Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1889, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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They Defeat the Mountaineers By
Scoro'of 4 to L
Jlflrtl IIIttltiR nnd Bhnrp Fielding D
' lloth Tennis ihu.Foaturn * of the
Contest jKndlnjr of
tlio Clubs.
Rtmiillnc of the Oltiu * .
Following Is the standing of the Wester
association club ? up to and Including yes
tcrday'd ' games :
Played. Wo , . Per C
St. Paul at 4 . .81.U
Omaha 31 Id 8 .U
Sioux City U3 15 8 .01A
Denver . .21 10 11 A
Minneapolis. . . S3 0 14 .8' '
SU Joseph..t.,21 7 IB .8
DCS Monies..20 7 14
Milwaukee U3 0 17
' Oinnlu 1 , Dnnvor 1.
There was a great crowd nt the bait pai
yesterday afternoon to sea the first game bi
twccn the Omahns and the Delivers.
And n great game It was , too , ono of tli
very best that has been played on the liotn
grounds this season , abounding In flno hi
ting nnd brilliant Holding from start to flnlsl
Omaha got decidedly the best of hot
branches of the scicnco and won handily.
in fact , she almost closed the mountaineer
out , for they got but ono tally , and that a
unearned ono In the initial.
Evorbody consequently loft the ground
fairly boiling over with good humor.
It Is so nlco to sou your team como out o
top.Kid Nichols occupied the points for th
locals and pitched with his usual offcctlvi
ness , xvhllo Ilcaly for the Donvors , althout ;
ho was as otondy ai n clock and used goo
Judgment , was bit hard and often.
The game was ft wonderfully sharp ono n
For this reason , nnd also for the fact th :
the score was very small , the game was di
llghtfully uniurtalnv and kept the 3,000 spc
tutors on the ragged cdco of anxiety. Bi
hope grow npaca ns tuning after inning wcr
by , leaving the rutcKcd Mountaineers in tli
dump , and when at last the twcnty-sovcut
man wont out and the dav was Omaha's bi
yond poradvcnturo , the pent up feolincs c
the audience found vout in a rosoundla
burst of applause.
Victory Is voiy exhilarating , ns has bee
remarked before.
In the opening Inning Omaha went out I
ono , two , thrco stylo.
Denver , however , scored , but happily
wns 11 they got out of the entire struggle.
The old loamier , Dalrymplo , was throw
out by Walsh but McCtcllan nit n safe on
to left. Ho wont to second on a half-pas
uall , and a few moments Inter homo o
Noglo's wild throw.
The second was also unproductive fc
Omaha , nnd likewise for Kmvo ana h :
In the third the Whlto Sox tied the score.
Naglo made a corking single past scconc
and the excited people gave him a cheer.
Ho was put out trying to steal second.
Then ho got n jeer.
So much for the discrimination and con
slderation ot the average base ball fan.
Canavan then got his base through a
error of Kinsman's , and as a matter c
course , stole second. A passed ball let hit
to third , and he scored on an error by Me
That tlud the score , and' the audionci
breathed freer.
No moro runs were made until the slxtti
when Graver got his base on balls , stole sei
end and ran across the rubber on a wil
throw by old Tom Dolan.
< - _ In the seventh they made another , a beau
Iff. tiful homo run to the extreme northwest cot
ner of the grounds by Canavan.
He received an ovation.
That ended thu run-getting until the
ninth , when , after Naglo and Canavan hai
been retired , and who both made a bit b ,
the way , Naglo gotm ? out endeavoring t !
steal second and Cannvan being caugh
napping at first , Nichols made a hit , wai
forced to second on Messltt's base on balls
and tallied on the ox-prcsldont's hit.
Denver was speedily retired and the Kami
was over.
The score :
Runs earned Omaha 2.
Two-base hits Rowc.
Homo runs Canavan.
Double nnd trlplo plays Nlcholi , Naglo t
Mcssctt , Cleveland , Ciooks to Mossctt.
Bases on balls By Nichols 3. Henley 3.
Bases from being hit by pitched balla-
0 Sllch.
Struck out By Nichols 4 , Healoy 7.
Passed balls Najrlo 1. Dolan 1.
Time of game 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Cmplro Andy Cuslek.
Sioux City 11 , 8r. Joseph O.
Sioux Cirr , May 25. The defeat of SI
Joe to-day was duo to outrageous errors
They rallied In the ninth , and by bunchln )
five hits , nnd aided by two errors of the lo
cals , came within an nco of winning. Siou :
City pl > uedn sharp fielding game with th
exception of the ninth. Score i
Total * 40 0 1. 1 37
Sioux City l o 1 0 6 0 8 0 1-1
Bt. Josapo 1 30000084 '
E-rnod runs Sioux City 3 , St. Jo 6.
Two.b-M bits Burks.
Homo run * Cltcu , Kricff.
Stolen basM-Sioux City 8 , St. Joe 0.
Pint base on balla Slou- City 4 , St. Joo7
btrucii out By Keibel 0 , by Crowoll 0.
Wild pltche SeiboL
Tlae l hour , ta uilnuto * .
Umpire MolWmotU
St. I'cul 8 , Dea Molne * 4.
BT. PAVL , May26. To-dy' puuo WM ,
proat Improvement over that of Thursclnj
nmmerko , Des Molnos' now pitcher , showc
up well. Ho kept the ball n round the nee
of the homo players pretty much all the tinu
Mains pitched n ttrcat gamc Scoroi
An. n. n. PO. A. i
Totals 00 8 0 27 8
An. n. n. ro. A. i
Patton , rf.
Smith , Ib
Mnskrey , If
Whlteloy , m
Cor.ncll , 31 >
Mncullar , ss
Tr.inioy. c
Etntncrke , p U 1 0 0 2
* "
Totals.t 84 3 "o 27 il
Runs earned St. Paul 3. Dos Moincs 1.
Two-base hits Carroll nnd Whltoly.
.Homo runs Murphy , Werrick nnd Me
Bases itolon By Murphv 2 , Farmer !
