Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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The Glebe Warehouse Burned Out
LOB' , $160,000.
Plre In An Eastern Dry Goods
Store Nearly All Goods Snvcil
From tlio Flrr , Hut
Dnningctl by Water.
An Omnlia Finn Iluys the Btoolr.
Fire was discovered in the salesroom
of the mammoth dry goods establish
ment of the Glebe wnrohouso on Wy
oming avenue , Scranton , Pa. For two
hours it rngcd fiercely despite the her
culean oftorts of the llrcmon and when
It was finally under control the sales
room was completely gutted , entailing
a loss estimated at $160,000.
The flames wcro first discovered
through a skylight by the office
boy of llarry C. Reynolds , whoso
quarters are on the second floor back.
An alarm was given at once but before
the department could arrive the fire
had caught in the light , inflammable
material displayed on every hand , ana
had spread throughout the salesroom.
Parties who wore standing on the wall :
say the flro was first seen by them
In the center of the sales
room. Within a few minutes it
had flared up in all parts of the room.
When the liroinen arrived they had to
light the llro from the point at which
they entered , down through the store
to the rear and back again. The store
was completely lllled with goods in
tended for the spring trade , which
burned like tinder , bullling the llremon
for a timb and rundorliig their > vork
most difllcult.
At 0 o'clock the exertion of the de
partment began to toll and in another
half hour the last spark had disap
peared. The scone within the sales
room was one boldom witnessed in this
city. Pools of water several inches
deup were upon the floor. The stock ,
much of which had fallen from the
shelves and counters , was completely
Boakctl with blaukoncd water. The entire -
tire interior presented a charred ap
pearance , the flame of buvoral gas jots
and incandescent lights feebly illumi-
natlnsr a scone of ruin and black desola
tion. A dozen or more clerks hurried
back and forth nailing up windows and
doors and doing what little they could
to save from further damage the stock
which had escaped the flames , but which
had boon soaked by wdtor.
The goods saved by the firm wore in
the three-story annex in the roar.
Those the Humes did not touch , and as
it was unnecessary to turn u stream on
that portion of the establishment , it
also escaped damtige by water.
Mr. Simpson , a member of the firm of
Clolland , Simpson & Taylor , proprietors
of the store , was seen by a reporter
after the flames were under control.
He said ho thought the firm carried a
stock worth about $200,000. The stock
in the main salesroom was badly dam-
acred , there being at a rough estimate
$150,000 worth of goods in that ono room.
The stock is insured in many different
companies for about $175,000 , probably
insuring the flrm against loss.
The llro attracted a crowd of many
thousand people who crushed about the
store doors in such a way an to inter
fere with the work of the department.
Several policemen were stationed near
the door to keep the crowd back , which
thov were only partially able to do.
The firemen might have been a little
more prompt in responding were it not
for tlio fact that they had a most exciting -
citing election in progress which drew
nearly all to the council rooms , Hence
they Were a little longer in securing
their equipments than usual.
The Glebe Warehouse is the ac
knowledged leading dry goods house in
the city. It employes a small army of
100 clerks , the most of whom find them
selves out of employment at a time
when it was least expected. The firm
consists of John Cloland , John Simpson
und David T. Taylor , and has been in
business in Scranton about twelve years.
It has branch stores in Pittston , Allon-
town. Ciu'bondulo and Trenton. N. , T.
The building was owned by the firm
and is damaged to a considerable ex
tent , though not so much as might have
been expected , The olllcos on , the second
end floor suffered some , the flames
breaking through into the quarters of
James II. Torioy. John P. Albro and
Paul R. WoiUol.
Mr. Simpson is of the impression that
the flames caught from the electric
lights , the insulating material on the
wire taking flro and transmitting the
llamo on all the wire within the sales
room. Ho believed this to bo the rea
son why the fire spread so rapidly.
Theresas no fire in the store outside
of the engine-room in the basement ,
and it is cortuin that the flames did not
orlginato there.
Tlio above uecount.of n fire is taken
from the Scranton , Ponn. , Republican ,
and is given prominence in TIIK Bun
from the fact that the entire stock has
just boon purahnsoi ] from the insurance
companies by Messrs. Brandies & Sons ,
of this city.
