Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1889, Page 3, Image 3
ftfir THE OMAHA DAILY BE B ! MONDAY , MA 27 , 1839. .OKLAHOMA JUST AS IT IS , Vlowa of n Nebraska Man Now on the Grounds. A GOOD COUNTRY TO LIVE IN. The Soil Hlcli. tlio Olltnato Honllliy , The 1'oimlnon 1'cnoorul niul livery- tiling I'xvornblo to tlio Sue- COSH or Bottlcro. In tlio Now Territory. Oklahoma Ty , , May , 20. [ Special to Tun QBE. ] Your corrcspoiulont , In company with Thomas Hut-roll , entered Oklahoma Territory at the opening , 13 in , , April 22 , and proceed to Kingfisher with n jfnst team , making the distance of Uvouty- three miles from Buffalo Springs to the land ofilco In two and ono-lmlf hours over u rough , nnd , In so mo places , sandy road. On arriving at Klngllshcr wo found about tlirco thousand people , with a town laid out in streets and all the lots taken on the south luilf of auction IB , township 10 north , range 7 west , the ground selected Uy the Nebraska colony for a town slto. Thosa pcouta were mostly from wostorn.Kannai nnd'had como in train the wustsldo , arriving on the ground in ten minutes after the opening of the terri tory. By evening of that day about four thousand in ore arrived from the north sldo nnd siunttcd ] on the north half of the sumo Section. On the 3'iil of April a city govern ment was organized by the Kansas people on the south sldo , who named thcplaoo Lisbon ; whereupon , to accommodate the Nebraskans - kans , the representative * of TUB OMAHA COLOHT organized a city government on tno north side , which included the laud onioo , and named their plnco Kingfisher. This afforded town lots , two to each man , for all the Ne braska colony , if they had been there to tnlto them. About the same procedure was gene through with nt Guthrie nnd Oklahoma City , making ono milo snuaro of land for each of the three towns , when these towns were six hours old , Outline numbered about 80.000 people , Oklahoma City 112,000 and Kingfisher 7,1)00. ) Hut ai homesteaders had taken the townsitu lands In eauh place ] with the intention of suddenly becoming million aires , and expressing u determination to con test their rights , everybody was disgusted and discouraged about titles , anu the town- alto booms BUDUIINLY The result has been that Guthrie has dwindled down to about D.CCO population , Oklahoma City to about 3,000 , and King fisher to less than 1,000 of actual residents. No doubt half of those who came to llvo in the towns drifted north , while the balance drifted into the country , and nro endeavor ing to provo title to homesteads. So much for the townsito infataation of Oklahoma. As to the merits of Oklahoma for towns of largo growth , forming my Judgment from having examined every part of the territory , nnd visited the important points several times during the past month , the most prom ising point Is not available , as it lays just outside of the line , two miles east ol Fort Reno , on u broad hill south of the North Canadian river. It may require the action of congress to secure this for city purposes. There is no other point in the territory of equal advantages , both commercially and agriculturally , and the richest farming hinds of the territory surround it for fifty miles in every direction , nnd is certain of more railroad crossings than Oklahoma City , whicn is the second best point. The He no locality lias the advantage from having long been the point of distribution of Indian sup plies for the south and west , and its present stores luivo p permanent trufllo over all the southwest country to the Ued river , with . both Indians and whites in the Chiukasaw nation , and m the Apache , Klowa and \Vichlta countries , which nro well supplied