Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1889, Page 7, Image 7
OMAHA-DAILY BEMMONDAY. . MAY 27. 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No navcrtldcincntft will bo tnkon for , Oirftft cnttininfl nficr l' p. in. Terms Cnoli In ntlviincc. Advertisement ! ! under this heart 10 cents per line for the first insertion. 7 cent's for each sub. sequent Insertion , nnd 11,50 pnr llnu per month. No advertisement taken for IOM ttmtt 25 cents for first Insertion. Serein words will ha counted to the llnoj they muni run consorutlvely and smut bo l > atd ( n ADVANCE. All ndvortlpo- mcntu must be Imnded in baforn 13:30 : o'clock p. in. , mul under no circumstances will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. Paitles advertising In these columns anil hav- Ina their answers addressed Incaroof TIIK IIRR vvfll please ask for a chock to enable them to got their letters. us none wllllio delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to duvor- tlsomenls should bo enclosed In envelopes. All ndvertlromcntR In these columns tire pub lished In both morning nnd evening editions of TIIK HF.K , the circulation of which aggregates more than 18 , ft ) papers dally , nnd gives the. ad- veitlsersthobnnellt , not only of the city circu lation of Tux HKV : . but also of Council Bluffs , Lincoln and other cities mul towns throughout this section of the country. _ "BRANCH OFFTcEsT Advertising for these column * will bo taken on the above conditions , at the following busi ness hoiicc- * who are authorized agents for Tun HEK Bncclnl notices , and will quota the same rates UN can bo Imd at the raulii olllco. Street. Y. Stationers mid Printers , 113 V South loth Street. s H.FAIIN8WORTH , Pharmacist , 2113 Cum- , Ing Strict. WJ. HUHHK3..Phnrmacl t , 021 North IGtb , Street. ' ( IJKQ. W. PAnil , 1'harmaclst , 1800 St. Mary's Avcnuo. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTRO-Sltuatlon for a No. I man and wlfa Inprlvnto family ; wlfo Is an excellent cook and laundress. Mrs , Brogn , ! ) m' 8 loth. WANTED Situation by mlddlo aged man us bookkeeper or salesman. Good expe rience In grain business : speaks four languages. Rest rofcrenccs. Address J. 1' . Nordholtu , Wnkolleld , Nob. Co3-U _ T man ( Onnndlan ) with 15 years expo"- JL ttenco , desires situation In dry goods ; high est references. 11 W , llco olllco. _ J i'lUS " \KT ANTED Situation by a'young man in an IT olllco ; competent In any line of book-keep ing ; good references ; will BO In dry or country. Young lady stenographer and typewriter de sires n situation ; o.xperlencBd , nipld , acc.urnto and nnat ; could assist In book-keeping. Address I' . O. Box 787. fchonnncloah. Iowa. 615 HI STATIONERY engineer wants position ; first- class city references ; 11 years' oxporlonco. IMP , i lee. E ra A OUNO man wishes permanent employ ment. Am n fair penman , fairly good at figures , and temperate. Can give good refer ences.- Address , llee 82. lies olllco. 470 9 * WANTED--NIAUE HELP. WANTED Itallroad laborers , rockmcn and track-layers for Washington Territory ; peed wages and steady work , at Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam t. oat WANTKD Barber , 010 South Thirteenth St. 0&6-27 * WANTED A good strong boy to work on horse ranch. Write to Jas. Carrlghor , Rock Creek. Wyo. C3MU W ANTIC ] ) A good salesman for general merchandise. Must bo posted In grocery line ; city references required , 1310 and 1 8.13th. 009 25J B1NDBUY foreman wanted Immediately must understand all rlussos of work and bo able , to give estimates. Address Itepubllcan Ptg.Oo. . Cedar It&plds. Iowa. an 25 WANTED A man to travel and appoint agents Smull capital required. II , J. Uesg.Tjeatrice , Nob. (124 ( 23t WANTRD-Immedlatoly. Arst class barber ( white pref01 rod ) . Must bo temperate ana reliable. Steady Job. C. C. Fletcher , Hebron , Nob. B95-2. ' t W'ANTED Hey to tuko care of horse and CO U. O. Joi 63925 WANTED Good salesmen for Kansas , No- broska , Minnesota and Wisconsin to sell Inbalcntlmr oils and greases on commission ; large profits gimiauteod ; samples free ; trill give exclusive territory. Address Chicago OH Co. . 31 Milwaukee .aver. Chicago. 410 25t WAN'l'KU Pivo traveling salesmen ; salary and expenses ; no experience necessary. Address , with 'stamp ' , II. II. Linn & Co. . La Crosse. Wla. 692-25 * W ANTED A good bread baker Immediate ly. F. Herzog. 1002 N 3.5th st. 8ti 27t WANTBD Ono sKlllful man to attend in Turkish bath room. Steady work and good wages. Call on or address Lincoln Banl torlum , 1J33 O St. . Lincoln. Neb. E94-27t WANTED Salesmen 'everywhere for our adjustable door plates , new style door bells , street numbers , whlto enamel and metal letters , etc. , etc. Send for simples. Circulars etc. , free. N. Y. Door Plato Co , f ewark , N. J. \fc ANTED At onco. two youtur men for TT light work , at $15 a week ; steady work nil summer. Room 17. 220 N. 1'ith. ' 422 27J "ANTED Suveral more euorgotlr and roll able solicitor * . The Singer Mfg. Co. 1618 Douglas st. GU3 J81 " \Tt ! ANTED A few more live , energetic sales- T T men to sell teas , oolites , groceries , etc. to farmers and other largo consumers , at whole- ealo prices. Exclusive territory given. Ad dress the Kdgwortn Mercontiln Co , , 14(7 State St. Chicago. 469-2U ? \S/'ANTED Agents Puzzio watch charm ; VV most taking novelty out ; exact Imitation of "Pigs in Clover. " size of nickel , gold plated. Sample IPc , two 25c. doz. II ; stamps taken. Stayner & Co. . Providence. R. I. 754J4t _ "Dots Am. DIst. , 1304 Douglas. SALESMEN We wish a few men to s nil our goods by sample to wnolesale und retail trade. Largest mauufrs In our line. Enclose 7-eentsump. Wages 13 per day. Permanent position. No postals answered. Money ad vanced for wag a. advertising , etc. Centennial Man'f s Co. . Cincinnati , 0. 61 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Girl forgen'l housework ; must be good cook ami laundress. 601 S.SOtliHt. 543 WANTED Experienced balusludlos for cloaks and Jackets ; also Unit-class mil liner , lloyinunft Dolcues , 1618 Furnatn ' st. WANTED Waist and skirt maker , room H , Jacoh'H hlnnk. rjf'f. WANTED lra claaa cook ana laundress ; references required. 03 South 20th st. 651 tVrANTED A good girl to cook and do gen- VV oral housework ; German preferred. 106 N. 23rd. 4G5 ia WANTED Waist and skirt 2jTSI3 Howard , M. A Wallace. 1U-J 2j WANTtiD AS the l-axton hotel , a good clliT- TV lug room girl ; an per Tnnnth . ivr.l. ' > 7 " \X7ANTKD A girl to do cooking , washing VV and ironing ; must have references : cull a. e. cor. Jones and S. Mary's mo. and Leaveuw ortn. U81-2H general house win 058-27I _ WANl'ED Goo.l girl forgene-alhoiusouoik must b good COOK. Mrs. Coou , 1231 tout ! 10th at. . 003-1 > ANTK1 A girl lor general house work , Mm. J. N Kilholm , 2J4t Ctlcago at. 631-27 ANTKU At oncti. nrat-class hoiinekcepur , attaa U _ < Mlgajit. . J.'ei lloMackyy. .613 art good"o"ok'aurt laundress. Mrs. J. J. llrown. Jutu Sherman avenue. 610 51TANTED An uxportenced woman to 1H TV general houaunork in family of two Waees IM per vowc. Apply between 10 and 11 in the forenoon. 10" * ' California nt. 608 WANTED A girl for second work , ouo ho can do plain eeulng ; good wuges paid. Apply at 034 B With HI , 623 DRESS IWAKIC. ) RBS8HAKINU , In families , S. 17th. _ D1Hi Hi & M. Shine fashlouaolo dressmaking lUuioderateprices ; oultluic and llttlnsr also done , an N. ICtu. 6Cti Ul BOARDING. FlRST-claaa table board , 1021 Dodge. ] till ) 81 * * > OAfa'DR R8 wentfwt at the Cozzens hotel i JJ reduced rates : the most pleasant location la tbo city. M J Frauek , prop. tnu WANTS. ONKr Wanted-l can vl = e from five to twenty thoiuaud dollars on good reale&Ute ocurlty. Ityou have money to loan call and Mt ine , George N.'Hlcfcs , Real Ustatn and In- VMtmtnt Agent , Room 40 , Uuker block. 