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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1889)
O&A&A kA ± LY BEI& .MAY 'fc Beautiful Homes ! El I Built as Desired - o On Easy Payments ! IN THE MOST LOVELY RESIDENCE SPOT IN OiVIAHA. The western part of this city , containing the most beautiful grounds in Omahahas Tbeeii built up with the best homes , and is looked upon as the most aristocratic and finest built portion of the city. THEWill Will build liouses , any plan desired , on monthly payments ; upon a limited number of the most desirable lots in WALNUT HILL , Opposite the Palatial Residence of Dr. Mercerc , . - Lots are 50x150 feet , 16 foot alley in rear. No residence built to costless than $1,500. iL : f- _ ' ' N O W Is Tim © ! As no better ° ffei w he inducements of this company. ' " # - - > ' InSDSCt NOW ! MJiffiLYiMM be compiete'before the summer is past. Exam "me at Once. and The number This will be . the , most . . beautiful . , J > ro jperty . in Omaha. BBeaMgBBBMBSmaaC.SnillirillllHllll I I Cin HI * J Wera7a. ! ; ra Ther'e will be all modern improvements. - No better way was ever offered to those desiring Jbomes in Omaha , for the reasons : 1st. It relieves ycu ot all the worry and detail of building and irresponsible contractors. 2d , As we make contracts for many buildings , we can build you a home for less than you can build one for yourself. 3d. It will guarantee you against mechanics leins. . | ff { 4th. It will give you a definite contract for the time you h ave to pay. 5th. Instead of paying rents to others , you add a litt e iffpre and buy your own home. 6th. As thiscompany only employs competent laborers-/ buildings erected will be strictly first class. 7th. It purchases material in large quantities , pays cajsh'jfor same and is thus enabled to get lower figures. For Particulars Call on M , fl. Sloman , Room 2161st-/Iat ! Bank Building , or J. G. Salisbury , Room 610 PaxtonBld'g OMAHA'S EARLY JOURNALISM The Birth and Growth of a Political Organ. DR. MILLER'S REMINISCENCES. * " - A lil m I ted Subscription lilst Early Conflicts and Contests Its At- tltad on the Questions of the Day. An Editor's Retrospection. 1 have already given you ia other sketches of the early newspapers and newspaper men enough to bring down the relation to the life of the Republi can , and I will now talk about the Her ald , which I founded in association with Mr. D. W. Carpenter , of Council Bluffs , in October , 186,5. I want to make this so far personal to myself as to say that the idea that the Herald was started as any part of the Nobraskun , which was finally published by a- man named Jack son , is a mistake. That paper died a natural death in the ofllco which the Herald was printed in immediately after wards , The Herald proprietors merely occupied the room in which the Nebraskan - braskan had been published , and they had nothing of its good will , material , 01 ? any interest whatsoever , con nected with , any paper that had preceded the Herald. I will also go further into the matter and say that the motive of the founding of the paper was not purely political. The need of a democratic paper being felt here , and probably my defeat for congress by the late Senator Hitchcock , and also the , fact that I had tried my band at news paper writing both in Omaha and St. Joseph in former years , led to the start ing of the Herald. I turn to its files and look at the first copy now with something like astonish ment not unattended by ehargln. It was a very wo ale sister , BO to say , in its earlier days. I was its ooitorand wrote on all sides of the paper , Mr. Carpenter handling the business interests. The ofllco consisted of a few cases of typo and a very cheap hand press , and the first ixsuo of the paper was had on the corner of Thirteenth aud Douglas streets , west of the Millard. I take a curious interest in the com ments and predictions that were made as to how long the Herald would last under my editorial control. Various times for its death , longer or shorter as the case might bo , were fixed by its op ponents , and it had plenty of them , even outside the republican party. The war had just cloned and the bitterness of partisan fooling was intense , and it may bo said without any stretch ot the truth that the political controversies end con filets that grow out of the Herald were quite lively for a good many years. Ono of the prominent facts about the matter is that the