with whites "who carry on farming and stock rnisiug'quito extensively. mn Tiiiitu i-nosrECTiVE CITT would naturally bo Kingllshor , which has . nojnllroadyet , ana is not likely to navu a cross-road for many years , as the country up the Clmarroil is rough and of poorer soil than other parts , and not likely to bo im proved till utter the rest of the territory is under cultivation. Hut tho' lands surround ing Kingfisher for twenty miles are rich , smooth prairie , well watered , nnd every quarter section there will bo immediately improved. As to Guthrie , I say regretfully nnd with out prejudice , there is nothing in its sur roundings to sustain a city. On the north is the sandy Cimurron , with several miles of blackjack hills ; on the east the same , and to the south for twelve miles scrub oak hills , covered with a scaly stone and cut up with deep culchcs. The grass that grows on these hills is weak and scarce , showing an extreme poverty of soil. West of Guthrie for ten miles Is a succession of abrupt hills , too rough for successful farmine , though the soil is excellent. On the whole , the sur roundings ot Guthrie nro discouraging to the pursuits agriculture , except it may be fruit , while all other parts of the territory are much bettor for the latter Industry. A few more words about towns , and I will plvo your readers my observations regarding the sell of Oklahoma. In the first place , like all now booming countries , JOU/T OAMPI.EHS ASH MINTED SIK15XS have taken indisputable possession ot our musluoon cities. At Guthrie the several principal streets are ' lined with gambling houses , .tho first and best built , whcro the soothing strains of old fid dles are hoard day nnd night to allure the suckers and tender-feet , and quiet tbolr " nerves while their last few dollars are being gradually absorbed by the "tiger. " The "girls , " who ockcd out aprccarlousoxtstenco in back alleys of othnr cities , hero tnUo rank with capitalists hi readily talcing possession of corner lots , nnd ply their vocation with an unhindered air of respectability. The man who goes to Guthrie to embark in the hard ; ware , dry goods or grocery busi ness , finds the business center occupied with gambling dens , and must locate out ono dido if ho gets a foothold. , The same situa tion , only less m extent , exists at Oklahoma City. Hut at Kingfisher A 1IUMOIOUH EI.WIil.XT VKCVAII.S , nnd the front ends of business lots are occu pied by stores , wlilio the back ends of the ( mum lota tire thickly dotted with tents , where gambling tables are surrounded day and night by crowds who actually need their lean purses for imuicdiato sup ply of bread and meat. In any event it can onlj bo a question of a few weeks , whan most of the victims of the gambling habit will either hunt their dug outs with hungry stomachs , or go lllio beg gars from this land of promise. Hut the man who prudently uses his means , however small , will not fail to prosper , as it costs but little to live anywhere hero , if ono Is a good angler or a fair shot with a bird gun. A little bacon , lard or but ter will go a long way in fryIng - Ing fish , chickens und plover , which cro very plentiful in all parts of the terri tory , Also deer and rabbits are abundant , und an hour's ride in any direction .will find wild game as fat and tender as over craccd the table of an unicuro. Let mo hero toll THE Bits nnd its many thousand readers that the praise of Okla- boina has never been ovcrdrawn , nor has half been told of I IB WONIIEIirUI. NATUIUl. IIBSOUUCBS. I hava traveled vwlco around its border In different routes , and crossed it centrally on seven trulls , mid everywhere oxropt around Guthrie the hllla aru broad and smooth , and It