THE OMAHA DAILY BEBr. : THURSDAY .MAY. 23. 1380. 3 THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS. 'Dullness nndlloavlnoss tlio Foaturoo of Yostorday. WHEAT TENDING STILL LOWER. Corn Sympathizes nnd Onts Fall OfT Only UnfnTornlilo Wcntlicr AVI II Help the Hulls Now Cnttlo nnd Hog * . rnonuoE Ciiicxno , May 2-2. [ Special Toloffrnm to Tuft Hr.n.l Tlio wheat market was dull nnd Inclined to heaviness to-day. Fluctuations \vcro > vlthln narrowed bounds , and seem ingly llttlo new btislnoM was undertaken ; for while the market remains dull and noth ing positively bullish turns up , operators Who feel friendly to wheat hesitate to buy nnd the price Is too low to Induce free Bell ing. The open speculative interest , nt this Juncture , in probably smaller than usual on that account. Now Yoik had n great deal to ay , to-day , about export business , but Intel ligence of that son 1ms slight Inllucnco now. Actual clearances nro necessary now to fortify nnd conllrm previous statements nbout foreign buying ; nnd , in the nbscnco of such shipments , the conviction forces Itsolt upon the trade that a coodly proportion of the ex port business is Imaginary. Dispatches , this morning , to the effect * that seven boat loads had been worked for Lisbon , and thnt any where from 1C to 25 loads additional were ho worked , provoked no enthusiasm whatever. The boars smiled In n doubting way , and the bulls said tlioy would wait un til the stun went out before enthusing. In local trading no especially interesting fea tures were discoverable , KaufTman , tlio big St Louis short , covered n line of prooahly 2,000,000 or 2,500,000 bushels yesterday and to day , and other operators of lesser account did likewise. Tlio general tr.ulo seems to ho taking the position that as prices nro low any change must be in the direction of Im provement , but so long as operators display a reluctance to co in , about the only bull feature in sight is the low range of prices. The market is unmistakably in a dull and depressed state. A decided change in the weather conditions , or crop conditions , or a marked Improvement in the export trudo might stimulate spcculntivo Inquiry. Hut the weather continues generally favorable , though the temperature is uncomfortably low Mil sorno localities , frost being reported at several points in Iowa. Cables nro weak and foreign supplies nro seemingly ample , nnd the prospects from that quarter arc not encouraging. July wheat opened at lUi c , ndvnnced to ? 0 ! e , sold down to 75J < c , and during the last two hours and a half lunged ns "ir X& > 0 c , with 70' ' e , as the point nbout which tlio bulk of the trading was done. The close was TOc , or ! > iO lower than yesterday Operations in December were on the in crease , und the tendency IB developing to jump September und go into the later fu tures. The largest sellers of December and .year wheat arc foreigners , who seem to pre fer the remote months to July or September. The trade in long futures Is , therefore , lim bering mi. December ranged from 7oiC7r\r ( , end closed at 75)40. ) Juno wheat had little action within narrow limits , SOif being tno high and TOJfo the low , and at tlio close was EOc. Negotiations were on foot for the trans fer of good-sired lotsof spot wheat , and a well authenticated report got around 50,000 bushels of choices wheat hud been sold for bhipmcnt nt Go over the Juno price. Tills sCctns to have been n premature announce rncnt. inquiry of the supposed principals meeting with denials. The receipts ut pri mary uoints show a very slight increase , nnd the consumption of visible supplies Is going on at n steady , though not excessively rapid rule. rule.Tho corn market was fairly steady , nnd rather inclined to firmness until near the close , when it was ulTectcd sympathetically with the weaK feeling in the wheat market , nnd closed ut the lowest figures of tlio day. Trading was of a light scalping character until the closing weakness started some activity on the soiling side , which gave the shorts an opportunity of taking in their small prottts. The c'ose ' of the market was nbout } c lower than yesterday. Receipts keep up to the cstimutcs , nnd the bulk is now grad ing No. 2. The estimated number of cars for to-morrow is 875 , which is regarded as more than enough for any hope of Improving prices to long as that volume is kept up. Without Bomu change in the prospect for another largo crop , speculators do not appear to have much fuith In buying , although they uc- knowledge the present price ns being dangerously low , in the event of any in Jury to the growing corn. The same slight apprehension was aroused in this regard to-day , on reports of frco/ine temper ature last night ut several points in Iowa. This is , at present , the most dangerous nrob nbility to corn , but has nothing beyond possl bility to cause any present four. Certainly no damage has occurred so far. The export demand ut New York was active und tlio English markets were firm. Clearances from Atlantic shipping uorts were heavy and an altogether healthy movement of property up pets to bo going on at the present prices. i Onts were featureless , with u light specu Intlvo trade only , which later developed into a position of dullness , with an easy tone. The receipts were liberal and the estimates for to-morrow are fair with decreased withdraw' ' nls from store. Few outside trading onion appeared nnd there was some changing o Juno Into July. The latter sold curly a' ' 3222c , but this slight show of firmness induced a selling which carried the marke down to 'J2c , through luck of support. Juno nnd September was a shade below July , and No. 2 regular sold early at 22) ) c. In provisions the feeling was surprisingly weak. The hull turn of yesterday being un < expected , developed n general doslro lo neil , nnd ns advices from the stock yards reported nn increased run of hogs , and lower prices , the bears had no trouble to obtain and re tnln control. From the start the tendency was unmistakably in their favor , und it : nhort * lbs , at least , the depression witnessed almost approximated a slump. Short ribs were simply offered for sulo In excessive quantities , und at the adjournment prices showed n decline amounting to 12 } to 17 } c. Lard and pork received less attention than short ribs , yet in the former the shrinkage was 7J < u to lOc , and In