373-31. WANT D A purchaser for alUl uiortgoxo on Kansas lauds ; alao U section Colorado cnoolland. U. U. OoobelL ( AW Bo. 13th * t , 3d Omah . _ 148-yy ! fffANTKD" iW.005Tb of cross-TJr r wooTat W tb * UocolU KullUnij Mllli , Liucoln. Neb , paid for a good lot of nonuoholil fnr CAHH ultiur * . AdOrcuUaf. Btaollico , uu.i matorlal for lota , lands and cash. W. J. Paul 1R Famam st , aso WANT EP-TQ RENT. ANTnD-3or 4tinfurnlshadrqoinsby gnt. . wife nnd 4-yoar-old girl l" > by ; location must bo good ana near car or cable line ; house must contain all nodern Improvomnnts ; a loca tion Convenient to nome llrst-class 1x > nrdlnR house preferred ; permanent tenant. Address 8. Theodore. K 8. 2)th St. 54. 2.5 TVf IDDLK aged marrted couple , without chll- 1TL dren , desire comfortable rooms and board convcnlnnt to ftreet cars. Address stating terms ; HfrC , Ilcoofnco. 041-aT * ANTKO lly Rcntleman nnd wlfo. n fur nished 6 or o-roomed cottage for the summer - mor mouths. Addresd II 47 , Boo. 6Bt * ! \X7ANrTKD to rent by family of two , an un- VT furnlnhed cottage Jn good condition con taining 0 or 7 rooms ; must nave terms nnd lo cation to receive any attention. Address U 6\ Bee. 221 \\7 ANTBD To rent for term of years 8-room T > house , with yard nnd barn , between 1'ar- nam and St. Mary's nvo , Would wait for ono to be built. II17. Hee office B27 FOR RENT--HOUSES. TJ10R RKNT House of 4 rooms. Knmilro A. JL1 Murphy , 420 8. llth st. 670 23J OR 11KNT NeWly furnished 7-room house , to family > rithout children , from Juno 1 to September 1 , gontloumn desires to retain ouo room ; 530per moiitli ( COJO St.Msry's av * . T710R RnNT-n-room house on nth st near J Leavenworth. Inquire nt g3rt BICth st. 5-2it iroR RKNT-Convenlont for 1 or 2 famlllo' , a jU 6 room IIOUQC , ! 3)23 ) Dorcas st. C4.I-'J * FOR R15NT Flno flat corner of 20th and I.cavouwortli streets , with nil modern con veniences , ( W3 per month. Flno 12 room dwell ing all modern conveniences , (107 ( N. 20th ; cable passes door. $ Vi per month. D. V. Sholes , 210 hist Notional bank. C FOR ItnNT Now hotis9. 0 room * . 2closets , 2 pantries , hard and soft water , brick collar. lOBN.llthsl , 008 371 T710R11K NT 8-room flat. Inquire 1C21 Howard , * ' st , , moat market , 551 TGTOR RKNT Nlcoi comfortable home , tlrst- C class neighborhood , all modern convon- .encos , close to car line , moderate rout , luquliu of G o. N. Hicks. Barker block. ITT4-31 I71OR RKNT June 1 a now modern residence , JJ li rooms , furnace , stationary wash tubs , bath room , electric bell , hot and cold watot , range , boat of plumbing , locality choice. In- iilroupoutho promUes , 2717 Jackson street , .111 May 25 , or of Green & Williams , Kirt Na tional bank building. 4C3 TT\OR \ RFNT Two houses , 2017 nnd 2010 Leav- JJ ciiworthat. , ono 14 aurt ono Orooms ; mod ern conveniences ; wjl put in repair , inquire room 20 Nebraska National bank old. 4i < 5 TjlOR RRNT 8-room house on cor. nth , and J- Lea on orth. ApplyDr.Mattlce.lC03Dodgo. EIGHT Room honso ; centrally1 , located modern Improvements. J. F. lUrtou , 2810 Capitol avo. g7 fpOR KHNTNew brick houses. j X ? every modern .convenience ; on cable line ; only J-tO per month. C. T. Taylor , cor. 14th and Douglas U23 "RIOU KKNT CottagM , 5 roojns , 2728 Charles J ? st. and 152i S 15th st. Inquire at room 212 , Sheely block , 4T3 FOR KISNT-A Hat ID the Her building ; 7 rooms , steam hont , gas and bath. Apply to A. C. Raymur , liardwure , loth and Jackson. 511 NICBT-room cottagesgood cellars , cisterns. well , peed barn ; convenient to school and chnrcnKWpertaonth ; for the summer. Apply at one. C. F. llarilson. Merchants' Nat'l Bonk , UC4 RENT Neat house cor Sflth nnd Woolworth nvo. Inquire of G. B. Tzscbuck. Bee olllco. 542 " 171011 RKNT One tan-room and ouo elght- J- room house , all modern convenlonoa * . Heat part of city and within 5 mlnntes walk of post- olllcn. Nathan Shelton , V > 05 Farnam st. 947 filOH RENJ noautlful 8-room nouso with JL1 modern Improvements , splendid location. Apply at once , C. Harrison , Mer. Not. IJ'k. FOR KENT 14 room brick dwelling , all con- venlohoes , SKJH. 19th st > > OT FOR RENT ROOMS-FURNISHED- TJ10R KENT Pleasant furnished rooms doslr- ablQ location on struct car line , C18 8.24tU. ' C2327 TT1ITRNI8IIED room , east front , private fam- Jj lly. with or without board , very Ueslrablo. 151U N. 18th st. 677 25f ROOMS & first-class home board , 1713 Dodgo. 3SJ-3.1 ? IIIOR RENT A suit of furnished front rooms , J ? llrit lloor ; gentlemen preferred. 7iU N. 18th. KM-29J T ARGB furnished room forront , suitable for - LJgentlemen. ! . 1823Famam. C61 IIIOR RENT Rooms suitable tor housokeep- JC ing in suits of 2 to 4 ; convenient location. Butts Renting Agency , 1UH Farnam st. 6S3J23t FOR RENT 2 desirable furnished south rooms with bonrd , 2015 Douglas. 5112 ! BOOMS with or without Board. 1U15 Dodge. " 190 2b F ° R RENT Furnished rooms. 23 > 3 Dodgo. 2o72tS . . .H RKNT Pleasant furnished rooms at 1914 Farqnm st. 453 3 F IOIt RENT Rooms , 1813 Dodge. 457 ITIURNlSHhD rooms from $5 to S13 perU -U month In house with modern convenlnces ; location good and on car line. 2 3J Loaven- worth. 4S227J gHTRNISII ED rooms , 1419 Dodge. FOR RENT From Juno 1st. suite of rooms , with board , at 1722 Dodge st. 431J19 FOR RENT A pleasant room , only B minutes walk from business center , all modern con veniences , cor St. Mary's avo. and "Jth or U3 > S. gQth. brick residence. OH I JOVELY Eonth front room , every conven ience , Vt block from street tar. 2-JO.i Douglas. 318 TTIURNISIIED rooms by day. WOOE , or month. JL ? St.Clalr hotel cor 13tn and Dodge. 478 T A UQK front room with bed-room adjoining , JJhaudsomely fnrnUhad. gas and heated by oteam , with use of bath room , in one of tlie handsomest residences in the city , without board. Inquire u. w. cor. 19tb and Leaven worth. 171URNISHED rooms , single or on sulto , bath .U andsteam ; for gents only. 1313 Howard. 479 f ) NICE south front rooms with every conven- i lenco ; telephone In house. 1WJ Ctipltolav. _ CJUlTof JJ furnished rooms , modern con von- kJlencos , 3 blocks from P. O. ; private family. A. Iloape. Jr. . 1513 Douglas. j475 FOR RENT A nicely furnished largo front loom , nil modoiu conveniences ; for furtuer particulars call at 2215 Dodge it. lift FOR RENT N/cofy furnished front room with board.all couveulonces,19IJ } Capitol ave. PRONT roomi , ( I upwards , on car line ; 1J19 18th. 4iS TfjIURNISHED rooms. 113 S. 20th , near Dodge , JD 237JI4' 1OOM with or without board. 1813 Dodga , It Mi OR RENT Room 1021 Howard. F 095 ITIURNISHKD or unfuruiihed rooms for rent X1 lii Paik Tcrraco. odposlte llauscom park ; all ciodern conveniences , Inquire Leo & Nichol , IHth and Leavenworth. 47i TT1OU RKNT Furnished rooms with or wlth- JL' out board for families ami Jlnsle men at i educed price for tlio summer months at the botel. SI J FraiieK. prop. _ KK ) niLUlNliIU-Dl7ont ) : rooms 1S10 Dodge. HKURI'ULrooiii with 01- without board In private family , nicely located opposite tne V. il.l. ' . A , lavs u ttmnls court. 