Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JTRIDAY , MAY * 4 , 188 * .
The olght-yonr-old dnughtor of Mr.
M. ClnrU , 720 North Eighteenth street ,
IB missing.
BlrUto & Simpson hiwo formed n part
nership mid will engage in the plumbIng -
Ing business. They nro practical men.
A coal shod near the corner of Thirty-
fifth nnd Webster streets was destroyed
by flro yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock .
The delegation of visitors from the
Kansas City Commercial club , who wore
expected hero Wednesday , have post
poned their trip till Juno 4.
A couple of footpads who are-believed
to hull from Omaha , knocked down and
robbed Fred Coon of $95 , on Washing
ton street , Council Bluffs , last night.
Mr. Vangroon , the Cmnlng street
grocer , wants it Understood that ho Is
not tile gentleman by that name who
was arrested for seining flsh in Cutoll
lake , as reported in Wednesday's BBE.
All delegates to the Central Labor
union are requested to moot at the Qato
City hall , Friday evening , May 21 , at
7 o clock sharp. By order of the com
The Sixth Ward Republican club will
hold a regular mooting nt tholr head
quarters , 20th and Lake , Friday evening -
ing at 8 p. m. A full attendance is do-
eircd. C. R. Kelsey , Scc'y.
Charles Wheeler jr. , a boy of only
seven years , who has penchant for run
ning away and taking trips to Kansas
City , Sioux City and other pointu , was
arrested on complaint of his father and
hold as ti candidate for the reform
A general invitation is extended all
the presiding olllcers of all the labor
organizations in the city to attend the
mooting Friday evening , May 24 , at
Washington hall , under the auspices of
the Central Labor union. Subject :
"Tho Eight Hour Question. " By order
of committee.
Michael Wallon/ ' trial on the charge
of keeping his saloon open on Sunday ,
resulted in an acquittal on the grounds
that the saloon was used as an ollh'o to
his boarding house. Earnest Meyer
will bo tried on the same charge Satur
Five criminals who were sentenced to
terms in the penitentiary by Judge
GrolT will bo taiton to Lincoln , to-day ,
by ShorilT Coburn nnd Deputy Pat Bar
rett. They arc Jphn McGlll , who got
two years for grand larceny ; Charles
McCarthy , three years" for burglary ;
Mattie Duke , one year for grand lur-
cony ; Pat Sweeney , live years for rob
bery. and George Davis , four years for
Personal I'nracrnpho.
E. B. Atkins , of York , is in the city.
Hon. L. It. IBultor , of Lognn , la. , is in the
city.P. .
P. W. Bnrbor , of Grand Island , Is in the
city.J. .
J. Q. Cortolyou , of Ewiiig , Nob. , is In the
G. W. Merritt , of Contorvlllc , la. , is nt the
Colonel J. M. Eddy loft last evening for
Dixon , 111. , to attend a reunion of his old
Ex-Congressman Valentine , who has been
111 m Chicago wlillo on route homo from
\Vashlucton , arrived in the city yesterday.
He oft last night for West Point.
J. II. Decker , business iiRont of Thatcher ,
Primrose & West's minstrels , is in the citv
arranging for their performance at the Boyd
next Thursday.
Mr. John 'U. ' Hnmijn , of 'thb firm 'of
Sholca & Hamilton , has returned from New
York city where ho .was married to one of
Now York's prominent society Indies.
Dr. Jacobson'f of Mocon , Gar ; ' is' In the
city nnd will deliver n Bcrmon at tlio temple
Friday evening at 7:30 : o'ulock , Saturday at
10 o'clock a. nt. ' . and Sunday at ti o'clock p.
a. Everybody invited.
Mr , Fletcher W. Young , formerly with the
Pacillc Express company , has beonjipi > ointtd
a railway mail clerk between Omaha nnd
Choyonno. Mr. 'Young was irfowyears'sinco '
deputy secretary of state of Iowa , after
which he entered the mall , service , in that
state. Ho bos the reputation 'of beluga
highly expert mall-thrower , and a tnan of in ?
tcgrity. Ho is a personal friend of Assistant
Postmaster-General Clarkson.
The Vict'in ol'tho Flower For.
Sam Johnson , the man who was struck in
the head by a flower pot falling from a fourtn
Btory window , Wednesday afternoon , was in
an improved condition last night at St.
Joseph's hospital.
Struck Ity n Grip ,
An emigrant wagon with a span of horses
and a driver were run into by a cable car on
South Tenth street yesterday. The team
was hurled from the tracl ; and the wagon
upset. No other injury resulted.
A Missionary.
Hcv. G. A. L. Dykes , superintendent of
too missions of the African M. E. church in
the Indian territory , is in the city solicitlni :
contributions , for the building of churches
nd schools In that territory. Mr. Dykes
presents credentials from the bishop of his
church and the president and secretary of
tbu missionary board.
