Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1889, Part II, Page 11, Image 11
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MAY 20 , 1889 SIXTEEN PAGES. 11 A MODEL SYSTEM OF PARKS , The Many Beautiful Breathing PlnccD of St. Louis. COST OF THEIR MAINTENANCE. How They Wcro Scoured by tlio City and How They Are Managed Munificent OlflB of 1'rl- vato Individual ! . The City of ST. Louis , May 23. | Special to TUB Br.K.I St. Louis has often hccn called the "Park City" on account of the thorough Knowledge her citizens have of the Inestimable advan tages ot frcRh nlr and the rrnctlcal woy In which they have followed up that knowledge by n utilization ol the almost uncqualcd natural advantages for nark purposes. Including the "Zoo" nnd Shaw's pardon , both of which nro properly classed as arteries of the city lungs , no ICBR thnn twenty-four parks and squares contribute to the good health and natural beauty of the municipality. An nggrct-ato of 52,110 acics Inside the city Hunts U dedicated to this puruoso and there la no talk of over reducing the area , though the now million-dollar city hall inny bo built In the center of Washington square , u down town park of four acres. COST Or MA1XTKNANCK. No city has been more fortunate In the matter of parks than St. Louis , and no city taken greater prldo In such institutions. \Vhcro it has been necessary to issue bonds , nsln the case of Forest , Fnllon nnd Caromln- let they havp been made to run twenty years nnd bear 0 per cent Interest. The park bonds of St. Louis , pa ] able In 1U05 , tno considered pill-edged tcctriUus nnd never go under 123. The bonds are In no case a lien on the park grounds to secure payment. The chief expense , therefore , In connec tion with the parks Is the cost of tholr care nnd mnlntDnnncc. 'llio park commissioner , who Is ex olllcin n member of the board of public Improvements Is selected by thn mayor and holds his ofllco four years , his Hillary be ing ? 2,000 pur annum. Every park down to the smallest has n keeper , who Is appointed by the commission ers subject to the approval of the mayor. The smallest salary paid n keeper Is S4iO per nnninn , the largest ( Forest Park ) $1,800. All the larger parks employ practical gar deners. The cost of maintaining those narks In 18S8 vvas its follows ; , Uctiton JJ.C01.C8 , Carondalct3,110.33 , Carr Square fSru.03 , Forest Park ( minimum al lowed ) JJO.OOO , Gutnblo Place $ (5S5.75 ( , Gra ils Place e 54.44 , H.vdo Park $2C9.M2 , Jackson Place 1030.44 , Laclrdo Park $ T11.24 , Lafayette Park $0,017 811 , Lyon Park $1- 73.b2 , O'Fallon Pnrk ,42 .07 , St. Louis f 1,741.77. St..Louis Place extension $1,499.5.1- South St. Louis Square W94.S7 , Tower Grove $25,000 , Washington Square $1,207.13. The total considerably less than $100,000 , ns will bo Been. Add to this $ r ,172 42 cost of the park commissioner's ofllco and you have the exact cost of maintaining the finest and one of the most extensive systems of parks In the world for twelve months. Mr. E. O. Eggllng , the general suporin > tcndcnt of parks In St. Louis is n botanist of cxlcnblvo reputation nnd character. At thu break of the war he was a private gardener in the family of Jcilcrson Davis , cx-prcsldout of the confederacy. AI'PIIAlfirl ) VALUE. The value of St. Louis' pants arc , ns ap praised , 18S2 , as follows : Forest Pnrk. 1,371 acres , purchase price , fiMI,095 : cost to August , 1877 , $13,85- > 0 It ) ; since 1877 $30,000 per year has been appro priated for it. It is more of a rural retreat than u place for botanical display. Tovvtr grove , 27(1 ( acres , including land and improvements , $1,027,075. O'Fallon , 100 acres- 5 243,174 Carondalot , 180 acres 200,000 Lnclcde , 3 acres 11,000 Hyde , 12 acres 105,000 IJunton , M'licreg , 75,001 Lyon. lOncres 70,000 Washington , Games 205,000 Gravois , 8 acres 20,000 Carr Square , 23 acres 70,000 3t. Louis place , 15 acres 150,000 Lnf ayatto , 30 acres 1,103,030 Jackson place , " acres , no appraise ment Exchange square , lit acres 00,150 Gamble place , 1 aero > . . 23,000 It is proper to add to this that the value of real estate throughout the city hns ad vanccd'iuatcrialty since 1852. 1IOULGVAIIDS. St. Louis was slower to nwnko to the im portance of boulevards and drives than she was In realizing the advantages of parks , but once public sentiment bccamo aroused 11 took but a few .years to bring to u state of perfection seine or the handsomest improve ments of this character in America. The "west end" Is the ultra-fashionable part of St. Louis and Forest park parallels llio sunset line of the city for a swoop two miles in length. Loading to this park from Grand nvcnuo , a beautiful street running north and south from river bank to river bank ( St. Louis Is on a bond in the Missis slppi ) , are the two drives hinted at above. Forest park and Llndoll , the former Is 150 feet wldo , the latter 104 feet , and they are paved with asphalt. The average cost o : these streets was approximately six dollars a foot front ; Including sidewalks , the money being raised by special and general taxation. Under the charter property cannot bo taxed , especially more than twenty-five per cent , o ; Its value. As nil