Mr. E. Brandies , who was in Now
Yorlc city at the time , heard of the fire
nnd atjnco repaired to Scranton , and
found about forty would-bo buyers
already on the ground , who were
unable to make the purchase
from the insurani'o companies , as they
considered the goods too badly dam
aged , but Mr. Brandeis , who has had
considerable experience in such mat
ters of late , saw at a glance that it was
only the goods on top that were dam-
ngod , the goods underneath being as
Eound as over. IIo made the insurance
niipanios an offer , which , although not
ng ono-oighth of the value of the
stock , was at once net-opted , and the
goods turned over to him , Mr. Bran-
doJB immediately chartered a freight
train of thirteen cars , in which ho
loaded the goods. After the first few
hours of loading had passed ho found
that he had struck oven a greater bo
nanza than ho thought , ns only tlio
outer folds of tlio goods were damaged ,
while the rest of the piece" was not
dumnged at all. When it came to mov
ing the goods from the unnox , thov
were found to be not the least dnmngod .
The railway company positively
guaranteed to bring thitTspotiial train
through to Omaha by Thursday night ,
nnd the goodd will bo placed on tale
Monday at " THE FAIR ,
J. L. Binndola & Hone , Proprietors.
Over nt ninnnwn ,
A few days ago a letter from the French
cotiBul at Chicago was printed In Tin : 13i.i : ,
lu which ho ln/mlrcd for ono deceased
tlcorgo Kunnct Tumisicr , saying tlmt the
French minister of foreign itlTalrs was seek
ing Information conccinlng him , Gcoicc ,
howuvor , tiling up ulivo niul licnity , bcinp
ho other thati thu ponderous prom Tutor of
Mumiwu hotel this season ,
Killed Ills Chickens.
Thieves bjolto Into Thomas L. 1Citnball's
chicken coop ut 130. ) South Seventh stieot
last mi-lit nnd lulled live rhlrkous , Tlioir
ilcnicitations did not extend tiny fin thcr , as
tbu hostler was uwukmied bv their nolso und
cbsicd tlio burtjlurs ofl
Ilia Vloxva Concerning tlio Post onion
tiocntlon Matter.
Hon. Alvln Snundcrs returned from Wn h-
Ington yesterday morning ,
"I loft there Sunday. "
"Senator Mandorson and I went before the
committed on the postofllco location nnd sub
mitted our cases and the matter now rests
with them. Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury LlatchcUlor , a member of the com
mittee , was called away from Washington
Saturday nnd proposed to bo gone several
days , so I sea no possibility of n decision In
the matter being arrived at this week. Hut
little can bo advanced ns to the result ns
the gcntlemenof _ the committee jMcprcss no
opinion In tho"mattcr nndTvIll nofcio sd uiitf {
It has been fully dncldcd. A decision will
bo rendered , I think , Immediately upon the
return of Mr. Hatcholilerto Washington.
"I heard but little concerning u change In
the postmastcrshtp. Street rumor In Wash
ington has It that Mr. Gallughor will servo
his term out. I thought nny change In the
onlco belonged nlono to the business o ( Sen
ator Mnndcrson , as senator. Hut I didn't
think this way in regard to the postufilco lo
cation. Of course ho had n perfect right ns
n private cltl/cn to advocate the selection of
ono site or another , but not In the ofllclal
capacity of senator.
"I hcnui the ro-locatlon of Fort Omaha
discutsci ] some , but I htul my Immls lull
with tlio posturtlco location , nnd paid but
lltilo nttcntlon to tlio fort. The army ofllccrs
thcro say that the ptoposod site nt licllevuo
is too far from water , nnd Is rendered undo-
slrahlo for that reason. To tlio few with
whom I talked on the subject , I ml-
vocntcd the condemnation and uuichaso
of sndlclcnt land adjoining the present fort
to meet all requirements. The military au
thorities say that the matter was never put
before them in tlmt light before.
