Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    f" P . ' ( "I" " * t * w. f
No nilvertlHottihniis will too tnkcti Tor
llirun column * * niter 121O : ! p. in.
Terms Cnsh In mlvnuoo.
Advertisements under Ihls head 10 cents per
slim for tlie llrKt insertion , 7 cents for each sul > -
Bwiticntln prtloaj nnd f 1,50 par linn per month.
' .No advertisement taken for loss tlmn 25 cents
Jar first insertion. Pcvn words will be counted
in tlio line : they must nm consecutively and
must bo paid in ADVANCE. All ndvcrtlse-
iiior.ts must be hundod lu beforn 12 : % o'clock p.
in , nn < l under no clrctinntancos will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns nnil linv-
Ino tliolr answers addressed IncsreofTliK HICK
vein please nsk for n clii-rk to enable them to get
thdr letters , nn none will bo delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to adror *
tlfonpnts. Iidtild bo enclosed In envelopes.
Allndvettl omentfi In three columns nro pub-
llfiliod In both morning nnd evening editions of
Jim HE ; : , thq circulation of which nggregatos
more than 1K(00 papers dally , and gives the ad
vertisers thn brnellt. notonlyof thn cltjclrcn -
ItitlonoCTiiR 1Hr : , but nlso of Counrll UluffR ,
Lincoln niul other cities and towns throughout
this suction of ( ho country.
Advertising for these columns will bo taken
on the nbovo conditions , at the following busi
ness hotiPcH. who are authorized agents forTMK
UKK Hncclainollccs , nnd will quote the Biiino
rattfj as can bo had nt the mnlu ofilco. "
TOHN W. DHLf , , I'hnrmacUt , 820 South Tenth
* J Htroot. -
CHASP. &UDIJV. Stationers and Printers , 113
Honth loth Street.
Cw II. VAUFiHWOltTir , Pharmacist , tfllS Cum-
IngPtrrot. .
w J. 11 Wll IKH. Pharmaslst. Oil North 10th
G KO. W. PAltll , Pharmacist , 18W ( Mary's
WANTKD-Ily a lady a situation as n house-
keeping , accomplished In all kinds of
wort : would correspond with the view to
rtmony ; rlderlv continuum prcfuted. Direct ,
JIQX1U4. Sloan. Woodbury Co. . la. f > TO SI *
WANTKI ) Situation In real cstuto olllco ;
considerably experience. Address II 2'J ,
Ilceolllce. 40:1 : Xl
AYOUNH man wishes permanent employ
ment. Am n fair penman , fairly good at
llgtires , and tomperato. Can glvo good reter-
onceB. Address. Ilee 32 , llcii olllco. 470 2flt
WANTKI ) Men to solicit ; must deposit S'i'i
nnd giro good security for money col
lected. Call or address C , li. lloylon , 511 First
National bank building. Omaha. 5111-24 *
" \A rANTED Hey to t.iko euro of hon > o nnd
W cow. I , . O. Jones. KMSS
w ANTED fcllvor plater ; good wages. Address -
dross L.J1. Itlttur. Hastings , Nob. 633 XK
" \X ; ANTED At once , two young men for
T > light work , ntfiri a week ; stonily work all
Bummer. Uoom 17. 220 N.Jflth. 42327J
WANTED Olllco man ; must deposit 4"iOO ,
nnd como wwll recommended , have a good
English education and good business ability.
Salary $100 per month. Address Ueo. 8. Cllne ,
Wagnorbloce. Dos Molnos. la. 600201
WANTED Several moro onergotlo and roll ,
ablosolicitors. Uhu Singer Mfg. Co. , 1518
Douglas St. IHK fil
[ rANTED 2 good carpenters for trimming
nt J. N. II. Patrick's. Huppy Hollow.
AD75 to I1UU monthly , ( ioods absolutely now
and sell on sight. Household necosslties.
Hpeclal agents wanted. Kllto Mfjj. Co. , suit 500
I'nllman building , Chicago. 111. 750
WANTED Man to sell nursery stock : cash
or commission paid ; outfit free ; best of
terms. J. 3. Havens. Dos NolnoB , la. 613 2It
\ \ ? ANTED A few tnoro live , energetic sale ?
T T men to sell teas , colteos , groceries , etc , to
farmers nnd other largo consumers , at whole-
Bale prices. Exclusive territory given. Ad
dress the Edgwortti Mercantile Co , , 1417 State
t. Chicago. 4iO-aB
AUENT8 Wanted General nnd local agents ,
to handle thn new patent Chemical Ink Eras
ing pencil ; iireutest novelty over produced ;
erases Ink In two seconds ; no abrasion of paper ;
UOto5U > per cent prollt ; soils at Right ; terrl
tory absolutely free ; salary to good men ; sain-
plnjro mull. For terms and full parti-
culars.address. The Monroe Eraser Co. , Mamv
i tacturcrs , La Croi-so ; Wls. 40 24 *
WANTED Good salesmen for Kansas , Ne-
britflka , Minnesota and Wisconsin to soil
inbalcntlncr oils and greases on commission ;
large profits gnuranteeU ; anmples free ; will
gtYq exclusiveterritory. . Address Chicago Oil
Co. . 31 Milwaukee tive. . Chicago. 440 2. > t
W ANTKD 1'ive travoltng saiosmon ; salary
and expenses ; no experience nocossary.
AddrcM.with Htamp , II. H. f.lnn ACo. . , l. < \
Crosse , Win. HB-B5 *
"tXTANTBD Agents Puzzle vratcu chann ;
TT most taking novelty out ; exact imitation
Of "Pica in Clover. " size of nickel , gold plated.
Sample ) ] 5c , two 5c. doz. * 1 : stamps taknn.
etayncr & Co. . Providence. It. I 754 J4t
BOYS Am. Dlst. Tel.Co. , ISM Douglas.
We wlsnii few men to B ell our
goods by sample \\holesale and retail
trade. Larfic&t manuf'rs lu our line. Bncloso
K-cent Btami ) . V/agcs $3 per day , I'ermauent
position. No postals answered. Money ad.
Viuicod for wagus. advertlnitig , etc. Centennial
JiunTg Co. , Cincinnati , O. 514
W ANTED y'alst and skirt maker , room 8 ,
Jacob'n block , 5G'M'u
, _ NTKl > First-class cook and laundress ;
references required. SQ4 South 20th st.
W ANTKD ( Jood Htrom : girl for genera
honsawork. Mra. Fonur. S W cor. nth am
raclllo. KH 2il'
WANTED Olrl forgeu'l housework : must
bo peed cook nnd laundress. 601 S. W" '
W'ANTED At once , flrst-claaT'honsokeepur
at t22 Dodge st. Porllu Muckoy. 642 2Jt
WANTKD-Ollice lady or girl ; 2 cooks , ti ! ; 3
wauresecs. out of city , $20 ; laniulresse.H.
fllelnvnahers. Ullttlo iiurso girls , 4 second girls ,
and f.O for canerul houRuv.ork. Mrn. Itiogn ,
P. Ifth. 621 23T
W - - walit and skirt lln-
Apply room 11 , Jacobs block.
\KTANTF.D-Hy 2 girls. Jrlah Cutliollcs , first
TT und Bocoini work together , or general
housework. Call 1804 Webster at. BIS 24 *
\ \ * ANTED A i-'ood cook and laundress. Mrs.
V > J. J. llrown. 1U15 Sherman iivnuuo. filil
WANTBU-A Rood girl to do cooking In n
private family. Address 104 Nortn IHth t.
ANTED An experienced woman to do
general boimeuork in family of.two. . .
I per WUUK. Apply between 10 and 11 in
the forenoon , lit K ) California st , 60S
"IT'ANTED A girl for secon < l work , ono who
TT can do plain sowing ; good wugca paid.
Apply at 1C4 a 20th at. 63.J
"TTirANTED A good clrl to cook nnd do gun-
T T oral housework ; German preferred. 4UU
K. 23rd. 4CTi 25
WANTED A lady to solicit : snlnry t per
month. Cull nt room 511 , First National
bank building. 4 fl il
WANTED A good girl for general house
work.iApply t once utii-i ( leorglii uvo.
4fls ait
WANTED Olrl for cnneral house work. Ap-
ply > t KA'i Cuniuig strofct. 42a2iJ :
" 1XTANTBD Atoncd.good cook nnd laundresi
TT Mra. F. W. Hray.atil Dqutims.8 Hi'
1A7 ANTKD Waist and skirt llmshfrs. isi ?
W Howard , M. A Wiilluce. tun a
WANTED A girl for general housework.
B18 B.17th st. 171
DUBSSMAKINU , lu families , CM S. 17th.
Ml J22t
Mlt'B M. Bhinu faRhlonoDlo dressmaking ,
modern to iirl ; cutttug end fitting also
done. IllN. . lOlh. 6 ual
"DOAHDEHH wauled at the Co/.7.ens hotel at
JJrrducod rutoh ; the most plfnaaut location
in the city. M .7 Franck. prop. HJU
home wanted by gentleman
V > in tne vicinity of Walnut Hill , Jteterencei
exchanged. Address lug' ' , line. fkiaa ;
WANTED-Km.UOlhsot cross-bred wonl at
the Lincoln KnUtlus .Mllln. Lincoln , Nub.