pork lli 'c. CHICAGO 1 ; IV13 H TO Oil MARKET. Cnicino. May 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB Uun.l CVTTI.K. When the market opened , this morning , the general Impres sion prevailed that the day's run would not nggrcgnte over 11,000 , and as buyers had fairly liberal aiders steady yesterday's prices were paid in many instances. Shortly after , however , It became known that the sup ply would fool UP to about 15,000 , and a drop of lOo on dressed beef , shipping nnd export qualities went into Immediate effect , upon which basis the pens were pretty well cleared. Native butcher ing and canning goods composed but n small proportion of the general supply , nnd sellers lound un outlet for ouch at steady figures for desirable qualities , and did not take off in pro than Soon common grades and old "shelly" cows. The arrivals of Toians footed up to fully 2,500 bead , nnd buyers forced n decline of Bo and lOc. Stockers und feeders wore in light demand , while the supply Is accumu lating to such an extent as to cause holders to readily grant conccsulons. Choice to extra beeves , H,00@J,37 > ; medium to good Btcors , 1850 to l&OO Ibs , t3.Ml@-i.13 ; 1200 to 1WO ibs , Ur.0 ( l.05 ; I'M ' ) to 1200 Ibs , * 3.50@ 4.00 ; stocltei-s and feeders , f2.50@j.75 : ; cows , bulls aud mixed , (2 iKjffi.-J5 ( ; ; bulk , $2,40(3 ( 8.00 ; Texas cuttle , W.7r > ( < jy.7ft. Hoes Irregularity , dullness and n decided down-turn in prices were the features of to day's trade. The Northwest division opened at yesterday morning's figures , $1.GO being paid by a local packer for several lots of prime neavy , but lutur Urn best bid Kellers could obtain for similar qualities , was 14.35. In * the Hook Island and liurllnutou divisions the market , from the start , ruled lower than yesterday , with SMO ® M.45 as the basis of values for prime heavy. I.ato trunvaclloiis , however , were ot f 1.115 for at rlpo a buneli of good quality , good weight Uofi us could ba shaped up. Ll ht weights sold at as wldo n range ns will bo noted by tlio fact that ordinary light-light sold down to f 1.25 nnd fancy singeing lleht M high M $1.70 , The bulk of the sorted light , however , such for Instance as nro closely se lected to average around 170 and 180 lui , suitable for York , made $4.4rx < l 1.65 , largely nt f4.60. Toward noon the general market for all classes of hogs became so lifeless that sellers were forced to tarry ever nbout 4,000 head. _ FINANCIAL NKW YOUK , May 22. fSpecliil Telegram to THE Unn.1 STOCKS Too stock market opened Irregular , but with much encourage ment for the bulls , as the grangers and cdal 'stocks were higher , whllo a few favorite shares rando marked advances Not only did many of the aotlvo stocks open } ( per cent to 14 per cent better than the close last night , hut a good up ward movement followed during the morning hour. Chic.igo Gas started with n gain of ! } per cent , on n court decision of yesterday , nt 35j , touched 6 % hut became slightly weak nnd narrow before the end of the hour. Cotton Oil , m sympathy , ndvnncoA to 57 , a point over last , night. Now England was conspicuous , open ing 14 per cent higher , tit 5IKc , and 80l(1 ( "P to f.C/ . Burlington sold at 103 , nnd up to 103J . Missouri Pacific } * , ' per cunt higher , to17. . Northern Pacific preferred M Per cent , up to Ol-tf. Northwestern , 110 % to HIM. Reading > 'j' ' per cent higher , to 47'rf. ' Uock Island ? „ ' pur cent higher , to OS'tf. St. Paul , Union Pacific , anil Western Union each wont X per cent higher , lo G95 < , 013 and S7aB' respectively. During the hour to 12 o'clock the market was distinguished bv a continuation of the early strength , but without any Important fluctuations. Pitts burgh & Western preferred moved up IK per cent , and Oregon Navigation 1 per cent. At noon thn list was well helil at nearly the best figures. Tlio following were the closing quotations : I' . S 4s regular Northern 1'n.ciUc . ftJ'-i ' U.S. Is coupons . .12MV do preferred 1 < I' . S. ms regular H > P ( 0 AcN. W 111'i P. H. I'ix ' coupons do preferred 143 Part fir Us of Ml .lit1. N.Y.rVsntral Control I'nrlflc . : ' , I'.l ) . A. K Chicngo& Alton VI" Itock Island IH C. . M..VBtl > TO'i .UJulnuv dopreferrml . .lHJi n. . ij.w . in St.l'nnt &Oninlia. . MU Illinois Cuntial . . .HD'i dnnroferred IfJ I. . II. AV . 8 Uillon lUclllc fll'6 Kiinsnui : Texas . . ll'i W..St. L. , l.nko Slioie . . . _ . . doproforrud iWi Michigan Central . Kb'4 Western Uulon S7 Missouri 1'atlllc . l'j Moxii : Easy at PIUMR MEUOVNTII.E I'Ai'np. 2K5J3/4' per cent. STHIILINO 13\citison Dull , and steady ; sixty-day bills , $ J.87 # ; demand , PUODUOIS AIAUICUTS. CHICAOO , May 23. 1:15 : p. m. close 1 > out stcailv : cash , SljJfe ; June , SOc ; July , Oc. Oc.Corn Corn Lower ; cash and June , 33 ; July , O.its SteaOy ; cash , 22 > c ; Juno , 22 IMOc ; uly , 22Jfc. Kyo IDtfc. Uarlov Nothing dolni ; . Prime TlmoUiy il.33. Flax-Jl.5-1. Whisky Cl.OS. Pork Kasicr ; cash and June , $11.45 ; July , 11 5" ) . Luril firmer ; cash and June , G.77J4 ; July , Flour Steady nnd unchanged ; winter vlieat , $2.0@I.T5 ( ) ; spring wheat , $1.30@5.50 ; ye , JJ 45 ( 2.05. Dry Suit Meats Shoulders , Jo.l2 @r .2 , ' ) ; hort , ? < 1.12K@i.23 ( : short nhs , fS.t 5. Huttor Higher lor fanev " , croamcry , 10g Din i ! ; dairy , 'JK@14ljO- Chi'oso Firm for Cheddars and flaU at "KOT c ; Young Americas , 8@SXo. EC S Steady ; fresh , HJ CffilUJ c. Hides Unchanged ; heavy and light graen iilletl , . " 1 , ' c ; sal ted dull. 4 0 ; green salted alf. Cc ; dry flint , 7o ; dry salted , 7c ; Iry calf , 7 ( < ZSc ; deacons , 2oc each Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , c ; No. ti , 3 c ; cake , 4) c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour 13,000 12,000 Wheat 10,000 43,000 Corn 020,000 1133,000 Oats 230.000 201.000 Now York , May 23. Wheat Receipt * . 5.SOO ; exports , 10,000 ; tliu spot market was 'airly active , but lower ; No. 2 red , S0c in itorc , Sl o afloat , Sl ' 'Xf f. o. b. ; No. ! ! rod , 75c ; No. I red. iC > J o ; No. 1 white , 92 e ; options fairly active , but K@X lower and veak , No. 2 closing at S0 , ' < c. Corn Kccalpts , 40,400 ; exports , 217,550 ; suet market fairly nrtivo , but easy ; No. " , ,2o , in elevutor ; 43(7(43 ( 0afloat ; No. white , U c ; uogiadcd mixed , 40@44c ; options dull. dull.Oats Oats Receipts , 02,000 ; exports. 