Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1889, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    If "n'J 14 .T'l : * V-t-1t-t Vl " . * * 1 - * -r * yfW jp 'v 'top'1'1" ' ' " - -
tellverea by carrier In Any Pnrt of heCltyn
, _ Twenty Cents i'cr Week. . . _ . , . .
11 , W. tni/ION , . MANAGBH.
r s OFFICE No. 43.
N. y.Plumblng Co.
D.V. . Otis , city nnd form loans.
The Ft. Omaha team nnd the Odclls play
at Fnlrvlow park this afternoon.
Permit to wed was yesterday granted to
V. II. Scott nnd Louisa Mowcry , of this
Colonel Dally will serve as chief marshal
of the big parmlo at the firemen's touma-
A ball game will bo plnycd nt Mnnnwa this
afternoon , before the time for the Hoynton
exhibition , by the Garnnaus and the Diamonds
mends , of Omaha.
Unity guild wlU hold an ice cream nnd
strawberry sociable on next Wednesday
evening , at the residence of Mrs. F. A.
Sliehtcr , No. G13 Flrt > t street.
Tbo funeral of Mrs. Anna Carrigg took
place from St , Francis Xnvlor's churoh , nt 9
o'clock , yesterday morning , and was very
largely attended. The remains were In
terred In the Catholic cemetery.
A meeting of the city council was called
for last evening , but a quorum was not
present nnd nothing was done. The tnattor
to have hrcn considered was the opening of
bids for sowowont. . It will now come up
at the meeting to-morrow ovcnfhg.
, Arrangements nro being made for a mass
meeting at Dolmnoy's opera house next Sun
day evening in tbo interest of Chautuuqua.
Thu ministers of nil the city churches have
consented to glvo up their evening services ,
/and n largo nnd enthusiastic meeting is ox-
' poctcd.
. Strict orders Imvo boon given that no ono
but odlecrs ami prisoners nro to bo allowed
to ride In the patrol wagon when out on
regular duty. When pressed into use by the
mayor and aldormcn , this rule will not ap
ply , nnd It must Uo remembered that on such
occasions passengers nro not necessarily
< , Among thn pictures which have won
i merited praise from these who attended the
exhibition In Omaha was that of "Conchol-
ogy , " by Mrs. C. P. Uoilsbaclr , of Council
Ulutls , a lady of much urtlstlu training and
ability. The study was an original one , and
not n copy , as wni erroneously stated in
some of the reports.
All members of the Abe Lincoln post No.
29. G. A. It. , will report nt ho.idquartcrs at
0:80 : this morning in full uniform to attend
dlvlno service ut the First Baptist churoh
anil listen to the address of Hev. Dr. Coo ley.
> All visiting soldiers and sailors are invited to
i participate. William H. Campbell , earn-
.mantlcr. Attest , Joseph Cromer , adjutant
* George Tolllver , a colored individual , well
known about the city , was arrested last
evening on a charge of passing counterfeit
" taonoy , preferred by Charles Kconan , of
Omaha. Tollivor asked him to change half
A dollar for him , at the sumo time uresontlng
a plcco of silver , ICeonan saw that it
oft color , and rushed after a policeman.
Tolllver was towed in , but claimed that ho
was merely joking. As the piece had little
resemblance to genuine coin , the explana
tion was accepted , and the prisoner released.
Notes nnd mortgages bought mid sold ,
money loaned ; fire insurance. Robert
V. Lines. 30 Ponrl st.
Heisler's Oyster Bny chop house nnd
restnurantdny nnd niRht,503 Brand way.
A million nnd a half SnntaRosacigrnrs
Bold in 1833.
if Try nowMetropolitan rooms and table
! iWoolsoy & , Lionpr paper rooms nent ,
( i quick , cheap. 81 Main , tel 1103.
f Notice the beautiful tinish given col-
J Inrs , cuffs ntid shirts by Cascade Laundry -
dry company.
I Dr. O. O. Hazcn , dentist , Opera house
f block.
i If you want a tasty and convenient
fence or railing about your residence
or lawn , use C. J. Bookman's patent
locking bracket , as any panel can bo
readily taken out und firmly replaced.
