Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1889, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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    bfjM .wunMM' =
12 -OMAHA DAtLY Blifflh SUNDAY MAY .25.
Authorized Capital S5,000,000 : Organized Under the Laws of the State of Nebraska : Shares $1,000 Each
United States Loan and Investment Company ,
Home Office , First National Bank Building , Omaha , Neb.
OFFICERS Max Meyer , President. T. H. Taylor ; Vice President. F. B. Johnson , Treasurer. M. H. Sloman , Secretary
Larger Returns than Through Ordinary Available Channels. Better than a Savings Bank. Thoroughly Secure ,
A Purely Business Transaction , Strictly Reliable.
To invest their- small savings so as to return for them $5OO in five years * , .
An absolutely secure investment from which they will positively double their money in five years ;
To live in their own homes and pay therefor no more than they would for rent
To borrow money upon real estate security at a lesser rate ot interest and easier terms of payment than they
can obtain otherwise ; should inspect this company's plans and workings.
The profit from compounding of interest from accumulated money through co-operation is so well known as to require no demonstration. This company , doing business
In every town , state and territory throughout the United States , has members , each of whom making the small payments required to keep up their shares , places a large
amount in this company's hands , which constantly kept loaned and interest compounded thereon monthly , allows the company to make for each individual , singly , as
much as though he bad-been in possession of a large amount , Any person in any circumstances can belong to this company as the cost is but at the rate of 13c per day.
Investors' Illustration. Borrowers' Illustration.
Estimated to show cost to borrower of five hundred dollars for five years , borrower pay
ing- six months' instalments iii advance. If application is approved and accepted , borrower
Estimated to show cost and profit on a certificate of. one share , ,
receives $500.
five-year option. Ho htvspttld a membership foe of $ 1O OO
Ho has paid two quarterly instalments of $2.50 oaoh 0 00
Ho has paid s x monthly ina ( a'monts of $3 oaoh , . 18 OO
Mohiborehlp foa $ 1O OO Ho now pays $3 oaoh month on stock $3 OO
Interest per month , 8 per cent per annum . * . 3 33i
Monthly instalments , $3 per month , 60 months ' - . 18O OO Premium per mouth , 8 per cent per annum 3 33J
Quarterly instalments , $2.50 each share per qiiarter , 20 years 6O OO tTotal payments per month * . . $9 66 }
Cancellation Too > i 10 OO Making1 these payments for 54imoiiths , ho will pay - . $522 OO
After which ho will pay out Interest and pramium of 86.66 j per month for six months , making. . . . 4O OO
Add tl.o remainder of the quarterly instalments , eighteen , at 82.5O oaoh , making .46 OO
Total paid by shareholders in 6 years. . i T , $ 26O OO Cancellation leo t IQ OO
AB one-half of the full fao a value of share is p ild at this date , the shareholder receives 500 OO
And ho has a total amount invested of $65O OO
Making a prcfl ! ; of. i 25O OO Paying Q150 over loan of 85OO rocolvod by borrower , or interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum.
. . - , - . . . > , , _ , . , , T ? ? S' ' epeiid their wages as fast astearned , therefore any sums set aside from time to time will be clear gain , and if in
< < * ! - +
vested in acertificatethe amount received at maturity would be clear gain. . The holding of a certificate virtually places the holder under bonds to save a certain
&TpTyme Seh'trwmS ' ma"nel" ° f P mg.monthly makes saving grow upon the investor as a habit , and from the smallness of
Shares mature in-live or ten years. A fixed time for matiirity of shares , a flxed remium , a fixed interest. The investor and borrower know just what they will have
to pay , and just how long-'they ' will ihave to pay it ,
, . , „ , ThosJ : w ? ° . for further information or copies of this company's literarture , address M. H. SIiOSSAN , Sscretary , rooms 216 , 217 , 218 , First National Banh
Building , Omaha , ETefo.
Representatives wanted in every town and state in the Union , to whom liberal compensation will he paid.
j ' * _ ' * _ . _
Chronicles of Social Events of the
Past Wook.
Scones In the BiitHiuct 'llnll
llobni Quiet Kcccptloiis Pleas
ant Putties and Comiu-
binl Notes.
Yountc Folks' tiitpmry Knoietr.
Tbo oatortnmment and ball Riven by the
Young Folks' Literary society at Metro-
polltan hall was one of the ploasantcst of-
' Jairs of the season. The musical programme
'consisted of overtures , ducts , recitations ami
-Cssays. At the close daubing was indulged
In. The following were present : Mr. anil
Mrs. F. Adlcr , Mr. and Mrs , M. Hollman ,
Mr. and Mrs. 1. Oborfeldor , Mr. und Mrs. E.