62UJ )
41 1.IXW cash wanted forfl mon'.ln on it.OXi vrort'i
llt-edfO ) chattels t wlllp.iy Ij-i per month , J ,
tceco. 4tks an
OAHH paid for n good lot of hounohold tv.r-
nlture. Address 1131. jlte olllce. toil 2J
A PAIITV having * 110.010 worth ot cu.urcis
wlshw to borrow W.UJ im the same. Will
* ay B per c nt interast pur niif.nui 2 yeiu a tlmo.
Adilrcits. U la. Una olllco. 4bO sJl
\3lTANTKD- . ' .i ) cash for one year on lio'wo
TT worth of Kllt-tiduechiitteli ; will p.iy is pvr
cent per annum. J.l
' \\7AN1KD A purchaser fora Jl 5 mortfuci 'a '
TJ on K n8alandi also > , Bcctlon l'olojd
ftctool Und. li. U. Uosaclt. ( XW jjo. tt. , ; id
floor , Uaiah * . US-Si *
Wanted-l CAH placa from fire to
MONnr thousand dollars on good roftlcstate
eoourlty. 11 you have money to .loan rail and
Beame. George N.Jllekfi , Il l Kstaw and In-
Testm nt Agent , Uoom 40 , Barker block.
- tnat rlnl for lots , lands
and rash. W. J. I'anl inoa I'arnam nt. lUfl
ANTK I-3 or 4 nnf nnilihod rooms by gent.
wlfo and 4-year-old girl baby ; location
ranstbogood and near car or cabl lines house
must contain nil modern Improvement- ) : loca
tion convenient to some mtcl < icJ boarding
home preferred ! permanent tenant. Address
B/JheoJore. f2m2Jth Bt. BIT So
_ _
\17ANTR1) to rent-House suitable for board-
V > ing home. Address IMP. Hoo. Ml Sit
ANTKI ) to rent by family of two , an tin-
furnished cottaga In good condition con
taining o or 7 rooms ; must nav terms and lo-
ration to receive any attention. Addres * U 65 ,
Ilee. = M _
_ . _ _
\ TANTET ) To rent for term of yenrs 8-room
T T house , with yard nnd barn , between Far-
nam nnd Bt. Mary's ave. Would wait foronoto
be built. II 17. Heo QtHco. iWi87
TTIOIlllENT-8-room flat. Inquire 1C21 Howard
-U st. moat market , [ >
FOR UlfNT-V room"cottago , on car lluo.pavo-
nipnt , city nnd cistern water , largo yard ,
rent lit ) , southeast cor. of S. 13th ixud Arborsts.
TOIt HUNT A now cottage , 0 rooms , with
-J porch , well , cellar , trees , etc. , on S. 17th st.
Also ( unturnl holi2orirooms ; nt 1111 Dougliiu
' Apply to Mrs , Julia Stein , 1111 Douglas st.
THOU IinNT Cheap , an elegant , thoroughly
J.1 renovated bouso. la rooms and bath , UOth
ear California st. Entjuiro of Dr. Jonqs.
557 ST
TJ1OH UHNT-l'or the summer months , well-
JL1 furnlshra house ) mill-
itus walk from court house. Call or address
IDS. 10th St. 6HSH > !
H OIl ItKNT Jnno 1 n new modernreslnonco ,
JL' i ) rooms , lurnnce , stationary h tubs ,
bath room , electric bell , hot and cold water ,
range , best of plumbing , locality cholco. In-
nulro upon the pr mlsus , 2117 Jackson street ,
till May 2ft or of Hraon * Williams. Kirn No
tional bank building , 4v3
TT10H HKNT Two houses , IWIT andOIUILoav-
JP ctiworth st. , one 11 nnd one Orooms : mod
ern conveniences : will put In repair. Inquire.
room 20 NobrqsicqNotlonaj bank bid. 4'ij
TJ1OK UENT Vlots tnl reduced rates ) lu the
JU Harris JS Fisher block. Fred Harris. 1510
Dodge. JM2.I
FOR ItKNT Two or throu elegant liousos. In
splendid neighborhood , all modern con
veniences and modeiato rental. Inquire of
Gcorga N. Hicks , Marker block U71O
" 171OH HUNT Nice , comfortable lionii' , tlrst-
JL ! class neighborhood , all modern convcn-
.cuccs , close to car line , moderate rout , luqnli-o
of Oio. N. Hicks , llurker block. 37l43 !
5-HOOM house. 811 Bo. Slth at.
117 Hat
IIRNT S-room house on cor. 15th nnd
Len\onworth. ApplyUr.Mnttlec.lGOaiJodso.
WANTKD--A family to rent 4 nntnrnisluul
rooms mid board man. wlfo end child ;
Ibcral offer to rlgnt party. 70lN17thaf.
EK1I1T lloom house ; ,
modern improvtments. J. V , Uarton , 2018
Capitol nvi > . 5 < -
J1OK HRNT 1'4-room hoiiso and barn , ulco
2 yard , very deslrablo : splendid location for
roomers : on cable , J. II , Parrotto rental
agency , 10th and Dodge. JMS-IU
OK UENT To family without children ,
nicely furnished seven-room house , from
Juno 1st to Sept , 1st. 2ftM St. Mary's avonuo.
FOll UENT Now brick houses , 11 ioompv.-ith
every modern convenience ; on cable line ;
only $ ! 0 per month. C. T. Taylor , cor. 14th and
Douglas ; . 1K5
POJl HENT Cottages. 5 rooms. 2720 Charles
st , iindl.'iSt _ a 13th st. Inquire at room 212 ,
Sheely block.
T7IOH HENT-A Hat in the Her building ; 7
JU rooms , steam heat , gas und bath. Apply
to A. C. Kaymer , hardware , lutli and Jacknon.
2NICIJ7-room cottagesgood cellars , cisterns ,
well , good barn ; convenient to school and
rhurcnj faT > er month for the summer. Apply
atone. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat' ! bank ,
HUNT Neat house cor Mth
and Woolworth ave. Inquire of (1 , B.
Tzschucfc , IJee onice. 512
FOIl KENT Ono ton-room and ono eight-
room house , all modern r.onronlencus. licit
part of rlty and within f > mlnntes walk ot post-
olllco. Nathan Shelton , l.Wi Karnam Kt. 01' *
OlOll UENr-UcAiitUnl 8-rooui nouso with
JL1 modern Improvements , splendid location.
Apply at ouc . O. P. Harrison , Mer. Nat. H'k.S60
TT1OU URN'T-(3ooeI houses iit&IO. JO , 30.i'i.S201
-lv andSl-'iierTnonth. If yonwisn to rent call and
spo me. U. V. Sholes , MO 1st Nat'i llauk. 7K
T71011 HUNT H room brick dwelling , all renD
-D venloncea. 21tl N. lllth st. i07
N1CKI.V furniMied room , suitable for 3 gen
tlemen or man and wiCo. l l S. Mh at.
T71OII HENT 2 desirable furnished south
J3 rooms with bonrd , 2016 Douglas. 5412W
TTlOll HCNT Front room , funilsned. 17f > i
J ? Cnllfornla. r > . ! . -.2j ; )
> OIM for rent to n gentleman : convenient ,
( modern , elegantly furnlshod : 1711 Dodge.
R OO.M3 with or u ithout board. 1G15 Dodgo.Q
4K ! ) 2i !
JJWB HUNT Furnlihed rooms , 22QD Dodge.
267 3b *
TT10I UHNT Pleasant furnlshod rooms at U'14
JJ "irnam st. 4W 3
FOll HENT Iloom * , 1813 Dodge.
jr . O- *
l. ( - - > *
TTIintNlSHlsD rooms from JS to $13 per
J- month lu house with luoileiu rouvenlucos ;
location good and ou car lino. 222) Leaven-
worth. iKiXii
473 27 * D
14011 ItKNT From Juno 1st. suite of rooms
? with board , at 1722 Dodge st. O1J18
"J7H > lt HKNT F.legontly furnlHlied rooms or
-L1 room und bounl , J > per wuek. GUI h lutn-st
IOO.MS .V nrstrclass homo Donril , 171H Duilga
i'5 : 2. ) ;
T71U11N1SHED front room for rout : gentlo-
Jtnou only ; Uruu moaornte. 2U"i Dodia' .
T710H HKNT-ltoom with board ; best loca
J ? HOP In city , ttll .85tha\e. ! H72IJ
"OliKASANTnowly rurnlshod rooms , single 01
JL en suite , cun bo Iiitcl at 2401 Oass at , 3Mlk
rOll HUNT Klejfantfiirulidiod cooiiMiiltablo
for tuogemiumun. on batliroout lloor , with
board , lull iJouglas st , UTO Mt
JU \ ilNTsiTlfrTTo'ojus' oTTent ! mVMason.
JL' : HU
J UVHLY souHi front room , every cunven
ti , } i blouk from atroot cat , Sm
TTVJiritUNT-Furnlshed rooiiis , 2.1N : : inthT" "
J-V _ ilia 2i ; >
N'EV'LY furnUhod front rooms sultublo for
gentlemen or ladloi employed during the
day : all conveniences ; board if desired. 2-Ju
" | 7\UUN1SIH1 \ ! > rooms by day , week , or month
JiJjt.aialr liotej cor 13tn nud Dodgn. ia
T AIIOK front room with liert-room adjoining
JJliuiulBomely fnrnUhuil. es.a and lieaud by
etuam , with use of bath room , lu onu-iftlm
handiom st reaWnncni lu the olty , wlthou
board. Inquire n , w. cor , I'.th uud Ii6AVcuwurti !