2UUIIarney at OW , 2J * | 71OR HRNT Large furnished room in pit- J } vate family at 2 : l Farnam it. CltVJIf Tj OH RUM' Bleeping rooms furuUhed unc JJ uufiirnlMheU , ouo on ground lloor front. bUI Howard. 6tB 2. THblt RENT A well furnished froat room J- suitable for two geiitleumen. Best location In Omnlm , All inodeni coin unlennw. Cull at aii.'i Dodge at. ii32-2a 171011. RENT-Room with boanl : b t loca -U t lot'in city , aj | B , gjtli ave. t573IJ ! TTOlt KENT Two funiUbed cooiu > . with ul J. moaern Improvementx , to Rcntlainen only at atiiSt. Mary's ave , right lu Ine city. Inmtlro ni storeSIQ-ilJS. 16th . Ul "OLUASANT fiont nyjin , OP7 8,25th ave. J : ilr > 23J ' " TTOR HUNT FurnUli d"VooJi IO or < n Julte. . UW UouulikH. 7U l/TOtt RENT nnfurnbhed rooms , 1701 Web- ster.Bultoblo for honsgjcneplngt prlco _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ JJ.IU TTtOR HUNT PloasaTit unfurnlshotl rooms J- over 1001 Howard st. For odlcos purposes f ORIENT- STORES AND OFFIOE3. TTIHEI ? of Rent Store roomslGOOand 10.B to an J enterprising dry goods mun. , . C74 T bll RKNT Front'orfloe , grouna floor , 810 Jpsisth. atf _ _ _ . " 1710 R RUNT Cltcnp-Now store , SixOlbrick JJ basement , ougooil paved RU , mutable forro- all grocery. Imnilro O. Hartman , N , W. cor. ' 7th nnd Decatursta. _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ flil ; _ _ rpolt RKNT Two stores with Hat C above , corner lOtli and Mason sts. Inquire , . 012 8. inth at. 187 _ moil Rl'.NT- floors SJxW each , In brlcK build- J Intf , with elevator , close to express olllco. hc-an rout. Just the thing for wholesaling , good ocatlon. Apply to Geo. Hoyn , 1103 Farnam st. OR m NT- tore 22x00 ; 1118 Jackson st. Knqulre 1114 Jackson. 4S1 ITIOR RIINT Store aud living rooms on Cum JIng street ; also house on Cass st. Harris It. 5-Jt L. Co.j Room 411 1st Nat , bank. 8U fTlOirilENT-Tlio 4 story brick bulldiun with Jor without power , now ocsuplod by The Boo 'ubllshuiK Co , . 010 Farnam at. The bullillncr ms a Iho proof cemented baspmotit , complete team heating fixtures , water on all the floors , gag , etc. Apply at the olllco ot Tno Hoo. 915 OTO UK 407 wltn imsomeut , Ramgo bldg. In- Jqulro 1'rnnk J. Ramgo. 059 RENTAL AGENCIES. IF you ant your nouses rented list with Par- rotte's rental agency , ICth and Dodgo. ITIOIl RENT Wnon you wish to rent a house , L1 store or olDco call ou us. II. U. Cole , room 0 , Continental bib. 474 "F YOU want to rent your house call on Har- - rls , K , K. & L. Co. , room 411 , 1st Nut'L bank. G To. : J. PAUL , lew Farnam St. , " bouses , stores , etc. . for rent. , 48j IK YOU want to buy , soil , rent or oxcnango , callon or address 0..1. StornsdorIT , rooms H17 and 3H. First National bank building. 481 7 E plvo special attention to renting ami collecting rents ; list wltn us. II. K.Colo , room G , Continental block. 4SO MISCELLANEOUS. \XrANIKD-To flell a Kentucky trotting T horse , buggy and harness ; record 2:13 ; Ino style , young aud sound. 1313 N. ICth at. 00325 WANTED Application for J.i.003 Joan at low rates. George J. Paul , low Farnam st. U54- GOOD lodging at Gladstone nouse. nil 8.10th at. ; single beds $1 per week ; rooms for 2. $2. 710 27 * YOU have a stock ot merchandise you JLwant to trade for clear Hloux City ical estate nddrcsa 11 43. Hoc office. _ liCMQt MIIHIUJi AS und parasols covered and re - palrod , 217 8 IBtli , lloyd's opera house block , In rubber store. H. llalor. _ 2b4 LIllK banjo taught as an art by Gee F. Oel- lenbecc. Apply nt Bee olllco. DM LOST. T OST A red Irish Better , -wearing a collar JLJ.-ind ausworlng to the naruo of Hob. May be distlnsulahed by spot on loft sldo. J.earo him at 1812 Dodge st. und get liberal reward. (572- ( T OST A plain gold watch with open face , JJsniall leather strap for chain. Suitable re ward will bo given if loft at this ollloe. 810 PER3ONAT. . LOST Satnrday nlcht , two horses ; one me dium-sized bay , with will to spot on the foro- head.ono hind foot white , rope halter ; the oilier larga buckskin , both front unklos stllf. Howard paid for their return to 205 North JUloventh. OS3-27J ITlEATHiniB cleaned and curled : hats pressed U and bleached , at F. M , Scuiulell. 218 N. IBth. 420-11127 STORAGE. OTORAGB and forwarding. WB collect and Odellver goods of all d8scrlptloU3. merchan dise , furniture and baggage * at clieapest rates for storage for any longta of time , vans and wagons to to ha-l atstiortcst notice , \vlthcariv fnl men for mortng. racking and snipping from our own warenomo douj on moderate charge. Merchandise > leaded and unloaded. Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllco 217 S.Htn st. ; tolepnona 111. Howell & Co. 314 S' TOIIAQK at low rates at 1121 Farnam Bt ; Omaha Auction and Storage. 483 rpRACKAOB , storage , lowest rates. W. M. JL Bushman 1311 Leavenwortn. 489 BRANCH x CO. . storage , 1311 Howard. 490 CLAIRVOYANT - tR. NANNIE V. WARREN. clalrvoyantmed- -lail and business modluui. Female diseases q specialty. 119N. 16th St. . rooma 2 and a. 491 T lC SAN tells and f /irADAME / past , present u- J-Tituro events of your life , gi ve * ad vlco on dl Vorcfl , contested wills , etc. The tnndame has wonderful gift of second alght , has the power of any two mediums you ever met. Parlor * . 13l2Dodg88t. 30U30T SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRIT ! Ma QTANDARD shorthaud school , Paxton block , IOsuccessor ( to Vuleutlno's shorthand Insti tute ) , the largest , best equipped shorthand school in tUo west ; Is under the personal eupcr- vislonof Joseph P. Mogeath , an ox-ofllclal re porter und state agent ot the R mington Stand ard typewriter , assisted by experienced ver batim ronortors. Mechanical construction of machlne'tanght by factory export. Particular attention paid to typewriting. Stenographers' supplies for sale. Olrcnlars free 703 HE Omaha Sbort Hond InsUtuteT Raingo blockOmaha , ouunod Monday. May under the management of a ihorougb and prac tical stenographer. 1'leasantost and beat ven tilated school room in the west. Positions found for graduates. Call or wiito for particulars lars- Terms , tlO per mouth in advance. Typewriting - writing free. 092 J 10 dHORTHANDand typo writing. Omahabus- Olnesu college cor. Capitol avo. & IQth. Stan dard methods taught by C. C. Ewlnjr of San Francisco , tbo best teacher on the P.ictlc coast. Mnnson's revised of VJ n specialty ; now plan ; blaclEUonrd Illustration ; day and evening classes ; call or write for terma. C37 \7t7IUTTLESEY'S snorthanj school , 21 liar- W ker block. 3 mouth's course , UO.423m2rt 423-m2rt WANTED TO BUY. WANTEl > A irood stock of general mer chandise ; will pay part cash and balance good land ut low llgurc. Addresn J. P. Hy men. Curtis , Neb. . 690 0 Household furniture for which 1 WANTED will pay cash. Address IS U3 , Bee olllco , 50J2 ? _ t s2TLE-Two horse I. suitable to drlvo single or doubio. Apply to CoL Fletcher , Fort Omuha. C07 WANTEU-100 lots Insldo of Dolt line , to build on W. R. K. to M. E. , room H , Cham- bnr of Commerce. 439 A NTIQUARIAN Book Store. M13 Farnam st. -C Cdsu psJd for 2ud-hund haoka , magazines , WiVH ED To buy good commercial paper. Patterson , 318 . 15th st. 4U3 " 1717 ANTED Furniture , carpets , staves ana TT housaliold goods of all Muds. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. , 4U3 FOR8ALE--MI8GELLAN OUS. rilllBfurniture , carpets and draperies of aa -L elegant c-room lltit , cunt to furnUu last Ncvemb < ) rovrfJJJ3 ( ; will be sold In lota to milt purchaser , and on tlmo to those ) wno wish. In iltllre ( loo. Moore. UW. iwi North lOtn , 613-r * OR SALE Seven shores ( scries A ) of fte- braika Louu and Building usuoclailon. Ad- l' oa ( I 60. AI' JYt * JrORSAI.E 2 fine saddle horses , 1 fast road . horse , 1 family carriage tuam and several good business drivers. Inquirer at W , R. Den nett ( Jo.'a fctablcs on Capitol uvanuo between J4tu and nth t. 57130J 171OK BALK Good sound Unit-class driving X1 Horse nnd nearly new buggy ; can be bought at a bargain , Call an sea at Gem bum ISth aud Cuss. G002B * * FOR 8ALB Hne poooy and cart ; apply to Col. Fletcher , Fort Oinauiv. 8o TTIOR tiALE A fu'.l leather ton carriage , large 4- and roomy , lu lrst-cla ! order , cost $10J one year ago ; will sell U for 8175. Apply a)2J15 WoUster St. 7 til TOOK 8 A Lit Cheap-Aboui 3.V1 head of 1m J ? proved Texas her os. consisting of geld- lugs , marcs aud colta , BUlllous und ml ed. Wll sell part or nil. Apj'ly ' J. L. Halbert , Corslcaua Texas , 4H.-J1HJ TJIOR 8ALK i work team , wagon and har- J. ness complete , vnry chnap for caxh , 610 Paxtoublk. W9 l iOR SALK-Cheap. a three-ton DioboldbuDK JC safe , latent Improved time lock , complete lit every particular. Address , H. Cluunber- Uu , Wood River , Neb. 1U jAjBgTRACTS OF TITLE. M Guarantee * Trust Co. , IWK'Far- naro. Cotaplota abstracts furnished * title * 1 , perfected d guaranteed. V _ _ m CompTny , 151 Farnarn sT iplotoand caroftiiltr proparort sot of nhstracfbotilM and jiKti of all real property In ho city of Omaha and Douglan county. 4M A HSTltASw Llnahan * JIahone7i roonTttM xXpaxtou lilocfc. 493 rpiiBConirnl Ixjau * TrtinOo , No. 12ftr Far- JL nam st..havo a special fund of WO.COO on hand o be loaned In Bums of Jl.llAi to JIO.UOO at very ow rates ou'bholco ' Insldo resilience or business property. 0. A.Starr , manager. 001 8 VfONRYtiraonoyl monoyl to loan on horses , JJ.wngotij'niules ; , hotishold goods , pianos , or- ftansMlamoTids , etc. , at lowest rates. The llrst organized loan onico in the city. Will make loans for thirty to taroo hundred and ntxty-tlve days , wlilcli cun be paid lu part or whole , at any tlmo , thus lowering the prin cipal nud interest. Call nnd see us when you want money , anil wt > can assist you promptly and to your advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money always on nand and no delay in tnak ng loans. C. F. Rood & Co , ,110 South 13th St. , over lllngham .V Sons commission house. ' ' "VMAHA Chattel Loan Co. , room 42. Darker Lblock. . itM-mSS _ 1113 M. 1C. & T. Trust Co. makes building loans in the city nnd suburbs ; will loan you SO per cent , of the value of your property , and allow you to reduce the loan by monthly pay ments. W , II. Molklo , Agent , room 50iC First National Hank Building. CM-J'M T OANS on Improved and unimproved prop JLJerty nt low rates. Odoll Bros ft Co. , 312 S lOh. . 885 rilHE City Loan Co. has plenty of money to J. loan on horseswagonsf unit tuio and ptauos , Their rules are reasonable nnd business is done fairly and quietly. It you want money or want your present loan extended , try them aud save money. Their olllco Is at 118 S. iJth st , directly opposite the Mlllard hotel. 2 ! > 0 T , OAN8 wanted on Omana rortl estate , three J-Jand live years tlmo , optional payments , fa vorable term and ratoi ; application < aud titles passed upon by us aud loans closed promptly. Klmball , Champ & RyanRoom a. United States Nat , bank building , 1205 Farnam stroot. 007)10 MONEY to loan at low rates by Excelsior Land Co. , 310 South 15th street , Omaha. U71 M ON ICY to loan on real estate security , at lowest rates , iloforo negotiating loans see Wallace , Crolghton blc , 15th nnd Douglas. SUB TfBYBTONE Mortgage Co. ; loans of 810 to JVouo | ; got our rates before borrowing and 8ftvomonoy ; loan on horsaa , furniture or any approved security , without publicity ; notes bought ; for now loan , renewal ot old and low est rates call R20S.Sheeley blk I5th & Howard st 800 M 'ONEY ! to loan on short time. Secured paper bought. F. E. Alexander , 150 * ) Furnam st. 041 J St F. HARRISON loans money , lowest rates. . 517 . special money ; apply at once. C. F. $ Harrison , jrorclmnta' Nat'l bank. 303 " MONKY to loan. O. F. Davis Co , real estate and loan agents. lo'V > Farnam at. K3 UILDINQ loans. D. V. Sholes , SIO First Na tional bank. 513 MONKY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J. W. Squire , 1211) ) Farnam nt. . First National bancbulldlng. 623 T OANS made on real estate und mortgages -Ubought. Lewis S. lleed A Co. , U13 Donnl ot " Trade. " , . 511) PIXPtT'b ! 'Tlnanclal Exchuntjo Largo nnd small loans for long aud short time , at low est rates.ot Jnterost. on leal estate mortgage notes , chattels of nil kinds , diamonds , watches and Jewelry. . .Don't fail to call if you want fair aud choan accommodations. O. IlouEcaren , Mgr. , room 67. Barker DlK , 15th and Furnam. , . . , f. 611 ONKY tcf.Loan We are ready for appllca- tlons forloans In amounts from $7)0 ) to 810- OUO on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real estate. 'JraUrlnforinatton as to rates. Loans ? rompUy > closod. Good notes will be purchased ay us. Cull upon us or write. The McCaguo Investment Co. 620 DON'Triborrowmonoy on furniture , horses , wagons ) .etc. , or collaterals until you see C. 11. Jacobs 410 First National bank building : - 521 SUE Sljplesi room 210 , First Nat'l bank , before making your loans. > t6M MON EY , to ( Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed promptly. II. E. Cole , R.C , Continental block. TX7ANTED First-class innido loins. Lowest T V rates. Call and ee us. Mutual Invest ment Co. , R. 1. Barker blk.l'ith & F.iruam. 533 H.E. . COLE , loon agent. . . 600 J1IILD1 NO loans a specialty. W. M. Harris , Uootu U Frenzor lllock. opposlde P. O. 601 NEBRASKA Mortg. l oan Co. M-lil make you a loau on household goods , Corses , wagons , land contracts. line Jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , at roasoniblo rates. Room 7. Rowloy Block , South Omaha. Rooms CIS-Gil ) . Paxton BlocK , Omuha , Nob. 503 MONEY loaned for 30 , 03 or 30 days on any kind oLchattel security ; reasonable inter est ; buslneas conlldontlal. J. J.Wllkinson,141T Fai-nam st. ' 501 o.F. . HARRISON loans money , lowest rates , . 517 TV YOU want money ? If so. don't borrow -L/beforeKOttinif my rates , which are the low est onauysum from $10 up to JIO.OJ ) . 1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or gans , hordes , mules , wagons , warehouse re ceipts , houses , leases , etcIn any amountat the lowest possible rates , without publicity or re moval of property. .Loans can bj made for ono to six months and you can pay a part at uy tlmo , reducing both principal and interest. If you owe a balance on your furniture or horses , or have a loau on them , 1 wlll.tako It up and carry it for you as longasyouiiesliu. If ybu need money you will find It to your ad vantage to see mu before borrowing. B. F. Masters , room 4 , Witlmoll building. 15th and Ilarnoy. 60(1 ( I CAN make a few loans on first-class chattel becurltles at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10 , Barker blfc. 607 6 PER CENT money to loan Cash on hand. W. M. Harris. R20 , Frenzer block , opp. P. O. . 603 MONEY in loan on furniture , Horses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Robblns , B. 200. Shoely blk , 15th and Howard. GIB tttt To loan on farms and city property. $ Geo. J. Paul. lOU'J Farnam st. 609 $ 15X1.00 i J to loan at 0 per cent. Llnahan & Ma- honuy ; , Room 500 , Paxton blooe. 