Address C. J. Bookman , 7:18 Seventh
Attention Sons of Veterans.
There will bo a mooting of the Sons
of Veterans Monday night. A full at
tendance is required as there will bo
arrangements made for Decoration day.
By order of Captain C. A. Williams.
\ Pi rsonnl Paragraphs.
Mro. Joseph MoWllliams and daughter re
turned yesterday morning from a four weoics'
visit to Cleveland and Detroit.
( Prof. Chntcurn , of Plattsmouth , Nob. , nnd
Bister , Mrs. Tlnsloy , of Sltloy , la. , arc visit
ing the family of O. A. Bcobo.
Miss IJollo Sutherland , sister of Mrs.
Ktttlo Gllmoro , has returned from her visit
in Sbonandonh , nnd will make her future
homo with her sister and brother.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Livingston have returned
from their wedding tour east , and will bo
' ( At Homo" to thulr friends Sunday , Mny
20 , nt 111 Plerco street , Council Bluffs , la.
Santa Rosa cigar best lOo cigar in
the world. Smokers all buy it.
w Now is the time Council Bluffs is the
" frlaco to make investments in real es
tate. Values will increase 100 to 300
per cent in 12 months. Bargains inlets
lots , acre and improved property. R.
II P. Olllcor , No. 12 North. Main st.
Money loaned nt L. B. Craft's & Co.'a
loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
* wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value , without
removal. All business strictly conll-
Finest Ice Cream In city. Drlosbach's
Double parlors , 1)5 ) Main st.
A Onn-Sldcd Rail On in P.
Iho V. M. C. A. ba o ball nine has been
\organlzed" for the season , as follow * ; E.
Shugnrt , c. ; G. I'atlorson , 1st b. ; C. Stod-
* aard , s. s. ; H. Wltharow , 1. f. j F. A. Haas ,
8 < t 0.5 J. Moore , 3d b.j F. n. Stacy , r. f. ; J.
Bono , Jr. , p.5 W. Uoobo , o. f. The boys are
Inprattygood trim for mooting any club
averaging In ago from ilftoaa to eighteen
years. Yesterday afternoon they were to
have mot the O. & D. nine , but ns the luttor
failed to show up , n picked nine took thqlr
place. The game wa played on the grounds
t the corner of Ninth street and Ninth ave
nuo. Only Jlva Innings wore ilayod , the
core standing 27 to 3n little too one-sided
to bo Interesting. E. McCroary served as
umpire. 'Iho Y. M. O. A. club Is planning
on Having a game on the saino grounds on
Decoration day ,
If you have any property to sell at a
bargain for cash , call on W. W. Bilgor ,
28 Pearl st.
- ' 'Dunplor vapor stoves at cost change
VlocuUon. 'Shugnrt & Co. , 211 Broad way ,
> -f S , 13. Wads worth < k Co. loan money.
J. G. Tijtton , real cstato , 627 B'dway
Card tit' Tluiiilcs.
Wo nro under the most profound ob
ligation to the kind people who iw-
Biutod with their aid und sympathy dur
ing the fiioknoss and death of our
mother , obiwohvlly to the Sisters of St.
Bernard's hospital ,
A * PAVJD CAiiuiaa ,
MltS. P. J , MOKAX ,
Mus. j. p. NKVJNS ,
% MINNIE Pvw * .
f 5 , . , , -
O , A. lleobo & Co. will loan cots dur
ing the Uroiuou's tounmtuout.
A Flno Day's Sport at the Driving
The Cliurolica Present Attractions
for TO-D.IJT Tlio Clly Council
1'cr onnls ntul Mere
The liners.
The weekly racing programme at Union
Driving park called out a largo nttoridmico
yesterday afternoon. The south grand stand
was well filled , and a largo line of carriages
lined the quarter stretch. The track WOT In
fair condition , and tno only draw-back was a
rather chilly brcczo that sprang up about 3
o'clock. The attendance , which numbered
nearly ono thousand , wat mostly from
Omaha , the main attraction for them being
the attempt of the wonderful pacer , U. 13ct ,
the property of Nut Urown. of Omaha , to
beat hl record of 2:05 : with rnnnmg mate.
