Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    * - w * * *
Delivered by carrier In Any I'ftft of ho City n
Tw only Cents Per Week. . . . .
„ „ „
TKLii'HONisj : :
llt-MNF.KR OKI-ICE No. 43.
N. Y.PIumblnR Co.
C. 1 * . Swnnnon yesterday took out a build
ing for n $4,000 resilience In UnyllsR'
second addition ,
A marriage license lias been issund to
Jnmcs T. MadrlKim , of Oinnha , nnJ Hnttlo
E. Wnllaco , of UldRo county , Now Hump-
Tlio contrnct for1 the brick work on ICcn-
noy's now bnnk buildmp , corner of Fifth
nvcnuo nnd Mnln street , has been awarded
to .T. 1' . Weaver , nnd for the carpenter work
to J. A. Murphy ,
A special mcctlnR of the A. O. II. will bo
hoU nt St. Joseph's hnll , nt 7 : ! ! 0 this ovon-
Inir , to complete arrangements for attending
the laying of the corner stone of the new
Catholic church nt riouth Oumlm next Sun-
day.A special meeting of Unity nnd AH Saints
Guilds Is called for Saturday afternoon at 3
o'clock , nt the residence of Mrs. Sllchter ,
No. 61U Madison street , to consider the re
port ot the Clmutauqua committed. Uy oidcr
of the chairman.
The High School rhetorical contest will beheld
hold nt Uohanoy's opera house I'riuny evenIng -
Ing , the ! Mth Inst. Admission 25 cents ; no
extra charge for reserved scats. Tickets on
sale this morning at 8 o'clock nt the Opera
House drug sloro.
"Next Sunday the Odell Hros. team will
meet the soldiers' nlno from Fort Omaha , en
the diamond at Fairvlew park. The boys in
blue will lirlnir along their bund to Inspirit
them for the hard work In store tor tho-ni. It
li dollars to mines that the bund will play n
( Hrgo on the way homo.
llohcrt Scott will bo arraigned before
Squire Burnett at 10 o'clock this morning
on the charge of assault. lie and W. G. Ut-
torbncic had trouble on Harrison street over
nn old ( lilliculty , uud Scott emphasized his
remarks with n Quecnsbury argument. The
affair will receive full ventilation in court.
The case of Patterson vs Sharp was on
trial In the superior court vcstcrday. The
Dlaintill is iiii-Umiiliiui , who letthe defendant
Imvo thrco horses to winter. It Is alleged
that the latter has disposed of the animals ,
nnd Patterson seeks to recover. Mynstor ,
'Lmdt ' & Scnbrook arc assisting the plaintiff ,
nnd Colonel D. Li. Dnlloy is conducting the
Mrs. Julian Paul yesterday filed nn information
mation in Sqult-o Shurz' court charging Ida
Wortman with assault nnd battery. In the
midst of n heated argument Ida hurled a
brickbat at Mrs. Paul's head nnd , wonder
ful to relate , it hit the mark. The victim
wore her head in a sling yesterday , nnd Ida
was proud of her marksmanship until the
lost move was urndo. Tears and regrets now
Secretary Tompleton , of the local firemen's
association , yesterday received notice that
the Avoca and Mt. Ayr fire laddies would
attend the tournament in full force. The
boys will bring , in addition to the regular
fire department , a racing hnso team , steamer
and ladles band. Mt. Ayr will send about
twenty-live men. A nozzle , for practice
usage , was yesterday scut to the Avoca
boys , and they will como prepared to do
Bomo rapid coupling.
Fred Eltol was arrested , last evening , for
the larceny of a satchet and two pair of
shoos in Omaha. The owner of the articles ,
C. E , Decker , came over and requested his
arrest. The fellow was found on Muldlo
Broadway , nnd quickly discovered that the
police were after him. Ho dodged Into the
Pacific tea store , intending to run out of the
rear door to the alley , but no such door ex
isted , nnd bo was cornered. He was
promptly Jugged , nnd Decker will appear
- against him this morning.
„ Council BlulTa Lodge No. 270 ( Loyal )
A. O. U. W. , moots In G. A. R. hull
every Friday evening at 8 d'clock.
Dangler vapor stoves at cost clmnga
location. Shugart & Co. , 1311 Broadway.