510 Tl/f / ONEY I/oaiis negotiated at low rates with- JLiJLout delay , and purchase good * , commercial paper and mortgage notes. 8. A. Sloman. cor. 13th and Farnam. 514 PHILADELPHIA Mortgage ; & Trust i > u . fur nish cheap eastern mono ; to borrowers ; purchase'securities , perfect tftloj. accept loans ut their western olllco. George > W. P. Coates , room 7. Board of Trade. Kil " 13UIIjllNQ loans. Llnahan & Mahoney. TV/TON / BY on improved property at llrat ATJL haulKiuiNo application sent a way for op- proval. Security und titles examined free of charge to .borrower * . Lombard Investment Company , 331 a. nth at. BIO P Ebpl.E'f : irinancisl Exobango-The fairest , cMileseatlfba iuot liberal money exchange in the lity ; money loaned without delay or publicity , iu any amount , largo or a mull , at tno lowest rate i of Interest , on any available se curity ; loans may be paid . . . . at any time orronewecl at orlglpW rates. O. Bouscaren , Mgr. , room 67 , Bar T 'llpcfc , IStir an-1 Barnaul. oil iffii 8TKD and improved property ; tlujflfl promptly ; money on hanu. F , in , 8 w cor 15th and Douglas. fe ] 8M GOOD 6btiiv short or long time , uiiaocure.l or wMtlfortgaga , bought any wnere In Nol > , or la. ouidnoani. city or farm. Call or write W , L-SefloCltJ 13 , U'd. Trade. BOJ TT K , CUg > J , loan agent. COO BUILDING LOA.NHJ J to7percont , no ad- Jltlonal charges for commlsiluni or ultor- noys' fees. W. U. Meikle , t'lrit Nat. bans bldg. MONEY to loan. Harris R. K. tc Loan Co , room 411. First National bauk. 615 " BUSINESS CHANCES ITIOR SALU A dry goods and clothing store ; J- invoice about ftl.uOO ; will soil part or all ; good railroad division town ; satisfactory rea- bon given. Address lock box 318 , llolyoke. Col , 1710R SALIi or excbanKB A good clean stocl J-1 ot general radae , m a good lire buglnrs. town. Will take part cash und balance in rca estate. AdUreis B 61 Bee. 1043IJ nnwo confectionery stores , vwo pro cor lea Xcigar and tobacco t > u > re. meat market am other batlneift cuancMi , Co-operallvu Lanu & HOORRY for sale ; cash trade , good fttand , Ucheup pent , mait ell on account of sick- < lui , nee. 6 a y > t rr\OR \ RKNT A goocTbusIness house In town JJ of Plckrell , UagoCo. ) , Nobriuka. Flno open- ntt for stock of general morchandiso. No com * ictltlon. Two peed grain elevators. BullrtitjB rell llUed tor living In 2tl story. Good cistern rain , ttone cellar , stnbla , oto. For terms dp- < ly to Mrs. A. U. Kdward * , 715 N , 6th st. , loatrl JNeb. 022 J aOCO to IVfWl wanted to put Into a good busi- P ness ; first cl.its security and good rate of nterestpalil for short or Ion ? tlmo. Or will ake partner. For particular * addrosi U 43 , tee olllco. 14J EOR BALK A private bank In northeastern Nebraska : will sell pnpor. Address It 42Boe. mortcapo loans it low rates and no delay. D. V. Sholcs , 210 First National bank. [ 613 _ _ < [ T10H SAL1 > Meat market complete ; can bo J.1 handled for llttlo cash. Call at room 4 , iVlthnoll blk. 850 . fine hotel and livery. Rlgln , Neb , : $2.000buys property frco from Incumbranco ; money to DO made. Smllh& Pnudock. Blgln , Nob. 07 J10t 8ALK A nrst-clasi tnoit market In Omaha , 1ms goo.l piylng trade , requires 1,500 cash , or will trade for property. Address A 43. Hoe olllco. u "OTKL for sixlo ; now , Rood location , doing - need business , for Kala at a bargain , pay- ncnt not nacossttry. 1'resout proprietor In- ends changing business on accountof 111 health ) t his wife. Address , Boo oinco , Lincoln. Neb. 7P3 2ALOON for sale in ono ot the best business Jccnters in Onmlm.clioap. Reason for soiling , must leave the city. Address Y Id Boo. 495-J7 ; FOR EXCHANGE. IbKAR lot to trade for furniture. H. H. Cole , loan nnd Insurance ngont. O'M-SS [ .AND to exchange for milk route In city. J. JJR. Arnold. n S. 10th. 5J6J KXCHANGK-Cloan stock of general JLmerclmiKtlso : want real estate nnd some nonoy and notes. Box 70 , Frankfort , Ind.n KXCHANOR-For mdso. or city property. JL some choice farms in Frontier , Lincoln aud ted Willow counties. Address R. A Barton , Jurtls , Neb. 3M-25 I lOil SALK or Trade 100-acro furmln Cherry I ? county , Neb. , for house and lot In Omaha or 'romont. Address 240 N. Boll at. . Fremont. 659 SoT $13,000 worth ot peed , clean general merchandise In a thriving town In outhern Nebiaska , to tr.ulu for good Ity property if property Is clear. V'ant $ : i.OCU cash , or will assume light lucum- > ruuco and want $5.000 cash. NOout.sldo prop- rty or farm lands nccepteil. Co-opcratlvo .and aud Lot Go. , 205 N. ICtn st. ( JO 27 riO EXCHANGK-Hounoandlotfor Orchard Hill Iota ; brick honso on Capital avo. for lear city property : clear lot in business part ot < Albright's Annex for other good property ; an legant residence lot , over two ucros , in Council Units on paved street and motor line , for clear ota or farm ; stock of house furnishing goods 'or other property ; houses and lots lu Orchard I 111 for vacant lots ; a good hotel in good town or other property ; houses and lota in all parts of the city for building lots ; farm in llutler Aiunty , Neb. , for good Omaha property : 2 lots n First addition to South Omaha tor farm and. List your property with mo. Grover Stevens , 51U and 517 Paxton blck , telephone 1125. 650-30 ITIOR BXCHANQE Five thousand acres ot C farm hind in the Republican Valley of No- > raska and adjacent counties of Kansas , for mproved rentable Inside property In Omaha. Address George W , Burton , Orleans , Nob.C493I C49-3I T71IHST mortgage to trndo for furniture. H , JD K. Cole , loan nnd Insurance agent. 005-28 T71OR EXCHANGE-Qood bullalncr lot for JJ horse and buggy. H. & H , 2211 N. 20th. 5.14 2 ij O EXCHANGE Good Inside property , coed J-iarm and "somo cash , for clean stock of clothing. Address B M , Bee. 640 28 FINELY Improved farm in Antelope county to trade for furniture or horses. H. E. Cole , loan and Insurance , agent. GA7-2S fill RST mortgages to trade for horses , harness J ? and buggies. H. E. Cole , loan and insurance agQUt , room 0 , Continental. 407 31 LKAR lot for good 2-seatod carriage. H. E. WColo , loan and ins. agt. , Room BContinental. 61827 qj2jOaO stock of merchandise , consisting of dry tpjtoods , boots and shoes and groceries , in a Nebraska town of about 10,000 population ; stock first-class ; will taka one-half in city prop erty or land , ' and one-half coslf or secured paper. Stock can be reduced to J2J.OOO if neces sary. Co-operative Land & Lot Co , 205 N. letn. 03027 THIRST mortgages for stock general morchan- -C dise. H. E. Cole , loan and insurance agent , Room 0 , Continental. WE CAN odor for a few days a stock ot general merchandise iu exchange for second mortgage paper. W. R. K. At M. E. , Room 14 , Chamber of Commerce. i 2 NEW 2-sealcd line carriage or top Buggy for mortgage city or county warrants , or any good unsecured notes. W.L.SelbyH IJ U'd Trade 487 A FINE ranch. 1 stctlon , with prlvlleRe of ! > / more , to exchnnso for Omaha property ; buildings und all necessary appertances. This is the Unest body of hay land in the state , W. 1L. B. ft M. E. , room It , Chamber of Commerce. 438 To trade for house and lot in WANTED good location ; will assume light incum- branco. Address A 3 Bee olfltn. 