Tno horsemen of tbo twin cities turned out
en mnsio , and the grounds presented a very
animated appearance. " *
It was nearly 8 o'clock xvhon the first tap
of the bell was heard , calling for the starters
In the first race. Colonel D. U. Dallcy and
Colonel W. F. Snpp , of this city , and Charles
McCormlck , of Omaha , acted as Judges , and
P. V. Fowler and A. S. Patrick , both of
Omaha , were the timers. Theodora Bray ,
of ttilsHjlty , acted as starter In the running
race. Superintendent Lacy was keot busy
atihogato raking In the quarters of those
who presented themselves for admittance.
The uato receipts amounted to over $200 , the
largest of any racing meeting hold In some
The first rnco was the 2:35 : trot for n purse
of $150. There were three starters and thov
drew positions as follows : II. W. Oilman ,
hr. g. Frank , first ; Charles Wilson , br. g.
Hilly Mont , second ; M. E. Harlo br. s. Monmouth -
mouth Abdullah , third. The homes were
sent awtiv to n pretty start at the second at
tempt. Frank went up us ho loft the wlro
and ran two thirds of the way to the quarter
posts , maintaining a lead of a couple of
lengths , whli'h ho quickly increased to half a
dorun. The heat was not particularly inter
esting. Frank was not molested , and easily
kept daylight botwecn his wheel and Abdul-
lah , wno , however , was not driven for first
pluco. 'lime , 2:5JJ : .
The second boat resulted in another victory
for the veteran. Old Frank rounded the
turn like n more youthful llyor , and held nis
lead to the wire. He won in 2:45J/ : , with
Abdaliuh second , and Mont third. It was
evident that Abdullah had too much speed
for the others If driven for first place , but
| iis owner was so fearful of securing a mark
thai ho was careful to bo far enough behind
at the three quarter post to finish in good
shape , anil still bo behind the loader.
The third heat was culled ut4:59 : , and the
Morses sent away without t-oublo. Mont
tried to cut In for second place , but lost his
feet and went back to the outside. Frank
led up the back stretch by several rungths ,
hut went up nt the upper turn , allowing
Abdullah to close the two. Ho failed to hold
the vantage ground tlun gained , and the
procession down to the wire was the same as
before. TimoSilSK.
SUMM uir.
Billy Mont ' . 3 3 3
Frank 1 1 1
Monmouth Abdallah S 2 2
Timo-2 : . - > : % 3:42:4SVrf. : : .
Frank was awarded first money , Abdallah
second and 13illy Mont third.
The second race was the 3:35 : Dace , in which
there were two starters. The heats of this
race were sandwiched with those of the
trotting race. Positions were drawn as fol
lows : C. E. Meyers , of Atlantic , ch. g.V. .
Frank , first : Joseph Likes , of Shcnnndoah ,
b. g. , Wonder , second. The first heat was
ono of the prettiest over paced on the
grounds. A splendid start was secured , and
the horses wont away at a :30 : clip. Wonder
sworvcd at the turn and lost a length , but
"was , soon hard nt work to muko It up , and
had half the lost distance recovered at the
quarter , which was made In :33)4f. : ) The race
up the back stretch was a pretty exhibition
of pacing.
The half was reached m ,1:17 , and both
horses were going oven. They awept around
the upper turn with W. Frank a nock in the
lead , and this position was not changed us
they went under the wire in 2:85 : > . The
time was not as fast as many others , but the
heat was closely contested throughout and of
continued Interest. The performance of the
three-year-old , Wonder , was indeed Wonder
ful for u green horse which had been given
but u few wcelts training.
The second heat was another nrotty exhi
bition , it being as nearly u repetition of the
first us it is possible for ono heat to resemble
another. It was paced in 2:3J : , with Frank
in the lead at the wire by barely a noso.
