SPECIAL NOTICES , OMAHA. 'BRANCH ' OFFICES. Advertising ; for these columns will Ijo taken on the aboveconditions , nt the following Inml- ncf > R houfrf. who nro uuthorlzcd agentft forTlie llfcil Rocr.Ial notices , and will quote the eamo rntos ns can bo Iiad at the main olllco. TOHN W. DULL , Phnrmnclst , K South Tenth J _ Street. OHABR.VKDnV. Stationers and Printers , ] 13 Bouth 10th Street. , S1FAHN8\VOHT1I , Pliarmaclst , 2115 Cum- ing fctrt ot. WJ. riuOHFS , 1'hnrmacUt , C2I North ICth . .Slrect. GEO.V. . PA Hit , I'liarmaclst , 1809 St. JIarj-'B A Venue. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Situation by middle aged man ns bookkeeper or salesman. ( loud expo * rlrnco In grain business ; speaks four languages. Jo ! references. Address J. P. Nordholm , Wnkolleld. Nob. _ OJ3-U "VTOUNO man , .Inpancsc , wants n situation In JL private family to do housework ; will ac cept wages as second consideration. Address U 6B lloc. 077-ait _ WANTKU-SItuatlon by a llrst-clnss cloth- Ing salesman , several years experience ; lost of references. Address W Q Armstrong , 11W3 Virginia avenue. _ Kll 2flt "VOUNO man ( Canadian ) with 15 years expo- JL rlencc , iloslres situation In dry goods ; high- estreferenc-qs JJ , ' , llto olllco. _ U1H U7t fJTANTKD sTtimtion ly ) a young man In nu T T olllcn ; competent In nny line of book-keep. IBp ; good reference ) ; will go In city or country. Yonnir lady stenographer nnd typewriter de sires a situation ; experienced , rapid , accurate and neat ; could assist In book-keeping. Address P. O. Ilex 7B7. bhenamloah. Iowa. _ CIS 31 TAT1ONKUV engineer wants position ; flrst- clam city references ! H years' experience , Jl < 9.1loo. _ n.S7iUt AYOUNO man wishes permanent employ ment. Am a fair penman , fairly good at llgurcs , and temperate. Can give good rofor- f ncea. Address. I lee 33. lien olllco. 4YO ttl * WANTED-- MALE HELP. _ ANTKU A young man to manage odlco In Minneapolis , Minn. Hoferonces and 8lR ! ) capital required. Salary .flXU ) per year , llovoy & Pates. Dos .Mollies. In. ftM'Ot _ ANTIin-2 draughtsmen nt Henry Voss * . ia South 15th si. , upstairs. C4g-aor ANTlI-Mcn { with fair education to act ns county managers. Must bo ot good ad dress , bring gooa reference , deposit ! " > and give security lor monny collected. Salary $78 per month , Call on or nddress C. L. Uoylen , fill First National bank building , Omaha. 4M-31 * _ WANTKD A good strong boy to work on IIOI-HO ranch. Write to Jas. Carrlghcr , Itocfc : Creek , Vyo , _ um-ao Wi ANTED A good bread baker immediate- jr. F. Iterzog. 100J N 8.itU st. SU U7t A UENTS wanted to sell the latest and best , ti easiest nnd quickest self-wring map made , Profit , 00 per cent. Terms free. Address , Per fect Mop and Wringer Co.Carroll. la. (123 ( sill 1 fu f m an to attendln Turkish bath room. Steady work and - good wages. Call on or address Lincoln Haul- torlum , 1222 O St. . Lincoln. Nob. 694-fft WANTED Salesmen everywhere for our adjustable door plntes , now style doorbells bolls , street numbers , whlto enamel nnd metal letters , etc. , etc. Send for sumples. Circulars etc. , free. N. Y. Door Plato Co. , Newark , N. J. , JH4JW * . ° \ ANTED At once , two young Tnon for T light work , at $15 u week ; steady work all glimmer. Itoom 17,220 N. 30th. 422 27J * " "W7 ANTED Ollice man ; must deposit 8" > 00 , T T and como well recommended , have n good English education nnd gaoil business ability. Falary $100 per month. Addioss Goo. S. Cllne , Wagner block , Des Mohies.Ju. 600 20t ! "TX7ANTED Several morn energetic und rell- TT. nblo solicitors. The Singer Mfg. Co. . 1518 Douglas st. 602 J21 " \\1 ANTED A "few more live , energetic sales- T T men to soil tens , collees , groceries , etc. to .farmers and other largo consumers , at whole sale prices. Exclusive territory given. Address - - dress the Edgwortn Mercantile Co , , 1417 State fct , Chicago. 45P-23P i "iST ANTED Agents Puzzle watcn charm ; T TT most taking novelty out ; exact imitation * ' of "plgH in Clover. " size of nickel , gold plated. 'Sample ir > c. two 25c. doz. tl : stamps taken. , jl Btaynor & Co. . Providence. It. I. 764 j4t . iTJOYS Am. Dist.iTel.Co. . 1304 Douglas. S. i-P 471 jV-iOALESMKN We wish n few men to s nil our { p CJ goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade ; Largest munut'rs in our lino. Enclose 2-ccnt stamp. Wages 83 per day , Permanent " position. No postals answered. Money ad vanced for wages advertising , etc. Centennial Mnn'f g Co. , Cincinnati , O. 614 WANTED FEMALE HELP. ANTrfO At the Pnxton hotel , a good din- liig room girl ; 820 per month. 073-27 * * \ 7"ANTED A girl to do cooking , washing TT und ironing ; must have references ; call n. e. cor. Jones and 2jth , bet. B , Mary's avo. nnd Iicavenworth. oal-28 T ADY agents wanted to sell Mrs. Williamson JLJ corsets ; largest sale of nny patent corset - In the market. Good tcriltory. Apply Agents Manager. 188.0th St. . St. Louis. Mo. 07o-2fl * rANTED-Glrl for general housework. 1017 N. 22d St. 0-.S-27 * IJITANTED Ladles with fair education , good . . .W. P'WVBIHUigeofl reference , to do so liciting. Must deposit $25 , and glvSSecurity for money collected. Salary ? 05 per month. Call on or address Goo , S. Cllne , 611 first Na- tlonal bank building. Omaha. 657-2Ct "VSTANl'ED Good girl forgoneralhousowork , TV must bo good cook. Mrs. Coots , 12Ji fc'outh . IPth st. 003-1 T ANTED 10 experienced lady clerks. Ap ply before 8 o'clock Monday morning. ' 'The Fair. 001-20 WANTED Cook nnd second girl in same family. 3 experienced second girls , 4 young girls to assist in housowork.laundresses.cooks In private families , girl for 2 in family in S.Omaha , lots good places In private famines in and out otcityi Mrs. Mrega. 3I4K SIMh. 033207 WANTED A girl tor general house work , Mrs. J. N. Edholm. 2541 Ctlcago st. 031-27 NUIISE Girl Call at once , good wages. 2112 Uowtlas. 638 S3 WANTED-Glrl for general housework : must bo first-class. Call cor. N. 20th and Burdetto sts. 6b2 20 * "O7 ANTED Girl for gen'l housework : must T T be good cook and laundress , 601 S. 20th Bt. 643 XAT-ANTKD At once , llrst-class housekoepur , . w T at f22 Dodge at. Perlla Mackey. 6422it ) w 'ANTKU A good cook and laundress. Mrs. J. J. Ilrown. 1015 Sherman uvenue. 610 rANTED An experienced woman to do general housework In fnmily of two. Wanes 84 per ween. Apply between 10 nnd H in the forenoon , looo CulIfornlagt. 508 \ * ? ANTED A girl for second work , 0110 who TT can do plain sewing ; good wugos paid. Apply at M4 8 20th St. 623 DRESSMAK1Q. 3. II. C. MOSES Is now located In her new . dressmaking parlors. 1710 Cajs st. , where Bho will bo plonbeu to meet all her old patrons and many new ones. Call and examine styles , Take 20th aud Baunders Bt. car , 070-2(1' ( MHS. E. KUllMAN. dressmaker , cutting and fitting a specialty , 68 ] > i N. ICth St. , over Bank ot Commerce , Omuhu. Neb. oi-20 * D IIIEBBMAKINU , In families , 035 S. 17th. B01j22t MISS M , Shine fashtonaDle dressmaking , moderate prices ; cutting aud fitting also done , 017 N. 10th. 600 31 * BOARDING. FlHBT-clasj table board. 