Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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    " " - *
"Yoatord&y'B Games Bond Omaha
Up Another Notch.
Bomo Very Pretty FloltllnR nnd Ter
rific SlucRltitf on tlio Pnrt of
II the Local Team Sport-
IIIR Notes ,
Standing of the Clulm.
Following Is the stnndlnR of the Western
nssoclntlon clubs up to and Including yes
terday's games :
St. Paul 20
Omaha . .22
Bloux City..21
Denver 10
Minneapolis. . . 21
Bt. Joseph IV
DCS Molncs..l'J
Milwaukee 21
Olmrllo hard Again To-Uny.
Following nro the positions of the two
teams for this afternoon's battle :
Mossltt Middle Krlcg
Cleveland Third Whitney
.100 Strauss Hl ht Fryu
Crooks Sceonrt Ardnor
Cooncy ' . Catch Mnhonoy
Walsh Short Campana
Cannvau Left Curtis
Andrews First Cartrlght
Willis . .Pitch Knoll
Omnliii ID , St. Joseph 1 ! .
Omuha and Sf. Joe uiot nt the local park
yesterday afternoon , and played the second
game of the present series in the presence of
1,500 delighted spectators.
And again Omaha won.
Thus , of the live games the two teams have
played , the Ouiahas have won them all but
ono , and that ono was a tlo on fourteen tu
Yesterday's victory was duo to two things ,
Clarice's masterly pitching and the Omaha's
terrific slugging.
They folmd Klopf'fl curves Just ns easy as
rolling off a log. Ho was rottenly supported ,
however , nnd yet that circumstance uldn't
affect the rosalt , for the Whlto Sox earned
ton of their llftccn runs by the neatest klnu
of hitting.
13ut what makes this triumph doubly
sweet Is the fact that Sioux City lost to Den
ver yesterday , and ngaln wo are la second
And please don't forgot it , we're going to
otny there , or go up front.
Hut as to the game :
Mcssltt knocked n llttlo ono to Ardnor and
was thrown out at first. Qrovor got his
base on balls , but was forced out by Strauss ,
Who also died in an attempt to steal second.
Tbo St. Joe's opened up llcrcoly , and the
crowd said we're beat.
But that was all the crowd know about it.
Big Canrlght load off with n hit and stole
pecond. Curtis went out on a high foul to
Messltt. Ardnor was then given a life on
Strauss' muff , and Krlcg his on a wild throw
by Clarke. Cartright scored oa this play
and Fryo's hit forced Ardner nt third.
Sholltuisso then tlow out to Can a van , so an
Inning that threatened direful consequences
only resulted In ono llttlo run.
That was mifllclcnt , however , to set the
roasters in the grand stand to work.
In the second Mr. Crooks How out to
ICrlctr , but Cooney lined out a safe ono. Ho
was caught stealing second , however , nnd
Walsh's lly to Frye closed the Inning.
Campana started the visitors' half with a
rattling drive to right , nnd on a similar hit
( by Whitney , bo went to third. Whitney im-
i mediately tried to steal second , thinking that
IKaglo wouldn't dare throw to put him out ,
'but ' that's ' whore he made u mistake.
| Naglo did throw , and quick and accurate ,
.too , and Whitney went and But down , while
! Campann bugged third as It it hod boon bis
| best girl. Klopf How out to Canuvan , and
CaHwrlght toCrooks. ,
I That was right lively work , and the nudl-
enoc enjoyed it immensely ,
i Naglo bepan the third with a single to
i center , , but Canavan wont out on a grounder
i to Cartwright. Clurko took his base on
> balls , but both were left , Mcssltt and Graver
being quickly retired.
This made the spectators ildgot In their
oat , and all over the stand you could hear ,
"We're licked again. "
For St. Joe It was ono , two , thrco.
That was encouraging.
In the fourth the score was tied , aud the
audience smiled contentedly.
Again , for St. Joe , It was one , two , three.
That was more encouraging
in the next Inning Omaha wont to the
front , and thu snnlo of contentment wreath
ing the faces of the cranks grow broader
than ever.
C.iimviui took his base on four wide balls.
Clarke How out to Ardnor , but Scrappy Jack
made a bit and Canavan gallvantcd around
to third , uud scored on the ox-president's out
t first on n throw from Araner. Ardner
also threw Strauss out.
If you will observe , Ardner cut a decided
figure In St. Joe's work yesterday. Eight
put outs and four assist ) is a record to bo
proud of.
For Lord's aggregation , Whitney reached
first on Cooney's muff , but was quickly and
systematically done up with Klopf by Walsh ,
Crooks ana Messltt.
This evoked a gentle roar.
Cartrlght was thrown out by Clarko.
And again In the sixth , the Whlto Sox
B cored.
Crooks went to flrst on balls , stele second
by ploughing up several yards of turf with
his proboscis ; reached third on Coonoy's out ,
then crossed the plate on Nuglo's second hit ,
t after Walsh had bean retired at 11 rat. Cuna-
van wont out from pitch to catch.
The score now stood S to 1 , uuu the people
felt better.
St. Joe's half was marked by an extraordi
narily brilliant play on the part of Captain
Crooks and Joe Walsh.
Curtis made n hit. Ardnor wont out from
Crooks to Mnssltt , then Krieg made a little
curving lly to short inllelcd , which Crooks by
n spend 111 run scooped up Just as it was ubout
to light on teira flrinn yes , terra llrinn ,
thaVs the word and with u doublo-Jointed
back action Iling , slammed it to Walsh , who
had covorcit second , and Curtis nnd the side
was out.
That was pretty fielding and no mistake.
The next liming , the sanguinary seventh ,
proved St. Joo's Chicamauga and Bridge of
Lodl combined.
For a few moments It looked as if there
vra a shower of leather , and thu big Mia-
iourlans could bo neon dashing frantically
about the Held llkuulluck of slteei ) lu'a
thunder storm.