413 ; spot steady and fairly active ; options firmer and noderately active ; May , 2bc , closing 2Sj ) c ; spot , No. 2 , white , 34 } c ; mixed western , 27 Coffee Outions opened steady anil un clmnged to 3 points down , nnd closed bnrrly steady and 510 pointi down ; sales , 29,000 bags ; May , $10.40 ; June , $10.33 ; July , $10.75 ; August , 10.75 ; spot Hio , dull ; fair cargoes , Petroleum Steady ; United closed at 83c. Eggs In moderate demand ; western , best , Porlc Quiet ; moss , $13.00Qii.23. : Lard Lower and dull ; western steam , $7.10 ; May , $7.00. Butter Firm ; \vestorii dairy , OGJllio ; western creamery , lt@17. ! c. Cheese Easier ; light skims , G@GJ.fc. May 22. Sample wheat dull , but about steady ; receipts , 97 cars ; shipments , 30 curs. Closing : No. 1 hard , May , 97c ; July , USe ; on track , 97c ; No. 1 northern , May , S5 } c ; July , SGo ; on track , 9G ( < I > S7c ; No. 2 northern. May , 77c ; July , 7c ( ; on trnclt , 70@tOc. Milwaukee , May 22. Wheat Dull ; cash , 75J c. Corn Quiet ; No. 3 , 33c. Oats Quiet ; No. 2 , white , 27 > fc. Kyo Dull : No. 1 42e. Provisions Easy ; pork , $11.50 for cash , Clnclminti , May 22. Wheat Lower ; No. 3 red , SOr. Corn Stng ; No. 3 mixed , 35 > e. Oats Steady ; No. 2 mlxoJ , 20 > tfc. Whisky-Firm at $1.0J. St. KouiH , May 3J. Wheat Lower ; cash , 77c ; July , 72 , ! < o. Corn Firm ; cash and July , Sl c ; May , 31 > .fc. Oats Firm ; cash and May , 23Ue ; July , 228j'c , "i-'ork Lower nt $11.75. Lard Dull nt # 1 SO. Whisky Steady ut $1.02. Huttor Unchanged ; creamery , 13@15o ; dairy , Il@l2c. KniiHns Clly. May 22. Wheat-Quiet ; No.2red , cash , 7lo asked ; July , ill % a hid ; No. 2 , soft , cash , 77Ko asked ; August , C3o bid. bid.Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash 2Go bid ; July , 20ifo asked ; No. 3 white , cash , 27o bid. Oats No. 2 cash , 20u bid , STOCK. llniisis : Oily , Mav 22. Cattle RecoiptH. 2.700 ; shipments , 2,000 ; market strong and active ; dressed beef und shipping steers strong and higher ; good to choice i-orn-fed , $ y.b5@4.10j common to medium , S3.25f 3.75 ; stackers and feeding steers steady nt t2 23W 3.45 ; cows steady at $1.75@l.2. ! % Hogs Receipts , 8 , : K ) ; shipuiunts , 1,400 ; market steady , hut lower ; good to cholco light , ? 427 } ( < 4.U2 > $ ; common to medium , fUU@1.25. Sioux City , May 21 Cattle Receipts , 228 ; shipments , 330 ; market steady ; stockers - ors , $2,25 ( 2.75 ; fi-oders , * 20@2.SO ! ! ; canners and bulls , $1.00@1.75 ; veal calves , 82.00(14 ( 4.00. 4.00.Hogs Rci-olpts , 1,603 ; iiarkct lower ; light and mixed , $4.15@-i.22l ; he.ivy , National Stock VnnN , I2n < t St. IJOUIH , May 22. Cattle Receipts , 1,900 ; shipments , 400 ; market steady ; choice heavy native steers , $ U.DOi ; 4,40 : fair to cooit , $3.10@3.90 ; stockers and feeder * , $2.15(33.20 ; rangers , corn-fed , $ ' . ' .900(3.70 ; grass-fed , $3. 71 @ 3.10. Hogs Receipts , 000 ; shipments , 200 ; market lower ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , $4.4001.50 ; packing , $ l.3'K ' < i4.10l light crudes , $4.83 4.45. Olilonun , May 23. The Drovers' Journal reports us follows ; Cattle Receipts , 14,400 ; market active but lower ; beeves , $4.00C'(4.37 } < ; steers , 3.f ( ( 4,15 ; itockors and feeders , $ j.03.7& cows , bulls nnd mixed , $2.00(33.23 ( ; Tcxns steers. $2.75r37S. Hogs Receipts. 10,000 ; market o | > oned steady , closing 6@10o lower ) mixed nnrt heavy , W.25 4.63 ; light , fl.80 < a-J.70 ; skips , 13 B0@4.20. Sheep Rccolpts , 4,000 ; market stronger ; natives , $ a60@4.80 ; westerns , shorn , M.75 4.25 ; Tcxans shorn , W.00@3.75 ; lambs , M.CO ( S5.80. srooic. Cnltlc. Wednesday , Mny 23. The receipt1 ! of cattio were light , espec ially so for the middle of the week , there being only nbout half ns many cattio on sale ns n week ngo. The market opened fnlrly steady on tidy nnd fnt llttlo cattio. Such cattio ns happened to strike the buyers' fancy sold n llttlo stronger , salesmen In some Instances quoting 5c higher. Other grades of beef nnd shipping steers were not so brisk and did not sell for any moro thnn steady prices , as n rule. Heavy rnttlo on the coarsish order , or light cattio that were not fat , moved slowly. The d cm nnd oven for good heavy cattle was limited. The bulk of such cattio as suited the buyers was plclted up early , and there were not many cattio of any kind loft in the yards un sold when the market closed. The beef ana shipping steers sold nt $ J.3T > @ 3.S5 , but princi pally nt $3.GOfji.60. ( ; Hutchers' stock sold nt nbuutstcudv prices , but shippers must boar In mind that the common stuff , such ns old nnd thin cows , Is not sollinc so well ns It was two or three weeks ago. The buyers mostly want good , fnt cows nnd heifers , nnd when they tnko anything common they want it nt low figures. Cows sold nt $2.00d3.25 , nnd emitters nt $1.6UY3.00. A few bulls changed hands nt t J.23@3.UO. The trading in stock- crs and feeders was rather limited. A few Polled Angus cattle brought $3.30 , nnd some stockcrs brought $3.00@3.10. There was some llttlo Improvement In the market to-dnv. The heavy hogs which sold largely on yesterday nt $1.15 , $4.17nnd $4.20 , brought 2 } ( ( f5c moro to-day. The buyers were apparently anxious for the hogs , nnd the trade was fairly active nt the ad vance. Tlio range was very narrow , the heavy mixed hogs selling largely nt $4.20 mid fl.22 . Tlio light hogs sold at about steady prices , mostly at $4.25 , nnd the buyers were figuring that thov got a llttlo better stufl at the price than yesterday. The hogs were till sold in good season , nnd the Ute arrivals were picked up nt steady prices. Shuc-p. Thcro was one load of eommonlsh shorn sheep hero which sold at S3.35. Thcro was also a double-deck received , hut it was con signed direct to tlio packers. The demand is good and the market firm for desirable muttons. Cattle . 1,100 Hogs . 4,000 Sheep . 300 Prevailing 1'riccs. The folio wing is n tibia of prioos paid in this mirket for tlio grades of stock men tioned : Good steers , 1230 to 1450 Ibs. . . 8.70 ( < ? 4.00 Good steers , 1050 to 1300 Ibs. . . .50 @ 3.00 Ordinary to fair cows . 2.00 ( j2.40 Fair to good cows . 2.40 < g3.CO oed to choice cows . 2.00 ( < 3.00 hoico to fancy cows , heifers. . 3.00 ( ( J3.23 ? uirto good bulls . 2.00 ( m2.50 Good to choice bulls . 2.50 ( V13.00 Tjignt stackers nnd feeders. . . . 