"I shall not go to Utah until the 20th of
.1 unc , the president having lecolvcd n tele
gram from there Friday saying that I would
not bo needed until the 'Mt\i \ of Juno , nnd ad-
jouinmcnt having been taken at that timo.
"I loft the president mid his family nil well
except the older MuICeo children , who nro
sick. The babies nro all right. Tim papers
don't lie : the president thinks lots of
"Uenny , " the oldest baby , and will stop
anything to attend to the baby's
wants. The president takes a
walk evcrv nftornoon at 4 o'clock and
it seems to have a good effect upon him. The
other dnv ho walked over to George
town. Husscll will bo along hero in a few
days , on route to Montana , whore ho goes to
look after the libel suit which has been
brought against him.
"I understand that Bomo of the Omaha
papers have been slapping mo during my nb-
senco. I have nothing to say concerning
them. I have been around the world n good
deal in my life nnd can overlook such stuff. "
l Approval.
ALI.COCK'S 1'onous PJ.ASTUU is the only ex
ternal remedy that has the unqualified re
commendation of professional men as well as
that of the public In general ,
It is the only genuine porous piaster , and
nil other so called porous planters nro noth
ing moro than perforated counter irritants
made to sell on the icputation of AU.COCK'S.
LScwnto of them.
A Traveler From Japan.
IIon.G . M. dos Kinsedloa , n distinguished
Japanese from Yokohoma , Is in the city , the
guest of Charles H. Uowoy. When the lat
ter was in Japan Mr. Uinscdios escorted him
all through that country and both bccnnio
fast friends.
Mr. Itinscdios has boon appointed by his
government as commissioner to Barcelona ,
where ho has Deen about thirteen mouths
and is now en route homo. Having traveled
In nearly nil countries except the United
States and desiring to pay Mr. Dowcy a
visit , he decided to come this way nnd ar
rived hero to day. Ho Is a very Intelligent
gentleman , speaUs nearly nil the languages
and is ono of the wealthiest merchants In
Yokahoma. _
91,000 Umvnrct.
Ono thousand dollars will bo paid to any
chemist who will find on analysis of S. S. S.
( Swift's Specillc ) one particle of mercury ,
lodido 01 potash , or any poisonous substance.
In 1S7S I contracted blood poison , which
soon developed into Its severest secondary
form , with blotches and ugly soicsnll over
my body , which totally disabled mo for moro
than a year. The doctors treated mo all tlio
time without benefit. The disease steadily
growing worse nnd worse , 1 was unable to
work for more than a year ; finally was per-
suailed to take Swift's Specific. After tak
ing seven bottles I was sound nnd well , and
liavo not felt a symptom of the disease since.
This was sixteen years ago.
Forsyth , Ga. , Jan 2J , lsb9.
I have taken Swift's Specific for secondary
blood poison , nnd derived great benefit. It
acts much better than potash , or any other
remedy that 1 have over used.
B. F. WiNonuLD , M. D. , Richmond , Va.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed fiee. Tun Suirr Srtcinc Co. ,
Drawer a , Atlanta , Gu.
iHnconlc Charity.
Judge G. W. Post , of York , is in the city
consulting with Mr. G. W. Liulnger regard
ing the Masonic Homo to bo built in this
state. Mr. Llningcr is chairman of tbo
committee having the matter In charge.
Bids for location and grounds will bo opened
next Saturdaj. Omaha , Lincoln , Nebraska
City , Ucntiico , Hastings , York , Grand
Island , Fremont nnd ono or two others of
the larger towns have made proposals for the
structure. Ttio city offering the greatest in
ducements will be selected.
Memorial liny Clionis.
The first rehearsal of the Memoiial day
chorus will take place Thursday evening ,
May m , at 8 o'clock in Max Meyer & Bro's
piano warehouse , third lloor , elevator en
trance on Sixteenth street.
Absolutely Pure *
Thisuowder never vailes. A mm vel of purity
utrwiiKthandwholusomeneDS. Moro economical
than the ordinary Kin is. nnd cannot be sold la
competition with the imiUitudoi of low cost.
shoilwelKhtalamor phosptiHlo powders. Sold
only lu cans. Hnyu HnUiig i'owder CoIIS
Wiillitroot New lori.