Daddy Clarke Hrst stirred up the animals
wi'i a two-bugger to loft ; Mcssllt got to first
by Campaua's Juggle , but was forced out by
Cleveland's youthful punch to Whitney ,
Clark , however , making third on it. Strauss
came In at this Juncture nnd smashed out u
double , and Muddy cumo homo with his
earned run and Grovcr went to third.
Tim excitement all this time was some
thing fearful , nut In a moment It changed to
the wildest enthusiasm.
Crooks followed with n slashing single ,
Coonoy with his second two bagger , and
Wulsh , Naglo and Canuvan with singles In
such quick succession thut It made Mr ,
Klopf's head swim.
On this broadside Cleveland , Strauss ,
Crooks , Cooney , Walsh and Naglo scored.
This was tremendous , and some of the
crowd did so much yelling thut they'll bo
fluclclop chlorate of potash for u month uf Sun
Clarke again camotojtlio ; bat , and again ho
reached tlrtt , this time , though , on Fryo's
uiuff of nls short lly , Cuunvuu scoring ou the
throw In. Messitt's second out retired the
etdo , anu seven runs was all that Omaha
Bunarod to get out of tlie wreck.
Thus Omaha had ten runs , and St. Joe but
one , and everybody was wild with Joy.
For the Jou'n , ShullhuKbo was , thrown out
by Crooks , but Fryo got hi uaso on un ox-
cusublo error by Walsh. Then Compann
made n lilt , only to bo caught napping a mo
I5 V ment lutor by u quick throw of cagle-oved
Tommy Nuglu. Whitney was scut to tint on
balls , but Klopf'a out to WuUh ended the In-
In the ninth Omaha piled up llvo inora
runs. Coocoy cracked out a homer for u be
ginning. Walsh followed with his third ilti-
Kle. and , Nagtq got Ills basu on an error by
, KrlegT In voncuit the base runners stole an
additional batf , und then after Canuvun had
been called uut on strikes , they run borne on
Daddy Clariio'A four aacker.
Did the people howl I
Well , you ought to have bea/d'them ,
Alcsslll vvaa the secouU out , aud tUsn
Grover knocked out homo , run , and every
body was tired and Strnilss considerately re
tired the sldo.
St. Joe got her closing tally In the closing
half , but it Is not worth the tolling how , It
It was n dozen or sn It would bo different. A
small boy told Klopf after the game that the
man who told him ho could pitch was his
worst enemy ,
Hero is the score I
Totals 33 2 0 0 1 27 10 5
Omaha 0 G 15
St. Joseph 1 2
Huns earned Omaha 10.
Two-baso hits Coouoy 2 , Strauss , Clarko.
Homo runs Clarke , Cleveland , Coonoy.
Double plays Walsh to Crooks to Mcssltt ,
Crooks to Walsh , Curtis to Cartrlght.
Banes on balls Klopf 4 , Clarke 1.
Struck out By Klopf 1.
Tiiuo of game 1 hour , 50 uiinutos.
Umpire Andy Cuslck.
Denver SO , Sioux City 18.
Sioux Cmla. . , May 23. Denver took ad
vantage ot the loose fielding and weakness
In the box of the homo team to-day. There
wore no features except the general poor
fielding of both clubs. Score :
sioux cur.
All. K. 1)11. 811. TO. A. B.
Dalrymple , If. .
Smith , 3b .
McClollnn , ss .
Howe , lb .
McQnald , rf .
IClussinan. 2b .
MoVoy , c .
Silch , cf .
Hoffman , p&lf .
Totals . 43 20 10 0 25 11 0
Sioux City . 1 0331410 0 18
Denver . 2 0 2 3 10 0 4 0 " 20
Earned runs Sioux City 5 , Denver 0.
Two-baso bits Powell , Uotvo , Klussman.
Three-bnso hits Powell , Grotty , Hoffman ,
Homo runs Glenn , Powell , Dulrymplo.
Double plays Brosnan to Powell.
Base ou bulls Sioux City 0 , Denver 10.
Hit by pitched ball Genius 2 , Burke ,
Selbol , Dalrymplo.
Stolen bases Sioux City 5 , Denver 3.
Struck out By Hunplor 8.
Passed balls McVoy 1.
Wild pitchos-Selbel 1 , Hungler 3 , Hoff
man 3 , JJalryrnple 1.
Time of gauic 2 hours , 43 minutes.
Umpire McUermott. |
St. 1'nul SO , Uoa Aloines 15 ,
ST. PAUL , May 23. The feature of to-day's
game was the heavy slugging. Dos Moines
suffered for the want of u pitcher. Score :
AD. it. B. sn. ro. A. K.
Hawoslb . 0 5 4 0 10 1 0
Murphy , cf . 8 5 4 0 C 0 0
Pickott , as .
Carroll , rf .
Ufillly , 3b .
Worriek,2b .
Broughton , c . 8 5 4 0 5 1 1
Farmer , It .
Tuckeriuan , p. . . . 10
Totals . SO 30 30 5 37 15 G
Totals 45 15 15 0 27 IS 8
Ht. Paul 124 3 S 3 8 U 0 3 39
DCS Moines 5 3001040 3 15
Uuns e.irnod St. Paul 8 , Dos Moines 8.
Two-baso hits Murphy , Worriclc , Tuck-
orraun , Phelan. Whitoly.
Three-base hits Huwes ,
Homo runs Murphy , Pickett , Carroll 2 ,
Koilly , Wornek 3 , Broughton 2 , Patton 3 ,
Smith , Mnskrey.
Double pluvs-Macullar , Pattou and Smith ,
Tuckorman , Werrlck nnd Hawes.
Stolen bases Carroll , Farmer 3 , Pickott ,
Hawus , Murphy , Worrlck , Patton , Council.
Bases on balls St. Paul 10 , Dos Moines 5.
Hit by pitcher St. Paul C , DCS Moines 1.
Struck out By Tuckorman 0 , Whitely 1 ,
Mucullur 1 , Paltnn 1.
Wild pitches Whitely 1 , Tuuitorinau 1.
Passed balls Konyon.
Loft on bases St. Puul S , DCS Mollies S.