may bo sot down us a fuct that scarcely a quarter section is found without living Hprlngs , Creoles of running , clear water , and in tlio exceptions good well water can bo hud by ton to twenty leet digging. The worst \vuter In the territory is In Uncle Johh und Klniillahor creeks , and that is used at King- Usher. Tlio physician there , Dr. Fields , of Sidney , Neb. , says it is very wholcbouio , as bo has attempted to practice medicine there elneo the opduing day with absolutely n failure , for the luck of patients. Tbcra lips really been XO HICK'.fEBS IX OKUUOMX to speak of , and people universally look healthier than when they cauiu. Thomas liurroll , my traveling mate , has lost his sul- low complexion , but is llcshy us over und ret , r.s u poach , though wo slept without n tent . , und with only ono blanket , on the open prulrio every uight siuco wo cunio , and liuvo be en several times drenched with rain , Pure oil1 nnd excellent creek water account for It. Wo have cooked steak uftar laying three day i > in the tun , and fouud it without th liir Mi-fit tuiut. There uro 110 liquors In Oklahoma cxcop ho bottled beer Bold only by the post trader t Tort Reno , and any ono taking n bottle of hat out of the fort will have his teiim confis- atcd , If discovered by the marshal , It had been thought that a man shrtuld go well armed hero , but no weapons of any kind nro needed. Except stories of ono or two kill- ngs the flrAt week , out on claim1 * , not on ns- aultot any kind has boon hoard of In the territory. Such tv fnct as this should bo trmtcd In capital letters far nnd wide , con- Idcrlng wo live where cowboy law reigns upromo. and whore none of the statutes of civilization nro binding , Docs It not spnak veil of the kind ot material that will lay the emulation of our now stutol Titn sou. or OKLAHOMA s variable , butn rich green verdure crosses both hills nnd valleys. In the north part , ns well ns in the Chorokca strip , nbout one-half of the land is red. sandy loim on the surface vlth bright red clay subsoil , but grasses of nil klr.ds and rank weeds nnd timber grow on this red soil ns luxuriantly ns on black oatn. It Is as fiery red as blood , as if Itn- ircgnatcd with some uctlvo mineral color- tig. This red earth , when washed away way from culchcs ton to twenty foot dc reduces slough grass six to twclvo feet Tlio prairies of the central , western nnd southern parts of Oklahoma ere or ndark brown loam , a little sanity near the larger streams , nnd nro broad nnd gently undulat- ng , with very few nbrupt hills. Hetwcen ho two Canadian rivers the soil on tlio high and is nearly black , nnd ranges from fifteen nelios to six feet In depth. The rnvlnos are shallow nnd rich , but grass is as luxuriant nnd fresh on the highest hills ns in the ra- vinos. Our teams are now crazing seven miles southeast of Fort Hone on tbo hills with men aims ur TO TIICIK nvr.s , nnd stand plowing and driving every day without a mouthful of grain. The cattle , torses nnd mules brought from the north nil thrive excellently , and such n thing ns disease has not been observed among thorn , riio Idea that northern stock will not do well ibru is pimply preposterous. Tlio grasses nro mostly the kinds that grow on the prai ries of fowa and Nebraska , and the sod ns close ns that In any northern prairie. The irevnlling opinion now is that Oklahoma ivlll bo a stocic.rnlslng country , and that little tlo land will bo kept for plowing. Though corn Is considered a sutocrop here , cattle nro thought to bo moro profitable , us they will .hrivo the year round on grass without grain. Thcro has been much talk timong settlers of TUit raisinc , ns apples , poaches , pears and all small fruits , whcro