1D21 Dodgo. ( ill ) 81 * PRIVATE board with room only Jl per week , 225 N.20thBt. _ _ 605 20t ted at the Cozzens hotel at JLireduced rates ; the most pleasant location In the city. M J Franck. prop. K7U SHORTHAND AND TYPEWHIT1 Mq TANDAIU ) shorthand school. Paxtou block ] ( successor to Valentino's shorthand Insti tute ) , the largest , best equipped shorthand school in the west ; Is under the personal super vision of Joseph P. Uegeath , an ex-olllcial reporter - * porter uua stuto agent of the Uemlngton Stand ard typewriter , assisted by experienced ver batim reporters. Mechanical construction of _ machine taught by factory expert. Particular * attention paid to typewriting , btonouranhera' i nupplles for salo. Circulars tree _ 708 rllHE Omahu Short-Hand Institute , Haniga ' JL block , Omaha , opened Monday. May 13this under the nianugemont ot a thorough uud prac tical stenographer. Pleasantest uud best ven- j * * tllatod suhoot room In the west. Positions 4 ' found for graduates. Call ur write for particu lars' Terma , 410 per mouth in advance. Type- wrltingfree ; 1KH i 10 _ OHOUTIIANDaud trpe writing. Omuha bus- Ctnes > colleno cor. Capitol nvu. & loth. Stan dard methods taught by U. a. liwlng of Sau , rt'Fraiiclscx ) , the bent teacher ou the Pucilo coast. ' . Muusou'srovlsodof 'nu u specialty ; now plan ; blackboard Ihuatrutlon ; day aud evening Classes ; call or write for terms. C'J7 \X71UrrLKSEy'S snorthand school , 21 liar- IT Jeer block. U mouth'i cour e , t'M , MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. T\f "ONEJT'WanTcd I can plae trom ilvo to JLlJ twenty thousand dollars on good realcstute security. If you have monny to loan call and see me. ( icorpo N. II let a , Hen I Estate nnd In vestment Agent , Iloom 40 , Darker block. 372-31 , - . Olhlof cross-bred wool nt WANTED-l01. the Lincoln Knitting Mills Lincoln. Neb. 631-23 ] PAHTIES wanting good farm hands , labor , crs , mechanics , or nny kind of male Iiel- ) will bo promptly supplied free of charge nt Mrs , Hrega'8,3l4lS. ! 15th. 0372(4 ( 0 ( ASH paid for a good lot of household fur * nlture. Address II31. llco olllco. 603 27 WANTRD-Hulldlnn ; material for lots , lands and cash. W. J. Paul MM Farnam st. ns < I WAN7ED-TO RENT. I WANT n nice , comfortably furnished room where I can enjoy something llko homo com forts. Not particular as to location. Address lira , iloeoince. TWO sleeping rooms , u o of parlor nnd piano , cottage , OW North 17th st. tt'iOCCt MIUDLR ngcd married couple , without chil dren , dcslro comfortable rooms and boanl convenient to street cars. Address stating terms ; 11TS , llco ollice. 041-S7 * \xrANTED--Hy man nn wife house of 4 VV rooms In nice neighborhood , within fifteen blocks of court house , Address A , 11. . Walnut Hill Orocory Store. 013 gfl' WANTKD IJy gentleman and wife , a fur- Dialled n or iS-roomcil cottngo for the sum mer months. Address li 47 , Hoc. Ml \XTANTF.fatorontby fanilTj' of two , an un- TT furnished cottage In good condition con taining ( lor 7 rooms ; must have terms and'lo cation to receive any attention. Address U CM , lire. S20 WANTED To rent for term of years 8-room house , with yard nnd barn , between Far- nam nnd St. Jl nry's nvc. Would wait for ono to bo built. II17. Dee olllco. ! ica 27 FOR RENT-HOUSES. TTIOK HENT Newly furnished 7-room hou e , Jj to family without children , from.Iunolto September 1 , gentleman doRlre.s to retain ono room ; J3J per month , 21KQ St , Mary's ave.C09 C09- T7\OH \ HKNT 6-room house on lUh st near JD iiOnvcnworth , Inquire at E30 S 16th st. 030-37t Troll KENT Convenient for 1 or 3 families , a -AI r > room house , EO.J3 JJorcas st. C4J-1 " * i TT1OH KENT 10-room liousoo nicely fur- JL1 nlshcd , city wulor , gns. lawn nnd sta ble. Going cast to spend the summer. Will rent for the season for JVi per month to tun right person with good reference nnd no chil dren. Souths est cor. 2Jd and Hurt st. S. L. Ami roue. CC3-20 T71OH KENT Fine Ilat corner of 2.th ) nnd -U Lcavonworth stroots. with all modem con- vonleucesfper ) month. Fine 12 room dwell ing all modern conveniences , U07 N. 20th ; mblo passes door. 8" > per month. 1) . V. Sholes , 210 First National bank. ft'l'J T71OH ItENT New honsa , 0 rooms. 2 closets , 2 JL ? pantries , hard and soft water , brick collar. 709 N. 14th si , 000271 ell RENT Now house , 6 rooms , city water. 27th and Hickory sts. 021 20 * FOIl lir.NT Furnished brick residence , 10 large rooms , barn and cistern , modern Improvements largo yard , will bo absent from the city traveling tor some tlmo 1210 S. Dth. Mrs. J. M. Metculf. C20 2fl 4-HOOM Hat on 12th St. , between Douglas and Farnam sts. , rent * 25 ; 2 rooms now rented for Htf , furniture $ ( . " < 0. Co-uperatlvo Land & Lot Co. , 203 N. 10th St. 571) ) 23 9-IIOOM house and barn , modern conven iences , on North 17th St. , ut 832.50. Hutchlnson & Woad , lf.24 Douglas St. 578 20 FOll KENT 8-room flat. Inquire 1C21 Howard St. . meat market , 6'jl FOH HENT 3-rooin cottage , on car llnejpavo- inout , city nnd cistern water , larse yard , rent $10 , southeast cor. of S. 13tU and Arborsts. 6T0 2(1 ( TjlOll JtENT Nlco , comfortable homo , Ilrst- . | J class neighborhood , all modern conven iences , close to car line , moderate rent. Inquire of Gco. N. Hicks , liarkcr block. ; i74-IU F I OH 11ENT Juno 1 a new modern residence , II rooms , iiirnnce , stationary wash tubs , bath room , electric bell , hot aud cold wntei , range , best of plumbing , locality choice. In quire upon the promises , 2717 Jackson street , till May 25. or of Greou to Williams , First Na tional bank building. 4K ) IIOll KFNT Two houses , 201 ? and UIOLeav- cii worth st. , one 14 and one 9 rooms : mod em conveniences ; will put In repair. Inqiilre room 20 Nebraska National bank bid. 4'J5 B1O11 11ENT S-room house on cor. 15th and Leavenworth. ApplyDr.Mattlce.lGOJDodgo. 2 9 EIGHT Iloom honso ; centrally located modern Improvements. J. F. llarton , 2010 Capitol nvn. 87 * FOU 11ENT--Now brick houses. 11 rooms , with every modern convenience ; on cable line ; only ? 40 per month. C. T. Taylor , cor. 14th and Douglas. - 925 TTTOlt KENT Cottages , S rooms , 2720 Charles JL1 st. nnd 1524 S 15th st. Inquire at room 212 , Sheely block. 473 -qmoil HENT-A Ilat In the Her building ; 7 JL ? rooms , stoain heat , gas and bath. Apply to A. C. llaymer , hardware , loth and Jackson. 541 O NICE 7-room cottngos ; good collars , cisterns. i well , good barn ; convenient to school and churcnjBO ; per month for the summer. Apply at one , C , F , Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bunk , 364 FOll 11ENT Neat 7-room liouse corTSth nnd Woolworth nve. Inquire of O. H. Tzschuck. Heo olllce. 643 FOll IlENT Ono ten-room and one eight- room house , all modern conveniences. Heat part of city and within 6 ininntos walk ot post- officft. Nathan Shelton , 150,5 Farnam st. 9i2 CTIOH UENJ Beautiful 8-room nouse with JD modern Improvements , splendid location. Apply ut once , C. F. Harrison , Mer. Nat. Il'k. 800 FOR IlENT 14 room brlek dwelling , all con veniences. 210 N. 18th St. o07 FOR RENT ROCMS-FURNISHED- TJ10II IlENT Pleasant furnished rooms dosir- JO able location on street cor line , 213 S. 24th. C2827 ITlOlt KENT A suit of furnished front rooms , JO first lloor ; gentlemen preferred. 7W1 N. 18th. iBH-gflj _ MODERN , nicely lurnlshed cool room , homo board. 1911 Douglas. C25-20J PUHNISHED room , gentleman and wife , or two ladles , 810. 018 N. 17th Bt. 607 2Jt T AllGE furnished room for rent , suitable for JU ; gentleman. 1823 Farnam. 10.1 ITlOIt IlENT Hooms suitable tor liousekecp- JO ing In suits of 2 to 4 ; convenient location , lluttb llentlng Agency , i'.Ul Farnam st. t3j23t POIt IlENT 2 desirable furnished south rooms with bonrd , 2015 Douglas. 641 S ; EOOMS with or > \ ithout board. 1016 Dodge. 4HO 2b "nwil RENT Furnished rooms , 2203 Dodge ! JO 257 2b * 1T1OU IlENT Pleasant furnished rooms at 1914 JO Furunm st. 4&3 3 I710U IlENT llooms , 1015 Dodge. V 157-27 * TTlUltNlBHlsD rooms from tto 811 per JO month In house with modern convealncea ; location good and on car lino. 222J Leaven- worth. 