Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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tdr. Paddock Knows of No Propo
sition to Buy the Lines ,
Dr. Mercer's Statement Concerning
tlccont Humors Li. n. WIHIixins
Becomes Director of the "Con-
eolltliued" Company.
Pndilook'f ) Dcnlnl.
Sonntor Paddock was questioned ns to the
reliability of the story that ho limt brought
from Messrs. Amos and Dillon , ot Now
York , an offer to purchase the Omaha street
and motor railways , and answered :
"I positively brought no such offer , have
no knowledge that any proposition of the
kind has been made , and don't hollovo the
Btroot railway company wants to soil out. "
"It Is charged by the opposition company
that the Omaha street railway company Is
building with a vtcnv to selling out , " SUL--
Rcstcd the reporter. But this ( ailed to bring
out an expression ns to whether the allega
tion was true or false.
The senator was also aiked why his com
pany had sought its frunuhlio under the
name of the cublo company In South Omuhn.
"O , " said ho , "tho names remain as they
nlways wore. The cable company has a per
fect right to do us it pleases In that mutter. "
"How soon do } ou expect to commence
building down there ) "
"At once. "
i -
An Inturvlow With Moroer.
"This talk about the consolidation of our
line with the other consolidated lines , " said
Dr. Mercer , of the motor company , yes
terday , "Is all nonsense. Wo huvo no da-
slro to consolidate , and no doslro to sell , it
would bo folly for us to do so now , at a tlmo
when the road will begin to earn a little
something. IJulldlng street railways in
Omaha Just now Is a burden , lot mo toll you.
Take the ordinance recently passed by the
council ; Its oppressive. A certain city cru
cial who had an axe to grind suggested to
Councilman Wheeler that it would bo a good
thing to maku the street riillwnys pay for
paving on streets over which their lines run ,
nnd Whcolor , thinking it would bo a smart
thing for him to do , railroaded it through
the council. The ordinance is oppressive
nnd will prevent the construction of at lu.w
fifteen miles of street railway in the city this
year. It will require un outlay of $40,000 on
our part , and to keep faith with the people
wo must pay that sum , butat the sumo time
wo know that the city is too binall to justify
the outlaj. Many councilman voted for the
oratnauco without : i thorough knowledge of
its provisions. It was never referred to n
committee , but wits rushed through without
critical examination , We think the other
ltdc , also would be pcrfccUliiir willing to
concede any regulating ordinance , but wo
object to the one now existiong which prnc-
tically amounts to the conllscatlon of prop
erty for live years.
"No city can be builtupundersucb circum
stances. We shall sue the city to recover
the amount wo have paid into the treasury
in this way. " _
Director Williams.
There Is now n great deal of harmony in
the Omaha Sticot Hallway company , and it
is said it is likely to continue until the ques
tion of selling the plant to Dillon and Ames
is considered. The contest in the court ,
which L. 13. Williams threatens , has been
averted by that gentleman being placed on
the board of directors.
It will bo romombcrcd that when the Cable
Tramway company consolidated with the
Omaha Horse Hallway company , a now
board of directors was elected. Mr. Wil
liams was not included in the membership ,
although he had been a member of the cable
tramway board , and held something like
$ 10,000 in stock in the concern.
This omission incensed him greatly , espe
cially because others who hold less stock
than ho dul hud been placed upon the boaru.
Ho promised to bring the matter into the
At the last meeting of the company , 13. F.
Smith of Boston , resigned us a director , to
maintain harmony , and L. 13. Williams was
elected in his stead. The board now com
prises the following gentlemen : Frank
Murphy , S. It. Johnson , Guy Harton , Senu-
tor I'nddock , Captain Ilustln , W. V. Morce ,
Captain Marsh L. 13. Williams and ex-Super
intendent Smith.
Mr. Williams states that thoHurney street
line is now paying expenses , and the patro
nage is increasing upon it , while the income
is derived from the Twentieth street and
other linos.
The receipts , one day last wcok , from all
the lines , wcro * ! , UUO. The number of pas
sengers carried ranges from 20,000 to 25,000.
Will Not Consolidate.
"Tho rumors of an impending consolida
tion between the Omaha Street Hallway com
pany and the Omaha Electric Motor company
are entirely unfounded , " said a largo stock
holder of the street railway company yes
terday. "So far as our people have any
information uo ona of our directors has pro-
contcd a proposition from Mr. Amos , Mr.