Y. M. O. A. JHrcctorA.
A special meeting of the board of directors
of the Y. M. C. A. will bo held this
evening at G o'clock at which time
the ofliccrs of the association will
be elected for the next year- Reports
lor the year past will bo made , and some of
toe plans for the future outlined.
A Ijlvoly Scene.
Chief Clerk Hulett mtulo things lively at the
Millurd yesterday afternoon. He run up tbo
flag , called out half a dozen railroad 'busses ,
all of Stevenson's carriages , and then ar
ranged them along iliu curbs and had a largo
photograph of the scene taken ,
Trouble Ovi r Tlulcnnt.
Abraham Lmitler and Henry Andrews
wore arrested , yesterday afternoon , each
charged with the larceny of a watch , An
drews is u waiter in McDonald's restaurant ,
and Luutior a bakqr in Garueau'b cracker
factory. Iloth provea their Inuoconca and
were discharged.
Stove Maroney and Ed Wood ; two young
boys , were In police court , yesterday , charged
With the larceny of a watiih from Charles
Martin. The prosecuting witness failed to
appear against tho. boys , who worn ui'cord *
- discharged.
'i rovollluk'H
Richard F. Trevelllok will speak at Wash-
Jniftou halt this evening , His subject will bo
"Tho Eight-Hour Question. " Tim lecture
will bo g iven under the auspices of thn Central
tral Labor union , and u go'.iernl invitation is
extended to all providing olllcers of I ho labor
unions to attomi with their societies in a
body. It will bo an open mooting. All dole-
pates to the Central Labor union will , by or
der of the committee , meet at the Onto City
ball on Friday night , at 7 o'clock sharp ,
On to-morrow night Mr. 'J'rovcillck will
lecture to Knights ot Labor in the same hall ,
to which all members of the order uro in
vited. Only members will en mlniUt.vl on
Saturday nlu'lit.
The friends of Mr , Youtitf , a district court
\ Juror , whoso daughter Is now confined in tlio
\ county Inil , say un Injustice 1ms been done.
t him by llio stiitiuiient tlmt ho refused to oaro
i-for the girl or pay any attention
I to messengers sent Tuesday uUcrnoon ,
Iwhen I oho wus at lr , Tlldon's rnsldenco. Tlio
1 old gautloman Is. Very poor , 'tad Ills daughter
| lias boon compelled to wcrl ; us a domcstlo
< Yfhorovor she could. Ho hud un express-
mnn hunting her Bunduy , but tlio
man failed to find Dr. Tilden'a residence.
Mr. Young has remained awny from the
Jail bcc-tuso Or. Tililcn advised him to until
tlio girl could bo bent to the poor house ,
To disinfect collars , waBto nliies ,
wnter olotots , &c , , abyuvij UhU PluVL'a
Chloride * .
Institution of n Lodge of the Order
In tlio City.
This evening Tonglor lodge , Nobles of the
Mystic Shrlno , will bo Instituted at Maionlc
hall. Only Sir KnlghU Tomplnrs and thirty-
second degree Masons may become members
of the order. The now lodge will open about
8 o'clock. Visiting delegations nro coming
from Kansas and several towns in this state.
A special train loft Leavcnworth last night
bearing Nobles from -that city , Topcka , AtchIson -
Ison and other points , Kearney will send
fifty , and Lincoln , Grand Island , Fremont ,
Hastings and Uoatrico are expected to con
tribute some more. Arrangements arc being
made to entertain i)00 ) visiting knights. After
the Inauguration ceremonies a banquet will
bo given.
nut tlio PhyulolnnH Connldnr Ills Case
ns Almost linpclcn * .
Miss Vena Wells , upon whom Charles
Harris , the Arcade hotel night clerk , who
attempted sulcldo on Wcdncsdoy night , bestowed -
stowed his unrequited love , denied to a re
porter , yesterday , that she occupied any re
lation except that of a friend to Harris.
"Ho asked you to marry him , didn't hoi"
asked the reporter.
"Yes , " was the reply , "and I told him I
did not want to marry. "
Miss Wells and her mother visited the
wounded man , yesterday afternoon , nnd were
accorded a private Interview with him. Har
ris spent all day , yesterday , In n semi-uncon
scious condition. His physicians report that
there is scarcely a chance for his recovery ,
Always- Keep tlio Upper IlnmtofDIs-
Changes of temperature are apt to cause
dangerous sickness ; in the full-blooded apoplexy
plexy is to bo feared. When you have a pain
n the head , fcol ill/.zy , feverish , rheumatic
or sick nt the stomach , take at once three
" ' Pn.i.s. Such
to ten of UiiAXinti"in's slight
affections ro only the harbingers of disease
or sudden prostration , and the thing to do is
.0 master the trouble at once. Never let a
little sickness get the better of you. Drlvo
t out of doors immediately. Let there bo no
compromise , always have with you a box of
UiiANDKimi's PIM. , and you are prepared to
fight the worst form of sickness in Its In *
Citlloy Stnthcr.
