Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1889, Image 1

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The . .TJltimat'oObjoot to Obtain
Coaling Stations.
Jtar.r'son ' and Cabinet Flcolna to
Olrcon Fields and Babbling
Brooks PlnntlhiK for Swaltn
Dakota Matters.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Mny k I
The state department commission se
lected to visit Hnytl will also pftbauly bo
Instructed to visit San Domingo. The object
is ultimately to obtain coaling or naval sta
tions at Mole [ St. Nicholas and Samanu bay ,
and the commission will seek to obtain such
assurances as will make it possible for the
administration to establish coaling stations
with the necessary territory for their pro
tection nt those two points. The state de
partment has all the means necessary not
only to defray the expenses of the commis
sion , but to negotiate for the future privi
leges of nn important commercial nature.
The greatest caution has been oxorclsod at
the state department to keep the purpose nnd
movements of the commission secret. The
commission to Hayti has nt last been dell-
nltoly agreed upon , it was at first Intended
that It should consist of three members , but
the refusal ot Congressman Robert Illtt , of
Illinois , to servo reduces the number to
two. The gentlemen who have sig
nified their willingness to go nro Gen
eral Low Wallace , of Indiana , ex-
minister to Turkey , and Mr. Nathaniel
Beverly Tucker , of Virginia. The political
balance of the commission is thus main
tained , inasmuch as General Wallace is a
republican , nnd Mr. Tucker nn ox-confcdorato
democrat. Secretary Blulno is desirous , of
all things , that none of the great European
powers should bccomo acquainted with the
nature of the Instructions , lest the intentions
of the American commissioners bo anti
cipated nnd the poslblo results of their mis
sion neutralized.
Lively preparations will bo begun at the
whlto house mid in the families of President
Harrison's cabinet to-morrow for the coming
summer. Mrs. Harrison will get her sum
mer wearing apparel and personal effects
generally ready to ba moved up to Door
Park , where she and the president are to
have a cottage and are to enjoy the presence
of ox-Senator Davis , of West Virginia , nnd u
cumber of other friends. It is probable that
they will spend next Sunday in their cot
tage. At intervals they expect to have with
them their son and daughter nnd their fami
lies , and Mrs. Harrison will have some
friends with her all the time
when she is not in Washington.
She will occasionally accompany the presi
dent back to Washington on Monday morn
ing , and'romalning a day or two for shopping
or social duties or staying over till Saturday ,
will return to her place in the woods and
mountains. Deer Park Is on the line of the
Baltimore & Ohio railroad , Is reached in
about five hours' ride from Washington , and
tliero aroalx or eight passenger trains going
each way every twenty-four hours. The
president can leave the whlto house nt 2:30 :
o'clock on Saturday afternoon and leaving
the Baltimore & Ohio depot at R o'clock on
the limited express , can take a lute dinner
with his family ut an altitude of probably
three thousand feet higher than tnc nation's
capital. This spot is a most charming ono.
Thqj > roporty is owned by the Baltimore &
.Ohio Railroad company fo several miles
cast und west of the tracks and the grounds
have been cleared and sown to blue grass.
When the tcmpcruturo is 100 = in the shade in
Wellington It is from C5to75c > ntDcerPark ,
nnd often it is necessary for ono 10 change
his underwear or don an overcoat in going to
the placo. The president docs not expect to
spend a Sunday in Washington from this
tlmo on until about the middle of September ,
except when he has important and urgent
work. Ho is in very good health , but is. of
course , fatigued , and as the hot weather
comos'onhls physical strength wanes with
that of other citizens.
Secretary Windom will take his family to
the Adlrondacks very soon after the presi
dent and Mrs. Harrison have taken their
summer homo.
Secretary Proctor has arranged to take his
family to the mountains , but no has not do-
elded fully where ho will go.
Secretary Tracy will tuko n short crulso
about n month hence and got some recreation.
Secretary Rusk will escort his wife , son
and daughter to the wilds of Wisconsin.
Postmaster-General Wanamakor , having
purchased a yacht , will spend his days In
recreation during the hot weather n cruising.
The yacht will bo anchored nt the wharf In
Washington , ana ho will frequently make a
run down the Potomac and into the Chcsa-
pqako bay.
* Attorney-General Mlllor has not yet de
cided where ho will go with his family , but
thin us of locating them nt Deer Park or Oak
land , near the president.
Secretary Blaine will again locate his fam
ily nt Bar Harbor and will go there as often
as ho can. The office-seekers will have to bo
a llttlo lively u fortnight hence if they can
make the rounds of the white house and cab
inet und find everybody in at all times.
A now element will coma into congress
this winter and demand n division of the
ofliccs. It is the now states. Dakota will
surely have three republican members of the
lower and four republican members ot the
upoer branch of congress. Washington will
have ono in the lower and two in tliu upper
houso. What Montana will do can not bo
predicted , but it Is urobablo that she will
elect republicans. These men will demand
their share of the offices , and will make at
least u puitlal reorganization of the senate
necessary , VVfiother new men uro put Into
the positions of secretary and sorgeant-at-
nrms or not , from twenty to forty places of n
minor character will bo demanded and se
cured. These will require a very general
shako up , and ot course the displacement of
ns many men now In office , If the repro-
Bcjitullves from the now states should join
the southern representatives or any other
faction In the organization of the house they
will cut a figure which will bo felt. At any
rate they will coma in for a dozen or more
pretty good places and the republicans from
other sections may as well begin to figure to
tlmt end. The south is going to take some
kind of united action und go us u body , and
whoever in elected speaker will bo pledged ,
unless a "dark horse" Is selected , to recog
nize the now states and the soutli to the
Bumo extent that other states and sections
having un equal number1 of representatives
uro recognized.
When President Harrison wus inaugurated
the Dakota republicans were loft in a very
peculiar position respecting thn distribution
of federal patronage in the then territory.