4K227J JTIUUNISH ED rooms , 1419 Dodge. JL 473 27 ? Fi I Oil KENT From June 1st. suite of rooms , with board , at 1722 Dodge Bt. 43'1 JIO T7TOU KENT Clcgautly furnlshod rooms or JO room and board , $ j per week. a.)4 ) S Uth at. - O NICELY furnished rooms , terms moderate , no children in houso. 609 North 16th st. 6'J SO * TT1J11 KENT A pleasant room , only G minutes JOvnlk from business center , nil modern con veniences , cor St. Mary's ave. and 2gth or 020 B. Mill , brick rysldunce. cut TTlOlt IlENT Elegnut furnished room suitable JO for two gentlemen , ou bathroom lloor. with board. 10D _ Douglas st , _ 070 2ttt LOVKliY south front room , every conven- K-nce , ! j block from street car. & 0-i Douglas. _ UI3 _ TTIUHN1SHED rooms by day. weeir. or month. JO bt.Jlalr ( hotel cor rjtn nuajiodgo. 478 _ L Altai : front room with bed-room adjoining , handsomely furuUhed. s and heated by ( .team , with use of bath , room , in one ot the huudsomettt residences in the city , without board. Inquire u. w. cor. 10th and Leavomvorth. 225 UHN1BHED rooms , stnglo or en suUeTbath and steam ; tor gents only. 1519 Howard. 2 NICE south front rooms with every conven ience ; telephone In house , 19J3 Capitol uv , _ _ T _ 205 QUIT of 2 furnished rooms , modem convou- IkJieuces , 0 blocks from P. O. ; privnto family. A. Ho8peL Jr. . J5I3 Douglas. _ 475 Foil KENT A nicely furnished largo front room , all modern conveniences ; tor fuituor put'cuiarit ' cull at . ' 15 Dodg ut. Uki I 10n HENT-Ntccly furnished front room 1 with board.nll couvenicnco3iaiO Capitol nve. HONT room * , tl upwards , on car line ; 1319 N 18th. 448 TJ-fuHNlSHKD rooms , 113 B. 20th , near DodgoT 1 ? OOM with or without board , 1812 Dodga. It C35 ITiOIl KENT Iloom 1021 Howard. : Jj 005 iSuilNlSHED or unfurnished rooms for rent JO in Park Terrace , odposlto llunscom park ; all r.iodern convenlencos. Inijulro 1-eo fc Nichol , 16th nnd Lenvcnwortli. 472 T710H HUNT Furnished rooms xvith or wlth- JO out board for families and slnglo men nt reduced prlco for the summer months at the Cozzcns hotel. M J FrnlicK , prop. 880 front rooms 1810 Dodgo. OIIiiilHJL ; : room with or without board In prlvnt ? familynicely located opposite tno Y. M.C. A. lawn tsnnls court. 2130 Harney st. etn 2dJ FOll IlENT Largo furnished room m prl- vato family at 2.01 Fnruam st , : T710H HUNT Bleeping rooms furnlshod nnd JL ! unfurnished , onu on ground lloor front. 807 Howard. 61-8 289 T71OII HUNT A well furnished front room , JL1 suitable for two goutlonmoii. Ilest location in Omaha , All modern conveniences. Cull nt 2J15 Dodge St. 052-28 ? TTKHl HHNT--ltoomB with board ; best loca- J-1 UOP In city , 201 8.25th ave. 57nj : T71O11 llENT Two furnished rooms , with nil 4moacrn Improvements , to gentlemen only , nt Sim St. Mary's nve. . right In tne cltyT Inquire at store 210-2128.15th st. Oil 31 TLKASANT fiont room , 607 S. 2oth live. JL 315 20J _ _ 1710H ItENl Furnlshod rooms single or on JO suite. 1CQ3 Doiigla. " . 713 _ FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED iJO unturnlshcd rooms , 1701 Wcb- JO stor , suitable for housjkooplus ; price S-.K ) Foil IlENT Pleasant unfurnished rooms overlOOl Howard st. For ofllccs purposes 2.j3 ? 'OR RENT STORES AMP OFFICS3. UEB of Kent-Store rooms 1GU3 nnd Ifl.Ti to nn enterprising dry goods mnu. 074 YjiOH IlENT FronTro1llce7"grouna IIoor 310 JOSl5tli. _ _ _ 21)7 ) "IjlOll HENT Choup Now store , 2.'xGi , brick JO bns-jinent , on good paved St. , suitable for re tail grocery. Inquire O. Hnrtman , N. W. cor. 27th nnd 1 ) ccatiirsts. _ 2iO T Oll IlENT- Two stores with ton.roora Hat J7 above , corner iGth nnd Muson sts. Inciulrc , Mrs. Lntigo , 012 S. 13th Bt. _ 187 TTlOiUliiM' nioors 2.'x30 each , in brick build Jl1 Ing , with elevator , close to express ollice. cheap rent , jti.nt the thing for wholesaling , good location. Apply toUeo. Hoyu , 1103 Famam st. FOH HUNT Store 22x00 ; 1118 Jackson st. Enquire 1114 Jackson. 431 fJIOIl HENT Store and living rooms ou Cum- JO ing street ; also house on Cass st. HnrrU 11. E. & i. . Co. . Iloom 411 1st Nat , bank. 814 TJ10H UENT-Tho J story brick building with JL' or without power , now ocjuplud by The Heo Publishing Co. . 910 Farnam st. The building has a lire proof camonto.l basomout , complete steam heating tlxture-i , water on all the lloors , gas , etc. Apply nt the oillco of Tno Hee. 1)15 ) STOHE 407 witti baspment , llamge bldg. In quire Frank J. llamge. OVJ RENTAL. AGENCIES. IF you want your nouses rented list with 1'ar- rotto's rental agency , ICth nnd Dodge.070J25 070-J25 FOH HENT Wncn you wish to rent a house , btorc or office call ou us. II. E. Cole , room 0 , Continental blk. 474 IF YOU want to rent your housn call oa Har ris , U. K. & L. Co. , room 411 , 1st Nafl. bank. P.O. J. PAUr ; . 1(0 ( > Faruaui St. , houses , stores , etc. . for lent. 4R5 IF YOU want to buy , sell , rent or oxcnange , call on or address ( ! . .1. Stern dorll' , rooms 317 nnd 31.H. FIn > t National bank building. 481 WE give special attention to renting nnd collecting rents ; list wltu us. II. E. Cole , room C , Continental block. 480 iVUSCELUAFv'EOUS. CAPITALIST to curry well secured paper. Will pay 15 per cent. Address n 6.1. Heo ollice. C45-2Ct A universal healer. In some ELECTHIC1TY of its forma. It cnn be adapted to nil kinds of diseases for alfectlons of the brain , spine , throat , lungs , heart , stomach , liver , spleen , in testines , kidney. " , bladder und goultals. It is safe and reliable ; it rapidly disperses fever and Inliamutlon , whether local or general. In irritation or weakness of the bladder , causing restless days and Bleeple.ss nights. A simple process of polarization will cotrsct the evils. Troubles incident to unfortunate cnlldren un able to retain the contents of the biadner are permanently overcome. Young men wrecked and depicted from evils incident to indiscretion nro restored to u life of usefulness. Tno mid- dlo-nged , prematurely old victims to mental and physical Impotence , lire again put in possession of their God-given cowern of marldlan manhood. Even the old nnd decrepit , standing upon the border land , are once more rejiivoninti-d with added years of usefulness. In short , electricity is the great life giving , dls- cnso destroying nnd life restoring agent in the hand of science , the human body is n mere play thine nnd disease a tenant at will. M. D. DlclwoU , Electrician. 203 So. 24th st. 018 26t Application for JI.OOO loan at low WANTED George J. Paul , 1COU Farnam st. OC4- OOD lodging at Gladstone house , 015 S. 10th G : ; single beds $1 per week ; rooms for 2. * 2. 71027 * IF YOU hnvo a stock ot merchandise ) you want to trudo for clear Hloux City teul estate nddress 1148. lice ollice. 600-Klt ! TTMIIUELLAS nnd parasols covered nnd ro- U paired , 217 S 15th , Uoyd's opera house block , in rubber store. H. Ualor. 2H1 banjo taught as an art by Heo F. Gel- lonbccK. Apply nt llee ollice. 050 LOST. EOST A red Irish better , wearing u collar and answering to the numo of Hob. May be distinguished by small black spot on loft side. Leave him at 1812 Dodge st. nnd get liberal reward. 07-- T OST Pony 10 years old. scrntcnes on four JLJfvot. Iteturn to Murphy's blacksmith shop and cut reward. 6 7 2Ct T OSTIlet. . P. O. and fair ground. 1 uosday JUove. , heavy lap robe , black on ono side and red und gray on the other , Hewnrd for return to August Sjuelluji , 17th nnd St.Mnry's ave. ( j2 J 20r LOST A plain gold watch with open face , small leather strap for chain. Suitable re ward will be given if left ut this ollloo. OST Illack horse , weight 1,203. rat tall , wire scar on left front toot. Howard for return to Thlrty-llrst nnd Dodge. William O'llrlen. 