the property onthoso ; boulevards Is worth many times six dollars n foot the property owners bear the greater part of the buulcn , In some Instances moro and In some less , according to location , etc Circling the extreme western boundary of the city , extending from Uellofontaluo cemetery tory on the north to the river Dos Pores on the south , n stretch of moro than ton miles Is what will ono duy be the equal of any Parisian driveway , n natural boulevard eighty feet wldo , high and dry and easib Improved. A great deal of money has beer spent on this street and Its future Is assured ns a popular resident quarter. West Pine street , from Nineteenth stroe to Grand avenue , Is sixty feet wldo , nnd is paved with asphaltuui. It Is a very populai resort for wheelmen. Including the side walks , the Improvements cost $7 per foot front , approximately , and resilience property being very valuable , nearly all the money was raised by special taxation. Giimd iivonue thirty-six blocks west from the river front , running north and south , U u residence street of great popularity. It Is rapidly being paved from terminus to ter minus with asphalt. The cost of these im provements ranges from $5 to $3 per front foot , raised almost cutiiely by special taxa tion. Twelfth street , unless It Is swallowed up by roinmcrco , which' is rapidly retreating from the river front , will be a down town boule vard ono day. It Is now chiefly noted for the magnificent stntuo In bronze of General U. S. Grunt , between Olive and Locust streets , which was unvellod about a year ago. Gen eral Sherman assisting at the ceremonies. Apnropos the march of the business Inter ests from the levee west , a scheme Is now In embryo tlmt. If carried out , will work u won derful change In the appoaianco of St. Louis us approached from the east. It Is to build a flrlvoway and boulevard along the river front about seven miles from end to end. The Forest Parlc Improvement company has teen granted pci mlsulon to build n boule vard along the north line of the park from King's highway to Union avenue , nnd It is about completed. This cost the city nothing. TUB FA 111 OltOUXDS AM ) ZOO , III St. Louis all distances are reckoned from the court house , which for purposes of con veniences is nrbitrnirlly considered the coa ler of the town , though Its magnificent dome points skywards hut four blocks from the river front , tlio building itself occupying the iqunro between Itroadway and Fourth itrects nnd Maikct and Chestnut. The fair grounds , which Include the zoo logical gardens , are situated on Grand nvu- nuo nnd Kosuth avenue , nnd lie throe and a half miles northwest from thn court houso. There are elghtv-thrco acres In this tract and ana It is beautifully laid out In walks and drives , flunked on cither side with flowers of every beautiful huoand delightful fragrance. \Vhcrccottagesof unique design do not dot the uiounds , the drooping foliage of splendid Bhnue ti ccs , the dancing flow of cool foun tain or the natural aparklo of clour lakes that uilrror hack tlio happy surroundings afford - ford the visitor delight. Near the center of tic giomuls Is the laniost amphitheater in thu United Slates , capable of seating 50,000 people , and It was tested to Us utmost cix- jiselty ou the d.iy of the pi evidential viiit in October , 1837 , when Mr. Clovclnnd occupied ! a sent in the Krnnd otnnd. The fair croumlB belong to the Pair association nnd are ot course nmlntntncd nt no cost to the city , up o two years tit o they wore exempt from tax ation , but n RrnnRcr assembly decreed that hov should bear tholr share of the burdens of the state. SHAW'S GAnnr.s. Shaw's garden Is ono of the most famous spots In Amonco. It is ns yet private prop , crty , but the public Is allowed frco access to t every duy In the year except Sunday. It s owned by Mr. Henry Shaw , tlio bachelor rtillnnthroplst , many times n mllllonalrc.who las spent thirty yo.irs and thousands of uol- ars bringing it to Its present degrco of beauty and perfection. The .garden 1ms an nren of fifty-four acres , nnd Is situated on Tower Grove , between Shaw nnd MnRnolia nvcnuns. Us liot liousrs nnd conservatories contain the rarest flowers Hint the cartli pro duces. The flora ot the world U represented witlnn Its walls , all so charmingly arranged that the visitor walks ns If In a fairy bower , nnd with n few steps spans n whole zone , nnd bicathcs all tlio climates of the flower producing world. Oranges , lemoni , bananas md llgs nro scon growing , nnd the stately pahn rises around rubber , trees , century limits nnd other rare curious products. It Is regarded by botanists ns without doubt the Inest garden In the world. Mr. Shaw , who Is now la vigorous health ntthongo of ninety , will eventually inako the garden the prop erty of the city. It Is now maintained en tirely at his own expense. roiiKST rAitrc. Forest park Is the npplo of the St. Lioulslnn's eye , the prldo and glory of the lown. It hos four nnd n-half miles duo west of the court hoiiso , nnd embraces 1,371 acres of forest , through which a dancing stream of living water courses , shaded by tlio spread ing protection of great oaks. Four street nnd ono steam car line