2.70 ( 3 00 jood feeders , 950 to 1103 Ibs. . 3.00 ( n .35 Tuir to choice light hogs . 4.20 @ 4.25 rnir to choice heavy hogs . 4.20 C' 4.25 ruir to choice mixed hog3 . 4.20 ( ( 4.25 ? nir to medium iiatlvo sheep. . 3.59 ( ( 4.25 oed to choice native sheep. . . 4.00 ( it4.50 \iir to choice western sheep. . 3.25 @ 4.60 Shorn sheep . 3.00 (44.00 Il'jprcsoutaUvo Sales. 8T12UIIC. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. . . .1050 $3.00 12. . . .1030 $3.C5 8. . , . SOS 3.23 44. . , .1170 3.G3 8. . , . SCO 3.30 2 . .1247 3.05 19. . , . 9S4 3.33 . .1325 3.G7 .0. . , .1033 3.35 21. . . .1230 3.70 . 972 3.40 18. . . .12S5 3.70 1. .1020 3.40 18. . . .1228 3.70 10. .1050 3.40 18. . . .1290 3.70 15. .1003 355 15. . . .1201 3.70 13. .1090 3.55 19. . .1237 3.70 17. .1021 3.GO 1. . .1470 3.70 18. .1230 3.GO 22 1204 8.70 23. .115U 3.GO 19 1171 3.75 19. .130S 3.65 18 1213 3.75 31. .1195 8.C5 18 1254 3.75 20. .1278 3.G5 21 1190 3.80 JO. .1203 3.G5 17 12J4 3.85 cows. .1100 2.00 19 . . .129S 2.75 .1010 2.00 8 . . . 850 2.75 .1000 200 1 . . .1100 2.75 I. , .1050 2.00 2 1085 2.85 1. . 910 2.00 1 1100 2.85 1.S. . . 620 2.00 5 1312 2.85 1. .1200 2.25 1 1200 3.00 15. .1091 223 3 1145 2.90 1. . 930 2.50 1 980 3.00 4 . 988 2.GO 1 740 3.20 1. . 950 2.75 3 910 8.25 8. .1125 2.75 DULLS. 1. .1520 2.25 1. . .1000 1. .1400 2.CO 1. . .1810 8.00 1. .1020 2.75 STOCKEHS. 31. Oil 3.00 29. . G05 3.10 4. 630 8.00 4.S. FCEDEHS , S. S07 3.25 83. . 809 3.30 0. 797 8.20 CAi.vns. 2SO 3.00 1. 140 4,50 CANXUllS , 10. PeG 1.50 5. 988 2.00 STEEKS , 31. 037 2.00 8 847 8.25 0. 775 3.20 nint-EHS , 2S. 7S5 8.10. noos. No. Av. Silk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 01. . . .249 120 $4.20 02. 2S4 200 $1.22)4 . . .8117 80 4.20 CO. , .234 100 4.22).f ) 70 ! . . .209 120 4.20 00. .275 40 4.2 ; ' ' 58. , . .25S 40 4.20 09. , .253 120 4-2J > 5 57. , . .807 40 4.20 55. , .285 40 4.2 ; ; ; 01. . . .270 120 4.20 (53. ( , .210 100 4.23V4 57. . . .301 4.20 72. , .233 120 4.27" ' 57. . . .327 4.30 05. , .253 - 42) ! ! 57.m. . . . .205 4.20 03. , .31(5 ( SO 4.2-- ' 01. , . .203 4,20 01. , .207 120 4.2. 01. , . .271 ! 80 4.20 05.m. . , .254 ' 54. 80 420 m. ooy 40 4 , . % 70. . .a HI 120 4.20 51. 80 4.22K 00. . .2IM 60 4.20 08. ! ! 253 40 4.25 00. , . .293 200 4.20 72. , .241 80 4.25 03. , . .215 200 4.20 77. . .240 320 4.23 01. . . .301 200 4.20 71. , .223 40 4.25 51. , . .207 120 4.20 7D. , .204 4,23 07. . . .859 120 4.20 78. . .213 40 4.25 CO. , . .242 120 4.20 111. . .275 80 4.25 0(5. ( , . .84S 100 4.20 (53. " 4.25 69. . . .830 80 4.20 08. 214 80 4 2. ) CO. 279 " 40 4.20 78. . .213 40 4.25 5(5 ( , , . .227 120 4.20 00. . .2(11 ( 4.25 5S. 120 4.20 60 . .201 4.25 CO. , .257 40 4.20 04. . .237 80 4.25 132. 1.210 - 4.22K 71. . .241 200 4.25 CO. . 209 100 CO. . .242 120 8.25 53. . .20' ) 120 (51. ( . .2(59 ( bO 4.25 71. , .24'i ICO 4.22K 05. . .254 4.25 5'J. , . .3T5 200 No. Av. Pr. 120 Nobruaku nutlvca CO $3.85 htnuic Notes. Moderato receipts. Heavy hogs higher. Tidy little cattio stronger. One load of sheep on tialo. Chlcuco cattio market closed lower. Isaac David waa in from Uladon witli hogs Henry Cook was in from Underwood with hogs. J. C , Sulllvuu represented Spuulding with cattle , M. H. Sullivan was In from Spauldlng with cattle. S. O. Anderson was in from Wayne with cattio. H. J. Moore , was in from Dunlap , Iowa , with cattle. Lufayctto Illggina , of Auburn , was In with cattio. D. U. Hall has cattle of his own feeding in from Ax tell. Charles Moon , of Button , was on tbo mar ket with cuttle. Henjamin Wray was in from Creston , In , , with two cars of hogs. A. U. Wilson was In from Logan , la. , with two cur loads of bogs. Cashier Everett , qTllio Lyons bnnlc\vas In with two cars of ctAtM Henry Kohwcr nnd Ijcnry Frfthm , of Fort Cnlhoun , were In with two loads of high grade Berkshire hogs. F. HanufT , of Logan. Ta. , was on the mar ket with his first stoW shipment nnd was so well ploascd with hli silo of cattio nt $3.80 , that ho will como again. J. W. Dallcy , 6f Woodbine. Iowa , was In with his first stoijle nhlpmont to. South Omaha anil was well pleased with the market , getting $3.85 for his cattio , nnd said ho would como again. , , j The hog market Is'now back about where It wns a week ngo. tlio Hogs on Wednesday morning , of lost week , selling mostly nt $4.20 ® 1.25 with a few trades at SI.S7X , and an equal number at ? l,15'nnd fl.17) . OMAHA \VnoiiKflAIilS MAltltKTS. Produce , limits , Ktc. Butter dull nnd weak. Cheese quiet and dsmaml light. Etrcs llrni. Poultry In light receipts and market steady. Lemons and oranges advancing. DUTTKH Tnblo dairy , 12@13o ; packers' stock , 8(300. ( Creamery Prints , fancy , 20(3 22o ; choice , 15 ( < MOo ; solid packed , 14@16c , Eoos Strictly fresh , 10 < iCllc. Young America , full cream. Oc ; twin flats , Co ; oft grades , 4Vt(5c ( ( ; Van Ros- acm Edam , $11.50 per dozen ; sap sago , 19c ; brick , 150 } llmuurger , 12c ; domestic Swiss. 14c ; skims , 20Ic ; cheese safes , bronze medal , No. 8 , ? J.b5. Poui.Tiiv Live hens per dozen , $4.00(31 ( 4.25 ; roosters , $3.75@4.00 ; turkeys , 9@llc per Ib. STiuwiiBimtns Per case , 24 nta , $3.00(3 ( 2.85 ; soft , $1.00@2.00 Ciiiiuiins ; Cnl. , * 1.75@2.00 per 10 Ib box } southern , $3.004.00 per crate. GUANOES Fancy Washington navels$3.00 @ 5.25 ; Hlvcrsldo , M.00jt3.25 ( ; fancy paper rind St. Michaels , $3.75 ( < $4.25 ; fancy Duarte Mcditerraiilan sweets , $2.75@3.25 ; fancy bright mountains. $2.25(32.75 ( ; Los Angeles ( choice ) , ? 2.25 < < J2.50. LKMONB Choice , $4.50Jl3.00j ( fancy , $3.75 ® 0.75. 0.75.CocoANi'ts Choice Ruatnns , per 100 , $4.50 ; less than 100. fie each. IUNANAS According to size of bunch , $1.752.r > 0. Ai-i'LCS Cholco , $3.25@3.50 ; poor , $1.25 ® 2.M. 2.M.EVIII.Y EVIII.Y VnoET MILES Lettuce , per dozen heads , 20@23o ; rnillshes , per dozen bunches , 10@15c ; green onions , 12il3c ( ) ; parsley , 25 ® SOosoup ; bunches , 20it'J5c ( ; beets , 45@50c ; carrots , 60ff55c ( ; turnips , .r 0@55e ; o.ystor plant , 30a5e ( ; celery , 85@$1 00 ; cauliflower , $1.00(32.25 ( ; cucunihors , 50SOOc ( , ; green peas , bu boxes , ? 1.601.75 ; string beans , per box , ? 