Farmer 3 , Pickott VJ , Phelan 4.
Boson on balls Oft Mains 0 , Eminence 6.
Hit by pitcher Murphy.
Struck out By Miutm 11 , by Emuiarko (
Wild pitches Mains 3.
Sacnllce hits Worrick , Mains and Srnltt
Lett on bases St. Paul 0 , Des Molnea 9.
Timo-2:05. :
Umpire Hurley.
Alllwnttlccc 8 , nilnnonpollfl 3.
MiMVADKiin , May 25. The Milwaukee
put it their now pitcher , Davies , to-day , an
the Minneapolis men waited dismally I
their attempts to hit him. Score :
Milwaukee . 510000030
Minneapolis . 0 0000013 0
Earned runs Milwaukee 2 , Minneapolis 1
Base on balls Poorman 3 , Morrissej
Herr 2 , Dugdalo , West , Turner , Hen git
Mitchells , Dugdalo.
Struck out By Davles7 , by Mitchell 9.
Two-base hits Poorman , Klrbv 2 , Turnoi
Homo run Albors.
Double playa Kirby , Herr , Morrlssoy
Herr , Morrissey.
Passed balls Turner 2 , Hurley 1.
Wild pitches Mitchell 1.
Stolen bases Poorman 3 , Hori-2 , Sutler
Alberts , Tumor.
Uraplro Force.
Time 1 hour and 40 mmutei. '
St. Paul May Sell to Milwaukee.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , May 35. [ Special Telegram
gram to TUB BEE. ] A base ball deal of larg
dimension is on the tuplb. John S. Barnci
manager of the St. Paul Western nssoclatloi
team has been offered $15,000 spot cash fo
his club of twelve men by parties In Mi
wnukeo , who , It Is understood , are qulotl ,
negotiating for the franchise of the LouU
Villo American association club. The intoi
tion , if the deal goes through , is to put th
St. Paul men in Milwaukee uniforms on
play them as an American association tearr
Tbo St. Paul club Is already recognized a
the greatest over in the Held by a Wester ;
association manager. It is unusual !
strong at bat , having an average of .310 , nn
covers every position In the Hold ID flu
form. It is so strong that it has won nine
teen of the twenty-two games played , and BI
far outclasses all of its competitors that 1
doesn't have to cxort itself to win. Manage
Barnes said to-night that he was suriousl ;
considering tbo proposition , as the publi
was giving him poor support , In spltu of th
fact that he had a club which had lost bu
one game In four weeks.
Barnes is becoming nlarmod over tbi
agitation against Sunday base ball also
Mayor Smith refuses to Interfere wit )
the games , but the church pcopt
are active und report that they have supper
enough to get an ordinance through th
council prohibiting Sunday games. Th
AlllwauKco offer is hold fn obeyanco untl
the next mooting of the council when , if th
prohibitory ordinance is passed the sale wll
bo completed at once.
Manager Wutklns wired from Kansas Git
to-day what the release of Short Stop Plcli
ott and Pitcher Sowdors could be purchase. .
for. Manager Barnlo , of Baltimore , nls
sent a dispatch asking if Pickett's rclcus
would be sold for SJ.OOO.
a City 14 ; Johnson's 11.
NBIIKASKA Orrv , Neb , , May 20. [ Specla
Telegram to TUB BBB.I The game of bal
between the Johnson's and Nebraska Git
nines was won by the latter by a sooro of 1
to 11. _ _ _ _ _
The National Jjoai iie.
NEW Yonic , May 2t Result of to day'i
game :
Now York . 300103001
Chicago . 0 0410303 *
Busohlts Now York 13 , Chicago 10. Er
rora Now York 9 , Chicago 3. Pltchors-
Keoto and Krock. Umpires McQuald am
WASUINOTOX , May 25. Result of to-day'i
cramo :
Washington . 0 00000100
Plttsburg . 0 01001100
Base hits Washington S.Plttsburg 8. Er
rora Washington 1 , Plttsburg 0. Pitcher
Hoaloy and Beam. Umpire Fessenden.
, May 33. Result of to-day'i
gnmo :
Philadelphia. . . . ! 00008000 1
Cleveland . 1 01000101
Huso hits Philadelphia 8 , Cleveland 0
Errors Philadelphia 6 , Clovelana B. Pitch
ew Bufllnlou und O'Brien. ' Uciniro-
BOTTOM , May 23. Result otto-day's game
Boston . 3 0301080 0 I
Indianapolis. . . .3 0001000 0
Base hits Indianapolis 10. Boston 13. Er
rors IBostou 3. Indianapolis 6. Pitchera-
Clarkson and Boylo. Umpire Lynch.
f 1 1
/VniDrlOiui Ansnolntlon.
CoLUktnos , Msy ' 23. Result ot to-doy'i
garao *
Columbus. . 0 101 01-000 I
Brooklyn. . M..t 0108001 * (
CJXCIXNATI , May 25.-Clnclnnati.Louls
villa guino postponed on account of rain.
ST. LOUH , May 25. Result of today'i
frame :
bt. Louis . 0 9808030 0-K
ICanaas City. . . .3 40000010 ' ,
DELAVEOA-In this city , May 5 , of cancer
cor , Mrs. Margaret Delavcga , aged K
Funeral Monday , at S B. m. , from Holj
Family church to Holy Sepulchre cemetery ,
The Vlsltlngr Tournament In Nebraska
braska Olty.
* *
Iho CADO AfrnlitBt J > 'IIn soii Is Dlt
mlssrd Quoorlnit the Slocumb
IjuHoy Bltton by
a llorpo.
Firemen In Nobrnskn City.
