattahil moat liberal money exchange
In the city ; money loaned without delay or
publicity , lu any amount , largo or smu.ll , at tno
lowest ratal of interest , on any available se
curity ; loanhtnay ba paid at any tlmo orrenewecl
M rates. .O. Ilouacuren , Mgr. , room
felpcfc , lOtiian-l Warnam. oil
UNIM and improved property ;
loan' ( le promptly : money on liana. F ,
M. HlcJi ; > fn , s w cor 15th and Douglas.
G OOD K short or Ion ? time , uiiuecurej
orw tgage. bought auy wuera In Nob.
or la. C , , ns , city or farm. Cull or write
,13 , U'd. Trade. HM
jg E'COgp , loan agent.
BUILDING LOA.NH-fi'i to7 percent , no acl-
Jltlonal charges for coinmlsiloiu or uitor *
neys' fees. W. II. Melkla , I'int Nat. bank bldg- .
ONKY to loan. Harris H. K. Si Loan Co. ,
room 411. First National bauk. 615
1710 U SAL15 A. dry goods and clothing store
-C Involco about * tfUW ; will aolljiart oral !
good rullroad division town ; satisfactory ica
tton given. Aduress lock box 318 , Holrokv , Col
tt - - * *
"TnOUSALKorexchanKO A good clean Htocl
-L1 of genrral mdne. in a good live bualnpa
town. Will take part cash uud balance In rea
estate. Address H 61 Hee. tQ13li
ri WO confectionery Ktorea. two procorles
JL cigar and tobacco store , meat market ant
other bu lne cuaucax , Co-operatlvu Lanui ,
" 1 HOCKHY for ale : cash trade , good stnnil ,
VTcheap rent , mutt ell on account ot sick *
csa. Addmu 1141 , nee. 6(3 ( Sot
"I10R RBNT A Koort"binlnes > house In town
JL' of Plckrell , GngctCo. , Nebraska. Flno open *
an for stock of general merchandise. No com *
ctltlou. Two peed grain ol vntor . Hulldlng
ell IlUe < l tor living In 2d story. Good cistern
rain , stone cellar , stable , etc. For terms np-
lyto Mrs. A. U dwnrd , 715 N. 6th nt , ,
loatrico , Aob. 22 31 *
' 3,000 toWi wanted to put Into a good busi-
J ness ; first class .security and good rate ot
merest paid for short or Ion ? time. Or will
ake partner. For particular * addrosi U43 ,
teoolflce. 143
71O11 8ALB-A private bank In iinrthoasitcrn
V Nebraska : will soil paper. Address -12,1100. .
653 1 *
FIRST mortgnpo loans nt low rates and no
delay. D. V. Sholes , 210 First National bauk.
_ _ J [ , 613
i710lfSALIMent market complete ; can bo
L' handled for little cnsli , Call nt room 4 ,
Vlthnoll blk. - K.3
* 2,000buys line hotel nnd livery , Ktgln , Nob. ;
property free from Incumbranco : money to
emado. Smiths Paudocfc. Ulcln , Nob. Or9jl0t
| THR BALK A flrst-cla < tj msit market In
L' Omaha , has goo.l paying trade , requires
1,600 CASH , or will trade for property. Address
A 43 , Ileo onice. KK
HOTEL for sain ; now , good location , doing
uood btiBlneas , for Rain nt a bargain , pay-
rent not nocossnry. Present proprietor In-
ends changing business on account of III health
f his wlfo. Address , Hoe olllco , Lincoln , Neb.
fur sale in ono ot the best business
Jconters in Omihncheap. Reason for Belling ,
must leave the city. Address V 18 Heo ,
IbEAIt lot to trade for furniture. H. K. Cole ,
loan aud Insurance agont. 035-28
[ AND to exchange for milk route In city. J.
JUR. Arnold. &J7 8.10th. 6T * 26J
KXCHANGU-Cloan Block of general
JL merchandise : wnnt estate and some
nonoy and notes. Hex 70 , Frankfort , Ind.
10 KXCHANGR For mdso. or city property ,
some choice farms in Frontier , Lincoln nud
led Willow counties. Address R. A Hnrtoti ,
Curtis , Neb. ; t94-25
SALK or Trade ICO-acro farmln Cherry
county , Neb. , for house ami lot In Omaha or
'reraont. Address 240 N. Hull St. , Fremont.