Jil lSb.ll rontmctcd Wood 1'ol-oa
of bud lyp" . and \\u treated xrllh
wcriury , potoch tul sareajiarlllft
mlxtiircH rov. \io.-6aalltliollnc. ; .
1 took 7 i-mall liotllctb.K H.wlilth
cnrrd r.ic tntl'cly , i > nd no iiof \ \
tU , dtcaUTi : ! ilitcusu lusrc'urcctl ,
J. O. XiMT ,
Jttii. 10 , ' " 5. Hobbjvllle , Ind.
t'y ' Illllo nlcro had \\hllc \ fwollln
totncli i.nxtciit tliat the.tB ron <
fluid to llio Ixd fur n lung time.
More than 20 j Ircu of liono came
onttj 1 "rli-y , fln I tUo iloctor t ld
ompulallon ( uatlio Lilly tcinidy to
ca\o t < r 1'fc. 1 Rfciml llio C-crcllou |
anyrhllil , Mies At.stn OEEKUKO ,
I'cb. 11 , 'f'J , Coluailiut , UK.
Boole ci lllooa DUrafM tvct free.
Something of Interest Itio Close Buyers. Look in our Show Windows and "
see the Samples. rSpecial Bargain Sale of Men's Cheviot and
Cassimere Suits.
We will offer on Tuesday , May 7th , 500 suits of Men's ' Cheviot and Cassimere Suits at the astonishing low price of $10.00. These are suits which
have been manufactured to sell for $15 and $18 , but we arc overstocked on them and have decided to make a grand clearance sale of several styles in
cluding such well known makes as the Sawyer goods that arc sold by Jobbers for more money than we retail them for. As to quality of goods
and character of trimmings and making , we can only say that they arc in harmony with all goods that are sold at at the Continental. In all sizes , 34 to
44. Samples of the cloth or sample suits sent to any address free of charge.
The public cannot attach too much importance to these two facts. A large stock is always necessary to a large business and a large business
can only be built up on a low price basis. Our success is based on these facts. In proof of this statement , we will show in the Boys' Department this
week , a line of 250 Boys. ' Short Pant Suits , in two popular shades of mixed cheviots , strictly all wool and the most popular styles we have shown this
season. Thoroughly well made and trimmings unequalled , at the popular price of $4.50 per suit. Ages 4 to 14. The goods cannot be duplicated and
buyers will do well to make an early selection.
We will offer 50 suits of the above style in a choice mixed Cassimere goods ( always sold in our stock for $9 and $ ioat the extraordinary low
price of $7.00 , coat , vest and knee pant.
We carry a full line of Three Piece Suits and will offer this special line at $7.00 , knowing that it is one of the best values we have ever offered.
Sizes i o to 1 6 years.
VVa > will send packages containing suits of clothing , furnishing1 goods , cloths nnd woolens of all kinds kept in out * establishment , to any address in Nebraska , Iowa ,
Kansas , Dakota , Colorado or Wyoming , C. O. D. , giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before paying for them. By this arrangement people living in distant
towns can obtain every advantage of seeing any article of merchandise In our stock at their own towns , examining the same before paying for thorn , and If not perfect
ly satisfactory , returning goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts exceeding $1O may be returned at our expense.
Try this arrangement. For years we have sent goods all over the United States in this manner by
express with the most satisfactory results. You take 110 risks. Examine the goods , and return them
at our expense if they do not please you.
Corner I5th and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Largest Clothing House West of the Mississippi River ,
Ii03 1'AiiNAM STRUCT. OxtAiiA'- '
( Opposite Paston Hotel. )
Offlce hours , 9 a. m. to H p. m. Sundays , 10 e.
m. to 1 p. m.
Specialists In Chronic , Nervous , SSln fcnd
Blood Diseases.
C4f"Conaultatlon ot ollico or by mull free.