022 FOR EXCHANGE-Eighty acres of the finest timber land in Wisconsin , clear of encum brance. What have yon to olfer ? G , J Sterns- dorff , rooms 317 and 318 , First National bank. 620 TRIOR EXCHANGE Dakota , Hand county -U What have you to offer .for a good farm aero , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands are risingm value , audits destiny cannot bo dis puted. Will taka vacant lota or Improved pro perty and assume some encumbrance. G. .f. SUirnsdorir , rooms 317 and318 First National bauk building. ' 628 FOR EXCHANGE-For desirable residence property In Omaha , any or all of following ; 40 choice Inside residence lota in Hastings. 100 lutstn Lincoln. U40 acres nne farming land , Lancaster county , Fine residence property , Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. Cholco family residence , corner , Los Angeles. A neat residence property in Uanacom place. Also , some good mortgage notes. Address , giving location and price of prop erty , j. E. B. , care Bnurn Iron Co. , 1211 Loaveu- worth. 531 , pheaton. buckboard. lets , lands , HORSE and cash for brick. Hand and building material ot all kinds. W. J. Paul. 1UKI Farnam. BU-28 FOR SALE ? EAL ESTATE HOTEL and store building for sale or trade. Livery barn preferred. Address U 57 , Bee. { h'jJO. best lot In Blunders ft Hlmebaugh'a art- ip dltlon to Walnut Hill. tJJO cash , balance to suit. H. K. Cole , Loan & Insurance agent.6WJ29 6WJ-29 /"VNLY few more J23 lots in Bothwell. Keep V/ your eye on this \Vyomlng town H. IS. Cole. 087 20 M ICOOIC Rebidence. choice propel ty , cheap. O , O. Gaston , 4,1 ! Omaha Nat'l. 017-20" TilOR SALE A splendid home , new hoiike , -C just completed , uood neighborhood , healthy location , possession given at oncu , A bargain if taken quick. George N. Hlckn. Doom 40 , Uarfier block. SI71-31 TJ1OR BALE or exchange-Improved ntock JJ farm of HUO acres In eastern Nebraska , near market ; also new l--room house with all con- venlencea in desirable residence portion ot Oma ha. Andrew BevliiH , attorney , i i and 12.1 Pax- tonJlocic.JJmuha. Neb. SK ) " ONLY few liioreJH lots in Bothwoll. Keep your eye on this Wyoming town. H. i : . Cole CU720 rpOCapltaUsts : Fine business property .first- J-class building , lents well.pricci li,00i ) , liioo ( ca h to build with on adjoining crouud.ln heart ot city , on Ilith St. , Omana's best realty : no agents neea apply. Address the owuur.B H.lioo. , 519 tlOt ONLV few more 5lotslu llothnell. Keen your eye on this W joining town , II. 15. Cole. 00720 REAL IJARGAINa-DesIrable Orchard Hill lotsnt 70i. * tVJ toltlJcadh. Must be sold. Jas. Stockdaln , Uoum I' ' , Arlington block. 2iO T/'OR SALU On long time aud easy payments. J- ' handsome , nnw.tell otilll house * ot 8 , 9am 10 rooms. All conveniences ; good iioluhborhood ; paved Btrents ; street cam , and distance of P. p. NHlUanSlmltonI50.i Kiinmm. _ itti J U $ ; V0 , only tico sash , balance easy , buys coslext home In Oinnha , n rooms , city water pus. ou or , coin uuleiit locablo mill horse curs Will take good horses as first payment. H. I' , Cole , loan and insurance agent. W)2'J ' NLV few ttioiu W5 lots lu liothwvll. Keep your vyo on this town. H. K Cole ua 2-i _ _ _ _ _ f/lOR BALK Finn lot tovorod with t.-oo.i , t X1 room cottaiif. iDwer.vutir and Mas on tlii street , ' / . block from J st lined. Very choluo tast trout lot ; i--O' ! easy toriiit. Can dNcouiit n little fur cash , < C. V , JUvriiOU , Moichnnti Nat. iJnuk. ' . ' 6U TJAILROADS , Mot rn , honw CATS , all are ox * J-itonding northward , and bulMing in this lection is double that done nnywhoio else In Omaha. This Is where for WO to VfO wo are selling as pretty lots as yon over saw. People are buying these lots on payments of Fifteen Dollars down. bftlancotlO a month , because the lots are not only Cheap , mt because they arc all we claim for them , which you will admit ICyoucomo nnd see thorn. Delightful Homo yon can secure n lot by ntll CMU tinytnont , bill * nco Ito n month. It is Tlmo to lavostlcato nch an ofTcrnnd BOO howmany people are bar- up. nnd many ot them building on our prop- rty. Have courage To Start Right anil you will soon have something. Don't laolc courage , bnt como and see nhnt you can and Others Are Doing. Omaha la n big olty , nnd Omaba property Is tmont , s half what surrounding lots soil for , anil no 'no ' can give you castor terms. Come And See vliethcr what wo claim for this property Iittruo ir not. You don't huvo to take auyouo s word , mt you can . See For Yourself hat you can get value received every tlmo. Ho- member , Amos , 1507 Fnrnam , B the olll co , nnd that conveyances are always -ii liana to show UIC.HO lots ; that houses to the uimberofovor 100 are naw built and being ) ullt , and you tiavo a chauco to secure as hand- omo a lot oa you over saw for fcJJU to JJW ( , by > a > ing Flftoon Dollar * ash , and balance monthly. Boar In mind , too , hat unless tills pronnrty was us good as claimed or it we could not Afford to Advertise It , Come and see It. No mfor or surer way to naku your money safe. It costs you nothing to nvcstlgato tnls ground and its surroundings at any tlmo you wish to. Amos , ISO" Faruam st. 607 ) HE factories within easy reach of Collier J. place will employ n largo force of men. Se- nro a homo and enjoy life. Prlco of lots * see o tI,20J. ono-tonth cash. Bond fur plat. SIc- OttRile. opp. P. O. 073 KOUNr/B Placo-FIne in room residence : mcnloni convonlncfls. If sold at once will ako JlMM less than property is worth ; owner earlngclty ; only tf.uou cash roauired. M. A. Upton Company. ICtli and Farnam. 401 SO JNLY few more $25 lots In Mothwoll. Keep youroyo on this Wyoming town. II. E. Colo. GO"D HANSCO.M 1'laco Property Now is tne tlrao to socuio n cholco residence lot in llauscom * iaco , tno finest rosldcnco portion of Omaha ; i beautiful pane , city water , sewerage , paved troots , tnroo. lines of street can , a nigh and uialtby location , giving u magnlllcent view , and perfect drainage , all combine to make lunscom Place the residence place of Omaha ; now cable and electric lines to the park will nako nroporty in this addition advance at east 50 per cent within the next year. Call and ee the cholco lots wo can oiler. Hicks , Room 0 , Barker block. 670 23 QTJI1M1T offers on 100x14(1 ( , southwest corner Olutli and Mason streets ; 2 houses. Tnls prop * rty Is worth $10,000 ; make an otter. M. A. Up on Company , 10th and Farnam. 640 27 CHOICE farm for sale , 184 acres , M mlle out Oof Blair , 1,40) fruit trees , 1 aero grapes , mall fruits , ono 5-room house , ono 2-room louse , good barn , living water ; immediate pos- osslou given. U. W. McBrldo. 447 29 * $2,500. { 200 cash , balance monthly , buys nice 1H story 0-rooui house on best car line in city. H. K. Cole , loan and insurance agent , room 0 , Continental. C03 29 ? BN line lots on second mart , building terms. W. J. Paul , 1B09 Farnam st. M4-20 /1ONTINUOUS sidewalk to Colllor place. Get V/prlcos and terms. McCague. 073 DARQAlFS-BargalnsI S. W. cor. IBth ana - > California sts. , with 3 houses , Very cheap. Noat7-room house and half lot on Daven port st. , near hlgn school , Jo.OJ ) ; easy terms. Good lot on Harney St. , east oi 24th St. , a bargain. Elegant residence lot , 20th ave near St.Mary's nve. very cheap. 6-room house and half lot , 3.12th st. , cheapen on monthly payments. Good residence lot on 23th ave , bet. Douglas and Dodge , J.1.509. 3 lots on S. 13th st. . very cheap. 150 lots in Carthage , Omaha's best suburb , on ten years' tlmo to parties who will build houses. Br ° nnan & Co. , Room 3 , Chamber of Commerce. Money to loan In all parta ot tne city. 8 < i3 J7 J3OUTII OMAHA 1 have a number ot good dlots in various additions that must be-sold at once , and can bo bought at prices that will stilt vou. O. J. Sternsdonr. rooms 3l7ancluij .First National bank bulldlug. 