Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Nontcrtlnoinrntfl ( will l > o taken Tor
columnn nftor lii'lO : p. in.
Cnnli In Advance. '
'Advcrllscmrmts Under tills hoail 10 cents per
line ( or tliu first insertion , 7 cent * for each sub *
prqucnt Insertion , unit ll.fiO per line per inoiitlu
No ndvortlnomrnt taken for less tlmit 25 cent *
Cor Ilrst Insertion. Bovrn words will ho counted
tit tlio line ; they must run consecutively and
mtst bo paid In ADVAJiCi : . All advertise
ments must lie handed In beforn 18:30 o'clo-fc p.
n , , nml under no rlrcnmatnnccs will tlioy bo
Inkou or discontinued by telephone.
I'artlcH ntlvcrdslnp In these columns mid hav
ing ttiolr mihWi-rs nildressfld In cnro ot Tun HKK
will plonHo ask for u rheck to nimble Ilicm to got
tliclr letters , ns nonowlll bo delivered except on
jiresenlntlon of chock. All answers to ndver-
tlmnents should lie cnrlo cd In rnvelopos.
All ndvpitl onicntfiln tliesocoltinniH urn pub'
llshed In both morning nnd evening editions of
TIIK lltt : : , tlin circulation of which aggregates
more tbnn ItUOO papers dolly , and Rlvos the ad
vertisers thebpnollt. not only of the city clrcii-
iHtlonof TUB HKK. hut also ot Council Illuffit ,
Lincoln nwt other cities nnd ton us thioughout
this section ot tun country.
Advertising for these columno will bo tnk < > n
on the above conditions , nt the following busi
ness houses , ulio mu authorized ngents forTm :
HKK Mit'clnl notices , nml will quote the HIIIIIO
rates an cull bo Und nt the mnln olllre.
' Pharmacllt , KxTsouth Tenth
HASH . .V iilV. : Stationers nnd Printers , 113
Smith 10th Street.
11. FAHNSWOHTII , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
ing J-trtel.
S , Pharmacist. fell North 18th
. HI root.
KO. W. PAHH. Plmnnnclst. 1WJ fit. Maryls
TVHAFTSMAN , graduate engineer , li years' PX-
JL/pcrlence in railroad work nnd bridge build
ing. rcforcurpH U. P. Hy and Kevstono llndce
company , wants n position. Addiess H IW Iloo.
4M 2U
\XrANTKD-8ltuntlon In real esutd olllco ;
TT considerable experience. Addrons II "V ,
Uec ollice. 4(11 ( SI *
WANTED 1'osltlou as tinvellng snlosman
for wholesale Imidvtare or utovo house ;
Western territory preferred : llrst-class rotor
cnce. li SI , lleo. 47ii 22 +
AYOl'NG man wishes permanent employ
ment. Am u fair penman , fnlily good ut
llgures , nnd tompcrnto. Can give gooil refer
ences. Address llee ! 13'llen ollice. 4TO Sit
POSITION wanted 3 coacbman by a young
Gcrmnii , ono who 1ms strvpd by the
Dragoon Guard * in Hcsso Dnrmstutlt from 1884
until l i > 7. Address 1813 St. Mary's nvo. Omaha ,
Neb. 410 2lt
ANTF.D-Sltuntion in wholesale or retail
grocery : good salesman : 4 yonru' exper
ience. Direct A. W. Xoe'luer , I90i Furnamst. ,
Omaha. vtt 22 *
SITUATION wnntod by young nuin as deliv
ery clerk , with 4 years oximrlenco ; refer-
f neon Klvon. Address II aK , line. f 15--1T
* "f\TANTii : ) A VOUHB man who speaks Gcr-
TT man ana destroy to learn tlio dry goods
trade. Address U ! i . Ueo olllci * . _ _
WANTKD A Rimtlemiin with nfaneral busi
ness tisperlL'uco wUlieM to roprnnent one
or more linns In Nnw York mid vicinity as
agent or buyer. Heat of references for ability
ami Integrity. Address Clias. Logan , IDThoiims
et. . Newark. N. .1. _ il'JK'1 ?
A man to solTclf ; M > r t deposit
I T ji" > and K'vo ' security for mono v collected.
Palnry js per month. Call on 0. Ii Hoyton ,
Oil First National bank building , Omaha.HMli. . ' . )
WANTIH ) AdvartlitiiK solicitor of K' > od ad-
dren und exneilijnrc ; big pay to right
jnan. Hooui U , HUJ Dodge St. 4'-l- ! ; j
WANTUD l''lr t-cla , expcriunced Bales-
man In whlto ponds ilopartinein ; also ex
perienced nnleslndy In hosiery department ; an-
ctlu'r in Rlovu department and onu In notion
department. None but those who have had
years of experience and can 1111 tlrbt-class posi
tions need apply ; alxo wuut a ladyruxhier with
A 1 roferem-es , no experience reciulreit. Tlie
I'nlr. liltlt nnd llor/nvcl. 4811 1
WANTKD W ) Hales people who hnvu had ex
perience to clerk ( lurlUR llro ualu ntTho
1'air ; aUo " 5 rash boyti and girls and ft bundle
vrapp'jra at Tlio Knlr. 4Sol l
" \\t ANTKOA few more live , energetic snlos-
T men to sell teas , colfees , groceries , etc , to
farmer * and other lurg connuiner-s. at wlolc- |
ealo prices. Exclusive territory given. Ad
dress the Kdgwortu Mercantlli ) ColllTStato
ht. Chicago. l.VJJt
ANTKD-JIun to sell Snetland-Mountaln
ponies. Sample pair tree to sell by on
busluesi-liko conditions. Letters answered if
a bulf-addrcsLed slumped envelope Is inclosed.
Jl Vanrnub , lloorue , 'IVxas. 46J-2at
MTOUTANT Insurance agents , bank clerks ,
ox pit as uguntri , soclnty seciutixrlea. male or
foiuulo , wanted all over the country to act OH
our nRontsilll ; not interfere with other duties.
No capital required. Liberal tndncoments.
AVrlto for xmitlonlar.4 to Intornutloiml HankiiiB
Co. . 31 und ! 1 lii-oadway , Now York Wty.
A OKNTS Wanted ( ionoral and local aKenti ,
-cYto handle the now patent Chemlc&l Ink Kros >
Ing pencil ; greatest novelty over produced ;
erases ink In two seconas ; no abrasion of pqper ;
81M to W per cunt prollt ; sells at Hlght ; t
tory absolutaly frao ; h.ilary to good men ;
pin , .Ti cents by mull. For terms and mil ji
culars , udclrt'HS. Tint Mnuroo Uiaser Co. , Miiuu
facurers ( , Iu CTOKHPVls. . 40l ! Ut"
WANTED Man to manage olllco InToppka ,
Kim. tin ) capital required. Kulnrv , $ IOOO
per year , llovoy * 1'ntes , Ji-s Molncs. Iowa.
\\7-ANTKU-Nlgllt porter at the Coxzon ;
V > hotel. 47JJlt
\ \ , ANNTKI ) At- once , twp young men foi
V light work , at fl.'i u week : stoadywork all
BUinmor. lloum 17 , ' to N , ltth. !
W 'ANTKD Ijood salesmen for Kansas , Nebraska
braska , Mlimegoin ami Wisconsin to sell
lubalcutlng oils nnd greases on commission
largo profits guarnut d ; samples frco ; wll
HiveUtclnslvo territory , , * iyiefS Chicago Ol
Co. , 31 Milwaukee-tive. , Chlro o. 410 2.jt
ANTKD GOOII baker in second liiind. nil-
mediately , liith and Porous sts. 4ii-'lr
'V\7'ANTK1J Pivo tniTollng satosmou ; salarj
T I and exiirtiirie.s ; no expoi-loneo uoco&Bary
Addross. with atamp , II. II , Linn i : Co. , Lr
Crosse , Wls. u'J2-3't
tJ25 } WKKKLV Heprosentntive wanted ir
P every ronimuiilty. Goods btnplo and sail 01
light. Absolutely now ; household necessity
Mo canvassing , [ elite Mfg. Co. , Pullman build
Ing. Ciilcugo. 111. 7M
" \S7 ANTKI ) Agents Puzzle watch charm :
TT most taking noyiulty out ; uxuct 1mtailor (
of "Pigs In Clover. " slr.o of nickel , gold plated
Bomplo Hie , two 2Tpc. doz , if I : stamps taken ,
t _ Btayner & Co , , providence. H. 1 , '
1OVS Am , Dlat. Tol.Co. , 1301 Douglas.
, . . „ , , maglo cigar llgntor ;
. . every xmoUur buys ; lights In wind or mini
nets u llfntimo ; twuplo ir > c , two for2jc , < lo/.tn
tl , by mull ; titainps taken. Sluyner & Co.
Vrovtdi'iice II. ! , 17U-m23
MriM > lsUnfowmeu to a nil ou
goods by Bnmpl4 to wholesale and fetal
trade. Largest munuf'rs In pur line. Knclosi
" cent stamp , Wugos W per day , Permaucn
position. No postals answered. Mouey ad
vaiicod for wugej. udvurtliiug , uto. Conteiinla
Mnu'f'g Co. . Cincinnati. ( ) . 614
WANTKD grl. ) call at once : goo <
wages j 2113 Doufias st. ' 4.Vi-23
W ANTKD Flr t-cla s rook , ( lormaii pre
ferred. European hotel , (122 ( S lUth Ht.