4UU-2H1 LOST , strayed or stolen Hay pony , whlto spot In forohoid , holds her head low. He- turn to L. D. Harris , -"Jrd and Izard st. . and get reward. 425-20 ? JOHN W. THOMPSON , formerly of Phila delphia Let your parents know where you aro. Your stock unsold. Your father has a largo pnylng position for you. 040-2111 EltSONAn Partles wishing correspondents In vlow ot matrimony or amusement enclose - close stump. Address O. C. llureau. box 203. Omaha , Neb , 054-2 ! ) * TDEllSON AL For one week you can buy a 80.60 dinner set for 87.60. Illt.OO dinner aet for tln.-IO. 81H.ro dinner set for JU',8) . 8-UOJ dinner set for 8IIUW. 85. ( dinner sot tor * M.O > > . 830.00 dinner bet for ! . ( . 8fA > , o. ) dlnimr set for 810.0) ) . Twenty per cent elf on decorated dinner sets f or 0110 ueekntMoody's china store , 302 Nortlt 10th fit. 061-20 T71BATH15H8 cleaned and curled ; hats pressed JJ and bleached , at F , M , Bchadull. 218 N. 10th. 420-1U27 PTORACE. and forwarding. We collect and deliver goods of all descriptions , merchan dise , furniture and b iggage , at cheapest rates for storagu for any Imigtn of time , \runs and wagons to Le ha 1 nt shortest notlco. with care ful men for moving. Packing und shipping from our own wareTioma dou ) on moiler.it a rhurt'u. MeruhandUo loaded anil uulouded. Wurchimsn ou our own tracks. Olllco 217 S.Uth Bt.j telepnone 114. Howell &Co. 314 ' ' ' STOHAGE'at low'rntos'at llil Farnam bt ; Omuha Auction ana Htorave , 484 rpltACKAGE , storage , lowest rates. W. M. JL lliuhman Mil Leavmiworth. 4Si ) OltANCH A ; CO. , btorago. 1211 Howard. CLAIRVOYANT flit. NANNIE V..W.\KltR.V , clairvoyantmod- JL/lcul and business medium , I'omale dixuasea n specialty. 11U K , lOtU at. , rooms S und a. 4V1 . Tl fATlAMK DK BAN tsll * pMantresontand fu- jTJLture events nf yourllfo. invoinlvleo oa til vorco , contested wills , /IhKmR'0 nfts wonderful gift ot seconi tphfJirn the power of nny two mediums you over met. Parlor ? . . not WANTED A rood stocBtBt' general nior- clmncll oj will pay part cash nnd balance Kooil land lit low llgure. AtVlres * J. I * , .lly- men.Curtis. Nob. M , - 6iX)0 ) W ANTKD Household furnltiiro for which 1 Will pay cash. Address II IB , lice olHco. TJu > H SALB-Txvo horcel.r-illtRulo to drive JU single or double , Apply to Col. Fletcher , l rtUntuhn. _ o CUT _ _ VVANTRD-At once. goo < l vaoanflmlidlng T > lotsnltnblo for the erection of dwelling houses. Apply or nddress with price , location nnd Incumbranco , ( loo. .1 Stcrnsdorir , rooms 817and 318 First iNntlonal banVbuildlng. 431 'M WANTRD-100 lots Insldo ot Holt line , to build onV. . U. 13. As M. It. , room II , Cham ber of Commerce. 439 NT1QITA1IIAN Hook Store , 1413 riirnnm st , Casn pild for Cnd-lmnd hooks , magazines W ANTED To buy good commercialT'aporT ' U. a Patterson , ; lia H. lAth st. 41U WANTED Furniture , carpeta , staves mm household goods of nil kinds. Omaha Auction \ Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam. 4U3 FORSALE--MISCELLAN OUS. rilHKfurnlturo , cnrpots and draperies of na JL elegant fl-room Ilat , cost to furnish last November ovrf2UH ) ; will bo sold In lots to suit purchaser , mid on tlmo to those who wish. In quire ( loo. .Mooro. COO , tiOil North 10th. 613-27 T710K SALE Fresh , nlso JcMoy cow , 617 8. J3 3rd st. CUj-2Jt FOll SALE Seven shares ( series A ) of Ne braska Loan and llulldlug association. Ad dress II M. G.iMl * fjlOll SAI.n Furniture of B room cottage , JU with or without lo.iso of samo. 143) ) N.20tn 4UI24I FOR SALE 2 fine saddle horses , 1 fast road horse , I family carriage team nnd seveial good business drivers , inquire at W. 11. Hen- uott C'o.'s stables on Capitol avenue between Hth mid nth st. 671tOJ ! SPOT cash for furniture , stoves , hooks nnd household goods. New goods exchanged for JMlmnd. 117 N. llith , Frank OrJ & Co. 42U2J TTlOll BAM'-Oood sound llrst-class driving A ; horse und nearly new buggy ; can IIP bought ut a bargain. Call an see ut ( Join barn 15th and Cass. 000 20 Pi PALE line ponoy and cart ; upply to Col. i Fletcher , 1'ort Om.tha. Uv 8 Webster at. TPOlt SALE Cheap About H50 lioail of 1m- X1 proved Texas horses , consisting of geldings - ings , mares and colts , stallions and mixed. Will sell part or nil. Apply J. L. Hnlbert , Corslcana Texas. 414-J18J Foil ALK i work team , wagon and har ness complete , very clump for cash , 619 Paxtou bit 84U TiiOU SALE Cheap , a three-ton IHebold bans JL1 safe , latest improved time lock , complete in every particular. Address. II. Chamber- lln. Wood Itlver. Nob. 211 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Ouarantoo & Trust Co. , InOTi Far- .nam. Complete abstracts furnished & titles to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed. . M 407 OMAHA Abstract Compart , 15HI Farnam st. Most complete and carefully propiro'l sr of abstract books nti'.l pints of nil real property in the city of Omaha and Douglas cp.uuty. 4K ) A HSTKACTtS Lluahau & Sfalionoy , room "O3 xiLpiixton block. * 433 KIONEY TO I.OAfi. - - - - - - npllffCentral Loan V TrustCo.-No. 12fi ; Far- JL nam &t..havo n Bpeclul f iiiHt.or t'O.i OU on hand to be loaned In tuma ot Cl.ujirto ? 10,000 nt very low rates on choice liiHldo roildtoneo { or business property. C. A. Starr , manager. , OJl 3 rplIEM. 1C. & T. Trust Co. .m kes building JL lo ins In tha city nnd snburpat vill loan you HO ) : qr cent , of the vuliio of yptir property , uud allow you to icduce the loan"'by motithly pay ments.V. . II. Meiklo , Agent' rttom uW. First National Hank Building.u -i 6J80 L 6"ANS on improved and'-iliillhprovod prop erty at low rates. Odell Ifro's is Co. , 313 SlOn. _ r1IIE City Loan Co. has plenty of money to JL loan on horseswagons.furnlturo and pianos. Their rutej nro reasomibli ) mid buslueds Is dona fairly and quietly. If you want money or want your present loan osti'nded , try them aud save money. Their olllco is ut 118 s. 1-Jth st , directly opposite the Jllllard hotel. 200 T ( JANS wanted onOmaiia roil estate , three JLJand live years time , optional payments , favorable - vorablo term and rate * ; applications and titles passed upon by us and loans closed promptly. Klmball , Champ & Kvan.Hoom 0 ; Unite : ! States- Nat , bank building , l'M5 F.irnnm street. Oii7jlO MONEVtolo.m at low rates by Evrolslor Land Co. , 310 South 15th street , Omaha. UTl MONEY to loan on real estate security , at lowest rates , ilefore negotiating loans see Wallace , Crelijhton blK. , lot'.i and Doiislas. 8UO EYSTONE Mortgage Co. ; loans ot $10 to gOJ3 ! ; pet our rntos bsforo borrowing nml EUVO money ; loan on horais , furniture or any approved security , without publicity ; notes bought ; for new loan , renewal of old and low est rates call U 203.Sheeley blk loth & Howard st KM M ONEV to loan on short time. Secured paper bought. F. E. Alexander , 1COO L'ariiam nt , 041 j : W - HAIUllBON loans money , lowest rates. o.r- . S17 < JJ1.COO special money ; apply at once. C. F. < P 'larrison , Merchants' Nut'l bank. 303 MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estuto nnd loan agents , 1535 Farnam Bt. Kil U1LDING loans. D. V. Sholos , 210 First National - tional bank. 613 MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J. W. Squire , 1810 Farnam nt. . First National banic building. 623 LOANS made on real estate unU mortg.vnes bought. Lewis S. Heed & Co. , ll 13 Hoard ot Trade. 