Dillon , or any other capitalist , looking to u
union of these interests. As a matter of fact
the Omaha Street Hallway company is going
ahead in thofucoof all obstacles , legal and
otherwise , which the motor company has
thrown In its way , and is preparing to give
tlo ) citizens of this city the best united coble ,
electric and horse railway system that exists
anywhere in the United States. Had it not
been for the persistent and vicious attacks of
the electric motor company upon our system ,
the solo object of which seems to have been
to force us to take them into the fold nt their
own figures , wo should long before * this have
built two miles of additional cable
railway. The only result of the
opposition has been to stir up
n publlo opinion In favor of
additional electric railways , uo mutter
whether the rights of ho public were in
vaded , as we still bellovo they are , by thn
erection of overhead poles and u mid-street
trolley. Uoforo the creation of this unjust ,
and to souio extent adverse public sentiment ,
our company was earnestly studying the
storage battery s > stem. Four of our direc
tors spent three weeks In New York in in
vestigating the Fouith avenue line , which is
controlled by the Vandcrbllts , and upon
which the storage buttery system Is
now to a limited extent In opera
tion. When they loft Now York every
indication pointed to the adoption within six
months of the stoiago battery system upon
the Fourth avenue Hue. When it is con
sidered that such a system will bo operated
' under the control of the Vnndorbilts , con-
/ scrvatlvo and shrewd business men , It can
bo HCCII what we , as well as the people of
Oiijulm , have probably lost by being forced
to compete with the poles and overhead wires
of the electric motor company.
"So far us wo are ublo to ascertain , the
only object of thosn attacks upon our com-
jinny by the motor corporation is in the in
terest of Mr. Ames and Mr. Dillon , and has
for its aim the discrediting of our securities
and the depressing of our stocks by tout ,
norary wilts which will not xvin In the end ,
nnd in order that wo may bo forced at some
future t'uio olthor to consolidate with the
motor company or sell our Investment at do-
prcclutnd Jlguics to Amos , Dillon & Co. You
can bo uaaurod that this scliemu will not
win. The Omaha Street Hallway company
huvo forty-live mlloii of track now In opeia-
tlon. nnd will BOOH add live moro of olcctrla
road , and propose to show the people of
Omaha which of the wairing corporations is
honestly iiltemuting to carry out its pledges
of the bcsl facilities and ample service to the
citizens of Omaha. "
To Extend Its lilno ,
The Qtnana street railway company has
applied for a permit to extend its line from
Park avenue aud Pacific street , west to
Thlrtjsecond , thence south to Woolworth
uvouue , west to Thirty-fourth street , thence
south to the city limits.
The Halo Flu-lit ,
' The demand by the Chicago board of trade
that paoVlng-houso products and llvo 'slock
bo equalized from a rate standpoint will bo
mot with oonnldcrublo opposition when it
comet up before the Interstate commerce
commission for a hearing at Chicago Monday
next Until recently , the pncVcrs at Mis
souri rlvor points have nppoarod to jxdvanco
single handed , the railroads declaiming any
ntcrcst In the Unlit and taking n neutral
stand between the two factions.
Within the pant few days a change has
; akcn ulnco. Yesterday General Tronic Man
ager Mellon of the Union Pacific started for
Chicago and will put In so in a good work in
favor of the western pncHerj. A report is
also current that the Iowa lines will omwso
the demand of the Chicago packers. Burly
n the light , these lines Informed the packers
that they would remain neutral.
Ilnllrnnd Notes.
The Union Paclllc Is laying a track in the
alloy between Leaven worth aud Jones
( tracts , connecting with the spur Irack reach
ing from South Tenth street , mid extending
It to Fifteenth street.
Two now engines , 0"T nndfw , ' , have been
received by the Union Paclllc from the Prov
idence works.
William M. Phott , who recently resigned
the position of assistant general freight
ngcntoftho Missouri Paclllc , lias boon np-
tointcd llrst assistant general freight agent
if the Illinois Central , with headquarters nt
Now Orleans.
.1. II. Uchlenborgor , of the assistant gen
eral managers onico of the Union Paclllc , has
returned from a protracted to points
west nnd south.
C. S. Harvey , superintendent of the hotel
department of the Santa Fc , Is in the city.
At a nicotine of the local general passenger
agents at the Union Paclllc headquarters.
\ one and ono-thlrd faro for the round
trip to the Methodist encampment to bo hold
nt Lincoln , July 10 , was agreed upon.
Pours' sotin Is the mo3t ol ogunt tollo
Mark HIUIHCII Wins Ills Cnso in the
District Court.
Mark Hanson obtained n verdict against the
city fohf2:500. , : The jury reached au agreement
about 10 o'clock Tuesday night , after being
out thirty hours. Hanson sued for $23,000
damages to his proportv.occasionad , ns Is
alleged , by the Eleventh street viaduct.
Isaac Hrown's suit against the Herald
Publishing company was commenced before
Judge Donno.
Will N. King , who is charged with lor-
gery , was arraigned before Judge Hopowoll
yesterday afternoon and his case was post-
imnccl until the next term of court. His bail
was reduced from 51,000 to $500. In default
of this amount ho was recommitted to jail.
Kfllo Smith , a colored woman , charged
with stealing ? 15 from the person"of George
Ivcrson , In n house of ill fame , was nc-
lUltted yesterday afternoon by the Jury be
fore which her case was tried. The woman
lus had three trials on the sumo charge.
United StiitcH Court.