Mr , Matthews was elected delegate , but by
virtue of the omnibus 'territorial statehood
bill ho will never occupy a seat m congress
as.a delegate from Dakota because Dakota
will come in as two states when congress
convenes again. It hns been customary for
thp delegate In republican administrations to
be uccorocji tno dUir'bution of the federal
.ofllces. Mr.MaUhows. despite the fact that
lie will never 'occupy tno scat of delegate
from Dfikotaijemnmjcd , bl prerogatives ,
and , Sinking a firm ttuud , was granted the
cvclunlvo right to dictate all the appointtnenta
in his territory , The , man who U to bo gov
ernor of South Dakota and the two gentle-
tacn who will undoubtedly bo the senators
from that section have united In a request
tbnt , In view of the peculiar situation , now
Irrangomenu be entered Into. They have
f reposed that the present member of the re
publican national committee , who is to be
inventor ot South Dakota , Delegaeloct
Matthews and the gentlemen who will be
lected to preside over the Rloux Fall * can <
kilVuliouul vypVitBUim on July -1. n vt bo
recognized as the committee to recommend
nppolntmcn for South Dakota. The plan
hat been submitted to the president , but no
decision has yet been reached. It In feasible
nnd just , and there Ii little doubt that it will
bo accepted. A similar arrangement will
likely bo effected for North Dakota.
A , serious discussion of the rights nnd
wrongs , advantages and disadvantages of the
civil service law has again arisen. This
question Is no longer confined to parties.
Thcro are as many republicans who nro Op
posed to both the totter nnd spirit ot the civil
service law us there nro democrats. The
spirit of civil service reform is much moro
ponulnr than the letter of the law , nnd the
extension of the spirit ot the reform where
the law docs no good has made many ene
mies of both the law'and the reform. Presi
dent Harrison hns done nothing which
brought about such universal commendation
as the extension of the tlmo when the
civil service law should include the railway
mail service , giving six weeks , from the mid
dle , of March to the 1st of May , within
which to bring about n reorganization ot tha
demoralized railway mail service without
the Interference of the law. Thcro is uni
versal complaint because the extension of
the law over the secret service of the post-
ofllco department has not been abrogated.
A western senator , whoso name is n house
hold word throughout the country , expressed
the opinion of very many men when ho said
the other day :
"As n whole , the civil service law is advo
cated by two classes only those who nro ig
norant ot its actual operations , nnd those
who want to relieve themselves from the
procurement of positions for frionds. The
only proper feature thcro Is about the civil
service law Is tlmt it keeps back the rush of
spoilsmen and has some regard for intelli
gence and fitness In the employment of man
to perform the public service. The intention
of the civil service Is , it must bo acknowl
edged by its most ardent friends ,
much bettor than its operation. If
the law was faithfully enforced , It
would wronk no injustice , and would
elevate public interest. But there nro just
enough men in every department of the gov
ernment who oppose civil service reform to
impede its best operations , nnd who keep
down the best results which could bo se
cured. "
The above quotation .is from ono of the
loading republicans in Indiana , and bo ex
pressed them after n week's sojourn m
Washington , looking into the various
branches of the government where positions
are supposed to bo located for party mon.
This same gentleman stated to your correspondent
pendent that an effort would boMnade nt the
coming session of congress to cut off the ap
propriation for the civil service
commission. and that it would
bo supported by n sufficient number of
republicans to give it success if the usual
quota of democrats stood by the opposition
to civil service reform. The extension of
the law over the railway mail service and
the incorporation of the detective service of
the various departments within the civil ser
vice law have made icoro enemies for civil
service reform and the law than all things
Several Ohio nnd other congressmen are
interesting themselves again in behalf of
Judge Advocate General Swalm. The sen
tence of the court , twelve years suspension
from rank and duty , was a very severe one.
President Harrison has boon seen nnd prom
ised to give the matter his personal atten
tion. The power of mitigating the sentence
rests alone with the president. The papers
are now at the white house , and the presi
dent will take up the matter at an early dato.
Mrs. Sheridan is still in the city. AS soou
as the school session is over she nnd her
children will go to their cottage at Nonquett.
Colonel and Mrs. McMlchuol Sheridan will
spend part of the summer with Mrs. Sheri
Miss Maggie Ncoley , of Iowa , was given
cases lu the second division of the govern
ment printing office on Friday.
The marriage of ox-Secretary Bayard to
Miss Mary Willing Clymor is announced to
take place Juno 13 , in this city.
Louis A. Dent-of this city , has been ap
pointed private secretary to Secretary Blame ,
vice Thomas H. Sherman , tppolntod consul
to Liverpool. Dent was formerly private secj
rotary to Congressman Hitt , of Illinois.
Mr. Michaels , of Kansas City , brother of
W. H. Miohacfs , of Nebraska , clerk of the
senate committee on printing * has boon ap
pointed a clerk at $1,800 , and will assume his
duties to-morrow at the government printing
ofllce. PKIIUY S. HEATU.
Elnplnc Krtitor Moore Tires of Bis
Paramour and heaves Her.
ST. Louis , May 20. A dispatch to the
Globo-Domocrat from Now York says :
Henry W. Moore nnd Mrs. John W. Norton
have parted. Ho left her last Thursday.
According to his friends , when Moore loft
St. Louis with Mrs , Norton , ho did it under
the idea , whether right or wrong , that as ho
had caused the woman's downfall , It was nis
duty to stand by her. Ho was madly in love
with her. Uoth expected that divorces
would sot them free and then they Intended
to bo married.
On September 23 last , however , he came
homo from his office about 10 o'clock in the
evening , and found Mrs. Norton absent. Ho
sat on the stoop and waited until shortly
after 2 o'clock in the morning , wncn a car
riage containing Mrs. Norton and a man
prove dn about a block uwny and she got out
und came to the houso. She hud been drink
ing heavily of champagne. Moore got her in
the house and a terrible scene ensued. The
next morning ho demanded an explanation and'
she said she had been spending the evening
with n lady friend , whoso brother-in-law had
brought her home. She offered to take any
oath lie desired thut she had not been un
faithful to him , and thereupon said :
"I hope my mother's soul may be in hell
and remain there f orovor if I um not telling the
truth ; so help mo God. "
Moore then believed her. Ho found later
that film had spent tao evening with n steam
boat clerk , whom she mot'when ' on her way
to Canada to join Mooro. But on her pro
testation that she would never deceive him
again ho forgave her. Then ho detected her
In n llason with n roomer In a flat , which
they rented on East Forty-eighth street.