Time 3:80. :
Umpire Hurley.
Gaum Postponed.
MIMVAUKBB , May 33. To-day's Milwau
kee-Minneapolis game was. postponed on uc-
couut of wet grounds.
The National Ijimiruo.
WASHINGTON , May 23. Result of to-day's
inuno :
Washington 3 0
Pittsburg 0 1
Base hits Washington 8 , Pittsburg 3. Er
rors Washington 0 , Pittsburg 4. Pitchers
Fearson und Dunning , Umpires Curry
and Fcssouden.
PHILADELVIIIA , May 23. Hcsult of to-day's
game ;
Philadelphia..1 3
Cleveland 3 * 0
Base hiU Philadelphia 5 , Cleveland 8.
Errors Philadelphia 4 , Cleveland 1. Pitch ,
era Sunders aud Bcatiii. Ucipiro Barnum.
NEW YOIIK , May 23. Result of to-day's
game :
Now York..O 0 17
Chicago I 08021007 1 18
Buso hits-New York 18 , Chicago 10. Er
rors Now York 7 , Chlcaco 1'.g Pitchers
Huttlcld and Gumbcrt. Umpire McQuaid.
Anierloiin Anuoolntlon.
KANSAS Orrir , May 2A Result of to-day's
game ;
Kansas City 1 001 10 3
Brooklyn 03002 4 17
Game called on account ot rain and bail
I.OUISVIU.B , May 23. Result of to-day's
game :
Louisville 4 00100080 8
Baltimore f > 0
ST. Louis , May 23. Roxult " of to day's
game ;
St. Loult 0 8
Athletics 4 0 0 0 1 U 3 0 1 0
Coi.VMiiirs , May 23. Result of to-day's
game ;
Columbus 0 1 .4
Cluciuuuti 'J 1001010 * 6
The IntPf-Stnto
Bt'iti.tSOTOjr , May 23. Result ot today's
Huillngton . 0 00131300 7
Evansvlllo . 0 00100100 3
Srmsovint.t ) , May 23. Result ot to-day's
game !
Springfield . 0 3081010 3-10
Davenport . 2 OOOOUOOO U
OuiNcr , Mny 2.1. Result of to-day's game1 !
Qulnoy . , . . .8 8000 00 0 0
Pcorla . 5 0
TII 12 syismii KINO.
The American Srakcn.
NEW YOIIK , May 32. The greatest mone
tary prize of the spring racing season , the
great American stakes worth $20,000 to the
winner , was decided atGrnvcsond this after
noon , nnd St. Carlo , the crack two-year-old
owned by Banker August Belmont , was the
victor. The weather was plensnnt , and the
track In very fair condition. Summary ;
Ono and nno-slxteonth miles Brother Ban
won lu 1:40 , The Bourbon second , Bohemian
The great American sweepstakes for two-
year-olds ( foals of 1887) ) , flvo furlongs. The
fourteen contestants uresontod n beautiful
sight as they were ranged before the starter
on the back stretch. After n dozen nttemnts
they were finally gotten off , with La Fa-
vnrita ( colt ) nhoad of the lot , Torso was.
next , Chaos third und St. Carlo fourth.
Torso was the first past the half mile post , a
half lengtti before Chnos , who was a full
length In front of Bclmont , who hail Ecoln
( colt ) and Houston at his saddle girth. At
the last furlong post it was scon that the
great prize lay at the mercy of
Bollarat , St. Carlo or Torso.
Another sixteenth of the distance was
passed , and a great shout wont up ns It was
soon that St. Carlo was n sure winner. An
other shout hailed his victory as ho dashed
by the Imaginary line , a winner by nearly
throe lengths , In liff.'Jtf , Ballarat second ,
Torso third. The fractional tlmo was : First
quarter In 25 , three-eighths In 87 , nnd the
half mile In 50. The remaining horses cutno
in in the following order : Drizzle , Chaos ,
Devotee. Houston Kelp , Homooputhy , Mu-
cllago , St. James , Eeola , Ellctou und La Fa-
Ono nnd ono n.uartor nilloa Diablo won iu
3:08 : , Hanover second , Elkwood third.
Five-eighths of a mile Onward won in
1:03 : , Mlllcrtou second , Urbana third.
Iintonla Itncon.
CI.VCINNATI , May 23. At Lantonia to-day
the weather was rainy , the attendance largo ,
and the track slow. Summary :
Maiden three-year-olds nud upwards , seven-
eighths of a mile McDowell won , Huzoui
second , Maylapa third. Time 1:31.
Maiden three-year-olds aud upwards ,
seven-eighths of a mile Bannerette won ,
Gardner second , Koto Malone third. Time
Two-year-old8flvo-olghthsofanille Teddy
Venture won , Portlaw second , Uomalue
third. Time 1M :
Three-year-olds and upwards , ono and one-
sixteenth miles Landlady wou , Longbov
second , Casslus third. Time 1:61. :
Three-year-olds , ono mlle Bravo won ,
Longflsh second , Joaio M third. Time
Throe-year-olds and upwards , Eovon-
clgbths of u mile May O won , lugo second ,
Chllhowie third. Time 1:31 : } $ .
Itcilucing the Ball Park.
The base ball park , which is already too
small to accommodate the carriage attend
ance , is to be still further reduced in sbc.
Mr. C. S. Pnrrotto , who owns n strip on the
northwest corner of the parksoventv-livo {
fret wldo by 111 foot In length , has decided
to commence work at once upou the creation
of two $2,500 residences upon his property.
This very materially reduces the outfield of
the park , und will make it necessary for the
association to either sock larger grounds or
keep carriages out of the park altogether.
Will llo Do It ?
There are prospects for a largo crowd at
the Council Bluffs raoes next Saturday after
noon , ou which occasion the main attraction
will bo the attempt by Nat Brown's great
pacer , U Bet , to beat his record for a purs'o
of f500. The Handsome horse is In excellent
condition , and his driver , Tobo Broderlck , U
of the opinion that bo can knock a second or
two out of his already wonderful record.