Immediately after the early service at St.
3arnabas church , Sunday morning , Mr.
Walter James Culley was married to Miss
Mabel Adelaide Slather , of Halifax , N. S. ,
the Hcv. John Williams pronouncing the
words that made them man and wife. The
brido'a attendants wcro Edith Culley , sister
of the groom , Jessie Shclton and Edith
Partridge , cousins. The groom was sup
ported by C.V. . Partridge , H , W. Tyler and
lack L. Culloy. After the ceremony the
jndal party partook of an elegant breakfast
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Culley , 010
South Nineteenth street. The couple have
gene to housekeeping.
Mr. Culley was formerly a resident of
Lowosloft , England , but Is now a resident of
Dmaha , boiug connected with the lirm of
KIrttcndull , Jones & Co. The bride is an
un In bio and accomplished young lady. The
; oed wishes of a host of friends nnd rela
tives attend thu union of the two.
o Licenses.
Following nro the marriage licenses issued
yesterday in tbo county coart :
Maine and Kcsldeucc. Age.
( John McXec , Mechanicsvillo , la -10
I Cordelia Shropo , Mechaiiicsvillo , la DO
] Andrew J. Crossloy , Kearney , Neb 53
( Carrie A. Stuusbury , Omaha , 40
I John Hcrka , South Omaha 30
( Mury Krafe , South Omaha 20
I Nolls J. Peterson , Omaha t 55
I Johanna C. Larson , Omaha . 22
j Theodore W. Poole , Omaha 2L-
i Nellie Hnrptn , Hustings - - . . . . - . /r. .17'
, IVcUcr-Scott.
Dr. H. R. Weber , a young physician of
this city , married at high noon Monday
to Miss Willictta Scott. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. W. J. Harslia at the
iiooio of tlio bride's parents , 410 North Six
teenth street. The sumo ovcninc an elegant
reception was tendered the young couple ,
and a largo number of friends were present ,
Tim newly wedded pair have gone to house
keeping without a wedding tour.
Coin in aiiccd to Movr > .
One of TrtK Bnn's fast web-perfecting
presses has been taken do ivn by an exuort
pressman from Now York. Fragments of
the machine have been hauled to Tan Hun
building , and will at once bo reset in the now
press room. It will probably take ten days'
time ' to put It in condition for again reeling
out Unis : at the rate ot 15,000
an hour. The reserve sot of stereo
typing machinery has also baen removed.
It is probable that within two weeks the
second perfecting press will follow , with the
entire Unu establishment.
Tim two now Corliss engines are in place
ready for use. The engineers were testing
them yesterday morning. Thcv run almost
Olllcor Koloy Shot.
About 8 o'clock yesterday morning
Ofllcer Foley dropped his revolver out
of his pocket on the sidewalk near
the postofllee. The weapon was dis
charged by the concussion , and tbo
ball struck him on the inside of the leg ,
about two Inches from the body , leaving an
ugly , but fortunately not dangerous , wound.
The policeman was oadly frightened by the
accident , and was uncertain for a J'ow mo
ments whether he was fatally injured. Ho
was taken tohishomnundlus wound dressed.
It is thought Unit within a few days ho will
bu able to return to his beat ,
Wants to I'jty tliu OondH.
Mr. Daniel IInllor.ui , a veteran farml
and stockralser of J'hitto county , is in the
city. Speaking of the attempted repudiation
of the bonds voted in aid of the AtchUon &
Nebraska railroad , now the Columbus brunch
of the Hurlington system , Mr. Halloran ex
pressed astonishment. Ho said the matter
was kept very quiet , ns but few men outside
of the towns were awuroof the movement.
"As far as I am uqiu'ernod , " said Mr. Hal
loran. "I liavo ivali/ed handsomely on the
building of the road , and there. Is not an hon
est farmer in the county who will not agree
with ma. The completion of the
road made a radical reduction in
freight rates. It made n , differ
ence of about , $2 n ton * on coal ,
and lumber came down from $3 to $0 per
thousand. In stock nnd grain shipments wo
wcro treated handsomely by the new road.
Why , wo used to drive our stock from
Platte Center to Columbus to take advan
tage of the terms offered by the
road on shipments to Chicago , and
I have made ns high ns (35
a ear by avoiding the Union Pacific and ,
patronizing the rival road. You bell am In'
favor of paying the bonds. There isn't n
farmer in the county ivho 1ms not made out
of the road ton times what the taxes for prin
cipal nnd Interest of the bonds will amount
to. "
Inspector Allan \Vnntn an Amistnut
to Aid in Kin Work.