4 7 23
ANTKD-Good Ctrl , apply lit ouco. 212
Webster st. 455,21 *
WANTI5D A good girl to cook and Uo gev
cral housework ; Uerjnan prcfurrud. 4'J '
N. SUrd. 4(320 (
_ _ _ '
WANTKU A lady to Koltclt : siilary 'in pe
month. Cull at room AH , Flrat Nutlouu
bank building. 4ml 24 *
W ANTKU A good girl for gvnerul hous
work. Apply at oucu utllii ( leorglu nve.
l7ANTrfI-T\vollr t-class German glrU fo
T cooks and second work. Idll uodgest.
WANTKD-Diuiuuioom girl forColorado.ta
rouks for bourdlng houke , f > to 4)7 ) ; till fo
olBcer's family , U laundresses , 4 Ululnu rooi
girls. , i dishwasher * . 2 paiury girls , a" > for gvj :
oral housework ; best jilacoi * ) u thu city can a
Jlr . ll' , Ullli B.'lMh.
ANTKD Olrl for Konorixl houuo work. AT
Jy | t 8635 Cumliig struet ,
ANTKI ) WftUt nnd skirt Jjnihhers. 161
llovyard , _ M. A Wallace. yjj 8j
T AIY ageuU average over * D a week wit
-Miay grand u w rubber uiulcrgur ; . At
ares , Mrs. H. * ' . Littlo. Chicago , Til.armont. Sit
WANTRD-1 dlnlne room npd 1 kitchen plrl ;
yngMi K1.M nndll. _ _ _ IUH Hnrnoy. 4it ar
V\f ANTF.D-Olfl for pentrnl housework. 2111
V Pewnrdat. .MrsVvrlght. 4ZO-SJ *
ANTr.D"-A Rowiiunio slrl. Inquire ntKll
Dnvonportst. JI76-2U
Atonco.good cooknnd laundress
_ * 1' .
ANTP.D A compctontglrl for ircneral
W housework , ono who can cook , wash and
Iron where second girl and man arc kept : good
wage * paid. Apply nt ml South SUtli M. . iril
fj > Nr > AOKMKNT9 to dodroasmfiKltitj tn fnm
Jellies BollcIted.Miss Sturdy.'JOI7 Lcnvnmvorth
T\11S8 M. Bbinu fnshlonanle dronsninklng.
i'Jmoilorato prices ; cutting and flttluR also
done. 317 N. ICth.
HOA ItHlHtSV anted at "ThoTJozzcns hotel at
reduced rntew : the most pleasant locatlou
In tlio city. M .1 Frnnok. prop. R7H
" "
' "i AilTV fcnvlnRl in,0.t\vorth ) " ot""cn.Utvli
wishes to borrow I I.WJO on same. Will
cay 8 per cent per annum 2 j ears time.
Address , II12. line ojllco. 4N ) 23
T\1tNKY ) Vvnnted 1 can V'MO ' from Uvo to
J.H twenty thousand dollars on good real citato
BDnirlty. If j on have money to loan call And
sea mo. ( leoniu N. Hicks. Heal Hstnto nnd In *
vestiuput Agent , Hoom 40 , ilnrkor block.
A purchaser fornSBI mortgaco
on Knnsnslnnds ; nNo 'i octtlon Colorado
school land. K. II. Uosscll , tun So. liitti st. . ad
lloor. Omaha. 118-M *
I7ANTKD Htilldtnit material for loU , lauds
> nnd cash. W. .1.1'niil PxriFainnni st-JW }
\vaTinTd" by nputlcnmu
ntid wlfo , 0 or 0 rcums. Addiess Tt27 , . lleo.
1 1 1 .11 *
WANTKP to rent by family of two , an un-
furnlHlic'l cottage In good condition con
taining U or 7 rooms : mint have tonm and lo
cation to rccelvu uny attention. Addror.s U > \
lino. SN
\\J ANTKD To rent for term of years P-rooin
i > housn , with yard nnd barn , between 1'or-
nam nnd Ht. Mary's nve. Would i\nit foronoto
be'bullt. II 17. lleoolllcc. 'M" -'i
UiNT : Flats ( at reduced rates ) In the
Harris Ac Tlshei Yjlock. Jt'red Harris. 1511) )
Uodgo. < M SI
T71OH HUNT Two or three elognnt nousus. In
Jt > splendid neighborhood , all mottera con-
vcnloiuoH and modelato rental. Inquire of
0t-orgo N. Uletes Hnrkar block a7t-SI
IJIOH KUNTNIce. . comfortable liomu. Ilrst-
.lJ class nelghborliood , nil modern conven
iences , close to curllno. moderate rent , Jmiulro
of Cluo. N. Hicks , Marker block. trrka
PT-HOOM house , Bll So. 21th st.
* } / 417 25
ELKVRN-room house , now full of first-class ,
paying boarders , first-class location , rout
Si. furnltuye I1.M ) > , or part at luvolcn toss 10
per cent : cnsh , bal. easy. Also 14-room brick.
No. 1 In every respect , now mnking Jl'io clear a
mouth : furnlturo lor sale , iSM11 cash. bal.
monthly. -Operativo Land aud Lot Co. . 205
N. llllh St. 437 S3
T/VH HKNT 8-room house on cor. 1'tli and
JL Leavoinvorth. Apply I
A family to rent 4 unfurnished
looms and board man , wife aud child ;
liberal oirer to right party. 704 N 17th St.
EKSHT Itoom houses centrally located
modem improvements. .1. F. UartoufilO
Capitol avu. _ g7"
TJIOIt 11KNT 13-i'oom honso and barn , nlco
-v yard , very desirable : splendid location for
roomurs : on cable' . .1. 11 , Parrotto rental
aycnuy. iqth nnd Dodge. _ Kl l
FOU UKNT-To-family without chlmrou.
nlcoly furui-ihod seven-room house , from
Juno 1st to Sept , 1st. 2UW St. Mary's avenue.
' 1C
TJHMl HKNl' O-room modnrn Improved huuso
Jbiiltablo for tlist-class physician , nouo
In neighborhood. Apply M. Klgutter. 1112 S.
lOttlBt. 2,13 21
TJIOIl 11KNT J'uruibhoa brick residence , 10
-t ? largo rooms , bam nud cistern , mailem
improvements large yard , will bo absent from
thQ , city traveling for home time 1-10 S. Htb.
TTIOH KENT New brick houses. 11 rooms.'with
JL1 every modern convenience ; on cable line ;
only 310 per month. C. T. Taylor , cor. 14th and
Douglas. rcS .
"TT10K HUNT Cottnafls , & rooms , 8720 Charles
JL1 wt. und IK ! a IJtli ut. Inquire at room ' 112 ,
Sholy block , 4 5
OH KENT-A lint in thn Her building ; 7
rooms. Bteam heat , gns nnd bath. Apply
to A , 0 , Itnymur , liardwaro , luth aud Jucknon.
. " 11
2MOI)7-room ) qottagesgood ; cellars , cisterns ,
well , good bnrn ; convenient to school and
clmrcnjfciliK'r month for the summer. Apply
nt one. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank ,
FOR HHNT Neat 7 room house cor Sfith
nnd Woolworth ave. Inciuiro of n. II.
Tzscjiuck , llee ollc ! , f. < 2
POIl HUNT Ono ten-room and ono eight-
room all modern oonvontences. llest
parf of city and within 5 minutes walk of post-
ollice. Shelton , 1'iOi Farnam st. till
I71OH UHNi1 Ileautlful tt-room Jiotiaq with
X ? modern Impruvemonts , splendid lorntlou.
Apply ut oncn , 0. V. llurrlbou , Jler. Nat. ll'k. '
FOH HRN' ( lood houses otKa. $40ao.r .12l.
nnd12 per month. If you wish to runt call and
see mo. I ) . V. Bholes , 210 1st Nat'l Hank. 7M >
FOU HUNT 14 room brick dwelling , all con-
vcniencos.'Hi K. 19th at. p07
TOU UENT Pleasant furnished rooms nt nl
Farnnm > > t. ' 4 > 'J 'A
, OH HUNT Kooms , 1015 Uo.lge.
457-27 *
TTllJItNlSHhU rooms from J5 tp Jlr per
JU month lu liouse with modem convenliices ;
locatlou good aqd oil car lino. 2"J l.ouven-
vorth. 4SJ27 ]
t ? U ltNiirrEirFoomsT41'J ' Dodged
.D *
_ _ 4lc7 !
TT'OH HUNT From Juno 1st , suite of rooms ,
JJ with board , ut 172J Dodge at. 4H Jli )
TjlOH Itr.NT Elegantly furnlshml rooms or
JL room uud board , i > par week. u < ) l H lth : : st.
- *
homo board , 1718 Do Ue.
3S.'iji > ? '
FUltNISUMI ) front roam for rent ; Ro/itlo- /
men only ; ternn moclonUo. 24U Dodge.
FOH HliXT tloomi with board ; best loc-i-
tliw lu city , 2J1 S. 2. > th aye. JH72IJ'
I > LKAHANT no > vy ) rarnlshcd rooms , single or
en inn to , can bo Iinu nt2IU | Cass st. : r > s Ult
JU for two gent Ionian. INI bitnrooiu iloov. with
board. Hl ) | Douglas fet , 010 2tf )
TjmHNjBHKl ) rooms for rontT ni741ason.
LOVKLV sontli frrjnt room , every coivoii' )
leuca , V block from < ? trvi t cai , 2.'UJ Douglas ,
It HKNT Furnished rooms , 2:12 : N lilth.