Solicsohn , Mr. and Mrs. A. Polnck , Mr. anil
Mrs. S. Katz. Mr. and Mrs. M. Slomnn , Mr.
nhd Mrs. S. Sloman , Mr. and Mrs. I. Now ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. S J. Fisher , Mr. and Mrs. A.
Cabn , Mr. and Mrs. L. . II. Unor , Mr. and
Mrs. L. Hellor , Mr. and Mrs. L. Kirsh-
bruum , Mr , and Mrs. S. ICIrahbrnum , Mr.
and Mrs. 8. Morris , Mr. and Mrs. A. Haas ,
and Miss Carrie Goldsmith. Addle Newman ,
Ida Isaacs. Rosa Hoyinan , Ktta Newman ,
Bdttlo Scllgsohn , Emma Levy , Minnie
Ilotsehihl , Clara Soulcsslngor , Tilllo Wow-
loan , Sadie Josephs , Dolly Polnck , Mattlo
Polaok , Ella Holler , Huttlo Becker , Flora
Adler , Baalo Bohlesslnger , Minnie
Jjobnmn. Slppio Morris , Amelia Laz
arus , Thdrosa Lazarus , Julia Zun-
dor. Tup gcntlomon were : Messrs.
Dr. Roscnnu , oberfoldcr. J. Tobla of NovV
York , Dleches , Meyers , Hamburger , Hellor ,
Bollgsphn , Hau , ; Oborfolder , Friedman ,
LaudOrbcck , Kolchonbach , Bergman , Rlhds-
'koff ' , L&ndsberg , Kllno , NoVranu , Qarabur-
fcer , Rlssler , Luintus , Werthelmer , Button-
stoln , Rose , Davidsohn , Sloman , Zuiidor ,
Uhger. vBrown , Wessoll. The muslo wafe
furnished by the Musical Unlon'orcucstra.
A Tribute to Aim. Manchester.
The ladles of the Women's Uollof b6rps
tendoieda iccoptioh , Thursday evening , to
Mrs Emma Manchester , of Lincoln , at the
residence of Cuptaln Wood , Twenty-fifth and
Capitol avohUo. Mrs. Mancliostor plays h
prominent p'ait In this organization , having
held all the highest positions lit it , and bolnb ;
nt present elmlrmlm of the national nlj com
mittee , as also counsellor Of the national de
partment. A largo number of the ladies of
the rclidf corns wore present with ttiulr hus
bands and children , and all were royally en
tertained. Among the features of the occn-
. alouvus the singing of old 'war songs Into
which nil entered with great interest. Mr.
Ji 0. ttonholl , past department commander ,
entertained the guests with a poetical selec
tion giving bis icusons for Joining the O. A.
ft. 'Ihe effort was warmly applauded , Re
freshments \vero nerved in the cours6 of the
evening , and An excellent tluio was enjoyed
by all.
The Lndloa Relief coipa which did such
iloblo sorvluo lii war times , wns roaurroctct
about six years ago and Contains at present
nboiit 70,000 members , There are ninety
Corps In NobVashu with an oggregattt of 1.5UU
mumbers. Theobjcot of tbo organlzutton late
to help indigent Holdlors and their families
and any loyal woman can become u uibtnber.
'IIio ' .
KliiK'a Dnuulilcrti.
The King's Daughters of Trinity Catho-
< Jrul hold a fair and literary ontertaiutnenv at
aUNoHU FlftcoutU atreet , Wednesday uf-
I * ' tcrhboh nnd evening , that Was well patron
izeJ. The in-ucuods were for the bciicltt oil
the St. Andrew's Eplsco | > al ohUrch atVul
nui Hill , which > vllt be dedicated novt Bun-
day nt 3:80 : p. in. The ladles takiti ( * the load
In the entertainment Mlsa Clara 016rl-
on , Miss pIlFabotli Allen and Mr * . Chariot
Douel , wbllo all the ladle * Id the organiza
tion contributed huiUUonip fancy articles ,
vfblch were offere'd for sale. Klcgcnt ro-
IrohiaouU were alto to M had. Tba Xol
owing plfftsing programmo was presented
n the evening :
Tableau , "Three Liittlo GUIs ; " song ,
'Chiluien's Homo , " Mrs. Mooller ; tableau ,
'Tho Coauotto , " Jeannettb Crandull ; instru
mental selection , Prof. Butler ; tableau ,
'Sailor Lovers , " Misses Hnrtel und Peters ;
tableau , "Undine. " Miss Woodman ; vocal
solo , Mr. Brom ; tableau , "ComiUg of Au
tumn. " Misi Chambers ; recitation , Mr.