The Jury in the case of Michael O'Urlcn
vs. the Union Pacllle Hallway company for
? 20,000 damages , alleged to have been sus-
.aluod by falling olt a switch ongluo , last
August , returned u verdict iu favor of the
County Court.
W. V. Morse & Co. brought action in the
county court against Uechtold IJros. ,
to recover $190 , alletred to bo duo for
rcnc of a storeroom on South Fourteenth
The Chadron Banking company Instituted
suit against Henry L. Leo. Henry T. Clark
and others , to recover $175 on promissory
John Hosslcky was appointed adminis
trator of the estate of Josef Dinebier , de
Thomas Bronder was given a license to
wed Johanna 131um. Both are residents of
South Omaha , and are respectively aged 21
and - > . ' .
The Michigan life insurance company was
-lven a judgment for $1) ) against Josiah
Coinminsioiicrs ClmrKo Myers With
lliimhiicuin ; ; Them A ulii.
Architect Mjors , of the new county hospi
tal , sent the board of county commissioners ,
yesterday afternoon , a communication in
reply to the recommendations of John F.
Soots , superintendent of construction of the
liospital , on the proposed changes , relative to
putting in four or more one-inch rods across
the extreme ends of the noith and south corridors
riders , as recommended by the superintend
ent , the architect says ho fullv approves of
the plan , for the reason that the arches have
been so built and the centers removed be
fore the cement has had time to become eufll-
cicntly hard , that the walls have spread , and
to remedy the evil these rods become an act
ual necessity. The architect says that had the
arches beou properly built aud sufficient
time allowed for the cement to become
thoroughly sot , there uovor would have been
any necessity for the rods. Mr. Rivers also
recommended the placing of boilers in the
room Intended for fuel , setting the rear of
the boilers about tiireo feet from the rear
wall , so as to allow access to the return
pipes , and that the boilers bo sel four feet
deeper. This will require the supply
pipes to bo run directly under the arches.
Ho asked that the cast Iron cover over the
pipes that arc laid below the basement lloor
bo omitted , and that the cost thereof bo de
ducted from the steam contractors' proposal.
In the examination of the specifications on
the brick work , Mr. Myers asked that It
bo ascertained if the spccitlcations had
been fully complied with. The n/tchltect
also suggested that all the iloor.s of the corridors
riders and rooms bo furnished as follows :
That 2x4 pieces bo placed sixteen inches be
tween their centres , cut to fit the biiek
arches and tilled up between the timbers and
oven with cement moi tor. After the lloor is
laid , aud after nil work is completed in any
room or corridor , the surface is to bo
smoothed off and then to receive two coats
of linseed oil.
The communication was not exactly what
the board wanted. Mr. Coots made several
recommendations that the architect , It is
said , evaded entirely. The board sent him
several papers to RICH in concurrence with
the proposed changes , and ho returned , by
way of reply , the communication. *
Speaking to Chairman Mount , when the
communication was icad , Mr. O'Kcoflo
stated that the board ha < l been humbugged
uL'uiu by Myers.
"Ho thinks wo arc n lot of fools , nnd ho is
playing us ns such , " said Mr. O'Keoffo.
"That communication is not what wo asked
for. Wo either wauled a favorable or an un
favorable opinion on bupurintondent Coots' '
recommendations , which were sent to Myers .
the early part of the month.
'I he communication will bo rmid for action
at Saturday afternoon's meeting of the
The Western Art AnHoolation ,
There was a large attendance- the art ex
hibit lust evening. Additional Interest was
lent to the occasion by the fact that the
drawing of pictures toolt place , under the
direction of Colonel Champion S. Cliuso and
Mr. George Holbrook , The following num
bers wora drnwn , nnd the lucky holders uro
requested to comu to the gallery and make
their selections :
No. in drew tirst prize of un oil painting in
class A , to the value of $50 j Nos 500 and 455
diow pictures In class H , to the value ol f2i !
each ; Nos. ibO.4CO ! , ! 134 aud ai'drow pictures
in class C , to the value of 315 each.
The exhibition has been highly successful ,
financially , and will not close until Friday
evening of this week , when a largo number
of pictures will bo dlxposed of bv auction.
Up to thu present tlmo over $500 has been
realized by the sale of tickets. The plctuics
on exhibition uro being sold vary cheap , and
it is expected that u great many will bu sold
before the close of tlio exhibition. About
forty huvo so far boon disposed of.
The "MurohantH * Wcok" Commlttoc.
The committee of nlno appointed by the
board of trade at Monday night's meeting to
make preparations and conblder thu feasi
bility of holding a "merchants' carnival , "
or "merchants' week , " assembled yesterday
afternoon at the board of trade rooms. The
committee , after discussing the question , ap
pointed u committee of three , composed of
E. B. Hruco , W. A. L. Gibbon nnd F. V. ICir-
kcndall , to draft plans of the exorcises , otu. ,
and wus instructed to submit thorn Friday
afternoon , when another , mooting of the com-
uiltteo will bo held.
