Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMABA ? BEE : OTLTRSDAY , MATjL3. 31889.
AT 1:30 : AND 7:30 : P. M
Lease expires in one week. Balance of stock must be cleared out. A. W. Cowan , the Silver
Tongued Auctioneer , will hustle out the clothes , at whatever the people choose to give. Jones con"
siders his reputation , and will guarantee all goods strictly as represented. No side bidders. Every
thing on the square.
Sunday Clothes , Week-day Clothes , Hats , Underwear , SMrts , and all 1
kinds of apparel , to the highest bidder.
Auction Sales , Afternoon and Evening , at 1:30 : and 7:30 : o'clock. t
pn915th and Dodge Sts. L
A pocketbook containing money was
found in the Webster street depot and
is in possossson of the ticket agent.
Albert Rothory's small painting of
roses , which took the second prize at
the Art exhibit , has been sold for $50.
Officers Bobout , Leo , Brady , Frost
and Burr are on the sick list. Ollicor
Savngo is enjoying a ten days' leave of
Thomas Potman , an employe in
Moyor's planing mill , contributed n ,
linger to a circular saw while at work
yesterday afternoon.
Gustavo Wfckonbory and Van Green
wore arraigned before Justice Kroegur
yesterday , on the charge of fishing
In Cutroll lake with a seine.
The Sherman avenue school house
has been opened this week , with Miss
Carrie UUslor as teacher. There are
twenty-four teachers in attendance.
All delegates to the Central Labor
union are requested to meet at the Gate
City hall , Friday evening , May 24 , at
7 o'clock sharp. By order of the com
The two drinking fountains hoiner put
in on the corner of Fifteenth and Far-
nuhi mid Fifteenth and Dodge , for the
free use of the public , will bo ready for
use by Sunday next. Workmen are busy
at the waterworks carving out the third
one , yet to bo put into position.
A general invitation is extended nil
the presiding olllccrs of all the labor
organizations in the city to attend the
mooting Friday evening , May 34 , at
Washington hall , under the auspices of
the Central Labor union. Subject :
"Tho Eight Hour Question. " By order
of committee.
Attention is called to the advertise
ment of the American Express com
pany in another column. This com
pany , it will bo soon have estab
lished a Foreign oxch'ango so that uar-
ties can Imvo matter expressed direct
to them. They have also a very exten
sive money order department , which is
fast becoming the popular form for
transmitting money.
1'ornounl I'urimrnptif ) .
Hon. G , W. E. Dorsoy Is in the city.
E. Ulman , of Haltlmoro , Is in the city.
A. A. Merrill , of Chicago , is In the city.
. C. Ulrlch , of Chicago , is at the Murray.
E G. Wetzol , of Lincoln , Is at the Paxton.
J. H. Wilton , of Topeka , is ut the Millard.
S. E. Cute , of los Molnos , Is ut the Mur
Joseph Hell , of David City , Is at tbo Mur
ray.L. . W. Wheeler , of Atlantic , la. , is In tlio
W. J. Bronnan , of Sidney , Is nt the Pax-
O. M. Ladd , of Ottuunvu , la. , Is at the Mil
lard ,
Frank Sharpe , of Atkinson , Is at the Mil-
Dr , Opporman mid daughter , of Auburn ,
nru In the city.
J. V. Mahoney and wife , of Sioux City , are
t the I'axten ,
George Uogart and wife , of Shenaudoah ,
la , , uru in thu city.
Deau Mlllspivndi , rector of St. Paul's
church , Minneapolis , Is In the city.
Second Ward ItcpublU'tuia.
There will be a meeting of the Second
Ward Republican club at Kuspar's hall on
South Thirccntli street , this evening. All
republicans of the Second ward are requested -
quested to attend. C. M. Donovan , Presi
dent ; D. O. Council , secretary.
'Advice to Mothers ,
Mrs. Winslo'w'a-Soothing Syrup should at *
ways bo used for ohllareu teething. U soothes
the child , S3 ( tons thu gums , allays all palu
euros wind colio , and Is thu best remedy for
V3 touts a bottla.