Bit ; , Unreserved Sale Mother of Pearl
Yourself and lady are invited to
attend the big , unreserved sale of
Mother of Pearl pictures , commencing
this evening at 7:15 : o'clock , sharp , 817
Broadway , next door to the popular fur-
nlturo house of S. S. Keller. Will bo
pleased to you have como and .examine
the goods whether you purchase or not.
COLONisr. I. A. CAIN , Auctioneer.
HH | Itonui Wan Itcnily for Him.
As Jailor Gnlvin was sitting in front of the
city jail , lost night , a stranger in a state of
doublo-jointe-d intoxication happened along ,
barely managing , with the greatest exertion ,
to confine himself within thu limits of the
street. "Ton to ono that fellow tries to
break In hero , " remarked the jailor , watch
ing the pilgrim's painful attempts at locomo
tion. Sure enough , the follow passed on into
the station , oblivious of the llttlo group out
side , and demanded a bed. it was furnished
him , after ho haa given the name of J. Wil
son , and a few seconds later J. Wilson was
booked on the police register as a drunk. In
the column whore the name ot the ofllcor
making the arrest should have boon , appeared
the words. "Walked in. " It is the first case
'of the kind recorded there. Jailor Golvln
insists that the fellow know he would got
landed In the hole sooner or later , and pre
ferred walking in by himself to paying extra
for a ride in the patrol wagon.
, For $2.5.00 The N. Y. Plumbing Co.
will put a load service pipe nnd hydrant
in your yard ; also 50 foot oxtnv hose.
Call at once at 114 Main street.
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 B'dway
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Luuudrv Co.
B. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Money loaned on fuinituro , pianos ,
diamonds , horaes , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of intercut. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllco cor. Broadway
mid Main , over American oxprousf.
Personal Parayraplis. .
Mrs. II. J. lUfonuoriek arriveil in the oily
last evening from Denver , und Will visit for
Bomo time with her parents , Mr. nnd Mm
George Parks , on South Sixth street.
* , Y. II. Anderson and .1. V. Hinchmnn ,
Glcnwoou Hankers , were In the city yester
day.J. .
J. F. Potter , cnslilor of the Citizens bank
of Oakland , was n Bluffs visitor yesterday.
Now is the tlmo Council Binds is the
place to inako investments in real es
tate. Values will increase 100 to 800
per cent in It ! months. Bargains in
lots , aero and improved property. R.
P. Olllcor , No. 12 North Main st.
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'a
loan otlico on furniture , pianos , homos ,
wagons * personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value , without
removal. All business strictly confi
dential ,
m +
t AluHimlo.
Special communication of Excelsior Lodge ,
' No. SO. A. P. and A. M. , this ( Wednesday )
evening , for work in the Jlrst degree. Vis-
King brethren cordially invited.
Uy order of the W. M.
i If you have any property to soil at a ,
bargain for cash , call on W. W. Bilgcr ,
28 Pearl st.
Notlco the beautiful finish given col
lars , cutTs and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Dr. C , C. Ilazon , dejitUt , Opom houbo
) „ block.
The Jury Says Ho Killed Madison
In Solf-Dofonso.
Tlio News In tlio OourlB lira Flro
Jjnils I'lxlnc * 'or tlio Ilncen ,
Items of Ocncrnl
Interest ,
Tlio lnry Dili Not Ccnsuro.
The coronor'd jury invcstltjntlng the dcnth
of Wither Madison returned n verdict yes
terday afternoon to the ofTcct that the "do-
ceased cnrno to his death from n bullet fired
from n revolver by 1'etor Hnnscn while do-
fcnulug himself from nn nssnult inndo upon
him by n number of persons , of whom the
deceased was ono. "
As will ho seen from the verdict the testi
mony almost wholly wcnt-to show tlmt the
homicldo wns noting In solf-dofcnso when
do llred the shot thnt robbed n fellow mnn of
his life. This , however , does not effectually
dispose of thocnso , ns Hnnscn will yet be
put upon trial for his llfo for murder In the
first degree. The tlmo has not yet bron
llxcd for his preliminary examination , but
will ho determined by the attorneys , J , I .
Organ for the state , nnd G. A. Holmes for
the dcfpnse.