Referring to the complaint made against
him in Wednesday's ' Bni : , Sidewalk Inspector
Allan said yesterday that it in ado no dif
ference what ho did , ho was abused by the
public just the same. "If I lay n sidewalk I
am cussed , and If I don't ' I am cussed , " said
Mr. Allan , "and what nm I to do. I can't
get over every ploco of sidewalk in town
every day. I need some help , and need it
badly. During four years , I have superin
tended the laying of IC'J miles of walk , I
am doing the best I can single handed. "
The Inspector had advertised for bids for
laying the wnltc on South Thirteenth street ,
spoken of in the communication published
New Sidewalks.
Sidewalk Inspector Allan has ordered side
walks to bo laid on the following streets on
or before the Cth of Juno :
South side Nicholas street , between
Twelfth nnd Sixteenth street , six feet wide.
East sldo Sixteenth street from Nicholas
to Izaril streets , twenty feet wide.
East sldo Sixteenth street from Cutnlng to
Izard streets , repairs.
South side Parker street , between Twenty-
fourth and Twcnty-Ilfth streets , repairs.
South sldo Center street , from Twenty-
third to Twenty-fifth streets , repairs.
East siuo South Thirteenth street from
Mason street to Vinton street , sixteen feet
North sulo Chicago street trom Eleventh
to Sixteenth streets , twelve feet wide.
South side Chicago street from Eleventh
to Sixteenth streets , twelve feet wide.
West side Twenty-seventh street , between
Croiirhton avenue nnd North street , repairs.
East side Twenty-sixth street , in front of
lots 10. 21 , 2'J and 2r , Grinin & Isaac's addi
tion , six feet wide.
ninko Connections.
Property owners are notified to make all
necessary sewer , water and gas pipe connec
tions on the following streets on or before
Juno 20 :
Davenport street , from Thirtieth street to
Hillside addition No. 1.
Chicago street , fruin Thirtieth street to
Hillside addition No. 1.
Thirty-first street , from Cass street to
Davenport street.
Bristol street , from Twenty-fourth street
to Thirtieth street.
Thirtieth street , from Bristol street to
Spauldlng street.
Uiley's Uolny.
J. E. Rllcy , the contractor , replying to a
statement that ho was not fulfilling his con
tracts in laying stone sidewalks as promptly
as might be desired , says that ho only re
cently rccivod notice from the chairman of
the board of public woiks to begin opera
tions , and that material has been ordered
and experienced men employed , and the
work will now progress rapidly.
Inquiry was made at the board of public
works and it was found that Mr. Hilcy had
received no written notice until this month.
Mr. Balcombo , however , asserts that ho
several times notified Mr. Rllcy verbally to
begin work.
R. A. Gunn.M. D. , Dean , professor of
surgery of the United States medical
college ; editor of the "Medical Tri
bune " author of " '
; "Gunn'sNcw Improved
Hand-book of Hygiene and Domestic
Medicine , " in referring to the use of
Warner's Sulo _ Cure in a case of Bright's
disease , said , over his own signature :
"I was greatly surprised to observe a
decided improvement within a month.
Within four months no tube casts could
bo found , and only a trace of albumen ;
and , as he expressed it , ho felt perfectly
well. After this demonstration of its
power , I prescribed it in full doses in
both acute and chronic Bright's dis
ease , with the most satisfactory re
sults. "
_ _ _ _ _
Tlio hotter Hasn't Conic.
United States District Attorney Pritchctt
is manifesting u great deal of anxiety to be
relieved of his present ofilee , but has not , as
yet , sent in his resignation. It was learned
that ho had asked for a letter from cither
the Nebraska delegation or the department
of justice endorsing his work ; and if ho
should get it , " said a gentleman who un
doubtedly is well-Informed , "his resignation
will bo handed in at onco. "
The reason advanced by Mr. Pritchctt's
friends for asking such a letter is to remove
any cioua which might hang over him by
reason of rumors to the effect tnut-certain
parties are ready any time to prefer charges
against him.
WAS It Ilmiry Uurrctt ?
It is reported that the body of .a man was
found hanging to a tree In the woods near
Winonn. Minn. , last Tuesday. The remains ,
it is said , were those of Henry , alias
"Heddy" Barrett , a former resident of this
city , and who recently , by turning state's
evidence , caused the hanging of his two
brothers at Minneapolis for the murder of
Street Car Driver Tollofson. The mother
nnd two brothers of Barrett rcsldo in this
city , but they have received no information
concerning "Reddy" since the hanging.
Pimples , boils and other humors ; are
liable to appeal- when the blood gets
heated. The best remedy is Dr. J. II.