Moore thereupon loft her , but yielded to her
pleadings and * the intercession of friends ,
und went to living with her again , but on
Thursday last , upon rosolvin ? renomxl evi
dence ot her Infidelity , packed his trunk nnd
loft , leaving Mrs , Norton to go her own way.
Moore , It is said , never wrote of his troubles
to his St. Louis friends , hut always told them
thut ho wus living iiapplty.
American ItalsliiH.
NewYomc , May 20. [ Special Telegram
to Tni : HUK.I ColonoJ Forsytho , ono of the
loading raisin producers of the United
States , has just returned from a careful In
spection of nil the raisin growing districts of
Europe , and says thut American raisins , in
addition to supplying the American rnarliols ,
are destined soon to take a large share of the
London business. Ho says phylloxera Is
constantly diminishing the best crops
of Spain In un Increasing degree ,
and thut oven if they should now got a rem
edy for it , which in not probable , it will bo
.live years before the Malaga district nun re
cover its former position. A heavy con
signment of Culrforniu raisins has been din-
posed of in London this season , being the
first shipment ot the kind on record.
Colonel Forojtho ; wilt leave for California in
a few days , -
A Juvenile Defaulter.
NEW YORK , May SO. Morgan , a thirteen-
year-old eon of Alfred Spcer , president of
the New Jersey Wine company , of Pa alc ,
N. J , , disappeared last night from Passaio
with f 1,000 m money nnd chocks , which were
to ha ve been used to pay off the employes of
tbcrcompany yesterday. „
SuloldB of a Ileutor ,
DAI.TUIOIIB , May 20 Henry Greenfield
Schor , the young aislstant rector ot St.
Paul's Eplscopul church , suicided to-duy
troubles are given the vmu3.
What the Farmers' Alllonco Pro
poses to Accomplish.
Opening Up Reservation Immls The
Beautiful I'rospoctfl For Settlers
Iho Good Ijlvo Indiana
Ofllclal Spoils.
A Wliolrsnlo Election.
HURON , Dak. , Mny 20. [ Special to TUB
BEC.J Dakota will elect a full sot of state
ofllcora : Two congressmen , thirty-six state
senators , ninety-eight representatives , nlno
supreme and circuit Judges , and vote on
the same day for ono of sqvcn candidates for
the state's capital. And the legislature to
bo chosen will have to elect United States
senators. Whatever mixy bo the yield of
wheat and garden truck , politics nro already
waist-high , and wo will bo in over our heads
lone before election day , October 1.
THE BEE'S Black Hills corrospondo nt has
given an account of how Mr. Loucks , presi
dent of the Farmers' alliance , is antagoniz
ing Judge Moody in that direction. Of
course , that Is all nuts for Moody , because
ho and fear nro strangers. In reality , ho
succeeds best when ho is stoutly opposed.
But there Is a method In Louck's' opposition
to the judge , and ho li not working alono.
There is a very well-founded report in this
part of the stata that ho is working in con
cert with Judge Hugh J. C amp-
boll to combine with the nlllanco and the
prohibitionists for the purooso of electing
a full state ticket , legislature , congressmen
and senators. Ho said m a speech in the
Black Hills that the farmers ought to have
all these ofliccs , and ho evidently meant by
this thut he and those ho can influence in
tend to strike for all the sugar and take what
they can got.
And hero's the proof. Thcso two gentle
men nro traveling over the territory trying
to combine their friends on Loucks and
Campbell for United States senators ; Frank
Aiuens for governor ; Abe Van Osdol for
lieutenant-governorj JudgoC. S. Palmer and
George A. Mathews for congress. No ono
behoves that Alkons and | Mathews are in
sympathy with a movement that , has such a
paternity. For Loucks is known to bo a
democrat and ho did all ho could to induce
farmers to vote for Harden last fall when ho
was the democratic candidate for congress.
Two years before that ho opposed the repub
lican legislative ticket , in Hroolciags county.
In further proof that this schema is being
worked Judge Campbell was in Aberdeen a
few days ago , and said if the citizens there
would help in this , move , they could
have then oinlneo for governor and also the
of the United States senators' Of course the
Judge has any quantity of governorships and
scnatorships at his finger tips , and can dis
pense them "ad lib. " While there is nothing
said about what part ttio democrats will play
in this plan , there can bo no doubt of their
being willing to aid and ubot it with all their
votes. For Loucks helped them last year ,
and they will return the favor in,1889 , when
it may put ono of their number in a high
ofllco. and certainly will sow thorns In the
path of the republican party. . .
The Constitutional Convention.
HOIIOK , Dak. , May 20. [ Special to THE
BEB.J It was not fully known until this
week who all the successful candidates were ,
in the election of the 14th instant. Now that
the returns are in , it appears that fifty-two
republicans and twenty-three democrats wore
elected to the constitutional convention. Thus
.the democrats fell two short of getting a
member from each delegate district. This is
the only trial that minority representation
will ever have in our stato. There
was a marked oneness of opinion on
rcadopting the constitution in a number of
counties. For instance : This , Beadle county ,
gave 1,988 votes for it and 33 against ; Dav-
isouGbltoll ; San born 590 to 10 ; Hutchtn-
son county gave but 0 votes against it , wnilo
Moody dropped but 2 against it. Kim ball , in
Brulo , which is solidly democratic , is the
only town thus far reported that gave a ma
jority against the constitution.
Party Spoils.
HonoK , S. D. , May 20. [ Special to Tim
BBK.J O. W. Blair , a younpr lawyer here ,
has been appointed receiver of the land
ofllco in Huron. He succeeds Hon. Ezra W.
Miller , of Elk Point , who has nmdo a very
satisfactory oDlcial , Our people hope that
ho and his family will continue to abide
with us.