Tbo grand stand broke into n howl as the
horses came in , and a wild and noisy demand
was made for a now driver behind wonder ,
as the finish was so close as to oxcita sus
picion , when Wonder was in the load a few
rods above tbo wiro. The crowd insisted
that Wonder was "taken back" several foot
lust before reaching the finish. Tno demand
was not honored by the judges , and Mr.
Likes was allowed to retain his seat in the
sulky for the third heat. After scoring once
the kick was renewed , and they decided to
put up Mr. McAdams , as requested by the
dissatisfied ones. It made no difference ,
with the exception of making the heat much
less interesting. Frank won la 2:35 : > < f by
nearly a length.
W.Frank 1 1 1
Wonder 2 3 a
Time 2:34Jif : , 2:32. : 2:35 : .
Frank was given firat money , and Wonder
took second.
The great pacing trial was called immedi
ately after the second'heat of the pacing
race. The little brown phenomenon-
greeted with a round of applause as ho ap
peared on the trade hitched bcsido a tall bay
thoroughbred. The driver , the well known
Tohl Urodorlck , responded gracefully as ho
moved his oddly mated pnlr of Ilyow up past
the grand stand , The skojoton road wagon ,
to which they were attached , seemed almost
too fragile to sustain the weight of the ISO
pounds of the knight of the ribbons thufxvas
perched upon it , but it proved equal to all
demands made upon it. After n little pre
liminary Jogging the horses eumo to the wire
ut n terifio pace. Brodorick shook his head ,
and it was no go. Several unsuccessful at
tempts woru mudo boforu the driver inclined
his head for the word , and they were oft for
the fastest milo over paced on that fast
track. The great pacer wont the full milo
Without u skip or break. As ho dashed past
the quarter pole , the time was caught at
: ! UJf , and with wonderful strides the gamoy
animal How to the half. It was made In
1:05 : % , and although it was then evident that
the record could ho beaten , the faut that
sneh tlmo was being made was suf
ficient to arouse the greatest ontnuslasm.
They swept around to the three quarters in
tilS , and led away to the wlro at a 2:10 : clip.
The deep dust on the truck began to tall , and
the last quarter was the slowest of the four ,
lirodcrick unfed and coaxed to the best of
Ins ability , but it was of no avail , and the
full milo was made In 2:1"K : , The crowd
yelled and whooped Its delight , and both
owner and driver weio compelled to Join in
the Jubilee , The record was not broken , out
a wpndorful milo had been uiado In thu facJ
of heavy odds.
The track was so heavy utid the sand no
deep that the pacer loosened boh hind shoos ,
and IfWas necessary to luvo them reset before -
fore ho odiild bo taken jtomu. The running
horse that followed ut tut hud to a sulky to
urgu the pacer , found the truck none too
good to keep up with the procession. A-jhlo
from this , the time of the year must bo taken
Into consideration , which makes this the
fustcbt milo ever paced under similar condi
tions. It was indued u wonderful exhibition ,
and everybody was satisfied ,
Mr. Nat Urown , the owner of this fait
ploro ot horsellesh , was the recipient of nil *
niorous congratulations. He promises to try
it ngum later in the season , If everything
works favorably.
The last ruco of the day was u half railo
running dasli between Dee Fralui , a chestnut
goldlug , and a bay goldmg called Ulpper. It
was a walk-away for. Hipper , who Jumped
lula the lead at the start and showed day
light out. In 51 econdn fiat.
Altogether , the programme was a line ono ,
and a urodU to SuporiuteuUeut Lacy uud Ins
able nsslstnntfl. Now programmes will bo
arranged for each Saturday.
Snntn Rosa cigar is tlip finest cigar in
the world.
Cull nt my office nml I will prove that
I cnn soil you n homo so Hint the pay
ments will not bo any more tlmu rent.
In n short time you will Imvo n homo ot
your own. Cull on or address C. B.
Judcl , Council Bluffs , In.
At Homo InVntor. .