NKIIHASKA Oirr , Nob. , May So. fSpccli
Telegram to Tim BUB. ] The flromon's dn
was n great AUCCCSS. It was not n rcgnlr
tournament , but merely n reception of th
Council Bluffs visiting flromon. A vor
largo crowd tvas In toWn , and the hose race
wore unusually cxt Itlng. Thoio was n fin
procession In the morning. Thaprofcsstoni
hose race , 300 yards , Jor n prlzo of 575. wr
won by the IJaldwlnn , of Council BlufTt
tlmo , 43 seconds. The Juvenile raca wi
won by the homo team running the sun
distance In 51seconds. . The homo boo
and ladder won the 550 prbo , In n run nn
climb of 51 seconds. Dalboy's band , c
Council Bluffs , rarrled oft the $50 conic :
prlzo. The 800-yard foot race , for fJO , b (
twucn Nebraska City and Council Blufti
was won bj- Anderson , of this city , In
seconds. Hamilton , of Council Bluffs , BCI
omt. In ; I2 seconds. A grand ball In th
ovonln-j closed the dav.
A foot race for n purse of $100 took pine
to night between Koss. of Council Blufti
und Collins , of this city , distance sovent ]
five yards , und was won by lloss In "i f set
onds. A thousand dollars was up on th
Dr. HnHBon's GIIHO Dlnmlssod.
WATNB , Nob. , May 25. | Special Tcli
gram to Tun Bne. The case of the stat
of NebrasKa against Dr. ilasson , nsslstar
superintondciitof the Norfolk Inaano hoi
pltal , was called up In the district court c
AVayno county to-day. The county ultorne
asked Icavo of the court to fllo a motion t
dismiss the case. Ho stated that after a cor
sultatlon with the prosecuting witness an
the countv attorney ot Madison county , h
found the ovldcnco wan not of such a chni
actor that they could over hcpo for a convn
tton thcrooji. J. U. Hayes , of Norfollt , at
poarod for the defendant , nnd Insisted tha
the case should bo called for trial , statin
that , If the state had n case against Dr. Ha :
son , his client wits anxious to have the cas
submitted to a Jury , nnd all the facts in th
matter brought before them , * Judco Power
said that the case was In the hands of th
prosecuting attorney , and ho could use hi
own dlstrctlon In the matter. The count
attorney insisted upon dlsmUssincr the case
and the court accordingly entered a dli
missal. _
Jjet LJOOSO on Iitnooln.
CURTB , Neb. , May 25 [ Special to Tn
BKB. ] A slick tramp who played the peddler
dlor act , got his flno work in to-day on som
of our merchants. Ho pretended to sell ;
stool strap , with patent buckle attachment
After getting acquainted with the lay of th <
land , ho bought 50 cents worth of rivlts am
a bucicot In a hardware store , also fort ;
patent hooks In n saddlery store , promlslni
to pay for the goods in tbo afternoon. Hi
also borrowed u monitoy-wronch nnd hatchc
at an implement house nud negotiated several
oral similar transactions. When ho hai
stocked up ho pawned part of the goods fo :
a few drinks of whisky , nnd the rest fo
luiicn at a restaurant , and then sallied fort !
to reap another harvest After visiting sov
jral stores and repeating his little game , th
marshal got his eyes on the gentleman am
locked him n the cooler. Not having any
thing wherewith ho could onrlch the schoo
treasury ho was sent to Lincoln afoot t
play his tricus on the gullible in the Capita
City. . _ -
Omaha IT. l.s Busted Again.
NouroLK Nob. , May 25. Special Telegram
ogram to 'THE BEK.I The home clul
and the Union Pacifies , of Omaha
mot on the diamond again , to day
and played a still finer game than that o
yesterday. Omaha fought bravo'ly to th
seventh inning , when they made their llrs
and onlv score. Norfolk got thrco In th
third , one in the fourth , and four in th
hovcnth , making tlm game stand 8 to 1
Lockwood pitched , and Wilson caught fo
Norfolk ; Conner * pitched for Omaha aa <
Hoxlo caught the nrst thrco Innings , atto :
which Lmahan caught and Hoxlo went t <
short stop. Edingcr umpired to the last hai
of the fifth inning , when Omaha became dis
satisfied with the decision on a close out , am
Reynolds took his place for the rest of thi
gamo. _
On the Itrsurvatlon.
NIOBIUIU , Nob. , May 25. ( Special to Tni
BBK.I City Marshal Ward , ot this place
was over to the Sioux reservation , opposln
hero , to-day , and reports that many peopli
are etalhngout claims and erecting shanties
The past few days has been a busy tlmo fur
nlshlng supplies to settlers "bound for thi
Upper Nlobrnra country , " but they cros :
the government bridge at this point and stoj
a few miles abovo. It is reported that fou
claims have been taken on the N lobrarn rive :
opposite Plshclvlllo , about ton miles abovi
here , und the parties are busy breaking. Thi
others , as far as hoard from , are merol'
making temporary Improvements to lay i
claim to the land. This portion of thi
reservation is surveyed.
Klmball'H Elected rostmuntor.
KIMBALL , Neb. , May 25. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BBB.J The bitter postofila
war hero ended to-day bv the selection o
Benjamin F. Policy against A. B. Bean )
the editor of the Observer. Tbo con
test was decided by an electioi
the result being fifty-one to thirty-eight , 01
above stated. Polly bad been appointed i
few weeks ngo * but tbo appointment wai
hung up , on account of Board's loud howl
until an election could bo hold. Only ropub
1 leans were allowed to vote.
Grant \Vutcr\vorks.
GIUNT , Nob. , May 25. ( Special Telcgran
to TUB BBK.J The first outfit of waterworki
hands arrived to day , Tboy have gene U
work on the B. & M. well , which will b <
used for the water supply , and which will bi
deepened. Grant U making a bettor growtl
this spring tUan any other town In Woatcri
NalBoii JlKli School.
. NELSON , Nob. , May 35. fSpoclal to Tin
BEK.I The spring term of the NoUou hlgt
school closed yesterday , with an evening on
tortulninont in the opera houso. in which thi
little folks and the children of larger growtl
took part. Tno oxorolsps were all creditably
presented , and won encomiums from the
[ jarents and praises for Iho teachers.
Bltutn Ity u ilorao.