Herald did not die , and anothnt is that it did not roach up to the standard that a more oomputont ' editor would have given It for the first ten of its twonty-two years of Ufa under luy control. It is unnecessary to look for the fault that caused the failure. All the responsibility Is taken by me cheer fully , now , ast I look ever the long pe riod in which I labored ou that Journal. But of ono thing I think I can be sure , and that is that the intention of the pro prietors und editor , with rofiuocl to its work in the etntu of Nebraska and the city of Omaha was never mistaken. IdO not propotio to sound any praises ef the paper whloh I founded and con ducted during the bettor years of my lifd. The verdict of an intelligent and discriminating public , after making al lowances for mistakes , is perfectly satis factory to Mr. Richardson , I believe , us it is to myself. It gained a reputation in the state , I may bay , and in the coun try , of having opinions , and it could have attained distinction only by having expressed thorn without reference to any consequences that might accrue from its independence. I don't think that on any question of principle it over wont wrong , cither by accident or design - sign * In a minority state where the domi nant party was two-thirds in majority ever a helpless minority it seemed strange to many that adhesion to princi ple could over bring with it any return to the small democratic band in our state who' Uphold it , but the fact was , and the fact is , that a state in an organization of either of the parlies is always a force in the national councils' of any party. It takes the minority states in national conventions , always , to formu late principles and to decide upon the nominations of candidates. It is enough ; o say , however , that our party under , lie loud of the Herald asserted Its in- lutincc in more than one convention. This was not duo to any force or lack of force which the editor of the Herald may have exercised , but to the fidelity of representative men throughout our stato" and section whoso opinions and convictions the Herald followed. It is often a mistake to say that loaders lead in political aft' the United States , ana much move correct to say that we are led successfully by public men when they simply wisely follow the bettor opinions of the men whoso views they reflect. The chief interest in the Herald tin a political paper grow out of the fact that the passions of the war and the organi zation ot the dominating power scorned to make it Impossible that a par tisan paper in opposition to the re publicans could live at nil in the community that this was at the close of the w r. I think it may bo said of the Hoarld that it was lees of a political shoot , although always steadily demo- oratio , than any ether newspaper that could be called its rival. The special work of the Herald scorned to bo to dual with the interests of the Union Pacific railway and the material welfare of this city and section. The labors which it performed in that direction were very constant and led It Into a great many difficulties , especially ever local affairs and interests. I am not aware , however , that it ever yielded a conviction as to what was best for this city to any clamorer or difference , and the result is satisfac tory to the proprietors of the paper. There are a great many episodes In the history of th'o Herald short as it has been under my control that were full of Interest , especially to tUo one portion who had to take the responsibility. I refer especially to the strikes and strug gles ot the laboring nmssoa against corporations which resulted m mob vlo- lonco , or the throat ot it , on various oc casions , and proved very costly to the Ilerald'o pocuot. The circulation of the Herald when it began , as nearly ns I remember , wna fifty-throe. I don't think of that num ber forty ever paid any money for it , but it grow until it finally had a hear ing , and , I think , was reasonably vo- BDected in the state and west. There ia much of pornonal reminis cence that might be recalled in connec tion with the publication of the Herald from 1805 to 1880 , but this might as well bc milttod , Of course , It was thrown in very fierce antagonism to ita con temporaries at times , and the personal folly of personal journalism , but I can say one thing for the Ileruld in closing this sketch of its history : so far as I know or remember it was never pro