experimented with lit adjoining localities , have produced abund- intly every year. For general farming the and between the two Canadians Is tlio best , jccausc the soil Is deeper , the country more ovol , with good drainage , and bettor wa- .ered than any part of the territory. On a hill where wo nro camped , ninety foot above the river , wo struck n splendid spring n digging six feet , with water enough to supply a hundred head of stock. A TOWN HAS 11EEN &TA11TKD on tbo north sldo of the river four miles east of Fort Hone , on thd Hock Island survey , but as the location is low bottom land , with no possibility of se wo nice , it can not bocomp a city. Later a city may spring up on the wint before mentioned near the fort. The dinicult.v of nil our new towns is the home stead tilings , causing litigation for titles to ots. To obviate this difllculty , I have se eded a town site In the best part of Okla homa , free from Incumbranco , nnd will have sdmcthluc interesting to say nbout it for our Dinaha colony in my next letter. All of the Dniaha people now here uru well located and n prosperous circumstances. J. W. EVAKTS. Proved to be tlio Best. Tested and proved by over thirty .years' use in nil parts of the world , AILCOCK'S Poitous PLASTERS have the indorsement of the highest medical nnd chemical authorities , and millions of grateful patients who have seen cured of distressing allmcncs volun- ; unly testify to their merits. ALLCOCK'S Poitous PLASTERS are purely vegetable. They ore mild but effective , sure and quick in their action , and absolutely harmless. Be ware of imitations , and do not bo de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for AI.L- COCK'SJ and let no explanation or solicitation Inducn you to accept a substitute. Mr * . Bromlcy'.s Iteason. Time : Bromley , whoso pate is rather bald , wa.8 at the mirror in the conjugal dressing-room , brushing the locks at lis temple with a hair brush that had very little huir in It. Mrs. Bromley was watching him from a sofa near by. Now , Brhmloy has < \ weakness for con undrums , nnd so ho facetiously asked : "Mrs. Bromloy , why is this brush llkomyhonav" Jlo expected hoi * to say , "Bccatiso It ia sadly in need of hair , " nnd ho would have accepted thnt solution with com mendable pntlonco ; but unfortunately the conundrum , like the hnlr brush , had another sldo to it , for she promptly replied : "Bocauso it Is nearly all wood. " Peculiar in medical merit and wonder ful cures Hood's Sarsaparilln. Now Is the time to taka itfor now it will do th'o mostgood. WILL REDUCE WAGES. Carncglo Preparing to Kconomlzo In UN Hoinestcnd Stills. A notlco will bo posted at Carnegie's Homestead stool plant to-morrow an nouncing that n now eliding sculo. baaed on the selling price of steel blooms , will go into cIToct on July 1 , at the expiration of the Amalgamated Bcalo , says a Pittsburg , Pa. , dispatch. It is stated In the announcement that the scixlo must bo signed for three years , nnd after thnt either party can withdraw from it upon giving six months' nrilico. The now scale iniulo up is on the basis of $27.50 per ton for stool blooms , with the minimum at SiM. It will bo a reduction averaging UO per cent and will fall most heavily on the higher priced men , who will bo cut , in some. Instances , from f > 0 to GO per cont. The now scale is similar to the ono in operation at the Edgar Thomp son plant ot the same firm , with the ex ception thnt the scale will bo based on blooms instead .of rails. The now scnlo will bo in the nature of u surprise to the workmen , as they have notified the firm that an advance averaging 081 per cent will bo demanded on July 1. It wlH probably result in a strike of the 2,500 employes , and