THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. ALAY 24. 1889. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , A Bit of a Flurry Started By Faloo Reports. GENERAL DEPRESSION RULES. Corn OOCB Up n Very Binnll Frnotlon OntB Qnlct Provisions UrlKlitcn Up a Ijlttlc Hogs Go Lower. CHICAOO I'll OI > U OR MARURTS. CIIICAOO , May 23. fSpeclal Telegram to Tun HER. ! Wheat prices averaged to-day nnd the general tone of the market was stronger. Yesterday afternoon "In the cfllces , " quite a scare was generated on the circulation of pointers by the weather prophets that there wcro going to bo frosts throughout Wisconsin , Michigan and North ern Illinois , Indiana nnd Ohio. There were slight frosts Tuesday night nnd further frosts last night , but they were neither as severe nor as general as was anticipated. Many sections were touched by frost , but no damngo has yet been repotted to anything excepting strawberries. A little of such sufllccd to put the prlco up'on ' the curb" last night , and induced more or less covering this morning. These and the export clear ances , which , in wheat alone amounted to 215,000 bushels , Induced a slight advance. The Initial range was SOJfc for Juno , 70 > c for July , and 5a for December. July advanced to 7CJfe , and thcro was a rattling trade for a time. The price worked back to 70Jfc ( , nnd jumped again , on private cables that the French stocks were being rapidly reduced and that quotations wore higher. Public cables failed to confirm this , nnd quoted both the French nnd English markets as weak. This was especially true ns to the English markets. On the second bulge July got up to 7GJ < c , hut thereafter values tended down. Non-realization of frost anticipations was followed by predic tions of moderation In temperature through out the west , and thcro was nothing In the situation nt homo or abroad , according to latest advices , upon which the bulls coulu build strong hopes. A renewal of depression was the result , and lower prices followed. The bulls lost the spirit they had displayed earlier In the day. Trade was of moderate proportions nnd chieily local. The crowd leans to the bull side , but fails to see nny- thlnir In the situation to warrant vigorous buying , or largo Investments at this writing. If the export cleaianees keep up at the rate indicated in the postings the cash market may bo expected to feel the effects , but Just now the depression felt in futures has com municated itself , to some extent , to the cash trado. It Is thouitht that the steady out- movement of wheat shows that property Is wanted. The reduction in the visible stocks this weak will bo large. About 1 o'clock , July was quoted nt < 0 e. and at the close at 7'a ( Juno wheat ranged from SOJfc at the opening , off to SOc , up to 80j < o , and back to 80J.fc , where it rested. December ranged from 75@TT > ; ! rfc , and closed nt 75J c. The closing prices indicated a change of about J4'c for the bettor sample. Grain men report a bettor Inquiry for cash wheat , with but little business resulting. Corn was governed , in addition to influ ences to bo named later , by the course of the wheat market , and , liho it , the feeling re garding prices was strongest durlnir the early part of the session. Some gain was made , howciver , though ) < c was Its diminu tive measure. The market for eoi'n started to some extent the improved feeling hi wheat , nnd a moro active speculative demand was experienced. The reported frosts , though not supposed to have done nny Injury to corn , created a feeling of un easiness Mn the minds of the shorts , who were fairly good buyers. The very heavy export clearances noted at tho. head of thcso remarks wns'Unother encouraging feature on the bull side of the market , nnd the liberal quantities inspected out of store here liko- \viso helped to drive some shorts into the market as buyers. The shipping demand was good and at a sllgnt improvement over yesterday's closing prices. Oats wcro quiet within nearly yesterday's rango. Tno lirniness in wheat and corn was rellcctcd , In a milliner , on the speculative branch of the market , and although the de mand far oats was not at all urgent , thcro was no pressure to sell. Juno ranged at 22 % (3 > 22Jfc ; , with July touching 22 ; < o , while now crop deliveries were neglected and May sold ns high as 22J c. The receipts wore liberal but grading was poor , while withdrawals from store wcro reduced to 73 , 100 bushels. No. 2 oats wcro dull and saleable at 22 | e. The provision trade reacted sharply from yesterdays depression. A rather free buy- Inir of pork by Wright and other professional speculators known to bo on the short side , occasioned n boom in that article shortly after the opening , that affected the entire market. Lard was less sensitive to the ad vance witnessed than wcro pork or short ribs.yotitsoldup from the first prices quoted a good 5 cents. In pork the advance made from the lowest quotations reported was 40c. nnd in short ribs 17 > cents. The upward movement was also attended with considera ble activity , and for awhllo thcro was more stir and excitement than have prevailed for sometime. When the shorts , whoso buying caused the reaction , withdrew , however , trading quickly foil off , and with larger offer ings the market experienced a downward elide. Pork sold off about 15c , lard 2 } c to 6c , and short ribs lOo ; still , closings were higher , as a rule , than yesterday's last prices , Lard rested unchanged , but in pork the im provement established was 17c to 22 } c , and in short ribs Cc to t c. CHICAGO til VIS BJ.-OCK MARKET. CHICAGO. May 23.---Special [ Telegram to Tm : BEE.l CtTTLE. The run was again hoav.V , to-day , but it did not dampen the liberal - oral demand that has prevailed of late. It Is true that sellers were forced to grant further concessions of about 10 cents , but when this was done the buyers operated freely ; and , ( is on yesterday , absorbed nearly all of the sup * ply , or about 81,000 cattle in two days. Dressed beef , shipping and export grades sold about 15 cents lower than MOP. day.