There will bo a largo attendance from Omaha
to witness the event.
The First Snrslleld Dance.
The ladies of the Sarsfiold club fool Justly
proud over the social success of their flrst
dance given Thursday evening in A. O. H.
hall. AH came with smiles of expectancy
nnd went away with beaming satisfaction.
Good music and that attractive attention , so
acceptable and pleasing that only ladies can
give , made the dance a charming success.
Among the visit ore'wero Misses Minnie Clif
ford , Nellie Gnrvoy , Catharine Wliito , Kuto
Quealoy , Molllo Slattery nnd Katie Conway ,
nnd Messrs. Frank Clifford , Edward Dee ,
Frank Beaten and Albert Beaten , of Omuha.
Notes About the City.
S. M. Press is over in Sheridan , la. , visit
ing friends at his old home.
Misses Lucy Drexel , Emma Lawgnii , Kntlo
Elsls and Mrs. August Drexel , of Omaha ,
attended the party Wednesday evening nt
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John N.
Gramllcti. An elegant lunch was served ,
and games , charades and music made a de
lightful evening.
11. J. Saxo Is expected home from Califor
nia , where he has been spending the winter.
Messrs. C. W. Campbell , A. M. Spooner
and H. T. Adams have applied to bo admit
ted as inomhors in the Live Stock Exchange.
Engineer Fred H. Meyer has gone to uud
located in Pierre , Dakota.
Thomas Stcphonson and Miss Jessie Lind-
sey were married Wednesday ut Sixth and
Pierce streets , Omaha. Mr. Stcnbenson ,
better and locally known us "P.ocotello
Tom , " is one of the popular switchmen of
the Union Stock yard's crows , and Miss
Lindsey was well known nnd popular in
South Omaha.
The ladles of the Protestant Episcopal so
ciety will give u strawberry and Ice cream
festival Saturday evening in Miss Austa
Clark's building , No. 2UT N street.
The attempted suicide of Charles V. Har
ris , ut the Arcndo hotel , Omaha , Wednesday ,
creates considerable interest in South
Omaha where Mr. Harris and Miss Wells
were well known.
The third game of the billiard tourney at
the Eraanon , W.IB played Wednesday night
with L. J. Carpenter 200 at scratch , who
dropped out at OS : George H. Gratlot ut 170 ,
nnd made 153 ; Z. Cuddlngtou at lCr > , and
miulo 134 , and \V. R Sago at 03 , and won.
Miss Elizabeth Casey , of Missouri Valley ,
who Is not In good health , Is In the city vis
iting her brother , John Casey.
John L. Moans , of Grand Island , ono of
tbo leading citizens of Miat thriving city , aud
Warren Thomas , of Omaha , spent Thursday
looking over the Muglc City.
Mrs. Henry Martin , of Charleston , W.Va. ,
has arrived lu the city to visit her children
at the DOJ Molncs house.
W. A. L. Gibbon , cashier of tbo Nebraska
Savings bank , has been appointed ono of the
committee to arrange for ' 'MerchantsVceit"
in Omaha.
Councilman John N. 1-surke Is. arranging
for a game of hurling. Ho has sent to Now
York for n line ball , nnd expects to arrange
for a gutno early in Juno , at which gumu u
number of Omuha friends will bo pro ont to
take part.
Joseph Hrdlrick has opened a grocery store
on North Twenty-sixth street ,
Thomas Brouder and Johanna Blum , both
of this city , have been licensed to wed ,
S. U. Krlgbaum , living west of the city ,
met with on accident and broke his right
E. O. Dare , of Harrlsburg , Pa. , is in the
city visiting his son Georgo.
What came near bolng a serious accident
occurred about 0 o'clock , Thursday evening ,
near Twenty-third ami O streets. Edward
Davis , his slater Mary , and a domestic , in
turning their wagon on a stoop grade , were
all thrown out. No ono was seriously in
A Writ of Cortlorarl. '
PouamtBEi'stE , N. Y. , May 23. To-day
Judge Barnard granted n motion fora writ of
certlorarl against the civil service board , and
practically decides that an alleged wrong
fully rated applicant for oftlco can couil > el
the civil service board to show to the court
what methods were used la the rating. It la
tbo Ural coo of the kind iu Uio courts.
1 T Hi
Oloso of the ' § tWjo Modloal Booloty
' 'Meeting. '
Oklnlionin nyonijcrs Crowding tlic
Sioux Itcscrvatloit Attoniptotl
ainrder-N fjaVrtr State Cham
pion ntrigtou ' Shooting ,
, >
Doctors KxciinnalnK Experiences.
ICcAimin , Nob. , * Mny 33. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKG. ] The State Medical so
ciety finished the work ot its annual moot
ing hero tins evening , The session throughout -
out 1ms boon Intensely Interesting. Tiio
papers roadwcroof a hlch standard showing
that the medical fraternity of Nebraska Is
made up of scholars who nro fully up with
the demands of the tlmo. The election of
officers for the ensuing Usrui resulted as fol
lows : 1'rcstrtent. Dr.J.C. Dcnisc , ofUmnha1 :
first vice-president , Dr. 13. A. Watdon , of
Beatrice ; second vice-president , Dr. O. li.
Humphreys , of Kearney ; locordlngsccrd-
tary , Dr. M. L. Hlldroth. of Lyons ; corresponding
spending sccrotary , Dr. L. A. Merrlnm , of
Omaha ; treasurer , Dr. W. M. Kntipp , super
intendent of the State Insane asylum , Lin-
cold. 13catnco was selected as thu place to
hold the nest meeting. There wore present
( luring the soaalons over ono hundred doo-
tors. This evening the Midway is all oglow
with mirth nnd music ; a banquet und imll
was given by the citizens to the visiting phy-
Ncthnwny the Champion Shot.