1.50@1.7fi ; wax beans , $223@2.50 ; tomatoes , K bu , $1.75@2.23 ; asparagus , per doz , 804r ( > c ; pieplant , per Ib , Ig2c ( ; now potatoes , porlb , 2 ( < l2i < fc ; cabbage , 2J southern , $3.00@2.75 per crate. Fur.sti FISH White llsh , nor ID , 7C. . . . herrings , frozen , per Ib , 5c ; trout , fresh caught , per Ib , Oc ; white porch , fresh caught , per Ib , 7c ; nutlalo , fresh caught , per Ib. 7c ; Iilckcrol , fresh caucht , per Ib , Oc ; black bass , fresh caught , per Ib , 11 c. BEANS Choice hand picked navy , $2.20 ; choice hand picked medium , $1.75 ; choice hand picked country , $1.C5 ( < § 1.75 ; clean country , $1.20@1.25. PoTATOCb Choice , sacked , per bu , 25@30c. VEAI. Choice , medium size , 7g8e ( ; choice , heavy , 4@G. HuiB9 , PELTS , TALLOW. ETC. Green salted hides. 4& 5o ; dry salted hides , Oc ; dry Hint hides , 7c ; calf hides , 5@5 > o ; damaged hides , 2c less ; sheep pelts , preen , each , 25c@ $1.00 ; sheep pelts , dry , Jfcr Ib , wa > J2c ; wool , average , 14l8e ; tallowj No. 1 , 3K@lc ; tal low , No. 2 , 2 @Sof. grease , white , 8@4c ; grease , yellow , 2@2J c. , Al'I'I.B BUTTKK 7C. Cinr.H Bbls , ? a ; hf bbls , $3. BuTriiti.s'B : 14@Ifie i&r Ib. MAI-LE Sttuu 12X15c per Ib , HONEY lC@I7c per Ib , PRESERVES 9 @lOc per Ib. jELLTEs 34c per Ib. BEESWAX No-1,18@20c. Groceries. Bios American A" , seatnles , $17.25 ; Union Square paper , discount , y5 per cent. CANNED FISH Brbok trout , 3 Ib , $2.50 ; salmon trout , 2 Ib. $2.35 ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.25 ; clams , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; clam chowder , 3 Ib , 53.23 ; devilled crabs , lib , $2 5 ; devilled crabs. 2 Ib , $3.50 ; codfish balls. 2 Ib , $1.75 ; caviar , K Ib , $2.25 ; eels , 1 Ib. ? 3.2Si lobsters , 1 Ib , $2.00 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.90 ; lobsters , devilled. K'lb , $2.25 ; mackerel , 1 Ib'Sl.OO ; mackerel mus tard sauce , 3 Ib , $3.90 ; mackerel tomato sauce , 3 Ib , $3.40 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 85c ; oysters , 2 11) , $1.50 ; salmon , C. R. , 1 Ib , $2.10 ; salmon , C. R..2 Ib. $3.10 , salmon. Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.85 ; salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $2.90 ; shrimps , 1 Ib , $2.05. CANDLES Star , 8s , 10 oz , per Ib. 9c ; Star , 8s , 14 oz , per ID , 9c ; Stearle , wax , 10 oz , Os , nor Ib , lie ; Stc.irlo , wax , 14 oz , Os , per Ib , lie ; half boxes.o } extra. CANDY 9K@12Xc per Ib. CHOCOLVTE AND COCOA 25(239c ( per Ib ; German ohickory red. 8c. Coi'FDES Green Fancy old golden Rio , 2-lc ; fancy old poaborry , 23c ; Rio , choice to fancy , 22c ; Rio"prime , 21c ; Rio , good , 20c ; Mocha , 2Sc ; .lava , fancy Mandchling , 27c ; Java , good interior , 24c. CoEFKis Roasted Arbucklc , 24Jic ; Me- Laughlin XXXX , 24c ; German , 24 } c ; Dillworth , 2-lc ; Alaromn , 24c. CiiACKnug AND CAKES 0 > @lSc > per Ib. DitiRi ) FRUITS Per Ib , apricots , 14@17c. Apples , Mich.4c ; stars , Cc ; Aldens , ti % @ 8c. Peaches , Cal. Y. , peeled , 17@20c ; fancy unpecled , ll@13e ; sun dried , GJ c ; Salt Lake , Oc. Prunes , Cal. R C , 7J@10Kc. Currants , 5@7c ; Turkish prunes , 4 } c. Cit ron pool , 23c. Lemon peel , 14c. Fard dates , lOc. Figs. Q@10c. Raisins , Malaga bunch , dchcsas. $5.00 per box ; Valoncias , per Ib , 7c ; Cal. G & S. , $2.40 per box. Dried grapes , 5c. Blackberries , bjfc. Pitted cherries , 17c Pitted plums , 9@llc. Raspberries , 21c Nectarines , 130140. GINGER Jamaica , } f pts. , $3.00 per doz. FAUIXACEOUS GOODS Barley , 3 ( < ? 35 c ; far ina , 4' < c ; peas , 3c ; oatmeal , } ' @ ; maca roni , lij c ; vermicell , 11K ° ! rice , 47o ; sago and tapioca , 0@7c. FISH Salt Dried codfish , OJj@8 } ; hali but , 12c ; scaled herring , 25o per box ; hoi. herring , ( loin , 50c ; Hamburg spiced herring , ? 1.00@UO ; imp. hoi. herring , 90c@1.00 ; mackerel , hlf bbls , No. 1 , $13.50 ; largo fami ly , $13 50 per 100 Ibs ; whitoflsh , No. 1 , $7.25 : family , $350 ; trout. $5.25 ; salmon , $8.50 an- chnvis , 10-lb pails , SOc. LYB $1.754.50. NUTS Almonds , 10@18o ; Brazils , 9o ; fil berts , 12c ; pecans , 18o : walnuts , 13o ; peanut cocks , 8c ; roasted , lOc. Oii.s-Kcroseno P W , lOc ; W W , 12o ; headlight , lU o ; salad oil , $2.85@7.00 per do/en. PICKLES Medium , per bbl , $3.00 ; small , $0.00 ; gherkins , $7.00. WitAiTiNfi PAI-HH Straw , per Ib , 1 % @ c ; rag. ' < % manila \ B , Cc. No 1 , 9c. SALT Dairy , 140 2-lb pkgs , $2.70 ; do 100 3-lbpkgs , $3 ( X ) ; do GO 5-lb pkgs , $3.50 ; do 23 10 Ib pkgs , $2.40 ; Ashton , bu bags , 50-lb , 85c ; do 4-bu bags , 231-lb , $ , J.40 ; do M S A , BO-lb bags , 5Je ; per bbl , $1.35. Sunns Bird , 4\4 < < l6o. SALSOIIA 19 < ( < (2J c per Ib. STAHCII 5 > @ 7o tier Ib. STOVB POLISH $2.00(25.87 ( per gross. Si'icr.s Whole , ttor ID Allspice , 12c ; Cas sia China , lOo ; clovqs , Xaiulbar , 25c ; nutmegs - megs , No , 1 , 70c ; pejpor , 20c , SUOAHS Granulated , OKc ; confectioners A , 8X c ; standard.oxtrn , C , 85 < o ; yellow C , 7K@7c ; powdered , % @ o ; cut loaf , 10Ji@10J < fo ; cubes , ,9ft , TKAH Gunpowder , 20itT ( > Oc ; Japan , 12 ® 40o ; Y. Hyson , 23GJ50CV Oolong , 22@50c. ViNFtiAit Per gftl. lS@20c. Dry Goods. BATTS Standard. 80 ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty 12Kc ; Boone , 14oB ; , cased , $0.60. CfoTTOs FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls . . . . IHKoi Sqirqwnand sluto , Vo ; 70 , 12J < o ; CO. lOc. ' . Ouu'KT WAHP Bibb White , lOc ; col- orcd , 22c. ' " Ciusn Stovons' B , SJ c ; Stevens' A , 7u ; bleached 8c Slovens' J' bleached , ; , 7Jfo ; , 8 0 ; Stevens' N. 8J < o ; bleached , U > tO ; Stevens' BUT , ll c. CAMIIIIICB Slater , BcjWoods , 5o ; Standard , 5o ; Peacock , 5u. COKSKT.IKAXB Boston , 7 c ; Androscog- gin , TJfo ; Ifoarsarge , 7 o ; Kockport ; O o ; Conestoya. ( Ij c. DUCK West Point , 29 in , 8 oz. OKo ; do , 29 in , 10 oz , 121'c ; do , 2' ) In , 10 oz , 15 0 ; do , 40 in. 11 oz , IGc. DKNIIIS Amoskeng , Ooz , 10 > $ o ; Everett , 7 oz , lilu ; York , 7oz , 13c ; Huymuker , 8 0 ; Julfroy XX. ll a ; Juffrey XXX , 12 # v. Beaver Cruuk AA , 12c ; Denver Crook BB , lie ; Beaver Creek CU. lOo. ! t3' ' cj Anawan , a3)o'o ; Windsor , 8iJu. ) FLASNBLS lied , 0,21-Inch , 15 > io ; B. 21- Inch , 2t | c ; O 0.24 Inch. SOc } H A F , * ( , 25c > . J R p ) } ( . 27c ; G , / , 25C. FHNNKI.S Plaid , Raftsman , 20o ; Goshcn , n2 fo ; Clear Lake , SOJt'c } Iron Mounttiln , SniiiTiNOfl-Caleilonta X. OJ c ; Calcmlla XX , lOWe ; Economy , l > o ; Otis , tic ; Granite , O'rc ; Crawford Check , So ; Hnw River Plaids , fi > fc. OIXOHAM Plunkett checks , 0Vc : Whit- tenton , G e ; York , 7J i'i Normandl dress , 7H ! Calcutta dress. 