In the testimony Introduced nt the in
quest the names of several parties were
tjlvon ns having been with the deceased when
ho created the dls.urbanco nt the dnuco hnll.
At attempt wns made to discover the Iden
tity of the entlro party , but It wns not suc
cessful. Witnesses testillcd that ono Me-
Ulcllan , Thomas Brown and Koburt and
Dick Stuck were members of the party , but
these worthies drilled It.
Tuu Unn rntido certain Investigations out
side , and lenrncd that for years n tough
crowd , known us "Tho Dirty Dozen , " has ex-
istud In the southern part of the city. Lately
the crowd has bean known ns "The Gang. "
and 1ms been engaged in a largo number of dls-
rcuutablo transactions In that locality. "The
GUIIR" Is composed of n number of young
men who have made It nn object to render
llfo ns wretched as possible for the Danes In
the southern pint of the city , and numerous
complaints Imvo been made tn the policu con
cerning them. Several of the members have
ilgtirod in police court on numerous occa
sions for minor offenses , Including petit lar
ceny , assaults of various degrees , drunken
ness , disturbing the peace , mid other misde
meanors of a more or less aggravated nature.
Mr. T. J. Smith , the owner of the hull
where the fatal dance occurred , states that
ho has never hail any trouble with the outlit ,
but that they will not treat n Dane with auy
degree of decency. They have made a prac
tice of blocking up the sidewalk at the corner -
nor of Eighth street nnd Sixteenth avenue ,
compelling ladies who wished to pass
to take the center of the street.
A few weeks ago they smashed in the door
of the hall while n Danish dance was in
progress , nnd hung around the entrance , in
sulting every lady who appeared in sight.
Popular feeling is in sympathy with the
verdict rendered by the coroner's jury , and
the general expression , while regretting that
n murder was committed , is that the shoot
ing wns in a manner Justitiablc , nnd the vic
tim received the dues of a worthless life. It
is hoped that the lawless companions of the
dead man will take a warning from the fate
of tlicir unfortunate brother , and conduct
themselves more becomingly in thn future.
Bo sure nnd attend the big , unre
served sale of Mother of Pearl pictures ,
this evening , at 817 Broadway , next
door to S. S. Keller's furniture house.
Mora lioiitw l > 'nr itlnuiuvn.
Mr. O. C. Schworiu , proprietor of the Star
boat house at Cut-OH luke , has announced
himself lit partnership with Mr. Vrcoland ,
nnd effected u four years' lease from Hen
Marks of foot ake Man-
a forty frontage on L > -
awa , Just south of the Omaha restaurant ,
for the purpose of erecting u boat house and
dock. The now firm will put twenty-five
row bouts and five sailboats on the lake , und
let them at reasonable prices. The boats
nro now being built by them in Omaha , Mr.
Schworiu being a practical boat builder , and
it is promised that thov will surpass any of
the boats now on the lake.
Eight of the boats are already completed ,
and are very pretty models. Th < 3 owners
propose to have all of them completed in
tlmo to move over hero by the 1st of June.
The licet of thirty-eight boats now owned by
Mr. Schwerin nt Cut-Off lake will remain
there. The members of the Omaha boat
club have been trying to Induce Mr. Schwerin
to move over hero for the past two years ,
and now that the permanency of the luke is
assured , ho has concluded to do so. lie
will guarantee nil amateur oarsmen perfect
satisfaction in the way of boats and prices.
A Cottage nt Mnimwn.
Buy ti lot at Mnn awa and build.
Sppcittl prices given to these who will
buihl cottages. P. J. DAY , Solo Agent.
Doings in District Court.
The case of Benjamin vs. Shea was sub
mitted to the court yesterday forenoon nnd
taken under advisement.
The case of Frum vs. Drake was next taken
up , nnd was not concluded when court ad
journed last , evening. This is a suit brought
to enforce the payment of certain notes by
the plaintiff. This is the last week to bo de
voted to civil cases , as the criminal docket
will bo opened next Monday morning.
If you want a tasty anil convenient
fence or railing about your residence
or lawn , use O. J. Boclunan's patent
locking bracket , as any panel can bo
readily tixkon out and firmly roplaced.
Address C. J. Beckman , 7-8 Seventh
Pets nl'tlio 1'olloe.