51U PFOPLE'S Financial Exchange Largo and small loans for long and shorttlmo , ut low est rutus of Interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of nil klndn , diamonds , watches nnd Jewelry. Don't full to call if you want fair uud chean accommodations , o. Ilouscareu , Mgr. , room 57 , llarker ult , loth and Farnam. 611 MONEY to Loan Wo are ready for applica tions for loans in amounts from $ llto ) tl'V- ( XK ) on improved Omuha or Douglas county real estate. Full Information as to rate * . Loans promptly cloned. Good notes will bo purchased by us. Call upon us orwrlta. The McCaguo Investment Co. KX > DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or collaterals until you HOB C. B. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building. t it * I S EE Sholos , room 310. First Nnt'l bank , before making your loans. 613 M 'ONEYto Loan Lowest ratos. Loans closed promptly , H , E. Cole , H.fl , Continental block. \\TANTED First-class inaido loins. Lowest TT rates. Cull and see us. .Mutual Invent- men t Co. , lt.1. Haricerblk.l5tlr& Kuniam. 625 ELM E. COLE , loan ngont. " " ; l ' < I 600 B UILDINO loans a specialty ' W. M. Harris , Itoom 20 , Fronzor Hlock , ujipoaldo P. O. I.R ii 801 VTEDHASKA Mortg. LoanCrf. Will makeyoua J.N loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land contracts , line Jewelry , or securities ot-Any kind , without publicity , at reaapnapla rates. Iloom 7 , HowJoy Illock. South umaha. llooms 618-611) ) . Piixton Illoci jOwUIia , Neb. MONEY loaned foriM. OJ or-'OO 'day * on any kind ot chattel security ; re-tfyiribl ) inter est ; business conlldontlal. J'J. > Wllktnson.li7 ! Fai nuin st. "lr 601 OF. HAtlHISON loans money , lowest ratos. 617 fV ) YOU want moneyIf so , dgn't borrow JLxbeforegottlug my rates , which are tha low est , on any sum from ( M up to flO.OJj. 1 make loauj on household goods , pianos , or gan * , hort.es , miilua , wagous , warehouse re ceipts , houses , lo ir.es , etcin tiuy umouiit.ut the lowest possible ratoi , without publicity or ru- moval of property. Ixjans cat ) ba made for one to six months and you cun nay u part nt any time , reducing beta principal nnd Interest. If you owe u Imluuca on your furniture or horse i , or trive a loan on them , 1 will take It up and carry It for you us long as you desire. . , If you need money you will nnd It to your ad vantage to see ms before borrowing. II. F , Musters , room 4. Wlthnoll building. 15th and Haruey. fta ) T CAN make a few loans on first-class chattel J-xecurlties at rfcusmiablo rate . W. K. Potter , room 10 , liarker blk. WI CPEIl CENT money to'loanRash on hand. W. M. Harris. 11SJ , Frenzer block , opp. P. o. 603 MONBYto loan on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Kobblns , } L2oa , Shecly blk , 16th nnd Howard. 618 $ ! $ t To loan on farms and city property. $ Deo. J. I'au ) . 10UU Farnntn st. MU $ SWOOJ to loan rtto percent. Wnnhan tt Mn- honey , Iloom &JO , Pnxton biocit. .610 MONI8V I.onris negotiated at low rates with out delay , and purchase goods , commercial paper nnd mortgage notes. S. A. Sluman. cor. istli and 1'arnam. nu Mortfrnn.0 & Trust Co. fur- J. nlsh cheap custdrn jnonoy to borrowers ; purchase seourltles , perr.ict title * , accept lonni ntthclr western otllco. George W. P. Coates , room 7 , Hoard of Trade. _ K { logins. Ltnahan & Mahonoy. MONKYloloan on improved property nt llrst hands. No application sent away for ap proval. Security and titles oxamlnud free of charge to borrowors. Lombard Investment Company , 300 S. 13th St , 610 PEOPLE'S Financial Kxchango-Tlio fairest , quietest and most llbcnl money exchange In the city ; inonoy loaned without delay or publicity. In any amount , large or small , nt the lowest rates of Interest , on any available se curity ; loan.smay bo paid at any tlmo or renewed at original rates , O. llotisparen , Mgr. , room 67 , llarker block. 15th and ftraa.ii. oil TTNIMPHOVKl ) and Improved property ; U loans made promptly ; money on liana. F , M. Hlchardson , H w cor luth and Douglas , /IJ.OO1) notes , short or long time , unsecured U orwlth mortgageboughtanywnoro InNob , or la. Quick loans , city or farm. Call or wrlto W. L. Solby , u. A H'd. Trade. 809 HK , COLIJ , loan agent. COO BUILDINQ LOAN8J5to7porcent , no nd- .lltlonal charges for commission * or nltur- neys' fees.V. . ll. Molklo , First Nat. bank lildg. (133 ( M ONKY ! to loan. Harris It. K. & Loan Co. , room 411 , First National bank. 615 BU SINESS CHANCES Foil SALE or exchange A good clean stock of gpii ral mil 40. in a goo.l llvo business town. Will take imrt. cash und balance In real cbtato. Address U 61 llco. 0013IJ ri WO confectionery stores , two groceries , JL cigar nnd tobacco store , meat market nud other business chances , Co-operatlvn Laua & Lot Co. , 2v N ICth st. 031 27 fTlOil KENT A good business house In town - of Plckrell , ( JagolCo. , Nebraska. Flno opun- lug for stock of general merchandl.se No com petition. Two good grain elevators. Hullnlug well lilted for living in 2d story. . CJood cistern drain. bt > no cellar.stable , etc. For forms ap ply to Mrs. A. E. Edwards , 715 N. 6th St. , llcntrlrp , Neb. U22 31 * WANTED Partner , young man with * ! 0) to engngo in business ; will pay well ; investi gate this. Address 11 64 , llco. 017 07 LAUNDRY for sulo cheap , doing good busi ness , reasons for selling sickness ; will sell for ono third its real value. Call at lull lluit. _ _ 020 ynt FURNISHED Ilat for sale cheap. 418 P. 15tn 8t. Ilat No. n. 660 2it ( _ LIVE partiiu r wanted with 41,003 cash to take half Interest In a finely furnished nnd ivoll located f2.0inday hotel In omuha , where money cnn bo made from the start ; nn experienced hotel man prererred. Address for particulars Huslnoss llox. MM. Omaha. 640 20 * LE Leading paper In llvo town of 1.000 ; good business ; uolncumbrunros. Ad dress n at this onicj. 59120 _ WE have cash customer for good millinery stock : ulsoboot and shoo stoc'c : must buy soon. Iho Farmers' Land Co. , It 2lIlarkor blk. Q3oo to JT.DOJ wanted to put into a good busi- P ness ; Jlrstcliss security nnd gooa rata ot iulerf Bt pal J for short or long time. Or will tnko partner. For particulars address U43 , ilea ollice. _ _ _ 142 _ FOR SALE A privnto bank In northeastern Nebraska : will sell paper. Address II 42 , llco. 53 1 * . ] _ _ _ F I JUST mortgage loans nt low rates nnd no delay. D. V. Sholcs , 210 Fir.st National bank. 613 TfTlOIl SALE Meat market complete : cun bo JO handled for little cusl ) . Call at room 4 , Wlthnoll blk. 850 , line hotel and livery , Elgin , Nob. ; $ property fret ) from incumbraiice ; money to uomade. Smith is Paudock. Elgin , Neb. orJJl FOlt SALE A flm-clas } moat market In Omihn , lias geol paying trade , requires $1,600 cash , or will trade for property. Address A 47. eo ollice. _ MB HOTEL for sals ; new , goo3 location , doing good business , for sale nt n bargain , pay ment not ueces3ary. Present proprietor In tends changing business nn account of 111 health of his wife. Address , lloo ollice , Lincoln , Neb. 783 _ SALOON for sale in ono of the best business centers in Omnha.choap. Iloason for soiling , I mubt leave the city. Address V 18 Heo. 43.VJ7 * _ TOR EXCHANGE. C1 .EAII . lot to trade for furniture. II. E. Cole , loan and Insurance agent. CU5-28 C1EOH EOH SALE or Trade A llrst class sterlop- tlcon oil or gas light , with lews for two nights entertainment. All ready for use. Ad dress 1421 High St. , Council IJlllirs. CS2-2G * $13,000 worth of good , clean general merchandise in u thriving town In southern Nebraska , to trade for good city property if property Is clear. Want