voked into interfering with any man's purely private affairs. It maintained a strong regard for the institutions that belong to the better civilizations , and especially these under the guardian ship of the Christian religion , and it never failed in all these years to uphold a liberal toleration of all differences in roigious matters , and to advocate what ever would do religious institutions good. PEPPERMINT DROPS. A rash intruder measles. Undertakers should bo happy as Jho berry season approaches. "It's a long time between strawberries , " says this season's shortcake. A photographers1' trust is in process of formation , will It become a negative evil ! Learn the brick mason's trade if you wish an occupation in which you can fay up some thing. The postage stamp In lurid hue rivals that Of the eurlv apple that appeals so feelingly to the small boy. Now that the bustles are going out of fashion. It it to bo hoped that the Indians will leave off their war whoops. Ijilllo Devercux-Blako asks : "Is it a crime to bo n woman ) " It is a crime to mauo so much noise over the fact. If you want to glvo pleasure to a pretty woman do not talk to her of her own beauty , but of the ugliness of other women. Uov. Dr. Pliilllps Brooks , of Boston , and his brother , Uov. Arthur Brooks , ot New York , occasionally exchange pulpits. Don't make an (1 ( ; if you meet u girl of the ( . ) bearing a huge pniasol with a handle that looks like an (1 } , because thoy'ro fash ionable. "Tho young lawyer graduate w nowhere besldo the sweet girl graduate , " su.vs a piece of comparative anatomy. But ho will be besldo her whon'sho graduates. A month hcnco American tourists will be found everywhere in Europe except on the thrones of the various more or less effete monarchies of that Interesting continent. Ben Butler and Admiral Porter are still ruklag up each other's record with u lino- tooth comb. It must bo confessed that they are bringing to light aomovcry queer things. Yule Is to Imvo another profosnor. What a senseless aud useless expenditure of monoyt Why not a DOW olgmv-oured aholl , or n professional pitcher ) Anew professor ! Bah ! Thcro are many ways of acquiring celeb rity ; you can paint a picture , write a poorn , aavo several hundred people from a watery grave , or rat 11 fly-three fried oggH at one meal. A St. Louis literary man declares that "the Americana uro Incontestable' the most melancholy people In civilization. " Life from a St. Louis standpoint Is very melancholy , far a fact. Admiral David D. Porter will celebrate his seventy-sixth birthday Juno 6. No con- lldcnce Is violated in stating that the name of Benjamin P. Butler is not on the list of invited guests. The collapse of the Oklahoma boom ha * been sudden , but complete. Property can now bo bought anvwhoru In the Oklahoma country at prices as cheap as these prevail ing In the southern California boom towns. Now York Is now looking for a pot of money with which to build a marble rainbow at Washington square. The city thinks that if It can find Captain Kldd's treasure it will succeed In carrying out its laudable design. Mr. Calvin S. Brice seems la a fair way to be uiado chairman of the national com mittee. If ho succeeds , nil that will ba needed to complete the circus lu 1803 will bo the nomination of David Bennett Hill. "I"very male child born In America , " says a writer , "stands a chance of becoming president of the United States. " Is this alt that the ambitious American youth may as pire tel What's tbo mutter with his becom ing a curve pitobort . Something entirely new in tea-go wn is a costume having five straight breadths fall ing from neck to foot and only coullncd by n yoke girdle ttiat is pointed in front and opoiis V-shnpe in the back. Tho. girdle curves down under each urn ) , end Is hold together in front by largo bows. fnpiiTppT I\T > Tiir < IT i T r\Anr GREATEST OF THEMAfi\DORS \ The Distinction Enjoyed in Mexico By Ponciano Diaz. HE'S WORTH A ROUND MILLION. A Graphic Description of One of His Brllliitnt Performances Jlurin ; ; Cinco Io jJlnyo A Won derful Somersault , Kinir of Bull Flfjlirern. MEXICO CITY , May 16. [ Special Cor respondence of THK Bun. ] An ordi nary bull fight , is not such an extraordi nary alfair us it is usually cracked up to bo by visiting tourists and corre spondents. But once in n while one occurs - . curs that makes the whole town talk , and such was the case cm the occasion of the rccout Cinco do