! IISg _ > '
N'KWLY furnished front rooms suitable for
gentlemen or ladle ? employed during thu
day ; all convenience * ; b urd If do lr d. SJiH
Farnam , ; i. j-C : )
17MU1NT and hack parlor , nultaulo for man
JU nud wifu , or 4 gentlomun. OUf .V. Ihtn.
"VTICl21iV furnUhod rooms for runt , with ot
J- > without board ; WllUvoiiport at ,
I > < KA8AN'friU room , OT8. s
_ _ : m 2oj
iron IJKNT A nicely furnished largo froiit
JL room , nil inoitern roaytMiluiiccs ; fpr luithvr
purtlculais call at iiJlu Uodge st. \yrt
FOH HUNT Nicely furnUhed front loom
with uourd.ull r.ouv nl ncedlU10 Capitol live.
IHOH HUNT rnrnlabed rooms with or with-
JUontboara for families ami single men at
reduced prlc for thu nunuuer mouths at the
Cozzeus liotvl. M J FratKK , prop. ' bK )
TjlUHNlbllKD frout rooms
* | 7U 1C.HKNT A ploaxaat room , only Oinmute.-
M * walk from busiuejLi cuiitor. ull modern con
venlimcus. ror St. Mary'u aye. uud Sjth or ( J S ,
SOth , brick rodldeuco. Ull
ilTiroolni' * ' J"pwarO , oucar UneriJl-i
17 COM with or without board. lUU Jodw )
ii. KXi J
NT FuruUhed rooms , SSft Dodge.
l.U-Srr-1109111 Jt
TTHJHNISIIF.l ) or naftfrnUhod rooms for rent
JJ in Park Ttrrace , odposlte Hanscom prk ;
Ml modern conveniences. Inqalro I/eo Ac
Nichol , 28th nnd leavenwortfl.473
. , . . , , J > . or month.
JU HUClalr hotel cor 13th nndltodw. _ 47i
T A HO K front room with bed-room adjoining ,
J-Jhandsomely furnished , gns nnd hcnted by
stiinm , with use ot bath room , In ono of the
lmtuloino.t residences In the city , without
bonra. Inquire h , w. cor , 18th nnd Lcavpmrorth.
17IOH HKNT Ah elcaniU , tliorriURhly reno-
JU rated 13-room hous ( ! nll modern conven
iences. 20th st. , near California , Dr. Jones.
' 170 Silt
Tf\UHNISHKI \ room * , slrtglo or en stilte , bath
JL1 nndstenm ; for gonti only 1513 Howard.
O NICK south front rooms with every convon-
* Irnco ; tolcphonoln homo. I9J3 Cnpltol av ,
' 3118
Tfl ) rooms , 1138.20ttii near Dodgo.
8D7JI4 *
SUIT of " fnrnlthcil rooms , thodorn convon-
lcnco.t.lblocks ! from P.O. ; prlvnie futnllj.
A. llospf , Jr. , ISIS Uougla * . - 45
FOH 11KNT Puinlbhod rooms single or on
suite. 1TO9 Doilgla. ' . 713
HUNT TUreo unfurnished rooms : fnrpo
stiadyyanl : * I2 ; ctw N. xidst. nil Si
IJilOll Itl'.NT ! lor 4 rooms for
J.1 In rearms a. llth t 47U3JJ
HI5NT-I unfunihttod rooms , KOI Web-
' ator.sultablo for hoUisjicyaplilXi Jirlco y-,50
" 1T10H HUNT Pleasant unfurnlshod rooms
-L1 over 1001 llownnl st. For olllces purposes
A OH 6 iinliiinlslicli 'room's for houiekecping
Jbfor man aud wlfo. 1111) ) N I'.th t. 7t 211
T/iOH HKNT U of stateroom for Ice cream ,
A1 roafectlonery or reataurant , Homo llakery ,
Oil ) North ICtli st. 4fil 2i ) '
Tibll HENrT Front oillce , grounii tloor , ! 110
J HllHh. 2U7
. . . "iKST-Chonp-Now store , 2x8) ) . brick
JL' basement , on good paved St. , suitable for re-
nll grocery. Inquire O. Hartman. N. W. cor.
jithund Dcciitursts. 810
> Ol ! HUNT 'I was torus wlth'teii.rooin lint
Hbove. corner 10th and Mason sts. Inquire ,
Mrs , LaiiL'o , H12 S. 13t ! st. litf
iilOllHlVNT 'i floors 8Jxtfi each. In brick build
JL * lug , with elevator , clojo tr > express ollice.
Phi-op rent. Just the thing for wholesaling , good
oration. Apply toGeo. lloyn , HOd I'arnam st.
TFb H HKNT-Store 2-JxSi ; fllS Jackson st.
r lUiqiilrollU.lacksou. _ 4H1 _
'OH ' HUNT Stoio alid living"rooiiis ou Cum-
Ing street ; ulso Uousn on Cuss st. HnriU It.
1 * . & l , . Co. . Hoora III 1st Nat bauk. 8U
T710H HKNT-Tho I story brick building with
Jc or without power , now occupied by The lleo
Publishing Co. . ' .Hi ! Farnam st. The building
has a ilre proof comonUvl b\jom nt , complete
steam heating tixtuin\ water on all Iho lloois ,
gns. etc. Apply at thoTQllIco of Tim lloo. Dl.'i
3'rOH11407ttlti basnmunt , Hamgo bldg. In-
qulro Frank J. Hamgc. < K'J
H OIJHKS and'furnished roome , 1WI N.2lst.
TfOH HUNT When you "wish to rent a house ,
J1 store or oDlco call on us. II. n : Cole , room 0 ,
Continental bile , 471
IF YOU w'ant"foTe'rit yoiirTioTisTcalT oa IIar-
rls , It. K. * L. Co. , room 111 , 1st Nat'l. bank.
G IJOT J. 1'AUU ItOl FTrnaiir'strr Imuses ,
stores , etc. . tor rent.
] F YOU want to buy. soil , rent or rxdi.ingt ) ,
.call or. or ndtlresi ( I. ,1. i3tfrn dorll , looms
317 and 31S , , Flr.i NaUoiial bvuk bulldUii ? . 481
1' give special nttontloti to "renting nud
' collectlui ; rents : Il4t witu us. H. II. Cole ,
room C , Continental block. 4H1
H mules nnd wagons , im : N. IW1S1T 21st.
. uarusol.i covered and rc-
paired , 217 S IBth , llityil's 01 nra liouse block ,
la rubber store. H. llnlnr. , - . ' 284
rpllK banjo tauglit as'nn'nrt by ( Jeo K. Ool-
JL IcnbecK. Apply nt lieu ollice. ' 'J.'iO
HBON.SKNSCHKINhai moved to ll7Siith. :
lluy and soil Beoond hand turiilturo und
stovesj'bottlos Ijought am } bold. . ' /ilM-mSl
LOST Illack howe , weight 1.809 , nit tail , wire
scar on left front toot.Howard forioturu
to Thlrty-llrit and 4 > odr. | William O'Jlrion.
LOST Imckskiu pony , dark mnno and tall.
Branded lntt hind leg. right hind-hoof largo.
Howard return to 2our N. 27th-and Ur.iut. H.
Kopald. ' 427-21 $
3OST , slrnyatl or stolen Hay pony , white
'spot in f whB. il. holds her head low Itn-
turn to 1 , . I ) . Harris , .Tjrd and Izard st. . and get
reward. 425-21 *
rriAlCEN UP Ono sorrel mirj , : j yoir.j : old
JU silt In right four inllo.i wast of Flordnc ,
by J. II. Ij Wllllama. q-"J.m O-l'l-a i-7
PHATHI'.HS cleaned nnd curled ; hats pressed
aud bleached , at F. M , Schadoll. 211 N. tilth.
STOHAOEnud forwarding.Vo collect and
deliver goods of all descriptions , merchan
dise , furnlturo and baggage , ut cheapest rates
for storagu for any length of tuna. Vans and
wagons to Le ha-1 atsliortest notice , with care
ful men for moving. Packing and snipping
from our own \yarehous9 deus on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllco 217 H.14tn
Hi. ; tulepnono 114. Him ell feCo. ill )
QTOHAGK at low rates at ll-'l Farnam st ;
Lr Oninha'Auction and Stor-age. 43S
rilliACICAUK , storage , lowest rates.V. . II.
JL Husliman 1.111 Leaven wort h. 48 ! )
BHANCH et L'O. . btoiago , 1211 Howard.
MADAJIK JK SAN tells past , present and fu
ture events ot yourllfo , givei uJvlco on dl
vorcp , contested wills , etc. The niadame has
wonilovfulgift of second sight , has the power
of any two mediums you over met. Piirlorc ,
U12JLodjeB5 iMU ! iQa
'iSlt. NANN1U \VAHHKN. . clairvoyantpied-
J-'icul aud buslno-is medium. Female dtsoasos
nspocialty. I UN. lilthst. , rooms2 and 3. 4ll !