659 2-it
$13,000 worth ot good , clean general
merchandise In a thriving town In
uiitheru Ncbinska , to tr.ulo for peed
Ity property If property Is clear.
Vant SIMM cash , or will assume light liicum-
irauco nnd wnnt $5.000 cash. No outsldo prop-
rty or farm lands nccoptod. Co-opcrntlvo
Land aud Lot Co. . 205 N. Ibtn Kt. ( > JO 27
TlO KXCHANGK-Hoiuo aud lot for Orchard
Hill lots ; brick house on Capital avo. for
tear city property ; clear lot lu business part of-
Albright's Annex lor other good property ; an
leqnnt residence lot , over two acres , in Council
Units on paved street and motor line , for clear
otsor farm ; stock of house furnishing goods
or other property : houses and lots lu Orchard
1111 fur vacant lots : a good hotel in good town
or other property ; houses and lots In all parts
it the city for building lots ; farm in Duller
ounty. Neb. , for good Omaha property : 2 lots
n First addition to South Omaha tor farm
and. List your property with me. Grover
Stevens , GUI and 617 Paxton blck , telephone 1125.
OR EXCHANGE Five thousand acres of
farm land in the Republican Valley of No-
liraska nnd adjacent counties of Kansas , tor
mproved rentable Inside property in Omaha.
Address George W. Hurtou , Orleans , Nob.C4DSt
fTlIRST mortgage to trndo for furniture. II ,
LJ E. Cole , loan aud Insurance ngont , 005-28
ilOR EXCHANGE Good bullalutr lot for
! horse and buggy. H. & H. , 2211 N. 20th.
pOEXCHANGU Good Inside property , uood
JLfnrm nnd 'somo cash , for clean stocjc of
lothlng. Address H 33 , Uee. 64028
FINELY improved farm in Anlolope county
to trade tor furniture or horses. H. E.
Cole , loan and Insurance , agent , CA7-28
III IHST mortgages to trade for horses , harness
JO and buggies. H , E. Cote , loan and Insurance
agqnt , room 0. Contmontal. 49731
1 LEAH lot for good 2-sealed carriage. H. E.
JCole , loan and ins. ngt. . Room B.CouUuental.
Cg2j.OOO stoctof merchandise , consisting of dry
< p.roods , boots and shoes and groceries , in a
Nebraska town of about 10OuO population ;
stock ilrcl-class ; will take one-half in city prop
erty or land , ' and one-halt cosh or secured
luper. Stock can be reduced to 20,000 if neces
sary. Co-operative Land & Lot Co , 205 N. IGtb.
"CURST mortgages for stock general merchan-
JC illso. H. B. Cole , loan and Insurance agent.
Room 0. Continental. K06- & )
WE CAN ofTer for a few days a stock ot
general merchandise In exchange for
second mortgage paper. W. H. K. Ac M. E. ,
Hoom 14 , Chamber of Commerce. ! I22
"VTEW 2-sealed flno cnrrlngo or top ouggy for
J-N mortgage city or county warrants , or nny
; oed unsecured notes.W.L.SelbyH 1J ll'd Trade
A FINE ranch. 1 section , with privilege of IK
more , to exchangs for Omihn property ;
buildings and nil necessary appertances. This
s the Unest body of hay laud in the state , W.
it. K. & M. 15. , room II , Chamber of Commerce.
To trade for house and lot in
good location ; will ossnmo light Incnm-
branco. Address A 2 Ileo oinca. i > 22
FOK EXCHANGE- Eighty acres ot the finest
timber land in Wisconsin , clear of encum
brance. What have yon to olfar ? G. -Sterns- -
dorff , rooms 317 and 318 , First National bank.
TTIOR KXCHANdK Dakota , Hand rounty
JD What have you to offer .for a good farm
lore , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands are
rising m value , and Us destiny cannot bo dis
puted. Will take vacant lota or Improved pro-
and assume some encumbrance. G. J.
UirntdonT , rooms 317 and 318 First National
bank building. 528
FOR EXCHANGE For desirable residence
property In Omaha , any or all of following ;
40 choice inside residence lots in Hastings.
100 lots In Lincoln.
010 acres Una farming land , Lancaster county ,
Fine residence property , Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln ,
Choice family residence , corner , Los Angole" .
A neat residence property in Uunscom place.
Also , some good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location nnd price of prop
erty , a. K. D. , care Ilaum Iron Co , 121T Leaven-
worth. WI
TTOHSE , phtaton. buckbonrd. lots , lands.