Mayo celebra tion hero. The buc.iroli ring , owned by Ponciano Diaz , the champion bull lighter of Mexico , was the scon o of the contest , as the natives term it. Diaz hus made over 31,000,000 in the bull fighting business , uud when ho honors the ' 'colonna" or ' 'colisoo" rings with liis presence ho gets $230 for his serv ices as''matador. " Ho is a very hand some young follow mid the Mexicans adore him. His habits nro good ; ho neither drinks nor gambles , and as ho sticks closely to butiness ho has had little - tlo difficulty in accumulating his largo fortune , which bo has judlcisusly in vested. On entering the Bucaroli ring you find two classes of seats those in the shade and those in the sun. The shady ones are marked "sombra" ( shadow ) , and you pay $1.50 for the nrlvilogo of sitting on a board bench without aback. But vou soon lose all sense of your dis comfort in contemplation of TUB 8CKNK 1IKKOKI ! YOU. The ring is about thirty foot in diam eter , and has two largo and four small oncningd , the two largo 6nos bolpgncar together and thbsmallnnoscnul-distunt from each , other , around the circle. The small gates are protected by plank screens , whiph oiler n retreat for the "fighters when too closely pursued by the bull. Thp large gates are for the entrance - trance and oxlt of the bull. The ground has boon packed hard and sprinkled , so there can be no dust. It looks almost aa clean nnnVflinooth as asphalt. The day is cinco do mayo and K1FTEBN THOUSAND Bt'KOTATORS are prosont.'itMon , women and children , all are in > holiday garb , and the laugh ing and chattering of the multitude al most upsot&Ti "stranger's nervos. Two thousand soldiers are present in full un iform , nnd'tlUJy ' are so stationed that If they worrf'tollfe ' their shots would cross at right * nrfgles and dq very deadly work. They"nro here to quell anything like a riot , an a-tho pooploall know that they would not hcsitato to shoot it the command wore given by the olllcer in charge. . There is a momentary hush in the crowd , the band strikes up the national air , the people rlso to their foot aud a grand cheer is givon. In a box just beneath the pole on which floats the Mexican 'lag ' appears a gentleman in light clothes , accompanied by a bugler , in uniform , it is the ' 'judge" of the fight , an appointee of the city. Quickly the crowd is seated and a long , clear blast of the bugle summons THIS I'KUKOKMKHB. Through one of the largo entrances they march In Poneluno Diaz in blue yolvot and silver ; Xocato , Spanish champion , in tan-colored velvet and gold ; Popo-Hillo , champion of the " calientes"or hot lands in "terra , , green and silver. Thcso three great matadors lead. Behind thorn come six capeadors ( so named because they carry scarlet capeswith , which to tease the bull ) , dressed in the brightest of colors , and then six picadors , or lancers , on horso- bnolc. Two , lasso throwers como next onnorBoback , then three horses yoked together and gaudily decorated with plumes and ribbons. The "butcher" and a man with a wheelbarrow follow , closing the possession , which advances to the judge's stand , and after that official bows to them the large gate is opened and the wheelbarrow man And the three yoked horses disappear from view as the gate closoa. The butcher takes his station at the large gate fac ing the judges , the capeadors move to diiferent parts of the ring and assume statuesque poses. A hush again falls upon the entire multitude , ttio 15,000 people sit breathless. "TA-TA , TA-TA , TA-TA. " the bugle rings out clear and swoot. The butcher in chargu of the gate touches his forehead in military salute with his right hand , while with his left he springs the bolt , the gates lly open , and ' 'el toro , " the bull , comes rushing into the ring. Ho is a magnificent beast , Spanish bred , and raised ex pressly to bo killed in the ring. His horns run to a share point , and are wide apart a sure sign of a particularly ugly and vicious brute. For an inbtant only ho paws the earth , for ho catches sight of a rod capo in the hands of ono of the capeadors , and he dashes at it. The man , just as the bull seems about to toss him in the air. jumps dextrously to ono side , and flaunts his * 'capa" ever the bull's head. But "ol toro" is" not to bo so easily gotten rid of , ho turns quickly and the man makes a boo-llno for the onclosuro. THIS HUM , is IN HOT Eimsurr. The capeador drops his cloak in the hopoof