WAYNB , Nob. , May 25. JSpeclal Telogran
to Tan BEB. ] A young child ot Mr. Peter
son , living ono and a bolt miles from town
ivus bitten by a vicious horse this morning
The animal tore the entire flesh to tbo bom
from near the shoulder to tbo forearm ot
the left side of the child ; it isdoubtfu
about bis recovery ,
Two Drunken Women.
NKBRASK * . Cixr , Nob. , May SH. | Special
Telegram to TUB BKB. | Mrs. Frank Win-
ihlp and Mrs. James Phillips , while intoxl-
: oted to-day , drove over a little boy , knock
ing him insensible and Injuring him badly ,
The women were arrested und locked up.
A Bit of Burglary.
Nemusiu Crrr , Neb. , May 25. | Special
Telegram to THE BBB.J The oftleo of O. O ,
flofner wa burglarized , to day , and some
raluablo * taken. The tbtof was nrroited ,
jut refuted to give his naino.
for Hla Trial.
BSATWCB , Nob. , May 85. [ Special Telo.
; raratoTnBBBB.-Seth | Bowlln , a negro ,
who was arrest * ! at the wimo tlmo ns Wllllai
Carson , who kWt ) West , was to-day exar
Inedon n ilmYRtrof assault with' Intent <
kill. Ho wns bound over to the district cou
and Is slltl In MO
Tlii HcnfriooVrttnrvork * . ,
Bfivnucir , NtWpi Mar 21 IHpoclal Toll
RramtoTiiR LIKK.J- ! ! . C. Parrott , who 01
Iglnally set tip th | waterworks engines ,
hero , in response to { t tclojjrnm from the wnti i
committee , for the Imrposo of examining Ui
machinery to sco If tbo Mime Is workln
properly. Mr. Uovnolds , Omaha's chief 01
Rlncor , o\ntnltija > thciii n few days ago an
found thorn jill f\K\A. \ \ , 'Mr. Parrotts report
awaited with ripntorcst.
. VUltarn i mtii Knnans.
NKniUSKA CjJJ.Nob. , May 25. [ Spoe !
Telegram to THK BBB.J The mayor and cli
council of Lonvouworth , Kan. , nccompanlc
by twonty-fivo tlllzens. were In this city , t
day , tit a special cur , to Inspect the pontoc
bridge. They were entertained bv our ell
7ons , and returned homo this nfUnnu m.
" * w hturcliVortn (
BKATIIICU , Nob. , May 25. [ Special Tel
grain to Tnu Bti.J : : The 5-J.500 bonus for
starch factory Is raised nnd work on tl
buildings will commence nt onoo. They wl
bo four stories , of brlbic und stone , and wl
bo In operation by October 1.
It | q Unconstitutional.
WAYXI ? , Nobf , May25. [ Special Tclograi
to Tun Bun. | JudgoPowors decided in
case to-day that tho. $10 punishment for h
toxlentlon clause of the Btocumb law is ui
constitutional , on the ground that no moi
tion of It was expressed In the tttlo of tl
Under the Mlocumb tinw.
WAYNH , Nob. , May S3. [ Special Tolograi
to Tun BEB. ] A civil damage suit under U
Slocumb law wa tried before Judge Powoi
nnd a Jury to-do.v. 'tho parties being Nk
Lopmnn against Fred Nusbaum ; the Jui
ffuvo the plaintive a verdict for 5'50. '
To-IJay's Ball Gamp.
The following are the members of tV
Pacific and Swift clubs , which will pin
base ball this morning at 10 o'clock in tt
Third Ward park :
Union Pacifies. Swift & C
Durr . , . . . .c . Dunmli
Goctzol . p . Hoc
Campbell . . -.s s . Thompsc
Golden . 1st . Gallaght
Mahoney . 2nd . Hols
Larson . 2rd. . . . . . . Ka
McBrldo . 1 f . Qoul
Elklns . c f . - . . Whei
Clifford . r f . . . . . . .Colnc
Memorial liny Services
The programm'o for the services in tli
Presbyterian church tills morning , under tl
auspices of Robert It. Livingston post , N (
S383 , O. A. R. , is ns follows :
The raombers ot the post and nil vlsltln
veterans and sons of veterans will mot
at the post rooms , and at 10 :
o'clock will form , nnd , preceded b
the Union Stock Yards cornet band , wl
march to the church. Tweutv-fifth and
streets. There will bo a welcome sontr b
the Sunday seliopl'vds the post enters th
church and the presentation of 100 flags t
the veterans. ,
"Hold the Fort ; by the Sunday schoo
led by Mr. Goodman.-
Reading of oweia , by Adjutant Warner A
Root. - , ;
Song "America.- :
Reading the j Scriptures Rov. Danlc
Rogers. - v-
Song "Tno Vacant Choir. "
Lord's PrayorjJn concert.
Song "Tho Songs. Wo Sang on the OL
Camp Ground.'lJs. _ :
Sermon "The-Heroos of ' 01 , " the Rev
Robert L. Wheeler. . .
Song "Cover Them Over With Flowers.
Benediction. / ' 1 ;
"Star Spangled Banner" Union Stoc
Yards Cornet band. ' " "
Noto8.A.bont the City.
Mrs. Robo"rt L. Wheer nnd son left yestoi
day for a weok's'vlslt With-friends at Pena
There will not be services this evening I
the Methodist Episcopal church.
Miss Blanch Paddock Is ill.
An excursion will bo run to Paplllion thi
Tno Caledonian society will have athletl
exercises at the club grounds. Scvcnteent
street and Missouri avenue , this afternoon.
- -
Steamship Arrivals.
At Now York La Bourgogne , from Havre
A Culllnnry Temple Over Which i
$1OOOO Cook Presides.