The effects of rod eye were conspicuous In
police ' court yesterday morning. A ulggcr
bntr'li of boozers had boon collected during
the preceding twenty-four houro 'than for a
long tlma previous. Perry ICnlght was the
first victim hauled up , and ho had carried his
fun to the extent of thumping his whole
family. As none of them appeared against
him ho was let off with u linn of 8.10.
Frank Spencer was assessed ? 7.CO for
intimate acquaintance with the cheering cup.
Molllo Chrlstln nnd Mattlo Roberta , two
depraved femnlos , were charged with light
ing und otherwise disturbing the peace of
"Hotteu How. " They were lined $3.10 nnd
sent up stairs to board it out.
W. II. Williams. Put Fcoly and James
Molviti , thrco buduo guzzlers from away
back , wcro likewise assessed Individual
taxes of $3 10 , and in default were required
to remain In durance vilo.
Tuu turtiplko tourists , who were rounded
up in n car In fie Northwestern yards , were
each ilnod $15,10 for vugruncy , and turned
over topllcor ! Tyson for ton days to work
it out.
Old fcottlora diuico nnd banquet at
Hotel M-inawa , Thursday , May _ ; i.
Wo want from ono to ton lots suitable
for building , in central locution , and
will nay uauli. Must bo well located and
ohoiiu. UKNBON , SHUITKHD &Co.
Hrau TVnuiH tn Visit JvobraRkn.
H In now decided that both the Elseman
and John N. Baldwin , Jr. , hose teams will
visit Nebraska City next Saturday , to take
part in the rncos there. Liberal purses nro
offered , and the 1 ( luffs boys propose to rattle
the grcateut part of them In their pockets on
thn way homo. The rate offered , one faro
for the round trip , will Indues a largo num
ber of Council liluffd citizens to accompany
them. Hoth teams nro in good condition ,
having u great deal of hard training lately ,
und will make all the rucos in which they
btart very lively ones. This is probably the
last tlmo the two Council Uluffs teams will
appear together on the track until the tour
nament , und they will cacti do some pretty
running. For the credit of the city , It is
hoped that the Klsumnn team will not ap
pear In the sumo uostu'mcs in which they dis
graced themselves at the exhibition nt the
driving park on the With tilt. They ran
v ry creditably , but their costumes were
altogether too ' raw" for this enlightened
New | Io\vn I'oMniaRtor.i.
WAMIISOTOJJ , May 21. fSpeclal Telegram
to Tun BKH. ] Iowa postmasters appointed :
P. F. Swnnson , Crescent , Pottnwattnmio
county , vice W. Hough , removed f W. J.
Williams , Defiance , Shelby county , vlco II.
J. Hratnc , removed : J. O. Graham , Emerson ,
Mills county , vlco 1C. J. Snodgrnss. removed ;
J. H , Slnybaugh , Pansier , Guthrlo county ,
vlco J. H. Hancr. removed ; Joel Woods ,
Henderson , Miller county , vlco O. E. Irwln ,
icmovcdj Lev ! M. Hlnek , Ireton. Sioux
county , vice P. H. Uottos , removed ; P. O.
Mucklock , Nurkman , Sluilby county , vice
David Carter , ro.iioved ; T. J. Clarke , Mace
donia , Pottnwattnmio covnty , vlco J. It.
Martin , removed : A. Chambers , Masslna ,
Cats county , vlco J. N. Dnere , removed ; ( I ,
H. Vnnsooy , New Virginia , Warren county ,
vlco W. J. Thomas , removed ; 13. P. Hlxby ,
Wnlnnt , Pottawnttamio county , vice C. C.
Mnhew , removed. _
Nol > rnska nnd Inxvn 1'ntonts.
WASHINGTON. Mnv 11. ISpcclnl Telegram
to Tin : Ur.i.l Nebraska patents : John W.
Hnughamont , Omaha , snow plow ; William
Johnson , Palmyra , sample .holder and box
null : Charles N. Non-comb , Omaha , con
veyor ; Henry C. Hector , Lincoln , trans
parency murk ; Don J.Arnold , tmlgnor of
one-half to H. H. Cor.voll , Omaha , galvanic
battery ; Sylvester C. Dunham , nsslgnor of
one-half to A. G. Lambert , Wilson Springs ,
lown patents : John D. Grover , Dubuque ,
lubricating device ; William II. Jencks , Clin
ton , dbcoy ; A. Hcploglo nnd II. Lancaster ,
Ccdnr Falls , mowing and reaping machine ;
Oliver G. Scrivel , Strawberry Point , milk-
lug stool.