-Ill mortgages and cash for brick. Band and
building material ot all kinds. W. J. Paul. 1C09
Far num. 014-28
I O'J'KL and store building for sale or tradn.
Livery barn preferred. Address Ii 67 , llco.
, best lot in Blunders & Hlrnebaugh's ad
dltlon to Walnut Hill , tJJO cash , balance to
suit. II. K. Cole , Loan Si Insurance agent.
ONLY few more $25 lots In llothwell. Keep
your eye on this Wyoming town II. K.
Cole , U1720
MCOOIC l ebiden'e , choice propel tv , cheap ,
O. a Oftston , 1.1- ! Omaha Nat'l. OI7-2C *
FOH SALE A splendid home , new ,
just completed , irood neighborhood , healthy
location , possession given at oucu. A bargain
it taken quick. Gqorge N , Hick * . Jlooni 40 ,
Uaricer block , 1171-31
171OU BALK or exchange-Improved tock
JJ farm ot HUOacrei In eastern Nubrauka , n ar
market ; also new 12-room home with all con
veniences in desirable residence portion nt Oma
ha. Andrew lievliiH , attorney , Ki and 12.1 Pax-
toubloclc.JJniiiha. Neb. S10
ONLY few more JJJ lots In llothwoli. Keep
your eye on this Wyoming town. II , u.
Cole j-OJjai
rpo Capitalists : Fine bualnois property .first-
J-class milldlnt ? . leut-t well.prlcn $ .li , 0u , Mi.nX )
cash to build with on adjoining cround.ln heart
or city , on l' ' > th St. , Omana's b 8t realty ; no
agents need npplv. Address tlie ov\nurlt K.lleu.
ONLV few more l6 ! lota , lu llolhvell. Keep
your eye on this Wyoming loviii. , II. E.
EAL HAHUAlN3-Deslrable (7rchara ( Hill
lots nt 1701 , f\V \ ) tnJ ) Ciisli , Must ue told ,
Jas. Stockdaltt , ttoom W , Arllmttou block. 2iO
TTVm SA LU On long time and easy paymmiti.
X' lianilsoini'ntw ; , well onllt housoiiut 8.Dam
10 rooms. All conveniences ; good noluhborhnod ;
pnvud streets ; street CJIIK , and within walking
dUtaaie of P. p. Nnthuuyuultou.liai Fitrnnm
J 0 i ) I )
' . ' . ) , only tlOO cash , balance e t > y , buys
SJ'.W homu In Omaha , ( I rooms , city water
tras , now er , com eulent to cable ami horse curs
Will take good horses as IIrat payment. H. K
Cole , loan unit Insurance agent , OV ) 2'J
ONLY few mom (2S lots lu liothwttll , Keot
jour eye on this Wyoialnis town. HK
Cole UQT 1
ITlOlt 8ALK Finn lot covurjiT with trees , 1
-1. room cotiayi > , suvrer. w tr and gas on thn
btruct , it block from J ut , c.irllues. Very cliolco
eust trout lot ; * > , * ) ; a y tecnu. Cun ( lUcoiml
nllttla fur caih , C. K. Huvmcm , Muichauti
RA1LUOAD8 , Motnrn , honw cars , all are ox-
tending northward , and building In this
octlon 1 uoublo that done auyvflieio else In
Omaha. This Is where for
ftio to WM
wo are soiling ni pretty lots as you ever saw.
eopl are buying these lots on payments ot
Fifteen Dollars ,
[ own , balance f 19 a month , because the lots
are not only
nit because thny are all wo claim for them ,
which you will admit if youcoinu nnd sou them ,
Delightful Homo
yon can secure a lot by a payment , bal-
.nco . 110 a month. U Is
Tlmo to Investigate
itch an olTernnd see howmany people nro bttv
nit. and many ot them bulldmx on our prop-
ny. Have courage
To Start HIght
nnd you will soon have something. IJon't laok
Courage , but corno nnd see what you can and
Others Are Doing.
Omaha U a big city , and Omaha property Is
a safe Investment.
* TO to 8130 .
s half what surrounding lots sou for , and nome
mo can give you rnslor terms.