* T.
"ITlilll HUNT An b'osam , thoroughly nuio
.i. vat oil 12-room hoiue , all modern aonren
ionroii , ' Othet , , D ) nr California , Dr. Jouca.
_ _
room * , single or on Hulte , bath"
Jtiir.d 3te : > ia ; for itenti only. 151) Hon'Hrd.
_ _ 47U
O Nidi : > uth front rjounTWitli every couvun
li-uco ; ttilapiwnolu homo. JWJ Ciiiltol RV
_ , _ g l _
IJIH'fof 3 fnrnlnlied rooms , modern coin-on
v jrncon , a bockH | from P. U.i prtvi'41 famllj
A. lliupB. jr. , 1313 Douglas. in
"I OH HENT--A nicely furnlsuucl large "tron
-L room , ull modern couvenlunces ; for runner
pavllculara cull at 221& Dodge st. lit )
TTOK HKNT-Nlculy furnUhed front roon
-tv with bourd.ftll coin tiiiteuce , IV10 Capitol uve
_ ' _
T liONT room * , l ujiwards , on car lluo ;
Jh istlj.
EObM\vUli \vitliatiV board. ' 1BU
filOnNlSlini ) or tmfnrnUhed r6oms for r nt
JCJ in Park Terrace , odposlto Hunscom P rkt
ail modern convcnlencos. inqtilra J/ea &
Ochol , 28th nnd Lcarenworth , 47i
[ 71011 IlKNT Furnlghed rooms with or wlth-
L ? out board for fnmlllts nnd slnzlo men at
educed price for thn summer months at the
X > zzcns hotel. M J FntncK , prop. 83)
front rooms 1815 Dodge.
I710U HUNT A pleasant room , only flmmulcs
J. walk from buslnosi cantor , all modern con
veniences , cor St. Mary's avo. nnd JJuth or KM S.
20th. brick residence. ( Xll
> UASANT ! front room , 607 8. Sjth avo.
I71OH HKNT Furnished rooms single or en
JL1 suite. 1COT Doilgla. ' . 7L7
A UNFUHNISIIKD rooms suitable for housekeeping -
keeping , Kit 8 , nth arc , bet. Jackson nnd
Lcavonworth. 493 23t
IflOH HUNT \mfurulMiod rooms. 170t Wb-
Jstcr suitable for '
- , houssKorplug : prlco fi-.DO
TT10H HUNT Pleasant nnfurnlshod rooms
-I ? over 1001 Howard st. For olllces purposes
4 OH n unftirntshea rooms for housekeeping
for man and wife. 310 N IHh st. 7t an
1/1OK HUNT H of Btotoroom for Icocronm ,
JJ ronfectlouery or restaurant. Homo Hakcry ,
nio North 18th ot. 451 SI-
TjTlf"HRNT-Front ) onico , ground lioor , 310
JL1 s 15th. 2117
IIWJH HUNT Cheap Now utoro. 22x11' ' ) , brick
V basement , on good paved St. , Kuitoblo for ro-
ftllltrocery. Inqtitro O. Hartmixu , N. W. cur.
S7th and DocaturBts. 2tO
FOIt HUNT TH o stores with liat
above , corner iCth nnd Mason Bis. Inoulre ,
Mrs. Lange , Ol'J S.lSthst. 1ST
NTlloors Kxso each , In brick build-
- Inif. with elevator , clo-i to express ofilco ,
cheap rent , Just the thing for wholesaling , good
location. Apply toGco. Hoyn , 1103 Faruam st.
FOIt HKNT-Htoro 21x00 ; 1118 Jackson 'st.
Emiulro 1114 Jackaon. 4 1
TTIOH HKNT Store anil living rooms on Cum-
-C Ing street ; also house ou Cass st. Harris H.
E. & Ji. Co. , llonm 411 1st Nat. batik. 814
JlKNT-Tho I story brick building with
Ju1 or without power , now occupied by The lloo
Publishing Co. . Oil ! Farnam sU The building
has a lire proof CHtuontod Dasemout , complete
ptoam heating llxturo-i , water on all the lloors ,
gas. etc. Apply nt the olllce ot Tno Hoe. PI5
STOItn 407vltli basement , Kara go bldg. In-
qnlro Frank J. Hnmgo. 6-VJ
HOUSES nud furnished rooms. 1331 N.2st. !
85124 *
TT10II UKNT Wnen you wish to rout n house ,
J ? store or olHco call on us. H. K. Cole , room 0.
Continental bIK , 474
"F'YOU want to rent your house call on Har
ris , U. K. & L. Co. , room 411 , 1st Nat'l. bank.
43)2 )
G KO. .1. I'AUU It'OD Farnara St. , liousos ,
.stores , etc. . for rent. 48.'i
TF YOU want to buy , sail , rent or exchange ,
J.callon or address 0. J. Sternsdorlf , teems
317 and aU. First National bank building. 4M
AX7 15 give special attention to renting nnd
VV collecting rents : list nltn us. H. K. Cole ,
room 0 , Conttnantal block. 4VO
TF YOU Have n stock ot tnerchandisa you
J want to trade for clear Sioux City leal estate
address 11 4f. Iteo olllco. CCO-JWt
H.'iOJ wonted on gllt-edgo second mortgage
paper , duo 1 and 2 years , B per cent. Inves
tigate ! . J. U Ulco Co. 408 Bit
H1 IOltBKS. mulns und wagons , 13-U N. 2Ist.
35524 ?
TTMUHELLAS and parasols covered and n -
U paired , 217 S istti , lloyd's opera house block.
In mbber store. H. llalor. 284
i boujo taught as an art by Gee
lonbeciK. Al'ply at Hce Oilleo. il.'Jl
T OST Waek horao. weight 1,203. rat tall , wire
JLJ scar on loft front toot. Howard for return
to Thirty-first uml Dodge. William O'Hrlon.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ 490-23j _
T OST , straycd br stolen Hay pouy , white
-Usuot in forehead , holds her head low. Ho-
turn to L. D. llnrrls , 23rd and Irord st. . and get
reward. 425-IM ?
VnfiA Mclt jheTat the postofflce , at 1 p. m.
i Gomel. 527-3.IJ
F HATH KUS cleaned and curled ; bats pressed
and bleached , at F. M , gcbadell. 218 N. lllth.
JTOHA(3Kand forwui-dlug. Wo rolloct and
Odpllver goods of all dedorlptlons. morchan-
rtlse. furniture and baggagp , at cnoaposc rates
for storage for any longtti of time , Vans nnd
wagoiis to to ha-1 otsuortest notlco , with careful -
ful mon for moving. Packing and snipping
from our own warelioino dona on mo.leroto
charge. MerDhandlse loaded and unloaded.
WarchmiiM on our own tracks. Odlce S17 S.Uth
Ht. : tulepiipue 114. IlOtt'ell Ac Co. _ 5i. !
JTOKAGJ5 at lo\v rates at 1151 Farnam st ;
Omaha , Auction and Storage , 483
Rtoragc , lowest rotes. W. M.
Iliishmou V.11 Leavenwprth. 4iji )
1\I ADAMK JE SAN tells past , prosoutond fu-
utltnro events of your Ufa , gives nilvlco on Ul
rorce , contested wills , etc. The madame ha
wonderful gift of second lght , has the power
of any two mediums you ever met. Parlors.
1312 Dodge Bt. 3011 ! JOtC3
'PNANNIE \ ' . WAUHKN , clairvoyantmed-
JL/lcal and bnslnoss modluin. Fuinale diseases
ft specialty. HUN. liithfct. , rooms" nnd ! l. 4'Jl
QTANDA1U ) shorthand school , Poxtou block ,
Oi ii < : cc3or to Valor.tlne'w shoithnnd insti
tute ) , the largest , bust , equlpjied shorthand
bunool in the west ; in umlur thu personal super
vision of Joseph F. Megeuth , an ox-olliclal re
porter and utato agent of the Heminglon Stand
ard typewriter , u sl ted by oxporlcnced ver-
bfttltn rDjiorturs. Mechanical construction of
machine taught by factory expert. Particular
nttpntlou pnki to typewriting. StenoKranhers'
aupplles for sale. Circulars free. 'OH
rillli : Oimiha Short-Hand Institute. Hamgo
JL block , Omalm , oueuod Monday. .May l. > ihtu
under the niaii.i oment of a thorough and prac
tical stenographer. Pleasant < iit ami best ven
tilated hchool room in the west. Poslllonx
fouml for graduate * . Call or write for particu
Imv Terms , $ iu nor month in advance. Typo-
w rltlng tri-n. uaa 3 10
SHOHTHANDand typo writlug , Omahabus-
Ineb.s rollogo cor. Capitol avu. & Ifith. Stan-
davd methotlx taught by u , C. liwlng or San
li'raacixco , tlio bm teacher on the Pucllo co.jst ,
JIunson'H ravlbort of VJ n specialty ; now plan ;
blnckiiourd illustration ; day and evnulng
cnllor wrlto for tormn , il , r
't3 aiiorthMid HAliool1 Jlar
ker block , 3 month's conrjo. J20.