Postmaster-General Wanamakor hold up
the commission of J. W. Banbury as post
master at Britton , on account of charges
preferred by ono Shcrln , ho of unsavory
reputation , whose name was connected with
a scandal at ono of our hotels. When Ban-
bury found out who was ttius bothering him
ho sent a certified copy of certain
legal proceedings to the postmaster-
genera ! , Who at once forwarded
his commission. Ho is editor ot the Britton
Daylight , in Marshall county , and was sworn
in as postmaster lust Tuesday.
By the middle of June the commission of
immigration will have several thousand now
and lately corrected maps of the two Dakota
Btatca. all for gratuitous distribution. Ad
dress F. H. Hagcrty , Aberdeen.
There 1ms been considerable Inquiry as to
ox-Oolegato Glfiord being a candidate for
the congressional nomination. I am author
ized to say that ha will not refuse it ho has
an opportunity.
Sioux Falls is growing rich from her
quurtzlto quarries and now Vankton finds
tiiat her river front ot chulk stone is availa
ble for the manufacture of a cement as ex
cellent In quality us the Portland. They also
have nil abundance of potter's clay , and uro
looking forward to the near future when
they will have manufactories of pottery ,
pipes and tiling. That old town is coming to
the front. It is high time.
Frco Imml In Dakota.
SISBETON Aouxov , Duk. , May 20. [ Special
to Tun BEE. ] Three million five hundred
thousanu Tcrcs of the finest laud m Dakota ,
the Sissoton Indian and military reserva
tions , are HOOU to bo thrown open for settle
ment. There is no such rush here as oc
curred when Oklahoma was declared ready
for the homesteader , hut thereif a steady ,
quiet movement toward the now El Dorado
by the farmers of adjoining Minnesota and
Dakota counties , and when the time arrives
for entering the reservations several thou
sand sturdy boomers will bo on hand to inako
early selections. The military reservation ,
set apart In 1604 for the use of United States
troops , comprises 500,000 acres , and will bo
proclaimed open on the 1st of Juno. The In
dian reservation , which contains a llttlo
more than three million acres , will bo ready
to bo sliced UD Into tracts of ICO acres , it is
expected , about the 1st of August. This de
pends on the rapidity with which the red
men are allotted lands in severally.
There nro about eighteen hundred of the Sis-
actons who have agreed to take 100
acres each and as span as they make their se
lections too president will bo notified and ho
will Issue on order opening the remaining
portion to settlement. The military reserva -
tlon Is a rectangular tract located In Mar
shall county. ' It canbo cut up Into 8,000
farms , on which 15,000 people can gam a
livelihood , The great Slsseton Indian reser
vation is a tract In the shape of u wedge , the
point of which rots on Lake KampeeKa , In
nty , three miles uortb of Wu-
tortown. The western bofandary rung
through the counties ot Godtagton , Grant ,
Day , Marshall nnd Sargent flo the forty-
sixth parollol. The northern. boundary lies
In Sargent , Ulchland and Roberts counties.
Lake Traverse , on the Mlnnosotn border. Is
the eastern boundary for n'dlstahco ' , ot thirty
mllei , the boundary lino- , running thence
through Itoborts , Grant * rtrtd Codlngton
counties to Lake Kampaoki * fljfain. The 1.800
Indians will become noisosscnV of less than
(500,000 acres , nnd all the rest of the 0,000,003
acres will soon bo covered with vegetables
under the ownership of the white man. This
land Is not a wild western wilderness far re
moved from the centers of civilization. The
country is thickly settled with thrifty people
ple on ovcry sldoof the reservation. Among
the towns nnd cities located within a few
miles of the borders of the great tract are
Brown's Valley nnd Ortonvlllo , Minn. ;
Britton , Webster , Mllbahk , Wllmot , Kut-
land. Formnn and Watertown , Dakota. Ono
railroad , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul , runs through the Indian reservation ,
mid the Manitoba , Minneapolis' & Pacific ,
the Northwestern , the Burlington , the Cedar
Rapids it , Northern , and the Minneapolis &
St. Louis run along Its borders. The land is
splendidly watered by numerous lakes and
small streams , and BUfllolontly hilly to bo
splendidly drained. The soil is D black
loam which averages a foot in thickness , but
at times reaches several foot. It is the most
fertile on the eastern border of the territory ,
and largo crops of wheat , oats , corn and vege
tables arc raised. Stock fares well also , as
there Is excellent grazing both summer and
winter. There is a pleasing difference between -
twoon this and adjoining sections as to tim
ber ; oak and cottonwood trees abound on
both reservations. Building stone is plenti
ful along Uio central ridged , and the Indians
have utilized it to some extent. Excellent
sand ana brick clay abound. The rainfall is
usually frequent and plentiful , the average
for several years being 17-B7 inches , 'iho
single company of troops upw located at Fort
Sissoton will bo ordered to some other post
onrly In Juno , and the government buildings ,
twenty-five in number , will bo sold nt public
auction Juno 0. Several hundred acres im
mediately adjoining the fort are already
under a high state of cultivation , the garri
son having raised all its 'vegetables for a
long period. Th.s and all thp other land on
the reservation will bo subject to homestead
entry only. The Slsseton Indians , a branch
of the great Sioux tribe , are the most peace
ful and enjoy the highest civilization of any
in Dakota. They have almost entirely dis
carded the Indian language , ' and In their
schools English is taught exclusively. The
only Indian boarding school in the northwest
is located on this reservation. This school
has a boys' and girls' hall and employs flvo
teachers , supported wholly by the Presby
terian board of homo missions , and receives
no aid whatever from the government. The
schools are in charge of Hov. Dr. Adams ,
who , though eighty years old , is halo and
hearty. The Presbyterian school occunios
nine largo buildings , while the government
school occupies but ono building and cm-
ploys only three teachers. In the former
all the industrial branches are taught , and
the rod men are learning trades which will
bo useful in gaining a livelihood. Many
of the Indians are taking business
courses , some bccomo line musicians and a
largo class is preparing for the ministry.