Come And See
vhether what wo claim for this property Utruo
tr not. Vou don't have to take anyone s word ,
See For Yourself
hat you can got vnluo received every tlmo. Ho-
iieinbor ,
AniPft , 1V)7 ) Farnam ,
s the otllco , nnd that convoynnces are always
n liana to show these lots ; that houses to the
lumber of over 100 are now built and being
built , and you hnvo a clinuco to socttro ns hand-
omo alot as you over saw for SJjy to WX ) , by
FIfteen Dollars
ash , and balance monthly. Hoar In mind , too ,
hat unless this property was ns good as claimed
or It we could not
Alfonl to Advertise It.
Come and see It , No xafer or surer way to
uako your money safe. It costs you nothing to
nvestlgato tills ground and its surroundings at
any tlmo you wish to , Ames.
Vffi Farnnm st.
607 W
T IIK factories within easy roach ot Collier
place will employ a largo force of men. So-
uro n homo nna enjoy life , Prlco of lots tKK )
o tl,20ii , one-tenth cash. Soud fur plat. Mc-
Oague. opp. P. O. 07l !
[ /"OUN1V.K Place-Flno 10 room residence :
J-Vniodorn conronlncos. It sold at once will
ako * IMM less than property Is worth ; owner
eavlngrlty ; only tl.uou cosB required. M. A.
Upton Company , ICth anil Farnnin. 4912U
3NLY few more $21 lots In llothwell. Keep
youroyo ou this Wyoming town. II. K
'olc ' , 007 2
HANSCOM Place Property Now Is tne tlmo
to secure n cliolco residence lot in Hnuscom
Place , tno Unest residence portion of Omaha ;
it beautiful pars , city water , son orage , paved
troots , tnroo Hues of street can , a ulgh and
lenlthy location , giving u mngnlllccnt view ,
nnd perfect urnlnngo , all combine to make
lanscom Place the residenceplacoof Omaha ;
new cable nnd electric Hues to the park > \ 111
unko nroporty In this addition advnnco at
east 60 per cent within the next year. Call aud
co the cliolco lots wo can oiler. Hicks , Itoom
0 , Marker block. 670 23
QTJHM1T offers on 100x140. southwest corner
OlUthnnd Mason streets ; 2 houses. Tnlsprop *
rty Is worth $10UO ( ; make nn oiler. M. A. Up
on Company , 10th and Faruam. C4fl 27
fnrin for sale. 104 acres. H mile out
Oof Blair , 1,40) ) fruit trees , 1 acre grapes ,
mail rrults , on 5-room house , ono S-rooin
louse , good barn , living water ; immediate pos-
lesslou given. U. W. Mollrldo. 447 2U
2,500 , t200 cash , balance monthly , buys nice
Plistorv ! 6-rooiu house on best car line In
city. H. K. Cole , loan and insurance agent ,
room o. Continental. C03 29
1UN line lots on second inort. building terms.
. W.J.Paul , 1009 Farnnm St. 014-28
ptONTlNUOUS EldewalU to Collier place. Get
V prlces and terms , McCngue. 073
" "
AHG"AlfJS Uargnlnal 8. W. cor. 19th ana
California ats. , wlthil houses , very cheap.
NeatT-room house cud half lot ou Uaven-
> ort st. , near htgn school , $ > , UJ ) ; easy terms.
Good lot on Harney st. , east ol 21th st. , a
Kiegaut residence lot , 2oth ave near St.Mary's
ave , very cheap.
6-room house and halt lot , S. 12lh st , , cheapen
on monthly payments.
Good residence lot oa 23th ave , bet. Douglas
and Dodge , ll/m
3 lots on S. 13th St. . very cheap.
150 lots in Carthage , Omana's best suburb , on
ten years' time to parties who will build
louses. Dr ° nnau & Co. , Itoom ! ) , Chamber of
Money to loan In all parts of the city.8ii3
8ii3 J7
SOUTH OMAHA 1 have a number of good
C > lots In various additions that must ba'sold '
at once , and can bo bought at prices that will
suit you. U..F. sternsilorif , rooms 317 and 313
First National bank building. 62 < ]
T7KR SALE 55-foot front , 65 ilooo , on 17th ave ,
JJ between Jackson andLcavenworth. M. Dun
ham. 213 S. 14th. 010 281
ilK finest drive in the city Is to Collier
JL Place. McCaguo. UTJ
BAHOAINS-Lots 12 , 13 , 14 , block2 , Mayno
Place , east fronts , } { blocK fiom paved
street. Also lots is , IB , 20 block A , Kllby Place.