Wherry ; tableau , "A Girl I Know , " Miss
Clarkson ; recitation , Irwin Gardner.
The marriage of Miss Jennie Morris to Mr. ,
Emll'Gauz ' , both of this City , occurred at the
synagogue last Sunday evening , In the pres
ence of a large concourse of friends nrtd rela
tives , Thb beautiful house -worship was
tastily decorated for the occasion , nnd Rabbi
Benson performed the ceremony in a most
Interesting manner. After the ceremony
the guests adjourned to the residence of thb
bride at 019 Nineteenth street , 'whore a re-
coittioh Wns tendered the young couple. The
spacious residence Was thronged , nnd general
morry-hiakintr'was Indulged in until n latb
The bride was handsomely nt lrcd In a
costume of cream silk cntralno , triumnnod
with point lace , diamonds and oran50 blos
soms , while the groom were the conventional
black. The . \OUIIR couple are now on a
bridal tour in tbo cast , but will make this
city their homo.
About ono hundred and fifty people gath
ered at GooSi-lcli hall , last Sunday evening ,
to witness the marriage of Miss Bcithh
Foilcr to Isadoro Shane , Rabbi Benson of
ficiating. After the ceremony , the guests
repaired to the supper rooms where ah bio-
pant banquet had been sbrcad. Hero thb
rabbi made a splendid congratulatory speech ,
in which ho referred to the fact that this
was the third marriage ceremony ho hud
performed during the afternoon. After par
taking nf thosumptuous repast , the guests
proceeded to tbo ball room , where dancing
was Indulged in until a late hour , when all
adjourned , wishing Mr. and Mrs. Shauo n
happy and prosperous Journey through llfo.
"Ciilloy Htnther.
Immediately after ttto early service at St.
Barnabas church , Sunday morning , Mr.
Walter James Culloy was married to Miss
Mabel Adelaide Slather , of Halifax : , N. S. .
thb Rev. John Williams pronouncing thb
words that mudo them man and Xvlto , Tno
brldo'a ' attendants wcro Edith Culloy , slstei *
of the prootn , Jessie Bhelton and Edith
I'aitrldgc , cousins. The groom sul- |
ported by C. W. Partridge , H. W. Tyler and
Jack L. Culloy. After the ceremony the
bridal party partook of an ologaut breakfast
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Culloy , 010
South Nineteenth street. The couple hnvo
gene to housekeeping.
Mr. Culloy was formcrlv a resident ok
LowsslOft , England , but Is no\V ardsiddntor
Omaha , bmng connected with the firm ot
Kltkondall , Jones & Co. Thft bride is an
amiable nnd accomplished young lady. The
good wishes ot a host of friends and rela
tives attend thu union ot the two.
Thrt nnrknlow
Dean nnd Mrs. Mllldpuu > bt of Minneapo
lis , who ale the pucUa of Umnhn friends ,
this week , were tendered n icceptlon Thurs
day evening by Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Hnrka-
low , at their residence , 500 Capitol avonuo.
Reft esliments were served at n seasonable
hour and a pleasant evening was pu ed.
Among thosQ plesoiit.worcj Uoun and Mrs
Gardner , Judge and Mrs. Doano , Judge and
Mrs. Wakoloy , Mr. and Mrs. Lake , Mr. nnd
Airs. F. H. Davis. Mr. and MU. Uoolgb
Barker , Mr. nhd Mis , M. T. 1'dtrlck , Mr.
and Mrs. Stiolton , Mr. und Mrs. Potter , Mi' .
and Mrs. O. M. Parker und others.
P , fs. O. hlstcrllohd.
Th6 P. U. O. sisterhood mol at the rosi-
dcnco of Mrs , Uryant , f > ' )0 ) South Twenty-
fifth avenue , yesterday at 3 p. ra. , for the
purpose of organizing a chanter Iii this Olty.
This society was fouhdud In Mt. PloaJhnt ,
la , January 31 , l i ) , and U to dxy oho of the
strongest sisturhoot's ' Ih America , hdvine
about 1'JOO members , tied to each otjicr by
the etrougeat ot vows. U extends IU brdhchv
a all over tue we lru suttJs ana territories.