NORFOLK , Nob. , Mny 23. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Dcn.1 The tournament
opened this morning , with shoot Number
twenty-four , an extra , in which O. Hughes ,
Campbell , Sttco aud NIUJOU divided first
money ; lludd nnd Atwater , second , and
Scott Smith won third on n tin ohooU
The contest of the day , Number throe , came
next ; nlno llvo birds ; entrance & > ; twelve
entries. The score stood : Budd , Parmolco
and Nasou , 9 ; G. E. HiiRhcs , Atwater , Scott
Smith , Stieo and \V. H. Hughes , 8 ; Brookor ,
Smith nnd Campbell , 7 ; Gllsou , 0. First
money was divided ; the second shot out ;
third to Smith , nnd fourth to Gllson.
Contest Number two ; ten live birds ; entrance -
trance $10 ; $100 guaranteed. The scoio
stood : Budd , G. E. Hughes nnd Campbell ,
10 ; Smith , Stlco , Atwnter and Cameron , 0 ;
Parmcleo nnd Brooker , 8 ; Scott Smith , 0.
There was a division of uinncv on the first
and third ties ; Scott Smith took fourth
nnd second was shot down to Stlco and At
wnter who divided.
In the afternoon Number ono for the C.
E. Mayna diamond badge and the champion
ship of Nebraska came off. Fifty Blue
Rooks ; entrance $750 ; V. B. Nethiuvny , of
Wahoo , entered with Frank Pannoloo.
Score : Nethnway , 47 ; Parmolee , 44.
On Number Four ; ton blue rocks ; en
trance fo ; fo ( ) guaranteed ; Budd ntruek 10 ,
nnd won flrst money ; Stlco Jand Nnson , ; 9 ,
nnd divided second ; Ncthawny shot cut on a
tie , and Parmeloosnd'G. E. Hughes divided
third , and Alderman and Smith divided
fourth. /
To-morrow at 111 o'clock , the traveling men
have n contest for a champion gold medal ,
and Budd and Paiunoleo have n contest for
S2oO a side , time sot for 1 o'clock p. in.
To-night the S to Sportsmen's convention
was held In the parlors of the Pacific notol ,
B. F. Locke , secretary , acting as chairman.
and F. M. Cinilin as uecretary of the meeting.
Grand Island was selected as the place of
holding the next convention. The election of
officers was passed over. The need of now
gutno laws and tljo. need and methods of en
forcing the present ones were quite freely
discussed. M
The Dr. JntisH Case.
GRAND IgLAjfii/i Nob. , May 23. [ Special
Telegram 'to Tire 'Bite. ] Dr. Janus , the
Grand Island specialist , who was arrested
in Mead , Neb. , last Monday , and taken to
West Point , arrived homo to-day. The doc
tor's story is that in January , 1883 , ho took a
note from Mr. Sonnouschcin , of the firm ot
Sonnonschcln & Valentine , publishers of the
West Point Republican , for $50 , payable in
six months , with interest , for medical serv
ices. When the note was duo it was not
paid , nnd suit was brought , the plaintiff get
ting Judgment for $50 , with interest and
costs , which was paid by Sonnenschcm on
January 9. last. Sonnenschoin then attacked
Jnnss In the columns of his paper , for which
thu doctor drought n libel suit , now pending
against the paper for ? 20,0 < > 0. Sonnenschein
now claims that the note did not bear inter
est , but that Janss changed it to rend "inter
est from dato. " Jnnss was not locked up
when ho reached West Point , nnd , meeting
Sonuunschelu , ho assaulted him , for which
ho was confined in jail two hours. Sonncn-
schoin did not appear in either case , and
Janss waived examination nnd gnvo bonds to
appear before the district court to answer to
the charge of forgery. Ho remained in West
Point eighteen hours , and no notices of other
suits were served , nnd ha knows of none. AH
for the tur and feathers , ho says it was man
ufactured to make the item sensational.
Crowd I nc on the Koscrvatlon ,
NioiuiAitA , Neb. , Mayli3 , 1 Special to THE
BEK.I Notwithstanding the warning of
Secretary of the Interior Noble that nil set
tlers on the Sioux reservation will bo ordered
off , the crossing over the Nlobrara river at
this point over the government bridge is
continued dally by now comers. The tail-
end of the Oklahoma boomers are dully ar
riving , und their experience at that opening
has been such as to lead them into trouble
hero. They think that the government was
very quick to keep them out of that country ,
but very slow to keep out the speculators
who wore in with the government ofllolals.
Thus it is that they fool that "tho early bird
catches the worm , " and arc willing to risk
much. They are advised by the better ele
ment hereto take no such chances , and while
some hoeu the good advice , there are others
whoso headstrong movements will doubtless
lead them Into trouDlo. The Indians on this
portion of the reservation would give them
HO trouble , but the government , as a matter
of policy , may. The excellent crossing here ,
with good roads to Niobrarn , both from the
south and north , and n steam ferry ulying
botwceh the two shores on the Missouri
river , furnishes very easy access to the
Sioux reservation boomers ,
Albln und Ills Kohhcra.
Cirr , Nob. , May 23. [ Special
to Tun BISK. ] Benjamin Albln , who was
held up by three masked men near Union
Saturday , says ho la positive- the young men
discharged by Squlijo Barnum are the guilty
ones , und Is push'lng 'a prosecution. Mr.
Albln held a casti .sale on that day , and it
was thought ho juidiqconslderablo money
about him that eycing ) | , but he had depos
ited it during tho'Gay. The highwaymen
were masked , nnd were driven near the
scene of the robberynvlth a team , n dcscrlp-
.tlon of which corresponded with that owned
by one of the meu'wrresrcd. No ono of the
1 utter is more than' twenty years old , and
are Hugh McWutera , , B. A. Klnncl und
Green. The flrstiijUioson ; of the notorious
MoWntors , who lost this lifo in the state
penitentiary years , ago while heading a
AVrcolc 0)1 the Missouri.
NEMAIIA CITT , Nob. , May 23. [ Special Tel-
ograui to Tun BEE. ] About 0 o'clock this
morning the steamer Vice President , from
Nebraska City , going to Duliuiinla. . , via
St. Louis , struck the ferry cublo owned by
Ed Weisonreder , three miles south of here.