Any of the above lots will be ollerea at 2.'i per
cent loss than their value. F , U. Alexander ,
1C09 Fnrnam street. 4CJ
1OH 8ALEUx78 on N. E. corner P. nnd 2otti
sts S. Orniha , suitable for store building
receiving the benefit of the Q street viaduct
lust bolne built ; prooorty clear , but 111 healtli
compels owner to sell. Price $2,700 , C. F.
Harrison , Merchant's National bank. 050
WALLACE , Crelghton BlocK , lith and
Lots 3 and 4 , block 2 , Dollono's add. , each 60
tt , front on 30th ; block from Mercer motor
line ; very cheap and on easy terma ; for each
Six lots In Carthage and west Cumlng. frontIng -
Ing on Platte st , tco best through north and
souih street In that vicinity , on very easy terms ,
each $1,000.
Good lot on Hamilton. In Orchard Hill , $1,100 ,
Lots 21 and 23 , blook ! > . Orchard Hill. 130 ft.
cnsl from on Lowe ave. . by 100ft , onOarllrhst. ,
city water. 3 blocks from car line , very cheap ,
asy terms : both 81.760.
Solo agent forMoiimoth Park , the finest lying
addition In the northern part ot the city ; more
nouses were built and lots sold in this benull-
ful nadltiou last voar , in proportion to the
number of lots it contains , than in any other
addition lu the city ; a magnificent view is bad
from every lot of the cities of Omaha and
Council limit's , the river for ton miles , Fort
Omaha and the country noith and \\cst. Mon-
moth Park is reached inoro easily than nny
other addition tha same distance from business
cunter , by Hie Mercer motor line running to the
corner of thn addition , the horse car HUB with
in two blocks and suburban stations on the F ,
K. & M. V. aud Holt line ro.ids within 3 to B
blocks. This is the alto of the Immnnunl liospl-
till and Deaconess Institute. Prices on this
property nro reasonable and terms very easy ,
especially to those v ho will build homos. For
particulars , or to see the property , call on
Wallace , Crolghton Hlork. 002-25
TTiOIt SALE Two large corner lots on street
JP car Hue in constant operntlon. Owner go
ing to leave town , aud must sell. Price. $700 :
cash , $176 , balance $10 monthly. Inquire at res
idence , Wl N. Kith st , evening or on tiundiiy.
"OIsALKjUto llai'i/alna. Now is the time to
XVlmy real estate In South Omaha , linlnrglni ;
the already limnonna packing houses : paving
the splendidly graded htreets ; building two
line and costly viaducts ; running motor lldes
IntoHoiith Oninlia ; building u gigantic cooper
age otabiumuont will maku roiiltv lively In
the next ninety days , so buy now and be In the
swim. We will guarauteo a ) per cent profit
on the following :
Lot 4 , block 1 , Drown park , on 21th suth of Q
street , near viaduct , (1,00) ) .
Lot20 , block : ! , llrown Park , on 21tli , 1 bljck
Ronlli of O at. , l-ix .
Lot U , block ! l. llrowu park , on 21th. 1 bloc *
south of ( j ht. . * ISK > .
Lots Hand U , block o , llrown Park , on 21th ,
1 block cast ot24th-for botn * lr.OO. .
8)xM | on ill n st , . opposite Rued hotel , at
grade , with good house WO J.
.10xi runt lu lots , block 81 , South Omaha ,
fronting Railroad nvonuo fl.SOO.
Lot K. block40 , South Oamiia-a nno ot , OOx
150 , t Wo.
I itH 11 and 12 , block 20. South Omaha , dou
bo ! corner make : t-VJ foot lots , * LHW.
Tills IH nil gilt eilno.Inalde property. The above
prices cannot bo duplicated In South Omaha ,
Anjoneautlnic a genuine bargain will not
Tall to secure one or more of the above lots nt
oncoastlie above prloM nlll not bo iiuotod
nftur Juno 1st. M. A. Upton Co , lilth a'lil Far-
nnm , Omaha. Tlio loading rani ostuto ilnalorj.