Aprettv gold badge , n live-pointed star , with
the letters P. E. O. engraved thereon , dis
tinguishes them as members of this charita
ble organization.
HrconclrPrc bytorlan Church.
The YounglPeoplo's society of the Second
Presbyterian church gave a Mistic bean
sociable und entertainment in the church
parlors Friday night , introducing several
now and Interesting features.
After nn ontcitamment by the church
quartette beans wcro sold to the audience at
a stated prlconnd these beans were accepted
in payment for purchases at an auction
Which wns had immediately afterward. The
goods offered at the sale were securely
wrapped nnd hidden , and the fun consisted
of watching the faces of th'o buyers -when
they found themselves In possession of
sausages , tin rattles , babies , eto. etc. , when
they expected something valuable from the
appearances of the packages.
The celebrated Bottle bond from Nova
Scotia was present , and entertained the
numerous nudldncowith several checrlul
nnd amusing selections artistically ren
dered. ,
The not result was a considerable sum
with Which to decorate the parlors.
A Surprise Pnrty.
A jolly crowd of young folks gathered per
appointment at the Corner of Nineteenth and
Charles stieets , Friday evening last. Their
objective point was the cozy homo of Thotan ! }
Johnson , 1320 North Nineteenth street , nntl
they caused an immediate surrender of the
n tire family. Never was a surprise party
moio warmly welcomed or inoro royally en
tertained. Curds anddanclng Were indulged
In and thoroughly enjoyed. Light refresh
ments were served , after which the solf-in-
Vitcd guests departed , well pleased With the
evening's enjoyment. Those present Were :
Miss Uaobsamon , Miss L. Lonprco. Mrs.
C. U. Thompson , Mrs. Carson , Miss Gibson ,
Miss Stockam , Miss Youlo , Miss Bartholo
mew , the Misses Hoyor , Messrs. Rublcain ,
Thorpe , Thompson , Carson , H. Ncnlo ,
Stockam , Lewis , R. Cook , Hoyer , Jn ,
Walner , I. J. Gushing , N. W. Cain.
AVol er Scott.
Dr. H , R. Weber , a young physician of
this city , was married at high noen Monday
to Miss Wllllctta Scott. The ceremony was
performed by the Rov. W. J. Harsha at the
homo of the bride's parouts410 North Six
teenth street. The sumo oveninir an elegant
reception wns tendered the young couple ,
and a largo number of friends were present.
The newly wedded pall- have gene to house
keeping without a wedding tour.
Tlio Bljr Four.
The ' 'Big ' Four" club gave a very pleasant
entertainment Friday evening , at 809 North .
Twentieth street. Dancing , muslu , both
vocal and instrumental , With The following
tis participants : Messrs. John McKcnua , J.
D. Kelly. Alex Hilllniror , William Rhodes ,
< the Big Four" ) ; the Misses Lizzie Albens ,
MuVy Albous , E116n McQratli , Julio Coffee ,
Ella Kelly , Mary Kelly , ' Nelllo Kelly. Delia
Congdon and Annie Kelly , Mr. and Mrs.
Congdon , Mr. nnd Mrs. Frakor and Alex
H. L. Lodor , J. Hoauor , I ) . F. Lnforty , J. K.
Robinson , Patrick Gentleman and Hugh
McGann. Thb event proved a grcat , social
nirthtmy Party.
About thirty playmates "of Jennie A.
Campbell were entertained \ostorduy after
noon , at her residence , 1311 Bouth Twenty-
ninth street , the occasion being her eighth
birthday. Guinea bf all IqtuU were Indulged
in. At G o'clock an elegant lunch was
served on the lawn to Which all the little
folks did Justice. After lunch a tow uior6
games wuro pluyod and all left wishing for
many nappy returns.
Miss Tina Srily was tendered a most agree-
nblo aUrpriso party Tuesday evening , by a
number of her friends , at her residence , 710
South Fifteenth street. Tho- elegant la\\n
was ttio scene of the festivities , and merri
ment ruifnod u itino until a late hour.
O bloa ,
Mr , CtiaVloH Ross and Miss Llrzio Peebles
taftirlcd ot the rcsldouco of P. L. For-
gan on Thursday evening. Rov. J. M. AVil-
son , of the Castellar Presbyterian church ,
performed the ceremony. Mr. Ross ( s su-
[ > ei Intendent of the Sunday school in the
iaico church. Numerous useful and costly
presents attest the esteem of the friends of
the couple.