"TAKDAHlTshorthaiid behool , Puxtou bloclfi
r7sncccssor ( to Vuloiitlno't * shorthand insti
tute ) , the largest , b > .itquipped. . Mhortliand
Bcjiool | n thn west ; U iindur ( no personal super-
vlhlouof Joseph P. Megenth , an ex-olllilal rv-
porter anil stuto agent of the Hemington Stand
ard typewriter , assisted by experienced ver
batim reporters. .Mecmmlcal construction of
machine taught by factory export. Particular
attention paid to typewriting. Stenographers'
supplies for sale. Circulars freo. 7y8
rplIK Omaha Phort-llnnd Institute , Humgo
Jl blockOmaha , opuned Monday , .May
under the man.i ement of a thorough uud pruc-
tlcul aitouom-aphur. I'leaaautest and bekt vai-
tllnlcd RLhool room in tlio west. Positions
found for graduates. Call or write for pauicu-
lui > ' Terms , tie per month lu advance. Typu-
wrltlng free. Pit. J 10
SHOUTH AN D and typo writing. Omaha bus
iness college cor. Capitol uvc. & liith. Stan
dard inotliods taught by C C. Kwlmr or ban
Francisco , the best teacher on the Pitcllc cpant.
Muiuou's rovlsoil of 'hit a specialty ; now plan ;
blackboard Illustration ; day uud evening
classes j'call or write for tormn. f > )7 '
WIHTTLUSKY'S siiorthund school , 21 liar-
leer block. 3 mouth's couw , 8-1) ) .
> At once , good yacant hulding |
V lotsultublo for the crootion of dwulllni ,
houses. Apply or address with. prloi > , locutloi
and iacumbrance. Coo. J Htonisdorjr , rooms
U17 and S\A \ First Nntloual bank buildlui ; , 4KI 2 (
W ANTKD Second handbicyclo for n boy o
ten. It. II. Wallace. Uc6 oillcv. 477
\\rANTED-100 lot > nsdo ( , of Uelt HnoT to
V > build ouV. . It. K. At M. K. room H. Chora
her of Commerce. ' 4f )
_ _
'A NT1QLTAHIAN peek Store , 1413 Furnaw st
. { i Casn p&ld for Sad-hand l < ooks , magazines.
\\rANTKD-Tobuy good commercial paper.
T t ft. C. Pattersou , aif B. intli st , ' ' 4lW
" \X7ANTKI ) Furniture , catpetsstoves ; one
TT hotisoiiold good ? ot all kluds , Ouiulii
Auction A ; Storage Co. , 11. ] Fartiam , 4'J3
BALK Large nice youria bay horse
-I. suitable for two-/oatod family couveyanco
Inquire or atulivs.i W. M. Dal fey , 1120 Boutl
Thirtieth ovcnue. -
tiALK--A full loatlier tftji carriage , l
and roomy , lu lli-at-.cUw order , f oat if4UO one
year uny ; will , sill lij far fl.S , Apply a ) 2215
' r
Webaterst , r7ft
ST Wcs phaeton nt thelowptlee ot
xX75 ; nnplat onco. O. J. Bternsdorff.
looms ai7j ndjll . First National Hank build *
ng. Telerjfiftpa 40) ) . _ ; ci at ;
moil BALKU onnd. pentto horse , 7 yoftM old ,
J.1 wolglm-LtW pounrs. ( Good driver , duoblo
nnd slntrlo''iXJUenp. ' Ituckoyo llarn. Nineteenth
end Hanufcjfa 4W-glt
2POT wish for furniture , stoves , book * and
household-rood * . New goods exchanged , for
hn . , M'tSt. ' " ' Fr"n1 ; Orir * Co. 4JCT
1T1OII HAliK Che'nn About h 0 head of tin-
JU provcit 'Wxai horses , consisting of cold.
ngs. marcB'nd ' ! colts , stallions and mixed. Will
eil part o nil. Apply J u Hnlbcrt , Corslcaim
Texas. 1 . 4I4-J I Hl
j _ _
BLP.VKN-ruAm honso on N. I8lh st. . furnl
turo for tlf , all Improvements. Orir .t Co. ,
17 N IBthJ it
I71OH EAliKTfJ work tenm , wagon and liar-
JL1 ness complete , very chnap tor cash , 619
'axtou hlk. - m
LiOH SALK Cheap , n throe-ton IHubold bans
X1 safe , latest Improved tlmo lock , complete
n every purtlcular. Address , H. Clumber-
In , Wood Hlvcr , Nob. 211
MIDLAND ( lunrautoo & Trust Co. , 150S Far-
ualu. Com pluto abstracts furnlHhvd Ac titles
o real ostnta examined , perfected ! c gunrantoed.
_ _
O iAlLTAlsfract ) cbmpanrTSllT Fariiam stT
Most complete nnd cnro fully prepared set of
abstract books and pints of all rual property in
ho city of Omaha nnd Douglas county. 4W
AllSTHAOTS Ltnahau & Muhouoy , room 6oi )
Pnxton block. 49S
MUNKY ready for furnlturo and stoves ,
household goods nud books bought , bold
and exchanged. 117 North 10th st. , Frank Orll
VCo. !
LOANS on Improved nud unimproved prop
erty nt low rates. OdcII llros A : Co. , ill8 ICh.
8fi (
' 11IIK City Loan Co. has plenty of money teX
X loan on horses.wagonsfurnlturo nnd plnnos.
Phelr rates nro reasonable nnd business Udono
fairly and quietly. If you want money or want
vour present loan extended , try them and save
uoney. Tholr olllco Is nt 118 S. l.ith st , directly
opposite the Mlllaul hotel. 2N ! )
T OAN8 wonted ou Omaha estate , three
JLJand Ilvo year.s time , optional payments , fa
vorable term and rates ; applications and titles
lassiul upon by us and loans closed promptly.
Clmlmll , Chump ft Itynn.ltoom ( I , Unltod Stp.tos
S'at. bank building , 120. " > Fnrnnm street. VU7J10
MONKY to loan at low rates by Kxrelslor
Lund Co. , 910 Bouth 15th struat , Omaha.
MONKY to loan ou real oUato security , at
lowest rates. Ituforo negotiating loans HOO
Wallace , Crolijhton bin. , loth nnd Djuglas. MM
KKYSTON13 Mortgage Co. ; loins of $10 to
$1,00.1 ; got our rates baforo borrowing and
savn money ; loan on hornjs , furnlturo or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought : for new loan , renewal of old and low
est rates call H 20,3hccley blk 15th & Howard st
M ONKV to loan on short time. Hecure.l paper
bought. K. K. Alexander , I'MI Faruatn st.
C41 J St
F. 1IAH1I1SON' loans raonoy , lowest rates.
, . * > 17
$ t00 ! to loan on Ur.-tt mortgage. O. K. Thomp
son , 2K Sheoley block. 70J
. special incinoy ; apply at onco. C. F.
$ Harrison , Merchants' Nut 1 bunk.onco.
MONKV to loan. O. F. Davis Co. real estate
nnd loan agunts , 11 ) f > Farnnm st. K-J
B U1MMNO loans. D. V. Hholes , 210 first Na
tional bauU ! OKI
MONKV So lUaii ; cash on hand ; no delay. ,1.
W. SinTre7l31l ( ) Farnain ct. , First National
banic building. KX
MUNKY1 money ] money ! to loan on horses ,
wagon * , mules , houshold goods , plnuos , or
gans , diamonds , etc. , at lowest rates.
The Ilrst organized loin olllco In the city.
Will mate loans for thirty to three hundrol
nnd hlxty-ltve [ lays , which can be paid in pare
or whole , lit any 'time , thus lowering the prin
cipal and Interest. Call and see us whan you
w ant monoy. and wo can nvjlst you promptly
and to your advantage without removal ot
property or publicity.
Money always on nand and no delay in tnak
ing loans.l CT' Hood .V Co , ilia South llth St. .
over Uingham < * i3ons commission house.
IO.VN ? Jnna ( ) u real estate nuu mortgacoi
Jbotighii L * U S..lteod & Co. , U 13 Hoard ot
Trade. 61U
_ _ t
TlifONKVlo'lionu wo'nre 'ready for applioa-
I'itlonp for loans In amounts from JIHJ to ll'i.- '
OUU on ImiiroMa Omaha or Douglas county real
estate. Full information as to rates. Loans
promptly uloswd. Uooil notes will bo purchased
by us. ( 'all npou us or writo. Tlio McUaguo
Investment Co. & 20
_ " _ _
DON'T borrowlnonay on "fiirniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. . or collaterals until you see
C , H. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building.
'ASTKKN trust fluids to loan on improved
real estate in ( ) mahjl.irgo ; loans preferred.
E. S. lllsuee , First Natiounl bauE bullillnr.
OKK Sholes , room ' . ' 10. First Nat'l bank , bnforo
Omuklng your loans. 51) )
to Loau Lowest rates. Loans closed
promptly. 11. K. Cole , H.GContinental block.
ANTKD Flrst-olass lilslda loins.
rates. Call nnd see us. Mntuil luvoit-
ment Co. , It. 1. Harbor blk.nth \ ; Faraa-n. ai" >
H. U. COM : , loan agent.
H.B _
B UILDINO loans a spBdalty.V. . M. Harris ,
UOOIU2U. Fronzer lllock , opposldo I . O.
& 01
NEDHAdKA Mortg. Loan Co. will makoyoua
loan an housuhoul goods ,
liortes , wagons ,
laud contracts ,
line Jewelry , or securities" any kind ,
without publicity , at rfasouablt ) rates.
Hoom7 , Howley Clock , South Omaha ,
HoomsfJl8-5y. ] P.ixtou litock. Omaha , ffob.
MONRY fanned for ft ) , R ) or M days on any
kind ot chattel sociirltv ; reason ibis inter
est ; business coutldentlal. " J. J. Wllklnson,1117
Farnam st. M4
DO YOl' want money ? If so , don't borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low
est ouuuy sum trom ill ) up to f ID.OJJ.