' 'I hove been in every principal body of
water In the world , " said Captain Paul
Uoyton , at 4 o'clock yesterday attorn eon , as
ho stepped out of his dressing room ami In
troduced himself and his rubber suit to nn
audience that covered every available Inch
of Manhattan beach , "but In all my voyages
I never saw n prettier body of water than
this , or ix bettor opportunity "for giving the
exhibitions I Imvo prepared. " As ho stalked
across the sandy beach ho was nn odd lookIng -
Ing object , resembling moro than anything
else the picture of an . Icelander
clad in rubber Instead of furs , As
ho waddled into the water the crowd pressed
forward and these in the Immediate front
begun the struggle to keep from being forced
into the water that formed nn interesting
part of the entertainment. The captain's
Rood opinion * of the lake and the opportunl-
Itles it afforded him for giving his peculiar
show led him to enter into the water and his
work also with a degree of zcstthat cave the
crowd two hours of the most varied enjoy
ment imaginable , particularly these xvho
stood closest to the lake or on the extreme
outer cdpo of the spring board. The ex
hibition was nil that it was advertised to b ? ,
nnd was the most novel ever scon In this
part of the country. The wind was Just
fresh enough to make it Interesting to
the performers , nnd the captain's ruobor
suit carried him like a cork on the top of the
waves. The first part ot the programtna
nhowcd how easy It was to live on the sur
face of.tho deep , with no other companion
than "IJaby Mine , " the two foot schooner
that bus traveled with the captain on his
25,000 miles of sea voyages. From material
that was found floating conveniently near ho
constructed a raft , moving with as much
alacrity on the water as n-sprightly boy
would on a lawn. Then ho built n fire nnd
cooked nn iiquatlo omelet , bated n fishhook
nnd caught n line bass nnd broiled
it , went down into the bosom of "Baby
Mine" and brought out every imaginable
delicacy from tropical fruit to liudwoizer
beer , which ho ute and drank with such n
pleasant unction that the crowd lost nil fear
of a shipwreck , nnd would rather have been
lost on the deep than not. Ho rigged him
self out as a full-rigged vessel and sailed
about with a pleasure so enchanting that
some of the crowd on the lake front felt no
inconvenience from being forced into the
water by the pressure of those behind. Ho
smoked n cigar while the waves were
breaking over his head , and ate on orange
while sending up rockets as signals of dis
The finest part of the exhibition , nnd It was
all Intensely interesting , was the realistic
battle scene between two full-rigged vessels
and the destruction of ono by a submarine
bomb. Both vessels were perfect minia
tures of war vessels , nnd carried a full corn-
clement of guns. The guns were all loaded
with solid shot and were anchored within
thirty yards of each other. They seemed to
bo a mine of pyrotechnics , nnd volleys of
shot , shell aud rockets were poured into
each other. The projectiles , white-looking
objects about the size of hen ccgs , could bo
seen to penetrate the sides of the ships , and
often i > ass through. After a hundred shots
were flrod , the grand catastrophe occurred ,
When nn immonpo torpedo was exploded
under ono of them , and it was blown bodily
out of the water nnd hurled in fragments a
hundred feet in the air.
Every part of the programme was faith
fully carried out , with the exception of the
boat race , which failed to transpire , but
altogether it was ono of the most unique
entcitalnmonts the people of Council Bluffs
nnd Omaha have ever had the pleasure of
This afternoon it will bo repeated , with
some important additions , and it is probable
that the biggest crowd ever seen at the lake
will witness It. Three motor trains , draw
ing twelve cars , will run to-morrow.
The Council Bluffs Furniture com
pany , n now organization of live busi
ness men , will open nbout Wednesday ,
at 407 Broadway , n now and complete *
line of furniture of latest designs , aud
some handsome specialties.
Pastors and Peoplo.
The approach of Decoration day will bo
duly recognized in the churches to-day , as Is
indicated by some of the announcements of
subjects and services.
All Saints' chapel Sunday school at 3 p.
m. , services at 8 p. m. Mrs. Campbell , or
ganist. J. J. H. Reedy , minister in charge.