624 TGKR SALE 55-foot front , 85 lioeu , on 17th ave , X ? between Jackson and Leavenwortb. M. Dun ham , 213 S. IHh. 010 281 THE finest drive in the city Is to Collier Place. McCague. U73 BARGAINS-Lots 12 , 13 , 14. block 2 , Mayno Place , east fronts , M block from paved street. Also lots lh , 19 , 20. block d , Kilby Placo. Any of the above lots will bo offered at 25 pur cone loss than their value. F , U , Alexander. ICOfl Farnam street. 40J T71OR SALE-COx7Hon N. E. corner 1' . and 23tn -U sts. S. Omiha , suitable for store building receiving the benefit of the Q street viaduct Just being built ; prouorty clear , but ill hoaltli compels owner to sell , Pnco &i,70U , C. F. Harrison , Merchant's National bank. D5D WALLACE , Crolghton lilocs , loth and Douglas. Lots und 4 , block 2 , Dollono's add. , each 60 Ct. front on 30th ; block from Mercer motor line ; very cheap and on easy terms ; for each Jl.OOO. Six lots in Carthage and west Cumlng , front ing on Platte st. , tno best through north and south street In that vicinity , on very easy terms , each tl.OOO. Good lot on Hamilton , in Orchard Hill , $1,100. Lots 21 and 22 , blonk It , Orchard Hill. 130 ft. fast front on Lowe uvo. , by 100 ft , on GarlieU St. , city water , 3 blocks from car line , very cheap , asy terms : both 81,750. Solo agent f or Monmoth Park , the finest lying addition in the northern part of the city ; mora houses wore built and lots sold lu this beauti ful addition last year , in proportion to the number of lots it contains , than in any other addition In the city ; a magnlllcont view Is had from every lot of the cities of Omaha and Council Illulls , the rlvor for ton miles , Fort Omaha and the country 1101 th and west. Mon- mothPark is reached more easily than any other addition the same distance from business cunter , by tne Mercer motor Hue running to the corner of the addition , the horse car Hue with in two blocks and suburban stations on the F. E. &c M. V , aud Bolt hue roads within 3 to 6 blocks. This Is the site of the Immanual hospi tal and Deaconess Institute. Prices on this property are reasonable and terms very easy , especially to those who will build homos. For particulars , or to see the property , call on Wallace , Crelghton Blork. 002-23 TTIOR SALE Two largo corner lots on street -L car line in constant operation. Owner go ing to leave town , and must Boll. Price. 1750 ; cnah. S(75 ( , balance 110 monthly. Itviulrn ut res idence. 401 N. 15th St. , evening or on tlundiiy. OJ72W T3 IsA L Estate Bargains. Now is tne time to Attniy real estate in South Omaha. Enlarging tbo already Immense packing houses ; paving the splendidly graded xtroots ; building two line and costly viaducts ; running motor lidos into South Omuha ; building u gigantic cooper age cstabllgtimont will maku renltv lively In the next ninety days , so buy now and be In the swim. We will guarantee 20 per cent profit on the following ; Lot 4 , block 1 , Brown park , on 21th touth ot Q street , near viaduct , t I.CO ) . Lot2.l. block : ) , llrown Park , on 21th , 1 bUck fiouth of Oat. . l,2ix ) . Lot 2 * . block : > . Brown park , on 2tth , 1 blocK south of Q Kt. , JI.aKJ. Lots 1 1 and U. block D , llrown Park , on 24th , 1 block east ot24th-for botn Jl.MW. HJxlM on 23th at , , opposite Rued hotel , at grade , with good house * 7fOJ. : Ux75feHtln lots , block HI. South Omaha , fronting Itallroad uvonue 11,500. Lot c. block 4U , South Omaha a fine ot , OOx 150 , KW. Iiotnlland 12 , block 20. South Omaha , do bo ! corner-mate : W foot lots , il.itw. This Is id ) gilt edKp.iuslde properly. The above prices cannot bo duplicated In South Omnlm. Anj ono u , anting a genuine bargain will not fall to secure one or more of tlio aoovo lots nt once as ttie above priors will not be ijuotnd after Juno 1st. M. A. Ul'ton Co , Kith anil Far- nam , Omaha. The leading real estate iloulen. Telephone 854. 513 27 _ HERE wo are iigiiiu with plunty of laud mul Improved farms for aaleortiade for city property : also tt few choice lots aud lioimes for K.ileat a btrg.ilu ; coma andgiiens. Kxcalslor Luud K Real Estate Co , , UIU a. 15th st. 6H3 AI1AHGA1N In iirro property , 0 acres foi sale in Itlce'n sub lot II , 'I blocks north of motor line , onenaifvav between now bridge and Council Bluffs , will divide lnt. > 0j lots or more , building going on all around it , ntttiatoc on hlyhoet ground between bridge and Couiicl BlulTa ; t'.iw ' per acre , ti.UW down , balance to suit at 7 percent. Innulro of Curtis ft Kaekett 208 S. infi st . or Swan & WaUer.No. 4 Pearl st , Council Bunts. 012 3,1 * _ " END for plat of collier place , and when driving for recreation iollmvtuo motor Hue poltn on ftith t. , anil Amos' iwe , . and neo the woncloi'tiil improvement * that ! iuv taken place Jiut around tne lurrucks , and remember tlal : Colllor place la the key ui the situation liny a lot now for the low price nil nt the uisy tPrmsLliey ur being olforoil. ua we are satis fled. Oua-tentli cash , balance one to flvj yours , opt ) , P. O. TCI _ _ SNAP ! ' ! good Orchard Hill lota , ono and two blocks from Hamilton street. iiOl each ; * ) > to t\M \ cusli. balance five yean at 8 per cunt. Fine u room house , modem conveniences. nuwly papuruil nnd painted , on N. Uth t. lot ; uixlai to allay ; 8I.UJO. easy naymentu. M. A Upton Co. , JitU ( rtuit i/aruam. * KM CJHOLE3 Special Liu Wo pimti snefttal bar J i lns and advertise tnom. List with tno. . . Mlio east front lot In llauscom place nt 11,0X1 SCO cash. Decided bargain , Fine lot on Farnam and I/owe avniijv. .0,750 , 12,001) ) buys a house nnd lot in llauscom Oace , north of Popploton nvontie. The old John DinrKB Mnmifnctorr .plant on Missouri I'ncilio railway , 4 miles eolith weist of Ity. with 2 acres of ground and n large 2 story building * , for MI.OOU. A fine opportunity for om one. I have special Inducements Inhonsesand lota n all paruot the city olthor forralo ortradui Call in nnrt lx shown thorn. 1 do not trr to RO oil In to show you trash , but handle only > roporty and deal squarely. 1) . V. Show . Irst National batik. Uljt NO CASH payment and ( tt monthly , Inchtd- IIIK Interest , buys nlca 4-rooin house- , con * onlent to cable nnd hoiso cars. It. K , Cole , oem 0 , Continental , OU1SU " \NLV few moro $ U lots in Doth well. Kcop \.t youroyo on this Wyoming towniipll , Is. 'olOt ' " " * " bargains S lots in West ; Omnlm near IXJWH nvp. and Howard. I1.5W carli : 3 rackano lots on U.P. R.R. , t\av ) for both. JKast rout on Hanscom place , only } IHH ) ; olegnnt ots on the hlllVlVenly-slxth anil W'oohvortli , f4,4ixi ; lo-room ITouso , Khonnnn avo. noarQraco Kt a bargain ; nice cottage near 20th and iJVko , W.UOJ ; houses and lots in all parts of. the city. r will build n home to suit you In most nny part if city. List your property with me. Grover itorons 513 and 51T Paxtou block. TeL 1 125. B6MO Lot 2.1x110 In the vnry hoftrt n Omaha , \\ltli5room house for tJ.80) . U. F Inrrlson , Morchanto Nat , bank. PM ITIOR SALE The lluost residence ito lu.Wost X' Omaha ; Just south ot Farnam onijih ) > street ; corner Id3xl8r with 187 feet frontage on lived street and Joining the hnndsotnA tesl * once ot Klrkomlall on the east , ami Ilrndy , Ensson and Martin on the south ; h perfect goiu -ml snrdcn spot for an olofwnt homo. , Ilarnoy ami 21st streets , 141x107 , on pnvomont tlthtn thrmi blocks ot tlio court Houo ; roomer or Rovon line houses that would rent as rapid- y as complotod. A splendid permanent invest , uont , Farnam and Kd streets , SOxlTJ , with now hreo-Rtory brick ntoro building , rontoi * . to good lormanout tenants. Rental rocelnts fl,200 per car. , Sixteenth street near Nicholas , froatago 01 eet to alloy ; good business property. Farnam street , bntwoon Ssth and 39th. front- iKo4Sor 5xl. : tonlioy , south front , i lilook "roni pavement nnd street , can. Park avenue , opposite Hanscom. Dark , GOiclM , irloo 13,000 ; easy lerms. Paddock pla.ce , trackage. 