Medicines sent by mall or express , securely
packed , frta t torn obseratlon. . Guarantees to
cure qukkly. Fafely and permanently.
ions. 1'liynicnl Decay , nrlsiuB from Indiscre
tion , KXLOS ? or Indulgence , producing Sleep
lessness , Uenpondency , 1'lmplos on the face ,
aversion to society , easily discounted , lack of
conlldence , dull , unlit tor Htudy or biiHlnesi.and
finds life a burden , f-afely , permanently nnd
prlMitoly cured. Consult urn. Uetta Ac Uetta ,
403 rumfim St. , Omaha , Neb.
BloDfl and Skin Disease ? i
results , completely eradicated without the aid
of Mnrcurv. bcrofula , KrjMpoIaa. 1'ever Sores ,
Illotchcs , O leers , 1'nlns In the Head and Hones ,
Syphilitic Sore Ttiroat. Mouth nnd Tongue , Ca
tarrh. A.C. permanently cured where others
have failed.
Ifidnntr ITniiiainr ftnd madder Complaints ,
KKlllBV , Uriliary Paintnl. nimruH. lee fre-
uucnt IturniiiK or Bloody Urine. Urlna Iilgn col
nred or with milky sodlmout on ttandlng ,
Weak Hack , Gonnoirhmo , Clieet , CystltK & , c. ,
I'romptly andSafoly Cured , Charges Hoasona-
moval completii , without cutting , taus < Jc or
dilatation. Cures effected at homo bv patient
without a moments nuln or nnuovance.
To Yonng , Men an ! Mlle-Apd Men ,
A QITDD TIJTDD The awriil ollcas of early
fl UUJtlJ uUllO Vice , v.hlih DrliiRS organic
rrcnknt'ss. destioj Init both mind and bodv , with
all its dreaded Ills , permanently cured.
flDO prTifnCI Adi ess tnooo wlio Uayo Impaired
MO , Dm 10 themselves by Improper Indul-
cencos and solitary hnblCl , which ruin both
bodv and mind , unflttlw ; them for business ,
study or man Inge.
MAIIIUKD MEN. or those entering on that hapPy -
Py life , aware of physical oTebllity , quickly as
lii based upon facts. First Practical Expe
rience. Second Kvery case Is especially studied ,
thus Blurting aright. Third Medicines are pre
pared In our laboratory exactly to suit e ch
case , tuna airoctlngcuroi without Injury.
rr"bcnd fl cents postage for celebrated works
on Clironlc , Nervous and Delleuto DlseaHea.
Thousands cured , f4f A friendly letter or call
mav save you futui e hutTerlnsr and nhame , and
adtl golden jears to life. t 7 No letters an
ew ered unlesi accompanied by 1 cents In stamps.
1103 t'Eru&m Srtnot. Omaha. N.b
C llio Mounr IlnMt , I'mlllrrlr Cured
l ) > Aauilnlmerlncr Dr. llalncti'
Uoldon Hpt'oldc.
It luu ho fl von In n cup of co/Too / or tun without the
Unowitduuof the person ItiklniMHH utiKolu'elrlmrni-
li ! , anil wll | utricl a npi'Fily mill paruianuiit cure ,
whcthrr the mitlt-nt U u tuojurutu drinker or un
aUoluilic wrt-tk. 'luouniiidii onirunkunl. luvti lieeii
inniJs tempcrntonien who hinulnlii'iKJoIileuHiieilllc
lutlKlriuirin wlulout tlu'lrknowluiluuuiKlto-ilny U.-
lluruihux iiultdrlnklnicun their own free will. IT
TiJ.XKIt KAILS. 'Ihe > jmtom unroliujivKiiuti | > il wall
tliut-i > ui lieuiiiiemin utturlnipuitlbllltr Tor the
llquur upitillti > to oxlil. lor ll hy Kllhn \ ( o.
J'tuxil : > li , Ijttinnd lluuiflat lin.iillcl Hlh and Cum.
luz t.tniinls. A. Jt llro , Couu < II Illutli , lu ,
Peerles Dyes AUK TJIK IIK3
"Novr , John , you're imra I'll linvo time to
mnkuni ) imrcliHfotinilwt buck to my train' I
mttft hi.vo n llKlit ovurcoat for ttic4u cool u > oil-
limn nnilsjuu ) JurnlMilnv rtoods. An 1 um n
at rancor. 1 mut trust > ou to tnka tmi to a iclln-
l > lc pi ire. " "All rlulitxlr ; 1 ItnowUirn > tlml In.