Meeting for rohcrsal under the instruction
of Mrs. Mueller Friday evening. All cor
dially invited to attend these services. All
Saints' Aid boeioty moots ut the house of
Mrs. Cralcrallo , Wednesday , May 29. A full
attendance is desired.
iicroan Baptist church Preaching by the
pastor in their now chapel on Third avenue
und Seventeenth street at 10:80 : a. m. and at
8 p. m. The Sunday school meets at 11:15 : n.
m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening.
Old and young are invited to attend.
First Baptist The pastor will preach the
memorial service for the Grand Army of the
Kepubllo nt 10:30 n. in. Reserved seats for
nil old soldiers. ' At 8 p. m. evening service
baptism will bo administered. Sunday school
at 12 m. Young people's meeting nt 7 p. m.
All cordially welcomed.
Broadway Methodist Episcopal The pas
tor will prerich at 10:80 : a.m. and 8 p. m.
Sunday school ot 12 m. Class meeting at 7
D. in. Young men and strangers cordially
invited und always welcome.
Bethany Baptist church , corner of BlufI
and Story streets. Regular services at 10:30 :
a. in. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m.
Young people's meeting at 7:15 : p. m. Rov.
E. N. Harris , pastor.
Presbyterian Preaching , both morning
and evening , by the pastor. The theme in
evening will bo , "A Christian .Nation's
Memorial to Its Deceased Soldiers. " Sabbath
School at 12. Children's Christian Endeavor
society ut 3 , and younc peoples mooting ut 7
p m. Strangers und others cordially In-
Congregational Services to-day , morning
nnd evening. Preaching by the pastor.
Morning subject , "Courage ; " evening ,
"Faith. " A cordial invitation is extended.
S , Alexander , the paster ot the Fourth
Avenue Methodist church ( near Seventeenth
street ) , will preach this morning ut Il:30. :
Usual services at Trinity Methodist church ,
Soutb. Main street , opposite Eighth avenue ,
to-day. Social mooting nt 10:30 n. m. Sun
day school at 2:30 : p. in. Preaching at 8 p. the pastor , S. Alexander.
Saint Paul's ' church Divine service to-day
at 10:45 : u. m. and 8 p. m , Sunday school at
12:15. Sermon topics , morning. "Tho Remedy
for Doubt.1' Evening , "Tho True Founda
tion for ull Humanitarian Work. " Young
men. and strangers always cordially wel
comed to these services. T. J , Mackuy , roc-
The Sunday school convention of the Bap
tist association for Southwestern Iowa meets
at Hamburg Tuesday and Wednesday of this
week. A number from hero will bo In at-
The ordination Services of Rev. Fred I * ,
ilaggurd , called to the pastorate of the I3ap-
list church at Hod Oak , takes place Juno 4.
. ,
Iaka Olanawa.
I have for sula 80 feet lake front lying
between the Council BlulTs boat house
and the now floating baths put in by
Mr. Mnlonuy. This frontage is the
most desirable on the lako.
No. 10 Pearl at.
For J25.00--Tho if. Y. Plumblnjr Co.
will put a lead service pipe nnd hydrant
In your yard ; also 60 foot extra hose ,
Call at once at 114 Main street.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds' , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllco cor. Broadway
and Main , ever American express.
Wo want from ono to ton lots suitable
for building , in central location , and
wjll pay cash. Must bo well locutuu and
cheap. BuxbON , SiiismiiiD & , Co.
Eloomnn'ftOtcnt CloMnir.Qi't Sale.
A genuine racing , rustHw/rVshcapsalo /
of dry goods. The beautiful1 wonthor ,
the fact that goods nro nBUll&l now nnd
the magnificent bargains all combine to
form nn irresistible attraction , nnd that
will make thing ? llvoly nt our great
closing out snlo. If you havoj not scon
or attended this great sale. p"ou have
missed much , but it Is not ! lee late yot.
The sale will go right nldTJfj With thou
sands of splendid bargains IhfJ week.