McLean's Sarsaparilln.
A Fiulit ill tin : Kitchen.
A black man'named Hedman , who ISA
waiter at the Barker , attempted to thrash F.
Lundgard , the cook of that hostelry , yester
day morning. Ho broke a couple of pitchers
ever Lundgaru's head and received In return
a number of wall-directed blows from Lund-
Bard's ' list. Both were nrrostcd. Hedinan
was fined fcTf > 0. Luudgurd was discharged.
Absolutely Puo-eB
Thlspowdoriiovervfirles. Amarvolofpurity
otrcngth nnd wholesnmcnosa. .More economical
than tlio ordinary Kin as , and cannot i > o gold In
competition with the multitudes of low cost ,
shortwelghtnlumor phnspnato powilors. Sold
only In cans. Hpynl Uakinu Powder Co-i ISO
WftlUtroet Now York
FI8H ,
. < o.
AElc " ciur . .hukiuitulor LUU
$3 SHOE.
According to Your Needst
pt light ana tyu h. itnu llUon
IstocJtlncr , and REQUIKES
. NO " '
1 Ing perfectly easy tlio nm time It
l worn. It will enusfy thn tcast
flwjUdloni. JAMES MEANS
81IO13 la absolutely the
ly shoo of Ita price which
Imi ever been placed ex
ensively on the market
la which durability
Is considered before
tncro crat-
. MEANS & CO.f Honton.
Pull lines of the ulmvo nliocn for Halo Iir
Morris & Wilcox
and Geo.S. Miller
( Opposite I'axtoa Hotel. )
Offlce lioury , 9 a. m. to Up. m. Buuduys , 10 &
m. to 1 p. in.
Specialists In Chronic , Norvons , Skin and
Blood Diseases.
cerconstiltatlon at office or by moll fre .
Medicines sent by mall or express , securely
pocked , free from observation. Guarantees to
cure qulclclv. safely and permanently.
ilona 1'hyslcal Decay , arising from indiscre
tion , 'Excess or Indulgence , producing Sl ep-
lessness. Despondency , 1'lmplcs on the face.
aversion to society , easily discouraged , lack of
contt Jence , dull , unlit for study or buslneas.and
Onds life a burden. HaMr , permanently and
privately ctirnd. Conmilt Ill's. Bolts 4c Belts ,
403 Varnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Blood and Skin Diseases Mw ffls
results , completely eradicated without the old
of Murcurv. Scrofula , Kryslpelaa , Fever Sores ,
Blotches. Ulcers , 1'alns In thu Head and Bones ,
Syphilitic Sore Throat , Mouth and Tonttue. Co-
turrli. .vc. . permanently cured where others
have failed.
Fiiliinn ITuiiiQwr and Bladder Complaints ,
Kidney , urinary raintui. Dimcim. u fro.
fluent Burning or Bloody Urlno , Urine lilfjn col
oreil or with milky sediment on ( .landing . ,
Weak Back , Qonnorrhcca. Gleet , Cystitis , &c. ,
Promptly andSofely Cured , Charges Keasona-
eWtVTflWrraTM Guaranteed -
> JL J&J.V/ U.E&JCil manunt Cure , perK re
moval complete , without cutting , ciuisyc or
dilatation. Cures Directed at homo bv patient
without a momenta oalu or annovance.
To YOIM Men and MiMle-Apd Men ,
A dllDDTIIIDP Tl > o nwfnl effects of early
Q UUnii uUtlD Vice , which orlnps organic
ncaknusa , destroying both mind and bodv , wltb
all Us dreaded Ills , permanently cured.
nnn nnmoin Adi-ess tuooe wno nujre Impaired
llilO , DDliU tficmsolvps by improper Indul
gences end solitary hablUi , which ruin both
Cody and mind , unfitting them for business ,
study or marriage. . . . . ,
MAIIUIKP MEN. or those entering on that hapPy -
Py life , aware of physical debility , quickly as
U based upon facts. Tirst Practical Bxpo-
rience. Second Every Is especially studied ,
thus starting aright. Third Medicines are pre
pared 111 our laboratory exaotly to null each
case , thus atlectlngcureu without injury.
t-W'Send 0 cents postage for celebrated works
on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
Thousands cured. VtTA friendly letter or cull
may save you futuie Hiiirorine and sluuno , and
ailil golden years to life. &J No letters an-
BU ered unless accompanied Ity 4 cents In stumps.
Xddress rn-U ,
onj3TTg(4 ( ; BET
1108 Varnain Srtvat. Omaha. Kb.
State One.