Mr. W. K. Vnndorbilt's chef has hai
such renown that the tonlple in whici
ho moves and the altar at which ho of
liciatos must bo of interest , says thi
Now York Morning Journal. Both an
worth his cost to import and worthy hii
Mr. Vanderbilt's kitchen is roall'
very beautiful to the eye , writes n Nov
York correspondent. The purity o
marble , the lustre of tiles and tin
orloam of metal are what ono sees. Th <
door is of marble , the shelves , the ta
bios , the sinks , nil the things that an
rarely moved are of marble , and cu
with the precision of jewels. The walli
are lined with croara-oniunolod tiles
nnd all the angles are covered will
brass mouldings. Where these moo
the doors and windows they are cov
vcrod wilh there metal mouldings , dispensing
ponsing even with wooden trim.
The coiling is made of Jwhito onam
led tiles , sot in cement. But ono doni
imperil the head ofa § 10,000 cook wit )
& loosely sot brick , so each tile is alsc
secured with rtiisod bolls.
Accenting all this gleam of whlto nnt
metal is the large double range. It it
sot in ono corner under a largo scmi <
circular hood enriched with embossed
roppor ornaments , and swung from irot
bars wrought in spirals and foliations.
.Tula hood ia so powerful an agent in
Barrying off the odor and greasy stoan
that it will waft from the hand a news
paper hold under it.
The cooking utensils uro in koopinp
with all thia splendor. They are o :
soppor , with wrought-iron handles ,
many of them ornamented , and some o
thorn have boon copied from spocia
pieces in the Gkiliy and other museums
Luxurious codkipg utensils are indeet
the thing .of QO moment , and a wed
ling present nptsilisduined is a sot o
Joppor silver-lined/ / as are now dis
played among egams and gold at the
leweller's. > e
Loading from thd kitchen to the but
.er'fl pantry arbP iJiral stairs entirely
3nolosod in pl'iiss' to shut out possible
jdoryotrotaii'jh9Ught. ; And this h
JosuccossfulhMjono that , although the
dtchon is diroutly below the dining-
room and butlor'ei pantry , nothing dis-
igrooablo makesjits way aloft.
A W-fcri Traitrtly.
Yale Kecor * , ho Vigilantes hnc
lust captured ti gtlQ.d gambler , und lend-
ng him to a coilyouiont tree \ ore about
; o string him tiThe - . ' '
The victim ( despairingly ) Pity me
'or ' my mother s gray hair !
[ They bind him hand and foot. ]
The victim ( beseechingly ) Twelve
; housand dollars if you spare my lifol
[ They fit the noose about his nock. ]
The victim ( earnestly ) The title to
.ho richest gold mine in the west !
They seize the rooo and propiro tc
iaul him up , ]
The victim ( confidently ) Say , boys ,
ot mo oil und I'll show you how to hold
bur aces every time ! '
The vigilantes in chorus Unbind
ilm for his mother's sake pity too
> ad to hang such a thorough gentle-
nan. .
[ They kneel before the gambler. ]
Ono of Ohloacro's Polloo Implicate
lu Oronln'a Taking Off.
Ho lllrod a Whlto Itorno On the Nlgl
of the Aturilur , but Triad to
Kocp the Mnttor
% Qulot.
Another Clue Dlscovorctl.
CntcVoo , May 23. A morning jnpor pul
Hshos n story Which Implicates n member <
the Ohtcnifo pollco force In the taking oft <
Dr. Cronln. The oftloor In iiuosllon is D
toellvrt Dnnlcl Coughlln. Tim story pul
llahcd Is to the effect that on the morning c
the day on which Dr. Cronln dlsappoarcc
Coughlln engaged , nt n livery stable , not fn
from where Dr. Cronln llvotl , a horse nm
bucrgyvhioli ho snld u trlo'iut ot tils woul
cnll for that evening ; that the mnn did ca
nnd wis glvon n whlto horse similar to th
ono attached to the buppy In which Dr. Cn
nln wasdccoicdnwny ; that the tlmo ot hi
going and the description of the man corn
Bpondod minutely , both with the tlmo who
the mnn came for Dr. Cronlti mid with th
.nppcarnnco of the innn hlnscU : ; that Cougli
lln'subscquently cautioned the livery stabl
Itccpor to say nothing about the matter.
Force U added to these revelations froi
the fact that Coughllii was member of on
or inoro soclottcs of which Cronln was
member , and that they were cnotmot. Th
matter was finally brought to the nttontio
of Chief ot Pollco Hubbnrd , who promise
to probe the matter to the bottom.
Further Investigation Into the matter tc
a ay only adds to the evidence of the stupU
Ity , If nothing worse , with which the oas
has been handled by gome of the pollco on
clals. Captain Schaack , under whoso ordoi
Dotcctlvo Couglillu acts , says that when th
llvor.v stable keeper told hlrn the story , ho o
once called Coughlln to account ; tin
Coughlln told him ho had hired the rig for
frienu of his who lived In northern Mlchigai
near where Coughlln's people Hv-o , and wh
had como to Chicago to see the sight ;
Captain Sohaaok says ho then directed lit
toctives Coughlln and Wlinlon to go on
and find this man ; that they went on
and , soon afterwards , reported that they ha
found him and that ho had len a satisfao
tory a&ount of himself. The captain ad
mlts that ho accepted this statement as suf
hclcnt , and did not require that the man b
brought before him. Captain Schaack goc
on to say that ho tooK the whlto horse an
drove to Conklln's house under condition
similar to these under which Cronln wn
decoyed away , and that Mrs. Conkll
said It was not the name animal. Mrs. Conl
lln contradicts this statement and says tlin
she told Captain buhaack that it tosoinblci
the animal behind which Dr. Cronlu drov
away , but that it appeared to bo used u
from hard driving. Dinan , the liver ;
stable keener , says the horse wa
driven very hard that nigh
and has not recovered from th
effects of It since then. Dinun fuithor say
Coughlin told him ho had walked his shoe
oft In search of his Michigan friend , but hai
been unable to llnd him. This directly con
tradicts the statement attributed to him b
Cuptain. Schaack. Detective Coughllu declines
clines to make any statement about the mat
ter.Petectlvo Coughlin has not been arrested
but Chief of Police Hubbard says that pendIng
Ing a further investigation into hla allege )
connection with the man who decoyed Dr
Cronln away , he will keep Cougnlin undo
This afternoon a secret conference wa
hold nt which Mayor Crogior , States' Attor
uqy Longneckor/Cniof Hubbard , Chief Do
tcctivo Eliot and other oWccrs were present
Its object has not been learned. Arrange
raonts for Dr. Croniu's funeral have baei
completed and the procession promise * to bi
an Imposing one.