A. O. U. TV.
Arrangements for the Forthcoming
Session ol'tlic Grand Ijodgc.
The supreme lodge , Ancient Order of
United Workmen , will convene in this city ,
June 18. tind preparations are being made for
its entertaininent. Ono hundred and dele
gates are expected , as are also a largo num
ber of strangers from Missouri , Nebraska
and Iowa. Topeka , the seat of three or four
largo organizations , will send altrain load of
people , including the celebrated Capitol
ledge , No. 3 , which is outlined to give an ex
emplification of A. O. U. W. secret work.
Washington hall has been engaeed
and in it the sessions will bo
held. M. KzeUicl , recently appointed state
organizer for Nebraska , is working hard to
make the meeting a success.
Hoouis have been secured at the Millard
for the headquarters of the supreme lodgo.
The Union Pacifl j will give the delegates
and visitors an excursion to South Omaha.
On Tuesday the board of trade will give
them a drive tnrough the city. Wednesday
afternoon and evening the public entertain
ment will take place. Thursday night the
work of exemplification will take place.
The Masters and Journeymen.
SpcaKing of the uiflicultlos existing be
tween the master and journeymen plumbers ,
President Hussoy , of the Master's associa
tion , said : "Wo are not worrying much.
Wo are doing all the work wo have on hand ,
and shall continue to. Wo are not turning
away work or neglecting it. Every mail
brings us a dozen or more letters from men
who are anxious to work non-union men
who say they will come and are willing to
pay their own fare , with the provision that ,
after they have worked thirty days , the
amount of the faro will bo refunded to
them. Wo nro willing to do this and to ail
who write in that strain , wo answer for
them to come.
"As far as TUB Una building is concerned
we are away ahead ot the other work there.
Tuesday we him sixteen plumbers at work
in the building by actual count , and , when I
say plumbers. I don't mean gasllttors or job
bers. Thirteen of these were masters mid
three journey men , two of the latter having
been brought from Milwaukee by nyson.
Yesterday wo took off aix of the men as there
was not suOlciont work to kcop them busy.
In truth , wo only had thrca men at work on
the building at the time of the walk-out. Tlio
Lincoln men are still at work and will stay
all summer if wo want them to. "
In regard to the same matter , President
Cou way , of the journeymen's union , Haid :
"Wo are in the right in this matter and are
bound to win. The boys uro not weakening
a bit. Wo luivo received otters of aid from
nearly every labor organization in the city.
Wo got two men this morning who came
from Milwaukee to work for Hussey & Day
at ill per day. We told them how matters
stood and they quit. Wo haven't heard any
thing from the men who went to Lincoln to
Dull the journeymen off their work , but
they'll stay there if it takes all summer.
"Ulloy.Uie mun who committed the assault
on the doortendor lias left town. Ho didn't
belong to our union and didn't do any drink ?
Ing with UK The bosses can bring on nil the
men they want to , but they won'teo to work.
Hero's a man who just cumo In now. Ho
came from Ogdeu to go to work , but as soon
us ho learned how matters stood ho joined
us. Wo told the carpenters to go back to
work , as wo saw that by having them
out wo could accomplish no more than wo
can by having the plasterers alone out.1
A plasterer said i "Wo uro out find blmll
stay out until the journeymen plumbers tell
ua to go back. Wo can't do anything else. "
Mr. Maker , superintendent of Tin : HUB
building , said ! "Wo have nearly all the car
penters wo need , notwithstanding the lact
that two finishers qua this morning. There
were tlftccn or sixteen plumbers ut work hero
yesterday. "
Somchotly's Darling
Mr. F , A. Turner still continues ills search
for Miss-llcttii Cluyton , of Hloomliold , Iowa ,
who bn. mysteriously disappeared , but has
been unsuccessful in all his attempts to llnd
a oiuo to her whereabouts. HU effort a have
boon seconded by those of the police of
0 i/i aha. Council 13 lull * and South Omaha.