reach It , nnd It Is the "Central" park of St. Louis , the "Fnlr- mount" of the west. Two of the handsomest boulevards In the world , "Forest Park" and "Llndoll , " also connect It with the city , nnd every afternoon , In season , they nro blocked with carriages nllvo with equestrians , nnd dotted with whoolmen. The park was established In 1875 , long before the city reached its eastern gateway , and the com missioners who condemned It , under order of couit , after n special act of the legislature had authorized its purchase , allowed .tho owners $71)9,005 ) for It. To ralso this money twenty years six per cent bonds were issued and they are now worth in the St. Louts money market , some of them having been renewed , however , nt a lesser rate , twenty- three per cent premium. The sum of 5.30,000 is annually spent la the p.irk , which amount is drawn from the ordinary revenue fund for municipal purposes. Forest park's popular ity Is almost phenomenal , and no wonder. Situated high nnd dry , accessible from nny part of the city In n few minutes for a single faro of flvo cents , n vorlubln rural retreat within a step , practically , of down town.why should It not bo I The Gentlemen's Driving club maintains a speed ring In the park , with a track ono milo round , picnic parties by the score can lese themselves In shady nooks where Indegonlous blue grass springs from the earth with tropical luxuriance , twenty-five amateur base ball games can bo played at ono time in the "ojion" without In terference , and it is the par.idlso for school children out for a frolic. Tlio St. Louis Post-Dispatch with characteristic enterprise has Inaugurated n movement to snnd tlio poor children out with tholr attendants every duy during the heated term this ncaion , mid already ono cable road has volunteered 1,000 passes , round trip per week , to the fund. The fresh air mission will co-opcrato. A lake covering fifty acres affords uncxcclloi advantages for boat-riding. There nro monuments in Forest Parkof Frank P. Ulalr , who ran for vice president on the ticket with Seymour in 1303 , and Ed ward Uatos , Mr. Lincoln's attorney genorul. TOWKIl OHOVi : I'AKK. The citizen who has 5 cents and n leisure half day can ride from the court house to Tower Grove park on n not very swift horse line of the put-your-nlcklo-in-tho slot variety and enjoy himself to the full. Tower Grove is another monument to the generosity of Mr. Henry Shaw , the venerable owner of Shaw's garden. It comprises 370 acres be tween Alngnolhi avoime nnd Arsenal strccot , and was deeded to the city by the philanthro pist in . 1870. There are hand some and imposing entrances to the park and within are numerous r.iro decidu ous and evergreen trees. It has fountains , statues , artiticial lakes , rivulets , ornamental bridges , shrubbery , ( lowers , an evergreen labrynth , summer houses , pagodas nnd shndo trees of infinite variety. Handsome bronze statues of Shakespeare , Huinboldt , and Christopher Columbus add to the interest of this park , and busts of Mo7artVnKner , Hosslnl , Verdi , Gounod , Beethoven nnd Han del are much lulmired , Tower park being pro-omlnently tlio central park of St. Louis. The city , under conditions of Mr. Shaw's deed , spends $ " 5,000 u year on Tower grove , drawn from the general fund for municipal purposes. It is under the control of private commissioners appointed by Mr. Shaw , chosen from umoiigSt. Louis' most represent ative citizens. LAFAYETTE PAHK. Lafayette park is ono of the oldest breath ing spots in St. Louis , and was formerly St. Louis commons , but it was dedicated to its pi osont purpose in 1851 nnd has since been under the hand of the gardener until it blooms and blossoms hko the vale of Cash- morc. It comprises 30 acres almost in the heart of the city , situated within fifteen miu utes' ride by horse car from the court house , bounded by Mississippi , Lafayette , Missouri and Park avenues , aristocratic residence streets , whoso stately mansions , If fortun ately situated opposite , rojolco in a thirty- aero front yard maintained at public expense , whoso estimated value is $100.000 per aero. I3ronzo statues of Thomas H. Honton. thirtj years a United States senator from Missouri , George Washington and the Marquis Do Lnfuvctto attract the admlratioa of the artist. A kocpor employed at a salary ol $1,800 per annum , looks afterLafavatto park , under the general supervision of the parlc commissioner. The cntiro cost of the beauti ful spot for the year 1SS8 , was $ (5,017.83 ( , and It is probably visited by 10,000 people dally on nn average. Lafayette park Is also con trolled by a board of private commissioners , which is a perpetual corporation. All the other paries ( oxccpt Shaw's garden , which is private property maintained for public benefit ) are controlled by the municipal ns sembly. 