Ji.0tl ; ) cash , or will assume light liicum- brnnce nnd want $ COCO cash. No outside prop erty or farm lauds accepted. Co-oporativo Land aud Lot Co. , 205 N. lOtn St. (13 ! ) 27 mo EXCHANGE House and lot for Orchard JL Hill lota ; brick house on Capital ave. for clear city property ; clear lot In business part of Albright's Annex for other good property ; an elegant residence lot. over two ucres , in Council Hlmts on paved street nnd motor line , for clear lots or larm ; stock of houte furnishing goods for other property ; houses nnd lots In Orchard Hill for vacant lots ; a good hotel in good town for other property ; houses and lots in nil parts of the city for building lots ; farm In butler county. Nob. , for good Omaha property : 2 lots in First addition to South Omaha tor farm land. List your property with me. Gtover Slovens , 610 nnd 6171'axton blck , telephone 1125. CTlOll EXCHANGE Five thousand acres of JO farm lund In the Hepubllcun Valley of No- bruuka and adjacent counties of Kansas , for Improved rentable Inside property In Omaha. Address George W. Hurton , Orleans , Neb. L49-3t TTIIIIST mortgngo to trndo for furniture. II , JO U. Cole , loan nnd Insurance agent. 005-28 fl WO million good bricks and sand wanted for JU horses , pheaton. buckbonrdx. lots , lands , mortgages und cush. W. J. Paul , 1&9 Furnam. 044-2 ! ) _ _ LAND wanted for lots nud houses , cte. W. J , Puul , KiOi ) Farnam st. 014-20 i V EHY stock and barn located in Omihn" corner of 10th nnd Cnss sts. to exchange for house ami .lot. or stuck of harm HI goods or block of furniture , und ono-hulf cash , or for one-half cush and bal. two yours' time for good secured paper ut 10 per cent. No laud proposi tions accepted. Co-oporatlvo Laud & Lot Co. , 205 M 10th bt. 6b02Q /1LEAK lots In Omaha nicbly located to trade \Jtai' morchaudlso. Co-operative Lund & 1/ot Co , 2J5 N. 10th Bt. 580 201 TPOIl EXCHANGE Good bullalntr lot for JO horse and buggy , H. & H. . 2211 N. 20th. fPO EXCHANGE Good Inside property , irood JLfarm and some cash , for clean stork of clothing. Address IS 38. Hee. 540 28 'PEN line lots on second mort. building terms. JL W. J. Puul. ICOSl FarnamHt. tiU-M y improved farm In Antelope county to trade for furniture or horses. H. K. Cole , loan nnd Inmrance ogont. 017-28 1311UST mortgages to trade forhorsos. harness JO and buggloi. II. E , Coie , loan und iiiHtuuncu agent , room 0 , Continental. 4'J7 Ul fMjEAlt lot for good 2-seated carriage. H. E. V/Cole , loan nnd ins. ugt. , Itoom U.Coutluentnl. Cf 2.'ityo ) stock of merchandise , consisting of dry tp.oodn. boots nnd shoes nnd groceries. In u JJobniska town of ubout lO.'iu1 ' ! population ; Block llrrft-cla&H ; will takuono-half In city prop erty or lund. und one-half cash or secured paper. Stock can bo redncnd to * 2)oai if neces sary. Co-opcrutlvo Land & Lot Co , 205 N. 16th , T71IHHT mortgages for stock general morchnn- JO dUo. H , E. Cole , loan and Insurance agent , Iloom 0 , Continental. tefMM ECAN oifeT for a few days a stock ot general merchandise in exchange for second mortgage puiier. W , It , K. As M. K. , Itoom H , Chamber of Commerce.til 2-seated tine carrlaae or top ousgy for NEW city or county warrants , or any good unsecured notoa.W.Usolby.H U U'd 'lYado OI18E. phenton. buckbonrd. lots , lnud . mortgages nu.l cash for brick , sand und bulldlns muttriui of all kinds , W. J , Paul. IMW Faruaui. oit-o APINR ra ch. 1 section , with prlvllcgo of l' ' < more , to oxchnnto ror Omitia property ] buildings nnd. nil necessary nppf rtancos. Thin Is the finest body of hay lund in the state , W. II. E. & M , E. , room H , Chamber of Commerce. WANTED-To trade for homn and lot In good loMtion ; will ossitmo light tncuni- branca. Address A a lloo oiico. : itij FOH KXCIt ANO15-Eighty ixerrisot the nnest timber inn.l in Wisconsin , clonr ot ncum < branco. What have you to oner ? 0. .1 Sterns- dorrrrooms 3U nud < 118 , First National bunk , KM TTIOIl KXOIt.VNOE-Dxkota , Hand county JL1 What hive you to oifor for n good farm hero , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lauds are rising in value , nnd Its dssttnv cannot bo din- puteu. Will take vacant lotn or Improved pro perty nnd nssumo siiiio encumbrance , u. J. St rnsdorlT. room * 111" nnd318 First Nntlonnl bank building. KM TpblTlfxCHANaH-For doMrablo roslrtoneo JO property in Onuhn , nny or all of following ; 40 choice Inside roMdenco lota m Hasting ) . 100 lots In Lincoln. (140 ( ncros line tanning land , Lancaster county , Flno residence property , Lincoln , ( lood rental property. Lincoln. Cliolco fnmily residence , corner , Los AngelCP. A neat residence property in llanscom placo. Also , some good mortgage notos. Address , giving location nnd prlcn ot property - erty , o. 1 ! . II. , cure lUuui Iron Co. , 1217 Lcuveu- worth. Ml FOR SALE ? EAU ESTATE H OTEL and store building for sale or trade. Livery barn preferred. Address II67. llco. 07fl-3lt $010 , licit lot In Sounders & Hiniobdugh'a ad dition to Walnut Hill , WM cash , balauco to suit. H. E. Cole , Loan Ac Insurance agent. 000-29 ONLV few more $2. ' ) lots in llothwell. Keep your eye ou this Wyoming town. H. li. Cole. 00720 M'COOIC Hesldencc , choice property , cheap. O. 0. Oaston , WJ Omaha Nut'l. ' Ol7-.ii : FOH SALE A splendid nome. now house. Just completed , irood neighborhood , healthy locution , possession given nt once. A bargain If taken quick. Uoorgo N. Hicks , Itoom 40 , llarker block- . BJl-31 "IT1OH SALE or exchange-Improved stock .L1 farm of Six ) acres Incastern Nebraska , near market ; nlso naw 12-room house with all con veniences In desirable residence portion of Oma ha. Andrew llevlus , attaruoy , 422 and 42J Paxton - ton blocKOin.iha. . Nub. K > ONLY tow more $ i" > lots in Uothwoll. Keep your eye on this Wyoming town. II , i : . ColO. C07 20 KA1LKOAUS. .Motiirs , horsu cars , nil are ex tending northward , and building in this section Is double that douo ttuywhcro else In Omaha. This is where for AI to vxa wo are selling as pretty lots as you over saw. People are buylni ; thesa lots on payments of Fifteen Dollars down , balance $10 a mouth , because the lots are not only Cheap , but bocuuse they are all wo claim for tham , which you will admit It you come nnd nee them. When for a Delightful Homo you cnn secure n lot by n $15 cash nayinont , bal ance $10 a month , It is Tlmo to Investigate such an oirerand see howmauy people lire buy ing , and many of them building on our prop erty. Have courage To Start Hlght nnd von will soon have Homethlng. Don't lack courage , but como and see what you can and what Others Are Doing. Omnha is a big city , aud Omaha property Is a safe Investment. f : ; 0 to $100 Is halt what surrounding lots sell for , and no ono can give you easier terms. Como Aud See whether what wo claim for this property Istruo or not. You don't have to take aayono a word , but you can See For Yourself that you can get value received every tlmo. lie- member , Ames IM7 Farnam , is the ollice , nnd that conveyances are always on hand to show these lots ; that houses to the number of over 10. ) are now built nud being built , and you have a chauca to secure us ImuU- tainu alot as you over saw tor t'Jo'J to $ JOJ , by Baying Fifteen Dollars cash , nnd balance monthly. Hear in mind , too , that unless this property was ns good as claimed for it wo could not Allord to Advertise It. Como and see It. No safer or surer way to innko your money pate. It costs you nothing to luvefrtluute tills ground and Its suriouudlugs at any tlmo you wish to. Amos , 1607 Farnam st. 61)720 ) TPO Capitalists : Fma business property , first- -L class maiding , rents well.prlco ftli.OOu , ilj.lHJO cash to build with on adjoining cround.lnheait of city , on Kith St. , Omumi's bust realty ; no agents iieea apply. Address the owner.H 44Hoe. 649 30t ONLY few more $25 lots in llothwell. Keep your eye ou this Wj omlng town , II. E. Colo. 007 20 EAIi IlAKGAINS-Deslrablo Orchard Hill lots nt f T < W. S.I5Q to $1)3 cash. .Must no sold. Jas. Stockdalu , Iloom IU , Arlington block. 