The father of the missinir young lady was
compelled to return to Bloomfleld on account
of the prostrated condition of his wife , who
is grief-stricken over the disappearance of her
daughter. Miss Clayton loft homo about
n week ago to RO to Mueller's music store ut
Council Bluffs to rent a piano. She was
last seen at Avoca , whcro it. is alleged that
she took the cars for the Uluffs. Investiga
tion shows that she has not yet called at
Mueller's store , nor been' at the Bcchtollo
house , whore she intended to stop. She is a
very attractive younjr lady of about twenty-
two , of high character uud unusual intelli
Lost. "I don't know trhoro , I can't
tell when , I don't see how something
of great value to mo , and for the return
of which I shall he truly thankful , viz. :
a good nppetito. "
Found. "Health mid strength , pure
blood , an nppotito like a wolf , regular
digestionall by taking that popular and
peculiar inodicino , Ilood'a Sarsaparilla.
I want everybody to try it this season. "
It is sold hy all druggists. Ono hun
dred doses'ono dollar.
It Was 1'olHoncd.
Father Rlggo , professor of chemistry nt
Creigliton college , to whom was sent for
analysis the poisoned coffco of which Louis
A. Marvin drank , makes the following roporl :
"Tlio coffee was analyzed and found to
contain arsenic to the amount of about
three-fourths of a grain to the fluid ounce.
I say 'about' because the limited time I could
devote to the analysis precluded the possi
bility of a thorough quantitative exam
ination. "
The county attorney will swear out a now
warrant against Mrs. Hull , Mrs. Scott and
Carrie Ellmaker , charging them with nt-
teinpting to murder Louis Marvin by putting
arsenic in his coffee. The original warrant
charged them with putting strychnine in the
beverage. The women are in custody ut the
co'unty Jail.
An Oltl Gas 1'lnnt.
Workmen are excavating for the founda
tion of the Kcnnard waiohouso , on Hurnoy
street between Fourteenth and Fifteenth.
This building is to bo ( tfxUO fcot , and will bo
occupied by the IConnnrd Gluts and Paint
company. Tim structure is to bo built by
Jobst brothers.
The demolition of tlio old brick building ,
which occupied a part of the lot , brought to
view a relic of other days. It was the old
gas plant of the Grand Central hotel
which was burned down about ten years ago.
It consisted of a circular wall of brick in
closing an iron tank ten feet in height and of
about the sumo diameter. In the building ,
which stood nbovo it , was the machinery for
making the gas , whicn was stored In the receptacle -
ceptaclo boncuth. The discovery attracted
some attention , and some "old citizens" said
that the tank was the "holder" of the orig
inal gas works of the city.
It Is certainly gratifying to travelers
to know that our druggists keep such a
reliable preparation as Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diorrhci'a Remedy
is known to bo for bowel complaints. It
is pleasant and safe to take , and can al
ways ho depended upon oven the most
severe and dangerous cases. It is put
up in Si-5 and 50'uont bottles. No ono ,
can alToril to travel without it.
JliilXicil of $1-I < ) , - > .
Mr. H. H , Miner , a stockman from the
western part of the state , arrived In South
Omaha Tuesday and disposed ol a number
of car loads of cattle , receiving llicrofor
$1,4 < > 5. Ho came up to Omaha in the after
noon , and among the things which attracted
his attention was a fakir on the corner of
Twelfth and Furnam selling u wlro imizlo.
Mr. Miner mingled with the crowd , and
while there some thle ( cut open his co.a
and took out his pocbctbook uud $1,400 Ir.
money , which wore in aa insldo pocket. Ho
did not notice his loss until ho arrived at.tho
depot. Ho notltlcd the police , but thuro is
no clue to the thief.
Always Ugn I'lalt'H Clilorltlos
fur household dibinfcctiou. You will
like it.
Xlio MiRCraUlo Treatment They Kc-
ccivo From tlio County.
There are now half a dozen unfortunate in
sane women confined in the county jail , and
applications come in every day for the admis
sion of others. Yesterday Jailor Miller
took Anna Bada to the asylum at Lincoln ,
and parties living in Washington county ,
who have a female relative seventy
years old nt St. Joseph's hospital
asked to have her taken rare of by the
county. The poor woman is said to bo so
violent that the hospital sisters have notified
her friends that she must be removed. The
jail , however , is so crowded that both Sheriff
Coburn and Ur. Tilden , the examining phy
sician , refused her admission. Said a citizen
yesterday morning.