0'FAI.l.OX PAUK. O'Fallon park , thrco and ono quarter mile northwest from the court house nnd a abort distance north of the fair grounds , covers just ono-quartcr of n section of land ( IOC nerefl ) , and was formerly the country sent of Colonel John O'Fulton , It is dotted through out by "clumps" of troos. making beautifu ! gioves. It was purchased by the city In 1875 and in ISS'J a commission fixed its value at $2111,171. HENTON I'AKK. Olio of tlio prettiest uml most popular re sorts in St. Louis was originally the Potter's Hold , the city cemetery being removed ant its Blto m ml o Uonton park iu 1800 , after the great cholera epidemic. It cost the city very little to inako tlio place what It now is , 141 ncrcs of beautiful forest. Hold and flowers , situated between Jefferson avenue ant Arsenal street nnd Wisconsin avenue am Wyoming street. It cost the city $2,001.08 to maintain this handsome resort for Soutn St. Louisiana In ISbS. i CAltONDALr.T PA UK. St. Louis has been fortunate In securing parks without cost. Besides the Shaw gifts , the gift of Lyon park by the government and other donations which will bo mentioned below , 180 ncrcs now Itnown na Cnroudalot park was purchased by tlio stuto legislature for the city In 1874. It is a most eligible situation in South St. Louts , but has as ye received little attention. With rapid transit to the south end , which will bo realized this year. Curonclulot park will como moro prouil nontly into notice. HUH ! PAHK. The city purchased Hyde parn In 1854 foi 3(5,000. ( It. lies between Salisbury street nm lircnnan uvmiuoiuul Twelfth nnd Fourteenth ntreots. It contains I'M acres. It is a fuvor ito resort with yortn-oudcrs , being beauti fully laid out nud handsomely improved. LYON 1'AltlC. Dy an net of congress approved March 8 , 1800 , Lyou park , that portion of the Unttci States nrsonul grounJs lying between Cur on dnlet uvoiiuo nnd Fourth street , was donatcc to the city on condition that the city Haiti the statute of General Lyon , then under way , It Is n v < > r.v attractive spot and the Lyon monument la another work u ! tHe sculptor's art that is fast gaining for tit , Louis faoio as the "Monumental City. " OTIIKH rAURH. Washington square will bothesitaof tli now city hall. It contains six acres b\rccn Clark avenue ana Murkot street , and Twelfth and Thirteenth streets , beiug the down-towu park referred to above. It was purchased by the city In 1840 for S25.000 , with the un derstanding tlmt' it wns to bo used /or public mrposcs forovor. The sum of 150,000 has icon expended on It since its creation. Qrnvols nark , containing eight acres , Is ono of the original St. Louis commons grants ami costs the city nothing. It lies between Pon- tmc nnd Kansas nvcnunb nnd Miami street nnd Loulslnnn avenue , nnd being Isolated , little l ittlo frequented. It Is a reserve for future use when the city grows. Cnrr Square , situated between Carr , East Sixteenth , SVnsh and West Sixteenth streets s n h.ilf n milo northeast of the court house nnd Is much frequented by working people. It is very nttravtivo nnd wns given the city In 1812 by William C. Carr. St. Louis place is n long narrow strip of Tround ono bldck wide , very uneven and con tains fifteen nercs. St. Louis nvcnuo sepa rates It into two parts. It Is n popular pic nic ground nnd wns also n gift to the city , being donated by Colonel John O'Fallon nnd others for a pleasure ground. Laclcdo Park la n smnll reservation In the south end , Is bounded by Laclodo and Merrl- mnc streets and Iowa and California nvc- nues. U cost the city nothing , being "re served" In 1853. Jackson place Is a small north St. Louis park donated to the city In 1810 ns a piny- ground for children nnd It has never lost Its popularity In tlmt respect. Gamble Place Is the smallest park In the city , nnd wns opened by privnto cltircns In 1875 , between Gamble and Dlckson nnd Garrison risen and Glasgow avenues , and has since been maintained nt thq expense of the city. FRONTIER TELEGRAPHY. How thn NCWR Prom Oklahoma \Vaa Sent to the I'rPB * of tile Country. On April 22 the largest nnd most com plete , to say.nothing of being the most intricate , lot ot circuits over put up in Lho stuto of Kansas were arranged tit the Wichita Wobtorn Union olllco on the occasion of the filing of 60,000 words of Oklahoma press news , says the Klcc- ' Lrlc Ago. A special press 'representa tives' train was run from Guthrlc , Dklahoma territory , to Wichita , con taining twenty-seven newspaper men with tholr correspondence for the east ern papers. The train mndo no stops between Guthrlo and " \Vichita , and when it reached Wichita it was discov ered that the rival reporters had adopted all manner of means to iot their respective "copy" to Lho telegraph olllco first , that it might have the preference in being sent out. Some two or three of them hac\raco horses , ridden by ex port jockeys , in waiting at the depot , and before the train had fairly stopped the daring reporters sprang from it. and rushing up to the riders , handed tho'tn an envelope containing their manuscript , and the word , "Go , " was given , when the horses dashed off on a dead run for the tele graph olllco. Others had secured fast cabs ; and yet others , not to bo outdone , had secured light buggies and fixed alarm gongs on the front , that could bo operated from the seat by their feet , in order to warn the street passoncors at crossings to look out for their mad flight , and ns quickly as possible they jumped into them and started. The scene on the route to the