1 mnko loans ou household goods , pianos , or
gans , iiorhes , mules , wagons , warehouse re
ceipts , houses , leases , etclu any nmount.nt the
lowest possible rnte-i , without publicity or removAl -
movAl of property.
Loam can lu made for 0:10 to six mouths and
you cun pay n part nt auy time , rdduclng both
principal nnd interest. If you owe u lialanco
on your furiiltnrd or horsoj , or have a loan ou
them , 1 will take it up uud carry it for you us
long us you desire.
If you need money you will find itto your advantage -
vantage to goo me before borrowing.
H. F. Master * , room 4 , Wlthnoli building , 15th
and Harnoy. to
T CAN make n few loans on llrst-class chattel
J spcurlties'at ruasonublti rates. W , EC. Potter ,
room 10 , Darker blk. a > 7
G I'UH CI3NT money to loan Cash on hand.
\V. M. Harris , K2D , Frenzer block , opp. P. O.
JIT U , COLK , loan ngont.
t $ J i To lo.iu on farms and city property.
IT . J. Paul , 1C09 Furnam Ht. fci/J
$ : ) to IOHII ut il per rent. Llnahnn & Mu-
houuy , Hoom iW. I'axton block. 01U
MONKY'j-Lqans uogotlutod at low rates with
out ( lelay und purchase goods , commercial
puiier und jnortguge notes. S. A. Sloman. cor.
luth und 1'aruam. fill
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur-
ulsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ;
purchase lecyrlllea , perfect tftloj. nc < * ) pt loans
utthvlr wtHtirn nillcu. t George W , P. Coutus ,
room7 , lloardof Trade. t > i >
BUILDING loans. Llnahan & Mnhoney.
. 610
MONIiV In'oiin , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or'cJIPhny approved security. J. W.
Hobbliia. Hi2t , rBheely blk , 16th and Howard.
_ . & | 8
MQNF.Y tojflan onlmprovod property ut Ilrst
hand * . ! No application n < mt away for ap
proval. Security und titles examlntid free of
charge tuttigrrowers. Lombard luvoBtmeut
Compaiiy-ft W. I'Jtli sU 010
Xl'XT'lK ) jJ. luiinclal Kxchange-.The falrt'st.
ituleiest aud moat liberal money uxcbuuge
In thu city ; money loaned without delay or
publicity , m liny amount , largo or small , ut tnu
lowest rates of interest , on any available se
curity ; loans may be pild at any tlrao orruuewud
ut original rules. O. Houscareu , Mgr , , room
57 , llnrkcr block , 15tU and ' 'sraa.u. ' 611
U N1MPHOVKJ ) und Improved property ;
loans made promptly : mouey on luvnu. V ,
M , itlchurdiou , s w cor 15th und Douglas.
/IJ.OOD notes , short or long tune , unsecured
VT orwllh mortgage , bought nnywnsrtj In Noli ,
or la. Quick loans , city or farm. Cull nr write
W. L.Belby , Jt. A H'd. Trade. >
OMAHA Chattel Loan Co. , room 4'i. darker
block. Sw > .iu2J
Jt > Jltlonal chargesfor * commissions o'r attor-
" -fs' feea. W. 11. ileikle , Firt Nat. Uunic bldg.
fONHY to loan. Harris H. K. 4 : LoatTcoI
Lroom ill , Fln > t Nutlouul bauk , 61i
w Nib. - now furnttura store nt Friend
OF. HAKH180N loans money , lowest rates.
I > FOPLK'8 Financial"KxchaugoLargo nnd
small loans for long anil short time , nt low
est rnt s of Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of nil kinds , diamonds , wntchns
nnd Jewiry. Don't fall to call If you wnnt fair
hnd cheat ) accommodations , o. llouscaron ,
Mgr. , room 07 , Darker bit , 15th and Farnnm ,
TT1IIIST mortgngo loans nt low rntos nnd no
JL1 delay. D. V. Sholcs , 210 National bank.
FOH 8ALK Meat market complete : can bo
handled for llttlo cash. Call nt room 4 ,
Wlthnell blk. Wl
INVUSTHIATION sollrlted of n p"ocinlty atul
monopoly where capital 11,000 to-HOO can bn
absolutely doubled every four months without
ompotltlon or rl.'fc. Address 1) ) iKi , Her > olllco
RI'.LI.MILE man with small capital wanted
to iisslst lu extending n money maklmt bus-
ness. Over ? . ' 60 montlily onrnlu s ; no can-
nsslug. Wesley. 105 Capitol ave. 4"S2IJ
WANTKD Uvo youngmnn nu partner In
real estate , loan and routing business ,
mall capita ) required. Address H , llro.
r > AHTN15H wanted for good bakery : small
JL capital required : good ihaiico. tor live busl-
neBS man. Call at b.ikory , 10th and Dorcas tU.
FOH 8ALU Photograpn gallery very cheap :
small capital required , Address Mill , Ueo
401-22 } :
"tONFKOTlONP.HY stern , lc roain parlor
v nnd soda fountain , Invoicing about ? 1WJ :
tore aud n rooms tip-stairs rents for $55 ; food
irick bulldhiK : clears abotil } | , ro I n year. Party
ins to leave the city , nud will refuse no reason *
blo oiler. Co-operative I.Htid nnd Lot Co. , 205
I. Ifith st. 4SO 'Ji
FOH SAIiIi A nlc1 ; , clean stock ot conurnl
hardware , stoves , tinware , ntc. , in HOR
Moluos Iowa ; invoice J5,000 ; part cash , b l.
hue. Address H , A. Darner , Cozad , NeU , box
I'TUU Sotilh Oinnhn , to rent , furnished ,
with nil modern Improvements ; hentrd by
team.2S-roomcd house , havo2.1 bonnier * ; rcn-
ons for renting , other business lu Omaha ;
rout reasonable. Apply IS01 DotiBlas stroot.
A HOOD restaurant , centrally located. Price ,
160A IliVl cash. bnl. easy payments : lent , J.VI
> or mo. Also , a goud notuls. Co-otieratlvo Land
md Lot Co. . 2U5 N. llltil st. 4' 0211
I71OH HALK W , ( stock general morchnu-
JL1 disc , fresh and new , to trade for hnusn and
ot in city. J. H. Pnrrotte. IHth and Dodgo.
: : s2i ;
T71OH SALi : First-class restaurant anil bar
JL' Long lease. Address 1110 , lleo ollice.
2V5 811
T71OH SA Lll 2 WOO D" per cent gilt cdgo 2nd
JL' mortgages , duo 1 nnd 'I years.
1IWJ 10 per cent 2nd mortgage , due I yeni * .
Will discount for ! ) aml , " > pur cent. Address
A 05 Ueo. Hi I
FOH SALK A dairy and outfit , 18 yoTinir
fresh cows'i hour s drlvo from city , sell
cheap. Owner leaving city reason for Helling ,
: mmlra8 < J4 N 10th. 17H 2lt !
FOH SALK or Trade 2 store anil backbiUlnl
lugs , IK ) . ) S. u--tn st. , Dnpont Place. 474 211
FOH SALK. or rent 'Irst-class hotel near
packing houses. South Omaha ; : J7 rooms ,
vltn good barroom ; well located und good
ropory. W. A , Spencer , room 3 , Ilusmnan
jlock. ? L'H ' _ _
, buys line hotel and livery , F.lgln , Neb. ;
property free from Incumbrauco : money to
bo made Bmlth i : Pnudock , liluln , Nob. U7 J10t
[ 7H > H SALK A llrstclasmoat market In
JL1 Omaha , has oo 1 paying trade , requires
f 1,500 cash , or will trade for property. Address
A 41 , lleo ollice. k'M
HOT13L for sile : new , goo.l location , doing
good business , for ale at n bargain , pay
ment not necessary. Present proprietor In
tends changing business on account of III health
of hla wife. Address , Doe olllco , Lincoln. Nob.
ADHUQOlSTwlth cash looking for a good
location , will do well to address K. K.
Capps. culbcrtson , Nob. , or Hurst & Co. , Hast
ings , Nub. 217m 23 *
Cji,000 ( ; to JS.OOJ wanted to put Into a good busi-
T > 11033 ; first class security and gooa rate ot
Interest paid for short or long time. Or will
take partner. For particulars address U 43 ,
HeeolHce. 142
0 A LOON for sale in one OC the best business
Ocenters in Omuha.chuap. Heason for selltns ,
1 must leave the pity. Address V U Iteo.
495-J7 *
rr\0 KXCHANGE-Clean stock of general
JL merchandise : want real estate and some
money aud notes. Ilex 7il , Frankfort , Ind. f-a
LAHGK brick block In n Ilvo Nebraska town
of 4W)0 ) population ; property clear of Incum-
branco ; has rented for i- ) ) per month. I'rlco
? lii.jtl.Vill ) trade for good Omaha property ,
and will asMimu a light lncumbranco.or clear
farm land , If good , Cooperative Land It Lot
Co. . 20-iN. lOthbt. 48J2J
A FINK ranch. 1 section , with privilege of 1' }
more , to exchange for Omiha propeity ;
buildings and all necessary npportancos. This
is the finest body of hay laud In the state , W.