Superintendent lot Pollen Hubbard soli
this evening that the explanation Coughlli
gave in connection with his hiring a horse 01
the day on which Dr. Cronin disappeared
was substantially as follows : A few dayi
before May 4 a man called nt the East Chicago
cage avenue pollco station und introduce !
himself as Thomas Smith , of Hancock , Mich
a friend of Cougblln's brother , who keeps t
HVory stable in that toivii. Smith claimet
to be on his way to Now Mexico. Dotectivc
Coughlin showed Smith the points of inleros
about the eltv. Saturday , May 4 , Smith salt
ho would llko to take a buegy ride , but wa !
afraid the livery stable keepers would no
trust a stranger with a horso. Coughlin toll
him ho would fix the matter with the livery
man , Dinun. Smith got the white horse rig
and Coughlln didn't see him again fora wool
or more , when ho met him and askec
Smith wny ho had not paid foi
the UEO of the rig. Smith gave
Coughlin $3 and said he would gwo him the
other $3 later. Coughlin mot him for the
last time one day last weelr , and Smith said
bo would start lor Now Mexico the next day ,
Dr. Cronln'A friends met this afternoon und
completed thu arrangements for the funeral
It is thought that at least 4,000 men will
march and that probably 10,000 people will
50 by train to the cemetery.
It is donica that Dr. Cronln's clothes were
found in the Carlson cottage , no stated yes
terday. An evening paper soys thn lottoi
that was Uu ncd over to the pollco as coming
from ono of the mysterious tenants of the
blood stained cottage , Is considered of great
Importance. It is postmarked Hammond ,
Intl. , and was received May 20 Enclosed
was found (12 for another month's rant
Die writer attempted to explain their hasty
Dxit and the paint daubed on tbo floor. He
said the lloor was painted to save his slstoi
Iho trouble of scrubbing- floor. Ho neg
lected to say anything ubout tbo foot print :
nnd the blood stains.
This afternoon Mayor Crogior had a two >
hour conference with the superintendent ol
police and the corporation counsel. He said
ampaatically that extraordinary efforts musl
bo made to bring the perpetrator *
of the crime to Justice nnd thai
the officers must be over-zealout
rather than not active enough Where
there is doubt as to whether suvoro action
nhould bo taken , take advantage of the doubt
nnd act. The mayor said ho would rather
bo In the wrong nineteen times in u case ol
Importance like this than glvo the murder
ers acnanceto escape.
Dotoctlvo Coughlln was brought before
Lho mayor thin uftornoon , the superintendent
at police , the corporation counsel and two
friends of Cronin being present. Coughlin
was allowed to toll his story , and was then
devoroly cross-examined. It Is understood
that bo became flurried nnd nervous , but
jald nothing that could boused against him.
When the conference broke up none of ila
members would talk. Coughliu , however
was taken away by a detective and plusod
under arrest.
Moro dlscrcpencels have como to light this
evening. It seems that the description ol
tbo man who hired the horse now given by
Uvcrvmun Dlnman and the description ho
jnvo Captain Schaack sovcral days ago are
tvldoly different and tbo police are looking
Into the matter.
A free examination of the Interior of'tho
jottago where tbo murder was committed
was allowed to-day by the pollco. Evi-
lenccs of a terrible struggle are seen on the
louth wall of the tmilor , where there uro
; reat splotches of blood. These are beside *
, hose on the lloor , A portion of the leg of
i washlngstand and dressing case had been
jroken off , nnd the armrest on a rocking
: halr wa * also tiroUcn and the pieces scat-
ored on the flotr. There Is every Indication
bat Dr. Cronln was not killed or oyon ren-
lered helpless by the Una blow he received ,
> ut that no probably made oaeiperate strug-
llo for hi * life.
Somewhat of a seniatlon was created to-
lay by the publication of an atildavit made
omo tlmo ago by J. D. Haggerty , a local
nember of several Irish-American societies ,
t related to certain occurrence * of the year
SSO , when the Irish trouoloa were rife , and
ixprosses the belief that there was then a
ilot to kill Dr. Cronlu and himself Several
mines were given" in tbo nama ai printed ,
tut othcro were lupprceted. A reporter
ailed to see Mr , Haggerty. Tbo gentleman
vus frankly communicative.
' I uan't soy that tbo aOlcavlt as printed Is
aino , " ho eaid In reply to the reporter's in
quiry , 'tho main points , lidwovor nro cc
root. "
"How did you como to make such n ntat
"It wn * made on the moment In Dr. Cro
In'n ofllco on the cvo of his qoing away i
some errmul connected with Irish nltalt
Ho met mo In the corridor of the building ,
which ho had hit ofllco on the day named
the affidavit and told mo lib wanted mo '
help him by giving him a statement of tl
troubles in which I and otho ;
had been involved after the Palm
house committee row. It was all done hu
rlcdly , but the facts nro there , nnd I slit
bo able to substantiate them when the tin
comes. "
Hnggerty scorned vary much chngrlm
that the nnidavlt cot out.