"Tho sheriff is right. It is an outrage to
have these unfortunate women kept there
whcro they have only men to take care of
them. If the board could bo induced to stop
tightinK over trivial matters and do some
thing to provide better accommodations , it
would not bo so deplorably bad. "
Mr. Coburn has asked for n jail matron ,
but it appears that u majority ot the commis
sioners are determined to ignore every re
quest ho makes. It is impossible for men to
handle women as ono of their own sex could ,
therefore , no wonder that everybody
in the vicinity of the jail is disturbed nt all
hours , day and night , with their wild screams
and talic. "
A Miss Young , wlioso father is serving on
the Jury , was received in the jail
bccauso ttio father had refused to
care for her , and there was absolutely no
other place to which she could bo taken ,
The girl remained at Dr. 'Pillion's house
Tuesday afternoon and several messages
were sent to her father , but , it is alleged , ho
took no notice of them.
Can u ji
ts a form of blood poison which is not under
stood by the medical profession us to its real
nature und character , but it Is evidently
hereditary In its nature. It may accidentally
develop itself without any predisposition or
evidence of such existing poison. The knife
or caustic salves have heretofore been the so-
culled remedies for it , but all honest practi
tioners will tell you that this treatment fails
to cure , and only hastens latal results.
Thousands of cases of cpithcliomii ( skin )
cancers , and u great many cases of scirrhus
cancers , have boon entirely cured bv the use
of Swift's Spcclllc. It forces the polscu out
through the cancer itscll , and thu pores of
tlio skin. _ _ _ _ _
My father had cancer ; , my husband also
had cancer , in fact died with it. It lS7.r > a
lump came on my nose , which steadily in
creased in si/.o , and alarmed mo. 1 used
various remedies salves.nml other applica
tions , and finally tried to burn it out , but tlio
sere returned worse than cver.growing larger
'and more angry , until 1 determined to try
Swift's Spccillo. I took the medicine und it
soon made a complete euro. I know that S.
S. S. cured mn , bccauso I discarded all ottier
remedies. Tills was several jrcurs ago , und I
have had no sign of a return of the cancer.
Mas. M. T. MAIIKX ,
April C , 1639. Woodbury , Texas.
Treatise on cancer mailed frro.
Tlio Swift Speclliio Co.Drawer ! 1 , Atlanta ,
Oa. _
ltdbl ) HIT I'aiil for IVtor.
Two years ago bonds were voted for the
erection of the Paul school , but wqro never
applied to that purpose. The reason assigned
for this by members of the board of educa
tion is that the money obtained through
their sale , with the exception of (11,000 , which
is still in the treasury , has been expended in
other ways. Tno Lake school , which was
estimated , would bo built for &t > ,0)0 ( ) , cost
$50,000. The Mason school cost ffl.OOO more
than it was thought It would , und the Web
ster und other schools also exceeded the
entlnm'ed coia of the designers. What will
bo done with thu balunconow in the treasury
is not known.
Mail Car Worker * .
Thrco mull route clerks In the Nebraska
division have just been promoted to fourtn
class places. Tlioy are F. O , Hanson , on
the Pacific Junction and McCook run ; l\ \ .
Lufontalno and J. li. Snurtllff , on the Oma
ha und Ogden run. lliumen succeeds Paul
Campbell , Lafoutuiiio takes the placu mudn
rucuut by the rellreuicut of U , J. Chestnut-
wood , and Shurtliff goes into M. H. Syden-
hum's old place. Campbell and Sydcnham
resigned and Chestnutwood was reduced in
rank at his own request to get a certain run
ho wanted.
For Nervous Dlsonnes
Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. F. G. Kelly , Alderton , W. T. , says :
"I have prescribed it in n larco number of
cases of restlessness at night , and nervous
diseases generally , and also in cases of indi
gestion caused by lack of sufllcicnt castnc
juice of the stomach , with marked success ,
and consider it ono of the best remedies
known to the professional world. "
Kxccrminntinst Cnnlnos.