W ANTEI ) lo'jBiold ! ) furniture for which 1
will pay u.mli. Addrvns 1) ) U'i. Hue olllco.
WANTED-At ooil vacant bniidln ,
lotsultsible 'or the ornction of dwelling
houses. Apply or iiddi-ifiiH with price , locution
uud lucumbr.iufB , Gee J Hternsdortr , rooms
ai7 and :113 : First National bank bulldluif , 4S1 2 < J
WANTED-Serond hand bicycla.fOK a boy , of
ten. H , 11. Wallace. Ueo olllce , 177
\\7ANTED-ino lots Inside of Holt line , to
T > build cm W , U , E. VM. K , , room 14 , Cham-
b r of Common : ? . 4J'j
"A NTIQIAHIA"N"HOOV ; store , ? iiFiirriiam ; : nt
-tl Cusn p-ild for Snd-hand I'ookn , inagazmea.
_ _ _ _ _ _
" \7S7ANTED To buy good commercial paper.
> > II. U I'atterson. ! il5 B. Tith st. W !
WANTED Fitnilture. carpets , staves mm
housoiiold coodfi of all ktuda , Onmlm
Auction .V Storage Co. . llil Faruuui. 4M !
' "
TTOIl BALE or trade Furniture of n
-L1 IIOUKU ; meat market j.-refenoit , Address li
41 , Ilee. 6U024t
rnoll PALK-About 30 guiions of av\-et \ milk
.L1 ory day ; ulll ba weld at fair price and de
liverixl unyu here la town , Apply ut DDI N. lUth
61UU1 ;
_ _
"II OH BAijfl Large nice youne buy horse.
- IriiiltublH for tvvo-j.e.ito'1 family conveyuncu.
Imrulrv or ucidrMii W. M , Daifey , 1120 Houtn
Thirtieth avenue , 4llMt
OH SALE-A fu'.l ' kathiTtoi ) carriage , largo
nnd roomy. In tlrst-cla < 4 eider , cost * Mono
year a-o ; \vjll boll U for J1T5 , Apply a > | 5
\V Dsteri > t , > 7i4. !
* " '
FlUST"cTaii phuetou at the low'iirlco'oi
$76 ; apply at once. G. J , Btt-rnsdorir
llonms 117 auiiaiH , Vint Nutlunul Hunlt build-
lug. TBlepliouB < < i4. ; ? . ' ! 2i
rpllli fnrnltni'p , carputs and drnpcnos of in
-L vlPKiiiu u-rovm Hut , cost to furiitxh las
November oV'U'itxn' : ; will be told Inlotstobiil
purchaxor , diid on tlmo to thoMMViio wish , lu
quire ( jou. lui/rv , W , twd Noith lutu , 6JU7
buys BfojV tjght 8-bow top ilde-bar buggy j
dirt cheafu Ul , B. Cole , loan nnd insurance
RgU. Uoom o. Chtlnental. MB giti
fjion 8AHRFurnlturo - ot room cottage.
JC with or without lease otsame. Hi. ) N. sotii
_ t _ . _ _
SPOT cidfi'ttit furniture , stoves , book" ! and
liotischom poods. New goods exchanged for
Sd hand. Ht N.ICtli. Frank Urlf Si Cd. 431120
SAllji Cneap About : 0 hood of 1m-
JL ; provcd'Tdxns horses , consisting of cold-
IIRB. marerfunll'coltA ' , stftllloui and mixed Avill
neil part onnlb-iApply J. U Hnlbert , Corslcnna
J'exas. > ri lv _ 414-JIBJ
Foil SAliR 1 work team , wagon and har
ness complete , very chnap for cash , 618
I'axtoublkT Qt 49
1/iOH SAI.lChoop. . B throe-ton Dtobold bnnic
JL1 sate , lata b ( Improved tlmo lock , complete
n every particular. Address , H. Chamiicr-
lln. Wood Itlver. Neb. 211
MIDLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , 1505 Far-
num. Complete abstracts furnished .Vtltloi
toroalostato examined , perfected A guaranteed.
MAH A Abstract Company , ISiaT'ornaiTrstT
Most complete and carefully prepared set of
abstract books nnd plats of nil real property la
the city of Omaha nnd Douglas county , 4'.W '
A HSTUAOT8 Llnauau Jt Mahoney , room r > ! XJ
xVpaxton block. 49S
MONEY ready for furniture nnd noroi.
household goods nnd books nought , sold
nnd exchanged , 117 North 10th Ht. , Frank Orlf
&Co. 873-21
T OANS on improved nnd Unimproved prop
JLJerty nt low rates. Odeil llros t Co , 812 SI oh.
HE City Loan Co. has plenty of money to
J- loan on horses , wagoiisfurnltu round pianos.
Their rates are reasonable and buslueaa ladono
fairly and quietly. If you want money or want
your present loan extended , try thorn nnd save
money. Their olllco is at 118 S. iJth st , directly
opposite- the Millard hotel. SOa
T OANS wanted on Omaha real estate , three
JLJ&nd uvo years time , optional payments , favorable -
vorablo term and rates ; applications and titles
passed upon by us and loans closed promptly.
Klmball , Champ S IlyanIloom U , United States
Nat. bauk building , 1205 Farnam street. WU7J10
fONEY to loan at low rates by Kxrelsior
Lnnd Co. , 810 South 15th street , Omaha.
MONF.Y to loan on real estate security , nt
lowest rates. I ) fore negotiating loans see
Wallace , Crolghton blKM l.Hhnml Douglas. KM )
KKYSTONK Mortgngo Co. ; loans of $ l to
JI.lXMj got our rates before borrowing and
Bavtimoney ; loan on horsas , fnrnitura or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought : for now loan , renewal of old and low
est rates call U 20SSheoloy blk 15th & Howard st
M' ONKY ' to loan on short time. Secured paper
bought. F. K. Alexander , 1501 Fnruam si.
Ml i 2 *
G F. HAUItlSOM loans money , lowest rates.
, C17
1,600 special money ; apply nt onco. C. F.
> Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank. 38. )
M ONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. . real estate.
and loan agents , 15 ! 15 Farnam st. C < 23
loans. D. V. Sholos , 210 First Nn-
> tloual bank. 51U
TITONKY to loan ; cash on hand ; no dolay. J.
JLiLw. Squire , 121U Farnam ot. . First National
UauK building' C23
MONEY I money ! money ! to loan on horses ,
wagons , mules , houshold goods , plauos , or
gans , diamonds , etc. , at lowest rates.
The flrstrgaulz9dloan olllco in the city.
Will maK6 Willis for thirty to three hundred
nnd sixty-live days , which can bo paid in pare
or wholes itt airy time , thus lowering the prin
cipal and Interest. Call nnd see us when you
want money , apd wo can assist you promptly
and to yonr advantage without removal ot
property onpubllcltr. , , ,
Monov always on nand nnd no delay in mak
ing loans. C.V.UeedJc To. , 310 South 13th St. ,
over lUnghamxV Sons commission house.
T OANS faadq'on real estate ana mortgages
JUbought ! " Lewis S. Heed & ; Co. . U 13 Iloardot
Trade. t.'f _ . _ 5l ? > _
TVrONEY'toKoan Wo are ready for applica-
-L'1-tlons for loons in amounts from * -W ! to 41D.-
OuO on ImprovHliOmaha or Doaglas county real
estate. Full information as to rntos. Loans
promptly Mosca. 'Good notes will bo purchased
by us. Callu ou us or vrlto. The McCaguo
Investmeat Co. < 63)
DON'T borro r money on furniture , horses ,
wjigons , etc. , or collaterals until you see
C. II. Jacobs. 410 First National bank bulliHng.
SV.K Shales , room 210 , First Nat'l bank , before
making your loans. fil I
fONEY to Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed
Lpromptly. H. E. Cole , 11.0Continental block.
First-class Innldo loins. Lowest
rat03. Call and KCO us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , It. 1. Haricor blk.l."ith & Farnam. 623
H.E. . CO I-12 , loan agent.
. " 500
B UILDINO loans a spnclalty. W. M. Harris ,
Uoom 20 , Fronzor itloclc. opposldo P. O.Ml
NEUHASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will inoku you a
loon on household goods ,
horses , wagona ,
land contracts ,
line Jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Iloom 7 , Howlay Block , South Omaha.
. Paxton IJlocK , Omaha , Neb.
MOXEY loaned for 30 , ( JJ or 00 days on any
kind of chattel security ; ruasoa i' > l3 Inter
est ; buslnoss conlldontial. J. J. Wiikln.sou,1417
Fai-nam st. " f > 01
DO YOU want money ? It so , dOQ't borrow
before getting my rates , which nro the low
est onnny sum from 111) up to Jlil.OJi.
1 make loan * on household goods , pianos , or-
ganv , horses , muled , wagons , warehouse ra-
celpts , houses , lo.ises , etcin any the
lowest possible rates , without publicity or removAl -
movAl of property.
Loans can be m.ide for ono to six months nnd
you can nay a purt at any time , reducing both
principal and interest. If you owe a Imlnnco
on your furniture or horaoj , or have a loan ou
them , 1 will take it up and carry It for you as
long as you desire.
If you need money you will nnd It to your ad
vantage to BOO ma before borrowing.
II. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoll building. 15th
and Harney. 6 < W
T CAN make n few loans on llrst-class chattel
J-secnritlei nt reasonable rates. W. K. Potter ,
room 10 , Uarker blk. W7
6P1JII CRNT money to Sean Cash on hand ,
Vf. M. Harris , U 20 , Fronzer block , opp. 1 * . O.
> $ $ $ j To loan on farms and city property.
) Geo. J. Paul. 1001) ) Farnam at , urj
$500,00) to loan at 0 per cent. Mnahan.Sc Ma-
houey , Uoom 300,1'.vxton blocu. 5111
MONEY LOKUI negotiated at low rates with
out cielay. and purcba u goods , commercial
paiier and mortgagu noted. S. A. Sloinan. cor.
13th and Fnrnam. 514
&Trust Cofnr
JL ulsh cheap eastern nionoy to borrowers ;
purchase sacurltlos , perfect titles , accapt loans
at their western olllce. OoorgoV. . P. Co.Ues ,
room 7 , Hoard of Trade. _ trtl
Llnahan AMahon y ,
K. _ ! T 510
MONKYlii lOrtn on furniture , iiorsps. wagons ,
etc. , civon-any approved Honurlty , J , W.
Uobblns , 11.201 , Sheoly blk , 15th and Howard.
_ i _ _ _ _ 618
MONKY to limn on improved prop rty at tlrst
hanila. l N ( > application xent away for ap
proval. Suvurlty and titles axamluudJreo ot
charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment
Company , 800 S. 13th at. 610
PEOPi.E'Sijfluanolal Kxcaiiuge The fairest ,
( inleieHt aid moat liberal money oxcbanga
lu cue cltyj'monoy loaned without delay or
publicity , m A'ly ' amount , large or small , at tno
lowest ratv , w ; ' interest , on any available BO-
curlty ; lo.inT3TO.ay ha paid at anytime orrenoweU
ut orlglnal.mea. O. Houscoroii , Jlgr. , room
rk 45Jte.k , * ' > ' - nJ ' ' 'arna.u. oil
TTNIMPUOYUO and Improved property ;
U loans m.ido promptly ; money on hanu , F.
M. Illchurdoftr i w cor 15th and Douglas.
_ _
GOOD notes , short or Ion ? tioi'e , unsucuroj
or with mortgage , bought anywnore In Neb ,
or la. Quick loans , city or farm. Call or writ a
W. L.Bolby. U. lU. It'd. Trade. fcOJ
i : , COLU , loan
_ _
O MAHA Chattel Loan Co. , room 4. . iinrker
block , i . iHHnZJ
B HILDINO JXAN8to7'pBrc nt. no ad-
.luional clmrgea for commUUoni or uttor-
1 fees. .W , 11. Melkla , I'lrit Nat. bauic bldg.
J\roNI5Y to loan : HnrrU It. B. & Loan Co.i
-ll-l room 411 , Kirat National bauV" . 515
\\rANTKD-Party with SJO.OOO to invest in a
IT ne.v legitimate buslne s. Audress IH' > ,
llea olllce. UA KK
4J3.a to t\0o ; wantel to put into n unoil
P iiussi Hratcli3i security and gooit rite ot l I
Interest paU tor rfUort or Ions uaie. Or will .
take partner. For particular * addroji U4J , !
lleeolllc * . R-J I
Gnocunr for n1o : cash trade , good stand ,
cheap rent , must sell on account of sick-
UM . Address 11 4.1 , Ilee. _ t 3 & > >
ThblfBALE A p7iv to bank in northeasttrn
JL1 Nebraska : will sell paper. Address II 4 , lice.
6B3 I *
IjlOll SAIil'-A dry goods ana clothlns store ;
Ju1 Invoice about WW : Mil sollliart orftll,1
; oed railroad division town ; Eatl'far.tory rea
son given. Address lock box fllP , Holyoke , Col.
M7SS *
"IDAItl'NKU with f.VO cnu learn of nnoppor-
JL tiinlty of mnklug from f 100 to IAX ) n mouth.
Address II 37 , Hoc , 6ZS-S1J
GUOOEUY stock for sale : Invoice about ll.OOO ;
! 4 cash , 1ml. on time , secured. Co-operative
Lnnd anil Lot Co. , 2M N. 10th st. _ ft ! I-S4 _ _ > _
WANTRD A new furniture toro at Friend
Nob. _ Sttm'ilt
O F. HAttlUSON loans money , lowest ratoJ.
_ . , .
$1,500 cosh wanted , .1 yo.irs , on tlrst mortgage
paper ; gilt-edge ; will p.iy 8 per cent. J. u.
Ulco Co. 4'aSlt ! ' _
PFOPI.n'S Financial Rxchango-Largo and
small loans for long and short tlmo , ntlo > v-
cat rates of interest , on real estnto mortgsgo
notes , chattels of nil kinds , diamonds , watches
and Jewelry. Don't fall to call if you want fair
nnd chcan accommodations , o , llonscaren ,
Mgr. , room C7 , Darker blic , 16th and Farnnm ,
_ _
FIItST mortgniro loans nt low rates nud no
dolay. D. V. Siioles , 213 First National bank.
TfilOH SALK Meat market complete ; can bo
Jimmllod for llttlo casb. Call at room 4 ,
Wlthnell blk. 60
INVICSI'KJATION HOllcltcd ot n Hpcclalty and
monopoly where capital 11,00) to fAWUcMi bo
absolutely doubled every four months without
competition or risk. Address II 'M , Ueo olllce
_ _ _
RICIJAIII.E man with small capital wanted
to assist in extending a money ranking bus
iness. Over & ! o monthly earnings ; no rnu-
rnsslng. Wesley , 150o Capitol ave , 483-3IJ
PIONI-'KCTIONKHY store , ice cream parlor
v/and soda fountain , Invoicing about $1,500 ;
store and n rooms up-stalrs rents for Ktt ; good
brick building ; clearA about $ IW l n year. Party
hns to leave the city , aim will refuse no reason
able oiler. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , 20o
N. 10th st. 480 2il
fTlOU BALK A nice , clean stock ot general
JJ hardware , stoves , tinware , etc. , In DM
Molncs Iowa ; invoice jr inn ; part cash , bal.
lino. Address H , A , Darner , Cozad. Neb. , box
28. [ Ul24
_ _ _
A (1 ODD restaurant , contrnlly located. Price ,
ci-WO , ) . tl"i < ) cash , bal. cosy payments ; rent. $ "i ! )
per uio. Also , ! t good noteLs. Co-opcratlvo Land
i\lld Lot Co. , ftH N. Kith st. 4 0 2,1
_ _
FOIt SALK $5,000 stock general merchan
dise. fresh and now , to trudo for house and
lot In city. J. II. P rrotte , Iflth and Do lgo.
T71OH SALE First-class restaurant and bar
JLJ Long lease. Address II 10 , lloo olllce.
_ _ _
FOIl SAIiH A dairy nnd outnt , 18 young
fresh cows , ! 4 hour's drlvo from city , sell
cheap. Owner leaving city reason for soiling ,
Inquire 804 N 16th. 478 ] t
, buys line notol and llvory , Elgin , Neb. *
$ property free from incuiubranco ; money to
uo made. Smith A ; Paudoek. Blirlu. Nob. UTUjlOt
TTIOH SAtiB A flrst-class moat market In
-L Omaha , has goo.l paylun trade , requires
$ 1,500 cash , or will trade for property. Address
A 43 , Ueo ollice. _ MB
HOTBL for sale ; new , good location , doing
good business , for .sale at a bargain , pay
ment not nocossary. Present proprietor in-
tcnda changing business on account of 111 health
of hit ) wife. Address , lloo olllco , Lincolu. Neb.
AOUUaaiSTwlth cash loolnnir for a good
location , will do well to address K. K.
Capps. culbartsoii , Neb. , or Hurst & Co. , Hant-
Inga , Neb , 347m 2lt ;
SALOON fur sale In one of the boat business
centers in Omahacheap. Reason for selling ,
1 must leave , the city. Address V 18 Ueo.
4SB-J7 *
FOH EXCHANGE Good building lot for
horse and buggy. 11. & H. , 2 11 N. 20th.
o KXCHANdK-Good Inside property , rood
farm and some cash , for clean stocK of
clothing. Address 11 33 , Bee. OW2S
Till HST mortgagea to trade for horses , harness
J-1 and buggies. H. D. Cole , loan and Insurance
agent , room 0 , Continental. 4U7 31
Gl.lvAU lot for good 2-seuted carriage. H. K.
Cole , loan and ins. agt. , Iloom O.Coutlnentnl.
rpo EXCHANGE Clean stock of general
-L merchandise : want real estate and HOIUO
money und notes , llox 70 , Frankfort. Ind. c = j
T A1IGK brick block in a live Nebraska town
JNof 4.iyX ) population ; property clear of incum-
brance ; ban rented for fcBJ per month. Price
10.000.V111 trade for good Omaha property ,
nnd will assume n light incnmbrance , or clear
farm land , if good. Co-Operatlvo Land 4- Lot
Co. , 203 N. lUth 8 . 48J SJ
A FINK ranch. 1 section , with privilege of 14
moro , to exchange for Om ilia jiroperty ;
buildings and all necessary appurtauces. This
Is the liiifst body of hay laud In the state , W.
11.1 ! . ii M , E. , room 14 , Chamber of Commerce.
< ; ks
TO EXCHANGE For mrtsc. or city property.