121cctrlc Ijlcltt ComimnlcR Iinivlnir.
PiTTsnvno , May 21. The suit of thoWest-
Inghouso Consolidated Light company
ngnlnst the Mclfecsport or Edison Electric
company , wns tnkcn up in the United States
court to-day before Justice Hradlcy ot the
United States supreme court. The point nt
issue , in ndditlon to the fairness and correct
ness of the Sawyer patent , is the priority of
the Invention , which Is claimed by both
Sawyer and Edison.
Epidemic of HyilrnplinUIn ,
MINNEAPOLIS , May 21. The Journal's Red
Wing , Minn. , tmcckil says a disease , sup
posed to be hydrophobinis , epidemic at Trim
bell , Wis. The school has been closed In one
district nnd the children nro strictly forbiu-
den to leave homo. Men have been engaged
to kill all the stray dogs la town.
Afisnuttcd ny n NI-KTO Brute.
ATLANTA , Ga. . May 21. Carrie Hewitt ,
the ten-year-old daughter of n farmer liviug
five miles from hero , was brutally assaulted
yesterday by an unknown negro. The man
hns not been caught , but the whole country
bus turned out in search of him ,
Run Over by a Train ,
Hni.KXA , Mont. . Mny 21. Captain J. E.
Coulter , deputy mine inspector of Montana
und ex-city marshal of Huttc , was killed by
being run over by n Montana Central train
lust night. Coulter was widely known in the
O' '
A French Duel.
PAIUS , May 21. Do La Hergc , member of
the chamber of deputies and editor of the
Lyons Republican , nnd M. Lockroy. fought a
duel to-day with swords. LocUroy was
slightly wounded.
Electric Trusses , Belts , Cliasi Pro-
Ai * *
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanted.
C. H. JUDD ,
Council BlufTd In.
A new OIothliiK Store has been opened in
Council Ulutla. No old stock or old
styles. Everything strictly first
class. Como and bo convinced ,
Positively one price unit oasli ,
D.H.McOANELQ & G9 , ,
Hidesjallo1// / / , Pelts ,
Ulghost market prices. Prompt returns. No ,
and BSJilala bt. , Council Uluir-i , low i.
O nnAiploudldinountert np8Hnlonsrnr < | l > lrd8
jf ) UUV/iinil nnlinnls from p.vcry. cllino. Must
bo told nt once , single or In CMOI , . K. .1. llruzcc ,
Ural elms t.ixldorinm , _
TH V now Metropolitan rootnii a'nd table.
_ \ ' _
Oil SAMJ-Goml work ho&o : ! < TllI tixtopny
In gratllng. _ Apply to Moravia Kverott. _
milANS nsiriTlNll OiiTck'ilrltvicry between
X Um na nnd Council IllulTs , Hoiiscliohl pee (
nnd trclKUt moved snfolv nnd promptly. l. nve
orders nt Omnhn olllco , WJ 8 nth st. i Council
llliitTB T K Mnin. Jt. lleecrott
lire ngcnw Tor nn
nrtlclo oC llrftt-clnss merit. Kxclualvo
toirltoryclvon. Cull between B find H p. in. , or
ndarcssT. 1) . Wnllnr , aw K6nrt 8treet , Coun
cil llluirs. < <
Rl'AIi KSTATK NouRlit nnil nnlil nnrt ex-
rlmiiKuil. Sperlnl attention Riven to exam
ination or titles.V. . 0. Jntues , No. 101'cnrl at. .
Council f
FOK 8AM3 7 room cottngo , corner Tnlrd
nvenuu nnd I'tli ' at. Easy terms.V. . C.
JnincB , 10 1'cnrl at. '
TTlOItllKNT Kniy terms two new llvo-room
JJ homos , inth avu. between HlKii nnd Third
Ms. h'cll clioap If tnkcn this week , liuinlro
owner. .7. Dicker , T40 II.Vnjr. . _
od onnbllsaod Ronornl mcr-
- chnndlsu bitstnuss , stouic , tlxtures , wnitona ,
etc. Good room aud low rent , Address , J.