Miss Can io Miller and Samuel Living
ston , both of this city , were united In the
holy bonds of wedlock at Council Bluffs last
Sunday in the presence of n few frlendB'nnd
relatives , Rabbi Benson performing the cere
mony. In the evening the ynung couple loft
on a bridal tour through the cast , after which
they will return to make Omaha their future
homo. Mr. and Mrs. Livingston will be. ten
dered a reception upon their return whloh
will bo about June 3.
Excursion to PapllHon.
The employes of the dry goods house Of
Hayden Bros , will hnvo an excursion to-day.
By special initiation , the entire force will
enjoy a picnic at Paplllion at the expense of
the firm , A special train has been provided ,
which will leave the Union Pacific depot nt
10:30 : n.m. , returning about 0 p. in. Noth
ing has been left undone that would add to
the enjoyment of the day.
MUs WoodfoHl's Card Party.
Miss Delia Wood fora gave a card party at
her residence , M2 Virginia avenue , last
Thursday evening. It was quite n select
gathering , nnd during the evening the guests
were regaled with nn elegant repast. Af tor
spending a very cnjoyublo evening , the as
semblage Bopuratou nt n seasonable hour.
nirthdiiy Surprise.
A very pleasant sgrpriso party was given
to Miss Mamie Donavan at her homo Tues
day evening the date of her eighteenth
birthday. Music and dancing were the order
of the evening and were kept up until a late
Miss Lena Goldstein Was married to Mr
Samuel Mondelson last Sunday evening , at
the residence of the biido , .723 south Six
teenth street. Rabbi Goldstein performed
the cci oniony In the presence of many friends
nnd relatives of the contracting parties.
Social Gossip.
Mr. B. W. Riley is in Dillon , Mont.
Mrs. Judge Dundy is in Snlida , Col.
Mrs. C. M. Powell has returned from Hyde
Pnrkt 111.
Will Cowin has 'returned ' homo for the
eummor. *
Miss Mnry Dunily Ibft for Callfoinia
Wednesday. ' '
Hon. W. J. ConndUreturned from Wash
ington Monday. x I )
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. R ] 'Ricdor leave for thb
east Wednesday , i < '
Ex-Senator tiaundbrs returned from Wash
ington Tuesday , i > t , \
Mrs. 0. B , WhlthOy gave a pleasant tea
pTxrtv Thursday ovofilnirr _ _ t
Miss Sarah Sunday night for
a brief visit in Cincinnati.
The Misses Nelllo and Ladle Baum 'have
been In Lincoln the tyu.tjWSck. (
Mrs. 0. H. Ballou/tjutit , E. L. Opperiiinn
have gon6 to ChicaKV for , n few days.
Mr. A. D. Moisfcjjms loft for u three
month's trljt in England nnd tbo continent.
Rev. < J. T. lirady und family icavo tomorrow
row for a three months' sojourn in the oust.
Miss MIlllo Roodor leaves for { [ the cast this
w flt , preparatory to making a Euroi > oan
tour.Miss Rolln LoVI. of liradfbrd , Pa.i is In
the city , the guest of her Ulster Mrs. M.
Cdlonel J. M. Eddv left Thursday for
Dixon , 11. | | to attend the reunion of his old
iUroni nnd George Jean of Indiana , have
buon visiting their brother , Nelson Joan , ot
thl * city.
Governor and Mrs. J M. Thayer were
Visiting with Cuptaln and Mrs , H. E. Palmer
Ian Bunduy.
A ion ot M > . William \Vallace , 3130 IlaV-
noy , BUVO u party to n number ot Ills young
friends last bight.
Mr. ana Mrs. uockv/ood ontoitalned ;
number of their friends Wednesday nt 1035
South Thirtieth avenue.
The ladles of All Saints' church glvo a
muMicnlo at-tho residence of Mrs William E.
Clarke , 1203 Park uvouuo , on Tuesday even
Mrs. Folsom-Perrlno , the mother of Mrs.
Grover Cleveland , hns been in Omaha the
the past few days on her wedding tour , but
hns quietly avoided publicity.
Prof. J. B. Brmier , the representative of
the Nebraska Knights of Honor at the mcdt-
ing of the supreme ledge nt Indianapolis , 1ms
returned nf tor nearly two \teolcs' absBnco.
Miss Mary Poppleton gave a very enjoy
able dancing parly to a number of friends On
Thursday oven ing at Elizabeth Place. The
music \ \ as delightfully rendered by Stoih-
hauser's orchestra.