diverting the animal's attention , but the ruse does not avail. The hot breath of the infuriated bull touches the calves of the capoadors logs aa the sharp horns are lowered to tosi the unfortunate in the air. It ia but a stop to the plank fence which separates the ring from the small en closure In which the paraphernalia of the lighters is kept. By a superhuman effort the man reaches the fence and vaults it , just as the HUDIj'S jrOKNB OA8H HIS HOSE , drawing a little blood. But El Toro is too muoli infuriated to give up the pur suit , and with a mngnllicout bound he clears the fence and comes in upon the capoador , who is resting , and the as sembled spectators. There is a wild cheer of delight from those not in danger , and a scattering of those ' near the animal ; a section of th'o fence ia lifted out of plnco , and the bull returns to the ring , while the capoador retires to dress his wounded limb. And now the bull catches sight of half a do/.on men , dressed in yellow plush and gold lace , mounted on horses. Those animals have a leathern apron of gaudy rod to protect them from the bull's horn a , but they are such skinny , worn-out specimens of horse flesh , you almost involuntarily hope they will prot killed. With lowered head ol toro charges upon the uourost horseman who receives him with a short lance , the point of which is only long enough to cut through the skin without producing a deep wound. Either the lancer's skill was deficient or the bull particularly fierce , for the next instant the horse was completely disemboweled and the rider lay bonoatli him with a broken log. The crowd eheorcu lustily and the band bTUUOK Ur A L1VKI.Y WALTZ. This ueenifd to encourage the bull to fresh endeavors and within a space of llvo minutes four other horses wore killed , the riders escaping by what scorned like miracles. The one picador who saved his horse and resisted with his lance , or pica , the charge of the bull , was oh'cored as ho loft the ring. Again the judge's bugle sounds and four men , on foot , appear in the ring. Jn the mean time the bull has boon rest ing and now looks as fresh as wh'bn ho first came in. The men carry in each hand a bamboo stick about two foot long , gaily ornamented with colored ribbon streamers. In the end of each stick is a barb , the si-se of a largo fish hook , just enough to sustain the woiglit of the sticks , which are called bando- rillos. The rules of the ring pormittho fighters to place the bandorillos in the bull's neck only when he is changing upon the fighter with head down. Some idea of the dexterity required to do this may be formed when it is re membered that the barbs must bo in serted simultaneously , ono on each side of the nock , just in front of the fore shoulder. The first two wore successful but the third got caught on the bull's ' loft horn and was carried out insensi ble. Ho is now convalescing in the hospital. What encoring there was as the poor follow was taken FAINT AND IinKUDINO 1'ItOM THK ItlNO. Several men and women in hearing - ing declared it "one of the most inter esting fights of the season. " And now the bugle sounds for the last act , and Poueiano Diaz slope forth. Ho carries in his loft hand a rod satin capo thrown ever a light bamboo ted , in his right the Matador's sword , a long , curved weapon with a double edge. Ho bows to the judge , throws his hat in the ring as a SION OF DKVIANCK TO THK ItUbli , after which ho bows to the animal ana stops out to the center of the ring. That scarlet satin capo is more than the bull can tolerate and in an instant ho is after it. Diaz is a moat accomplished athlete , and the way ho plays with the bull causes the apcctatsr's heart to stand still many a time. The rules of the ring require that the bull shall charge throe times before ho may bo killed , and that ho must not bo touched with the sword except when ho is in the act of charging , with lowered hoad. The rules also designate that the sword must enter at a curtain specified point , just ahead of the foroshouldor aim must pierce the lungs and heart , so as to cause speedy death. With a wide awake , angry , Spanish bull this isborne- thing of a contract to undertake , but Diaz walks out with such a self-assured ntr that you remember ho has already K1LLUD MOIUC THAN JCIOHT THOUSAND HULLS and ho proposes to do this one up in the most approved stylo. Look at that ! The bull has come with lowered horns to smell of the capo and to