Homo cholco farms in Fron'ler , Lincoln and
lied Willow counties. Address U. A Uarton.
Curtis , Neb , o'4-25 ' !
rpo THADE $503 cash nnd a good farm In
X western Neb. for a building lot. JJ.WO worth
of unencnniDered timber land as ilrst payment
on house and lot in ICountzo place. 2 South
Omaha lots for farm land. 4IX ) acrea unen
cumbered , line loud , Ojiaho , for business
property. Full lot and houao on Leavouworth
st. near ilSth , uueiicumberod. for building lot.
Some clear town lots for Omaha property nnd
assume encumbrance. A nice lot in good loca
tion for Orchard Hill lots. tiixl32 ) on Capitol
ave. tor building lot and some cash. Clear lot ,
2Jth and Lake , for improved property. U-room
house , on Hamilton , ror nmallor placo. 20 lots
in North Omaha add. for other property. Va
cant lot for liornen or horse and buggy. House
and lot ou South 20th st. for other property. 2
lots on U. P. truckage for farm or city prop
erty. 4SO acres In Iowa and $ I.OJ ? cash for Im
proved property. Farms , and property in all
parts of tlio city to trade. Also 2J acres ou
Dodge t. south of Dundee for farm or
city property. If you have anything to trade
gtvo mo n call. Orover Stevens , 5W and W7
Puxton niocl ; . Tel. 112 < ' ) . 407-23
fpo EXCHNGE-Threo line tree claims in Col-
JL orado , two and one-half lullus from the town
of Koota. What luivo you to olfor ? 11. M.
Cluroy , Wallacf , Nob. ; i'J7-21 *
" \77'E CAN offer for a few days a stock of
TT general merchandise lu exchange for
herond mortgage paper. W. It. 15. A : M. E. ,
Itoom 14 , Chamber of Commerce. ICi
NEW 2-B'ated line can-logo or top ouggy for
mortgage city or county warrants , or any
good unoocurod notes.W.L.SolbyH U IJ'd Trade
WANTED To trade for house and lot in
good location ; will assume light Inciim-
bronco. Address A 2 Ilee olllco. i22 !
FOH EXCHANGE- Eighty acres of the llnest
timber land lu Wisconsin , clear ot encum
brance. What have you to otfer ? G. J Sterns-
dorff , rooma HIT and < IU ) , First Natlonul bonk ,
FOIl UXOIIANGH-Dakota , Hund county
What have you to offer tor a good farm
here , nllghtly enrwnherort ? Dakota lands ore
rising in vniuo. and its destiny rannot be din-
puted. Will tuko v.icant lots or improved pro
perty and assume some encumbrance. U. J.
SturiiHilorir , rooms U17 an.UIH First National
bank bulliHng , fi''fl
FOIt KXCHANGE-For desirable residence
property In Oni'tha. nuy or all ot following ;
40 cholco Inside roildeuco loti in Hastings.
JOO lots In Lincoln.
(140 ( acres line farming laud , Lancaster county ,
Flue residence property , Lincoln.
( lood rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence , corner , Los Angola ? ,
A neat residence proparty In llan.icom plac.0.
Also , some good mortgaxo notes.
Address , giving location and prlcn of prop
erty , j , K , Ii. , care IJ'iuni Iron Co. , 1217 I.euveu-
yorth. Ml
FO l BALK or Trade-lfiO-acui furmln Cherry
county , Nob. , for house ana lot In Omaha or
Fremont. Address 240 N. Hell at. , Fromont.
ORAL lUHGAINtS-Deslruble Orchard Hill
-IV Iota nt S70J. IV ) toiJJJ cash. Must DO sold.
Jaa. Stockdalo , Itoom 1'J , Arlington block. 270
° I7r01t BALK 5J largo und small houses enl
- monthly payments ; mnall payment down.
Also ugood list of property for exchange. Goo ,
J. Fox , room l , Continental blk. 181-JIU
" 17 0 II S A ; .E-Pretty homo * on easy monthly
J-1 payment.i. two bharui left In ths JJruld Hill
Ilufldliilf association. Fur pnrticnlnri Inijulro
of Nothnrton Hall , seo'y , room li First Nat'l
bank bulldlni ; . I ! W 2J
U SALE On long time and easy pjyniniiu.
ImniUomi ! , neu.voll oullt hoiuva ot B , Unml
10 rooms. AII conveniences ! KOO Incl hboihootl ;
paved streets ; street cats , und within Wdlklm ;
dUtaucu of P. O. N'uthan Shelton.lW > Furnum.
Kti J U
IjlOU SALE or exunanco-lmnrorutl BOCC !
.t.1 farm of NXJ acres In eastern NetiiMski. near
market ; also now 12-room housu with i\ll c/w-
yen.enpps In deslrulilerosldencoportl'i'iot Oma
ha. Andrew Hovluu , attoruer , v : ) and 4il lux.
ton blocu , Omaha , Nub. 6JU
T > A1IUOAD8. Motors , horse Mrs. all arc ox
-Lvtondma northward , and bnlhllng in this
section is double that done anywhere else lu
Omaha. This l whsro for
fa.V ) to tXO
wo are Celling as pretty lots as you over * n\v.
I'oople are buying these lots on payments of
lown. baUncaJli ) a month , because the lots
are not only
Cheap ,
nit becAuse they are nil we claim for them ,
which you will admit It you como nnd see thorn.
Delightful Homo
you can secnro a lo ; by a 1 15 cash nrxymont , bal
ance * IO a month. It U
Time to Invostluato
inch an offer and see howmany people are hup-
up , and many of them building oa our prop
erty. Have courogo
1\t Start Ulght
nnd von will soon have something. Don't look
courage , but como nnd see what you cau and
Others Are Doing.
Omaha Is a big city , and Omaha property is
n safe Investment ,
. .
s half what surrounding lots soil for. and no
ono can give you castor terms.
Come And See
whether what wo claim for tuts property ltruo
or not. You don't have to take anyone s word ,
but you can
See For Youriolf
: hat yon can get vntuoroculrcd every tlmo. Uo-
r.ombor ,
A mon , 1W7 Knrnam.
IK the office , nud that conveyances nr always
on hnna to show these Iota ; that nouxes to the
lumbcrof ever 100 are now built nnd bolng
built , nud yon nave n chonco to secure as hand-
Home 11 lot ns you oversaw lor &JOto won , by
Fifteen Dollars
cash , nnd balance monthly. Hoar in mind , too ,
lint unless this pronorty was ns good us claimed
for It wo could not
Afford to Advnrtlso It ,
Come and ECO it. Nonafor or surer way to
nako your money sate. It costs you nothing to
InvoKtlKute this ground nnd its surroundings at
any tlmo you wish to. Amos ,
1507 Farnam st.
507 20
' 1 0 Capitalists : Fmo business property , Mrat-
JL clubs building , rcuti well , price M > .0nu , tlu.lXN
cash to build wltli ou adjoining cround.ln heart
of city , on lllth st. , Omaha's best realty : no
agents noeu apply , 44lloo.
64'J . 0
_ _
SD1IM1T olTors on 100x140. Aonthwext corner
tilth and .Mason streets ; 2 houses. Tills prop
erty Is worth 8U > , X ) ; make an otfor. M. A. Upon -
: on Company , 16th and Farnam. 640 27
imicTTVarm for ss.le , 101 acres , ! 4 inilo out
of Hlalr , 1,403 trull trees , 1 ucro grapes ,
Rinall rrulta. one 5-room house , oun 2-room
house , good barn , living water ; immediate pos
session given , 11. W. Mollrldo. 417 2 *
/CONTINUOUS sldowulk to Collier place. Got
Vprlcoj and termstMcCnguo. . OTAGot
BAHOAl S-ilargalns ! S. W. cor. ivtu ana
California sts. , wlthU homes , very cheap.
Neut7-room house r.nd half lot on Daven
port st. , near hlgn school , 9 > , OJ ) ; easy terms.
Good lot on Harney St. , east oi " 1th at. , a
Elfgnnt residence lot , 26th aye near St.Mary's
nve , very cheap.
C-room house and half lot , 3,12th st. , cheapen
on monthly payments.
Good residence lot on 3i'th ' ave , hot. Douglas
and DodKO. M..MJO.
U lots on 8.13lh at , very cheap.
ICO lots In Carthage , Omaha's best suburb , on
ton years' time to parties who will build
iouso.s. llrannan k Co. , Iloom 3 , Chamber of
Commerce ,
Money to loan In all parts of the city.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 863 J7
G10H SAIE-Lot2.-XliO | In the very heart o
-E Omaha , with 5 room house for $2,800. 0. F
Harrison , Merchants Nat , bank. f50
Til IE tlnost drive lu tlio city Is to Colilor
Placo. McCaguo. llTjl
BAUGAINS-Lots 12. 13. 14 , block 2 , Mayno
Place , east fronts , } j block from paved
Btroot. Alao lots is , ID , 30. block d , Kllby Place.
Any of the above lots will bo olforen. nt 2) par
cent less than their value. F. U. Alexander ,
1501) rnrnam street. 4 < M
REAL Estate Bargains. Now Is thn tlmo to
buy real estate in South Omaha. Enlarging
the already immense packing houses ; paving
the splendidly graded streets : building two
line and rostly viaducts ; running motor llrtes
into South Omaha : building a gigantic cooper
age estubllslmient will nuiko realty lively in
the next ninety days , so buy now and be In the
swim. Wo will guarantee 20 per cent profit
ou the following :
Lot 4 , block 1 , Urown Park , on Slth south o f Q
street , nnur viaduct , JI.OOI.