The Sissotons are nearly nil TPresbyterians ,
thcro being nlno Presbyterian and ono .Epis
copal churcn on the reservation. John R.
Kunvlllo , the oldest Indian * preacher in
America , who many years ago assisted the
missionaries in translating the bible Into the
Sioux language , Is still < viorous and delivers
a sermon every Sunday. The "Sissetons receive -
ceivo no annuities from ; the government ,
beinir entirely self-supporting , and their
homes compare favorablywlth those ot the
whites in the counties bordering on the
reservation. Tboy are industrious and
honest , nnd , in marked contrast to those
being supported by the government in idle
ness , are increasing in numbers ,
.Tho Financial "Transactions of the
I'nst Atfeolc.
BOSTON , Mass. , May , 2(1. ( [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKB.J The following table ,
compiled from dispatches to the Post from
the managers of the leading clearing-houses
of the United States , shows the gross ex
changes for the week ended May 23 , 1889 ,
with rates per coat of increase or decrease
as > compared with the amounts for the cor
responding week in 1888 :
* Not Included In total , No clearing house at
this tlmo last year.
Tlio Youthful Knobber Freely Admits
Ills Guilt.
OZARK , Mo. , Mny 20. ( Special to Tun
BEE. ] The confession of William Walker ,
just made public hero , ' is regarded nsontfreiy
correct , BO lar as the youthful Knobbor's
knowledge of the tragedy | joes. Ho freely
admits that ho was the principal actor In the
fearful scene , but claims that his father ,
David Walker , was rbally. in Ignorance of
the intention to nsaaui tlie Edons. How
ever correct tills may bo.ilt'is clearly known
that David Walker was-dctiorminod to make
his band of regulators feared from ono end
of Christian county to tha other , though bo
was probably too cautious lo make the as
sault on the Edens at tlio time it was precip
itated by some of .hm less prudent fol
lowers. , I
Only u week before the .Edons massacre
Wulker was reasoned with by ono of his
Knobbor friends , aud'urgojl to desist from
whipping raids , whiclnuud grown to bo of
almost nightly occurrence"They'll never
find us out , " said 'and we'll knock
'em right and left. " j
Tbo story recently published about the
eventful wandering of .Wiley Matthews ,
and his final drovvnjiiK > ln the War Eagle
river. In Arkansas , U pare tionsunso , Wiley
Mutt hows' wife U frequently seen at Dyke's
store , a little-trading point pn the Swan
river , In Tanoy couaty/a place whore she
has neither relations .nor omuloymunt , and
it is morally certain tnat Wiley is eccroted
in bomo of tlio slnrp gqrgcs of the adjacent
hills , where human footsteps seldom tread.
TlioVentlier Indications.
For Nobrattca and .Dakota : Generally fair
northerly winds , slljjlft changes in tempera
ture , f
For Iowa ; Showers in cuHtern portion , .fair
in wester. } portion and westerly winds ,
warmer in eastern lOrilon , stationary turn-
pcruturo HI wet tern purlieu.
The ProooBBlon vraa Three Hours
In Passing.
A Canopy of American Flags Above
tlio Bier High Mass In the
Cathedral CoiiRhllti'a'
Mysterious Smith.
"With DirgCf ) Duo.
CHICAGO , May 30. In nil of Its details the
funeral of Dr. P. H. Cronln to-day was a
most remarkable affair. From ono end of
the big procession to the other through the
endless crowds on the streets , among the
throne In the great cathedrals , aboard the
train , after the train that was passing the
cottage sped toward Calvary cemetery , the
dead man's fearful futo was present In every
mind. Tbo corpse has boon lying in state in
Calvary armory on the lake front , and there
early this morning a morbid and curious
crowd with the dead man's friends made
their pilgrimage. Armed sentries from
the Hibernian .rifles stood nrms-at-roat nt
each corner of the raised platform on which
reposed the catafalque and coffin. The
crayon portrait of the dead man , draped in
black , stood near the coQla. A hugo cross of
white pinks and marguerites woven In with
smllax was at the head of the bier , and a
harp and a smaller cross stood at the foot.
A candelabra with seven tapers flickered in
front of the cross. Hopes of green smllax
and white roses were looped from the coffin
and about the catafalque , nnd potted plants
wcro grouped at the corners of the platform.
A canopy of American flags hung above the
blor nnd festoons of black and whlto twlnod
the bars above it.
Largo crowds jammed the streets before
the armory , and the police kept the passage
way open for those who wished to enter the
funeral hall. .
fjFor three hours the procession in double
file marched across the platform.
Only a picture and a big silver plato on
the cotllti lid testified that all that was mor
tal of Dr. Cronin was within the caskot. At
last the procession stopped and the pall
bearers entered. At their head was Luke
Dillon , of Philadelphia ; Edward O'McaKhor
Condon , of New York ; John Dovoy , of New
York ; and Thomas P. Dinto , of Detroit.
Following them came a largo number of lo
cally prominent Irish-Americans , represent
ing friends of the dead man and the societies
to which ho belonged.
Leaving the armory , the casket was nlaccd
in the hcarso and the procession formed. At
its head was a platoon of police , followed
by the marshal and aides. Then came
a drum corps nnd the Hibernian
rifles with arms reversed , and next the
hcarso with its guard of honor nnd pall
bearers. The Clan-na-Gael guards , the
uniformed rank of the Royal Arcanum and
1,000 members of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen came noxt. The Ancient
Order ol Hibernians , 1,000 strong , several
courts of th6 Independent Order of For
esters , 1,200 in all , and 3,700 Catholic For
esters were in lino. Uniformed members of
the Royul League , the Sheridan Rifles , the
Catholic Benevolent Legion and fragments
of other orders swelled the lino.
Marshal Cahill said that over seven thou
sand men wcro in the procession. Four
bands and'half a dozen drum .corps played
dirges or marked the alow tlmo of the'funoral
inarch. Scores of furled flags draped lu
black'and society banners edged with crape
were carried by standard bearers. The line
of march was black with people , the side
walks , windows , stairways and roof tops
being crowded.