John Genzolus , pilot , was seriously hurt
ubout the bead , and It Is thought ho will not
recover , The boat was damaged consider'
ably ubout the pilot and umplto Blacks. The
crow will tlu up hero and wait the arrival of
a pilot and repair the boat.
Governor 'Ilmyer's Tour.
SiuxEf , Nob. , May 23 [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEB.I Governor Thayer , Auditor
Bcnton und State Treasurer Hill arrived
hero lit 3:30 : , this afternoon , by special train ,
They were received nt the depot by Mayor
Melutosh and the board of trade. The iov-
crnor nnd party received the citizens nt the
Pacific hotel , where a largo crowd passed In
review for nearly nn hour. A drlvo was
then taken around town , nnd the countr.v
south of Sidney win Inspected nnd pro
nounced ona of the finest farming countries
in the land , Uolurnlng to Sidney , the gov <
crnor nnd party wore tnkon to Fort Sidney ,
receiving n salute of seventeen guns , whore
Colonel Poland. Captain Stone , Captain Eb <
Moln , Cnptaln Duncan , Lieutenants Sparrow ,
Pnrkp , Palmetor and Palmer , nnd the othoi
ofllcors , paid their respects , and n grand dress
parade was hold , nil appearing In full dress.
The governor nnd party departed for the
cast at 7:30 : , f.hls evening.
Wnlion'ri Municipal Mix.
Wuioo , Neb. , May 23. [ Special to Tnr
Bm : ] ' . The following communication signed
by n largo majority of the heaviest taxpay
ers nnd cltlr.ons of the town has been pre
sented to the council :
Wo , the undersigned cltl/ons nnd taxpay
ers of Wnhoo , hereby lake this opportunity
of Indorsing the Wnhoo city council lu pass-
Ing1 the waterworks ordinance ovur the
mn.vor'a veto. Wo bcllovo the conditions of
snld ordinance nro a fair and reasonable set
tlement of the differences between the city
nnd the Waterworks company ; nnd wo com
mend the council for the firm stand It has
taken In the matter , believing the same to bo
1 for the general good of the city nnd taxpay
ers.Chns. . Porky , president of the First Nn-
tlonnl bank ; H. II. Dorsey , cashier of the
Saundora County National bank ; C , A. Col
lins , onu of the propi tutors of the Citizens
bank , and others.
The Condition of Crete.
Cnnrn , Nob. , Mav 33. [ Special to Tins
BBK.J The city assessor finished the work
of taking a local census yesterday. The
total number of Inhabitants within city Urn-
its Is 8 , < UO. The city council last night
passed n resolution taking all outlying nnd
platted additions within the corporate limits.
This adds 201 acres nnd mi additional MO
pcoplo to the city , making our entire popula
tion nearly three thousand seven hundred.
The council nlso passed the yearly nppronrl-
ution ordinance , The amount is 2 2J < f mills
for all purposes. The assessed valuation of
real and personal property fools up a llttlo
over $ : i 0,000. The above additions to the
cltv will raise the total valuation to fully
Unilroiul Bulltllng.
PI.AINVIBW , Neb. , May 23. [ Special to
THIS HEB.I Grading on the Pacific Short
Line is now well under way. The great
rapidity with which the work Is being
pushed indicates that trains will be running
over the lines In n very short time. All In
dications , at present , seem to point toward
Plalnviow ns being certain of receiving the
division station , nnd as a natural cense *
quence , real estate Is very active nnd many
of our business men , as well as those from
adjoining : towns , nro investing heavily in
town property , Grading bus not yet com
menced west of this place , nnd according to
all reports it will not until it is completed
between hero und Randolph.
Possibly Fixtal Accident.
GntXD ISIAXD , Neb. , May 23. [ Special
Telegram to THIS BEG. ] A very serious , nnd
possibly fatal , accident occurred hero , to-day.
A team standing in front of Wushburn's
livery stable became frightened nnd ran
down West Third street , colliding with a
carriage containing Mrs. A. R. Sopor , child
aud sister. The carriage was broken and
the occupants thrown out. While trying to
protect her child Mrs. Sopor fell under the
horses , ono of them stepping on her , break
ing four ribs and her arm. The other oc
cupants were unhurt. The surgeon who was
called pronounced the Injuries serious.
A Murderous Assault.
NEUHASKA. Cur , May 23. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] Joe Bllllps , a farmer living north
west of the city , to-day swore out a warrant
for the arrest of ono Charles Cherry , charg
ing him with a murderous assault on Ed
Parker. The assault occurred on Billips'
farm , last Sunday , and it now turns out that
Parker Is in a dancerous condition , and will
probably die. Without thu least provocation ,
and for a natural dlsliict > , Cherry picked up a
club and struck Parker over the head , and
then disappeared. Both men were working
for Bllllps. A reward has been offered for
thfi would-bo murderer's arrest.
Conl nt Knlrbury.
FAinnuiiY , Neb. , May 23.Special | Tele-
cram to THE BnK.l At a mass meeting , to
night , 1,000 were raised to assist In pro
specting forcoal. Five thousand dollars will
bo raised In a few days. Berry Brothers &
Co. have gone in different nnd widely separ
ated places to the depth of 800 feet , nnd in
all places have found veins from three to
four feet m thickness. The Shennndoah
Diamond Drill company will KO 1,500 feet.
Fairbury is in earnest and determined to
have coal. _
Blnir BtiHhicss CompSnies.
BLUH , Neb. , May 23. [ Social to THE BKB. ]
An electric light company has been organ
ized hero , consisting of E. S. Gnylord , F. H.
Konuey , A. P. Howard , F. M. Castotter nnd
other moneyed business men of Blair. As
soon as they can get u franchise from the
city council they will proceeed to got u char
ter and uut In a plant. E , N. Bradley is or
ganizing a real estate company , for thu pur
pose of Investing in real estate at different
points in Nebraska , Dakota und Wyoming.
School Commcnceincnr.