H. 12. tf M , K. , room U , Chamber of Commerce.
Til ) KXCHANOK For imfsc. orcify property ,
some choice farms in Frontier , Lincoln nnd
Hed Willow counties. Address U. A Ilarton ,
Curtis , Neb. : i)4-25 ! )
rPO TUADB 1503 cash and a good far in In
Xostcrn Neb. for u building lot. $ iriUO wprth
of unencumbered timber land as Ilrst payment
ou house and lot in Kountze place. 2 South
Omaha lots for larin land. 400 acres unen
cumbered , fine land , near O.rjaha , for business
property. Full lot and on Leavonworth
Ht. near : t8th. unencumbered , for building lot.
tfomo clear to > vn lots for Omaha property and
nssumu encumbruure. A nlco lot in good loca
tion for Orchard Hill lots. MX 133 on Capitol
nve. lor building lot nnd xomo cash. Clear lot.
2 th and Lake , for improved property , ll-room
liouso. ou lliunllion , tor Hinullor place. 20 lots
in North Omaha add. fur other property. Va
cant lot for hoi es or liorso and buggy ,
and lot ou South -'tth et. for other property. 2
lots on 17. P. truckage for farm or city prop
erty. 4MI acres in Iowa and ll.ifJ ) cash for Im
proved property. Farms , und property lu all
parts of the city to tradeAiao2)ncrcx ) ou
Dodge st. tjouth of Dundee pluco for farm or
city property. Jf you have anything to trade
glvomeacali. ( { rover Stevens , Dill anil 517
Paxton lllock Tel. lPi5. 40r-2a
mo EXCHNfiK-Throa line Iron claims In Col-
JLorado. two nnd one-half miles from the town
of Kcotu. What have yon to offer ? H. M.
Cluroy , Wallace , Neb. _ 3U7-21'
WE CAN olfer for a few days li stock ot
general morchnndlsu lu oxchauge ror
second mortgage paper. W. U. ' 1C. & M. K. ,
Hoom 14 , Chamber ot Commerce. f < 22
J-N mortgage city or county warrants , "or any
good unsecured notes. WL.SolbyU la II'U Trndo
WANTIID To trndo for liouso rind lot in
good locution ; will ussiimo light liicum-
brajice. Address A 2 Ueo olllco. Ii22
F Oll RXC'ilANOKKlghty acres of the Ilnust
tlmbar land in WUcoiiiln , clear of oncum-
branco. What have you to olfer ? 0. ,1'Sterm-
dorll' , rooms ai" and Jit , First National bauk ,
_ _
TT1OH F.XCHANGK-Dakotn. Hand rounty-
JU What have you to offer for n good farm
here , slightly encumberedDa'cota' lands are
rising m value audits destiny ranuot bo dlw-
puteilM Will take vacant lots or Improved pro
perty und abaumu HOIIID oncumbruncu. ( ! . .1.
Btiirnsdorir. roe
bank Unlldlng.
TTIOH KXCHA ai-For : do.slrablo residence
JU property lu Omaha , any or all of folliuini' ;
40 cholceluslde ru3lduncu lofd m Hustings ,
1UO lots lii Llacoln.
U40 acres Hue tarmlii ! , ' laud , Lancaster county ,
Fine retldoncf ! property , Lincoln.
( jood rental urop'-Tty , Lincoln.
Choice family residence , corner. Tat Angole ? ,
A neat residence property In Hunscom phvc-o.
Also , some good mortgage notus.
AddroMs. giving location uud prlco of prop
erty , u , K , H. , euro ll-ium Iron Co. , 1217 Lcavnil-
worth. r.'ll
/"IlIOICK farm for Kale , 101 ucros , ' , ; mile oul
Vjof lllulr , 1.40J milt treoi. 1 aero grapu ,
small fruits , one 5-room house , ono 2-room
houuo , good barn , living wutor ; immediate pos
aeeslon given. 11. W. Mcllrlde. 447 2j
BUST bargain Jn bualnes * property , a
house renting for f-'OJ per your. The price
wu can oirer this nt for n few days cannot bo
duplicated In Omaha. M , A , Upton Co. . lot !
and Faruum. 2& 21
PONTJNUOL'S tldewalk to Collier place , act
V/prlces and termv. McCuglio , UD
I71QH flALK Fine lot covurud with treosTt
JL' room cottage , tower , WAtsr and gas nu the
Mtroot , / block from U i > t , cur lines. ' very choice
east front lot : i > , Wi ; easy terms. Can i lscounl
u llttlo for cash. C. F. Harrison. Morchnnts
Nat , hank. aiu
rpIIIJ factories wjthln easy reacli of CoilluT
.1 pluco will employ a large force of mini. Sf
euro u homo mm eujoy life. Prlco of loy J fO
to 41,20' ' . otw-tcn'h cash. Bend fur plat. Mc-
ni.JMJi. _ p J
° | T\UH \ BALK 6J large and suiull holism 01
X' monthly payments ; muull p yuifiit down
AlsottBood lint of property for exchange. Gee
J. Vex , room I , Comlncutal blk. itTi-jrj T
T > KAti lunfJAlNg-Doslrnble Orchard Hill
JLV lots nt rroo. I.Y > O to two on-m. Must tx > sold.
Jns. Stocudale. Hoom IP. Arlington block. 870
ITUtll SAIiR Un OMy terms i ftno 7-room
JL'houses , with bnrn nnd other ont-bulldlug * .
Fine location. Great bargain tor n few days
only. Farmers' Lnud Co. , rooms 8l ) nnd 21 ,
llarker block. 404 30t
mi IR opportunity of n life tlmo. For Sale
JL lots i , a. n , 4. 6 , ( i. 7 , a. o. n. is. u > and id.
l'4toh'fl sub division of N U blk fi , llonson's second
end nddltton to Council tllutls , In , Address
Han a. Clark * . Ashland , Neb. 4S-80 ! *
IjlOR SAt.K Fine hotiso ot room * , furnace.
JL1 Until , hot and cold water , gas. oowor. paved
street , motor line one block , citblo two blocks ,
horao cart by door , barn for 9 horses , etc. , eto.
limit by owner tor homo and now occupied by
him , H.O.X ) ; 1.150cash. 8J.50J lu ronl estate , bnl-
nnco nt il nnd 8 per rout.
Fine largo lot 0118.15th St. , AH 1ST. ROrtdft-room
h oiise , fruit trcns , etc. ; north ot Mnrthn ot. ,
'For sali * . the finest corner , cost front , on 8.
101 h St. , LWx144.
For clioloe property worth ta money son M.
A. Upton Compnuy , lClli V Farnam. 817
Tr\OirA"a-V \ } Pretty homes on easy monthly
J. pnvmcntK , two sharus loft In the Druid Hill
lluflduig n < ioclatlon. For particulars liuiulro
of Notherton Hull , seo'y , loom 4'-SJ First Sat'l
bank bulldlnR. 3 * 8il
[ jltTlt SALK-OOX70 on N. li , corner P. ani 2Titn
L1 nts. s. Omnh.i , Miltnblo for store building
ucclvingthn beiietltof the o. street viaduct
list bolnir built : pronorty clear , but 111 hoaltli
ompels owner to sell. Price XS.'M , ( J. F.
Inrrlxon , Merdinnt'n NnUoual banlc. 1VV )
niO iTS'A HTPl'ho ' iTuTsTrestd oncTsit 6 Tnl Vos f
1 : Omahn ; Just south of l'nruamonnth : street ;
n corner ItWxlSI with 187 feet frontage on
\ avod , street and Joining the handsome rest-
\ I once ot Ktrkiindall on the oust , nnd Hrudy ,
iuason nud Martin on the south : h perfect gem
md car cl on spot for nn vlogaut homo.
llariiovauil 2lst streets , lllxM" , on pavomnnt
Yliliin tnrrn blocks Of the court houo : roomer
or sovcn line bousos that woi.ldrontas rapid *
y us completed. A splandld permanent invest *
Fftriinm nnd 'i'd streets. tOxWJ , with now
hreo-story. brick store bullalnp , rcntci' to good
permanent tenants. Hontal receipts } l,200 per
Sixteenth street naar Ntoholns , frontage 01
eot to alley : good business property.
Farnam street , botwoou astn anil 'fatli , front *
ngo4 < or : ) xnJlonlley , south front , 1 block
rom pivomcnt and strojt rar.s.
Park avouuo , opposite Hanscom park , KlxlJO ,
> HoiS SJ.OOOj easy ( onus.
Paddock place , trackage. OOxll'X W.OiiOj cniy
16th street south ot Vintoit st , lot tor sale or
r.ido formUso. or good farm land.
8. A , aiomnn. liMl Farnam st. & 27.
rilli ; motor line is built to Collier place. The
Holt line runs near Collier place. Tlio P. K.
& M. V. H. H. stop all passenger train. ) nt Col.
lorplaco. The horse car line will K , > on roach
Jolllor place. Host audition In thu city. Prlco
Jto * I'W per lot , one-tenth casn , balance
onu to lire years. McCngim. opp. P. O. V < 3" . "
AHliAlNrt llargalnsl S.v ; cor. 1'jthnud'
California Bts. , with II houses , very cheap.
NeatT-room house nud half lot on Daven
port St. , near hlgu school , i'l.OJ ) ; easy torins.
Oood lot on Harnoy St. , east oi 24th St. , n
bargain ,
Klogant resldoiiro lot , 2Hth nve near St.Mafy's
ave , very clienp.
B-room house und half lot , B. ISlh St. , cheapen
on monthly payment it.
( iood residence lot ou 3-Jth ave , bet. Douglas
nnd Dodxe. il.500.
i ) lots on S. Kith at. , very cheap.
lie lots in Carthage , OmaliVs best suburb , ou
on years' tlmo to parties who will build
lousos. Hrmnnn & OeM Hoom y , Chamber of
Money to loan In all parts of the city.