1111 rnrnnm ; n imtn inn tin I ovpn tlilnir liu
lie wny of clothes or furnishing ! ) . "
C. M. Jordan
Into of the University
of New Yorlc City nnu
I low ardl'nU crslty , > S'ush-
MAS oriicr-s
No. : ! io ami : : n
' Itlllll C Itlllllllll' , ' ,
'Corner fifteenth and I fur
nuy sts , , Oniiilin , Nob.
'jhero nil dir.iblo cast )
"ru treated with nua
NoTfmtT , AsniMv , nvM-Bi'piA , Diur-
ftAT\iiiui Cnniii ) .
CONSUI/l'ATION nt olllco or by mall , $ ! .
Ollico liouid-Utolla. in , to ( p.m. , 7 toBp.
m. , Suiulav ollico hours tiom II n. m . to I p. m.
ilnnvrtlHeases are treutod MuccesHfullvby Dr.
.Toriloiitlirouun the iiiallB.unil It istliui possible
fortho < o unable to inaVo u Inurnov to obtiiln
a'"pmllfor0book' DUcasej of Nose , T .roat.
I"1 ' " " "liarsJtKniuNcns1 : : :
M. M. Ilainlln , 1'lm-nlx Ins. Co.
8. A Oichnrd , C'nvpet Ueuler.
John Hielby , Uroeor.
John ItuMi , City TreAHiiror _
State Line.
To ( iliHt oW ) HelCust Dublin nnd li
From New York Every Tuesday ,
Cabin puHhaga J.W to S.V ) , ucrorillni ; to location
of dtntu room. ixcur : lon M , " > to * 'M ,
SlocniBOto and fiom Biiropo t l.ouest liute.s ,
AUSTIN IIAIiUWlX A. CO. . ( JflU'l AKOllts ,
fU lliofedwiiy , Nuw Vorir.
JOHN lil.EOKN , Qen'l Wcatwn Auelit ,
101 Itaiulolph Ht , , Chicago ,
HAIIUV K MOOHK9 , ARPnt. Omaha ,
Reduced Cubin Raton to Gliu > gow Ex
Itonmrkablo for pawjrful sympathetic
tonu , iiliiiTblo action und absolute dura
bility ; 8 ( ) years' record the best guaran
tee of the excellence of these iustru
Over 14 Millions Sold in this
Country alone.
The Best Fitting and Best
Wearing Corset Ever Made.
] , ' ! 02 FAIINAM STRHUT.
Kas l er-Establlshs ! 1865-Adolph
Max Meyer
& Bro. ,
General A ire ills lor
and JAS , W , STARR
Story & Clark and Slioiiiiiger-Bell Or mi
OWrlto for Catalogue.
ly uud aafely cured byDOlTUll A Cap-
. Bp fittlttt'e ' * iireilnifce\en iiiy . Hold
. ill UKUlxtH , or inall from
at tlJiil pt-r box. all by
Uortura il ff Co , 1UMilto bt , N. 1 . 1 nil dlrut-
tloua , j
20to60 DAYS.
This is u disease which has heretofore
Baflled all Medical Science.
When Jlercurv , Iodide of Potassium , Sarsnpa
rllla or Hot Springs fall , we guarantee a cure ,
Wo have a Hcraody , unknown to an ) ons In the
World outside of our Company , nnd ono that haste
to euro the most obstinate cases. Ten days In
recent case dee tnowork. Jtlsthe oldchronlc
deep seatea cases that we solicit. Wo hnie
cured hundreds who have been abandoned by
I'liyslolans. nnd pronounced Incurftble , and wa
cnalleng the world to brine us a casu that wo
will not cure In lessth&n sixty divyw.