To Glasgow ) Iti'lfnsl , Dublin nnd
From New York Every Tuesday ,
Cabin passtiKo H to Kit ) , iiccarcllnB to location
of Btato loom. Excursion fltt to J90 ,
Etceragu to anil.from Europe at Lowest Hates ,
AUSTIN IJAI.UW1N A : CO. . ( len'l Aceuts.
in llnKidway , New yorK.
JOHN ULKaiiN , Qen'l WpstiiriiARent ,
191 Htmilulpu St. , Chicago.
HAHItV n. 3100UKS , AKcim OniHlm ,
Reduced Ctibin Rates to Glitbgow Ex-
I'ujlth t ly c-nreil In CO da ) s bj llr.
loriiBHI'ctrolluiriitllu ( Ill-It
" " " " " " "
" "ffSSiiffi
( continuous
- *
'eurrfitl. -iitlllc.I'unvrrul.Uuiuble. .
/inifounlilo ami Ktfi-Hlvf. A\ulil fiuuiU.
O * r II tillO ctirnl. B * nil fctninn fni psmtihlct.
AI.MI KI.KTltlO IIKI.TIJ rilll lllHliAShH.
"We will offer this -week extraordinary bargains in our Furnishing Department.
200 dozen unlaundriod shirts , made of Now York mills muslin , throe ply fine
linen bosom , full reinforced front and back , excellently made , at 50o each , "Wo
call'the attention of all ladies to this unusual bargain , as it is something they
will not got often. The same quality of shirts is usually sold at $1.00.
Fine laundriod white shirts at G5o , 90c and $1 iJ5 , for which other house t charge
$1.00 , § 1.50 and $2.00 ,
"We have just purchased at our own figures an immense lot of Hue fancy flannel
shirts which wo offer at marveloivsly low prices .
A lot of vury fine fancy flannel shirts in beautiful chocks and stripes , silk
stitched , at $1.10 and $1.25 , either lot worth $2.00.
A lot of imported French flannels , elegant goods , at $1.65 , worth $2.50 , Extra
line French flannel shirts with broad silk stripes , beautiful combinations and the
choicest of styles , at $2.50 , $2.75 and $ y.OO. These goods are sold elsewhere from
$4.50 to ? 5.00.
Another case of those fine knit Otis tennis shirts in beautiful stripes at $1.00.
This is a splendid shirt to wear just at this time of the year. The first lot was
all sold out in two days and after this case we will have no more this season.
Over 50 different styles of medium and light-weight underwear from 15c up-
ward. Wo guarantee our prices on underwear to be from 25 to 50 per cent lower
than those of any other house in the city.
Not a house in the country sells neckwear at tlio prices wo do elegant silk
and satin scarfs in new and handsome patterns , s'.lk lined , at 15.o , which other
houses sell as high as 50c.
Very fine Tocks , Four-in Hands and Windsor scarfs , latest shapes and combina
tions , at 25c and 35c , positively worth from 50c to $1.00.
The unexpected boom with which our shoe department opened , had made con
siderable inroads in our stock , but wo have receive'I this week several large in
voices , and are now showing a bigger line than before. Honest and well-made
shoes were never offered at the prices ours are marke'l , and the guarantee which
we give with every pair of shoes we sell above $2.50 , is sufficient proof of the qual
ity and make of shoes we are handling. If you have reason to be dissat
isfied with the wear of these shoes , or if the least thins is wrong
about them after you wear them , WE GIVE YOU A NEW PAIR
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
"Now , John , you're sure I'll have time to
make my purchase nml Ki't bick to my train ? I
must Imvo a lull t overcoat for these cool even-
liiKK. ami BOIUO funiHIilni. nooils. As I am a
strnnuor. I muttt trust you tn take mu to H rclla-
bloplaco. " "All rlgutslr ; Iknow wlicrothatls.
Mil Kurnum ; a mini can llnil overvtlilnu Uo
needs In the war ot clothes or lurnlshlugB. "
lias Meyer-Sstablisiwi 1835-Adolpa Meyap
Max Meyer
General Agents 1'or
and JAS , W , STARR
Story & Clark and Slioniiiger-Bell Organs ,
Wrlto for Cctulogun ,
Tlio I'uruHt nnd licit Jrlnlc I i tlio
World. Aiipnilzlnu , Delicious ,
A I'ackiiRO ( llqullU ) ; . makes II vo enllons.
12V1JUY Iluriljli Oil . \NTKI2U. .
No bolllui ! or ftralnlnir. Direction * Minple. and If
niiuln Bd-onlliiiHj inure ran bo no iiilsiaku.
. \ li your li titicUt < irUro"i'r for li.iuultuko no other.
mo Hint you pot Him : * ' .