Mr. Richard Anderson , tronoral traveling
auditor of tbo , Union Pacific railway , re
turned home yesterday after a six weeks'
nbsonco from the city , during which time ho
has visited various points in Utah , Califor
nia , Oregon , Idaho and Montana.
On Tuesday evening , May 23 , there will bo '
n strawberry social at the residence of Mrs.
R. W. Dyball , corner of Twcnty slxth street
nnd Pooploton nvcnuo , under the auspices of
the Young People's society of the Shull Me
morial Lutheran church.
Last Tuesday morning Judge Russell offi
ciated at n very pleasant ceremony , the au
spicious event being the nuptials of Miss
Mary Woldmnnn to Mr. Fied Eblnger. The
ceremony was performed nt the residence of
the bride's parents where n few guests joined
In the festivities incident thoieto. A sere
nade was tendered the young couple by the
Llodorkranz society in the evening.
Lincoln Society.
Miss Anna Hawkins nnd her dancing class
entertained a largo and fashionable company
Thursday night with n reception nnd gel-
man. The programme included a fmioy
waltz by Jessie Leland , the military schot-
tlsche by Hattlo Huffmgn and Helen Woods ,
a Dutch and Irish step by Robert Noonan
nnd Rose Lilhbrldgc , a minuet by Ross Cur-
tlco. Otla Vvccks , Charles Elliott * Maud
Oakloy , May Moore , Stella Curtldo , Jessie
Lclahd and Sadie Bnum , "with two May
poles lihd the gcrman by the class as U
whole. Eleven figures of the gormnn were
danced , "sdveral with favors. Thb dancers ,
in addition to the foregoing , were Fanny
Woods , Ada Gregg , Georgio Camp , Florence
Fnrrcl , Lucy Grlflltb , Emily Weeks , Nellie
Lowe , Funny Hector. Mary Lllllbildgo ,
Hazel Huffman , Mattie Criloy and Kittle
Crlloy ; John Hat ley , Raymond Halo , Fred
Doolittlo and Paul WVoks.
Those who have idcelvbdnn Inkling of it
are deeply interested in U piopositlon to
bring members of Omaha and Lincoln social
circles together In a union picnic at Cushmuti
pork. Mr. Arthur B. Smith of the B. & M.
passenger department at Omaha is father to
thd Idea. The plan is to get Up an excursion
for the Apollo club and other Omuhans nnd
invite members of Lincoln's social clubs tb
meet them at the park. A picnic , a concert
and a hop would make a delightful pro
' The past wook's programme Included h
'Saturday picnic of the university students at
Cushman park and anothtr for high school
students nt Crete , Also a Solui day evening
visit by the Junior Pleasure Hour club to
Captain HIH , Btato treasurer , has bought
add moved Into the Imndsomo residence of
E. II. Andrus , evidently with the intention
of making Lincoln his pcrmuntint name.
Mr. IVed Funlre Is having ulnnti made for
a $ .20,000 residence. Last nil nun or thu family
had thoicholcoof u European trip or n now
home. They took the trip , and this summer
will got the home.
The Pleasure Hour club will picnic in the
full of the moon.
Miss Lulu Grunliigor spent a part ot thb
week with Omaha relatives.
Nut Brighahi. ot Omaha , has luartft an en-
pugement to sing nt Cusnmun park oh the
Fourth bf July. He assisted Mrs. AUolph
Weber In the concert at the formal opening
of the park last Wednesday , which was nt-
Vendcil by many Bociuty | teoj > le.
The Hayden Art club has elected the fol
lowing olllcors and adjouinod for the mini-
mer vacation : President , N , B. HarWoodt
Vice president , Mrs. A. P. S. Stuftit ; irons-
uror , Charles L. AlgOr ; secretary , MM. At-
Icmson ; corresponding secretary , Miss Surah
W. Mooto ; directors , C. H. Gore , II , E.
Lewis , Mi a. George Wing , Mrs. Dr , Lloyd ,
Mrs. Frnnlc Hall and Prof. C. N. Little. The
books show a membership of neatly two
The reception tendered by the ICnppa
Kappa Gama to the mombcis of the other
fourGicck letter societies was hold nt the
homo of Miss Stella Kirker. About sixty
f raters were present and It wns the most
successful of the series.
Miss'Ellen ' Smith , the university registrar ,
entertained the senior class Saturday
The university cadets will go Into their an
nual camp next Thurday at Nebraska City.
Messrs. J. N. Hlgonbotham , Frank Mnc-
donald , FiankPolk , W. S. Huffman , W. H.