tlio company is making preparations to inontuny trouble that may occur. They claim that the wages ollorcd in the now scale will bo from 10 to i0 ! per cent higher than is paid by their eastern competitors , and if tho'ir old workmen do not want to sign the airroement other men will bo secured. If the Carnogios are success ful in introducing the scale , it will probably bo adopted in nil the other steel mills. An Kditor's ISxporlcnop. Major Sidney Herbert , a well known Jour nalist in agricultural circles , writes April 18 , ISbO : Some fivn years ago I wrote a letter stating that Swift's Specific had cured mo of severe rheumatism. Since that time I liuvn had no return of the rheumatic troubles , al though frequently exposed to the Influences that produced former attacks. Several of my friends had a similar experience , nnd uro firm in their conviction that S. S. S. brought a pcrnianout euro. The searching power of this medicine is shown in the fact that it de veloped a scrofulous taint that was in my blood over thirty 3 cars ago , and has removed the last trace of it. I huvo also tested S. S. S. as a tonic after a severe attack of malarial fever , which kept mo in bed for thrco months , and am convinced that its curative and strengthening properties insured my recovery from thnt illness , as I was in a very low con dition of health. SIDSKY HcitnciiT , Atlanta , Ga. Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free. free.Tho Swift Spicifio Co. , Drawer 8 , At lanta , Ga. I'rofcBslonnl Courtesies. Now York Weekly : Actor ( in coun try town ) I hope you won't object to announcing in your paper that this will probably bo the hist chance to seeing me outside of the great cities , as I have received un'oiTor from the Gotham thea ter for next season at $500 a week. Editor I will print it with pleasure. And , by the way , please announce from the stage that now is the time to sub scribe from the Plumpkinvillo Truin- pot , ns I have received nn offer of $500 I a week to run the London Times. Will you suffer with dyspepsia nnd liver complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizor ia guaranteed to euro you. J FaSl * white Bright clear complexion Soift ! ' healthftal sldta * TPEARS'-Tto.Broal Englisii Complexion SOAP.-Sold . Everpisra. " For the euro of nil DISORDERS OP TUB STOMACH , LIVER , BOWELS , KID NEYS , BLADDER , NERVOUS DISEASES , HEADACHE , CONSTIPATION , COSTIVENESS. COMPLAINTS PECULIAR TO FEMALES. PAINS IN THE BACK , DRAGGING FEELINGS , &c. , INDIGESTION , BILLIOUSNESS , FEVER , INFLAMATION OF THE BOWELS , PILES , and nil doraiiRomcnt of the Inter nal Viscera. RADWAY'S PILLS nro n. euro for this complaint. They tone up the internal secretions to healthy action , restore strength to the stomach and enable It to perform Its functions. Price i5o ! per box. Sold by all druggists. RAD WAY & CO. , Now York IMPORTERS JOBBERS TIN PLATE FISHING METALS , TACKLE , HAILS , SPORTIHQ HOUSE GOODS , FURN1SIIIHQ LAMPS , CQOOS OlASSWARE 18 , 20 , 22 , 24 ,26 , 28 , 30 ADD 32 UKE STREET , CHICAGO , ILL. , ETCHINGS , > ' } ' EMERSON , ENGRAVINGS , . HALLET & DAVIS , ARTIST SUPPLIES , KIMBALL , MOULDINGS , PIANOS AND ORGANS FRAMES , SHEET MUSIO. 1513 Bouglas St Omaha , NeMa , TREMENDOUS OFFER OF PAHTALOONS 500 pair all wool Scotcli stripes and plaids in all colors , $2-75 , worth. $4.50. * TREMENDOUSLY LOW PRICES ! 300 pair blue mix Scotch , all wool , Your choice from stock of several a thousand pairs . . . . $3.00. worth $5.0O. at the Clothing Emporium of 300 pair grey stripe , all wool , some , thing Tery ? nobby , $3.00 , worth $5.50. 500 pair Scotch plaids , all wool , in brown and grey , $3.50 , worth $6.00. Pants for Fat 200 pairs dark cassimere , all wool , brown stripe ; perfect fitting , $4.00 to Pants for Lean $4.5O , worth$6.00to$7.00. Pants for Tall People. 