Try il anil you Will Not \VII'ioit \ : It
'I'BIK OM.V IUlv\K ]
ft plilliy C. K. llllt lip. l'niiiiui.i'ii.IKXX | |
> successfully iibt-il monthly by ovur 10,0u )
e ; il dlea. AroSn/c , Kffectualanil I'leaiant
\ JliiiTboxbymail.oratilruKBlstu. \ . A-alcd
* -Par titular i S posuso gtanipa. Addruaa
Ton Euiuii. CcsMicii , Co. , DirruoiT , Itlcu.
For Hale uud by mall by OoodniiiuUru
Company , Ornuliu.
'mid ' nil urinary mmbl > ' U X\ ' "
miles , tjevurnl cnnes cnri-il in DOI outlays , hold
at 11.50 per liox , all diuus : ! ' ' , or by mull from
Docliua .M'f't' i o. IU Whltu t , N. \ . 1 nllUircc-
2Oto60 DAYS.
This is u disease which lias heretofore
Bafllcd all Medical Science.
Whan Jlorcurv. Iodide of Potassium , Sarsapa
rllla or Hot Springs fall , we guarantee a cure.
We have a Heinedy , unknown to anyone In the
World outside of our Company , nnd one that has
to cure tlio moat obstinate cases. Ton days in
recent cases does the work. ItUtha oldchrontc
deep seated cases that wo solicit. We have
cured hundreds who have been abandoned by
Physicians , and pronounced Incurable , nnd wo
challenge the world to brlui : u u case that we
will not cure in less than sixty days.
Since the hlutory of mealcino u true epociflc
for Syphilis has been uoucht for but never
found until our
was discovered , and we are Justifled In saying
It is the only Itemeay in the World tnat will pos
itively cure , because the latest Medical Works ,
published by the beat known authorities , say
there was never a true specific before. Our rem
edy will euro whun every tiling else h s failed.
Why waste your time and money with patent
medicines tnat never had virtue , or doctor with
physicians that cannot euro you , yon that Imva
tried ovorythtng else should come to us no w and
K't permanent relief , you never can gut It else
where. Mark what wo Buy , in the end you
must take our leinedy or NEVER recover und
you that have been nllllctod but n short time
should ty nil means come to ns now , not one In
ten of now caws ever pet permanently cured.
Many o-othelp and think they nro free from the
disease , but in one , two or tnreo years after U
appears again In u , more horrible farm.
This is a blood Purifier and will Cure
any Skin or Blood Disease when
Everything Else Fails.
Rooms 18 anil 19. Paxlon Block ,
Always Orink with Ice Water
LEMONADES , SHERBETS and all Cold Drinks.
It Vlll Correct tlio Iiuiiasln ; j Inlliiiiiu' ,
of luu ou tlio Stomach.
An Klllclcut Itcmeily for Dlurrlni'ii , Cholrrn Mo-
bun , L > yHt'HU'ryaim all Dlsonlcrs oftiiu Ilu i < Ih
KAhiivn.i.K , TINN. , June Dili , iwi
MI.SSIIH. ] .OVINTIIA [ , Iliuis.
Dour Hlrn I liavetrli'il tlin HmipnrluM Illnck
brrry .Iiilco > ou MI kliully xcnt iiu > . IttmiuMiu
plMH ultra of Hiiiiiuu'r ilrlnkK , It In fin * from
niroholiilli > > s thirst , tonp ] Ilin illKCitlt" nrKHitu ,
Iuis a HIMiirniiiHtli' flavor , Hint U just llm tlilui ;
for ilhirrhii'iil troiibU < K In tlio iK'iitw ] term. A
y , T. A. ATL'lllhON , M. 1) .
ImiiorlPd and liottlcil by MIIIAI.OVITCII.
ri.irrciiKH it co. , ciiic'iniiuii.o. 1'orbuioijy
DrugKl t" , I.lquor Dojlcrs anil d'rocern ,
C tbe Iilntinr Habit , ronltlrrlr Cured
by AuinlnUterlna Dr. Ilnlucn'
( julilcn Mpeclflc.
It can buelvnn liiHciipol rotliio or ten irlthout the
kiKivrluiliiiiiit the pi'ruon lukliiif II ; l ubioliiifly Imi m-
ltt ! > n , nml Mill circut fpnetlj ami pi'rniuiiiMit cure ,
whether thu imlli'nt Is n moilunitu drinker or an
ulcoliullunroi'k , T.KIU UIII | of drunkiiril * Imvo bri'ii
muilo iHiiipernm muii who haru inkciKiolJcii Hprdllo
In thi'lr tolled wltnoiit tht'lr kiioyrleilauunil lO'ifny tin-
lluviithiiy qiiltilrlnlilnicon lliPlr own free will. IT
NHViil : IIAII.H. 'Ihcuyhttiiiioiiiiiliiipri-uiinliiil with
Iho > | iflt1 ( > . It bocouu * * tut ultor lnit | ( ltillltx lirr the
Iliuor HppJllto to oxlsl. Tor ualo by Kuhn A Co. .
llriiKVl'K , litli und IJnuuliii ! . , nn.l hth und Cinii-
Itiilbt.Uiuulia , A , I ) . Foster .V Ilro. , Council llluna , In ,
sflTTTT V Wrakneii of Bodysnd MlndiEffectJ
VJ JEliJCJ of Error * or Excesses in Old or Young.