7 c ; Whlttenton dress , 7 * < c : Renfrew dress , XxWIXc. KKNTfCKY JEANS Memorial , liio ; Stand point , ISc ; Durham , 2fJ < c ; Hercules , 18o ; Leamington , 32Wc ; ( llejiwood , 20c ; Melville , ! < 5c ; Hung-up , liij c. PIIINTS Dress-Charter Oak , 6 VcRamap } 4c : Lodl , 5ifc ; Allen , Cc ; Richmond , Cc ; Windsor , ( Ma ; Eddystonc. fl o ; Pacific. 6X" . PIIINTS , INDIOOBI.UK St , Lctlgor , 5c ; " ' - ' " " ' -'American , C c ; Arnold , tlirv. flfl ! Windsor fJnlil PIIIXTS , PINK AXn Ronns Richmond. CVo ; Allen , Gc ; Rlverpolnt , 6 } c ; Stool River , O o ; Richmond 0 > fo ; Pncltlc , fc , Biiowx Sncr.TiNo Atfantlc A , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic 11 , 4-4 , 7 > c ; Atlantic D. M , OJ c ; Atlantlo P , 4-4 , Oo ; Atlantic LL , 4-4 , Gc ; Aurora C , 4-4 , 4Jfo ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , G fc ; HooslerLL , 4-4 , SJi'c , Indian Bend 4-4 , 7 , ' c ; Lnwronco LL , 4-4 , 5 ? o ; Old Dominion 4-1 , 5Kc ; Pepperell R , 4-4 , 0 fc ; Poiiperell E , 40 Inch , " ' .fc ; Pcppcroll 8-4 , 17c ; Poppcroll 0-4 , 30c ; Poppcroll 10-4 , 12o ; Utlca 0 ; 4-4 , 4Jfc ; Wachusett , 4-1 , 7kc ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora B , 4-4 , 0) 0. TICKS Onkfand , A , 7o ; International , YY , 8c ; Shotuckot , S , 8j o ; Warren , No. 870 , lOo ; Berwick , BA , ISc ; Acme. ISo ; \ork , 30 In , 12ic ; York , 'U in , 13 > < c , Swift River. 8c ; Thorndlko OO , 8) ) 0 ; Thorndlko E F , SJ c ; Tliorndlko 120. 9 > < fc ; Thorndlko XX , 15c ; Cordls No. 5 , 9 o ; Cordis No. 4 , lOKc. Miscr.i.LANEOt's Tublo oil cloth , $2.25 ; table oil cloth , imrble , $2.25 ; plain Holland , 9Kc ; Dado Holland , 12) ) < fe. nml CliLMnlonls. ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , IJ/c ; citric per Ib , 54e ; oxalic , per Ib , 15c ; tartarlc , jowdered , per Ib , 45c. Ai.t'M Per Ib , 3 } e. A.MMONH Cnrboiintc , per Ib , Cc. AUKOvtuooT Bermuda , per Ib , 40c. BAi.stXi Copaiba , porlb , 7.ic. Bomx Refined , porlb , 12c. ' CALOMEL Am. , per Ib , S2. CASSIA Hri > s Per Ib , ISc. Cltl.oHoroitM I'or Ib , 4lc. CoitnosiVE SUIILIMAIE Per Ib , 73c. CitiiAM TAHTAII Pure , per Ib , H2c. EXTUACT Loi\\oon Bulk , per Ib , 12 } c. Gt/lcr.iiiNE Bulk , per Ib , 20. GUM AiiAiuc' Select , per Ib , $1.00 ; nsfoH- Ida , tier Ib , ISc ; camphor , per Ib , 8Sc ; opium , per Ib , $3.25. IODINE Rcsublimatcd , per ounce. $3,05. LEAVES Buchu , short , per Ib , 15e ; senna , Alex. , per Ib , 33c. Moui-niA Sulph , per oz. $2.75. POTASSBromide , per Ib , 42o ; Iodide , per lb$2. 0. QUIXIA Sulph , per Ib , 4Cc. SEEDS Cntinry , per Ib , 4 > ® 5e. SOAPS Castile , mottled , per Ib , S@10c ; castile , white , per Ib , 18@15c. Sri HITS NiTitr. Sweet , per Ib , 30c. STIIYCHNIA Crystals , $1.10. SuLi'ii. CINCIIOXA Per oz , 20e. TAroien Per Ib , Gc. WAX- White , per Ib , 55G3o. OILS Linseed , raw , GOc ; linseed , boiled , Clc ; castor , per pal , fl.20bergumot ; , Sander son's , per Ib , S2.b5 ; lemon , Sanderson's , per Ib , $1.75 ; peppermint , per Ib , $2.05 ; wintergreen - green , per Ib , $2.15 ; olive , Malawi , per Ib , $1.15 ; headlight , -175 test , 15j c ; gasoline , 75 degrees , 13c ; naptha , C3 degrees , 12c ; 150 prime white , lOc ; 150 water white , 12c ; per fection , 14ci lardinc , 80c ; Summer , W. Va. , lie ; Zero , W. Va. , lOc ; I. X. L. , dark en gine , 20c ; carbon , snow white , 150 degrees , ; Turpcntlno . MctnlH. BLOCK TIN Eng. Ref'd ' small pig , 2Sc ; bar , 29c. CowEii Planished boiler sbes , 32c ; cold rolled , 80c ; sheathing , 30c ; pitts. SOc ; flats , 30c. GALVANIZED SHEET Inox Junlnta , CO per cent discount. PATKNT PLANISHED IRON No , 24 to 27 , A quality , per Ib , 10) c , No. 24 to 27 , B quality , For less than bundle add KC per Ib. sheets , $13.50. SHEET IHONNo. . 20 , $3.40 ; No. 27 , $3.50. SOLDEII Ho5t Metal Co.'s half and half in 1-lb cases , per Ib. IGc ; commercial half and half , 15c ; No. 1 , in bars , 14c. TIN PLATE ( Best Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets. $ (5.50 ( ; IX , 10x14 , 223 sheets , $8.25 ; 1C , 12x12 , 225 sheets , $0.50 ; IK , 13x12 , 225 sheets , $3.23 ; 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $0.50 ; IX , 11x20 , H2 sheets , $3.20 ; IXX , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $10 ; IXXX , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $11.75 ; 1C. 2x23 , 113 sheets , $14.20 ; IX , 2x23 , 112 sheets , $17 ; IXX , 2x33. 113 sheets , $30.00. Lumber and Duildltm Material. Dimension nnd Timbers 13 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft. IS ft. 20 ft. 22 ft. 21 f ; 2x4..15.00 15.00 15.00 1000 10.00 1900 20.00 2xl ( 15.00 15.00 13.00 10.00 10.00 19.00 20.00 2.\8 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 19.00 20.00 2x10. . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 1000 10.00 19.00 20.00 2x12. . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 19.10 20.00 4x48x8.10.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 1000 19.00 20.00 FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 0 in , 12 and 14 ft , rough , S1G.OO@10.50 ; No. 1,4 ana 0 in , 10 ft , rough , $17 00 ® 17.50 ; No. 2 , 4 and (5 ( in , 13 and nnd 1 ft , rough , $18.50@14 00 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 n.lO ft , rough , $10.0C@1C.OO. FINISHING 1st and 2nd clear , \ % in s 3s , $49.00051.00 ; 1 st and 2nd , clear , Ikf and 8 n , s 2 s , $47.00@50.00 ; 3rd , clear , IJf in , s 2 i , $43.00 ( 40.00 ; 3rd , clear , ! } < ; and 2 in , s 2 B. 43.00@4lJ.00 ; B select , l fl } and 2 in , s 2 s , 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 in , a 2 B , $45.00 ; 3rd , clear , 1 in , s 2 s , $3S.OO ; A select , 1 in , 8 2 s , $34.00 ; B select , 1 in , s 3 s , $31.00. FLOOUINO 1st coin. 0 inch pine , $34.00 ; 3nd com. 0 inch white pine , $81.00 ; 3rd com. C inch white pine , $20.00 : D 0 inch wliito pine , $20.00 ; com. 4 and 0 in. yellow pine. J15.00 ; Star 4 in. yellow pine , $1700 ; 1st and Jnd clear yellow pine , 4 and 0 inch , $19.00. LIME , HTC. Quincy wliito liuio , ( best ) SOc ; English nnd German Portland cement$3.45 ; Milwaukee and Louisville , $1.00 ; Michigan Blaster , $2.25 ; Fort Dodge plasters , $2.10 ; Blue rapid plaster , $1.)0 ! ) : hair , 20c ; sash , 00 per ct. ( Us. ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 50 per ct. dis ; tarred felt , per cwt. $3,00 ; straw board , per cwt. , 51.00. Poi-LAit LUMIIEH Clear poplar box bds. J < In. s. 2s , $33.10 ; clear poplar % in. punol , $30.00 ; clear poplar % in , panel , $25 00 ; clear clear poplar' in. panel stock wide , B. 3s , , $38.00 ; clear poplar , corrugated ceiling , ' % POSTS White Cudar , 0 inch , halves , 12c ; Wliito Cedar , 5U Inch , halves and 8 Inch quarters , lie : Wliito Cedar , -I Inch , round , l(5o ( ; Tennnssoo Red Oak , split , lOc ; Split Oak , ( white ) , feu ; Sawed Oak , ( white ) , SIIINOLUS , LATH , rut M XX clear , $3,20 ; extra * A.s:2.bO Standard A . 5 . : ; , tfJ.OO ; inch , clear , $ l..0 ( ( ,1.75 ; 0 inch , clour , $1.7S@l.g ( ) ; No. 1 , $1.10 1.15 ; California Red Wood , dimension widths , $ -1.60 : Cypress , Clear Heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ; lath , $2.50. Smr LAI' No. 1 plain , 8 and IS inch , $17.50 ; No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 inch , $15.50 ; No. 1 , O. G. , $18.00. SIDINU First common and 10 feet , $22.00 : second common and 1(1 ( feet , $19.00 ; third common and 10 feet , $15.00 ; fence , common and 10 feet , Jlii.OO. STOCK BOAHDS A 12 In , s. 1 s. 13,14 nnd 1(5 ( ft , $40 : B 13 in. B. 1 B. 12 , 14 and 1(1 ( ft. $11 ; C 13 In , s. 1 a. 13,14 and 1(1 ( ft , $35 ; D 13 jn , . 1 B. 12 , 14 and 1(1 ( ft , $2) ; No. 1 , com. 13 in , H. 1 s. 13 fr , $ lb ; No. 1 , com. 13 in , H , 1 s. II and 1(5 ( ft. $17.M > to $18.50 ; No. 1 , com. 13 in. s. 1 s. 10 , 18 nnd 20 ft. $19.50 ; No. 2 , com. 12 in , s. 1 8 , Hand 10 ft. $17. CKII.INO AXII PAIITITION 1st com Jf in , white pina partition , 82 ; 2nd com % in white plno partition , $ J7 ; clear % In , yellow pine ceiling. 20 ; clear % in , Norway , $14,60 ; 2nd com j' In , Norway. BoAlins No , 1 coin , s 1 R , 13. 11 and 10 it , $19 ; No 2 com , sis , 12 , 14 and 10 ft $10.50 No. 3 com , sis , 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $11.50 ; No. 4 com , s 1 B , 12 , 14 and 10 ft , ( shipping cull , $11. Add 50o per M ft for rough. SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank , 5O5 boullilUlli Street , - Oumhu Agrloulturnl tmplomonts. CllVllClllLt , , DoalerlQ A ricnlnial { Implements , Wagons Carrligei and hu Bl * . Jones ttrcct , between Pth nd lutfi , OmMin , .Nctir 8 . it MKTOALF CO. , Agrlcnlt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages \Vhotc. nlc. Onmtm , Nebrkika. PAltLIfft OnUXDOllF A MAHTIN CO. \Vholo ftle Dcnlcn In AgricnltnralImpleineiitsWagons&Bnggies , Ml , RO , Mnd \ W ! Jonca Htcet , Omiih.i. _ MOL1NE , MILIiVItNASTODDAltDCO , , uanufRcturan nnd Jobber * In Wagons , Buggies , Rales , Plows Eta Cor. 9th and 1'ncltlo utrcots , Omftha. WntorlnlB. Artists' ' Materials , Plano/wil / Organs , 1M3 DoiiRlai * lrtol Omnlia , A t > rn ka. Boots nnd Shoos. Ur. V. MORSE A CO. , Joute of Boots and Ste , 1101,1101,111U Douglas Urort. Om hn. Manuftctorr , bummer utrtui , lloilon. Oopl , Coke nnd Llmo. OMAHA COAL , COKE .t LIME CO. , Joute of Hard and Son Coal , gS South IStli nrcet. Onmlm , N bra k . KEliltASKA FUEL Co7 SliipiiG s of Coal a-fl CoKe , 211 Sonlh t.tth St , Omfiha , Nab. Com m I B s I o n and Storngo. 211DDELL .t IIWDULL , Storage and Commission Merchants , i Jliutor , rust , clirosf , poultrr , f m . ItlUlimnnt slroot OniHlm. Nnli. DryCopd8 nnd Notlono. " r. E . SMITH .f "co. , Dry GoOuS , Furiiisning Gooils and Notions 1102 tnd 1101 DouKlM. cor. lltli trcetOmiih , Neb. K1LPATH1CK-KOC11 DRY GOODS CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsMions , Oenu' JurnUhlriR Roodi. Corner llth and lla itrvotB , Omaha , Nubraikk. UELIN , THOMPSON A CO. , Importer * and jobber * of Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , 31T BoutU 16th itreet DEWEY& STONE , Wliolesale Dealers in Fnrnitaro Farnam utreot , Omalm , Nebraika. CUARLES SIIIVEllWK , Furnitnre , Cmaha Nebraiks. Grocorlos. PAXTON , O ALL AOIIDU tCO. . WiiolcsalG Groceries and Provisions. TO , "U7 , TO nml 711 Son tli 10th U , Omaha , Neb. McUORD , BRADY & CO. , Wliolesale Grocers' 13th ana ixiavcnworth > treot > , Omalm , Ncbraika. Hardware W. J. liROATCH. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , waRon Block , hardware , lumber , etc. 1203 nud 1211 llarnoy Btreot , Omaha. LEE , CLARKE , ANDREESEN HARD WARE COMPANY. Wliolesale Hardware , Cntlery , Tin Plate , Metal * , nhcot Iron , etc. Auenta for Hone scale * . Mlnuil iiowilernnJ Lyiunn barbed wire , HIMEnAUQIl A TAYLOR. Bnild rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Uechanlcs' tools and DufJalo scnlcs. HOS Douglal trout , Omaua , Nub. Lumber JOHN A. WAKEF1ELD , Wliolesale Liimlier , Etc , Imported nml American rortluml coinent. State nKcnt for .MIIwnuUc o hjilranllo cpincnt nnd i ipi'i v w h ' Inn1 " CHAS R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lnnikr , Wood carpoti and parquet flooring. Dth and IMDglu ( tracts , Omaha , Neb. OMAHA LUSIUER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale , 18th Street and Union PacluoTrackOmaha , LOOTS BRADFORD , Dealer in Linnlier , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Btc , Yard-Corner 7th and Uougla * . Corner lOtti and UouKlaii FRED W. GRAY. Lnmter , Limn Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner Cth and Douglas fits. , Omaha. C. ff. DIETZ. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , 13th anil California Streets , Omaha , Nebraska , JfllJMnory and Notions I. OliERFELDER & CO. , Importers Slobbers in Millinery & Notions 203,210 und 218 Sontli 1Kb street. Notions. J. T. ROUrtfSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , tuiiiui i-th j , . i ilo , . .u1 1 ht < i - , u i alia. Toya. ILirAliltYA CO. , Jolil > trs of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fane/ / Goods , llotlhu fiirnlHlilnir goods. clulilron'H cm ringed Mill ' 'n nim htll't't , Onn' I Nl > ll Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , 'Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Aila grcaao , etc. Omalm. A. II. lllihop , tlanutruf. Paper. _ PAPER co. , Wliolesale Paper Dealers , Ctrrjnnlce itork of printing , vrrnpplng and wrlllQf paper , tiptolal altunttun clvuu lo tur load orden. H SPRING VEHIGLhS //iinJr l couamJi < ni/i j33flTry On l pvlVOUCIIH-A. OOOIW10II , . . . , _ . . . . U LAW , U' < Ieirl ) > orn rit. , L'h.cugo : ailvlco fret ; ; 21 ycurii' oxperlen H ; uimlnasii quietly and lo- cully transacted. , I'KNNVHOTAt tVAFBHr ) ara Uucrewifully used monthly by over 10,000 uLadlcg. AraBafe. EffcctuatuntlI'leatant " pi-r box by niall.or at drUKKUts. Utaletl . ird'ctiiai J 2 postagn fitampb. AddreBS TUB Ewuuu CUBUICAL Co. , OvruoiT , Micu. Forsalo und by mail by UoodnmiiDru Com puny , Oiaului. _ . Qoote and Shoos. " K1RKENDALL , JONES AGO. , 8ucec9ora to ll el , Jones A Co. Wholesale Mannfactorers of Boots & Slices Agents for notion ItubbrrChoeCo , 1103. UOIstndllM lUrnor fclrtet , Omaha , Nnbraika. Browore. STVRZ'AILER - ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , North KlRhtrcith ttrcet , Omahit , N K Cornlco. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Mannfactnrers of Galvanized Iron Comics Window-fops and molalle 'kyl'uhlt. ' John Kpenetert proprietor. UN nud Illiquid 10th street. Offlco FIxluroH. MANUFACTURINO CO. Jlnniifnctiircrn of Eani Office and Saloon Fixtes , Mnntlcs , Xldeboanls. Honk Co"c , limn t-liture . wm ( " ( , rnrllllons , Ualllnii,0ouiilpr , llerran Win * Coolers. > ilrrorn , kloKnrtorj nnd oniro , ITOUnndl ! South Uth Bt. , Umahn. 7olci > Mono 11:1. Pnpor Doxos. JOHN L. W1LK1E , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , No * . 1317 suld 1.V9 Douglai iln-et , Omsha. Neb. Doors , Etc. K. 1. DISUROW A CO. , Wholtialo manufacturers ot Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings. Branch < ; Dce , 12th and Itard strcul Omaha , Neb. UOnN MANUFACTURING c67 Manufsctnrers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding * , rtnlr-work nml Interior hant wood flnlih. N.K. coruortflh nnd 1 > iiTun\M rlh stnets , Oiuuhn , I\eb. StoamFIUInB8 _ , Pumps , Eto. _ ' STH.lXd . CLAIlk'STK.lM UK.IT1KHOO Pninp ? , Pipes and Engines , Bleam , water , railway and nilnliiK nupplleg , Uk _ 1OT , ICJniulinJl Kaniam tix'ot , Omaha. _ U. S. WIND ENGINE A 1'UMP CO. , Steam and Wate1' Supplies , naildajr : wind mlllK. W3 nnd 13 J Jone * BU , Oniahsb ( ! , 1 * lints , nc ' ItROWNKLL A CO , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , BhucHron wort , aloam pillupi- , saw mills. 121J-121I Loavonwurth ttrnq , Omalm. _ Iron Works. S'l'UAM HOILER WORKS , Caller , V Son , l'r > ) | ' 'n. Manufiti'tnrors of all kinds Steam Boilers , Tanks ant Sheet Iron WorK Work < gnutti Jilh nil II. A M. cro < liit. | Tol. llli PAXTONA VIERL1NO IRON WORKli , Wrought and Cast Iron Bui ding Wort , nglno * . lirnis work , Kenrrnl fmindry , niaclilnoand blai.i nilth rvorl. . Oniro iind work * , U. r. It/ . ami IHh struct , Ouiulin. OMAUA WIRE & IRON WORKS , Maiiiifacturers of Wire and Irod Railings Dokrulla , windowKiianlnHonor nlnnd * . wlrosigns , etc. liNorth nth stnctOnmha. OMAHA SAFE A IRON WORKS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Pro3l7ares , Vuultn , jnll wnrk. Iron Bhuttnra and Hro cscnpcs. U. Androcn , prop'r. Cur. 14th nnd Jackson Bu. SOUTH OMAHA . tTA'/OiV STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha , Limited , John K. Until , SuiiurlntumUMit. -Tin- CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' , The Rest Itoute from Oiimha and Council ItlulFs to EAST = TWO TRAINS DAILY 1IETWKEN OMAUA AN COUNCIL IH.UKF8 Iliicngo , AND MHwaiilteoi St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar IliuiitlSj Rock Island. Frccport , Ilockford , Clinton , Dubuqui1 ! Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Jnnesillle , Itcloit , Wlnnna , La Crosse , And all otbor Impuriant i > olntn Itast , Nortlioiut nnS biiulhciDt. I'ar tliroiiKh tickets , mil im MID ticket nxciit at 1MI Kiirnam struct , In llnrVur lllock , or nt Union I'AClda Depot. I'ullman Sleepers and the ttncst DlnlnK Cars In th worlil arc run on tlio nmln llnu of the Chicago , Mil * vriiukim & M. I'nul Uullwny. mill ovcry ut'.C'iitlon l ( pain to paiicnKcn by courtcout omplojrei of tb conipanr. U. MII.I.Rtl.Ucncrnl Mnnnucr. J. K. TUCKI.K , AMKIaiil Ucnurnl MnniRer. A. V. U UAUI'ItNTKU , dviicral ruBsungcr nod Ticket Acont. < ; r. ( ) . K IIHAKKOUD , ABSlilmil Gencr&ll'aisengar anil Ticket AKID T. J. UI'AIIK , Central Superintendent. NUUVOIJP. CHUONIC mid 1'IUYATK IHSHASISi Of MKN anil WOJ11IN suctc sfullr truatuJ. YOUNG MEN Suffi'ilriE from tlio HIVcln ol yoiitliful fnlllos nrlDdll rretlnii" , or are truubloil nltli Wunkiura , NorToiH Di'liillt ) , l/i89 < il Memory , Dutpnmlrney , Aversion to t-otlul ) . Kidney Troubles or liny ilHeaijof tliu ( iunl * to-Urlnmry Ortfiui * , can burn tlnil it ftafn uuil BpoeJy dir > Clinrin'ii runxHiublu , cnpoclnily to lie ! pucjr. MIDDLE-AGED MEN 'I lie run re .niuiy troubled with ton frequent emeus ) tlontnl tliu blmlilur , olluii iiccouip.vnli il by it slight MinirUiiK ur burnliiu m.MiKatluii , unit we.ikunlnx Of tlia > 8tum In iinianntr tlio patient cnmiol .account for. On examining tlie iirlnury ilmioiltx 11 ropy mjdliuene will often bo foundand BOiucilmui partlciei * ofttlbu * men will npnuir or tliu color bunt > i tliln , mlW U liiuMiialn clmnuliU ton dark or torplI appearance. 'J'licrinro nmny mi'ii who illn of till * dlfllculty. Itiner ant or the c uiso. which is tlioni'conl plaice of loinu nal ui'iikiiuiii. 'I Im "ioctor will imnruntoo perfect euro In nil such r ; ei , ami H liuiltliruMoiutionoc thoKi-nltu urinary ordain. CoiiHiiltiitlon frwi. Son ! J-rint Mimiiilur "Viiuiu .Mini' * Krlunil , in Quldota Wodlork , ' Ireciioa'l. ' A'ltri'si DK , . SPINNEY & CO , Main nntl 12th St. .K'ansus City , Mo. , IW.Mcnllon ihi NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , HflB. CiipiUi . $100,003 Surplus Jun. 1st , IhSO . r/2,000 OITIUHIS ANJ ) milrUJTOUS : HKN'ltV W. VATCS , I'ronSdunt. LUWIH H. KKKI ) . Vita 1'rualilout , A. K. TOIJZ.M.IN , W.V.MOItHK JOHN 8. COl'MNrt. llo.JtSHNO ! ! ( , J.N. II. ' ' ' iv. u a nuuiiKfi , THE IRON BANK , Cot nor l"th und Kiirniiin Hts. A Genera ! llauklnc BLAKE , BOISSEVAIN & GO , , London , J : > ilan ( l > ADOLPII BOISSEVAN & GO , , Amsterdam , Holland. Trnntnct u ticncrul tiunklntf tuilnoti. Bcourlfltl LuuK'it und fild on cowiulsulon , Karelin oxrbiin(0l < Commercial im < ! liavelur'i Ivtturt ot credit. Order * fur tonil run ! itock executed un commit don In I-oiiUou itnil ou ull Continental licmriei ol Kurupe , NeiiiHUtloin of Uallwajr. btule , Cltjr and Corpora * lin lxMii u | n.claltr. 'unii ivu urinary truuljlcseuslly , uulclc- . | y iindsufeiyLiiruil byUOi'l'irilAUttp * tnlos. Huverul CIISMS ruruij iiihoxeii nay * . Bold ul J I.Ml iiiT box , ull clrugnUtH , or liy niull from I ) ' > ntiu M'f'al'o. II. Wlitu.t | M. V. I'LllfiUttO * 1'JU * .