ON rnoitlUlTION. ,
lit * linn Very lilttlo to SAJT on the filch
IilcoiiHC Question.
A largo nudleiico filled Y. M. C. A. hall
last night to hoar Sam Small lecture on prohi
bition. About iilnc-tcntti.s of the audience
were disappointed , occauso they had antici
pated hearing something new on the subject ,
though It must bo saldthoy were entertained.
Mr. Small Is something of ncomcdlnn , fairly
successful In the art of imitation , and'well
up as n bully-rapgcr. Much of his address
was devoted to attempts at smart sayings In
derision of certain ministers nnd church
members who were so unfortunate M to have
views of tbolr own on the prohibition nuos-
It was expected that Mr. Small would
sail into high license , but the only critical
reference ho made to that kind of a law was
this :
. "It ts n great high lie without any sense-
simply n machlno patct.tcd by the devil for
politicians to c.irvo out buzzard dollars , to
place on the eye of dcatl consciences and
make the corpse look respectable. "
Further than u statement that the prohibi
tion amendment had been submitted In this
Btto ! } In obedience to a largo publlo demand ,
ns ho put it , and that , in his opinion , thu
republican party hero would bo damned If
that amendment Is defeated , Mr. Small's
uddress was general , mid virtually a repeti
tion of the stereotyped tcmpornuco lee-
turo. Ho railed at saloons , ubuscd
every man who opposed prohibition , and
gave illustrations of his own experience.
The substance of his arcutnunt wus that the
wnvo had started and would eventually
sweep this country. The1 defeat in Massa
chusetts , the bluckoyo from Michigan , and
the sure set back to bo given by Pennsyl
vania soon , ho a.ild , will only increase the
determination uf men like himself to push on.
Quito an admission was made by the
speaker in agreeing with these who urguo
the inoftlciency of state laws , such ns Iowa
and Kansas have. As an answer to people
who ask why so mnuy government licenses
arc sold to dealers in Iowa , ho said it is be
cause they fear the government , but have
neither respect nor fear of the state law.
A Mnn Probably Finally Injured By
n Klower Pot.
A peculiar accident happened on Fifteenth
street In front of the Barker block yesterday
afternoon , that will probably result fatally
to Svnn Johnson , a Dane , who lived on South
Sixteenth street. Johnson was passing
along the street , about 4 o'clock , when a
( lower pot fell from the fifth story of the
building , striking him on the head aud crush
ing his skull. The Injured man was carried
to Dr. Leo's ofllco and given medic. ) 1 atten
tion , after which ho was removed to St.
Joseph's hospital. His Injury was of a very
dangerous character , mid his recovery is
hardly possible. The flower pot was the
property ot Miss Mai tin , a stenographer for
the Jo-He Medicine company , nnd was
accidentally knocked from its place in .the
wlndoxv by the younp lady. Miss Martin ,
although In no way to blame for the mishap ,
was nearly crazed over the accident.
Nolan Round Over.
U. II. Nolan , the man who shot Mrs. Gib
son and her nephew at a dance last Saturday
ngiht.was nrr.xiiriied on the charge of assault
with intent to kill. Ho waived examination
nnd was put under $1.000 bonds to appear bo-
foi o the district court. In default he went
Ailinirfn < ; Our Streets.
F. It. Cucker , F. A. Keiieer nnd J. Opper-
man , a committee of Denver citizens appoint
ed by the governor of Colorado to visit east
ern cities and examine street navmg reached
Omaha yesterday. They are malting
au inspection of the streets of this city.
Distinguished Visitors.
High Chief Hanger T. W. Saunders and
wife , and High Secretary William Kllpatrick
and wife , of the Independent Order of For
esters , on their return from Dover , will nr-
rive in the city this morning , on the Burling
ton train. Deputy High Chief Hanger
George J. Soltror has appointed Messrs.
Charles Singer , Thomas Hock and C. A.
Molchor , a committee to meet the visitors.
It is expected that the high ofllcots will re
main hero two days , and If they do , a ban
quet ana reception will bo tendered them at
the Delmonico.
Notpn About tlio City.
A young man by the name of Tschiitt , em
ployed iu the killing gang at the Gcbrgo II.
Hammond packinghouse , received au ugly
cut on the back of his left hand just before
An operation was performed Wednesday
on Wallio , the invalid son of Mr. and Mrs.
John J. Gorman , and an unnatural growth
removed from bis liver. The operation was
quite successful.
John Kearney draw the cake with the gold
ring insula at the entertainment given Tues
day evening at A. O. H. boll , by the .Altar
society of St. Budget's church.
A young lady nt the Hotel Hecksted fully
answers the description of Hettu Clayton , of
Bloomlield , la. , lately lost.
. The Young People's society of the Metho
dist church will hold an ice cream
festival Friday evening and the literary and
musical programme arranged for last Thurs
day evening will be rendered.