U'vlupliouo IK4. 51527
iill : { we are UBAU | with plunty of land anil
Improved farms for saloortiada for city
property ; utso a few choice lots nud houses for
wile at u turR.itn ; tome ami Mte us. Kxi-ttlnlor
Land & Heal littato Co , , 310 a. 16th Ht. M5
"A IIAIUIAIV Iii.arra property , 0 ncresfor
Ziaaleln lliuo'H iftiblotll , M blocks north of
motor line , one-naif v > ay bttueen now bridge
nnd Council Illulfa , will divide ln : . > U ) lots or
more , buIMIng going on nil around It , xltuatei !
on hlghuiitground between bridge and Coiiucl
HIUHH ; J'.IW per aero , $ ' .OJO down , lialanetto
milt at 7 percent. Inquire of Curtis 4 ; Kackelt
20H B. If th t. or Swan Si Walker.No. 4 I'r-arl st
Council Hliiirs. [ 012 ! | l
S" KNI ) for plat or twlller plice , anil when
driving for recreation foUmvlhu motor Hue
polo < on ICtU at. , and Amei'i\ve , , aud see the
wondorfiu linprovoinents that liav" taken
place Just around tno birrucks. nud remembur
that Collier place Is the toy to tlio situation
liny u lot now for thu low price anil nt the easy
terms I Hay ar being olfdred , aim we are satis
fled. Ona-tcnth cisTi , balance one to flvi years
McCauue , ODD. P. 0. VT\ \
8NAIM 3 good Orchard Hill lotsTono and two
blocks from Hamilton street , tiOl each ; . ) >
to tun rush , balance five yearn ut U per cunt.
I'lno h-roQia hoiiiH , inojBru conveniences ,
uuwly papered ami painted , ou N. Uth st.
lotmxlai : to alUy ; JI.OW. easy payments , M , A
Ullc.aCoIt ) tUuml Faiuam. oM OJ
. Special ListWo piutt undblal bar
JUKlns and advertise them. List with mo.
Hiiooast front lot In Ilanscom plnco at $1.000
rine lot on Farnam andlxiwo avnuio , t3,750 ,
J2W ( ) buys a homo nnd lot In Ilanscom
'lace , nortli of Popploton nvonue.
The old John morns Manufactory , .plant on
Missouri Pacific railway. 4 miles eoUtuWeVt of !
itr. with a acres of ground and .1 largo 2 story
nilldlngs , for fJ.OOu. A line opportunity for
oins one.
I have special Indncomonts Inhousca and loti
uall partuot the city olther fortalu ortntdoi
Pall lu and b * shown them , I do not try to got
ou In to show you trash , but hnndlA only good
iroporty ami deal squarely. D. V. Dholos. 3
Irst National bank.
NO CASH payment anrt ll'Miionthlj' , IncliiilV
liitt interest , buys nlco0-room hou e , con *
onlvnt to cable and hoi so card. H. K. Cole ,
oem n. Continental , OUliTJ
ONLY few more * i'i lot * In Itothwoll , Keep
youroyo on this Wyoming to\yn. II. IS ,
Jolo. t 7 20
bargalna 2 lots In West ! Omaha
J ni > ar I/W avo. nnd Howard. ll.WJ cnclis 9
rackaco lot * on IT. P. It.ll.ttV ) for both. Kast
rent on Ilanscom place , only $ l , > fKl ; olbgant
otflontho hlll , Tweiity-slxth and Woolworth , '
A400 ; lo-room house. hhonnMi nviv. near Of nco
t a bargain ; nlco cottogo near 20th and take ,
MW3 : liounos and lots in nil p.xrta of tlio city ,
r will build a home to suit you In tiiost nny pars
otclty. List your property with . me. Grover
Slovens 6H and 617 Pnxtou block. TeL
| 7UiTi 8ALl-Lot2. ' > xllO In the ve y heart o
JL1 Omat.avlth " > room house tor $ J,80) . C. '
Inrrlsou , MorchantH Nut. bank. PiO
[ TUMI SALK The llneit resldoueo into In .Wost
JJ Omaha ; just south of Farnam oiilt.itli utroin ;
corner liVixlfir with 187 foot rrontago oa
invodHtrcct and Jolnln ? the Imiidaoino rcsl-
once of Klrkondall ou the east , anil Ilrndy ,
lassouatul Martin ou the south ; h perfect com
nd Harden spot for an vlogant homo. . ,
Harney and-1st streets. 141x187 , on pnvamont
rlthlu tnrcMi blocks ot tlio court liouso : room
> > r ftovoD line houses that would rent lis rapid *
y as completed. A sploiidld pormationt Invest.
mont ,
Farnnm nnd JSd streets , 6DxlT3 , wltlj. now
hr ttory brick Htoro bnllrtlniz. rontoto good
lormanout tenants. Rental receipts f 1,200 per
Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 01
eat to alloy ; good business property.