Notwithstanding that the law requires all
dogs to bo registered , thus far but 3(5 ( of the
local canines have been placed on record.
The unregistered animals are inviting death ,
because the chief of pollco says that 2,000
cartridges have been ordered to put them
out of the way. lie states , however , that ho
will allow dog owners one week more in
which to register their favorites. At 4 a. m.
Thursday of next week three wagons will bo
started In various parts of the city with n
detail of police in each , whose duty it will
bo to kill all dogs not wearing the regulation
tag of 188 ! ) . The dead bodies of the victims
will bo thrown into the Missouri.
I < ot Owners and Sldowi lkn.
The following communication has been re
ceived at the oflico : Will you kindly inform
us what tlio law is relative to the construc
tion of sidewalks on paved streets and also
who is the proper person authorized to en
force the law I
The walks on the east side of South Thir
teenth street between Mason and Vinton
streets are not only nu inconvcnicnco but a
great detriment to the business of the city.
There are a number of unoccupied store
rooms in t.ho limits named which I believe
would bo occupied by prosperous business
men If properly-laid sidewalks made travel
possible on that sidu of the street.
Parties holding vacant lots for speculation ,
and on which they never intend to build , are
bound to respect and wo thinkthutsuch prop
erty holders should bo compelled to comply
with the city ordinance requiring the con
struction of sidewalks on paved streets.
The communication is signed by Frank
Pokorny , 1112 , " ) South Thirteenth street ;
Joseph Foost , 1W7 ! South Thirteenth street ;
John H. 0111100,1123 Soutli Thirteenth street ,
Joseph Housok,1 7 South Thirteenth street ;
Thomas McGuire , 1333 South Thirteenth
street. _
Sunday I'oMolIIco Work.
Postmaster Gallagher is in receipt of n letter -
tor from Postmaster-General Wammmakor
inquiring for the number of persons applying
for mall at the Omaha postofllco on Sundays ;
what the duties of thu bnmluy clerks are and
just how long their working hours are. It is
hinted that the object of tha postmaster-
general is to bring about as little work on
Sundays as possible , and it is quite certain
that the uiinunt will bo greatly reduced
within tlio next fortnight.
FioMiiMi Work.
The residence and premises of Thomas L.
Kimbull , general manager of the Union Pa
cific , \vuro visited by some miscreant Tuesday
night. A yuluublo roan horse was slashed in
thu shoulder vith u knife , a watch dog was
killed and u put euglu was badly injured.
The keys to the residence were stolen. Sus
picion us to tlio perpetrator of tlio outrage
rests upon a former employe of Mr. If mi-
Ucecham's Pill * act like magic on a weak
n Omaliiin'H
The Dcadwood Pioneer tells of a former
Omuliun , named Auzust Haur , who in
structed a Juivolcr at Unit place to procuru
two watches far him , wuleli ho did , ono of
the time" pieces beinir Intended for Hutu's
sweetheart. Thowatchea woio not paid for
nt the time of delivery und I uur lias dlt > -
Koroi'tl ID Kfiimiii nu llu > htivms.
Lfttlo Ethel Uliler , a bright and pretty
firlof twelve years , complains that her
grandmother , Mrs. Sutuhen , makes her go
out on the streets after night to try and find
her missing mother. Chief Scavoy
notified his men to sco that Mrs. Sutphen
allowed the child to remain at homo after
night. _
Ice water is safe if you mix it with
Mihalovitch's Hungarian blackberry
For the Open Door.
Mrs. S. L. Dickover , proprietor of the
"Hub" restaurant , 111 South Fourteenth
street , will to-day , give the proceeds of
his dinner for the benefit of the "Open
Door. " The meal will be served from 11 a.
m. to 3 p. in. Mr. Dickover asks all holders
of season tickets to pay for their dinner on
that day in order to swell tlio donation.
Unfortunate Young Women.