J. M. Wcsterflcld has gene to Ohio to at
tend a session of the Sunday school conven
tion of the United Presbyterian churc-h.
A quorum of the city council failed to
matormliyo Wednesday evening , and a mo
tion was curried to adjourn to Friday
Hugh Nelson , the popular hotel man , has
returned and is now at the Delmonico.
The ladies of the Albright Methodist Kills-
copal congregation will give a social In the
now church Thursday evening , May : tO.
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Gramlicti , Q street ,
were nt home Wednesday evening to u num
ber of young friends.
Anton DroROun , the Bohemian , charged
with illegal voting , bad his hearing before
Judge King Vvedncsday afternoon and was
bouud over in the sum of & 10 , and in de
fault was committed.
* , .
Twentieth Annual Session or the
ptatp Association.
IlioVinonn Vi Sotittnvcstnrn Uxlcnil-
Injf Its , Iilno TownrU Uninlm
Cctln'rllnplds ' Infested With
Doctor * In
Dns MOINKI , In. , May 23. fSpoclal Tolo-
grntn to TUB flint. ] The twentieth amitml
mooting of the Homeopathic Medloal associa
tion of lowu bognn here to day. In the pre
liminary session this morntnir the slat aboard
of census reported Iu fnvor of the mlmlssion
of tlio following mcmbors , who were then
taken In : Frank Duncan , DCS Molnos ;
Frank W.Loo , Klccvillo ! W. D. Uuby , Win-
torsot ; John G. Splchor , Hudson ; Harriet
M. Allen. Waterloo ; VV. S. Simpson , Grin-
neil ; Joshua Vought , Llvormorc ; O. O. Tro-
mnlno , IduUrovo ; A. A. Goldsmith , Eaclo
Grove ; C. W. Vroom , Acklnv ; A. 1C. Train ,
Spencer ; U. A. Wilder , Siuloy.
An informal discussion OH points of prno-
tlco ' .vns followed by an address of welcome
by Lloutoiiaut-Govonnr Hull , to which a
response was made by the president of the
association , Dr. Bunion , of Waterloo. Pnpors
were rend by Drs. Dickinson , of DcsMolnos ,
and Cowportliw.uto , of Iowa City , on medi
cal education , nnd by lha. Oilchrist , of lown
City , nnd Ir.\ko , of Dos Moines , on aurgory.
This evening1 the society discussed the soo-
tlon devoted to obstetrics mid gyncucology.
The IioMnrs Murder Trlnl.
I , it M AUS , In. , May 22. [ Special Telegram
to Tin ; UIB. : ] Testlrtiony in Ilio trial of John
Gaynor , the young bummer who killed Po-
llconmu Hamilton hero , lust November , \vr.s
concluded , to day , It being the third day of
the trial. At th'o tlmo of the killing thcro
wm much talk of lynching , nnd the old pro
hibition light was renewed. Hut the defense
has made n very good case of self-defense ,
proving that Hamilton mrulo threats upon
Gaynor's life , which ho hoard of. The pros
ecution fulled to prove that Hamilton was
authorized by the city to act ns u policeman.
Ho was only n merchant police. Physicians
testilled to the severe injuries on Gaynor's
head from Hamilton's billy , The case goes
to the jury to-morrow.
The Siiprotno Court.
MOIKHS , la. , May 22. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKD.I The supreme court
filed the following decisions hero to-day :
Mury L. Huird vs L. W. Uockticr , appel
lant ; Mills district ; notion by mi unmarried
woman to recover for her own settuction ,
which was accomplished by declarations of
love , and by promises of marriage utid acts
which implied a promise of marriage ; af-
ilrmcd , confirming the plaintiff in a judgment
for$0Tf > 0.
T. J. Drain , appellant , vs A. Jacks ; Fre-
innntdistrict ; reversed.
Giay , linker. & Madison vs Joseph Wolf ,
appellant ; Wopullo district ; atllrmeil.
U. H. Hrannum vs Thomas Connor , for ap
pellant ; Mills district ; aulrmcd.
B. Clnimbliss. appellant , vs W. H. Johnson
ctnlUcc&c& ; Uobv , appellants , vs same ,
John W. Gains1 , appellants , vs same , nnd
IJenJ.unin Wershoy. appellant , vs sauio ;
Museatme atetilet ; ulllrmcd.
Federal Court.
DCS MOINUI , la. , May 22. [ Special Tolo-
gr.xm to Tim , BEK. ] In the United States
district court ) to'day Churlos Cory pleaded
guilty to the cliargo of having counterfeit
money in his possession and passing' the
same , and was sentenced by Judge Love to
two years in thi penitentiary.
In the case of' the United States against
Hawkins , the jtfry returned a vcrdietnf not
In the case of the United States vs Mun-
don , the defendant pleaded guilty and was
fined ? 1U and coats.
United States vs William J. nnd John
Springer , plea of guilty , and a fine 01 $100
United States vs C. T. .Tones , violation of
revenue law , guiltv nnd same fino.