Farnnm street , between ilstli and 39th , front-
go4HorU5xMtoalloy , south front , 1 block
rom pavement nnd streat can.
Park avenue , opposite Ilnnscom park , 0x150 ,
irlco $2,010 : easy lerms.
Paddock place , trackage , 00x112. KS.OOOJ easy
erms ,
inth ntreet south of Vinton st , lot for . ftto or
rndo for muse , or good farm laud.
8. A. Sicilian. 1.101 Farnam st KT.
FOH SAM : A boantltui rualdonco lu Ilnns
com place , east front , 8-rooin notrao , bath ,
mt nnd cold water , gas , sewer , oloa trio bolls ,
inrd wood finish , near the park aud strtot car
Inc. F. It. Alexander , 1609 Fnrnam su 403
$ 160 buys light. 3-bow top U. K , Cole ,
room 0 , Contlnoutal. G 5'28
KOUNT/K 1'laco-Fino 19 room residence !
modern conveniences , If sold at once will
ako * l.fjO J loss than property Is vrortu ; nvruor
eaviugclty ; oulyil.OW casli rcqulrod. , M , A.
Upton Company , 16th and Farnntu. 1 Mid
NO CASH lloqulred t can sell Bomb good
lots In any part of the city , 1 can sell with
out any cash payment to paruoa wild will 1m-
irovo tlioin , Clrovor Stovonu , filQ and 611 1'axtou
ilock. TuLlUa. tCKKiO
_ _ t
ll BAIiK-5UJ.7a arret , BOO , , - tp , Ota , r.
Ow. . Hamilton county. Nob. Itouse , atabln ,
00 acres faucod , living water. I'rlco HOW. F.
C. Atklna. o\m r , Uallroad bldg , Denver , Col.
IjlOH HAIili Or exchange for Omaha propor-
Jt ? ty , HO acres , mtltalilo for platting : will
nake 400 loti.all clear : big money lu It for some
ono who can jiish this : located just outside tha
city limits or Council Uluirs. Inuulra George J ,
itornsdorCT , rooms U17 and 31H , First National
muk bulldlup.
8ALK I'JJ by 150 foct , a beautiful elo-
rated residence alto , wltn sliado troca. slt-
uited in tlio \ \ est part of the city , for 11,000 loss
Man cash value. Also lot 5 , Vutos & Uoed'a ad-
lltlon , east front , with an ologuut view over-
ooklng Omaha and Council llluir.i. for (503 loss
ban any adjoining lot can bo bougat for. V. IS.
Alexander , 1W.I Farnara street. 433
FOU SAiR Nino-room couso , barn and lot
In Ilanscom place ; also2houies and loti in
lunny Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Not'l bank.
1710It SAIjR 50 large and iraall house * on
D monthly payments ; nmiill payment down.
Also agooa list of property for exchange. Qoo.
J. Fox , room 1 , Continental bile. 184-J15
TJIOll SALK Kino housu ot u rooms , lurnaco.
JC batli , hot and cold wuter , gas. Bewer , paved
street , motor Una onn block , cable two blocks ,
lorse cars by door , barn for 3 horses , eta. tor
lluilt by owner tor home and now occupied by ,
Him. 4J.OCW ; Jl.lVJcasIi. tuu In real estate , bal
ance at i > and H per cent.
Fine large lot on S. nth st , 3x 7 , good Vroora
i ouse , fruit trees , etc. : north of Martha st. ,
For sale , the finest corner , east froat , on 8.
Othst..lixl44. ;
For choice proportv worth the money see M.
A. Upton Company , 10th & Farnaui.817
Mortgage I have a few lots in good
> > location near motor Hue 1 can sell tor
small cash payment , allow parties to mnko a
iiilldlng loan and take a second mortgage for
balance of purchase money , drover tituvcns ,
BIB and B17 Paxton blook. Tel. 112J. 050-30
THE motor lluo is built to Colllerplace. Tha
L Belt line runs near Collier place. Tno F. E.
x M. V. R. H. stop nil passenger trains lit Col-
ler place. TUe horse car Hug will soon reach
"oilier place. Heat aadttlon In tlio city. Prlca
. .six ) to I,2JO per lot , one-tenth casn , balance
one to llvo years , McCague ; opp. P. O. BrU !
fTMl E cosiest homo in Omaha , 0 rooms , larga
JL closets , city water , gas and sewer , botft
cable und horse cars. Prlca $ ) ,40J. Terms * IW
; o * iOO cash , balance very easy. II. K. Cole ,
leadquartors for bargains aud oaiy torms.