At present there nro eighteen inmates in
the Open Door , tlio last accession taking
place yesterday. There are seven infants
awaiting adoption. Yesterday Mrs.Clark took
another unfortunate girl to thn state institu
tion at Mllford , this being the sixth ono who
has gene there from this city ,
Taxidormi8tcatarg'o,81o N 10thOnmha
Renting the Chamber of Commerce.
The proposition of the city council to pay
$50 a month rent for the board of trade hall
is not favorably received by some of the
Secretary Nason says that the opposition
of some is very great , and that of the mem
bers of the board who have been consulted ,
Messrs. Martin , Mayor , Goodman and
Wheeler favor tlio renting.
nnil Kolilxiry.
Moses Steur , 2719 Hurt , complains that n
collector in the employ of Joe Garneau came
to his place to-day , and , because ho would
not pay a bill ofJ5 , struck him over the
head with a knife and snatching a gold
watch from his wife ran away. Steur has
sworn out u warrant for the fellow's arrest.
Absolutely Purer
Tlila pptt-der novur varies. A marvel nt purity
Htrt'iigth uud Moro ticonoinlcul
tlmn HIM ordinary Kin in , nnil cannot bo Kulil la
competition with the miiltltmliia of JOK test ,
Bhortvrelghtaltiinor phospnato powilera. Hold
only In cani. Itnyul Haklng 1'owdfr Co120
WuUatreet Xow
( Successors to John 0. Jucobj. )
Undertakers andEmbalmers
At theoliUtuuil HOr I'arnam St. Orders by
mil idled and | > roinptly utienileO.
cluubouv toKy. i.
"Now , John , you're sure I'll Imvo time to
ninkuiuy wircliimunnil nut hick to mytrnlu ? 1
inui-t Imf o u Unlit ore-room for these eool even-
INKS , inn ) loinu fiirnltliliiK Kootli. As I am a
MnuiKur , I must tnmt yon tn Inko inn to 11 rolla *
tiln pliuo. " "AllrtijIitHlr ; I know \vlicm Hint Is ,
Kill Karniim ; u mun < an llnd uvcrylhlni ; tie
neoJs In tlio way ol clotliuH or fimilsM iu , ' . "
/ * Eurpnonn Department n-cohun and
rurwiiiiU nlUlus'.os nt IniMiicM by tuc U Mall blouinor
urilvlnuiitorik-iiiirlliiK friiiu New Voile ,
bliliii | | < MitMfiuin Kurmiorun he muilo illre-l br tnli
( ( iiiinn | > : toMlllnlnnil Purli of Kntry In Iliu " nu ' '
bum * . nlnotoi'HiiiKiu and Moxlco , with or without
piyiiiunt ofilutlunut Now Vork ,
Halo nt low ID HIOKO of nny ruiponalbluronpiinr. :
01' ' CUWOM Iloudl ! "IIOK-
plafei 1B
AircnoUiil'i ' Kuroi | lowlHim ililimenl | for United
Mitiu din lid ilellyerccl , or If Iroin Iriii'rlur jiolnt *
niinuld butoimlirnutl , acroiiiiiunlcd by Mill of f
n I liivol u wrilll.f ! ( < iro1Anierlcaii Comiil- !
' . ' " ' 'i',1' ' ' : ' " ' SMm.erHlri' /
d .ir.AMNfliKHriu . 11 Hanover Hireet , ( JlABiai 'n a
ii'/l. ' ' " V'lMil-ii-K-J111'1111' ' ' * "uu < -"l' ' u"
' " ' . " 'T' . N. 1.1 'T'HTINti ( ' ACO. , llT ! iJtmiuiimrn'te ,
iiiif , , ViiiuiiitKiis:111' ! ! : : IIA U'I ' ° . - ' A J
WEAKI * ul'rin rr < nha f.
> nutiiful er- C
. . . " > t . f rly < li t y. lott
, ttc. I VvllI KiuTu tultmblu tn tl ( r4-alfrdj
full i < Artlcularf for liumo curv. ftto f
. nUrrM , .
PROFi F , 0. FOWLER , MoodUf , Oonru j