270 FOU SAMS On long time nnd easy payments , handsome , now. well oullt housea of 8 , U and 10 rooms. All conveniences ; good neighborhood ; paved streets ; street cais , und within walking distance of I' . O. Nuthan Shelton.1505 Farnam. IBS J 0 $ ; ! , t'00 , only fnOO each , balance easy , buys cosiest homo In Omaha , li rooms , city water , pas. soior , convenient to cable and horse cars , wilt take good horses us llrst payment. II. E. Cole , loan and insurance agent. ( ! 0 > 29 ONLY few more 625 lots In llothwell. Keep your eye on this Wyoming town. II. U. Cole C07 20 fnOU SALE Flno lot covered with trees. 0 JL' room cottage , sowar , watjr and gas on the ttreer , J4 block from ! ) st. car linos. Very cliolco east front lot ; S"i,50J ; easy terms. Can discount n Httla for cash. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat , bank. B53 rpn 12 factories within easy reach of Collier .1 place will employ a largo force of men. 80- cuve u homo and enjoy life. Price of lots fTOO to $1,20.1. one-tenth cash. Bend fur plat. Mc- Cagne. opp. P. O. 073 T/'OUN i'ZB Place Flue 10 room residence : JLVmodornconvonlnces. If sold at once will toke ll.MM loss than property is worth ; owner leaving city ; only Jf.UOO cash required. M. A. Upton Company , 16th and Far num. 4'J12(1 ( /"VNLY few rnoro $25 lots In Bothwoll.ICoop \J your eye on this Wyoming town. H. K. Colo. Ii07 20 ANSfO.M Place Property Now is tno tlmo to secure u cliolco residence lot in llanscom Place , tno finest residence portion of Omaha : n beautiful part , city water , sewerage , paved streets , tnree lines of street curs , u high und healthy location , giving u magnillcent view , nnd perfect drainage , all combine to make llauscom Place the residence place of'Omahu ; new cable und electric lines to the park will muko property In thU addition advance nt least f 0 per cent within the xt your. Call and see the choice lots wo cnn oiler. Hicks , Itoom 40 , urker block. 678 28 S lHMlT ) oirer.s on 101x140 , southwest comer lutlinud .Mason streets ; 2 houses , Tnlspiop- crty Is worth ; iUUU ( ; make un olVor , .M.A.Up ton Company , 10th and Furnam. 641 27 CHOICE fnrm for sale , I'M acres , ! 5 mlle out of Iilulr. 1,40) trult trees , 1 aero grapes , small frulU. one 6-room house , onu 2-ioom IIOUKO , good barn , living wutor ; immediate pos- sesslou given. II. W. Mcllrlde. 447 20 * CJ2,530 , $200 cash , balnnco monthly , buys nlco PlH story a-room house on best car line In city. II. i ; . Cole. loan and Insurance agent , room B. Continental , UXJ 21) fllHN line lots on second mort. building terms. JL W.J.l'uul. l U9Fornamst. 044-20 O"ONTINUOOS eidowalkTo'Colirer place. OoT prices and terms , McCague. 073 > AItlAINS-aiargalns ! s.'w 'cor. 13th ana aJL'ullfornla sts. , with 3 houses , very cheap. „ Neat 7-room house and half lot on Daven port st. , near hlgn school , $ * > , OJ ) ; easy terms , Qoorl lot on Harney St. , east 01 24th t , , a bargain. Elegunt residence lot , 24th ave near Bt.Mary's nve , very che.ip. 0-room hoiiBii and half lot , S. 12th st. , cheap ou monthly payments. , . . , . , Uood roslifimce lot on 23th ave , bat. Douglas nnd Dodge. Haw. a lots on S. 1'Jth ' St. , very cheap. 160 lots in Carthage , Omutiu'a best suburb , on ten years' tlmo to parties who will build house * , llr-iniian Ic Co. , Hoora 3 , Chamber of Commerce. Money to loan In nil parts of tha dty- „ . . lifilA I have u. numbsFof good" Olots in varloiu addition ! that muat ba sold nt once and can be bought at prices that will mltjou. Q , .1 , Wteriiaforir , rooms U17 andllH Flrit National bank building. 620 65-foot front , t5 * rteeo , on 17th ave , JO between Jncksuii uud Leavunwortn. M. Dun ham , 2 138,14th. CIO ! Mt _ _ rnili : nnest drive m the city is to Collier JL place. AlcCagug ; _ U7J BAItOAlNB-l ts 12 , 13. 14. blo6k2. Mayne Place , east fronts , } J bloc * fiom pav d utroct. Also lots 1 * . IV , 20. block A , Kllby Pluco. Any of the ubiivo lota will be niferea at 3 nor tent less than their value. F. E , Alexander , VM l' ' riiaui street. A"LE 4Xx7 ) on N. E. cornsr P. JL ? eta. B. Omaha , sultabla for store buildlui ; receiving the bonelitof the Q Rtreot vluuuct lust bBlne built : prouerty clour , but III Iio Itn compels owner to sell. Price H.7iW , U. V , Hurrlkon , Morchaut's National bault. t ( J - - - - - - - ' ' ' " " r "r "i . . _ . 'V1'"r _ , / \NLVfo\vmorn63.5 tola In TfothwcU. K * \s your eye on this Wyomlngtown. H. H. Colo. COT aiv _ _ _ v l > lsALlvtrtto HixrgJlns. Now 1ft tha tlmo teA - A .buy roalestnto in South Omaha. Enlarging the already ImmenKo packing housost paving the splendidly graded streets ; building two line anil costly viaducts ! running motor lidos * Into South Omnha j building u gigantic coojH'r- nge establishment will mnko realty lively In tli ( i next ninety days. so buy now mid be In the swim , \\'o will guarantee 20 per cent prone on the following : l.ot 4 , block 1 , drown Park , on 2ltli south of Q street.ncnrrlniluet , fl.cox Lotsn. block a. lirown Par * , on 2 < th. 1 btjcfc south of (3 si. , Jl.au Lot Ziblock 3. Ilrown park , on 21th , 1 blocs south of y M. . lau l/ots II and ll , liloctc (1 ( , Ilrown Pnrk , on 21th , 1 block cast > t iUh-for both Jl.fiOO. 80x160 on2.1tu St. . oppsMto Hoed hotel , ak gradn. with good honso * . .Wi ) ) . : Wx75fcet In lots , block SI. South Omaha , fronting Knllroad av nuo $1,100. Lot x. block 40 , South Omaha a flno ot , 604 , . Lots It and Vbloclc CO. South Omiha , dou bio corner maKoiKV ) foot Ion , JI.SJi ) . Thin Is nil gilt odgolnsldo property , Tlio abnv prices cannot bo duplicated In South Umahn. . Anyomi wanting a genulno bargain will not fall to secure one or moro of the above. lots at once as the nbovo prices will not bo minted. nttcrJune 1st. M , A. Upton Co. , liltli and Far- num. Omnha , The loading real estate dealers , Telephone B34. 51527 _ HKIU5 wo mo again with plenty of land ami Improved farniH for sulo or trade for city property : also a few choice lots and housed for Huleat n birgalu ; como nnds ous. Excolsloff I.nnd & Iteal Estate Co. . 310 S. 15th st. 685 A HAHOA1N In ncro property , 0 ncros for xX-snlo In lllco's mi blot 1 1 , ( I blocks noith oC motor line , ono-linlf way between now brldgo and Council Hluirswill dlvlilo Into OJ lots or more , building going on nil around It , situated. on highest ground between bridge ami Council Hlutrs ; J9JO per aero , H.OOO down , balance to suit at 7 percent. Inqulro ot Curtis > V Kackott , aw 8. Ktfi st. or Swan & Walkur.No. 4 IVarl st. . . Council lllullH. (112 ( 31" ONLY few iuoroJ5 lots In Ilotluvull. Keep' your eye on this Wyoming town. II. U. Colo. GOT 20 SEND for plat ot uollior place , unit when driving tor recreation follow the motor Hue poles on 10th st. , mid Amos' avo. , and see tha womlorfm improvouiuuts tint huv taken place Just around tno barracks , and remember that Collier place la ( ho key to the situation. Huy a lot now for the low prlco nud nt tno easy terms they nre bolim olforod , mid wo nro satis- nod. One-tenth cash , balauco ono to live years. McCague. opp. P. O , U73 S HOLES Special" List Wo push spaeliU "bar" gnlns aua mlvortlso tnom. List wltli mo. flno east front lot In llnn.scom place at Jl.fiOO" I3tt ) cash. Decided bargain. Flue lot on I'm man nndLowo nvi'iiue , . ' , * 69. J2.100 buys a house tiud lot iu llauscom Plact- . north of I'oppleton avenue. The old John Dirrics Manufactory plant on Missouri 1'ncillc rnllwuy. I miles southwest ot city with 2 acres of ground iind ! 