Since the history of moalclne n true spe'-tfl-
for byphllls has boon sought for but never
found until our
was discovered , and we are Jii'StlUoil In siylnj
It Is the only Itemedy m the World tnut will pat-
Itlvcly cure , b caus < i the latest Medical works ,
publls&ed by the beet known Authorities , say
there waBnoveratrnospeclllo before. Ourrnm-
edy will cure wlicn vveryttilne else has failed.
Why waste your time and raonoy w 1th ptent
niealclnes that never had virtue , or doctor with
physicians that cannot curn yon , yon that have
tried everything else should come to us now nnd
B t permanent ii'llef. you never tan get It else
where. Mark what we s iv. In the end you
must take our remedy or NKVHIl recover tin 1
you that have been aflllctod but n short time
should by all moans come to us now , not ono In
tenof now cases ever cut permanently cured.
Many ucthelp and think they are free from thti
disease , but In one , two or three years after U
appears Again In a more hmrlble form.
This is a blood Purifier nnd will Cure
nny Skin or Blood Disease when
Everything Else Fails.
Rooms 18 and 19. Paxton Block ,
Always Drink with Ice Water
LEMONADES , SHERBETS and all Cold Drinks
It Will Coirrct tlio Dimuiglng Iiilluoiii c
of Ice on thu Stomach.
An Klllcltrit llcmcily for Ilarrhi'aUlioloru ) ( M'n
bub , lBt'iilurynnu nil li'is of thu lloui \
NAbiivinv , TJ-SN. , Juno 9th , 1S87.
Jli.'isnM , I.ovrSTHAi. Hum.
Dcni Slr-i'-I hmolrlul tlio lliinenrlnn Illnck-
hi > rr > .Ink n jolt o Iclmlly H'"l inc. ltl lln nu
jilnfi tiltrn ot Kiiinincr ililnkr. It l frin from
Hlculniliillii > n thlrnt. toiiLn tin * dlKfitlvn drums ,
has it line nronuulf Iliaor , nml Is Just HIH Ililiu-
for illnrrlKpnl Irnuhlcs In thu liculi'il ti nil , A
lAHI.l.MMJONia'l , IN A ( II.AKS OK It'll
T , A. AT C'llIhON , M. 1) .
ImnnrliHl nnd liottlpil by MIHAI.OVJTPII
riiiciliil ; ; > l CO , Umlmmtt.O. I'urmiluby
, J.l'inor Dealers mul Uroccm.
pirpRf then ii r * ( i m/Kf RLAirr.u ti unnna * IDUI u. HllflK HIHTr.l.M-IU..BI. In
Htn Ulllf/ 41 UUItl. T.rrllorlf. , > n < l tonlltn lounlrlfc.
I D n"rll UrBi. IlooV. fullripl.tillen , wd iircxh ulllri )
Imlwii rrrr. JdJrf.i ( fit f.JtICAl CO. , BUFFAIO. N V ,
In OllilttXl'J llr.
] Uonir'l Uctro-Sluum-tlo l
lliuu.iumblurd , ( liinrantrtatlio
only inii ) In Hi" norllKiniTatlnit
tuntlnuoim I'littrietf ilauuttlt
currtnt. Hrlviitnia. lM irul. Uurablc ,
'oinroruljl ami ] trmlvp. Avuld ' " "ulj.
rrr II ( HHI ctln il , Sil il t mp f ( l-i inihlet. |
FOR MEN U4 I r1Tc.yU , ,
ptrf ctly rcenlnnl tor the new
B5PfcRSJiV.ERr5 . rBt h
llnllli" Abfolute tccitrr , VallcO-
turnl iilniut Mln emigration Adilmi
eslon-Dupro OMnlque , JW Tmnout t.t.
I'KNNYHOYaff , aVAI'Knf ! are
sucoeuf ully un > d monthly by over 10,000
l idiea. AreSaje , Kffeclualanil I'ltatant
\J $ I pt r box by mail.or at ilnigRlbts. Sealed
* .J'articulart S poBtago ( tamps. AddrL&i
Tua Eoniiu Cuiuiiait , Co. , Dirrnorr , Micu.
For sttlu and by mail by Goodman Urn
Company , Oiauhu.