- Toward the Bnlsh trade not only bo- cuino moro active , but prices were firmer. Nati.Vo rows , and oih'ur descriptions of native canning and butchers' ' cuitle , wore again In proportionately moderate supply , and , while ehowlng n shrinkage of about 11" " cents from the prices for early In the wnek , found .in excellent outlet. The arrivals of Toxnna footed up to-day to only about sixty c.iru , or 1,300 head , bsrely enough to go around mid prices developed strength to thu extent of 5 and 10 cents. The trade , which under the pressure of supplies , was much larger than the demand , ruled slow and wc.uic. Choice oxtru boov s , M.00@l.i)7j ) { : medium to good btccrs , 1S50 to 1MO Ibs. $3.0. > @ 4.1li ; 1200 to 1'UiOlbH. $ acOui3.9j ; 950 to 1200 Ibs. $11.40 ® : i.vO ; stor.kertt mid feeders , fJ.7f > @ 3.Guj cows , bulls nud mixed , f l, , ; : ( ; bulk , 8J.4 S.SO ; Texa Btccos. .7f > ( rf3.CO. ! Hccn The inurkot to-day opened fully lOo lowcir than yiutnnluy's tlulsh , or about 20o lower thane > * torday morning's oxtrvmo top transaction * , with $4 ( the general prlco for good packing hogs. Later , the trade ilovolopeJ oonstdor.iblo activity , and an linprjvoment of 5 < i becaino general , the mar ket , closing strong and tha pens well cleared , Tl.p uulk of rucking no.xls sold around $1.30 ; BOrte.l shipping , IwHvy aud butcher * ' f l.itttf 4.40 ; mixed principally at W.SO , and York i , M'J. NKW YOIIK , Ma23. | Spclnl Tolegrnm toTns UKK.I STOWS 1'rioes wcro irregu lar , but not mntarlally chiingctl from last n'-utit , when bunluoss was resumed this morning , Thcro was lacking tha broatl market and the firm feuling oi the other days of the week. Thorn wu hesitation uni ) some heaviness , with tow excoptlnnii , nptudly St. I'nul , which moved up 1 per ceni on x < w buslnoss ; and Delaware d 11 ml aon , which gained f { per cent at the same time. The o-ily nthnr nctivo stock wan \teudiitg , VThlcU sl.o\viJ less clmijgo it. pricu and RurllDgton Bold , cx-dlvldcnd , off 1 per ccn < , at 102 < @ 102 , and back to lO . In the first hour the trust stocks Attractctl much attention ; Sugar trusts wont shnrpljr from 04 > f to 93 , followed by ft sllghtrcactlon ; Lcn3 trusts Avoro active and gained over 1 percent ; Chicago Gas wo * unexpectedly quiet , opening steady at 55J < , gelling at 5. X. nnd off to 65 f. There was a firm fooling nt the end of the hour , Avlth prices about at the first figures. The market during the hour to 12 o'clock was slmllnr to that of the morning hour. St Paul continued strong and moved to 73 , n gain of 2 per cent. Lead trusts were hold steady on largo business. St. Paul preferred , nnd Oregon ; Navigation each moved up IK per cent. Other shares Avoro firmIn sympathy , but otherAVlso the list Avas featureless at past prices. At noon the closing prices in stocks far exceeded the morning for n broad nnd strong market. Hurllngton 1ms a very excellent record for gaining Its 0 per cent * , dividends , and sold per cent better. St. Paul headed the list to the close , nnd the last prlcu , 73 , was the very top , nnd a S ncr cent gain over last night. Much of tha strength was attribute ! to the buying by Armour. Lnokiuvnnnn gained K per cent , closing nt 142 } ; Liiko Shore gained 1 per cent , closing nt 103 > f 5 Atchlson \ } per cent , closing nt 45V ; Hock Island 1 ! { per cent , closing nt S ; ; Northwestern K per cent ; Union Pacific % per cent ; Head ing Jtf per cent ; but Chicago Gas closed } i per cent under , at 55 ; . The total sales for the day were 401,753 shares , Including 10.V 300 St. Paul , 23,700 Burlington , 10,500 Northern - orn Pnclllc preferred , 23.3JO LncknAvanna , 11,000 Lmte shore , and 14,100 Northwestern. The following Avero the closing quotations : PUO I ) UGH MA II 1C MTS. CHICAGO , May 23. 1:15 : p. in. close Wheat easier : cash , 8l , ' c ; June , 8U ) o : July , 7Cjtfe. Corn About steady ; cash 33J < fu ; June , 33 11-lGis ; July , 34c. Oats Steady ; cash , 22 c ; Juno , 22 11-lCo ; July , 22 fo. Hyo lOc. Harlo.v Nothing doing. Prime Timothy51.33. . Flax tl.54. Whisky -81.02. Pork About steady ; cash and Juno , $11.- 07K ; July , H11.77. Lard Steady ; cash nnd June , $0.07J < ; July Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat , $2.00@ 4.75 ; spring wheat , ; rye , $2.45 ® " " "iJry Salt Meats Shoulders , e.12K@r ! .S5 ; short clear , tJ.l @ (5.23 ( ; short nhs , 55.70 @ 5.75. Butter Firmer for fancv ; creamery , @ 10 i dairy , 9@14c. Cheese Steady ; full crcnm choddnrs , 7 > Huts , 7 @ 7J ! cj Young Americas , c , EgRS Firm ; fresh , ] 2@12Kc. Hides Unchanged ; heavy and light green salted , 5 > c ; salted dull , 4J o ; green salted calf , Oc ; dry Hint , 7c ; dry salted , 7c ; dry calf , 7 ( < ? Su ; deacons , 'J5o each. TnlloAV Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4c ; No. 2 , Uj c ; cake , 4 c. Hccelpts. Shipments. Flour 11,000 0,000 Wheat 18,000 33,000 Corn 545,000 204,0- Oats 170.000 14'J.O Now Vor-k , May -Wheat Receipts , ' _ , . . . 3 ml , 7io' ( ; options less active and higher ; May , Sic. Corn Receipts. 82,000 ; exports , 292,000 , ; snot weaker , and less active ; No. 2 , 42 ® 42Jfc in elevator ; 42J ( S43c afloat ; ungraded mixed , 40 } @ 43 > c ; options firmer but dull. Oats Receipts , 01,000 ; exports , 25,000 ; spot dull and easier ; options dull , weak and lower : May , 23'jj'c ; July , 2S Co ; spot , No. 2 , white , 344@34o ; mixed western , 27@30c. Coffee Options linn , with prices 15 to 25 points up ; sales. 30,000 bags : May , $ U.40@ ! 10.50 ; Jul.v , $10.r > 5@lO.OOispot ; Rio , dull ; fair cargoes. $ ls,02 . Petroleum Steady and quiet ; United closed at 83J e. Eggs Steady ; western , 13J4@14n. Pork Stronger ; new , S13.2.'iC ( 13.50. Lard Quiet and lower ; western steam , $7.07 ; May , 87.05. Huttor Firm for extras ; western , 9@17J c. Cheese Active and more easy ; light skims , uixdis , May 23. Sample wheat dull , but about steady : receipts , 145 cars ; shipments , 07 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , May , 90o ; July , U7Kc : on track , 95e ; No. 1 northern , May , 85Jo ; July , 85&c ; on track , SG@Oc ! ) ; No. 2 northern , May , 77o ; July , 7tie ; on track , 7G@SOc. Milwaukee , May 23. Wheat Steady ; cash , 75c ; July , 7G ) c. Corn Unchanged ; No. 8 , 33c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 , white , 27@27Xo. Rye Dull ; No. 1 41 > c. Harlo.vNominal ; No. 2 , 51c. Provisions Firm ; pork , $11.00. Cincinnati , May 2J. Wheat Dull ; No. 3 red , 80c. Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 35 } c. Oats Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 20QM7C. Whisky ouiet at $1.03. 81. KoulH , May 23. Wheat Higher ; c-ish , 77jife ; July , 72jfc. Corn 1 Irm ; cash and July , 31 } c. Outs Higher ; cash , 25oMay ; , 20 > * c. Pork Firmer at $12.00. Lard Firmer at * ) .50. Whisky Steady at f 1.02. Uutiar Unchanged ; creamery , 13fi7 > 15c ; dairy , llfel e. KniiHUH Cliy , May 23. Wheat Steady No. 2 red , cash , 74o asked ; July , G2V c No. 2 , soft , no bids or offerings : July , 03 > c. Corn Stionger ; No. 2 , cash 27o ; July , 20o ; No. ! ! whito,27c bid , 2S fo asked. Oats No. 2 cash , 20Vf c. IjlVK STOUIt. Kniisaw City , May 23. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , none ; market slow und weak ; die scd beef and shipping steers lOo lower ; good cows scarce , and a shade higher for common ; corn-fed , * 3.35@l.lO ; Htockors and feeding steers , ? 2 25(33.45 ( ; i-uws , 11.76(142.33. Ilocs Receipts. 5,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; market steady ( common to choice , $4.05Q4.80. Btinix Oily , Muj 23 Cattle -Receipts , 501 ; shipments , 2JO- market steady ; fat steers , ? 3.00C'I. ! > Oi Rtoekers , f'i.U."iW2.85 ; feed- crs , ? 'MO ( < 2.1I9 ; citnner.i und bulls , $1.00 ® 175 ; veal ca'ves ' , 2.00 ( < I.OO. Hogs Receipts , 3,10i > ; market lower ; light and mixed , $1.05@.1.10 ; heavy , Niitloiuil Stock Vurtl ) , iCnst St. LoulH , May 23. Cattle Receipts , 700 ; Hhipment.i , 1,800 ; market steady ; choice heavy native steers , $3.80(34,40 ( ; fair to eood , ji.20@JO ; : ! ; stockcrs and feeders , S2.10 ( 8.20 ; rangers , corn-frd , g2.SOQ8.70 ; grass-fed , 12. 10 ( & 3.23. Hogs-Rocolpts , 4.500 ; shipments , 800 ; market lower ; choice hcavv , f4.0@l,40 ! ! ; paeking , f4.20@4.a5 ; light urados , $4.80(1(4,40. ( Olilouuo , May 23. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 13,000 ; market active but weaker ; beeves , $4.00it.4.87W ( ; steers. M.40@4,15 ; stockcrs and feedero. K.KGa 3.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , J1.75W3. U ; Texas steers , $2.75 3.00. Hogs Receipts , 13,500 ; marknt weaker and lOo lower , closing strong ; mixed M.25U | 4.45 ; heavy , f .15@l.40 ; light , 4.25ci4.GU ( ; skips , $ .1.5034.10. ' Sheep Receipts. 4.00J ; market steady to strongnatives ; , $3.50(34.40 ( ; westerns , slu > m , W.ta'i4.33 ; Texans , shorn , $3.00@3.75 ; lambs ' 8l.00i35.23. OMAHA 1UVK HfOOlC. Ciittlf. Thursday , May 23. Tidy little cattle were all right to-day nnd they did not sell much if any lower , but other cattle wcro 5C10c lower. The heavier nnd coarser the cattle the loss the demand and the Avcakor the market. Although the trade was sloxv the beef nnd shipping Moors Avoro mostly nil sold by mlddnv. The prices paid rungcd from $3.40@3.85 , but principally from &J.50 to W.75. Hutctiers1 stock went nt about steady prices but U Is good quality that sells. Common stuff is apparently sought after less every day. The buyers mostly want good , fat cows nnd heifers and when they take anything com mon they Avnnt It nt low figures. The cows sold nt * 3.20@3.25 , but the trading Avns mostly in small lots of from ono to live head. Thcro Avcro no fresh receipts of stockcrs nnd feeders to speak of nna not many holdovers. Thcro was some Inquiry for good native feeders. IK ) JR. ' Hogs sold lower to-day , n bin lOo lower In most cases. The market opened Avith cholco light hogs selling at fl.l5S4.20 but the puck ers generally \vero bidding nbout W.U ( for the licaA'y nnd mixed hogs. The trndo Avns n little slow for n AVhilo niter the opening , but the buyers eventually raised their bids nnd cleared the ynrds in n few minutes. The heavy hogs sold mostly nt $1.10 nnd $4.10a ( 4.15 bought almost everything. The mnrket closed strong nl the decline. There Avns not n load of sheep In the ynrds nnd nothing to make n market. The de mand continues good for desirable muttons nnd the market AVHS nominally steady. Hcoiilpts. Cattle 1,200 Hogj 3,600 Prevailing Prices' ' ? . The folio wing U aUblu of prlcas paid In this market for the graloj of stock men tioned : Good steers , 1250 to 1450 Ibs. . . 3.00 ( ! ? 4.90 Good steers. 1(150 ( lo 1300 Ibs. . . 3.5 ! ) @ 3.SO Ordinary to fair cows 2.00 ( rf2.IU Fair to good cows 2.40 ( j 2.00 Good to "cholco cows 2.00 ( tftLOO Cholco to fnnc.v cows , heifers. . 3.00 ( rf3.25 Fair to good bulls 2.00 ( u2.50 Good to choice bulls 2.511 ( ii3.00 Light stockcrs nnd feeders. . . . 2.70 M3.00 Good feeders. 050 to 1100 Ibs. . 3.00 (7f3.35 Fair to choice light hogs 4.15 ( ( J4.20 Fair to choice heavy hogs I.07l < ffj4.10 ( Fair to choice mixed hops 4.10 M4.15 Fair to medium niitlvo sheep. . 3.50 ( J4.25 Good to choice native sht'op. . . 4.0J ( if4.50 Fair to cholco western shcap , . 3.25 @I.OO Shorn sheep 3.00 ( njl.00 K''presciitiulvo Sales. STCr.HC. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 1230 $3.00 5 1150 $3.GO 13 1053 3.40 17 125 J 3.GO 2 1033 3.40 19 13 > l ! 3.00 10 1035 3.40 25 9 0 3.05 07 lOW 3.40 19 1230 3.05 54 lO'ja 3.45 fit 1323 3.G7J4 35 1234 3.47K 20 1203 3.70 ! 17 1072 8.50 1 1150 370 21 1113 8.50 21 10G1 3.70 SO 1142 3..10 10 1210 3.70 18 1054 3.50 57 12.-)0 3.72K 18 100J 3.50 IS 1272 3.72tf 13 1015 3.50 2 1100 3.75 18 1111 8.55 18 1301 3.75 21 1190 3.55 1 1230 3.75 J 1178 3.00 3b 1275 3.75 9 1193 8.00 18 1137 3.7C 9 130(5 ( 8.GO 39 1340 3.bO 8 1270 3.GO 3(1 ( 12S-J 3.b234 19 13S4 8.GO 34 1351 3.b5 COAVft. 3 773 2.20 1 1310 2.00 3 'J50 2.20 1 1200 2.90 J 1090 2.25 1 1170 2.90 810 ! > p. " ; j . 1113 ! ! 3.00 1 900 2.25 5 1170 ! 1.00 1 1110 2.33 1 1270 8.00 3 1177 2.40 9 1070 8.00 2 975 2.50 S 803 3.10 1 12'0 2.50 0 952 3.15 17 830 2.50 9 11(17 ( 8.15 7 1021 2.03 1 1440 3.15 3 10'.I7 2.75 1 1170 3.25 1 1200 -.7f > 3 1877 2.25 2 1125 2.80 2.80GAX GAX CliS , 3 . 