Dlekuy , 710 11. Way.
FOH ifUNT Furnished ornnfiirnlshecl Inrge
ten-room house , bath room , gns , rnrnaco ,
etc. , nt OH Willow avo. Knmilre at premises , or
G. 11. Stlllmnn , llrown block.
WANT1ID Qlrl tot gonern ! housework
( looil ] my , stoiAr wore. None but llrst-
clnsa need apply. 71o First uvenuo. _
" 1 A MIliCII cows for nlo on time to party
J.VrontltiK my dnlry farm of 14 1 ncres.wlthln
! i mllu of Council Itluirx. Horace Hvereit.
17111K8H mtlkcowa for sale or trndo for fnt
JL1 cows Swan's stock ynrds , Upper Itrond-
wny. 1'rnnk Swnti.
FOH SALR-Ur Trado-Vlnno No. 1 , ( now )
organ , hnrncss. ( icwltiKinaclilne , horse und
wngon. Ailtlteas No. B'JJ llroailway , room 1.
ANV one wnntlnB flne chance to manufacture
can ! - cure bulldlnj : , power , etc. , nt a bargain
by addressing Miitu streut Meat .Markut.
CB OUO" Tons for sale ! Lnnxcndorrer S
iitrolilicUii , Muinstroat Mmtt Market.
RUAIi K.stito bought uud sold. Nona but
bargains accepted , llou-jos for s.ilo on
monthly payments- Warranty dt-od ( jlvcn. By
C. 11. Judd , tail Uruadway , Council Illiiira.
FOIt SAI.l : > Iy realdencc. Inquire John Q.
Woodward , ! 1U l-'outth nvcntio.
HUNT Largo double ollino over I'rank
I.ovln's cigar store , WW llroailway. Inqulru
of Frank Levin.
What is Needed is a ( Jood
Just received ami on exhibition a the gas com
pany's olllce. Unoqiiellol for convenience.
Absolute safety. No odor , iflfttulfove all , eco
nomical 1 ? properly used Call And examine
them whether you intnmi ptivefrv > 4n or not.
NO. 28 PEA ll ST.
Tuos. OKFICEU. . ' . * , ' . M. Pusiv
, , , , c - „ , .Corner Jlnln and -\rqfttljvny.
COl'NULLi ' IUjU ! ' ' ( , IOWA.
Dcalurs In forelpn r.nil domestic exchange.
Collections made and Imorost paid on tlino da-
G , B , JAGQOE iN & CO , ,
atciniaiers ! ( & Jewelers
Tor Ciilou Pacific , ChlcaRi & Northwestern ,
Chicago , UOCK Island .t 1'noltlo , Chicago , Hnr-
liiiytoiivV Quincy , Kansas City & St. Joe rail
No. 27 Main St. ,
Council DltifT-- . ; ; In.
W !
Now Organs at 81.00 a week.
New Pianos at $2.00 to $5.00 a month
No. 33 Main St. , : : Council Bluffs a. ,
SIZES FROM Especially Adapted fat
Pi./1' /
25 TO 300
HORSE POWER , Mills'and ' Elevators
Hpecllleutlonnaml estimates furulilio.1 for complain itimin pl.inU. Hoitulntlon , Durnblmjr'uuurunti'cU ' ,
Cuu Hbow JiHturi from u cr nbcro fuel CCOJIOPJJT It pqiutl wltli Corlln Nun-comlcm-life.
E.G. HARRIS , Ajgpnt ,
Send for catalogue. No. olO Pearl Street , Cquncll Bluffs.
H -Hydraullo and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Ebtimatos
, Specitlcatlons. Supervision of Public Work. Brown
Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
NQP. U I I R7 Justlco ° * tll ° lj ° aco. OJloo ) over American Express , No. 41
, OU II U n L Brondwtiy , Council BlulTs , Iowa.