Reaching the Cathedral of the Holy Name
an immense crowd was encountered. On the
approach of the procession the bell tolled and
the organ pealed forth the funeral march.
The pall bearers with their burden moved
down the center of the aisle and lowered the
casket on the catafalque. Candles were
placed beside it nnd the ceremonies of the
high requiem mass begun. The sermon was
by Rov. Father Muldoon. Ho spoke at length
of Cronin's kindness of heart and his gener
ous nature , but approached no nearer the
tragedy than a few general allusions.
After the church services the procession
was renewed and proceeded through crowd
ed streets to the union depot at Canal and
Adams streets. Thirty-six cars were tilled.
Hundreds of persons drove out in buggies
nnd carriages and hundreds moro came to
the cemetery from neighboring suburbs.
Heavy black clouds kept muny persons away
and vague rumors of trouble may have
frightened others. Arriving at Calvary the
marching orders were speedily placed in line
and the body was carried to the public vault.
No exercises of any sort took place nt the
cemetery. A threatening spatter of rain
warned the crowd that a storm was at band ,
and the three long trains were refilled with
in fifteen minutes.
Dr. Cronin's body will bo loft in the vault
until his friends purchase u lot and arrange
for public interment.
If Williard J. Smith tells a true story ,
Detective Cougblin's ' ' 'unknown Smith , " for
whom ho says ho hired the horse on the
night of Cronlc's disappearance , is moro
than over a mystery. At a socialistic meet
ing at Wavorlv hall this attornoon a reporter
was approached by an acquaintance and
Smith was pointed out as the man implicated
in Coughlin's story. The reporter accosted
Smith. and the latter said ho
didn't ' know anything about the white
horse. Ho is feolng to see Chief of Police
Hubbard about the story , as ho wants tno
chief to know ho had nothing to do with
Cronin's disappearance. Smith says ho came
hero from Hancock , Mich. , three years ago.
Ho know Cougblin in thut city and intended
several tunes to look him up here , but never
did so until last Tuesday , when happening
to pass the East Chicago station ho wont in
and talked with Couphlln. Ho saw Win again
last Wednesday afternoon , accidentally
meeting him on LuSallo street and hasn't
heard of him since.
Smith is at present employed by a real
estate dealer hero , and refuses to givu bis oc
cupation previous to entering his present
position. That ho knew Coughlln ho admits
and that ho was twlco with the detective im
mediately proceeding the latter's assertion
raado on Friday that the man for whom ho
engaged the horse was Tom Smith , formerly
of Hancock , Mich , , who had since gone to
Now Mexico. Smith says ho has no relatives
in thut city and no "brother. Ho does not
know any ono named Tom Smith in Hancock.
Smith's ' friends say that Coughlln finding It
necessary to invent a , name for the unknown
buggy driver , chanced to think of his newly
found friend , and afterwards , to carry out
the story , gave the mysterious individual not
only the name , but the former address of his
An oxtraordlnory chain of circumstances
In connection with the case was brought to
light tills evening. Young Miss Murphy ,
who declares she saw Dr. Cronln coming
down town several hours after ho left homo
on the night of his disappearance , is
the daughter of a saloonkeeper In whoso
place it is said an attempt was once made to
arrest Cronin for connection with an alleged
woman Bcrupo. Miss Murphy is also re
ported to bo a relative of , n detective , the
partner of the suspected O nicer Coughlln.
The street car conductor , Duyur , who cor
roborated the story that Croniu was seen
coming down town and presumably
took a truin out of the. city ,
is said to buvo resigned bis position
and disappeared. An ox-street car man
named Tlernan , whoso whereabouts could
not be learned to-night , has recently been in
the employ at Ice Dealer P , O'Sullivau. it
was one of the cards of this man that played
such a part in luring Croniu to his deuth.
v Another arrest has been made in con
nection with the caso. The' man' King/ des
cribed by Prisoner Woodruff as the person
who hired him to steal a horse the night of
Dr. Cronin's disappearance , was captured
to-day In n liouso of ill fame. The nr-
rest was mndo with great secrecy.
In n number of particulars King answers
the description given of him by Woodruff.
It is somewhat of n mystery wliy King has
not been nrroslod before , as It is understood
from the officers that ho has at no tlmo ap
parently manifested any deslro to Icavo the
city. The arrest was kept secret until to-
nlcht , as It was decided to confront Wood
ruff with King.
The Cronln Circular.
PHILADELPHIA , May 26. The Public
Ledger to-morrow will say :
"At the Irish-American club last evening
a prominent member showed a copy of n
printed circular which , ho snUl , ho had
received from Dr. Cronin about eighteen
months ngo and copies of which have boon
Rent by Cronln to his friends so they might
bo nblo to defend his character in case it was
attacked. The circular occupies twelve pages
and Is headed :
'Is It Conspiracy t An Unpublished Inter
view. '
"Itpurports to bo nn interview prepared
by the reporter ot n daily paper , but with
hold from publication by Cronln , based on n
rumor , circulated November 27. 1887 , to the
effect that Cronln had been shot by n woman.
Cronln says the rumor originated m
a saloon on North Clark street , kept
by the father of Annie Murphy. Annie
Murphy is the woman who is rcportod'to
have said she saw Cronln late on the night
of his disappearance1. The circular continues
with a detailed account of n certain attempt
to gain information as to Cronin's character ,
nntocodanta , etc. "
Another Arrest.
PmiAi > nt.riiiA , Mny 20. The Record , to
morrow , will say : "Peter McGohnn , who
mysteriously disappeared from this city three
months ago and was next heard of in Chicago ,
where It Is alleged ho threatened the life of
Dr. Cronin , was nrrostod In that city yester
day. The arrest of McGohan is thought to
foreshadow other arrests because it
Id known ho has been under the
surveillance of PInkerton detectives over
since the disappearance of Cronin.
Though ho was constantly shadowed It was
deemed not wise to arrest him until other
important evidence was obtained to demon
strate how far reaching was the conspiracy ,
which had for its object the murder of
Ilo Did Not Become a British Spy
Until Lately.