Bi/tuil , Mc le niMIOOU full ; lU.lor.d. Hot In linlarr * d
fcin > niii > nnki\nniijil'njoiia : > n * riinsof tlour.
iUolulflt ftlli r IIOBK T K11lt ] > T-ll > > ll In 1 1j.
B B ( llf ; fron 1 1 HUI * , T rrltoHn , ftnd > orlf a < aavtrlts.
You rin itrlls lb u. Uooh. full tipliatlloii , tp J proof. tllf 4
! „ , . i < Ut.u IBIE MIOICtI CO , . BUffAtO. K.f.
tott of
nUUHi U < i'r Vn1 V iiuy It
perffflly i.fiiiitd liy tut ne
poslpn-Dupre nemodles.
hrnJ fur our new llluilialril Irta.
UK. AUuiut rec } . Vurlro-
curM Kill out pilnornperiiion.
eslon-Dupru Cllnlquo , liaTitioont fcl. . Jloitimi
itfi i
Beet 7acilitle , Apparatus ondBcmedioiforSucceiifu !
Treatment of every form of D'ceaie ' requiring
Board& Attendance. BestAccommodationi inWeit
KT-WRITE FOR CIRCULARS on Deformltle. ani
Braces , Trusses , OlubFeet , Curvatures of Spine , Piles ,
Tumors. Cancer , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation.
Electricity , Paralysis , .EpUcpiy , Kidney. Bladder ,
Eye , Ear , Skin and Blood and all Surgical Operations.
wojiiN uuni.\ico\nsta ( T. ( STRICTIY PRIVATE. )
Only Reliable Medical Institute making a Specialty of
AH Illood niicuci lacrettMlf tualcj. Bvj'tillicioTolioa
remoTFd from the ijilrm vlthonl mrrenir. " " ll'ilortllfi
Tr.itr.pol forLoiiortlTAL I'II > KH. I'arllei unillt to vlill
HI raftjta treated it homo by eorrtliondenre. .Atleemmunlet.
tlooicouQJcQtlil. lledlelneicrlnitrumeotiteutbjmallorcx.
JnepcrionilliUertlc'wprtrtrrr'rt. C.11 Ddeoiiiuluicr ! itni
. . . . . u.v > . . .luucvie , trim quriiiou lilt. Atiarf.i
13th and Bodge Street ] , OBIillA , NEB ,
UK.vr , aguiiriinteo i upooluc for Hysteria. Dlr.zl *
ness ; Convulsions , f.itH , Nervous Num-algl * .
Headache , Nervous 1'roiiratlon mimed by thi
use of alcohol or tobacco. Wnkefulue q , Mental
Depression , Hot inning of tbo llraln. rojultluirln
Insunttv and Inadtni ; to misery , deayundde.ath.
Pieinaturo Old Age , llarroiinrss. Loss of i'ower
In either BOX , Involuntary ISH S and ripermaC *
orluua caused by nvitr-exortlon of tliul > ruli elf.
abiiHH or overindulgence. Kach box rontaln *
nnu month'n treatment. Jl.W u box , or alxboxei
for ifS.ou.sent by mall prepaid on receipt ot prlc ,
To euro any caie. With each order received b *
u for six boxes , accompanied with ts.trj , wo will
bund the purchaser our written guarunteo to re
fund the money if ttio trmtmcnt does not effect
fcuto. Guarantees | Hsuod only by CJoodniaa
"n > BCo. , imiggliU. Sole Agents , HlO Karnam
ttrtot , Ouialm Web. _
Tlio I'libllp are nut tener | lr nwaro tlmt b > at
cPo.niif" { ! ! ° J" " , f It " "Vine fully onVlmir of ui
nn nwar in
" " : J M Hill
, ! ' vl - ' I' ' " ' " " o that tbu louf
. 'fcnnfiiriililiron'eemBrteol tlio finest Javu. put
' ' ? " ' ' °
. .
i to . " " n common cof-
leu. Only hnlllnK wnti-rli neuilwl when preparing It
lor tue ( able. Crown J.lcjuia Uorreo OnmpBDT.
wliolusulo Grocers , - - Onwbu , Neb
D KTI'Y TIVFR > V" ' > ami.n In cm/ ,
l--IJ 1 < Vy L L 1 lljkj local tr toaet Hi I'rlvaM
lietucllvo tiiidpr our liutruftloni. '