Brcovoort nnd C. E. Magoon , Lincoln Elks ,
attended the benefit of the Omaha Elks
Monday evening.
J. D. Cunningham , Erhost Then nnd J. H.
Taylor nro cuvtlhg n dash by serenading witn
mandolins , which they piny exceedingly well
Mrs. Charles Eaton Is visiting at St. Paul ,
Minn. , und goes ihonCo for a Bummer trip to
L. C. Pace and son , Asa , have returned ,
from thulr Colorado trip. They were nccom-
pnnloa by W. I. Summers , of Evunsville ,
Ihd. Judge and Mrs. Jackson , of Atchlson ,
have boon guests at the Pace homo during
the week.
Mrs , Samuel Hcrschlor is ontcitninmg her
sister , Miss Ada Elsfold , of liurlington , la. ,
who will lomulii for the suinhier.
Charles E. Hewitt , late of David City , has
bought him a homo on Washington street.
Mrs. Burr Polk Is visiting nt Quincy.
Frank Grunlnger , with the Bnum hnrd-
Ware company of Omaha , SuMth.jod in Lin
coln , and his sister , Miss LiUlu Gruningcr ,
dntertnlricd a small company in his honor at
the A. C. Hlomor homo.
Cushmnn puikwhich promises to bo a cen
ter of social Intel cat this summer , was
thrown open Sunday ' .o a Linqaln excursion.
The teams alone numbered U50. Miulamo
Webster and Mrs. Barnaby sung for the
Miss Nellie McConnell has returned to her
Boston home.
Mrs. James McNceny nnd daughters have
resumed their journey to the Pacillo cftast
after n stop over visit with the family of
James Anderson.
Mrs. Captain Tha\cr , of loin. ICan. , lias
boon visiting her fill her , S. M. Benedict.
Miss Nellie Baum. of Omaha , has bfcn
spending the week with her friend , Miss
Funnio Stout.
Frank Bnllatlno has resigned his place
with the Fitst National bunk of Omaha , und
rotuined to Lincoln.
Lincoln society Is very much interested iii
the ongairuiiiuiit of J. W. Maxwell , usshtant
cashier of the Capitol National bank , nnd
MUs Uolle Oakloy , daugliur of thu retired
merchant. Both are social leaders ,
Ernest Btanton und Miss Viola Robinson
wcro married Monday. The groom is of the
Journal force , mid the bride is a nicca of C.
II. Hutcliins. ,
George Sommons wont to Leaven worth to
attend tbo annual meeting of the Kaunas
Knights of Pythias and meet old-time
Mrs. W. E. Morse is spending a month with
parents und friends nt Red Oak , In.
B. F. Plnneo , Who Won public notice us
chief of the U , ft M. detcetlVo force , * vus
married recently to .Miss Bully Rush. Thb
lady is of Liheoln , but the wcddlhg too } :
place ut St , Joseph , und was kept quiet.
Madumo Wcbcr has planned n trip to Eu
rope Immediately nfter completing un un-
guifumont for sik concerts ut Cushmnn park.
Hovoy Barrett , now editor of the Council
Bluffs Hclleclor , was a Sunday visitor , and
seems to tlnd nil attraction hero that will require -
quire periodical trips. ,
The Yorno club plcnlucd ut Cushmnn park
Monday evening. 'Ihe paity Included Mlst > cta
Bluna , Dow , Uiahain , Friend , Buunfoit ,
Burch. VaiiBuskirk , Wuuun , Wuldirm and
Ciockor , and Meters. Hullutt , tleiiton , Hulu ,
Gillespie , 1'iowno , Api > leton , HUIKUII , Covert -
vort , Yulus , IJruilluy end John on ,
Mm. H. L. Pcrr > man , of hloux Tulls , ueo
Fanny Lath urn , Is the guest of Mrs. E , P.
Ewhig ,
MUs Florence N. Jones , of Crete , U the
guest of K M. Uenedlcl's family.
Miss Nellie Gould celebrated her elgh-
tcunlh year Wednesday evening with u plt-usi
ftnt parly , nt which fifty yout.g people Wur *
cntei tallied.
AVi Impromptu GormHn Was glv6n Frlduy
cvonlne t& the university armory. LlcutOu-
nnt Townloy piloted twenty couples through
twelve figures , six of them with favors. The
participants wci o Mr. and Mrs. Bceson , Mr.
and Mrs. Dennis , Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Pitcher , Mr. nnd Mrs. Mulr , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Haydoij , Mr. und Mrs. Ogden , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Buckstnff , Messrs. Rlchtor ,
Funko , Hcnklo , Hardy , Higgon , Forcsman ,
Magoon , Nutt and Lemist , Mrs. Bussoy ,
Misses Funke , Agoy , Lillibrldge , Miller.