300 pairs all wool cassimere pants , in plain , plaids , stripes and checks , dark . Pants for slsort and light colors , all gohig at $4.50 , worth $6.75. Pants for Having bought for spot cash the closing slaughter , of a large eastern exclusive pantaloon factory , we are enabled to offer special" 'bargains , of which we men tion a few , as follows : i v 500 pairs all wool Scotch Stripes and Plaids , all colors , at"$3.75 , worth double. 30O pairs all wool Scotcli blue mixed , $2 , worth $5 , ' " > ' * ' 300 pairs all wool G-rey Stripe , very nobby , at $3.r " 500 pairs all wool Scotch Plaids , in brown and rey , at $3.50. 200 r > airs all wool dark Oassimeres , brown stripe , at $4 and $5OO , 3OO pairs all wool plain plaids , stripes andclfecksligh.t ! and dark colors , $4.5O * : i 01 And many others. In men's , youths' , boys' and" .children's . suits , we snail make special prices during this week , and you will find' St to your advantage to ex amine our goods and prices before purchasing , . .sMC ZILi pE3IDEE3S : : SOIdlOITBlD. Any goods sent by express C , O , D , , with privilege of examining before paying , and if not entirely satisfact ory , can be returned at our expense. M. HELLMAN & , CO. , 13OM3O3 Farnam , 3O4 to 312 S. 13th Street. ARrlculturnl Implomonta. CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer li Agricultural Implements , Wagons uccln. Jonp * jtrccl , between Mh and WtC. Omaha. Nebraska. _ " LINlffOER "A MEWALF CO. , Agricult1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages tc. Wholesale. Omaha , Nebraska. PARLIN , oifaNIJORfA MARTIN GO. \Vholoa.le Dealers In Agricultural Impleuieiils , WagoasS Buggies tOIKn.lOinniiro7onc ) * Mroot , Omaha. _ 3tOLlNEMILUURXAS'IODDARD cd , tinnufarturcri nnd Jobber * In Wagons , Buggies , Ra'tes , Plows Etc , Cor. Mb ami I'uclflo streets , Omaha. Artlota' Mntorlnls. A. HOSPI3 , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , U13 DouRlrvs ilroel Omaha , Aebrntka , Boots and Shoon. IF. V. MORSE A < 1O. , Jotes of Boots and Slioes , 1101 , 1103 , lllti UnuiilM stroot. Omnlia. Manufactory , timnmnr Blroot , notion. _ Qqnl , Cpko qnd Limp. _ OMAHA CO'AL , COKE A LIME CO. , Jotes of Hard and Soil Coal , i l.1th street , Omnlia , Nebraska. KEIUtASKA FUEL c , Skipgc s of Coal a d Coke , 21' South 13th St..Omaha , Neb. _ Co m nil a slorm n < j S t o ro BO. RIDDELL & RIDDELL , Storage and Comniission Merchants , Speolaltln Duller , ca , clire'o. poultry , ( am * . HIS llownrd rtroot Omnlia. Xnh. M. E. sMi'nr & co. , Dry Goods , Fnrnisning Goods and Notions 110 } and 110 ! Douglas , cor. llth itroet , Omaha , Neb. " KILPATRlCIf KOCH DRY OOODS CO. Importers end Jobbers in Dry GooilsMions , fionU' furulthlnc poods. Corner llth and llarnej snouts , Omaha , Nebraska. HELIX , TIHftlPSOK & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , SIT South 15tli itroot Furnlturo. DEWEY A STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre Farnam tr t. Omaha. Nebraska. CHARLES SniVERICK , FQrnitnrc , Cm ah a Nebraska , Qrocorlos. PAXTON" , QALLAOUCn A CO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions. 705,70T.TO9imrt7llBoulli IQtn st.Onmhn , Neb. MeCORD , BRADY A CO. , Wholesale Grocers' 13th and Aicayanworth street * . Omaha , Nebraska. Hardware ir. toy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Borings , waeon Mock , hnrdwnre , lumbar , etc. 1X19 nnd 1211 HOTPOT street. Omnba. LEE , CLARKE , ANDREESEN HARD- WARE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , lletals , sheet Iron. to. AKonts for TIowo scales. Miami powilernnd I.ymau barbed wire , HIMEUATJOH A TAYLOR. Build rs1 Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' tools und Uutrxlo nsnles. 