VIOH SALK Lot 2-ixllO lu the very henruTT"
JP Omil.a , with ' > room house tor $ , ! ) OJ. O. V
Harrison , Morclinnts Nat , bank. _ ij ? _
FOH SALK A hoautlftU lodidenco lu Huns-
corn place , cost trout , 6-room nonao , bath ,
lot aud cola vator , gas , sewer , elec trio bcllM ,
lard wood Unlsh , near the park nnd street < : u-
, lue. F. K. Alexander , UOU Farnam st. 4i > 2
lloautiful resldonca Sites.
Finest In the city.
Wo are now ready to show and otrer for bale
the choicest residence hltos lu the city of
Omaha , located In "llemls Park,1' comprising
the blxty ncre.s bounded by ! KM St. , on the east ,
: wtli or Pleasant st. on thu west , Hamilton st ,
ou the north , nnd Cumlug Ht , OH the south ,
This park has been planned , aud Is being laid
out by Mr. Alfred H. Kuorton rene of the host
landscape artists ot Now York ) , into .i , M. ' . {
nnd aero lots , und several acres are laid outinto
small parks , ornamental grounds , and lakes fed
l > y natural sprlugg. The plans Include a per-
tect system of grading , paving , sewerage , water
electric lighting , etc. , and nu expenditure of at
least ( ) for such Improvements
This choice property la Ipcatod within thq lt !
miles radius ( a llttlo north by west ) from the
postolHce. it lies east of the reservoir and of the
iilegnnt residences of Dr. Mercer and K. W ,
Nash , and n llttlo north of east of proposed res
idence of OuyC. Ilarton and nf lllshop O'Con
nor's residence nnd Academy of Hnorad Heart.
Hensonahle prices and terms wll | bo given to
thosowho will build rosldenooa costing * 5 , < WO
nnd upwards. For further particulars apply
fit olllco of The llPinls Park Co. . rooms li nud
18 Continental block , 15th uud Douglas sts.
rpHE llnostd-lvo iu the city Is to Collier
JL Place. McCaguo. i > 7J '
BAHGAINS Lots 18 , 13 , II. block8 , Muyil"
Place , cast fronts , ,4 block from paved
btreot. Also lots IS , ID. 20 , block A , Kilby Place.
Any of the nbovo lots will bo offered at : Vi par
cent less than thuh' value. F. li. Atoxnndcr ,
lutU pnrnam btrcut. 4K2
TJIOH SALI ! Nino-room liouso. barn nnd lot
JU in Hnuscom place ; alsohouses : ; and lot. ! m
Bunny Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nut'1 bant
EXCELfiKNT lots for $300. ono-tanch cash ,
bnl. Ilvo annual payments ; in best of loca
tions ; good transportation facilities. Other bar
gains to good to "advertise. Come uud foul
Tel. 487. Neb. Settling It bilpply Co. , Hoom 0 ,
Hoard of Trade Hid. UI22J '
RNAPI 'I good Orchard Hill lots , ono and two
blocks from Hamilton street , 3rOJ each ; KM
to HM cash , balancp Ilyo year.s at 8 per cent.
Fine 8-room hous < > , modern conveniences.
newly papered und painted , on N. 17th at. ,
lot aoxlW ) to alloy ; 1I.OJO , pasy payuiontM. M. A.
Uptou Co lOth anil Farnam. _ 903
TTIOH SALE A splendid Homo , now houso.
JL1 Just completed , coed neighborhood , healthy
location , posiu&slou given at onco. A bargain
If taken quick. Ueorge N. Hicks. Hoom 40 ,
Hurkfcr block. H71-31
FOH SALK III acres coiner Thirteenth and
Nortn strootH. Desirable for platthg. ) o.
Good , Good lllock , De MoiiuM. ( a.
'fjlOH SANK j8i by 1,10 feet , u beautiful flc-
-U vuted rusidunco Hito , wltn Kha < lu trees , sit-
uutoa in tnu wi-ht part of tlio city , for 81,000 loss
than cah value. Abe lot n , Yntcs It Hood's nd-
dltiou , east trout , with nn elegant view over
looking Omulia aud Council Uluirs , tor 'iOO loss
than any adjoining lot can bu boiigut for. F. K.
Alexander , l.'iO'J Farnam stroot. 4U2
OHTHY of your attention. Now belnij
pomphitod on 8Jth St. . north ot Loavon-
worth st. two hpu.103 convoi tut to busluoj.s ,
very roomy , gruto' , mautel , furuacjras. / . bath ,
toilet. 2 water closets , stationary w.ish tubs ,
hot and cold wuto Ilvo bedrooms , 10 closets ;
only fiJfU ou terms to suit. Telephone 2j * or
W. T. Soiunan. Omaha's largest variety of wag.
oils , carrlngos , otc. , east aldo 1'lth ' at , uorth'of
Nicholas st. ' KK
Tj"lJH ( SALK ( Jn long time and easy payments.
JL' handoomc , new. well oullt houses of B , Uaiui
10 rooms. All conveniences ; good neighborhood ;
paved streets ; i.troet cai.s , und within walking
dlstuncu of P. 0. Nathan Bholton.1505 Fnruaiu.
! 4 J 0
FOH SALK or exchange- Improved stocii
farm of MW UCUM lu eastern Nebraska , nnai'
market ; also now 13-room liouso wltli ull con-
vimlences In deslrablu residence portion of ( ) mu-
hit , Andruw ( levins , attorney , 12J uud 12,1 P.vx-
T71HSALE-.n.7J ( ! acres , snc , 5 , tp , 12. r.
JJ flw. , Hamilton count y , N b. House , stable ,
3iJ ) acrei fontod , living water. I'rlco fH.OW. F ,
K. Atklin. ownnr , 11' bldg , Denver. Col.
SOUTH OMAHA IlmvH a number of good
, lots in various addition tint must bj oM
nt enc and cun bo bought at prices t'.iat will
Miltjou , O..1. Hterns torir , rooms all and U
Drat National bank buildlui ; , _ li'A
"iriOH HALK Or oxcinugo for Omaha proper-
JU1 ty , WJ acres , uultabla ror platting : will
ir.aku TXI lota.all clear ; big monnylu it forsomu
one who can ptiuh this ; lonatoa Just oilUldo tin
city limits o : Council liluirs. Ininilro ( iuorgp.1.
Stvrnsilorir , rooms JI7 uud 3IK , l-'Jr.j : National
bank bulldlllK. 2J
" ' for plat of Uolh r "pi7icc , aha whuii
driving for recreation foll-jivtho motor line
polo ) on loth st. , mill AnioV uvo , , find see the
wonderful improvement * that hav , < taken
pluco Jiisturound tno barracks , und ruvie'iibor
that ( jolllor pluco Is the key to the Hlluntlon ,
lluy a lot now for the low prlco nud M tuo < > aB.v
forms they am being oirored. uud wi > nro untie.
llud. Onu-tuuth casn , balance ono to tlvu years.
MiCaguo , opj ) l' . ( ) . _ _ u'J
rpll Ii cosiest liomu in Omaha , a rooms , largo
J. i.losets , city watur , gas uud Kower. both
cable and ho u cars. Price l,40) ) . Terms * 1 > J
to $ VW tush , balance very easy. II , j ; , Cole ,
headquarters for bargains uud ciuy terms ,
Kooiu n , Continental Illocir. u' > 0
Matter of application of Jacob Lundrnck for
ilijuorlUenso ,
Notlco Is horcbjflvun that Jiicob Landrock
did upon the Sin : day of May , A. It. JtHV.nio
lilH uppllcullou to the Hoard of J-'jio und Pollco
Commualonura of OcaUu : , lr Uceiifo to sell
malt , bplrituoua nnd vliiouti l\t\Aoit \ at No. 1221
Koutli 2Uih strert. Hocoiut wurd , Oma'ia. .S'u-
briiska. from the ilriit day of January. 1HW. to
the nmt day of January , In'.y ,
Jf thi < ro bo no olijuctlpn. rimoimtranro or
protest tiled within two weeks fir.mth ( of May
A.D , 1JCJ , the H td llcuusu will bit granted.
' JA.COU LANIHIOCK , Appllcuut.