olllco was indescribable. Firbt came a largo white horse ridden by the cor respondent of the Now York World , closely followed by another ridden by the correspondent of the Herald ; then came the buggies with their gongs clanging as they swaved from side to side in tl ir mad career. Thay wore followed by the slower cabs on the dead run. The police in vain tried to stop the headlong flight. So cunningly was it planned that a casual observer standing at the depot five minutes before fore the arrival of the train would have noticed nothing uncommon. At the ofllco each man had a boy posted who would catch his horse as ho dashed up. When the calvacado reached the space in front of the ofllco a great shout went up from the people on the streets , the various correspon dents throw themselves from their horses and buggies and-mado a rush for the door , which had been loft open for the purpose , and all tried to hand their copy to the receiving clerk nt the same time. The World correspondent ( who , by the way , is red-hoaded and rode n white horse ) was the first to file his bluff. At the oporatingjroom Chief Operator B. C. Elder was in charge with the assistance of Night Chief Operator E. S. Bowers. A now quad had been run to Arkansas City , and was looped on all four corners of the regular Wichita-Kansas City circuits. The men were placed at a table each , and were all ready , the Kansas City operators being in waiting , and when the specials wore filed they were quickly distributed and thrco minutes after the train pulled in tit the depot the matter was being transmitted as rapidly as fifteen first- class operators could handle it. It was filed at 10:45 : p. m. . nnd at 12:80 : a. m. the last word had boon sent. Manager Hackott was in attendance at the coun ter and distributed the "copy ; " Night Chief Bowers kent business moving , wlillo Chief Operator Elder looked after the wires. Strange to say , not ono of fifteen circuits went down during the spurt and all worked fine. Kansas City handled the same night 100.000 words ol press matter from the various Kansas points. HE FOUGHT FOR FRANCE. Ono of the First Napolcoii'H Heroes PIIBSOS Away In No\v York. Henri Matthieu , who fought under Napoleon at Waterloo , died on Tuesday last in the basement of the brick build ing at 345 West Fifty-third street , aged ono hundred and ono years , ono month and four days. In the last years of his lifo , despite his great age , the old sol dier wont out of doors nearly every day when it was pleasant , and was known to every child in a radius of half a milo by lnr cano , his patriarchal beard and his pleasant , smiling word of greeting. When Matthiou was twonty-ono years old ho waa conscripted into the ompor- or's army as a cavalryman in the Ninth Hussars , Bays a Now York special to the Sun Francisco Examiner. He was not in the Ilusbian campaignbut was sent to the front when the emperor was main taining an unequal struggle with the allies at Loipaie. The blowing up of the bridge at Loipsic in the retreat of the French army , ho remembered dis tinctly. When Napoleon was at Elba Matthiou was mustered out. On the omperor'b return frorp Elba , Matthieu took up his musket again and followed Bonaparto's fortunes for the hundred days , The scenes ho then witnessed nossod were moro vivid to him in his ago than anything before or since. lie remembered the brown horse ho rode jn the battle of Watorloowhon , his rogl- ment was cut to pieces. Matthiou was wounded in the head with a bullet , and ho wns In the hospital for 11 long time before ho was considered out of dan ger. ger.No old moustache at the Invalidos could bo more enthusiastic in hie devo tion to Nnpoloon'a memory. That and a queer political antipathy towards the Russians were subjects on which any visitor could make the soldier llaro up , and If ho was teased too far ho would get into a violent passion. Only the duy before his death a friend asked Matthiou what period of hlu long lifo ho had enjoyed the most. "Whon fighting for my country"was the answer , Mothom give Angostura Bitters to their children to Stop colio ana loose ness of the bowels. Dr. J. G. B. Siegort fi Sons , solo manufacturers. At ul" druggists. A MIDNIGHT IfflP SKYWARD , Sensations of "h Ollmbor of ft of a Council ri'luffa Light Towor. o-o ; MAGNIFICENT VJE-YV OF THE CITY. Dwarfed Distances nntl Btunto : ! Height * How itnVVoull ho In n Storm Trials of \Vntcliiniin ii 1 1 Tlio Six Towers. u ( ' At ix Perilous Ilclclit. The municipal couVicll ot the city of Council BlufTs , although not given to following the admonitions ot the scrip tures touching nil the proceedings of its executive sessions , hits n shining tes timonial to the dlTcct that , on ono occa sion , the members of thut august body were so fully Impressed with the wis dom of the scriptural statement that "n , light on n hill cannot bo hid , " that they resolved to withdraw their eloctrio street lights from under the llgurutivo bushel tnnt had previously covered them , and place them on a candlestick ICO foot high. The result wns the tower light system tlmt bus for the past year shod a noon day illumination over the city during the hours of midnight darkness. There tvro