1 lurijo 2 story buildings , for $3,000. A line opportunity for' somq one. 1 have special Inilucomonts Inhouacs > .nd lots In all parts of the city either forralo or trade. . Call In and bo ihoun them. I do not try to got you In to show you trash , b ut handle only good ! property and deal s < maroly. 1) . V. Sholoi , 21 First National bank. 03U" NO CASH payment and $ .1 > monthly , Includ ing Interest , biiysulco 0-room house , con-- venlcnttocablo nnd hoi so cars. II. 1C. Cole , room li , Continental , CO ) so ONLY few more fi' > lots In Uothwoll. Keep yourcyoon this Wyoming town. II , B , Cole. 072q 1'ECIAT , bargain-2 lots In West Omaha- iii-ur Lowe ave. and Howard. 81.r > OJ each ; 3- trackage lots ou U.P. lt.lt.OW Tor both. Kast front on llanscom place , only JI.-OO ; elegant- lots on the hill. Twenty-sixth nndVoolworth , $ J,4l)0 ) ; 10-room house. Sherman live. uearOraco at a bargain ; nlco cottugo near aith and Lake , . 91,001 : houses and lots in alt parts ot the city , or will build a homo to suit you In most any pait of city. 1,1st your property with me. Grover Stevens 513 uud 017 Pnxton block. Tel. 1125. dtiO-HO ' EOlt 8AUS Lot JlixllO in the very heart o Omaha , with i > room house for Ji.SOJ. ( } . 1' Harrison , .ilorch4iits Nut. biintt. Mo T71OH SALE The llnost resldonco site In West -L ? Omaha ; just south of l''aru.vmonith : ) street ; n corner lOixlSi' with IS7 foot frontage on piiveil btrout and Joining ; tha handsoiua real- ilcncu of Klrkundnll on the east , and Hriuly , . Eas oa und JIavtin on the south ; u perfect gaim anil cardt-n spot tor an elegant homo. Iliirneyauil ilst htrocts. 141x137 , on pavement within tlireo blocks of the court house : room. for seven line houses that would rout as rapid ly ns completed. A splendid permanent Invest ment , Karnam and JSil streets , CDxllJ , with new three story brick store building , renter" to good permanent tenants , lteuf.il receipts IN.IMO per Sixteenth street ne"5 r Nicholas , frontage 01 feet to alley ; good business property. Farnam strcot. between Satlanil llJth , front age 41 or tuxut ! to alloy , south front , 1 bloclc from pavement and street cars. Park avenue , opposite llanscom park , BOxloQ , p'ica fc',000 ; pasy ( ornis. Paddock pln.ce , trackage , 00x113 , 12,000 ; oas/ terms , 10th htroot south ot Vluton st , lot for sale or trade rormaso. or good farm land. S. A. Sloman. 1301 Farnam st. 537. FOU 8ALK A beautiful residence in Hans- corn place , east front , 8-room House , batli. , ! iot and cola water , gas , sewer , electric bells , liard wood finish , near the park and street car line. F. IS. Alexander , 160'J Farnam st. 4C'J T7 OUNT/R Place-Fine 10' room residence t JLVmodern convonteuctis. I * sold at onco-.vlll Lake $ lr)0)leso ) than proparty is worth ; owner leaving city ; only 41,0)0 ) cash required. M. A. Upton Company , 16th aud Farnam. _ 41)1 ) 2d , X ) buj-s light. 3-bow top H. E. Colo. $ room 0. Continental. OC6 28 TV OUNTZE Place Fine 10 room residence : JX-inoderu conveniences. If sold at once will : akol,0) ) less than property is worth , owner leaving city ; only * 1 , OK ) wish required , M. A. Upton Company , 10th and Fnrnnrn. 401 20 1 NO CASH Itequlml I cun sell some good lots in any psrt ot the city , 1 can sell with out nny cash payment to paitloswho will im iirovo them. Grover Stevens , 610 and 517 Paxton block. Tel. 1125. C50-iO ; _ NAP I 3 good Orchard Hill lots , ono nnd two blocks from Hamilton street , 87JJ each ; K3W to frkW cash , balance live years at 8 per cent. Fine K-room house , modern convenience ! ? . newly papered nnd painted , on N. 17tll Bt. , lot iWxUW to alloy ; 8I.OX ) , easy payments. .M. A. Upton Co. , loth und Farnam. 1)03 ) FOHBALE-5I3.7D acres , wee. R , tp , U. r. 0 w. , Hamilton county. Neb. House , stable , 300 acrea fenced , living watsr. Prlco Jfi.OJO. F. 1C. Atkins , owunr , Railroad bldg , Denver. Col. ' Tnoil BALK Or oxclmngo for Omaha proper- JO ty , H. ) acres , suitable for platting : will mako4001otsall cluav ; blgmonoyln it for someone ono who can fmsh this : located Just ontsldn the city limits o { Council Illull's. Innulro George J. jtornadaril' , rooms 317 and 31K , First National bunk building. 62. ) _ ThOll BALE iSJ by l' > 0 feet , u boautlful elo- JO vated rosldence site , wltn shndo trees , sit- Utttea in tile west part of the city , for $1,000 leas Jian cash value. AlHQ lot 5 , Yates & Iteo.l's ad dition , east front , with nn elegant vlow over looking Omaha and Council lllull'H , for MOO less than nny adjoining lot can bo bought for. F. K. Aluxuniler , 150 ! ) Farnam street , _ 4 2 TjlOIl SALE Nino-room notiso. barn und lot JO in Hanscom place ; nlso2house nnd lots m Bunny tide. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat'l bank. _ 628 _ "T/1OH SALE 50 large nnd small houses on J. monthly payments ; small payment down. Also ugood list of property for exchnma. Goo. J. Fox , room I , Continental blk. IH1-J13 _ POH SALE b'iuo housu of u rooms , nirnaco , b.ith , hot and cold wuter , gas , hewer , paved , Htroot , motor Hue ono block , c iblo two blocks , torso ca by door , barn for 3 horses , etc. , etc. limit by owner for hoinn nnd now occupied bjr him , f i.O W ; 81,150 cash , I. , WO in real o.Uato , balance anco ut it and U per rant. Fine largo lot 0118. 15th St. , 65x157 , goodfi-room louse , fruit trees , etc. ; north of Martha at. , U.OOO. For sale , the Ilnost corner , east front , on S. 10th st. , IJ2X144. | ' 'or caolco property worth the money see M , A. Upton Company , IfltUiSe Farnam , _ B17 " " S "ECOND Moftgage I have a few lota In good location near motor line 1 cuu s < ill tor small cash payment , allow parties to make a building loan nnd take u second mortgage for Oulurire of purchase monoy. drover ritevcns , 610 und 617 Paxton block. Tel. 112 % 050-30 rpllE motor line is built to Collier pluco. Tue JL Halt Hue runs near Collier place. The F. K , t M. V. K , U. stop nil puuxtiiiger truliM ut Col- lor place , 'I'iu homo car line will Keen roach Collier pUcB. Ilobtaaillllou In the city. Prlco WiJOto ei,2K ) pur lot , ono-tenth cash , balance ono to live years , McCaguo , opp , P , 0. fpHE cosiest hornuin Omuhu , 0 rooms , Xnlosots , city wuter. gaj und sewer , both cable and horau CUM , I'rlcti t J.40J , Turma tlJO : a tVX ) cash , balance vury easy , H , IS. Cole , neadcinarlero for bargains nnd easy terms , Itoom o , Continental HlocKj 350 Noiloitu'ontrnmnrH. . Notice is hereby given that the board of edu cation of the city ot Fremont. Nob. will receive sealed bldx for the erection of H brick and stuiia ilgn school building until 12 o'clock Thursday , juiiu tha Uh , It * ' . Kutlmuted cost of sumo eighteen thousand live hundred Hollars l filKUJO ) . The HuccesBful rontructorto tile an. ucooDtablo bond for tliu faithful iioiformatico ot hla duty. Plans and spectllcatlons now oa lie with the secretary ot enld board , and the joard ie ervuthe rlgtitto reject uny or all bids 0. II 'io.\tiAv ; ( , Prehident. X.T. WHXJOX , Sotretury. I'lam for the tix-room ward uulldlng will b completed about May 25. All bids to bit accompanied by certified checker ( or iM ) us uvlUenea of coed faith.