The jury in the Woatherwnx case failed to
agree , and the c.isu was dismissed.
Tlio Wlnonn nnd Sondnvostorn.
FOUT Donnu , la. , May 23. [ Special Tele
gram to THE IIB. : ] In an interview to-day
Secietury Simpson stated that the main line
of the Winona & Southwestern would build
to Omaha instead pf Sioux a uiaitoijot
[ business. The road will make the distance
between Winona and Omaha , via Fort
Dodge , 375 miles , which is 100 less than the
present loutt , Omaha will then bo nearer
Green Hay than it is nt present to Chicago
by rail , and as a result the lumber business
now carried between Chicago and Omaha
will go by direct route from Green Bav to
Omaha , lessoning distance , time and freight
charges. . The Iowa Pacitie grade , already
completed eighty miles southwest toward
Omaha , will bo utilised. Simpson says that
the company has plenty of financial backing ,
ana the road will bo completed within u
Cedar Ilnplds
Cciuu Rmi > s , la. , May 2 J. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Urn. | Last night the residence
of P. Callahan was robbed of WOO. The safe
of Hrodmatko Bios. , grocers , was also
blown open , and the officers had a narrow
escape from shooting at the liands of the
burglars. A gang of burglars 1ms been in
the city the past wcok , and a number of resi
dences have been rilled of small sums.
Drowned in the
DAVENI-OUT , la. , May 22. [ Special Telegram -
gram toTiiB BIK. : ] Arrln Hico , aged ton
years , fell into the rlvor nt Uock Island to
day while playing on a raft , nnd was
Front of every pack-
be exactly like this
cut , or it is r. fraudu
lent imitation
use an imitation of any
thing , much less imitations
of Pyle's Pearl ine they arc
L dangerous. Peddlers and unscrupulous ro-
cers will tell you the stuff they offer is
"Pearline , " "sameas Pearlinc , " "or ar. good as Pcailine. "
IT'S ' FALSE Pearline is the Standard Washing Compound -
pound toclayhas no rival no equal never peddled
give : , uo prizes but stands on the founda'iion on
which it was reared MERIT. M *
We will offer this week extraordinary bargains iu our Furnishing Dopartmout.
200 dozen unlaundriod shirts , made of Now Yqrk mills muslin , throe ply fine
linen bosom , full reinforced front and back , excellently made , at 50o each. Wo
call the attention of all ladies to this unusual bargain , as it is something they
will not get often. The same quality of'shirts is usually sold at $1.00.
Pine laundriod .white shirts at G5o , 9pc and $1 iJ5 , for which other house j charge
$1.00 , $1.50 and $2.00 ,
Wo have just purchased , at our own figures an immense lot o duo fancy Ilannol
shirts which we offer at marvoloVisly low prices .
A lot of very fine fancy flannel shirts in beautiful chock ? and stripes , silk
stitched , at § 1.10 and $1.25 , either lot worth $2.00.
A lot of imported French flannels , elegant goods , at $1.65 , worth $2'.50 , Extra
fine French flannel shirts with broad silk stripes , beautiful combinations and the
choicest of styles , at § 2.50 , $2.75 and $8.00. These goods are sold elsewhere from
$4.50 to5.00.
Another case of these fine knit Otis tennis shirts in beautiful stripes at $1.00.
This is a splendid shirt to wear just at this time of the year. Tlio first lot was
all sold out in two days and after this case we will have no more this season.
Over 50 different styles of medium and light-weight underwear from 15o up
ward. Wo guarantee our prices on underwear to be from 25 to 50 per cent lower
than those of any other house in the city.
Not a house in the country sells neckwear at the prices wo do elegant silk
and satin scarfs in new and handsome patterns , s'lk lined , at'15.c , which other
houses sell as high as 50c.
Very fine Tecks , Four-iii Hands and Windsor scarfs , latest shapes and combina
tions , at 25c and 85c , positively worth from 50c to $1.00.
The unexpected boom with which our shoo department opened , had made con
siderable inroads in our stock , but we have receive.I this week several large in
voices , and are now showing a bigger line than before. Honest and well-made
shoes were never offered at the prices ours are marke 1 , and the guarantee which
we give with every pair of shoes we sell above $2.50 , is sulliciont proof of the qual
ity and make of shoes we are handling. If you have reason to be dissat
isfied with the wear of these shoes , or if the least thins is wrong
about them after you wear them , WE GIVE YOU A NEW PAIR
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha ,
( Opposite Pnxtoa Hotel. )
Office hours , 9 a. in. to Up. m. Sunday * , 10 a.
m. to lp. in *
Specialists In Chronic , Nervous. Skin and
Blood Diseases.
rsy'CouBuHation at oflico or by mall free.