940 1.75 4. .1003 1.75 .1000 1.75 1. .1000 1.75 CALVES. 5 210 4.00 1 ISO 4.50 2 200 4.25 STEERS , TEAUL1NQ8. 7 030 2.70 31 700 3.33 11 774 3.30 STOCICKS. 0 G23 3.00 uinrais , 10. 572 2.00 STAOS. 12. .1407 HOOS. HOOS.No. No , Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 14. , .241 . . 4.00 OS. , . .251 100 4.10 CO. , . ' . ' 43 . . 4.0S 51. , . .yoo 100 4.10 24. , .310 . . 4.05 04. , . .2SO 80 4.10 08. , . ' . ' 37 200 57. , . .315 200 4.10 GO. , .255 80 4.07K 53. , . .324 80 4.10 48. , .2'J2 120 4.07 40. , . .337 4.10 05. , .245 240 4.07 (52. ( . . .20t fcO 4.10 GG. , .277 100 4.07M 04. , .203 4.10 GO , .2'Jl 100 4.10 03. , .300 100 4.10 05. , .217 80 4.10 C ! ) . . .211 80 4.10 03. , .2S3 120 4.10 .291 4.10 23. , .194 120 4.10 04. , .293 40 48. , .253 80 4.10 ' ' .248 120 50. , .2S7 80 4.10 04' . .249' 80 04. , .2SO 4.10 130. , .238 4.15 GO. , .204 40 4.10 34. , 40 4.15 34. 120 4.10 89. , iiS'J 4.15 53. , .2Jt 80 4.10 70. . .258 80 4.15 59. , . 0 : { 100 4.10 01. . .200 80 4.15 04. , .278 210 4.10 8'J. . .220 40 4.15 57. , .254 40 4.10 23. , .20 4.15 03. , .2T7 40 4.10 69. , ,257 80 4.15 G'J. , .230 200 4.10 71. , .200 80 20. , . : no 120 4.10 70. , .214 80 4.17 23. . .293 80 4.10 03. , 245 60. , .270 120 4.10 ' ' 212 120 59. , .207 120 4.10 77.'i . 223 40 4.20 001 , .324 240 4.10 75. .234 80 4.20 lilvo htooK Notes. Undesirable cattle lower. Tidy lUtlo Usevcs steady. Hop market closed strong. No sheep to mnko a market. Heavy hogs sell mostly at $4.10. F. J. Coil was in from Lyons with cattlo. II. Banner was In from Chalco with hogs. Afva Smith was in from Waverly with cat. tie. tie.Kent Kent was represented by W. A. Davis with hogs. J. C. Stevenson , of Greenwood , was in with cattlo. M. Q. Connor wan in from Auburn with cattlo. G. M. Dierks , of Cedar UlulTs , was in with cattle. C. M. Poht was In from Gothenburg with cattle. J. W. Barrett was in from Wisner with cattlo. A. W. Bcahtn was in from Canton visiting the yards. E. A. Packard was in from Aspinwall , la. , with cattlo. J. W. Douglas , of Johnson , was in with cattlo. D. F. Stoner , of Wakofloldwas on the mar- kct with cattle. J. E. Gorten was in from DoWitt with two cat s of cattlo. Noah Abel , of Council Bluffs , was looking over the yards. Wilson Combs , of Ncmnha City , was on the market with cattle , P. J , Dolan , of Wavorly , had cattle on the market to-day , Mr. Colby , of Colby ft Son , was In from Hradslmw with cattle nnd hoes. C. W. Gould was in from Sanford with two cars of cattle and ono car of hogs. John Kusscll represented Fullortou on the market with two carloads of cattlo. W. F. Giiumor , of Johnson , was on the market with cattle of his own raising. J. M. Kmcrino was In from Council Bluffs with three ear loads of cattle and one car of J. F.ICesslerof Oakland was on the market with throe carloads of cattle and one car of hops. hops.William William Hipp and C , A. Lambert repre sented Humphrey. Their ueal fed cattle sold for $3.85 , the top. W. J. Johnston wan In from Endicott with cattlo. Mr , Johns ton U ono of Jefferson county's brceJoii of flnn horses , OMAHA \VltOhfcBArjK M/UtKETS. Proituue , Krulls , Butter dull and weak. Ohecso quiet and dsmtmil light. Ket : * Urn ) , Poultry in light receipts nnd market stuudy. Lemons uad oranges advancing. i Tublo dairy , K'Qltfc ; packers' stock , 8@0c. Cream6fy Prints , fancy , " 20(3 ( 22o ; choice. ISMlCaildoWrpixcked , 14@lBo. Eoos-StrlctlyfrcMuJfllc. ) CHF.KSB Young America , full cream , Oo ; twin llata , OoJ off grades , 4@0c ; Van Hos- gem Edam , 111.50 per dtwon ; ap sago , 19o ; brick , 150 } llmburgot1,12d { domestic Swiss. 14c : skims , 2 < < jNo ; > chtoso safes , uronzo medal , No. 8 , J2.S5. PouiTnT Llvo lions per dozen , M.OO © 4.25 : roosters , $3.7 4JOOj turkeys , i@Uc ) per Ib. STn\wnBiinin Par case , 24 qts , flOOGJ 2.85 : soft , $1.00(32.00 ( , CniniitlKS Cal. , $1.75(32.00 ( per 10 Ib box ; southern , $3.00n4.00 ( { pen crato. OiiASOns Fancy Washington novolsi."i.OO @ 5.STi ; Ulversldo , t3.0dii3.25i fancy paper rind St , Michaels , W75&4.25 ; fancy Duarte Mediterranlnn sweets , $2.7BQji.23 ; : fancy bright mountains. $2.25(22.7il ( ( Los Angeles ( choice ) , $2.2G@3.50. i LEMONS Choice , $4.50g5.00 ( ; fancy , W.75 < 3 0.75 0.75COCOANVTS Cholco Huatans , per 100 , $1.50 5 less than 100 , fie each. B.VNAXA8 According to size of bunch , $1.76012.50. Arn.ns Choice , $3.23@3.50 ; poor , $1.25(3 ( 2.00. 2.00.EAIU.T EAIU.T Vr.or.T.vni.Es Lettuce , per dozen heads , 20@2. > c ; radishes , per dozen bunches , 10@15c ; green onions , 12@15c ; parsley , 25@ 80esoup ; bunches , 20i ( 25c ; beets , 4D@50o ; carrots , BOi.Vjc ; turnip * , 50@55o ; oyster plant , 80S3oc ( ; celery , 85@I.OO ; cnullllower , $1.00 ( 2.25 ; cucumbers 60iiWc ; green doz , 30 ( < M5c ; pieplant , perlb , l@2c ; IIOAV potatoes , per Ib , 2df2Kc ; cabbage , 2J/ southern , $2.002.75 ( per crntc. Fiicsii FISH White ilsh , per It ) , 7 ( ( hen-Ings , froren , per Ib , Sc ; trout , fresh caught , per Ib , Oc ; white porch , fresh caught , " per Ib , 7c ; nuffitlo , fresh caught , per Ib , 7o ; pickerel , fresh cnucht , per Ib , Cc ; black bass , fresh caught , per Ib. lie. HBASS Choice hand picked navy , $2.20 ; choice hand picked medium , $1,75 ; choice hand picked country , $1.05i { l,7S ; clean country , $1.20@1.23. POT4TOis : Choice , sacked , perbu , 25(330c. ( VEAL Choice , medium size , 7@3c ; choice , heavy , 4 ( 0. Hiiir.s Pr.i.Ts , TALLOW. ETC. Green salted hides , 4 ( < f5o ; dry salted hides , Oc ; dry Hint hides , 7c ; calf hides , 6@5J-'c ; dnmimcd hides , 2c less ; sheep polls , green , oacli , 25c8 ( ? f 1.00 ; sheep pulls , dry , per Ib , 5ii12o ( ; AVOO ! , average , 14 ( < filSc ; tallow , No. 1 , 3K@le ; lal- low , No. 2 , 2 @ ' . c : grease , Avhftc. 3@4c ; grease , yellow , 2g2Jtfc. ( Al'l'i.r. BUTTIIK 7c. Ciiin ) : Hbls , $ V hf bbls , S3. Hi.'TTr.Htsn 14(715c ( per Ib. MAri.i : S'uuit I2) ( ; ? 