probably , very few of the thousands who liavo stood around the base of these towers and gazed at tlio four lights shining like brilliant beacons - cons Ifil foot nbovo thorn , who have over stood tit the other end of the to war and gazed upon the vastly moro interesting spectacle stretched out beneath thorn. In fact , Ihcro are hundreds who have boon lieiird to assort , as they watched the young man whose duty it is to daily carbon the lights shoot up.vurd through space in his miniature elevator , that Bullluieiit money could not bo piled to gether to induce him to make the trip. And yet a trip like this doubly re pays the adventurous climber , who has sulllciout strength of limb and steadi ness of nerve to carry him to the top. A few nights since the reporter , in spired by curiosity and a desire to win immortal fame , accepted an invitation from the night watchman of the towers to accompany him on a trip to hispoct the court house lights. The lights on this tower are the furthest from the earth ol any in the city , being 177 feet from terra lirma. They not , however , the highest above sea level , as the Oak- laud uvenuo tower stands on a 1)1 u IT nearly soventy-llvo feet above the foun dation of the court house. As the truide stated at the beginning of the trip , this was' the hardest and most tedious toV ascend of nny of tLo towers , us mi olu'vafor furnished trans portation to the top sof all the others , with very little motive assistance on the part ot the climber , while to roach the summit and stand on a level with the court houso'lightsit is necessary to climb over two hundred steps inside the building , then lip nil outside ladder for the remaining elistn'nce. Notwithstanding , the discournginjr prospect , the scfiuo1 decided to tackle the court houso'tower , as he infinitely preferred , in ciiSc ho should fall , thai his descent shquWbo through the classical titmosphoi'frof a tamplo of jus tice , burdened 'with1 familiarity with the disciples of Blnckstone and Coke , than through , the Cold and friendless contents of outer space , upon which the inlluenco of man's association had seem ingly never been exerted. As it was ncaring the hour of mitl- night , the great building appeared dark and deserted , but the guide produced a key that proved to bo the "open ses- amo" to the court house doors , aiid the tourist started upon his trip of explora tion. tion.Tho The familiar portion of the structure was traversed and left behind. After what seemed to bo an interminable climb of countless stairways and ladders - dors , the reporter was ushered into n little octagonal apartment from which there was seemingly no outlet but the liolo in the floor through which en trance had been plTectod. Eight little round windows looked out on every side , and a close examination revealed a little hook on each side of ono of them. It was the work of.baroly.a second to lift out the window , frame and all , and the guide disappeared through the aperture. A small platform , two foot square and an iron ladder extend ing upward was all that could bo soon. "Como on , " called the guide from some unseen point above and the tourist started again. A glunco downward revealed the earth apparently 1,000 foot/ below , and the roof of the court house was so far away as to bo unrecognizable. A' rather queer sensation passed through the frame of the beholder , and his hat rose involuntarily in respectful awe , as ho volunteered the information that ho "guessed ho didn't care to go any further. " "Put your back' to the ladder , look straight up , and como up backwards and you will bo nil right , " wore the next directions , which the reporter fol lowed , and was soon standing on the little platform inside the iron railing , with his shoulders on a level with the four great 2,000 candle power lights that swung noiselessly on all sides of him. him.Away on all sides stretched an inter esting picture , in the subdued and pleas ing light of 50,000 ennillo power spread all over the city by moans of this tower and its six twin brothers. Just as the beholder was preparing to take it all in In detail , his companion soothingly remarked , "Do careful you.Jloh't como in contact with the frumosjolj why of those lamps , or this iron tower { would short circuit a current through' Vour body , and then you wouldn't have tt > climb down. " J As the climbing witev ( yy good , it IB need less to say the EcSfffcro steered clear of the lamps. ! f'T1" The hissing o gq burning carbons made a rather gpuegqma noise , but the visitor soon bcc ne jiscd to it , and for got all about it dta hja'guido pointed out the buildings tufa points of interest that had scorned so familiar bolow. The transfer and the Union Pacific yards Boomed buri y a stone's throw distant. The glaring headlights of the switching engines were plainly visible , and the eye could . .nhiinly discern the swinging luiterliMmho : , hand of Uio in visible switchman , i hero wiiHnvIdonlly lifo there , but except the occasional distant clang of the bell and the vicious pulling of unovorloadadlocomotive , there was no sound from this busy hive. A little beyond wns Omaha , but the beholder could scarcely bollevo that it was