1W5 Douglai street. Omalin. Nob. Lumber JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , ' Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported und .Anierlcnn I'ortlanil ocnicnt. State IIKI nt fur Mllwiuiki'O lijilnmllu cement anil f'lhi'f T Kh t Mmn. CHAS R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lnmlier , Wood carpets and parquet flooring. 9th and Douglas streets , Omuha , Neb. _ OMAHA LUMltER CO. , All Kinds of BuMing Material at Wholesale , 18th Street < md Union PacltloTraclc. Omaha , LOVIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors. Htc , YardsCornei 7th and Douglas. Corner IQtb nnd FRED W. OR AY. Lmher , Unit ; Cement , Etc , , Etc , , Corner 6Ui and Douglas Bts. , Omaha. o. N. 1 Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber. 18th and California Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. MMMnery and N tlona. ' i. OUERFELD'ER A co. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions SO ) , Z1U and 2H South llth streef. Notions. J. T. ROUINSON KOT1ON CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , Loi-iuf i.tli J.ui iluivanl atroeH , Toys. Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fane/ / Hotiu fuvnlsliltiF gooK ciiUdrun'M l "t'liI'm" Htiwt. ( i"i-i "i Nili Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined an ! Lnliricatinir Oils , A l re ie , tc. . OmtUn. A. H. Ulsliop. Manager Paper. Wholesale Paper Dealers , Oirry B nlc stock of printing , wrapping nn < l irttlnf pcp.r. Bpeol.l ttuullon ilvua to rur Umd oilers. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH ISOi ! PAttNAM STREET , Boots and Shoos. K1RKSKDALL , JOiYL'S , t CO. , BaccoMora ( o llo J , Jones A Co. Wholesale MannfatoK of Boots&.SlicR- ; Aeenta for IKnton Knlibor FliooCo , IIW. lIOInndllN. llarney Uticot , Umahn , McUaikn. . : Drowors. STORK .t ILEn , Laser Beer Brewers , 1B1 North Klgli ccalh ttrcit , Om h , Cornices CORNICE' Maiiiifaclnrcii30fGalya < iizei Iron Cornice Window-car * "nit mctnllcfxyl ah Is. Jolin Rponolor. proprietor. HHninl llutnutb linhstroot. Office Fixtures. co. Mnnufrtcturcra ot EanK , Office and Saloon Flxlnres , Mnntlcs , Slilnbosrtls. llooit Cni < > , Drun rirtu . Wall On cj , rnrlUlonn , lli\llliie'C.iinti'i > . llrcrnnd\Vln toolpr * . Mirrors , Klahnrlor ; nndonlca , r.OUnndUM boutb litli St. , Unialui. Tulcphuno 1I2 . . W1LKIE , PropriGlor Omalia Fancr Box Fasten , Mus. 1317 add 1319 Douclixi slrool , Omahn , Nob. Snsn , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISVROIV A CO. , \Vlioltnnle nittnufnclurcrj ot Sasb , Boors , Blinds and Monlnsj , Branch odce , lltn and Iiitr > 1 street Omnlm. Nch. JlOllN MANUFACTURING c67 Mairar clnrcrs of Sasli , Doors , Blinds , Woiitillnc' . stnlr-vrnrk nnd Interior Imnl nootl llnltb. 8th nnd Ix > nron\vtttb strio'.s , Unmlia , Ncli. . _ , _ 11KA. TltfQCO Pnrai ) ? , Pipes and Engines , Btem , nntcr , rnllnnr niut mining rupnllos , etOk OlUlMaiuHai lariium struut , Oumliiu _ U. S. WIND EKQ1XJS , t PUMP CO. , Steam and V/ate1 / Supplies , wind nillln. 1113 nnd 15) Jones St. . Omixh * . U. K HUBS , octliiK Ainuiigor. UROWXELL A co , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , BboeHron work , stcnni inimps , anir inllla. 1213-1211 _ lieaTenwurtli street , Omaha. _ _ _ Jjon VVorks. . _ STEAM UQILKR WORKSi Carter A : ton 'rop'H. Mnngfncttircnor all kind * Sleain Boilers , Tanto anl Siieet Iron Work Worln outl > altU anil It. .V M. orcmlng. Tel. 1115 PAXTON A VIERL1NQ IRON WORKS , Wrought and Casi Iron Bni ding Wort Bnglnen. brasi work , nencrnl fonndrr. macUlne and tlcctsciltli work. Ufllco nnd wiirls , u. V. Ur. nnil lull street , Omaha , OMAHA WIRE A IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of fire and Iron Railings- Cask rails , window gtmrds , Honor stand * , ire sUna. etc. IZJNortulitli streol , OMAHA SAFE & IRON WORKS , Manl'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Vaults jnll work. Iron sbuttora and lire o c po . U. Andrccn , prop'r. Cor.lull auilJucksoiiBts. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha.IMtei John K. Uoyd , yiipcrl ntendont. LINE OF TUB Chicago , MilwaukM & t , Paul R'y ' , The Best Route front Oinahn and Council f llluffe to _ ETHE EASTIZZ ' TWO TRAINS DAIIjY UETWKKN OMAUA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. rani , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Rock Island. Frecport , Rockftml , Clinton , Dubuquc , Davenport , . Elgin , Madison , Jancsiil'.e ' , Itclolt , Wlnonn , La Crossc , And all otbor Important points East. Nortlicait nod Eotiltiaust. Vat t'irnntb tickets , call nn the tlckot azent at 1W1 Fnnmai street , la liurkur Uioc * . or at Union I'acllto Depot. Pullman Mlrepers and the ( Incut Dining Cnrs In tlio world arc run on tlio miln Una ot the Cnlcuiro , Jill- HHiikoo A. bt. 1'uul UulhTHj , uncl overnttoutlon 1 * ptila to putsenKer.1 by couitoous employe ! 01 too company. U. Mil. I.KIl , General Mnnnnor. J. f. TUCK K I' . AsslMnntUunurnl llntmnor. A. V. K. CAUl'KNTKU , General rasscugor and Tlckot A'ant. CIIO. R. IIKAHTORD , Assistant Qenorall'asionf or nnd Ticket Agent. T. J. CI < AUK , General Eaccrlntendent. NEKVOUS , CUUOSIC nnil HHVATB D18IC.V3IJ * Of MKN ana WOMliM sucucusfullr trow t. YOUNG M.EN Snirorln from the effects of routlifiil follies r Inilli crollona , or uro tronbloil null Wooknea * . NuiTOul Dublllly , Los * of Mi'niory , Ucspondonoy , Aversion to Hnclcty , Hlilnoy TroiibK-a or nny dl jaso ot thu ( jiifil * 1-1 to-Urluitry Ornana , can lieie find u BAfu nn.lBpoj.ty < tire , Ulmnios reasonable , especially to tlio ii > v > r. MIDDLE-AGED MEN Tlit re ura tuuny trouble ) , I with lee frequent cnncua lions of HID bind lor , oftii.i iKuominnliil by n silxht Biimrllnx or burning nuns illon , nnd wcnfcenliiu of thii ryuteni mniniumur the patient cannot ucjount for. On uxnmlnlnti the urinary dopotttsu ropy rudlmiml nlll oltrin t > u found , uiul sometimes iiurtlclcn of altm men will appear or thu color bo ol n Ililn , inlUltit IIIKnualn chnntElnu to a dark or torpid Hiiuitnrnnco. TlioreSiri ! : nt nr turn who die of this dlltlrulty , Inner * nntor the CMUSO. wlilclris tuoicconl htauo of iwjil- nal weakness. The doctor will tniaruntco a perfect euro In nil nuch CIIHOK , nml n luMllliy U'MonUlon o the Ki'nlto-urlnary ortnnn. ; f.'oimiluttlon fr t < . Send 2-ront tniniifor "Yuuirj Mans Krlcml , or OiuJo to Wedlock , " free to nil. A < HrtM ! , . SPINNEY & CO. Main and 12th St. , Kiuisas City , Mo. fVMenllon this tmpor , SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank , SOS fcoulUlltUi Slrcet 'utltlvolycured ' In0fftysl ( > yllr . Ionic's Klfrtru-Muffr.rtlo It fit Tr .combined , tl iiai.tjjlredlho unlyonulntliA world L'Inornlne rcuntlnuons Klntitoit itaonttlf 'current. Bclcnllno. rowcifnl.l > uiubl , . . , - 7 < < orafurl ble KIM ! KUeitlvv. AtuM Imuds. i r Oi < Tl//OUf ( nl. l. Hvnilrtainiifnriuiiipblllt/ * At > o Kii : < i nio Jiii.T : KOII UIHKAHEH. OR. HOHNE , REMOVED TO ISO WABASH /WE. , CHICAGO. V \ n U E V"1"1 nl | urlnury tiouliles eaull uick- tMUIlCl lyimtUufvlycntu . Cmi- Bule . Hovui alciiHeu cured in boveiuluyf. Hold atJl.M pur liox , nil drunu'UU , or b/niull from Uortiua Jl't'K Co. 113 Wlilto HI N , Y. r lona. w nl iunnn In orery locullly in nut in I'rlrftti Detfitlvo under our liinlrutilunn. I'liillculam frto. Cunlrul Dolucllru Iluru4ii , Uux liO , Topgku , lirnufc Wcullon lUu uuiwM iltu.