Euoui , Nob. , May 23. [ Special to Tun
BKE.I Governor Thuyer will give the ad
dress of the day to the High School grad
uates , Friday night , May 24. This will bo
the second commencement of the Edgar pub
lic schools since Prof. Thrasher took charge
four years ago. The following six comprisu
the graduating class : Miss May Warren ,
Miss Viola Kirk , Augustus Anderson , Wil
liam Montgomery , William Van Brunt ,
Roscoe Pierce.
B , Nob. , Mav 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BUB. 1 The managers of the
Beatrice Chautauqua assembly to-day re
ceived a telegram from Rev. Sam Jones , sav
ing that ho would be nt thu assembly on July
4 , 5 nnd 0 , and give four lectures. The work
at the grounds is being pushed rapidly. A
deed to the assembly for thirty acres has
boon filed , und more will bo added.
Governor Thnyor nt North Platto.
NOHTII PIAITI : , Neb. , May 23. [ Special
Telegram to THE Br.E. ] Governor Thiiyer ,
Treasurer Hill and Auditor Benton , who , ns
the state board of equalization , are making u
tour of inspection of the Union Pacifio and
branches , stopped here at noon to-day on
their , way west. A party of citizens met the
governor's party at the truln and escorted
tuern through the city during their brief stay.
Dentil ofWilltnm Bloom.
BBKKEI.WAX , Neb. , May 23. [ Special to
THE BUB. ] William Bloom , the young man
who was so terribly gored by a bull , the
other day , thirteen miles southwest of here ,
Is dead. Ills entrails were torn out and onn
of tils thighs fearfully luccrutod. The sur
geons nt first entertained hopes of saving
him , but his wounds were too severe for hu
man skill ,
Oospnr Comity Heat Itomnvcul.
EMVOOD , Nob. , May 23. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun BEE. ] The county officers of
Goaper county moved their headquarters nnd
record * from Horaervillo to this place to-day.
This action was prompted by the supreme
court virtually deciding that Elwood U the
county scat. General satisfaction Is the
prevailing sentiment , and quiet exultation is
depicted in all faces.
Wahoo Court Items.
W > uoo , Neb. , May 23. [ Special to Tae
BBK.I The district court I crindlng oq the
civil docket sine' the W 1IU murder trial is
over , and Is now en paged la the trial of the
case of John R. Leo vs the Fremont , Elk.
horn & Missouri Valley railroad company ,
for damages done Mr. Leo's crop * und lands
by reason of a flro started by a passing train.
A Tramp's Treasure.
AI.LISOK , Neb. , May 23. [ Special to THE
BBE. ] Deputy Sheriff Fred MoElhott ar
rested an unknown , tramp lust night. Ho
was found on the street In a drunken condi
tion without n cent of money. The only thing
ho had In his possession was n largo sized
revolver. Ho says ho tramped it from
Omaha , nnd Is n suspicious character.
An Inspecting Totir.
HIUTIUCK , Nob. , Mny 23. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Titn UEE.J Colonel Green , presi
dent of the Connecticut Mutual Lifo Insur
ance company , 1ms boon hero examining
lands on which his company have loans. Ho
drove to Pnwiico City to-day , on an oxatnln-
Ing tour. From there ho will go to Omaha.
Ilnllrond Surveyors nt Urnnt.
GHAXT , Nob. , Mnv 21. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bsit. | An outfit of railroad survey
ors alighted from the cast-bound pnssongcr
at this place last evening. The town Is ot-
cited over what is to bo done. A rumor U
current that the Sioux City & Denver Is nt
the bottom of It.
Co in I n it to Unmtin.
KnAuxnt , Neb , May 23. [ Special Tele
gram to THU BIIK.J A special car will lonvo
hero In the morning for Omnlin , containing
members of the Mystic Slirlno nnd thirty
candidates , tlfty-olcht In till. They will at
tend a meeting of the Mystic Shriners , which
convenes there on the U-ltli Inst.
Krnrnoy 1-1 , Mnoolu O.
KiunNiSY , Nob. , Mny 23. [ Special Tolo-
grnm to THK Hr.K. ] The Major Brothers
nine , of Lincoln , crossed bats with the Kear
ney club , this afternoon. The score stands
14 to 0 in favor of the homo club. They will
play another game to-moriow.
of Proprietors.
Nob. , May 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BER.J Dlmon & Molllraln ,
grocers , have sold [ I , \ V.Vhlto & Son their
entire stock. The Whites wore formerly In
business hnro , but wore burned out In the
An Kxctiraion to Crotc.
CiiETn , Neb. , May 23. [ Special to Tnn
UEE.J The second excursion from New
England to Crete will leave the cast some
time next week. Preparations nro being
inado to give the visitors a royal reception
on their arrival.
Rrnt the IVoiiitmionlstH.
NBHIIASKA Cm" , Neb. , May 23. [ Special
to THE Br.i l The damage suit brought
against the Dunbnr prohibitionists by Fred
Ilaoffnor , a saloonkeeper , has been settled by
a compromise , the former paying damages
ana costs.
The Jtratrico I'ojtofllop.
BEATIUCK , Nob. , May 23. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIR BEE. ] Senator Paddock Is
again at homo. Ho says that there will bo
no change in tbo Beatrice postofilco until the
term of the present Incumbent expires ,
which will bo next spring.
Kelley nnd Hanson's Irinl.
WAYKE , Neb. , May 23. [ Special Telegram
to THK BEE. ] In the ault of Stnto against
Hasson , the plaintiffs filed n motion of con
tinuance this afternoon. The motion was
overruled , and the case set for Tuesday next.
Dr. Kelly is sick , and will not bo tried this
term. _ _ _ _ _ _
In Favor of Saloons.
TECUMSEII , Nob. , Mny 23. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKE.I Judge Appclgot , of the
district court , gave n decision in the saloon
question in fnvor of the saloon-keepers. The
saloons have boon closed since lust February.
The Berlin correspondent of the London
Daily News says that It is stated there that
William Walusr Phclps has boon appointed
United States minister to Germany.
The women employed in the rice fields of
Medlclnn , Italy , are on a strike. They
pillaged a number of baker shops. Troops
have been ordered to tbo scene.