BO near , until satis fied that those lines of lights extending up the hill at such oven dis tances wore indeed the street lights of the twin city. The blazing chimneys of the Qinolting works wore then pointed out , and still later the quiet little suburb of Florence , that should have boon Eoundly bleeping in peuco and durknohs , made Known its whereabouts by a few dim lights. The light did not extend to the rfvor. and the position of the devious channel of the Big Muddy could only bo guessed nt from other well kn own lantlmnrks. A long line of lights showed where Broadway's smooth surface extended toward the brldgo. The cars of. the oloctrlo motor moved swlttly up from the river , Hko toy conches piloted by a ono-oyod demon , but ns they came nearer tholr appearance bocatuo moro familiar and loss uncanny. Away on the hill to the north lay Fnirvlow , with Us white marble shafts gloaming coldly In the artificial light thrown from the Oakland avenue towor. The streets of the city , far below , were nearly deserted , but the laughter and songs of revelers occasionally floated to the oar. Ever and anon a hack rattled noisily along , or a belated clubman could bo scon hurrying homo. Baylcss park seemed almost directly under neath , and Invltod the beholder to slop off Into Its sea of green follngo. To the east , the bluffs made u rather dlsmnl background , while to the south , the Sixth street tower lighted up hundreds of roofs of palatial residences and moro humble cottages. "It looks nice , doesn't HV" queried the guide , after It had nil boon care fully inspected. "Now then , the next thlntr for you to do is to take it in some stormy , windy night. If you think thla was a tough climb , you ought to try the elevator In the tower when the wind is blowing sixty miles an hour , and the gusts fairly tnko your breath away ; erin in the winter , when everything Is all ice and snow , and the slcot seems to ctit to the bone. There isn't quite so much nootry slid ing around on an ice-coiitod tower 160 feet from the ground. Take it again on a stormy night , when the thunder is loud enough to crack vour skull open , and the lightning fairly blinds you , and you will BCO very dilToront from this. You ought to take in all of them , and then you can take your pick from actual experience.1" The reporter was perfectly satisfied with what ho saw , and told his guide that as for tlio rest ho was willing to "tako his word for it. " The descent wns nmdo without nny dilllculty , and when , on reaching terra flrnm , ho looked back at his recent lofty perch , secminglv such n little distance above liim , ho fully realized thn truth of the saying that there nro dilToront ways of looking nt things , but was still a little moro strongly than over impressed in Favor of the good old way. DRS. BETTS & BETTS 1403 FAIINAU S-riiF.r.T. OMAHA. Nn. ( Opposite Paxton Uot U Office hours , 8 a. m. to Up. m. Sunday * , 10 & m. to 1 p. in. Specialists In Chronic , Nervous , Skin and tSTConsultation at office or by mall free. Medicines sent by mall or express , securely packed free from observation. Guarantees to euro ( illicitly , safely and permanently. Bem'- irprnrnno TiDnmTiVsPBrmntorruca' NhuVUUO UbDlLllI mil J.osse NightKmls- lions 1'liyslcal Decay , nrlslug from Indiscre tion , Excess or Indulgence , producing Sldep- lessncMs , Despondency , I'implcs on the face , aversion to society , easily dlhcourtiROd. lack ot . 403 Farnani fct. , Omalia , Noo. Blood aMSKin results , completely eradicated without the aid of Mnrcurv. Scrofula , Kryslpeliis , 1'ever Bores , Blotches , Ulcers. 1'ains iu the Head and Bonos. Syphilitic Sore Throat. Mouth and Tongue , Ca tarrh. ic. permanently cured where otliera T/irlnniT / ° ririniint7 nni1 HlaiWnr Complaints. rUflnGY , UrifluTy Palntul , Difficult , Wo fre- ouent Burning or Bloody Urine , Urine hltm col Sred or with milky sediment on standing , \VcakJlack.donnorrhcea , Gleet , Cystitis. Ice. , I'romptly andSafely Cured , Charges Heasona- inuueut Cure , re moval complete , without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Cures effected at homo bv patient without a moments caln or annovance. ToYQiini Men anf HidfllB-Ageil-Hra , A QITDD THRU The awful effects of early Q UUlfD uUflfj Vice , which orlnci organic weakness , deatroyinc : both mind and bed v. with all Its dreaded Ills , permanently cured. ni(3 ) ( TJCTil" } Adress tnoue wno tmjrt * Impaired UuUi DDliu thcmielves by Improper Indul gences and solitary liobltS , which ruin both body and mind , unfitting them for business , study or marriage. . . . . . . MAimiBD MBJ. . or those entering on that hap py life , ware of physical debility , quickly as " 8toa < OUR SUCCESS Is based upon facts , first Practical Expe rience. Second Every case la especially studied , thus starting aright. Third Medicines nro pre pared In our laboratory exactly to suit eacn case , tlius affectlni ? cures without injury. CW'bend a ctnts postage for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous and Delia ate Diseases. Thousands cured. & A friendly letter or call may savn you futuie sultorlnc and shame , and odd golden joars to life. C No letters an- BWCI ed unless Accompanied by 