00x112. KXOOOl easy onus , inth street south of Vlnton nt , lot for SAle or rado for nulso. or good farm laud. 8. A. Sloman. l.Mi Farnum st. 58T. FOR SALE A bountiful residence Jn Hans- com place , east front , 8-room nouso , bath , tot nnd cold water , gas , sewer , oleo trie bells , lard wood finish , near the park aud street car Ine. F. E. Alexander , 1600 Faruafn St. 4G3 BO buys light. 3-bow top buggy. If. K. Colo. > room 0 , Conllnoutal. COoSd r7"OUNTXR Place Fine 10 room residence : LVmodorn coiivonloncos. Ifsoldat once will ako * l.NJJ leas than property is worth : .ownor oavlugclty ; onlyil.OJO casn required , ii. A. Ipton Company , 16th nnd Farnam. 491. Sflad irovo them. Grover Slovens , 610 and 517 Paxtou ) lock. Tul.ll2j. C5KiO ( _ F"oil8ALE-3a78 orret , DOC. ft.tpV IS , r. 6 w. . Hamilton county , Nob. House , stabH 300 acres fenced , living water. I'rlco JHOJO. F. C. Atkins , owner. Railroad bldg , Denver , Col. fjlOU ijALU Or exchange for Omaha proper- -C ty , 80 acres , suitable for platting : will make 400 lots.all clear ; big money In It for someone ono who can jiush this ; located Just outside the city limits o : Council Blulfs. Innnlrd George J. itornsdorff. rooms 317 nnd His , First National lank building. 624 FOR8ALE-125 by 150 foci , n beautiful ele vated residence alto , wltn snada trcos. sit- mteit in tne west part of tbo city , for tl.OOGlosa nan cash value. Also lot 5 , Yates & Rood's ad- iltlon , east front , with an elegant vlow over flowing Omaha and Council Bluffs , for t509 loss nan any adjoining lot can bo botignt for. F. E. Alexander. 1509 Farnam street. 433 CjlOll 8 < VLR Nine-room nouse. barn and lot C In Hanscom place ; also "houses and lots m Sunny Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat'l b&nk. 628 I. Fox , room I , Continental blk. 181-J1S SALE Fine house of u rooms , turnaco , FOR bath , hot and cold wuter , gas , sewer , paved street , motor line one block , cable two blocks , lorse cars by door , barn for 3 horses , eta. etc , limit by owner for home and no w occupied by him , 4J.OOO ; Jl.l.VJcftsli. i,50J in real estate , bal ance at i ) and 8 per cent. Fine largo lot onS. 11th St. , 01x157 , good 5-room i ouse , fruit trees , etc. ; north of Martha St. , For sale , the finest corner , east front , on 3. inth St. . 1J2XU4. [ 'or cholco property worth the money see M. A. Upton Company , 10th & Farnam. 817 QECOWD Mortgage I have a few lots in good IO location near motor line 1 can self tor small cash payment , allow parties to make a nilldlng loan and take a second mortgage for julftucoof purchase monoy. Grover Stevens , 10 and 617 Paxton block. Tel. 112. % 030-30 rilHE motor line is built to Colllor placo. The J- Belt line runs near Collier place. The F. E. M. V. R. R. stop all passenger trains Ut Col- ler place. 'L'Ue horse car line will soon reach Collier place. Best addition in the city. Price | woo to 41.2JO per lot. one-tenth casn , bnlanca one to live yoard , McCugue , ' opp. P. O. BiUt rpHE cosiest home in Omaha , a rooms , larga JLclosota. city water , gas and sewer , botn cable and horse cars. Price $ J,40J. Terms * 3 to * iOO cash , balance very easy. H. B. Cole , loadqnartora for bargains and cajy terms , Itoom 0 , Continental Bloclc. 350 Notioo to Contractors. Notice Is hereby given that the board of edu cation of the city of Fremont , Neb , will recolvo sealed bids for the erection ot a brick and stone bign school building until 12 o'clock Thursday. Juno the "Oth. IHKI. Estimated cost of , spmo eighteen thousand llvu hundred dollars lH.fiOJ.0) ) ) . The successful contractor to flla an accontablo bond for the faithful psrfbrmancB of his duty. 1'lans and Bpeelllcatlons now on lie with the secretary of said board , nnd the uoard reserve the right to reject any or. all bids C. H. TuMitAv ! , President. Z. T , WILCOX , Secretary , Planj for Uiu six-room ward building will be completed about May 25 All bids to be accompanied by cortllled cfiocU foroOO as evidence of goodjaltu. Notice Co < 'oncrjtornrs. Bids are Hollcltod for the erection and com pletion of a stone and brick bank and onica building. 75 x UK ) feet , II stories high , in SIOUX ( JIT Y. Iowa. Bids must Include nil work con- tempUted. and to complete tlio building by Feb. 1st iSlfl. Plans and specifications can bo seen at the of- lien of the I'Ulellty ix > an & TruBt Co. , Sioux City , and the olllce of the architects , Mendelssohn , Flshor& l.awric , Paxtou Block , Omaha , Neb. m24-d-7-t Notion. Notice In hereby given that sealed bids will bo received by the clerk of Adamg County Neb raska , at his office Hastings. Nebraska , on or before twnlvo o'clock noon of July Uth , 183'J , for the pin choiio of seventy five bnud * of the de nomination of ono tlions.iml dollars each to be issued by tde County of Adams in the Stuto of Nebraxka. to bo dated July 1st , IfW. and to be payiibla at the I'lsrol AKOiiey of the Btato of NebruHkii , City of Now Yore. State of Nmv Vork twenty years niter the jlato UierrOf re- ( IcemubiHiit any tlmo on or after ten years fro in the date thereof at the option of said county of Adams and t-j bear Interest at thu rate of flva percent per unnum payable annually on the first day of July in each year , for whlch'lnteroot coupon * Khali bo attached payable at tiio-flncal agency aforesaid. Rights roservc-d to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Supervisors , Muy9tb S89. L. II. PAiiTiuuai' . [ RBAL.I County Clerlt. JOHN A , UABTO. County Attorney. iii21dti > , lj8 No i OH Notice Is hereby flvou that'jil blilt will b ' U'celved by Iho Clerk of Aduint rouuty hob- raska , ut his olllcc , llastlngf , Nebraska , until t elvu o'clock liuoii on Jun. ) Mh , UU , for fur- niching all material und nil thu labor for thu construction , and to construct a County Court HouHouudCJiinty Jull. at the city o ( JlnstlngK ftubrauKa. ucturdlng to certultl plntix ami fpocl- llcatlousand drawing ! to bo oa Illn at the olllco of the bald County Clerk on and attar May 25th The party or pirtlos with whom the * ald County of A damn may oonlr.ict for the furai ih- lugs ltd mutuilal ami lulur , uulconstruction of paid County tliurt House and Jail , unj to cuter Into a gno < f mill hiilllclont bond to bo approved by building committee conditioned aci-i UIng Rh-h'tH reserved to'roject any and Ml bids. Also ; diirlug the xama time and the KUUU place the ld Clerk will itcjlvo sealed bids tor fur- nlubing and putting lu cells in tbu protMsm County Jail , to bo 01 ected lu thu city ot Huul- lugs Adams County Nebr.wka. ald bid * to ton- tnliihtip.iratooffom on the two klud * of celU vUi UevolvInK Cylinder , Sttitionary cell * . nd Htx straight siiuaru cells , with corridor of uny S ; manufacture thut the Uouul ot Buporvlsopij c-f " lilcht rnwirvod to rujtict any and all bldsi By ontur'hf Board of Supervisors. MayMh.lMO. JOHN A IM8TO , L. II..PATIIfJMII , Co. Att'y. Count ? Citric. ( Seul ) OMAHA BU81NC8 u raw