Dick Hawoa , a wife murderer at Birming
ham , Ala. , has bccu sentenced to hang ,
July 12.
Five thousand miners , at Snnr , Austria ,
liavo struck. _
A Severe Wliito Frost.
CLEVRIAXD , Mny 23 Dispatches from various - .
rious places in northern Ohio report a severe
white frost last night. Considerable damage
was done to fruit trees , grupo vines and
growing gram.
Lumber Ocnlers Fall.
MILWAUKCC , May 23. At Stevens Point ,
Wis. , A. P. Vaugh & Co. , lumber dealers ,
mndo an assignment. Their assets were
$80,000 , but no ntatcmont of liabilities was
made. _
For Entmn Two Cookips.
Judge Felker was In police court yester
day afternoon championing the cause of lit
tle eleven-year-old Emma ICr.ius , who was
arrested on the ciiargo of being incorrigible ,
upon complaint of George G. Dcavor , a
bricklayer living nt 2423 Popploton avenue.
The story told by thu little girl's friends is to
the effect that Doivcr lives In the house with
Krnus , and owes him for rent. A few days
ago one of Kraus' children died , nnd the
family attended tbo funeral , leaving little
Emma at home nlone. The child , becoming
hungry , nto n couple of cookies from the
stores of the Dcavur family. M his led to n
family quarrel , which resulted in the arrest
of thu little cirlon the charge named. Judge
Felker has taken the little girl to his homo
and will cure for her , pending her hearing on
Saturday , at 2 o'clock.
The Plmiibnrii 2'ako Action.
At a regular meeting of the Journeymen
plumbers' union last night at G. A. R. hall ,
It was decided that the powers to transact nil
business durini ; the present lockout bo vested
in the executive committee , of which C.
Clancy is chairman , edld committee's action
to bo exclusive of that of the regular ottlccrd.
Won't Wo to Fool Wllh Her.
Arknnsaw Traveler : Buckwooils
school tcichor : ( in Tonncs'ioo , to fflrl )
"Wny wore you suvny from school dutf-
injr the last two weeks ? "
Girl "Bocnzo 1 thoujjht that 1 was
goin1 tor git married. "
"Dili tbo youiifj mnn fall to appear at
the appointed tiiiioV"
"O , ho wouldor boon tlmr nil right if
It hudn't boon fur inur. "
"What did she do ? "
"Wall , she tuck adihlilcotor Dave
that's the nanio of my Jolloi- . "
"Isn't ho a man of good hnbita ? "
"Well , ho gild drunk sometimes an'
fights right smart , but tnat didn't muko
no difference tor mo , It wno thlnor
way : Wo wuto bo married on u Fri
day. Wall , Thursday ovpnin' Dave ho
came over. Mnr wuz a-b'illin' soap out
in the yard. She had commenced stlr-
rin1 it tor the right , an'had got it tor
b'ilhn' all right , but Dave ho tuck up
the stick mi' btlrrod it tor the left , an'
mar she snatched the stick outon his
hand and knocked him down , an' then
driv him ofl'n the place. O , it won't deter
tor fool with mar when she's mule In' uv
faOUp. "
The Import nut Feature.
Judpo : Ho They had a long letter at
homo from his sister this morning. She
does uoosn't appuar to lind the climate
half as trying as she oxpnctod.
She That's satisfactory , I am sure ,
And now you must tell mo all her nows.
Ho I'm afraid I can't * You see they
hadn't got to the postscript when I left
for the city.
Frederick T. Roborls , M. D. , profoa ,
ser in University college , LondonEng.
examiner In medicines , Royal college
of surgeons , says in reference to ad
vanced kidney disease : "Complications
are mot , such as consumption , heart
disease , morbid conditions , liver direc
tions , Warner's Safe Cure euros those
affections by nutting the kidneys In a
healthy condition , thereby enabling
them to expel the waste or poisonous
matter from the system.
We can offer for the next fe\V
clays the
Ever offered in this city.
Come early as it wont remain
unsold very long.
The finest improved farm in the west
comprising 4SO acres , every aero SUB-
ceptiblo of cultivation.
This farm Is situated in Ginning
County , and the celebrated Elk Horn
Cuming County is queen of the corn
bolt , and this is the finest farm in the
Only four miles from West Point the
county seat , and three miles from the
town of Boomor.
835 acres in growing crops , corn ,
wheat , oats and barley ,
100 acres in pasture , containing living
water the oiitlro year , the entire pas
ture is under fence.
Largo elegant 7 room house , 22x18 ,
two stories high. The rooms nro largo
nnd the house is well furnished. Largo
brick collar.
12 ACRES IN ORCHARD ot bearing
The farm is well supplied with the
necessary out buildings , as follows :
Horse Barn with carriage shod attached
UOx.lU feet.
Cow Barn , 20x30 , two stories.
Hog Barn with hog past tire of 20 acroa
20x82 feet.
Corn Cribs , 20x32 foot.
Oirniiory , 28x32 foot.
Chicken House , 12x10 feet.
All the buildings are now and in good
Four wells of fine water , ono at the
house , and one each at the horse , cow
aud hog barns.
The following stock is now on th
place and will bo sold withltJ :
20 head graded milch cows. ' '
30 young heifers and stoors.
7 young work horses.
1 colt.
1 pony.
1 mure , with foal.
120 hogs , many of them nearly ready for
the market.
The farm is well cquipud with all
necessary machinery , such as wagons ,
cultivators , seeders , mowers , hay rakes
This is a grand opportunity to socura
one of the finest farms in the west.
Remember it is
Ready for occupancy , well stocked and
with growing crops.
We will offer it for the next few days ,
at n price , and on terms that will insure
its immediate sale.
The owner will go It for im
proved unincumbored Omaha property
or well located
Suitable for platting.
Remember this farm is clear from all
incumbranco , nnd wo must receive good
uninmbcred property in exchange.
.For full particulars apply to
Telephone 1440 ,
Managers ,
Omaha , iNTeb ,