15c per Ib. Hoscv 10@l7c per Ib. PuKsciiVKs ll QKlf.1 per Ib. JILLIIS : : ! ll-4'i4c ( per Ib. BEIS\VA.V No1 1 , 18i20c. ( Groceries. lUos Amerlcnn A , seamles , f 17.25 ; Union Square paper , discount , 35 per cent. CANNED FISH Brook trout , 3 Ib , $2.50 ; salmon trout , 2 Ib , (2.35 ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.25 ; clams , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; clam chowder , 3 Ib , $3.2V devilled crnhs , 1 Ib , $3.25 ; devilled crabs. 2 Ib , $3.30 ; codllsh balls , 2 Ib , $1.75 ; caviar , J , ' Ib , $225 : cols , 1 Ib. $3.25 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $2.U ( ) ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; lobslors , devilled , X Ib , $2.25 ; mnckcrol , 1 Ib , $1.00 : mackerel mus tard sauce , 3 Ib , $2.90 ; mackerel tomato sauce. S Ib , $ ; T.40 ; oysters , 1 Ih. S.'c ; oysters , 2 It ) . $1.50 ; salmon , C. U. , 1 Ib , $2.10 ; salmon , C. 1C , 2 Ib , ? 3.10 , salmon. Alaslca , 1 Ib , $1.85 ; snlmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; shrimps , 1 Ib , CANDLES Star , 8s , 1(5 ( oz , per Ib. 9c ; Star , 8s , 14 oz , per Ib , 9c ; Slcnrlo , AV.IX , 10 oz , ( is , ucr Ib , lie ; Stcnrlo , wax , 14 oz , Os , per Ib , lie ; half boxes. J d extra. CANDV 9 > ( gl2 > jft ; per Ib. CHOCOLVTI : AND' Cocov 25@39c per Ib ; German chlckory red , Sc. CorrcEi Green-4-Fan6y old golden Rio , 24c ; fancy old peaberr.v , 23c ; Hio , choice lo fancy , 22c : Hio , prime , 21c ; Hio. good , 20c ; Moctia , 2So : Jnvu'funny Mnndchling , 27c ; Jav.i , good interiorj'24c- ; COCFCDS Hoaslod Arbucklo , 245ic ; Alc- Lmighlln XXXXr.243.4'c ; German , 21J c ; Dillworlh , 2IJfc ; Alaromn , 243fc. CiiACKiiiis AND ( JAKK G rtglSe per Ib. DKIRD FHUITS Per Ib , nprlcots , 14@l7c. Apples. Mich. . 4estais , Oc ; Aldcns. OJ4' @ Sc. Peaches , Cal. 'Y. . Reeled , 17@20c ; fancy unpeeled , llf13csun ( . dried , OWe . ; Salt . Lake , Oc Pruncs < . Cal. R C , - K@10 c. Currants . 5@7e ; Turkish prunes , 4' c. Cit ron pool , 23e. Lemon , peel , 14c. Fard dates , lOc. Figs. 9@10c. Haisiiis , Malaga bunch , dohcsns. ? 5.00 per box ; Vnlencias , per Ib , To ; Cal. G & S. , $2.40 per box. Dried grapes. 5c. Ulackbcrrics , 5J/c. Pitied cherries , 17c Pitted plums , 9@llc. Haspberrics , 21c Nectarines , 13C'fl4c. GiNdcn .liimiuca , i { pts. , ? 3.00 per doz. FARINACEOUS GOODS Barley. 3V3J ( c ; far ina , 4) ) c ; peas , 3c ; oatmeal , 41 < f3c ( ; maca roni , llhc ; Acrmiceli ; , llj c ; rice , 4J.1'7c ; saco and tapioca , 07c. . Fihii Salt Dried codllsh , CM&S % ; hali but , 12c ; scaled herring , 25u per box ; hoi. herring , dom , 50c ; Hamburg spiced herring , $ I.OOVi ( > 1.10 : Imp. hoi. hcrriiiK' , OOcQf l.OO ; mackerel , hlf bbls , No. 1 , $13.50 ; largo fami ly , $12 50 per 100 Ibs ; whitefish , No. 1 , $7.25 : family , $3 50 ; trout. 83.23 ; salmon , $8.50 nn- chovis , 10-lb pails , SOc. LTC $1.754.60. NUTS AlntO'ids , K@lSc ( ; Brazils , Oc ; fil berts , 12c ; pecans. 13c : walnuts , 13c ; peanut cocks , 8c ; roasted , lOc. OILS Kerosene P W , lOc : W W , 12c ; headlight , 13J c ; salad oil , $2.S3@7.00 pe.r dozci. PICKLCS Medium , per bbl , $5.00 ; small , $0.00 ; gherkins , S7.00. Wiuri'iNo PATEII Straw , per Ib , 1 % @ 2) ) c ; rag. 3H" ; manila B , Oc. No 1 , 9c. SALT Dairy , 140 2-lb pkgs , $2.70 ; do 100 3-lb DkRs , $2.00 ; do 00 5-lb pkgs , $2.50 ; do 23 10-lb pkgs , $2.40 ; Ashton , bu bags , 50-lb , 85c : do4-bubags , 234-lb , $3.40 ; do M S A , 50-lb bags , 53o ; per bbl , $1.85. SEEDS Bird , 4H'0Oc. SALHODA \ % < < i % Q per Ib. STAHCII 5 > 4@7c per Ib. STOVU POLISH $2.00@5.87 per gross. Si-icKb Whole , per lo Allspice , 12c ; Cas sia China , lOc ; cloves , Zanzibar , 25c ; nut megs , No. 1 , 70c ; popor ] , 20c. SUOAUS Granulated , S ) ' < c ; confectioners A , 8XC9c ; standard , extra C , 8,6 c ; yellow C , 7 ( < J7Xc ; Powdered , 9 % ( < i9 4'c ; cut loaf , 10)i@luKui ) cubes , 9 c. TIJAS Gunpowder , 20(7ZCOc ( ; Japan , 12@ 40o ; Y. Hyson , 23@50c ; Oolong , 22@50c. VINKOAIC Per gal , l20c. ! ! Dry BATTS Standard , 80 ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty , o ; Boone , 14o ; B , cased , J0.50. UOTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls LL , unbleached , u o ; CC , ( % o ; SS , 7 EE. 8 c ; GG , 0 fo ; XX , lOJ/o ; OO. IJ NN , iyi < o : AA , 14c ; DD. V > &eTT \ , IG YY. Ibu ; BB , 19c : 20 bleached , 8 > c ; W ; bO , 13Ko ; 60 brown and slate , 9c ; 70 , ; 00. lllo. ii'RT WAIII > Bibb White , 19c ; col ored , 22e. CIIASII Slovnns' B , 5J c ; Stevens' A , 7c ; bleached , 80 ; Slovens' P , 7-SjV ; bleached , Stevens' N , 8 0 ; bleached , Stevens' SUT. ll' c. CAMIIIIICS Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Standard , Do ; Peacock , 5c. Consur JHANS Boston , 7 fo ; Androscog- gm , 7o ; Koarsarge. ! ? ; Kockport ; 03 o ; Conestoga. ( i ; c. . t DUCK West Point , 29 In , 8 oz. 9J < o ; do , 29 in , 10 o12Ko ; do ) 29 in. 10 oz , iSWo ; do , 40 in. 11 oz , lOo. ' J' > oz , Beaver Creu'k AAf'i2cl Bcnv"cr"cVeeiri5B. He ; BeaA'or Creole CC. lOc. FLANN-HLS WhHe , Q.H. No. 2 , % , 22 ] G. H. No. 1 , K , 20 oti B. H. No. 2 , " inch , 21J c ; G U. 24-ln'oli , 20o ; H A F , Jf. S5o : J IF , K. 27c ; G25c. . FLANNELS PlalU , Uaflsman , 20o ; Goshou , o Clear Lake ; Ufl o ; Iron Mountain , HiiiitTiNns-Ciiledonla X. 9) < fo ; Calondla XX , lOJtfo ; Economy.-yoiOtis , Oo ; Granita. 04'o ; Crawford Check , 80 ; Haw Itivor Plaids , 5V < e. GINOIIAM Plunkott checks , O c : Whit- teuton , GJfo ; York , 7K ; Normandl dress , 7Kc ; Calcutta dress. W Whlttenton dreas , 7 > foi Honfrew dress , b ( S.\ \ ' c. ICuNTUCKr JEANS Mbinorlal , ir > u ; Stand point , 18o ; Durham , 27jo ; Hercules , ISo ; Leamington , 2iUc ; Gleiiwood , 20u ; Melville , ttoi Bang-up , 27 o. PHINTS Dress -Charter Oak , 5Jfo ; Hamap 4o : Lodi , 61fo : Allen , Oo ; Hichmond , Cc : Windsor , OXo ; Edd ystone. 0) ) o ; Pacific. OVc. PiiiNTS , INDIOO ULUK-St. Ledger. 