Medicines sent by mail or express , securely
pacKed. fne from observation. Guarantees to
euro quickly , safely anil pennauentlv.
imnwntTCl nPDlTlliVSpormutorrhtca , semi-
nbuYUUw UflDlLl II I.osso3NIghtUmls.
lon-i I'hyslcul Decay , nrlsliw fiom Indiscre
tion. Exco33 or Indulgence , producing Sleeplessness -
lessness , Despondency. Pimples on the face ,
aversion to society , easily discouraged , ' ° ck of
contldciice , dull , unlit tor study or buslneas.and
Onils llfo a burden , hafely , permanently and
privately cured. Consult Urn. Hetta Ac lietU ,
iOS rurnambt. . Omaha , Neo.
Blooil and Skin - ,
results , completely eradicated without the eld
of Mnrcurv. Scrofula. J'.ryslpoliia. Fever Sores ,
Hlotchoi. tllcors. I'alns In thn Head and Hones ,
Syphilitic Sore Throat. .Mouth and Tongue. Ca
tarrh. &o. , permanently cured where others
have failed.
UiUnnn TTninnnn and Bladder Complaints ,
iUflflGV , Urlfldry ralntul , Uimrult , too fro-
nucnt riurnlng or Uloody Urlno , Urlno hlRn col
ored or with milky aedlmant on standing ,
Weak llaclc , Gonnorrhfca , Gleet. Cystitis. &c. ,
Promptly nndSufely Cured , Charges Reasona-
moval complete , without cuttlnj ? , can.-KJc or
dilatation. Cureiuirectnd nt home bv patient
without a moments ualn or mme > unce.
To YGIM Men and MiflfllG-Agefl Men ,
A 5JFTDDTIITDI ? The uwfnl ellotf. of early
U uUltu'uUltlJ Vice , which iirinRa organic
WfakncBH. ilotroylu lioth mind and bodv , with
all its urnailoil Ills , permanently cured ,
I1DO DtOTO Adrc-sH tnouH wno hnyi ) impaired
UftU. DDllU themnUvi-s by improper Indul-
gentes and soltm-y ! hablta , which ruin both
Cody and mind , unfitting them for business ,
study or marriage. . . . . .
& ! AHIUKD Mis * , or the entering on that happy -
py life , aware of physical debility , quickly as
Is based upon facti. First 1'ractlcal Expe
rience. Second Kvory case Is oipoclally studied ,
thus staitlngnrlKht. Third > leilclne are prepared -
pared In our laboratory exactly to suitoich
case , tiius ailectlrit'curiH ulthout Injury.
5S/ tend 8 cents postage for oulolinitsil works
on Chronic , Nervoun and Delia ate DlseaMei.
ThouKands cured , fWA friendly loiter or call
may save jou fjliue suffering and nhaino , and
adil golden > ears to life. fiTtla letters an-
Bnercd unlt'91 accompanied by 4 cents in stamps.
Addres'mts.0rri's & BETTS ,
1108 1'arnam Srtnat. Omaha , Nb.
r ,
-i ° . ' , ll ( .lAKlHriK 1.
- .
? friT I UUKlitrtbl.ViwIUfllutKU utcmiiietiTisujpMSi ( r
JJtUH ONLV. \er UtHIUHOit.1. ll.d. for
II ! ) rtlflo t uriKi * * . CUKK c > r I'lOSiPjr : "i1"BoomiM , l U.iinit.i.rruU <
J"1'- ' JarK " 7 " " ' / ttr k all > . .k | , .rlt , into
IX lUn VUJj ; tollnllb d Tlon > u.llr ttlli. Klwlrl
. .
WILT M Hu . rjt ro > lit. Bi. u.4 up. WirJi.Mi.lC
? i ! ? liiurt < llliSir1lc'u' " ' B ' 4 nipbl l4 . .umn.
" IHLKTUrtEOrP ; k' rit. <
Idl.ll.rtl ; , Camfotutle.
Dr. J. E , McGREW
Iu the Troutincnt of All Chronic , Nci vous
nud 1'rivnto Diseases.
Bpermatorrhcra , Impotoncr and Falllnt ; Jlanhood
uhioluti'ly cure.1. A cum KunrHiiluuil In nil forum of
1'rlrato Oisonnos , Stricture , ( iluet , Ac. Cnt'irrli ,
TliroHt , Minus , nml Heart IXioixcs , Uhoiiitmtlim ,
Hplnal and 1-erualo Dlseuae'S IlluodumlSkln IM.iensus
troatol succomfully.
l.-ullev nnd Kuntlumon's waiting rooms Bepnr.ito
and entirely prirutu.
Connullatlon free. Solid for linolii. "Tho Dark
Kecret of .Mnn , " also "Woiimn nml Her Dlsriimn , "
l'u ( UHch ( ntitnips ) . Trciitmont by currosponilt'ni'O ,
send rtanip forreuly *
UMAIIA , Niil. :
Pure Old Eye Whiskey ,
Tlio wldo popularity of this mprrb brand has
tvmptc I ntlirr duilim to pUce ii | > ou llm market
Inferior Whiskey , iinilnr n tlmlUr rmn > . Intended
to dccclvn the public. Tim New York Court of Ap-
i al hoiiteclariM ourtirnnil , fie niAKYIjANO
CI.UH , to l < a trailn mark rnllllixl in IM | irQti > ii-
llun of lh Uvr trf a deultlou In C'ahu , 11111 Co. u.