Lattn , Holmes , Clarke , Oakloy , Laws und
The following Lincolnltes will visit tha
Paris exposition in Juno : William A. Green ,
nnd family , R. E. Moor and family , A. J.
Garnish. W. J. Lamb nnd II. J. Walsh.
J. R. Richards is about to visit Alaska In
company With Dr. and Mrs. Cbilcoto , ol
Washington , la.
Fremont socletr-
Gerry H. Taylor Is nt homo from a turoa
weeks' sojourn in Chicago.
Mrs. W. B. Leo has gene to Douglass ,
Wyo. , to visit with her daughter.
J. D. McDonald hns been absent during
the week nt his old homo at Spencer , la.
Mrs. B. E. Fields is enjoying n visit from
her mother , Mrs. R. A. Ballmger , of Wyo
ming ,
Air. and Mrs. Albert Johnson nro enter-
tninlng Mrs. Ira Hillbrandt , and old friend
from Now Yoi k.
Hon. Beach I. HInmnn , of North Pintle ,
was In Fremont Thursday , u guest of his
brother , IH. H. Ilinmnn.
Dr. L. J. Abbott has been In nttcndnnca _
upon the Stale Modlcui association at
Kearney during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayes returned homo
Thursday from a visit to Mrs. Hayes'
brother at Chillicotlio , O.
B. F. Stouffer , Ray Nye , Edward Blowott
nnd Frank Fowler have gnno to Salt Luka
City for nn absence of about n fortnight.
MUs Lucy Vcddor , who has been n guest
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest Scuuroman , returned
this week to her home , at Pekln , 111 ,
Mrs , H. H , Dorsoy , of Wahoo , and Mrs. J.
M. Marsh , of Grand Island , were In the city
visiting their sister , Mrs. George W. E.
Dorsey ,
Rov. F. Fitzgerald , pastor of St. Patrick' *
chui eh , has gene to Buffalo to attend n
family reunion. Ho will bo absent about
three weeks. >
G. A. Davis , of Costelo , N. Y. , accom
panied by his granddaughters , the Misses
VnnarsdnlOj were In the city several days
during the ucok , guests of Mr. and Mrs , L.
H. Rogcis.
Mr. nnd Mrs , Mnrroy Dudley loft Thurs
day nii/ht for their now homo nt Fresno , Col.
'J hey hnvo lived In Fremont many years , but
nrouompolled to go to a balmier ntmosphcrd
on account of Mr. Dudley's health.
PlnttMinonth Socluty.
Mrs. A. J. Mtllfkon , of Lincoln , Is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Bam Waugh.
Rev , Dr. II. H. O'Neal and wife , of Dos
Molnos , arrived Thursday on a visit to Mr.
nnd Mis. R. B. Windliam.
Dr. A. Shipman has been out to ICnarnoy
to attend the convention of the State Medical
Mrs. J. W. Barnes has been visiting her
daughter , Mr. D , A. Campbell , of this city.
Mis. J. H. Young , Mrs. M. B , Murphy and
Mrs. B. II. Atwood were visiting in Omaha
on vVcdnesday.
Mrs. Wildburger nnd daughter , of Ham
burg , who have buon visiting with Mr. and
MM. Mlko GraFtsinaii , returned homo this
Mrs. G col-go Ballance has gonotollolyoko ,
Colo. , on a visit to friends.
For N'crvouH D\m-naoa
Use Hbrsfotd's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. F. G. Kelly , Aldcrton , W. T. , nys
" 1 hnvo picscilbed It In a lur < fe number ot
cases of restlessness at night , and nervous
discuses generally , and also in cases of Inul-
g ( stion caused by lack of sufficient casino
Juice of the stomach , with marked BUCCCSK ,
und consider It ono or the beat roinedlna
known to the piofessional world. "
An Imported hat "which somebody hat
named "something very beautiful , " is do-
set ibeil us a work of art. It Is an open-
crown frumo , Irlmmod on ono side with n
dcnso cluster of violets , balanced on-tlio
other bide by uh Alsatian bow of Straw-col
ored tibbon. The rim la surah silk of the
sumo truw color , Uulshed off wltU a band ol
French lot.