T NS rilUM KNT3 pineal on rocorJ diirlnft
n II Stewart nnd wlfo to F Math , ft
Blqtfl , blk.lll ) , omnhn. ( rcdlc ) w d t n
! Until to M stewnrt , H ot Ion ft , blk 311' ,
Oinnhn , ( r llo ! ) w d 5
It Konntr.o nnd wlfo to Lvdla Mondols-
, /ohn , lot 111 , bile nJ. Koutilzo Pines , \vd > , l.HOO
II Kounf/o nud wlfo to Lydln MrndeU *
sohn , lots i , 3 nnd 3 , blic W. Kountte
Plni-o.wd r.,400
Win A Pnxtonnnd wlfo tel ul/i Moudula-
sohn. Iol8.blk2li5'i. ' Onmha. wd. . . , , . . 16,000
S Itciivonrlch nnd wlfo to l.ydla Mondein *
sohn. n 40 feel of tola 1 nnd 2 , blkS , In < i
sub of pnrl of lotB. Capital ore w d. . (1,003 (
South Omnlm Land company to M.lncob *
son. lots lr . in nnd 18 , youth Omnhn w d ' "
J .Slockdnlo to F J Thouins , lot : w , blk II ,
Orchard It 111 , wd . . . . , . . Mo
II l.nrsen nml wlfo to J Tldoman , o Jtt ft
of lot ; ( . blk . Mnthewn' sub. w d. , , . , JM
N P Orngo nnd wlf to P 0 Christiansen.
aftnriot8. ! blkd , I'osrl'ark , w d . . . .
li 8chroodpr. tiuMt-o , to .1 Doplta , n M of
lot 4 , blk7. llroxvu Park , wd
1.8chroed r , trusts ? , to. ) Doplta , lots li ,
nnd II , blklO , Ilrowu Park , wd COO
I. Hohrwdnr. trustpo , to ,1 lopltn ) , lot 3 ,
blk 7 , Hi own Park , w d. . , , , . 400
11 nnd L S Hpcd to L Until , lot 4 , blk li
Vnn Cnmp'ri ndd. w < 1 . . . & 00
M J llachornnd wlfo to ,1 Turner , lot n ,
blk 18 , Shull's 8d ndd. wd . 4,200
0 A Starr nud ulfo to J F Flack , lot Bl (
blkr. , Grammoicy Purk , wd. . . . . . . . . . 800
FH Wordon to.l FHacit , lots 4 nnd 6.
blk 14 , Hoyrt's ndd. w d. . . . , . . , . 3,000
.1 P Jr , L J and S C1 Usher to M A usliqr ,
1 lot * 1 to 5 nnd 14 to 22 , blk ft , lledford
' ' ' ' ' '
Pnlrlck Land coni'im'ny'to'A 11 i'nu'lco'nor )
lots 8 , I,5 nud 0 , blk J16 , Dundee Plnco ,
' ' ' '
South ( Viiinlm'lVnniYrom'ntkny'to'H hotter ?
lots 2 , a , 10 nnd 11 , blk w , t > onth OmaliU ,
w d , , , , 1,100
J A HorhAoh nnd wife to. ) Anderson.i \ '
of lotil blk 1 , Parker's ndd , w d 400
PUIrlcknud wlfo to P L Curtenlus. loU. ,
21 nud 8. , blk 4 , Moumontli Park q oil. . 1
J W Bmlth aud wife to 0 II Hungen , lots ,
S nud H , blk I. Woous' Plact , w d. . . . . - . ' 7,000
J H Catlln and husband to F. 11 Thnyl-r , *
w 11 of o\'t of lot 0 , blk 17,1 , , Ouunhivn '
' ' ' ' " '
F W ( iVny'n'niV\\Vfo to j 0'Mc"Koij'iaH
nw 10-15-lii , w d t.r % .OCO
F W ( Irny and rrlfo to J ( j MclColl. part'1
nwUM5-ll ! , wd. ii.v' . . , ' 7.COO
Twenty-five tionsfers. . . . , . . < > $67.087
Notlco Is hereby given that ceal'jd bids will bo
rcdilvod by the Clerk of Adams County Nob-
iiiska , at his olllro. Hastings , ' Nebraska , until
twelve o'clock noon ou .liutn nth , 1W8 , Tor fur
nishing nil material and all thu labor for the
construction , nud to construct n County- Court
liouso iiiul County Jail , at xho city ot Unptluga
i\ebrat ltn. according to t-ci lulu plnns and , > tpocl *
llcatlonsaud drawings to bo on tlio nt the oftlco
of the xald County Clark on and after Mny Until
The party or pavtios with whom the said
County of may oontruct for the furnish-
tugsivul material nud labor uudcoustructlpu ot
said County Court House nnd Jail , are to outer
Into npooif uud snniclont bond to bo npp'rovotl
by building committee conditioned according
to law. <
HlghtR roscrvpd to reject nuy nnd nlj bids. ; during the same tlmo and the tame placa
the nald Clerk will rccelvo scaled hldS f6P fur
nishing and putting Ih frlls In the proposed
County Jail , to bo mooted In the city of Hast
ings Adams County Nebraska , snld bids' to con-
taltiHi-p.irnto offers pn the t\\o kinds , of cells
viz : Hevolvlnu Cylinder , Stationary rclls. uud
six straight Bmtnro evils , with corridor of 'any
munnfactuvo that the Hoard nt Supervisors of
said County may adopt.
Hlght iiiHcrvod to reject nuy and all bids , ny
order of Hoard pf Super visors. Mny nth , ia0.
Co. Att'y. CountyClerk.
( Bunl ) "
.Volldo. ' ' i
Notioo Is hereby given that sealed bids will bs
received by the clerk of AdnniB- County Neb
raska , at bis olllco Hastings. Nobnibku. on or
beforotwnlvo o'clock noon of July lltli , ito , for
thn purcliaso of suvunty llvn bonds of tlio de
nomination of ono thousand dollard ouch to ba
issued by tdt-County otAdnmslii the Stnto oC
Nubinskn , to bo dated July 1st , IHSii , and to bo
payublti at the Fiscal Agency of the Stnto of
Nebraska , City of Now YorK. Stnto of New
Vork twenty year.s nftor tlu > date tlioropf ro-
doomnblo nt any tlmo on or nftor ti-n years from
the data thereof at the option of xuiu county of
Adams and to bear interest nt theratept live
tier rent per niiiium payable annually on the
ilrst day of J nly In each year , for which Interest
coupons nliall bo attached payable at the Uscal
ageney aforesaid.
Itlghts reserved to reject auy and all bids.
lly order of the Hoard of Hupt-rvisors , May Oth
1880. L. H. FAUTIIHUIH , *
[ SKAt , . ] County Clerk.
JOHN A. CASIO. County Attorney. m81dtoJyO
li'rnin Country J < ! xohaii cs.
Texan Sittings : Spring' .
Spin ' Is lioro. ,
Wo nro now Imvlpg sprinp woathor.
Ted Wilson IIO.H boon enjoying very
pool- health for some weeks.
If u corttiin youncr tnnn flees not repair -
pair that crntovo shall print his mime
Hi our papor. Looic out , Job.
Ouiffionds huvo rousion to congratu
late us , for wo lnivo buvoral now fonts
of type , and can giro their ads-a good
displtiy. Wu bought said typo "jil the
city oursolf.
Wo never like to iudulgo in person
alities , but if that putty-bi'iuned 'idiot
that rune that lying shoot at Tip's Cor
ners makes any further remarks about
our personal appearance , wo shall go
over and rock him to sloop. Put that
in your pipe and smoke it.
Iko Hartley is hopping mad thjs week.
Ham Hucldy ran away with hip daugh
ter Julia , und tool > aino / horao that Iko
had refused $50 for a low flaya before.
This is a serious business , Sain. " There
is a law against horse-stealing.
It is certainly gratifying to travelers
to know Unit our druggistd keep such u
reliable preparation as Ohamborlain's
Colic , Cholera and Dlorrlunu Iloinpdy
is known to bo for bowel complaints. It
is pleasant and safe to ttiko , and can al
ways bo dopondud uppn oven the moat
severe and dangerous cases. It is put
up in 25 and r > 0-uont bottles. No ono
can alTonl to travel without it.
Wliltclnw HoiilVi Ji'ntlior's
Whitolaw Ho'.d , the distinguished.
American joiirnalibt wlio has boon ap
pointed ambassador to PariB , is the son
of a ScolHinnn who purchased sin-oral
hundred acres whore the city of Cincin
nati now btands , hut abandoned the
property on discovering that a clause in
thoduouof sale obliged him to send a
boat across tlio river Ohio every day of
the week , mya the Glasgow Clirirttlan
Loader. His conscience forlmrlo him
doing KO on the Sabbath , and but for
this lidulity to principle \Vhilolaw Reid
might huvo been as rich ne the duke of
WoMtiul nster.
- ,
One of Dr. J. II. McLoan'a ' Little Liver -
or and Kiijney PollnU. taken aV pight
before going to bud will move the bow-
OH ) ; the cllcct will uytonisli you.
Mies Clara Davis , boarding wljh Prof ,
W. Pnrhiun while it ) atiundanco upon
thp fpmafo coljcgo , at Milloral irg , Ky. ,
placed a potHquirral in her trunk where
tberoyas a Ijox of parlor inatchosi * The
squirrel ignited the jimlehoa. causing a
cpiiibuHtion , which destroyed the trunk
and bovoral hundred dollurn worj.h of
line clothing ami jojvolry. Tlio cnrpol
was burned qlif the lloor , but the Build
ing was saved' with great dilliculty.
Ladies tulo : Augoytura Hitlers genor-
ully when Ihuy fuel low riplritgi ) . It
brlghluna Ilium up. lc. Siegorti Sons ,
solo manu/acturord. / At all
Itnfl Good For Hur.
LouiJon PiclMoUp : A furipgr'n wlfo
fouml liur now Scotch > urviuit in the
dairy , before n milk-pan , skimming llio
cream oil'witli licr flnu-ur nnd puitiiifr it
into lior mouth. "Oh , 'LiHliotli , " uho
oxoliilmcd. "I don't like that. "
"Ah , woinuil'ropllod tlio oltoiidor ,
tlilnking it wni lior.foDow-Borvuut , "yo
diiiim Icon whnt'u gnclo for yo. "
Will you frufTur with .dyspopiitv und
liver coiiiplnintV tihiloiYd VitiUlzor la
guuniutuod to euro you.
Only n QucHllon of Tim-- .
.Towolop'n Weekly : JJrown ( linviiiL' )
watch with reimiror ) : How niuuh will
you cliU-jo ! ; in of
Wulchiniikor : It depends on liovvloni ;
it tukoa mo to do tlio work. '
Hrowii : Oh , I see ! It is a riuobtlon o (