6 > < o' I'IIINIB , SOLID COWKS Atlaullc. Oo ; Slater , Oc ; Berlin Oil , GJc ; Garner Oil , 0 PIIINTS , PINK AND ROIIEP nichmond. OUoi Allen , Co ; Klvcrnotnt , fi > 4c : Steel Hlvcr , Oi o ; Ulchmond OKC ; Pacific , 7c. HROWN SiiRKTlNa Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7o ; Altnntlo U , 4-4 , 7 4C ; Atlantic D , 4-4. flUe ; Atlantic P , 4-4 , do1 , Atlantic LU , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora C , 4-4 , 4jo ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 0fc ; Hooslcr LL , 4-4 , fijic , Indian Head 4-4 , 7'fc ; Lawrence LL. 4-4 , r > Ac ; Old Dominion 4-t , r.i c ; Poppercll It , 4-4 , OJfc ; Ponpcrcll E , 40- Inch , 7lic ; Poppcrell 8-4 , 17ct rcpporoll IM , 20c ; Popporoll 10-4 , 12o ; Utlcn O ; 4-4. 4\o ; Wncluisntt , 4-4 , 7' c ; Aurorn It , 4-4 , ic ; Aurora U , 4-4 , 0) ) c. TICKS Oakland , A , 7Kc ; International , YY , 8c ; Shotuoknt , S , o'jc ; Wnrrou , No. 870 , ICe ; Berwick , HA , ISc ; Acme. 18o ; \ork , 30 In , IS 'o ; York , 83 In , in fo , Swift lllvcr , Sc ; ThormllkoOO , S c ; Thorndlko E F , rUtfe ; Thormllko ISO. 0 fo : Thormllho XX , 16o ; Cortlls No. B , O c ; Cordls No. 4 , lOUc. MUCKI.I.ANCOIH Tabla oil cloth , $3.25 ; trvblo oil clotli , mirblc , Si.25 ; plain Holland , u ; Dado Holland. la c. nnd ClicmlonlR. ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , tj/c ; citric per Hi , We : oxalic , per Ib , 15c ; tnrtnrlc , powdered , per Ib , 45c. AI.UM Per Ib. 8 < e. AMMONIA Carbonate , per Ib. Oc. AIIHOWIIOOT Bermuda , per Ib , 40c. BALSAM Copaiba , per Ib , 73c. UOHAX Hellncd , peril ) , 12c. CALOMEL Am. , per Ib , 82. OAHSIA Buns Per Ib , ISc. CIII.OUOFOHM Per Ib , 44e. COKUOSIVK Suiii.i.M\Ti : Per Ib. 73c. CIIKAM TAIITAII Pure , per Ib , 32c. EXTRACT LoinvooD liulk , per Ib , 12 > < c. fj 1 A CFllt VE"Hllllf lCt * 11) * ' 0 GUM Ammo Select , per Ib , $1.00 ; nsfcut- Ida , per Ib. ISc ; camphor , per Ib , 3Sc ; opium , per Ib. $3.25. IODINE Hcsubllmatcd , per ounce. $3.05. LEAVES Huchn , short , per Ib , 15c ; senna , Alox. , per Ib , 33c. MonriiiA Sulph , per oz. $2.75. POTASS-Bromide , per Ib , 42c ; Iodide , per QUINIA Sulph , per Ib , 40o. SHEDS Canary , per Ib , 4 } ; B)5c. ) SoArs Castile , mottled , per Ib , 8@10c ; cnstllo , Avhttc , per lu , 13@l5c. SrilHT.sNiTiiE Sweet , perlb , 30c. STIIA CUM A Crystals , $1.10. Sui.i'H. CINCHONA Per oz , 20c\ TAI-OIOA Per Ib , Oc. WAX White , per Ib , 55ji)01c. ) OILS Linseed , raw , OOc ; linseed , boiled , 0to ; ; castor , per gal , $1 ' , ' 0borgnmot. ; Sander son's , per Ib , f2.85 ; lemon , Sanderson's , per 11) , $1.75 ; peppermint , per Ib. $2 03 ; AVintcr- grccn , per Ib , 13,15 ; olive , Malawi , per Ib. Si.15 ; headlight , 175 test , Ifi'je ; gasoline , 75 degrees , 13c ; napthn , 03 degrees , 12o ; 150 prime White , 10e ; 150 water Avhito , 12c ; per fection , 14c ! lardmc , ! 50e. ; SiiinmcrV. . va , , lie ; Hero , W. Vn. , lOc ; I. X. L. , dark en gine. 2lc ) ; carbon , snow Avhlle , 150 degrees , ' "Ko ; rnrpcntino , 44c. MctnlH. BLOCK TIN Eng. Hcf'd ' small pig , 2Sc ; bar , 29c. COWER Planished boiler sizes , 3'Jc ; cold rolled , 80c ; sheathing , 30c ; pills. 'We ; Hals , 80c. GALA'ANIZED SHEET IIION Juniala , 00 per cent discount. PATENT PLANISHED IIION No. 24 to 27 , A quality , per Ib , lO c , No. 24 lo 27. B quality , Otic. For less Ihun bundle add J c per Ib. HOOFINO ( Best charcoal. ) 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $5.75 ; IX , 14x20 , 112 sheels , $7.00 ; 1C. 20x27 , 112 sheets , $11.00 ; IX , 20x28 , 112 sheets , $13.50. SIIEKT IIIONNo. . 20 , $3.40 ; No. 27 , $3.50. SOLDEU Ho5t Metal Co.'s half and half in 1-lb cases , per Ib. lOc ; commercial half und half , 15c ; No. 1 , in bars , I4c. TIN PLATE ( Best Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets. $0.50 ; IX , 10x14. 225 shcols , $8.25 ; 1C , 12x12 , 225 Bheefs , $0.50 ; 17 , 12x12 , 225 sheets. $3.25 ; 1C , 14x20 , 112 shcols , $0.50 ; IX , 11x20 , 112 sheets , $3.20 ; IXX , 14x20 , 112 sheels , $10 : 1XXX , 11x20 , 112 sheels , $11.75 ; 1C. 2x28 , 112 sheets , ? ll.20 ; IX , 2x23 , 112 shccls , $17 ; IXX , 2x23 , 112 sheets , $20.00. Lumber and Building Material. Dimension nnd Timbers 12 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 22 ft. 24 fj 2x4..15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 1900 20.00 2x0. . . . 15.00 15.00 13.00 10.00 10.00 19.00 20.00 2x8. . . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 1I5.X ( ) 19.00 20.00 2x10. . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 19.00 20.00 2x12. . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 19.00 20.00 4x48xS.10.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 10.00 19.00 20.00 FKNCINO No. 1 , 4 und 0 in , 12 and 14 ft , rough , S10.00@10.50 ; No. 1,4 and 0 in , 10 ft , rough , $17 Wt $ 17.50 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 in , 12 and and 1 ft , rough , $13.50@14.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 in , 10 ft , rough , $10.0C@10.00. FINISHING 1st and 2nd clear , 1J in a 2s , $49.00@51.00 ; I st und 2nd , clear , 1J and 3 in. s 2 s , $47.00 < g.)0.00 ; 3rd , clear , Ijf in , s 2 s , $43.00W4U ( ( ) ( ) ; 3rd , clear , IJ-j and 2 in , s 2 s , $43.00@40.00 ; B select , 1 ,1 and 2 in , s 2 s , 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 in , s 2 s , $45.00 ; 3rd , clear , 1 in , s 2 s , $38.00 ; A select , 1 in , a 2 s , $31.00 ; B select , 1 in , s 2 s , $31.00. FLOOIUNO 1st com. 0 inch pine , $34.00 ; 2nd com. 0 inch white pine. $31.00 ; 3rd com. ( i inch Avhilo pine , $20.00 : D 0 inch Avhito pine , $20.00 ; com. 4 nnd 0 in. yellow pine , $15.00 ; Star 4 in. yellow pine , $17.00 ; Island 2nd clear yellow pine , 4 and 0 Inch , $19.00. LIME , ETC. Quincy \vhito lime , ( best ) 80c ; Enirlish and German Portland ccmcnl$3.45 ; Milwaukee and Louisville , il.OO ; Michigan plaslcr , $2.25 ; Fort Dodge plasters , $2.10 ; Blue rapid plaster , $1.90 : hair , 20c ; sash , 00 per ct. dls. ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 50 per ct. dis ; tarred felt , per cwt. $2.00 ; straw board , per cwt. , $1.00. Port\it Li'MHBii Clear poplar box bds. % in. B. 2s. , $32.CO ; clear poplar % in. panel , $30.00 ; clear poplar % in. panel , $ 'J5.00 ; clear clear poplar J < j in. panel slock Avide , 8. 