JOLIET , III. , May SO. [ Special Telegram
to THE BF.E. | Great Interest has boon
aroused In Jollot by the publication of portions
tions of the testimony of Lo Curon , the spy ,
relative to his initiation into the Clan-na-
Lo Caron testified that ho was initiated by
Alexander Sullivan in Chicago. In doing
this Sullivan had broken the rules of the
order , Lo Caron not being of Irish extrac
A local paper publishes nn interview with
John T. Donahoc , ono of the prominent
Irishmen of this city , concerning the reports
of Lo Caron's initiation. Mr. Donahoe's
answer was a complete refutation of the
report. "Tho lender in question had
nothing whatever to do with Lo Caron's in
itiation in the Clan-na-Gael , " said ho posi
tively. "Lo Caron was initiated into the
Clan na-Gael in Braidwood , in the year 1880 ,
by William O'Callaghan of this city. It was
the first Clan-na-Gael camp in that place ,
and was organized by Mr. O'Callaghan assis
ted by John Ryan , of Jollot , then members
of a Joliet camp of tho- same order , The first
suggestion'of Lo"Caron , as an eligible person
for membership came fronf ox-Justice Wil
liam Stapleton , of Joliot. Mr. Staplcton has
told mo of this himself. O'Callaghan and Ryan
were the only members present from Joliet
to organize the meeting. Fifteen or twenty
of the Braidwood men , who had boon selected
beforehand , were present to bccomo initiated.
They were all supposed to bo true men , and
no one entertained any suspicion against Lo
Caron. When the work of orgnni/lng was
completed Lo Caron was chosen president of
the camp , by a unanimous vote , as I remem
ber it. Ho remained its presiding officer for
some time ; just how long I cannot say. I
haven't belonged to the orgiuiizatlun for a
long time. "
Donahoo docs not believe Lo Caron be
came a traitor until shortly before the Par-
neil trial began. The fact that Lo Caron
worked hard for a living , and at times was
sorely pressed for money was evidence to
Donahoo that ho was not receiving British
gold. The last year or two prior to his de
parture , Lo Caron was in very poor circum
stances , and Donahoo Is of the opinion that
he saw a chnnco to make a large sum of
money by turning Informer r.nd so became a
John L. Tells Nolltn Bly His Hoai-t'B
' Desire.
NEW YOIIK , May 20. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bun. ] Nellie Bly had nn interview
with John L. Sullivan , In which the follow
ing conversation took place :
"Do you like prUo fighting ! " I asked Mr ,
Sullivan. .
"I don't , " ho replied. "Of course , I Q\a \
once , or rather I was fond of traveling
about andtho , excitement of the crowds ,
but this is my last light. "
"Why I"
"Well , I am tired nnd want to settle
down. ! '
"What shall you do if you stop fighting } "
If I win this light I will travel for a year
giving sparring exhibitions , then I will settle
down , I have always wanted to run u hotel
in Now York and if I am successful I think I
Bliall spend the rest of my life as n hotel pro
prietor. "
"How much money have you made during
your career as a prl/.o lighter ! "
"I have made ? ; > ( JO,000 or fWO,009 ( In boxliifr ,
nnd made ? 125.0UO from September 20 , 18b3 ,
to May 20 , 1884 , when I traveled through the
country offering SI,000 to any ono T couldn't
knock out in four rounds , which takes twelve
minutes. "
"How will you fight Kllraln with or with-
"I will fight Kllrain according to London
prize ring rules. "
Closed In Front But the Uncle Doors
liivlto the Thirsty.
CINCINNATI , Mny 20. With fewer than a
dozen exceptions the saloons wore , to all out
ward appearances , closed , to-day. The front
doors were shut and locked and the blinds
wore down. There was little or no dlfllculty
in getting admission to perhaps one-third of
them by the side or hack entrance. Thcro
were live arrests , by the police , of the most
doflant'propriotors of open hous'ia. In ono
cuso a proprietor was arrested throe times
before ho closed. The law and order league
caused saloonkeepers In different parti of
the city to be arrested und brought before
magistrates ,
Antlcipiillnu Memorial Day.
LBAVENWOUTII , Kan. , . May 20. [ Special
Telegram to THE Hce.1 The annual Decora
tion day services were held at the Soldiers'
Homo , to-day , In order that the old veterans
could uttcnd the celebration at Fort Leaven-
worth Thursday. The exorcises wore opened
with an oration by Protextant Post Chaplain
Glllesplc , followed with musio by the homo
band. The graves wero'then profusely dec
orated with flowers by the S.UUU veterans at
the home , and the citizens present. The me
morial address wus delivered by Cuptuln
J. B. Johnston , of Topcxa , who made an
eloquent und feeling speech. Father Flyuii.
the Catholic post chaplain , then pronounced
the benediction , after which all present pur-
took of u sumptuous dinner.
Tonrlnc Down a House as a Mattof
of Principle.
Driving off Carpenters nnd Dronlclnp
Dp FonndntioiiH A. Sort of All
Around Fl ht Arnica
Ti-ooi)8 Appear.
The Oklahoma Spirit Ilninjinnt.
GuTjimn , I. T. , May Si ) . ( Special Tele
gram to Tun HUE. ] The city of Guthrlo la
In a ferment ot excitement over n not which
occurred this morning and In which several
persons were seriously injured.
United States Deputy Marshal Hayes nnd
Amos Burnett , of Nashville county , Illinois ,
James Sampscl , of Toala , Kan , , and Jamoa
Weed , of Connecticut , nro contest
ants for n valuable corner lot. A ;
weak ngo an arbitration committed
awarded the lot to Snmpsol , but this morning
Weed , wttli n gang ot carpenters , appeared
and began the erection of n frame .louso on
the lot. A mob ot Satnpsol's sympathizers at )
once collected and shouted : "Tear down tha
house I"
They picked up scantlings nnd made an
assault nnd drove the carpenters from
their work. They then , rafter by
rafter , razed the building to tha
ground. The carpenters laid anothen
foundation but. it was quickly torn up by tha
infuriated mob. Marshal Noodles appeared
upon the scene and ordered the mob to dis
perse , but they hooted and Jeered at him.