Ltoom 0 , Contluuntnl Hloca. 350
Notion to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that the board of edu
cation oftho city of Fremont. Neb , will receive
sealed bids for the erection of n brick and stuno
blga school building until U o'clock Thursday ,
June the "Bill. Ittti. KatlmateU coat of aarno
eighteen thousand live hundred dollars
l .muai ) . The successful contractor to flla on
ttccontablo bond for the faithful performance
of his duty. Plans and specification ) ! now on
lie with ttie secretary of aald board , rind tha
Doard reserve the right to reject any oc all bids
0. H. TO.NCKAV , I'reHldent.
Z.T. WILUOX , Secretary ,
I'lani for thu six-room ward building will bo
completed about May 25
all bids to be accompanied by certified , caock
for $300 ns evidence ot good faith ,
Notloc-to contractors.
Illds are Bollcltod for ttio erection and com
pletion of a stonn and brink bante nnd olllce >
building , n x H l feet , II Btorles high. In 810 UX
OITV. Iowa. Illds must Include all work con
templated , and to complete thobulldlqgby Feb.
1st 10.
Hans and specification * ) can bo seen at the of-
llco ot the Milellty Ixian & Trust Co. Sioux City ,
nnd thn olllo ) of the architects , Menrtelisolm ,
Mshor & l.awrlc , I'axtou lllock , Omaha , Neb ,
Notion Is hereby given that Heated bids will ba
received by tin ) clerk of Adams County Neb-
ra ka , at his olllce HaetlngH. Nebraska , on or
boforutwrtlvu o'clock noon of.lulyUth , IttiW. Tor
thopiirohaneof Bivenly tlve boiuls ot the dl-
nouilnutlon of ono thousand dollars uach to ba
tanned by tda County of Adamuln the State ot
I\ebraHkn , to bo dated July 1st , HW. nnd to b
paynblu nt the Fiscal Agency of the BtBto ot
NebraHku , City of Now Yore. State of Now
Vork twenty yearu alter tha ( late tlion-of re-
iloemablHut any time on or after ten ycura from
the datu thoruof ut tha option of said county ot
Adams and t'j bear Interest nt thuiateof llvo
per cent per unniim payable annually on tha
first day of July In each year , for which Intercut
coupons Khali be attached uayablo at tliQiflHcal
itlghta reserved to reject any and all bids ,
ily order oftho Hoard of Supervisor * , Muy 0th
18SU. Ii. 1) ) . PAIlTIIIIiai' .
OiAi..l ! County Clerlt.
JOHN A , CABIO , County Attorney ,
No i on
Notice is hereby iclvou that'jl | bldi will b *
H'Cflved by the Clerk of Adums Touuty Neb.
taskn , at his olllcf , Hastings , Nebraska , until
tuelvii o'cloc'c miou ou Juiu Mil , HU , ( or fur.
nlHhlng nil material and nil tliu labor for the
construction , ninl lo i ouutruct a County Court
HoiiHouud County Jail , attlio city nt Jinstlnuu
ftubraoicj. nciordtng to certain plans anil spocl-
llcatlonianddniwlngilo boon Illo at tha olllco
of the t > ald County Clurk on and after May 23th
luori The pnty or piillai * with whom the itd
County of AilauiN may rontr.tct for tha furnl.ili-
liigaudnmtoilul and labor and conHvruton | ot
( said County Court Iliiuso and Jail , ari ) to enter
Into a gruxf nnd kiilllcleiit bond to bo approvoil
by bulldlne cummlttee conditioned ac < 4 > rdliiir
Uluh'tM recurved to ruled nny nnd nil bld .
Also ; during the xamo tfino and the vaua place
the nald Cli-rk will itojlvo ( sealed bids tor fur-
nuihlng and putting in cells In tbu proposed
County Jail , to bo erected lu the city ot Hunt *
lugs Adams County Nebraska , said bldi to contain -
tain M-P irate offer ou the two kind * of celU
vl/.s Revolving Cylinder , Stationary celln. juid
nlxstialghl Biinaro cells , with corridor of uny
mnnufactuia ihixttho Hoard ot Supervisor ] of
said C.iuuly may ivdopl.
Hleht r jrvod to rujHct any nnd all Wilii Hjr
order'bf Hoard of Buporvlsors. May I th. 1839.
Co. Att'y. County CHrlc.
( Seal )