4 cents in stamps. & BETTS. UOS Varnain Krtcot. Omaha , N b. Ice Cream Freezers. Tlio most complete line in the city. WM. LYLE DICKEY & CO. , 14fl ( Doualas Htrcet. B. IREY. TO LOAN , On City and Farm Prooortyl GASH ON HAND , Mortgage Paper Sought. Frenzor Block , opp. P.O. und nil urlnury troubles easilyquick- ly ana gufely cured byDOCl UUA fun- . Severn ! cases cured in seven tiuyb. Bold utfl.50 per 1)0x , nil drugKlxtn , or by mall from DocUua ii'f'K Co. U- White ut. N. V. Full dh co lons. With Hucceiafol E rrlon BOOli , AT UNCK. utatlnu eilontnfKiporlunce , gurr M , c , > ist.sii.ouiSjM9. $5. $ A POLL SET OF TEETH FOB FIVE DOLLARS. DR , R. W. BAILEY , - DENTIST , Pastern Block , IGtli and Farnaiu Streets. Wo wish to ntmounco to the people ol Omnliu nml vicinity tlmt from this ilntd on wo propose to nmko n , FULL SET OF TEETH on rubber for * 5 , guurnntcod 10 bo as well mnilo us pltitos sent out from nny dontixl ollleo In this city , nml foff which you would huvo to pay THREE TIMES AS MUCH. This offer Is not inmlo by us simply to got you Into our ofllco and ohnrgo yotl moro for a sot of tooth thnn wo ndvortlsol Do not nllow others to projudlca you before making us n , call mid cxiiminlnu spcclmons of our skill. Besides rubber teeth wo mnko tooth on the following bnsos : GOLD , ALTJM > INUM , SILVER , CONTINUOUS GUM CELLULOID , CAST METAL , ETC. Tooth without plntos , Bridge-work , Gold mid I'orcohxjn faced crowns , otc. The bobt innthort in tlio city for oxtructinp tooth without imin mid without the use of Chloroform , Ether , Gns or Electricity , the patient roumlng porfootly conscious , but fooling no pain. GOLD , ALLOY , CEMENT mid AMALGAM FILLINGS , one-half rates. TAKE ELEVATOR ON SIXTEENTH STREET. OFFICE 312 and 313 PAXTON BLOCK. Cut this out. Mention this papor. The ONLY Lawu or Garden IIoso MADE which will stand * 250 POUNDS PRESSURE. BUY the BEST , It will LAST the LONGEST A liosohlch will do pooil work In most cities , will not clvo satisfaction In Onmlni , on acsountot tlio extreme hlith pressure. Wlillu donlcrs cjiuplnln ot other hose being returned In lareommtitltloi because It Is not strong enough to stand thu pressure. Nol Unc Foot o/Uic"FISH BRAND" lias over fulled. Vor ale by nil dealers , or OMAHA RUBBER Co. , 1O08 Farnam-st. , Omaha , Neb. Wholesale or Retail. ETCHINGS , EMERSON , ENGRAVINGS , HALLET & DAVIS , ARTIST SUPPLIES , ! KIMBALL , MOULDINGS , PIANOS AND ORGAN * FRAMES , SHEET MUSIC. 1513 Douglas St. Onialia , Nebraska , Furniture Company A inognlflcciit display of everi/thlng useful and omitniental in the furnl tiire nutlier'a art at reasonable prices. THE BUSINESS OF THE OMAHA MERCHANT TAILOR COMPANY , 114 SOUTE ! Ift'i'BR STBtKCT , lias far exceeded their expectations. The low prices , together with line work and pnifoct flt , have convinced thslr customers that it la llio cheapest plixco to buy their garments. Uhoy uro con- bluntly receiving new goods for the summer trade. SUITS FJKOai * ? ! 28 WPWAUWS. PANTS FEtOJff 07 UE WARI > 8 REAL ESTATE AND Room -19 Bnrkor Block , cor. 15th nnd Fnrnnm SU'oots. Trackage 2t lots have been sold during the past SO days , on lOth and llth streets , near Nicholas street , by us. Tills property is especially adapted for warenouses al yards , factories , etc. It is easyjof access , three quarters of a mflo from the postoffice ; Is reached from 16th street , by going east on Nicholas. A FEW Union Pacific , Missouri Pacific , Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley , Belt Line , Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & OmahaChi- cage & Nortwestern , Burlington & Missouri River , Kansas City , St. Joe & Council Bluffs , Chicago , Burlington & Quincy Trackage. The Illinois Central and Winona & Southwestern contemplate trackage in the Immediate vicin ity very shortly. Nicholas is now- paved to lOth street , which gives a continuous line of level pave ment to any part of the clty.Many warehouses are now In course of erection Jn this locality. BUY SOON , CALIFORNIA 111 JAS. MORTON & SON' 1511 Dodge Street. PATRONIZE e Cigars TRAD ( VIARK , "RED LABEL ; Ml 5fl J > GCTOK G. M. Jordan Iatn of the University of New York City and I [ ou ard tJiilverslty\Vusb initton , 1) . U. HAH OmCKd Xo , 310 nntl 311 'Corner fifteenth mul Mac y Hts. , Unmha , Neb. .K.'ru nil rurulilo ciuia nro treated lth BUS cesH. , ASTHMA , D/HI-KI-HIA. DKAF- NESH , 1IIH.IUIATIBU , * Ml NKUVOUS AND DitlSASKS. ( J TA IUlClIIIK . , . , . ( XJNHUl/rATION nt office or Dy mall , II. Olllco hours-Oto U n. in. , Bto4 p.m. . 7 to Bp. iu. , Bundny olllce houru from U n. m. , to 1 p. in. * ttUnrdUeabeu me treated miceoHnfully l > y Or. JonlontliroiiKii the mat la.und It U tlius possible for those mitible to inako n Journey to ohtam HUCpliBHHIIfj HUSl'iTAb THKATMIJNT AT " ° Ti"nillfor hook'on UlHe.wes . of Noae.T.rcat , Jt. M. Ilamlln , 1'huinlx Jus. Co. H. A Urclinrd , Carpet Dealer. John rlielby , ( irocur. Jolm liiisli.jJItyM'roanuri'r Vfb WPAK . Jlli tf ttiPaBj'"fnrli.jffr II Ilb-.IJTSlK'mI."cRirPiUl''Ul ! ' ' ' ' § - . . . . . | inmiTiood , ttA. I will MiiiTA tulu&bfo IrtAllM u < lrdi riiiiiilnlnu full i rtkul > r lor iiuuie iiirv , lire ut CPKOF. Fl"d'FOV/LEK. ! Wooduo , Conn ,