Lot 20. block3 , llrown Park , on 24th. 1 block
south of Out. , $1,200.
Lot Si , block 3 , llrown park , on 21th , 1 blocK
sonth of 0 st. . la .
Lots 13 and 14. block 0 , Drown Park , on 24th ,
1 block east ot 24th for botn J1.500.
8(1x150 ( on'-Tith St. . opposlto Heed hotel , at
grade , with good house * . .COO.
! iO.\-75 feet in lot 5. block 1. South Omaha ,
fronting Railroad avenue $1,500.
LotH. block iO , South Omaha a Qno lot , COx
150 9'HX ) '
llola i'l and U , blook 20. South Omaha , dou
ble corner make 3-50 foot lots. J1.800.
This Is ull gilt odge.lnside property. The ftbovo
prices cannot be duplicated In South Omaha.
Anyone wanting a genuine bargain will not
fall to secure ono or more of the above lots ut
once as the above prices will not bo quoted
after Juno 1st. M. A. Upton. Co. , 10th anil Far
nam , Omaha. The loading real estate dealers.
Telephone K4. " -13 27
EXCELLENT lots for $300. one-tench cash ,
bnl. tire annual payment ! , ; in best of loca
tions ; good transportation facilities. Other bar
gains to good to advortlse. Come uml see I
Tel. 487. Neb. Settling & Supply Co , , Itoom U ,
Hoard of Trade Mid. U12 24
FOH SALE A splocdld home , now houso.
just completed , eoort neighborhood , healthy
locution , possession glvon nt once. A bargain
If taken quick. Gourgo N. Hlck.s , Kooin 40 ,
Barker block. (171-ai (
TjlOH SALE 11 acres , corner Thirteenth end
-C North , streots. Desirable for platting , c.
Good. Good block , Des Molnes. In. 23mI
TTIOIl SALE I2o by 150 feet , a beautiful ole
-13 rated residence site , wltn shade trees. Hit-
natea In tno west part ot the city , for Jl.XH ( ) loss
than cash value. Also lot 5 , Yutos & Heed's ad
dition , east front , with an elegant view over
looking Omaha nnd Council Hlutls , for . " > 00 less
than any adjoining lot can bo bought for. F. K.
Alexander , I'lOit Furnam street. 402
WOHTHY of your attention. Now being
completed on 24thSt. , north of Leaven-
worth st. two liousos couvoi tut to business ,
very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas. bath ,
tollnt , 2 wuter closets , utatlonary wash tubs ,
hot. and rold water , llvo bedrooms , 10 closets ;
only J. > .590 on terms to suit. Telephone B37 or
W. T. Seaman. Omaha's largest variety ot wag
ons , carriages , etc. , east sldo 10th st , north of
Nicholas at , KH
T7101I SALE Nino-room nouso. barn and lot
JL1 la Hanscom place ; also 2houses and lots in
Bunny Sldo. HarrlH. room 411 , 1st Nat'l bank.
TJ10U SALE Kino house ot 3 rooms , furn.ico.
lv bath , hot and cold water , gas. aower. Travail
ptront , motor line one block , cable t'.vo blocku ,
horse carby door , barn for ; i horses , eto. , etc.
limit by owner for homo and now occupied by
him , * 1.0W ; ll50casli. t'M in real oituto , bil-
nnco nt il and 8 per rant.
Flno large lot onS. 1.1th t. , OlxlW. good n-roam
house , fruit trees , etc , ; north ot Martha .st , ,
Korsulo , thollncst cornor. east front , on S.
10th at. . ii2xl41. :
t-'or choice property worth tbo money see M.
A. Upton Company. Itfth & Farmim. B17
rilHE motor line ls built to Collier placo. Tlia
IHelt line rum nour Collier placo. The K. E.
i M , Y. It. H. stop all passenger trains at Col-
llor place. The horse car lluo will soon reach
( 'oilier place. Hast audition lu the city. Prlca
Jsuo to Jl.'n ) per lor. , ono-tenth rasn , bulauco
ono to live yea , McCuguo , opp. P. O. OK ?
CTOH hALE A beautiful rmldouco in Huns-
X' com placo. east front , 8-room noumvbath.
hot and cold water , gas , sewer , elec trio bells ,
hard wood finish , near ilio park and street car
line. F. E. Alexander , 1503 Fiirnum nt , W.
KOUNT/I. Pino1) Flno 10 room residence
modern conveniences. K sold at once wil.
toke jl.wi loss than property H worth ; ov/ner
leaving city ; only * IW ( ) cash rrcmlrod. M. A.
Upton Company. ICth and Farnam , 4'J12ft
KOHNT/E Plttcu-f'ma 10 room ruiMente.
modern conveniences , K sold at once \\lll
take } lf.orie H than property is worth ; uwitor
leaving city ; only 41OW casn roimtrod. M. A ,
Up.ton Conpuny , 1'Jth And I-'arnam. 4')1 ) 'MOtl
8N AIM 'I good Orchard Hill lota , ono and two
blocks from Hamilton str-jct , * (0) ( ) each ; iJf ]
to HM cash , balance live yeur.s ut K per cunt.
Finn housw , modern conveniences ,
newly papered und patntod , on N 17th it. ,
lotnxlH ; < ) to ulloy ; tl.OX ) , easy pnymer.ts , M. A ,
Upton Co. , Iflth und Farnmn. f H
"ITtOH SALE " > l-1.7tl ncre , BOB , B , tp , U' , r.
JH Ow. , Hamilton county , Nob. llouai * , subln ,
3ii ) acres fenced , living water. I'ri'-d W.'JJJ. ' K ,
K , Atklus. ownnr , UallroiU bldg , Denver , yCol.
BALI'-flJxTSou N. E. corner P. and ' .Vitli
( its S , Om > iha , aultable for store building
receiving the bunelitof thu ( j trent vlaimct
just belli ? built ; property clear , but HI liuahn
rompols owner to sell. I'rifo * ! ,7UU , 0 , F ,
Harrison , Merchant's National bank. : c > )
* | 7101l HAfjE Or exohuuKo for Omulm proper-
JL' ty , w acres , wiltabio for pluttlnu : will
umkjolOo.iots.ull clear ; blKmonoyii ) It for someone
ono wbo can push this : located ju < U outildH thn
oily limits of Council lllnirs. tnriulru Ciforge.I ,
Klurnsdorlf , rooms 317 und 81 % Flr.n Kutional
bunk building. ! M
QEND for plat or
\J \ driving for rearmitlon follow the motor I
poitH on iotli st. , and Ames' ave , , uud we llic
wondurtm ImprofL-muiits that lmtaken
l > : ac j-.innround tno barrankd , and reiiidiisbor
that Colilor place la the key TO the situation.
lluy it lot now tor the low pike 4id nt .lie
teruibtUey arnbwluif otTerod. atul wo fte x
lOiivM'nth \ \ cutli , bulnuce due to live years
pii. P. 0. V73
COUTH OMAIIA-l have n numtar of
Cilots in various additions thst must bo „ sold
nt once and can ba bought at prlcos that will
fultson. U.J. Sterns lorn , rooms all nnd3H
First National b nk bulldlns. KM
lYloil SAI.H-Flno"lot coven > d with troes. Q
J- room rottarro. oownr , wutor 'and ga oh the
street , < i block fn > m 3 st , car lines , very cholco
oust front lots * \50J | o sy term . Cnn discount
a little for c sh. 0 , F. Ilnrnson , .Merchants
Nat. bank. mo
THM factories vrttliln easy reach ot Colllor
place will employ n largo force of in on. He-
curti n home and enjoy lite. Pi Ice of lotsfcsTQ
to 11,200. uno-tenth cash. Bond fur pintMo -
Caguo. opp , P. u. _ _ OW
T OUNTZK PUoe-FIno 10 room residence.
. Vinodnrn conroulnces. It sold nt once wlu
take ? lroo lo. s than property Is worth ) mvnet
leaving rlty ; only Jf.ortl casli required. M. A
Upton Company , 18th and Farnam. 491 811
TjlOll 8ALK The ( mosFf * sldonce sifa In West
JJ Omaha ; just south of FarnnmonlNth strootl
a corner iftvclflj with 187 feet front ago on
paved street and joining the hindsomo rest-
doncoot Klrkcndall on the cast , and llrndy ,
Eusson nnd Martin ou the south ; u perfect gem
nnd Rardcii snot for an elegant home.
llurnor and 21st Rtrftets , Ulxlfl" , on pavement
within thrcn blocks ot tno court house ; room
For seven lluo houses that xvor.ld rent ns rapid *
ly ns completed , A splendid permanent Invest
ment ,
Fsrtiam nnd ! ? M utrcetn. 60x1.13 , with now
three-story brick store bnllclliifr , rcntoi * to good
permanent tenants , llontal receipts l,500 per
Sixteenth street nonr Nicholas , frontftgo 81
feet to ulloy : good business property.
Furnaui street , botwcon 3 th mid ; fJ h , front-
nge4 < orlOxl.Kionlli y. south front , I .block
from pavement nnd strost cars.