"Itspublication was promnturo , " said h
"and I deeply regret the fact. 1 suppo :
that It was In Dr. Cronln's private pape
nnd was given out by sonto Indlscro
friend. "
Mention \\-ai made by the reporter of tl
ugly rumors Moating around rcmtrdlngcorta
prominent Irishman. Hnpgorlv then said ;
"I want It understood that , whllo I did th
thing for Dr. Cronln , ns a personal fnvo
nud nt n tlmo when ho was on the point >
leaving the city lo appear at an lm | > orta
trial of men charged with mUupproprlatli
funds of the Irish National organiratlons ,
nt the same tlmo deprecated the nulillcutU
of such matters , Which , ns I thought we ;
Intended Tor service only within closed dee
nnd for the purpose 6 f ferreting out ov
doers within the order. I nNo deslro to si
that the vrcmaturo publication i
the Inner facts that belong o
cluMvoly to the Inner workings of BIH
societies , and Insinuating that certain me
had or had not boon guilty of this allcgutt
malfeasance , Is short-sighted nnd will ui
doubtcdly work evil to the organtzitlor
themselves. If there nro any crlmina
within or without these organisations wl
have n controlling Influence In Irish affair
If any of thorn have been Instrumental
procuring the death of Dr , Cronln J bchov
God will bring them to Justice In his ow
good timo. "
Mr. Haggarty Intimated that stnrtllr
facts would bo disclosed at the proper tlm
Ho would not go Into pattlcular * , but sa
that when all the facts came out. ns con
they must , persons occupying high plnci
would bo involved.
Thomas Tultc , city trcasutor of Dotrol
Mich. , nnd an old tlnlo friend of Cronln'
came to the city , to day , to view the r
mains. Intorvieved , ho said tht
whllo hero last summer Cronl
gave him n printed document t
i cad at his leisure. Ho said that If over h
disappeared or was murdered tnnt documor
would furnish r clue to the murderers. A
ncarnsTulto can lomomber It was n di
tailed account of the two Investigations (
his lifo nud character made by cm tain pai
tics. Thopurpojt of the whole thing wr
that tbo men who had stalled this mvestlgi
tlon were the mon who. If ho should t
murdered , would bo rcsponnlblo for hie ul
Ing olT. Ho had several copies ot the doci
mcnt , and must have distributed them amen
his friends At this same visit the docto
talked much of his coming death at th
hands of assassins. Ho said his enemies ha
tried to ruin him In his profession nn
blacken his character , nnd they would yti
take his llfo. Tulto asked him why ho dl
not Icavo Chicago , fooling , as h
said ho did , that ho \ \ as living In an atmo :
phcro of murder. Ho said , "How can
leave and glvo up the results of thowoikc
n lifetime ! " Besides , they would toll lit
about mo and itnputo all sorts of motives t
mo for leaving. " .
Long Refuses to Retract.
TOUOXTO , May 25. A F , Tcefcr , a Chicng
lawjor , is hero to Inquire Into the allege
visit two Weeks ngo of Dr. Cronin to th ;
city , Teefer has scon Long , the reporter wh
wrote up the interviews with Dr. Cronin i
Trouto , nnd Long still claims that ho spoke t
Dr. Cronin. Ho denies most cinptmtiuall
any insinuation or statement that he had 1111
motive in the matter other than as a ncnvspr
per man , and has made a written statomon
that up to and after tbo tlmo that ho wrot
the dlspatcncs that Dr. Cronin had becn'scc
In Toronto , ho had no letter , telegram , o
communication with anyone in Chicago o
olsowharo regarding Or. Crouin'A disappear
auco , except with the newspapers to whic
he sent the dispatch.
The Goortrioh Hall Bazaar.
Gallant Sir Knights and fair ladies dance
in front of booths tilled with the artistic an
useful workings of woman's hands in Gooci
rich hall , last night. Tha beautiful article
adapted to many uses und capiites c >
posed for sale were too numerous fo
specification , and but one , u symbolic cros
painted on a background of blue plush nn
b eating bunches nnd wreaths of oxqulsitol' '
true Ilowers , la mentioned by virtue of it
lieine the handiwork of Mis. Worthing , i
lady of sixty. To s.iy that the bazar of th
aast four days was a financial success , real
i7lng between 34UO and $500 , while in tbo llm
jf truth , would not cover the ground.
1'nt nisOv.-n linrs. ' In Pound.
Prank Blessing went to the police statioi
costerday with a horse which ho dcmiinilci
iliould bo put into the pound because the unl
mil had orolcen into his yard and destroycc
ils propoity. The horse was Impounded
A.n hour later Blessing rotuincd , hnvlnj
liscovered that the horse which had causci
ilm BO much trouble was his own , but It u > s
ilm $1.50 to get his steed out of the pound
Inntiioky Has a Formidable Ittvnl Ii
the Nortli\vot.
The fnot that 11 northwestern colt Is
, he winner in the Louisville Uorby
> no of the greatest main } ? events < 4 tht
loason , anil ulbo in the second grcni
ivont on that course , Is n matter of con
gratulation to Montanastockruisors
lays the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Spo
tano is a thoroughbred , the piouerty ol
tfr. Noah Armstrong , of Helena , Mont ,
ipolmnc , it is true , was got in Illinois
unl fouled on Mr. ArnibUong's place
lolcim , but his babyhood nnd ; ido-
osconco wora spent in the quickening
\Iontann air , and his line anil healthful
levelopmont toolc place in that notabc
lorso region. J.n his veins Hews the
) est of American and English oquimi
jlood. In fact , the beat running horses
) ii the American turf are descended
rom the English thoroughbred * . 6po-
cano'smother isudebcendantof Glencoe
md ho has Leamington and Lexington
> lood in his veins. Glonooe. Priam nnd
tlargrnvo were throe of the greatest
lorsos on the English slu J books which
iiuuo to this country , and the daughters
if tile n coo are all recognised by horso-
rton n | the best of brood nmrog. The
American descendant of the great
Snglish horses have triumphed over
English horses on English turf. It was
i Glencoo mnro which won the Ccsaro-
dcli in 1857 for Ton Broeck , and an-
ithor horse of English ancestry which
von the Goodwood cup in 1801 and four
ither cups. So , Inter , Mr. Sanford and
> Ir. Lorillard carried off English hon-
irs with American horses whoso ancoa-
ors proudly trod the English tvrrf.
Spokane should not bo ox pit Hated ,
logota good deal of his training in
. 'otiuusseu. His homo is in Montana ,
vhoio other coursers of royal lineage
rill doubtless ho born * and nurtured ,
. 'ho triumph of Spokane is Montana's
riumph. That coining state is doubt-
uss destined to bo the Thossaly of this
ountry for line horses a powor/ul rival ,
ndood , of Kentucky. The certainty
hat this great horao will bo soon at the
uiiimer meeting ol the Twin City
ookoy club has put upon the qui vivo
ho lovers of line horsollesh on the
a hi * la Pathetic.