2s. . S23.00 ; clear poplar , corrugated coiling , ' ie $80.00. POSTS White Cedar , C inch , halves , 12c ; White Cedar , 5M Inch , halves und 8 inch quarters , Ho : White Cedar , 4 inch , round , lOc ; Tennessee Hcd Oak , split , ] 6c ; Split Oak , ( white ) , 8cj Sawed Oak , ( Avhito ) , $1.S5. extra clear , . . . , No. 1 , $1.10@1.15 ; California lied Wood , dimension widths , J4.50 : Cypress , Clear Heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ; lath , $2.50. Sun- LAT No. 1 plain , 8 and 18 inch , $17.50 ; No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 inch , $15.50 ; No. 1 , O. G. , $18.00. SiiiiNd First common nnd 10 feet , $22.00 ; second common and 10 feet. $1U.OO ; third common and 10 feet , $15.00 ; fence , common and 10 feet , $1U.OO. STOCK UOAIIDS A 12 in , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 ft , $40 : I ) 12 in , * . I s. 12 , II ami Hi ft , $11 ; C 12 in , R. 1 K. 12,14 and Hi ft , $35 ; D 12 in , a. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $2. . ; No. 1 , com. 12 in , s. 1 a. 12.ft , $18 ; No. 1 , com. 12 in , s , 1 s. 14 and HI ft , $17.50 to $18.50 ; No. 1 , com. 12 in , s. 1 s. 10 , 18 nnd 20 ft , fl'J.BU ' ; No. 2 , com. 12 in , s. 1 s. H and 10 ft. $17. CniMNo AND PARTITION 1st com % In , white Pine partition , $32 ; 2nd com / in white pine partition , $27 ; clear % in , yellow pine celling. $20 ; clear % in , Norway , $ U.50 ; 2nd com % in , Norway. UOAIIDS No. 1 com , s 1 s , 12 , 14 and 10 It. $111 ; No. 2 com , sis , 12,14 and III ft $10.50 : No. 3 com , sis , 12 , 14 and 1(1 ( ft , $14.50. No. 4 com , sis , 12. 14 and 10 it , ( shipping cull ) $11. Add 50c per M ft for rough. SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank. 5O5 &oulliittli : Street , WANTED l utd by Cllks , Counties , School Distiicls , Water Com. panics , fie. We are in the market for the purchate of round amounts ol'tucli bonds. Correspondence solicited , N , W. HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers , 113-117 Monroe Gtroot , CHICAGO. 00 Oevonuhlre fitreet. BOSTON. ( ISSUED BY STATES , BONDS J COUNTIES , CITIES , 1 SCHOOL oimicis. tic. , ' BOUGHT AND BOLD. Wo deal In Land \VnrriinU und Hcrlp. Applicable iu ( luM'riiineiit IJIIMI , .itid Transact a JCtKtiliiiUunkldK Jluilncit. CorrtspuiKltnco tiolkltcU. S.A.KEANSGO.BAHKERS . . . , , 100 WASHINGTON STREET , CHICAGO , ILL , llg nKO < CWIV , NtW YOBK. TTrt U/CAU ! ! 1.1 JfringfroM It. f. I II VVCHIVBkNfMla | f/jcutlrul r. IU i IfHi | 1 ror > . early de ; y. lo t Inaniiuod . tc. I IM wncUi taluabU ) IritllM ( tolcdl conl lnliii lull | * nlcularj for Lcwo rurr , d o ut rpROF. ri'ci'FOWLER , MoodUi , Conn. , Agrlcuttiirnl Implomonta. I'AHKEtt' , Bealer li Aalcnllnial Implements , Wagons Cyrlagei am ) tm ! . Jpno ilwf I , between Pth and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ imfi , Omaha. Mcbraaka. _ LININOER it MKTOALF CO. . Agricnlt1 Implements. Wagons , Carriages \Yholo al ( > . Omnlm. Nebraska. PAIlLIff , ORKN110HV * MARTIN CO. Agrlcnltnral Implements , Wagons& Bnggies 901 , Ktl , (05 ( and IC7 J ones Mrcot , Omaha. _ MOLINE , MIL H URlf AlJWDDAifb CO. , Manufacturers nnd jobbers In Wagons , Bnggies , Rate , Plows Eta Cor. tlti and I'aclQo atrcota , Omaha. Artists' Mntorlnla. A , UOSl'E , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , UlSDouglaa alrel Omaha , Nebraska , Doots nnd Shoos. W. V. MOUSE Jt (70. ( , Jokers of Boots end Shoes , I1C1,1101,11U6 Doiulnn Hnct. Omaha. Mannfactorr , Bummer street , lloiton. Coal , Coke nnd UITIO. OMAHA COAL , COKE it LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Son Coal , M3South I3h ( atroct , Omaha. Nabraaka. KEURASKA FUEL CO. , StosofCoaladCok SI * South 1.1th St..Omaha , Neb. Cjo mm11B a lo rui nd S torogo. RlUDELL , t RWDULL , Storage and Commission Merchants , SpcclaltlM Pinter , ass * , < 'hp ! > p. poultry , gam * . llUlliiwurd Mn-ot O'lmha. Xiili. Dry Goods end Notions. ' ' ' M. E.'sM'irn A co. , Dry Goods , Fiirnisning QooHs and Notions 1KB and 1101 Douulaa , cor , llth atrc ( .Omaha. Neb. K1LPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsMions , Centa' Xurnlshlnv Rooda. Corner llth and llarney atrvcta , Omaha , Nubraaba. HEL1N , THOMPSON A CO. , Importers and Jotibora of Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , HIT BoathlSth itreot. Furniture. DEWEY A STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture Farnnm street , Omaha , Nebraaka. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture , Cui ah a Nabraika. Crocorlos. PAXTON , QALLAUIIER .t CO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions. 705,707.7TO and 711 Bonth 10th at , Omaha. Neb. McCORD , URADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers' 13th ana JXavcnnorh ! streets , Omaha , Nebraaka. Hardware W. J. liROATCII. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , iragon Btock , hardware , lumber , tc. 1209 and 1311 llarney street , Omaha. LEE , OLARJCE , ANDREESKN HARD WARE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Metals , flicot Iron. etc. Aeontx foe TIowo scales. Miami poirJcr and Lymuu barbed wire , HIMEnAUOH < lTAYLOR. . Build rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' tools and Iluir.uo Kculcu. 113J Douilai street , Omaha. Neb. Lumber A. WAKEFIELU , Wholesale Linnher , Etc , ImportPd nnd AiRprlinn Cortliinil ct'tncnl. State nRcnt 1 < r .Mllwnuki'O , li > dninllc rt'iucnl iin I 'n v v h ' ' " * OH AS R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood carpet * and parquet floorlim. Uth and LXiuglaa atrueta , Omaha , Neb. OMAHA LUM1IER CO. , All Kinds of BnMing Material at Wholesale , Utb Street nnd Union Faclne TrackOmaha , LOOIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doora , Kto , Yarda-Conic , Th nnd Douglaa. Corner loth und Duuulus ; FRED W. GRAY. Lumber , Llnib Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner Ctb and CouKlaa Sts. , Omaha. C. ff. DIETZ. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , 15th and California Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. Millinery and Notions. L OltERFELDER , t CO. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions JJH , 210 und 212 Bonth 1Kb itreet. Notions. j. T. Rointrsotr NOTION co. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , Uirnoi-J.ih a.ut I n o > , u.uiihu. Toys. II. HAltDYA CO. , Joljlicrd of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fane/ / Goods , Honso fiirnlsliinjf goout. , clUilicn's r Jltvi rip.nn , Rtivht ( I'M ' ' " , N" ! Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , JLile groan , ( to. , Omaha. A , H. Illahop , JlMiuuer , _ _ _ _ CARPENTER r APERCO.t Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nics atock of prlntlnic. irrapplnK and wrltlni paper. Hveolal attention lven to lar load ord ra. PRINCIPAL POITS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1302 t-'AIiNAM - S'l'ilKBT. ' L , JONES A CO. , Burxttior * to II B. | , Jonti A Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Slices AgcnU for Iloilon llufcrttrPhoe Co , tin. 1101 and I1M U m T Direct , Oiimlm , Ncbnuka. Browors. STOHZ ILKlt , Lager Beer Brewers , 1B1 north Klghlcoath Uc t , Om h , K . Oornloo. EAGLE COllffWJJ WOIIKS , MannfactarersofGalyanizcil Iron Cornlco dnw-rain nnd mclnllc tkyl'shli. John Kpenetert proprietor. Wi ud llu fouth 10th ttreou Offloo Fixtures. GO. Jlamif cturor of IM , Offlce and Saloon Fixtures , lUntlos , Sliiclioonlt. Hook r oi > , lr n nituwii. Wall < n os , I'nrtlllonj. limilhun.Oounlon. , llccrnnil Win * lonlorv xlrrorn , KtoKtirtor ? HIH ! nmro , I79U and 1T39 tiuutb l.Uh Bt. , Oinalm. 'clrphono 1131. _ Po per B oxoB. JOIIN L. W1LK1E , ProDilelor Omalia Paper Box Factory , Nos. 1317 add 1319 IXiusl ilreet , Omah * . NOB. Sash , Doors , Eto. Jlf. A. DISDKOW it CO. , WhoHtalo ro nufnctiircr , of Sasli , Boors , Blinds and Monlflings , Prnnch odco , 1Mb nnd Itnnl urect Oirmlia. N'tb. MANUVACTUniXQ CO. , Mannfcclnrers of Sash , Boors , Blinds , Mouldings tnr-Kork niul Interior htnl wood Hnlab. N.K. corner tllh nnil l arunWf rib itrceli , H Uniuli * , Ncli. i ? , Pipes and Engines , Steam , water , railway nml mining mippllei , t * IKU , V2I and V3I bnrnam street , Omaha. ' U. S. WIND ENGINE A PUMP CO. , Steam anftWatB' Sunnlios , Tlanuiay wind mllK 913 nnd 12) Jones StOm h . U , P. Uosa , actlnKminuter. . 11RO WNELL A CO , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery. BhccHron work , Btcam inimpg , law rulll > . 1219-1211 Leayenwurth itrect , Oinalia. Iron Works. STEAM HOILKU WORKS , Carter & Bon , I'ropV. Mniiurntturorsof all kinds Sleam Boileri Tanks anl Sheet Iron f oft Ark < Boiltli "Jltli anil 11 , .V M. i-nmlnif. 1V1.1(15 ( PAXTON&VIERLINQ IRON WORKS , Wrought ana Cast Iron Entiling fort HnRlnon. brn work , Rdncrnl foundrjr , mnrlilno and lilacKsoltli work , onico uinl wori , U. r. 117. and llth street , Omaha. OMAHA WIRE A IRON WORKS , Mannfactnrors of fire and Iron Railings lc k rails , window cunnls , Honor ; tnndn. nlroalgui , etc. 1 1 Aortli loth mrcot , Omaha. OMAHA 'SAFE & IRON WORKS , Mauf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar PrmfSaSs , VnultN Jnlloik , Iron slailtcirs and lira escnpof. U. Andrvcn , prop'r. Cor. llth mid Jackson Sla. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOUK YA1W3 UO. , Of Ooiaha , Limitcl John K. Uoyil , tsuporl ntcmcut. ! 1 THE CHICAGO SHORT.LINE OF TUB * Chicago , Milwaukee & f , Paul 'y ' , I'lic ' Ilcst lt ulc from Onmlin nnd Council Hlufls to TAVO TKAINS DAIdV 1IKTWKKN OMAHA AND COUNCIL lILUbTS Chicago , AND Mihrnukco , SI. Piiiil , Minneapolis , Codnr Unulds , Kock iHland , Frocpori , Kockfonl , Clinton , Dtihmiiic , Diivcnpnrt , Elgin , Madison , JnuosUlle , Ik'lnit , M'inoim , Ln Cnissc , And nil ollior Important points 15wt , Korllicnit aaA KnrtliroiiKhtlc'cGlB. c.ill on the ticket aitpnt at 1MI Karna-ii street , lu llnrker lilook.or nt Union I'HClUO ) ) rp i. I'ulliiiiiii Sleepers and the f.noit Dlnlru Cnra In tha world ari1 run on the initln line of thu ClilrnKo , Mil- wuukeo , V M. I'Hiil Itullwuf. unil every bltunllim 1C paid to pussi'ncarii by courteous employee of tha company. 11. MII.I.KIt , ( JcncnU Mi\nnicr. J. P. TUCKK11. AMlitant Uuuuiul ManaRnr. A. A' . U. CAKI'KNruit , licnvral I'usscnRCr and TlcVot A ml lit. ( tK't.K ' , 11KAFTOUD , Assistant flencrall'iissoucar 4 and Ticket Atent. T.J.CLAllK.Conernl Superintendent. I NKUVOU8. CIIKO.NIO nnd I'KIVATK DIS1JASU3 uf MKN nn.l WU.M1CN uucci'ssfullr trrntiiJ. YOUNG MEN om thu cITcctn tit youttifnl lulllen orlndll crettons , or nru troublotl with WonknoKB , * Nurrout Dohllliy , l osi of Mumory , Uc poinloncy , Avorslou to hootuty , Kl < lnuy Troubloaor nny dlsua o of thu ( Junl * to-Urinary Or uriM , inn lioru 11ml u nafu ami poeJf iiira Clmrttcri rcnadnnblti , epni'clitlly to the poor , MIDDLE-AGED MEN - HI lyetvui In niimnnur tlia pitlcnt rnnnot iiccoiint fur. On oiiuiiliilnt , ' the urinary duuoalu u ropy Bttillinent irlll olli'ii Lie found , anil sonuiilnici purlluiei uf nlbu > inHtiwIII nppL'iir or thu color hw 01 a thin , inllklsti lint1 , n nln clmnulnx ton ilurk or lorpltl uiipttamnco. ThcrK nn * many mi'n who iiln nl liili < lrllriilly | , Unar- nntof tlincnuio. whlcb M tliu irun I stnito of notnt * nnl wfikiiinj. The doctor will Kimrjnloo iiorfoct 1'iirnlnuU mich cn u . unil n liejlthy rcsior.-itUin of Uiau nlt urlimry nrKiirii. ( 'oii ulliUliti fri'O. Hontl v-cunt itiiiKp for "Vonri Man' * Krlunil , ur liul.liilo \V illork , " Iron to nil. AiMri'M BK. SPIETN.EY & CO. Main mill liilb St. , City , Mo. i tli.s pnpor. NATIONAL BANK I U. B. B3POS1TORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital 8400,003 Surplus Jan. 1st , 1889 62,000 OI'l'IOHUS AND DIKUUTOIUi HKNKV W. YATIifl , President. MWJB H. UKRH , Vic * 1'riMldint. jk. K.TOU/'AMN , IV. V. MOHHU. _ w. u H. UlfoiIKS , O hlnr THE IRON BANK , ftoiupr Utn umt 1'avnam 8U. A Geurrul llunklnu UuaitiumTransactaJ. ISANTAL-eVIIDY Arrests rllRclmrses fiom ilio urinary or. Bixnslncltlict bcx In-IN hour * . U is nujicrlor to Copallia. Cu1 > cb8 , or I Injections , and frco from all bad Bind ! lordlier Invonvcnlcncca. i ANTAIMinY . ' * . ccnUlttoJx * % \ d < iniHL.-nilUI | In in ll lun\i\ , lpa [ .uleii.wM < ! h iww Ilio naiuo limlDl [ I | IjUtklottJH.wllliout Uldi iiojiounV "w/ | iRnnnlna. V. 'I * t A H O I" ITS * n > t funiornOUKKIiinii kulfei 9. UnJI . § M i"1'uu.iiixiiKtKL.M.u. . ' 1/r\ll W L.11IW Wr.L * li v. . unituuu , ILL PAA' AH