0. OI [ WjO AttornoyE-at-Lnw. Practice In the State nnd Fed-
Ot OIIYIO oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Bono Block ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
BURKE & . TIN LEY /VlonyatI-aw' ? Il ° oin lfl > shuj-nrt uioou
H Tll I MAN"AUornoi'-ut-Lllw.K ° < ) 'T > * * . Second Floor. Brown
. Hi O I ILLIYIMIl Block , 110 Pcnri St. , Council Blulla , la. AViU
pructlco in State und Federal Courts.
A Genuine Crayon Portrait Given Away
Commencing Monday CHARGE20ft , ,
A Genuine Crayon Portrait pfjvon PRKH to every ptirc'lmsos of Sil.OO It la not
nocessiiry thnt the purchase bo iiitido ut one tiuio , but ut dilTorcnt
times iif"rcf-itiiii" { ! that ninnunt.
Whnt could bo nicer thnn a portrait of n lost friontl or bomo dear relative , or
oven of yourself. Samples ot the portrnita are now on exhibition nt the
Wo have also made arrangements with a largo frame manufacturer to mount
nnd frame thcso portraits for our patrons in the best style at ouo'fourth the
usual cost of Btieh frames.
Vou are not obliged to purchase the frame at all , you cuu pnrchaso It fit some
other storo.Vo give you n portrait and soil you a frame at ono-fourth of the
usual cost.
& CO
I VH UN l ktuii w wwii , )
Lenders and Promoters of LOW PRICES.
Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
T.T S Nos.l5&8 !
srjk * ffwzsM&i
la3M w
.Of the late J. M. Phillips at a
I nm determined to clvo tliennbllctholiciiflllt of my purdnvHe. I anoto tlio
prlco'i ;
IIUICT Ac. X aAS6S' : Itlcn'N Tine Sluug5 , rormwr prlois 8 .
.1. . TUUMJil'S JI n's Hiiiul-Kcnvetl Sliocs , * . " , 1'oi'inor
ift. . KVK'V'S 'LuillctA French Kill , turned , at 5 , forinci'
13. C'l'ltUltT'S Cur KUl at lUiJ , fortner prleo , 85 , and all oilier
: * uii U ut- iiiiiiiiil'ac'tiirorhprli'CK , or led * . Mall ordum
' ' " " " " " " ' ' " '
I. PII.ES , 413 Broaa-Vay.
Council Illuirti , lo u.
ESTABLISHED 1851 ( 180 80.
Chicago , Ills , tcinrk t.
The Regular Old-Established
It itHI Treating with the Groalett
Chronic , Ncryons and Priyate Diseases , '
# NERVOUS DSDIUTY , Loit Manhood ,
Falling Memory , Exhnuitlng Drilni , Terrlblt
Dreamt , Ilend anil Back Ache and ll the cfftcti
lending to early peihapi Connumptlonot
Insanity , treated ickntlficilly by new mttliotU with
nerer-fouina nuccrtt.
SYPHILIS and all bad Dlood and BklnDll-
tateanermnnently cured.
VS- KIDNEY and URINARY coropl ! nt § , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strtctu re , Varlcoccle and all tlkeaiei
of the Oenlto.Urin.try Urgant cured promptly without
Injury In Stomach , Kftnejri or o'.htr OrK nt .
C1T No experiments. A-endexperlincelrn (
portant. Consultation free and aacred.
Air Send 4 cent * pottaqe for Celebrated Work ! on
Jhronlc , Nervoua ml Delicate Ii tai .
CVThotr contemplating Mairlise * rml for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
ij emu , lx > th j c-nt * ( turnm ) . Contult the old
Doctor , A friendly letter orc ll may lave ( iitmc utfrr.
inc and ttutnc , nml utM golden ) ears to life. 49-llooK
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " socantiit ( mpt ) . Medlelna
and willing ! tent ever > whcte , tecuie from expoture.
Iiouri,8to8. Sundayiyto it. Addreii
P. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
, ' 1
Itunnins between Council IlbiCfs and A I-
bvlcht. In addition to the atitlona mentloiiod.
tnilui stop at Twentieth anil Tn only-fourth
Mtrcots , nud at tlio anmmlt in Omaiui.
Tlio tlmo Klvini ubovulH tor Tr.mHfiir. thoru
bei UK from lira to ton minutes botweun Traiw
f nn I loral dujiots.
No. 27 Main Street ,
Over Jaci-uuluin' * Jewelry Store