Treatment of every form of fi'ceaee ' requiring
Board it Attendance , Beit Accommodations in Weit.1
CO"WTUTE FOR OinoULAHSon Dcformitlet and
Braces , Trus e , Club Feet , Curvatures o'Epine.Hlei ,
Tun-ori , Cancer , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation. '
Electricity , Paralysis , Epilepsy , Kidney. Bladder , '
Eye , Ear , Glim and Blood and all Surgical Operation ! ,
woariDiRiM4CiMiM ii'r. ( STplcnY PRIVATE. )
Only Reliable Medical Institute making a Specialty of
All Blood Dlienci iticceiirullr treitcd. Srnlilllllo 1'olioa
reiaOTt tl from tlie ijmtrni wlltiout mercurr * > * w HrfetorltlTa
TrrilntDt fur I.OM of Mm , I oil t It. I'ullei urul le to Tlilt
usm 7tietr alrJat liomeb/eorrcitondenro. xlleommuBlea *
tlonteoutldeDtUI. klcdlelnpiorln.lrumrntciirnthyiDtllerez'
rrciiifeurtl/packoJ.nomiirki : olntlle&leroctrnt ortfiidcr.
Oue rcrtoaat lutcrrlew prercrrcd. . Colliu < lcooi.ultuiorcDil
HitorVorr tur. na vlll Mod In I lain r rtfr , our
TfJ &JFH HRBE : Upon I'rlv.te ' , B | clAl or
V IU niCII ) Kcrvoui Dlioici , ] nil.oltticjHTpl > .
llliUktt ; \.rlcorclt. . with quc.llou ll < t. Addicn
13tli and Dodge Streets , OH-IIA , NED ,
Dn.n. 0. Wrar's NEHVE A > MI UIIAIN
MKNT , uKiiaruntcodBjioclQc for Ilystciln , Dlzzl-
liens. Coiivulxlnni , lltei , Nervuim Neiiru ] l ,
lleadacliu. Nervous I'rostrKtlon t'lusud by tlie
USB of nlcoliol or tobacco , Wukefuliittss , MuntuI
Ueprusslim. HoftnnlUKot tlio Urnln , renultlnKltt
Insanity and lnailliiito mlxcry , decay mul death.
I'lomuinru Old AKO. Hanonnai.ii , Jioss of I'OWOB
In cither MI , Imoluntary J.OHSDH und Hpermnt.
orhd'ii caused by o\vr-o.xortIon of tlio In uln.solN
( .liiine or overindulgence. Kach box tontalns
ooo inonth'B traatmont. 81.03 a bix , 01 U boxen
for J5. ( iBent by mull prepaid on receipt of price ,
To euro any case. With rath order recelvsd by
ua for six boxon , accompiinled with IS IM. o will
bend tlie purchaser otirwrlttau t'.mrmiteo to TO *
fund the money It Ino troatniunt doun not eifeot
.cure. Gimraatoca Issued only by ( Joodman
Drue Co. , DrugKlnU , Solo Ayoata , 1110 Furnam
ctroot. Omaha Nob.
'llio I'nhllrnru not gencrnllr airnio Hint br fl
prvupiil uutliuli ol roiikliiic lulluiic hull nf be
loirm that Iii mo I In thrown uwiiy in IhoKrou.iUi
and wailed. ( liHral t < , oniioctcl with thl
iisvt Biiaiiieuqil In Mivlnic tlili trnftund that the < om
puiijrciin turnUli iii.lcumajQor thu llii'jn Juvn , put
up In miiiill piirtnble Jurs unit \\AliilA\it It l-nir-tn.
1 * " " - umntood to bo onlr about ONtt-
to tin ! coniuiucr nt common cuf
rtti'rli noiidud wlion propnrlnu II
n I.liulil Colfou C'oiupnnr.
Wholesale Grocers , - - Oinahu , Neb
F"I < vriT'riAMCl ( ! localltr Wuwanlaiimn tuatt in 1'rltati
Dclculvu uniler our liiitructloni. I'artleulura free.
Uux IJ '