investigate He may not bo killed under suoh cir cumstances so the matador suddenly places ono foot between the animal's horns. The bull tosses his bond quickly. Diaz turns a complete bomorsault and STANDS FACING THK ASTOUNDED ANIMAL , . Again the red cloak is flaunted , and this time the bull cornea to his death. Diaz has retreated twenty or thirty foot , and as the animal's horns touch the scarlet cape , there is a flash of steel through the air BO quick you can scarcely BOO it the matador leaps lightly aside , and you sue that the sword is burled to the hilt , and that al ready the anlmul ia dropping to its knees in the throes of death. The mat ador bows to the judge , and amid the wildest of cheering hundreds of hats , silver dollars , cigars and other valua bles are thrown to Dias'ufoot. He nuts the hats , ono at a time , on his hcddand throws thorn back , to the owner. Hia valet gathers up the raonoy , cigars rind other things and takes care of them. 1\ is a great honor to have Din/ put your hat on his head , and some men rvro willing to pay him to thus favor thorn. The butcher has conib forward wliila the honors are being showered on Diaz , and severed the bull's spinal column , attaching a rope to his hind logs. The yoked horses now appeal' , the bull ia dragged out and the man wiih the wheelbarrow smooths any inequality 11 the ground caused by the pawing of the brute.- * THK FIK9T FIGHT is then ovor. Four more follow , hut they are vary much like the first , ex cept that in ono Diaz puts in the ban dorillos on horseback , riding without saddle or bridle. The fourth bull that was brought in scorned to lack courego and would not show a sign of fight. Diaz came into the ring , stood with hia back to the bull and lassoed him by both hind foot the first fling. Of course several other men wore huit and , all in all it was quite a brilliant atfornoou even for Cinco do Mayo. CHAS. H. WELLS. IVcnrlns oftlio Green. Detrott Frte Prtit. OU , Jonnlo dear , did you hear The IIQWS ttiut's poiug touudt Ono color must , by fasblcm'tf law , in our fair land abound. It is not meant to c.xll to arms , Save maiden's arms , I weon , But every living ollvo branch Ia wearing of the grcoti. I mot with cousin Katy , aud I took her by the hand. And said , "I hardly know you , You look BO flno and grftnd. " "Oh , its all the fashion now , my dear , " She answered quite serene : "Ana every girl and womnn bore la wearing of the groan. " Oh , there's lizard green and serpent green , There's bottle green aud sago ; Thoro's beetle croon , and upplo grcou , The color's nil the rage. It's well 'tis a free country hero , 'Twould make a dreadful sucno It unvbndy should forbid Too wearing of the Kroon. CONNUIHALITIKS. Judge Park , of Norwich , Conn. , grantob twelve divorces in ono day recently. Chicago cage had bettor look to nor laurola , The divorced wlfo of a Chicago man has mnrriod a baron , which shows there are bet tor things la Ufa than buiug a nobleman. A younir lady n timed Jiulcor , who died to- ccntiy at her homo , uoar Freehold , N. J , , loft a good portion of her property to the gentleman to whom aim wus engaged to bo married. Gardner Corr , a Wyoming county widower of seventy , In visiting Dalton , Luzoruo county , for the first time , met Mrs. Gray Adams , a widow , and in three days they were uiurriod. A dispatch from Now Haven relate * that a couple were roccnlly married In the high * way In the town or Ilnrwlntou , Conn. , "under circumstances which show tbo genius of young people on marriage bent. * ' The rector of a church lu OrlsUaur Pull * N. Y. . eloped with the belle of tlio town aqd got mnrrlnd , and tlui couple are now spend ing their honeymoon In Syracuse. TLo bride , who U only niuotoou , Is * ld to have money. A roinuntlo couple in Indiana Were msr- rlod on horseback In the middle of the road , and then they took a gallop Into the country In lieu of a brtdul trip. The bride , who Is only slxtoon. suggested the horse feature , and lasUted that both animals ba cold blaolc. Taoro was oo opposition to the union. A young IJaltluiore lady who married what dim took to bo a German bnrou last fall is about to ask a lugal riddance of bun. H appears also to be a victim of mUplaoed con fidence , for ha thought shu was wealthy and alio Isn't. On their wav to Europe , afturtk * wedding ia Baltimore , the "happy couple' ) had tuo marriage ceremony pMrformM ia thU city by the mayor for clril purpose * .