Wo Tiiwto no prices , butSbiTor our en
tire stock for less than spteclnl prices ,
because the en tire stocit niiis ! bo sold
without reserve. Como Jvn4 B ° l Ollr
prices nnd you will bo convinced that
the purchasing power of Hal this great
sale at oui > store will go further than at
nny house in Amori'n. Tno snmo spec
ial sale nnd purses will rule in nil de
partments in our house , including silks ,
dress good , linens , domestics , notions ,
Inccs , embroideries , parasols and um
brellas , white goods , underwear ,
hosiery nnd gloves , gents furnishing
goods , clothing , boots nnd shoes , clonks ,
suits , wraps nnd jerseys.
Wo ndviso when bargains load as they
do this week , to tnuo ndvnntngo of thorn ,
nnd lay in your supply nt Henry Eiso-
man & Co.'a People's store , Council
Bluffs. In.
Mall orders will receive prompt atten
ANTKD I'ftstry cook at Ogdcu house.
W'ANTKD ' Five carriage trimmers at Keyni
llros' . faotory. Steady \vorK and good
OST A Now York draft. Suitable reward
vlll DO paid tor its return to the Council
DlulTH Savings bank.
TilOll SALE A meat mnrkot dome a good
business Owner leaving town. Call or ad-
dru8 614 llroaUwny , Council llluirs , la.
T7IOH linNT-Threc oIllM rooms fffor J. W.
J ? Biulri'S' , HOXV occupied by Wabash & St.
Louis It. It. Co. , corner 1'carl and Court sta.
815 per month for corner aud 110 each roruuxt
tno , or J-l ) for iho three. A. J. Steplicnson.
T71OK BAI.K A good socnn-J Itnbv furnace.
-L1 Inquire of MBS llalawiti , ixtJ Willow two.
OK EXCHANOn-Clty property for on bO-
aero farm near tlio city , or for stock. John-
ran & Vnu I'attcn , E\ciott block. Council
UluJs. la. f
WANTED Immediately , four carpenters.
Dexter & 'Armstrong , 'M I'onrlat , Council
TXTANTED Four dining room girls. Dexter
VV & Armstrong , K81'earl st. , Council llluirs.
mitANSFKIl UNK-Qulck delivery lietweon
X Omina nnd Council IIHiirs. Household goodi
aud freight moved safely and promptly. Leave
orders at Omaha olllce , COi So. 13th st. ; Council
lllulTa 7 N Mam. H. Hcocroft.
2nnnsPle"dId mounted specimens rarriblrds
.vlyvuiul animals from every clime. Jlu t
bo sold at onco. Single or In cases , r. J. Bruzee ,
first elms taxidermist , Council liluffs.
FOIl BALK Good ork horse : will tate pay
In grading. Apply to Horace Uvorett.
KAL KSTATE nought and. sold nnd ox-
changed. Special attention given to exam
ination or titles. W. C. Jnmes , No. 10 Pearl St. ,
Council Bluffs. l-J I
SAM1 7 room cottase.Hcornor Tnird
FOR and Oth St. Easyrierius. , W. C.
James , 10 Pearl st.
TJlOn KENT r.aiy terms two 1 now ! flve-room
JL houses , 10th nvu. between Higniand Third
Bts. Boll cheap if taken thianweek. lumilro
owner. J. Dickey , 740 H. Way. , , ,
TT1OH BALK Old established' general mer-
Jchandlso business , stocK , Uxturus , wagons ,
etc. Good room and low rent , Address , J.
Dickey , 7JO B. Way.
FOiFUBNIVFurnlaued or uitturalalied largo
ten-room house , bath ronin , as , furnace ,
etc. , at on Willow nvo. Knqulre.atipremlses.or
0.11. Stlllman. Urown block.L . .
1 ( \ MILCH cows for snlo onwtnno to party
J\f renting my dairy farm of Ut efcrea.w itnin
Vt milo of Council Hltui'a. llornca Krorott.
TTUlESff milk cows for sale oi trnae for fat
-L cows. Swan's stock yards. Upper Broad
way. Frank Swan. ( -
FOIl SALE Or Trade Piano No. 1 , ( now )
organ , harness , sewing machine , horse and
wagon. Addiess No.JB3llroartw.iy , room 1.