Park nveiiuo , opposlto Hanscom park , 60x150 ,
price 5,000 ; onsy < orms. .
Paddock pUCe , trackage. WJxllJ. J2XX ( ) : easy
terms ,
Kith Htroct south of Vlntou st , lot for sale or
trade for mdso , or jrnoil farm land , * .
8. A. Slomnn , ] 3 > ) i farnam st. 537.
JM1K cosTosTTioTno In Omaha. 0 roomH.'iarga
JL. closets , city water , gas and sewer , both
cable and horse curs. Prlco $ I , UK ) . Terms I-WJ
to I'M cash , balance very easy , II , U. Cole ,
headquarters for bargains and easy terms ,
Itoom fi. Continental lllocK. JIM'
1NST11UMENT3 placed on record
U 0 Patterson and wlfo to O llarsch , lots
1 to24 , blk 12 , Edgwood Park , w d. . , . . . D.OW
J L Miles and wife to P M Conkllng lot a.
blk 17 , Orchard Hill , w d COD
J A Lawrence and wlto to Hrlggs Place
Wood Working Co , lots ISoud wblkP ,
Ilrlgga Place , w d 0,175
Mead Investment Co to ,1 H Schmidt ,
lota 17 nnd I * , blk 2. llcdick Pars , wd. . 1,483
B H llowland and wlfo to J Ulrlch , pt
lots , blkit , Joltor'a add. wd , , 435
E Danlhur to D Dnuiher , lot 17 , Windsor
Place extension , ( i od , . . 700
F Chrlstlanson ot nl to Ledge No I ,
Danish brotherhood , so mv so 3(1-10-12 ( ,
Wd 3,000
T Olson and wlfo to M K Johnson , lota 14
nnd 15 , blk2 , South Omaha Park , w d. . . 003
b 8 Van ilouron and wlfo o W D Vest ,
lots I to 4 , blk' ' , Lafayette Park , w d , , . 1,000
C D Woodworth to M Klssano. n 33 ft lot
14 , Clark place , w d , . 000
II .letter nnd wlfo to J E Ihmilck ot al , lots
13to IK , blk 2 , Jottor'n2d add , W d 1,01)3 )
J H Prugli to l'W llarbur , lot 18. blk , '
FiedSu'llono'a ndd , wd „ . ' . 8OW
O K Harkernud wll'o to E H Hall , lot 4 ,
bU 12. Orchard Illll.wd < . , . 060
J W lleeco nnd wife to H F Mnrtl , lot 12 ,
Smith Park , wd 3,600
V H Davis and wlfo to L 0 gmlth , lot 81 ,
Falrmouiit Park w d 435
P C Hlmobuugh et nl , trustees , to J 8
Hale.lot 24 , blk 10. Omolm Heights , w a 400
P O Hlmebaugh et nl , trutteos , to J L
Plnhon , lot 25 , blk 10 , Omaha IIeights ,
w d 409
H Heed and wife to F Wear , lots 0 and 10 , '
blk 1 , Heed'slltth ad , wu fi.000
J li McCaguo und wlf to H McCnllocu ,
lot 2 , blkfi. West Cumlnc nd , wd , 800
J l , McCaguo and wife toll M McCulloch ,
lot in. blk 4. West CumlUK nd , w d l 000
J L McCauuoatid wlfoto J H McCul
loch. lot 2 < ) , blk ; ) , and lot 1 , blk 6N'ost
Cuuilugud , w d KM
Twenty-one transfers 833320
The following permits \vuro Issued by
Building Inspector Whitlock yoslcrdayj
P. II. Miller
, two ono-and-ono-half-story
frnmu dwellings , Miami , near Tnlrty-
fourth t 3,000
John Wabor , two-Htory frame d\vulllng ,
Johnson , near Uwe 1,500
C. 0. Wcntworth , ono-story frame cot *
tage , Ciis-t , near Fortloth 1,000
J. II. Van Closter. two two-story frame
roslduucds , 1'ark avenue , near Hickory. 8,000
W. P. Aruon , ono-story fi-aiuo cottage ,
' and Thlrty-flrst
I'lnknoy - 700
B. D. I'lko , two one-story fnimo cottages ,
Twenty-llfth and Virginia avenue 1.200
W. W , Cole , two-story frame residence ,
Thlrty-Ilfth nud Half Howard. . 4,000
C. B. 1'uiTote two
, two-atory frame real-
donoos , Twonty-llrst and Locust 0,000
Throe minor permits 1,000
Fourteen permits , aggregating f25.103
Notice is hereby nlvon that wealyd bids will be
received by the Clerk of Ailums County Neb
raska , at lilH olllcp , Hastings. Ni-brnska , until
twelve o'clock noon on Juno nth , 1 0 , for fur-
nlHhlug nil material and ull the labor for the
construction , nud to construct n Comity Court
House und County Jail , nt the city ot Ilastlugti
Nebraska , according to certain plans raid Hpeci- IOIH anil drawings to be on Illo nt the olllco
of the nalil County Clerk on ami after May U. " > th
18 ) .
The party or parties with whom the said
County of Adams may contract for the furnish-
lug B.ild material and labor nnd construction of
( aid County Court Housu and Jail , arc to untor
Into a good and Milllclunt bond to bo approved
by building committee conditioned according
to law.
Hlghta reserved to reject any and all bids.
Also ; during the samotlmo and the r-amo place
tlie paid Clerk will receive healed bids for fur
nishing nnd putting in cells In the proposed
County Jail , to bo elected In the city of Hast
ings Adams County Nebraska , bald con
tain separate offern on the two klndu of. cells
viz : Hovolvliig Cyllndor. Btutlonary cells , und
nix straight sqimro cells , with corridor or 'any
manufacture that the Hoard of Supervisor/ !
mild County may adopt.
Hlght reserved to reject any nnd all bjds. Uy
order of Hoard of SuporvlsorH , May I'th ' , 1889.
JOHN A. CASTO , L. li. I'ATuiiini ! ,
Co. Att'y. County Clork.
( Seal )
Notlco Is hereby glvon that sealed bids will be
received by the clerk of Adams County Neb
raska , ut his olllcn Hastings. Nebraska , ou or
before twelve o'clock noon of July nth , 1SSO , 'for
the purchase nf savpiity Ilvo bonds of the de
nomination of one thousand dollars ouch toba
Issued by tdo County of Aduma In the Ktnto of
Nebiusku , to lit ) dated July 1st , IHH'J. and to ba
paynbln at the Fiscal Agency of the State'of
Nebraska , City of Now YorK , Stulo of Now
\'ork twenty yearn nltor thn unto thereof re-
deflinabloat any time on or nf tor ton years from
the date thereof ntlho option of mild county of
Adnms and t : > bear Interest at the rate ot Ilvo
per rent per annum payable unnnally on the
first day of July in each year , for which Interest
coupons shall be attached imynbla ut the fiscal
agency aforesaid.
ItlghtH reserved to reject any and all bids.
Hy order of the Hoard of Supervisors , May 8th
[ rtKAl.,1 County Clnrk.
JOHN A , OABTO , County Attorney , iu21dtojy9
Notlco Is hereby given that Louts Johnson Is
no longer agent tor the NorddiMitsrhor Lloyd
Baltimore line , and that the following tlckot
bluiiKs nru void and will not bo honored by the
Prepalda Nos. E.W.G to 3 ; . \ both Inclusive.
Outwards NOH. \ , : mto \ : i9 : l. both incliulv )
May 23-11 Generul Western Agent
I'loturo or AIlHH
Who Am SovcntiM-ii liad OyBtcrs.
An old ttunip-bnolc , containliip a uuin-
borof ( lra\viii'tjif Thiickcrny , has lutoly
boon found in London. Pcrlmua thu
moHt intorcsting aUotoh IB ono of a very
prim uud BOinuwlmt thin dnmuol with iv
fun , uiidor whicli Tliuckoray hua written -
ton , ' 'Mad'llo Mulanio v , SpfcRul. dmno
d'honnouf to the Princess \VHIIuni of
lJruB3iu ) " ono of hi oarlv lovcu , und
drawn , we may premium , lift or hiu | ) IIH-
siou hud lied. It la intcrcbtincr to upcc-
tiluto as to whntluM' this younj ; mdy
WUH iininortui/ud ) uiulor ttio nauu ; of
Dorolhou or of Ottillln. Tlio liiUor ,
probably , i\n the dobcrijitlon winch
suit3 the drawing is this : "Ottiliu v/ns
paloand dolicato. fsho were hcr-pliBt1
oning black half in bunds , and'drnBaaC
in vapory white muslin , " OttUa's sur
it will bo
niimo was ,
Schlipponschlupp , and the 4
wiui broken oil , beuavieo a ho ! : ute " \
teen Imit oybturt.
Thorci uru also HOino pagcEi of lujminf ;
drawing , thu bosthtiin alcituroc ; wjth
a Hkololon , from which 1m Its doiuon-
Htrallnp. entitled , "Do niortuls rill nisi
bouuin. " nnd an unfortunatomansutfor-
! IIL' Uio puniEihinciit of the baatluuxlo ,
calh'il "Uumboo/.lliKf. " Finally Ihpro
in i' comical ukctch of a prlnonor , loiulod
uiih ( .hains , waluhliiK u buttorily Ou the
window of his cell , boncaU ) which in
writto'i ' , "i'dc bo a buttorily. "