Clipper : "How much cnn I got on
Iho childish face looked up appeal-
ugly to the hard visage that gazed
own contemptuously upon the little
utstretchcd hand.
( Ah , the old , pitiful story childhood
X ) soon pressed into the eervice ot
rinding poverty the last fond rolio of
appler days pledged for bread andre
ro )
' Not moro'n a pint , " said the ice
roam vendor , as ue took the saucer :
if your ma wants a quart , she'd
tighter glvo you a bigger plate ,
} uny. '
Real Estate
( <
Mercantile :
Exchange :
Room 14 , Chamber of Commerce
Omaha , Nebf
Buy , Sell and Exchange Real
Estate and Personal Proper
ty of every description. Have
the largest list of property
of any firm in the city. If
you have anything to sell or
exchange , come and see us.
We enumerate a few special
bargains which it will pay
you to investigate.
A 5-room house , 1th collar walled up , cistern
all Inured condition. Ith full lot. will bo sold '
rorla < > . Tills Is the ( .heiinost piece of rosi-
elf nro proptuy In OmiUm to-day. If jou nro
looklnc lor an luvestmont or u homo investi '
gate this.
An Ion a farm cf SIO acres to exchange for n
livery stock. (
ahu llnest Imurovod farm In the stato. In tb
famoui Klkhoin Viiller-with stock and grow
ing crops. ThU IB the ttnost chance ever offered i
to Hiicuro a highly improved 480 aero furm.
Como and sco us about It. i
Anted comfoitable home In Omaha , to ex- I
chanRe for nlnrtn In'Nobraskn oirjawaZM. . i
A number of Groom cottages In llrowu
I'artc , bouth Omaha , Tor sale reasonable. All
rented and moro paying Intci-ost on Invest * i
ment air. '
A 1,230-ocre ranch , sltuatod In the best part
of Colorado ; COO head of cattle , of which 2UO
are ulcers 1 , . ! ami ; ) years old ; 7U head of good-
m/.f d brood maros. and 8 H G'lvdoHdale stal
lions. Will tiiko part pay In good nloar eastern
Nebr.vka nnd or Omaha proporty. 3X3.
11,000.000 acre" ! of choice wheat land In south-
cm Dakota , for sale on long time. 8 .
A hotel in a good town on the D. If M. In Col-
orado. Jloro la u Uno opening for a practical
man with n small capital 100.
li acres near South Omaha ; will bosultablo
for pluttlmt In a few years ; in the mean tlmo it
( an be used for dairy purposes , there being Ur-
IIIKater upon the place ; or It can bo used for
ix vegetable farm ; we can glvo a good deal In
this. Jil'J.
A half section of highly Improved land In
South Dakota. 3 miles from good lallroad
lotvn , to exchange for house and lot In Omaha.
For a few days wo can offer a great bargain
In the following pieces of property : An 8-room
louse on 2Ht nt. , In Mlllttra Place ( 10) ) ; 884 !
Coot on Farnam at coruor ot yitii ( % ilt ) an
: -rnom house on ittth at. , just olt St. llary'a
live. , nil modern improvements ; owner needs
money to outld with and -will sell nt a bed-rock
> ricu ; come and let us show you the property.
No. 307 Lot 7 block aw. South Omaha. This
is u very desirable lot and will bo sold cheap.
,01110 soon if you expect to get it.
No. SW-SlxlTJ foot on llth Btreotjust north ot
Nicholas for sale at u bargain. This piece ot
n oparty. la situated in a part of the city which
s teeming with life and will be required for
Jiislness purposes in a very short time. Price
x.U)0 ) ; half cash , balance tu one , two and three
" fn
i ears ,
No. KB We have a number of good loti , all
ilear. in one of th bo-it towns In Nebraska ,
vbich we cau exchange for laud and assume
ioiuo oncumb'H-auco. Thli is tha snunplest
imip that has budded this spring.
No. " 17 A 6-room house In Omaha Vlow. For
i fmvdays MO can , owing to the short bank ac
: oiuit of u curtain party , elf r an especially rar
largaln in this plero of property. If you are
nclmod to invest in that Dart of the city just
( . member that delays ara dangerous.
No. 7tX-We have listed a 6-room cottngo In
Mlllard&Caldw ell's addition at price so lewis
is to Insure a customer In a soft time. Who
a the lacier munir
No. WO AaK-room house In that flno addlt-
on , Idlowlla. Wo will mnku sotneoody happy
vlth this piece or property If they will como
md see us.
No. 5fp A 4-room square house on a Ijeautl-
ul lot In Muthena Hub. of AlhrlghU Cholc *
lonth Omaha. We are prepared to offer special
uflucumcntson this ,
No. 12V ( to acres of land In Htanton county.
'or sale or exchange for other good property.
No. 1U4 , A stock of furniture. unU hardware
or Hnlo reasonable. Will also sell store ijulld.
UK , realdpnce un < l barn. Homo good real eatut
Mlliw taken In part payment. To some on *
ilHhlng to go Into business in live town w
.SviroVB.l5 " A.'PIjroved land In IlawllM
ear , to trad * f 01
No. 101 A tock of furniture to exchange fo
attic or horses.
Three ntoolcs of merchandise , two ot dry
: oodsand notion * . and ono of clothing , to
rade forjaml or city oroperty. One-third ca a ,
ialance will be taken In good real estate.
Houses and lots in all parts ot Oman * for
ale on easy terms or exchange for other pro -
" buy Jots lMlde of Belt
5fS ; ! iVve.llIivUl'nB ? to sel1' ' If you wish to
anything It
uy ; you want to make any kmdot
rade. come to us ; We have about SwnwMiM
ndltfiCrtt.UiOVer the W08t nd can mike trade. *
[ ifie
Managers ,