Jacob QalUchalk , Foil. U , 1BB9) ) , anil vr now Rite
notice that WH abull inntantly riromxriito nuy ponnn
or firm. Iu any part of tlin Uiiltnt Hulo . who ( hall
ba guilty of any InfrliiKonipiH of lul > trule ciufc.
t.oL raorniRTOM ov THK
Club" Old Uy WbUkuy.
11.VLTIM011K , iin.
Koitiurkablu for pov/irful
tone , plidblu uutlon uncl ubsoluto dura
bility ; ; ; o years' record the best ( ; imraa-
too of the oxrwllonce ot thuso instru
Hoom OS Traders' nuJIdlug ,
Beit Facilities , ApparntujandRcmtdleiforSucoettfu !
Treatment of every form ot D'aeaio renuirinr
Board & Attandnnco. Beit Accommodation ! In West.
OntOTaAnSonDefonnltl * ! aid
K HiVK UTKLY ; U > l > rn J LTUtfl.l
vonm siuu.MicoMiMOiKM' . ( STRICTU PRIVATE. )
Only Rclldlle Medical Ina USuta making a Sjwclalty of
AM Blood mecti.rullr tre lt4. BTphllllle rolion
remotc-1 from the cjium wUI.out mircnrr. Kew Unlorallt *
Tr.ilmfiitfurLoi. . .fTITH. lOnK'U I'.rtlci imnbli loilill
tiiiitAjLotrraledat bomolir rorropoiKlrnee. All eommunlcf
tlonicoulldcnllnl. MeJlcliieiorln < lruraroliieulljjni llor l.
rri. < iiccurLljiic4clliiou | rki lolD.Hcatotonttnl.orirDdrr ,
Ong l'orion.1 Inlcrtlow preferred. CalUaJ euntult ui orienii
linnjf Tfl M H FfJEE : ui' n Primm. Rpcclil at
IfViMV Iu irlEnBlf Kerrom Dl.fiuti , Injioiciief.tfjpti.
liU ; Ulcel f.Ddarleoeal with queillon IliU Addreat
13th nd Dodge Street * , OJDA1IA , NEB.
HUNTUKiiarantouil gpoclilo for Hyutorla. Dlzit-
HUBS. Convulsions , I Its , Nervous Neuralgia ,
lleaiUolio , Norvoux Prostration paused by th
UHD of alcohol or tobacco , Wnlcofulnutm , Montol
Idir ) < )43lnn , Borcnnlnu ot the Drain , moulting la
Iniunltv and -tullm l ; to mtiery , decuy < le th.
I'lunmturoOM Axe , lliurimiu'as , Ixma ot Power
In either nex , Involuntary roasi and Hporuiat-
orhumciiuRoil by nvar-exortlonof tUobraln.solt-
uliiiso or overindulgence. Kuch box contain *
ono month's treatment. (1.00 a box , or alx boxoi
for"i.uosentby mallp-epald on receipt ot price.
To cure any case. With each order recelred b
ui for nil boxoa , accompanied with lo.UO , we will
send the purchuiur our written Riiarnntee to re
fund the mouuy If trio tMAtmriit doea not otfect
a cure. Oimrnatoro Utuod only by Uoojman
li UK Co. , DiuguUtK , Sola ACUDU , 1119 Jfu.taa.ia
street. Oinalia Neb.
The I'ubllo uro not lieiifrallr uwuro tbat br a *
prrncnl of oookliu lulliiiioualf ot bo
that In uno.l In tliiuwn a rnr m tno
unil WHtlvil ClieinllU cuiniocluJ with t'Jlj cmup-inr
hare uc ( ovded In taring this wtutu in tliHt the coot *
liany cun furiiKh coUi-o maun of thu IliiH.t Java , put
up In innll portable jnr > and vvAitiiANTxn vrurtm-
l.r fim. and cuarautooil to bo only about ONK-
MAI , ! " TUK t'Mtff to thu coiiiuiiiiir of comtuau ouf *
Iff. tnlr Imllliix wMcrli n i l < > i1 when prupimaj ( It
tor the talilu.-CraiTii Liquid OoReu OompHnr ,
I _ MCCOUI ) , 1JUADY & CO. ,
Yifholosalo Grooors , - - Omivlni , Neb
niT17PTI VT7CS JVo wanlaman In
\Jlii I 1'AjJ J Y JVO localllf tonciai 1'rtvntw
DolDLUra under our InHructlum. I'ar'.kulnni free ,
C ntrnl DetutllTe llurouu , Itiiy LK . Vata , Kantu.
Mviilluu tb utualia Uo * .