Frank Longworth , of Chicago , made nn
incendiary speech which incited n free-for-
all fight in which sticks and stones wora
freely used. During the iiioloo pickpockets
were discovered at work and ono of them
was knocked down and tramped on by the
crowd. A rafter foil nnd broke his log.
Meanwhile the United States troops ar
rived upon the scene at a double quick. They
charged upon the crowdwho , retreated. Ono
of then , George Stevens , of Nllcs , Mich. , re
fused to move beyond the cordon formed by
by the soldiers and was struck on the head
with a musket by n soldier and his skull
fractured. The man Longworth was i fol
lowed to the jail by n mob bent on scouring
his release but ho spoke through the bars of
the window and counseled moderation nod
the mob retired. At 0 p. m. the United States
troops nro putroling the street.
The You UK BiiclCH of the Rosebud
Aacnoy Are Uneasy.
VALENTINE , Nob. , May 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] The citizens along the
line north of Crookston are in a state of
terror , owing to the fear of nn outbreak ol
the turbulent element of the young bucks on
the Rosebud reservation. A party of citizens
arrived here this afternoon nnd immediately .
proceeded to Fort Nlobrara to beg General
ICantz for troops to bo sent at once to their
assistance. General ICantz came hero to
night and , through Special Agent Lunz ,
telephoned Agent Spencer at the agency , but
no particulars of the outbreak could bo as
certained , and troops will not bo sent until
something definite is learned. The scare
caino from a party of friendly Indians going
around among the farmers and advising
them to move at once with their families and
stock to Fort NIobraru , as thslr liv.os yrorn _
In great danger. Thfa is"'bcliovcd hero u
only our annual ecaro of which nothing
comes. _ _ _ _ _
Beatrice Chnittuuqua Ansombly.
BEATIIICE , Nob. , May 28. [ Special to Tiitt
BEE. ] The lirst session of the Beatrice
Chautauqua assembly will bo hold in River
side park , Beatrice , Juno 23 to July 8 , in
clusive. The programme is a superior ono , '
embracing lectures , concerts , elocution readings -
ings , etc. Among the lecturers are Peter
M. von Fiuklcston , of Jerusalem , who will
appear in his native costume ; Robert Mo-
Intyro , "tho'HoosIor orator ; " Prof. John
H. Do Motto , Ph. D. , ono of the foremost
scientists of the laud ; J. B. Young , D. D. , _
the scholar , the orator , the traveler ; Gcorga
W. Miller , D. D. . ono of the loading Chau-
tauqua orators of the east , a pleasant , inter
esting and forcible speaker ; Miss Ella
Dillon , elocutionist. Rov. Sam Jones has
telegraphed that ho will bo present and de
liver an address.
Among the instiuctors nro , director ot
music , Prof. S. F. Cravens ; pianist , Mrs. S.
Cravens ; Intermediate music class , Prof.
Calvin. '
The special days arc. Old Settlers' day , W.
C. T. U. and Tomuoranuo 'day , Y. M. C. A.
day , children's jubilee , Independence day ,
C. L. S. C. Recognition day , Music und Mis
sion day.
Programmes of much interest-havo boon
prepared for these days. That of the Fourth ,
of July is to bo ono of unusual interest , u
part of which will bo : 10:31) : ) n. m. . senses ot
the war , assembly chorus ; Prof. S. F.
Cravens , director ; 11 a. m. , morning lectura
( speaker to bo announced ) ; 2iO : : p. m. , came
lira ; hot black coffee , nnd plenty of It ; army
songs ; bard tack , old style ; army jokes , ami
sham battle ; 79 : ! p. in , , musical prelude ; na
tional songs ; 8 p. m. , "Echoes from Round
Top , " the stor.y of n great battle , Illustrated
with largo diagram * of the campaign and
battlefield of Gettysburg , by J. B. Young.
Donne Collcsrn Field Day.
CnETH , Nob. , May 2(5. ( | Special to Tun
Bun/ ] The Doano college students hat\
their field day yesterday , A largo and
varied performance had boon selected. The
tennis tournament on the campus in the
morning was declared off on account of rain
the night previous. In the attornoon the
students inarched to the fair ground , l > ro-
codcd by the college band. A largo and
enthusiastic uurtlcnco of the friends of the ,
college remained until nearly 7 o'clock ,
when the long programme had gone through
with. The "tug of war" between the eoU
lego and the preparatory oluss was won by
the latter in good style.
A Grand Islnnd llnlllht. '
GitANi ) IBI.AKD , Nob. , May SJfl. [ Spech
Telegram to Tim BIJH.J W. A. Itourko ,
manager of the Grand Island buso ball cluU i
was to-day the recipient of ft beautiful cold
watch , presented to him by his mlmliwa nnd
lovers of the gumo In this city. Rourko has ,
promoted bnso bull here und Is doing spleiu
did work in the box uild ut short.
Til JO ItNAl Jl'IUTJl.
A MnK'Uflceiit Bhowlnicof fjnst Year's
Work of tlio Order.
NEW YOHK , May -Special [ Tolo-i
gram to THE BKK. ] Representatives of
seven of the nlno districts of the Hebrew
order of linui B'rlth met hero yesterday.
The two unrepresented districts were Gor-
inuny und Roumanla. Thcso representa
tives form the executive committee of tha ,
order , They met to make reports of the ,
work of last year , during which -tho order
has spent nearly $1,000,000 for educational
and charitable purposes , and to plan opeis
utlotiB for next year.
The foreign dlsti lets whicnvere not rep *
roscntotl sent full reports , from which It up-
pcurs tlmt the order Is spreading very
rapidly in Germany , Rouinuula , I'alostinn
and Egypt , und there wus even an applica
tion for n permit to form a lodge ut tliu Cup *
of Good Hope.
A general convention of the order will b
mild next year ut Richmond , Va. The rc
poitsof the executive committee InUlcat
that IU work In the lust your Ims far ex- ,
cccdcd thut of any previous your ,