"A NY ono wanting flnechanco to manufacture
-tl-can fcecui a building , power , etc. , nt a bargain
by addressing Mnlti atrcet Meat Market.
JCE CCO tons for sale. Lnnzcndorfer &
Strohbchu. Mam street Meat -Market.
REAL Kstato bought and sold. None but
biu-galns accepted. Houses for sale on
monthly payments- Warranty deed given. By
C. B. Judd-00 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
"O1O11 8ALK JI7 residence. Inquire John G.
JL' Woodward , 913 Fourth avenue.
T710H HUNT Large double o'llco ever Frank
Jv Levin's cigar store , 60J Broadway. Inquire
of Frank Levin.
Insure in the U. 8. Masonic Benevolent
Association of Council UlufTs , In. , the
jcu'igcst , largest , cheapest and best plan
of Masonic Insurance in the world , that
confines its membership to Its fraternity.
No. 27 Main Street ,
Over Jacqucmiit'H JTowclryStore
OH , NO !
But wo * do want the people of Western
Iowa to know that the
Cor. First Avenue , carry the largest
stock of BOOTS and SHOES in this
city. That wo always load in popular
prices. That persons wanting reliable
goods can save money by trading with
A new Clothing Store lias blen'bpcned in
Council llluirs. No old Htodc * < or old
styles. Kverythmg stililly ttrst
class. Como nnd bo cuimoceil ,
1'osltively ouo price imu pa i.
733 WKST nIloAn yAV. 1 Ul
Council Bluffs , la.
Ul 1 Ul
What is Needed is a Good
Just received and on exhibition at the gas com
pany's ofllco. Unequellcd for convenience.
Absolute safety. No odor , nnd above all , eco
nomical if properly used Call mid examine
them whether you Intend purchasing or not.
The Moat Modern Novellttos In
icorations !
Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl , St.
C , B , JACQUEiifllN & CO ,
Railroad Watch Inspectors
Tor TJnlon Pacific , Chicago & Northwestern ,
Chicago , Hors Island & I'aclllc , Chicago , Ilnr-
llngtou&Quincy , Kniisos City & Kt. Joe rail
roads ,
No. 27 Main St. , '
Council Bluff * , In.
Are thoroughly prepared to take core of linrnes
and cuniajfoa of ull vlHitora to the lake. I'lenty
orslicilHuud Btalls , andnnlmalA und currluges
will bo Bafcly cured rnr. Ctiortioi rcnuonablo.
Accommodating hobtleri on hand night and
day. When you drive to the Lake , don t forget
01 4'
25 TO 300
HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators
BpeclllcMllousnnil c.Umatoi rnrn'tliotl tot coiiple tciim iilnriti. Hegulatlnn , Durnbllllr guarantee. !
Cun uow l ticrs from u cr wliure ( uel ecoaauir i" tqual with Cnrllo ttuu comtuntlnw
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send tor catalogue. No. 510 Pourl Street , Council Bluffs.
AsstSWe Veterinarian
Hospital/or / Lajns
eteiinarHufbrtouncil Bluffs
reSPdico Department ,
No.131 Braadvvny.
Of the late J. M. Phillips ut a
lam determined to il\c ? the oubllc the benolil of ray purchase. I quote the following
. prices :
JKIJflT & imiAKS' nicii'x Tine Sliocn , 8 , rormur | > rlur , 9 * .
jr. S. 'I'UItXJJEt'H Men' * IBniul-fcuwvd Hlioci , S3 , former
price , 67.5O.
i : . C. HUUT'S Smiles' B'runuli Kit ) , turned , ut $5 , former
price. 67.
13. ; . UK1'.S : : r Hilcl ut $ : ) , former price , 95 , and all other
uootln nt luiuiufiivfurciV price * , or lenx. Mall orderu
prompt | y attended to.
I. FILES , 413 Broadway.
Council Jlluirs , Iowa.